Eastern Canada Key – Volume 2 Issue 3

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Walking in a Winter Wonderland Celebrating a wonderful year of service and looking towards 2015!



EDITOR’S MESSAGE Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a wonderful winter break, with plenty of rest and time spent with family and friends! This edition of the EC KEY is FULL of important information relating to the District Convention and committee updates, as well as divisional highlights of our members across Eastern Canada! With the 2014-2015 service year slowly drawing to a close, reflect on the accomplishments within your home club, division, district, and Key Club International. Take a look at the article on the KCI website, and see how many items you can remember! In February, your club should holding elections for the incoming executives. To help them, think of what service projects and fundraisers were successful in your communities and perhaps create a list! There are multiple resources available on Facebook, as Key Clubbers have formed groups depending on their position, to share ideas and seek advice! Here is a list of the ones that I am aware of:

Club Presidents and Vice-Presidents Club Secretaries and Treasurers Club Editors Remember to support each other, and continue serving our local and global communities with glowing hearts. On behalf of the entire district board, thank you for another amazing service year! May 2015 bring you many happy and memorable experiences, within Key Club and the Kiwanis Family, and beyond! Feel free to contact me at any time, especially with the elections for the new district officers quickly approaching! Yours in service,

Christina Moica District Editor editor@keyclub.ca

GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE Hey Eastern Canada! ’Tis the season to sleep! Firstly, I want to congratulate everyone for a successful Key Club and hopefully academic year. I know that many of you have been working incredibly hard these past few months, so please take some rest, read a book or two, spend time with family and have a lot of fun! 2014 was a really exciting year for Key Clubbers! Not only did we make a bigger difference internationally through the Eliminate Project, but we committed more service hours to our schools and communities than ever. Thank you to all the Key Club executives and general members who have continuously dedicated hours to improve the lives of people around them. You never cease to inspire me, and I look forward to all the amazing things you and your clubs will accomplish in 2015. I want to address a few major things that are coming up soon. The final deadline for club dues is fast approaching. If your club has not sent in dues to Key Club International, please do so immediately! If dues for your club are not received by February 1st, 2015, your club will be put under INACTIVE STATUS, and will have to pay a reactivation fee for the following year. District Convention is also coming up soon. As many of you know, District Convention will be taking place in Toronto, Ontario and will span over the last weekend in March of 2015. DCON provides opportunities to connect with Key Clubbers from all around Eastern Canada, to learn and to have memories that will last a lifetime. More information and prices can be found on the ECD website, as well as on pages 19 and 20. Other things to start considering are award and contest entries for District Convention. Every year, the Eastern Canada District holds contests and gives out awards to Key Clubbers for various achievements. To show off the talent and accomplishments of your clubs, please read the Contest and Awards page on the District Website. The contests/awards written in blue have certain criteria that are outlined in guides. Please click on the names of the awards in blue to access the guides. If you have any questions regarding contest or awards, please contact the Contest and Awards Committee Chairs: Ainsley Anger (lgdivision2@keyclub.ca) and Alexandra Spinney (lgdivision11-12@keyclub.ca). I hope you have a wonderful Winter break! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at governor@keyclub.ca. Yours in service,

Mona Adib District Governor

INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEE’S MESSAGE Hey ECD Key Clubbers! It’s Gary again with another update from International! I hope that school is going smoothly for everyone. I’m sure that you all aced your finals. Quick shout out to the grade 12 kids who are doing college applications; I’m in the same boat. A lot has happened in these past couple of months at Key Club International, so let’s jump right on in. At the international board meeting on October 10th, the international board set a goal of saving 777,777 lives this Kiwanis year. This equates to raising 1.4 million dollars, or having every Key Clubber raise $5.40 USD to save 3 lives. Let’s all do our part! It’s the final year of the Eliminate Project, so let’s end it with a bang! The easiest way to help is to SUBMIT YOUR TRICK OR TREAT FOR UNICEF FUNDS. Donations sitting in the bank aren’t saving lives. It’s a very simple process. Check out where to send your funds on page 8! Since the International Board meeting, each International committee has been working hard. The Education and Development Committee has finished revising Distinguished Executive Awards, finished making the 100 things to do in Indy resource, and has finished revamping the service project directory. They are currently working to create resources about the Eliminate Project and to plan an upcoming webinar. The Growth and Communications Committee has finished putting together the Recruitment, Reputation, and Retention webinar. They are currently working on analyzing the validity of the Key Club Magazine and putting together a ‘We are Family’ Kiwanis family video to be shown at DCONs and ICON. The YOF Committee met in November in Indianapolis. While there, they have reviewed all of the Youth Opportunities Funds applications. Funds have been granted to successful applicants. They have made a fun video documenting the entire process. Check it out below! That wraps up what has happened at International. If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask. Feel free to email me at gcheng.kci@gmail.com. Have a happy holidays and a wonderful new year! Eliminate On,

