The News Weekly - Issue Four

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pg 6.

CITIZENSHIP IN A MULTICULTURAL VICTORIA Australia is one of the most religiously, culturally and linguistically diverse nations in the world. Overall Australians are open-minded, accepting, welcoming and support our cultural diversity. There are some who point to overseas conflicts, isolated violence on our streets and individuals demanding special privileges based on their religion as proof that multiculturalism does not work. I disagree with this assessment. Extremist views exist, to some extent, within all cultures and societies and is created by a range of influences, including preconceived beliefs, fear of change, personal gain or as a product of ignorance.

Radical views do not simply occur because Australia has embraced multiculturalism and is a diverse society. These views can also exist in nations that have attempted to suppress diversity and not implement policies of acceptance. This is where we have been very successful in Victoria where our unique multicultural policy, that incorporates citizenship, manages and utilises our cultural diversity and challenges such views.

It was regrettable to see the recent riots in Sydney where certain individuals decided to push their own cause by hiding behind their faith. These individuals have done their community and religion a disservice. Any individual or group of individuals

who misuse a faith for violent purposes should be condemned. Religious beliefs do not have an ugly side, but some people do.

It is our responsibility not to allow the actions of a few to tarnish the whole community.

In my opinion there are two ways in which individuals view their own culture. We all have our own ‘rigid’ culture, depending on our birth place, our family and our heritage. It is the culture that we have inherited and that we try, in most cases, to preserve and pass on to the next generation. This culture is seen as precious and worth preserving. We are told, sometimes for self-serving motives, that we must not alter

or change this culture because it depicts who we are. This may lead to extreme forms of nationalism and separatism that does not accept our common core values.

The ‘flexible’ culture is one that has evolved as a result of one’s natural, social and economic environment. It is dynamic, constantly changing and is borne from people interacting with one another. When people of different cultures exist in the same environment over a period of time their culture will evolve, ensuring that they are able to live with others in a peaceful and harmonious way. In the Australian context, people and communities adapt their cultures within an overall inclusive An initiative of the

culture, one that unifies us by our commitment to our nation and its democratic institutions, laws, values and a ‘fair go’ for all.

Australian citizenship therefore is the basis on which to build a strong and unified society, where individuals learn from each other and together help forge a more inclusive and harmonious society.

Citizenship binds all Victorians in a shared commitment to each other as part of a broad community. Citizenship and its underlying mutual obligations of rights and responsibilities, supports the cultural and linguistic diversity of Victoria. That is why I recently launched the Victorian government’s Vision

for Citizenship in a Multicultural Victoria, which highlights the role of citizenship as one of the pillars of a successful multicultural society. A strong multicultural policy which is understood and accepted can be a means to diminish unacceptable requests and separatism. It can create the roadmap on how we can build on the strengths of having a diverse society. The real threat to our society is not our diversity, but the inflexible and rigid traits of the few who wrongly use race and religion as a weapon for personal advancement or racial division.

Nicholas Kotsiras MP Victorian Minister for Multicultural Affairs & Citizenship 24 September 2012

Presented by

17 Oct - 4 Nov, 2012 Palace Cinema Como & Kino Cinemas




Tickets to the stars and back World ‘needs Aussie voice’: Gillard

SIX Victorians are among 23 Australians who are paying $4.6 million to buy space flight tickets with Virgin Galactic. The Aussies will be among the first into space, possibly as early as the end of next year, after Virgin tests flights later this year. “It’s fantastic so many Aussies are heading to space, we’ll have to catch up and have a beer,” Melbourne entrepreneur Ruslan Kogan said. Queensland businessman Rob Nixon is looking forward to the space flight after his wife bought him a $200,000 space ticket for his 40th birthday. Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson even appeared on a

TV screen at his birthday party in a pre-recorded message to congratulate him, who was born two months after the first moon landing and has dreamed of space for much of his life. “It was amazing, I was absolutely gob-smacked, I’m an adventurer by heart and this is one of the last frontiers,’’ he said. “I’ve just had a goal for many years to have a space holiday.” Mr Nixon is scheduled to become the 293rd commercial passenger on the Virgin flights. Basic training will be required for the “future astronauts” prior to the expected first flights in late 2013 or early 2014. Flights will carry six commercial passengers, each paying US$200,000, with

Sir Richard and the Branson family taking flight 1 and Mr Nixon on flight 40. Mr Kogan, 29, who established the online tech retailer Kogan, was the first Australian to secure a seat. He said he hoped to be on one of the earliest flights. Australians represented the sixth-highest ticket buyers in the world for the space flights, according to Virgin Galactic spokeswoman Sean Elizabeth Wilson. But before launch, a few more hurdles need to be crossed. The Victorians on the Australian passenger list so far will be joined by three people from both Western Australia and Queensland, eight from NSW and three Aussies who are living abroad.

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard has compared Australia’s bid for a seat on the UN Security Council with this week’s AFL and NRL grand finals. But unlike Hawthorn and the Storm, Australia is not expected to win the spot - with Finland and Luxembourg the frontrunners. Ms Gillard will use her first address to the United Nations General Assembly and intense lobbying behind the scenes to win the non-permanent seat during her four-day visit to New York. When asked her chances of winning enough votes from other UN nations, Ms Gillard

said this week she would be following the lead from the coaches of the football codes by refusing to speculate. Ms Gillard is in New York ahead of a meeting of world leaders, telling the world it needed a strong voice in the fastest growing region of the globe. And the PM immediately raised the diplomatic stakes - claiming that our two European competitors Finland and Luxembourg could not bring the same Asian focus to the world’s most powerful strategic forum. But the PM tried to dampen expectations, claiming it was a “tight” contest, with

many foreign affairs officials pessimistic because of Europe’s lack of support for Australia. “I am here to personally advocating for Australia to be elected to the security council,” the PM said after calling a press conference within minutes of arriving. Ms Gillard confirmed that Australia had committed $26 million to the bid for one of 10 non permanent seats on the 15 member body, despite reports the total cost had blow out to almost $40 million. Some foreign officials have likened the security council process to a diplomatic version of the failed World Cup soccer bid.





