SoundGeography I : Yamaguchi

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Sound Geography I 【 山 口 Yamaguchi 】

劉 致 宏 Chih-Hung LIU 2016


《聲音地誌 Sound Geography》出版刊物為逐漸累積成型的「聲音 紋理資料庫」,此創作計畫目前橫跨了幾個城市 : 日本的山口、台 灣的高雄與恆春,2015-16 年間預計陸續完成新增的城市樣本為臺 灣的高雄、恆春、臺南,日本東京、菲律賓的達沃、馬來西亞的亞 庇、澳洲雪梨,未來也將持續進行下去。 聲音會是什麼樣子?當以「身體」開發成為感受眾多聲響的聽覺器 官時,透過口述、訪查、影像凝結與抽象 / 具象素描線條的聯覺轉 化表現等,試圖將「聽覺視覺化」,並撰以在地人、物、故事等相 關資料與聲響素材蒐集,為每個在地環境豐富的文化底藴,以記錄 / 檔案創作的方式研究關於「聽覺與視覺」之間的經驗連結,並希 望留下不同城市、地域之間的對照樣本。

Sound Geography I


Sound Geography I

The publication of Sound Geography series is meant to establish a “voice-drawing database” through gradual accumulations. This creative project currently covers several cities: Yamaguchi (Japan), Kaohsiung and Hengchun (Taiwan). The sample cities in progress--Kaohsiung, Henchun and Tainan (Taiwan), Tokyo (Japan), Davao (Philippines), Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia) and Sidney (Australia)—since 2015 are due to be finished by 2016. The project is expected to proceed continuously in the future. What would voices look like? When the “body” is developed into an auditory organ perceiving numerous voices and sounds, the “visualization of hearing” is made possible through the connection, transformation, and representation of verbal accounts, interviews, image freezing and abstract/concrete sketch lines. By collecting related data and sound materials recounting stories of local people, things and happenings, Sound Geography records/databases the plenitude of culture in each local area, and studies the empirical connections between “hearing and sight.” At the same time, it aspires to leave illustrative samples gathered from different cities and areas.


龍貓出沒 - 山口縣、美袮市與秋吉台

那天一早從台北出門,經過轉機、地鐵、新幹線的移動之後,下午 終於抵達新山口站時 Yusuke 已經等在車站外了,隨後繼續開車上 路前往秋吉台國際藝術村,在車上的簡單對話中間,喇叭傳來了 Coldplay 的「Scientist」這首歌,讓我們的話題一下子有了交會;城 市褪去、路途漸漸被森林溪水的景象取代,下午的陽光照在山谷裡 有種我們要去《賴皮之宿》( リアリズムの宿 Ramblers ) 電影裡的 1

山間住一晚,回神時主唱 Chris Martin 熟悉的聲線加上風聲、引擎、 談笑,讓緊繃且疲憊的心頓時安定了下來。 約四十分鐘之後來到目的地山下,Yusuke 在公路休息站旁邊的一間 超市停好車,讓我買點東西帶上山去,在超市裡隨手拎了兩瓶鮮奶 與一條土司麵包,沒什麼想法,倒是被收銀歐巴桑聊天的聲音、自 動數零錢機器、重複播送的廣告和鮮食櫃上的音樂看板給吸引住, 配合著 LED 燈閃爍歌唱搖擺,非常洗腦,默默發現這個安靜的地 方竟然有這麼多有趣的聲音;有別於城市與人為的環境,在這一片 純粹的自然樣態圍繞下,森林、地下水系、大雪紛飛、燃燒整片山 頭等,屬於這片異鄉土地的聲音會是什麼樣子?就這樣開啟了另一 種感受狀態的雷達,同時也默默地了下了一個決定。

Sound Geography I

/ 立春前一天大家都撒了一把豆子 ( 偷吃了幾顆 ),喊著「鬼はそ と!、福はうち!」(「鬼出去、福進來」) 然後晚餐一起大口吃完 整個自製「惠方卷」,夾了半價炸雞塊和烤肉串,希望今年心想事 2

成,妖魔鬼怪的事速速退散去,新年快樂;超市的阿姨很可愛! / 今晚和湯口、森下、花菜在麻美的小木屋聚餐,車庫裡有船,好 動不怕生的ましゆ拿了哥吉拉和我們自拍,四歲和五歲小孩的流利 日文非常可愛,兄弟倆睡前刷牙興致高昂嚓嚓嚓地連拍了多張還和 我們討論卡通妖怪手錶的人物,才依依不捨地被催促去上床睡覺; / 昨午趁著雨勢稍歇踏著滿地泥濘,穿上雨衣就往山上整片的杉木 森林裡尋找棕熊 ( 據說之前出現過 ),湯口不放心還是帶了防身的 鈴鐺和哨子,清脆的叮噹聲在森林裡清脆迴響,最後熊沒找著,卻 找到一間童話般的小木屋,蓬鬆的虎斑貓站在烤箱上吹著暖氣度 咕;néko néko , what are you looking for ?

