HappyЋࠑᓬঌ˭ Lantern Festival 230
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៌ Հ ԑ ߔ ࢌ ࣀ ଢ଼ ᓍ ད ᴀฅ㿬㗙 ⍋⠭Ꮦᬓᓇˈϔᑻ᳝㨫ᇀᬲᓇⱘᕜ⧒ҷ ⱘᓎ㆝ˈ⚎㥋㰁㧃ҎটҎᝊ⼱Ёᮄᑈ Џ᳗จⱘˈ⊩خᏆ㍧䘆ܹњकϝןᑈ丁ˈ 㗠㥋㰁ᝊ⼱Ёᮄᑈⱘ⌏ࢩˈϪ⬠ഄϔ ῷˈᴀϞ᳝䍞՚䍞㋙☿ⱘ䍼ࢶDŽकϝᑈ њˈ᳝ѯ⫮咐ᬊ⥆˛᳝ѯ⫮咐ᛳফ˛জ᳝ѯ ⫮咐ؐᕫῑⱘഄᮍ˛ 䗭ןᰖҷˈキܜⶹܜ㾎ⱘ㾦ᑺˈⱐߎ ⱘؐۍ䀩߸ˈᏆ㍧ᰃकߚᛮ㷶ⱘџᚙDŽᖂֵ Ϟⱘᖗ䴜䲲⑃ˈ៥䛑ϡⳟˈℸˈ㞾Ꮕг 䰆ℶ៤⚎ϔ⚂ן㻑ᖗ䴜䲲⑃ⱘҎˈԚॏ୰ℵ 䗭ῷⱘ乼Ḑ˖⫼⤼⡍ⱘ㾦ᑺ㾔ᆳˈ⫼џᆺ䁾 䁅ˈϡ㨫ϔᄫˈⲵᕫ乼⌕DŽ গࡴ䖢⌏ࢩˈ៥キ⍋⠭ᏖᬓᓇѠῧ 䗭ןഄᮍˈ⚎㿬㗙䍋⺐г᳝कњDŽ㿬 㗙˛ˈҞᏆ㍧䲷ҹᢉ䙷⌏䑡ⱘ㞾ၦ 储ˈץ੨౧ϔ㙆ˈ⧒จ✻⠛ህ䗮䘢ᖂֵ⫮咐 ⱘˈⱐߎএњˈ䰘Ϟᑒᔉ㙹⯺ˈ㗕 ᇥⱘ㞝üü⭊✊ˈϔѯཇҎϡᖬ௳௳ఈ㺱Ⴝ 䊷㧠ˈ㗠Ϩⱐߎⱘ✻⠛ᖙ䷜㕢೪ׂׂˈᠡ㛑 ⾔⾔ˈᠡᇡᕫ䍋Ā㕢ཇā䗭ןᰖҷ⌕㸠ⱘ々 üü㥋㰁⍋⠭䖢⌏ࢩⱘ佪ⱐ⃞ህ᳝њDŽ ⚎᳝䘢ϡⷁⱘ㿬㗙㍧⅋ⱘ៥ˈ↣ᑈ䛑 ᇟᡒϡৠ⌏ࢩⱘ҂咲ˈチ乃ᕫ㟛ὁ们㞾ၦ 储ⱘϡৠDŽ⭊៥г䁾њ䗭ןᛣᗱˈ᳝Ҏଣ
៥ˈҞᑈ᳝⫮咐҂咲˛៥ᗱ㗗њϔϟ䁾ˈ⭊ ✊᳝ʽ ҂咲Пϔˈ㕞ᑈⱘ㆔ˈ㥋㰁ⱘ佪Ⳍⱐߎ њ䊔ֵˈ㗠㥋㰁⥟ᅸг䗕՚њ⼱⽣ˈ䗭ᰃ佪 ʽ 佪Ⳍⱘ䊔ֵᰃ䗭ῷⱘ˖ ࠄ㥋㰁㕞㾦ᴥ䘞㾑ⱘЁ䘞ᅶⳟࠄ䙷㺵 ⱘЁ᭛ᣛ䏃⠠ϔᅮ᳗ᛳࠄḐ倮୰DŽџᚙ䲪 ᇣˈԚ㛑䁾ᯢᕜଣ丠ˈ㥋Ёܽ⇥ⴒᇡᕐ ℸⱘⶁ㾷䍞՚䍞⏅ˈϨϡڙ䰤ᮐ㍧△䷬ඳDŽ ܽҎ⇥ᇟ∖ⳌѦѸ⌕㟛㿌ˈᇡᕐℸ ⱘ᭛࣪ǃ㖦֫㟜䍷⏅८ˈ᳝䮰՟䄝ϡࢱᵮ 㟝DŽ ᑈ䰓ྚᮃ⡍Ѝހᆂम⠽仼㟝㸠ⱘĀ㍆ ㍶П䏃āሩ㾑ᓩњ 㨀㥋㰁⇥ⴒগ㾔ˈ 䍞՚䍞ⱘ㥋㰁ᅌ᷵ᇛЁ᭛߫⚎⬶ὁ㗗䀺⾥ Ⳃˈ䍞՚䍞ⱘ㥋㰁䴦ᑈ➅㹋ᅌ㖦Ё᭛DŽ㟛 ℸৠᰖˈࠄ㥋㰁՚ⱘЁ䘞ᅶǃЁ⬭ᅌ⫳ ⷨおҎવᭌ䞣г᮹Ⲟ䭋DŽ ᑈ ᳜ˈ㖦 䖥ᑇЏᐁةҎᕁ呫ၯཇᇡ㥋㰁䘆㸠џ 㿾ଣˈᇛ㥋Ё䮰֖Ϟњᮄⱘ催ᑺDŽ ៥कߚ催㟜ⳟࠄᮙ㥋㧃Ҏ⼒೬ᇛᮐҞᑈ ᳜ ᮹ݡৠ㥋㰁Ҏ⇥݅ৠℵᑺЁ䖆⅋ᮄ ᑈˈ䗭ᇛ⚎䲭ᮍП䭧ⱘ㵡⌑䮰֖⊼ܹᮄⱘ⌏ ˈϺ៤⚎㧃Ҏ⼒೬ֱᣕ㞾䑿᭛࣪⡍ᗻⱘ ৠᰖ៤ࡳ㵡ܹ㥋㰁⼒᳗ⱘ՟䄝DŽ ᳜ ᮹៥ץᇛ䖢՚Ё㕞ᑈᮄDŽ㕞ᙄ དгᰃ៥ᴀҎⱘቀⳌDŽЁ᭛࣪Ёˈ㕞ᰃ
ܙⓓ㨫⌏ǃᑇটDŽ䗭ϡڙᰃϔן㕢ད ⱘᦣ䗄ˈгᰃϔ。∌ᘚⱘՓੑˈᰃ䗭ϔᑈ ܙⓓᏠᳯⱘ䭟ッDŽ៥䄍׳ℸ″᳗⼱ᆊᮄ ᖿῖʽ ᭛ゴᕲᇣ㰩㨑ˈ᭛乼㽾ߛটˈϡᰃ ϔԡቀ㕞ⱘDŽ ˈ㆔⌏ࢩ⭊ˈ㞼ᰖᅝᥦњϔ ԡ㗕㗙Ϟৄⱐ㿔ˈ䗭ԡᰃ᳒㍧ߎӏ㥋㰁䉵ᬓ 䚼ࢭ⾬˄Ⳍ⭊ᮐࡃ䚼䭋˅ⱘ6WHYHQ YDQ (LMFNˈ⫳ܜҪᅷ䅔њ⥟ᅸ⾬㰩ⱘ՚ֵˈৃ ҹ䁾㥋㰁⥟ᅸⱘҷ㸼њDŽ䗭гᰃ㥋㰁䖢⌏ ࢩⱘ佪DŽ ⥟ ᅸ ⾬ 㰩 ՚ ֵ ᪄ 〓 Ҏ ᰃ ⾬ 䭋 ( ) 9HUZDDOˈЁ᭛ৡᄫᰃ∾ϔˈ՚ֵܼ᭛བ ϟ˖ ᇞᭀⱘᔉܝڙˈ⫳ܜℸᴀҎ㥋㰁⥟ᱼ ⥟ৢ⾬䭋ҹ㥋㰁⥟⥟ⱘৡ㕽ˈ⚎ᙼ㟛 㚵ᖫ⫳ܜܝᮐᴀᑈѠ᳜Ѡ᮹ᆘ՚ⱘֵˈ݊Ё ҟ㌍䊈᳗ᮐЁ㆔ᳳ䭧⚎䖢㕞ᑈ⑪٭䭟 ሩⱘ⌏ࢩˈ㸼⼎㹋ᖗᛳ䃱ʽ ⥟ܽԡ⫳ܜঞ᠔᳝㥋㰁⫳⌏ⱘܼ储 㧃Ҏ㟈ҹ䁴ᩃⱘᮄ⼱⽣ˈ⼱㥋㰁ⱘ㧃Ҏ㕞 ᑈᑌ⽣ᅝᒋʽ丬䗭ⱘ㆔ᝊ⼱⌏ࢩ⥆ᕫ೧ ⓓ៤ࡳˈՓ݊៤⚎ϔҸҎ䲷ᖬⱘǃ⦡䊈ⱘ ᝊ⼱㘮᳗ʽ ϟ䔝 ䷕
ཱིᆸ!! !
䊲ጯ+VNCP䭟ຣㆶᥣ䈩ࣵܧ᠈ 䭬➦ͦࢇ➖乕⺮䕷ᩉ፣㜗᷿ 'BDFCPPLౕ㢤Ҭ⩕⢴̸䭺 䂝ᰰᝃᄴᯘ᭯ᥙ䰏#JOOFOIPG సუࢇ➖乕㜶㵹߰᱄҉৮ᆂ
୦!! !
㢤㭚ϧઑ䙿ڙथଶธќᢹ㝢ϧ */(㜗㋀┌࢞ᾌᒹ仃ᏓĄܳ㈲ą ጒ҉᩵⢴๗ጛ喑/4㷘㒝 㥙 㢤㜗ࠂ伂伈ࢎ䏷䪸ڙ䌜⍙㾓
ᐝଉ Brugnieuws P27
Ꭱ ᰵ ᬒ す
៌୲ΙМᚖ໊ൢ ࠒİŌōŎሬੲᓍᐠᜒᎧ ีҀ։ਢᆩኄ֙ ៌ŔŤũŪűũŰŭᐠൟႫυސ
͚స㖋 ⧝⤰᭯൞ ♎㋘㶈ᭌझ
⊤➆͚ὸᰰࠆ͚ᓰ %SBHPOT #VTJOFTT $MVC 㢤㭚͚᪴᪆㗟ࢁᰰ 㢤㭚⮴უ丟丌ẚࢁᰰ,)/ 㢤㤜㍪ᰰ ◼➦߿ᩜ͚᪴Ⴅᵎ 㢤㭚͚స㌯ੳᰰ
ᴒ㾏Ⱑ㌇ 1IPOF 䰨䘢 &NBJM ᄼᐐॷ ㋟䴮 8FCTJUF ࢠ᭯㖋 䓓ڙ᭯䫀 0GGJDF IPVST ᭌ̭ ᭌι㜠ρ ㌕䑜䘕ౝ౭ "ESFT 䞭㵹"#/ ".30
㢤㭚྿倁㽅㔲Ⱪ͚⮱͚సᎡ ຠ㽅㔲䬉∕㒷Ꭱ⮱⩌㗟䵹 㢤㭚྿倁ᄺ͚స䵹䊷ҳ䊷ᙌ㜵 䋐喑䖖䕏͚సᎡݝҳ喑྿倁䘪䬉∕Ϸ Ꭱ͚సϧᔻὐ䕻Ꭱ喑ᓋࡄϙ⮱᭒ᮇݝ ̷⊤⮱ᄧᐌ喑䘪⪆̸γ㢤㭚྿倁㽅㔲⮱ 䋠䌎ᝃ㔲䤎䵚喑㔹㢤㭚ऱ๔྿倁喑Ό䘪 ᰶ䬉͚సᎡ⮱᪴」Ƞ⚔❴喑㋟〆̷ ᧚⮩γ㻃䵨ȡ ᄺ㢤㭚᱙ౌ㤜ϧᚣ⺊͚సᎡ⮱≨ ࠂ喑㢤㭚྿倁Ό̺◧久߈ౝ൞䖀ȡ ᄺ͚స㒷Ꭱ͚⮱㒷喑⾣「᭜(FJU 䖱᭜4DIBBQ喑Όᑂ䊤㢤㭚ϧ㼻䀃ȡ ̺䕻喑㢤㭚/04⮱份㤜㽅㔲 .BSJFLF EF 7SJFTݴ䖥᧴γ⢕➦⮱㻿 Ꮣ喑⮱̭ヴȨ3VTU CJK WFSMPTLVOEJHF EPPS +BBS WBO IFU 4DIBBQȩ喑➦ݒᣏ 㼻͚సϧ㒷Ꭱᄾ⩌႖ၽ⮱㾞䵹ȡ ᪴」ᄘ䖀喑᭜ᆞ㒷䖱᭜㋬㒷喑䘪̺ 䛺㺮喑ౕ͚సϧ䔤Ԏ⮱㻭ᔢ͚喑ౕ⩌ܧ 㒷Ꭱপ̺ສȡ㽞็ϧⰥԎ喑㒷Ꭱ⩌⮱႖ ၽᕔᵩᜓᑞ喑ᰡज㘪᭜䔪䯕㔲喑㔹̺᭜ 䵅ᄻ㔲喑⩌≨̺ᰰᒵᎥ⺼ȡą ᪴」ᄘ 䖀喑ĄВ㿗喑ϷᎡ⮱⩌ܧ႖ၽᒵज㘪 ᰰᄾ̭ψȡą ◧ₑᣎ㽗γࡄϙহⲓუ䛘䮏⮱̭ ऺྒྷ⩏䛘⩌⢸ᚔ䱋ȡ⢸䛘⩌ॷ㽡 㿗喟ĄࣨᎡ᭜仙Ꭱ喑Ծ䕆㸎ϧ◧ ᗐ喑ԸᰵᎠᰶ ݝԸᄣᄣܧ
⩌喑㔹⤫ౕ ݝԸ喑̸Ըᰵᰶ ສᎫ๖䘪⾧㦄↿ᢿȡą ᄺ͚సᩬᏉҳ㿗喑ज㘪᭜̺ສ⮱ ⊵ᖜȡࣨᎡ喑͚స◧Ӱ䕟ϧऐ䪤㶎 ⮩ᆂ⮱⢕ι㗻ᩬゃࠂᄓᒹ喑こ व᷊У⮱㗟咎❣ࣺᛶѩͻ͓̺⽺Ảȡ ᩬᏉ⮱ᩬゃΌ᭜ᰶ᷊У⮱喑͓䲋ᰶ⮱ ๘ྒྷ䘪जВ⩌すι㗻喑ह᭯ᩬᏉΌߍᑤ ῏ᴒহノ⤳喑࠲᠙㺮Ⅿ⩌㗟ι㗻⮱๘ྒྷ 䴽⮨ٵ㽅ȡ̺䕻喑ࢠҬ䕆ὐ喑ౕࡄϙহ ̷⊤䕆ὐ⮱ጯ喑गᰶ๔㈱ ⮱㗟咎๘ ྒྷᄺ⩌ι㗻ᙌ㜵䋐ȡ .BSJFLF EF 7SJFTϸ㉦㿗喑͚స ጯϧऐ⮱㗟⩌ٿၽ㻭ᔢౕ䕻ࣨ⮱䕆ψᎡ ҳ⮩⩌γᒵ๔䂷ࡃ喑◧ₑᣎ㽗γϧऐ Ⴅუ劙᪆ᢵȡ᪆ᢵᠴܧ喟Ą⤫ౕ㮂 ⩌㗟⮱ᒵ็๘ྒྷ㜗ጞ᭜⢕⩌ၽຠ喑 ЃԾ㻧ᓄ̭Ը႖ၽᅞํγ喑ЃԾ⮱⩌≨ ᐼ℁䐰⤫А喑̺䶅ᘼᰶԸ็ၽຠუ Ꮪȡą ͚సጯ㸎⮱Ꭱ䑂๘ྒྷ喑Ⱋݺₐౕ ◧θẚহѼᝬ㔹ߗ߈ጒ҉喑◧Ѽᝬ⮱ 䪸ᩜ倅喑䂭ᰥ⮱䇨⩕䇡喑丷̭Ը႖ၽጟ ㋀ํ䓈㠓⮱γ喑ЃԾᄔज䯳͚丷㗟̭Ը ႖ၽ喑 ㊓Ѓ㞜ສ⮱᪆㗟喑㔹ສ䕻丷ږԸ喑 ږԸ႖ၽᓄ⮱ݝ䘪ᰰᄾ̭ψȡ劙᪆ᢵ
ᄺₑ㶕ᨁᚯ喑ѳ᭜ⰥԎᬒᒹᰰສ䑶喑 ◧Ⱋ⮱ݺᩬゃ̺ᰰᩦ䂷喑Ꭱ䑂๘ྒྷΌ ̺䰭㺮仙̷⮨㽅ȡ ͚సₐₒڒ㔮咎ࡃ⮱ᰰ喑ѝ㼵 Ꭱ͚ڕసᰶ ᭜ В̷⮱㔮 ϧ喑㔹 Ꭱ⮱̭ЪᩬᏉ൞ॷ㿗喑ݝ᱙ ̓㈭᱘喑͚సϧऐᓲ䴵䖁ر ݝ喑䕆ᘼ ঠ㦄喑㍪হ⩌㗟⢴᪥ႄᓲ䴵ᓋⰛ ⮱ݺ ̷ࡴݝ䊤ⷩ ȡ 䰃♣็⩌႖ၽ̺㘪Ⴙڕ㼐↧䵹喑 ѳᰰᰶ̭Ⴧ᎘ߖ喑ࡄϙྒྷ⩏䛘⩌⢸ᚔ 䱋ጟ҉ܧỉὐ喑⤫ౕₐᜤ㦄すι㗻喑 㔹́႖ၽ䖱ᰰౕ㒷Ꭱ⩌ܧȡ⢸䛘⩌ᒵᘠ ᓄ䪸喟Ąᄺݒϧҳ㿗̺शݖ喑ᄺࣺ㔹 ᭜श⮱ݖ喑㒷Ꭱ⮱ᄣᄣᄾ喑Вᒹ႖ၽ̷ Ⴅᅞẚ〣❚Όᰰᄼ̭ψȡą
㢤㭚ڙथృក䕟͚సጯൡ Ą㢤㭚৮❹ą◧⩏৮䈗䛼হႶ⮱ڕԊ䁶
de Bijenkorf
Wag ens tra at
;IV喎ȡ ͚స䕻ࣨ᪥Ꭱ㷘丌৮Ⴖڕ䵹ఝ ᨫ喑丌৮䛉㖋ᣒι䕐̶⤫ܧ喑̶㖇⅝㘧 ຣㆶθУ㜠Ϸ䮝ᒞ᱗᪐喑ᄻ㜡㤜ϧౕ࠲ ᠙㢤㭚ౕ⮱ڔ㺬సუ๔䛼ᥣ䈩ຣㆶȡ ̺䕻喑䕆ह᭯Ό倅γ㢤㭚৮❹⮱ Ԏ䂪喑㢤㭚⩏৮जВ⩕ݖ䕆Ըᾌᰰȡ䮑 γ㢤㭚ຣ㸪৮喑ΌᰶڣЃ㢤㭚丌৮ऄݝ ͚స⊵䇨㔲⮱⛞ᢔȡ
ᱞ⑁䟅㿗喑̭ψ͚సϧ⤫ౕ㾺◧ౕ ᱙ౌ⩌⩏⮱丌৮̺Ⴖڕ喑ᄔजݝసใ䈩 䇤喑仃䖥ౝ吋᭜㒻సȠВ㞟݄হ㢤㭚ȡ 㽚⿸⮱㢤㭚͚ᓰ᭜㢤㭚䓟➔⩏৮䕟 ͚ڒసጯൡ⮱䌠Წ喑䕆ψВ㢤㭚◧৮❹ ⮱⩏৮喑⊵䇨㔲जВᒵღᭀౝ῏ᴒⱌڣ ֪喑⩕ᮧ㘪ᾌᢰ̭ᢰ̷䲏⮱23ⷩ喑 ⩏৮⮱ᰶ䇴᫆ᅞܧҳγ喑㔹⩏৮῏ᴒ ⮱൞ॷΌᰰౕ㋟̷ڙѵȡ
Ƽ㥋㰁 Ƽ↨߽ᰖ Ƽᖋ ƼⲻỂ
㢤㭚䇎㋀ᬒ൞হ℁ݖ᭯㢤㿋 㖋㋟〆7.5൞䖀喑 უ㢤㭚ڙथ◧ ក䕟͚సጯൡ喑㜴͚సڙथᩉ喑 ВĄ)PMMBOEą◧৮❹喑҉◧⩏৮䈗䛼 হႶ⮱ڕԊ䁶ȡ ͚㢤䰆ౕ͚స̷⊤㽚⿸γĄ㢤 㭚͚ᓰą喑➪䵚⮱᭜㢤㭚丌৮㖜Ⰼͨ ፚ"BMU %JKLIVJ[FOহ͚స⛆ज丌৮䯳 喍$)*$喎⮱㍪㷮ᱞ⑁䟅喍&EXBSE
Ƽ⨲ Ƽᛣ߽
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Ґİ ൣ İ Ҩ İ݃ ㍧ᴀฅ䴶䀅ৃˈӏᛣ䔝䓝ᴀฅܻᆍˈ ฅ⼒ᇛ䗑お⊩ᕟ䊀ӏDŽ
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ҹϟᰃĀℸ㟈ᭀ⾂āǃ∾ϔⱘ㕆ৡǃᅬ 㙋ঞⱐֵⱘᑈ᳜᮹DŽ㥋᭛㡆ᔽⱘЁ᭛ЁˈᏆ ㍧ⳟࠄৠῷгቀ㕞ⱘ㥋㰁⥟ᇡ㥋㰁㧃Ҏⱘ㽾 টདDŽ ৃϡˈ䗭ϡᰃ҂咲˛ৠቀ㕞ⱘ㥋㰁ܽԡ 䞡㽕Ҏ⠽ˈ䛑㕞ᑈҹϡৠⱘᮍᓣ㸼䘨њᇡЁ ᮄˈᇡ㥋㰁㧃Ҏⱘ⼱䊔DŽϡЙˈ佪Ⳍᇛ ᆺ䏤Ҫⱘ䃒㿔ˈݡএЁϔˈ ᳜ᑩѠᑺ㿾 㧃њDŽ⚎㥋㰁ⱘ㧃Ҏˈᕲⱒᑈࠡ㥋㰁㫀丁 ∵䴶ഄⱏ䱌ˈᭌकᑈࠡ⸈ᐑ䙂丣ഄ㥋㰁䊋㢅 ⫳㊪ˈࠄҞˈᒁᒷⴒПϟܝ冂ഄফϔ П৯ⱘ⼱⽣ˈ݊ᛣ㕽䴲ৠᇟᐌଞʽ ֗៤䗭џⱘᔉܝ⫳ܜ㚵ᖫˈ⫳ܜܝг ؐᕫ咲䋞DŽ ҂咲ПѠˈᰃ䰓ྚᮃ⡍ЍҞᑈ佪 '$0ᒷจ㟝㸠✭㢅㸼ⓨˈ䗭гᰃ佪ଞDŽ ᕜ㥋㰁ၦ储ˈฅ䘧㥋㰁Ёᮄᑈᝊ⼱ ⌏ࢩⱘᰖˈ䛑≦᳝ⓣᥝ䗭ṱᮄ㘲ˈ⫮㟇џࠡ Ꮖ㍧ⱐߎњ䷤ਞˈϺϨ᳝ၦ储њᇡㄪࡗ䗭ן ⌏ࢩⱘ㌘㐨㗙ⱘ㿾DŽ ᰮϞ ᰖ ߚˈ䱼㨫Ꮌൟ䶁⚂➗䷓ˈ'$0 ᒷจ㨫ৡⱘ.UDVQDSROVN\ῧ䷖г➗ᬒњѨᔽ㑑 ㋯ⱘ✭㢅ˈഄ䴶啡⤙䍋㟲DŽ ៥㙃ᛇࠄञ᳜ࠡϔѯ㥋㰁ၦ储ⱘฅ䘧ˈ ᳝䁾㧃Ҏ៤⚎䰓ྚᮃ⡍Ѝⱘ㍧△ⱘࢩⱘ ˄&KLQH]HQ ]LMQ PRWRU YDQ $PVWHUGDPVH HFRQRPLHˈ0HWURˈ ᳜ ᮹˅ˈ᳝䁾䰓ྚ ᮃ⡍ЍᏆ㍧៤⚎Ё䘞ᅶଚҎⱘ⺕䨉ⱘ ˄$PVWHUGDP ZHUNW DOV HHQ PDJQHHW YRRU &KLQH]HQˈ3DURRO ˈ ᳜ ᮹˅DŽ៥ᇡĀࢩ 䁾ā⡍߹ᛳ㟜䍷ˈ䷜ⶹˈ㧃ҎӕὁᆊˈⳂࠡЏ 㽕䙘ᰃᕲџ令仆ᮙὁˈ۬ㅵ䰓ྚᮃ⡍ЍⱘЁᇣ ᮙ仼䁾 Ꮖ㍧㹿㧃ҎԨ䷬ˈሙ✊ϔן᳝ 催ᑺ⾥ᡔ㍧△ⱘᆊ佪䛑ˈ㹿䅑⚎㍧△ⱘࢩ ˈ䗭ㇵⳈ᳝咲ϡৃᗱ䅄DŽϡ䘢ˈ㌄䅔Пϟˈ г᳝ᑒߚ⧚ˈĀ䰓ྚᮃ⡍Ѝ㍧△ⱘⱐࢩ″ˈ ⚎佪䛑両ࡴњᭌ㨀ןህὁ㙋ԡDŽ*DVVHQ䩑 ݀ৌ'DPⱘߚᑫˈ ⱘ➳ὁ両՚㞾㧃Ҏ䘞 ᅶDŽ㥋㰁➳䋁จ+ROODQG &DVLQRЁˈ㧃Ҏ䋁 ᅶⱘᭌᄫᣕ㑠ࡴDŽā㨫ˈ᭛ゴ䁇㌄ഄߚᵤ њ㥋㰁㧃Ҏঞ՚㞾Ёⱘ㧃Ҏ䘞ᅶ䭋ⱘᚙ ⊕DŽ ⍋⠭ˈ呓⡍Ѝˈ䛑᳝⡍߹䮰⊼Ё ㍧△㧃Ҏ㍧➳㗙ⱘᚙ⊕DŽ⍋⠭ഄऔᕜ 㞾䈾ˈ䁾ᰃĀ&KLQD SRPSW PHHVWH JHOG LQ GH HFRQRPLH YDQ GH UHJLR 'HQ +DDJ LQYHVWHULQJVSURMHFWHQāˈϞ᳜ᑩ⭊ഄၦ储 ฅ䘧њDŽ㨫ˈ⍋⠭᮹ฅ䙘㿾њ⭊ഄ㍧➳ ᮙὁⱘ㥋㰁Ё㐑ଚ᳗᳗䭋ᔉހᯁˈ䂟Ҫ䂛 䂛ᄬଣ丠ˈᔉހᯁгⳈ㿔ϡ䃅ˈ䂛њ㢹ᑆଣ 丠DŽ
ᕇᙒᄃФᇿ ៌ Հ ԑ ߔ ࢌ ࣀ ଢ଼ ᓍ ད ϔᮍ䴶⬅ᬓ㽕⥛೬ᐊ䱞丏丏ࠡᕔЁ㿾 ଣˈϔᮍ䴶⭊ഄ㟈ᓩ㧃ҎˈՓП៤⚎ ⱘ㍧△䞣DŽ㐑㗠㿔Пˈ㥋㰁㍧△䍞՚䍞 䞡㧃ҎЁ㍧△ˈ䗭ᰃϡ㿔㗠ஏⱘDŽ ҂咲Пϝˈ㥋㰁ᝊ⼱Ё㆔ⱘ⌏ࢩˈϔ 㠀㗠㿔ˈจ䴶䍞՚䍞ᒷ䮞ˈᔶᓣ䍞՚䍞催 ϞDŽ ᝊ⼱⌏ࢩˈ⧒Ꮖ㍧⊶ঞ㥋㰁ഄˈ᳝ 㧃Ҏⱘഄᮍˈ㽕䁾ᝊ⼱Ёᮄᑈˈ䙔䂟㥋㰁᳟ টগࡴˈ䛑ᑻ⛵㰯ᐁˈ➅僻䴲ᐌˈ᳝ⱘഄᮍ䙘 ᓩњഄᮍၦ储ⱘฅ䘧㿾ˈҹ᭛࣪ⱘᔶᓣˈ ഄڇ᪁њЁⱘ䒳ᆺDŽ 䭋䁅ⷁ䁾ˈ1RRUG %UDEDQWⱘᝊ⼱Ё ㆔⌏ࢩˈ㽣䍞՚䍞ˈᔶᓣ䍞՚䍞⌏┥DŽ 䁆ⳕ㟛Ё∳㯛ⳕᰃটདⳕӑˈ⭊ഄг᳝∳㯛 ⳕⱘ㍧△䕺џ″ᾟDŽᭌᑈࠡˈ䁆ⳕ䭟ྟ↣ᑈ䛑 ㆔㟝䕺⌏ࢩˈⳕ䭋Ё侤㥋Փߎᐁˈ Փ仼г⌒ߎ催ッ㮱㸧೬储ˈ⭊ഄ㧃Ҏϔ䍋 ⓨߎЁੇ▗䚕ⱘ᭛㮱㆔ⳂDŽ Ҟᑈˈഄ咲'HQ %RVFKˈ⭊ഄ⡍߹ᅝᥦ њϔ➗ןᬒ✄☿ⱘ㆔ⳂDŽ⭊ϟजˈ⭊Ёफ Ҁ䞥䱉啡ῖ೬ⱘ㍆ネⓨ༣њ᳔ᕠϔ䷇ןヺˈ᪁ ᬒњϔן䭋䘨 ߚ䧬ⱘ䮰ᮐЁ㆔ⱘᔶ䈵 ᅷڇ⠛Пᕠˈ䊧Џ೬೬ೡതˈѿ⫼њЁᓣᰮ ᆈDŽПᕠˈᰮϞ ᰖᎺেˈ䊧⇥ⴒϔ㸠䣺 㸷㸠ˈ՚ࠄ᠊݀೦ˈ䷧ᰖぎЁѨᔽ㑑㋯ˈ ϔ⠛ᯢ㡋ˈ✄☿⾔䙘Ԉ䱼㨫䷇ῖ䨇ᇘ▔ܝ ➜ˈⓨ㑍㨫⧒ҷ⾥ᡔⱘᅠ㕢ˈ乃ߎ㍧䘢㊒ᖗᅝ ᥦˈᕜ᳝୰ῖᛳDŽจϞग㥋㰁⇥ⴒˈϡᰖⱐ ߎ䰷䰷ୱᔽ㙆DŽ 䮰ᮐ✄☿⾔䗭ϔ↉ˈഄᮍၦ储џࠡгњ ฅ䘧ˈ䁾㸼ⓨ䙘ⳳ᳝ϔᅮ䲷ᑺDŽ Ԛ丬㢅ᐌ䭟ˈᐌˈ∌∌䘴䘴ˈϪϪҷ ҷDŽ
དњˈⴐ⧗㟦㎽ϔϟˈ⧒ࠄњῑⱘ㆔ Ⳃ⪄㆔њDŽ ા㺵᳝⠁䅄ˈા㺵ህ᳝ῑ˗ા㺵᳝ ῑˈા㺵ህ᳝➅ᑺ˗ા㺵᳝➅ᑺˈા㺵ህ᳝ೡ 㾔DŽ᳝Ҏ䁾ˈℷᰃϡᅠ㕢ᠡᣃᬥњᰮDŽ 䗭ᰃ㎆Ϟ⌕↉ⱘڇᄤˈߎ㞾Ё䴦㎆ⱘϔԡ 䀩䂪વˈϔןདⲚট䔝㌺៥ⱘˈг⚎៥ῑ 㥋㰁ᴀሚ䖢⌏ࢩⱘ䖃㾷DŽ 㽕ⱘᕜˈ㙆ᯢϔϟˈ≦᳝䞱ᇡӏԩⱘ ןҎᛣᗱˈᰃത㨫ᆿᄫⱘϡⶹキ㨫ђ⌏ⱘ㝄 ⮐DŽԩ⊕ˈЁᖗ᳗จⱘ㆔Ⳃгᰃ㊒ᔽⱒߎˈؐ ᕫ咲䋞DŽ ↨བ䁾ˈ呓⡍Ѝ⅋՚ᏖЁᖗ݀೦Ё᳝ ൟ䖢⌏ࢩˈԚᰃҞᑈൟ⌏ࢩপ⍜ˈা᳝ϔ 丁⤙ᄤЁ༂☿䒞キᄸ⤼ഄ㟲њϔ䰷ˈ✊ᕠ䘆 ܹ࡛จˈ䙷㺵᳝ϔן㙃ℵ⌏ࢩDŽ៥ᇡ㑐㑠㌘ 㐨Џᣕ䗭ⱘࢩ⌏ןҎ㸼⼎ᭀᛣˈᇡᬒẘ㟝䕺 ൟ⌏ࢩⱘҎ㸼⼎⧚㾷ˈ⬶コ䗭ᰃ㢅䣶ⱘџ ᚙˈԚᰃˈབᵰ㕸ㄪ㕸ˈϡᰃ≦᳝㾷䥪ⱘ䩄 ࣭DŽ জ↨བ䁾ˈ⍋⠭ⱘ⌏ࢩˈᔽཱ䘞㸠ⱘⓨવ ᮽᮽ㘮䲚Ā䊏āᄫ᮫ϟˈԚᰃˈ䷬ࠄ㋙㡆 㕞↯ೡᏒⱘϔ㕸ྡྡ՚䙆DŽ䲪✊ҞᑈᎵ䘞䏃㎮ њᬍࢩˈこ䍞њᏖЁᖗˈԚᰃˈᎵ䘞ⱘ㽣 ǃ䱞ӡҎᭌˈϡབ䘢ᕔⱘDŽ↨䍋Ⲛটڇ ಲ՚ⱘᛣ߽ǃ㽓⧁⠭⊩ⱘ䖢✻⠛ˈ䁾 ᆺ䁅ˈ㥋㰁ᔅ⟚њʽ ᣥ咲ⱘDŽ ϔᰃҞᑈЁᖗ᳗จⱘ䁅ㄦᏂˈ䗭咐 ⱘ⌏ࢩˈ䲷䘧џࠡ䛑≦᳝དད⁶ᶹϔϟ˛ϡ ⶹᆊ᳝≦᳝⬭ᛣˈ䱇ᯁՓ⍋⠭ҷᏖ䭋ⱘ 䃯䁅ㇵⷁњˈॳৃ㛑ህᰃ䗭䁅ㄦ僻ⱘDŽ⡍߹ ᰃ⍋⠭ҷᏖ䭋.OHLQ䂛ঞЁଚҎ⥟䓱ᬊ䋐⍋ ⠭⧗䱞ⱘϔ↉ˈ䁾ࠄ⥟䓱ᮽᑈ՚㥋㰁ˈ 䱯⊩ᒁ೪仼ⳟˈ䁅ㄦজ⮙њˈ↯⮙ᬍ њⱘᰖˈᏖ䭋Ꮖ㍧䁅丠ϔ䔝ˈञᄤⱘ䁅≦ ᳝ϟএˈህ⼱䊔ᮄᑈᖿῖњˈ㗠䮰ᮐ⍋⠭Ꮦ ᇡ⥟䓱ⱘॄ䈵ˈᇡড়㨀ⲯ䱯ᬊ䋐⍋⠭⧗䱞 ⱘᜟᑺˈᰃㄚ㗙䷫⚎䮰⊼ⱘଞDŽ Ѡᰃཇ㗏䅃г䀅㌃њˈ䅃᭛ϡᅠᭈDŽ䗭さ ߎ㸼⧒᳗จϞৌ⊩䚼⾬㐑䭋3LHWHU &ORR ⱘⱐ㿔ⱘᰖDŽҪⱘⱐ㿔䍋⺐᳝ᑒ咲ᕜᑑ咬ᕜ ㊒ᔽDŽҪ䁾ࠄˈЁҎ䘢㆔ⱘ㖦֫ˈ୰ℵ➗ ᬒ䶁⚂ˈ㟲啡㟲⤙ˈࣙ㨫候䰸ཪ儨儐ᗾⱘ 㕽ˈ䗭ᇡഄ㰩Ёᖗ᳗จᕠ䴶ⱘৌ⊩䚼ᕜ᳝߽ˈ ৌ⊩䚼гᕫⲞњ˗ҪᦤࠄˈࣙᣀҪ㞾Ꮕܻˈ Ҟᑈৌ⊩䚼ᕜҎᅌ㖦Ё⇷ࡳˈ䗭ϡᕫϡ ⅌Ҟᑈ䓗ᮽᰖᴀฅ᠔ᆿⱘ⇷ࡳ䍄䘆ৌ⊩䚼 ϔ᭛Ёᦤঞⱘ⢔⊕ˈℷᰃ䊏⥝ῥٙ⇷ࡳ⬠ ৠҕⱘࡾˈ䅧Ё㧃⇷ࡳ䘡ഄ䭟㢅ˈ䗭ԡ⾬ 䭋ᡞ䗭ןᚙ⊕䁾ߎ՚њ˗Ҫজ䁾ˈ㸠䍄⍋⠭ Ҏ㸫ˈ䏃䙞ⱘϞˈ᳝ĀࠡҎḑᕠҎЬ ⎐āⱘЁḐ㿔֫䁲ˈ乃⼎Ё㧃᭛࣪ڇ㍅⍋ ⱘڇᡓDŽஆDŽ䗭ן㗕ˈⳟᕫ䙘ᤎҨ㌄ⱘDŽ ㄚ㗙ⳟࠄཇ㗏䅃ϡذඟ丁ഄᆿଞᆿⱘˈҹ⚎㛑 ᇛ䗭ѯᛣᗱڇ䘨㌺ϡព㥋䁲ⱘ㙑ⴒˈৃᰃˈ
ཌྷাᰃ䁾њĀᇞᭀⱘ⫮咐⫮咐ˈ⼱ᆊ㕞ᑈঢ় ⼹āПܻⱘ༫䁅ˈᅠܼ≦᳝㌄㆔DŽ ϝᰃၦ储ⱘᅝᥦ㔎У䮰⊼DŽ䗭ןଣ丠ᴀҎ ᦤ䘢ˈ⚎᳝ϔᑈ⫮㟇ⱐ⫳ֱᅝҎવЁ ༂䳏㽪ৄᢡ䣘ⱘڣҎਉᶊⱘᚙ⊕ˈ㗠ᢡ✻ⱘᰖ ˈᕜὁ们ᕅϔ᪕㗠Ϟˈㄝ㨫✻⠛⫼ⱘ ᇜὁ㿬㗙㹿᪴ᕠ䴶ˈࠡ᱃ᐌᐌᰃϔᥦ㜺㹟DŽ Ҟᑈᚙ⊕ᗢ咐ῷњ˛⭊ˈ䊈䊧ᓇⱘܹষ㰩ˈ ៥㙑ࠄ㥋㰁ᮍ䴶ⱘϔԡᅬવ䁾ˈাܕ䀅Ёⱘ Ё༂䳏㽪ৄϞ䊈䊧ᓇˈഄᮍၦ储㍅㍅ϟএDŽ៥ ϔ㙑ˈгϡᗹˈডℷહৃҹᡒṱ㋙㡆㕞↯ೡᏒ ϔೡˈ䗭ṱೡᏒᰃ䑿ӑ䈵ᖉˈᰃ䗮㸠䄝ଞˈϡ ህ㸠њ˛ৃᰃᢡ✻ᰖ䙘ᰃ䘛ࠄ咏✽ˈ䁾㌘ ྨ᳗ྨ㿫ⱘܽৡᇥᑈˈϔ㋙㸷ϔ㍴㸷㗙ˈ㗕ᰃ キ䦵丁ࠡᰗ՚ᰗএˈᓘᕫᕠ䴶ⱘᮄ㧃⼒㥋 㰁㿬㗙ি㢺ϡ䗁ˈ៥㌖ᮐᖡϡԣњˈ㙆䷇њ 咲ˈ䅧Ҫץពᕫ咲㽣ⶽˈ ಯᰃᑻԡⱘᅝᥦᓩ䍋ϔѯҎⱘῑˈᣝ✻ 䋞ࡽ䊏ᥦᑻⱘؐ⊩خᕫଚᾋˈेՓ䋞ࡽњг ≦᳝ԡ㕂ˈ㹿ԨњDŽ ѨᰃҞᑈ⍋⠭ⱘ䖢⌏ࢩ㔎УЁ䊛″ᾟҷ 㸼ⱘগࡴDŽ ݁ᰃ…… དњˈ᜶᜶䂛ˈ᜶᜶䁾ˈ᜶᜶ফডῑ ডᡍ䀩৻DŽ៥ⱘᖂֵ᳟টজ⏯ᇥњѯ咲 䋞ⱘˈ⎮༨˗ϡ䘢ˈг䀅জ᳗ࡴњϔѯᮄ᳟ টDŽ 䗭ࢩ⌏ןकϝᑈњˈᗢῷϞϔሸῧˈ᧲ ᕫࡴߎ㡆ˈᰃؐᕫ៥ץᆊএᗱ㗗ⱘDŽᰃ৺ ህ㗕ᰃ䅧ϔѯᝊ㗕ᇜὁ᠊ᅝᥦ㌘㐨䗭ῷⱘ⌏ ࢩˈᑈᑈ㽟ࠄⱘ䛑ᰃϔѯ❳ᙝⱘ䴶ᄨਸ਼˛⚎⫮ 咐ϡ㛑㋡ϔѯᇣ冂㙝ⱘ䞣ਸ਼˛ᮍ䴶ᰃ৺ 㛑՚ןདⱘन䂓ˈᡞ䗭ןક⠠⌏ࢩ䕺ᕫད Ϟࡴདਸ਼˛ ⍋⠭ⱘ⌏ࢩ䙘ᰃᕜߎᔽⱘˈ៥䙎ធ≦᳝ܼ ⳟˈࠄ呓⡍Ѝⳟ⬭ᅌ⫳ⱘᰮϟञจএњDŽ䙷 㺵ⱘ㆔ⳂгႽˈԚᰃܙⓓ䴦⇷ᙃˈ䴦ˈ ህᛣੇ㨫՚DŽᮽᑈˈ៥ᓎ䅄ˈ⬭ᅌ⫳དད ᅌ㖦ˈ⠁প⬭ᅌ⫳ⱘᬃᣕˈԚᰃˈ䁅䁾њˈህ াᰃ䁾њDŽ ⬭ᅌ⫳ˈᶤ。ᑺ៥ϔῷˈ≦᳝䣶ˈ ℸ䲷ҹ䘆ܹ⫮咐㈠ྨ᳗Ёএ⏋ןৡᄫˈℸ䁾 ⱘ䁅г≦᳝Ҏ㙑DŽᑌ㰻ˈ៥䙘᳝ㄚˈ㗠⧒ⱘ ᮄၦ储ᰖҷˈेՓϡ䴴ॄߎ՚ⱘฅ㋭ˈᕔ㎆Ϟ ϔⱐˈ䁅ህڣϔᬃㆁഄᇘߎএњDŽ ᳝ᑈˈ៥ҹ㿬㗙䑿ӑᇡ䖢⌏ࢩᦤߎ㢹ᑆ ᓎ䅄ˈϔԡ䷬ڥ㋮߹ⱘҎ⠽䁾ˈԴᰃᛇ㌘ྨ ᳗ৡஂϞⱏןৡᄫ˛ ᳝ᑈˈᶤן೬储㌺њ៥ϔ⾬ࡃן䭋ⱘ㙋 ࢭˈ䷜ⶹˈڥ೬ⱘࡃ㙋↨㵲㷏䙘ˈ✊㗠ˈ ᖂֵϞˈ侀Ϟ᳝Ҏⱐଣ˖ҪץѸ䣶њ˛ᇥ 䣶˛ 㕞ᑈᖿῖˈ⋟⋟ᕫᛣଞʽȋ
Ꭱ ᰵ ᬒ す
ᔍ㿍൞喍5SPVX喎⊵ᖜ喑㢤㭚ධڔ๔䘕ܳ ⮱+VNCP䊲ጯᬒݺᄓγ̭䴲ᩬゃ喑↧Ⴧ गा⊵䇨㜠ᄾ ⁽ٰ⮱䶔ܧਜ਼/VUSJMPO ၝٿຣㆶȡ䊲ጯጹ᱈䕇䕻䕆̭㜶ᣗ㘪ํ䖬ٺА 䈩ੳᄴຣㆶ䑶䟤ᒭ͚సȡ ᨇ䊲ጯ䲏㶕喑䓾Ꭱҳ⩞А䈩ੳᩣ䈩 ๔䛼⮱㢤㭚ຣㆶ䑶䟤ᒭ͚స喑Ҭᓄ᱙ౝ❣䊷 ҳ䊷䰐䇤ݝ㊓႖ၽ丌⩕⮱ၝٿ丌৮喑̭᭯䫀ᕕ 㖟䐶䖀ȡ㔹䊲ጯΌ䛴ःγऱ⽛ᣗВ㊂䕆 ⽛⤫䆎喑ຯϧ䭽䈩̭⨣ぶ喑ѳ䘪ᩣ᩵⩇ᓛȡ %JFNFOጯ⮱+VNCP䊲ጯ䇍䇙ϧ,FFT WBO 7MBBOEFSFOΌ᭜䕆⁎㜶ᣗ⮱ᩜᠮ㔲 ̭喑Ѓౕ㜗ጞ⮱䊲ጯ͚↧Ⴧगा⊵䇨 ⁽ٰ В̷⮱䶔ܧਜ਼/VUSJMPOຣㆶȡЃॷ㽡㽅㔲喑
