Eastern Canada Key – Volume 2 Issue 1

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A New Chapter in Service !

Welcome to 2014-2015!







Hello everyone!

!I hope that you finished your academic year well, and congratulations to those graduating! For those who have yet to know me, my name is Christina Moica, and I am so excited to have the opportunity to serve as District Bulletin Editor for the 2014-2015 service year! Key Club is a huge part of my life, ever since I joined two years ago; it’s hard not to love this organization with so many inspirational people around you. To my very large and ever-increasing second family, thank you for all of the hard work and passion that truly makes Key Club shine!


My position allows me to not only highlight your accomplishments, but to also create resources in order to improve your club and its impact in the community, both local and global. Thus, if there is anything that you would like to see in the EC KEY, district publications, or on our social media sites, do not hesitate to contact me at editor@keyclub.ca!


This issue of the EC KEY is filled with new faces (find out more about the new district board on page 5!), a look back at our memorable convention in Charlottetown, an invitation to ICON, and much more! Each issue is dedicated to all of you, so if you would like your club’s achievements to be included, please let me know! Don’t forget to also take a look at pages 19-20, for more information on the Youth Opportunities Fund and how it can help with your upcoming service project!


If you have any questions, or would just like to say hello, send me a message! Have an amazing summer, Key Clubbers, and I look forward to talking to you soon! Yours in service,

Christina Moica District Editor editor@keyclub.ca



Hello Eastern Canada!

!My name is Mona Adib and I have the incredible honour to serve as the 2014-2015 Eastern Canada District Governor. No words can explain my gratitude and absolute pleasure to be part of this amazing organization. From the beginning of grade nine to now, Key Club has been a large part of life and has opened many doors for me1.


Kiwanis Family, Kiwanis Family, Kiwanis Family. We’ve all heard it a hundred times! What sets Key Club apart from other service clubs is the emphasis on family, and to be honest, I couldn’t have asked for a better one. The people that I’ve met at rallies, at service projects and at District Convention are inspirations and friends that I know I will keep for a lifetime.


Key Club is also about leadership. This year, I am looking forward to providing more leadership opportunities for Key Clubbers such as you (yes, you!). We want you to be involved and to make your opinions and ideas heard! I highly suggest that you consider being part of a committee because you not only get to make a large impact in the District, but you are able to meet and work together with Key Clubbers from all over Eastern Canada!


Area-wise, Eastern Canada is HUGE! This gives us many opportunities to expand our organization. One of my goals for this year is to encourage membership growth, not only by chartering new clubs, but by strengthening existing clubs. My fellow board members and I are excited to provide resources to help you and your goals! We hope to provide a plethora of tools for your Key Club journey!


I am excited to work with you to have another great year! Yours in service,

Mona Adib District Governor 1

Hopefully, you like puns as much as I do


Hello Eastern Canada!

!Working with your district this past year has honestly been one of the best experiences of my life. I have really enjoyed getting to know some of the amazing Key Clubbers that call the Eastern Canada District their home and working with your 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 District Boards. I’d like to take a moment to reflect on all of the accomplishments that the Eastern Canada District has had over the past year. To start off, this past year was marked by the development of the committee system. For the first time in Eastern Canada’s history, club members were empowered to be a part of the district leadership, and because of this, Eastern Canada was able to reach new heights. In fact, Eastern Canada grew by 16%, reaching 1700 members for the first time. This is an incredible accomplishment, one that really only happens once in a blue moon. Together, you guys, the bilingual Eastern Canada District came together to make this happen. You also secured funds to translate the In Your Community Kit and Key Club Brochures from English to French. On top of all these accomplishments, your uniqueness, your passion, and your special “Canadian kindness” shined through all of the countless hours you spent improving your homes, schools, and communities. Congratulations on an amazing year, Eastern Canada!


