The News Weekly – Issue Eight

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TONY ABBOTT MEETS WITH THE GOCMV Mr Abbott and his chief advisor met members of the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria Board (GOCMV) on Thursday 18 October 2012. The GOCMV thanked Mr Abbott for his bipartisan support of the recent Federal Government grant of $2M towards the new 14 Level GOCMV Cultural Centre to be built on Lonsdale Street. The GOCMV provided a quick synopsis of the progress of the project. President Bill Papastergiadis and Board members Kostas Tsoubakos and Nick Parthimos then discussed a number of issues with Mr Abbott

which affect Greek Australians.

Mr Abbott stated that the issues and needs of the Greek Community that the GOCMV raised were reasonable and committed to further meetings between the GOCMV and Mr Abbott’s office and shadow cabinet to further pursue and articulate a position. Generally, discussions centred around: Tourist Working Visa Agreement – Mr Abbott affirmed the Coalition’s support for the programme and considered it reasonable to work closely with the Greek community in Australia on its implementation. Australia already has such

arrangements with many other Western and some Asian countries and the Coalition supports the negotiation of a working holiday visa agreement with Greece

Coalition can encourage the significant number of Greek speaking students to continue their Greek language education throughout their secondary schooling

Community Funding – further work to be undertaken to more efficiently allocate government resources to specifically target those Greek Australians most in need I particular, considering the need for a case officer to assist with Greek Australian returning to Australia and additional funding of an employee dealing with the Antipodes Language and Cultural Centre.

It was a very cordial meeting, with the GOCMV inviting Mr Abbott to the Antipodes Festival next year.

Education – Mr Abbott was sympathetic to explore how the

Mr Abbott stated he was committed to assisting Greek Australians and noted that his ministry, with the shadow cabinet position held by Sophie Mirabella and the parliamentary secretary position held by Arthur Sinodinos, had the strongest and most senior representation of Greek Australian members for over 25 years.

The Gyro Wrap Specialists


Holy Saviour Primary School Fete, 10th November 2012, at 765 Highbury Road Vermont South starts 10am till 5pm.

0468 768 848 -

‘Manningham Multicutural Festival’ Saturday 17th November 2012, at Ruffey Lake Park, Doncaster Starts at 10am till 5pm.



Abbott predicts ‘filthiest’ election campaign

Tax office warns Australians to be on the lookout for email and phone scams Tony Abbott has seized on comments made by former Labor leader Kevin Rudd to predict that next year’s election campaign will be the “filthiest and most personal” in living memory. Mr Rudd said the public was “deeply disappointed” with the way MPs on both sides of the political divide have behaved recently, and it was time for

more civility in the national debate. The former prime minister was himself the target of a fierce attack on his character by fellow Labor MPs earlier this year after he launched a leadership challenge against Julia Gillard. The Opposition Leader has leapt on Mr Rudd’s latest criticism to continue his attack on what he describes as the

Prime Minister’s “politics of personal destruction”. ”I can fully understand why Kevin Rudd has called an end to personal attacks because, let’s face it, the most savage personal attacks of all are those that the Prime Minister and her ministers mounted on Kevin Rudd,” Mr Abbott told reporters in Melbourne.

NOW is peak season for fraudsters attempting to scam thousands of Australians by sending bogus emails asking for their personal details. The Australian Tax Office said this month is one of the busiest times of the year with the end of the personal lodgement period on October 31, resulting in fraudsters coming out in force. The ATO’s latest figures show in the first eight months of this year they have received more

than 6000 reports from the community relating to bogus emails and 4000 attempted phone scams. Fraudsters use the ATO’s brand to attempt to lure recipients to send them their personal information including their tax file numbers and date of birth. An ATO spokeswoman said they always see a significant increase in fraudsters at this time of year. One of the most recent email scams appears to the recipient to have been sent from the ATO and congratulates them on qualifying for 2012 subsidy benefits.

It asks the recipient to “reply to this secure message with the following details’’ including name, address, tax file number, date of birth and phone number. The ATO has warned people to be “cautious of phone calls or emails suggesting you are due a refund or asking you to transfer money overseas.’’ They urge anyone to alert them to any suspicious behaviour by forwarding suspect email scams to or phone 1800 060 062 during business hours.

by Snapper season has certainly hit in a big way over the past week, with traditional queues and delays at many boat ramps, plenty of fish being weighed and finally some beautiful settled weather. And there’s more great weather on its way!


NORTH ARM: Regular customer Peter Ferguson fished solo late Sunday afternoon in the North Arm of the Port. Peter fished the Quail Bank for some calamari before anchoring for snapper in the deep. Fishing the flood tide, Peter managed 7 snapper ranging 3.5 to 5.5kg’s. Fresh calamari was the top bait used. CORINELLA: The Corinella area has continued on strong with plenty of reports filtering through. This area is fishing very well on the last two hours of the flood tide with snapper from 2 to 7 kilos a common catch this week. Pilchards, Yakka’s, red rockets and scad have been the most consistent baits. TOORADIN: Despite all the hype surrounding snapper at the moment, customer Shayne O’Connor headed out from Tooradin in search of gummy sharks this week with his mate Jock. The boys were fishing in 5 meters of water on one of the bank edges when they hooked and landed a nice 5 kg gummy shark.. REEF ISLAND: Some good whiting have been caught south of Reel Island this week. Customer Adam Peters fished Land Based last Sunday flicking pipi’s on a paternoster rig from the shore. Adam managed 9 whiting to 38cm fishing the run in tide.