CALL US TODAY! PH: 03 9529 2305 The News Weekly is a joint venture between The Greek Media Group and Hellenic Media Services, for all enquiries contact the publisher direct. Publishers & Managing Editors Ross Alatsas e: m: +61 411 877 222 Steve Agi e: m: +61 432 210 963

Contributors Chris Binos, Dean Georgio, Jim Grivas, George Koliantzos, John Vithoulkas, Panos Apostolou, Theoni Davoutsis Photography Peter Coulson, Petros Stamatakos Kostas Deves, Anthony Vanzella

Distribution & Production MEDIACODE Pty Ltd For all enquiries or to order copies of The News Weekly contact: Chris Binos e: m: +61 422 413 340 For all editorial enquiries contact the Managing Editor direct.

For all advertising enquiries contact: National Sales Manager Jim Grivas


m: +61 407 822 103

Sales Executive Helen Katsos m: +61 430 303 123


* The opinions published in The News Weekly are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher. All material subject to copyright.

Fight to fix interest rates on home loans THE stakes are rising in the drive to entice home owners to lock in their home loans at fixed rates. The National Australia Bank announced it was lowering fixed interest rates across a range of loan terms to what it called “market-leading” levels. The NAB rates are now at their lowest level in three years. The bank said the reductions meant that of the four major banks it had the lowest principal interest rate package for oneyear fixed home loans and the equal-lowest across two- and four-year terms. NAB said it was lowering by 0.1 percentage points its one-year fixed home loan rate to 5.59 per cent. ANZ, Commonwealth Bank and Westpac all have one-year fixed interest rates at 5.69 per cent. NAB’s three-year fixed rate was lowered 0.15 points to 5.64 per cent; the four-year fixed rate was cut by 0.3 points to 5.99 per cent, and the five-year rate was cut 0.2 points to 6.19 per cent. NAB said yesterday competition was heating up for fixed rates.



The battle to get customers to lock in their rates has fired up as the Reserve Bank of Australia has slashed interest rates by 75 basis points to 3.5 per cent, and customers began shopping around for the best deals. Some economists are predicting interest rates may be cut as early as next month, after the Reserve Bank signalled there was ample scope to cut the cash rate. They are also predicting rates could drop by 50 points (0.5 percentage points) to 3 per cent, their lowest level since the height of the GFC, by year’s end. The minutes from this month’s Reserve Bank meeting showed the forecast Melbourne Cup day rate cut may be brought forward to October as the global economy weakens, hitting commodity prices hard. This rising uncertainty in the economy is also pushing the Australian dollar higher, hurting many local manufacturers, tourism and export industries.

The 2012 HACCI Excellence Awards Gala Ball is now just around the corner and HACCI is looking forward to hosting yet another special evening of celebration, networking and entertainment. This year’s Excellence Awards Gala Ball, which is HACCI’s premier annual event, will be on Friday 12th October at the sophisticated and newly refurbished Mural Hall located on the top floor of the Myer Building in Bourke Street, Melbourne.

At this event, in celebrating Hellenic Australian achievement, HACCI will present awards in the following 5 categories: Lifetime Achievement, Business Excellence, Professional Excellence, Young Achievement and Community Service. Nominations have now closed and HACCI looks forward to announcing the winners in each category on the night of October 12. The HACCI Excellence Awards Gala Ball is always a formal black tie event and this year it will be a very special evening with live music and world class entertainment. Tickets can be purchased from the HACCI Office at Tel 03-9602 2977 or Join us for an evening that celebrates achievement.



Greek state tries to stem neo-Nazi rise Following its unprecedented election to parliament, Greece’s neo-Nazi group Golden Dawn has been engaged in ‘law and order’ crackdowns and solidarity gestures that have boosted its popularity, alarming the state. In recent weeks the once-fringe group has organised Greeksonly food handouts and blood donations, and has twice ousted migrant peddlers from street markets to the delight of local operators and the outrage of authorities. Tightly regimented and dressed in black T-shirts stamped with the meander, an ancient Greek motif, Golden Dawn is also suspected of orchestrating a rising trend of racist violence against foreigners, legal or otherwise. And it has sent squads of black-clad supporters to harass and intimidate political opponents at public events. The government has already accused Golden Dawn of attempting to usurp the role of the police and warned that “storm battalions” would not be tolerated, a direct reference to the paramilitary gangs that helped Adolf Hitler’s rise to power.

Ex-mayor of Thessaloniki appears in court

Former Thessaloniki Mayor Vassilis Papageorgopoulos and 17 other people went on trial for allegedly embezzling almost 52 million euros from the municipality’s coffers. The suspects include department directors, deputy mayors and a former general secretary. So far, one municipal employee has been jailed for embezzlement after admitting to stealing 1 million euros. Papageorgopoulos served two terms as Thessaloniki mayor until 2010. Financial inspector Anastasia Tsemberi told the court that proper checks were not conducted and municipal employees refused to cooperate with her when she began her inspections. It is expected that the trial will last for at least a month.

State targets forgotten treasures

As IMF hardens stance, Greece denies extra shortfall Greece rebuffed a report in Der Spiegel magazine that claimed the country’s budget shortfall is about 20 billion euros, rather than the 13.5 billion euros Athens is discussing with the troika. The Finance Ministry said that the budget shortfall as it stands will be covered by the 11.5 billion euros in cuts and 2 billion euros in new tax measures that it is negotiating with the troika. Meanwhile, a hardening in the stance of the International Monetary Fund and its representative in the troika, Poul Thomsen, was behind the Greek government’s inability to reach an agreement last week with its lenders over the 13.5-billioneuro austerity package.

The troika, which includes the European Central Bank and the European Commission, ended talks with the coalition last Friday and its representatives are due back in Athens by today at the latest. Following negotiations with Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras on Friday, about a third of the 13.5 billion euros in measures remained to be agreed between the two sides.

The government still hopes that it will be able to seal the package of measures in time for them to be voted through Parliament before the Eurogroup meeting on October 8 and in time for Prime Minister Antonis Samaras to be in a stronger position ahead of negotiations at the European Union leaders’ summit on October 18.