But the journey doesn’t end just yet. This year, International Convention will be held in the happiest place on Earth: Anaheim, California! From July 2nd through July 6th, you’ll get the opportunity to meet Key Clubbers from all over the world. Last year, we had Key Clubbers all the way from New Zealand and Great Britain! With over 1,600 diverse Key Clubbers coming together in one hotel, you’re bound to meet new people whom you may have never had the chance to see otherwise. You’ll be able to share your service project ideas with other Key Clubbers and gain new ideas for the upcoming service year. In addition to increasing your service potential, you will also garner new skills as a servant leader through the numerous exciting forums that we are offering this year. Get ready for your next officer position for the 2014-2015 Key Club year or just work on becoming a leader in your home, school, and community! Finally, the future of Key Club International will be in your hands. It is up to you to elect the 2014-2015 International Board and to vote on the multiple amendments that will be brought up at this year’s House of Delegates. I hope to see you there! Yours in service,

Roshni Chandwani International Trustee



Mona Adib District Governor


Hey y’all! My name is Mona and I will be a junior next year at Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute. The best and probably only way to describe me is to say that I am a lover of… everything! I love reading novels (and fanfictions), playing sports, listening to music, eating food, watching television shows and key clubbing. Key Club has pushed me out of my comfort zone and shaped me into who I am today. This year, I want to build the ECD resources, and to offer more leadership opportunities for Key Clubbers. Additionally, my lifelong goal is to make “to key club” an official verb! :D

Jasmine Nozari District Secretary-Treasurer


Hey everyone! My name is Jasmine Nozari and I'm your District Secretary-Treasurer for the 2014-2015 service year! I'm incredibly excited to work with my fellow board members as well as all of you to make this year as amazing! Every year brings on new opportunities, and every board brings to the table a new set of skills that can be utilized to ensure the success of this lovely organization we all partake in. I look forward to growing as a Key Clubber among all of you, in order to put my efforts into making this year the best one yet!

Christina Moica District Bulletin Editor


Hello again! I hope that you have been enjoying the newsletter so far! To know a bit more about me; I will be entering my senior year at Colonel By Secondary School in Ottawa, Ontario, I love music (to perform and listen), volunteering, photography, Doctor Who, and of course, the Eastern Canada District! I look forward to the 2014-2015 service year, with all of its projects, rallies, conventions, and especially the ambition! Have an amazing summer break, Key Clubbers!

An Than District Webmaster


Hey Key Clubbers! My name is An Than and I am honoured to be serving as your District Webmaster this year. My home club is the Glendale High School Key Club in Tillsonburg, Ontario. I will be turning 16 and entering Grade 11 this September. I hope to strengthen the communication between the District Board and Key Club members through frequent website updates and increasing our social media presence. I can't wait to meet and serve with you this year. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions, comments, or suggestions - I'd love to hear from you!



Board Support Shelley Des Cotes District Administrator


I am in my second year as Administrator of the Eastern Canada District. My love of Key Club and its development of leadership skills in its members is obvious. I believe that Key Club is truly a “student-led” organization. I live in Kitchener with my husband Steve, and am a member of the Kiwanis Club of Kitchener-Waterloo. I am also the Kiwanis Advisor for the Key Clubs of Cameron Heights Collegiate and St. Mary’s.

Puru Panchal District Convention Chair




 Governors Ainsley Anger Division 2


Hello! I am Ainsley Anger, Lieutenant-Governor of Division 2! I attend Glendale High School in Tillsonburg, Ontario and will be going into grade twelve when the new school year starts! I am looking forward to getting to know all the Key Club and Kiwanis members within Division Two, as well as within the District! It will be an exciting year planning and working with the fellow board members, as it has already been a great start to the New Year! I also look forward to planning for this year and to see all the Key Club members and Kiwanians lovely faces!

Andi Fan Division 3 (Grand River)


Hey everyone, my name is Andi Fan and I’m a grade 11 IB student at Cameron Heights and the current LtG. for the Grand River Division. I enjoy basketball, football, Frisbee and I am a big fan of the Netflix original “House of Cards”. I think it goes without saying that I’m a Kevin Spacey fan. I look forward to collaborating with the club presidents of Grand River, and working with the new district board. I'm especially excited to see how next year’s DCON turns out!

Bhavika Patel Division 4


Hey Everyone! My name is Bhavika Patel and I am the LTG for division 4! There's much not to say about me; I can't play sports because I can't catch. I can draw semi-decent, I enjoy reading and I love nature from afar. As for Key Club, my goal is to get another club in my division and to just have fun. Be engaging and creative so members will never think twice about coming to Key Club. This year has a lot to offer for all of us; as always, the possibilities are endless.



