Eastern Canada Key – Volume 2 Issue 2

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Lights, Camera, Action! Go behind the scenes with members across Eastern Canada!




Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a wonderful summer, filled with new experiences, service, and memories to last a lifetime! The International Convention in Anaheim was an inspirational and life-changing event for me, so take a look at page 5 for a recap of our district tour! This issue of the EC KEY features a lot of upcoming events as well service projects that members across Eastern Canada participated in this summer; helping out at the local food bank, holding a car wash, and more! Don’t forget to send in articles and pictures of your club’s activities to editor@keyclub.ca, if you wish to be featured in the next issues! Read about the updates at the district and international level of Key Club, apply to get involved with a district committee, learn more about Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF and Key Leader… this issue is packed with information for both new and returning members. Throughout the service year, the district committees will be releasing publications based on their individual roles, so keep an eye on our Facebook page and website! From myself and the rest of the district board, we wish you all a successful year and cannot wait to see you at DCON in March (more information to be released soon)! Until then, however, look for service opportunities in your communities and how you can make a difference in someone’s life. As the weather grows colder, our hearts grow warmer!

Yours in service,

Christina Moica District Editor editor@keyclub.ca

GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE Hello Eastern Canada! I hope that all you had an outstanding summer break! This past summer was crazy and absolutely amazing! I, along with other Key Clubbers from Eastern Canada attended the International Convention in Anaheim, California. There, we attended workshops, met Key Clubbers from all around the world and importantly, elected our International Board. The process for electing the new board was long and difficult, as there were many qualified candidates running for the positions of International President, International Vice-President and International Trustee. After a vote, our new IP is Maria Palazzolo and our new IVP is Kevin Zhang. I know that the two of them will do a phenomenal job guiding the International Board! Additionally, we found out that the Eastern Canada District is fortunate to have Gary Cheng from the Michigan District as our International Trustee! From attending International Convention, I was able to truly recognize just a how big Key Club International is. I found it breathtaking to consider that so many students from all around the world share the same goal: to serve our schools and communities. It’s reassuring to know that there is a community of people who want to help change the world, and that we’re a part of it! Now that the summer break is over, I would like to welcome you to the 2014-2015 school year! I know that most of you are not looking forward to the sleepless nights and the piles of homework (or maybe you are), but there’s always one good thing about the start of a new school year: the start of Key Clubs! This year, I want to focus on expanding our District in two ways: membership and resources. Firstly, there is so much potential for new Key Clubs to start in every division. Certain divisions currently have more than 3 interested schools. As long as Key Clubbers like yourselves constantly promote Key Club to students from different schools, we can fuel District-wide growth. Interested students constantly tell me that they learned about Key Club from their friends who are Key Clubbers! Secondly, as a way to retain membership or grow individual clubs, more resources (PPTs, guides, etc.) should be provided. Currently, we are updating and creating new resources to be shared with clubs! If you have ideas for resources that you and your club would find useful, please feel free to contact me anytime! I wish you the best of luck for this year, and I am excited for all the amazing things you will accomplish as clubs and we will accomplish as a District! Yours in service,

Mona Adib District Governor

DUES COLLECTION Welcome back to school! Which also means… dues collection! Here is some quick information to help you navigate through the process without any difficulty. Please also take a look at the guide that our District Secretary-Treasurer created! First of all, club officers should be aware of the international and district dues for the 2014-2015 service year, and that they need to be collected as soon as possible.

$13.5 (USD)

$14.8 (CAN)

Once members have paid their dues, the MUC can be accessed by the club’s faculty advisor and secretary/treasurer to update details of existing members, delete old members, and add information for new members.



Since only the Faculty Advisor on record at Kiwanis International for your Key Club can access the Membership Update Centre, their name and email must be updated by contacting memberservices@kiwanis.org or 1-800-KIWANIS ext. 411 before accessing your club’s account.

IMPORTANT DATES September 1, 2014: Start collecting 2014-2015 dues

October 15, 2014:


Make an invoice using MUC and email it to your sponsoring Kiwanis Club


November 1, 2014:


Early bird dues deadline

December 1, 2014: International dues deadline

February 1, 2015: Suspended status

ANY QUESTIONS? ASK JASMINE! Contact our District SecretaryTreasurer at dst@keyclub.ca


The 71st annual Key Club International Convention was held in Anaheim, California this year, sending 16 members and 3 chaperones from the Eastern Canada District to celebrate service, become inspired, and make long-lasting friendships. We departed for sunny Anaheim on June 30 to go on a tour the next day of Los Angeles. As we celebrated Canada Day sporting our red and white attire, we visited attractions such as Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, Rodeo Drive, Hollywood Boulevard, Santa Monica Beach, and the local Farmers Market. Thankfully, the fog lifted after noon, allowing us to view the Hollywood sign.

