H O L I D AY E D I T I O N 2015
11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024 Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808 www.chapelwood.org
Chapelwood’s Mission is to embody God’s grace as we receive it to those who need it. The Chapelwood family is a service-focused body of believers who welcome all to experience God’s grace and goodness through Christian community. While we are determined to “take church” to those who do not belong to a local church family, we also delight in serving those individuals and families within our church. We provide ongoing faith-building activities and meaningful fellowship opportunities for men, women, youth, and children.
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14, 21, 28 DECEMBER 5, 12, 19, 26 MERCY STREET 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall *
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 15, 22, 29 DECEMBER 6, 13, 20, 27 SANCTUARY SERVICES 8:25 *, 9:45 *, 11:10 a.m. * CONTEMPLATIVE SERVICE Meditation, Communion, and Healing Prayer 8:45 a.m., Chapel THE BRANCH Family Service in Spanish 10:30 a.m., 3911 Campbell Road UPPER ROOM 11:15 a.m., Upper Room * * Services are broadcast live on the web.
A Word from John
Theology of Stuff
Christmas In Focus
Christmas Eve Services
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Advent Noon Series
Festival of Carols
Experience Opportunities
07 & 08
Chapelwood Foundation
16 & 17
New Members
Poinsettia Dedications
Staff list
Joys and Concerns
The Chimes is Going Digital
Share Opportunities
Christmas Mana
Seniors Ministry Lunch Series
Alternative Christmas Market
Premarital Seminar
Chancel Choir Hosts Dr. Betsy Weber
Annual Women's Advent Luncheon Thanksgiving Meal in a Bag
UMW Cirlces Kingdom Basketball
Advent Wreath Making
Prayer Retreat
Let's Chat Over Coffee
- 15
& 19
The Season of Shoulders
In the 12th century, Bernard of Chartres wrote, “Nanos gigantum humeris insidentes,” which translates as, “We are dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants.” This may seem like a strange phrase, but it speaks volumes about how we view our work in the Church. As “dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants” we recognize we are standing upon the labors of those giants who came before us. I believe we are entering the “Season of Shoulders.” November and December are filled with the remembrances of those who came before us. These months are also filled with the inspiring promise of a bright future. All Saints Sunday, Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas are all significant seasons in the life of Chapelwood. Throughout the month of November, we are surrounded by the names of those saints who have outrun us to the Father’s house. Their names stand as a stark reminder that we are a part of a heavenly connection. Our heritage is not limited by time and space. While we believe the saints of heaven lift their voices with us in worship every week, in November the presence of the heavenly saints becomes palpable. During Thanksgiving, families all across our land will hold hands around the table and give thanks for the blessings God bestows and for those loved ones who are no longer with us. In December, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we will also spend time treasuring the connection of family and friends. The memories will flood us and often overwhelm us as we remember the lives of those who came before us…of those we miss…of those we loved. But Christmas is also a season of hope and light. All you have to do is find a place where children are present and you will see that God indeed has a bright future for us all. I lift this up because often people will assume that a “new” pastor won’t have an appreciation for the sacred history of the people and the church. New leaders do new things and have new plans and recruit new people to serve in leadership. It causes people to assume
that the sacred past will now be relegated to a dark corner and forgotten. I can assure you that our history at Chapelwood is very important to me. I spend a lot of time discerning our narratives from the past, examining our sacred symbols, and asking for guidance from those who have come before me. I understand that new ideas for the future MUST be connected to our identity as Chapelwood, but NEVER limited by a constrained mindset. I truly believe one of the reasons God led me to Chapelwood is because I do deeply value all you have done to bring us to where we are…but I also know God has much more in store for us in the future. As we enter this season of shoulders, I hope you will remember and give thanks for all who came before us. I know I will. I also hope you will be open to the new light God is bringing into the world through Jesus Christ. We celebrate Christ’s coming into the world and we pray for God to lead us into the future He has prepared for us!
Dr. John Stephens
Upcoming Sermon Series & Christmas Eve Schedule "THEOLOGY OF ADVENT STUFF” SERIES "CHRISTMAS IN Sundays, November 8, 15, FOCUS" SERIES and 22, 8:25, 9:45, 11:10 a.m.,
Sanctuary As we enter the season of gratitude, it is important that we spend time examining what Jesus said about stewardship. Jesus talked more about stewardship than anything because he knew that in order for us to live lives of real gratitude, we must realize that we have been blessed by God with good gifts – no matter how much or how little we have. If we are truly grateful, it will impact what we do with what we’ve been given. We will take a look at three powerful lessons from Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. “Is Wealth a Barrier to the Kingdom?” Luke 16:19-31; “Resources and Relationships” Luke 16:1-15; and “On Guard Against Greed” Luke 12:13-21. These lessons from Jesus will help us develop a healthy Theology of Stuff.
November 28 – December 20, in all worship communities Christmas is filled with presents, parties, guests, and relationships! If we are not careful, we can let the most wonderful time of the year get away from us. It is easy to just say we need to simplify our lives at Christmas, but the more enduring message is to hear again the words of the prophet Isaiah, the apostles Peter and Paul, and the words of Jesus himself as they remind us the real reason Christ came into the world! This Christmas series will help us put into focus the real message of Christmas as we celebrate with family and friends. Each week in Advent, all our worship communities will help us get Christmas in Focus! Many groups and classes will be exploring the sermon themes each week. Eleven Sunday morning classes that meet at 9:45 a.m. and three at 11:00 a.m., plus Men’s Life on Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room. A list of participating groups and discussion materials will be posted on the Learning Ministry page of the Chapelwood web site. For more information, contact Teresa Rossy, trossy@chapelwood.org or (713) 354-4407.