և䕆ὐ⮱↧ჇΌ᭜䔘̺ᓄጟȡ◧๖̷ࡵ 䊲ጯ䪸䪭ݺ喑ᅞᰶ㜠ᄾ ԸϧぶౕੳᏄ䪭 ऐ喑䕟䪭ᒹЃԾᅞກाຣㆶ䇕᳣喑̭ϧ䇤䊝̭ 㑽喑̺ࡷܧԸᄼ᭯喑ЃԾ๖䙺䵺⮱ 㑽ຣ ㆶᅞ䟤ਜ਼̭⾧γȡ㔹⪣Ѓ㾓ృ䭨䕆ψϧ䈩䇤 ᭯喑Ѓࣵ㷘ᠴᣔ◧⽛ₔ㻃ȡВⰎノЃ㾺◧ ᩬゃΌᰶ̺䋠喑ѳᯘ᭯ⰸҳ喑ᄓౕ↿ᰶڣЃ ᰡᰶ᩵⮱∂γȡ 8BEEJOYWFFOጯ⮱+VNCP䊲ጯΌ䛴ःγ हὐ⮱ᣗ喑ႰԾ⮱⊵䇨䵺Ꮣ㷘Ⴧౕ㜠ᄾ ⁽ٰȡᄺ䕆̭↧Ⴧ喑Ꮔ䪤"MCFSU #MBBVXॷ 㽡㽅㔲喟Ąᡳ㊮䟤ਜ਼⮱↧Ⴧܧ♎喑ౕ҉ܧ ↧ჇݺԾ㾏γᒵ็ᰶ႖ၽ⮱䭱䓾ᅲℾ⮱ᘼ 㺸喑ᅑڣ᭜㢤㭚Ծ喑⢟ᓄγԾ⮱ᩜᠮȡ 㜠ᄾ⤫ౕⰸҳ喑䕆Ը㜶ᣗ᭜ᰶ᩵⮱喑ຣㆶ䇕᳣ ⁎̭ںγ喑ⱌₐ䰭㺮ႰԾ⮱䶔Ό㘪⁎ں䇤 ݝγȡą 㜗 Ꭱ͚స✳⮩ၝٿຣㆶ͚⌨ߍᰶ̶ 㖇⅝㘧θУВҳ喑͚స⮱ၝٿ丌৮㵹ẚᆏ✳䛉 㖋喑͚స❣̺ⰥںԎ᱙సݣ䕍喑㉈㉈ᄴⰛ ٶ䑶ा⁽㒻ऱస⩌⩏⮱ၝٿ丌৮ȡΌ᭜ᓋ䗐᭯ 䊤喑㢤㭚⮱ၝٿ丌৮喑ᅑڣ᭜/VUSJMPOຣㆶӬ ◧γ⼭㑧ੳ৮喑̭Ⱑӈ̺ᛶⅯȡ
సუࢇ➖乕㜶㵹߰᱄҉৮ᆂ喑స⢸◧ڣᤚᎂ 㢤㭚సუࢇ➖乕3JKLTNVTFVN ᰵ ᬒ̷ࡵₐᐼ䪸γጟᩲ㎗⪘๔ፘ߰᱄ 喍3FNCSBOEU )BSNFOT[PPO WBO 3JKO喎 ⮱㒻㶀҉৮ᆂ喑స⢸8JMMFN "MFYBOEFSܧ ፚ͓᱗ᆂ㻪ᤚᎂȡ ᨇϸ㉦喑ₑ⁎ᆂ㻪ͨ㺮ᆂ⮱ܧ᭜߰᱄ ๔ፘᮇᎡ⮱҉৮喑࠲᠙ ҉⪘ޜহ ޜ㡶 ృ喑䘪᭜ڣᮇᎡ䪾ᅲ䭬➦ͦ᭯҉ȡ ᆂܧౝ吋ౕసუࢇ➖乕⮱Ą丈⊓ݖ㔩ą๔ ᐠȡࢇ➖乕㶕喑䕆Ό᭜す̭⁎ᄺ䕆ऺ㬊 㶀๔ፘᰭᒹ Ꭱ⮱҉৮䕟㵹ఋ䶔ᕔᆂܧ喑 㺼Ό᭜₤Ꭱҳᰭ๔⮱̭⁎喑̷̭⁎⤫ܧ䶋 ѩ㺼⮱߰᱄㬊㶀҉৮䖱㺮䔪⏜ ݝ
䭬➦ͦࢇ➖乕⺮䕷ᩉ፣㜗᷿ /04⊵ᖜ喑䭬➦ͦ䯞ธᐙࢇ➖乕 হጯ⿸ࢇ➖乕䓾ᬒაጰ喑ᄴ⺮䕷ౕᆂᐠ ڔҬ⩕㜗ᶬ㜗ȡᨇᖶₑ⁎⺮БΌ᭜◧γ 䴬ᛶ⤰ڕऱ๔ⴒऺࢇ➖乕⮩䊤⮱⺮ౕᆂ乕 Ҭ⩕㜗ᶬ⮱㮌ङȡ ᄺₑ喑ࢇ➖乕ጒ҉ϧ㼐䛸᭜ᨁᓰ䕷 ౕҬ⩕㜗ᶬ̺᭯ᙻ᤺ݝפ㬊㶀҉৮ᝃ᭜ڣ Ѓ䇡䛺➖৮ȡĄ䪤ᳱ䰕ׅহ㜗ᶬ䘪ౕԾ ⮱⺮ऺ͚喑ą䯞ธᐙࢇ➖乕⮱̭ऺ⮩ 㼭ϧ㿗䖀ȡ ̺䕻ใ⩹ᄺ䕆䴲⺮Бݴ᭜㸿䇣̺̭喑స
უࢇ➖乕⮱̭ऺノ⤳ϧᅞ㶕㜗უ⮱ࢇ➖ 乕̺ᰰ䛴⩕䕆̭⺮Б喑◧䗐只ͲВҳЃԾ 䘪↿ᰶ⮩⩌䕻㜗ᶬ㔹ᑂ䊤⮱㬊㶀৮᤺פ θУȡ 㔹;JHHPీ䴯䴠Ἧᐠݴᄺ䕆̭⺮Б㶕 ๔߈ᩜᠮȡЃԾ㾺◧䊷ҳ䊷็⮱ϧҳݝ䴠Ἧ ᐠग᭜ᄵ㽨㜗͓⮩'ݝBDFCPPLহࣸ ◘㔭㜗ጞౕਗ㷼喑͓↿ᰶⱌₐౕ⁐䈋㬊㶀ȡ Ą⪣๔უ䘪↵⊥ౕ㶕⑁͚᭯喑ҍࢨᠬܧ 㜗ᶬਏீਏீԸ̺։喑䕆᭜䲋፥ⵡซ⅐ ⅈ⮱ȡą
Ꭱ喑㜶䓓ౝΌ᭜㢤㭚ȡ ࢇ➖乕乕䪤8JN 1JKCFTᄺₑ⁎ᆂܧ ᠮγẢ๔⮱ᒲȡ◧ₑౕݺ᪓సუ⪘ ⮱ᆂܧᅞ॥ᑂγ䊲䕻 㥙⮱ࣰ㻭㔲ȡ ᨇᖶ喑సუࢇ➖乕হసუ㒻㶀乕䕸҉䕆 ̭䴲Ⱋጟᰶ ็Ꭱγ喑ₑ⁎ᆂ㻪⮱㽞็҉ ৮䘪᭜ࡰ䓈㥙㠓ᓋ̭ψⴒऺࢇ➖乕ᝃ᭜⻮ϧ ᩣ㫼უ㮂Ռᓄ喑ᒵ็҉৮⩇㜠ᓋ᱗ाⱫڙᆂ ܧ䕻ȡ ⩞䴽᱗ҳ᪥ᰵज㘪ݝҳ⮱ϧ⒛喑స უࢇ➖乕➦ౝᄴকρ⮱䪸ᩫ᭯䫀ᐣ䪤ݝকρ ᮇ̷ 吋ȡ
ҳ㜗⁽≟ܾ䂓㉱㎁⮱⊵ᖜ喑㾟㉱㎁ 䓾ᬒᩉస䯈ܾ䂓㉱㎁䪸ᆂγ̭䴲ऺ ◧Ą0QFSBUJPO 0QTPO *7ą⮱㖜व㵹ࠂ喑㉽ ᴒ⢟γ䊲䕻 ҳ㜗 Ըసუ⮱ߐ䈗ᝃ 䵹丌৮ȡ ₑ⁎㖜व㵹ࠂ࠲᠙῏ᴒऱԸੳᏄȠጯ ൡȠᾌൡȠ⍜ऐহጒᐍԶᏘ喑ヱ∏ࣷ⤰ڕ Ըసუ喑ౕײ͚ڣ㢤㭚ᅞᴒ⢟γ ̺ こव⏃⮱丌৮ȡ㢤㭚⮱῏ᴒ⮩⩌ࣨᎡ
ᐐॷ "%7&35*4&.&/5
ᰵ㜠ϷᎡ ᰵ䫀喑㷘ᴒ⢟⮱䵹丌৮࠲᠙Πݣ ৮Ƞ㯸䶋ȠⅡহ丌⩕⇦ȡ ₑใ喑῏ᴒϧ䖱ᴒ⢟γ๔䛼ߐ䈗䙿Ƞ ߐ䈗Ԋ֒丟৮喑䖱ᴒ㮂γ̭უ䲋∂ᆍოൡহ 䲋∂Ⅱ⨣ߍጒᐍȡ Ą䕆ψߐ䈗丌৮হ丟᫆ᰰᄺϧ倁⮱֒Ꮴ Ỹ࢞რ喑̭ᬓ㿑丌喑ᰰᰶ䛺⮱ᒹ喑⩇ 㜠ज㘪䕍₨ώ喑ą䇍䇙ₑ⁎㵹ࠂ⮱స䯈ܾ 䂓㉱㎁䇍䇙ϧ.JDIBFM &MMJTॷ㽡㽅㔲喑Ą㔹 䕍䕆̭ܴ⮱ᵦ⎽ᅞ᭜⟜㒗ܳၽ⮱䇗ྗȡą Ą䕇䕻䕆⁎㵹ࠂ喑Ծ⮩⤫γ⁽≟ヱ ⮱ڔ丌৮ႶڕϺႅౕ䯞ᗐ喑ą⁽≟ܾ䂓㉱㎁ 㖜㊎$ISJT 7BO 4UFFOLJTUFΌ㿗䖀喑Ą̺ 䕻ԾΌߌ䭨γ๔䛼䵹丌৮䕟≮ڒ䕇 䵅ഌȡą 7BO 4UFFOLJTUFह᭯㶕喑䕆̭㖜व㵹 ࠂ̺ᰰᅞₑ㉽喑ᄴᰰ◧Ԋ䯉̓⩹丌৮Ⴖڕ 㔹㎩㎹㵹ࠂȡ
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ᵩ๔䛘Ⴅ䮏䛴⩕ĄԊ僛ąឭ㶀喑⽞㘪ᰶ᩵倅கჅႅ≨⢴ ᰶ⊵ᖜ⽞喑ᵩ㒲ᄔᵦ๔Ⴅ䛘Ⴅ䮏 喍6.$(喎⮱ⵁ⾣ϧₐౕ㾓侄̭⽛⮱⮱ கჅĄԊ僛ąឭ㶀喑⩕В倅ౕகჅ⼨Ḻহԛ ᓖ㶀͚கჅ⮱ႅ≨⢴ȡ ౕ⮱Ԋ僛ឭ㶀͚喑கჅ㷘䕐ᣒ̭ݝ㜧ᄵ ⩕⮱ᾌக̷喑ᾌகᰰᨙϧ倁Ⱕ䬉⮱ᓗ⧝㈨ ㊞喑䃀கჅౕϧ倁ڔ̭᭯ὐ䕸䑶ȡ䕆ᄴӬ 䛘⩌ᄺகჅև̭ψԛ㸉ᝃ᭜⇨⭯㔹̺⩕ᨁᓰ䪤 ᭯䫀䰏倁ᄻ㜡கჅซ₨ᝃ㶝〚ȡ ᨇᖶ喑6.$(᭜ڕ㢤㭚す̭უ䛴⩕ₑ䴲
ᐧヶ㔨ԛ喑䂝ᰰᝃᄴᯘ᭯ᥙ䰏#JOOFOIPG ᰶ⊵ᖜ⽞喑◧Ӭ䓓ڙౝ⮱ᐧヶ㔨ԛ喑 䂝ᰰ̸䮏喍5XFFEF ,BNFS喎ᝃᄴᯘ᭯ᥙ䰏 䓓ڙౕౝ#JOOFOIPGᐧヶ㓑喑㔹᪡Ը㸊ԛ ᭯䫀ज㘪㺮ρᎡࡷͲȡ #JOOFOIPGᐧヶ㓑㺮㔨ԛ⮱⊵ᖜጟ㋀ᓄ ݝγ㔨ԛᠴᤛ䘕䇍䇙ϧ-JFTCFUI 4QJFT⮱ 䁶ᄓ喑ह᭯䖱ϸ㉦γ⤫ᰶ⮱ږຄ㔨ԛ ᵵ喟̭᭜䕟㵹ᄼԛᄼ㸉喑ϧ̺ᥙ䰏ᐧヶ喑 ̺䕻䕆ज㘪䰭㺮 Ꭱ㘪Ⴙ᪡Ը㔨ԛ ጒ⼸喠ι᭜ڕ䲏ࠂጒ喑ᰶϧᥙ䰏ᐧヶ喑̭ ⁎ᕔႹȡ᪡Ը⮱㔨ԛጒ⼸䖱࠲᠙γ䂝ᰰ̷ 䮏喑సࠆ༁ᰰ喑仃Ⱕ䓓ڙᐠぶൡȡ 䂝ᰰ̸䮏⤫ౕ⮱䓓ڙὀᐧ Ꭱ喑 㜗ᐧВҳ̭Ⱑ↿ᰶ䕟㵹䕻ڕ䲏㋚䂤ȡᨇڕ సᝬౝ⩏ڙथ3JKLTWBTUHPFECFESJKG⮱ࠅ⍙ ㉽喑⩞ᎡͲԛ喑⤫ౕጟ㋀ݝγᓲ䴵䕟 㵹㔨ԛ㋚䂤⮱᭯Նγȡ㔹ⰛݺᩬᏉੜ̭㘪↧ Ⴧ⮱θᗲᅞ᭜䛴ः҂⽛㔨ԛᵵȡ ᨇ⽞喑䂝ᰰ̸䮏ͨፚহऱ吕≫А㶕ጟ
̷কᩣݝγ㔨ԛ⮱䕇ⴒȡ㖋㽅㔲+BBQ +BOTFO䖱ܷ⮩γ#JOOFOIPGᐧヶ㓑⮱ڔ䘕⚔ ❴喑̷䲏䶜ᐧヶڔ䘕ጟ⤫ܧγ็㮂㷯㍘হ Ⅱ−ފ㥪⮱ᗲ⇮ȡĄⱫকⴒ喑#JOOFOIPG ᐧヶ㓑᭜̭ԸᎫ㋀ᨡᐧ⮱ᐧヶ喑ᒵ็䘕ܳ䘪 ̺᭜ह᭯ᐧ㽚⮱喑ₑ㋀፥ႅౕ㦄̭ψ̺ 䙺ຄᝃ᭜̺کღ⮱䵹喑ą+BOTFO㿗䖀喑 Ąຯ๔ὀᾌᝬ⮱ۤࢨহ䕇䷕䵹喑㋀፥Ҭᓄ ᪥ႄ㽚⩌⮩׆ᩲ䯉喠ࣵຯ↿ᰶႹ⊵⮱׆䭟䯁 ▘㽚喑̭ᬓᐧヶ⮩⩌▘▪喑᪡Ըᐧヶᄴ䮤 ⊤▘ڒȡą ౕₐᐼ↧Ⴧ㔨ԛᵵݺ喑䂝ᰰ̸䮏ऱ 吕≫䖱䰭㺮䕟㵹ᰭᒹ̭⁎ⷧ㾺ȡЃԾᘠ㺮ⴒ 䖀ጒ᭜॓जВ้䫀ጒ喑䕆ὐ⮱㾞喑㔨 ԛጒ⼸䰭⮱᭯䫀ᄴ㷘๔๔㍛ⴚ喑̺䕻䇨⩕ Όᰰ䇡̺ᄾȡ㔨ԛᠴᤛ䘕ᄴౕϷᎡ๖ݺᠬ ̭ܧຄႹ⮱׆㔨ԛᵵ喑⩞䘕䪤4UFG #MPL ϑ㊓䂝ᰰ㼻䀃↧Ⴧȡ䕆䴲ጒ⼸ᰭᬖᄴ Ꭱ䪸ጒȡ
⮱䛘䮏喑㔹ᵦᨇڣЃసუ䛘䮏⮱ⵁ⾣᪥ᨇ喑䕆 䴲ឭ㶀ᄴ㘪倅 ⮱கჅ㶀 ߌ⢴喑ҬᓄகჅ䈵ᰡღᭀᄓ⤫ȡ㾟䮏Ⱋݺጟ ㋀䙺׆γᄵ䪭⮱ᝬ䫀喑ВౕⰎज㘪Ⴙ㒻⮱᷊ У̸Ԋႅ⼨Ḻ⮱ϧ倁கჅ喑ຯ㗊㜌Ƞ㙻㜌হ㗧 ぶȡ ᄺ䕆䴲ឭ㶀喑ⴒऺใ䛘⩌3PCFSU 1PSUF㶕䖁γ㜗ጞ⮱ᩜᠮȡĄₑ⮱ݺகჅ⼨Ḻ 㶀喑Ծ᭜⩕ѻ⏘ۤۺҳ⼨ḺகჅ⮱㉝㘋≨ ࠂ喑ᐣ㌖ڣ䰏倁ᒹ⮱㶝〚᭯䫀ȡѳᒵ็᭯Ն
䕆⽛∂⮱ĂԊ僛ă͓̺᩵⤳ᘠ喑ąЃ㿗喑 Ą㔹⮱ឭ㶀ݴ᭜ޢ䕍̭Ը䶋ѩϧ倁⮱倁ڔᓗ ⧝㈨㊞喑䃀⼨Ḻ⮱கჅӊ㜷ₐ፥䕸䑶喑ᰡᰶݖ ԊᠮڣĂ僛Ꮣăȡą ₑใ喑䕆⽛ឭ㶀⮱ᛶ⩕䖱㷘㾺◧ᄴ倅 கჅ⮱Ą㔽⩕ᕔą喑䛘⩌जВ䕇䕻㶀ᄺ̭ψ ⫲ϧ⮱㔮ࡃகჅ䕟㵹ԛᓖ喑㔹̺⩕ᨁᓰகჅ䰏 倁ᰰᄺڣ㜗䏘䕍๗๔פრȡ
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͚ప䉔䓽㝗⾧ᰶ䭽ڙथ ͇ߎࣾᆂ䰭㺮᠈㖅অጒ喟⛌ᖶ͚᪴Ƞ㢤ڝ᪴Ƞ㠞᪴ख़䄡䄨ۆ喑 䏘Ҁ֒Ꮴ喑ጒ҉䃑ⱌ喑⩠䄤㔲ᓲ䶨ᰶव∂ጒ҉ᅲ⪆ᝃ㢤ڝㅺ喑 Ꭱ咱ౕ কᆮВڲȡ ᠈㖅ڕ㕹䉏ߎߖ⤳喟㺮Ⅿᰶ䉏ߎጒ҉㏼侹 ᠈㖅ڕ㕹䨭ਜ਼ߖ⤳喟㺮ⅯᰶⰥڠ䉔䓽䨭ਜ਼䃏㝞㏼侹 㖁㈨⩢䄊喟 & NBJM喟XBOHKJF !DFBJS DPN 䄤͚ࣾٵ㠞᪴$7喑ч䗛У䕇ⴒ䲏䄂ȡ
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䲏⮱ែڒ喑ౕ͓ᣒ̸ҳ⮱ᎫᎡ㷼ӈ Ը ⮱ጒ҉ቄѺȡ
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ᐐॷ "%7&35*4&.&/5
ጒ҉᩵⢴๗ጛ喑/4㷘㒝 㥙 సࠆ⼅ᰥ8JMNB .BOTWFME䓾ᬒ㶕喑 ⩞/4ڙथ͓↿ᰶܳٲᆒ㵹㜴ᩬᏉ⮱㍫᩵ ࢁ䂝喑↧Ⴧᄺڣ㮂В 㥙⁽ٰ⮱㒝䛾ȡ ౕ Ꭱ᭯喑.BOTWFMEᰫᄺ/4ևܧ 䕻 㥙⁽ٰ⮱㒝↧Ⴧ喑⤳⩞᭜㾟ڙथ↿ ᰶᆒ㵹䕆̭Ꭱ㜴ᩬᏉࢁ䂝⮱ᰶڔღȡ̺䕻 ⪣᭯䰆ᰶ̭Ը㸉ࢁٲ䂝喑㠒/4ౕ Ꭱ 㘪ܳٲᩦ䕟᩵⢴喑ݴ䕆び㒝䛾ᄴ̭びࠫ䟤ȡ ѳ㾟ڙथ Ꭱ⮱㍫᩵ᰭ㉯᱗㘪䃀ᩬᏉ ᘼ喑᭜䕆び㒝䛾⩌⁎ں᩵ȡ ₑใ喑⩞̺ᘼ/4 Ꭱ⮱ጒ҉᩵ ⢴喑.BOTWFMEࣵᄺڣ䔪ߍγ 㥙⁽ٰ҉ ◧ Ꭱ⮱㒝ȡږ㒗͓㒝̸喑/4䰭㺮 ϑ㈺⮱㒝䛾㍪㼵 㥙⁽ٰȡࣨᎡ/4▘䏷
⮱⏃吋⢴◧ 喑䐰̷Ꭱࡴγ 喑ₑใ 䖱ᩦγ䏷〆হ݄䏷̷⮱݄䏷Ԏᖜ⏃ⷧ⢴喑 ѳӊ♣ᓄݝ⮱ጛ㾂ȡᒵ็㾺◧݄䏷 ౕ倅ም⮱䕸✌䖱᭜̭❴⌤ί喑ᒵ็䏷⁎䘪 ᭜ϧԾ◧ᗐ喑ᘠឫԸᏔѺᎫͻ᭜̺ज㘪⮱喑 ᄺ̭ψ䪤䕁㵹⮱΅ҳ㿗䕆᭜Ⱕ⪣䰐ऄ ⮱ȡࣨᎡ/4गႹγ Ը㍫᩵Ⱋ͚⮱ Ըȡ हᬒ/4ڙथڙጰγ㜗ጞ Ꭱ⮱ẚ㍫ ൞ॷ喑㾟ڙथࣨᎡڕᎡ✌ẚ䵺◧ ٰ⁽ر喑 ⼲ᒹݖ⒑䖁 ر喑Ꮒᆑ✌ẚݖ⒑Όᰶ 㥙⁽ٰȡ̺䕻/4ᄺ䕆̭ẚ㍫͓̺ᘼ喑⽞ ᄴౕϷᎡߍ๔ែڒ喑⩕ᰡ䏷䑈হ㋟㊎㈨ ㊞ȡ
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ࣲ ŕ°Ľ ŕŻ†áĄ‘ŕ ˛áŁťá’°ŕŽ´â€ŤÚ§ÚĄâ€Ź ,BTUFFMXFH #/ 3PUUFSEBN Address:
Δ ŕĄƒËŠŕŠ‡ŕ°ľŕŽ‹áŠ–
H.A. Lorentzstraat 11 3331 EE Zwijndrecht Website: www.mpraccountants.nl Phone number: +31 (0)78 62 08 045 Email: info@mpraccountants.nl
The employment costs scheme Any person deriving an income from employment in the Netherlands is liable to pay income tax on the income. As of 1 January 2015, every employer is obliged to apply the new Dutch wage tax rules for employee benefits, referred to as the employment costs scheme (“werkkostenregeling�). This scheme was installed on January 1, 2011 but remained optional until the end of 2014. This new legislation restructures tax relief and will change the determination of the range of tax-free benefits in kind and allowances. This scheme is relevant to all employers in the Netherlands, so MPR Accountants has summarized the main points for you. Basic rule Under the work-related cost scheme, all employee allowances and benefits are qualified as wages in principle. This encompasses gifts, parties, fitness training, company diners, etc. The employer may provide tax-free allowances of up to 1,2% of the total taxable wages in a year. If the free scope is exceeded, the employer has to pay taxes in the form of a final levy of 80% for the amount above the limit. Specific exemptions Not all compensations are subjected to wage tax. Compensations which are deemed to be issued for the purpose of a proper fulfillment of the employment contract are tax-free. The following cost categories are excluded from taxation: 1. Intermediary costs These are expenses incurred by the employee on behalf of the employer and then reimbursed by the employer. These could be company car expenses; costs of items that will become the company’s property or representation expenses consumed by the employer. Intermediary costs can be paid tax free, but the Tax
Authorities do not always accept a fixed allowance, proof of employee expenses may be needed. 2. Targeted tax relief These are costs which are explicitly excluded from tax, such as: Costs for studies, (business) trainings and study trips (incl. meals/hotel costs); Professional literature; Costs for business-related accommodations; Extraterritorial costs of foreign workers; Tools, books and equipment that are necessary to the performance of the job. 3. Zero valuation costs These are benefits that are valued at zero value, so that they can provided to workers tax free. These are mainly benefits in kinds, examples include: coffee and refreshments at the place of work, workplace facilities, mobile phones (if the criterion of necessity is met), work clothes and public transportation tickets. In short From 2015 on the new employment costs scheme becomes mandatory for all employers. Compared to the old system, the definition of taxable wages has been broaden to include most of the allowances and benefits in kind provided to employees. Valuation rules and tax exemptions have been restructured. To avoid extra tax, it is important to keep the allowances within the 1.2% limit. If you exceed this limit, the excess will be subject to an 80% final levy. Sometimes, it could work out cheaper to designate some benefits as salary. Feel free to contact us if you want to learn more about this new employment costs scheme if need assistance in the application procedure.