On July 2, the convention officially started, with a meet and greet session in the evening. It was an extraordinary experience meeting and bonding with other Key Clubbers from the United States and abroad. The next day was opening session, where we were welcomed to Anaheim and listened to Chris Bashinelli talk about his adventures across the world, “walking in someone else’s shoes”, and how he got involved in such an impressive career at a young age. As the day continued, caucus session introduced us to the candidates for international office, while the house of delegates allowed us to vote on several amendments to our bylaws. Later in the evening, we had a beach party dance to connect with one another. Coming from Eastern Canada, it was quite interesting learning line dances to so many different songs!

July 4 was a busy day, with workshops on various topics, a service fair where districts and charities showcased their projects, and two speakers. Matt Mattson led us through a growth session in the morning, impelling us to get “phired up” and truly connect with strangers on a more personal level. Through simply shaking hands with the people seated around you, new friends and interesting conversations are created, as you both share stories and ideas with one another. To quote from his motivational session, “People don’t join organizations… people join people.”

We also had lunch together at the convention and listened to speaker Louise Ashby talk about how she rebuilt her life after a horrendous car accident. She faced numerous challenges along her reconstructive journey, including public harassment, surgeries, and finding the courage to step out into the world again. It was a privilege to have her join us at the international convention and talk about how to regain control of your life, even when there seems to be no glimmer of hope. Later that evening, the recognition session awarded distinguished district officers and clubs for their achievements and contests.

Congratulations to Annu Puri (Distinguished Governor), Jacqueline Sue (Distinguished Editor), and our Robert F. Lucas Award recipients, Lars Chen, Katherine Gall, and Jeff Zhang. It also featured the talent show, where we were entertained by several amazing acts from Key Clubbers. Afterwards, the Eastern Canada District gathered to eat dinner together at a local family-style Italian restaurant and then head to Sue Petrisin’s suite to join the Michigan District for the Fourth of July fireworks across the city (Thank you very much for inviting us! We truly appreciate it!). The convention continued the next day with more workshops and an Eliminate Session, where we learned more about the Eliminate Project, the current progress, and how we can successfully achieve Key Club International’s goal of raising $5.40 USD per member by 2015.

In the afternoon, the second House of Delegates assembly was held to elect the Key Club International Board for the 2014-2015 service year. Unfortunately, the convention ended much too quickly, with the closing session and an invitation to gather again next year in Indianapolis, Indiana. Congratulations to Maria Palazzolo for being elected to serve as the International President, as well as the rest of the board! With the enthusiasm of celebrating another year of service, the Kiwanis centennial anniversary, and the completion of the Eliminate Project, we danced together with our new friends for the last time until 2015.


On July 6, we spent the day at Disneyland, reliving our childhood memories at Magic Kingdom or experiencing thrilling rides at California Adventure. Whichever park our members chose, it was a memorable day for all of us as we bonded over the magic of Disney. Our last day in Anaheim consisted of free time before a tearful farewell at the airport. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories and I look forward to the 72nd annual Key Club International Convention in Indianapolis next year!

Video recap of ICON 2014! (Credits: Elena Pham Miller)


INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEE’S MESSAGE Hello ECD Key Clubbers! My name is Gary, and I will be serving as your 2014-15 Key Club International Trustee. I serve two other districts, the Capital and the Caribbean Atlantic, and together we form the most diverse group of sister districts. I want to start off by introducing myself. I am in Grade 12 at Mt. Pleasant High School in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, and I have been a Key Club member my entire high school career. I became an active Key Clubber during my grade 10 year when I started to volunteer at my local soup kitchen on a regular basis. It was at that point that I really fell in love with service. Outside of Key Club, the biggest thing I do right now is Physics Research at Central Michigan University. I currently research a material called Clathrates for their thermoelectric properties. I’m really enjoying the experience of working with professors and grad students. It’s really rewarding! Many of you might not know what exactly an International Trustee does. Essentially, my job is to act as an International Liaison to the district level. I communicate news from International in the form of bi-weekly (every 2 weeks) updates, and I bring feedback from the members back to International. My email is gcheng.kci@gmail.com. If you ever need anything or want to communicate with me, please do not hesitate to contact me. At the end of the day, I am here to serve you. This coming year is the final year of the Eliminate Project Campaign. Let’s end it with a bang! Trick or Treat for UNICEF is right around the corner. Traditionally, when most people think about Trick or Treat for UNICEF, they think of Key Clubbers going door to door asking for donations, but it is so much more than that. It’s an opportunity to spread the word and raise money to eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus in any way that you can. I challenge each and every one of you to have fundraisers throughout the month of October. Keep an eye out for my trustee updates for any new Eliminate Project news. Utilize your resources, spread the word, and have fun along the way! Yours in service,