註 1 《賴皮之宿リアリズムの宿》導演:山下敦弘,主演:山本浩司、百惠真知子,日本 ,2003 註 2 惠方卷(ehoumaki)是一種手卷壽司,捲有代表七福神的材料,在節分日向著當年惠方神的 方向吃,每年不同。


Totoro was here - Yamaguchi、Mine-shi & Akiyoshidai

On that day I left Taipei early in the morning, arriving the New Yamaguchi station in the afternoon after flight transfer, subway and high-speed rail transportation. Yusuke was already waiting outside when I walked out of the station. On the way to the Akiyoshidai International Art Village, in the middle of our brief exchanges, the song “Scientist,” performed by Coldplay, was playing from the car stereo. The song instantly brought our conversation into focus: cities faded; the roads gave way to forests and streams; the afternoon sun shone into the valleys. It all seemed like we were going to the mountains as in the movie Ramblers( リ ア リ ズ ム の 宿 ) for one night. As I came to myself, I recognized the familiar voice of the band’s main vocalist Chris Martin, amid the sounds of winds, the engine, and us laughing. At the moment I felt relieved from my stress and fatigue. Forty minutes later we arrived at the destination Yamaguchi. Yusuke parked by a supermarket at the highway rest area, so that I could get something to take to the mountains. I picked two bottles of milk and one loaf of toast carelessly, not really thinking of what to buy. The chitchat of middle-aged cashiers, the tinkling of coin changers, the repeated promotion announcements and the music board on top of fresh produce shelves attracted me even more—to sing and swing with the twinkling LED lights was quite a brain-washing experience. I was amazed with the discovery that this quiet place contained such a variety of interesting sounds. This place is different from urban and artificial environments—all surrounded by pure nature—forests, groundwater, heavy snowfalls, fire blazing up a whole peak… What were the sounds of this foreign land likely to be? I therefore turned on another kind of perception radar, and quietly made up a decision at the same time.

Sound Geography I

/ The eve before risshun 立 春 (start of spring on the East Asian luni-solar calendar), everybody threw out handfuls of beans (I ate some stealthily), shouting, “Demons out, let good luck in!” At dinner we ate up a whole roll of home-made ehoumaki (filled with half-price fried chicken nuggets and meat kebabs), wishing each other a good and fulfilling year—a happy new year without monsters and demons. The auntie at the supermarket was quite adorable ! / Tonight we dined with Yuguchi, Morishita, Hanana at Mami’s wood cottage. There was a boat in the garage; the vivacious, outgoing Mashiyu took her Godzilla to selfie with us. The four and five year-old kids spoke such cutesy and fluent Japanese. As they brushed their teeth before going to sleep, the brothers took many photos in such high spirits, eagerly discussing characters from the cartoon Yo-kai Watch with us, till they were finally put to bed reluctantly. / Yesterday, I put on the raincoat and went out in the afternoon, as the rain subsided, treading on the muddy roads, on my way to find brown bears (said to have appeared) in the cedar woods. Yuguchi was so worried that he made me carry bells and whistles for self-protection. So the bells jingled brightly in the woods; in the end I didn’t find any bear, but a fairy-like little cottage. A fluffy tabby cat dozed off cozily on top of a heater; Néko néko (kitty kitty), what are you looking for?


