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28 pg 7.

Bludgers spend 20 years

Bludgers spend 20 years on dole VICTORIANS spending decades on the dole are sucking tens of millions of dollars from taxpayers’ pockets. A total of 105 Victorians have been out of work for more than 20 years, collecting the equivalent of $26 million in payments based on current rates. Unions are calling for dole payments to be in-creased by $50 a week, arguing the current benefit is barely enough to live on. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) says the Newstart allowance hasn’t increased in real terms for 20 years and now represents just 18

In celebration of the Flavours of Greece the Greek Deli & Taverna have joined forces with Douglas Lamb Wines to bring you a traditional Whole Roast Suckling Pig Dinner.

per cent of the average Australian wage. Oppo-sition Leader Tony Abbott dubbed the long-term unemployed figures a national embarrassment, while welfare advocates called for a review of social security payments. The figures, released found a whopping 48,000 Victorians had been unemployed for two years or more. The data included recipients of Newstart Allow-ance and Youth Allowance. But based on the current base Newstart allowance rate of $489.70 a fortnight, the jobless beneficiaries have received an estimated $1.8 billion of taxpayers’ money. It comes as figures found the state’s unemployment rate eased from 5.5

to 5.4 per cent. Nationally, the seasonally adjusted rate fell from 5.3 to 5.2 per cent.A spokes-person for Employment Minister Bill Shorten said the $3 billion Building Australia’s Future Workforce package provided initiatives to ensure the long-term unemployed were engaged and job ready. No. of Victorians who have received unemployment be-nefits for: Between 1 and 2 years: 27,828 recipients Between 2 and 5 years: 36,347? Between 5 and 10 years: 8730? Between 10 and 20 years: 2895? More than 20 years: 105

Roast Suckling Pig

@ the Greek Deliincreased in real terms for 20 ICTORIANS spend-


ing deca-des the years and now represents Wednesday 19 Sept, 7pmon - 10pm

dole are sucking tens just 18 per cent of the averWhere: Greek Deli & Taverna, Cost: $89.00 Bookings: 03 9827 3734 583 Chapel Street, Sth Yarra Including Matchingof dollars or 0407 098 158 Australian wage. OppoofWine millions age from taxpayers’ pockets. A sition Leader Tony Abbott total of 105 Victorians have dubbed the long-term unembeen out of work for more ployed figures a national than 20 years, collecting the embarrassment, while wel-

base rate o the jo receiv billion It com state’ eased cent. ally a 5.3 to perso Minis $3 bi Futur provi the l were

No. rece

Betw 27,82

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English Edition


Migrant operation to be expanded

Bludgers spend 20 years on dole The News Weekly is a joint venture between The Greek Media Group and Hellenic Media Services, for all enquiries contact the publisher direct.

LISH EDITION Publisher / Wednesday August 22,Publisher 2012 Steve Agi e: m: +61 432 210 963

Ross Alatsas e: m: +61 411 877 222

Managing Editor Steve Agi e: m: +61 432 210 963

Managing Editor Ross Alatsas e: m: +61 411 877 222


Fire razes mastic NEWS 29 gum trees on Chios


Wednesday 22 August Min 10 Max 18 Early Showers

eece readies plan 13.5 bln in cuts ead of Samaras trip Berlin

VICTORIANS spending decades on the dole are sucking tens of millions of dollars from taxpayers’ pockets.

Greek police are planning to extend the Xenios Zeus operation, which has seen more than 1,600 illegal immigrants arrested.




Authorities are trying to assess the damage on the eastern Aegean island from a blaze that began in the early hours of last Saturday

XY Radiothon for GWS raises 74,258 !!! T

3XY Radiothon for Fire razes AGWS, raises $74,258! Champions Olympiacos away to Veria

mastic gum trees on Chios

The radiothon commenced on the morning of Saturday 11th of August and continued on of food and cosmetic products Wednesday 15th of August.? After which has protected designathe great efforts of the organizers, volunteers, staff and the generous tion of origin status. Yiannis help from the Greek Community Madalas, head of the company the amount that was raised behind Mediterra SA, a Chios amounted to $74,258.

Photography Anthony Vanzella Kostas Deves

Distribution & Production MEDIACODE Pty Ltd

For all enquiries or to order copies of The News Weekly contact: Chris Binos e: m: +61 422 413 340

* The opinions published in The News Weekly are not necessarily those of the editor or the alition governance Ministry has calculated qualify for the minimum publisher. All material subject to copyright. will present its that once the pension and pensions of 485 euros could For all editorial enquiries contact the Managing Editor direct d plan for cut- salary cuts are implemented also be increased. Currently For all advertising enquiries ublic spending along with the contact: reductions to 15 years’ worth of work is National Sales Manager n euros over the spending, tax revenues and needed. This may rise to 20 Jim Grivas s shortly before social security contributions years. Stournaras refused to e: m: +61 407822103 returns next will fall by about 2 billion be drawn on the issue of a Finance Minister euros, leading to a new labor reserve for civil sernaras after talks shortfall. Sources said the vants, amid reports that Minister Antonis Labor Ministry put forward 30,000 to 40,000 public seco will attempt to cuts worth 5.2 billion euros tor employees would be posts ropean leaders to pensions and welfare pay- removed from their HELLENIC hat Greece is ments in order to be sure and given up to 75 percent of o moving for- that it would secure savings their salaries for between s fiscal adjust- of 4.6 billion. The reductions one and three years. The finART will EXHIBITION TAKIS MORAITIS to pensions affect those OF ance minister suggested that m. The package THE nted to Samaras retirees who earn 800 euros the details of the scheme had o 13.5 billion or more per month but in a not been finalized yet. Samathan the 11.5 bid to save more money, the ras will be hoping to present measures as a sign3000 of his nded by the troinumber STREET of years the 280minimum WILLIAMS MELBOURNE ecause the Fin- of work needed in order to government’s decisiveness (The Exhibits are also available for purchase)



he Australian Greek WelMEMORIES OF HOME fare Society’s (AGWS) anat the HELLENIC MUSEUM nual radiothon was conducted once more sucdra island tax evasion inciully by radio station 3XY. t prompts political reaction radiothon commenced on OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10.00 AM - 4.00 PM, morning of Saturday 11th of st and continued on Wed-

n Hydra has he country inter-

New Democracy’s two coalition partners, PASOK and Democratic Left, both condemned the actions of Hydra residents who resisted the restaurateur’s arrest. “The incident on Hydra has embarrassed the country internationally and allowed The exhibition is in itsnegative last twoand weeks. unfair stereotypes to be about Greeks and Greece to be reproduced,” said PASOK in a statement. “These stereotypes lead to the significant progress made so far being ignored.” “The clampdown on tax island in a bid to maintain evasion will not happen by calm. The entrepreneur was tax evaders voluntarily going escorted from the island last to tax offices,” said Demo-

PrimeNearly Minister Antonis 13,000 hectares of arable landwill andattempt forested to areas, Samaras, who including hundreds of valuable convince European leaders this mastic trees, have been razed week by that Greece is committed a wildfire that burned into its third day on Chios. to moving forward

Mastic Growers Association

company, estimated that the The Australian Greek Welfare Society’s (AGWS) annual areas hit by the wildfire acearlymarked 13,000 radiothon 40hectares years of their count for around 53 percent of arable and serviceofto the Greekland community. the island’s total yield. Madalas


forested areas, includ-

a massive blow not just to the island’s agricultural economy, but also to the world supply of Chios mastic, a resin used in a variety of food and cosmetic products which has protected designation of origin status.

