DigitalDesign Module1 Journal

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 Ngoc Chau Pham 904784 Siavash Malek, 18

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)

Diagram: + Describe relationship + Prescribe the performances in/of space in different locations, scales and frames + Not a representation + Has relationship between its physical construct and concepts/percept on an organisational level + Related to the mere organisation of space and matter + Production of sensation and effects + Related to typology + Reductive/simple Signs and Symbols: + Dependent on culture + Expression of qualities, function and properties + No or loose relationship between its form and its content (not important and no particular reason) + Representaions


Week One

Precedent Analysis Main image: Burnham pavilion at night with orange light shone on it

Sections drawing (From LMS)

Process image: formation of overal shape

Burnham Pavilion was temporarily constructed to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Chicago’s Burnham Plan (Main image). The research process was performed along with the modelling process to enhance the knowledge of the pavilion’s exterior and interior. After importing every needed drawing into Rhino, a sphere was drawn and edited using “cageedit” with 4 points on each x, y and x axis (Process image). The horizontal shape was edited according to the plan (Plan drawing) and the vertical shape was edited according to the sections (Section drawing). This method was chosen as it is time saving and due to the lack of pavilion’s section drawings.

Plan drawing (From LMS)


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discuss how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)

As Herzberher suggested about the entrance quality of the primary school, Burnham pavilion was able to meet those criteria. The sizes of the pavilion’s entrances were large enough for people to see through when standing from afar. This therefore, “offers some kind of welcome” to pedestrians rather than just “mere openings.” In addition, due to the structure of the pavilion, the entrances were not touch the ground hence slopping paths were used. Why did not they leave the entrances as they were? The paths were “extension” of the pavilion. Although it did not require much strength to step up, the sloping paths acted like stretching hands that pulled people closer. People were visually convinced; why did children prefer climbing up the slide rather than the stair in the playground? Perhaps, it was because they chose what was closer disregarding the level of difficulty.


Week Two


Rhino South-East Isometric The isometric was set in South-Eastnof rhino which showing most of the key elements of the pavilion. These detailed element are: + Exterior: Curving surfaces + Openings: 21 unique in size + Paths to entrances: Are slopes + Entrances: Two customized curving entrances The modelling process did not go smoothly due to using the wrong method. However, the model was able to be finished and the previous model failure enhanced the understanding of the pavilion structure. The pavilion proved the innovation of the technology and materials; the computer and the aluminium bars and tensile fabric productions. The diagram below shows both circulation and threshold. There are two openings which perform same functions; both are entrance and exit at the same time. These openings are defined as threshold where spaces are divided - not in term of public and private but in term of different interests. The level of publicity is high as the space is small for people to rest and do things that are not related to the pavilion. The shortest path forms when people walk through the pavilion without taking further steps to the middle area. This middle area is the space for gathering where people are attracted by historic video, the top openings shapes, shadow or the overall interior.


Week Two Diagrams

Key Openings



Internal Points of Attraction

Structure and Materials

A diagram shows where did the designer chose to locate points of attraction and hence how they affected the circulation. They also create thresholds that divide space for particular function. Therefore, this area have the highest density.

This was a temporary pavilion thus the materials, aluminium and fabric, were chosen to be easy to work with. Zaha Hadid employed the aid of computer software to create a complex and modern pavilion that can be built in the simplest way.



Process - First Attempt and Failures This appendix is read from top to bottom and from left to right

Although these images are process of unfinished model, they prove the improvements in my skills and knowledge. Some of the skills were reusable for the later modelling.

4. The bottom part was “sweeped.” There were many problems occurred as “sweep” command required closed rail and connected-to-rail cross section.

1. For both first and final attempt I set up the plan and sections similarly. These drawings were traced and rotated in order to be placed as directed. 2.”Sweep 2” command was used to draw the top of the pavilion. The problem of using this command was because the accuracy was low. This was due to the whole interior was “sweeped” separately.

5. Inaccurate opening was formed. Furthermore, the bottom parts did not show contour lines and curving surfaces.

3. The top cover was formed. Although it able to convey the curves in between, the contours were not connected smoothly. The answer to this problem was that the two surfaces were “sweeped” by two differentshaped rails hence create different contour angle.

6. Interiors were “sweeped” using plan and sections. Using the same command the whole time had caused the same problem along the process. This first attempt taught when to use “sweep” command so that time and effort could be saved.



Process - Final model process

1. Exterior was edited by “cageedit” from a sphere.

4. Openings were trimmed from extruded given curves.

2. Interior was edited using the same method.

5. Sloping paths were modeled separately. Tracing method was utilsed to get the horizontal internal shape from the plan. Then it was extruded and edited using 4-point “cageedit” to form slope.

3. Curving surface was created when the overall shape was formed. Contour lines were commanded vertically in order to create curvy surfaces. In the other word, after “contouring,” curves were drawn between contour lines, bending inwards, which gave a sufficient condition to use “sweep2.”

6. Two entrances from the north and south of the pavilion were generally formed using the “project” command and corrected by trimming regarding to customised extruded curves (shown on the left).



Process - Diagrams

Diagram 1

Diagram 2

1. The openings were created using “dupedge” and “patch”

1. Aluminium frame was modeled using “pipe” command on the modeled contour.

2. First attempt. Show different type of colouring method for the diagram. However, the expression was not clear and convinced. This was done in photoshop with “brush” and “Opacity” tools.

2. The complexity of the pipe above was shown as it was not the single bar but a combination of three. These bars were welded together with curved aluminium connection. The fourth bar was connected to form v-pattern when viewing internally.

3. The combination in the above annotation was joined to interior frame. These were notto-scale “piped” curves.

3. Final diagram was created using soft pastel colour which was clearer to show the highlighted area. The same Photoshop method was utilised.

Key Openings


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