Nine in 10 Greeks believe latest cuts unfair, poll indicates The government is eyeing billions of euros in revenues from unused assets and properties, with the Finance Ministry intending to sift through a series of cases that could serve to replenish state coffers. Alternate Finance Minister Christos Staikouras appointed on Thursday three university professors for the investigation of the respective assets: inactive deposits, national legacies and vacant inheritances. According to a 1942 law, any bank accounts that remain idle for more than 20 years are deemed inactive and their deposits come under the state’s

ownership. Their current level is not known. Legacies to the state number about 11,000 and have an estimated value of 10 billion euros in total. In the long term they could fetch about 2 billion euros per year. Unused inheritances number about 3,000 and add up to some 4 billion euros. Most of the legacies and inheritances remain idle as the processing of a vacant inheritance by its Finance Ministry-appointed guardian can take over 30 years. A big problem has been that guardians are appointed from a list that is not updated, and the guardian’s work is not evaluated.

An overwhelming majority of Greeks believe new austerity measures the government has promised its international lenders in exchange for more financial aid are unfair and hurt the poorest sections of society.. Near-bankrupt Greece needs the European Union and International Monetary Fund’s blessing on measures worth nearly 12 billion euros ($16 billion) to unlock its next tranche of aid, without which it faces default and a potential exit from the euro zone. More than 90 percent of Greeks believe the planned spending cuts and reforms are unfair and burden the poor, a survey by polling agency MRB for the edition of Realnews showed. Still, about 67 percent of those polled want Greece to stay in

the euro. Speculation of Greece exiting the single currency has receded since Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’s pro-euro, pro-bailout government took power in June, but remains alive as Athens struggles to meet its bailout targets. Only 33 percent of the 1,003 surveyed said they believed these measures can help fix Greece’s fiscal woes, while the vast majority said they were pessimistic about Greece’s future and expected more austerity measures in coming years. According to MRB, the conservative New Democracy party would once again win the vote if elections were held now but the main opposition party, the radical leftist SYRIZA group, has narrowed the gap to just 0.5 percentage points from 1.8 points previously.


Fronditha Care 35yr Anniversary Many people have worked tirelessly for a more caring Greek community Last Sunday Fronditha Care invited its founding members, current members, staff and volunteers at the Stars International Reception to make them feel special and honour them for their long and dedicated service to Fronditha Care. The 500 people in attendance who came to celebrate Fronditha Care’s 35th Anniversary were welcome by Mr Mike Zafiropoulos, President of Fronditha Care and were hosted by the CEO Mr George Lekakis. Ms Maria Vamvakinou, Member of the House of Representatives read a congratulatory letter from the Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Mr Spiros Alatsas, Vice Chairperson representing the Victorian Multicultural Commission, extended congratulations to Fronditha Care from the Victorian Multicultural Commission and the Victorian Government. Mr. Alatsas was also acknowledged for the support extended to Fronditha Care by the Greek Media Group and Nafsika Stamoulis Foundation. Present also were the Consul General of Greece, Ms Eleni Lianidou, and Ms Jenny Mikakou, Shadow Minister for Seniors and Ageing. As friends of Fronditha Care they both expressed support for the great work undertaken for the past 35 years. Others in attendance including Mr John Pantazopoulos, Victorian Member of the Legislative Assembly, Mr. Bill Papastergiadis, President of the Greek Orthodox Community of Melb. & Victoria, the CEO of the Australian Greek Welfare Society Ms Voula Messimeri and the CEO of the Bank of Cyprus Mr. George Tacticos, extended their support for the occasion. Others who came to partake in the celebrations were the President of the Association of Greek Senior Citizens Clubs, Mr Theodosis Nomikos, media representatives, Fronditha Care’s members and volunteers, many residents and service recipients with their families, as well as representatives from the various Greek Brotherhoods and Associations, Senior Citizens Clubs, some longstanding supporters and sponsors of Fronditha Care. Certificates of Commendation were also given to the founding members and all those who had worked hard to build Fronditha Care for the past 35 years. A 35th anniversary historical presentation was shown on the day helping everyone to reminisce about the enormous effort it has taken to build Fronditha Care for the benefit and care of our elderly today. The event was organised to pay tribute to all those people who have for many years given generously to the growth of Fronditha Care through various initiatives. Fronditha Care wishes to thank all of its supporters for their contributions. As you all know Fronditha Care looks after the Greek community’s frail elders.

Let’s continue for another 35 years!

The Hellenic Australian

Chamber of Commerce

& Industry present

Peter Economides Brand Strategist

He is the guy whose presentation at 350,000 views on You Tube.

in 2011 has attracted over the Rebranding Greece conference

ank, Volkswagon and , Heineken, Avis, Gilette, Nike, Citib Apple, General Motors, Cocal Cola nd Strategist with a global “Bra that ds bran the of some but the Olympic Games. These are left his mark on. perspective” Peter Economides has former Executive d Consultancy, Felix BNI, Peter is a Owner and founder of Strategic Bran l advertising agency globa at ices Serv t Clien of tor Vice President and Worldwide Direc de. of Global Clients at TBWA\Worldwi McCann Erickson Worldwide and Head native South Africa and rtising and marketing started in his His journey through the world of adve is in Melbourne & Sydney for he now and York New to co Mexi took him via Hong Kong, Greece and ONE NIGHT ONLY. - don’t miss out. Unique, Insightful and inspirational


Tuesday 9 October @ 7:30PM @ The Seymour Centre, corner Cleve land Street and City Road Chippend ale (parking on site via Shepherd Stree t) TICKETS online: mour/ or at the Seymour Centre Box Office


Wednesday 10 October @ 7:00PM @ the Clemenger BBDO Auditorium, National Gallery of Victoria 180 St Kilda Road (enter via North Entrance via Arts Centre forecourt) TICKETS: online: /BYMY Presented by

Supported by





The annual Manasis school of Greek Dance and Culture Dinner dance took place last Saturday Night at Stars International, over 600 guests and students enjoyed a magnificent evening full of Greek tradition and fun for the whole family. Over 300 students danced some as young as 3years old, to the applause of family and friends. The Manasis12 piece band and guest musicians played all the traditional classics featuring the famous goat headed GAIDA bag pipes, DJ Chris played the latest classics. Over $4,000 worth of raffle prizes were won, full lighting and video presentation added to the atmosphere that was electric. The Manasis school of Greek Dance and Culture thank the entire students, there families and friends for contributing to the huge success of the evening, making it an unforgettable celebration of our Greek culture.


