Dd m2 journal

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Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Ngoc Chau Pham 904784

Siavash Malek, 18

Week Three

Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age

Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)

1) Subtractive Fabrication E.g. CNC Router Removal of materials. 2) Additive Fabrication E.g. 3-D Printer Materials are melted and added 2-D sliced layer by layer to form a 3-D product. Advantages: Form curving shape Disadvanteages: Need supports for cantilevers, limited size of the objects, costly equipment and take long production times 3) Formative Fabricarion E.g. Moulding Forming a desired shaped by using: i)Mechanical force ii)Restricting forms iii)heat/steam This method can be applied to many materials such as steel and even wood. The potentiall of CNC fabrication with parametric modelling is that it can produce an accurate and complex surface while retaining most of the desired shape. The software analysis reduces the time when considering which methods are the most suitable to build a design. Once we have a desired architecture for example a dream residential building, we can mass produce it.


Week Three

Surface Creation

The script from the workshop was usesd with a varied index slider to get different surfaces. Edges were deconstructed (Shown by left scripting image). Four of them were chosen and divided into points to connect line between them and form a curved surface. As the number of points on the edges increase, the more control were gained


Week Four Panels & Waffle

Left surface: Triangle shape with size-varied opening. Smallest size is in the top row and increases until reach the bottom row. Height is varied by the factor between the largest and smallest value.

Waffle’s horizontal and vertical components were formed according to the surfaces’ shapes inside 150mm x 150mm bounding box. When view this way, as it is getting closer to the bottom of the components, these components will spread out and as it is closer to the top.

Right: Diamond shape with height varied by the attractor point.


Week Four

Laser Cutting

It was never a straight process as mistakes hence repititions of the process were inevitable. My initial model was formed by twisted-triangle patterns which required to be triangulated to become developable surfaces. The problem occured as the size was significantly small to be folded and sticked together by glue (measured the length in Rhino to predict). Hence, the constraint was the given size of the model. This leaded to a design of more simple shape without any double-curved surfaces. To avoid the same future mistakes: -Consider the given size hence the shape of the patterns -Consider the given method to produce the physical model (it will be different for 3D-print)

Panel of the first surface which has top opening and smaller in size.

Panel of the second surface which does not have opening and is larger.


There was no problem with the layout of waffle structure panels. They were arranged in this way to save cost (one cutting line required).

Week Five

This is the base script where further variations were applied. From Task 1 I interested in pyramid-like shape which leaded to use the same shape for this task. This is the study of how variations of this shape impact on space inside the constrant bounding box. Two geometries were tested, one is contained in the bounding box and one is not.


Week Five


This was a quick decision-making process. The consistent of shape was separated in 3 sections (pyramid, sphere and di-pyramid). The space of pyramid shows a gradually change from large to a more narrow space. This is suitable for a dynamic circulation. The space of the sphere and di-pyramid have a similiar quality. This is more suitable to be both short time and long time gathering space. If it was filled with water, the water could flow through all the spaces while the light could not. Water is a repsentation of circulation however might be different for a vertical circulation (travel up). All spaces are connected hence show a continuous but transition. The dark and narrow space produces a sense of isolation while like Burnham Pavilion, a large and bright space with light is more to be an area of attraction.


Week Six Task 01




{-69,88,150} {-9,88,150}






{111,-32,150 }



1.4 {109,29,150}



Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves






Grid Points

{90,203,150} {39,62,30} {-6,-39,0}

{-81,62,0} {81,88,30}



{-69,32,0} {63,63,0} {09,88,0}




Paneling Grid & Attractor Point Paneling

{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}





{Attractor Point Location}

{Attractor Point Location}

{Attractor Point Location}

{Index Selection}







{Index Selection}

Task 01 Matrix All the surfaces (1.1 to 1.4) produce different effect to people’s view and circulation. The fourth surfaces (1.4) are able to allow a smooth flow of circulation with any arrangment they were put in. The opposite in the top and bottom size of openings gives a sense of welcomness. According to initial intention to play with light and shadow and manipulate viewer’s emotion, 2.3 and 2.4 methods of controling the direction, size and perforations were chosen. The final surfaces outcome were designed so that the patterns worked well with the grid manipulation. (2.4) A 2-D pattern could produce the same shadow effect however it could not produce the same feeling because of its flatness.


Week Six Task 02

Grid Manipulation







Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves


Grid Points {74,0,131}


{0,109,69} {39,24,74}


{Point Attractor}


{Point Attractor}

Object Distribution




{Point Attractor} {0,0,0}

{Point & Curve Attractor}




{-81,9,100} {15,127,100}

Sphere Transformation

{Point Attractor}

{Curve Attractor}

{Random Attractor}

{Random Attractors}





{Constant Scaling}

{Reaching 1 Point}

{No Variation}

{Index Selection}

Task 02 Matrix A moderate grid manipulation was prefered (1.4 and 2.4) as the affect give a sense of equality and a subtle hierarchy but not obvious. 3.4 reveals a design choice of shape combination which gives a variation of size of the space. Some openings are on the top and in the side. They provide light to certain areas mostly to the sphere internal spaces. A large and bright space constrast with the form and darkness of the pyramid internal space.



{Attractor Point Location}

{Attractor Point Location}

{Index Selection}





Sphere Transformation

t {Attractor Point Location}



{Constant Scaling}

{Reaching 1 Point}



Week Six

Final Isometric Views


{No Variation}

{Index Selection}


Process - Surfaces

Step by Step required elements for two surfaces 1.Constraint bounding box

5.Create a surface by connecting four curves

2.Deconstructed edges

6.Choose two suitable surface for the further patternation

3.Divided edges into points

7.Patterns on surfaces

4.Create a curve by connecting two points



Process - Waffle Structure Horizontal Elements

Vertical Elements

1.Contour lines on both surfaces

1.Similar process but vertically (“move” was used in place of “offset”) 2. Formed by loft contour lines and its offset line

2.Join the contours which are at relatively in the same height together (cull un-needed contour)

Creating nodes 1. Extrude reactangle curves created according to plane 2. Trim the intersection of the extrusions and waffle structure to create 2-D nodes

3.Offet the connected curves and form surfaces in between the curves



Process- Model Making

All the pieces were put in order hence it was not a time taking process. Pieces were sticked together by UHU glue which was strong after leaving it to dry. The surfaces and structure were finished separately and combined in the final stage.


1.Constraint bounding box

4. Grid manipulation

2.Deconstructed surface and grid points

5.Shape choice

3. Multiple and move equally to make up a whole cube shape

6. Boolean and final product


Process - Task 2

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