THE BRANCH CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP SERVICE 2:00 p.m., 3911 Campbell Road Contact: Leo Lozano, llozano@chapelwood.org, (713) 895-8300 CHRISTMAS EVE FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICES | 3:30 and 5:00 p.m., Sanctuary Geared toward families with elementary-aged children and younger, this popular service tells the story of Jesus' birth in a way that everyone can appreciate and understand. Contact: Mackenzie Haltom, mhaltom@chapelwood.org, (713) 354-4471 MERCY STREET CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP SERVICE | 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall Contact: Jessica Avellaneda, jessica@mercystreet.org, (713) 354-4487 CHRISTMAS EVE CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP SERVICE |V8 7:00 p.m., Sanctuary A contemporary service with candlelight and Holy Communion. Music led by Wayne Watson. Contact: Pamela Moore, pmoore@chapelwood.org, (713) 354-4480 A CONTEMPLATIVE CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE | 7:30 p.m., Chapel A sacred, reflective worship service with Holy Communion Contact: Lori Anderson, landerson@chapelwood.org, (713) 365-2813 CANDLELIGHT CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE WITH THE CHANCEL CHOIR 8 9:00 p.m., Sanctuary A traditional candlelight service with music provided by the Chancel Choir Contact: Pamela Moore, pmoore@chapelwood.org, (713) 354-4480 CANDLELIGHT CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE WITH THE WESLEY CHOIR 8 11:00 p.m., Sanctuary A traditional candlelight service with music provided by the Wesley Choir Contact: Pamela Moore, pmoore@chapelwood.org, (713) 354-4480 | Childcare is provided for children up to Kindergarten age V Sign language interpretation is provided 8 Service will be broadcast live at www.chapelwood.org
Wednesday, November 25, 7:00 p.m., Chapel Sometimes we experience life as fluctuating periods of feast and famine. But God’s abundance is always present! That truth is at the heart of expressing gratitude to God. Join us on Wednesday, November 25, for our Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service. We will gather at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel for a time of singing, reflection and giving thanks for God’s grace and provision. The service will feature a cornucopia of music. Tammy Heinrich will bring the message, and we will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Be present at our table on this special evening and feel free to bring family and friends.
Wednesdays, December 2, 9, 16, 12:00 noon, Chapel For as long as God’s people have gathered, they have written poems and songs about the glory of God and the wonder of God’s redemption. As the church, we sing to celebrate. We sing to remember. We sing to give voice to hope even in the midst of waiting. In his wisdom, Luke recorded some of the songs written by those who experienced the birth of Christ firsthand. I guess we could call these the original Christmas carols. The songs reveal to us the wonders of Christ’s coming and they give us a sense of the power of heaven that God unleashed on earth when he came to “fill the hungry with good things but send the rich away empty.” The songs are not tame or quaint. They are not the kind of songs that make for easy listening or calm, silent nights. Instead, these original Christmas carols call us to not be merely spectators of the greatest story ever told, but to live this story, to be awakened by it, and to have hearts overflowing for what God did and is still doing today. Join us for worship and communion on Wednesdays at noon during Advent. We will pause from our holiday schedules to reflect on the first songs of Christmas as recorded in Luke and how those songs give voice to our hope in the midst of our waiting. December 2 - The Magnificat: Mary’s song December 9 - The Benedictus: Zechariah’s song December 16 - The Nunc Dimittis: Simeon’s song
Sunday, December 6, 7:00 p.m., Sanctuary Please join the Chancel Choir and Chancel Bells for a Festival of Carols on Sunday evening, December 6, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. This is a community-wide event. Invite your friends! A festival orchestra will play, and we’ll all have the opportunity to sing a lot of favorite Christmas carols. Don’t miss this joyful celebration of the Christmas season!
GROW OPPORTUNITIES UNITED METHODIST WOMEN INVITE WOMEN FROM ALL COMMUNITIES Women from all of Chapelwood’s worship communities are invited to attend and join in United Methodist Women (UMW) activities and small groups. Through UMW, small groups participate in book studies; share service and mission work with a special emphasis on women, youth, and children; and support mission activities and partnerships all over the world. Following is a description of the November circle (small group) meetings held in the mid-latter part of the month. If you would like to know more and are interested in becoming a member of UMW, please contact Membership Chair Carrie Hoye, (713) 8567774, or carriehoye@mac.com. Come join in grace with us. Tuesday, November 17 Moms on the Grow will meet from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Linda Withers will continue leading the program schedule. Nursery care can be provided for those who request it by November 10. Contact: Sally Towe, smtowe@gmail.com. Priscilla Circle will meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor to hear Diane Rager speak about the Westside Homeless Partnership. Contacts: Rockie Deboben, (713) 871-9043, and Marian Murray, (713) 973-8254. Vivian Osburn Circle will meet at 11:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall for lunch and a program to be determined. Contacts: Vicki Jud, (281) 496-9127, and Carol Hill, (713) 278-2266. Lydia Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the La Fiesta Mexican Restaurant for dinner and a service project. Contacts: Susan Johnson, (281) 682-3031, and Marie Mathieu, (713) 467-3841.
Sarah Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Susan Parish. They will have a work project. Contact: Ann Ramsey, (713) 729-3720.
Priscilla Circle will meet at 11:00 a.m. in the Church Parlor for a potluck luncheon. Contacts: Rockie Deboben, (713) 871-9043, and Marian Murray, (713) 973-8254.
Deborah Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. in YB100 for Session 7 – “Final Celebration Gathering” of study book Wonderstruck: Awaken to the Nearness of God. Contact: Pam Camp, (713) 824-1000.
