Causes of Death Exhibit 31: Selected Causes of Death, Age-Adjusted Rates per 100,000 Population, 2020 New Castle County
Condition Major cardiovascular diseases Diseases of heart Malignant neoplasms All other diseases Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases and their sequelae COVID-19 Ischemic heart diseases Accidents (unintentional injuries) Other heart diseases Nontransport accidents Cerebrovascular diseases Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease Accidental poisoning and exposure to noxious substances All other forms of heart disease Malignant neoplasms of trachea, bronchus and lung Alzheimer disease All other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease Chronic lower respiratory diseases Other chronic lower respiratory diseases Heart failure Diabetes mellitus Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease All other and unspecified malignant neoplasms Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis
225.0 152.9 149.9 113.5 75.0 71.3 71.1 70.2 65.1 57.8 57.4 56.7 45.3 38.4 35.4 34.6 33.8 27.9 27.9 25.6 24.0 22.9 19.6 15.0
United States
225.2 159.6 151.1 102.2 76.3 73.4 65.2 70.9 60.8 58.6 52.5 65.2 46.4 38.1 34.6 35.1 42.6 32.7 30.1 21.8 23.8 22.5 18.2 12.4
223.0 168.2 144.1 96.7 87.8 85.0 91.8 57.6 56.5 44.3 38.8 64.4 26.9 35.1 31.9 32.4 46.0 36.4 33.4 20.7 24.8 18.4 18.4 12.7
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, Underlying Cause of Death, 2020.
Description Exhibit 31 provides age-adjusted mortality rates for selected causes of death. Light grey shading indicates rates above U.S. averages, dark grey shading indicates rates more than 50 percent above U.S. averages. Observations •
In New Castle County, rates for 15 out of 24 causes of death were above U.S. averages.
Rates for accidental poisoning and exposure to noxious substances were more than 50 percent above the national average.