Sound Geography I

The Golden Prairie 金黃色草原 12

Sound Geography I

國定公園 National Park

來到深山裡的第五天,早上將今天的工作進度完成,在村子附近的森林裡撿了一大把龍貓果 實 ( 橡樹果實 ) 和栗子,中午回來約上一起煮飯的法國藝術家 Julien 和芬蘭藝術家 Minna 超 像走出哈利波特小說活生生的詹姆 · 波特和桃樂絲 · 恩不里居 ( 笑 ),隨手弄的法式雜菜料理 和炒時蔬以及熱湯拉麵,成了豐盛的午餐;下午看天氣放晴騎腳踏車上後山的石灰岩荒原晃 盪,地理課本上的喀斯特地形此刻就在腳下,滿山遍野的金色枯黃隨風搖盪,中間一條公路 沒有人車,一望無際的草原倒向風吹過來的方向,經過草叢縫隙的時候,蕭瑟的風聲聽起來 又細又長,徐徐的吹,沙沙地響;到達唯一的綠地「長者ケ森 (Chojagamori)」的時候竟下起 又冷又痛的冰雹。 The fifth day in the mountains: I finished my work of the day in the morning; then went out to pick some Totoro nuts (oak nuts) and chestnuts in the woods near the village. I came back at noon to cook our meal with French artist Julien and Finnish artist Minna—looking at them was like looking at the fictional characters James Porter and Dorothy Umbridge coming alive (smile). In the afternoon the sun came out, so I rode on my bike to the limestone wasteland in the back of the ranges: the karst topography that we read from geography textbooks were right at my feet at that moment. In this open country covered with dried grass in a golden hue, winds blew and groomed the boundless prairie, swinging wild grass toward the direction they came from. No traces of human or car could be seen in the lone road in the middle. As the winds passed through the fissures between blades of grass, the desolate sounds became thin and long, blowing so slowly, rustling in the air. When I got to the only green spot Chojagamori (Forest of the Elderly), it started to hail, totally freezing and painful.


Sound Geography I


Sound Geography I

Snow Melting in the Morning 融雪的早晨 18

Sound Geography I

村落 Village 昨晚睡前 Tets 說氣象預報今天有 80% 的降雪機率,使我興奮地徹夜未眠,風吹草動就起身 掀開帘子,但卻一片漆黑什麼也看不見;天微亮的時候被細碎的滴答聲喚醒,不知道什麼時 候工作室外頭已經被厚厚一層白雪覆蓋了,落在窗沿的部分碰到暖氣已經開始融化,抱著期 待的心情換好裝牽著腳踏車就往山上衝去;清晨的山裡村落非常安靜,也許冷冽,寂靜得沒 有生氣,除了偶而從樹梢上涮~的落下一攤積雪和自己的腳步聲,清楚聽見的就是在草叢 裡、工寮的屋簷、水池邊那些微乎其微的融雪聲,可以感受到時間、溫度、到整個環境都在 緩緩流動的美妙聲音狀態。 Last night before I slept, Tets said there was 80% chance of snow according to weather forecast. I got all excited and sleepless, that I would get up to peep out of the window curtain when there ever was the smallest sign, but I couldn’t see anything in the darkness. I was later awakened by some dripping sounds at daybreak to find a thick layer of white snow already covering the ground outside the studio; the snow by the windowsill was melting where the heater was on. In high spirits I got dressed and took out my bike to ride up the mountains. The mountain village was extremely quiet in the morning, even bleak and seemingly lifeless in its stillness. Except for brisk sounds of falling snow from tree branches every now and then--and those of my own steps--I could hear clearly those almost imperceptible sounds of snow melting in the grass, on the eaves of a work shed, by the pond… I could feel time, temperature, and the whole environment flowing slowly in acoustic beauty.