Vivian Osburn Circle will meet at 11:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall 1 for their Christmas luncheon. Everyone brings a dish. Contacts: Vicki Jud, (281) 496-9127, and Carol Hill, (713) 278-2266.
Tuesday, December 8 Martha Circle will meet at 11:30 a.m. at Katie Fields’ home for lunch and an ornament exchange. Contact: Katie Fields, (713) 932-9891.
Lydia Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. in W203 for a White Elephant Gift Exchange. Everyone is to bring an hors d’oeuvre to share. Contacts: Susan Johnson, (281) 682-3031, and Marie Mathieu, (713) 467-3841.
Tuesday, December 15 Moms on the Grow will meet 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room for a brunch and gift exchange. Nursery care can be provided if needed by e-mailing nursery@chapelwood.org by December 8. Contact: Sally Towe, smtowe@gmail.com.
Registration is now open for Chapelwood's Kingdom Basketball league! This league is for boys and girls ages 5 through 17. Registration includes a weekly practice, seven-game season, and a jersey! This league is a great way to spend time with friends and develop skill in the game of basketball. Register by November 29 at www.chapelwood.org, keyword: kingdom. Contact Cason Sicking for more information, (713) 354-4416 or csicking@chapelwood.org.
Sarah Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Ann Ramsey for dinner and a Christmas project. Contact: Ann Ramsey, (713) 729-3720. Deborah Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. for a group dinner at one of the members’ homes. Final details will be provided. Contact: Pam Camp, (713) 824-7000.
Featuring Steve Roddy and Ensemble from Chapelwood’s Chancel Choir Thursday, December 3, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Enjoy the festive fellowship of a delightful lunch, the bright and joyous sounds of Christmas, and a traditional carol sing around the table as we honor those with winter birthdays. For more information contact Cherri Washington, cherriwashington@ chapelwood.org.
The Premarital Seminar is offered to couples preparing to marry and is strongly encouraged by our pastors. The next Premarital Seminar will be held on Saturday, March 5. Prior to the seminar, couples will be asked to complete the Prepare-Enrich customized couple assessment that is available online and which identifies the couple’s strength and growth areas in the following categories: communication, conflict resolution, partner style and habits, financial management, leisure, sexual expectations, family and friends, relationship roles, and spiritual beliefs. On class day, you will be given your Prepare-Enrich results along with workbooks. Kaisi Cunningham, wife of Rev. Andy Cunningham, facilitates the seminar. Kaisi has a Masters of Counseling and Divinity, and has been married to Andy for 12 years. She has been Certified in Prepare-Enrich for the past 13 years and has worked with numerous premarital and married couples. Kaisi will
walk the group through each of the categories, allowing time for discussion with your partner and some exercises in the workbook. Couples will be seated at private tables, so that conversations will be between you and your partner. A light lunch is included. Couples who complete all eight hours of the seminar will receive a Twogether Texas Certificate entitling them to a discount on a Texas Marriage License. For weddings not scheduled to take place at Chapelwood, an $85 per couple fee will be charged to cover lunch expenses and materials. There is no charge for the seminar for couples who are marrying at Chapelwood. Register online at www.chapelwood.org/premarital. Contact Donna Lowe for more information, (713) 827-3915, or dlowe@ chapelwood.org.
Prayer retreats allow us to step away from everyday routines and obligations so that we can hear the still, small voice of God. When we enter the silence of a prayer retreat, it quiets the urgency of everyday responsibilities that demand our time, attention and energy. Chapelwood’s October 5 prayer retreat at the Cenacle Retreat House provided participants time to focus on the spirituality of Meister Eckhart, a 13th century Dominican preacher and mystic. Participants worked with Matthew Fox’s book, Meditations with Meister Eckhart, using it as a guide for directed personal prayer and reflection. Jerry Webber, Directing Pastor for the Center for Christian Spirituality, gave a brief biographical sketch of Meister Eckhart and some readings from Eckhart’s work, and the group moved through the day guided by Eckhart’s writings. Chapelwood hosts prayer retreats at different times and locations throughout the year. Some retreats are “directed” – using writings or images as a prompt for prayer and reflection, while others are “centering” – which allow for a more individual focus for the person participating. While the schedule and focus of retreats may differ, they often follow a similar format. At the beginning of the day, participants gather for a brief opening session, after which there is often about an hour of silent time where individuals are free to walk the grounds, read, journal, or rest in a hammock or swing. Art supplies are provided so people can create a drawing or collage as an expression of their prayer. The usual rhythm of the day is three group sessions and three times of individual prayer. While most of the day is spent in silence, participants enjoy conversation and fellowship around the lunch table at the Cenacle, and at the final gathering of the day, where they have the opportunity to share experiences and impressions with each other. Lunch is enjoyed in silence at the Villa. Even though retreats last about six hours, many of which are spent in silence, a feeling of closeness often develops among people who share the day. Jerry Webber describes that as being “alone together.” And it’s not necessary to be a deeply spiritual person to attend. Lori Anderson, Chapelwood’s Associate Director of Contemplative worship, says, ”The kind of person who would benefit from a prayer retreat is someone who wants to dedicate a day to focus on God’s presence; someone who is willing to leave his phone in the car, and open himself to the unexpected way that God might speak.” The people who get the most out of a prayer retreat are those who enter with open hands, trusting the day to God. They benefit people just starting on their spiritual walks, as well as those who are farther along their spiritual path. It’s not about looking at the person next to you and comparing who got “more God.” It’s about accepting God’s gifts as they come and realizing the greatest gift is the silent, gracious gift of God’s very self.
