Eastern Canada Key – Volume 2 Issue 4

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EDITOR’S MESSAGE Hello everyone! It really is a strange feeling to realize that I will no longer be part of this organization as a member, along with other seniors across the world. My time in Key Club has transformed me in so many ways, allowing me to gain a more global perspective and discover what values are present at my core. However, through it all, my most successful accomplishments by far are having even the slightest impact in other people’s personal growth. It has been a privilege to serve as the District Editor for Eastern Canada during the 2014-2015 service year. From the very beginning, I have met inspirational people that have encouraged me to succeed and persevere. Wherever you lead your life, remember that you do not need a title or position to serve and help others! For those who are graduating this year, thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to making a positive impact in your communities, both near and far! To those continuing their involvement in Key Club, cherish every moment. It sure flies by fast, and if you fill your time with memorable events, it will be one of the best experiences of your lives! And thus, this concludes my final Editor’s Message… keep reading for farewells from the 2014-2015 District Board, updates on our district’s contributions to the Eliminate Project, and activities available to us at the International Convention in June! See you soon, Key Clubbers! Yours forever in service,

Christina Moica District Editor editor@keyclub.ca

GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE Hey Key Clubbers! Congratulations on a great service year! Wait….what? The year is over? Unfortunately, the beginning of April marks the end of one service year. It has been such an honour serving as the District Governor of the Eastern Canada District for the 2014-2015 service year. This year has taught me that there really are no limits on what we can accomplish. With more members, more available resources and more funds raised for our Major Emphasis Project than ever, you can say that we conquered quite a few limits. As many of you know, the Eastern Canada District Convention took place from March 27 to 29. Key Clubbers from all over Eastern Canada came together in Toronto, Ontario. Students attended workshops, participated in contests and awards and explored downtown Toronto. The District Board and I were astounded and impressed by the amount of enthusiasm and by all the ideas that clubs shared. As well, we are so proud to say that during the span of a weekend we raised more than $9000 to save mothers and babies from maternal neonatal tetanus. With the money raised at District Convention and the money raised throughout the year, the Eastern Canada District has raised about $35,000! So…what now? Although, this is the end of one year, it’s also the beginning of another service year. With new Club executives and a new District Board, I am excited to see all the things that each individual club and the District as a whole will accomplish. In approximately a month, the District Board will have a weekend of training in order to ensure that they can serve clubs in the District to the best of their ability. Something exciting to look forward to is the 2015 Key Club International Convention in Indianapolis. The best part is that it won’t just be Key Club’s Convention because the Kiwanis, Circle K and Aktion Club Conventions will be taking place at the same time in Indianapolis. Just imagine the K-family fun! If you are interested in attending, feel free to contact me for more information (governor@keyclub.ca). Thank you for everything and I wish you the best of luck on upcoming exams! Yours in service,

Mona Adib District Governor

INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEE’S MESSAGE Hey ECD Key Clubbers! Hello everyone, it’s Trustee Gary with one last international update before District Convention. It has been an honor serving as your International Trustee, and I look forward to helping Eastern Canada transition into a new district board. If you have any questions either about this message or about anything else, feel free to email me at gcheng.kci@gmail.com. The International Board has been busy the last couple of months. The Education and Development committee hosted another webinar, this time focusing on International Convention in Indianapolis. The committee has also finished putting together a March of Dimes resource. The Growth and Communications Committee is almost done with their latest survey. They are trying to gather information about the Key Club Magazine from the members of Key Club International. This survey will be released soon. It pains me that the 2014-15 district board is soon retiring. I have got to know all of them this past year through my district visit. I remember meeting everyone for the first time in January, and I didn’t know what to expect. They grew on me over the course of the weekend, and when I left to go home, I knew that they had tremendous potential to better their district. It’s truly been my pleasure serving them. I hope to see you all at Eastern Canada DCON! Eliminate On,

Gary Cheng International Trustee 2014-2015 Eastern Canada, Caribbean Atlantic, Capital

Farewell - from the -

District Board


, and th great pleasure rn Canada! It’s wi ste Ea of ar to rs ye be ice ub rv Hello Key Cl 2014-2015 se that I can call the s ost es m dn e sa th h uc en m it has be of course confidence that t th pu wi n y tio sa ca d di an de d an end, hard work an of s ur ho e th to do anks able to successful yet! Th u, we have been every one of yo d d of the an en ch e ea th by in rticularly with Pa ar. ye is th UNICEF for the incredible things International and s ni wa Ki d n ee tw ’s progress and en partnership be rn Canada District ste Ea g e th ein se of t, ec ain e once ag Eliminate Proj and reminded m g, in It az e. am ak m ly n tru ca Clubbers results was empowered Key at r th fo ge u an yo ch k of an th magnitude u all, and working with yo ur no ho an en has be l year of service! another wonderfu Yours in service,