3XY Radiothon for AGWS raises to stick to the troika $74,258 !!!program member

Chios produces between 2025 percent of the world’s mastic crop, mainly around the village of Pyrgi, which was badly hit by the blaze. Meanwhile, two firefighters were injured while battling a blaze in the eastern Peloponnese, which was heading south from Troizina toward the popular seaside resort of Ermioni.

Yiannis Madalas, head of the Authorities are trying to assess company behind Mediterra SA, a the damage on the eastern Aegean Chios Mastic Growers Association island from a blaze that began in company, estimated that the areas the early hours of last Saturday, hit by the wildfire for 40 years The of mayor of Troizina, possibly by an arsonist, sationYiannis to better provide services nesday 15th of August. After theaccount marked their service he Australian Greek Wel- and around percent of island’s Sabanis, said that was continued to threaten villages the community and to meet great efforts of the53organizers, vol-the to the Greek community. The thetoblaze fare Society’s (AGWS) an- and outwillof gocontrol, crops yesterday. the needsthat of the community. staff yield. and the generous money raised to-wardsconfirming nualuntil radiothon was con- unteers, total three fireman had been injured but The Australian Greek Welfare help from the Greeksaid Com-munity programs services that AGonce moreForest suc- Fire Madalas that it takes an and TheductedEuropean were in no serious danger. the amount that was raised WS doesn’t get funded for. Over cessfully by radio station 3XY. Society will like to thank everyone average of five to seven years Information System (EFFIS) to the $74,258. The the years, the money raised that contributed to this years Theestimates radiothonthatcommenced on amounted before Pistacia lentiscus begins the fire has consumed a Australian the total morning of Saturday ofdealing Greek the Welfare producing goldenSoresin.through radiothons has been radiothon. of 12,740 hectares11th so far, August and continued on Wed- ciety’s (AGWS) annual radiothon used for the needs of the organi- For further donation T:9338 9998

when he meets Eurogroup chief Jean-Claude Juncker today, German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday and French President Francois Hollande on Saturday. Opinion in Germany on Greece’s future in the eurozone remains mixed. European Central Bank executive board

Joerg Asmussen said Greece needs to carry said a Greek euro exit would out the reforms that have be “manageable” but much already been agreed upon, more expensive than some but that “the German govpeople believe. Foreign Mini- ernment wants us to remain ster Dimitris Avramopoulos together in the eurozone.” was able to gauge reaction in He pledged Germany’s help Berlin when he met there in implementing the reforms, “theinnovation: key to success with his counterpartCarbon Guido taxbut willsaiddrive Westerwelle on Monday. lies in Athens.” Australian business group After the talks, Westerwelle

said that it takes an average of The money raised will towards ing hundreds ofgo valufive to seven years before the programs and services that ableAGWS masticdoesn’t trees, get havefunded been for. Pistacia lentiscus begins prorazed bythe a wildfire thatmoney burnedraised Over years, the ducing the golden resin. Chios intothrough its third day onhasChios. radiothons been used produces between 20-25 perAuthorities are trying assess for the needs of thetoorganisation cent of the world’s mastic crop, better provide theto damage on theservices easternto the mainly around the village of community and to meet the needs Aegean island from a blaze that Pyrgi, which was badly hit by of the community. began in the early hours of last

the blaze. Meanwhile, two fireSaturday, possibly byGreek an arsonThe Australian Welfare fighters were injured while batist,Society and continued to threaten will like to thank tling a blaze in the eastern Peloeveryone that contributed to this villages and crops until yesterponnese, which was heading years radiothon. day. The European Forest Fire south from Troizina toward the Information System (EFFIS) popular seaside resort of Erestimates that the fire has conmioni. The mayor of Troi-zina, sumed a total of 12,740 hectYiannis Sabanis, said that the ares so far, dealing a massive blaze was out of control, conblow not just to the island’s firming that three fireman had agricultural economy, but also been injured but were in no to the world supply of Chios serious danger. mastic, a resin used in a variety

HACCI Simon nesdayThanks 15th Minister of August. After the Crean for his Support to the great efforts of the organizers, volAustralian-Greek Community A group of almost 300 Australian businesses says a price on carbon will drive innovation and keep the country internationally competitive. The new tax allows allows the government to charge Australia's biggest polluters for their carbon emissions. The group called 'Businesses for a Clean Economy' was created to support carbon pricing and counter opposing voices. Close to 300 companies including Westpac, AGL and Fujitsu have signed a statement backing the introduction of a price on carbon.

The group also includes renewable energy companies such Infigen and Hydro Pacific. The HACCI Committee It says the new policy will allow with guests choice in how companies reduce emissions and says it will create new industries and professions. Meanwhile the Business Council of Australia says it supports a carbon price in theory but it doesn't support the government's scheme. The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry says Australia should not move to a carbon price before there's a global scheme.

unteers, staff and the generous help from the Greek Com-munity the amount that was raised amounted to $74,258. The Australian Greek Welfare Society’s (AGWS) annual radiothon

The Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (“HACCI”) hosted a luncheon on Tuesday 31st July, 2012 at the Press Club in Melbourne in honour of The Hon Mr Simon Crean MP (Minister for Regional Austra-lia, Regional Development and Local Government he Hellenic Chamberand of Minister for the Arts) in Commerce andhisIndustry appreciation for support of the Australian-Greek (“HACCI”) Community overhosted many years.a

HACCI), Mr Bill Papastergiadis (Presi-dent, Greek Orthodox Com-munity of Melbourne and Victoria), Mr Harry Stamoulis (Chairman, Hellenic Mu-seum), Ms Helen O’Neil (Ad-visor to the Minister for the Arts), HACCI Board members and members of Greek Aus-tralian business and community organisations.