This note was written by Jan Beebe, a participant in the October 5 Meister Eckhart Prayer Retreat at the Cenacle Retreat House. Often, amid the noise of everyday life, we miss the opportunity to notice, reflect, and pray. I had no expectations, other then I knew the Cenacle was a special place and our study a new one for me. It was Monday, the air was cool and dry, the sun shining, sky pale blue, a perfect fall day in Houston. I saw a bunny right off while we were sorting out the room and its airflow. We read the book by section, and the first section had my focus for the day in it. “This I know, that the only way to live is like the rose which lives without a why.”* I decided to just be and take what came. I took a walk and then went to another session. Usually, for art, I do a collage. I thought, do something different, so I decided to try to draw something. I choose a plant on the patio that had white bell-like flowers on it. A bench, in the shade, across from the plant, was my spot. I started drawing, something I haven’t done for years, and getting the shape of the flowers was not easy. There were four obvious long bell-type flowers hanging from the plant. They were all a little different. There were many stalks and leaves, yet a lot of space in between. And the white bellflowers were like the treasures of the plant. I got up to take a close look and that was the last of my drawing. The flower I thought the most perfect, had brown spots on it, its shape mature, starting its decay. The one that had funny spikes off the bell on the bottom of the flower was the next to youngest, not totally open yet, not in full bloom. Another was browning quickly, but still beautiful from a distance, fading slowly. And then there were two I only saw when I got close. The first was all brown and had blended in with the brown stalks; the other was a green long tube blending in with the leaves. The brown one was turning to dust, and the other, waiting for its day to bloom, and be, “without a why.” By Jan Beebe *Quote: “Meditations with Meister Eckhart “ by Matthew Fox
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Sunday, November 15, 11:00 a.m., Courtyard Room Come join singles from all of Chapelwood’s worship communities as we bag beans and rice for Spring Branch food pantries. It is one of the ways the Singles embody God’s grace to those who need it. We will also share a meal. For information, contact Dot August, (713) 973-1810 or mdaugust1@comcast.net.
If you have a heart for senior adults, especially the frail and homebound, there is an opportunity for you to embody that grace. It's Chapelwood's Friendly Visits for Seniors ministry. Social isolation is a real risk for those growing older, and seasonal visits are an important connection to our growing senior community. The team visits will begin this December with a simple delivery of a Christmas plant and devotional book. You can find out more by attending the Friendly Visits Equipping Session on Sunday, November 15, from 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. in W101. RSVP to Judy Sharp, jsharp@chapelwood.org.
Sunday, Nov. 22, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Courtyard Room. Representatives from M.D. Anderson Blood Bank will collect your donations. Cancer patients need more blood components than do patients with any other disease because cancer often impairs the bone marrow where blood cells are produced. M.D. Anderson's Blood Bank uses more than 300 units every day. Donors are the most important part of the process. Giving blood provides hope for cancer patients who depend on the support of their family and friends and on the generosity of donors just like you. Consider giving 20 to 30 minutes of your time to donate a pint of blood. Walk-ins are welcome. Blood donors must be at least 17 years of age and weigh a minimum of 110 pounds. If you plan to give, eat a sensible meal within four hours prior to donation. Donors must bring a drivers’ license (or equivalent state-provided ID) to give blood. For more information, contact Judy Sharp, (713) 354-4443.
Wednesday, December 9, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., meet in Bookstore Spend a day serving at the Houston Food Bank Keegan Kitchen with fellow Chapelwood senior adults. We leave from Parking Lot B on a church van, and welcome visitors. Come join us!
Join other volunteers and help bring church and a meal to the homeless of Houston. Meet at 6:15 p.m. in Chapelwood's Youth Building Lobby to ride the van or carpool. If driving directly to this event, please arrive at 2715 St. Charles by 7:00 p.m. Dress is very casual -- jeans and T-shirts are fine. We need greeters, servers, cooks, and people to help set-up and clean-up. For more information, contact Phil Miller, (713) 402-8392, or Clay Everett, (281) 808-5095.
October 9 and 10, the Chancel Choir welcomed Dr. Betsy Weber as guest clinician at their annual in-house retreat. The weekend began on Friday night with two hours of focused work on Christmas music. Saturday began with breakfast in the Courtyard Room, and continued with more attention to the basic principles of singing, intonation, and ability to sight-read intervals (without piano assistance), using the same Christmas music as the platform for those exercises. All agreed that it was time very well spent, and the choir is looking forward to incorporating her teachings Sunday mornings and at their Christmas concert, to be held the evening of Sunday, December 6. Dr. Weber is Professor of Music and Director of Choral Studies at the University of Houston and director of the Houston Symphony Chorus. Her choirs have been featured and won numerous prizes and acclaim at competitions and festivals worldwide. She is the thirteenth person and first woman to receive the Texas Choral Director Association’s coveted Texas Choirmaster Award.
Thank you to the Chapelwood members and friends who participated in Human Trafficking awareness month in September. The walkers and runners in the Big Dipper Dash (above) and the guests at the Seder, hosted by Chapelwood, demonstrated our shared commitment to eradicating human trafficking.