Gary Cheng International Trustee


The Youth Opportunities is now a direct grant and NOT a reimbursement grant. In other words, clubs who successfully applied for the YOF will receive their money first and then fill send in forms back to International detailing how they spent their funds. This change takes place immediately, meaning that the clubs that are getting a YOF grant this year will get the funds they requested very soon.

 The Eliminate Project has a page and needs supporters to increase funds! 2. Use Goodsearch for activities such as searching the web, online shopping, and dining at restaurants. 3. Goodsearch makes a donation to your chosen cause when you complete an action! Simple as that!

COMMUNICATIONS & PR PUBLIC RELATIONS HANDBOOK Discover how to successfully work with the media, both in person and online, to promote and discover events!

MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT There is now a calendar on our district website (keyclub.ca) that shows Kiwanis Family events across Eastern Canada, as well as internationally! Make sure to take a look at it and see if there are any events near you! For divisional events, contact your Lieutenant Governor!

DISTRICT STYLE GUIDE Represent Key Club International, as well as the Eastern Canada District, throughout your publications!

K-FAMILY RELATIONS Currently, the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee's main focus is starting Builders Clubs to grow the Kiwanis Family. The committee is also working on a newsletter to keep Kiwanians updated on the Eastern Canada District.

COMMITTEE UPDATES CONTEST & AWARDS COMMITTEE Take a look at our website, as the Contest and Awards Committee has finished updating the contests and awards for the upcoming District Convention! From distinctions, honours, club awards, and individual contests, there’s something for everyone! Show your love for Key Club and the Kiwanis Family, and start preparing today! Here are a few of the ones that are offered:

R.A. (Bob) Cageorge Distinguished Club Achievement Award Distinguished President Award Early Bird Dues Award Essay Contest Allen Stewart Most Outstanding Faculty Advisor Brian W. McGarry Most Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor Award Oratorical Contest Outstanding Key Clubber Award Poster Contest Scrapbook Contest Talent Contest …and many more! Video Contest




Click for more information!

Feeling creative? Design the convention shirt for our District Convention in Toronto, depicting the theme “Agents of Service” and focusing on superheroes.

Every superhero has a story… what’s yours? Questions?
 Contact our District Convention chair, Puru Panchal, at puru.g.panchal@keyclub.ca


Key Leader is an interactive youth leadership experience, quite similar to Key Club. It takes place over the span of 3 days, and teaches students the keys to excellence: personal integrity, personal growth, respect, building community, and the pursuit of excellence. Personal Integrity teaches students about their values, and how they influence their decision making. Personal Growth teaches students about communication, their personality types, and risk taking. Respect teaches students about morals, and decision making with those in mind. Building Community teaches students about what communities they are a part of, and discrimination within those communities. Pursuit of Excellence teaches students about goal setting, and how to make SMART goals. Key Leader is also a great opportunity to meet new friends and helpful contacts within the Key Club community. Just ask Eastern Canada District Governor Mona Adib! Key Leader is a great experience and you can learn more about it, and find a program near you, at www.key-leader.org! Written by: Brandon Vaughner



YEAR 5: CELEBRATE (10/2014 – 09/2015)


YEAR 4: ACHIEVE (10/2013 – 09/2014)

UNICEF UNICEF, the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children, works with other United Nations bodies, governments and non-governmental organizations to assist in children’s needs through community-based services in primary health care, basic education, and safe water and sanitation in more than 150 developing countries.

With the Kiwanis Family UNICEF shares the Kiwanis family’s global commitment to children and has provided its extensive resources and leadership to eliminate Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) from the globe. Now it’s helping The Eliminate Project, working with the Kiwanis Family to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus.