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̭喑 ᰵ ᬒ喑㢤㭚ࡄጰ៶䗓ⰮⰮᰰͦࢇᕊ ጯ㜶䓓͚స㒷Ꭱ᭒ロᚣ⺊≨ࠂȡ͚స份㢤㭚 ๔Ҭ䮠ᬚȠࡄጰ៶䗓ⰮⰮ䪤ヱᓤᲞٸВࣷ㾟 Ⱞͨ㺮ጯጯ䪤ᛶ䖭ܧፚ≨ࠂ喑⁐䈋γ㬴 䛾䮢咺̓⩹䴠ἯἯ䮷㜴⪣ౝ㤜ϧ㬊㶀⮱व ⧔⑁ܧ喑͓㻭ⰸγᒖ⮱ᝣใ⚆㟞㶕⑁ȡ 䮠ᬚ๔Ҭౕ㜡䓚᭯㶕喑㒷䆎ᓢ㦄Ąহ ᎠȠࣸ㿩হ䮷⺋ą喑Ό䆎ᓢ㦄͚㢤䬉 ӯȡЃ㿗喑ᆒ㖤䓾ږᎡҳ喑ⱌܴᙌऄږݝస ϧℾᄺᒩₑ᪴ࡃⳚ㼐হႥ㓿⮱⍡᱈喑ܴᄓ倁 ᰰݝĄᎡঠąౕ㢤㭚䊷ҳ䊷⓰喑Ҭᒵ็ҳ㜗 ͚స⮱⪝䘶⪝ౕ㢤㭚ᰶ⽛ᩲ䘶ᩲⴒ⮱㒻ສ 倁侄ȡمノ͚㢤ږస⮱₤टנឬȠ᪴ࡃ㗹ᮜ হᰰݣᏓႅౕᒵ๔ጛ⪝喑ѳږసϧℾᄺ㒻 ສ⩌≨⮱ᒭহ䔪Ⅿ᭜̭㜡⮱ȡ䓾Ꭱҳ喑ږ సౕऱԸ䵅ഌ⮱व҉̺⌞ࡃ喑䅽ⷖȡ ⰥԎౕ䰆ڞहߗ߈̸喑ږస䬉ӯহϧℾࣸ 㿩ᄴᰰ䓻ҳ⮱㒻ສヴ」ȡ ヱᓤᲞⰮٸ䪤ᘶᔘఋ䶔γ㬴Ⱞ㜴ࡄጰ ៶䗓Ⱞ⮱व҉䬉ӯȡЃ㶕喑䲋፥倅㜵͚స
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Ȩᆞ匦⁹ȩᑂ⮩ڕൡ̺⩞㜗ͨ⮱᧷ロौ ਫ਼喠䐥ᰟⰛȨ䈪仙ȩᰡ᭜ᆂγι㘎䕆̭ ㅎℾἯக⮱⺋偲߈喑仙䍱㖟⫫Ƞ仙刡 ䷕㪚喑䃀ϧ䵀⩌ຯ㜕ڣධᙌȡ⪣ౝ㤜ϧ㬊 㶀ᆂγጊ䂷㛶㊂≨হ͚సऑڥℾ㝋 䍵ȡ᪡ൡ⑁ࠂܧ䲉㉽व喑Ἧ㝋呷丈喑Ⱕᓄ⯷ ᒝ喑䑁В๔ᅼᎂ᧚ᩫ⮱Ą₎Ἧ᭒ロąა❴נ ᩣᅫ喑䃀⪣ౝℾⱫܳٲᙌऄݝγ͚స᭒ロ⮱ ૉᚣ⺒হВ͚ࣷస᪴ࡃ⮱㬊㶀偲߈ȡ ⑁㉽ܧᒹ喑䖱㜶㵹γⰈ๔სᰰ喑৮ୄ ͚స丰ၽহ⪣ౝ⮱͚స➦㞟丟丌ȡ้ს ᒹ喑Ꭻ⮫ऺ㻭Ⱬក㦄͚స⛵ㆍݺᒭጯ⿸ڙ ి喑㜴ᬖጟぶՆౕ䗐㸎⮱̷ࡰऺ⪣ౝℾⱫ̭ 䊤㻭ⰸᝣใ⚆㟞㶕⑁ȡౕ䯱⦝叄⮱䴠Ἧ㖟 ͚喑ऱ㞟♝㟞ᠶ⚔䴠Ἧロহ⓭ٶ䂷ࡃ̺ ࡴ佝͓⾧ڒ䂷Ꭸ㞟ᒖহᒏ⟭喑ᑂ⮩ڕൡℾⱫ ⮱̺ᒖ喑ĄҍສąহᎡ⺊⺼㖟䴬ᓦ๖ ⾧ȡ ᨇᖶ喑ᬻᎡࡄጰ៶䗓⮱͚స᭒ロᚣ⺊≨ ࠂᄴౕѵ䰤䖁㜶䓓ȡ喍ṷ咺喎
㢤㭚㤜ϧ㍪ᰰក䴬Ą᭒ロ䔮⏘ᯃąす̭◛ 䊡㢤㭚ࡄ䘕Ꮴᄔᰰा㤜ϧ㔮㔲᠉Ꭱ 喍ҳ⽬喎
͚స䓟₤Ꭱₐᰵ݊ρ̷ࡵ喑㢤㭚㤜ϧ㍪ ᰰ⊤䎺ᰰ䪤ᩉࡄ䘕ᰰݺᒭࡄ䘕Ꮴᄔᰰा 㤜ϧ㔮㔲᠉Ꭱ喑៶䪸γ㾟ᰰĄ᭒ロ䔮⏘ᯃȠ ᙈ㔮᪙㔮ą≨ࠂ⮱Ꮌᎂȡ ⪣๖㍪ᰰाᏤᄔᰰ⮱ ็Ѻ㔮 ϧ䔮ࣨγᙈᓰ৮喑ࣷ㜡̷γロᬒ⮱⺊⺼ 㜴Նȡ䫀喑㍪ᰰह㔮ϧԾ㻗ܴϑ ≮喑ᤎ䪤㿴喑㾏γ㔮ϧԾ⮱⩌≨⤫⟭ȡ 㢤㭚㤜ϧ㍪ᰰ₤ҳ䛺㻃㤜ϧ㔮㔲㓑倁喑 Ꭱ䘪ᰶ㉱㎁ᰰ䊡㤜ϧĄ㔮ϧὀą㔮 㔲ȡᰰ䪤⊤䎺㶕喑ጹ᱈䕇䕻䕆ψ᠉ᰰ≨ ࠂ喑䃀ᰶౕ㢤⩌≨⮱㔮ݺ䑖Ծ倁ᰰ㤜ϧ ᰰ⮱䬉ᙈ喑㍪ᰰΌጹ᱈⮩ᤛ㜗ጞ⮱߈䛼䃀
㢤㭚᪴ह䘶ᰰ䓻᭒ ᱙൞㽅㔲 ⩠ӊ ᰵ ᬒᮇ̷喑㢤㭚᪴ह䘶ᰰౕА❫๘ ➦̷⊤㟞ి东Ꮔ㜶㵹喑 ็᪴䘶㻗ᮇ̷ ᩣጒᒹ喑ᓋऱౝ䋂ҳ喑┌┌̭യ喑ڞ㾞ᵾ 叨喑๔ᐠڔ䘶䴠̺㊂喑ૉ⅐∸∸ȡ͚స份㢤 ๔Ҭ乕ࣰ䈷᭒Ƞ䵅θ䘕ͨШ㩐㤜ࣰߍγ≨ ࠂ喑হ㘋ڞᚣ᭒ȡ 㢤㭚᪴ᰰ᭜ԸᎡ䑂⮱喑Ό᭜㢤㭚 ᰭ๔⮱䘶㻗ᰰ̭喑㜗⿸Вҳ喑䔽⑥䪤 ◧͚⮱⩹ല߈䛼喑⤫Шᰰ䪤᭜ౕ㢤㭚䪤 ⮱㤜ϧ̭А䱿Ꭱ㘎仙喑䕆ౕ㢤㭚㤜ϧ ͚ᅇᆙᄾ㺸ȡ 㘎仙ౕ㜡䓚⮩㼭͚㿗喑ౕ㒷Ꭱݝҳ
䯈喑㺮㜡߈॥ᑂᰡ็Ꭱ䑂ϧࣰߍ㤜ϧ≨ࠂ喑 ࣰ㜴হࠂ⮱ᕊ䌜喑҉◧⏊䕇͚㢤䬉ӯ⮱ ὸᶮȡЃ㿗喑҉◧ᅲѼౕ㢤㭚⮱᪴ϧす̶ А喑ౕ⺃ㅺస⪣⮱ݺ๔ສᒏࠏ̸喑ₐౕᣏ㉏ Ըϧθẚ⮱⮩ᆂহޢ⮱ᐼ喑㔹䕆᭜㔮̭ 䑖◧ЃԾ᧚̸⮱⽛ၽ喑䕇䕻䕆ὐ⮱ᒏᐼ喑ጹ ᱈㊓̸̭䑖፣ҳᰡߍ➏ధȠ⾖Ⴧহٲጹ᱈ ⮱᱗ҳȡ ᭒ࣰ䈷ౕ㜡䓚͚喑仃ٵᑂ䔝ౕ྿倁̷ ⰸ⊵⮱ݝᖜ喑䈷ᤇγ᪴䘶㻗Ծ⮱უ䘶ᩬᏉ ⌲⮱҉䷕喑ᣒ㦄喑Όܳٲ㗜Ⴧγ᪴ᰰᣕ ܧᎡ䑂ᰰ䪤⮱և∂喑ጹ᱈᪴ᰰᰰࠆᓄ⮩ݝ ᆂ喑ᰡ̷̭ᆑὀȡ 䓻᭒≨ࠂ㜶㵹γᎥ䕸๔ນȡ
ᰰᄺ㤜ϧ㔮㔲็̭ψ䬉∕㜴䬉ᓰ喑䕆ψ㔮㔲 ҳ㢤ധ᱙䘪᪥Ꭱ喑䮑γౕ㢤㭚ႶᅲἯẚ喑 Ό㢤㭚⮱㤜ᐧ㽚⮩ᤛγ̺ज⸕⏲⮱҉⩕喑 Ծᮇ䑖̺㘪ᔅ㽅ЃԾ喆 ㍪ᰰ䖱㶕喑䕆⁎ࠂ⤳θԾ㜶䓓᪙㔮 ᙈ㔮≨ࠂ喑Ⱋ⮱᭜䃀Ꭱ䑂ϧנឬ͚㤜נ㊞㒻 ᓤ喑ិ᪙㔮ᙈ㔮⮱⺋ᑅᤇ̸ࣨȡຯ⊤䎺 ᰰ䪤㿗⮱䗐ὐ喟ĄϷᒹԾ䖱㺮㎩㎹ᑅᤇ ͚㤜ℾ⮱נ㊞㒻ᓤ喑Ҭ᪙㔮Ƞ丷㔮Ƞᙈ 㔮Ƞߖ㔮⮱≨ࠂᄴᠮ㎹̸ࣨ喑โ䮪♎䭽ສ喑 ϧ䫀䛺ᮇᗲ喆ą ₑใ᱙⁎≨ࠂᓄݝᏤᄔᰰᰰ䪤ॠᄣᔍٵ ⩌Ƞത㵹ͨፚᰫᚔحȠऺ䂪ͨፚ̭≟̭㜡
㾺ह喑ЃԾा㍪ᰰВࣷݺҳ᠉ᰰ⮱ᰰԾ㶕 ᙌ䁊喑Ꮴᄔᰰ͓ा㍪ᰰ䈵䔮γᙌ䁊䡓ᬄ喑 Вᒝ䶜ᄺ䕆ψ䬉ᙈ㤜ϧ㔮㔲⮱ᙈᓰϧธ⮱᪙ ᘼȡ ᨇᖶϷ⁎ࣰߍ≨ࠂ⮱㤜ϧ㍪ᰰᰰ ࠲᠙喟႐ᄼ⇶ȠᱞࠊȠᱞ䶜సȠ႘⦋ᇠȠ҆ ќ‷Ƞ⢸㓖ȠᒽᬷȠ䗞సٶȡ
ः㋀䔮ᄣ ϑ≮οࠂ ᳄ൎ7FOMP͚᪴Ⴅᵎ㽗◼➦߿ᩜ͚᪴Ⴅᵎ
᱙൞㽅㔲 ᰵ ᬒ喑䕆๖᭜ᗲϧロ喑㔹㢤㭚ࢄ䘕 ᳄ൎ喑ₐ᭜ଶᎡ㤜⟯₎ロ⮱倅ም喑ᆙ 㢤㭚᳄ൎ㤜㍪ᰰ⮱7FOMP͚᪴ႥᵎᎫऺ᪆ ፘ喑ౕ㾟ᰰ㔮ᰰ䪤㾦նٶȠ⼅ᰥ䪤ᱻ᪹হ ᵎ䪤䡓䑊⮱፣䵅̸喑₎⟯⩕ݖロႥᵎ̺ ̷㿟⮱մ喑ݺᒭ͚䘕6USFDIU͚᪴Ⴅᵎࣰ 㻭ः㋀喑Ռ䥿Ⴅ㓿喑ऄ⛞ݝᗲᣒᒲ喑ᵎ䪤㘎 䰟丈Ƞᵎ䪤䘚㨀Ƞᵎ㦐ᰰͨፚ᳄๗ᲫВࣷႥ ᵎ⮱ޢ䓓ϧ㘎ᔄٶぶ喑ᣒᒲγ䖍䖀㔹ҳ⮱ ϧ喑͓ाϧԾܳϘγ᱙ᵎ䓓Ⴅ⮱㋀侄ȡ ͚స๔Ҭ乕䵅θ䘕⼅ᰥ䙚⯀ܧፚγ≨ ࠂȡ 㢤㭚7FOMP͚᪴Ⴅᵎޢ䓓 Ꭱ喑ጟ ᰶ Ꭱ⮱₤ट喑㜴.BBTUSJDIU͚᪴Ⴅᵎ䘪 ᭜᳄ൎ㤜㍪ᰰᐧ⿸䊤ҳ⮱喑̺䕻喑㋀₤γ ࣺᓖ喑㋀䕻 ็Ꭱ⮱⮩ᆂ喑Ⱋݺगᰶ Ը᪆ ፘ喑Ⴅ⩌ ็Ըȡ 6USFDIU͚᪴Ⴅᵎ᭜㢤㭚䓓ᓄ䐰ສ⮱͚
᪴Ⴅᵎ̭喑⢟͚ససࠆ䮏䓓仃ឦ䴿⮩⮱ 㤜᪴ヱႥᵎ⮱⽞㮌ȡڣ㮂⮱ጯ喑䰃♣ गᰶ ็㤜ϧϧऐ喑ѳ᭜Ⴅ⩌ࢨᰶ ็ ϧ喑̭ψႥ⩌ҳ㜗䰭㺮䪸䏷̭Ը็ᄼ᭯⮱ౝ 喑⩇㜠ᰶ౽▘䏷ᓋᓤస䖷ධ䋂ҳ⮱Ⴅ⩌ȡ 䕆Ҭݝҳ㜗ࢄ䘕⮱ϧᒵऄ⮩喑ߍγ䓓 ສႥᵎ喑⮩ᆂ͚᪴᪆㗟⮱Ԏᓰȡ 㘎䰟丈হ䘚㨀ڤ倁ϸ㉦γЃԾ⮱և∂喑 ᓋ㞞㠓䓓Ⴅϸ㉦䊤喑Вᄓ䯈Ҹၽ㿗ᬻຯ҂ᣕ ᐐ͚᪴᪆㗟喑ຯ∕ᘼ᪆ፘ⮱䖥᠁喑ᐧ⿸֒ڕ ⮱᪆ႥݣᏓ喑ߍᑤႥ⩌Ƞ᪆ፘহუ䪤䫀⮱ οࠂ喑⩕ݖܳٲο㖜㋟喑䪸ᣅ㢤ϧᩣ丷⮱㤜 ϧၽຠহ㢤㭚⩌ぶぶȡ ᣒ㦄喑6USFDIU䲏䵅㦄᳄ൎҳ⮱ϧࣰ 㻭γႥᵎ̷㿟⮱ᗲ⇮喑ڣ㺼হൡ䲏喑㊓ ϧ⪆̸γ⌞࢝⮱ݨ䆎ȡ ͚ࡵ喑䰆⩕㦄ጒ҉ࡵ丽喑㎩㎹ϑ ≮ȡ7FOMP͚᪴Ⴅᵎᰶ↧ᓰ喑⮩ᤛ㾟ౝ㮂 ̶సϑ⩹⮱ٗࠏ喑ᐧ⿸㋟〆喑ᨡ๔ᒞ䴬喑 㫶ₑ॥ᩣᰡ็⮱ٗ⻭᪆ፘহ͚ใႥ⩌ȡ
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ᤚ̸ᩬ⇨ۤㅪ喑䃀㢤㭚ᰰ㕳 㖪͚స㖟䴠 䪤Вҳ喑㽞็⊤ใ㤜ϧ̭ⰡԊᠮ 㦄Ąऱϧ㜗ᢰ䪭ݺ䰗ą⮱䪶Ⴕ᱙ᕔ喑㔹 ᩬ⇨ۤ㉯᭜⊤ใ㤜ϧ䏘̷ᤚ̺ࣨ⮱ ㅪȡক㩇ჄౕܳϘ㜗ጞࣰ䖥㋀₤㜴㋀ 侄᭯Ό㶕喑ࣰᩬ̺᭜̭Уㅎ⮱θ喑 Ⴐ⊶ࣷݝ㽞็䲏喑䮑γԊᠮ㦄◧㤜ϧ ࠆ⮱Ԏᔢ喑ὦ⿸㜗ጞ⮱ࣰᩬ⤳ᔢ喑ᄴ ᭯䫀Ƞ߈Ƞ䇎߈Ƞ➖߈ែݝڒ䖥㜶≨ ࠂ͚喑ᰭ䛺㺮Ό᭜ᰭᵥᓰ⮱䘕ܳᅞ᭜ᩦ 䂷㤜ϧᬏᰶ⮱᱙ధᕊᘠȡĄԾ㍪㿗㤜 ϧᘠ㺮㲺⪣ڒౝᰰ喑䮑γႥ㓿᱙స㿋
㼭喑ߍᑤ㋀┌হ᪴ࡃ⮱㲺ڒ喑ᩬ⇨㲺ڒ Ό᭜̺㘪ᔪ㻃⮱ȡΌ㽞ౕᒵ䪤⮱̭⃢᭯ 䫀㷼喑Ծ个ऄₔ㻃喑Ծ↿ᰶᩬ⇨ౝ Ѻȡ♣㔹⪣Ծ䕇䕻ߗ߈〆⾖γ㚠䌌喑 ⢟ᓄγᎠぶ㜴㜗⩞喑᧮ᰶγ㜴᱙సڙℾ ̭ὐ⮱‷߈喑Ծᰶ‷ݖ㋚䂤Ծ⮱ݖ ⯷喑◧ϭ只㺮㶕⤫ᓄຯₑۤএ喤ąЃ ㎩㎹㿗䖀喑ĄΌ㽞ᰶϧᰰ㿗喑䕆̺䬉 ⮱θ喑Όᰶϧᰰ㿗喑ᅞツែ⺕Όᩦ䂷̺ γϭ只ȡᘠ㿗䕆᭜䡜㿑⮱㻭吋喑㜗ጞ ⮱⯷ݖ᭜⩞㜗ጞҳ❚ः⮱喑ᩬ⇨͓䲋ᄾ ᪥ϧᢹᤎ⮱➦‷喑㔹ౕҍ⮱̭Ъ䬉 ᓰȡąক㩇ჄՎ䂝ݝ喑ጹ᱈ౕែ⺕⮱䗐 ๖喑๔უ䘪㘪䊝ܧუ䪭喑㶕䖁㜗ጞ⮱ᓰ 㖟喠̺ײ᭜ౕែ⺕⮱᭯Ն㊓ε䬉㽨喑 ᛶ⪣ᄴࣰᩬ䂝ᩬ㲺व䕟⩌≨͚喑ᣏ㼻⛞ 䪭⮱ᩬ⇨㾞䵹喑ܳᲽ℁䐰ᩬ吕⮱〣䖥㋞ 䵅喑㉽व㜗䏘⮱⩌≨ᗲ⇮喑ᰶाȠᰶ ⰛȠᰶᙸᏓ⮱㶕䖁㜗ጞ⮱㽡Ⅿ喑䃀㢤 㭚ᩬ⩹㽨ᘼݝ䕆㗎̺जᔪ㻃⮱߈䛼喑䃀 㢤㭚ᰰ㕳㖪ҳ㜗㤜ϧ⮱㖟䴠ȡ 㤜ϧࣰᩬ䲏㜕߈喑倅܊㖇߈㜴 ㉽߈᭜䬉䢢 ᄺ㤜㸁ᬒ⯷ผ๔⮱ϧऐ᪥䛼হ̺ ᨭࡴ⮱㋀┌ᄓ߈喑Ⱕ䐰㢤㭚ڣЃใ ҳ㸁喑㤜㸁⮱ᩬ⇨ࣰ㜴Ꮣ᭜ᰭѻ⮱㓑
倁ȡΌ㽞᭜⩞₤ट⌢⎽喑Ό㽞᭜ऄ᪴ ࡃ㗹ᮜ᪆㗟ぶᒞ䴬喑͚సϧ⮱ڔ䘕㉈❚ ѩͻᓋҳ䘪↿ᰶ։ᖜ䕻ȡ䕆̭吋ౕࣨᎡ ⮱⊤➆ጯ䂝〣䖥͚ΌĄ̷⑁ąγ喟҉ ◧⊤➆ጯੜ̭ڒ䖥⮱㤜㸁А㶕喑ౕ〣䖥 ݺᰭ㋷ᑢ䛺㺮⮱᭯ݨ喑ক㩇ჄΌ䖚䕴 ݝγݒᰶ⩕ᓰϧᅲᓰढ⍙⮱Ƞ䜊ᄺԸ ϧϧ䏘ᩨ᧷⮱㮈մᠴ䇙⮱㵹ࠂȡ䕆ᄺస ϧ⮱ڔ䘕㉽Вࣷᄺใ̭㜡⮱ᙸᏓỸ γ༮㘲喑Ąᓄݝγ㽞็⮱ᩜᠮ喑♎䀃 ᭜㢤㭚ϧ䖱᭜㤜ϧ喑Ό࠲᠙吕ڔ䇴⌞ϧ ➖⮱ᩜᠮ喠ѳ᭜ࢨᙌݝԾ㤜ϧ⮱܊ 㖇߈㜴㉽߈䖱όᒲߍᑤȡ ą ᄾ᪥㸁ౕᩬ⇨ᆑ䲏㗹䇍㦄ᰡ๔⮱ ҳ㜗ͨ≮ᰰ⮱߈喑ₑᘠ㺮ࢍᰶ̭ ፚౝ喑㺮व⤳ౝិᤎऱԸ㉍ᄺ㜗ጞ ⮱ᒞ䴬喑ᰭ๔⼸Ꮣ⮩ᤛ㜗䏘ٗࠏȡ҉◧ ᄾ᪥㸁̭⮱㤜ϧ㓑倁喑ᰡ᭜㺮Ⱬ㾹 喑ᆂ㉽䲏䆹喑២⻓ใҳ⮱̺ݖ ᒞ䴬ȡক㩇ჄՌ⩕㒻సо䵀ᩬ∂Ⴅ㔲 কၽࠑࢇธ⮱㾞㶕喑↿ᰶ‷ݖᅞ↿ᰶ ⯷ݖ喑ₐ᭜◧ౕᩬ⇨ᆑ䲏↿ᰶԾ⮱ 㖟䴠喑㤜ϧ㓑倁⮱ᒵ็⯷ݖ䘪ᓄ̺ݝ㋚ 䂤হԊ䯉喑ₑ㤜ϧ̺ײײ㺮⽺Ảࣰ ᩬ喑ᰡ倅ౕᩬ⇨䖥㜶͚㉽̭㜡喑ᑤ ܊㖇߈হाᓰ߈ȡ
Ąᗕ⮱ᓰ㖟 䃀נ䖋喑᎘ᗕ❚ः ᗕ ⮱‷⯷ą 䰃♣㤜ϧ㓑倁ౕ㢤㭚̺⮩ᆂ喑ᬒ ⯷ผ๔喑ѳ᭜̺ᛯຯ҂❚ःᰡ็ᛶᓄ⮱ ‷⯷ȡₑ㤜ϧࣰᩬ䂝ᩬ⮱䛺㺮ᕔ̺㼭 㔹૨ȡ҉◧䕆⁎Ⱞ䂝䖥㜶㷼ᄾ᪥⮱㤜 㸁〣䖥㔲喑ᄺĄ㜗ॷປߴą⮱ࣰ䖥喑 ক㩇ჄΌ㶕䖁γᄺ㜗ጞ⮱Ԏᓰȡౕ䕻ࣨ ⮱ᎫᎡ͚喑፣䵅㦄͚ᰰࠆ͚ᓰ喑 㜡߈ក䕍ᰡສ⮱㤜ϧᰰ喠В㢤㭚㤜ϧ ੳẚϧࢁᰰͨፚ⮱ऺ㓖喑◧͚㢤㋀┌ ⮱ᒭҳ㜴ϑ≮ᣕ∏ߖ╫喠ޢ䓓⿸⮱㤜 ᪴྿倁൞㉆喑В᪴ࡃ⏊䕇◧ധ吋喑აᤇ ⊤ใ㤜ϧ䷕䆹ȡᰡ䛺㺮⮱᭜Ѓ̭ⰡВ ҳ䏘̷≮⋹⮱͚స㵭⋟喑হᓋᄼ◧㤜ϧ ࠆ⮱⤳ᘠ㜴㾹䶅喑䕆ψ䘪◧ЃА㶕 㤜ϧ⮩㖟⮱ٗࠏȡ ጹ᱈ౕ㢤㭚㤜ϧ⮱呀ࠢহᩜᠮ ̸喑̭А㤜ϧ㘪ํᰡ⽺Ảౝ㲺ڒ㢤㭚 ⩌≨喑䍡䎺ࣰ㜴ᩬ෴≨ࠂȡᰡ䶅ᘼڕ 㢤㭚Ͱ㜠⮱⩹̓ڕ㤜ϧ喑㓑ゃ㓑߈㉽ ̭ᓰȡĄᗕ⮱ᓰ㖟䃀נ䖋喑᎘ᗕ❚ः ᗕ ⮱ ‷ ⯷ 喑 䕆 ᭜ ປ 偒⮱ Ⱋ 㜴 ݺ䕟 ⮱ࠂ߈ȡ䃀Ծ̺↵ں吅喑កⵡధᰶռ 㺸喑ે䚿㿋⮱⊤ใ㤜ϧ喑ा̓⩹נ䖋 సϧᓰ㖟喆ą
᱙൞㽅㔲 ⩠ӊ ᰵ ᬒᮇ̷喑㢤㭚͚స㍪ੳᰰহ㢤㭚 㤜ϧੳẚϧࢁᰰ喍%SBHPOT #VTJOFTT DMVC喎ౕ⊤➆ρᭌ㉇䙿Ꮔ$SPXOF 1MB[B㖜 व㜶䓓γ䓻᭒ᮇᰰ喑䕆᭜㢤㭚ږԸ߈≨ٲ হ⅐⮱㤜ϧ仃⁎㜶䓓䓻᭒≨ࠂȡࢄ㢤 㭚ⰮⰮ䪤+BBQ 4NJU喑͚స份㢤๔Ҭ乕ࣰ䈷 㠌⊤∏Ƞ䵅θ䘕ͨШ㩐㤜ぶଶ䈀ᛶ䖭ܧፚγ ≨ࠂȡࣰߍ䓻᭒≨ࠂ⮱喑ᰶږԸᰰ⮱ᰰহ 㢤㭚ऱԸٱᑌͨ⮱㺮䇍䇙ϧȡ 䕆ږԸ䘪ᒵᰶ➦㞟喑ౕ㢤㭚⩹হ ͨ≮ᰰ䘪ܳ≨䎺喑ࣰ㜴ͨ≮ᰰ⮱≨
ࠂ喑⽺Ảࣰᩬ䂝ᩬ喑͓́οⰥᩜᠮȡ㢤㭚͚ స㍪ੳᰰ᭜⩞㤜ϧЮẚუহ⏘ጋౝ⮱ℾ✌ Юẚუ㉱喑ڤᰶ⛌ᖶ͚㤜נ㊞᪴ࡃ⮱ٗ ࠏ喑㔹ੳẚϧࢁᰰധ᱙̷᭜㢤㭚㤜ϧ̭ А喑䕇㢤㿋হ㺬᪴ࡃ喑ౕͨ≮ᰰ͚ऱ Ը㵹ẚጒ҉ȡږᰰ㾺◧喑ЃԾᰶᒵ๔⮱ο㸉 ᕔ喑ₑ喑↧Ⴧव҉喑䪸ᆂ≨ࠂ喑Ϸᒹᰰᰶ ᰡ็व҉⮱ᾌᰰȡ ፚ̷喑㍪ੳᰰᰰ䪤ᑢۙᬚ喑ੳẚϧࢁ ᰰᰰ䪤ক㩇ჄȠࢄ㢤㭚ⰮⰮ䪤+BBQ 4NJUহ ๔Ҭ乕ࣰ䈷㠌⊤∏ٵᒹ㜡䓚喑䈀ͨ⺊ڞ㒷Ꭱ श⺒喑͚㢤䬉ӯᰡ̷̭ᆑὀȡ ᑢۙᬚ➦ݒ㿴ݝ喑๔ắρȠښᎡݺ喑ౕ ̭⁎ह㢤㭚ࣸ⮱ϑ㿴͚喑Ѓ㿴ݝγ̭⁎ࣨ
ࣰߍ㤜ϧԞἯ䘕%SBHPOT #VTJOFTTDMVC㜶 䓓⮱≨ࠂ喑➦ݒᠴܧ䕆䘪᭜̭㓑ౕ㢤㭚⩌ܧ ᝃౕ㢤㭚䪤๔⮱喑ऄݝ倅ぶ᪆㗟⮱Ꭱ䑂̭ А㤜ϧহ̭ψౕ͚సᰶ㋀䇬ੳẚ㖜㎘⮱Юẚ ㉱⮱̭Ըࢁᰰ喑≨ࠂ䅽ჹ喑ᒵᰶᙌ㼥ȡ䪸 喑ЃВ◧䕆᭜̭Ը͚᪴В፣Ą咺ąႄ䵚⮱ ࢁᰰ喑̺䕻喑ᓋ䗐᭯䊤ᅞ䪸ᄺ䕆Ըࢁᰰ⩏ ⩌γ⓰ࣇ⮱㜵䋐ȡĄࣨᎡ喑⪣⮱ສࣸক 㩇Ⴤহ㜗ጞऱ㜗⪣̷γږԸࢁᰰ⮱ͨፚহ ᰰ䪤᭯喑ԾιԸᰰᅞ䪸ჳܴοࠂ喑Ⱕο ࣰ㜴ᒩₑ䫀⮱≨ࠂȡąЃ㿗ȡ ক㩇Ⴤ⮩㼭喑ϸ㉦γ᱙ᰰ㜶䓓⮱䅽ჹ็ ᒖ⮱≨ࠂȡ 䓻᭒ᰰ̷喑ੳẚϧࢁᰰ䴿⮩γ⩞᱙Ԟ Ἧ䘕⮩⮱ܧ呀ࠢ⮩ᆂޢ⮱ Ꭱ%SBHPO #VTJOFTTੳẚϧນ喑⩞⤫⩕ݖАο㖜㋟ ឭ㶀䪸⮩ੳẚ✌䟤⮱㢤㭚ڙथ8FCQPXFS⢟ ᓄȡ ͚స份㢤㭚๔Ҭ乕ࣰ䈷㠺⊤∏ΌА㶕๔ Ҭ乕⮩㶕γ䁈㾞喑Ѓ㶕喑͚స⪣ݺₐ㮂 ⌞ࡃᩦ䲖⮱䬉䢢䮻⃢喑ߍᑤ㜴㢤㭚⮱व҉喑
̺ײᰶݖ⓭⮩͚స㋀┌⮱≨߈喑Ό㘪◧㢤 㭚ऱ㵹ẚӈᰡ็⮱ᅞẚቄѺȡߍᑤ͚㢤็ Ѻव҉喑᭜ږసϧℾ䘪Ἧ㺸⮱͚ڣθᗲȡ ፚ䫀喑͚స份㢤๔Ҭ䮠ᬚౕ⮫ᔆ͚ ⾧ݺҳ喑ⰸ᱈γࣰߍ䓻᭒≨ࠂ⮱ږᰰᰰ喑 ऄ₎⮱◵⛞ݝ䓻ȡ 䯕ᒹ喑ᮇᰰ䖱䕟㵹γ㢤㭚㤜ϧੳẚϧ ࢁᰰ ᎡᏓ๔⡻⮱䴿⡻حᐼ喑+BBQ 4NJU 䖱҉◧䴿⡻ଶ䈀◧᪥ႄ✌䟤䘕䪭๔⡻ᓄͨ .JDIJFM #FSTTFOCSVHHF䴿⡻ȡڣЃ⡻䴲 ᓄͨຯ̸喟%VUDI #BLFSJFT喍丌৮䘕䪭๔ ⡻喎喑*ODFOUJWF &VSPQF喍䕷ẚ๔⡻喎ȡ
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âŠ¤âž†ŕ¨˝Ď§ăś„ŕŠłá°°âŽąá°şŕ †áƒ„áŹ•áœ âŠ¤âž†ŕ¨˝Ď§ăś„ŕŠłŃ‡âťśážŹĐ’Ě¸áƒ„áŹ• ă‹šä‚¤ŕŚšÔŠäŻ‰âŠ¤âž†ŕ¨˝Ď§ăś„áşšÍ¨âŽąâ€ŤâŻˇÝ–â€Ź â€ŤÚžâ€Źŕ¤šáŁ•ŕ ‚âŠ¤âž†ŕ¨˝Ď§ăś„âŽąâŽŠá†‚ áŽ˜ß–ĐŽáşšáƒŁáŁ˝ĺ€…ă‹€â”ŒáŠľâŻˇ â—§á˜ ăşŽáƒ‡á…˛ŕą•âŠ¤âž†ŕ¨˝Ď§ăś„âŽąâ€ŤŢ˘â€Źáşšă”˛áŁ˝ÓˆáŽ˜ß–ăœ´áŠœá Ž Đ?ăś•áşšÍ¨Ôžăœ´âŞŁŕą?áŒŻáŠŹá?‰ĺ–‘ä‚“ă’&#x;ĺ–‘ŕŠłáşšâšŤŕą…ĺ–‘ ⚍ŕĄÍšá“°ŕŚšŕłťáŒŻâ€ŤÚŁâ€ŹĐƒä˜•äŞä•&#x;ăľšâ?Šä•‡ČĄ
Wat is Stichting Ondernemers Chinatown Den Haag?
Wat gaat St. Ondernemers Chinatown Den Haag concreet doen?
St. Ondernemers Chinatown Den Haag is een nieuw initiatief
Chinatown Den Haag is een kleurrijk gedeelte van hartje Den Haag waar
van enkele ondernemers uit Chinatown Den Haag. Het is een
hardwerkende ondernemers dagelijks een bijdrage aan leveren. Tevens is het
platform waar lokale ondernemers van alle etnische
een visitekaartje voor de stad waar we gezamenlijk trots op mogen zijn. In het
afkomsten (Nederlands, Turks, Marokkaans, Bulgaars,
verleden zijn er diverse initiatieven ontplooid om Chinatown aantrekkelijk te
Surinaams, Chinees etc.) in zijn verenigd.
maken en die resulteerden in het huidige Chinatown. Toch kan het nog beter en aantrekkelijker, zoals gezamenlijke promotie, gezamenlijke kortingsacties
Wat is het doel van St. Ondernemers Chinatown Den Haag?
(joint promotions), organiseren van braderiĂŤen, hulp bij vergunningaanvragen
St. Ondernemers Chinatown Den Haag streeft de volgende doelen na:
van ondernemers etc. Hierbij zal St. Ondernemers Chinatown Den Haag een
- behartigen van de economische belangen van
actieve rol vervullen. Daarnaast hebben veel ondernemers ook te maken met
de ondernemers in Chinatown Den Haag;
andere zaken, zoals veiligheid, parkeerbeleid, leegstand, zwerfvuil, zwervers etc.
- gezamenlijk promoten van Chinatown als toeristische trekpleister;
Ook voor deze zaken zal St. Ondernemers Chinatown Den Haag namens de
- bijdrage leveren aan de vergroting van de economische kansen en mogelijkheden
ondernemers een actieve rol spelen door regelmatig in gesprek hierover te gaan
voor de ondernemers; - ondersteuning bieden in het aantrekken van ondernemers en bedrijven die zich willen vestigen in Chinatown Den Haag; - bieden van een aanspreekpunt namens de ondernemers voor de gemeente, politie, winkeliersverenigingen, buurthuizen, brandweer en andere organisaties in Den Haag.
met de gemeente, politie, winkeliersverenigingen en andere organisaties en te zoeken naar een gezamenlijk aanpak en concrete oplossingen. Ons doel is een bruisend en kleurrijk Chinatown Den Haag‌ Dit is goed voor de lokale ondernemers, goed voor bezoekers en passanten, en uiteraard goed voor de stad! Jaarlijks vindt een aantal bijeenkomsten plaats voor de aangesloten ondernemers om over bovenstaande en andere zaken van gedachten te wisselen.