Jasm ine Nozari


ry-Treasure IP District Secreta


On behalf of the 2014-2 015 Eastern Canada Dis trict Board and the Co mm itte e Ch air s, we wo uld like to tha nk eve ryo ne for contributing to a succes sful service-filled year. We ho pe that the spirit of service contin ues on with the gra duating Key Club members and will join Circle K or Kiwanis. If you are planning to join Kiwanis after you lea ve Key Club, there will be no cost to be an associate member for younger Kiwanians to stay connected, participate in service op portunities and special events (instead of having to opt into Kiw anis). As the new servic e year has already begun with the newly -elected 2015-2016 Eas ter n Canada District Board, we hope that the District will contin ue to grow and experience another suc cessful service year. Yours in service,

An Than IP District Webmaster

POST CARD able to serve on the Eastern It was my pleasure to have been International this past year. Key Canada District Board of Key Club values and how to become a core the Club has not only taught me group of students, previously servant leader, but how a whole ld like to thank each and every strangers, can become family. I wou my journey that allowed me of part a Key Club member for being ld not have been able to do it to be family with you. I truly wou as the amazing district we are without such a great division, as well rd will do even better than boa 6 -201 a part of. I know that the 2015 e you all down the path that is we did this past year, and will guid uating members, like myself, I servant leadership! For those grad ! year next K hope to see you all in Circle Yours in service,

Ainsley Anger

2 IP Lieutenant Governor of Division


OST CAR Prior to se D rving as Lieutenan leadership t Governo position. It r, I had ’s a role th opportunit neve ies, and re a defined th t introduced me to r held a planning d e way I lo ivisional ra wonderful oked at K llies to me always see ey Club. F eting you med to in rom volve mee a helped bri ting new K ll at DCON, being LT ng me ou e G y t Clubbers, Clubbers a from all o of my shell. I was able to w nd it really ver Eastern people o ork with n the dis Key trict board Canada, and met a opportunit ! I’ll be lot of gre y that I wa forever g at s given, an the positio ratefu d I hope fu n as much ture LG’s ca l for the as I did. n take from Yours in se rv


IP Lieuten

ant Govern o

Andi Fan

r of Divisio


POST CARD ortunity to be the Lieutenant This past year, I have had the opp ern Canada District. I have been Governor of Division 4 of the East unts of dedicated, service blessed in meeting numerous amo my term. I have also had out ugh orientated and kind people thro k with most adoring people; the the opportunity to be able to wor put into their divisions and amount work and effort each of them ly tremendous. This year, I lute abso their dedication to service is er, a shy one, but still a leader, have been able to become as a lead others. with a growing passion for helping Yours in service,

Bhavika Patel

4 IP Lieutenant Governor of Division


Serving Division 5 and the Eastern Canada Dis trict has been truly a pleasure. Between pa cking sausage patties at the Food Bank, having a skating party , and seeing everyone at DCON, I have grown tremendously from my Key Club experiences this year. To all Key Clubbers, I hope you ha ve benefitted as much as I have from this organization. I hope tha t whether or not you cho ose to continue in Kiwanis International, you feel motivated thr oughout your lives to impact your communit y and society for the be tter. And I hope that someday, you look back at those ridiculous photo s we’ve taken and recall what a great tim e we had. It’s been an unforgettable year everyone. See ya! Yours in service,

Matthew Ye

IP Lieutenant Governo

r of Division 5

POST CARD e never thought to s amazing! I would hav My time in Key Club wa school students in ted and spirited high have met so many talen all on the 2014-15 a pleasure to serve you Eastern Canada. It was out to the many sincere gratitude goes District Board. Also, my in administrating who have assisted me friends and colleagues ng is that you you of the perks of being Divisions 8/9/10. One , new people go to s to discover, new places definitely always have new thing has b Clu y nces to make. Ke ere diff w ne and et, to me gave me the most of my youth and the ke ma me d lpe he to see y’all soon a service leader. I hope opportunity to grow as out… You may ision 5 folk better watch next time. Also, you Div 8/9/10 will emerge t next year, Divisions have won a Frisbee bu Yours in service, victorious once again!