Gary Cheng International Trustee

Gary Cheng (IT) with the District Governors from the Eastern Canada, Caribbean Atlantic, and Capital District.

Visit the websites of our Sister Districts!


President: Maria Palazzolo Vice President: Kevin Zhang District: Western Canada Trustee: Jenalee Beazley Districts: California-Nevada-Hawaii, Ohio, Rocky Mountain Trustee: Gary Cheng Districts: Capital, Caribbean-Atlantic, Eastern Canada Trustee: Renisha Daley Districts: Montana, Nebraska-Iowa, Southwest Trustee: Tashrima Hossain Districts: California-Nevada-Hawaii’s KIWIN’S, Georgia, Pacific Northwest Trustee: Laken Kelly Districts: Florida, Missouri-Arkansas, West Virginia

HOUSE OF DELEGATES Find out about the amendments that were passed during the International Convention!

Trustee: Nicole Lema Districts: Alabama, Kansas, Michigan Trustee: Rip Livingston Districts: Carolinas, Indiana, Kentucky-Tennessee Trustee: Robbie Mathis Districts: Jamaica, Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee, Pennsylvania Trustee: Shane Meyers Districts: Bahamas, Illinois-Eastern Iowa, New York Trustee: Liz Moore Districts: Minnesota-Dakotas, New England, Utah-Idaho Trustee: Barry Seng Districts: New Jersey, Texas-Oklahoma, Wisconsin-Upper Michigan

KEY CLUB MAGAZINE Click to read the September 2014 issue!


Executive Mona Adib District Governor The Executive Committee is composed of the Eastern Canada Executive Board, which includes the District Governor, Webmaster, Bulletin Editor and Secretary-Treasurer, along with a few Lieutenant Governors. Essentially, the main purpose of the committee is to ensure that Board members are working efficiently and are equipped with the right resources to meet their needs. The committee keeps up-to-date with Lieutenant Governors and Committee Chairs through monthly reports that track their progress and target areas of improvement. Additionally, committee members are tasked with updating the service agreements for Board positions such as Lieutenant Governor and District Secretary-Treasurer. As well, they must educate potential candidates about the election or appointment process (depending on the position), and develop a candidates’ booklet that covers important information regarding the platform and past experience of candidates seeking votes at District Convention. Overall, the Executive Committee is set in place to monitor the functionality of the District and to suggest ways to expand and improve the Eastern Canada District.


Communications & PR Christina Moica & An Than District Editor & District Webmaster The Communications and Public Relations works to promote Key Club in the community and keep the Eastern Canada District updated via social media, providing information on the work done in other district committees and upcoming events. Throughout the service year, we will be creating a district style guide, public relations handbook, and promotional material for any divisional or district events. Through initiatives such as Canadians of Key Club, our aim is to connect our members through stories of their Key Club experiences. If you are interested in assisting the district with the Communications and Public Relations Committee, please out the application and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Canadians of Key Club – Guide for Clubs Send in your pictures to canadiansofkc@gmail.com! The guide includes information about the initiative, submissions, and possible questions!



Kiwanis Family Erin Bernardo Division 4 The purpose of the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee is to promote inter-club activity between the different levels of the Kiwanis family. Our role is to reach out to different levels of Kiwanis including BUG, Terrific Kids, K-Kids, Builder’s Club, Key Club, Circle K, Kiwanis and Aktion Club. Through promoting and helping to organize service projects throughout the district, our goal is for Key Clubs to serve along with other members of the Kiwanis family. We will work towards educating members of all clubs of the different levels of Kiwanis. For the 2014-2015 service year, I plan to work with Lieutenant Governors to organize interclub events that different members of the Kiwanis family can participate in. The committee will keep up to date with news related to all levels of Kiwanis. We will communicate with Kiwanians and keep them updated on news from the Eastern Canada District of Key Club and work with Lieutenant Governors to reach out to Kiwanis Clubs that are not currently sponsoring Key Clubs. Within neighbouring divisions, I plan to work with LGs to organize a large inter-club event to raise money for the Eliminate Project, rallying divisions and levels of Kiwanis clubs together.