á™Œä Šŕ¨˝Ď§ăś„áşšÍ¨Ôžăœ—âŠ¤âž†ŕ¨˝Ď§ăś„ŕŠłá°°áœ˝âż¸Đ’Ňłá„şáœžÔž âŽąáŠœá Žăœ´ŕŁ°ăœ´ĺ–‘ŕą• áŽĄĺ–‘áœžÔžá„´áŁ˝Óˆá°ĄŮ—äˆ—âŽąá°ş ŕ †ĺ–‘â—§áşšÍ¨Ôžâ?šŕ¤ƒá°Ąŕš‡â€ˇâŻˇČĄ
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పߎ䮏ӕߎߋڙბͨШ㸅ᤡᎠࣾ㶕 Ꭱ᭒䉧䃺 ౕ Ꭱ᭒Ҡ㞯ࢠᄳݝᲒ䭲喑ప ߎ䮏ӕߎߋڙბͨШ㸅ᤡᎠࣾ㶕᭒䉧䓋喑 㶕䓫పᩬᏉহӕߎͨノ䘕䬕ᄦᎬ๔⊤ใӕ 㘋হపڲᑿӕӕⱤ⮱ϟܴڠᔭহ㞜ສ⺊ᙬȡ В̸ͧ䉧䓋ڕ᪴喟 ϟ❞⮱ӕ㘋ЙȠࣸЙ喟 Ꭱ݇݇䓴ࣨ喑Йࣵ䓻Გ Ꭱ ͚ࡻℾэ㐌⮱᭒Ҡ㞯ȡౕ䔆䓋ᬔ䓻⮱ ૉᎳᬣݨ喑А㶕͚ࡻϧℾڞহపపߎ䮏ӕ ߎߋڙბ喑ाᅲ̓⩹ऱౝ⮱ࡻӕࡻϧহᎬ ๔ᑿӕӕⱤ᠉Ꭱ喑⺊๔უ㒷Ꭱૉ⅁∸∸喆 ӕ㘋ࣸЙ喑䓴ࣨ䔆̭Ꭱ喑͚పࣾᆂ⮱ ጕ䒛⽠ₒݺ㵹喑ڕ䲏⌞ࡃᩦ䲖Ƞᐧ䃫∂⇨͚ పࣹ䒛侞ߕ喑ጯ౧㏼≻≨߈ᠮ㐚䔥ࣾ喑ϧℾ ⩌≨⺼̺ᩦ喑͚ࡻℾฺ⮱ڡ㨊ఫₐ ̭ₒₒͧ⣝ȡ 䔆̭Ꭱ喑Й㏗ᔢႁၽ䄋䓝喑⿸∂⿸ ោᝅ㘉ݖ㏗ᔢᬒহపუڙᬒ喑В๔ప⮱ࢳ ट䉐Шহ๖̸ᗲᔭ喑㜗Ⱞ᪴ࡃэឬ喑㐲ᔭ ᰶͧపუȠͧℾȠͧহᎠЅܧ䉢⩌প⮱ ϧЙȡ䔆̭Ꭱ喑͚ప➦㞟๔పใϑ䷻⩌Ⅱ 䊤喑Ą̭ፓ̭䌜ą䓵ᐭₒн喑Ąव҉ڞ䊏ą ਫ਼৺ρ≟喑͚ప䶳ᄩϧ䋠䔦䕺ጰ⤰ڕ喑̓⩹ ݛ䊤ᑧߟ⮱Ą͚ప䷻ąȡ 䔆̭Ꭱ喑হ⮱हθЙិᐧ䃫Ąহ䄽
ӕąᩫౕᓰ喑⼜ᲮĄ⊤ใᘍӕ䃎 ܿą喑Ӱ䔈ӕఏ㐀οߖ喑ព๔͚ใ᪴ࡃϑ ≮喑ᩜᠮࡻ᪴᪆㗟θ͇喑ӊ∂㐡៑ӕ㘋ᱰ ⯷喑Ԋ䯉হᩦӕ⩹ℾ⩌喑ͧᎬ๔ӕ㘋ᰡສ ౝ⩌ႅࣾᆂ〚ᅪ߈ڕȡ ӕ㘋ࣸЙ喑ҍЙᬍ䃧䏘ౕ҂ั喑㏵ ᓰ㈨ᩲౌ喑ͧუΎ❣㔮⩌≨Ꭵ⺼⌨ⵃߍ⨓喑 ͧ▫ࡧ⮫ༀ䛺ᐧუచܧ䧞߈ܧ喑͚ͧప⣝ হᎠ㐌̭ᥴᬄॽષ喑͚ͧࡻ᪴ࡃ⊤ใэឬ吅
吅㕂㕅喑͚ͧใࣸສϑ≮व҉ᥚᐧᶒᶮȡ হ⮱हθЙͧҍЙ⮱ᬍ⻮⡛喑ͧҍЙ⮱ 䊑ၽᗲᔭ喑ͧҍЙ⮱ⱌᗲࣇ䄷喑◦䊋喆 ĄᩲΎϷ้ᕊࡰ䛹喑䱉偀ᬻ̭ࣵ ᎡąȡҠ㞯ᄳ㜠喑Й⌞⌞ᕊᔢ⊤ڲใ⮱ ӕ㘋ࣸЙ喑➢ᠯҍЙ⮱θ͇ࣾᆂ喑ڠᓰ ҍЙ⮱⩌≨⟣ۢ喑ᘓᔢҍЙ⮱ૉͽႶ࢞ȡ 䔆ᕊᔢᗲ喑ⅴ㖇䊤ЙͧӕߎᕿͲ ⮱☚ᗲহ߈䛼ȡ
ౕ⮱̭Ꭱ喑͚పపߎ䮏ӕߎߋڙბᄳ 㐔㐚ᠶ⚔̭ܴӊ䲍ӕȠߎӕȠͧγӕ⮱Ⴤ ᬕ喑䄰ߕᎬ๔ӕ㘋হᑿӕӕⱤ݈ڞ㒻ສუచ ⮱☚ᔞ喑⌞ڒĄ⊤ใᘍӕ䃎ܿą喑Ӱ䔈 ⊤ใহ䄽ӕᐧ䃫喑㐡៑⊤ใӕ㘋হᑿӕ ӕⱤ⮱व∂ᱰ⯷喑ិ⺃喍ㅺ喎ప⮱⍖ᯃহڠ ❞䔮ݝ๔უ⮱ᓰ౻̷ȡ䓾ᎠͨፚࣨᎡч㻮 ̓⩹ऱపࡻӕࡻϧఏ䉌䉐ϧᬣ䄡䓴䔆ᵤ̭ ⃢䄊喑Ąఏ㐀㐌̭⮱͚ࡻℾ᭜⊤ڲใ͚ࡻ ٬ຠڞह⮱ᵦ喑ࢇ๔⌞⮱͚ࡻ᪴ࡃ᭜⊤ڲ ใ͚ࡻ٬ຠڞह⮱偯喑⣝͚ࡻℾь๔ฺ ڡ᭜⊤ڲใ͚ࡻ٬ຠڞह⮱ᷓ喠ڞह⮱ᵦ䃖 Йᗲ⌞ᘼ䪬喑ڞह⮱偯䃖ЙᓰᓰⰥ࢝喑 ڞह⮱ᷓ䃖Йहᓰहᓤ喑Й̭Ⴧ㘪์ڞ हΓࡻ͚ۆℾࣾᆂ⮱ᬣАヴ」ąȡ䔆̶ ͗Ąڞहą喑̺ϲҀ⣝͚ܧపపუ䶳ᄩϧᄦ ⊤ใӕ㘋⮱⌞ࣇᙌᗲ喑ᰡჱចⱭ⺃喍ㅺ喎ప ᄦᎬ๔ӕ㘋हళڞϘ͚ࡻℾฺڡᷓᘠ⮱⃤ ܴ᱈ȡ䃖Йᥧहᓰ喑ⵒⵧݺ㵹喑݈ڞ 䒶♹喆 ᰭऻ喑㶤ᓰ⺊ᙬᎬ๔⊤ใӕ㘋হᑿӕ ӕⱤౕ⮱̭Ꭱ䛹喑䏘Ҁᰡߍ֒ᏤȠუᏚᰡ ߍᎥ⺼Ƞθ͇ᰡߍ䶧⩲喆 喍͚ӈ⽬喎
᭒㞯ݺโ侨㢤ڝ๔Ҭ䭵ᬚᣒऄ㢤ڝ྿Ҁ̀䃬 ͚పࢳۉ㒷Ꭱ᭒㞯Გ͡䭲喑侨㢤ڝ๔ Ҭ䭵ᬚᅞ͚పڲᩬใϑᩬゃȠ͚㢤ڠ㈨ࣾᆂ ࣷĄ̭ፓ̭䌜ąՎ䃛ぶ䄊䷅ᣒऄ㢤ڝᬣ្ 喍5IF )PMMBOE 5JNFT喎̀䃬喑ᎣाᎬ๔䄨 㔲䔮ࣨ㒷Ꭱ⮱᭒⺊⺼ȡ̀䃬䃾᪴ຯ̸喟 䬛喟๔Ҭ䬮̸喑ᙌ䅏ᗕౕ͚పᎡᲒ͡ 䭲ᣒऄ̀䃬ȡ㒷ᎡࢠᄳݝᲒ喑ᗕₑݨᄦ䓴 ̭ࣨᎡ͚పใϑᰶ҂䃱Ф喑ᄦ̭Ꭱ͚㢤ڠ ㈨ᰶ҂Ⱙ喤ᄦЙ䄨㔲ᘠ䄡◦ϭ͵ॄ喤 ౕ䓴̭ࣨᎡ䛹喑͚పࣾᆂ㐔㐚ःᓄ ᅞȡౕใϑ̷喑͚ప⼜Ხᣏ㉏ప䭲ڠ㈨⮱⤳ 䃧̻䌢݈喑⼜Ხ࣯̻⤰ڕ㏼≻̻䛾㲺⇨ ⤳䔈⼸喑⼜Ხᐭᆂ̻̓⩹ऱͨ㺮ाࣸສϑ ᒭ喑⼜Ხᣕߕऱౝࡧ☚◦⮱হᎠ㼐۠喑⼜ ᲮͧపࣾڲᆂߎᎣ݈䕍㞜ສ⣜ධ喑ःᓄγ ͝ⶂȡ͚ప⮱হᎠࣾᆂহ⠙⿸㜗ͨ⮱হ Ꭰใϑᩬゃͧ̓⩹⮱হᎠ̻ࣾᆂևܧγ⼜Ხ 䉎⡛ȡ ౕࢠᄳݝᲒ⮱㒷Ꭱ䛹喑Ⱙ͚㢤ࣹ ՌⱭĄ㒷ąᎡश⺒̻⺼⮱㞜ສᄀᘼ喑㐔㐚 ڞहߗ߈喑⮨倅᱈䔉喑हᬣ㙇䌼ౝ喑ᣕߕ ͚㢤ࣸ䄷̻व҉⮱๔㝦Ą㒷ąጳ䊤㝗喑ں㐚 ヴ喑҉͚ͧప侨㢤ڝ๔Ҭ喑ᄳहҬ亳ह θЙ̭䊤ͧₑᅪጞ㘪ȡՌₑᱧч喑䅕А 㶕͚ప侨㢤ڝ๔Ҭ亳ाౕ㢤ڝጒ҉Ƞ⩌≨Ƞ ႓⮱ࡻϧࡻӕ喑ा䉢្䄨㔲হ㢤ڝϧℾ㜡 Вᰭ䄇ᡇ⮱᭒䬛Նহ⺊⺼喆⺊๔უ᭒ᘶ ᔘȠ䭃უᎥ⺼Ƞ̴θຯᘼ喆 䬛喟ᗕλ Ꭱ ᰵܧШ͚ప侨㢤ڝ๔ Ҭ喑㘪॓䄵䄵ᗕݝШВᲒጒ҉হ⩌≨⮱ᙌ ऄ喤ᗕ࢝䆎ᰭ⌞⮱᭜ϭ͵喤 ౕ㢤ڝ䓾͑Ꭱ⮱ᬣ䬡䛹喑⮱ጒ҉হ⩌ ≨̭Ⱑ㉔ᑍ㍮ᔆ喑䔆ᒵ๔⼸Ꮣ̷᭜⩞λ͚㢤 ڠ㈨ౕᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ喑ऱ䶳ഌव҉̺⌞ࡃ喑➦ ݘ᭜䓾Ꭰͨፚᄦ㢤ڝ䔈㵹పθ䃬䬛Ꭳܧፚ す̶ᅷᵥႶڕምч喑ₑ➦ूݺ仃Ⱕ䃬ࡻ喑 ᰶᎥ࣯̻ウิহᣒᒲ喑⌞ऄ͑పڠ㈨ࣾᆂ 㞜ສ߬呀㝋ȡͻ܍䊝䕺γ㢤ڝᰶ䛺㺮 ጯহౝࡧ喑ࣨᎡ䔅䃬䬛γᏀ៶㉏ȡᒀ♣喑 䔅࣯ߍγ๔䛼ϑ≮≨ߕ喑㐀䃳γ䃥็࠲ ᠙ᒀౝᮛ䕇ℾфౕ⮱ڲࣸ喑Ꭳࡼߖᣕߕ
͚㢤͑పౕ̭ψ䛺㺮䶳ഌःᓄγ⮱व҉ ȡຯ㺮䄡࢝䆎ᰭ⌞⮱θ喑ͨ㺮ᰶ͑◦喟 ̭᭜͚㢤ڠ㈨⮱ߎᕔȠڕ䲏ᕔহᐭᩫᕔБ ϧ࢝䆎⌞ݨ喑ౕࣹͻ܍ऱ͗䶳ഌ⮱व҉⒉ ߈ጕ๔喑ݺᮜⰸສ喠ι᭜㷘⼝҉Ą⁔≟⮱͚ పϧą⮱㢤ڝϧℾह͚పϧℾᰶⱭຯₑ็⮱ Ⱕѩั喑⌠ᱡȠࠑȠ࠲ღȠ㞜ぶࣹ ڞᰶ➦䉕喑ᬍ䃧᭜ᄦᣕ䔈͑పߎव҉喑䔅 ᭜ᄦߍᑧℾ䬡ࣸສ喑䘪᭜ܳᰶ⮱ݖധȡ 䬛喟ᗕ݇ݝ䓾Ꭰͨፚᄦ㢤ڝ䔈㵹⮱ పθ䃬䬛喑䄤䬛ₑ䃬ᄦ͚㢤ڠ㈨ᘼঠⱭϭ ͵喤 ࣨᎡ ᰵ喑䓾Ꭰͨፚւ๘ϧᄦ㢤ڝ䔈 㵹γ仃⁎పθ䃬䬛喑ःᓄγݺ᱗ᰶ⮱͝ⶂ ȡͨፚহ๘ϧह༮ χࢳᆞ๔ప⢸ হ侙ٸ㡉⣈⢸ऻ⌞ڒϑ≮喑ᐧ⿸γ㞜ສ⮱ጒ ҉ڠ㈨হ͗ϧࣸ䄷喠͑పڞहࣾ㶕γڠλ ᐧ⿸ᐭᩫߎ⮱ڕ䲏व҉цѡڠ㈨⮱㖁वฝ ᬻ喑ិ͚㢤ڠ㈨ჇѺࡴݝγ⮱倅Ꮣ喑Ꭳ ̸ࣹͧ䭣⃢䛺◦व҉ᠴᬻγा喠ࣹᰶ
ڠᩬᏉ䘕䬕হЮ͇䔅ౕ͇ۉȠ䛾㲺Ƞ㘪⎽Ƞ ⩢ԎȠ㝦㝣Ƞ㝗⾧ぶ䶳ഌカ㒟็䶦व҉ࡼ 䃛喑䛾㲺䊲䓴 Ϭ㒻ٰ喠ओใ喑ౕ㢤ڝᐧ ⿸͚ప᪴ࡃ͚ᓰぶ̭ψ䛺㺮ϧ᪴ϑ≮䶦ⰛΌ ःᓄ䉕ᕔ䔈ᆂȡᕨ㔹㼭喑䔆⁎䃬䬛ͧ᱗ Გ͚㢤ڠ㈨ࣾᆂ㐅γ㨊ఫ喑ӈγߕ ߈ȡ 䬛喟㢤ڝᮛ䕇ℾф㘪ϻ͚㢤ڠ㈨ࣾᆂ͚ 㣤⯷ॄ喤㘪॓䄤ᗕϸ㏺̸͚㢤ڠ㈨ࣾᆂ⮱ᕨ Ҁᗲۢ喤 ᭜⮱喑͚㢤ڠ㈨ࣾᆂᰭ㏵⮱ऄ⯷㔲᭜͑ పϧℾ喑ᒀ♣Ό࠲᠙㢤ڝᮛ䕇ℾфȡ ็ Ꭱݺ喑͚㢤ᅞᐭ䉥ᭀᒭᲒ喑ౕϻᎬጋݝ㢤 ̷͊⊤⮱ڝ㐥䌜̷喑㢤ڝੳ㝦⎽⎽̺ិ ͚ప⮱㡣णȠ͊㐥Ƞ⨤கぶ䓽ᒭ⁔≟喑កᐭ γ͚㢤Ƞ͚⁔ϑᒭ⮱̭䛺㺮⿄ऐȡすι⁎ ̓⩹๔ᝅ͚喑͑పϧℾᰫ⊡㵭ᝅ喑ᥧោ ∂ܨ㺬Ӣ⪒喑ͧ̓⩹⮱হᎠ̻ₐͶθ͇҉ ܧγ䛺㺮䉎⡛ȡ܍ᎡᲒ喑͚㢤ڠ㈨ࢳ㏼䷻ 䰕喑̺ݺ㵹喑Ϸ๖ጟ㏼䔈ߍڒ䕌ࣾᆂ⮱ᔘ
䒓䖀ȡҸຯ喑͚㢤㏼䉥䷊็ᎡᲒᑧߟ䪬喑 ጟ䔋㐚͑Ꭱ⾮ⵡ Ϭ㒻ٰ๔ڠ喠ࣹⰥο ែ䉱䶦Ⱋহែ䉱䷊㨙߰ࣾᆂ喑Ⱋݺጟᰶ ็უ͚పЮౕ͇㢤ڝ䃫⿸䓽㥒ᱧᲱ喑Ⱑᣒ݈ 䕍ᅞ͇ᇄѺ㏓ ͗喠㢤⮱ڝຣݣ৮Ƞ๔ 叱博ȠĄສฝ䴠ą喑ВౕࣷⅡݖȠ͇ۉহ⣜ Ԋឭᱜぶ䶳ഌ⮱ٵ䔈㏼侹ឭᱜౕ͚పͻ܍უ ૨ᝤᮀ喠ࣹጟౕ༮ඁᓤহ䛺Ꮃο䃫ᕨ 䶳亳喠̓⩹ᰭ๔⮱䔉∸䯳㷲マ䉔䒛Ą͚⊤⣜ ⤰ąत̺Ͳݺ仃㝗։䲍厬➦ͦ⍜喠͚ప⊤ۈ ៑㝗㝝㝴㑃䭌ϷᎡ ᰵΌₐᐼ䃬䬛㢤ڝȡ䔆 ψव҉̻ϑ≮ፓᲒ⮱ສัᏁ䄒᭜͑పᮛ䕇ℾ ф㘪์ౕౕҀчᓄ⮱ݝȡ䔅ᘠ➦ݘᠴ ܧ喑Й͑ప䘪ܳٲ䃑䃳ݝ喑Ꮑ䄒ࣾܳٲᡒ 㢤≟⁔ͧ҉ڝ䬕ᝤВ͚ࣷ㢤ౕ⁔χ๔䭳䬡 䶳ڕ⮱ٵѺο㖁ο䕇⮱⠙➦х߬喑㐀व͚ పᰭ䓾⮱ܧĄ̭ፓ̭䌜ąՎ䃛ȡⰥԎ͚ 㢤͑పহ͑పϧℾ᱗Გ⮱㖁㈨ᄳᰡ㉔ჳȡ 䬛喟ϻᗕ⮱ݝĄ̭ፓ̭䌜ąՎ䃛喑 㖁ᘠݝ䔆̭͑ᎡᲒ͚పࣾᆂౕऱ䲏䘪ᰶ̺ ᄾ䔈ᆂ喑ᗕ㘪キ㺮ϸ㏺̸ᒀ͚ݺప⮱ͨ㺮 ᩬゃ䃛⼸᭜ϭ͵ॄ喤 ͚ప᭜̓⩹̷ᰭ๔⮱ࣾᆂ͚పუ喑Ό᭜ ̓⩹̷ϧऐᰭ็⮱పუȡ䓴ࣨ͑ᎡᲒ喑ౕ Ą͚పᷓą⮱ᠴᑂ̸喑Йౕ⌞ࡃᩦ䲖Ƞキ ᩬᩫᱰȠӊ∂⇨పВࣷ䔯Ꮑ㏼≻ࣾᆂĄ፥ ᔮąȠᣕ䔈పუ⇨⤳Ҁ㈨ᐧ䃫হ⇨⤳㘪߈⣝ Аࡃぶ䃛䷅̷ःᓄγᒵ๔䔈ᆂȡЙՎڞ हȠ㐩वȠव҉Ƞजᠮ㐚⮱Ⴖڕ㻯喑ܧγ ह⇬㏬͗పუڞहࣾᆂ⮱Ą̭ፓ̭䌜ą Վ䃛喑⼜ᲮᲱᐧ⤰ڕцѡڠ㈨㑾㐉喑ᣕߕᐧ ⿸Вव҉ڞ䊏ͧᵥᓰ⮱ಸప䭲ڠ㈨喑ಇჇ ᩜᠮহ⼜Ხ࣯̻㖁वప㐡হ㵹ߕ喑Ꭳౕₐ ĄͶݖ㻯ąᄩा̸࣯̻ప䭲чࣺᕽহᏁ ᄦĄࢇ៶ą⫘ᗲ⮱㵹ߕぶȡ᱗Გ喑͚పᄳ 㐔㐚㵹⠙⿸㜗ͨ⮱হᎠใϑᩬゃ喑ಇᠮ䊝 হᎠࣾᆂ䖀䌜ȡ̭͗ᬒ⯷㍮㢐Ƞᑧ๔⮱͚ప ᄳͧ̓⩹হᎠࣾᆂθ͇҉ܧᰡߍ⼜Ხহ䛺㺮 ⮱䉎⡛喑͚పᙬह̓⩹ڣЃऱప̭䖀喑ͧϧ ㆨ⮱হᎠȠ⽠Ⴧ̻㍮㢐㔹ߗ߈ȡ 喍͚ప侨㢤๔Ҭ亳ӈ⽬喎
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㤜ੳ䵅䏺ᘼ๔ݖ৮❹Юẚ䬃͚సጯൡ⢟㗜Ⴧ ҳ⎽喟͚㋟ ᨇᘼ๔⁽ݖ㖜䕇㼷൞䖀喑 ᰵ ᬒ喑 ͚స䇬Ӱᰰ͚సᄺใ䇬ᭀ⤳θᰰ⼅ᰥ䪤ṷ ᓖᑤౕᾌ䬉ᰰᐠ㻗ܴᰰ㺸γₐౕ͚స䕟㵹 ੳࠆ≨ࠂ⮱ᘼ๔ݖ㦄ऺ৮❹ЮẚА㶕̭ 㵹ȡ͓ा㾟Юẚ㤜ϧ㗎ᲞȠϋ๗ౝ㍪䇍䇙 ϧ䋆⚒䱿ᢵ⤳θѺ❹ȡ
䋆⚒䱿ᄺㆠ㭚ᆙЮẚ◧͚సᄺใ䇬 ᭀ⤳θᰰ⤳θѺᙌݝ䲋፥⁐喑͓ᙌ䁊͚ సᄺใ䇬ᭀ⤳θᰰ㊓ε᱙ϧহЮẚ⮱ᩜᠮ㜴 ᎘ߖȡЃ㿗喑Юẚ䕟͚ڒసጯൡ喑ጹ᱈㘪ํ ᰡ็⮱ᓄ͚ݝసᄺใ䇬ᭀ⤳θᠴᄻহᩜᠮȡ ͓ᄴᵩ䖢Ⴕ͚స∂ᒸ喑㋚䂤ЮẚԎ䂪喑㾺 ⱌᆒ㵹Юẚᰰ䇙ШȡВٗ㞜⮱৮䈗Ƞ➦ᰶ ⮱᭯ᅇ喑ा͚స⊵䇨㔲ӈᰭٗ䈗⮱ࠆȡ
ṷᓖᑤ㿗喑͚సᄺใ䇬ᭀ⤳θᰰᄴ㦄߈ ̺ᣕࠂ͚ใЮẚ䫀⮱ࠆᄓव҉喑◧Юẚ ᥚᐧᰡ◧ᰶ᩵⮱ϑ≮Ꭰ㜧喑⮩ܳٲᤛ䇬͚స ᄺใ䇬ᭀ⤳θᰰౕ⁽ϋऱస⮱็⽛⍍䖀喑Ӱ 䕟হࢁߖ͚ใЮẚ⽺Ảᰶ᩵ౝ䪸᠀ጯൡ喑䪸 ᆂᰡ็⮱䇬ᭀহែ䇴व҉ȡ ṷᓖᑤ㶕喑͚సᄺใ䇬ᭀ⤳θᰰⰛݺ ₐౕ㦄ㅹᐧ⁽≟ܳᰰ喑⁽≟ܳᰰ᭜᎘ߖ͚
సЮẚ䊝ा⁽≟ጯൡ⮱䲋✌ݖᕔੳࠆव҉ᾌ ݣȡܳᰰ⿸ᒹ喑ᄺใᄴ⩕ݖܳٲ䇬Ӱᰰ㜴 ⁽≟ऱసੳẚ㉱㎁ᐧ⿸䊤⮱㋷ჳव҉䬉㈨喑 ◧⤳θѺহᐐ๔Юẚӈڔღᐐ∈⮱㋉व ᕔࠆ喑ក䕍ڕ⮱ࠆᎠ㜧ȡ䕇䕻ࠆᄓ ࠆ◧͚⁽Юẚ䪸ᆂᎠぶοݖव҉ӈᩜᠮȡ
㺬⤚➆䂓㖜व㵹ࠂ᧷ܧ㤜ϧԶᏘ≄叾䡏≨ࠂ ҳ⎽喟⁽⊗㋟ ⁽⊗㋟ ᰵ ᬒ喍㽅㔲 ᰟ䐩喎൞䖀喑 㺬⤚➆సუ䂓হᛟڢ䮷кϷᬒᆂ䪸㖜व 㵹ࠂ喑䜊ᄺ仙ᓤ㷼'VFOMBCSBEBጒẚԶ Ꮨ㤜ϧឦ⮩ੳൡহࢄ䘕උ㋚ϋԶᏘ⮱ ≄叾䡏≨ࠂ䪸ᆂ๔ᄖᴒក᧷喑ౕ䕆̭পऺ ◧Ą0QFSBDJoO 1FMJDBOPą⮱ក᧷㵹ࠂ 㷼喑ᰶ็ऺ㤜ϧ㷘ᢂ喑Ȩ̓⩹൞ȩᤡᑂ⁽≟ 㖋⮱൞䖀㿗喑̭ڞᰶఈϧ㷘ᢂ喑◧ऺږ 㤜ϧឦ⮩ẚͨ喑⮪◧ऺږӱ㒲సℾ喑㒗㵹 ◧ᆙ̭Ը⌲≄叾䡏⮱⟜㒗㉱㎁ȡ 䂓⮩ጰ⮱ృ❴ⰸ喑ౕ仙ᓤ㷼㷘࠲ᄖ ᴒ⮱ԶᏘᰶ㤜ϧ⮱Ą(PME $JUZ 4 - ąឦ⮩ ੳൡȡ⁽≟㖋⮱൞䖀㿗喑䕆⁎ក᧷㵹ࠂ 䮑γ䕛ᢂ็ϧใ喑͓㎠⢟⤫䛾 㥙 ⁽ ٰȡ ౕ䕆̭݊㵹ࠂᒹ喑䯕ᒹᄴ᭜䜊ᄺ仙ᓤ 㷼'VFOMBCSBEBጒẚহඋ㋚ϋԶᏘ็უ ੳ㮌䕟㵹ᄖᴒȡࣰ㜴γ䕆⁎Ą0QFSBDJoO 1FMJDBOPą㵹ࠂ⮱ᰶ㺬⤚➆ᛟڢ䮷кহ㺬⤚ ➆సუ䂓ក᧷䇖হᰶ㉱㎁ᕔ⟜㒗㵹ࠂ㍞ 䮷喍6%:$0喎ȡ ओᨇȨ㺬⤚➆䰨㻃ρ㜧ȩ൞䖀喑ౕ䕆⁎ ऺ◧Ą⮪劉勅ą⮱䂓㵹ࠂ͚喑䂓ᄌহᛟڢ ౕ$PCP DBMMFKBԶᏘڞह᭯᥉ᴒγ უ㤜 ϧԶᏘ喑ᴒ⢟⤫䛾ᣒ䓾 㥙⁽ٰȡ 䂓ѝツ喑䕆ψ㷘ᢂ⮱͚సϧᰵ≄叾 䡏⮱䛾䵺倅䖁 ⮫㥙⁽ٰ喑䓱Ϸ◧喑ЃԾ ≄䡏⮱㍪䵺倅䖁 ٰ⁽رȡ䕆̭๒ᰭ䓾̭ ⁎֤䕸⤫䛾ܧධ⮱䛾䵺◧ 㥙⁽ٰ喑ڞ㸊γ
็Ը࠲㸦ȡౕ֤䕸䏷䑈 ㋀䕻∂సݺᒭ∏ 㭚⮱᭯Ն喑ౕ∂స䖷ධ㷘⢟ȡ Ը㷘ᢂ⮱≄䡏๒䕇䕻ᓋ͚స䕟 ऐ䇕➖喑̺ε⩠൞ぶ⃢喑֤䔰⼲ᩣ喑ݖڣ ⒑䖁̶ݝԺВ̷ȡ◧γᄴ䟤䇕ᒹ⮱叾䡏֤䕸 ͚ݝస⮱䞭㵹㷼喑ЃԾ䕇䕻็Ըసუ喑Вᰟ ㌇⮱ᐼᄴ䡏䕸ܧ㺬⤚➆ȡ ᨇ̭ψ$PCP DBMMFKBԶᏘ⪣ౝ㘋ϸ ㉦喑ЃԾⰸݝ䂓ͨ㺮⾮ᴒγ̶უԶᏘ喑̭ უ๔ಸ⮫䇕ឦ⮩ԶᏘ喑̭უڔ㶐ឦ⮩ԶᏘহ ̭უ仃丫ឦ⮩ԶᏘȡ͚ڣ仃丫ឦ⮩ԶᏘ⮱ڔ 䇕➖ᰭᒹ䘪㷘䂓ڕ䘕ᩣ㎠ȡ ⰥԎ๔䘕ܳ㘋ᄺ Ꭱ㺬⤚➆䂓⮩ 䊤⮱Ą⮴ፊ㵹ࠂąӊ♣㽅ᛣ⡣ȡౕ䗐⁎ፚ ࢤ᪡Ը㺬⤚➆⮱๔ಸࣺ≄叾䡏喑ក᧷ᰶ㉱㎁ ⟜㒗⮱㵹ࠂ͚ȡ䂓ᄺ仙ᓤ㷼̭ψ⊶⮱ੳ უ䕟㵹γៀᢂহ㿬ᴒ喑㔹ౕᰶⰥ⪣̭䘕ܳ㤜 ੳ㷘Вऱ⽛࣌➪⊶͚ڣ喑䖚ݝγ䂓⮱㿬 ᴒ⩇㜠᭜䬉៩ȡᰶϧᰫ㿗喑⮴ፊ㵹ࠂ䃀仙ᓤ 㷼㤜ੳͰ㜠⪣ౝ⮱㤜ϧ㋀┌䘪ऄݝγ↵䛺ក ᧷喑ₑ㾞ज䀯᭜̭吋Ό̺䕻ܳȡ ᬒݺ喑仙ᓤ㷼䂓Вࣷ⼲ࠆぶڣЃ䘕䪭
ںᏓᆂ䪸γ䜊ᄺ仙ᓤ㷼ԶᏘ㤜ੳ⮱㖜व㵹 ࠂ喑ᨇⴒᗲ㔲㶕喑ₑ⁎㵹ࠂ⮱㺼᭜⮴ፊ 㵹ࠂᒹᰭ๔⮱̭ₑ喑䂓็ ࠂܧڞ䂓߈ Вࣷ䂓⟙喑㺬⤚➆⼲ࠆВࣷ⊤䬉䘕䪭Όᰶ᪥ ϧࣰߍγₑ⁎㖜व㵹ࠂȡ ᨇⴒᗲ㔲ϸ㉦喑䕆⁎㖜व㵹ࠂ㷘পऺ ◧Ą劉勅㵹ࠂą喑࠲क़ږԸ䘕ܳ喑̭͚ڣԸ 䘕ܳ᭜䜊ᄺ๔㺼䔰⼲⮱喑㔹ओ̭Ը䘕ܳݴ ᭜⩞㺬⤚➆సუ䂓ᄌ̸ᆙ⮱㌊⟜㒗䘕䪭В ࣷᛟڢ䮷͚๛➦ݒ䘕䪭㖜वത㵹⮱喑ᨇ⽞䜊 ᄺ⮱᭜⪣ౝᰶ㉱㎁⟜㒗হহ≄䡏ぶ⟜㒗≨ ࠂȡᨇԎ䂓ጟ㋀ౕ䕆Ը㵹ࠂ͚ែڒγ๔䛼 ᭯䫀হ䂓߈喑ౕͨ㺮䁶ᨇ䘪ጟ㋀ᢹᤎ⮱ᗲ⇮ ̸䪸䕟㵹ៀᢂ㵹ࠂȡ ⪣๖ᬖ̷ 吋ጓठ喑仙ᓤ㷼సუ䂓ᄌ 㿬γ๔㈱ ҆ऺ䂓߈喑ౕԶᏘใ䲏䕟㵹 γ䯳㉽ȡౕ䯳㉽䫀喑䭱䓾̭უ㤜ੳ㷘䂓 ᄮ䪭喑͓⺮ϧڒܧহក䰨㾞ȡВ䭟ᰶϧ 䕇ⴒڣЃ㤜ੳȡᨇ̭ऺౕൡ⮱㘋㶕喑⪣ ๖Ѓᬖ̷ҳڙथᒹ↿็Ͳ喑ᅞ⮩⤫䪭ऐ։ γ䂓ᄌ喑̺⮱ᰶ̭䮷䮷⮱䂓ᄌᓋ䪭ऐ㋀ 䕻ȡౕ䕆䫀喑ऺږ䂓ᄌ䕟ҳ㺮ⅯЃԾ̺㘪 ក䰨㾞ȡЃ㿗喑⪣᭯ЃВ◧᭜㜗ጞ䕆უԶᏘ 䖚ݝγ㿬ᴒ喑ᓰᘠ䕆⁎๔θ̺ສȡ↿ᘠݝ䂓 ᰭ㉯↿ᰶ䕟ڒԶᏘ䕟㵹᥉ᴒȡ๔㈱ݝ吋 ็⮱᭯Ն喑䕆ψ䂓ᄌ⾮♣ڕ䘕䰏䪸喑ᒭԶᏘ $PCP $BMMFKBाࣨγȡ 䯕ᒹ䂓䜊ᄺԶᏘᎫუ๔ಸԶᏘহ ੳ䕟㵹γᄮ䣃হ᥉ᴒȡࠆ⼲͚ڣ䘕䪭হ⊤ 䬉⮱ϧ䜊ᄺ⮩⺕䕟㵹γᄵ䪭⮱῏ᴒȡ㔹ౕ Ըݒੳڔ喑䂓Ⱑᣒ፣䊝γ̭ψ㤜ϧ䕟㵹
㿬ᴒȡह᭯㷘፣䊝⮱䖱ᰶᎫऺᲞ⁽ϧ喑䂓 ⩇㜠ࠂ⩕γ䂓⟙ౕ⤫ൡ᥉㉏喑ᨇ㽅㔲γ㼐喑 Ⱋݺ䂓ౕԶᏘ፣䊝γ็ϧ喑͓ᴒ⢟γ๔ 䛼⤫䛾喑㔹ᨇ̭ऺ㷘ᴒੳუ⮱ጒϧ㶕喑䂓 䕆⁎㵹ࠂज䀯᭜ᬖᰶ䴽䀭喑◧䂓ᄺЃ Ծڙथ⤫䛾হ䈙᱙⮱ᗲ⇮䲋፥γ㼐喑ݝγ⤫ ൡᒹ喑Ⱑᣒᅞឫݝγႅᩫ⤫䛾⮱ౝȡ ⪣๖⮱᥉ᴒ㵹ࠂ̭ڞᠮ㎹γ๔㈱ఈԸ็ ᄼ᭯ȡ⼺ᮇψ᭯Ն喑䂓䖱㖜व⼲ࠆ䘕䪭ᄺ 䖷ᎫუԶᏘ䕟㵹γ῏ᴒ喑ѳ͓↿ᰶ፣䊝Ш ҂ϧȡ ̭ऺ⪣ౝ㤜ੳౕ㋀₤γ῏ᴒᒹ㶕喑 䕆⁎῏ᴒ㵹ࠂⰸ䊤ҳ᭜䂓ᄌጟ㋀䛋䛭γᒵͲ ⮱㵹ࠂ喑᪡Ը㵹ࠂ䘪ᰶ⪣ౝ⮱྿倁䕟㵹⤫ൡ Ⱑ᧚ᐼ⮱൞䖀喑जВᘠ䆎⮱᭜喑ᒵᔘ⪣ౝ ྿倁হ䰨㻃̷䘪ᰰ⤫ܧ๔ヴ፲ᄺ㤜ੳ̺ݖ ⮱൞䖀ȡ㔹䕆ὐ⮱㵹ࠂ䃀Ѓ⮱ᙌ㻧䲋፥̺ ສ喑㊂๔็᪥⮱⪣ౝ㤜ੳ䘪᭜Ⴕ∂͓́㈺⼲ ⮱ੳϧ喑ᄺ⪣ౝ㋀┌ևܧγᒵ๔⮱䇏⢨喑㔹 䂓䕆ὐ⮱㵹ࠂᬻ䶜᭜ౕក᧷̭๔❴喑ᄺ⪣ ౝ㤜ੳ㖟䂪䕍⮱ᒞ䴬䲋፥ጕ๔ȡ 㔹ओ̭ऺ㤜ੳݴ㶕喑㺬⤚➆྿倁⮱ᒞ 䴬߈᭜ጕ๔⮱喑̷ߍں㺬⤚➆㔮⮫ༀ䲋፥ღ ᭀ㷘≄㚓喑ᩬᏉΌᅞजВ⩕ݖ䕆ὐ⮱θᗲҳ 䑶⼨ℾⱫ⮱Ⱋٶ喑䃀ᰰ̭䊤㓋䓞͚సϧ喑 ᓋ㔹䃀ℾⱫᔅ㽅䕆Ըసუ⮱ᩬᰶ็只㙽 ᪄ȡ 䬉ₑ⁎㵹ࠂ⮱ᒹ㎹൞䖀喑᱙൞㽅㔲ᄴ ᰰ䕟㵹ᠮ㎹䬉㽨হ⌞ڒ൞䖀ȡ
㤜㤜ϧ⊤ใ䕻Ꭱ ᙌଳ᭒ロ䋕ाĄ̓⩹ᕔą ҳ⎽喟͚ ͚ࡄϙ ᰵ ᬒ䰨 䘊❪ Ą๔㶄̷ 䅻䊤γა͚נస᭒ロ⮱ᄼᬄၽ喑ੳൡ㷼Όܧ ⤫γᒵ็͚ٲసロᚣٰ㉍⮱⊤൞喑Ă㒷ă ᰡ᭜䯕㮂ज㺸ȡąౕⓠ๔ݖϋᖶᅩ䂭ᰥ⮱ॠ ༀहႥᣒऄ㽅㔲䕐㌇䛴㽗᭯㿗喑䰃♣↿㘪ఋ ݝუ䘶䕻᭒ロ喑ѳࢨౕᖶᅩ⪣ౝᙌऄݝγ⓰ ⓰⮱͚సĄᎡঠٿąȡ 䓾Ꭱҳ喑䯕㦄͚స㋀┌⮩ᆂȠస߈ᑤ Ⰸ喑స䯈ᒞ䴬߈হస䯈ౝѺᬒ⯷ࡴ喑䏘㮂 ⊤ใ⮱㤜㤜ϧᘵ⮩ᙌऄݝ喑͚స᭒ロጟ̺ ײײ᭜͚సϧহ⤰ڕ㤜ϧ⮱ロᬒ喑㔹᭜䔽⑥ 㷘ऱసϧℾ㾺हࣰ͓㜴͚ڣȡ 㒻స͚స䇴⎽ែ䇴㾏ᰶ䭽ڙथത㵹ޜ ㍪㷮℈̓㈲ॷ㽡㽅㔲喑᭒ロ᭜͚㤜ℾᰭ䛺 㺮⮱נ㊞ロᬒ喑Ꭱ喑㈽㈱⮱ϋ㸁喑➦ ݒ᭜㤜㸁䘪ᰰᚣ⺊᭒ロȡĄ๔უ㖇ౕ̭
䊤रᎡ้东Ƞ㊓႖ၽԾ⮩㈲࠲Ƞ㜶㵹ᚣ᭒ 㟞䏷䕷㵹ȠౕᠴჇ⮱᭯䫀হഌ⛰ڔᩫ䳚㟞 ✳〦ぶぶȡą ϷᎡ⮱㈽㈱ᰶγᰡ➦⮱ݒ᭒ロ⅐ⅈȡ䮑 โ้喑ౕ㈽㈱৵ᓤ䖉⇠̷⾧䕟㵹γ ܳ䥅 ጓठ⮱Ąহ㒻͚సą๔ಸ♝▘㶕⑁喑㺼 ๔गᰶ㒻ససᚣᬒ⮱♝▘㶕⑁㘪㒻ȡ℈̓ ㈲㿗喑䕆᭜ᰶटВҳ⮱す̭⁎喑ᒞ䴬߈䲋፥ ๔喑䃀䊷ҳ䊷็⮱ϧγ㼐͚సᎡȡ ̺ײຯₑ喑℈̓㈲ϸ㉦䖀喑Ą㈽㈱ጋ䕇 䕻∂ᵵ喑ౕϋ㸁℁Ҹ็⮱ጋ͚⿸ڙᄼႥ喑᭒ ロ⪣๖ᩫմ̭๖ȡ䕆㿗ᬻ᭒ロ䊷ҳ䊷ᓄͨݝ ≮ᰰ⮱γ㼐হ䛺㻃ȡą ॷ㽡㽅㔲喑Ą⩞᪴ࡃ㓿Ԅ̺ह喑ใ సℾⱫᄺ͚స᭒ロ⮱ࣰ㜴⼸Ꮣᅇᰶ䭽喑ѳ᭜ ጟᰶ䊷ҳ䊷็⮱ใసϧⴒ䖀γ᭒ロȡЃԾᝃ ⩞ૉ₎⛞偔喑ᝃ⩞⛞ᙈ͚㤜᪴ࡃ喑ᝃ⩞ 䏘䖷ᰶᒵ็ϋ㸁ࣸぶ࣌喑䔽⑥ࣰ㜴ݝ ᭒ロ⮱ᚣ⺊≨ࠂ͚ȡą ౕᰶĄ䌊䰏͚సᰭ䖍సუą⽞⮱ᮧ ݖ喑㤜㤜ϧΌᙌऄݝγ⪣ౝᰰᄺ͚స᭒ ロᙸᏓ⮱䂷ࡃȡ Ąౕᮧݖ䕻᭒ロ喑̭Ꭱ℁̭Ꭱᰡສ喑䕆 ᭜ϷᎡ᭒ロ䫀喑ᰭ๔⮱ᙌ㼥ȡąᮧࡄݖ ϙ⊤ใ㖜वᰰᰰ䪤Ƞᮧ͚ݖస㋀┌䇬ᭀ⮩ᆂ ࢁᰰത㵹ͨፚȠᮧ͚ݖసহᎠ㊞̭Ӱ䕟ᰰޜ ᰰ䪤䬉䛾┑ॷ㽡㽅㔲喑͚స᭒ロ⮱≨ࠂ䊷ҳ
䊷ऄ⪣ݝౝͨ≮ᰰহᩬᏉᾌỸ⮱䛺㻃ȡ ⩞ᮧݖ䌊䰏͚స䲋፥䖍喑㤜㤜ϧ⮱ ᪥䛼ᰶ䭽喑͚స᭒ロࣵᒭᒭᖝ䕏ᮧ⮱ݖጒ҉ ᬒ喑ₑ᭒ロౕᮧ⮱ݖĄᮛࣷą⼸Ꮣ䖱̺ 倅ȡ♣㔹喑䯕㦄䓾ᎫᎡᮧ⮱ݖ㤜㤜ϧϧ᪥ ̷喑㤜ϧ㜴⪣ౝᰰϑᒭ䊷ҳ䊷ჳܴ喑ᰡ
็⮱ᮧݖϧγ㼐γ͚స⮱Ꭱÿÿ᭒ロȡ 䬉䛾┑㿗喑Ąᰭ䓾Ꭻ๖喑̭ψᮧݖࣸ ⩇㜠ᰰ⩕͚᪴ाԾ㿗ĂᎡສăȡ䯕㦄͚ స䔽⑥ᑤ๔喑᭒ロᰰ㷘̓⩹ऱౝᰡ็⮱ࣸ 㾺䂅ȡԾౕᮧ⮱ݖ㤜㤜ϧΌᰰ⽺Ả҉ ߈ߗܧ喑䃀᭒ロᬖᬒౕᮧݖუ૨ᝣȡą
䊃⿸喑侾⍥̓⩹⮱ߴธ Ą⮱๏ᘠ᭜伻䏷⧝䕷̓⩹ȡ㜗㵹䏷᭜♎ↆᴀ⮱ϑ䕇ጒڤ喑ᘠ伻㦄Ⴐ⩕ Ꭱ᭯䫀⧝䕷 ̓⩹喑აנѻⷠ⧝Ԋহ͚స᪴ࡃȡą ⮱ᐐ㺬⩤ၽ䈡⿸㜗 Ꭱᓋ͚స⮩ܧ喑伻㵹₤ ㋀ ็Ըసუ喑㍪㵹⼸ ڙ㷼喑ᬒݺ២䖁㢤㭚ȡЃ⮱̸〆ᄴ᭜ᓤస喑㎹ᆂ⧝⤰⧝Ԋᙵ 伻㵹ȡ
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ć㕚ă“Ó?â?¨ÄˆäşŻâ´¤á´żŃƒŕŠ‚Ⲻ㓺᥆ äœžŕ źÎ¸ŢŹŃŁŕ¤ťá¤˘Ňźá–‰Ô™Ó?â?¨â˛şă˘° áľĽÎ¸áŽ˝ŕĽŒŕŤ‚ŕźŃ?Ȟ਼ԛă äŠ ŕľŚ äˆŞÎ¸Ä‡ă•šă“Ó?â?¨Äˆŕ¨ĽÔ›ŕľžŃƒŃťâ˛ş áˆźáś›áĄ†Ń°ăŚŢŚĺ’ľâ˘ŻŃŻá–‰Ô™Ó?â?¨â˛ş ԙ㺞Ȟ ć㕚ă“Ó?â?¨ÄˆÖƒÓ„咾⢯ѯá?¸ŃŁ á—šÎ¸ŕžŻáąĽŕľžâ§Śá´żá”°ă†‡ŕ¸°âšśŃ€â˛şáŻ ä™–äşŻâ´¤Čžä˜?ŕźşá”°ă†‡á´żâľśŃŚáˆ‚â˛şŕŚź ਨȞԄâŤá–§ä˛˜á”śá€ θâ?ŹŕŠ„䖢਎Ѱ ä¸ŠŇ†ăşžâ•Šŕľ°ŕľŚÎ¸Ň ŕŠ„ä–˘ŕˇ Ń°ăŞ?ŕŠƒ ⲺདྷᙹŐ?Ȟ⧌ྞć㕚ă“Ó?â?¨ÄˆáŻ 䙖亯ⴤ↙ྞă??ᕖⲺᔜኋѣȞᾠ᜛ć㕚ă“Ó?â?¨ÄˆŢťâ˛şŕŁ•ăœłŃŚáˆ‚ŕ˝? ä&#x;˝Î¸ŕž¸ä˝†äžźÎ¸ŕŤŒŕŽ—䞟θ㢰ᾼ⹠ᔀθŕźäŹ°Î¸ŕźŕŁ—䞈á“?਀ࣔ‍ޢ‏Ȟ
“Colours ofAsiaâ€? is een unieke combinatie van verschillende onderdelen, waar kunst, cultuur en commercie samengaan om het hedendaagse AziĂŤ in Rotterdam te representeren. In het hartje van Rotterdam vindt de herontwikkeling plaats van een pand met een rijke historie. Ooit begonnen als bioscoop, daarna als poppodium maar vooral bekend geweest als een discotheek. Nu volgt de realisatie van “Colours of Asiaâ€?. In het pand komen verschillende functies zoals restaurants, cafĂŠ, kunstgalerie, winkeltjes, business hotel en kantoren.