YEAR 3: PARTICIPATE (10/2012 – 09/2013)

UNICEF VIDEO "For Every Child” highlights the importance of realizing children's rights as foreseen in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. ➤

HOW TO TURN IN FUNDS YEAR 2: INSPIRE (10/2011 – 09/2012)

YEAR 1: LEAD (01/2011 – 09/2011)

For our clubs in Eastern Canada, the cheque should be mailed to: Kiwanis Foundation of Canada P.O. Box 5034 Brantford, Ontario N3T 6J7 On the cheque, please make sure to indicate that the funds are from Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF and include your Key Club's name. Additionally, you can include an accompanying letter that includes that information.

For more information, visit



Key Clubbers across Eastern Canada had a lot of fun with their projects and fundraisers these past few months, especially with Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF! Take a look at the next few pages for our members accomplished during October, November, and December!

Key Club International has raised US $504,219.82 for the Eliminate Project since October 1st, 2014! (Last updated: January 20, 2015)

A NEW CHALLENGE The Key Club International Board is challenging each Key Club member to save or protect three lives, which means making a donation of only US $5.40 (approximately CAD $6.41)! Will you take a stand against maternal and neonatal tetanus?


DIVISION 2 On December 14, Division two held their winter rally in London, Ontario where they participated in two rounds of Laser Quest. Throughout the evening, 15 key clubbers from across the region descended into the darkness of the battlefield. Lights, smoke, and laughter filled the void as key clubbers demonstrated the very best of Division Two's spirit. The evening concluded with two final winners taking the well deserved trophies for Best Lazer Wielding Key Clubbers. As the friendly rivalries dissipated, the compassionate and inclusive qualities that make Key Clubbers what we are were definitely evident. A big thank you to everyone who came! Written by: Ainsley Anger

DIVISION 3 On Halloween, members of the Pauline Johnson Key Club met the kids from the nearby daycare at the school library, to read them Halloween stories. The kids also left with Halloween goodie bags and colouring pages. This was a fantastic opportunity for Key Clubbers to meet children from the community and get into the holiday spirit. The multiple adorable costumes were the highlight of the event for many members, with plenty of little witches, Elsa's, Spidermen, and puppies making appearances. According to Key Clubber Laura Vanner, the event was a great addition to her Halloween because she “loved getting the chance to see that even the little things we do for people, even reading a book, can make them just as happy as it makes us.” Written by: Lyndsay-Marie Talon


Operation Christmas Child was a wonderful experience this year. It always feels good to take some time out of our busy lives to give back to the community. This was my first time volunteering at Operation Christmas Child, and I am glad to say that it was one of my favourite events. Seeing everyone come together before the holidays to help those across the world who do not have an opportunity to receive Christmas gifts really inspires you to work hard! After just 4 hours, I knew that at least 100 kids would receive gifts because of my efforts. Written by: Cotapher Xie

DIVISION 4 On November 1st and 2nd, Division 4's A.N. Myer Key Club held an annual event named “Pumpkin Smash” to kick off Key Club Week. Students would purchase pumpkins and smash them for fun. Warner's Pumpkin Patch and members of the club donated their pumpkins from the Halloween season, giving the club over 100 pumpkins to sell. The members separated these pumpkins into 2 groups, small and large, where students would purchase them for $1.00 or $3.00 respectively. This 2-day event allowed students to relieve stress from everyday school life by taking a baseball bat and smash their pumpkin until it was in pieces. All of the funds raised were donated towards the Eliminate Project. Written by: Joshua Brehaut


DIVISION 5 On Thursday October 30th, as teachers at Parkdale Collegiate Institute prepared for parent-teacher interviews, Key Clubbers got ready for their annual Halloween Bake Sale! From chocolate chip cookies, spooky muffins, marble cakes, ladyfingers, to hot coffee and tea, Parkdale CI Key Clubbers had an amazing time baking, volunteering, and selling wonderful treats. Overall, the Halloween bake sale was a grand success as Parkdale CI fundraised $254.22 in one night, with all of the proceeds donated to the Eliminate Project! Written by: Merve Younussi

Key Club Mississauga enjoyed helping out at the Operation Christmas Child processing centre in Oakville. Members spent the afternoon inspecting and preparing shoe boxes for kids in Costa Rica, Haiti and the Ukraine. It was really touching to see how much thought went into filling the shoe boxes and knowing how much a child somewhere in the world would appreciate them. ————————————————————————————————————————— Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF was a huge success as our first project of the year, and our first club project. Key Club Mississauga raised a grand total of $1,445.58 for The Eliminate Project! That's over 700 lives saved from MNT! Written by: Danica Dy


On Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 21 students and 3 staff members of Father John Redmond's Key Club helped prepare for their annual Christmas Family Drive! It took over a month to plan but it was a huge success! The whole school was asked to bring gifts for 14 different families and money was also raised to so they can have a Christmas Dinner! Students from different home rooms brought gifts as they were placed in the bag and shipped off. We had Christmas music playing as we worked together. We hoped we helped make 14 families' Christmases a little brighter! Written by: Kaylin Byun

DIVISION 8/9 Sir Robert Borden High School's Key Club's Holiday Week was a huge success, consisting of hot chocolate sales, a Santa Picture Photo booth featuring a Kiwanian Professional Santa, and the Waffle Breakfast on the Friday. Though this is the first time an entire week of events has been organized for a cause, the school enjoyed the event and was very active in it. All of the proceeds went towards a trust fund for Cpl. Nathan Cirillo's son, Marcus Cirillo, an initiative advertised to Key Club by local artist Katerina Mertikas who was in attendance of the Waffle Breakfast. Another attendee includes the President of the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, who claimed that it was a "fantastic and successful event." Written by: Rohini Gupta


The DLTC on October 18 was extremely fun! Key Clubbers from many clubs in divisions 8/9/10 came to downtown Ottawa to learn about service leadership and Key Club International. Workshops and bonding activities were held at Lisgar Collegiate Institute, with over 60 Key Clubbers in attendance. Honorary members from the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa and Manotick also attended our rally, bringing together the local Kiwanis Family. Apart from all of the educational material, members played games (including an intense tournament of ninja) and then had lunch at Rideau Centre’s new Dining Hall. At the end of the day, everyone made plenty of new friends and were trained to become better service leaders! Written by: Lucas Zhang

With enthusiasm and Christmas cheer, Key Club members were eager to volunteer and assist with the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa's Christmas Party at Château Laurier. Held to honour the commitment and contribution of the Kiwanis members, the luncheon was definitely a success. Eleven Key Club members from five different schools all donned red and green and became festive little elves. We greeted guests, sold raffle tickets, interacted with the children, and helped them draw lovely pictures. Lunch in the beautiful Château Laurier ballroom was fantastic and created a warm atmosphere for all attendees! After lunch, we guided the children to see Santa and helped distribute the gifts. This event is just one of many volunteering opportunities offered in Key Club, and being a part of the Kiwanis family has been more than amazing, with so many new friends and experiences. Here's to making a better community, at home and as a whole! Written by: William Zhang


DIVISION 10 The Canadian Tire project is a fundraiser that lasts about 2 months, where we collect regular and Canadian Tire money from every classroom in our school. We've been doing this project for 18 years and every year, we collect about $3000 from our students. The winning class gets a pizza or a Subway party, so its kind of a heated competition between classes! On a Saturday, we all go to our local Canadian Tire and buy gifts for all the children who don't have a Christmas like ours. Then, we go to the fire department to wrap up all the gifts while talking to each other and listening to Christmas music! It really makes us feel great about ourselves because we know that on Christmas, we put a smile on a kid's face and it really makes us feel great. Written by: Salma Ahmed-Osman

DIVISION 11/12 One of our more recent fundraisers we did was selling homemade Christmas cards. We picked a few days after school to get together and make Christmas cards with scrap booking supplies that were all donated to us by scrap booking lovers. In the picture to the left, we have Tashauna Robar and Emilee Boone selling Christmas cards at a Quad Service meeting. We sold them for $1 each or a dozen for $10. This fundraiser was more out into the community. We also sold to family members, through word of mouth and through Facebook. Written by: ?