SORRENTO: Joe Farr from Joe Farr Fishing Charters has been having a Stella time around Southern Port Phillip this week with plenty of fish being caught. Joe reports that there are tons of garfish in the shallows which are responding well to a fine berley trail and silverfish baits. Anglers fishing from the piers are having good success. The calamari are in good numbers around Sorrento and Portsea but the whiting have slowed up a little over the past few weeks. FRANKSTON: Staff member David Kramer fished in 19m of water off Frankston last Sunday and found the bite only lasted 10 mins out of the 5 hours on the water. David reported all the boats in the area had buckled rods at the same time for 10 minutes, and then it was all over. Most fish went 3 kilos and took a pilchard bait. CARRUM: New recruit for Tackle World Cranbourne, Dougie Bauer hit the water last weekend and in 11m of water, landed thgis nice red that went 6.5 kilos. Dougie said the fish took an unweighted pilchard bait and was caught on the tide change just south of Carrum. Regular customer Tristian Cincotta fished with his mates Yots and Steve in 19 meters of water last Sunday. In magnificent conditions the boys managed 3 snapper to 4.5kg’s before moving deep off Mornington where they managed another red around 3.5kg’s. All fish were caught on pilchards. BLACK ROCK: Customer Peter fished around Black Rock this week with good success. Peter fished first light to land a few nice snapper using silver whiting baits. The fish were caught in 11 meters of water. P2: Daniel Mizzi sent us an email after having success off P2 this week. Daniel was fishing with his mates in 10 meters of water where they managed some nice snapper to 90cm on the tide change. Their success came from chopping the heads off the pillies and fishing the rest of the body whole.

*Email your pictures into us to be published in next weeks report!

The News Weekly is a joint venture between The Greek Media Group and Hellenic Media Services, for all enquiries contact the publisher direct. Publishers & Managing Editors Ross Alatsas e: m: +61 411 877 222 Steve Agi e: m: +61 432 210 963

Contributors Chris Binos, Dean Georgio, Jim Grivas, George Koliantzos, John Vithoulkas, Panos Apostolou, Theoni Davoutsis Photography Peter Coulson, Petros Stamatakos Kostas Deves, Anthony Vanzella

Distribution & Production MEDIACODE Pty Ltd For all enquiries or to order copies of The News Weekly contact: Chris Binos e: m: +61 422 413 340 For all editorial enquiries contact the Managing Editor direct.

For all advertising enquiries contact:

National Sales Manager Jim Grivas


m: +61 407 822 103

Sales Executive Helen Katsos e: m: +61 430 303 123


* The opinions published in The News Weekly are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher. All material subject to copyright.



Almost 1000 people have died trying to enter Australia… ALMOST 1000 people have died trying to enter Australia in the past decade - 27 of them while in Australian detention centres. But none of the deaths in detention centres are recorded in the Australian Government’s deaths in custody records, sparking calls for greater transparency. The Border Crossing Observatory, based at Monash University, has been compiling data on border-related deaths since 2000. The group’s Australian Border Deaths records show 964 deaths have been recorded in that time, including estimates of passengers missing from shipwrecked vessels, believed drowned. Of the 27 deaths in detention, two occurred in offshore facilities, four during apprehension or deportation and 21 in onshore facilities.

The Observatory’s Professor Sharon Pickering said while each of the deaths were related to the operation of Australian border controls, very few were considered deaths in migration custody and accounted for by the Government. Prof Pickering said given the rapid growth in the number of boats arriving in Australia and the lack of transparency of onshore immigration enforcement practices, the silence was increasingly problematic for policy-makers. “It is common knowledge that people have died in Australian immigration detention centres and in Australian migration custody,” Prof Pickering said.Prof Pickering called on the AI C to start counting deaths in migration detention centres as a part of their National Deaths in Custody Monitoring Program reporting for 2013.

Wayne Swan delivers mid-year budget surplus of $1bn CLOSE to $1 billion will be cut from private health insurance rebates and access to the baby bonus will be restricted as the Government struggles to refloat the sinking finances of the Budget launched just last May. The surplus, forecast to be a slender $1.5 billion in the 201213 Budget, will now be just $1 billion. The Government is wrestling with a $22 billion fall in tax revenue, mainly caused by

declining company tax receipts and lower mineral prices. The revenue shortfall for 2012-13 alone will be $4 billion.Mr Swan said that as part of cutting spending to cover the shrinking revenue, the Private Health Insurance (PHI) rebate, which costs $5 billion a year and is growing rapidly, would be reduced. From April 1 the premium to which the rebate is applied will match the inflation rate measured

by the consumer price index, or at the prevailing commercial rate -- whatever is lower. This is expected to save $700 million over four years, and slow the expanding cost of the rebate which otherwise would increase by 6.3 per cent over four years. From July next year the Baby Bonus for second and third children will be slashed to $3000, a big drop from the current $5000 per child. This will save some $500 million over four years.

Other family benefits, such as parental leave and Child Care Rebates will be untouched. The states will also have to suffer to get the federal Budget in surplus. The premiers will lose a total of $765.4 million in specific purpose grants in 2012-13 alone. The Government’s mid-year Budget assessment also has revealed a substantial shortfall in the mining tax. This will not affect the Budget bottom line but could

hamper the Government’s bid to meet its promise to cut small business tax which the mining tax was intended to fund. Tax was expected to raise about $13 billion over four years, but this has been downgraded to just over $9 billion. This has been caused by the decline in mineral prices. The Government is also delivering changes to the way large companies pay their tax, moving from quarterly to monthly installments,

better aligning tax payments with the way businesses pay GST and making payments closer to when the income is earned, like wage and salary earners. Mr Swan has vowed to protect the poorest Australians from the drastic spending cuts but higherincome earners, universities, employees who salary sacrifice and migrants have not received the same protection.



Pressure grows for loan deal

Parties condemn leader’s fascist salute to youth

“We will go hungry if we do not get the next installment,” Stournaras told Parliament a day before coalition leaders were due to meet to discuss the measures.

Political parties expressed outrage after the head of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn, Nikos Michaloliakos , performed a fascist salute during a speech to young supporters in Goudi, eastern Athens.

Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras said Greece has to “run fast” over the next few days to conclude an agreement with the troika over spending cuts and structural reforms as a number of contentious issues remain to be resolved before the country’s lenders disburse a 31.5-billion-euro loan tranche.

“If we want to get the tranche before the state reserves run out then we have to run fast,” he added. Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, PASOK leader Evangelos Kouvelis and Democratic Left’s Fotis Kouvelis are due to meet today to go over the 13.5-billion-euro austerity package and reforms, or “prior actions,” demanded by the troika.