Sound Geography I


Sound Geography I

Wisemen in the Woods 森林裡的智者 24

Sound Geography I

森林 Woods 午飯過後和湯口、塩田開著車來到隔壁村落的幹事吉村さん家,門口停了滿滿一車翠綠的高 麗菜,是他們在地合作的農業產銷班剛採回來的新鮮農產,熱情的吉村さん帶我們在集會所 和後山的小神社參拜之後,沿著田野間的路穿過民宅、水壩就來到他家傳的私人森林地,滿 山遍野高聳的黑松和冷衫,枯枝落葉將土地覆蓋了一層宛如踏在地毯上那樣厚實的觸感,窸 窣作響,一邊回憶著哪棵樹是他的爺爺種植、一邊教我們分辨混生林和原始林,也一邊述說 早期植樹曾用來當佳節贈禮餽送親友鄰里,說著說著發現了山豬挖的坑,還有樹稍的鳥類和 松鼠,順手遞過來幾顆毬果說:「它很聰明會判斷最好的生長條件,依照空氣的乾濕度開 闔,讓種子發芽」是一處多麽夢幻的秘境啊,「沒事的時後我都會上來看看他們,探望這片 森林就像陪伴我的家人一樣」他眼神發亮地說。最後在小辦公室裡貼心的泡了幾杯即溶咖啡 暖手,翻出台灣友人的回信、還有他參加青年團在遊輪上的老照片和剪報等等,憶當年的同 時遠方炊煙升起,烏鴉啼叫,漸漸日落。 After lunch, I went by car with Yuguchi and Enda to visit Mr. Yoshimura, officer of the neighboring village. We saw a truck fully loaded with green cabbages in front of his door and recognized the produce freshly harvested from the local agricultural cooperative. The hospitable Mr. Yoshimura showed us their gathering place, the little shintou temple to worship, and led the way to the private forest ground of his family inheritance, following the country road passing through residences and a water dam. We looked through the towering black pines and firs thriving on this land, walking on the twigs and leaves they shed as if we walked on thick and sturdy carpet, making rustling sounds. Mr. Yoshimura recalled which trees were planted by his grandpa, recounting how in the old days planted trees were presented as gifts on special occasions for neighbors and friends, at the same time he taught us to distinguish mixed forest from virgin forest. As he went on, we discovered caves dug by wild boars, birds and squirrels on treetops. He passed over some pine cones, “They are so smart to assess the best growing conditions. They would open and close according to air humidity so as to facilitate the sprouting of seeds.” What a dream-like, mystic place it is! “Whenever I’m free I come up to see them. For me, to see this forest is like spending time with my family,” said he with shining eyes. At the end of the visit, he was so nice to brew instant coffee to warm our hands. At his small office, he showed us letters from Taiwanese people, old photos and news clippings of him on a cruise ship as he joined the Youth Corps. As memories of old days glowed, smoke from kitchen chimneys rose from afar, ravens crow, and the sun gradually set to the west.


Sound Geography I


Sound Geography I

Rainy in the Late Night 深夜大雨 30

Sound Geography I

公路 Highway 那天晚上和森下在宇部市跟花菜和亮他們道別後,接近午夜的回程山路上下起了大雨,標線 上放了許多閃燈的單向放行告示牌,即便知道這個時間點山裡活動的人車已經很少,還是守 規矩的在一個藍綠色的告示牌前採了煞車,大約一分鐘的時間正好在聊天的空擋,除了引擎 聲,更清楚地聽見雨水落在樹林、溪水以及道路上匯流之間不同層次聲音,不遠處的路標下 亮著「-1」,雨繼續下就會變雪了吧,心裡這麼期待著。 That evening, Morishita and I said good-bye to Hanana and Ryo in Ube-shi and drove back to the mountains. Toward midnight, it rained on our way back. Upon road markings there were many flashing one-way traffic signs, and we made a stop in front of a bluish green sign following the rules, even as we knew there were very few people and cars around at this hour. For about one minute’s time, we happened to be both silent, hearing clearly multi-layered sounds of rains falling into the forests, creeks, flowing and streaming on the roads, apart from the sound of the engine. There was a sign from a distance blinking “-1.” If the rain continued, soon it would turn into snow, thought I and expected it so.


Sound Geography I


Sound Geography I

Akiyoshido 秋芳洞 36

Sound Geography I

鐘乳石洞 Stalactites Cave 秋吉台這裡的石灰岩喀斯特地形,造就了一個久富盛名的鐘乳石洞穴「秋芳洞」,搭電梯到 地底下之後,門一打開就能感受到一股溼熱,因為洞內終年十七度,在一月份來到這裡覺得 非常溫暖;沿途的路燈下有指示和說明,到處堆滿千奇百怪的鐘乳石隨著水滴繼續慢慢增長, 這裡是蕈狀岩、那裡是石觀音、百枚皿、後方有黃金柱等等,順路沿著溪水走到出口變成開 闊的瀑布,豁然開朗;因為是淡季遊客不多,有時沒事就騎腳踏車到洞裏待上一段時間,坐 在「洞內富士」前藍白相間的椅子上,像忍者修行一般,靜靜聆聽體會洞穴裡細微的聲響, 進入涅槃。 Amid the karst landscape in the Akiyoshidai area, the most famous scenic spot was the stalactite cave “Akiyoshido,” with an elevator going underground for access. When it went down to the lower level, you felt some humid heat once the door opened, for inside the cave the temperature remained 17 degrees all year round. I went here in January and felt warm. Accumulative stalactites of all kinds of strange shapes grew with water drops steadily and slowly; under road lamps along the way you found directions and descriptions. Mushroom Rock here, Stone Bodhisattva there, Hundred Saucers, Golden Pillar in the back, etc. etc. As you followed the road leading to the exit, the creek widened into a waterfall and the landscape opened up. It was low season so there weren’t many tourists. Whenever I was free, I rode my bike and stayed in the cavern for some time. As I sat on the blue-and-white chair in front of the “Mount Fuji in the Cave,” listening attentively to subtle sounds in the cave--the way a ninja practiced his art--I felt myself attaining nirvana .