2014 was certainly a year to remember for the Sydney Academy Key Club. Among the many initiatives that our club has undertaken in order to serve our community—and the world—there are a few which truly stand out. The first of these is the coffee house that was held on October 17th, 2014, for the Atlantic Burn Camp; this camp provides invaluable services and support to children living with severe burns in our region. We decided to take on an ambitious project in order to raise funds and awareness for this worthy cause, and after months of organization and planning, the coffee house become a reality. The well-attended event featured live musical entertainment from talented Sydney Academy students, homemade refreshments, and two Atlantic Burn Camp representatives who attended and spoke to the audience. Ultimately, our project resulted in hundreds of dollars being raised for the camp, a success that would not have been possible without the hard work of our Key Clubbers. ————————————————————————————————————————— Every December, the Sydney Academy Key Club holds an art auction to support Feed Nova Scotia, a province-wide organization that works to combat chronic hunger. Held at Sydney Academy on December 12th, 2014, the art auction included over seventy pieces donated by local artists, students, and community members. The artwork ranged from sketches to photographs to jewelry to quilts. In addition, this festive event also featured live performances from student musicians, a wide range of refreshments, and a surprise visit from Jolly Old Saint Nick himself. Not only did attendance double compared to last year’s art auction, but the Sydney Academy Key Club raised $1000 for Feed Nova Scotia, which was later presented to the Light up a Life Campaign – which represents Feed Nova Scotia – live at the local CBC Radio Station. Written by: Ainslie Pierrynowski


On Monday, November 3rd, 2014, students from the Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute Key Club showed their K in every way. Members were asked to wear and show off their favourite Key Club apparel, everything from T-shirts to sweaters to pants, and even sunglasses and pins. Additionally, members participated in the school-wide Clubs Fair to showcase some of the Key Club’s most memorable and exciting service and fundraising projects. To top it off, the club welcomed new and returning members to another year of service during its Inductions Night. Key Clubbers were able to bond over food and ice-breakers, transforming a large club into tight-knit family. Key Club Week left students at MGCI enthusiastic for all the future events and successes of the Key Club. Written by: Mona Adib

The Harbord Collegiate Institute Key Club takes pride and appreciation in our members, and Key Week was the perfect time to physically show our sincerity to the club and its Key Clubbers. On November 4th, the Harbord Key Club handed out candy bars as a "Kudos to the Key Players". At the back of each candy bar is a sticker thanking each recipient on behalf of our club. Tracey Ng, a grade twelve Key Clubber as seen in the picture below, happily holds a chocolate bar. The candy bar was given to her as an acknowledgement and encouragement for her generous service to our club, our school, and our community. Shout out and props to all our other fellow Key Clubbers!Kudos to you too! Written by: Christine Ly Colonel Gray High school held a “Connect the K’s" event during Key Club week. This event gathered Key Clubbers, families, as well as the Charlottetown Kiwanians members, to take part in an evening full of fun, and bonding. Members of the Colonel Gray High School in PEI spent a night under the stars in the peace garden at school. This event is an ongoing tradition; standing in the shoes of someone who is homeless for a night. Many times we forget how grateful we should be living in a safe country with a roof over our heads. Written by: ?


As apart of the Colonel By Key Club's very first involvement in Key Club Week, we decided to integrate the "Bring a Friend to Key Club" day with a service project. In doing this, our Key Club donated over $100 towards purchasing fleece which would be fabricated by our members and their friends into 12 thick blankets for the cribs at CHEO, the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario. The event was a huge success, resulting in the increase of new members, as well as the active participation of carrying on this project for many weeks afterwards. Overall, this was one of Colonel By Key Club's most successful days of Key Club week and we aim to start a tradition of recruiting new members through the actions of giving back to the community. Written by: Jenny You

The Lisgar Key Club held their annual Spaghetti Dinner and Trivia Night during Key Club week. All schools were welcome to attend this year’s event, with proceeds going towards the ELIMINATE Project. The food was great, but the fun I had with friends was much better. The wide variety of trivia topics meant that everyone could participate, knowing or most of time guessing the answer. I loved the experience, and I will certainly go back next year. Not only was it enjoyable for all of the guests, it also supported a good cause. 10/10, one of the best evening events of the year. Written by: Kai Tang

Continue spreading awareness of the importance of service in building character and empowering others! Take a look at these resources provided by Key Club International to assist you in planning for next year! MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT GUIDE MIDDLE SCHOOL ORIENTATION GUIDE PUBLIC RELATIONS 101

Key Clubbers Assemble! This year, the ECD Board is excited to welcome Superheroes (Key Clubbers) from all over Eastern Canada to the 2015 District Convention! Everyone is encouraged to participate by dressing up and acting the part. Clubs may even consider coming as a team of superheroes. We can’t wait to see Turtles who happen to be ninjas, contemplating Bats, colourful tights, and your best Superhero poses!

INFORMATIVE RESOURCES Find all of the information that you need in the following documents! Make sure to take a look at them to ensure that you will not miss any required forms!