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Ӟᳫफ䚼ජᏖ䀁ᢝᄤˈ᳝ϔ䭧ᕜ⡍߹ⱘ令ᓇˈᅗᅠ ܼ⫼呑Ꮘ⚎ᴤ᭭ᓎ៤ˈ݊ৡ ᄫг䍋ᕫᙄࠄད㰩üüĀ呑 Ꮘ令ᓇāDŽ令ᓇⱘຏຕǃ৻ 㟎ǃḠộ䛑ᰃ⫼ⱑ㡆⠽䊾 呑Ꮘࠊ៤ˈ⫮㟇ῧẃ㸼䴶г 䛑㽚㪟㨫ܝ⒥ⱘ呑ᏈหሸDŽ 䗭ᆊ⤼⡍ⱘ令ᓇ⬅⭊ഄ ϔᆊৡ⚎(PWLD]ⱘ䀁㿜݀ৌ Џࡉˈ⫼呑Ꮘ⚎Џᓎ㆝ ᴤ᭭ˈⳂⱘᰃᒷĀ㍴㡆ᓎ ㆝āⱘ⧚ᗉDŽ䁆݀ৌⱐ㿔Ҏ 々˖Ā呑Ꮘ令ᓇ㺣ⱘຏຕǃᾟ䗴䲩ล㢅ᵓܼ䚼পᴤ ᮐ䀁ᢝᄤᏖ䰘䖥ⱘ呑呑ˈϺॳᴤ᭭Ё⏋ড়✊ 㝴ˈ䍋ࠄࡴ⫼DŽā ফࠄ⭊ഄ呑えⱘଳⱐˈ䀁㿜ץᏠᳯ令ᓇܻ䚼㛑ڣ ✊呑⋲䙷ῷˈਜ㶎ᮟᔶDŽᮐᰃҪ֓ץᇛຏຕǃሟ䷖ῧ ẃ䀁㿜៤Ꮋ༾ᎹⱘĀ⧒ҷ呑えāDŽ令ᓇⱘḠᄤ䛑ᰃ⫼ 呑ᎪࠊⱘˈộḚ㟎䱢㸼䴶ࠛ⫼ৃಲᬊⱘ䒳仆ᯧᢝ㔤 ᠧ䗴ˈ⚎ϔ。ࠊ⺇ᥦᬒ䞣ⱘᮍᓣDŽ 䁆ⱐ㿔Ҏ㾷䞟々˖Ā呑ᰃ✊ⱘ⍜↦ࡥˈ㗠Ϩᅗ䞟ᬒ ߎⱘ䲶ᄤৃҹ࣪ޜぎ⇷DŽ䗭ህ䅧呑Ꮘ៤⚎令ᓇᓎ㆝ᴤ᭭ ⱘ㌩Շ䙌DŽā
㞾স㣅䲘䲷䘢㕢Ҏ䮰ˈ⛵ ᭌ䷖ゟഄⱘ䈾٥ˈᇮϨᢉ ϡԣ㕢㡆䁬ᚥˈ㟇ᮐ᱂䗮Ҏ ህᰃᳯ乼䴵њDŽ䗭ϡˈ Ꮘ㽓ᶤⲷ⤘ⱘᑒৡ⤘䄺ህצ њ㕢Ҏ㿜ПϟDŽ 䖥᮹ˈ ৡこ㨫ᲈ䴆䄺ᆳ ࠊ᳡ⱘཇᄤ䘆ܹњᏈ㽓ᑿѲ Ꮘ䰘䖥ⱘᮄ〚䗮݀݅ⲷ⤘ˈ ᇡℷؐ⧁ⱘ ৡ⤘䄺ሩ䭟ᣥ䗫Ϻ࣌䁾Ҫץϔ䍋仆䜦 ῖDŽ㡆℆❣ᖗПϟˈ䗭 ৡ⤘䄺↿⛵䰆ⱘ٭ୱϟњ ᩏ᳝䗋㮹ⱘ࿕ᖠDŽᇛ⤘䄺䗋ᯣᕠཇᄤᇛҪ⫼ץ 䢀ᣋњ䍋՚Ϻপ䍄њⲷ⤘䩄࣭ˈᬒ䍄њℷ᳡ߥⱘ ৡ⢃ҎDŽ ㄝࠄѠ⧁ᰖˈⲷ⤘ᮍ䴶ᠡⱐ⧒њぎぎབ䞢 ⱘ⠶᠓ҹঞ ৡ䌸㻌ഄ㹿䢀ԣⱘ⤘䄺DŽ Ⳃࠡ⭊ഄ䄺ᮍᏆ㍧ሩ䭟㽣ⱘ䗑ᤩ㸠ࢩˈϺᤝ ಲњ݊Ё ৡ䗗⢃DŽᇡᮐℸ ৡཇᄤⱘ⢃㔾ࢩ″ˈⳂ ࠡҡ䂓ᶹЁDŽ
יҵᢒୠϚौབྷ ୠӇᔓձԔ
Рҏ௰юɆᒥᇭᙚឍᐠɇ ΡᒥᄇၗϚҢӔᎬౠΟ
ᓘϳ䩄࣭Ꮖᰃᜬџϔˈ㽕ᰃ⚎≦᳝⫼٭䩄 ࣭㗠ᖙ䷜䞡ᮄ䥪ˈ䙷ᰃ䲾Ϟࡴ䳰њˈϡڙ䊏ᰖ 䙘䊏䣶DŽ ⚎њ㾷≎䗭ϔ✽ᛅˈឝ⫼䒳ӊNH\PHឝ䘟㗠 ⫳DŽՓ⫼NH\PH া䳔㎮܆ᄬԴ䩄࣭ⱘ✻⠛ˈ⭊䩄 ࣭ϳ༅ᕠᇛ೪⠛ⱐ䗕㌺➳䘟ଚ䜡䩄࣭ेৃDŽབᵰㄝ ϡঞˈгৃҹ䂓ߎ೪⠛Ⳉࠡᕔ䥪ࣴ㰩䜡䩄࣭DŽ ↣ϔৡ⫼᠊ࡉゟNH\PH䋀㰳ᕠˈ䳔㽕䗮䘢ᱎ㛑 ″㌺䩄࣭ⱘ↣ϔ䴶䛑ᢡ✻Ϻ܆ᄬĀ䳆ッāDŽ䳔 㽕䜡䩄࣭ᰖⳈᕲ䳆ッᄬ܆㺣ᦤপेৃDŽߎᮐᅝܼ ֱ䅋ˈNH\PH䋀᠊ⱘ↣ϔ᪡䛑᳗䗮䘢䛉ӊ䗮ⶹ ⫼᠊ˈҹ䰆ҪҎⲰ⫼DŽ 㗠Ϩ⚎両ⱘᅝܼᮑˈ.H\0H䙘㽕∖⫼᠊ ᦤկֵ⫼वǃ䗮䘢䛉ӊഄഔ㯟ᵰ㍧倫䄝ⱘ䀁٭ ,'䘆㸠倫䄝ˈᠡ㛑䋐䊋䩄࣭DŽ Ⳃࠡˈ.H\0Hڙ㛑㕢ⱘL26Ϟܡ䊏ϟ䓝DŽ䗭 ᆊԡᮐ㋤㋘ⱘ݀ৌᠡ䙷䍋ℹˈℷࡾᢧᇀ᳡ࢭ ㆘ೡDŽ䁆䒳ӊⱘᅝध⠜ᴀгℷⷨⱐЁDŽ
↣ϔן仞䉧ᰃᛯ䉧Ҏ 䛑᳝䘢䗭ῷⱘᑏᛇ˖㽕ᰃ㛑 㙑ព㞾Ꮕᆊ䉧ⱘি㙆䁆᳝ དଞDŽ᮹ࠡ᮹ᴀϔᆊᇉ⠽ ⫼કᒴଚߎњϔℒĀ䉧䁲 㗏䅃″āˈህ㛑ᐿࡽԴᆺ⧒䗭 ϔ丬ᳯDŽ 䗭ℒৡিĀ0HRZOLQJXDOāⱘ㗏䅃″䞛䲚њ 。䉧 ⱘ᮹ᐌ㸼ᚙি㙆ˈ㍧䘢਼ᆚߚᵤᕠᔶ៤њϔ䭔ᇜ 䭔ⱘĀ䉧䁲āDŽՓ⫼ᮍ⊩гᕜㇵஂˈ佪ܜ䙌䉧ⱘ。 串ˈ✊ᕠᇛᛇᇡ䉧䁾ⱘ䁅䣘ϟ՚ˈᭌ⾦ᕠህৃҹ㗏 䅃៤Āஉஉāⱘ䉧䁲DŽ 㗠䉧ⱘ㸼ᚙি㙆гৃҹ䗮䘢䗭ן″఼䔝࣪⚎Ҏ 串ⱘ᭛ᄫ䅧Փ⫼㗙䅔ពDŽ ⭊✊㗏䅃䊾䞣བԩǃ䁾䁅㗙ⱘᖗᚙ㛑৺⑪⺎㸼䘨䙘 ᳝ᕙ倫䄝DŽԚᰃ㛑㞾Ꮕ䉧ןخ㟈ⱘ⑱䗮ˈᛇᛇ 䙘ᰃᕜ᳝ᛣᗱⱘDŽ ϡ䘢ˈ䗭。㗏䅃″ⱘۍḐৃϡ֓ᅰˈ↣ϔן㽕 㕢ܗDŽ
Ӓ౨ശՂᅕൣġ߳ԆijıԑϚᆻ ៥ץᑇᰖৗⱘ⓶ˈ㛑ֱᄬЙ˛ ˛ϔן᳜˛ ՚㞾▇߽Ѳ⬋ᄤ߅㽓 䖾ᘽᛯᖋ㧃 ሐ㣼ਞ䀈Դˈᰃ ᑈDŽ ฅ䘧々ˈ ᑈˈ⭊ᰖ䙘ᰃकᑒⅆᇥᑈⱘ䖾ᘽሐ㣼 呹⭊ࢲ䊋њϔ⓶ןˈ⑪٭䗕㌺Ҫץϔן᳟টDŽ ϡ䘢䗭ৡ᳟টĀ⠑㋘āњˈ㛑Ҫ⺄ץ䴶DŽᮐᰃ䖾 ᘽሐ㣼ॏᡞ⓶ֱ⬭њϟ՚⑪٭ϟ㌺Ҫˈ䂄ⶹ䗭ϔ ⬭ˈህᰃ ᑈDŽ ᑈᕠⱘҞˈ⭊ᑈⱘᇥᑈ䅞៤њ㗕⠎ˈܦץ㗠䙷ן 呹⭊ࢲ⓶ॏ䙘ֱᣕ㗙⭊ᑈⱘῷᄤˈ≦᳝㜤ᬫDŽ䖾ᘽ㸼 ⼎ˈህ䗷ࣙ⓶ⱘࣙ㺱㋭䛑ᰃ⭊ᑈⱘĀॳ㺱āDŽ 䖾ᘽሐ㣼々ˈ䗭ןĀ㗕⓶āᕫҹᄬϪˈ⑤ᮐҪץ
ⱘϔ⥽ןュˈҪץ᳒ਞ䀈䙷ן㛑Ҫ⺄ץ䴶ⱘ᳟টˈ 々᳗᳓Ҫᡞ⓶ᄬ㨫DŽĀ✊ᕠ ן᳜ϔϟህ䘢এњˈᕠ՚ ᑒᑈ䘢এњˈࠄ⧒䛑 ᑈњDŽā 䖾ᘽ々ˈҪֵⳌץ䗭⓶ןᰃϪ⬠ϞĀ᳔㗕āⱘ⓶ DŽ
ࠤࠏఖሉᜢڗܯɆཌરفღɇ 㕢ᅛ㟾ሔ䖥᮹݀ Ꮧњϔ㌘⬅જぎᳯ 䘴䦵ᢡࠄⱘ᳔ᮄ✻⠛ˈ ݊Ёⱘϔᔉ✻⠛ॏᓩ䍋 њ⬠Ὁⱘ䮰䀏DŽ ᓩⱐ➅䅄ⱘᰃϔᔉ 6'66 - ᯳㋏ ೬ⱘ✻⠛DŽ䘴䘴ⳟএˈ ✻⠛Ёᖗⱘ6'66 - ᯳㋏೬ህڣᰃϔᔉҎ 串ⱘュ㞝DŽҨ㌄ϔⳟˈԴ⫮㟇ৃҹⳟࠄܽা㡆ⱘ Āⴐāˈϔⱑן㡆ⱘĀ唏ᄤāˈҹঞϔᢍ㮡㡆 ⱘĀᖂュāDŽ ᭛ᅌᆊҟ㌍ˈュ㞝ϞⱘܽাĀⴐāᆺ 䱯Ϟᰃܽן᯳㋏ˈ䎱䲶䘴ⱘ㎷ᬙᠡা᳝ܽן Ā咲āDŽ㗠ュ㞝ϞⱘĀᖂュāᆺ䱯Ϟᰃ⬅ᔋⱘᓩ 䗣䦵ᬜឝ⫶⫳ⱘᓻᔶᇘ㎮DŽ ᯳㋏೬ᰃᅛᅭЁ᳔㽣ⱘ㌤ᾟˈ݊⫶⫳ⱘᔋ ᓩ㛑ᡁ᳆਼ೡⱘᰖぎˈڣ䗣䦵ϔῷࡴᔋǃᔢ ᳆أ䔝ᅗץ䑿ᕠⱘܝ㎮DŽ
ظυᛢଜᅞหُՓ സቅᐌৠԙɆऔᏀ៲ɇ 䚼ߚҎܦ ᰖ䛑᳗᳝୰ℵⱘ व䗮Ҏ⠽ˈ᳝Ҏ ୰ℵ㘪價ˈ᳝ Ҏ୰ℵ∈᳜݉ˈ ᇣԈ⥽僻ᰖ г᳒催䘢ˈ Ā䭋ᕠ៥㽕៤ ⚎;;;˄व䗮Ҏ⠽˅āˈԚᰃス㿔⛵ᖠˈ䁾䘢гህ ᖬњDŽ✊㗠ˈྨܻ⨲ᢝⱘϔৡ⬋ᄤॏ⠶⠶㿬㨫㞾Ꮕ ܦᰖⱘᛇˈϺ䭋ࠄᕠⳳⱘ៤⚎њ㞾Ꮕܦᰖ୰ℵ ⱘव䗮Ҏ⠽DŽ ⧒ᑈ ⅆⱘѼ߽ ᠈㩭՚㞾ྨܻ⨲ᢝ佪䛑ࡴᢝ ࡴᮃˈҪܦᰖⱘڣيᰃ⓿⬿lj㕢䱞䭋NJ㺣ⱘড ⌒Ā㋙傋傣āDŽҪ៤⚎Āڣيāⱘᮍ⊩гᕜⳈˈ ህᰃᭈᆍDŽ ⚎њⳟ䍋՚ڣĀ㋙傋傣āˈ᠈㩭ফњ ᭈᆍ㸧ˈ⫮㟇䙘ࡆϟ㞾Ꮕ唏ᄤⱘϔ䚼ߚˈϺࠡ 両ỡܹњ฿ܙ⠽DŽҪⱘ㌖ὉⳂ῭ᰃᭈן㞝Ϟỡܹ 㰩ⷑ㝴ˈϺᇛⲂ㝮ᶧ៤㋙㡆DŽ 䲪✊ᭈᆍ䅞ᕫĀ䴶ⳂৃᝢāˈԚ᠈㩭ⱘᆊҎ ডឝˈҪ⫳⌏Ёᰃϔןᕜ々㙋ⱘܦᄤǃϜ⠊ 㽾DŽᭈᆍাᰃ⚎њᅠ៤ܦᰖⱘᛇDŽ
τυᎏᘸከࠖ Ղϴѫྱܯ 㣅်ཇᖋṙ⋯᮹ࠡϜࠡᕔफ䴲ⱘϔן䞢 ⫳ࢩ⠽ֱ䅋औᑺॳˈ؛ᴀᰃ⚎ᝊ⼱㞾Ꮕ ⅆ⫳᮹ˈ ॏϡ᳒ᛇˈ䗭ᮙ㸠ॏ៤њཌྷⱘϔจఽʽཌྷ䘞 ⥽ᰖ䙁ࠄܽা⥉䉍ⱘ㽆ˈ丁䚼ǃ㝓䚼㚗䚼䛑㹿 ڋ䞣༅㸔ˈ᳔㌖䴴㺱⅏ᕫҹĀ䉍ষ䗗⫳āDŽ ฅ䘧䁾ˈ䁆䞢⫳ࢩ⠽ֱ䅋औˈ䘞ᅶা㽕㢅 㣅䥞ህ㛑㌺ܽা㿧㏈᳝㋴ϺϨ々ᕜ⑿䷚ⱘ⥉䉍伉 亳Ϻᢡ✻DŽџӊⱐ⫳ᰖˈᖋṙ⋯ℷ᩿ᩌ㨫݊Ё ϔা⥉䉍ⱘ丁ᢡ✻ˈԚさ✊ϔা⥉䉍ᡧԣཌྷ㨫 ཌྷⱘ㛪ᄤDŽཌྷ䁾˖Ā៥㙆িˈϺϨ䀺㨫ⱐড ᡫˈԚᰃ៥ⱘ㝓㝄䛑㹿ڋњDŽ៥ϡⶹ䘧䁆ᗢ咑 䗗⫳ˈা᳝ן㙆䷇ਞ䀈៥þϡ㽕ࢩˈֱᣕ䦂ᅮˈ㺱 ⅏ÿDŽā ᑒߚ䧬ᕠˈᎹҎવ݊Ҫ䘞ᅶⱘᐿᖭ候䍩 ϟˈ⥉䉍㌖ᮐᬒ䭟њ ᖋṙ⋯DŽᖋṙ⋯⥆ᬥ ᰖ㝓䚼ǃ丁䚼㚗㝍 ਼ೡ䛑㹿ڋಈ䞡༅ 㸔DŽ џӊⱐ⫳ᰖˈᖋ ṙ⋯ⱘϜ䰓⠒༛ॏ ᕲ丁ࠄሒᢡ䘛㽆䘢 ˈᅠܼᮑᧈˈᕠ՚ᠡᛣ䄬ࠄᚙᔶϡᇡˈ䗭г ᓩ䍋Ҏ➅ⱘץ䅄DŽ
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հਰϚิןɆᖛਪɇ ឌᄆጻᐉɆಏၤɇ
䱼㨫。㎆㌵⼒Ѹၦ储ⱘ⌕㸠ˈ݊䗤┌㵡ܹҎץ ⱘ᮹ᐌ⫳⌏ˈ៤⚎བৗ仃ୱ∈㠀ϡৃ㔎ⱘᄬDŽᇡ ᮐ䗭。ᚙ⊕ˈ⬠㻦䊊ϡϔˈϡ䘢㥋㰁%UHGDᏖ䄺ᮍ 䀅㽕㌺Ā㞝ā˄)DFHERRN˅咲ןĀ䋞āњDŽ ᮹ࠡˈ䁆Ꮦ䄺ᮍ䘂ᤩњϔৡゞ䊞ˈ㗠⸈Ḝⱘ䮰䥉 ㎮㋶ህᰃゞ䊞ⱘ)DFHERRN䋀㰳DŽ ᙝˈ䁆ৡ⬋ᄤ⸌⸈に᠊䮪ܹњϔ䭧䕺݀ᅸ㸠 ゞDŽᕫᕠҪϺ≦᳝ᗹ㨫䗗䲶⧒จˈড㗠ᰃ㌺㞾Ꮕצ њϔᵃ੪ଵˈϺ۾ઝᙴઝഄᠧ䭟䕺݀ᅸ㺣ⱘϔ㟎䳏㜺 ⱏ䱌њ㞾Ꮕⱘ)DFHERRN䋀᠊ˈ⁶ᶹњϔ⬾དট⬭㿔ᕠ ᠡᖗⓓᛣ䎇ⱘ䲶䭟њ⢃Ḝ⧒จDŽ 䀅ᰃҪᕫᛣПϟᖬ㿬⏙⧚䋀㰳⮩䎵ˈ䄺ᮍ䱼 ᕠⱘ䂓ᶹЁⱐ⧒њ䗭ן䋀㰳ˈϺ䷚㫧ᩌ⪰ᡧࠄњ䗭ן ゞ䊞DŽ
ឌгѴࣂᎏႄᇭِራᛤ ଋጛষฒۊՌᏰ៌ᇭ 䍄ߎ䭔ˈ⿏ሙˈ⺄ࠄⱘϔ䲷丠ᕔᕔ֓ᰃ 䁲㿔䱰⻭DŽҹ㥋㰁⚎՟ˈϡ䂪ᰃᮙሙⱘ㧃Ҏ㧃ڥ䙘ᰃ∖ ᅌⱘ⬭ᅌ⫳ˈ߱ࠄ㥋㰁ᰖᇥ䛑㍧⅋䘢ϔ↉䁲㿔⑱䗮䱰 ⻭ⱘᰖᳳˈԚা㽕㚃㙑㚃㿬㚃䁾ˈ䁲㿔䮰ᕜᖿгህ䘢এ њDŽৃ㨀ϔ䙁䘛䁲㿔䮰ⱘϡᰃҎ串ˈ㗠ᰃϔṱ⢫ˈᅗ㽕 ᗢ咑ܟ᳡䗭ןଣ丠ਸ਼˛ϔṱ㥋㰁䄺⢀᮹ࠡህ⺄ࠄњ䗭ן ላሀⱘଣ丠DŽ 䗭ṱৡি'DVKⱘ㥋㰁䄺⢀⚎㸼⧒ˈ⭄۾䖥᮹㹿 㐑䚼⌒ࠄњ㕢ᶤᎲ᳡ᕍDŽᨁᰃϔԡৡি7KRPDV &ODUNⱘ㕢䄺વDŽ㿧㏈ᭌ᮹ᕠˈ7KRPDVⱐ⧒њϔןᕜ Ā㽕ੑāⱘଣ丠˖⬅ᮐ'DVKᕲᇣ㥋㰁ফ㿧㏈ˈℸ ᅗা㛑⧚㾷㥋㰁䁲ᣛҸ㗠㙑ϡព㣅䁲DŽ⭊7KRPDV⫼㣅䁲 ⱐߎᣛҸᰖˈ'DVKᕔᕔᰃϔ㞝㣿✊ⱘⳟ㨫Ҫˈᰃخ ᣛҸᅠܼϡৠⱘࢩDŽ ᮍ䂓ᬭҡ✊⛵ᬜПᕠˈ7KRPDVাᕫᬒẘњ䅧 'DVK㙑ព㣅䁲ᣛ Ҹⱘᛇ⊩ˈ䔝㗠 㞾ᅌ䍋њ㥋㰁䁲DŽ ㍧䘢ϔ↉ᰖ䭧ⱘࡾ ˈ7KRPDVⱘᅌ᳗ њ⫼㥋㰁䁲ⱐᣛ Ҹˈ'DVKг㙑 ࠄĀ䛝䷇āᕠᘶᕽ њ⼲࢛DŽϔҎϔ⢀ ⧒䜡ড়कߚ咬 ༥DŽ
Ā⫳ੑϡᙃˈ䘟ࢩϡℶāˈᰃҎץᇡ䘟 ࢩⱘϔ。㕢དᳳᳯDŽⳳ㽕ᣓ⫳ੑ՚䘆㸠䘟 ࢩˈᗩᰃ≦᳝ᑒןҎ᳗خ䗭ϔ䙌ⱘDŽ✊ 㗠ˈ㕢ⱘϔԡ់ᄩ႑႑ˈॏ៥ⳳץᆺⓨ 㑍њҔ咑ি⫼⫳ੑ䘟ࢩDŽ 䗭ԡৡি䉱⨳ሐ噝⓶ᆚ⠒䷧ⱘ់ᄩ႑႑ ᰃϔৡ≪⌾䘟ࢩવDŽཌྷ ⅆᰖˈϔ ≪⌾ᰖ䙁䘛㰢冞ˈᇡᮍᇛཌྷᕲ≪⌾ᵓϞᢪܹ ∈Ёˈ⓶ᆚ⠒䷧㍧䘢⅞⅏᧣價䗗ᕫᗻੑˈԚ г∌䘴༅এњ㞾ᏅⱘᎺ㞖DŽ✊㗠䑿储ⱘⅬ⮒ Ϻ≦᳝צཌྷˈᒋᕽᕠ⓶ᆚ⠒䷧ߎخњϔ ן倮Ҏⱘ≎ᅮ˖ཌྷ㽕䞡䖨≪⌾䋑จDŽ㍧䘢 ᮍࡾˈཌྷ᳔㌖ᝥ׳倮Ҏⱘ↙䞡ᮄキњ ≪⌾ᵓ⌾丁П䭧ˈᕠ՚⫮㟇䙘៤⚎њܼ ݴ䒡DŽཌྷⱘᬙџ䙘㹿ᢡ៤њ䳏ᕅlj䴜儖≪⌾ ҎNJDŽ ⧒ˈ⓶ᆚ⠒䷧Ꮖ㍧់᳝䑿ᄩˈԚ䗭Ϻ ≦᳝䰏⻭ཌྷ㑐㑠≪⌾DŽཌྷ㸼⼎ˈ㞾Ꮕ㽕ϔⳈ ≪⌾ࠄ≪ϡࢩⱘ䙷ϔDŽ
࣏֜Еϛၽࡊ ़ທၾӪɆଽ൲ࡕɇ অοѶᠾ༌Ϛଔ ৯҉௬ኵԻӇ
⬅ᮐᓩЁ䘞ᅶᮍ䴶㨑ᕠᮐ݊ᅗℤⲳ ᆊˈ㣅ᮙ䘞ሔℷᇡ᳔݊ⶹৡⱘϔ䚼ߚ᱃咲䘆 㸠䞡ᮄࣙ㺱ˈ䀺೪ࡴܹϔѯЁܗ㋴ҹᓩ ⱘЁ䘞ᅶˈ݊Ё᳔Џ㽕ⱘϔӊџህᰃ⚎⭊ഄ᱃ 咲পϔןЁৡᄫDŽ ⚎њ㌺Ā催ދāⱘ㣅᱃咲পϔןĀഄ ⇷āⱘЁ᭛ৡᄫˈ⭊ഄᮙ䘞ሔгᰃ㌲ⲵ㜺∕ˈ㕸 ㄪ㕸ˈϺ⥆ᕫњ䞣Ё㎆টⱘᐿࡽDŽ䘢এ ⱘक਼㺣ˈҪⱘץᅬᮍ⼒Ѹၦ储Ϟᬊࠄњ 㨀 ṱЁ㎆টⱘᓎ䅄ˈ䗭ѯᓎ䅄䱼ᕠ䗮䘢㣅ᮙ 䘞ሔЁ᭛ᅬ㎆Ϟⱘᡩ⼼ˈㆽ䙌ᕠ ן᱃咲ϝ ܹןೡৡ々DŽ ↨䓗᳝⡍㡆ⱘབˈᬺⱘ㭽㎁⠒㸫 6DYLOH 5RZ 㹿ੑৡ⚎Ā催ᆠᏹ㸫āˈ催㙇ܹ䳆ⱘ⠛ ᒜ 6KDUG 㹿々Āᨬ᯳ศāˈ䘟ࢩવ䑿こᮍḐ ਸ਼ⷁ㺭ᡩܹ↨䋑ⱘ㯛Ḑ㰁催ഄ䘟ࢩ᳗ +LJKODQG *DPHV ࠛᰃĀ催ॳ࢛᳗āDŽ
ظυҢዅଽᑖУ १౪ᛁٔѠ࠲ᙟᇼ ⛵ᭌ㈡ǃ㐾⬿ҹঞ䳏ᕅ䛑䀺೪ᦣ㐾啤䉱স ජঞ݊䱼ᕠⱘ↔⒙䘢DŽ᮹ࠡˈ▇߽Ѳῖ催ᇜ ᆊ5\DQ 0F1DXJKWՓ⫼ 㨀พῖ催〡ᇛ䗭ᑻᛣ ߽㨫ৡসජ⧒ݡњߎ՚ˈ䁆ൟ᱃㾔ᇛᙝሐ ᅌⱘ1LFKROVRQम⠽仼ሩߎDŽ 0F1DXJKWⱘકৡিĀῖ催啤䉱āˈ㢅䊏њ Ҫ ןᇣᰖᠡᅠᎹDŽ1LFKROVRQम⠽仼々ˈ䗭ᰃ ߽⫼ῖ催⥽ᓎ䗴ⱘ᳔ⱘ啤䉱সජൟˈሩ⧒ њ啤䉱সජ݀ ܗᑈ㹿↔⒙ᰖǃ Ϫ㋔㹿ⱐ⧒ᰖ ҹঞҞⱘῷ䉠DŽ㞾ᕲ ᑈ䍋ˈ1LFKROVRQम ⠽仼ህྨᠬ0F1DXJKWᓎ䗴 ᑻসජൟˈ䰸њ啤 䉱ˈ䙘᳝㕙侀ナᡔจᏠ㞬㸯ජDŽ 啤䉱সජᰃᙝሐᅌ㕙侀䂆ⱘ⻢ܻ ᆍDŽᙝሐᅌ々ˈῖ催ൟৃҹᐿࡽᅌ⫳њ㾷㕙 侀Ҏⱘ᮹ᐌ⫳⌏ǃᓎ䗴 ҹঞᣪᥬ⅋ㄝDŽℸ ˈ䘞ᅶᅌ⫳䙘ৃ ㋶সජЁⱘῖ催ᓎ㆝ˈ ࣙᣀ䴶ࣙ᠓ǃ䜦৻ǃᇎ ᒳҹঞ䲚ᏖㄝDŽ
༅។᳝ⱘڋᆇ˛≦Ҏ㛑⫼䁲㿔ᔶᆍDŽϡ䘢㣅 ⱘϔৡ䛉䘲વҹᆺ䱯㸠ࢩ㌺ߎњㄨḜ˖༅។ⱘˈڋህབ ϔᔉ 㣅䥞ⱘ㕄ஂ䙷ῷ≜䞡DŽ ⅆⱘ㣅䛉䘲વ䕯Ḑ䖥᮹⚎䉴䊀ᡩ䘲ⱘֵӊ 䞣༅䐸㗠㹿ਞϞњ⊩ᒁDŽ䄺ᮍߎ。。ⱘ䄝ϟˈ᳔ ㌖ᇡ㞾Ꮕⱘ㸠⚎կ䁡ϡ䃅DŽ 䕯Ḑ㸼⼎ˈ㞾Ꮕ⬅ᮐཇটߚᕠᖗᚙԢ㨑㗠ᇢ㟈 储䞡倳⏯˄ ݀᭸˅ˈ䑿储㰯ᔅDŽℸ䳔㽕䘲䗕ⱘ ࣙ㻍Ёᣓߎњϔ䚼ߚᠨᥝˈҹ⏯䓩㞾Ꮕⱘ䉴᪨DŽҪಲ ដˈ㹿ᠨᥝⱘࣙ㻍催䘨 ӊDŽ ᳔㌖⊩䰶߸㰩Ҫ ᇣᰖⱘ⼒᳗᳡ࢭϺ㰩ҹ 㣅 䥞ⱘ㕄䞥DŽ
Ӓ౨ॶഋɆՌྒωᇳɇ୰ж Ϫ⬠Ϟϔ䚼Ā㞾↔ᇣ䁾āଣϪˈ㗙ᰃ㕢 ᆊ䁍ྚᮃ Ꮹ⡍Ể˄-DPHV 3DWWHUVRQ˅DŽ 䗭ᴀᮄⱘଂۍ㋘⚎ 㨀㕢ˈܗ䗋᳝ ᇣᰖⱘᰖ䭧՚䮅䅔ˈᰖ䭧ࠄᕠ䗭ᴀ᳗ଳࢩ㞾ࢩ 䢋↔㺱㕂㞾ࢩ䢋↔DŽᏩ⡍ỂⳂࠡⱘકࣙᣀljϡ ᑌⱘ NJǃljⳳᖗ䁅NJㄝDŽ ᇡᮐ⚎Ҕ咑㽕㌺ϔᴀা᳝ ᇣᰖ໑ੑⱘ㈡ᅮ བℸˈۍᏩ⡍Ể㾷䞟䁾ˈ䱼㨫䍞՚䍞ⱘᑫ䮰 䭔צ䭝ˈߎ⠜ଚᖙ䷜䳏ᕅ݀ৌ䙷㠀᳝ᛇ䈵ˈᠡ 㛑ᓩⱘ䅔㗙ˈᥔ䍋ᮄϔ⊶ᇣ䁾䮅䅔ⱘ➅╂DŽ ⚎ᮄᒷⱘϔ䚼ߚˈϔगৡ䗋ᇛܡ䊏ᕲ 䁆ᇣ䁾ⱘᅬᮍ㎆キϟ䓝ࠄ䗭䚼ᇣ䁾ⱘ䳏ᄤ⠜ᴀDŽ↣ 䚼䳏ᄤг䀁᳝ ᇣᰖᅮᰖ఼ˈϟ䓝ᅠⱘ ᇣᰖᕠ гᇛ㞾ࢩ߾䰸DŽ
ڍᚆڥএӪԅ Ԥᓀ൷ӈܒ পৡˈᇡᮐᮄ⫳ܦ⠊↡՚䁾 ᰃןᕜ丁⮐ⱘଣ丠DŽ⚎њ䅧ᄽ ᄤ᳝⤼ןϔ⛵Ѡⱘৡᄫˈϔѯ ⠊↡ᰃ㌲ⲵ㜺∕ˈདϡᆍᯧᛇࠄϔןⓓᛣⱘˈ㎆Ϟϔ ᧰ˈॏⱐ⧒᳝ᭌⱒן䞡ৡⱘњDŽ ⚎њ㾷䰸䗭ѯ⠊↡ⱘ✽ᛅˈ⨲ϔᆊৡ⚎(UIROJ VZHOOHⱘࡉᛣ݀ৌ䖥᮹⡍ഄߎњϔ䷙Āপৡ᳡ࢭāDŽ ⚎њ᳓主ᅶপϔןⓓᛣⱘৡᄫˈ݀ৌ䷬ᇢҎ0DUF +DXVHU㌘ᓎњϔ ןҎⱘĀপৡ೬䱞āDŽ㺣䴶᮶᳝প ৡᇜᆊˈг᳝᭛ᅌᆊ⅋ᅌᆊˈ⚎њ⺎ֱ᠔䍋ⱘৡᄫ ᰃ⤼ϔ⛵ѠⱘˈҪץ䙘᳝ᇜ䭔ᡔ㸧Ҏવ䉴䊀⁶㋶⍋䞣ⱘ ྦྷৡᭌDŽৠᰖҪץ䙘᳗㍰ড়㗗ᝂ⠊↡ⱘ㈡᭛࣪ ㋴ˈ⺎ֱপⱘৡᄫ 。᳔⌕㸠ⱘ䁲㿔㺣≦᳝℻㕽䉴 䴶㕽DŽ ⭊✊ˈ䗭ῷⱘᇜὁⱘপৡ᳡ࢭˈᬊ䊏㞾✊ϡ᳗ԢDŽ ↣পϔןৡᄫˈ䗭ᆊ݀ৌ䛑㽕ᬊপ 㨀㣅䥞ⱘ䊏⫼DŽ ᇡℸ+DXVHU㾷䞟䁾ˈপৡⱘܼ䘢䳔㽕 ןҎⱘ೬䱞ᖭ ⌏ ਼ˈ᠔ҹ៤ᴀⳌ⭊催DŽ
ϛ୦ൢཱིཌി 䔪䎑ᰭ㢤㭚᭯θ喑 䫟䂭ᰡ็⌞Ꮣ൞䖀喑γ 㼐㢤㭚⩌≨䇩ธ喑হ͚ 㢤ੳ൞ጒ㻗ჳοࠂćć ग䰭䬉∕͚㢤ੳ൞ ⊗ᓛࢇ喑ᰭ͚〜ݺ㢤⊵ ᖜⰎౕᢹᤎ喆
!͚㢤ੳ൞$IJOB5JNFT XXX XFJCP DPN DIJOBUJNFTOM 㿸⩕ᗕ⮱ᮧ㘪ᾌ̸䐶23 DPEFᢰ䐌У ȡ͓Ҭ ⩕ₑ"11ᢰ൞㉆̷⮱23ⷩ喑ᗕᄴ⮩⤫ऱ⽛̺ह侇 ૉ喆
ቶৠࢇ๊ήۢޟҕၶ໔ ϷᎡ⮱ ᰵ ᬒ喑㢤㭚䭬➦ͦ∂῏ ᄌ䘕㾺◧喑⪣ౝ̭Ը๔叨ᙈສ㔲⿸⮱ 倁喑घևĄ⩌পὦą喍5SFF PG -JGF喎⮱喑 ̺जВ䯳͚⽛Ḻ๔叨ȡ䕆᭜๔叨ㆶ㊟Ծ䊝∂ ᒸ⮱㍘䯆喑ᠾ㢤㭚ᩬᏉ⮱Ąᄙღᩬゃą⮱ ̭䴲㵹ࠂ喑䰃♣ܧፘ̺ݖ喑ѳ᭜喑䕆⽛Ⴥℾ ⮱䐰䛼喑ग᭜̭ࣵԸ⮱䪸ȡ ᒵ็䬉㢤㭚๔叨ᩬゃ⮱㖋䘪㾺◧喑 㢤㭚䐌ᕔ৮व∂ࡃ喑ጯℾजВౕᵩ㺼Ⴧ ⮱᷊У̸⽛ḺȠ᧮ᰶ⩇㜠॥丌๔叨䕆䶋䐌ᕔ ৮喑⩇㜠ٮ㽞ᄵ䪭ܧਜ਼๔叨⮱๔叨Ꮔव∂ ࡃȡ䕆⽛๔叨Ꮔ⮱㢤㭚᪴᭜$PGGFF 4IPQ喑 जࡰ㥙̺㺮㔨䂜̭㝙ᘼ㓖⮱Ąৃ乕ą ȡ 㢤㭚䕆⽛ღ㽞ጯℾ॥丌๔叨⮱և∂ ⎽ڣ⽞⮱Ąᄙღᩬゃą喑㢤㭚᪴घ ևĄHFEPPHCFMFJEąȡĄᄙღᩬゃąᰶᒵ ็㾠㉝⮱ڤ倁⮱㺼Ⴧ喑͚ڣ喑㽞็㤜᪴̓⩹ ⮱㖋䘪䕆ὐ㿗喟㢤㭚ٮ㽞ౕუ͚⽛Ḻ ᵗ В̸⮱๔叨ȡڣᄓ喑⏃ⷧ⮱㶕䔝ᛶ㾟᭜喟㢤 㭚̺ٮ㽞ౕუ͚⽛Ḻ๔叨喑ѳ᭜喑⽛Ḻ ᵗ В̸⮱喑㷘㻃◧䲋ᄵẚ⮱䲋Юẚࡃ⮱⽛Ḻ喑 㔹㷘Ąᄙღą喠ຯ㷘⮩⤫喑㔹ࣵ䶅ᘼᩫ ᷱ䟤⃭⮱喑ᄴ̺ε䊤㽡ȡ ᤈ㼭喑䕆ग᭜Ąᄙღą喑̺᭜Ąٮ 㽞ą喑䕆ౕჅ⮱᪴У͚ᄘᓄᒵ⌲ẇȡԾ 㺮Җ㢤㭚ϧᄸឫ᪴ႄᑵᕔ⮱᱙θ喑҉◧ڣ 䱵≨ᩬゃ⮱ӊᨇȡ ᭜喑䂓ᄌ㰭叺ԾΌᅞĄᄙღąγȡ᱙ ҳ㺼Ⴧ喑ЃԾ⮩⤫γ๔叨喑♎䀃็ᄾ喑ਗᕂ ̺䋠 ᵗ喑䘪㺮↿ᩣ⮱喑ѳ᭜喑ЃԾ፥፥ᄺ ᄾ䛼⮱⽛Ḻ㸊҉喍喆喎↿ⰸ㺸喑᭜喑ᰶ γ⽛Ḻ ᵗВ̸㷘Ąᄙღą⮱ᚐҸȡ 䕆̸जສ喑䭬➦ͦ⮱ᰶ Ը๔叨 ㆶ喑ࣨᎡ ᰵ⿸γ̭Ը๔叨ԞἯ䘕ÿÿ ⿸䕆ὐ⮱倁᭜व∂⮱ÿÿ⏃׆ВԞἯ䘕⮱ ऺ㓖喑䯳倁⽛Ḻ๔叨㜗ጞϘ⩕ȡᵦᨇᚐҸ喑 ЃԾजВ̭ڞजВ⽛Ḻ ᵗ喑ѳ᭜喑ጹ᱈ 㘪ํ䯳͚̭䊤喑䕆ὐ̺⧝⮱⌕⒁ܧ⽛ײԊ
⮱Ąᩫᓰ๔叨ą喑㔹 ́Ӭノ⤳喑ロⰮ㘪 ⎽ȡ䴵ⴒ喑⽛๔叨᭜ ᒵ㕄䰨⮱ȡ ᭜喑ЃԾࣨԎ ῏ᄌ䘕喑㾏䕆ὐ᭜ ॓जВ喑◧Ꭰ̸ܳ ҳ喑Όᅞ᭜ϧगᰶ ᵗγȡ 䭬➦ͦౝ ῏ᄌ䘕䜅䥢ఋᛶ 㿗喟̺जВ喆䰃♣ ԸԸϧ⽛Ḻ ᵗजВ ᄙღ喑ѳ᭜喑䯳͚⽛ Ḻᅞ᭜ᄵẚࡃহЮẚ ࡃ⮱⩌⩏喑䕆᭜䖂∂⮱喑ౕ͓̺ᄙღᩬゃ ڔȡ̭ᬓᴒ⢟喑ᜟ̺䕛ȡ ῏ᄌ䘕◧γ䂓ॷᒹҳ㔲喑ౕڣ㋟〆̷ ᪴㿗ᬻ⿸ൡ喟Ąᵦᨇ῏ᄌ䘕ᘼ㺸喑䕆⽛ޢ㜶 ౕ̺ᄙღᩬゃ⮱ヱڔȡمノ喍䕆⽛䯳倁 ⽛Ḻ๔叨⮱ᐼ喎̺В⯵⮱Ⱋ◧ݖ喑ѳ᭜喑 ῏ᄌ䘕㾺◧喑㺼๔হᄵẚ⮱⼸Ꮣ喑जВ 㾺◧᭜Юẚᐼ⮱䕸҉ȡą 䕆᭯Ն喑ჅაѵĄ̺ᄙღąγȡ ѳ᭜喑䕆θᗲ㗜Ⴧ↿Ⴙȡ ⁎ᬒ喑ᰶ⊵ᖜܧנ喑䕆ԸĄ⩌পὦą ๔叨ԞἯ䘕喑⏃׆㾏ڣᒸፘ喑ⰸⰸ῏ᄌ䘕 䕆ὐ⮱↧Ⴧ᭜॓ᰶ⤳ᨇ喑ϑ㊓∂Ⴥҳ㷮↧ȡ
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㥙̭Ą⩌পὦą В䕆⽛䯳͚⮱ᐼലჇ ̺⼨ౝ⽛ḺڣĄ⩌প ὦą喑ᰶ⩇叩ᒹএ喤 㢤㭚Ąᄙღᩬゃą⮱ ≋ᅞܧҳγ喑◧↿ᰶ ⏃ⷧ⮱᷊᪴जӊ喑ज㘪 ⤫ܧऱౝ∂Ⴥ㷮↧̺̭ ὐ⮱㉽喑䕻ࣨᅞᰶຯ ₑ⮱ᵵҸȡ 䰃♣㜠Ϸ㢤㭚 ⺮Юẚᐼ⽛Ḻ๔叨喑 ᰶ⽛๔叨⮱≨ࠂ㷘㻃◧ 䲋∂喑ѳ᭜ࣨᎡ ᰵ Ъ喑㢤㭚ᵩ㒲ᄔᵦ̭ᄺ ๘ྒྷ+PIO হ*OFT .FJKFST⽛♣ڙḺ喑͓́䪸 Ⴤᬻ㓖ౝ㖟⽞喑ᅞ᭜◧䭱䓾ږუ๔叨Ꮔӈ 䇕⎽⮱ȡЃԾϑ⼲喑̺֤䰨喑Ό̺䯞ⳋ喑 ӈ৮䈗㞜ສ⮱⩏৮喑ѳ᭜喑⩞⪏「䖂∂喑 㷘῏ᄌ䘕ॷ̷∂Ꮪȡ ̺䕻喑∂Ⴥ䰃♣ږ↧ݑϧ䖂ࣺ制❴∂喑 ࢨ̺҉ܧШ҂ᜟ㒝ȡ∂Ⴥ㿗喟ٮ㽞㋀✌๔叨 Ꮔ喑Όᅞᘼঠ㦄๔叨ᏄजВ䕟䇕喑㔹Όज В⽛Ḻ喠ѳ᭜喑Ⱋ⮱ݺᄙღᩬゃࢨ↿ᰶᄺ๔ 叨Ꮔ⮱䕟䇕҉ܧ㺼Ⴧ喑ᄺᄙღᩬゃ͚ᰶ䬉 䵹⮱䕆⽛Ąᕗ⮱រᰟą喑䶜♣᭜̭⽛ᩬ ゃ⮱⌤व倁ȡ ̭ऺℾͨښښ吕⮱䂝.BHEB #FSOE
TFO喑⽞䕆᭜̭⁎₤टᕔ⮱↧ݑ喑∂Ⴥិࡷ 㮈ࡷᣖ⮱ᒹ䪭㊓ᓦᏂក䪸γ喑䴽㼭थ∂䘕ა ѵ⽛Ḻ๔叨᭜䲋∂⮱ᬒၽᄴ䕻ࣨᐼγȡ ᄓ䯈̷喑䶋ѩ⮱㉽↧ݑጟ㋀ᰶγສᎫ Ⴤ喑ጒ吕⮱సᰰ䂝.BSJUI 3FCFM㿗ȡ ̺䕻喑А㶕थ∂䘕䪤Ⴥᘼᔄ⮱῏ᄌ䘕̺ ̷㽡喑㔹थ∂䘕䪤0QTUFMFOᑤౝ㿗喑̭ Ը∂Ꮪ᭜䕆ὐݑ喑ओ̭Ը∂Ꮪࢨ̺᭜䕆ὐ喑 ग㺮ЃౕѺ̭๖喑ᅞ̺䃀⽛Ḻ๔叨व∂ࡃȡ ᰵ喑̭Ըᰡߍᰶ‷༮⮱ϧ➖⮩㖟γ喑 Ѓᅞ᭜ݺ仃Ⱕ7BO "HU喑᭜ЃܧШ㢤㭚थ∂ 䘕䪤⮱ Ꭱ喑ᄺ৮҉ܧ䐌⮱₤टᕔ ⮱ܳ喑ຍჇγĄᄙღᩬゃą⮱ധ⸻ȡЃ 㿗喑 Ꭱ⮱ᄙღᩬゃ喑㉯䕍ᅞγϷ๖䕆ὐ 㡿䁙⮱ᅭ䲏ȡ∂ᒸ⮱㺼Ⴧ䌌๔叨Ꮔ⮱ᄓ䯈͓ ̺Ⱕこ喑ᩬ⇨უԾ喑ᔘ㼐↧๔叨Ꮔ䕟䇕⮱ ⮱䵹॔喆 Ꭱ⮱Ąᄙღᩬゃą喑᭜॓ᰰᰶ̭Ը䛺 ๔⮱ᩦ䂷喤 ڣᄓ喑̭Ըᮛ䕇ጯℾ䶜㔹ᭀ㺸⮱䵹喑 ᩬ⇨უԾ͓䲋↿ᰶ∕ᘼݝ喑̭ҳ⩞ᩬ吕⮱ ᘼ㺸ܳₔ䰐Вःᓄ̭㜡ᘼ㺸喑̭᠃᪥Ꭱ喑 ιҳ䕆⽛ㇷ̺⌲⮱ᄙღᩬゃΌᰶڣສ㮂喑 ౕ䰐В叾⮪ܳᬻ⮱ౝ喑ᅞ䃀ڣㇷ̸̭ ॔喑Ό㽞喑䕆᭜̭⽛᥋ᩬ⇨⮱㬊㶀喑թᓄႥ 㓿Ռ䥿⮱এ喆 В喑Ą⩌পὦą喍5SFF PG -JGF喎⮱ ޢ㜶喑᭜॓जВᓋ͚̭ܳᲜ㓦喑䃀๔叨ㆶԾ Ϙऄ̭⪗喤
ᐼ喑 ⮱ ᘍ ᄓ ᰭ Ą⩕ ঠą 㒻 ⮱ 㲓 咺 ୄ ৮ 㿍䖭 Franc ߍⰌ gezochisers ht !