Matthew Ye Division 5


I’m Matthew Ye and I am a Grade 11 student at Upper Canada College. For me, Key Club is more than an opportunity to do service to your community; rather, it is a community in itself – one that allows you to make new friends, develop new skills and set new goals. As Lieutenant Governor of Division 5, my goals will include continuing organized and clear communication within the district, encouraging participation from all clubs and all members within them, and eternalizing our Key Club experience through a collaborative project or through memorabilia. In my spare time, I enjoy playing basketball and soccer and listening to music. I always try to look forward and stay optimistic. On that note, I envision that the coming year will be a great year for Key Club.

Lucas Zhang Divisions 8/9 (Ottawa Valley/Parliament Hill)


Hey everyone! I’m Lucas Zhang from the Parliament Hill/ Ottawa Valley division and I am excited to be serving Key Club International as your Lieutenant Governor. My goal is to increase Key Club membership in my division, to keep everyone connected about oncoming events, and to start fresh and innovative service projects for the region. Divisions 8/9 are the biggest groups of Key Clubs in the Eastern Canada District, and I hope that in this service term we will be the one with the most expansion. What else is expected of the (most) spirited division?

Hanna Bonneville Division 10 and District Translator


Next year, I will be going off to college in life sciences. Interesting fact, it has been 6 years that I have been a part of Key Club. In my spare time, I love playing sports, listening to music, hanging out with my friends and reading. My goals this year are to increase the membership inside my division, and increase bilingual communications throughout our district. What I love about Key club is that I get a chance to serve my community and meet wonderful new people at the same time. Lastly, I cannot wait for convention and meet wonderful new people!

Alex Spinney Divisions 11/12


Hi everyone, my name is Alexandra Spinney, but most people know me as Alex. I am the Lieutenant Governor for Eastern Canada District’s divisions 11 and 12. I love animals, travelling and sports but most of all I’m in love with Key Club! I grew up on the west coast, in Burnaby, BC, but am proud to now call the east coast my home! I moved to New-Brunswick when I was 11, and a couple of years later to Charlottetown, PEI. I'm going into grade 12 at Colonel Grey High School, and am looking forward to having a bigger role in the Key Club community, and serving our district, this upcoming year!



150 years later

In 1864, the monumental Charlottetown Conference took place to discuss the confederation of Canada. 150 years later, around 320 Key Clubbers from Eastern Canada gathered in Charlottetown to celebrate another successful year and take their ‘hats off to service’! While implementing the historical theme, the district convention allowed members to exchange ideas, learn more about their positions and Key Club, as well as experience a taste of Maritime culture.!

!At Friday’s opening session, we were introduced to our special guests for the weekend, and had the opportunity to invite

the Honourable Robert Ghiz, Prince Edward Island’s premier, to say a few words of welcome. The district governors from Michigan and Pacific Northwest even attended our district convention! The evening also included the service fair, where several clubs showcased their events and projects from throughout the year, along with an amazing talent show and several local performers. It was also exciting to have the Players of Confederation there, sending us ‘back into time’ to the Charlottetown Conference!!

!Saturday was a busy day filled with activities; attending informative workshops, exploring Charlottetown, and bonding with

each other at the Lieutenant Governors’ appreciation dinner and dance! We had the honour of having Dr. John Button, Kiwanis International President elect, as our keynote speaker at our district convention. His love for the Kiwanis Student Leadership Programs and his experiences in Kiwanis inspired each of us to ‘take action in the moment’, exemplifying that we are the leaders of tomorrow. After dinner, awards were handed out to clubs and individual members based on their performance during the 2013-2014 service year. The fierce battle for the spirit stick also occurred, with Division 8/9/10 emerging victorious. For the rest of the evening, we danced and made new friends while raising money for the Eliminate Project at the same time!

!As the district convention drew to a close, Sunday morning brought more contest and award presentations, as well as the retirement and installation of the district board. Mona Adib, from Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute in Division 5, was elected as the new district governor for the 2014-2015 year, along with other amazing members set to represent Eastern Canada next year. Overall, it was an extremely memorable convention, with Key Clubbers enjoying themselves in the charming city of Charlottetown, P.E.I. We hope to have you join us in Toronto next year! We had the honour of having the following guests attend our 67th annual convention:

Serge F. Viau! Kiwanis District Governor Elect

The Honourable Robert Ghiz! Premier of P.E.I

Dr. John R. Button! Kiwanis International President Elect

Roshni Chadwini! International Trustee

Trang Tran! District Governor (Pacific Northwest)

Audrey Drotos! District Governor (Michigan)






Thank you to the District Board of 2013-2014 for another amazing service year! We hope to make you proud!