Convention package

Convention schedule

Elections package

District Editor application

REGISTRATION Attending the District Convention may be costly, depending on the distance and individual budgets. However, there are several price reducing options available! 1. Typically, the cost is divided by three groups; your sponsoring Kiwanis Club (⅓), your Key Club (⅓), and the member (⅓).
 2. The district board has a created a sponsorship letter for clubs/ divisions to send out to local businesses and companies, for financial assistance. Contact your Lieutenant Governor for more information!
 3. Fundraise! Several clubs hold fundraisers to send their members to convention, so talk to your executives and decide whether this is a viable option for your club!

Convention costs

ELECTIONS: CLUB LEVEL Clubs should elect their new officers before the District Convention, so that the incoming executives can receive training for their terms! If you are interested in running fora position at the club level, read the following descriptions and duties, as well as talk to your current exec team! Keep in mind that the roles have different responsibilities for each club, so whichever position you decide to run for, you must be dedicated to Key Club International, its values, and the empowerment of other through service. Take the lead and make a positive impact in your life and the lives of others!



The club president is responsible for setting and monitoring the goals of the club, running club meetings, appointing committee chairs and delegating tasks as necessary, recruiting, training and retaining members and maintaining regular communication with the lieutenant governor of his or her division.



The role of the club vice president can be summarized in one word: service. The vice president serves the president, other club officers, committees and the general membership. He or she is also expected to learn the duties of the president in order to fill in or take over as necessary.



The office of secretary is one of the most demanding in the organization and a good secretary is essential to the proper functioning of any Key Club. The secretary is responsible for taking minutes, keeping records and maintaining all important files for the club.



The club treasurer controls the club’s money, both its collection and disbursement. He or she collects member dues, prepares and monitors the budget and maintains accurate financial records.



The club editor is responsible for keeping the membership informed about important activities, opportunities and deadlines at the club, district and international level. The optional “bulletin” may be a printed piece or electronic update.

A Century of Service In 1915, Kiwanis began as a single club in Detroit, Michigan. But over the last 100 years, it's grown into a premier international service organization. Today, the Kiwanis Family donates more than 18 million hours of service each year, raises more than $100 million in charitable funds annually, and tackles projects that impact both local and global communities. Throughout the decades, the old Kiwanis motto "We Build" aptly described the organization's charity eorts, from providing vital assistance during the Great Depression to combating voter apathy in the 1950s. Today, under a new motto, "Serving the Children of the World," Kiwanians help the planet's youngest residents on an unprecedented scale. Working with UNICEF, Kiwanis helped establish programs to battle iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), one of the leading causes of preventable mental retardation. Now, the Kiwanis family has set their sights on eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus, via the Eliminate Project in conjunction with UNICEF. By raising US$110 million, Kiwanis aims to end this painful and deadly disease by the end of their anniversary year of 2015, potentially saving some 129 million mothers and babies. 1915










What will the next century bring? No one can say for sure. But may this centennial anniversary be simply a stepping stone in the continued impact and dedication of so many members. Throughout your life, you will belong to multiple families; ones you are born in, others you choose for yourself. - Christina Moica


Landscape Structures Inc. is the leading commercial playground and skatepark equipment manufacturer in the world. Since 1971, the company has designed, manufactured, and installed truly inclusive playgrounds. In these environments, children are able to play together freely without their individual limitations hindering their imaginations, while being stimulated by the structure around them.

We would love to hear from you! District Governor Mona Adib governor@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 2 Ainsley Anger lgdivision2@keyclub.ca

LG: Divisions 8/9 Lucas Zhang lgdivision8-9@keyclub.ca

District Secretary-Treasurer Jasmine Nozari dst@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 3 Andi Fan lgdivision3@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 10 & District Translator Hanna Bonneville lgdivision10@keyclub.ca

District Bulletin Editor Christina Moica editor@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 4 Bhavika Patel lgdivision4@keyclub.ca

LG: Divisions 11/12 Alex Spinney lgdivision11-12@keyclub.ca

District Webmaster An Than webmaster@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 5 Matthew Ye lgdivision5@keyclub.ca

District Administrator Shelley Des Cotes admin@keyclub.ca

Caring – Our Way of Life

2015; new year, new opportunities!

Look for the next issue of the EC KEY, as the 2014-2015 service year draws to a close!

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