In this digital and visual age, the search for great social
media content seems to be the ultimate quest, and often it
When creating brand photos, good light is essential. So, to
can be overwhelming knowing what to post and when to
keep things easy just position yourself next to a window or
post it.
open door at a time of day when the light is soft and even. To
If you have a service-based business, it can be really difficult
avoid heavy shadows on the far side of your image, just bring
coming up with original creative content when you don’t
in a white reflector. A large piece of cardboard or foam board
have a tangible item to showcase. Generic stock photos can
is perfect, which you can find at Officeworks or an art
be useful when used correctly, but if you really want to step
supply store.
up your branding game, creating a library of your own custom styled stock photos ensures that you are never
stuck for content, and the bonus is that you won’t find the
There are so many creative options for backgrounds and
same image on anyone else’s feed! And if you have a
props, but it’s best to keep it simple and keep on brand. If your
product-based business you can use my tips below to also
brand is light, clean and modern then a simple white
photograph your products.
background will suit perfectly. However, if your brand is more
Once you’ve figured out your brand and who your target
moody and edgy, maybe some dark wood tones and harsher
client it, you can start to create content that enhances your
lighting will be a better fit. Whatever style you settle on, stick
message and speaks directly to your audience. After years
to about 2 or 3 similar backgrounds to create variety whilst
of creating branded visual content for my clients, here are
also being consistent. Bunnings is my favourite place for
my top tips to help you create your own branded stock
finding creative and interesting backgrounds!
photos with just your phone!