Manolis Kefaloyiannis of conservative New Democracy accused Golden Dawn of “trying to present the fascist tragedy of the country when it was under occupation as a fascist comedy.” PASOK accused Michaloliakos of “exploiting the crisis and promising a Greece made of the stuff that led Europe to disaster.”

According to sources, the troika has demanded that a clutch of restricted professions that have yet to be liberalized be opened by the end of the year. Athens and its lenders still have differences of opinion over labor reforms, particularly the reduction in compensation for sacked workers. Sources said this has been narrowed down to a disagreement over how much employees who have worked at the same company for over 16 years should be awarded if the lose their job. It is also thought the two sides will negotiate a new, lower target for privatization revenues. Greece

In his speech, Michaloliakos had said “some party members may greet like this but their hands are clean and they have not stolen.”

will aim to raise 10 billion euros by 2016 and 25 billion by 2020.

political independence of its privatization fund, TAIPED.

The original target when the program started in 2010 had been 50 billion euros by 2015. The Greek government, however, is set to guarantee the

Greece has also examined the possibility of utilizing more than 80,000 real estate properties owned by the state, which could raise 20 to 28

billion euros over time. Another matter that remains unresolved relates to the country’s civil service. The troika has reportedly dropped its demands for the immediate layoffs of 15,000 civil servants

Experiement shows that Greeks are reluctant jobseekers It appears that Greek employers are not seeking employees anymore, nor are the Greek unemployed – mainly young people – looking for work. This is the sad conclusion reached by studying data compiled by the Manpower Organization (OAED) and major international job-seeking websites for the self-employed. Such sites are platforms aimed at helping those seeking staff and those seeking work to get into contact. Employers describe the job or jobs that a freelance professional would perform for them and registered professionals bid to land the job. Among the bestknown platforms of this kind on a global level are Freelancer. com, Peopleperhour. com, Hireagreek. org (created exclusively

Greece austerity diet risks 1930s-style depression: Euro Credit Greece is spiraling into the kind of decline the U.S. and Germany endured during the Great Depression, showing the scale of the challenge involved in attempting to regain competitiveness through austerity. The economy shrank 18.4 percent in the past four years and the International Monetary Fund forecasts it will contract another 4 percent in 2013 as Greece struggles to reduce debt in exchange for its $300 billion rescue programs. That’s the biggest cumulative loss of output of a developed-country economy in at least three decades, coming within spitting distance of the 27 percent drop in the U.S. economy between 1929 and 1933, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis in Washington. “Austerity has been destroying tax revenue and therefore thwarting the intended effect,” said Charles Dumas, chairman of Lombard Street Research, a London-based consulting firm. “There’s no avoiding austerity, though, because these people have no borrowing power. The deficits are there.”

for employers abroad to commission Greek employees), RealWritingJobs. com etc.

Greece’s restructured bonds have benefitted amid speculation that creditors are poised to release more bailout funds. Greek bonds maturing in 2023, which yielded more than 30 percent at the end of May, now yield about 16.4 percent. The next block of aid is slated to total 31 billion euros ($40.5 billion), mostly to recapitalize the nation’s banks.

A survey showed that many Greek freelancers have registered with these agencies and uploaded profiles but their accounts remain idle. They do not chase up jobs, they do not systematically check for any new offers and tend to respond to job invitations tardily or not at all. Worse, Greek freelancers appear to have little interest in jobs with a small payment. Therefore they snub jobs that fetch 50 or 100 euros – e. g. for the translation of a text, the fixing of a problem on a website etc – which then go to other nationalities – i. e. British, Americans, Germans or Indians. The experiment lasted for about three months and the result was astonishing: Not a single Greek

but is said to be insisting on the sacking of at least 5,000 public sector workers by the end of the year – either through a labor reserve scheme or through permanent dismissal – with another 5,000 to go in the first quarter of 2013.

In a related development, an Orthodox bishop has received threatening phone calls after condemning Golden Dawn. Vergers at his church in Western Macedonia claim to have reported receiving several calls after Metropolitan Pavlos of Sissanion and Siatista called the party “uncivilized.”

freelancer responded to any of the job offers in a timely manner. The only one who did respond was too late, as the job had already been given to a foreigner. The employer in this experiment proceeded to another step, since he preferred to give his jobs to Greeks: When he uploaded a job offer, he would alert Greeks who worked in that particular field,

i. e. for a website he would alert web developers and IT experts, for contracts he would contact lawyers and so on. The result was not a single response. Not even a negative one. In contrast, the response from freelancers in other countries was impressive, as they had ensured they got e-mail alerts for any job offers uploaded.

Wage and pension cuts have heightened tensions in Athens and other Greek cities as the economy shrivels and an anti- foreigner party flaunting a swastika-like insignia won 18 seats in Parliament. Polls suggest Golden Dawn is the third-most popular party in Greece, backed by about 14 percent of the electorate. That pits it against Marxist-inspired Syriza, the main opposition grouping, in a standoff recalling that between Nazis and Communists in Weimar Germany. “The experience of the 1930s says you need to stimulate the economy,” said Vassilis Monastiriotis, a senior lecturer in political economy at the London School of Economics. “The rise of the farright in Greece isn’t something ephemeral that will go away when the crisis ends. And it’s very dangerous if the rise of the right causes relations with neighbors like Turkey, Macedonia, say, to deteriorate.” The German economy contracted by about 34 percent between 1929 and 1933, the year Adolf Hitler became Chancellor, according to data from the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden. Even after growth resumed in Germany beginning in 1934, it took until 1937 for output to exceed the level enjoyed in 1929, the data show.