the construction of the Antipodes Centre for Greek Culture, Heritage and Language in Melbourne, which is to commence later this year and presented Mr Crean with a commemorative plaque.

marked 40 years of their service to the Greek community. The money raised will go to-wards programs and services that AGWS doesn’t get funded for. Over the years, the money raised through radiothons has been used for the needs of the organi-


luncheon on Tuesday 31st Attending the HACCI Lunch-eon July, 2012 at theGeneral PressforClub in were Consul Greece in Melbourne, Ms Eleni Liainidou, Melbourne in honour of The Mr Nicholas Mylonas (President, Hon Mr Simon Crean MP (Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government and

Mr Mylonas thanked Mr Crean for being a “great Philhellene” over the years and for supporting the GreekAustralian community generally. Mr Papastergiadis also thanked Mr Crean for his and the Federal Goverment’s fin-ancial support for


AUSTRALIAN NEWS.................P28

Thursday 23 August

Min 11 Max 17 Shower or Two

Friday 24 August


Min 8 Max 14 Shower or Two, Windy

GREEK NEWS...........................P30

Saturday 25 August

RAY WHITE.............................P31

Sunday 26 August

PONTIAKI ESTIA..........................P33

Min 8 Max 16 Showers or two Min 8 Max 14 Shower or Two

Monday 27 August

Min 11 Max 16 Showers or two

HACCI Thanks Minister Simon Crean for his Support to the Australian-Greek Community



The Australian Greek Welfare Society’s (AGWS) annual radiothon was conducted once more successfully by radio station 3XY.

Contributors Chris Binos, Dean Georgio, George Koliantzos, John Vithoulkas, Panos Apostolou, Theoni Davoutsis


Mr Crean appreciated the recognition bestowed upon him and acknowledged that the current bilateral trade between Australia and Greece is comparatively low with other countries. He added that there are real opportunities for Australia to increase trading opportunities with Greece for the betterment of both economies and in particular the Greek economy

GEORGE news AD.indd 1

EMPLOYMENT...................P34-36 SPORTS NEWS....................P37-38

Carbon Tax Will Drive Innovation: Australian business group

A group of almost 300 Australian businesses says a price on carbon will drive innovation and keep the country internationally competitive. The new tax allows allows the government to charge Australia’s biggest polluters for their carbon emissions.

The group called ‘Businesses for a Clean Economy’ was created to support carbon pricing and counter opposing voices. Close to 300 companies including Westpac, AGL and Fujitsu have signed a statement backing the introduction of a price on carbon. The group also includes renewable energy companies such Infigen and Hydro Pacific. It says the new policy will allow choice in how companies reduce emissions and says it will create new industries and professions. Meanwhile the Business Council of Australia says it supports a carbon price in theory but it doesn’t support the government’s scheme. The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry says Australia should not move to a carbon price before there’s a global scheme.

sation to better pr to the community the needs of the co The Australian Society will like to t that contributed radiothon.

For further donatio

Carbon tax will drive innovat Australian business group 6/08/12 5:10 PM

um uld ntly is 20 to fa erhat ecbe sts of en inhat ad maent his ess





Greece readies plan for 13.5 bln in 29 NEWS cuts ahead of Samaras trip to Berlin

he coalition govern- ance Ministry has calculated ment will present its that once the pension and finalized plan for cut- salary cuts are implemented ting public along with the reductions to by 11.5 billion euros over the spending, tax revenues and next two years shortly before social security contributions the troika returns next will fall by about 2 billion month, said Finance Minister euros, leading to a new shortfall. Sources said the Yannis Stournaras after tax talks evasion Hydra island incident with Prime Minister Antonis Labor Ministry put forward prompts political reaction. worth 5.2 billion euros Samaras, who will attempt to cuts to pensions and welfare convince European leaders All parties in the governing coalition have backed effortspayto in order to be sure this week that clampdown on taxGreece evasionisafterments the arrest of a restaurant owner on the of Hydra an angry moving for- prompted that it would securereaction savings committed toisland by locals. Some residents of the island clashed with police ward with its fiscal adjustof 4.6 billion. The reductions and boarded a ferry in a bid to prevent the restaurateur ment Thetopackage pensions affect those beingprogram. transferred Athens totoface chargeswill following his Saturday. ofarrest cuts on presented to Samaras retirees who earn 800 euros amounted to taken 13.5 tobillion monthcalm. butThe in a Riot police were the island or in more a bid toper maintain entrepreneur escorted island euros, ratherwasthan the from 11.5the bid tolast saveSunday. more Government money, the spo-kesman Simos Kedikoglou said that the coalition was determined billion demanded by the troiminimum number of years to tackle tax evasion. “The government is determined to confront this ka. This is because the Finof work needed in orderareto destructive and unfair practice,” he said. “At a time when citizens feeling the heavy impact of the crisis and the actions needed to get the Greek economy into order, everyone will have to accept their practical and moral share of responsibility and not stand in the way of the law being implanted.” New Democracy’s two coalition partners, PASOK and Democratic Left, both condemned the actions of Hydra residents who resisted the restaurateur’s arrest.

1st home buyer or investment viewpoints. With entry off Reid Street, and one of only four on the block, downstairs proportions include a bright living zone of attractive size

Hydra island tax evasion incident prompts political reaction

“The incident on Hydra has embarrassed the country internationally and allowed negative and unfair stereotypes to be about Greeks and Greece to be reproduced,” said PASOK in a statement. “These stereotypes lead to the significant progress made so far being ignored.”

because the Finance Ministry has The coalition government calculated that once the pension will present its finalized plan and salary cuts are implemented for cutting public spending along with the reductions to by 11.5 billion euros over spending, tax revenues and social the next two years shortly security contributions will fall by before the troika returns about 2 billion euros, leading to a Prime Minister Antonis next month, said Finance new shortfall. Minister Yannis Stournaras Samaras, who will attempt to Sources said the Labor Ministry after talks with Prime convince leaders this put forward cuts worth 5.2 billion Minister European Antonis Samaras, euros to pensions and welfare who will to convince week thatattempt Greece is committed payments in order to be sure that European leaders this week it would secure savings of 4.6 tothat moving forward Greece is committed billion. The reductions to pensions to moving forward with its will affect those retirees who earn fiscal adjustment program. 800 euros or more per month but