“Caring and Sharing through Advent” Tuesday, December 1, Fellowship Hall 11:00 a.m. – Coffee and Fellowship time 11:30 a.m. – Lunch and Speaker – Linda Withers Christmas brings wonder and excitement into our lives; however, materialism and entitlement seem to follow close behind. Please join the United Methodist Women this Advent season, as they host Linda Withers speaking on “Caring and Sharing through Advent.” Guided by our speaker, we will journey back to the real Christmas story and find ways we can all fall in love with the wonder of the birth of our Savior. Our own Casey Dickinson will lead us in seasonal music to set a festive mood. All women from Chapelwood communities and their friends are invited to share fellowship beginning at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall followed by lunch and our speaker. As part of the Sharing ministry, UMW is collecting new and gently used coats at the luncheon. There are many in our area in need of a warm winter coat. Thank you in advance for your donation. The lunch ($15) will be prepared by our own Kitchen Ministry. Reserve your place online at www.chapelwood.org/ womensluncheon by Friday, November 20. Late registration is available, but a meal option may not be available after November 20. For more information about the luncheon, contact Sarah Lambert at sarahlealambert@me.com or (832) 646-9794. Childcare is available for children three months old through Pre-K. Email nursery@chapelwood.org by Tuesday, November 25, to reserve a place for your child.
The Spring Thing Committee is excitedly preparing for the annual Spring Thing Market. Spring Thing Market 2015 raised enough money to give $97,000 to women's and children's ministries. This beloved event benefits local and global missions for women and children and is dear to the hearts of each committee member. We are grateful for all the hard work of the 2016 Spring Thing Market Steering Committee: Chair: Kelly Hicks, Co-Chair: Heather Burkhart, and committee members: Lori Kopp, Jamie Kelley, Diana Bates, Beth Gentner, Anne Sellis, Cassandra Emerson, Sherry Menger, Jennifer Cooksey, Katie Fields, Rita Morico, Stephenie Cox, Ruth Odom, CJ Yeoman, Jennifer Moore, Dawn Powers, Pam Reynolds, Betsy Humphrey, Gigi Wheeler, Becca Howard, Nancy Durrschmidt, Roz Cooley, Suzanne Harter, Stephanie Phillips, Cathy Read, Carmon White, Robyn Joyce, Julie Treadwell, Teresa Skrabanek, Cheli Steele, Kristi Robishaw, and Margaret Sanders. The market brings in 80-plus unique vendors for an unbeatable shopping experience and offers exciting auction items. Mark your calendars to attend! The 2016 Spring Thing Market opens on March 1 with an evening preview party from 5:00 - 8:30 p.m. for $15. Hors d’oeurves by CUMC Kitchen Ministry will be served. Market shopping is on March 2, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and March 3, 9:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. and features a delicious luncheon in Betty’s Tea Room. For up-to-date information and to find out how you can be involved, go to: http://umwspringthing.org.
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me." Matthew 25:35 Thank you for helping feed Spring Branch families for Thanksgiving! These groceries and other items needed to make a Thanksgiving meal will be given to families in need by two local food pantries during the week of Thanksgiving. Last year, over 600 families were served by the pantries. To participate, please: • • • •
Do you enjoy working with others to complete a building project? Would you like to be a positive role model to children through sports, art, or drama? A team from Chapelwood will travel to Weslaco, Texas over Spring Break, March 12-17, to work at La Mesa Mission. We will join our friends in fellowship, worship, work, and sharing meals together. Cost: $250 for members; $100 deposit due November 15, 2015. Contact Dave Magdanz at djmagdanz@gmail.com or go to www.chapelwood.org/border for details!
Buy all listed items and any additional items you want to include. Buy a reusable bag with straps (one that won’t tear) that will hold all the groceries. Enclose a note or greeting (family to family). Return your bag or individual items to the Fountain Hallway table or food collection bins at church entrances on or before November 15.
Can't purchase the full list of food? Bring any canned goods - every donation helps the pantries! Please include: (No glass containers, please) • 2 cans corn • 1 can fruit • 1 can tomatoes or tomato sauce • 1 lb. package rice • 1 bottle vegetable oil • 1 can jalapenos • 1 can olives • 2 packages cookies Other suggested items to include: canned meat (tuna/chicken), coffee, flour, sugar, condiments, canned beans. Thanks for being a blessing to others at this special time of the year!
Kayla Lilly (right) trains to be an acolyte. She is joined by her mother, Michelle (Manos) Lilly, who was trained by Rev. Carey Sayers and served as an acolyte in the mid-1980s.
THE CHAPELWOOD FOUNDATION Your gifts to the Chapelwood Foundation can be a special way to honor someone or mark the joy of a special occasion while helping to build an endowment for Chapelwood in perpetuity. For more information, contact Teresa Cannon at (713) 354-4485 or tcannon@chapelwood.org.