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Editie 31, 26/02/2015
୰ᶫ♫᭳᭹ົ୰ᚰ Stichting De Chinese Brug
Visie en Missie Stichting De Chinese Brug is een welzijnsorganisatie die zich richt op het behartigen van de belangen van de Chinese gemeenschap in Nederland, in het bijzonder in de regio Den Haag (met name stadsdeel Centrum). Daarbij zet zij zich in op het sociaal-maatschappelijk, cultureel en educatief terrein voor jong en oud. Eveneens wil De Chinese Brug een brugfunctie vervullen tussen enerzijds de Chinese gemeenschap en anderzijds Nederlanders, groepen van andere etnische achtergronden en maatschappelijke organisaties in Den Haag. Zij positioneert zich daarvoor als een ruimtebiedende centrum voor uiteenlopende activiteiten ten behoeve van een kleurrijk Den Haag met respect voor elkaars culturen en achtergronden.
于Ქ㠽ֵળ ѣ₁ᱥж⽴فᴹᵃएѣᗹθᇍᰞᱥφ⛰㦭㱣⽴ᴹ Ⲻ㨥Ӱδቚެᱥ⎭⢏ॶθ⢯࡛ᱥ൞ᐸॶѣᗹε ⡣⿅θᒡࣟ㨥Ӱ㷃ޛ㦭㱣⽴ᴹȾ⛰ሜ⨴䙏 فᇍᰞθᡇهᨆ⽴בᴹȽᮽौᮏ㛨ᯯ䶘Ⲻᵃ ए㎜ᒪ䕋Ӱૂ㘷ᒪӰȾќъѣ₁ᜩ䇉㨥Ӱ㠽㦭 㱣ӰȽެԌᰅ㗚⎭⢏ެԌ⽴ᴹᵃए㍺㒊䘇 䐓䴘Ⱦᗔ㙂θֵѣ₁ᡆ⛰жفąruimtebiedende centrumĆ ቧᱥެԌ㍺㒊ᡌӰ༡ਥԛ〕⭞ѣ₁㼗 Ⲻ൦ᯯּ㠿䗜つ⍱ऋ θ⛰ҼжفཐဵཐᖟⲺ⎭ ⢏θቀ䠃ᖲ↚Ⲻᮽौૂ㜂ᲥȾ
Even voorstellen: Ingrid Schimmel
ԁ㍯φIngrid Schimmel
Sinds begin dit jaar ben ik met plezier coördinator bij De Chinese Burg. Na mijn tropenstudie ben ik als ‘tropisch welzijnswerker’ via West-Afrika uiteindelijk in Den Haag beland. Als ik vrij ben trek ik er graag op uit met mijn man en twee dochters, naar het strand of de film. Eind vorig jaar was De Chinese Brug op zoek naar een nieuwe coördinator. Ik was onder de indruk van de sfeer en activiteiten en heb gesolliciteerd. Samen met de twee andere coördinatoren zorg ik dat de vrijwilligers en het bestuur met plezier hun werk kunnen doen. Ook ga ik me bemoeien met nieuwe subsidies, activiteiten en samenwerkingspartners. Ik heb bewondering voor al het werk dat de vrijwilligers en het bestuur elke week weer doen. Het is voor mij een groot plezier om met hen allemaal te mogen samenwerken. Kom gerust naar mij toe als ik iets voor je kan doen. Ik hoop iedereen de komende tijd nog veel beter te leren kennen.
ᗔԀᒪᒪࡓ䎭θᡇᖾ儎㠾൦ᡆ⛰ѣ₁Ⲻ㇗⨼ଗȾཝᆮ⟧ᑬᮽौ ሾᾣ⮘ᾣҁᗂθᡇжᱥжć⟧ᑬ൦ॶ⽴ᴹ⿅ᐛ֒㘻Ĉθ ᐛ֒൦唔ݾ൞㾵䶔θҁᗂ൞⎭⢏Ⱦᾣ低ᱸ䯉ᡇ↗ૂ⭕ݾᑬޟ ࠰ވྩفৱ䚀⧟θᴿᱸৱ⎭⚎θᴿᱸৱⵁ䴱ᖧȾ ৱᒪᒪᓋѣ₁ᤑ㚎㇗⨼ଗθᡇቃѣ₁Ⲻ≙≑ૂ⍱ऋᖾ㠾䏙θ ᡶԛゃᾫ㚎Ⱦᡇ൞ѣ₁Ⲻᐛ֒ᱥૂެԌޟփ㇗⨼ଗж䎭θާ ੂঊ䃵ૂ䕊ֆ㗟ᐛૂ⨼Ӂᴹθֵҁ㜳བᘡ ќ丼൦ᇂᡆᐛ֒ȾᡇⲺԱए䚺ऻᤢ⭩䄁䋽 ࣟȽ㍺㒊⍱ऋԛ㚥㎗ਾ֒ཛժㅿӁ主Ⱦ ቃ᯲㗟ᐛ⨼ૂهӁᴹᰛᗟжᰛⲺ䗑चऔऋθ ᡇࡦ⭧㺭Ⲻⅳ֟θ䶔ᑮ儎㠾㜳ૂԌهж䎭 ᐛ֒Ⱦ↗䘄ཝᇬּᢴᡇ䗜Ӂθᑂᵑ㜳བᖾᘡ ൦ૂ∅жփᵁਁ⟕ᚿ䎭ּȾ
Informatieavond voor vrijwilligers 㗟ᐛ䋽䁀ᰛ Op donderdag 29 januari 2015 werd een informatieavond georganiseerd voor de vrijwilligers van Stichting De Chinese Brug. Deze avond stond in het teken van de vrijwilligers duidelijk te maken waar De Chinese Brug voor staat als Buurthuis van de Toekomst. De avond begon met een heerlijke maaltijd verzorgd door ons keukenteam. Voorzitter Atom Zhou opende de informatiebijeenkomst. Vervolgens ging gemeentelijk projectmedewerker ‘Buurthuis van de Toekomst’ Eline Jansen uitleg geven over de gang van zaken van een Buurthuis van de Toekomst. Verder deelden Bernadette Michels van Florence Zorg en Corrie Muller van Ontmoetingscentrum Morgenstond hun ervaringen als Buurthuis van de Toekomst. Na een vragenronde zijn wij van veel nuttige informatie voorzien. Tot slot gingen de vrijwilligers in groepjes brainstormen over het toekomstperspectief van De Chinese Brug. Met deze waardevolle ideeën gaan wij aan de slag om een betere stichting te worden als Buurthuis van de Toekomst!
൞ ᒪ ᴾ ᰛѣ₁⛰㗟ᐛه㠿䗜Ҽжف䋽䁀ᰛȾ↚䋽䁀ᰛᱥ⛰Ҽ䇉㗟ᐛهҼ䀙ѣ ₁⨴֒⛰ąᵠּⲺ⽴ॶᓭ‸⍱ऋѣᗹĆⲺԱएȾ ᔐᡵቅ㍺⛰ᡇهⓌۏҼ䊆ሂⲺ㠠ࣟ但θ❬ᗂઞ㭐ᇍѱᑣ⛰䋽䁀ᰛ䯁ᒋ㠪䂔Ⱦᐸ᭵ᓒ ޢएӰଗEline Jansenྩ༡⛰ᡇه䅑䀙ᴿ䰒ąᵠּⲺ⽴ॶᓭ‸⍱ऋѣᗹĆⲺӁएȾ↚ ཌθFlorence ZorgⲺBernadette Michelsྩ༡ૂOntmoetingscentrum MorgenstondⲺ Corrie Mullerྩ༡࠼ӡԌهൎ儊֒⛰ąᵠּⲺ⽴ॶᓭ‸⍱ऋѣᗹĆⲺ㏉傍Ⱦ ㏉䚄ж䕠Ⲻஅ亂䀙ㆊθᡇهᗍࡦ⦨ⴀ㢥ཐⲺ䋽䁀Ⱦᴶᗂ㗟ᐛ࠼هᡆቅ㍺⛰ѣ₁ᵠּ ⲺࢃᲥڐ䳼儊⹊䁄Ⱦᡇهᴹᨪ⭞䙏ӑሬ䋪Ⲻᝅ㿁ּᡆ⛰ᴪ֩ⲺąᵠּⲺ⽴ॶᓭ‸⍱ ऋѣᗹĆέ
Op zaterdag 17 januari vond de derde kookworkshop plaats. Lisa Yeng leerde de deelnemers tang yuan maken, deegballetjes voor in zoete soep. Het was een gezellige middag en iedereen was erg enthousiast. Wilt u ook deelnemen aan de kookworkshop? De volgende kookworkshop (egg tart) is op zaterdag 14 maart. Voor meer informatie hierover, ga naar www.chinesebrug.nl.
൞ ᴾ ᰛδ᱕ᵕ ޣεᡇه㠿䗜Ҽㅢ п✯ف传⨣ȾLisa YengᮏҼ৹ࣖ㘻ه ᆮڐ⒥θ⮬ཟ䶔 ᑮⲺᘡθӰӰ䜳 ࡦ㠾ྤȾᛞҕᜩ ּ৹ࣖ✯传⨣ఄϋ с✯ف传⨣ 㴁 ᇐ᯲ ᴾ ᰛ ᱕ᵕޣεȾⅨҼ䀙䂩θ 䄁♅㿳ᡇⲺه㏨ㄏwww.chinesebrug.nlȾ
Panda Tang Yuan
Activiteitencommissie zoekt versterking ѣ₁⍱ऋቅ㍺ቁ≸໔ᨪ Sinds juni 2014 heeft De Chinese Brug een Activiteitencommissie opgericht. Deze commissie bestaat momenteel uit een aantal vrijwilligers die het leuk vinden om activiteiten te organiseren voor de bezoekers en vrijwilligers bij De Chinese Brug. Denk hierbij aan: kookworkshops, daguitjes en kerstviering. Ter uitbreiding zijn we op zoek naar nieuwe leden om samen nog meer leuke activiteiten te organiseren! Heb jij interesse om een bijdrage te leveren? Neem contact op via 070-3616689 of info@chinesebrug.nl.
ᗔ ᒪ ᴾ䎭ѣ₁ᡆҼжف⍱ऋቅ ㍺Ⱦⴤࢃ䙏ف⍱ऋቅ㍺⭧ᒴف㗟ᐛ㍺ 㒊θж䎭⛰ѣ₁Ⲻּᇘૂ㗟ᐛه㠿䗜ཐ ݹौⲺ⍱ऋȾׁྸφ✯传⨣Ƚжᰛ䚀ૂ 㚌䃋ㇶឬ⾓⍱ऋȾ⛰Ҽ໔ᨪᡇ↙ه൞ቁ ≸᯦Ⲻᡆଗૂᡇهж䎭㠿䗜ᴪཐ⍱ऋέ ֖ᱥੜᴿᝅж䎭㠿䗜⍱ऋϋ䄁䙐䚄䴱㚥 070-3616689 ᡌ䴱䜫info@chinesebrug.nl 㚥㒡ѣ₁Ⱦ
Kom ons team versterken! Contactgegevens / 㚥㎗:
Colofon Redactie / 㐞䕥㍺: Wing Yee TANG / 䝝や乚 Lisa YENG Man Lai POON Chinese vertaling/ѣᮽ㘱䆥 Julia CHU Redactie
Vormgeving / 䁣䀾: Lingling CHENG / 䝣⧨⧨
Zuidwal 94 2512 XV Den Haag 070-361 6689 info@chinesebrug.nl www.chinesebrug.nl
᪴ࡃ॔ ȇ$6-563& Ꭱ ᰵ ᬒ す
⌎㫺喑ౕ⌤↹͚⮩⛞⮩ٶ ᱙൞㽅㔲 ⼸ⴠ ⌎㫺喑Ҭᘠ䊤ក䪸⛰⅐✽䗐̭䰻 䗐⮱▘♝喑▘♝⮱ใ᭜↿ᰶ⛿⛰ܳٲ ⮱ᯄ㈲㞟喑㔹͚䫀ᅞ᭜䕆̭వ⌎㫺喑䶜 ⅐倁ᒵ䋠⛰⛿ᓄᒵ⌎⮱ܳٲ㫺ȡ ⪣♣喑䕆䌌⌎㫺㋟পऺ⮱݊㶤͓̺ २व喑ѳ᭜喑̺໕ⰸ҉᭜⮱㼐䂭ȡ হ͚సहᕔᜭ㋟〆⌎㫺㋟⮱䇍䇙 ϧ㕬Ἧ䊝ౕ㢤㭚)JMWFSTVNᐐ᧚⮱᳄ ͚喑䊝ा̭Ը丽ᐠȡౕ Ꭱᰭۤ ⮱̭๖喑ࢨ◧ᰶ⌎㫺⮱ႅౕ㔹̺㻧 ۤȡ 㕬Ἧ喑࣌᭜䂓ᄌ喑ᄼ᭯ՆᓰⰛ͚ ⮱ℾ䂓ँँ喑⤫ౕ᭜̭Ըⴒऺहᕔᜭ≨ ࠂϧธ喑⌎㫺㋟⮱$&0ȡ হ㕬Ἧౕ㢤㭚᭜すι⁎㺸䲏喑̷ ⁎᭜䭬➦ͦ⮱हᕔᜭ䕸⇠⍥䗐⁎喑 Ѓᛶ㢤㭚స䯈ᐐ᧚䰨झ䖭হᱻ䞭⇠Ƞ ⒅㊼䟅হވぶҳݝ㢤㭚喑䗐๖喑ᰭ ᙌ㜵䋐⮱̭ऒ㾞喑ᅞ᭜Ѓহ͚స㍪⤳ᱻ ٸᑤ⮱㺸䲏ȡ͓䲋◧̭Ըϧ䌌̭Ը͚ స䴯倅㉇⮱䵅ᄻϧ㺸䕻䲏㔹➦ݒ㻧ᓄЃ ⮱倅๔̷হնٶₐ喑㔹䕆᭜̭ԸԎ㮌喑 ͚సᩬᏉᄺहᕔᜭ䵹⮱ᙸᏓȡ 㾞䵹䛺ᐣ㎹ȡĄ Ꭱ䗐⁎喑 ᱻٸᑤⴒ䖀ҍ᭜हᕔᜭ㋟〆⮱䇍䇙ϧ ૻ喤ąȡ Ąڣᄓ䗐⁎᭜⩞㶈⩌䘕Ⴖᢿ⮱̭⁎ 䬉ᙈ⏸⫲䭟⇨⮱ᰰ䂝喑㶈⩌䘕ⴒ䖀 ⮱㋟〆喑ⴒ䖀㋟〆䇍䇙ϧ⮱䏘Ъ喑㔹 ᙈ⏸⫲⮱⮩⩌হ䴽䭟喑ᒵ๔⼸Ꮣ䌌हᕔ ᜭవၽᰶ䬉ȡⰥԎ䕆ὐ⮱ᰰ䂝喑ᱻٸ ᑤᰰⴒ䖀Ը㜴ᰰ㔲⮱䏘Ъ⮱॔ȡą㕬 Ἧᰶᑵᕔౝఋめȡ Ą䗐叩喑⤫ౕ͚సᩬᏉহ๔䮥ᰰ ᄺहᕔᜭ⮱ᙸᏓ᭜॓⮩⩌γ䂷ࡃ喤ą
Ąᛶ㾟㿗喑⤫ౕᄙᲫȠ䪸ᬻᒵ็ȡ مノჅ↿ᰶᬻⷧ㶕ᙸ喑ѳ᭜喑̺Ͳݺ ᄺ̭ჄहᕔᜭԸᵵ∂Ꮪ҉⮱ܧ㷮↧喑ᅞ נ䖁γψԎ㮌ȡ⤫ౕ䖱ᰶ̭Ⴤ◧ह ᕔᜭ䏘Ъ㷘䓚䔭⮱Ⴥथ喑䖱↿ᰶ҉ܧ㷮 ↧喑Ծぶ㦄ȡᎫᎡ᭯䫀喑ᗲ⇮⮩⩌γ ᒵ๔䂷ࡃȡ䕻ࣨ㋟〆̺᭯㷘䬉։喑⤫ౕ ΌजВႅౕγȡą Ąѳ᭜喑ࢠҬౕ㺬喑ౕ㢤㭚䕆ὐ ⮱సუ喑हᕔᜭ䖱᭜ऄݝ២ݣহₔ㻃喑 ౕ͚స喑⩌ႅఝ䰐ૻ喤ą Ąͨ㺮᭜ℾ䫀⮱হᰰ⮱ⰸ∂䕍 ߈喑⤫ౕᩬᏉ↿ᰶ䴽喑䕆ጟ㋀᭜ᒵ ๔⮱䕟ₒȡԾ⪏「̺᭜ᩬ⇨䵹䗐叩 ᩼ᙌ喑ѳ᭜喑ౕᄺЅᙈ⏸⫲ぶ䵹喑 Ծ᭜㎋̺䪸⮱̭Ը㓑倁ȡą Ąౕ͚స喑䐰◧ڙ䪸⮱㼻䀃ᕔ⮱ 䵹Ό䖚䕴߈喑̺᭜ᰶϧᒭ̭ψᕔႥ᪆ ᢵ䏘̷ខᲞ㺬喑ౕᕔᆂ㻪ᰰ̷ខ䰋㯸喑 ⩇㜠ខ㈋Ӭ⩇叩⮱ૻ喤䗐叩喑हᕔᜭϧ 㓑ౕ❚ः㜗䏘ᕔःा⮱㜗⩞̷喑䭨߈℁ 䐰䗐⽛㼻䀃ᕔ䵹⮱㜗⩞喑⾣「䗐⽛ ๔̭ψ喤ą Ąᘠहᕔᜭϧ㓑ᰰᄼ̭吋喑◧ ग᭜̭ԸᄼⱫ㓑倁喑㔹䗐⽛ڙ䪸㼻䀃ᕔ 㜗⩞㾞䵹喑㼥ࣷנݝ㊞䖀ᓤ᪴ࡃ⮱ᒵ็ 䵅ഌ喑ᓋ䕇፥⮱ᕔϑ㵹◧喑྇ݝใᗲȠ ࠲ιຣȠ㞟ᗲẚ喑⩇㜠 1⩇叩⮱喑 ◧ᑂ䊤⮱ࣺᙌ᭜ᐐ∈⮱喑ౕ䕆Ը䵅ഌ͚ ⮱❚䀃Ό᭜ጕ๔⮱ȡԾ䕆Ը㓑倁喑ग ᭜❚ःहᕔϑࣸ⩇㜠྇༨⮱व∂ࡃВ ࣷ䭱፣⮱䵹喑⊶ࣷ⮱䲏䐰ᄾ喑θᄓ̷ Ծ̺᭯ङ䪸ऱ⽛ⵁ㼻ᰰ喑ᰶψ≨ڞڙ ࠂ喑აנ䴽䭟ᙈ⏸⫲⩇叩⮱喑Ό↿ᰶⷝ ⩇ݝ叩叨⚖ȡą Ծఋݝₑ㵹㕬Ἧҳ㢤⮱㾞䵹喑Ѓ ፣㦄Ѓ⮱䮷喑䖱ᰶ͚స๔䮥ⴒऺ㋟〆
⮱㽅㔲㠒ϧ喑ҳݝ㢤㭚喑䖥᧴ౕ㢤㭚 仃⮩喑ᣕܧहᔄϑ䐌У#MVFE⮱㠞᪴ ❵ȡ Ą◧⩇叩䖥᧴㢤㭚喤ą Ą㢤㭚᭜̓⩹̷仃Ըहᕔ྇༨व∂ ࡃసუÿÿव∂ࡃጟ Ꭱ喑㔹́喑⌎ 㫺㋟ₑ㵹᭜হ㢤㭚స䯈ᐐ᧚䰨झ3/8 ⮱व҉喑ᣕܧ#MVFEϑࣸ䐌У喑ౕ͓ -(#5䵅ഌ͚䪤⌞Ꮣव҉ȡą Ą᭜ใ㵹喑ҍԾ⮱ϑࣸ䐌Уᔻ叩 ఋθ喤ą Ą#MVFE᭜̭ധౝ⤳Ѻ㒛ჇѺ ⮱हᔄϑᛶ⩕䐌У喑⩕ᝣ䕇䕻#MVFE जВ⮩⤫䏘䖷⮱Ăສധࣸă喑ᴒⰸЃԾ ⮱Ըϧ䇴᫆ȠⰥڷȠᓰᗲᬒ㾹ぶȡą Ąज̺जВ㿗喑䶋ѩᓛԎ⮱Ă䭱䓾 ⮱ϧă喑ѳ᭜ᅭ䭽ౕहᔄ͚喑Ӭहᔄ ϑࣸឫݝᔄह䖀व㔲喑䖬ٺᅤᅙૻ喤ą ĄजВ䕆ὐ㿗॔ȡą Ą䗐叩喑ౕ㺬సუ喑ᅞ㿗᭜㢤㭚 ॔喑ݺ㶈䪸ᩫ喑䕆䶋䐌Уᛶ㾟ᬖᅞᰶγ ॔喤ą Ąᰶ᭜ᰶ喑็᪥᭜㒻స⮱喑ຯ (SJOESȠ+BDLĂE喑ѳ᭜喑ⰥԎ Ծ⮱䐌Уᰡߍٵ䕟Ƞສ⩕ȡⰛݺᰶ㠞᪴ ❵喑Вᒹᰰ⮩ᆂڣЃ㿋⽛ȡą 㕬Ἧᒵ⌎Ⴧ喑ᒵ㜗ԎȡⰛݺ#MVFE ᰶ 㥙⩕ᝣ喑 ͚ڣ᭜⊤ใ⩕ ᝣ喑䕟䏺⁽㒻ጯൡ喑ࠏౕᓲ㵹ȡ◧喑
ᨇѝ㼵喑͚సᰶ⩤हᔄ๔㈱ 㥙喑 ⮩ڣᆂᄴ䖚䕴๖㟞Წȡ ᅞౕ㬸$&0Ꮨܧٸ⮱ Ꭱ ᰵ⮱ᰭᒹ̭ক喑#MVFE⢟ᓄγ 㒻స䷕䯗ែ䇴ᾌỸ%$.⮱ 㥙㒻 䛾喑#MVFEѝթ̭䎺䖁ر ݝ㒻䛾ȡ䕆 ⁎ݺҳ㢤㭚喑ᓄݝ㢤㭚స䯈ᐐ᧚䰨झ ⮱ᩜᠮহ᎘ߖ喑ᓲᄴౕ䪸᠀⁽≟ጯൡ 䲏喑ᰶᰡ๔⮱҉◧ȡⳔ喑͚సϧ⮱हᕔ ᜭϑࣸ䐌У喑թᓄ吋䈷喆䕆ࣵ᭜ओ̭ ⽛䐌ᄓ߈喑͚స喑ᰰ⮱࠲ღᕔ䊷ҳ䊷 ๔喑Όጟ㋀̺᭜Ƞ̺㘪᭜̭Ը㜴ᮛ̓ئ թⰥ㙘䰏⮱సუȡĄᰰ⮱ᘼ㓖๔䇴 ᱙⮱ᘼ㓖ȡą㕬Ἧ㿗ȡ ౕ)JMWFSTVNEὦ᳄ၽ͚◧㕬Ἧ ⚔γ̭ᑢⰥ喑ٶ㌇ᒵສ喑䔳⮱ٶȡЃ䏘 ⾬⌎㫺⮱㺜㶐喑⌞㫺⮱ใ㶐喑Җᝡ㦄⌎ 㫺㋟⮱ᓪ」喑䏘倁喑៘㦄̭వ䞭㞟⮱๗ 䮪ٶȡ 㜠Ϸ̺ⴒ䖀㕬Ἧ᱙ϧ᭜̺᭜हᕔ ᜭ㔲喑Όݨᘼ↿ᰶ喑◧ౕ⮱㜵 䋐͚喑䕆♎䬉䛺㺮喑䛺㺮⮱᭜喑͚స -(#5⮱ጒ҉䰭㺮ᰶϧࣨև喑㔹㕬Ἧ喑 ᭜䓚ᢶ䂓ᄌ⮱ڙ㖤և䕆Ըጒ҉ևᓄᒵ ߌȠᒵᰶ䪸᠀ᘼ㓖⮱̭Ըϧ喑̺ノЃ᭜ ⩇叩ὐ⮱ϧȡ
㢤㭚㤜ϧ㬊㶀ጒ҉㔲䓻᭒䓓ᆂ㻪 ౕ⮱̭Ꭱ喑㢤㭚⮱㤜ϧ㬊㶀ጒ҉ 㔲Ό΅㦄㒷Ꭱ⮱᭒䷕喑ᠬܧ㜗ጞ⮱ ҉喑ౕऱౝ㜶䓓ᆂ㻪喑䃀㢤㭚̭Ⱬڙ Ⲧ͚స᪴ࡃ⮱䷕䛴ȡ 䋆Ҡহ.BSKB 7FSIBHF㖜ᆂȡ䋆Ҡ ็็㬊喑ᰫౕ䭬➦ͦ㬊㶀Ⴅ䮏 Ⴅ㓿喑⤫⿸γ䰨ᒞ㸪҉ბ喑◧㖤ẚ 㸪❴ϧ喑ᓋθ䰨ᒞ㬊㶀ጒ҉喑ह᭯⮩ ᤛ᧲ڣ䪤喑䕟㵹㎗⪘҉ޢȡ ᰵ ᬒᭌ ښ喑হ㢤㭚ຠ䰂ൾუ.BSKB 7FS IBHF⮱㖜ᆂᄴౕ⊤➆⮱⪘ბ(BMFSJF "SJBOB䪸ᎂ喑◧̭Ըᰵ喑㜠 ᰵ ᬒ ㉽ȡ
䋆Ҡౕ⩌ܧ䘪̭Ըᰥ仆უ喑 ᓋᄼ䌌䯕⺃❣Ⴅ㓿ᰥ∂㎗⪘喑㿓 䂭͚సऑڥ㾖㾋喑➦ݒᣒऄ䕻ጒび⪘ 㽀㌡ȡ̺䕻喑ౕ㢤㭚ᣒऄ㬊㶀⚼䮣 ᒹ喑⪘䷕䯳ڤ䆎㜴䆎̭✽喑В ͚స℈び⪘∂◧ധ⸻喑㲺व㺬∸⪘ ∂喑Ą᭜◧γ㶕⤫ກ佝Ƞ✳⮩⮱ᗲ ㋿ą喍䋆Ҡ㿋喎ȡ .BSKB 7FSIBHF◧㢤㭚ຠ䰂ൾუ喑 ΌВ҉ޢ䆎҉৮㺸䪤ȡ 䁊䰟᭜⊤➆⮱̭Ѻ㬊㶀ጒ҉ 㔲喑 Ꭱ䪸Ⴅ㓿䰂ൾ喑ѳ᭜ጟ ㋀ःᓄ̺Ԅ⮱㍫喑ऄ䖭ࣰߍγ็⁎
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ၽႥ䮏Ƞ͚సנ྿๔ႥȠᵩ㒲ᄔᵦ๔ Ⴅぶぶ喑ᓄ͚ݝస䓓Ƞ㤜◧ぶѺ ᾌỸ⮱ᩜᠮȡ ᰵ ᬒ喑ౕ⊤➆̓䇬๔ Ᏽ㜶㵹䪸ᎂᐼ喑͚స份㢤๔Ҭ䮠ᬚᄴ ܧፚ䪸ᎂحᐼҢ⮩㶕䁈㾞ȡ
㬊㶀ᆂ喑ຯ⁽≟ऑൎ㬊㶀ᆂȠ 䭬 ➦ͦ㢤㭚సუᎡᏓ㬊㶀ᆂȠ厬➦ͦస 䯈㬊㶀ᆂহ∂సጡ叻Ⱄ⊛მస䯈㬊㶀 ᆂぶȡ ᰵ ᬒ㜠 ᬒᬖ̷ ᭯㜠̸ࡵ ᭯喑す̶ᅳ䭬➦ͦ㬊㶀ᐐൡ㬊㶀 ᆂᄴౕᷢ倅ࢇ➖乕হ䭬➦ͦస⿸ ࢇ➖乕䫀⮱̭Ꮤᐧౕᐐൡ⮱䆗㤜ᆂ ᐠ䛹㜶㵹ȡᰶ Ѻ㢤㭚㬊㶀უऄ䖭喑 ᄴౕ䕆㸎ᆂЃԾ⮱㬊㶀҉৮喑ᆂ৮ ⊶ࣷ㎗⪘ȠᩊᒞȠ䰂ൾࣷ仃丫ぶ喑䁊 䰟Ό᭜ऄ䖭⮱㬊㶀უ̭喑ᄴᆂ 䓾⮱䰂ൾ҉৮ȡ
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⊆ϧუ喑๔Ꭱ̶ᮇ̷㍪㺮ౕژІᵹ ̷ᨧ̭ⰑᎡ㈂喑҉◧ӈ৮ȡ⩉Ꭱ㈂喑В̭ࣷ ⽛㦤⇦Ꭱ㈂喑ज⪣䰣丌र喠և㤉喑̭㝙䖥⩕ ⌲ⅡᎡ㈂喑♎㞟♎ঠ⮱ȡ ५䘶ϧ䓓䙿ፚ喑ᰭᒹহⰑច̭ܧ䖀▿Ꭱ ㈂喑ᬏ᭜̸䙿㤉喑ࣵ҉◧ͨ丌ȡ⩕台㟪㤉 ▿喑⩕䰗㷼㪨▿喑ຯ̷ߍں㖶㊟喑ᰡ᷿ γȡ ̷⊤ϧិ䕆䖀㤉ևݝγĄ䴯㉇ą喟㲰㴦 ▿Ꭱ㈂ȡ⩕㲰㴦҉䙺᫆喑Ꭱ㈂ํớ㔭⮱ȡ㲰 㴦⮱僛仆喑䕇䕻✆⮱⎜∂喑⊥䔼γܴ㪱 ❴⮱Ꭱ㈂ȡᰶϧ㿗喟र㲰㴦▿Ꭱ㈂喑កҍ㕠 ٶΌ̺ᰰᩫ̸ȡ̺Ԏ㾓㾓 㜷ᬒࡄϙ᭒ロ䷕Ԅ喑Όᰶ⛞⅐佝佝㧥Ꭱ ㈂⮱喑ᛶ㦄࠲丰ၽ喑Вㆠ䲏ٲ䋠Ƞუᰶ ҆㈔ȡ䕆҉◧䮗㺜⮱㧥Ꭱ㈂喑ᕽᕂ᭜ࢄϧ
፣ҳ⮱㓿ᕔȡ䗐᭯Ն⮱ࡄϙ喑ࢄϧጟ̺ ᄾγȡЃԾ̺ᰰ◧丰ၽ㔹ᔅᢶᎡ㈂⮱ȡᰡ ̺ᰰ◧ҳݝ๖ၽ㚠̸喑ᅞᔅᢶᩲ䘶ȡ ࡄϧ喑㘪ᄴ丰ၽवᓄ๖㶐♎㍘喑ᰶ ᰶಸ喑⩕⛕偒⛕䕻̭㝙ᡧ᠙丰ၽशݖ喑 ᒵ䛺㺮⮱̭䲏喑᭜ڣ䕍ಸ喑䚤ѩऑА҉ ◧Ą䕇䇕ą⮱ٰᄣ喠र丰ၽ喑䓾ѩح ᐼ喑䆎ᒮᕔౝౕĄ᠈䇎䕟ᄣąȡओ̭䲏喑 Ռ丰ၽ⮱䀔䴠喑ः㜷ϑᰬȠĄᰡϑၽą ᄀᘼȡ ͚సϧⰥԎ丰ၽ㘪፣ҳ䇎⅐喑፣ҳສ 䕸ȡຯ䕆ツ҉䔤Ԏ喑Ό᭜̭⽛ᒵ㒻ສȠᒵ ⽺Ả⮱䔤Ԏȡϧ⩌⩅㠓喑㍪ᛶ㾟ᰶ̭吋吋 ⺋ჱច⮱喑ຯႰک㔹㊓ҍ፣ҳऐ㚦⮱Ϙ ऄ喑Կ᱗ᓲ᭜ซθȡϧԾ䖱ᄴㅪ⮱㓿Ԅ ᑂ䕟丟丌͚喑࠲丰ၽ᭯乎㷼㫼䞲䡏Ƞ䞭
᎐ȠᄣⴠȠ⣺⤍䶋ᄼᄼ⮱श⺒➖喑ࢍ㩁ऱ 㜗⮱᭯䕸ȡर丰ၽ⮱䕻⼸喑䌌ᒖ⺕̭ὐ⓭ ࠂȡⳔⳔ㿝㘪͚๔⡻ ᰡҬ䕇Ԅ⮱丟丌็γ ̭Ъ⊗⮱ᛔᛙȡ䕆᭜ᰭສ⮱㿬ঠ৮এȡ ౕ⌲Ͱ㜠ℾస喑Ⅱ丰ࣵघĄ⚛举 举ąȡĄБࣨ喑႐䕻喑Ꭱロࣵ㺮ཱི ཱི喑ᔘ࠲⚛举举ȡ⯛ٿ㪱喑乎็ٿ喑ཱཱིི रγ〾ঢঢ喑ྒྷ䇨ᑢ㒲ȡą䕆᭜⌲Аᱻ ٶᏚȨ䘶㼭㼐䵑ȩ̭ᰥ͚ᩣ䠱⮱ℾ⁹ȡⰸ ҳ࠲丰ၽᰶߖ㲺वཱི䬉㈨ȡ̭〾 ࡄ䖱ᰶ䀧㿋喟Ą̶ᮇ̷र丰ၽ ↿ ᰶใϧȡąВ㻗ჳ♎䫀ȡज㺸丰ၽ᭜䮑 โ้ऱუऱᝣᚣీ⮱ᓲ׆➖ȡ⮱ ࣸз⇆喑ᄘ䕻̭ヴ䜊ᄺ๛㻃᭒ロ㖜₎ᮇ ᰰ⮱Ą䚤㾂ą喟Ȩ䕆䡸丰ၽᔻ只⚛ȩȡЃ ិ㔮❹⮱᭒ロ㖜₎ᮇᰰ喑℁૨◧̭䡸Ą᪴ ࡃ丰ၽą喑᭜॓ᰶᘼ喑䬉䢢䖱ⰸ࠲⮱ϭ 只乎ٿȡ ̶ᮇ̷ࡄϧ̺र丰ၽ喑ᰰ㻧ᓄ↿ᰶ 䕻Ꭱ⮱⅐ⅈȡₐຯ⤫ౕ㽞็͚సϧ喑մຯ̺ ⰸ᭒ロ㖜₎ᮇᰰ喑ᰰ㠒ᰶȡ ౕロᚏ⮱᭯А喑ڕუϧ౽̭ᵹ࠲丰 ၽ喑Პ㕷㺬វ喑᭜̭䴲ᒵᰶᗲ䋐⮱䯳倁ࠋ ࠂȡ࠲ѩͻ℁र䖱䕻⮛ȡᅑڣ᭒ロ喑უᏚ ᖶ᪥ౕൡ喑ڣἯ㲺㲺喠㿝㠒㑧ፚ喑ᰰ䃀๔ ๒ٿᰶĄ䕺㡞㥥ᄾ̭ϧą⮱ᙌפ㜴ᕊᔢȡ ԾԾ喑Ꭱ䥅㖟䴬ݺ喑̭Ⴧ㺮䋂ఋ უ㷼र̭ⷄ丰ၽȡ䕆ὐ⮱㓿Ԅᒵᰶϧᗲঠ ⮱ȡ㘪䖢Ⴕ⮱㾞̭Ⴧ㺮䖢Ⴕȡ ҳ⎽喟Ἧ咎㋟
ࡄ喑◧䕟მᒹ喑䕏䕻ロᅞԺᕊ 㻗喑ѳࣵ♎∂ܧმࣨᣏ㻃㻗ϧ喑 ₑᘵᘠᘵפᓰ喑ᰰᘠ㺮㜗⃧ȡᲞ ᱁ⴒ䖀ᒹ喑㻧ᓄٰტཅᒵज ᚽ喑ᅞ↧Ⴧ㺮᎘喑͓⌲ẇ ٰტ⮱უౕ҂㮂ᅞॷ䓚䰏ࣨ γȡすι๖喑Პ᱁ݝγ ٰტ⮱უ͚喑ᄴᗲᒏ㿗 γ̭䕺喑͓ॷ㽡ЃԾЃ ⮱䓓∂ ȡ Ꭻ๖ᒹ喑䪤Ⴖ⮱ ϧℾⴒ䖀Პ᱁ౕ⩌ٵ๔ 㶄̷◧ϧԾツপ喑ₑ㉈ ㉈ݺᒭ喑ᘠ㺮䃀Პ᱁◧㜗 ጞツツপȡ↿ᘠݝ喑Ըϧツ ܧҳ⮱㉽䘪᭜ₐᰵρ䘪ᰰ䖚ݝ ▘♇䏘喠㔮⮫ༀ㖪Ⴙᒵრᕂ喑㉈㉈ⅯᲞ᱁ ๔უ喑Პ᱁㿗喟Ȫₐᰵρ▘♇䏘喑ᅞ ᭜ᠴ䗐๖ᰰᰶ̭Ѻڣㆶ㞟䞭侏⮱ཅ喑ग