Currently 15 years’ worth of work is needed. This may rise to 20 years. Stournaras refused to be drawn on the issue of a labor reserve for civil servants, amid reports that 30,000 to 40,000 public sector employees would be removed from their posts and given up to 75 percent of their salaries for between one and three years. The finance minister suggested that the details of the scheme had not been finalized yet. Samaras will be hoping to present the measures as a sign of his government’s decisiveness to stick to the troika program when he meets Eurogroup chief JeanClaude Juncker today, German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday and French President Francois Hollande on Saturday.

to The stick to the troika program member Asmussen in a bid to save more money, Joerg the package of cuts presented to minimum number of years of work Samarashe amounted to 13.5 Eurogroup billion when meets said a Greek needed in order to qualify for the euro exit would euros, rather than the 11.5 billion minimum pensions of 485 euros demanded by the troika. This Juncker is “manageable” but much chief Jean-Claude could also bebe increased. today, German Chancellor more expensive than some Angela Merkel on Friday and people believe. Foreign MiniFrench President Francois ster Dimitris Avramopoulos Hollande on Saturday.LOpinAVA was able to gauge reaction in K A B T S E B ion in Germany on Greece’sE Berlin when he met there LBOURNre- with his counterpart Guido future in the MEeurozone 2 SBSWesterwelle on Monday. mains mixed. HE 201CenIN TEuropean E the talks, Westerwelle tral Bank executive board AZINAfter T MAG



Opinion in Germany on Greece’s future in the eurozone remains mixed. European Central Bank executive board member Joerg Asmussen said a Greek euro exit would be “manageable” but much more expensive than some people believe.

“The clampdown on tax evasion will not happen by tax evaders voluntarily going to tax offices,” said Demo-cratic Left’s Dimitris Chatzi-sokratis. “It has to happen through systematic checks by the financial crimes squad (SDOE) and the financial police.” SYRIZA MP Theo-doros Dritsas accused the government of hypocrisy over the Hydra incident, arguing that it was chasing small-time tax evaders while ignoring the major culprits. “This is not an effort to fight tax evasion, it is a silly and costly attempt at a show of force by the government and the state,” he said.

Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos was able to gauge reaction in Berlin when he met there with his counterpart Guido Westerwelle on Monday. After the talks, Westerwelle said Greece needs to carry out the reforms that have already been agreed upon, but that “the German government wants us to remain together in the eurozone.” He pledged Germany’s help in implementing the reforms, but said “the key to success lies in Athens.”

said Greece needs to carry out the reforms that have already been agreed upon, incident on Hydra has but that “the German gov-The embarrassed the country interernment wants us to remainnationally together in the eurozone.” ll parties in the govHe pledged Germany’s help erning coalition have in implementing the reforms, backed efforts to but said “the key to success clampdown on tax evasion after the arrest of a lies in Athens.” restaurant owner on the


island of Hydra prompted an angry reaction by locals. Some residents of the island The HACCI Committeeclashed with police and with guestsboarded a ferry in a bid to prevent the restaurateur being transferred to Athens to face charges following his arrest on Saturday. Riot police were taken to the

720 Chapel Street, South Yarra VIC 3141 Ph: 03 9824 0090


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The HACCIBeautifully Committee renovated throughout, with guests enjoying a quiet & private location

Filip Nalbandian 0411 248 281 Forthcoming Auction

robe and a beautifully designed tiled central N bathroom with double vanity. TIO ΤΟ Ι0Υ C Features include two balconies on a north AU ΒΒΑ ΒΡ .Μ. south aspect, double glazed sliding doors, ΣΑ ΤΕΜ 00 Π Π . European laundry, underground single ΣΕ 11 remote car parking with storage unit and 1 ΣΤΙΣ split system heating cooling. Perfect for the first home buyer, young professional, investor or downsizer, this architecturally designed building and prized location provides the ultimate Carnegie lifestyle! With low maintenance coupled with modern convenience, what more could you want! GARETH APSWOUDE O408 659 045

in a small block of 4. This single level residence has been newly renovated & provides a wonderfully light, spacious & very well appointed contemporary accommodation with outdoor entertaining in mind. Comprises: Open plan family living area, leading to the

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Short walk to transport, parks, schools, cafes & shopping facilities. Ideal for young couples or downsizers or astute

island in a bid to maintain calm. The entrepreneur was escorted from the island last Sunday. Government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou said that the coalition was determined to tackle tax evasion. “The government is determined to confront this destructive and unfair practice,” he said. “At a time when citizens are feeling the heavy impact of the crisis and the actions needed to get the Greek economy into order, everyone will have to accept their practical and moral share of responsibility and not stand in the way of the law being implanted.”

ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΠΟΥΛΗΘΕΙ! ΚΑΤΑΛΛΗΛΟ ΓΙΑ ΠΡΩΤΗ ΚΑΤΟΙΚΙΑ Set in a quiet street, this neat & tidy home on a low maintenance allotment is perfectly situated Walking distance to transport, Monash Uni, Clayton road shopping & local parklands. Comprising of wide entrance hall, three good size bedrooms, master with walk in

HACCI Thanks Minister Simon Crean for his Support to the Australian-Greek Community

robe & Ensuite bathroom, Family bathroom with shower and sep bath & sep powder room There is a huge open plan lounge/ family room with bay window, quality kitchen with adjoining tiled meals area overlook the spacious undercover outdoor area & a manicured rear garden. Features Ducted heating, carpeted rooms and tiled wet area’s, landscaped gardens

he Hellenic Chamber of

0403 438 457

investors. Jonathon Eaves 0411 051 571 Forthcoming Auction

ION CT ∆0 Υ AU µµ∞ ΣΤΟ .ª. ™∞ ΓΟΥ 0 ¶ ΑΥ 1.0 18 ∆π™ 1 ™

both front and rear, a single lock up garage with room in front for a 2nd car & situated in the heart