Did you enjoy the District Convention? Then you’ll love the 2014 International Convention, held in…

Anaheim, California Come and celebrate our achievements together as a Key Club family! What to look forward to Share fundraising and service project ideas with other members!


Listen to our Chris Bashinelli ‒ the keynote speaker at ICON!


Train for your 2014-2015 service year!


Elect next year s Key Club International Board!


Learn about our progress with the Eliminate Project!


Make new memories and friendships! For more information, visit! www.keyclub.org/events/convention.aspx




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YEAR 5: CELEBRATE (10/2014 – 09/2015)

A baby dies from tetanus every 9 minutes US $1.80 can protect a woman and her future babies



YEAR 4: ACHIEVE (10/2013 – 09/2014)


YEAR 3: PARTICIPATE (10/2012 – 09/2013)

YEAR 2: INSPIRE (10/2011 – 09/2012)

YEAR 1: LEAD (01/2011 – 09/2011)

MAY 5 - 9, 2014 ELIMINATE WEEK During this one week in May, K-Family clubs focus on raising awareness and funds for the ELIMINATE Project! Educate others about maternal and neonatal tetanus, and inspire them to help the cause! Look on the next page to see how clubs in our district participated!









DIVISION 2 Division Two held its very first rally of the year, which served as a training rally for the executive members, as well as a way for clubs to get to know one another. It was held in Ingersoll at the Comfort Inn & Suites on Saturday June 7, 2014. It was an afternoon filled with presentations from Division Two’s Lieutenant-Governor Ainsley Anger, ECD Governor Mona Adib, and ECD Administrator Shelley Des Cotes. After two hours of presentations, brainstorming fundraiser ideas, and ways to improve, we went to Key Putt, a Kiwanis- and Key Club-run mini putt. We enjoyed listening to music, eating pizza, playing with bubbles and of course, mini putt! Written by: Ainsley Anger (LG of Division 2)



DIVISION 4 The members of the Thundering Waters Division gathered at Duerin Islands, located in Niagara Falls, for their DLTC. Most of the clubs were present during this training session, and DLTC finally allowed the clubs to bond. At DLTC, position responsibilities, future divisional projects and favourite TV shows were discussed. After the DLTC session was finished, we all went on a hike around the park; even though there were some road blocks and bugs, we made it through. During the short amount of time, members from clubs finally had the chance to interact with each other. As a division, we are planning to hold at least 2 divisional projects in the summer. Written by: Bhavika Patel (LG of Division 4)



DIVISION 8/9 The clubs sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa had a Luncheon on May 16th to celebrate the accomplishments of their service term. Special guests included past LG Hanning Zhang as well as Carleton student Gina Parker, speaking on behalf of the One Match program that looks out for potential donors for the bone marrow matching registry. Key Clubbers all had a great networking session at the luncheon, where our division celebrated the inclusion of Canterbury and St. Francis Xavier as new Key Clubs, as well as bringing home the spirit stick. Lieutenant Governor Je Zhang bid farewell to the legacy he has left with the clubs that were under his leadership and bids us good luck for the new term ahead of us. Written by: Lucas Zhang (LG of Divisions 8/9)


! Youth Opportunities Fund The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. Established through a portion of your Key Club International dues, this fund helps Key Clubs and Key Clubs members to serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities.

YOF grants can help you take action!

Look around and identify the things that need to get done in your school, community or world. Projects in the past have included reading nights, community gardens, arts & crafts programs, and more! Make a difference with your project!

ECD Projects (2013)

! Awarded $500 from YOF to help fund their


Marc Garneau Key Club

Cameron Heights Key Club

Eliminate Night event!

Awarded $500 from YOF to help fund their Kids Against Hunger packaging event!

Important! The application must be received by October 15, 2014.

Notification of the Key Club International Board’s decision will be mailed no later than January 1, 2015.

As of September 2013, applicants must use the new YOF grant application.
 Applications from previous years will not be accepted.

! Application Process


OBTAIN THE FORM The Youth Opportunities Fund grant application can be found on the Key Club International website. Before you start to fill out the form, please select one member of your Key Club and one adult advisor (your Kiwanis advisor, faculty advisor, or school administrator) to serve as contacts for the selection committee. Complete the first two sections with their information.