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EMPLOYMENT To place an Ad Call (03) 9602 1422

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SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Administration and Logistics Lady with two years experience in secretarial and administrative duties is seeking full or part time employment.






Experienced butcher is seeking either full or part time employment.

A Grade electrician with eight years experience is looking for part or full time employment.

Labourer seeks employment in any field.

Experienced painter with knowledge in carpentry seeks employment.

Ph: 8774 4457. Julian

Ph: 0422 154 595 Damianos

Experienced gardener looking for work. Specialises in lawn maintenance and happy to maintain school gardens or large home gardens.

Ph: 0449 868 721. Zoe

Cabinet Maker


Ph: 0415 560 708. Stella

Air conditioning Expert

Experienced carpenter/cabinet maker is seeking employment.

Electrician with experience in residential and commercial properties seeks employment.


Person experienced in air conditioning systems, split systems and heating is looking for work. Ph: 0401 416 401. Dimos

Aged Care Workers Two aged care workers with Certificate III in Aged Care are seeking employment. Ph: 0431 062 240. Vivi 0411 224 847. Sofia

Aluminium Fabrications Experienced person in aluminium fabrications is seeking employment in similar or related field. Ph: 0450 917 642. Petros

Architect Experienced architect is seeking employment. Ph: 0468 458 812. Kosta

Ph: 0478 809 989. Kostas

Carpenter Experienced carpenter specialising in furniture, kitchens and floor boards seeks employment. Ph: 0437 216 101. Agelos

Chef Grill chef with ten years experience in grilled food seeks part or full time employment. Ph: 0457 602 492. Antonis

Dental Technician Certified dental technician with six years experience is looking for part or full time employment. Ph: 0429 661 563. John

Driver Experienced van driver recently arrived from Greece is looking for employment. Willing to undertake any other job (waiter, builder etc)

Ph: 0452 010 733. Simeon

Greek tutor available with over 7 years experience. Currently teaching primary/secondary students and adults, available for private tuition at any level, from beginners to advanced. Quality teaching in all aspects of the Greek language.



Experienced lawyer seeks employment. Alos willing to work as a Law Clerk or assistant and willing to travel anywhere in Australia.

Painter with own ABN seeks full time work.

Ph: 0421 654 845. Nikoleta

Part Time Work

Panos, Ph: 04044 19595



Experienced certified accountant with knowledge of the latest computer systems seeks employment.

Electrician Recently arrived from Greece, an experienced electrician seeks employment and is willing to work in other fields. Ph: 0449 046 665. Harry

Electrical Engineer Apprentice electrician seeks employment in the area of home automation systems. Ph: 0413 835 283 or 9544 4549. Kostas

Engineer (Civil)

Experienced van driver seeks employment.

Factory Worker


Ph: 0413 462 044. John

Michaelis is seeking people to working in a bakery.


Factory worker seeks employment and has experience in the area of warehouse, sales and maintenance.

Ph: 0432 231 826. Christos

Builder/Pool Constructor

Mob: 0411 533 133

Driver (Taxi)

Experienced builder specialising in pool construction seeks employment.

Driver with experience in taxi driving is looking for an employer.

Ph: 0408 827 326. George

Ph: 9388 0253. Stelios

Ph: 0424 789 813. Abraham

Ph: 0401 302 490. Steve

Ph: 0421 116 308. Makis Ph: 0439 950 558. Vasilis

Ilias Fanourakis is seeking employment as a driver. He is an experienced driver and would suit a driver position in a warehouse.


Ph: 0470 520 342. Evagelia

Ph: 0429 665 835. Vasiliki


Experienced painter from Cyprus with knowledge in welding seeks full time work.

Greek tutor


Bouzouki player with three years experience in night clubs in Greece is seeking part time employment.

Ph: 0450 067 315. Koula

Experienced painter seeks work. Ph: 0450 003 515. Theo

Seeking employment.

M:0411 533 133


M: 0422 097 368.

Ph: 0499 278 534. Nick

Bouzouki Teacher/Player

Lady willing to undertake any work or responsibility.

Ph: 0403 472 407. Nikos

Apprentice electrician seeks full time employment with certified electrician.

Apprentice Carpenters

Illias Fanourakis is seeking employment as a Driver


Lady recently arrived from Greece with experience as a waitress and is willing to undertake any work.


Civil engineer with three years experience is seeking full or part time employment.

M:04 1300 0175

Anastasios Kopanos would like to find work as a gardener. Please call him for more details about what services he has to offer.

Ph: 0424 469 745. Vasili

Hairdresser with 18 years experience is looking for part time employment and has knowledge of both the Greek and English language. Ph: 0431 175 612. Irene

Hospitality/Building Industry 45 year old man experienced in the area of hotel management, hospitality and with knowledge of building, seeks employment.

Ph: 0431 366 412. Vasilis

Machine Operator Machine operator and professional experienced driver from Greece seeks employment. Ph: 0403 400 435. Panagiotis


Ph: 0421 540 998. Chris

Young graduate from Greece is looking for part time work in any area. Ph: 0410 609 821 or 9402 0448. George

Plumber Plumber from Greece with working visa seeks full time employment. Ph: 0450 908 285. Dimitri

Plasterer Yiannis is an experienced plasterer looking for work as a plasterer.

Ph: 0412 174 081. Agelos

Experienced lady looking for work.

Hospitality Worker

Ph: 0403 472 407. Aglaia

M: 0402 931 935.

Metal Fabrications

Public Relations

Experienced metal worker from Greece with knowledge of aluminium doors and windows seeks full time work.

Experienced public relations officer with a Degree in International Relations seeks work.