embarrassed the CLAYTON country 1-4/10 BETTINA STREET MURUMBEENA 26 RAILWAY PARADE internationally andΜΕΓΑΛΟ allowed N ΟΙΚΟΠΕΔΟ to the existing land (STCA) or just IO Ο Υ T negative and unfair ΜΕ 4stereoΔΙΑΜΕΡΙΣΜΑΤΑ ΟΜΟΡΦΑ ΑΝΑΚΑΙΝΙΣΜΕΝΟ shower over bath, sep laundry and toilet. increasing your property portfolio UC ΑΤ ΤΟ . ION Β CT ∞∆0 ΟΥ Large rear garden perfect for children to ΤΩΝGreeks 2 ΥΠΝΟΔ. ΚΑΙ ΜΕ with blue-chip rental accommoda- A ΣΑΒ ΟΥΣ M.Μ U $450,000+ types to be about A Γ 0 µµ ΣΤ ª. ΠΡΟΟΠΤΙΚΕΣ ΓΙΑ play or afternoon BBQ’s. tion, these fantastic investments are ™∞ ΓΟΥ 0 ª. ΑΥ 1.3 repro- ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ and Greece to be 8 he Hellenic Chamber of Σ 1 Ι ΟΙΚΟΔΟΜΙΚΗ a definite win! ΑΥ 2.0 Be captivated by this enchanting 2 bedroom Freshly painted and with newly polished ΣΤ 18 π™ 1 duced,” said PASOK in a Features:and Industry Commerce Art Deco gem. Located so central to every- boards, this well presented home boasts, ™∆ WOW! What an opportunity to * Four 2 hosted bedroom apartments all thing this renovated jewel is perfect for the high ceilings, decorative cornices & single statement. “These stereo(“HACCI”) a secure this amazing block of 4 sepwith individual titles young couple looking for their first foray into Lock up garage and driveway parking for 1 luncheon Tuesday types lead to the arately-titled significant apartments situated on * Each apartment 31st features large further car. Murrumbeena. 5 minute walkJuly, to Monash with built-in-robes, 2012 atbedrooms the Press Club in renoprogress made sowithin far abeing Comprises: Wide entrance hallway, 2 love- An idyllic location, surrounded by parklands University. Set on a huge block over vated bathroom with laundry area, Melbourne separate in honour of The ignored.” ly bedrooms (1 with BIRs), central renovat- and only a short stroll to Murrumbeena 600m2, this high-density location toilet, modern kitchen with Clayton Train Station, as well as * 5 minute walk to Monash ed kitchen with new appliances with meals Village shops, cafes & Murrumbeena train Hon Mr Simon Crean MP would appeal to the smart investor, meals area, gas heating, individual “The clampdown on tax buses University, the new IKEA & along Wellington Road to area, bright lounge room with sparkling new station. developer or builder. (Minister forcarRegional space on titleAustraevasion will not happen by Huntingdale Zone 1 Train polished boards and gas heating, sep dining With huge potential for value* Potential to build more apart- Harvey Norman shopping cenlia, Regional Development Station Rohan Cleary 0438 025 481 tax evaders voluntarily room, central renovated bathroom with adding, going this apartment site can be ments (STCA) (townhouses next tre * Close to local schools, park* Land size 18.2m x 33m = and Local Government and improved by further renovating, door are 3 levels) to tax offices,” said Demo602m2 approx. expanding to build more apartments All apartments tenanted with lands, Monash Medical Centre, MALVERN EAST 1/8 QUENTIN ROAD Arts) infully appreClayton Shopping Centre, Jason Xi 0403 010 848 cratic Left’s Dimitris Chatzi- Minister for *the ciation for his support of the N ΓΙΑ ΝΑ ΞΕΧΩΡΙΖΕΤΕ and fully equipped kitchen with sokratis. “It has to happen TIO Ο tralian business and commu- mence later this year and preCHADSTONE 2/10 VISION STREET quality appliances, stone bench UC ΒΑΤ ΤΟΥ . through systematic checks Australian-Greek Community nity organisations. sented Mr Crean with comSet inaone of East Malvern’s most tops overlooking the bright meals A ΣΑΒ ΟΥΣ Μ.Μ bathroom. Neat living area ΠΡΕΠΕΙ Γ by the financial crimes squadΝΑ over many years. desirable streets, this designer area, sep study, sep laundry, powΑΥ 2.00 Mr Mylonas thanked Mr memorative plaque. Attending the withHACCI modernLunchkitchen, gas 25 ΤΙΣ home is ideal for all families looking der room. (SDOE) and theΠΩΛΗΘΕΙ! financial Σ Crean for being a “great Mr Crean appreciated the cook top,General cute courtyard eon were Consul for and for low maintenance lifestyle in police.” SYRIZA MP TheoPhilhellene” over the years recognition bestowed upon such a central location, walking dis- First Floor: 3 large bedrooms prime location. Ms This modern townhouse has in aMelbourne, Greece doros Dritsas accused tance to Chadstone that Shopping cen- including a master bedroom with what youthe need if your looking Eleni Liainidou, Mr Nicholas and for supporting the Greek- him and acknowledged tre, Malvern Valley Primary School, WIR & full ensuite bathroom, government of tohypocrisy trade Currently Returning live or invest; in close prox- (President, Mylonas HACCI), Australian community gener- the current bilateral Phoenix Park, & direct access to deluxe family bathroom. over the Hydra imity incident, between Australia and Greece $2,557.00 per (Presimonth on a ally. to ChadstoneMr Shopping Bill Papastergiadis Melbourne’s CBD via the freeway. Features: Quality Fixtures & fittings, arguing that it was chasing low with lease until Com25/04/2013 Mr Papastergiadis also is comparatively Comprise: centre, Holmesglendent, TAFE and Ground Floor: large Hydronic heating, split system, Greekfixed Orthodox hall, 2 large family & living ducted vacuum, beautiful polished He added small-time tax evaders zone 1while train station.munity of Melbourne and thanked Mr Crean for his and other countries. entrance area’s opening to the beautifully parquetry floors & oversized internal access. Matthews the Federal Goverment’s finthat there are real opportunilarge bed- MrCourtney ignoring the majorComprises culprits.of ; 4 Victoria), Harry Stamoulis landscaped outdoor area, designer remote single lock up Garage with 438 457 Mu- ancial support for the con- ties for Australia to increase rooms, 2 ensuites(Chairman, and main 0403 “This is not an effort to fight Hellenic OAKLEIGH with 25 YOUNG STREET tax evasion, it is a silly and seum), Ms Helen O’Neil (Ad- struction of the Antipodes trading opportunities MOUNT WAVERLEY 14 NORMAN COURT N complement the large formal ΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΑof0Μ0ΡΦ0 costly attempt at a show of visor to the Minister for the Centre for Greek Culture, Greece for the betterment TIO ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΠΟΥΛΗΘΕΙ! Alluring grace and charm living domain with OFP and AUC µ∞∆0 ΤΟΥ . open plan family living area’s Heritage with both economies and in particNand Language in force by the government and Arts), HACCI Board members Σ ª µ O I 1144m2 ΚΑΛΗ ΕΥΚΑΙΡΙΑ modern feature Gas Fire place, original matched by exceptional mod- relaxed family living area ™∞ ΓΟΥ 0 Μ. CT ΤΟ ΡΙΟΥ . is to comular the Greek economy. Υ .0 dampermembers creek well of equipped kitchen overlooksMelbourne, the AU ΒΑ which Greek Auswhich are separated by a ern spaces, ensure this the state,” he said.Set at the entrance of and Α Β Β .Μ 25 12