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The 2012 Greek Film Festival launch took place last Wednesday night at the Palace cinema Como. Hundreds of guests made it to the opening night to experience the best of contemporary Greek films. Palace cinema was overflowing with people for the opening nights screening of Antonis Angelopoulos’ Nisos 2 which kicked of the Greek Film Festival to a record crowd and continues to make an impact as sessions are selling fast. The first Nisos broke box office records in 2009 and it is no wonder the second instalment Nisos 2 is a popular choice and crowd pleaser as the unexpected twists and grotesque situations continue. The night was caped off with live music and Greek delicacies that were enjoyed by everyone. “With such a great line-up of films it’s no wonder the Festival continues to pack sessions. The full program is available online and tickets are on sale now through ticketing by calling 96622722 or online at




EMPLOYMENT To place an Ad Call (03) 9602 1422

Or Submit an Ad Online at

Seeking employment Administration and Logistics Lady with two years experience in secretarial and administrative duties is seeking full or part time employment. Ph: 0449 868 721. Zoe

Air conditioning Expert Person experienced in air conditioning systems, split systems and heating is looking for work. Ph: 0401 416 401. Dimos

Aged Care Workers

Cabinet Maker

Driver (Taxi)

Financial Advisor

IT Technician


Experienced carpenter/cabinet maker is seeking employment. Ph: 0478 809 989. Kostas

Driver with experience in taxi driving is looking for an employer. Ph: 9388 0253. Stelios

Experienced financial advisor with a Degree from British University seeks employment.

IT technician with eight years experience and a good knowledge of Microsoft is looking for employment.

27 year old musician with experience in drums and other instruments is looking to work with a band.



Food Industry

Ph: 0421 821 430. Epaminondas

Ph: 9383 6195. John

Angela has 25 years experience in the food industry and is seeking part time or full time work in the Northern suburbs. She is available 7 days a week for early starts and early finishes.



Experienced carpenter specialising in furniture, kitchens and floor boards seeks employment. Ph: 0437 216 101. Agelos

Carpenter Experienced Carpenter / Cabinet Maker is looking for working with in his filed of experience (or any similar work)

A Grade electrician with eight years experience is looking for part or full time employment. Ph: 0422 154 595 Damianos

Electrician Electrician with experience in residential and commercial properties seeks employment.

Dimitris 04 1542 2976

Ph: 0452 010 733. Simeon



Grill chef with ten years experience in grilled food seeks part or full time employment. Ph: 0457 602 492. Antonis

Apprentice electrician seeks full time employment with certified electrician.

Customer Service


Experienced person in aluminium fabrications is seeking employment in similar or related field.

Vasiliki has previous experience and is seeking full time or part time work in the area of customer service.

Ph: 0450 917 642. Petros

Ph: 03 9484 9081

Recently arrived from Greece, an experienced electrician seeks employment and is willing to work in other fields.

Two aged care workers with Certificate III in Aged Care are seeking employment. Ph: 0431 062 240. Vivi 0411 224 847. Sofia

Aluminium Fabrications

Architect Experienced architect is seeking employment. Ph: 0468 458 812. Kosta

Apprentice Carpenters Seeking employment. Ph: 0421 116 308. Makis Ph: 0439 950 558. Vasilis

Baker Michaelis is seeking people to working in a bakery. M:04 1300 0175

Bouzouki Teacher/Player Bouzouki player with three years experience in night clubs in Greece is seeking part time employment. Ph: 0432 231 826. Christos

Builder/Pool Constructor Experienced builder specialising in pool construction seeks employment. Ph: 0408 827 326. George

Butcher Experienced butcher is seeking either full or part time employment. Ph: 8774 4457. Julian

Customer Service Vasiliki has previous experience and is seeking full time or part time work in the area of customer service. Ph: 03 9484 9081

Dental Technician Certified dental technician with six years experience is looking for part or full time employment. Ph: 0429 661 563. John

Driver Experienced van driver recently arrived from Greece is looking for employment. Willing to undertake any other job (waiter, builder etc) Ph: 0499 278 534. Nick

Ph: 0401 302 490. Steve

Ph: 0449 046 665. Harry

Electrical Engineer Apprentice electrician seeks employment in the area of home automation systems. Ph: 0413 835 283 or 9544 4549. Kostas

Excavator Driver Experience excavator driver recently arrived from Greece is looking for employment. For further information please call Maria.

M: 04 1056 0970

Furniture Maker Furniture maker with 30 years experience is seeking employment. Ph: 0478 809 989. Kostas Eskintzis


Civil engineer with three years experience is seeking full or part time employment.

Experience excavator driver recently arrived from Greece is looking for employment. For further information please call Maria. M: 04 7864 8697

Factory Worker Factory worker seeks employment and has experience in the area of warehouse, sales and maintenance. Ph: 0477 034 473 or 8751 4710 Theodosis

Labourer looking for work in any area. Ph: 0403 472 407. Nikos

Experienced painter with knowledge in carpentry seeks employment.


Ph: 0403 472 407. Nikos

Labourer seeks employment in any field.


Ph: 0424 469 745. Vasili

Labourer Lady willing to undertake any work or responsibility. Ph: 0450 067 315. Koula


Ph: 0470 520 342. Evagelia

Lawyer Experienced lawyer seeks employment. Alos willing to work as a Law Clerk or assistant and willing to travel anywhere in Australia.

Ph: 0415 560 708. Stella



Experienced certified accountant with knowledge of the latest computer systems seeks employment.

Anastasios Kopanos would like to find work as a gardener. Please call him for more details about what services he has to offer. M: 0422 097 368.

Ph: 0421 654 845. Nikoleta

Ph: 0431 366 412. Vasilis

Machine Operator Machine operator and professional experienced driver from Greece seeks employment. Ph: 0403 400 435. Panagiotis

Ph: 0424 789 813. Abraham

Painter Experienced painter seeks work.

Painter Painter with own ABN seeks full time work. Ph: 0421 540 998. Chris

Part Time Work Young graduate from Greece is looking for part time work in any area. Ph: 0410 609 821 or 9402 0448. George

Plumber Plumber from Greece with working visa seeks full time employment. Ph: 0450 908 285. Dimitri

Plumber/painter Seeks employment for a Greek employer/company in Melbourne. Does not speak english. Please contact George on mobile no 0424 066 312

Ph: 0431 175 612. Irene


Hospitality/Building Industry

Ph: 0403 472 407. Aglaia

Yiannis is an experienced plasterer looking for work as a plasterer.