Lucas Zhang

of Divisions IP Lieutenant Governor


POST CARD So my time as Lieutenant Governo r for Divisions 11 and 12 of the Eastern Canada District of Key Club has come to an end. I can say without hesitation that Key Club truly is the thing that opened the most doors in my life. I can’t describe the feeling of being a part of something with people who genuine ly care about others. This past year having the pleasure to work on the board was an absolute privilege, and I know that they will forever be fam ily, and lifelong friendships. To my division, you have all done incredibly, and I hope that you keep in touch. This past year I have had many struggles but my Key Club family gave me hope every step of the way. I could sit here and write about how many voluntee r hours I have gained, how many mem bers I have recruited, or the amount of money I have raised, but to me those are all insignificant. Whether someone completed hun dreds of volunteer hours or just one, it’s not the number, and it’s the impact. I enco urage all of you to never stop wha t you’re doing because one by one you’re changing the world. After my years of Key Club, I know without hesitation that I am a bett er person because of this club. To everyone who has helped me along the way, you will forever be in my heart. Yours in service,

Alex Spinney

IP Lieutenant Governor of Divisions

Best of luck for the 2015-2016 service year!




2014-2015 SERVICE YEAR

(10/2014 – 09/2015)







$26,000 YEAR 2: INSPIRE (10/2011 – 09/2012)




(01/2011 – 09/2011)

For more information, visit


Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN Hospitals) is a nonprofit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized kids while increasing awareness of its member hospitals. All CMN Hospitals contributions directly benefit hospitals, helping to purchase up-to-date equipment, train staff, conduct life-saving research, implement outreach programs, and provide health care for children whose parents can’t afford to pay.

march of dimes Founded by America’s 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in the fight against polio, March of Dimes aims to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. After the discovery of the polio vaccine, March of Dimes focused their efforts to improve the health of babies and has been successful with the help and enthusiasm of many grassroots volunteers.

unicef The only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children, UNICEF works with other United Nations bodies, governments, and non-governmental organizations to assist in children’s needs through community-based services in primary health care, basic education, and safe water and sanitation in more than 150 developing countries. Their partnership with the Kiwanis family for MNT ends this year, but our district will continue to support the cause.


DIVISION 4 This year, the Saint Paul Key Club had a cupcake sale, “Sweet Thursday”, to raise money for Gillian's Place – an organization that supports women who have been abused or feel as if they are being abused. We baked 150-170 cupcakes with most of the ingredients donated by the Key Club members themselves and the culinary arts department. We had Key Clubbers bake and decorate the cupcakes the afternoon before and morning of the sales. We raised approximately $500 dollars!! It was an amazing fundraiser that brought the club closer together as we helped the women within our community. Written by: Marine Youm


DIVISION 8/9 February 14th turned out to be a day of success not only for all the newly formed couples out there, but also for the Colonel By Key Club, who organized their first ever Valentine’s Day Flower Gram Sales! Leading up to the event, Key Clubbers worked extremely hard in collected orders and tags, organizing them, attaching them to individual flowers, and eventually distributing them to their respective recipients. By the end of the day, over 200 fresh carnations and roses were distributed and over $300 worth of profit was raised towards the ELIMINATE Project. It was a project that really got every member involved and working together as a team towards the same goal. Be proud of yourselves, Key Clubbers! Written by: Victoria To

NOTICE TO ALL KEY CLUBS Over the summer, start thinking about projects for the

YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES FUND Applications due in the fall


We would love to hear from you! District Governor Mona Adib governor@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 2 Ainsley Anger lgdivision2@keyclub.ca

LG: Divisions 8/9 Lucas Zhang lgdivision8-9@keyclub.ca

District Secretary-Treasurer Jasmine Nozari dst@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 3 Andi Fan lgdivision3@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 10 & District Translator Hanna Bonneville lgdivision10@keyclub.ca

District Bulletin Editor Christina Moica editor@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 4 Bhavika Patel lgdivision4@keyclub.ca

LG: Divisions 11/12 Alex Spinney lgdivision11-12@keyclub.ca

District Webmaster An Than webmaster@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 5 Matthew Ye lgdivision5@keyclub.ca

District Administrator Shelley Des Cotes admin@keyclub.ca

Caring – Our Way of Life

Best of luck for the 2015-2016 service year!

Look for the next issue of the EC KEY, with a new look and new district board!

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