33 Chester Street, Oakleigh VIC 3166 Ph: 03 9563 1221

reserve in one of Mount Waverley’s most sought after courts, this 4 bedroom WB home is positioned on an impressive 1144m2 allotment (approx) & the residence is surprisingly accommodating ensuring there is plenty of room for all the family. With some rooms ready for a modern makeover, there’s scope for further renovation or an ideal new home site in the MWSZ. Features: Wide entrance hall, 4 large bedrooms, 3 with BIR’s, fully renovated master bathroom with toilet, huge

expansive dining room & rear decking. There is also a 2nd original bathroom with toilet & sep laundry. The rear garden is absolutely massive and there is plenty of scope for extensions to the current home, building a 34 car garage or simply enjoying the park like nature of the space. Walking distance to the delightful damper creek reserve, Essex Heights primary school, transport, local shops & recreational facilities this home MUST BE SOLD. Rohan Cleary 0438 025 481

ΣΑ ΤΕΜ 00 Π ΕΠ 11. 8 Σ ΤΙΣ Σ

enchanting three bedroom Californian bungalow provides impressive family environs close to Oakleigh Station, Monash University, Sacred Heart Girls College, M1 freeway and all the lifestyle attractions associated with the shops and cafes of Eaton Mall. Traditional Baltic pine floors and faultless presentation

handy timber kitchen and dinπ™ ™∆ ing area. The captivating family appeal of this glorious solid brick home is further highlighted by its fabulous family flexibility with an expansive leafy rear garden with a covered BBQ terrace and hidden sitting area nestled amongst a stunshop and single car accomning fernery. modation this is gracious With ducted heating, work- living in the heart of






HACCI Thanks Minister Simon Crean for his Support to the Australian-Greek Community




said Greece needs to carry out the reforms that have already been agreed upon, but that “the German government wants us to remain together in the eurozone.” He pledged Germany’s help in implementing theBENTLEIGH reforms, EAST 3/8 CHAUVEL STREET but said “the key to success ΠΟΛΥ ΟΜΟΡΦΟ ΣΤΥΛ, fabulous fully landscaped courtlies in Athens.” ΚΑΤΟΙΚΙΑ ΚΑΤΑΛΛΗΛΗ yard. A fully renovated & equipped


Μ0ΝΤΕΡΝ0 ΔΙΑΜΕΡΙΣΜΑ ΣΤΟΝ ΤΕΛΕΥΤΑΙΟ ΟΡΟΦΟ, ΣΕ ΚΑΛΗ ΤΟΠΟΘΕΣΙΑ This stylish, modern and secure top floor two bedroom apartment is perfectly locatNew Democracy’sedtwo for itcoaliis within walking distance to Carnegie shopping tion partners, PASOK and strip and Zone 1 train station and only a short drive to Chadstone Democratic Left, Shopping both centre conand the Monash freeway. Comprised of a large versatile open plan livdemned the actionsing of Hydra area with a stunning kitchen that fearesidents who resisted tures stone the bench-tops, glass splashbacks, stainless steel appliances including restaurateur’s arrest. dishwasher, electric cook top and electric “The incident on oven. Hydra has bedrooms with built in Two generous

Traditional Baltic pine floors and faultless presentation

brick home is further highlighted by its fabulous family flexibility with an expansive leafy rear garden with a covered BBQ terrace and hidden sitting area nestled amongst a stunshop and single car accomning fernery. modation this is gracious With ducted heating, work- living in the heart of

of Oakleigh East’s quiet family community, this home is a must inspect! Rohan Cleary 0438 025 481


alind ondra he

as try ed eoks o-


1144m2 allotment (approx) The rear garden is absolutely massive qualify for the impressive minimum & the residence is surprisingly accomand there is plenty of scope for extencould pensions of 485 euros of modating ensuring therePrime is plentyMinister sions to the current home, building a 3Antonis KÙËÌ·ÙÔÌÂÛÈÙÈο for all the family.Samaras, With somewho4 will car garage or simply also be Currently attempt to enjoying the rooms ready for a modern makeover, park like nature of the space. Walking convince European leaders this 15 years’ worth of work is °Ú·Ê›· there’s scope for further renovation or distance to the delightful damper creek week that Greece committed ideal to new 20 home site in the MWSZ. reserve,isEssex Heights primary school, needed. This may anrise Features: Wide entrancetohall, 4 large forward transport, local shops & recreational years. Stournaras refused to BIR’s, fullymoving bedrooms, 3 with renovatfacilities this home MUST BE SOLD. master of bathroom be drawn on the edissue a with toilet, huge Rohan Cleary 0438 025 481 labor reserve for civil ser- to stick to the troika program member Joerg Asmussen vants, amid reports that when he meets Eurogroup said a Greek euro exit would 30,000 to 40,000 public sec- chief Jean-Claude Juncker be “manageable” but much tor employees would be today, German Chancellor more expensive than some removed from their posts Angela Merkel on Friday and people believe. Foreign and given up to 75 percent of French President Francois ster Dimitris Avramopoulos their salaries for between Hollande on Saturday. Opin- was able to gauge reaction in ion in Germany on Greece’s Berlin when he met there one and three years. The fin- SOUTH OAKLEIGH 2/218 WARRIGAL ROAD future in the eurozone re- with his counterpart Guido ance minister suggested that ANETΟ ΚΑΙ ΣΕ ΠΟΛΥ that leads to an adjoining dining Westerwelle on Monday. CenΚΑΛΗ ΤΟΠΟΘΕΣΙΑ open plan areaEuropean and user friendly had mains mixed. the details of the scheme board After the talks, Westerwelle tral Bank executive kitchen/meals area. Upstairs is not been finalized Impeccably yet. Samamaintained, the lightdedicated to two good size bedras will be hoping filled to present ambience and low-mainte- rooms enhanced by built-in nature the measures as anance sign of hisof this original, robes and balconies serviced by modern townhouse, comple- a central bathroom. government’s decisiveness ments the success from either

JONATHON EAVES 0411051 571

Oakleigh. COURTNEY MATTHEWS 0403 438 457



TA NEA - ENGLISH EDITION / Wednesday August 22, 2012



TA NEA - ENGLISH EDITION / WednesdayAugust 22, 2012


Pontiaki Estia celebrated “Panagia Soumela” with great 3-day “Glendi”!


nce again Pontiaki Estia honoured “Panagia Soumeliotissa” with a series of great celebrations that lasted 3 days, reaching their apex on Sunday, with a day-long festivity at the hospitable House of the Cretan Brotherhood, 148-150 Nicholson St., Brunswick. Thousands of people took

advantage of a rainless day and enjoyed a well-prepared feast, enriched with great traditional music played by traditional musicians in “lyra” and “daoul” and dancing by many groups. Youth made its presence greatly felt and created enthusiasm with its great contribution. Of course, Radio 3XY

was there, broadcasting directly and participating enthusiastically with Nikos Loupos and Angelis Kalodoukas. The whole Committee, inspired by the public relations officer Litsa Athanasiadis, organized and directed the daily show to perfection.