Ph: 0452 209 177. Mihalis

Ph: 0468 803 467. Pantelis

Ph: 0406 590 280. Antonis

IT Technician

Metal Worker


IT technician with eight years experience and a good knowledge of Microsoft is looking for employment.

Experienced metal welder seeks work.

Ph: 0424 411 631. Zaharias

M: 04 0293 1935

Furniture Maker

Ph: 0421 821 430. Epaminondas



Furniture maker with 30 years experience is seeking employment.

Labourer Labourer looking for work in any area.

27 year old musician with experience in drums and other instruments is looking to work with a band.

Insurance consultant from Greece with over 10 years experience and knowledge in sales seeks employment.

Ph: 0403 472 407. Nikos

Ph: 9383 6195. John

Ph: 0411 527 473. John

Ph: 0477 034 473 or 8751 4710 Theodosis

Financial Advisor Experienced financial advisor with a Degree from British University seeks employment. Ph: 0402 527 644. George

Ph: 0478 809 989. Kostas Eskintzis

Experienced hospitality worker with a Degree in Tourism and Management has worked in Athens Marriot Hotel and seeks employment.






Giannis is seeking work as a plasterer




Waiter/Pizza Maker


Womens Clothing


Zaxaria is seeking people to work in the production of women’s undergarments.

Zisis recently arrived to Australia is seeking any work

Retail customer service officer with 22 years experience and knowledge in management and training of staff seeks full time work.

Greek teacher with Australian citizenship has many years of teaching experience and seeks employment.

Experienced waiter with knowledge in pizza preparation seeks employment.

Welder with nine years of experience seeks full or part time employment.

Ph: 0405 224 040. Pamela

Ph: 0405 953 285. John

Ph: 0421 641 434. Nick

Ph: 0422 436 476. Nicole





Experienced teacher/tutor who graduated from Athens University seeks full or part time work in a Greek school.

Experienced waitress seeks full time employment.

Welder in Oakleigh with 20 years of experience seeks employment.

Experienced security officer from Greece is looking for employment in a similar position.

Ph: 0452 608 142. Kali

Ph: 9335 4303



Tiler with 28 years of experience seeks employment.

Teacher from Greece has a Bachelor of English Degree from Michigan University and Masters from the University of Thessaloniki and seeks employment.

Ph: 0422 158 225. John

Ph: 0470 520 342. Evagelia

Ph: 0468 469 400 Babis

Ph: 0457 602 456. Anthi

Ph: 0452 179 451. Manos

Web Designer Experienced web designer from Greece seeks employment. Ph: 0430 319 395. Kiriakos


Tiler Experienced tiler from Greece with knowledge in floorboards and other floor coverings seeks employment.

Experienced employment.



Ph: 0422 047 369. Andrew

M: 0418107171


Work/Part Time Lady looking for part time work (9am – 3pm). Ph: 0450 418 760. Sofia

Work Lady looking for any type of work.

Welder/Metal Fabrication

Ph: 0450 717 141. Vana

Experienced welder /metal worker from Greece seeks employment.


Ph: 0416 380 923. George

Ph: 0422 412 516. Kleopatra

Lady looking employment.


M: 04 7896 4486


Dimitra and George, are looking for any work ( for example in a fish and chip shop or café ) at all and preferably in Oakleigh or surrounding suburbs as they don’t have a car. Dimitra speaks excellent English but George can’t speak English well. Dimitra can be contacted on 0459 396 952.


Welder/Metal Fabrication


Zaxarias is looking for work as a welder

Lady from Greece with a student visa seeks part time work.

Ph: 9364 5244

Ph: 0467 472 127. Melina

HOT TIP!! Many people start a resume with a Career Objective. This is fine for school leavers or recent uni grads. For the rest of us, a Career Profile or Career Overview might be better.



Excavator Operator

Lady Ironer/Presser



AQA Qualcare is seeking Disability Support Workers/PCAs who are fluent in Greek to work with a client with a physical disability living in Preston. Duties inc. assistance with daily living, all aspects of personal care, transfers, community access, meal prep & household tasks. Shifts available are: Mon-Thurs: 7am-9:30am, Fri: 7am-12:30pm, Sat/Sun: 7am-9:30am, Mon-Sun: 9pm-10pm. Fully paid training & competitive rates provided! For further info or to apply please visit the employment section of the AQA website: and download and complete the application form.

Amalia is seeking a chef.

Excavator operator required for work in Geelong.

A female ironer with experience in clothes pressing is required for work in Clayton.

Experienced plumbers are required by a South Melbourne company.

A female is required for kitchen and serving/waiting duties at club ‘Democritus’ in Northcote.

Ph: 9551 4621. Despina

Ph: 9690 6048. Dimitri

Ph: 0408 591 711. John


Sandwich Hand

Waiter/Souvlaki Bar

An experienced sandwich hand is required at a South Melbourne delicatessen.

A full time or part time position is available in a Mentone souvlaki bar. Waiting duties are a requirement of this position.

Ph: (03) 9489 0777.

Babysitter Marianthi Lambrianou is seeking a lady who speaks fluent Greek to babysit her 17 month old daughter in Bulleen, 1-2 days per week from 8:00-3:30. Applicants should call Marianthi for further details on M: 0477 694 665.

Cleaner Cleaner required for a home in Rosebud. 4 days a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday). Ph: 0409 349 101 Konstantina


M: 0433 154 904

Ph: 0410 665 048. Vasilis

Chef A chef is required for a Hawthorn restaurant. Ph: 9818 3312.

A florist requires the services of two women with experience in floristry to work at the store.


Ph: 0416 189 857 Kostas

A female is required to help manage the restaurant at club ‘Dimokritos’ on High Street Northcote.

A chef is required part time for a Greek restaurant in Werribee.


Ph: 9486 3988. John

A hairdresser with experience in men’s and women’s cuts is required for a hairdressing salon in Burwood.