Metal Fabrications

M: 0402 931 935.

Experienced metal worker from Greece with knowledge of aluminium doors and windows seeks full time work.

Public Relations

Ph: 0468 803 467. Pantelis

Ph: 0406 590 280. Antonis

45 year old man experienced in the area of hotel management, hospitality and with knowledge of building, seeks employment. Ph: 0412 174 081. Agelos

Hospitality Worker Experienced hospitality worker with a Degree in Tourism and Management has worked in Athens Marriot Hotel and seeks employment. Ph: 0452 209 177. Mihalis

Experienced lady looking for work.


Experienced metal welder seeks work.


Experienced public relations officer with a Degree in International Relations seeks work.


Metal Worker worker/

Ph: 0424 411 631. Zaharias



Experienced painter from Cyprus with knowledge in welding seeks full time work.

Ph: 0450 003 515. Theo

Lady recently arrived from Greece with experience as a waitress and is willing to undertake any work.

Experienced gardener looking for work. Specialises in lawn maintenance and happy to maintain school gardens or large home gardens.

Hairdresser with 18 years experience is looking for part time employment and has knowledge of both the Greek and English language.

Excavator Driver

Ilias Fanourakis is seeking employment as a driver. He is an experienced driver and would suit a driver position in a warehouse. Mob: 0411 533 133

Angela has 25 years experience in the food industry and is seeking part time or full time work in the food industry in the Northern suburbs. She is available 7 days a week for early starts and early finishes.

Engineer (Civil)

Ph: 0429 665 835. Vasiliki


Food Industry


Experienced van driver seeks employment. Ph: 0413 462 044. John

Illias Fanourakis is seeking employment as a Driver M:0411 533 133

M: 04 1056 0970

M: 04 7864 8697



Ph: 0402 527 644. George

Giannis is seeking work as a plasterer M: 04 0293 1935


EMPLOYMENT Sales/Insurance




Insurance consultant from Greece with over 10 years experience and knowledge in sales seeks employment.

Greek teacher with Australian citizenship has many years of teaching experience and seeks employment.

Greek tutor available with over 7 years experience. Currently teaching primary/secondary students and adults, available for private tuition at any level, from beginners to advanced. Quality teaching in all aspects of the Greek language.

Experienced employment.

Panos, Ph: 04044 19595

Ph: 0421 641 434. Nick

Waiter/Pizza Maker


Experienced waiter with knowledge in pizza preparation seeks employment.

Welder in Oakleigh with 20 years of experience seeks employment.

Ph: 0405 953 285. John

Ph: 0452 179 451. Manos


Welder/Metal Fabrication


Experienced welder /metal worker from Greece seeks employment.

Lady looking employment.

Ph: 0411 527 473. John

Sales/Retail Retail customer service officer with 22 years experience and knowledge in management and training of staff seeks full time work. Ph: 0422 436 476. Nicole

Security Experienced security officer from Greece is looking for employment in a similar position.

Ph: 0405 224 040. Pamela

Teacher Experienced teacher/tutor who graduated from Athens University seeks full or part time work in a Greek school. Ph: 0452 608 142. Kali

Tiler Tiler with 28 years of experience seeks employment.

Ph: 9335 4303

Ph: 0422 158 225. John


Experienced waitress seeks full time employment.


Ph: 0457 602 456. Anthi

Experienced tiler from Greece with knowledge in floorboards and other floor coverings seeks employment.

Web Designer

Ph: 0468 469 400 Babis

Teacher from Greece has a Bachelor of English Degree from Michigan University and Masters from the University of Thessaloniki and seeks employment. Ph: 0470 520 342. Evagelia

Womens Clothing

Work Zisis recently arrived to Australia is seeking any work

Ph: 0422 047 369. Andrew

Zaxaria is seeking people to work in the production of women’s undergarments.


M: 0418107171

Welder with nine years of experience seeks full or part time employment.

Work/Part Time



Ph: 0416 380 923. George


Lady looking for part time work (9am – 3pm). Ph: 0450 418 760. Sofia

Work Lady looking for any type of work. Ph: 0450 717 141. Vana


M: 04 7896 4486


Dimitra and George, are looking for any work ( for example in a fish and chip shop or café ) at all and preferably in Oakleigh or surrounding suburbs as they don’t have a car. Dimitra speaks excellent English but George can’t speak English well. Dimitra can be contacted on 0459 396 952.


Ph: 0422 412 516. Kleopatra

Welder/Metal Fabrication


Experienced web designer from Greece seeks employment.

Zaxarias is looking for work as a welder

Lady from Greece with a student visa seeks part time work.

Ph: 0430 319 395. Kiriakos

Ph: 9364 5244

Ph: 0467 472 127. Melina

Work Ninos is seeking any work M: 04 1416 8385

Work Kyriako, is seeking work as a mechanic and in construction. M: 04 1416 8385

Employment opportunities Babysitter


Excavator Operator

Lady Ironer/Presser


Tyre Fitter

Marianthi Lambrianou is seeking a lady who speaks fluent Greek to babysit her 17 month old daughter in Bulleen, 1-2 days per week from 8:00-3:30. Applicants should call Marianthi for further details on

A female cleaner is required for domestic duties.

Excavator operator required for work in Geelong.

Ph: 0415 645 572. Antonis

Ph: 0410 665 048. Vasilis

A female ironer with experience in clothes pressing is required for work in Clayton.

Experienced plumbers are required by a South Melbourne company.



Amalia is seeking a chef.

M: 0477 694 665.

M: 0433 154 904

A florist requires the services of two women with experience in floristry to work at the store.

Joanna has a position available for a tyre fitter in Campbellfield. He must be fit as there is heavy lifting involved. He must have good knowledge of the northern suburbs and the city and have a car drivers licence. Must have at least some experience in fitting tyres on trucks.