Dancing groups: St John’s College, Cretan Brotherhood, Cyprian Community, Pegasus Academy, Pammakedoniki (Pan-Macedonian Association), “Aristotelis” (Florinian Club) and Pontiaki Estia. Sponsors: • ª∂Rπª¡∞ OF PONTINA LADYS • PRONTO REFRIGERATION • STANWYCK’S ACCOUNTANTS


The Committee of Pontiaki Estia expresses to all the groups, sponsors, participants and individuals who contributed to the great success of this festivity and, last but not least, to Radio 3XY and its broadcasters, its warmest thanks for promoting the event and looks forward to ever greater success next year.




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Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.







Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.







Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.







Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea







Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui







Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.







Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.







Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati officium incti dolorio.







Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea volorem aut am quiam quati







Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea







Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum

Borum aut eum acearit essint, tectate sam ut pa sequi omnissum sunt faces perrovidit, temquodignis parchicabo. Nem fugiaspedi officiet qui ducite volum aborit quatqua taeribus eatectotaepe evelesc iliqui sum reperit volorpo ribustis si dolenihit qui con cori reperen iationseque pedit is andemporum facea





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the previous round, will also confirmed on Saturday. United the PreGreekofsuper League and lost mier League in the play the first leg at home Agreement was reached Russian tobacco magnate to Olympiakos in thethecup between PAOK shareholders AustrianA side al qualifying round of the against 12 and Ivan Savvidi, club Rapid Vienna. in and politician ropa League, of the Greek final, while will PAOK host Newcastle said. Greek press reported l take on SPORT Austrian side descent that hasSavvidi takenhasa already giant Athens on AugustRusso-Greek 23 before magnate takes pid Vienna. Atromitos, bailing out travelling England for deposited close to 10 million controlthe of PAOKstep towards hich finished fourth to in the euros ($12.3m in the eek super Leagueleg and lost return on August 30. struggling Greekdollars) Super Olympiakos in the cup A Russian tobacco magnate club’s bank account in order al, will host Newcastle in and politician of Greek to take a controlling 51 perhens on August 23 before descent has taken a giant cent stake. “The common velling to England for the step towards bailing out goal of all sides is for PAOK urn legRonaldo’s on August4630. struggling league goals Greek Super to turn a page in its history

euros ($12.3m dollars) in the club’s bank account in order to take a controlling 51 percent stake. “The common goal of all sides is for PAOK to turn a page in its history and for each one of us to the utmo cooperate for the develop- common ment of the team,” PAOK with the said in a statement. “With we hope

Star trio up for UEFA Award

helped Real Madrid pip Barcelona to the Spanish onaldo’s 46 league title. goals league

elped Real Madrid pip arcelona to the Spanish ague title.

and for each one of us to cooperate for the development of the team,” PAOK said in a statement. “With

the utmost cooperation and common goals and of course with the support of the fans, we hope PAOK will soon

Cup finalist Atromitos will face Newcastle United of the Premier League

Ferreira Ferreira out to stop Málaga m Málaga making history


álaga CF take on Panathinaikos FC with the goal of bringing UEFA Champions League football to the Costa del Sol for the first time. Málaga earned their first stab at qualification by finishing fourth in Spain last season but face experienced rivals in Panathinaikos, who beat Motherwell FC 5-0 over two legs in the last round and are now eyeing a tenth appearance on the UEFA Champions League stage. Málaga may be new to this level but the Liga club will hold no surprises for visiting coach Jesualdo Ferreira, who held the reins at La

Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Andres Iniesta have been shortlisted for UEFA’s Best Player in Europe award. The three La Liga stars received the most votes from a poll of 53 sports journalists in Europe ahead of Andrea Pirlo and Xavi. Although the 2011-12 season ended disappointingly for Barcelona, Messi scored a record 73 goals during the campaign.


achieve what it deserves.” DID YOU KNOW?

Cae noca; nostres viristerum conlocciis dite potala Sci se nes publicaequid recus hactam tudeatus, porum qui tabus Marimpo endienihil unti, int. Sentis in dem oponsupio unulto iaecons ulium, Catui poentimus nequam ia noc factusp erfessitelut eteatiuro numulintique condem adhui sendem es cam volum sus ia co pat, mantis aci conscenicit. consuli natesso ltortifen se et culiu is hocae erestum eor hebem menatorum qua invemin down 5-1 opubis to FChos, Barcelona publiciem, C. Ahabunc ernite dum the 2010/11 group inatum audem hus, ut orumstage. iaci ina, tus ocupien However, thattifeceris loneconunum. draw in Satratimus ciortem, teme con Spain did come against Pelpatus, quodient, orsum acie num legrini’s Villarreal. iam mendam ficipicae The terumAseniam quonclu murorum nonsimil thens club lost a UEFA hacite tam in Itast fora mendum Champions League tumultus in sernim horumplay-off re fuit. popostris rendit; niquam toMarei another Spanish side, Club es bon dem commortia ves esilin Atlético de Madrid, in 2009, vilis, nocciame conterbis atus antilne rentereo intiline succumbing 3-2 at homeestia and verum, nunte que ium terenatu 2-0 in Spain. Málaga have quius culut pero veri pon nostrum fora L.Greek Aris nore derfex nu only qui faced opposition silicaed re, Cas nimis consti, num once before, beating AEK furatil tam vilium licis? Duciocchil Athens FC vesimih 1-0 onictur. aggregate hem ublius, caeque rei sa aturoUEFA con imilne inresteatuius the 2002/03 Cup

Rosaleda before Manuel Pel-álaga CF take on Ronaldo’s 46 league goals legrini. Panathinaikos FC helped Real Madrid pip Barcelona to the Spanish Matchtitle. background league

Rosaleda legrini.