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Yamayaki 山焼き 42

Sound Geography I

山頂上 Top of the Hill

清晨天微微亮,空氣冰涼,前幾天下過一場大雪,屋外的雪堆還沒化盡;在廚房領完雨靴大 家陸續在門口集合上車,Jorge 穿上山下買的工作服和 Minna 的 IKEA 雨衣合照玩了起來,沒 多久我們抵達半山腰的林間小路,吉村さん和他的太太、以及幾名背著水袋的消防隊員已經 等在那了;前幾天附近各村莊裡的人們已經來過,做好燒山的事前準備,闢出一條防火道、 攀折松枝、榕葉等作打火工具,一行人跟著上山之後直升機已在頭頂盤旋,山上金黃色的草 原在陽光下閃耀著最後的光澤,九點三十分的時間和信號一下,各燃火點的工作人員立即開 始放火,大家忙得不可開交,四面八方竄起濃煙,沒幾分鐘眼前已是一片火海,燒得霹哩啪 啦煙霧瀰漫,草原化為焦黑灰燼的同時,露出了此處遍佈的白色石灰岩,黑白對比之下根本 就像太空電影的場景,直升機螺旋槳仍在上空噠噠噠地響! At dawn, dim light lit the sky and the air was cool; it snowed so heavily days before that the accumulated snow outside hadn’t melted yet. We got the rain boots from the kitchen and met at the door to get on the car together. Jorge put on the work outfit he got down there and took photos with Minna’s IKEA raincoat playfully. Soon we arrived the small alley in the woods halfway uphill; Yoshimura-san and his wife, along with several firefighters carrying their water bags, were waiting for us. A couple of days ago, people from neighboring villages had visited and made necessary preparations for burning the mountain: constructing a firebreak, getting pine twigs and banyan leaves as fire lighting tools, etc. We followed them uphill and found a helicopter already circling above our heads; the golden prairie under the sun was shining with its last splendor. At 9:30 the signal was out, and the staff at each fire-setting spot started the fire. People were busily running around while thick smoke rose up from all directions, and within minutes oceans of fire were raging before our eyes. Amid the cracking sounds and hazy smoke, the prairie was burnt to ashes, revealing white limestone underneath. The sharp contrast of black and white was like one scene from a movie set in the outer space, with the propeller of the helicopter still beating rhythmically up in the sky!


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Into Ashes 化成一片灰燼 48

Sound Geography I

山頂上 Top of the Hill

「山焼き」燒完整片山頭之後,終得偷閒上山一趟,前幾天錯過了白雪化妝,據說像瑞士巧 克力冰淇淋那樣的黑白交錯、黑色的岩塊遠看一撮一撮,金黃色的草原變成像是中土世界的 焦土,黑褐色的荒原景象不禁想起了台灣的燒稻田以恢復土壤養分,為著來年的翠綠和燦爛 新生,鳳凰也得浴火。走在上面每一步都聽得見草炭斷裂那非常細碎交織的喀滋聲,密密麻 麻卻又不時清脆,經過大火焚燒這片柔軟的草原已然成為了另一種陌生的物質,靜靜等待春 天復甦的那一刻到來。 After the whole peak was consumed by yamayaki , I finally found time to went up again. I missed the white maquillage of the snow a few days ago—it was said to resemble Swiss chocolate ice cream with crisscrossing blacks and whites. Looking from afar, black rocks scattered here and there in small lumps; the golden prairie turned into scorched earth, as if from Middle-Earth. The black-brownish wasteland reminded me of the burning of rice paddies in Taiwan to revitalize the soil: for the green and splendid life of next year, the phoenix must burn itself to ashes. With every step, I heard the delicate cracking sounds of charcoaled grass breaking, intense yet crisp. After the consuming flame, this gentle prairie had turned into some unfamiliar material, waiting for its revival in spring.