Major Emphasis Joyce Cheng Division 5 The Major Emphasis Committee focuses on providing resources and information to Key Clubbers regarding the district's major emphasis project (the Eliminate Project) and Key Club International’s preferred charities. We would like to focus on highlighting successful awareness and fundraising campaigns that can inspire new clubs and provide them with ideas for their own events. The committee is also responsible for creating a service directory that outlines a variety of service and fundraising projects for Key Clubs, promote grants such as the Youth Opportunities Fund, and keep track of funds raised by individual clubs for the Eliminate Project and announce the total at the annual District Convention.

Take a look at the next few pages for more information on Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF and updates on the Eliminate Project!


Membership Development Lars Chen Division 3 At the Membership Development Committee, we’re focusing on spreading the joys and rewards of service with as many high school students as possible. We believe it’s important that more students have the opportunity to serve their communities and our world in bigger and better ways. In order to accomplish this, we’re reaching out to students who have shown interest in forming Key Clubs in order to help them be successful in their efforts. If you’re thinking about applying, then the following is what you can expect. We’ll be updating Key Club guides to make information more accessible. These resources cover topics from Key Club 101 to Making Meetings Fun. Additionally, we’re making letters that target school administrators and Kiwanians, explaining why they should support Key Club, and a calendar, so it’s easy to know when events are going on and who to contact. So, if you enjoy making presentations or writing, and you want to share your knowledge or ideas for Key Club, please join! Membership in this committee will only last until late March, so don’t hesitate to apply; we can always use your ideas.



District Convention Puru Panchal Division 3 The ECD DCON Planning Committee aims to create a memorable experience for Key Clubbers across the District at convention. This year, DCON will be in Toronto, making it a vibrant centre for activities, Key Club events, and networking. The committee aims to work with the PR committee and district officers to arrange special events like guest speakers, performances, and tour arrangements at DCON. We hope to introduce not only designs for Tshirts with help from Key Clubbers across the district, but will also work on obtaining sponsorships and setting aside a budget for convention. The committee will be in close contact with the Governor and District Administrator, and will determine travel and tour plans for International Convention in Indianapolis. We look forward to working in a smooth, organized fashion, to facilitate a memorable convention experience filled with opportunities for Key Clubbers to grow as leaders. But most of all, we hope that our efforts will pay off with a successful convention filled with laughter, activities, and memories to last a lifetime. See you all in Toronto!



Contests & Awards Ainsley Anger & Alex Spinney LG of Division 2 & LG of Divisions 11/12 The purpose of the contests and awards is to celebrate the accomplishments, services, and gifts of Key Clubs and Key Club members. The Contest and Awards Committee will be taking care of the organization and planning of awards up to, and after our district convention. Being on this committee opens up the opportunity for you to have a position in Key Club and work closely with members of the Eastern Canada District Board. Without the help of this committee, Key club members would not get the recognition they deserve for their countless hours of hard work. We are still open for applications, so let us know a little bit about yourself, and we hope to work with you in the future!



Key Leader Rohini Gupta Divisions 8/9 As KEY Leader ambassador, it is my job to promote the KEY Leadership Camp throughout the western area of the district. This will be through any and every form of communication such as word-of mouth, social media, presentations, and events such as District Convention and International Convention. I will also be communicating thoroughly with the Lieutenant Governors to make sure that my promotional material can be conveyed throughout the district. As for my administrative tasks, I will be attending the District KEY Leader Committee meeting and submitting a report to each district meeting as well.

Interested in attending Key Leader? Find a camp near you! Take a look at page 18 for more information on camp locations and dates.

Halloween is fast approaching, and with it, Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF! Start planning your event(s) as soon as possible, to ensure a successful outcome. The resources on these two pages will provide information on participation, where to send funds, and recognition! Happy trick-or-treating!

How to take part


Decide with your club what kind of fundraiser you’ll do. Get some ideas by taking a look at the Key Club magazine or the Eliminate Project website (same ideas, different media).