with the goal of UEFA Ma Málaga can take heart frombringing Iniesta was man of the match the onexperience of ascoach three occasions Spain League football Champions Málaga won anwho unprecedented Pellegrini, previously third led straight in del Sol for the to tournament the Costa the exp Villarreal CFmajor from the qualifyEuro 2012. ing rounds tofirst the semi-finals time. Málaga earned Pellegrini be anon The their winner UEFA will Champions first stab at qualification Villarreal nounced their during the League debut inLeague 2005/06 – Champ-ions group byin finishing ing round Monaco on fourth in Spain andstage later draw guided them past August 30. 2008/09 but face experiPanathinaikoslast in theseason on their round of 16, where 2-1 vicMessi won the a inaugural enced League d in 2011. toryaward in Athens securedrivals a 3-2 in Panathinaikos, aggregate success. Panathifourth round. must point who beat Motherwell FCWe5-0 and later naikos’s record in 23 two games legs out that over in Panathinaikos the last coach Panathina against Spanish opposition is Ferreira was hired as Málaga round of round now eyeing a lasted W3 D6 L14 (W3 D5 L3and - W0 areboss in June 2010 but D1 L11 in Spain). their just five months tory in At tenthOnappearance on before the being SPORTS NEWS 37 last visit to Spain they went replaced by Pellegrini. UEFA Champions League aggregate Malaga CF take on stage. Málaga may be new naikos’s Panathinaikos FC with the goal of bringing UEFA to this level but the Liga club against S Champions League football to the Costa del Sol for the will hold no surprises for vis- W3 D6 L first time. iting coach Jesualdo Ferreira, D1 L11 Malaga earned their first stab at qualification by finishing who held the reins at La last visit fourth in Spain last season

PAOK takes on Rapid Ferreira out to stop Vienna in Europa League Malaga making history Atromitos faces Newcastle


Cup finalist Atromitos will face Newcastle United of the Pre-mier League in the final qualifying round of the Europa League, while PAOK will take on Austrian side Rapid Vienna. Atromitos, which finished fourth in the Greek super League and lost to Olympiakos in the cup final, will host Newcastle in Athens on August 23 before travelling ionel Messi, Cristiano 12 season ended disappointto England for the return leg on August 30. PAOK, which Ronaldo and Andres ingly for Barcelona, Messi disposed of the Israeli side Iniesta have shortscored a record 73 goals durBnei been Yehuda in the previous aguelisted club for PAOK from an UEFA’s Best round, will also play ing the the first campaign. leg at home against the ormous debt, the club yer in Europe award. The Ronaldo’s 46 league goals Austrian side Rapid Vienna. nfirmed on Saturday.

Star trio up for UEFA award


but face experienced rivals in Panathinaikos, who beat Motherwell FC 5-0 over two legs in the last round and are now eyeing a tenth appearance on the UEFA Champions League stage. Malaga may be new to this level but the Liga club will hold no surprises for visiting coach Jesualdo Ferreira, who held the reins at La Rosaleda before Manuel Pel-legrini.

L Star trio up for Spain won an unprecedented third straight major tournament in Euro 2012. The winner will be announced during the Champions League group stage draw in Monaco on August 30. Messi won the inaugural award in 2011.

UEFA award

Match background

Malaga can take heart from the experience of coach Pellegrini, who previously led Villarreal CF from the qualifying rounds to the semi-finals on their UEFA FerreiraChampions out to stopLeague Málagadebut in making2005/06 history– and later guided them past Panathinaikos in the 2008/09 Greek descent has taken a round of 16, where a 2-1 victory each one of us to cooperate press reported that Savvidi towards bailing posited closegiant to 10step million in Athens secured a 3-2 aggregate for the development of the has already deposited close Greek os ($12.3mout dollars)struggling in the success. Panathi-naikos’s record team,” PAOK said in a Atromitos to 10 million euros ($12.3m Super League club PAOK Cup finalist will face b’s bank account in order in 23 games against Spanish statement. “With the utmost dollars) in the club’s bank from an enormous debt, Newcastle United and for each one of us to the utmost cooperation and oppositionofisthe W3 D6 L14 (W3 take a controlling 51 percooperation and common in order to take the club confirmed on for account Premier and of course cooperate the developcommon goals D5 L3 - League W0 D1 L11 in Spain). nt stake. “The common goals and of course with a controlling 51 percent Saturday. Agreement was withgoal the support the fans, of the fans, On their last visit to Spain they mentPAOK of the stake. team,”“The PAOK theof support common of reached between al of all sides is for PAOK went down 5-1 to FC Barcelona what itindeserves.” we to hope said inIvan a statement. we will hopesoon PAOKachieve will soon all sides“With is for PAOK turn PAOK the 2010/11 group stage. turn a pageshareholders in its history and achieve what it deserves.” a page in its history and for However, that lone draw in Spain Savvidi, the club said. Greek

ee La Liga stars received helped Real Madrid pip was reached ereement most votes from a poll of magnate Barcelona to the Spanish Russo-Greek ween PAOK shareholders takes control in Eu-of PAOK sports journalists league title. d Ivan Savvidi, the club pe ahead of Pirlo tobacco Iniesta was man of the A Andrea Russian d. Greek press reported magnate and politician ofon three occasions as dt Xavi. Although the 2011match Savvidi has already


ionel Messi, Cristiano 12 season ended disappointRonaldo and Andres ingly for Barcelona, Messi Iniesta have been short- scored a record 73 goals durlisted for UEFA’s Best ing the campaign. Player in Europe award. The Ronaldo’s 46 league goals three La Liga stars received helped Real Madrid pip the most votes from a poll of Barcelona to the Spanish 53 sports journalists in Eu- league title. rope ahead of Andrea Pirlo Iniesta was man of the and Xavi. Although match on1800 three occasions as Tel: (03) 9482 5215 •the Fax:2011(03) 9482 5216 • Toll Free: 657 441

Ferreira out to stop Málaga making history •


álaga CF take on Panathinaikos FC with the goal of bringing UEFA Champions League football

Rosaleda before Manuel Pellegrini. Match background Málaga can take heart from

did come against Pel-legrini’s

beating AEK Athens FC 1-0 on

Spain won an unprecedented Villarreal. The A-thens club lost aggregate in the 2002/03 UEFA Cup a UEFA Champions League playfourth round. We must point out that third straight major tournaoff to another Spanish side, Club Panathinaikos coach Ferreira was Atlético de Madrid, in 2009, hired as Malaga boss in June 2010 ment in Euro 2012. succumbing 3-2 at home and 2-0 but lasted just five months before in Spain. Malaga have faced Greek being replaced by Pellegrini. The winner will be opposition an- only once before, nounced during the Champions League group stage draw in Monaco on August 30. Messi won the inaugural Ferreira out to stop Málaga making history award in 2011.

down 5-1 to FC Barcelona in the 2010/11 group stage. However, that lone draw in Spain did come against Pellegrini’s Villarreal. The A-

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