Ph: 0416 241 819. Dimitri

Chicken shop A lady is required to work in a Chicken Bar. The suitable person should have relative experience. Please call Achilleas Ph; 9852 4545

Console Operators Two Console operators required to work at BP Eastlink inbound in Scoresby- the largest site in Australia. Part to full time positions available and applications must be willing to work flexible hours and speak English. Please contact Arthur Kondos for more information Ph: 9753 2924


A cleaner, preferably a woman, is required after hours at a school in Northcote.

A medical clinic a licenced doctor preferably Greek.

Ph: 0403 140 553. Maria

Ph: 9481 2406. Kostantino



An experienced cleaner is required after hours at a school in East Doncaster.

Maria is seeking a driver who must be able to read and understand English as he will be trained in any other duties involved with the position. The driver will be trustworthy and available to work between 11pm and 7am.

Ph: 0401 519 305. Stathis

Cleaner/Domestic Domestic cleaner required for full or part time work in Melbourne area. Must have own transport.


requires who is

M: 0415 542 522

Call 9699 4125 or 0412 840 707 for any enquiries.

Sandwich Hand


A female is required in the Melbourne CBD area to prepare sandwiches, salads and focaccias.

Waiters are required for casual weekend work at Stars International reception in Preston. RSA certificate holders are preferred.

Ph: 9563 2340. Elio

Mechanic with experience in European and prestigious cars is required for an automotive workshop in Reservoir.

Fast Food

Ph: 9462 3124. Nick

A full time position is available at a fast food restaurant. Applicants must have experience in cooking and cooking with a grill.


Ph: 0419 521 505. John

Ph: 9528 6654

Ph: 0402 925 107. Doukisa

Fish and Chips


An experienced Fish and Chips worker is required for a shop in St. Albans.

Shop Assistant

A full time position is available for an experienced motor mechanic.

Ph: 9390 9622. Sofia

Ph: 0417 303 775. Minas

A part time position is available for a young shop assistant at an Altona Gate carpet store.

Fish and Chips


A woman is required to work at a Fish and Chips shop in Knox City.

A motor mechanic with a minimum of 5 years of experience is required at a work shop. Must have a driver’s licence.

Ph: 0415 150 433. Nikos

Two experienced motor mechanics are required for a mechanical shop in Footscray.

Ph: 0402 925 107. Doukisa

Sandwich Hands Four people are required in sandwich preparation.

Ph: 9325 1112. Dimitris

Souvlaki ( Gyro) Bar A Souvlaki ( Gyro) Bar is looking for someone with experience, working in a similar environment.

Fish and Chips

Ph: 0425 822 500. Tasos

Hellen or Nick on 9670 6284 or 0433 413 688

Peter is seeking someone with experience to work the grill at his fish and chip shop in Knoxville during afternoon hours. Applicants should call his mobile for further information


Teacher position

A composer is required to create music for lyrics.

Private school teaching the Greek language in Albert Park / South Melbourne is seeking a High School teacher.

M: 0424 645 110

Panel Shop


An experienced spray-painter and panel-beater is required in a Dandenong panel shop. An apprenticeship for a youth is also available.

A part time position is available in a furniture store. Ph: 9428 5830. Vicky


Call Niki on 0407 655 646


Cleaner/Domestic A female cleaner is required for domestic duties.

An opportunity exists for an experienced driver with a semitrailer licence. Some interstate trips will be required.

Jim/Dimitri is looking to employ a man ata Tampon Factory in Bundoora. He is seeking a man over 40 to work part time Mon, Wed and Fri.

Ph: 0415 645 572. Antonis

Ph: 0419 320 494. George

Ph: 9465 5033

Ph: 9078 8574. Afroditi

Tel: 0417 393049 (Mrs Anastasia)

Tyre Fitter

Greek Pastry factory seeks a person to work full time withy good remuneration

Joanna has a position available for a tyre fitter in Campbellfield. He must be fit as there is heavy lifting involved. He must have good knowledge of the northern suburbs and the city and have a car drivers licence. Must have at least some experience in fitting tyres on trucks.

Please call Iakobos M:04 0696 7197

Fax Applications to Att: Joanna; F 9308 9237

Ph: 0438 008 111. John

Pastry Factory


Ph: 9585 8005 Anesti

Or Submit an Ad Online at

Ph: 0411 877 222

Fronditha Care-Position 1 Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker (or related social sciences) to work in the role of CACPs Supervisor.

Fronditha Care-Position 2 Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker (or related social sciences) to work in the role of Volunteer Coordinator.

Fronditha Care-Position 3 Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker/ counsellor to work as the Carer Support Coordinator in the Eastern Region. Please contact Aliki Kyrkou at Fronditha Care for further information on any of these positions. 9495 2308 or 0407 829 593.

HOT TIP!! As a general rule, take extra care with your appearance for a job interview. Think about what you are going to wear a few days before hand so you can check for stains, loose buttons and stray threads. Make sure your clothes are clean and ironed.



WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Michael, and welcome to the fascinating world of astrology and the place to read your free horoscopes! For years, decades and centuries human-kind has turned to the heavens, God’s handiwork, for answers and guidance in their lives!

Supplied by:







23 Sept - 22 Oct

23 Oct - 22 Nov

23 Nov - 20 Dec

22 Dec - 20 Jan

21 Jan - 19 Feb

20 Feb - 20 Mar

Look into any educational activities involving the whole family. Don’t forget family obligations. You are best to work behind the scenes on projects that require detail or precision. Don’t get involved in other people’s private doings.

Don’t count on your friends to be loyal when it comes to doing things. Overindulgence may cause conflicts. Discord may arise with someone you’re close to. You’ve been hurt before and could be again if you don’t play hard to get.

Check into art objects or precious stones. You can do well in group endeavors. Sudden romantic connections may be short lived. You will learn valuable skills if you sign up for seminars this week. Don’t overload your plate.

Try to accommodate them without infringing on your own responsibilities. Your self esteem will benefit. Friends will be loyal and caring. You can make career moves that will be prosperous. Someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, and if you’re gullible, it may cost you.

Jealous coworkers may try to sabotage your attempts to get ahead. You will be subject to pushy individuals if you get involved in uncertain organizations. You will be popular and will easily attract members of the opposite sex. Don’t let others put unreasonable demands on you.