GIFTS IN MEMORY OF Jerry Hawsey Susan and Ed Patterson Gayle and Jack Hillman G. Holman King Barbara and James Trotter Teresa and Clayton Cannon Grace and Carroll Phillips Carrie and Ron Woliver Henrietta Brower Faye and Tom Johnson Melba and Don Marrs Carol and Roland Miller Cheryl and Reid Ansell Anne-Laure and Steve Stephens Donna and Monte Legro Catherine and Ron Gentry Robyn and J.D. Joyce Dr. and Mrs. James F. Krivan Suzanne and Tom Barnett Jacque and Joe Royce Loma and Bill Hobson Pat and Russell Orr Bob Moore Karla and Bill Lowerre Martha and John Mills Sue and Dike Howe Joan and David Magdanz Colleen and Gary Lingle Debbie and Gary Gibson Marilyn Caul Liz Wachendorfer Joan and Kevin Hodges Charlene Horton Susan and Tracy Little Peggy and Fred Gibson Kathleen and Kent Smith Rita and Paul Morico
Bob Moore (Continued) Sue and Barry Abrams Patricia Wild PEG24T Syble Bryan Jerry and Robert Wall Hugh Phillips Gayle and Jack Hillman Peggy and Gary Edwards W. Paul Holladay, Jr. Jane-Page and James Crump Reedie Carson Cleo Campbell Barbara Bering Dundas Virgie Bryant J. Randall Clements Betty Diener Diane and Brent Rager Donna Dawson Linda and Dick McCasland Whitney’s Girlfriends Carole Monday Leslie Hollingsworth Rosario and Paul McBrayer Carolyn Clark Cristal and George Baylor Bonnie and David Deaton Donna and Monte Legro Catherine and Ron Gentry Leah and Bonsall Wilton Patricia and Craig Cavanagh Carol and Ed Young Casey Corbett CJ and Lynn Yeoman Jacque and Joe Royce Noel and Early Denison Helen and Jim Miner Dean Grafton
Mary Jane Miller Peggy and Gary Edwards
Harold Block Robyn and J.D. Joyce
Bobby Carr Cleo Campbell
Norma Gallagher Donna Lauritson Candlelighters Sunday School Class Shirley H. Didier
Sally Hunsberger Betty Diener Pete Dalton Erin and Matt Roorda
Abigail Marie Torres Helen O’Keefe Alicia and Shawn Raymond
Bob Fulweber Nan Fulweber
Lorraine Podd Betty Diener
Laura Andrews Wortham Jane-Page and James Crump
Barbara Baker Tom Baker
Bobbie White Marilyn and Norris Tacy
Michael Ray Fritts Betty Fritts
Ardath Grimes Karla and Bill Lowerre
Billy Dwyer Barbara Bering Dundas The Dwyer Family
Dr. Ninan Mathew Nancy Allen Bill Jensen Kay and Bob Cleveland Marcy and Carroll Stenseth Allison and Curt Wegenhoft Pam and Jerry Treadwell Bobbie Ann and Bob Larkins Peggy and Gary Edwards Colbert Wilhite Helen and Jim Miner Elizabeth Mask Carolyn Klevenhagen
Marguerite Brice Pamela Wilton Moore Wadad Rotzinger The Fellowship Class Julie and Mike Maher Harry Ruchaber Fellowship Sunday School Class
FLAME ALIVE RENEWALS From September 1, 2015 – October 15, 2015
Christine and Jim Byerly Diane and Mike Cameron Cleo Campbell Dalkys Foundation Mary Dubose Katie and Chris Fields
Ginger Holland Paula and Jack Howeth Marcia Hudgins Ginny Itz Gayle and Layne Kruse Tara and Jim Limmer
Melba and Don Marrs Susan and David McDuffie Kay and Connie McIlvoy Lisa and David Miller Cathy and Roger Read Shirley and Jim Savage
Rita and Wick Stuckey Susan Taranto Jo and Wallace White, Jr.
GIFTS IN HONOR OF Frank Smith Candlelighters Sunday School Class
Dr. Jim Jackson Jeni and Scott Halliday
The Ring Family Jeanne and William Kidwell
Perry Giles Pat and Russell Orr
RESTRICTED GIFTS Jane and Jim Wise (Susan Jackson Scholarship Fund) Estate of Alan Parker (Scholarship Fund) Janet Sims (Scholarship Fund)
Susan Jackson (Susan Jackson Scholarship Fund) Yoga class friends
Jerry Lummus Karen Dixon
AN INVITATION TO LEAVE YOUR OWN LEGACY The Chapelwood Foundation’s Legacy Circle was established in 2005 as a way to say “thank you” in advance to Chapelwood members who have planned future gift commitments through their estates. Many dear friends of Chapelwood have made plans to support future ministries through their bequests and other planned gifts. The members of the Foundation’s Legacy Circle leave an imprint of love that will enable Chapelwood to continue to be salt and light in our community and around the world. We invite you to join the Legacy Circle and continue the tradition of Chapelwood United Methodist Church of helping our neighbors both near and far today and for future generations. John Wesley said, “I value all things only by the price they shall gain in eternity.” If you already have a will and would like to add the Foundation, it is not necessary to start this process again. The Foundation office has language that we can suggest be used as a codicil to your will. We strongly encourage you to consult with your attorney when making changes to your existing will. If you have already remembered the Chapelwood Foundation in your estate plans, we invite you to notify us in writing, so that we might extend our thanks and welcome you into the Legacy Circle. You may, if you wish, become an anonymous member. If you would like to learn more about this opportunity to support the Foundation and its ministries, please contact Teresa Cannon at (713) 354-4485. The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. – Anonymous
Niki and Pete Hollis (Smith & Everett)
Betsy and Dieter Mueller
Carol Pehlman
Nicole Shanahan and Jim Lefeber
Cherise and Wes Arnold
Emily Patrick (husband, Jonathan, already a member) (Colin)
Jane Petty (Alex & Emma)
Carla and Kevin Roberts
Karen and David Trotter (Hayes & Reece)
Carolyn and Todd Bagchi
Ralph Fite
Meegan and Ross Klingberg (Will & James)
Deb and Jim Nabors
Sarah and Mark Ring (Addison, Hunter, and Luke)
Michelle Seger
Pictures not available: Jessica Jones Marilyn Van Way Greg and Diane Walla George Anthony Crockerman Melody and Toby Dagenhart (Isaac & Bryant)
Amy and Jimmy Hubbard (Hannah, Avery Anne, and John)
Membership is your commitment to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the areas of prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Tammy Heinrich, theinrich@chapelwood.org, or (713) 354-4446.