DESCRIBE THE PROJECT Your club should have already discussed and decided on the project that you would like YOF assistance with. The “Project information” section requires the following: • Project title • Short description of your project • Community needs that will be addressed • How will these needs be resolved through your project • What have you done so far for the project • Were there past occurrences of this project in your club; how successful were they • Will there be future occurrences; how will you make it self-sustaining • Project organizers (up to 5 names) You will also need to provide a tentative project timeline.


OUTLINE YOUR BUDGET List all of the project expenditures in the allocated section of the form, as well as which elements of your project will be supported through donations or independent fundraising. You may request any amount between $100-$2000 (US), but preference is given to the clubs who show that the YOF grant is not their only source of funds.


COMPLETE AND MAIL You have now reached the end of the application! All you have left to do is get the signatures of your applicant (refer to the first section), faculty/Kiwanis advisor (refer to the second section), and school principal. The YOF application can be typed or filled out by hand, but no electronic signatures will be accepted. You can submit your form in one of three ways: Snail Mail
 Kiwanis International Office
 3636 Woodview Trace
 Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196, USA
 Attn: YOF Application



For more information, visit www.keyclub.org/service/fund/yof.aspx
 or contact your Lieutenant Governor.

Good luck!



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2014-2015 COMMITMENT TO SERVICE SWEEPSTAKES 2014 Summer Programs Costa Rica: The Summer Camp Leadership Program | June 17 - July 2, 2014 Dominican Republic: Life in the Bateyes | July 22 - August 6, 2014 Fiji: The Fiji Service Expedition | July 8 - July 24, 2014


2014 Spring Break Programs Costa Rica: The Volcano and Rainforest Service Base | March 15 - March 22, 2014 or April 12 - April 19, 2014 Dominican Republic: Life in the Bateyes and Mountain Air | March 22 - March 29, 2014


2014 Regional Programs California-Nevada-Hawaii and KIWINs | Cambodia: From the Ground Up | July 15 - August 1, 2014 Capital | Ghana: The Volta Village Service Program | July 15 - July 30, 2014 New York | India: The Lost Children of India | July 23 - August 7, 2014 New Jersey | Thailand, Burma, Laos: Tribal Issues | July 8 - July 25, 2014 New England | Peru: The Sacred Valley Service Program | July 15 - July 30, 2014

Design a Custom Program We’d be happy to design a custom service trip for your Key Club, Division, or District.

www.rusticpathways.com/keyclub 800.321.4353 keyclub@rusticpathways.com

! Key Club International Vision Partners Landscape Structures Inc. Founded in 1971, Landscape Structures Inc. is one of the leading commercial playground equipment manufacturers in the world, with more than 75,000 playgrounds worldwide. For more information on the company and its commitment on sustainability, inclusive play, and healthy communities, visit www.playlsi.com.

Nickelodeon Nickelodeon joined the Kiwanis family as a Vision Partner of Kiwanis International in 2012, addressing issues in service, education, the environment, and health through its Big Help initiative. Learn more about Nickelodeon’s Big Help efforts, the Halo Awards program and Day of Play at nick.com/thebighelp.

The U.S. Army The U.S. Army is a Vision Partner of Kiwanis International. At Key Leader workshops, soldiers serve as teamwork session facilitators and offer U.S. Army’s March 2 Success, a free online course designed for high school students to improve performance on standardized tests. Learn more at www.goarmy.com/officership.

We would love to hear from you! District Governor Mona Adib governor@keyclub.ca

LG: Division 2 Ainsley Anger lgdivision2@keyclub.ca

LG: Divisions 8/9 Lucas Zhang lgdivision8-9@keyclub.ca

Jasmine Nozari dst@keyclub.ca

Andi Fan lgdivision3@keyclub.ca

Hanna Bonneville lgdivision10@keyclub.ca

Christina Moica editor@keyclub.ca

Bhavika Patel lgdivision4@keyclub.ca

Alex Spinney lgdivision11-12@keyclub.ca

An Than webmaster@keyclub.ca

Matthew Ye lgdivision5@keyclub.ca

Shelley Des Cotes admin@keyclub.ca

!District Secretary-Treasurer !LG: Division 3 !District Bulletin Editor !District Webmaster

!LG: Division 4 !LG: Division 5

!LG: Division 10 & District Translator !LG: Divisions 11/12

!District Administrator

Caring – Our Way of Life

Enjoy your summer!

Look for the next issue of the EC KEY to read all about our adventures at ICON and more!

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