䬉ٰტロ⮱ 䊤⎽喑ℾ䫀ᰶ᪥⽛ 㿗∂喑͚ڣᰭᰶऺ ⮱喑হ̭АऺЂᲞ ᱁ᰶ䬉ȡ ౕₓፊ᭯А喑ᰶ ̭Ѻ๔㜐घᲞ᱁喑䕇 ๖᪴ౝ⤳ȡ̭๖Ѓݝმ͚⮱ᓎ 㟞ి䈋ᶲ喑̺᫆ࢨⰸ㺸̭Ѻმຠₐ㺮䌠ς 㜗⃧喑Პ᱁䕐ᔆ̷ݣݺ喑͓ᬻ࣌༁ȡ ࣌ҳ䕆ѺმຠघևȪٰტȫ喑უѼ䪤Ⴖ㺬
ҳ⛿䪤Ⴖ喑ѳग㺮ౕₐᰵ̶䗐๖喑㸎 ⮱⮪∂㔮ϧԾ䘪ݝ㺬䛹䠗๔䖀ぶՆ喑๖ 叾᭯喑䗐ཅᅞᰰҳ喑ग㺮䌗ౝⅯ喑ڕ Ӭजᓄȡȫ ♣ౕₐᰵ̶䗐๖ҳγ̭Ѻڣㆶ㞟 䞭侏⮱Ꭱ䑂ຠၽ喍ڣᄓ᭜ٰტ⮱㸊 ⮱喎喑ڕ⮱⮪倛㔮ϧ䘪Ⅿ䖀喟ȪⅯІ̺ 㺮⛿喆ȫຠၽ㿗喟Ȫ᭜ᬕ⛿⮱喑 㠒⢶ፊⰸ̺㺸▘喑䅵̺ᕗ㒗喆ȫȪ䕆ὐ ॔喆ҍԾࣨⅯҍԾ⮱⮴ፊᘠ䓓∂॔喆ȫ㿗 ႹӬ䰏ࣨγȡすι๖喑Პ᱁䲏㺸ₓፊ喑 ͓ᄴϧℾ⮱ᓰ㖟̷喟Ȫ䪤Ⴖౕߘ喑▘⛿ፊ ࣒喑ρ๖▘喑♝㈲ტ้ȡȫₓፊ㖪ႹΌ ̺ⴒຯ҂᭜ສ喑Ӭ㿸Პ᱁ᘠ䓓∂ȡᲞ᱁ 㿗喟Ȫ㖪㿗▘⺋ᙈर⎜ీ喑ᅞघڕ⮫ༀև ⎜ీӈ喑ओใ喑䖱㺮ϙ䘪㜐ℾ̭䊤և⛵喑 ρᮇ̷ᣈ๔㶄ᄼጤ喑ह᭯⛰ᩫ⚆㟞✳ 〦喑ݝ᭯Ն喑⮱㈲ٶȠ▘⤰ᾘ丈喑䕆ὐ ⢶ፊᅞᰰВ◧䗐᭜䪤Ⴖ๔▘喑䕆ὐ̭Ⴧ㘪ⳋ
ₒ侌 喟ᄴ㲰㴦⌲≄Ꭶ۵喑ݮᄼ൷ ₒ侌 喟ᄴ㲰㴦ܴ䲏ٵ㭥㯸⋟喑ౕ㭥䲏ㆶ喑⇦ڒ䡸◥䛾㈲㞟 ₒ侌 喟ᄴᎡ㈂ᩫڒ䪸Ⅱ͚⚛⛌⚛䔼ᦵ⩕׆ܧ ₒ侌 喟䡸㷼⪆Ꮒ⇦喑ᩫ̭ڒᄼិ㟞ḿㆿ✳仆 ₒ侌 喟ᣒ㦄ᩫڒ㩒㊟༉㊟⚥▿ܧ仆ঠ ₒ侌 喟Կ◥ڒສ⮱㲰㴦൷㔨▿❴ݨ ₒ侌 喟Կ⮱⛌⚛ڒᎡ㈂㔨▿ࠨ ₒ侌 喟Կڒᄾ䛼⮱䛙⇦ ₒ侌 喟ᄴ㴦⃩Ό̭䊤ᩫڒᄼ▘ᚏᚏ㔨▿ݝ㴦⃩䂷㞟仆ঠ⏏ࢠܧज
᱙ҳ❵䲏䘪ᢿສγ喑䕆㊓๔უϸ㉦ٰტ⮱և ∂ȡ㿝ⴒЅ̺᷀ݺᄼᓰ㷘㒻丌㌕䑜ⰸݝγ㴦▿ Ꭱ㈂⮱ృ❴喑₨≨ॢ㦄㺮ᩦ喑᭜䕆ᅞगສ ٵϸ㉦㴦▿Ꭱ㈂ઓ喑㜠ٰტć㌕䑜㿗रႹ㴦 ▿Ꭱ㈂ҍ㊂ᄺᰰᔅᢶႰ⮱喆 ᱽ᫆喟 㲰㴦 Ꭱ㈂ 䰋㯸 䲏ㆶ 㩒㊟ ༉㊟ 䛙⇦ 㟞ḿㆿ
↿र䕻ᅞ᭜ᄺᎡ㈂⮱̺ᄷ䛺喆喆喆 ᄼ⿲䪭喟 Ƞ㴦ၽ⌲㧥⮱㾞喑ग䰭㺮≄Ꭶ۵ᅞज В喑և㤉⮱᭯Նᅞ䰭㺮Ą㗏㼐ąγ喑ᓋ㗇㛺 ڒᰭღᭀȠ̺䇨߮喑㲰㴦⮱㚛㺮ࣨᢶ喑㷼 䲏ज㘪ᰶ−⇆ Ƞ㲰㴦ᘠڒঠ喑ᅞ㺮θٵ㙹ݣ喑ࡷᄼࠧ 厪Ƞࡷᄼࠧ䙿ᅞजВγ喑䗓䗓⮱Ꭱ㈂㺮θ
⌲⩕ٵⅡ⊥∎̸ Ƞ▿㲰㴦⮱᭯Ն̺⩕ںᩫ厪γ喑◧⩌ হ䅳䅶䘪᭜ᰶ厦ঠ⮱喑रᓄ๗厦γᄺ䏘倁 ̺ສ ȠぶݝᎡ㈂⚛䐌ᒹ喑ߍࡷڒᄼࠧ⮪㈃喑 जВ䊤僛⮱҉⩕喑䃀㤉⮱ऐᙌᰡສ ҳ⎽喟Ą̸ᐇᝬą
䕻ȡȫₓፊ㖪Ⴙ๔Ἧ䖀喟Ȫ⩌ٵ㼵ゃ ♣᭜ໆ㼵喆ȫᲞ᱁ᣒ㦄㿗喟Ȫ⮴̷㖃ᬻ喑 ѳ᭜⮴მ͚̺ຯₑȡȫₓፊ㿗喟Ȫ䕆ㅎ 喑ग㺮䗐๖ᮇ̷喑䃀მ͚⮱ၗະࣷҺ㶈䘪 ݝ㶄̷ࣨ喑⌤ౕ⮫ༀ⪣͚喑䕆ὐ⢶ፊᅞ̺ⴒ 䖀㺮⛿㿝γ喆ȫᲞ᱁ࣵ㿗喟ȪໆẢ喆䖱ᰶ ᅞ᭜㖪㿗მຠٰტև⮱⎜ీᰭສ喑ρ⮱ᮇ ̷䃀㦄๔მ⛵喑ិऺႄᄘ̷ౕ䵚喑ౕݺ 䲏䪸䖀喑㜐⎜ీౕᒹ喑⾬䕻๔㶄ᄼጤ᪙ ▘⺋ȡȫₓፊ喟Ȫ䕆θᅞռࠋ⩌ٵγȡȫ ρ⮱ᮇ̷ٰტཅ⚔Პ᱁⮱ᠴ喑 ♣㺸㦄γ㜗ጞ⮱㻗ϧ喠⪣๖้㸎ₓፊ㺸ݝ ⮫ༀ⣖ᓄຯₑⰎ㜵喑ₑ̸БᎡₐᰵρ ้ᮇ䘪㺮ຯₑȡᓋₑВᒹ喑䕆Ը㓿Ԅᅞ⇬㺟 ̸ҳ喑Όₐ◧ₐᰵρӈ⮱⎜ీ᭜घև ٰტ⮱ཅև⮱喑ВᒹҳϧԾΌិ⎜ీ घևȪٰტȫ喑ₐᰵρ⮱̷ٰロΌ⽞ևȪ ٰტロȫȡ
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іजȈܱٿښϜޠɆࢸֲۀɇȊ す̭喑㽞็ҳ͚స⮱ใసࣸϧ喑ౕڣ᱙ స㷘ЃԾ⮱ह㘋⛞ᗲౝ⽞◧Ąರ౫ą喑 Ąᅹ㊟ą Ą-PTFSą ᨩ⦌喑ᘼᕊᅞ᭜᪄ 㔲 喑◧ЃԾ⮱ⷧ᭜ȡ Ąቁ喑गᰶౕ͚సԾ㻧ᓄ᭜ϧ̷ ϧȡԾᙈ₨͚సγ喑̭吋Ό̺ᘠఋԾ㜗 ጞ䗐↿ᓰ↿㗧⮱⺃స喑◧̭ݝ䗐ٿᅞ⿸ݨ ̺ࣵ᭜ϧγȡą すι喑㽞็ใసࣸϧ喑ౕ᱙స᭜̭䑖ၽ ឫ̺ݝຠϧ⮱喑ज᭜ݝγ͚స喑̺⩕➦ߗݒ ߈ᅞ㘪ࠫᑂສ็͚సຠ႖ȡ Ąቁ喑◧⩇只ᰰ᭜䕆ὐএ喤͚సຠ႖ ◧ٿϭ只ຯₑ࠲ღ喑Ծృ⮱᭜ϭ只এ喤ą Ą͚సຠ႖๗ສ㮈ớ喑㻧ᓄᡪ㦄̭Ը∸ ϧ̷㶄➦ݒ㘪倅㜗ጞ䏘ئ喑ᅞ䌌➪γ̭᷊
ऺ⠄ѩ⮱喑ᰡ㘪ᑂ䊤ڣЃຠϧ⮱㓕ᚂȡ す̶喑๔็᪥ใస㠞᭜̺ᰰ䖍⍎䛺∸ ͚ݝస䬃๖̸⮱喑ЃԾౕ㜗ጞ⮱᪴ࡃ㷼ᰡღ ᭀᰶ҉◧ȡ䶅ᘼ̭ݝԸす̶̓⩹సუ᪆ใ 㿋⮱ϧ喑๔䘪᭜ౕ᱙సឫ̺ݝጒ҉喑ᕔᵩऑ ᕗ႑ب喑̺ᰰϑ喑↿ᰶຠࣸ喑⌤̸̺ࣨ⮱ ̺ߌ㔲ȡᅞ᭜䕆ὐ⮱ϧ喑̭͚ݝస喑⿸ݨ γใ᪆喑ᄵუ喑⑁喑ͨᠮϧহᬻᭌȡ ݝ㮂ᒲຯ̷䈀喑ຠϧ㜗ࠂᒭ䏘̷᧟ȡ ⪣♣喑Όⷧᄓᰶⱌₐ⮱ใస㠞ౕ͚స ⒈м㦄喑ЃԾ⪣᪆ᢵ喑⪣ᄵუ喑⪣ੳϧᝃ㔲 ⪣➦ࠆȡ ̭Ѻౕࡄϙ⪣➔ፘ⮱㒻సϧз⩌ٵ 㿗喑Ѓ䂓ॷᰶ݊ҳ͚స⮱ใసϧᰭສ̺㺮 হĄ㔮ใą⌤ౕ̭䊤喑◧ЃԾڕ᭜䇍㘪
䛼喑᪡๖̶ౕ㷼ᆜহρ䖀ऐ⮱䙿॔㷼䚄䙿∎ ໋喑οⰥ◘㔭Ⲏγ็ᄾ͚సཅȡ В㿗⮱䕆只Ả〜হ㊂ᄺ喑᭜ጹ᱈ 㘪⬈ݧᄺ⤫ᄓ叨᱕γ⮱Ծ喑Ϸ๖⮱͚స̺ 䰭㺮Ą∸ರ౫ąౕ䕆㷼᠈䕻ጯȡԾᄺใ సϧ๗䕻ສγȡ ◧γ䖬ٺ䃀㔮ใᕊ䘶喑ࣇ䖀⮱͚సϧℾ ⩇㜠ិ㜗ጞ⮱ὀⰑহᄼ䊤ใసऺႄ喑℁ ຯ喑ߍጋ㟞ి喑උ㈺⇠ᄼ喑ጡ叻喑ᰩ ৵䵀̭㮌喑䃀ᰶ㔮ใౕ͚స䘪䌌ౕუѩ ⮱ȡ ᭜⮱喑ܧγస⮱͚సϧ๔䘪᭜㠞喑Ѓ Ծ⪏⩌̭ڣߗ߈喑ᰭ㉯γ̭ऺᮛ䕇⮱ใ సڙℾ喠 㔹ҳ͚ݝస⮱ใసϧ喑ᰶ̭๔䘕ܳ᭜᱙
స⮱ರ౫喑ЃԾ↿ᔻ只ߗ߈喑ࢨౕ͚సγ र仆䓐⮱ϧ̷ϧȡ ሴ∸࿇ใҳ㜗̺㜗Ԏȡ͚సϧ҉◧ϋ ≟ϧ⽛喑ԾजВ̺⁽㒻ϧ䗐ὐ倅๔༮ ⡈喑䛾⮩ⷔⱩ喑ѳ᭜Ծ⮱Ⱪ⺋㷼ᛶ㾟܊㖇 㦄▻台ᮧᚔ⮱ٶ㞿喑Ծ⮱ୡ㻿̷ᛶ㾟䰂ݨ 㦄ᄺ㜗ጞ᪴ࡃ♎В℁⮱㜗䆗হٗ䊷ȡ 䰃♣⤫ౕ䖱և̺ݝ喑ѳ᭜ലԎᬖᮇᰰ ᰶ䗐只̭๖ȡ ҳ⎽喟⊗ࢇ ҉㔲喟ࡄ㒻ቁ
ࢍఐЇᆼϊࠣژءঅூޠڴโ࡚! Ꭱ᭒ロ㖜₎ᮇᰰౕ⛌ᖶ⮱䰐ᔅϷტ 㖟͚㉽ȡᒭᎡ̭ὐ 䈷⮱ᑵ⮱䘪ᰶȡ➦ݒ ᭜ₑⰡ̭ݺ个ऄϧ䬉㽨⮱㿋㼭䶋ロⰛ喑हὐΌ ౕږ▘䛺๖⮱㾂͚ئ喑㥪̸፤ᎂȡ ᬖౕ᭒ᮇ̷⑁⮱ᎫԸᰵ㷼喑䬉᭒ᮇ㿋㼭 䶋ロⰛᄴᰶ䛺๔⾮ⵡ⮱㿗∂ᅞ̺㊂㕠ᱢȡ Ⱕ䬉⮱㖋Όᆑ̺ܧÿÿࣺ㙽䵹ᱽᄴ䕟ڒ᭒ ᮇȠ㈭༁◧᭒ᮇⰥ㖟ᄼ৮ӈ㉍ᱽ喑䕆ὐ⮱ 㖋䵹̺㊂㕠ᱢȡⰡ㜠᭒ᮇᰭᒹ̭䑗ᒖᢿݺ ̭๖喑ক♿হₓ᪹⮱Ⱕ㖟Ȩవၽȩ㷘᪰喑ࣵ⺋ ౝ䊤₨ఋ⩌ȡ♎̺̭䶜ܧₑ⁎㿋㼭䶋ロⰛ 㜴ᒭᬒ̺̭ὐ⮱⺋⼅ᙌȡ ѳ䕆̭ܴ喑ⱌᅞݝγթᓄ侇घহ₎⮱⼸ Ꮣૻ喤䶜♣̺᭜喑䕆̺䕻ᅞ᭜⮩⩌γ̭吋ᄼᄼ ⮱ᩦ䂷ÿÿౕ᭒ᮇ͚Ꭻͻ㊂䌎⮱䀤ݧ㬊㶀喑䛺 ᰶ䭽Ꮣౝఋ₥γ㔹ጟȡౕ็Ꭱݺ喑ₑ䶋ロⰛ ᰫ㋀᭜᭒ᮇ⮱᠈❹喑䃀ϧԾ㻧ᓄ䕆ԸᮇᰰĄ㿗 ⮱℁ਫ਼⮱ສ㖪ą喆 ᭕ᮇ⮱᭒ᮇ㿋㼭䶋ロⰛ᭜॓䖁ݝ䕆Ըධ⩹ এ喤㠄䭉Ƞ⢸㖟⮱҉৮Ȩ䕆䘪̺᭜⮱ȩ喑Ⱕ
㖟䁈⮱᭜䵅ᄻ㋀̺Ѽ㿅ᗾᩣ⻛ᒹ喑ࣵ♎℁ ㈫㉽◧㜗ጞឫՌऐ喑ڔღ͚Ⱑᣒ⪘ݨγ㵹䇱 ⮱㉝ロ喑ᅧᏓᰡ᭜๔ݝᩣ䡏ȠᩣᝬȠᩣᗲྒྷ喑 ⩇㜠䖱ᯄᗲྒྷᜤႂぶ㉝ロ喠↵佝Ƞ仙叄⮱ Ȩែڣສȩ䀤⮱ݧ᭜ጡ㉽䵅ᄻ⮱̺ₐ䷕ȡ ক♿Ƞₓ䈀⮱Ⱕ㖟Ȩవၽȩ䜊ᄺĄ㾺䂅̺हవ ၽ⮱ϧສ䓓θą䕆̭వၽ᪴ࡃ䕟㵹ឦݑ喑͚ڣ ⊶ࣷၽຠ̷Ⴅ㺮䲍వၽȠ䛘䮏ⰸ⫲㺮䲍వၽぶ ऱ⽛ᰰ⤫䆎喑䃀ϧౕ〾㒤ᒹ喑䮤↵ݝڒᕊ ͚ȡ Ⰾノₑݺ྿倁ጟᄴĄ̶Ꭱҳ䀤ݧᅧᏓᰭ ๔ą⮱Ⱕ㖟喠Ąᰭڤ䟠Ꮣ⮱᭒ᮇ㿋㼭䶋ロⰛą ߍ䀥В̷ᎫԸᄼ৮͚喑⩇㜠䖱̺♎㾴ᑢౝ⩕ ̷γĄ᭒ᮇ㿋㼭䶋ロⰛⵡᐼᩦ䂷ą䶋⮱ 䈷㾋ȡѳ᭜喑Ⱕ℁⤫ᄓ⩌≨͚ᤗ⮱ܧऱ䶋䇗 Ⴥহऱ䶋Бϧ▘⮱ᰰ⤫䆎喑ВࣷϧԾ⽺ᗣ ̸ౕ㋟̷⮩⮱ܧऱ⽛ᘎ᥋ᐼ⮱䀤⃢ݧၽহ ➏佤喑䕆ψロⰛㅎⰡ䘪जВ㿗᭜⏘ᴁຯᄼ䇀 ⮱γ喑֣❫ᄼ䱟̸̭❗ၽ喑Ӭᑂҳ侇⩇㜠䈷 ଳ喑ग㘪㿗ᬻ̭吋喑䗐ᅞ᭜ₑݺႰԾ⮱㶕⤫ᄓ
ౕ๗-08γ喑◧ऱ⽛ऱὐ⮱䶔ᓹহ᩼ᙌ吋 ๗็喑̭ाऄϧૉ₎͓䈷ଳ⮱ᄼ৮হⰥ㖟喑䂷 ᓄᎠᏥ⩇㜠̸҉喑̷⑁᭯⑁ᠩⰎ߈⅐ౕ㜧̷ ⩕߈㶕⑁ጟ㷘♎᪥⁎ₐᓄᎫͻ↿ᰶ⮩ᤛ⾧䫀 ⮱҉৮喑ѳ㻭Ⱬౕ⛞偔䕻ᒹںЁ㉝ఋᘠᓄ䊤ҳ ⮱㉝ロȠ㜧㾋喑ज䀯ᓛͻڣᓛȡ࣌ڣᄓᒵㅎ 喑◧∎⇘ᐼ⮱㔺ᄣ㜴᥋ᕗ喑ຯᬖສ㤷ඏ 吅❴͚Ⅵ䖍̺㑧⮱ខຣ⇦㯸㈂̭ὐ喑ग㘪䃀㻭 Ⱬ⯛〾喑㔹♎∂䃀㻭Ⱬ⮱ᓰ〾ȡ䕆᭜⪣̸͚స ᰶ㜴〾ᰶ䬉⮱㬊㶀ᒏᐼ䲏ᄺ⮱ڞह䵹喑䀤 ݧѩͻጟ◧̭⽛ग㘪ࣷפ㜗ጞ⮱㬊㶀喑Ⱕ㖟 䮑γᠬ㜧̷⮱⑁ࣷڣι๔❧䪸⋛喑ᅞݒ♎ں ⮱ज㿗喠ᄼ৮ጟ䖍䰏ᰰૉᔿ喑䂷უ䪤㷼ⴚ ⮱㊛क喠䋆᱙ᆞԾ⪣Ꭱ䈡Вऺ⮱䮗᱾䪤វ㯸 ⮱ߴ⅐হ㛪䛼喑䘪ᠬҳᄺЅ⫫ϧহ㔮ᄓϧࣨ γȡ㿋㼭䶋ロⰛ喑ຯह㷘ःᢶγݧ⮱ݧ⡙喑Ⱑ ᣒ䂷γీ̺⏉Ⲳ⮱㖶ͥၽ喑ౕ⏘ᴁ⩉㛖͚喑 䯁䲡ᧀ⮏ȡ ᭜Ծ䕆Ը᭯А̺䰭㺮䀤ݧ㬊㶀γૻ喤䶜 ♣̺᭜喆㔹᭜ψϧ❴䲏ౝᄴ䀤ݧ㬊㶀喑㜴᭯
Аᄺ⿸䊤ҳ喑㾺◧̭㿗䊤䀤ݧ喑ᅞ᭜ᤚ䱟䮝ᯄ 䲏喑㔹ЃԾᔅ㽅γ喑ࢠҬౕ倅䕌⮩ᆂ͓ٲₐ 㘪䛼⮱᭯А喑Όᰶ㽞็̺Ⰾຯϧᘼ⮱ϧহθ喑 䰭㺮᎘ߖ᪆㗟⩇㜠ឦݑ喑ᤚ䱟হឦݑ䮝ᯄ䲏喑 ڣᄓᅞ᭜ٶᬻȡ㔹䕇䕻䀤ݧ䕆⽛ᐼ喑䃀ϧԾ ⮱〾㖟͚⓭䊤ࣺᕊ喑͓ὦ⿸䊤ᰰ⮱ₐⷧئթ 㻭喑᭜㣘๔☶⮱θᗲȡΌₐ◧ຯₑ喑ϧԾ ᄺ Ꭱ᭒ᮇᄼ䱟ዥ⮱䀤ݧ䶋ロⰛ喑൞ Вᢹ㖟喑͓ᒲ䕆ὐ⮱ロⰛ喑㘪Вᰡ倅⮱䈗 䛼হᰡ๔⮱᪥䛼喑䕟ݝڒԾ⑁㬊㝋㜧̷ȡ䰃 ♣喑᭒ᮇ䶋⮱ᎡᚣロⰛ喑͓̺̭Ⴧ䰭㺮ᓋ䵚 ݝᅫᅃ➆ࣟ呿ౝ㿗ᓰθ喑ѳ◧ڣ䪸̭᷊㍘喑 䃀̭Ը䪭䶋⮱㬊㶀䛺⚒⮩⩌ᾌ喑䃀⩌≨̺ 㑧ঠ㔹䂷ᓄͼঠγ喑䖱᭜ᒵᰶ⤫ᄓᘼ㓖⮱ȡ䰃 ♣喑ϷᎡ᭒ᮇౕࡵ้ᒹ᧚⮱ܧ䗐Ⱕ⃢ږ㖟喑 䰏ϧԾᒲ⮱喑䖱ᰶ๗䖍๗䖍⮱䌊䰏ȡ ҳ⎽喟⊗ࢇ ҉㔲喟ᰫ⽻
࢛ٳঢ়࣐եା២ٿᔜךϜȉ ౕ㽞็ϧ⮱ᓰⰛ͚喑ౕᢹᤎ倅䥢ឭ㶀⮱స უ㷼喑͚స倅䥢ឭ㶀⛌Ƞᕔ℁ئ倅́䕸✌㋀ 侄䅽ჹȡ♣㔹喑̷䔝ٗࠏ͓̺䋠ВⷧԊ͚స倅 䥢ౕ䊝ा̓⩹⮱䕟⼸͚ᯏ㵹♎䭨ȡϧԾ⮩⤫喑 ࢠҬ͚స㜴ψసუ䖁γ倅䥢व҉⮱ᘼा喑 ѳϺ㷘ᄺᐱ⮱θᗲ᭯ᰶ⮩⩌ȡ Ҹຯ㷘͚స㊓εࣇ᱈⮱∝స倅䥢䴲Ⱋᅞܧ ⤫䂷᪥ȡ Ꭱ ᰵ喑᭯Ш∝స㍪⤳⮱㠞៶ 㜴͚స䵅ᄻϧౕᰩ䅤ㅪ㒟γĄ๔ㆠᤈ倅䥢ą ⮱㿿㼐׆ᔅ䠱ȡѳࣨᎡ ᰵЪ喑∝స䮥䏺थБ ጡ㗟აጰ⮩ࠂ䏺θᩬ䂷喑㠞៶ᩬᏉ㷘䔘̸㜧喑 ₑ喑͚∝Ą倅䥢ᤈ๔ㆠą䴲Ⱋѩͻጟ⪘̷ऒ 㮌ȡ ̺䕻喑ጡ㗟䏺ᩬᏉ͓↿ᰶិĄ๔ㆠᤈ倅 䥢ą⮱䌜ᄮ₨喑ጡ㗟᱙ϧࣨᎡ ᰵ⩕ݖҳ㤜 㽗ᾌ喑㻗䏘倁侄͚స倅䥢ȡ∝సใϑ䘕 ፥Ш⼅ᰥ㺬৵㫖 ٸ咽ܞ㔰̺Ͳݺᄺ྿倁㶕 喟ĄԾጹ᱈Ă๔ㆠᤈ倅䥢ă䴲Ⱋᰰ㎩㎹ 䕟㵹̸ࣨ喑̺ノ㿝ᰭ㉯̷㜧喑䘪ᰰ㎩㎹䕆̭䴲 Ⱋ喑◧䕆ᄺԾږస⮱⮩ᆂ䘪ᰶ⯷ȡą ♣㔹喑㼵ް↿ᰶ㵹ࠂᔘȡጡ㗟 ᰵ ᬒౕ ᰩ䅤ᰰ㺸Ȩᬒ᱙㋀┌㖋ȩぶᬒ᱙྿倁喑ౕ ࣷₐౕ㼻䀃㜴ᬒ᱙व҉⮱䪤䕁䥢䌜ᐧ㽚㼵ް᭯ 㶕喟Ą㾺◧ᰭ㉯Ⱋ᭜ᑂ䕟ᬒ᱙Ꭶ㌇ 喍ᬒ᱙倅䥢喎ąȡЃᑤ㿬喟Ą䰃♣㜴͚సㅪ㒟 γࢁ䂝喑ѳᬒ᱙♎䰭ᨁᓰȡౕₑ⁎㽗ᬒ䕻⼸ ͚喑ጹ᱈䕇䕻㜗ጞ⮱ⱩⲈߍВⷧ㾺ąȡ
ౕ͚స㜴∝స倅䥢व҉⮩⩌䂷ࡃ᭯喑͚స 㜴㺬㎋៶㒻仃᷊倅䥢ᐧ㽚䴲Ⱋ⮱䛉㖋Ϻ ౕ㎩㎹⮩䚢ȡᒵᰶज㘪ᄴ◧ः⊵㾟䴲Ⱋ㔹 ा͚䈍ٌȡ͚䥢ᐧᰫ᭜㾟䴲Ⱋ⮱ੜ̭͚ 㔲喑ѳ⼺ᒹ͚㉽㷘ः⊵ȡ͚సใϑ䘕ᅞₑ ⮩㶕㖟ᬻᒹ̭ক喑 ᰵ ᬒ㺬ᩬᏉ㷘䔘ឬ 㾺㺮Ⅿ䈍ٌ᭜व∂⮱ȡ ᝃ㽞͚సЮẚᰭ㉯㘪⢟ᓄ䈍ٌ喑ѳϺᰶ㷘 ᐱ̭⪗⮱ᙌ㻧ȡ͚䥢ᐧ◧γࣰ㜴倅䥢 ⮱〣ែ喑ጟែڒ๔䛼ϧ߈➖߈⏃׆γږᎡȡ㔹 Ⴐ⮱⒈ౕ〣❚ᄺÿÿᓤస⮱㺬䪭ၽȠߍᠬ๔ ⮱咽ጡ䔗Ƞ∂స⮱䭬❫䕇Вࣷᬒ᱙⮱̶㤞ѩ ͻ⏃⮱׆᭯䫀๗ᄾȡᄺ᪡Ը៶㒻ҳ㿗࣌᱙䊤㦄 ڥヱ҉⩕⮱倅䥢䴲Ⱋ喑ࢨ䃀䰆γ䑥უȡ ⪣♣喑͚సౕ∝సȠ㺬⮩⩌⮱ι⁎倅 䥢᨞⌧喑ݴᯡ䱟͚ܧసЮẚិᤎస䯈ែ䇴⧝ධ ⮱ⴚᲬ㜴̺䋠ȡ䐰సڔែ䇴喑స䯈ែ䇴⮱⧝ ධⰥᄺ䭹⩌喑ᒞ䴬㉍ϓᰡ◧ᓖ䰉喑స䯈ᩬ⇨ ䷕䯗Ƞ䛾㲺䷕䯗Ƞ㋀✌䷕䯗Вࣷឭ㶀ޢ䷕䯗 ぶⰥοऍߍ喑ᒭᒭᄻ㜡ែ䇴䴲Ⱋ⮱ᄓ䯈ᩣ⯷㜴 䴽թ䫀⮱ႅౕጕ๔ጛ䌊ȡ ᨇγ㼐喑䮑γ∝సȠ㺬ใ喑Ⱋ͚ݺస ₐ㜴㒻సȠӱ㒲Ƞጡ㺬ౕ ⮱ڔԸసუ≪ 㿴倅䥢व҉䴲Ⱋȡ ӱ㒲䥢䌜ڙथ Ꭱ ᰵაጰ喑ӱ䥢 ₐㅹᐧᓋ㣘ࡄݝϙ⮱倅䕌䥢䌜喑ែ䇴䵺ज 㘪䖁 ݝ㥙Ⱄرጰ喍㈱व ر㒻ٰ喎ȡ㾟
䥢䌜㍪䪤Ꮣౕ 㜠 ڙ㷼喑ӱ㒲ධڔ ⃢⮱᱙◧ 㜠 㥙Ⱄرጰȡӱ䥢す̭ޜ㍪ 㷮ϋ߈ᆞ๔㶕喑͚స⮱䞭㵹হЮẚᄺ̷䔝㣘 ࡄݝϙ⮱倅䥢䴲Ⱋ⩏⩌γ็䲏⮱㜵䋐ȡ 䵹᭜喑ӱ㒲㘪ܧጕ䇴䕟㵹倅䥢ᐧ㽚 ૻ喤㻭ᄌუᄺₑᜤ⪾喑͓ᨁᓰ͚సᰰ㷘ӱ㒲 ᐱȡⰛݺӱ㒲ጟ㋀⌞䮤㋀┌࢞ᾌ⮱−⒚喑 ใٟ׆Ό䓲䕌㍛Ⅱȡౕ䕻ࣨږᎡ䫀喑ӱ㒲 䮑γ㘪ํ߶ᑤᏓᬒใ喑♎ں䡏ҳ᥋倅䥢ȡں 㿗喑ӱ㒲⌞ࠆע䛺喑մຯ͚సܧ䇴ҳᤡߖЃ Ծᐧ倅䥢喑ຯ㺮ा͚సՌ䡏喑䕆២៩৮᭜ᄾ ̺γ⮱喑॓ݴ᭜㖶࠲ၽក⠄喑ᰶࣨ♎ఋȡ 㻭⮱㿗喑䕆ᎫᎡ͚సЮẚ䰃♣ᣒγ̺ᄾ ⊤ใ⮱䴲Ⱋ喑ѳ䘪̺ᆙ倅䥢⮱ヱȡࢠҬౕ ͚స⮱⤰ڕ倅䥢๔ጰᅭ͚喑㒻సȠᬒ᱙ᰰ㜗 㜠㉯◧ᩗᅭ㔲হ᥄ί㔲ȡЃԾ⩇㜠ᄺ㜴͚స 䕟㵹倅䥢व҉సუ喑䕟㵹༮㘲ݖ㿅喑ᰭ㉯ᄻ㜡 䰆⮱倅䥢व҉∎⎜ȡ ڣᄓ喑㒻స℘̺䇨߈ౝ⩕ݖ㜗ጞᄺ㺬 ⮱ᒞ䴬߈হहࣺᄺ≫⮱ჳܴ䬉㈨喑㊓͚倅 䥢䴲Ⱋ▘̷⒳⇦喑ᰭ㉯䔘Ҭ㺬᨞㒛䕆̭䴲 Ⱋ喑㔹́喑䖱ិ͚స㊓ᐱγ̭⪗ȡ ҳ⎽喟⊗ࢇ ҉㔲喟䗞 ᳄
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áŁ’âŠ¤âž†áŒŻŕŚšĐ?á… ĐźâžŚáŒŻÍ¸äŹĄâŽą " ĺ€…ä•ŒăşŽä–€áŤŽ Soort: Winkel/Bedrijfsruimte Soort: Nieuwe Soort: Nieuwe Hotel Oppervlakte 168m2(Begane Oppervlakte 4000m2, turnkey Grond) Aan de snelweg A13 ter hoogte Gelegen op loopafstand van het van de Brasserskade,bij Den Haagcentrum, midden china town. Ypenburg. prijs excl. G/W/E
huurprijs â‚Ź2000,-/mnd
huurprijs â‚Ź1.566,-/mnd
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䜋ಸ á?ŹäŤ€ 15-30m 䜋ಸ á?ŹäŤ€ 15-30m2 á?ŹäŤ€áŞĽ ͗Ⲏá?Ź Soort: Kamer Oppervlakte 15-30m2 1 kamer (1slaapkamer) ŕŠ— ŕąž
዇ á’´ ŕżœ ᇗ ਓ ‍Ţ?‏
huurprijs â‚Ź30.000,-/mnd
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áĽœâƒžă¸ź Machtingsformulier áĽœâƒžă¸ź M hi f li
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串ŕľ&#x;Soort: Ɯ‍ڙ‏़ ੳá?„Winkel/Bedrijfsr Ćśá?ŹäŤ€ Kamer ᴀҎ䥔㸠䋀㰳 Bankrekening IBAN Ćśä““â€ŤÚ™â€Źáƒ‘ Kantoor Ɯ‍ڙ‏ᄀ Appartement Ɯ丽䚕 Horeca ____________________________________________________ 䴜〥Oppervlakte ______P ‍Ű?‏á¸?Prijs_______ 䂀ᯢOmschrijving _______________________ 䞼严 Bedrag â‚Ź _____,___ äĄ”ă¸ ŕ¤ľĎžŕž§ŕ§ĄNaam
van bank rekening-
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utrecht/Den Haag/
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዇ á’´ ŕżœ ᇗ ਓ ‍Ţ?‏
á “â‘¤Öľá™ƒ Huis informatie á “â‘¤Öľá™ƒ TeHuur ĆśTeKoop ĆśGezocht ŕ´„ŕ´”Adr _______________________
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዇ á’´ ŕżœ ᇗ ਓ ‍Ţ?‏
huurprijs â‚Ź3.000,-/mnd
Gedempte Burgwal 45 Den Haag
䜋ಸ Đ€á?€ 188m 䜋ಸ Đ€á?€ 188m2 ㅎ㺎㿗Ꮭ Ů&#x;㍟Ԝá?˜ ĺ?°ä›žŕą?âƒ˘ áŒŻÍšá“°ŕ¨˝Ď§ăś„ ➖͇䉌⊕ 170,-/mnd â…ĄâŠ˘áŻƒâ…
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዇ á’´ ŕżœ ᇗ ਓ ‍Ţ?‏
ŕŠ— ŕąž
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⿸ࢠŕ¤&#x153;âź&#x152; Soort: Kantoor Soort Winkel, Soort Winkel, Kantoor Oppervlakte 24m2 (1e 4 verdiepingen, 9 slaapkamers Gelegen op loopafstand van het verdieping) Net kantoor op loopafstand van centrum. het centrum ă&#x2013;&#x153;ă&#x17D;&#x2DC; ă&#x17D;&#x2DC; Contact 06-30885298 prijs excl. G/W/E
ŕŠ&#x2014; ŕąž
huurprijs â&#x201A;Ź475,-/mnd
Soort: Appartement Oppervlakte 80m2 , 3 kamers(2 slaapkamers) Er zijn lift, parkeerplaats, in dee buurt van winkelcentrum, te bereiken met tram 3 ă&#x2013;&#x153;ă&#x17D;&#x2DC; ă&#x17D;&#x2DC; Contact 06-23639312(ChoiăŠ&#x17D;)
á&#x2039;&#x2021; á&#x2019;´ ŕż&#x153; á&#x2021;&#x2014; ŕ¨&#x201C; â&#x20AC;ŤŢ?â&#x20AC;Ź
huurprijs â&#x201A;Ź300,-/mnd
äś&#x2039;ಸ â&#x20AC;ŤÚ&#x2122;â&#x20AC;Źá&#x201E;&#x20AC; 80m2 á?ŹäŤ&#x20AC;᪼ Ô¸á?ŹäŤ&#x20AC; Ô¸â˛&#x17D;á?Ź ă&#x2026;&#x17D;㺎ăż&#x2014;Ꮭ á°śä°¨áˇ&#x153; Ö&#x2030;ä?ˇŃş ä&#x201C;žä&#x2C6;Š â&#x17E;&#x2013;ੳൡ ăŽ&#x152;ä°¨ä?ˇâ°Ąä&#x2013;
Prijs op aanvraag
West-Kruiskade 30G West-Kruiskade 30 Rotterdam Rotterdam
äś&#x2039;ಸ â&#x20AC;ŤÚ&#x2122;â&#x20AC;Źá&#x201E;&#x20AC; 75m äś&#x2039;ಸ á?ŹäŤ&#x20AC; 27m äś&#x2039;ಸ á&#x152;&#x2019;Ň&#x2030;á&#x192;&#x2018; 25m â&#x160;¤â&#x17E;&#x2020;3JKTXJKLÍ&#x161;á&#x201C;° á?Ź á? ⿸ࢠŕ¤&#x153;âź&#x152; Ěťĺ&#x2013;&#x203A;ϧâ&#x20AC;ŤâŠ&#x2022;Ú&#x17E;â&#x20AC;Źá&#x192;?ࢲ ŕŁ&#x2022; ⿸ࢠŕ¤&#x153;âź&#x152; á&#x152;ŻÍ&#x161;á&#x201C;° á?ŹäŤ&#x20AC;ŕą&#x2022; á˝&#x20AC; ă&#x153;&#x2014; á&#x17D;Ą á°ľä&#x160;¤âź&#x152; á?Źĺ&#x2013;&#x2018;ŕŁ&#x201A;á? â&#x160;Ąá&#x192;&#x2018;Ěťĺ&#x2013;&#x2013;ϧâ&#x20AC;ŤâŠ&#x2022;Ú&#x17E;â&#x20AC;Źĺ&#x2013;&#x201C; á&#x152;&#x17E;⎹â&#x160;Ąá&#x192;&#x2018; á?&#x2021;á?ŹŕŚšá?Žá?ĺ&#x2013;&#x201C; Soort: Appartement Soort: Kamer Soort: Kamer Soort: Studio Oppervlakte: 75m2 2 2 Oppervlakte 27m Oppervlakte: 25m Aantal 1 kamer (1 slaapkamer) Aantal Kamers:4kamers(3slaapkamers) Kamers:1kamer(1slaapkamer) keuken delen met 6 anderen, Beschikbaar per Maart 2015 gezamelijke woonkamer, toilet Beschikbaar per direct prijs excl. G/W/E en douche delen met 1 persoon prijs incl. G/W/E 2
K214001 Den Haag ä&#x201C;ž Kijkduin Kijkduin
äś&#x2039;ಸ â&#x20AC;ŤÚ&#x2122;â&#x20AC;Źŕ¤Ľ ੳá?&#x201E; 356m2 ŕą?̡Ěá&#x2026;Ż168m2ŕą?̸Ěá&#x2026;Ż188m2 ă&#x2026;&#x17D;㺎ăż&#x2014;Ꮭ ĺ?°ä&#x203A;žŕą?â&#x192;˘ á&#x152;ŻÍ&#x161;á&#x201C;°ŕ¨˝ ϧăś&#x201E; Soort Winkel/Bedrijfsruimte Soort Winkel/Bedrijfsruimte Oppervlakte 356m2 , Begane Grond(168m2)Kelder(188m2) Gelegen op loopafstand van het centrum, midden china town.