Try not to argue about trivial matters. Obstacles may stand in your way where career and success are concerned. You can get into weight loss programs or go out and change your image with a new look in clothing, hairstyle, and attitude. Your dramatic approach to life has probably gotten to your mate.







21 Mar - 20 Apr

21 Apr - 20 May

22 May - 22 Jun

23 Jun - 23 Jul

24 Jul - 23 Aug

24 Aug - 23 Sept

Changes could be overwhelming. Don’t give them the use of your credit card. You will be encouraged to get involved in a moneymaking venture. Your disciplined attention to jobs will enhance your position.

Short trips will be educational. Social evenings at your place will be highly successful. Don’t make those you live with feel unloved or unworthy. Do things because you want to, not because someone else thinks you should.

You can get good solid advice from relatives or close friends you trust. Don’t be too pushy or demanding, or you may find yourself all alone. You have been going through a period of change that no doubt caused problems with your loved ones. You may have to explain your actions to your family.

You can beautify your surroundings by renovating or redecorating. You are in a high energy, get it all done, mood and you’ll have little patience with those who are slacking off. It might be best not to spend your money on luxuries this week. Your lover may feel rejected.

You must deal with an emotional problem with your loved one that you have been avoiding for some time now. Social functions will bring you in touch with new lovers. Travel may be confusing. You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish.

You may be emotional if you allow your lover to take advantage of your good nature. Do things because you want to, not because someone else thinks you should. Think twice before you volunteer information. If you can’t get ahead in the company you’re with, perhaps it’s time to move on.







RED SNAPPER EN PAPILOTTE Serves 4 Prep time 20 min Ingredients - 4 pieces Red Snapper Fillets or any piece white-fleshed fish fillet such as sea bass, whiting or mullet (about 150-200 gm each) - 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil plus additional for drizzling - 2 garlic cloves, very thinly sliced - 12 cherry or grape tomatoes, halved (peeled if you like) - 2 tablespoons drained capers - 8 thin lemon slices (from 1 large lemon) - 8 fresh thyme sprigs - Sea salt - Cracked pepper












3 4























22 22 24




Set by Alberich


Set by Alberich

















1 What’s produced after, for example, tea’s digested (6) 5 Stein is German? Correct without a hint of doubt (8) 9 Former almsman with Tory whip accepting nothing (8) 10 Former primates have the last word about a primate being beheaded (6) 11 Art has left wife, after split-up, to acquire new now he’ll have two of them? (7-2-3) 13 Drink brings a good man to the edge of insanity (4) 14 Lands from boat in Norfolk town (8) 17 It allows unimpeded capital movement (8) 18 It’s wrong for a Leftie to move right of centre (4) 20 He’s to lend out sums of money, we hear - they’re required for performance of 23’s works (12) 23 Robert Lindsay (6) 24 Where arch is providing support? (8) 25 Race to follow the intruder (5,3) 26 Order unpleasant old woman to come round to observe last respects (6

2 See 7 3 Eponymous hero of part of the 22 dies with grief? Not exactly (9) 4 Foster’s reportedly put work into lead parts of The Accused, Sommersby and finally Maverick (6) 5 Right away, city has millions invested into new grunge arrangement of part of the 22 (5) 6 Foolish woman, so to speak, about to be put in front of judge again (8) 7,2 In the 22 the timeless old treasure which gives name to a part of it (9) 8 Pass away stroll by river with part of the 22 (3,7) 12 Solemnly declare: “The fool’s always worried!” (10) 15 The opposite of immunising fluid? Yes and no (9) 16 Pentagon is thus fivefold put in difficulty (8) 19 Former Foreign Secretary, being short, had to climb to get to the seat on a Jumbo (6) 21 Star turn for Ben Elton’s first daughter (5) 22 Bell of 23’s cycle (4)

1 Indonesian island has Buddhist writing to absorb scholar (7) 5 Having removed article from deceased, hastily withdrew (7) 9 Poor sad Wendy - filled with woe, ultimately, from the day she was born (9) 10 Irish sage written about in medieval lore (5) 11 Drunkenness - the vice of innkeepers’ patron (2,7,4) 13 In history the Unknown Soldier represents us all (8) 15 Exhausted last of finance held in banks (6) 17 Looks after son with display of affection (6) 19 A male predator guards quiet position furthest away from sun (8) 22 Meets previous revolutionary characters in USSR legislature (7,6) 25 One legislative body rejected epic story (5) 26 She looks after the kids! (5,4) 27 He tries to speak in Erse perhaps (7) 28 Observe student inside church making a big splash (7)

1 Thus opponents are scattered (4) 2 Fashionable dressmaker’s style is German, intrinsically (7) 3 Some heat generated by those people across the river (5) 4 Tree feller becomes a civic dignitary (8) 5 One’s a little bit put out by awkward situation (6) 6 Bullets coming from several directions - the result of Klan activity? (9) 7 Remove an organ, as it were, to save someone (7) 8 Dickens’ celebrated daughter kept asafoetida (6,4) 12 A fellow I have found striking (10) 14 Too wise, we hear, to accept dubious drug trades? Obviously not born this! (9) 16 Puts in office a powerful leader with aims (8) 18 Agent distorts the truth when giving answers (7) 20 One’s captivated by fashionable Red anthem (7) 21 Student chatted with US lyricist (6) 23 Woman shortly turned up unknown lines of poem (5) 24 Eat out with hangman, but skip the starter (4)

The Gyro Wrap Specialists Birthdays, Corporate Events, Markets, Graduations, School Fetes, University Open days, Tafe Open days, Sporting Clubs/Events, Christmas Parties, Bucks/Hens Nights

0468 768 848 -

Method: • Preheat oven to 200ºC with rack in middle. • Heat oil in a heavy based skillet over medium-high heat until it begins to smoke, then sauté garlic until pale golden, about 30 seconds. Add tomatoes and a pinch of salt and sauté until tomatoes are softened, about 1 minute. Stir in capers. Remove from heat. • Pat fish dry with absorbent paper and sprinkle both sides with salt and pepper. • Arrange 4 (25-30 cm) heart shapes of parchment paper on a work surface. Drizzle one side of each parchment heart with a little olive oil, then place 2 lemon slices, followed with a fish fillet and top with thyme sprigs. • Spoon tomato mixture over fish. • Gather parchment up around fish to form a pouch, press down followed by continuously folding edges over until no opening is left. Put pouches in a large shallow baking pan and bake until fish is just cooked through, about 8 to 10 minutes. Hint: approx 2 min from time pouch begins to fill up with steam. • To serve, cut an incision in the middle and rip paper from middle outwards. You may leave in bag or remove the bag. Recipe by Theo Kostoglou

DID YOU KNOW? The first person to propose that everything is made of atoms was Democritus in 440 BC.

