WELCOME TO THE 113TH CHICAGO YACHT CLUB RACE TO MACKINAC, PRESENTED BY WINTRUST On behalf of th e Chica go Ya cht Club, welcom e to th e 113th Chica go Ya cht Club Ra ce to Ma ckina c . Wh eth er you’re competin g as skipper or crew, wh eth er this will be your f irst Ma c Ra ce or wh eth er you have earn ed double goat status, in 2022 all of us will make n ew m em ories an d share in credible experien ces in th e 333 miles between Chica go’s Navy Pier an d th e fam ous Ma ckina c lighth ouse. Your en duran ce, your skills an d your stren gth will all be tested. Wh o will mana ge th e high win ds an d th e low win ds th e best? Wh o will decide to go over th e Manitous, an d will it work for th em? Wh o will f in d th e best win d h ea din g up th e lake? Wh o will earn th e right to etch th eir nam e on our fam ous trophies an d in th e histor y books? Sin ce 1898 , sailors f rom aroun d th e world have gath ered on th e south ern sh ore of L ake Michigan ea ch summ er an d asked th emselves th ese sam e questions. But th e joy of this ra ce isn’ t foun d only in th e thrill of winnin g, or th e pride of joinin g your crew as you a ccept an award on th e islan d. It’s in th e journ ey an d th e stories - an d tall tales - created alon g th e way. Today, you join th e th ousan ds of sailors wh o have com e before you on th e lon gest annual f reshwater sailin g ra ce in th e world. An d while we all look for ward with anticipation to th e star tin g gun, please join m e in thankin g ever yon e wh o have worked so hard to make this ra ce possible for us all. With out th e United States Coast Guard, our ra ce volunteers, our gen erous sponsors an d all of our families an d suppor ters, this ra ce is n ot possible. Now, f inish your f inal preparations. Rech eck your weath er routin g. An d we’ll see you on th e water.
Sin cerely, Sam Veilleux Chairman, 113th CYC Ra ce to Ma ckina c presented by Wintrust 19
Blinker ✶ Summer 2022