Carer AQA Qualcare is seeking Disability Support Workers/PCAs who are fluent in Greek to work with a client with a physical disability living in Preston. Duties inc. assistance with daily living, all aspects of personal care, transfers, community access, meal prep & household tasks. Shifts available are: Mon-Thurs: 7am-9:30am, Fri: 7am-12:30pm, Sat/Sun: 7am-9:30am, Mon-Sun: 9pm-10pm. Fully paid training & competitive rates provided! For further info or to apply please visit the employment section of the AQA website: and download and complete the application form.

Ph: (03) 9489 0777.

Carer Guardian Network is seeking carrers for elderly people in all areas.

ph: 9819 7200, Sandra or George

Chef A chef is required for a Hawthorn restaurant. Ph: 9818 3312.


Ph: 9551 4621. Despina


Ph: 0416 189 857 Kostas

A female is required to help manage the restaurant at club ‘Dimokritos’ on High Street Northcote.


Ph: 9486 3988. John

A hairdresser with experience in men’s and women’s cuts is required for a hairdressing salon in Burwood.


Ph: 9462 3124. Nick

A lady is required to work in a Chicken Bar. The suitable person should have relative experience.

A full time position is available at a fast food restaurant. Applicants must have experience in cooking and cooking with a grill.


Call Achilleas Ph: 9852 4545

Ph: 0419 521 505. John

Ph: 9528 6654


Fish and Chips


An experienced Fish and Chips worker is required for a shop in St. Albans.

A full time position is available for an experienced motor mechanic.

Ph: 9390 9622. Sofia

Ph: 0417 303 775. Minas

Sandwich Hands

Fish and Chips


A woman is required to work at a Fish and Chips shop in Knox City.

A motor mechanic with a minimum of 5 years of experience is required at a work shop. Must have a driver’s licence.

Four people are required in sandwich preparation.

Chicken shop

Louka is seeking 2 cleaners to work at a car yard in the area of Chelsea. The ideal candidates would be able to work after business hours (after 6pm) and would be a couple. For more information please call Louka. M: 0417033135 Two Console operators required to work at BP Eastlink inbound in Scoresby- the largest site in Australia. Part to full time positions available and applications must be willing to work flexible hours and speak English. Please contact Arthur Kondos for more information

Ph: 0415 150 433. Nikos

Two experienced motor mechanics are required for a mechanical shop in Footscray.

Fish and Chips

Ph: 0425 822 500. Tasos


Ph: 9753 2924

Peter is seeking someone with experience to work the grill at his fish and chip shop in Knoxville during afternoon hours. Applicants should call his mobile for further information

Ph: 0403 140 553. Maria



A medical clinic requires a licenced doctor who is preferably Greek.

Sandwich Hand An experienced sandwich hand is required at a South Melbourne delicatessen. Call 9699 4125 or 0412 840 707 for any enquiries.

Sandwich Hand A female is required in the Melbourne CBD area to prepare sandwiches, salads and focaccias. Ph: 0402 925 107. Doukisa

A part time position is available for a young shop assistant at an Altona Gate carpet store.

M: 0424 645 110

Panel Shop


An experienced spray-painter and panel-beater is required in a Dandenong panel shop. An apprenticeship for a youth is also available.

A Souvlaki ( Gyro) Bar is looking for someone with experience, working in a similar environment.

Ph: 9428 5830. Vicky

Ph: 0401 519 305. Stathis


Domestic cleaner required for full or part time work in Melbourne area. Must have own transport.

Maria is seeking a driver who must be able to read and understand English as he will be trained in any other duties involved with the position. The driver will be trustworthy and available to work between 11pm and 7am.

Call Niki on 0407 655 646

M: 0415 542 522

Ph: 9465 5033

Jim/Dimitri is looking to employ a man ata Tampon Factory in Bundoora. He is seeking a man over 40 to work part time Mon, Wed and Fri.

Ph: 0438 008 111. John

Pastry Factory Greek Pastry factory seeks a person to work full time withy good remuneration Please call Iakobos M:04 0696 7197

Hellen or Nick on 9670 6284 or 0433 413 688

HOT TIP!! First impressions, positive or negative, dramatically affect the ultimate evaluation. You can make or break an job interview within the first five minutes.


Ph: 0408 591 711. John

Waiter/Souvlaki Bar A full time or part time position is available in a Mentone souvlaki bar. Waiting duties are a requirement of this position. Ph: 9585 8005 Anesti

Waiters Waiters are required for casual weekend work at Stars International reception in Preston. RSA certificate holders are preferred. Ph: 0411 877 222

Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker (or related social sciences) to work in the role of CACPs Supervisor.

Souvlaki ( Gyro) Bar


A female is required for kitchen and serving/waiting duties at club ‘Democritus’ in Northcote.

Shop Assistant

Ph: 9078 8574. Afroditi

A part time position is available in a furniture store.


Fronditha Care-Position 1

Ph: 9325 1112. Dimitris

Ph: 9481 2406. Kostantino

Fax Applications to Att: Joanna; F 9308 9237

Ph: 0402 925 107. Doukisa

A composer is required to create music for lyrics.

An experienced cleaner is required after hours at a school in East Doncaster.


Any enquiries, please call Kostas: 0411 741 230.

Fast Food

Console Operators

A cleaner, preferably a woman, is required after hours at a school in Northcote.

Kostas is looking for 1 or 2 experienced re-stumpers to work for him.

Ph: 9563 2340. Elio

Ph: 0416 241 819. Dimitri

Cleaner required for a home in Rosebud. 4 days a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday).



Mechanic with experience in European and prestigious cars is required for an automotive workshop in Reservoir.

A chef is required part time for a Greek restaurant in Werribee.


Ph: 0409 349 101 Konstantina

Ph: 9690 6048. Dimitri

Or Submit an Ad Online at

Fronditha Care-Position 2 Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker (or related social sciences) to work in the role of Volunteer Coordinator.

Fronditha Care-Position 3 Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker/ counsellor to work as the Carer Support Coordinator in the Eastern Region. Please contact Aliki Kyrkou at Fronditha Care for further information on any of these positions. 9495 2308 or 0407 829 593.



WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Michael, and welcome to the fascinating world of astrology and the place to read your free horoscopes! For years, decades and centuries human-kind has turned to the heavens, God’s handiwork, for answers and guidance in their lives!



23 Oct - 22 Nov You will be able to work with fine detail this week. Romance will develop if you get involved in social events that deal with children. This is a great day for a family outing or just a drive. Opportunities to make money may interfere with your personal plans.

23 Nov - 20 Dec They may cost you dearly. Entertain in your home and make aesthetic enhancements that will please those who reside with you. You can mesmerize anyone you meet with your cultured attitude and outlook. Keep tabs on your spending.


22 Dec - 20 Jan You may be able to impart knowledge that’s innovative to those searching for a new angle. You can make or break your personal relationship this week. Compromise may be necessary. Your tendency to take on too much will end in fatigue.

Supplied by:




21 Jan - 19 Feb

20 Feb - 20 Mar

21 Mar - 20 Apr

Your passionate mood will be well received by your mate. You could experience delays in shipments or mail, and should be careful while traveling. Sudden romantic encounters will set your head spinning. Relax I and enjoy what you’ve accomplished when you’re finished.

Do your own thing. Take the time to help old friends or relatives who have had a stroke of bad luck. You have more than enough on your plate already. Opportunities will come through long term investments.

Do not expect too much from others. Organize your day to avoid any setbacks that might ignite temper flare-ups. You may be likely to have difficulties with females. You may want to get involved in some kind of creative group.







21 Apr - 20 May

22 May - 22 Jun

23 Jun - 23 Jul

24 Jul - 23 Aug

24 Aug - 23 Sept

23 Sept - 22 Oct

Your tendency to vacillate will drive everyone crazy. Enlist the aid of family members and consider the feelings of your mate. A lot has changed and so have you. Too much talk might lead to hassles.

You may have a problem with someone you live with if you don’t include them in your gathering. Overindulgence could lead to problems with digestion. You will be overly sensitive when dealing with your personal life. Brunch, a long walk, or a quiet dinner will secure your position in the relationship.

Your creative input will be appreciated by your boss. Be prudent and don’t be led down the garden path. Your passionate nature may make you jealous if your mate has been too busy to take care of your needs. You could have a tendency to spend too much on your home or entertainment.

Don’t let your partner put you down. Concentrate on yourself or your work. Exhaustion combined with overindulgence could result in minor health problems. Your temper could get the better of you if you confront personal situations.

Make changes in your domestic scene. Take the initiative and go after your goals. You are best to work at home, clearing up overdue projects. You can accomplish a lot if you deal with other people’s money or possessions this week.

Don’t neglect these problems; deal with them once and for all, then move on to more pleasurable tasks. Payoff all your debts before you go out and celebrate. Minor health problems could result through exhaustion. Competitive games will be your forte.





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sudoku MEDDIUM



Servings: 10 Prep time: 5 minutes Cooking: 30 minutes Ingredients - 16 large king prawns - 1 packet of kataifi pastry - 3 cloves of garlic - Teaspoon of sea salt - Juice of one lemon - Two egg yolks - One pinch of saffron - 3/4 cup of vegetable oil - 1/2 cup olive oil - One cup of shelled unsalted pistachios - Salmon roe Method: • Clean and remove head and vein from prawn. • Separate kataifi and roll prawns in pastry until covered with tail exposed. • Fry each prawn until golden brown in a fryer and set aside on kitchen paper to drain. • For saffron aoli place garlic, saffron and salt in food processor and start to process slowly, adding oil in a slow stream to emulsify.






Note: if too much added at once aoli will split.


• W hen aoli has taken all the oil add lemon juice and set aside.

7 8




• Blend pistachios and sprinkle prawns with a small amount and finish with roe.


• Serve prawns with aoli and lime wedge and enjoy!






Phil Vakos – Spitiko 19







Set by Alberich


Set by Alberich






1 Grant given to convent school (12) 8 Some food suitable for a tosser? (7) 9 See 3 11 Have great affection for pop singer and his fanatical following (7) 12 High fliers from British university taken on by financial speculators (7) 13 See 19 ac 14 Fruit obtained by interbreeding conker with mallow regularly (4-5) 16 Arrangement of locks which requires no key (9) 19,13 Relative’s against any one producing 21’s work (5,5) 21 Audibly tick off writer of 19 ac 13; 3 9; 26; and 3 (part 1) 6 (7) 23 Broadcast “The Jazz Singer?” (7) 24 Evangelists chiefly refer to part of the Bible: that’s obvious (7) 25 Conveyance by van (7) 26 Goneril, Regan and Cordelia for example in 21’s work (5,7)

1 Set of cutlery from cafeteria (7) 2 Where Lawrence went to drink cold coffee (7) 3,9 Article by revolutionary bishop takes on leaders of orthodox church in a measure - 21 wrote it (3,6,7) 4 Lozenge obtained from doctor by Greek character (5) 5 Copper gets stuck in large chimney, the sucker (7) 6 In speech, observe Fool following 3 (part 1) in 21’s work (7) 7 Enterprise, for example, requiring mostly clever chaps to work - including one egghead (5,7) 10 Break up with girl, treating emotions extremely casually (12) 15 Company briefly gets involved with dodgy stereos - and protects fence? (9) 17 Swimmer in frozen water flounders perhaps (3-4) 18 Leaders of society paraded here to hold a ball in olden times (7) 19 Not knowing where outspoken girl is leading (7) 20 US city’s manufacturing plant (7) 22 Makes one cross? (5)

A One car endlesly needs repair to exhaust - it’s causing pollution (4,4) B Hollow building block mostly made of B? (5) C Occasional party had by temporary staff (6,6); Press, if touring Ross, would discover what you’re doing (5) D One could go on a spin, being relatively sober (5) E The King is leaving Queen - that’s fishy! (5) F Courage brew mostly fresh ales with a head (12) G Groups gain eminence with this producer (9) H Greet Eastern Rastafarian leader familiarly (5) I Within the Latin translation of... (5) J ...1. John, “I relent” wrongly becomes “I require” (Pilate, in speech) (8) K They’re up for a party (5) L Flash sort of conductor (9) M Associatin’ with unpleasant person and causing trouble (6,2); Matchstick finally having gone out, possibly making fire with this? (9)