He reasoned that, if he were to attempt to cut an object in half over and over again, he would eventually reach a tiny grain of matter that could not be cut in half. Democritus called these hypothetical building blocks of matter “atoms”, after the Greek atomos meaning ‘uncuttable’.



Essendon’s Jobe Watson wins 2012 Brownlow Medal Jobe Watson was this years winner of the Brownlow Medal.

The Essendon captain shot to 17 votes after Round 9, claiming votes in 12 of the Bombers’ first 13 games, before winning with 30 votes ahead of Hawthorn’s Sam Mitchell (26) and Richmond’s Trent Cotchin (26).”Certainly I sort of started to tighten up,” Watson said.” I knew that my second half of the year probably wasn’t as strong as the first. ”I had Stants (Brent Stanton) next to me who was sort of doing the numbers in his head. You know when you’re a chance to get votes. That Adelaide game (in Round 19 where he scored three votes) seemed a long way away from when it actually arrived. Watson capped a stellar season by polling 30 votes, four ahead of Hawthorn’s Sam Mitchell and Richmond’s Trent Cotchin Last year’s winner Dane Swan polled 25 despite missing four matches - including two on a club-imposed suspension.

Proud dad Tim and mum Susie were at Crown Palladium last night to watch football hail their son.Watson Sr came close to medal glory three times - he was tied third to Geelong’s Paul Couch in 1989, tied fourth to Footscray’s Brad Hardie in 1985 and fifth to Bulldog Kelvin Templeton in 1980. When Jobe grabbed his third best on ground votes in Round 9, he surged to 17 votes, already equalling the best performance of his father in a season. THE TOP TEN 1. Jobe Watson - 30 votes 2. Trent Cotchin - 26 Sam Mitchell - 26

4. Dane Swan - 25 Scott Thompson - 25 6. Gary Ablett – 24

7. Patrick Dangerfield - 23 8. Dayne Beams - 19 Lenny Hayes - 19

10. Josh Kennedy – 19

Olympiakos alone on top of league Reds dismiss Panthrakikos 4-1


Olympiakos has been left alone on top of the Super League after the fourth round of games as the champion thrashed visiting Panthrakikos 4-1 to open a three-point gap from PAOK, Asteras Tripolis and Panionios. The Reds scored through a Rafik Djebbour brace, a Jose Holebas goal and a Dimitris Skliopidis own goal, all within the first 50 minutes, with the Komotini side scoring a consolation goal seven minutes from time thanks to Leonidas Kyvelidis. Panionios lost its perfect record at Livadia as it went down to host Levadiakos 3-0. The score had already taken its final shape from the 17th minute after two goals by Stelios Vassiliou and one by Giorgos Zisopoulos.

PAOK returned from Xanthi with a 3-0 win over the home team that saw its coach, Marinos Ouzounidis resign after the match. Stefanos Athanasiadis, Bertrand Robert and Costin Lazar scored for the Thessaloniki club.



Also, Asteras Tripolis beat Platanias 2-1 at home, courtesy of goals by Ruben Rayos and Emanuel Perrone. Aris and Veria scored their first wins, beating visiting Kerkyra and PAS Giannina respectively by the same score, 1-0, while OFI saw off the once-mighty AEK with a 2-1 score at home. Last Monday, Panathinaikos and Atromitos played a 1-1 draw at Livadia, as the Olympic Stadium is not available for the game due to a Greek pop concert.

Port Melbourne promoted to the Premier League !!!

Port Melbourne and Pascoe Vale have secured top two finishes in State League One to be promoted to the Victorian Premier League for 2013. Port Melbourne ended up in second spot behind Pasco Vale. Port Melbourne will be returning to the VPL for the first time since 2003. After leading the league for much of the 2011 season only to fall at the final hurdle and miss promotion, Port Melbourne have bounced back well with a very solid season which saw them make an appearance in the State Knockout Cup final. After goal difference denied them last year, Port made certain that this would not be repeated; accruing the best goal difference in the league this year. Replacing the two promoted teams in State League One will be Heidelberg United Warriors and Moreland Zebras who accrued 10 and 15 points respectively in the 2012 VPL season to see them relegated.

Tel: (03) 9482 5215 • Fax: (03) 9482 5216 • Toll Free: 1800 657 441 •

Dandenong Thunder will take the next step towards securing a historic Victorian Premier League treble when they play Oakleigh Cannons in the Major Semi-Final, with the winner securing their place in the 2012 VPL Grand Final at AAMI Park on Sunday 14 October. After winning the VPL Minor Premiership and the State Knockout Cup, Dandenong will be eager to become the first team in over thirty years to achieve a Victorian football treble. Despite Thunder’s domination of the league table this season, their encounters with Oakleigh have been much closer; a 1-1 draw and 0-0 draw testament to that. Green Gully’s hopes to win three VPL Grand Finals in a row took a major hit with Sunday’s loss to Oakleigh, with the Cavaliers now needing to overcome Northcote or be knocked out of the finals. Northcote City will be facing elimination football for the second week in a row. While they were unable to beat Green Gully in their two attempts this year, last week’s win over Bentleigh Greens will have them high in confidence. The VPL Finals Series continues this Friday night (8:15pm) at George Andrews Reserve when Dandenong host Oakleigh in the Major Semi-Final, while Green Gully Cavaliers and Northcote City take each other on in the Minor Semi-Final at Green Gully Reserve on Sunday (3pm).

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