Order your collection boxes! If your club participated in Trick-orTreat for UNICEF last year, you’ll automatically receive 30 boxes at your school in mid-September. Click on the UNICEF box to the right to go to the Kiwanis Family store. ➤


Collect donations on the day of your event or on Halloween!


Fill out the gift form and submit it with your club’s donations.


Celebrate! You helped save lives through your event!

Did you know… Through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, Key Club has raised more than US $6 million for child survival and development programs around the world since 1994! Starting in 2012, Key Club joined other Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs to raise money for the Eliminate Project through this campaign.

Where to send funds

Once you have collected all of your donations, send a cheque or money order (payable to the Kiwanis International Foundation) as well as your completed gift form to: The Eliminate Project: Campaign Office Kiwanis International Foundation 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA ATTN: Trick-or-Treat Note: Be sure to write your club name or club number on the memo line of the cheque!


Clubs that raise and submit more than US $250 by December 31, 2014, will receive a special banner patch! Take a look at the Kiwanis Family Recognition booklet for additional honours and awards that can be received based on your club’s fundraising for the Eliminate Project. ➤

Excited for Halloween? Connect with others and share your event!

Thank you for committing to help eliminate maternal neonatal tetanus! In order to reach Key Club International’s goal of US $3 million, saving or protecting more than 1.6 million mothers and babies, we need every Key Club involved! Visit www.TheEliminateProject.org/trickortreat or contact campaign@TheEliminateProject.org for more information.

Only 24 countries left


Campaign Progress Map

Every face is a reason to help

YEAR 5: CELEBRATE (10/2014 – 09/2015)



YEAR 4: ACHIEVE (10/2013 – 09/2014)

YEAR 3: PARTICIPATE (10/2012 – 09/2013)

Click on the banner above to view the Kiwanis Family recognition brochure for awards and distinctions that can honour a club or individual for their commitment to the Eliminate Project.


In 2013, Key Clubbers raised US$571,527.39 through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF.

YEAR 1: LEAD (01/2011 – 09/2011)

For more information, visit






KEY LEADER 2014: TAKE A RISK, TAKE THE LEAD Ontario Circle Square Ranch (Arden 1), Arden, Ontario | October 24-26, 2014 Circle Square Ranch, Brantford, Ontario | October 24-26, 2014 Circle Square Ranch (Arden 2), Arden, Ontario | November 14-16, 2014

Atlantic Camp Argonaut, Gagetown, New Brunswick | September 26-28, 2014 Bayside Youth Camp, Sambro, Nova Scotia | October 24-26, 2014

Interested in attending? Contact the student liaison at your school to register! Please remember that registration works on a first-come first-served basis, so get these forms in as soon as possible!

REGISTRATION CHECKLIST COMMUNITY VALUES MEDICAL RELEASE Any questions? Contact our Key Leader Ambassador! Rohini Gupta rohini.gupta.canada@gmail.com

Contact the Kiwanis Key Leader OďŹƒce http://www.key-leader.org key-leader@kiwanis.org


DIVISION 2 Over the summer the IDCI Key Club actively participated in managing and maintaining the Ingersoll Key Putt. At the beginning of the season, our club partnered up with our sponsoring Kiwanis Club and replaced all the wood with bricks and made some major repairs. We were very fortunate to be able to get much support from our Kiwanis club in gathering sponsors in our community. We had a very successful season and are looking forward to our upcoming annual Halloween event at the Key Putt. Written by: Karly Mabee

DIVISION 3 Division 3’s DLTC garnered roughly 15 attendants consisting of presidents, co-presidents, secretaries and some regular members. It was hosted in the drama room of Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute, the ambience of which “amplified the experience” as commented by former president Maher Akhtar. At the conference, members were educated primarily on position responsibilities, with presentations given by Andi Fan, LG of Division 3. Additional topics such as member recruitment and running for higher office were also discussed, with presentations being delivered by Carson Cook and Lyndsay-Marie Talon respectively. After presentations, group bonding was conducted via “Ninja”, an icebreaker game which forces participants to aggressively high-five other players. The conference concluded with a group lunch, the meeting itself lasted from 10:00 am to roughly 12:30 pm. Written by: Andi Phan

DIVISION 4 The members of Division 4 took time out of their summer schedule to perform a selfless task. The Niagara Falls Community Outreach Centre aims to provide nutritious meals, basic supplies, or shelter to those who do not have these necessities. The Key Clubbers cleaned, organized, painted, and restocked items at the centre. These little tasks preformed by the Key Clubbers will allow the volunteers to focus on cooking and serving to those who come out daily. Click for more information!