ŕŠ&#x2014; ŕąž
Den Haag
äś&#x2039;ಸ Ěśá&#x2026;ŻáşŠă&#x2013; ᢿâ&#x20AC;ŤÝ&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;Źŕś˛ 150m2 äś&#x2039;ಸ 丽亳 ä&#x2122;żá?&#x201E; 500m2+1500m2 119m2 ❎ᰜŕą&#x152;ŕą? Ô¸á?ŹäŤ&#x20AC; â&#x20AC;ŤÚ&#x2013;â&#x20AC;ŹÔ¸â˘&#x2022;⿸ á?ŹäŤ&#x20AC;᪼ ŕ˘&#x201D;á?Ź ăś&#x2C6;âŠ&#x152;äŤ&#x20AC; ŕą?áŻ&#x192; á&#x;ťŕ ˛â&#x20AC;ŤÚ&#x2019;â&#x20AC;ŹŃź ŕ°?â&#x20AC;ŤÚ&#x2122;â&#x20AC;ŹăżŹŕ &#x201A;â&#x20AC;ŤŢ&#x;â&#x20AC;Ź ă&#x2026;&#x17D;㺎ăż&#x2014;Ꮭ á&#x152;ŻÍ&#x161;á&#x201C;°ĺ?ąä&#x203A;žŕą?â&#x192;˘ĺ&#x2013;&#x2018;ä&#x201C;ž á&#x2122;&#x2C6; ŕ¤&#x153;ੳѼâ&#x20AC;Ťâ§? âŠ&#x2022;Ú&#x2013;â&#x20AC;Źŕś°á&#x192;&#x2030;ϧ ä&#x201C;žĺ&#x17D;Źâ&#x17E;ŚÍŚ Erasmusŕš&#x201D;á&#x201A;Ľ ĺ&#x20AC;&#x2026;ä&#x2022;&#x152;হä&#x160;˛á&#x152;Ż á°Ąŕš&#x2021;㿸â&#x201D;ź Í&#x161;ŕš&#x203A;â&#x2013;&#x2DC;ä&#x2019;&#x201C;ă&#x20AC;&#x2020; ϧâ&#x2030;Žä&#x203A;źŕš&#x201D; ŕŚ&#x2022;ŕ°Ąá°śá? ኍá?źâ&#x20AC;ŤÚ&#x2122;â&#x20AC;Źŕ°&#x161; âŁ&#x153;ŕś°á&#x192;&#x2030;ϧȥ 㝪 㝪 www.funda.nl Contact: Mw. Guo 06-461871 33 Soort: Horeca+Hotel, 28-37kamers Moderne drive-in woning g 150m2,119m2 Oppervlakte 500m2+1500m2 , Leuke perceelopp.Dit object p pp j is ook geschikt g locatie, gelegen op loopafstand van voor praktijk/werk aan huis.luxe ingericht p j g ruime kamers,hoge g kwaliteit installaties. het centrum/central station. (casco) Werk/praktijkruimte,grote woonkamer,luxee p j g
WT *W 5F
Atjehstraat, Rotterdam â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;s Gravendijkwal Rotterdam
Vraagprijs â&#x201A;Ź219.000,- k.k
bad kamers, Siematic keuken. Vloer vermarming. ermarming. i
Beursplein 37, 3011AA Rotterdam 010 - 50 33 020 Contact: Chantal Simons
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News Analysis: China set to bolster service trade "The Shanghai FTZ has created favorable conditions to develop service trade and its experience should be promoted in other places," Bai said.
BEIJING, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese central government has vowed to shore up service trade to nurture new growth sources as the traditional goods trade has faltered amid a slowing economy.
In addition, policy makers promised to open up the service sector and loosen access for foreign investment in industries including child care, old-age care, architectural design, accounting, auditing, logistics and e-commerce.
China will boost combined service imports and exports to 1 trillion U.S. dollars by 2020 and improve their proportion in total foreign trade, said a guideline released Saturday by the State Council, China's cabinet.
The guideline marked the country's latest efforts in a policy shift to develop the service sector from an old model favoring manufacturing.
It was the first time for central policy makers to set a specific target for the sector. The guideline said China's service trade is still less competitive in the global market despite years of rapid improvements, but the sector is important to ensure employment, boost economic quality and nurture new growth sources. Both quality and quantity should be prioritized to develop service trade, said Bai Ming, researcher with the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation under the Ministry of Commerce (MOC). "China should grasp the opportunity and nurture a new advantage," he added.
China will encourage high added value and technology services, import more capital and skill-intensive services and promote trade with emerging economies, the guideline said. Services in transportation, communication, finance, R&D and environmental protection will be prioritized and services featuring Chinese culture such as entertainment and traditional Chinese medicine will be promoted, the guideline said. In 2014, China's service exports gained 7.6 percent to 222.21 billion U.S. dollars year on year, while imports expanded over 15 percent to 382.13 billion U.S. dollars, MOC data showed.
The growth rates were markedly higher than total foreign trade, which only edged up by 3.4 percent. However, service trade only took a minor share of total trade, accounting for 12.3 percent last year, up from 11.5 percent in 2013 and 10.8 percent in 2012. Experts believe the sector has room for improvement and needs policy support to open up. The Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) has piloted the opening of service trade since it was established in 2013, adopting "negative list" management and measures to facilitate investment and trade.
Director of the China (Hainan) Institute for Reform and Development, Chi Fulin said China is laying the foundation for a service sectorled economy. J.P. Morgan Chase predicted the service sector will replace manufacturing, the traditional engine of growth, to drive economic growth in 2015. China has become increasingly reliant on the sector to address downward pressures. The added value from the tertiary sector accounted for 48.2 percent of GDP in 2014.
Chinese taxi app merger to reshuffle market BEIJING, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) -- After a year of bitter rivalry, a merger between two Chinese major taxi hailing apps on Valentine's Day was the day's biggest surprise. Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache, both start ups, announced that they would put their differences aside and explore the sector together. Didi CEO Cheng Wei said the deal was the largest merger in China's internet history and the combined entity would find its way on to the list of the top 10 Chinese Internet-based companies. The newly founded company, which is yet to announce its official name, has been valued at 6 billion U.S. dollars. CHANGING WINDS Industrial experts say that taxi-hailing apps will challenge established companies. While passengers will reap the benefits of convenience and cheaper fares from the new merger, established taxi giants will not be so fortunate. One of the most lucrative businesses in China, taxis reap considerable profits each year from exclusive government deals, but offer little in return for the end users. The sector was untouched by the economic downturn as passengers had no other alternative, and most cab drivers' operation
licenses were linked to companies.
the apps.
However, after Kuaidi and Didi both launched ride-on-demand services last year, clients left traditional companies for better service and a more comfortable ride.
Zhang Xu from Analysis International described the apps as a breath of fresh air in the rigid sector.
In the first six months of 2014, Alibaba-backed Kuaidi's subsidies amounted to 1 billion yuan (around 163 million U.S. dollars), while Didi, supported by another Internet giant Tencent, subsidizes cost it 1.4 billion yuan.
Industrial experts believe the merger will compel taxi firms to restructure.
Understandably, the firms gradually reduced their subsidies in the second half of the year.
"Taxi companies should have a sense of urgency," director of the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission, Sun Jianping said.
Kuaidi CEO Lyu Chuanwei said the deal was partly influenced by the sustainability of subsidies.
The merger will allow the newly established company to accelerate expansion in other areas, Lyu said.
The apps generally provide two types of service: A taxi-hailing service, which is welcomed by cab drivers and ensures passengers are picked up by licensed cabs; or the more expensive ride-on-demand service, which offers higher quality vehicles that are owned by car-rental companies. In east China's Hangzhou City, where Kuaidi's headquarters are located, its ride-on-demand service has 4,000 cars, accounting for nearly 40 percent of all licensed cabs. Cab drivers, already plagued by high contract fees, responded by striking for three days in August over falling passengers numbers, which they blamed on
Didi and Kuaidi invested heavily to secure a market share last year, awarding both passengers and taxi drivers huge subsidies. But neither managed to discover a feasible way to make profits, resulting in the unexpected merger.
A business insider said that even an initial public offering (IPO) would be on the agenda soon; which was an unattainable goal last year. "The battle escalated last year as both financial backers fought to attract more mobile payment users," iiMedia Research CEO Zhang Yi said. There were 172 million taxi-hailing app users by Dec. 2014, 99.8 percent of which used the two apps. Liu Qing, president-to-be of the new company, is upbeat that the new company has a future beyond just taxis. "When you open the app, it can tell you when the next bus is due or whether you should take the subway to avoid traffic or even help you order a car," she said outlining her vision for the next five years.
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Xinhua Insight: Cooling economy highlights need to reform China’s rust belt Not all companies in the northeast are reeling in the face of strong economic headwinds. Some with better technology and better responses to market demands have shown flickers of promise.
BEIJING, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- Though the Chinese economy as a whole is restructuring for quality growth, its old industrial heartland seems to be missing the party. The world's second largest economy slowed to a 24-year low of 7.4 percent last year amid efforts to diminish reliance on investment and low-end manufacturing. The country's traditional manufacturing base in the northeast has seen growth slow even more dramatically. Despite a cooling economy, jobs are holding up well and consumption is contributing more to growth for China. But a much steeper slowdown in three northeastern provinces is a disturbing sign that China's rust belt is still stuck in the old growth model as the nation gears up for a transformation. Economic growth of the northeastern provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang trailed behind the national average last year, at 5.8, 6.5 and 5.6 percent respectively. The northeast was among the first regions in China to become industrialized last century. State-owned companies have played a dominant role in the region's heavy industry. A revitalization plan helped the region bounce back to lead economic growth after the central government reformed its inefficient state sector in the late 1990s. But weakened overseas demand and falling commodity prices over the past year took a fresh toll on the region's economy and led to a slowdown that once again exposed regional economic problems that previous government rescues have failed to address. In Jilin, a local subsidiary of China's largest state-owned oil producer, PetroChina, reported heavy losses as oil products piled up
A 19-meter-deep, 15,000-square-meter underground machine tool manufacturing base in Dalian offers a model for the northeast to regain its past glory.
in its warehouses. In neighboring Heilongjiang, state-owned coal company Longmay is struggling with government subsidies after a whopping 5 billion yuan (800 million U.S. dollars) loss last year. In the coastal city of Dalian in Liaoning Province, workers at state-owned Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. are busy finishing an offshore oil drilling platform, which the company's deputy general manager Yin Xuelin said is their only order in the past 13 months. Vestiges of the old planned economy are stalling efficiency gains in the northeast. An underdeveloped private sector cannot cushion the impact of slowing manufacturing activities in the region's state firms. While market-based reforms are granting more freedom to entrepreneurs and boosting productivity in more developed regions, they have progressed slowly here. Foreign equipment in the factories of state firms also points to their lack of proprietary
technology, putting these firms disadvantage in global competition.
It is tempting for officials to blame weak overseas demand and tapering investment for the region's problem. But a consensus has emerged from the local business community that the region needs to cultivate a more supportive environment for innovation and accelerate market reforms. In an action plan released in August, the State Council, China's cabinet, laid out in broad strokes reforms aimed to reverse the cooling trend in the region. High on the central government's agenda is improving efficiency and competitiveness of the region's state-owned firms by selling stakes to private investors. The government also pledged more support for tech-heavy industries such as robotics, marine engineering and integrated circuits. It also seeks to boost the region's service sector to provide more jobs and address years of unbalanced development.
"We keep temperature fluctuations here within one degree Celsius because even a minor change in humidity and temperature will affect the precision of machine tool manufacturing," said Yu Dehai, chairman of Dalian Guangyang Science and Technology Engineering Co., Ltd. The company's machinery has been exported to Germany, making it a prime contender for major overseas players such as Japan's Fanuc and Germany's Siemens. Yu said his company is planning another 240,000-square-meter underground factory to accommodate waves of orders that have overwhelmed the existing facility. The difference between Yu's company and those struggling to keep their heads above water presents a make-or-break decision for the region: cling to the dated economic system and watch the region's problems turn from bad to worse, or begin a transition that could prove painful but also presents opportunities to reinvent the rust belt into a renewed growth engine. "There are always bad times in the market, but nobody knows what happens next," said a businessman based in Shenyang, capital of Liaoning. "That's when you need to reform old systems to unleash innovations, which will in turn lead to new territory."
Alibaba invests in Meizu to promotes own operating system HANGZHOU, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba on Monday announced it had bought a 590 million U.S. dollar stake in smartphone maker Meizu, a clear signal that the online retailer is seeking to promote its own operating system. The investment will see Alibaba's selfdeveloped Yun Operating System (YunOS) installed into Meizu handsets. Mobile transaction accounted for more than 40 percent of transactions from Alibaba's retail business in the fourth quarter last year. Alibaba declined to reveal the stake it will now hold in Meizu but added that the investment was the most substantial following its recordbreaking initial public offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange last year.
Alibaba has gone head-to-head with JD.com and other online retailers for market share in the mobile ecosystem, which has seen it implanting its online marketplaces Taobao and Tmall into mobile browsers and TV setboxes. JD.com sold a 15 percent stake to Tencent last year in hopes of leveraging the 500-million user base of Tencent's instant messaging app WeChat to boost its presence in mobile shopping. This investment announcement underscores Alibaba's growing ambition to extend its influence in online shopping to software and devices. More than 85 percent of China's 649 million netizens accessed the Internet via some form of smart device, the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) said.
Alibaba has in recent years been promoting its own operating system with its shopping apps Taobao and Tmall and payment service Alipay, among its other offerings.
By offering a stake to Alibaba, Meizu will gain support in e-commerce, mobile Internet and operating systems while Alibaba's online marketplaces will sell its devices.
Prior to the investment, Meizu had released its MX4 smartphone, which runs on a customized version of Alibaba's YunOS.
"The investment in Meizu represents a significant expansion of the Alibaba Group ecosystem and an important step in our overall mobile strategy, as we strive to bring users a wider array of mobile offerings and experiences," said Alibaba's chief technology officer Wang Jian on Monday.
So far YunOS's market share is negligible, as Apple's iOS and Google's Android have a combined market share of more than 90 percent. Yet Alibaba said in a Monday press release that with this investment Meizu was now an important part of Alibaba's mobile ecosystem and would function as a chief promoter of the operating system, just as Google uses Nexus devices.
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Around China: Deciphering the Chinese economy, from grassroots YAN'AN, Shanxi, Feb. 18 (Xinhua) -- To buffer the economic downturn, the Chinese government has loosened monetary policy through rate and reserve requirement cuts, deepened economic reforms, reduced government intervention, and rolled out infrastructure projects from railways to power plants.
in new construction projects, played its part in dragging China's economic growth down to a 24-year low.
But how did these policies actually effect those at the coalface?
Su and his son were able to secure work with a highway construction project, making around 10,000 U.S. dollars.
However, there are other opportunities to make a good wage despite the property market downfall: Infrastructure projects.
TO FARM, OR NOT TO FARM For those living in the Loess Plateau in northwest China, the Spring Festival celebration comes at the end of a long, bitter winter. It is also the time of year when people like Su Haiying, from Ganguyi Town in Yan'an City, calculate how much they earned in the outgoing Lunar Year. Su may be from farming stock but he no longer tends the sweet potatoes that were once the most important source of income for generations of farmers working the area's barren, loose, sandy soil. Instead, Su and his son turned to the more profitable trade of building material transportation. "The Year of the Horse was bad for our transportation business," Su lamented, adding that in 2014 he and his son only earned half of what they had in 2013. China's property market plummeted last year as oversupply dampened buyers' enthusiasm. The crash in real estate investment, especially
Meanwhile, Su' s neighbor Tian Guangping was glad that he followed in his father's footsteps and continued to cultivate crops. "Last year I made about 90,000 yuan (14,000 U.S. dollars)," Tian said. He said the money came from the sweet potatoes that he had grown on his half a hectare plot of rented land. Sweet potatoes from Ganguyi have a great reputation as the tubers grow particularly well in the region's soil.
The article follows a commitment by the central government earlier this month to expedite agricultural modernization through favorable policies, deepened reform and technological innovation.
Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba announced last October that it would invest 10 billion yuan over the next three to five years to build 1,000 operating centers in county seats and up to 100,000 service outlets in villages.
The isolated Losses Plateau also sees more and more of the younger generation leave for the bigger cities, and many in the area only expect this trend to continue.
Tian has big dreams for the Year of the Sheep. His town plans to establish a 24 hectare organic sweet potato farm in 2015. Tian hopes to be involved in the project as "green products" fetch a higher price on the domestic market.
Su's "yaodong", a house dug out of a hillside, is now connected to the Internet. A township official said about half of the families living in villages near the town center are also connected, with plans to expand the network further.
The Party' s flagship magazine Qiushi on Monday published an article by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang that advocated agricultural modernization. Li wrote that this was increasingly more important as it would stabilize economic growth and promote structural transformation.
This is to expected to narrow the e-commerce usage gap between urban and rural residents. Experts forecast that the rural e-commerce market will top 460 billion yuan by 2016 in terms of online sales, and has the potential to exceed urban consumption within the next decade.
According to a local government official who requested anonymity, only about 30 people now live in his village, as compared to the officially registered population of 360. "Almost every young man and woman has left for the city," the official said. "They are now construction workers or waitresses." "The young people don't see farming as a 'good job'," one villager said.
“Red envelopes” not to fade away prizes, saying that the true value is so low that it cannot contribute much to their daily purchases. In addition, some are complaining about the designing of the game. When the game begins, users flood into its site. But they have to move quickly enough as there are 30 seconds' time limit.
BEIJING, Feb. 17 (Xinhuanet) -- "Red envelopes" are known as a long-standing fixture of Chinese Lunar Year celebrations whereby money is gifted, usually from adults to young relatives. In recent years, China's big online payment platforms have dragged the tradition into the 21st century by simply pressing couple of buttons on cell phone applications, defining traditional custom again. According to the People's Bank of China, the central bank, mobile payments have grown very strongly, with turnover soaring by 134 percent year on year to RMB 22.59 trillion in 2014. As the Lunar Year approaches, three major Internet companies Alibaba, Sina and Tencent have announced promotional events in which users have a chance to win “red envelopes full of cash and coupons”. In fact in 2014, this type of campaign debuted during Chinese Lunar Year with Tencent's widely used messaging application WeChat proven to be a huge success. This year, the three companies have all increased the leverages, determining to conquer the market. Alibaba's Alipay, for instance, has offered RMB 600 million, including “cash-filled envelopes
Even if they click off all the red envelopes, most users will be notified that they have not won a thing. Nevertheless, in spite of anger and skepticism the platforms giveaway has won many users and truly brought considerably huge visibility to the brands.
and envelopes with online shopping coupons.” It also has offered up to 50 percent discounts for those who shop in its brick-and-mortar partners' outlets in South Korea, Thailand and Singapore during the holiday. To Alibaba's competitive tactics, Tencent fires back with its own RMB 800 million offering via its app store as well as WeChat promotions. Also, Sina's Weibo provides gift money to subscribers who follow the Weibo account of celebrities, enterprises and media, and
participate in its online activities before a certain time. As can be noticed, the campaigns are typical strategies for the mobile payment platforms. It is now undoubtedly becoming a must-have feature to attract new mobile payment users. Yet problems occur when Alipay's campaign has driven negative public opinions. Complains ranged from the confused to the incensed, with most of them being negative. The public is grumbling about the size of some
Customers are happy to see positive changes that integrate traditional life style with modern payments technology. It is for sure that commercial campaigns like the red envelopes will not fade away from people's eyes any time soon. At this matter, companies are required to provide what customers potentially need and not breach the law or have a negative impact on the market.
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Convenience stores likely to heal China’s stagnant retail market decade.
BEIJING, Feb. 18 (Xinhua) -- Convenience stores, which require less investment and shorter incubation periods but serve shoppers' demand on convenience and proximity, have become a new growth engine in the stagnant retail market, an industry report said.
The largest retail store network among modern trade channels in China is the convenience store channel. Store numbers almost doubled over the past six years, from around 13,567 in 2008 to 26,345 by the end of 2014, according to Kantar.
The domestic retail market has entered a critical transition period -- from concentration toward penetration. Convenience channels thrived amid a slowdown in China's economy last year, according to a report sent to Xinhua by the UK-based market research company Kantar Worldpanel on Wednesday. Larger groups are struggling under pressure from higher operating expenses and are finding it more difficult to maintain growth and profitability. Instead of ambitiously expanding, retailers are shifting their focus to smaller stores.
Meanwhile, the channel is estimated to generate 40.8 billion yuan (6.7 billion U.S. dollars) in sales in 2014, achieving an average growth rate of 14.8 percent over the past six years.
Carrefour, for instance, is diversifying its portfolio by opening its first ever neighborhood supermarket in China, Kantar said in its report. Convenience stores, which require less investment and shorter incubation periods,
have emerged as a growth engine in the stagnant retail market, it said. The convenience-store channel has seen healthy growth in the past few years and this is expected to continue through the next
However, development has been quite unbalanced across China's provinces, as stores were originally centered around the southern area of the country. The first 24-hour convenience store opened in 1986 in Guangdong
Xinhua Insight: SEC vs. Big Four, dust has yet to settle BEIJING, Feb. 19 (Xinhua) -- Chinese subsidiaries of the world's largest accounting networks proved too big to ban in their spat with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Chinese branches of PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, KPMG and Ernst & Young had refused to turn over documents related to what the SEC said were investigations of potential fraud. Only a comprehensive arrangement between the two country's regulators can stop it happening again. Despite their Chinese clients' securities being traded in the U.S., the accounting firms maintained that Chinese law prohibited them from passing the documents in question to the SEC. In January 2014, a judge found that the accounting firms willfully violated the Sarbanes-Oxley Act which requires foreign public accounting firms to provide such documentation to the SEC upon request. In a scathing ruling, the judge called for a half-year suspension of the accounting firms' auditing of Chinese companies listed in the U.S.. The suspension went on hold as the firms appealed the the ruling. BIG FOUR "WINS"
The SEC will "impose sanctions" against the firms. As part of the settlement, SEC censured the firms, which eventually began providing the documents, and required them to perform specific steps to satisfy SEC requests over the next four years.
The firms each agreed to pay 500,000 US dollars and admitted that they did not produce documents before proceedings were instituted against them in 2012, but without admitting or denying the SEC contention that they violated securities law. The sanctions are largely seen just a slap on the wrist.
"The real winner here is the four accounting firms, because they can continue performing the audits uninterrupted." said Frenkel.
"As compared to the fines that the SEC typically imposes, the amount is small, almost a nuisance payment." said Jacob S. Frenkel, an expert on SEC investigations who worked for almost ten years at its enforcement division and as a U.S. federal criminal prosecutor. "The true concern for the accounting firms was a ban on their ability to conduct audits. Such a punishment would have had a significant negative effect on their business," said Frenkel, now a lawyer at Schulman Rogers. "The settlement lets the accounting firms and their clients off the hook," said Paul Gillis, a professor at Guanghua Management School of Peking University and previously a partner with
In a joint statement, the Big Four said they were pleased to have reached a settlement, by which "the firms' ability to continue to serve all their respective clients is not affected."
TOO BIG TO BAN? There was widespread interest in what would happen if the Big Four were banned, as their clients - hundreds of Chinese companies with huge market capitalizations - would be thrown into disarray. "I think the SEC determined that if it went ahead and banned them, the result would be that Chinese companies would be kicked off U.S. stock exchanges, and that was a step too far." said Gillis. "The SEC cannot say this, but it would much prefer to have audits conducted by the Chinese subsidiaries of the major accounting firms than by smaller local or regional firms," according to Frenkel.
cross border enforcement cooperation. The SEC said it received much welcome assistance from the CSRC. "The settlement provides a path forward for obtaining productions and enhanced future cooperation from the Big Four firms," said its associate director of the Enforcement Division, according to the statement, but few were convinced. China has won in these negotiations, observed Gillis. China has argued that enforcing U.S. securities law against Chinese people on Chinese soil would infringe national sovereignty, Gillis said, while the counter argument is that the companies voluntarily submitted themselves to U.S. regulation when they chose to list in the U.S. If future document productions fail to meet specified criteria, the SEC retains authority to impose a variety of additional remedial measures on the Big Four including a sixmonth ban on audit work. It remains to be seen whether the settlement will be enough to avoid future standoffs.
Despite their reluctance to turn over documents in this case, the Big Four are widely believed to conduct audits of the highest quality.
"It appears that the SEC decided to kick the can down the road, rather than use the leverage of these cases to push China into greater cooperation on securities fraud by U.S. listed Chinese companies," said Gillis.
"If the SEC had issued a ruling that would have prevented these firms from conducting audits, then the SEC's concerns about audits would not go away, the SEC's job would be more difficult and the SEC would be concerned about less reliable audit work."
"It is a recognition that access to audit workpapers in China will continue to be a challenge, and the SEC recognizes that a state of constant disagreement and non-cooperation with the CSRC will not advance the SEC's needs or objectives," said Frenkel.
This settlement may make it easier for American and Chinese regulators to resume discussions about how best to address the needs of both sides, said Frenkel.
The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has welcomed the settlement, saying that it has significant consensus with the SEC in
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With China's urban online shopping market becoming saturated, e-commerce companies are eyeing rural areas. But experts say that poor transportation infrastructure and a lack of Internet access, despite the companies' aggressive recruiting of village e-commerce ambassadors, mean the market still has a long way to go. For farmers in the village of Jixia in Suichang county in East China's Zhejiang Province, this year's Spring Festival shopping season is a little different than years gone by. In a small one-story room at the village center, Ye Songwang, a skinny 45-year-old local farmer, is busy helping computer-illiterate villagers choose products online, placing orders on a desktop computer. Dozens of parcels, packed with products ranging from clothing, home appliances, furniture and farming supplies, have already piled up in the 15-square-meter shop, waiting for those who bought them to pick them up. Sales sometimes hit several thousand yuan each day. "Some farmers no longer buy all goods at the local market for the Chinese New Year. Instead, they come to me for help with online shopping. The number of orders soared in the past month," Ye told the Global Times. Just several months ago, the village, located in the mountainous areas at the southern border of Zhejiang Province, had been unreachable by China's courier delivery services. The nearest county is three hours' drive away, and when Ye, a pioneer in e-commerce in the village since 2011, wanted to send or received a parcel, he had to pay a local minivan driver, who often drove to the county, to run the errand for him. But the winds of change have quietly blown in. In the past several months, three national delivery companies have extended their tentacles to this remote village, and last September, Ye set up his pickup service center with the help of an online start-up targeted at the rural e-commerce market called 51ganjie. These initiatives, promoting e-commerce to villagers and making last-mile delivery possible, are helping rural residents benefit from the lower prices and greater variety of products available online. "Clothes online are cheap and nice-looking, much better than those sold in local stores," said one villager who had ordered online via Ye's service center.
An untapped market China boasts 310 million online shoppers, generating over 2 trillion yuan ($320 billion) in transaction fee each year, making it the largest e-commerce market in the world. Sales growth has slowed, however, from 130.8 percent in 2011 to an expected 32.8 percent in 2015, according to Analysys International, an Internet consulting firm. "The e-commerce market in first- and second-tier cities in China will soon become saturated. The future of China's e-commerce companies lies in the burgeoning rural areas," Zhang Zhouping, a senior analyst at China E-Commerce Research Center, told the Global Times. The market potential for the rural area is huge. According to a report by Ali Research, a research center under China's biggest e-commerce company Alibaba, online sales to rural markets will grow to 460 billion yuan in 2016. Statistics from the Ministry of Commerce show that total turnover in agricultural products was 4 trillion yuan in 2013, 80 percent of which were done through traditional means. "If tapped properly, the rural market could generate online sales volume equivalent to that of 20 or 30 Alibabas," Pan Dongming, founder of 51ganjie, told the Global Times. But poor transport infrastructure and a lack of access to the Internet means that e-commerce has largely passed by rural buyers. According to the Ali Research report, rural buyers account for less than 10 percent of total online sales in China. This is where Pan Dongming sees his opportunity. Since 2010, his start-up has established e-commerce service stations in 2,000 villages and 15 counties across Zhejiang, employing local farmers as representatives. "We hope to make villages more modern by building an e-commerce service system that provides a whole range of services, including ordering, logistics and after-sales support," Pan told the Global Times. In each of the 2,000 villages, 51ganjie recruited a local villager, someone like Ye Songwang who has experience buying and shopping online and knows local customs, to promote online shopping to villagers and help deliver services. Ye's one-man service center is the village's window on online shopping, a logistics and after-sales service center rolled into one. For parcels that cannot reach villages, Ye asks buyers to send them to the county-level service
center, also run by 51ganjie, which will then send them to the villages. As part of his job, he goes door-to-door collecting villagers' fresh farm products, selling them through an online store on taobao.com, Alibaba's C2C portal. Since Ye started the service last September, villagers have spent over 10,000 yuan a month at his service center. Most of the buyers are middle-aged people, Ye says. The 2,000 villages his startup works with each generates 10,000 to 50,000 yuan in online sales each month, says Pan, with shoppers' ages varying from teenagers to 80 years old. Most of them have never shopped online. While some say it is hard for villages to trust online shopping, Pan disagrees. "Rural areas have close-knit networks of villagers, who are realistic about shopping. If they see online products are cheaper and better quality, they will join in," he said. While the business model isn't yet clear for his company, which is providing services free in order to grab market share, Pan said he might charge an agent fee in the future or launch his own mall. "We will keep investing until we've reached a certain scale," Pan said, adding that 51ganjie will expand to 20,000 more villages in more than 10 provinces this year.
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village walls with giant posters urging villagers to shop online. "If you want to be thrifty, log onto JD.com," one poster read. In Huxian County in Shaanxi Province, a JD service center opened on January 20 received over 300,000 yuan in orders for home appliances within 20 days of its opening, according to Hu Po, head of the center. The center has also started to recruit village e-commerce ambassadors. "We are looking for local villagers who are young, computer savvy, and, ideally, own shops in villages so that the shop can also work as a window for JD," Hu told the Global Times. According to a spokesperson from JD.com, it has already recruited 1,000 rural ambassadors, including village grocery store owners and small business owners. They will play a vital role in the future of China's e-commerce. A long way to go While competition is heating up, experts say it will take a long time and continued efforts for e-commerce companies to conquer the rural market. "It took 18 years for e-commerce companies to explore and build the market in cities. For the rural market, it might take even longer," Zhang, the e-commerce analyst, said.
Competition ahead 51ganjie is not the only company to spot the potential of the rural market. E-commerce giants have all stepped up their expansion into rural areas, using basically the same strategy. On October 2014, Alibaba announced plans that it will build 1,000 county-level and 100,000 village-level e-commerce service centers with a 10 billion yuan investment over three to five years, covering a sixth of China's rural areas. "The buying power of Chinese farmers is huge…we want to let the farmers enjoy the authentic urban life through e-commerce," said Ma Yun, founder and chairman of the Alibaba group, during a speech in Guangzhou in December. Also in December, Liu Qiangdong, CEO of JD.com, one of China's biggest B2C websites, said that it plans to recruit 100,000 rural e-commerce ambassadors, covering 100,000 villages in China, by June 2015. It is also setting up service centers where people can experience online shopping with the help of JD's service people. E-commerce companies are also plastering
For Xie Yang, a research fellow at the Development Research Center of the State Council, the expansion of e-commerce in rural areas will fundamentally change China's urbanization process. "E-commerce will bring a revolution to the consumption habits and lifestyle of rural people. When e-commerce becomes popular, the physical shops and commercial complexes now being developed in many counties and villages at much cost might lose their appeal," he told 21th Century Business Herald. The structure of labor force is also likely to undergo changes in the long term. "Quite a number of rural people will no longer need to migrant to the cities for work. The flow of laborers might change," Xie said. Compared with e-commerce in the city, fostering relationships with local governments is an important factor in facilitating rural e-commerce. "In counties and villages, you have to be trusted by the government to successfully operate in villagers. [Village] officials don't care if you are the biggest e-commerce company in China. Trust is built in the long term," Pan said.
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Chinese banks set to face margin pressures in 2015 Chinese commercial banks are set to face thinner net interest margins throughout 2015 as loans are repriced gradually, rating agency Fitch said in its latest report. Data released by the People's Bank of China (PBOC) in its latest monetary policy report confirms that efforts by the central bank to lower borrowing rates are taking effect, it said. The average corporate borrowing rate fell to 6.77 percent in December 2014, from 6.97 percent in September 2014, according to the PBOC's final-quarter report released last week. In addition, the proportion of new loans priced at a discount to the PBOC lending rate was at 13 percent, from 8 percent. This follows the decision by the PBOC to cut its one-year lending rate by 40 basis points to 5.6 percent in November 2014. "This should provide short-term relief for borrowers, while the lower borrowing costs
imply thinner net interest margins for banks as deposit competition remains stiff," Fitch said. Notably, November's rate cut is not yet fully reflected in the borrowing rates as reported in the PBOC report, as loans are only gradually repriced. In addition, measures by the PBOC to relax bank loan/deposit ratio calculations, cut reserve requirement ratios and lower interest rates should further reduce borrowing costs through 2015, Fitch said. Fitch expects deposit rates to remain largely unchanged owing to stiff competition among banks and non-bank financial institutions to attract depositors. The average premium for time deposits rose to 17 percent in December 2014 according to PBOC data, only marginally below the maximum 20 percent cap -- and up from 10 percent in November. This affirms expectation that
Chinese banks will continue to price deposits near the maximum allowable level, it said. The resulting net interest margin squeeze for Chinese banks could be significant, and may encourage banks to shift their balance sheets to higher yielding, riskier assets. This is also the case as Chinese authorities have been encouraging banks to increase lending
to micro and small enterprises. It remains to be seen whether banks will be adequately compensated for this shift, Fitch said. Lower borrowing costs could also be credit negative for Chinese banks if this leads to further indebtedness and enables existing asset quality problems to be pushed further down the line, it added.
Chinese stock investors upbeat on market after holidays Most Chinese stock investors expect a market rally after the seven-day New Year holidays which started on Wednesday and smaller-cap shares are the top investment choice. After a seven-day rising streak, nearly 70 percent of Chinese stock market investors were optimistic that the gains will be extended after the holidays, according to a survey by the Shanghai Securities News. Stocks rose for a seventh consecutive trading day on Tuesday, the last trading day before the holidays, with the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index (SCI) rising 0.76 percent to end at 3,246.91, more than 52 percent higher than a year earlier. More than 80 percent of respondents said they would keep their shares instead of cashing in for profits before the holidays. The survey also revealed that half of respondents prefer medium and small-cap shares while 44
percent choose big-cap blue chips. Boosted by interest rate cuts in November and a wave of monetary easing in several key economies, Chinese stocks have been on the up for some months, but, due partly to stock margin trading regulations, the total turnover on the two bourses on Tuesday was only about one half of the peak in early December, insufficient to take things much higher. Overseas market fluctuations, capital outflow triggered by RMB depreciation, domestic debt and sub-par economic data, however, are among investors' biggest concerns. The stock market will reopen on Wednesday. In the past five years, the SCI has posted gains for four times in the week immediately after the holidays.
Universities need sense of mission Lin Jianhua, former president of Zhejiang University, on Sunday officially took the job as president of Peking University, known as Beida. He is the university's 27th president since 1898. As Lin said in his inaugural speech, "Beida has never been simply a university, she is a totem in people's minds, bearing the future and hope of the nation." The public has great expectations of this university, both realistic and idealistic. Beida has been dogged by negative comments on the Internet in recent years. When talking about Beida and other universities in China, many people cannot help but compare them with those of the West and those of the Republic of China era
in the early 20th century. It is true that the first-class universities in China are still less competitive than the top universities in the West in terms of the levels of scientific research and the accumulation of social sciences. However, the argument about the superiority of the Republic of China's universities is questionable. In those days, the number of universities and students was much fewer than today. In 1936, for example, there were only 41,922 college students in the entire country, less than the total in today's Tsinghua University. Today's Beida and other universities must find their right positions in space and time
outside the coordinates of the West and the Republic of China. Emphasizing too much on internationalization or freedom of thought will only make them lose their sense of place. The university faculty, especially the president, should be clear and resolute about the current mission of a university. Today's universities must prioritize national rejuvenation, educating first-class talent to love the country, providing scientific and technological innovations and advanced and positive thoughts. They should not produce discontent or a contentious or violent atmosphere. In the old time when China was weak and bullied by world powers, the intellectuals represented by college teachers and
students showed a strong sense of mission and patriotism. It is a pity that when China has become more powerful and is experiencing rejuvenation, some universities talk more about themselves than their responsibility for the country. Without a bigger goal to gather intellectuals around, the universities will find it hard to accumulate strength. Chinese society needs to seriously think about what kind of Beida the country needs. Before we find the answer, please do not compare Beida with Harvard, or Lin with Cai Yuanpei, the first president of Beida during the Republic of China.
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