John Stephens – Senior Pastor Bob Johnson – Executive Pastor/Worship Communities Pastor Bob Lindsey – Business Administrator/Manager of Music Ministry
It won’t be long before we’ll be seeing red all over our campus. Each year during the holiday season, Chapelwood decorates the Sanctuary and surrounding areas with poinsettias. We associate the poinsettia with Christmas because of a legend from long ago. In sixteenth-century Mexico, there was a girl, commonly called Pepita or Maria, who was too poor to provide a gift for the celebration of Jesus' birthday. She was inspired by an angel to gather weeds from the roadside and place them in front of the church altar as her gift. Crimson blossoms sprouted from the weeds and grew into beautiful poinsettias. In the seventeenth century, Franciscan friars in Mexico began to include the plants in their Christmas celebrations. The star-shaped leaf pattern is said to symbolize the Star of Bethlehem, while the deep red color represents the blood sacrifice through the crucifixion of Jesus. Chapelwood is once again offering the opportunity to purchase Christmas poinsettias in honor or memory of a loved one. These flowers will be placed in our Sanctuary and in other areas inside the buildings to remind us of the birth of Jesus. The dedications will be printed in a bulletin in December. Each plant costs $10, and can be ordered online at www.chapelwood.org/ poinsettia. They will be delivered early in Advent and may be picked up after the last service on Christmas Eve. If you have any questions, you may contact Pamela Moore at pmoore@chapelwood.org or (713) 354-4480.
ADULT DISCIPLESHIP Andy Cunningham – Pastor, Grow Ministries Tammy Heinrich – Pastor, Connect Ministries Ginny Itz – Ministry Director, Connect Ministries Josef Klam– Directing Pastor, Adult Discipleship Janine Roberts – Ministry Director, Share Ministries (Global and National Serving) Teresa Rossy – Ministry Director, Grow Ministries Amy Taylor – Ministry Director, Share Ministries (Local Serving) FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP Cindy Booth – Ministry Director, Children's Ministry Karen Lopes – Ministry Director, Special Needs Ministry Carolyn Park – Administrator, Chapelwood School for Young Children Sarah Pattillo – Ministry Director, Student Ministry Cason Sicking – Ministry Director, Recreation Ministry Heather Sims – Directing Pastor, Family Discipleship PASTORAL CARE & REACHING Scott Endress – Pastor, Pastoral Care Bill Stell – Assistant Pastor, Pastoral Care Wick Stuckey – Coordinating Pastor, Pastoral Care WORSHIP COMMUNITIES AND MUSIC Richard Gandy – Ministry Director, Worship and Arts, Mercy Street Melissa Maher – Community Pastor, Mercy Street Luis Palomo – Community Pastor, The Branch Stephen Roddy – Ministry Director, Adult Traditional Music and the Arts Christian Washington – Community Pastor, Upper Room Wayne Watson – Ministry Director, 9:45 Contemporary Worship Jerry Webber – Community Pastor, Contemplative Worship and Directing Pastor, Center for Christian Spirituality OTHER MINISTRIES Teresa Cannon – Ministry Director, Chapelwood Foundation Toby Dagenhart – Managing Director, Technology for Ministry Karen Firenza – Ministry Director, Marketing and Communications Ivan Rhone – Ministry Director, Kitchen Ministry 11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024 Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808 www.chapelwood.org
JOYS AND CONCERNS Baptisms: Andrew Campbell Dawson, son of Melissa and Alan Dawson on September 13, 2015. Cooper William Zarr, son of Brooke and Jeff Zarr, on September 13, 2015. Lyla Dawn McCulloch, daughter of Lauren and Wyatt McCulloch, on September 13, 2015. Lexi Dean McCulloch, daughter of Lauren and Wyatt McCulloch, on September 13, 2015. Jordyn Marie Lewis, daughter of Kristin and Ravi Lewis, on September 13, 2015. Margo Christy Dillee, daughter of Sally and Jason Dillee, on September 13, 2015. Travis Jeremy Sims, son of Natalie and Jeremy Sims, on September 13, 2015. Sarah Katherine Sims, daughter of Natalie and Jeremy Sims, on September 13, 2015. Travis Burns Clay, son of Caroline and Jonathan Clay, on September 13, 2015. Andrew Thomas Kerth, son of Cindy and Jason Kerth, on October 11, 2015. Olivia Scott Denby, daughter of Leslie and Britt Denby, on October 11, 2015. Addison Reese Ring, daughter of Sarah and Mark Ring, on October 11, 2015. Hunter Mason Ring, son of Sarah and Mark Ring, on October 11, 2015. Luke Jacob Ring, son of Sarah and Mark Ring, on October 11, 2015.
Weddings: Carolyn Anne Sponberg to Todd Bagchi on October 10, 2015.
Recently Hospitalized: Charles Barrackman Kenny Kay Jim Maddox Jennifer Mitchell Pam Oshlo
Our Prayers and Sympathy Expressed to: Scott, Elizabeth, and George Eubank and family on the death of their mother, Joanne Eubank, on August 30, 2015; Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Coleman, Jr. and family on the death of Brandon’s mother, Ms. Patsy Joan Creed, on September 3, 2015; Mrs. Lenore Hawsey, Mrs. Kimberley Hillman, Mrs. Whitney Gowan, and Mrs. Lesley Krivan and families on the death of Mr. Jerry D. Hawsey on September 5, 2015; Ms. Connie Kenny and family on the death of her mother, Mrs. Dorothy Holman, on September 4, 2015; The family and friends of Mrs. Lorraine Jessee Podd, who died September 8, 2015; Ms. Flory Camacho and family on the death of her father, Mr. Espiridion Camacho, on September 13, 2015; Mr. and Mrs. David E. Vogel and family on the death of Amy’s father, Mr. David Wakefield, on September 16, 2015; Mr. Michael P. Schlosser and Matthew Schlosser on the death of their wife and mother, Mrs. Cynthia Schlosser, on September 20, 2015; Ms. Carrie Williams and family on the death of her mother, Mrs. Gayle Ramsey, on September 23, 2015; Ms. Bonnie P. Reed and family on the death of her father, Mr. Franklin Harold Reed, on September 25, 2015; Mrs. Margaret Dwyer and family on the death of her husband, Mr. W. G. (Billy) Dwyer, on September 26, 2015; The family and friends of Mrs. Norma Gallagher, who died September 27, 2015; The family and friends of Mrs. Marguerite Brice, who died September 29, 2015; Mrs. Jean Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jensen and family, and Mrs. Mary Virginia Garza and family on the death of Mr. William M. (Bill) Jensen, their husband and father, on September 30, 2015; Mr. and Mrs. Fabian Torres and family on the death of their baby daughter, Abigail Torres, on October 6, 2015.