Written by: Bhavika Patel


DIVISION 5 On a fine afternoon on Tuesday, August 19, Key Clubbers from all walks of Toronto (Martingrove, Marc Garneau, Parkdale, Harbord, York Memorial, Upper Canada College) had a wonderful time serving at the Daily Bread Food Bank. From awesome hairnets and blue latex gloves to sticker-tape frenzy, everyone eagerly got their hands into packaging over 200 pounds of frozen hamburger meat. Overall, it was a soaring success as Key Clubbers sorted, prepared and boxed in record time!

Click for more information!

Every year, thousands of people across Toronto rely on food banks. As the largest provider of food relief in the GTA, Daily Bread Food Bank provides food for an average of 63,000 visits a month to food banks and prepares over 3000 nutritious meals in its kitchen that are sent out every week to shelters, hostels and neighbourhood meal programs. District 5 Key Clubbers, you make Toronto proud not only for your service, but for the passion and love that comes with it! Written by: Merve Younussi

DIVISIONS 11/12 On August 16th, the Colonel Grey Key Club held a car wash and barbecue at a local gas station in

Charlottetown, PEI. Numerous members of our club spent over 6 hours there devoting our time to raising money for our local soup kitchen. The soup kitchen is an organization that our Key Club really focuses on as we fundraise money to help them buy supplies and also three times a week two of our members volunteer there after school helping to serve supper. That day we made just over $200 for the soup kitchen! Not only did we have many people attend the car wash, but also received generous donations! Overall it was a superb day for all of our members as not only did we help a good cause, but also had a spectacular time doing so. It helped our club members become closer while helping out a great cause. Written by: Emma Moore

Youth Opportunities Fund The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. Established through a portion of your Key Club International dues, this fund helps Key Clubs and Key Clubs members to serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities.

YOF grants can help you take action!

Look around and identify the things that need to get done in your school, community or world. Projects in the past have included reading nights, community gardens, arts & crafts programs, and more! Make a difference with your project!

Important! The application must be received by October 15, 2014.

Notification of the Key Club International Board’s decision will be mailed no later than January 1, 2015.

As of September 2013, applicants must use the new YOF grant application.
 Applications from previous years will not be accepted. !















For over 75 years, the March of Dimes Foundation has worked towards a future with stronger, healthier babies. Continuous support has allowed them to continue research to determine the causes, treatments, and preventions for serious problems that threaten babies’ health. March of Dimes also provides knowledge for mothers on prenatal care as well as supporting families with premature babies. Click to discover the research and programs funded by your donations ➤

WORLD PREMATURITY DAY Every year, 15 million babies worldwide are born too soon, but everyone can help. Show your support on November 17 by wearing purple and raising awareness of premature birth.

Please visit http://www.marchofdimes.org for more information on the March of Dimes Foundation.

Nickelodeon’s annual “Worldwide Day of Play” has one simple message for kids: Get up, get out, and go play! In order to encourage participation, their channels and websites are shut down for three hours. Over the years, the efforts of the network have resulted in thousands of events and millions of children pursuing healthy, active lifestyles.

Get your club involved and host your own event! Take a look at the guide for more information! ➤

Since its inception in the 1970s, the Hershey Track & Field Games have provided a quality recreational and school program where children have fun and are introduced to physical fitness through basic track and field events such as running, jumping, and throwing.

We would love to hear from you! District Governor Mona Adib governor@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 2 Ainsley Anger lgdivision2@keyclub.ca

LG: Divisions 8/9 Lucas Zhang lgdivision8-9@keyclub.ca

District Secretary-Treasurer Jasmine Nozari dst@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 3 Andi Fan lgdivision3@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 10 & District Translator Hanna Bonneville lgdivision10@keyclub.ca

District Bulletin Editor Christina Moica editor@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 4 Bhavika Patel lgdivision4@keyclub.ca

LG: Divisions 11/12 Alex Spinney lgdivision11-12@keyclub.ca

District Webmaster An Than webmaster@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 5 Matthew Ye lgdivision5@keyclub.ca

District Administrator Shelley Des Cotes admin@keyclub.ca

Caring – Our Way of Life

Have a good start to your school year!

Look for the next issue of the EC KEY! What’s that in the sky? A bird? A plane?

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