Sound Geography I


Sound Geography I

Into the Dark 在黑暗裡 54

Sound Geography I

山腳下 Hillside 庫本さん七十多歲了,是一位退休的科學家,現在在短期大學兼幾堂課之外,時不時也會開 著奶油色的車來藝術村和大家打打招呼,因為他生平致力研究的植被和生態就在我們後方山 上的這塊寶地「秋吉台國定公園」,所以這一帶他再熟悉不過了,山上還有一個專門為在地 特殊環境所成立的自然博物館,也就是他以前服務的單位;這天下午來訊息說他要去以前研 究馬面蝙蝠生態的無名洞窟要不要一塊去,當然欣喜地答應了,開了好一段路來到無盡的稻 田旁停好車,那裡有一片森林,我們穿著雨鞋就開始往叢林裡鑽,周圍樹上的雪都已凍成冰 柱,進入森林後不久在一片岩壁下垂著幾根手臂粗的藤蔓一掀開,下方出現一個漆黑的洞 口,庫本さん身手矯健地拉著藤蔓就進到洞裡去了;隨著土坡和碎石越來越深入,漸漸就看 不見洞口的太陽只剩手上微弱的燈光,在無止盡的黑暗裡我們姑且就安靜地觀察著蝙蝠豐富 的生態族群和習性,還有透過岩縫可以看到不遠處有一座廣袤且深沈的地下水湖泊,透過手 電筒的燈光照射,從湖水裡透出美麗清澈的藍綠色,並將波光倒映在岩壁上;在完整的黑暗 裡除了感到不安,這樣的寂靜狀態反而越顯喧鬧。 Kuramoto-san is over seventy years old, a retired scientist. Now he is an adjunct lecturer at a junior college, and would drive to greet people in the art village in his cream-colored car every now and then. Because he was devoted all his lifetime in the research of vegetation and ecology of “Akiyoshidai National Park”—the land of treasure right in the mountains behind us—no one could be more familiar with this area than he was. He used to work in the museum of nature up there, which was dedicated to this special local environment. This afternoon he sent words that he would go to an unknown cave where he used to study the ecology of epauletted fruit bats. Would I like to go with him? I of course said yes exultedly. We drove for a long time before coming face to face with endless rice paddies and parked the car. We walked into a forest after putting on our rain boots, passing through trees with icicles hanging down the branches. Soon after entering the forest, we found some rattans as big as our arms climbing down a rock cliff. Pulling the rattans aside, the dark entrance of a cave was revealed. Swiftly we held the rattans for support and got into the cave. Following earth slopes and rubbles we went further and further inside; the sunlight at the mouth of the cave dimmed gradually, and soon the only light source was the torch at our hand. In the boundless darkness we quietly observed the ecological variety of bat herds and habits. Through rock cracks a glimpse of a vast and deep subterranean lake could be seen, not far away from us. Beautiful and clear bluish green was reflected as we pointed our torch at the lake water; sparkling waves were projected upon the rock cliff. Surrounded by complete darkness, I felt somewhat uneasy. Such quietude as this seemed even noisier in another sense.


Sound Geography I


Sound Geography I


Sound Geography I

/ 駐村結束前的最後幾天時光,剛好趕上了本島南端的櫻花滿開但來不及見吹 雪 , 這一段未完的、神奇美好的生命經歷,留待下次;感謝你們,湯口、森下、 大谷、塩田、藤澤、福原、幅谷、德永 、庫本、吉村,還有花菜、亮和麻美 以及其他球友們,どうもありがとうございました! / The last few days before my residence at the village ended, I was lucky enough to see the cherry blossoms at the southern end of the main island in full bloom, but I left before witnessing the fallen petals like spectacular snow. The unfinished part of this magical life journey I would have to postpone till next time. Thank you all, Yuguchisan, Morishita-san, Otani-san, Shiota-san, Fujusawa-san, Fukuhara-san, Habaya-san, Tokunaga-san, Kuramoto-san, Yoshimura-san. As well as Kana-san, Ryo-san and Mamisan, and other volleyball friends, thank you so much !


Sound Geography I


聲音地誌 I 山口 Sound Geography I Yamaguchi 本書為「2016 台北雙年展」當下檔案 未來系譜:雙年展新語之展出作品,展覽於 2016 年 9 月 10 日至 2017 年 2 月 5 日於臺北市立美術館展出。 This brochure is published on the occasion of the exhibition Taipei Biennial 2016 Gestures and archives of the present, genealogies of the future : A new

lexicon for the biennial from 10 September, 2016 to 5 February, 2017 at Taipei Fine Arts Museum.

作者 / 編輯 / 設計 / 影像 / 文字 / 繪畫 : 劉致宏 翻譯:林郁庭 出版日期 2016 年 09 月 版權所有,翻印必究 Author / Editor / Graphic Design / Image / Literary / Drawing : Chih-hung LIU Translator : Yu-ting LIN C

September 2016 Chih-hung Liu . All rights reserved.

特別感謝 Special Thanks

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