Elwin Peacock Dorothy Shoemaker Janice Smaihall Bill Steiner Scott Thompson
The Chimes is going digital! Extra Holiday Bookstore Shopping Hours
Tuesday, November 17: 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Sunday, November 22: 2:00 – 5:30 p.m. Closed Thanksgiving Eve, Thanksgiving Tuesday, December 1: 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. UMW Shopping Day Wednesdays, December 2, 9 and 16: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Sundays, December 6 and 13: 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. Thursday, December 10: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Closed Christmas Eve, Christmas
Weekly Bookstore Hours
Sundays: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (1:00 p.m. on Second Sunday lunch days) Wednesdays: 4:45 – 6:30 p.m. Saturdays: 4:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m.
Sunday Shuttle Parking Locations
1 2
Kinkaid School 201 Kinkaid School Drive 7:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Spring Branch Middle School 1000 Piney Point Road 7:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
We know that there are a few of our households who don’t have an email address, and those people will continue to receive their printed copies, as will those on the homebound/shut in list. There will be printed copies of the Chimes available around the church for anyone who would like to pick one up. This move will not only mean significant savings, but if you’ve been receiving a printed copy, you’ll notice a tremendous improvement. The digital Chimes is a full-color publication, and we think you’ll be pleased with how color photos and graphics make for a much more vivid and inspiring reading experience. However, any household who wants to receive the Chimes in printed form may make that request. If this applies to you, please send an email to Tiffany McDonnell, at tmcdonnell@ chapelwood.org.
2 Beinhorn
Smithdale Claymore
Both shuttles run until 2:00 p.m. on Second Sundays. 1
Actually, we’ve been digital for several years, but as the cost of printing and mailing continue to escalate, it has become apparent that we can be better stewards of Chapelwood’s resources and the Earth’s resources. How? This February, we will transition people who are currently receiving a printed Chimes in the mail each month to receiving the Chimes by email.
San Felipe
UMW Circles (Various times and locations, see page 9)
Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm The Release, 7 p.m., Upper Room
Seniors: Living Through Loss, 11:30 a.m. W103 Singles Thanksgiving Dinner, 7 p.m., Fellowship Hall
High School Fall Retreat (Nov. 21-22)
Haiti Mission Trip (Nov. 21-28) Mercy Street 5:30 pm
Studies, 6:30 pm Thanksgiving Eve Worship, 7 p.m., Chapel
Thanksgiving Church Closed
Church Closed.
Mercy Street 5:30 pm
Annual Women's Advent Luncheon, 11 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Advent Noon Series, Chapel Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm
Seniors Ministry Lunch Series, 11 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Middle School Christmas Party
Mercy Street 5:30 pm
Church Under The Bridge High School Christmas Party
Kingdom Basketball Begins Mercy Street 5:30 pm
Christmas Manna Begins Singles Rice & Beans, 11 am, Courtyard Room Feed the Need Visits for Seniors Equiping Session (See page 12) Trumpet and Organ Concert, 7 p.m. Sanctuary
Give Blood, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m., Courtyard Room Advent Wreath Making, 2 p.m., Fellowship Hall Upper Room Game Day
Alternative Christmas Market Begins Singles Lunch Upper Room Game Day
Coffee Chat, 9:30 a.m., Bookstore A Festival of Carols, 7 p.m., Sanctuary Upper Room Game Day
Caregiving Equiping Series, 11 a.m., W101 Advent Retreat
SUMMIT Registration Begins Common Ground, 9:45 a.m., Upper Room One Big Night, 5 p.m., Sanctuary Upper Room Game Day
Volunteer at Food Bank, 8:30 a.m., Meet at Church Advent Noon Series, Chapel
UMW Circles (Various times and locations, see page 9)
Advent Noon Series, Chapel Chancel Choir, 7 pm
Chancel Choir, 7 pm
Christmas Eve Services (See page 5)
Christmas Church Closed
Mercy Street 5:30 pm
Watch Night, 10:30 p.m., Upper Room
New Years Day Church Closed
Mercy Street 5:30 pm
Upper Room Game Day
No Sunday School No 8:25 a.m. Sanctuary Service
Church Closed
Mercy Street 5:30 pm
Vol.V, No. 11
The Chimes (USPS 023285) is published monthly by Chapelwood United Methodist Church, 11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024. Periodicals Postage paid at Houston TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Chapelwood Chimes, 11140 Greenbay, Houston,TX 77024-6729.
Postmaster, please deliver by FRIDAY/SATURDAY NOVEMBER 13-14, 2015
If you've been visiting Chapelwood regularly or have recently joined, we’d like to get to know you better. Come and have a cup of coffee on us! The Connect Team will host a "Coffee Chat" on Sunday, Dec. 6, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Bookstore. The event will give folks an opportunity to meet other new members and to explore upcoming small group and ministry opportunities. For more information or to r.s.v.p., contact klewis@chapelwood.org.