N The blackness of inferior rubber? (9) O Where the French set off by boat (9) P The Puppy of the Baskervilles (1915) and The Young Man and the Sea (1955)? (8) Q Live fast (5) R Steps taken by bell-hop? (4-5) S What MPs in the House would have been for Guy Fawkes (7,7) T Incredibly, one can teach without a student in this college (9) U Let go one French worker (6) V Destructive potato blight finally eradicated with injection of nitrogen? (9) W Voiced question showing unfamiliarity with sewing kit - thus making a bloomer (7,7) X Get cross with man who’s a believer (4) Y The old article by Lamb (4) Z Last ball gets hit back by English opener? That should be “belted” (6)

CLUE: Solve the clues and fit them where they will go.

An initiative of the

DID YOU KNOW? The word “tragedy” is Greek for “goat-song” because early Greek tragedies honored Dionysus, the god of wine, and the players wore goatskins. Tragedies were noble stories of gods, kings, and heroes. Comedy or “revel,” on the other hand, were about lower-class characters and their antics.

Presented by

17 Oct - 4 Nov, 2012 Palace Cinema Como & Kino Cinemas




Armstrong stripped of Tour titles, banned for life The fate of disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong has been sealed, with world cycling’s governing body deciding to back a life ban for doping and strip him of his record seven Tour de France titles. The International Cycling Union (UCI) said late last night that it supported the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) decision to erase Armstrong’s entire career after August 1998. UCI president Pat McQuaid called the scandal “the biggest crisis” the sport had ever faced and said Armstrong deserved to be “forgotten in cycling”.

Round 3 results Melbourne Victory Adelaide United 2-1 Newcastle Jets Central Coast Mariners 2-1 WSW - Sydney 0-1 Perth Glory Melbourne Heart 2-0 Wellington Phoenix Brisbane Roar 1-1


1 Adelaide 6pts 2 Perth 6pts 3 Newcastle 6pts 4 Wellington 5pts 5 Brisbane 4pts 6 Central Coast 3pts 7 Melb. Heart 4pts 8 Sydney 3pts 9 Melb. Victory 3pts 10 Western Sydney 0pts

Round 2 Fixtures

Earlier this month the US body released a devastating dossier on Armstrong, detailing over 202 pages - and with more than 1,000 pages of supporting testimony how he was at the heart of the biggest doping program in the history of sport.

Newcastle Jets vs Melbourne Victory

The revelations, including evidence from 11 of Armstrong’s former teammates, plunged a sport which has been working hard to rid itself of its murky doping past into crisis.

Melbouren Heart vs Central Coast Mariners

Adelaide United vs Wellington Phoenix Brisbane Roar vs Western Sydney Perth Glory vs Melbourne Heart

Sydney FC vs Perth Glory

ratings prove a marquee result A-LEAGUE boss Damien de Bohun says the competition continues to make unprecedented gains in the sporting market after three weeks of the new season. Crowds and television ratings have soared on the back of highprofile recruits Alessandro Del Piero, Emile Heskey and Shinji Ono, with gate attendances up 51 per cent on last season’s average, and Fox Sports ratings up 37 per cent on the same time last year.

Smiles for Victory and Ange... Last Friday night proved Ange Postecoglou did a few things wrong in the first fortnight. It also proved Postecoglou was big enough to swallow his pride and admit he was wrong. Not through a public apology or the press, but via his team selection against Adelaide United and his team’s tactics. He made six changes from the side that was thumped 5-0

by Brisbane Roar, the most telling of which was recalling Tando Velaphi for young goalkeeper Lawrence Thomas. The other was the role in which he deployed Mark Milligan. Returning from Socceroos duty, Milligan started off as one of the two holding midfielders, but was given a licence to roam. By Postecoglou’s standards it was pragmatic, but necessary, after the players’ confidence was

battered following a turbulent opening two weeks. This is why the first half was a game of Mexican standoff. Going into the sheds at halftime having not conceded, the Victory players breathed a sigh of relief, regrouped and were more offensive in the second. Adelaide was gifted its goal after Billy Celeski’s bizarre handball, but Milligan’s equaliser came within three minutes, which was

crucial. Marco Rojas’s goal was more Victory - a well worked passage, with Archie Thompson sending in a delightful cross from the right that bamboozled Nigel Boogaard. It was a mixed bag of emotions at the final whistle - elation from the 19,174 fans, relief from the Victory players. Postecoglou played it down at the press conference, but he was mightily relieved, too.

“Public interest in the A-League has been at an all-time high and it was fantastic to see the soldout crowd at the first ever Sydney derby on Saturday night,” de Bohun said. “On the back of the Sydney FC v Newcastle Jets match and the first Melbourne derby, average crowds have increased by over 50 per cent on last year’s total. “The other thing that is important is the nearly 40 per cent increase we have seen in our television broadcasts.” Last weekend’s round-three fixtures drew an average of 82,000 viewers, with both the Sydney derby and Melbourne Victory v Adelaide games drawing 102,000 each. Also, Central Coast have already reported huge interest around their round-five match against Sydney. ANZ Stadium officials anticipate a crowd of more than 25,000 for Sunday’s first A-League match at the ground, between Sydney FC and Perth.

The future of Soccer, George Stamboulidis George Stamboulidis was not only one of ten invitation only Victorian State SAP players to play against the NZ touring team of highly internationally rated Coach Wynton Ruffer (Best Oceania player of the Centurty) but was also chosen Captain by his Coach, Ivan Jolic.

There are about 120 players selected from about 800 trialists initially and that is an honour and achievement in its own right. Howerver to be selected to be one of the 10 by “invitation only” is not only very exciting but a clear acknowledgement of George’s talent from Football Federation Australia (FFA). The boys won 12-2 with George scoring a wonderful goal.

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