ECD Public Relations Handbook

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INTRODUCTION WHAT ARE PUBLIC RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS? WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? Simply put, public relations is how we share information with the public and those outside our club, for better or for worse. Communications is the sharing of information, strategies and ideas, often within our clubs and those around us. Public Relations and communication are vital for a successful club. They allow information to flow between members and the community. They allow those around us to understand our clubs goals and how we accomplish them. This is very important for recruitment, attendance at events, and sponsorship.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Working effectively with the media • How to contact the media • When to contact the media • Things to remember about the media Making a news release • Tips • Samples • Services • Service Project • Convention Participation • New Charter • Key Club Proclamation Email communication/ Social Media • Email etiquette • How to format a proper email • Appropriate use of social media to convey professionalism • Advice for using social media to promote events Final Tips

WORKING EFFECTIVELY WITH THE MEDIA HOW TO CONTACT THE MEDIA The use of media can be a tremendous aid to organizing successful events or raising awareness. In terms of creating advertisement through posters in the community, an authority should always be contacted prior to posting advertisements or flyers in a public location in order to ensure that this is permitted. When contacting external media such as news stations, newspapers, or a potential sponsor, it is crucial to represent the ideals of Key Club. Communicate politely and respectfully at all times. The media portrayal of Key Club and events is a significant aspect to improving community involvement.

WHEN TO CONTACT THE MEDIA The media is an excellent resource to use. Local media such as news stations and newspapers can be an effective means of promoting events and raising awareness for Key Club within the community. Some suggested instances when contacting the media can be useful are:

• Advertising for an event, • Celebrating a successful event, • Raising awareness for Key Club International, Kiwanis International, or any of its sponsors or partners

WORKING EFFECTIVELY WITH THE MEDIA THINGS TO REMEMBER ABOUT THE MEDIA BE PERSISTENT BUT NOT PESKY! The media is a great way to communicate your ideas and being persistent can be key! However do not cross the fine line from persistent to pesky, sometimes people are just hard to reach, which doesn’t mean they are disinterested.

BE CONSISTENT AND REPEAT EVERYTHING! Reinforce your message repeatedly as to make sure that people receiving the message remember all the details!

BE CONCISE! Keep things short and simple in order to get your message out in the most efficient way possible, keeping people interested.

BE ALERT OF THE CURRENT EVENTS HAPPENING IN YOUR COMMUNITY! Is there a community project that could address any social issues in the news?

THINK IN TERMS OF PICTURES! Take many pictures of events in order to captivate your audience!

REMEMBER THEIR DEADLINE! Operate with the media’s deadline!

DO NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS YOU DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO! Call them back when you have clarified everything!

 Brief attention-grabbing and genuine statement summarizing the news

• Subhead (optional)
 Secondary statement(s) which builds on the headline

• Dateline
 The city where the news is originating and the date of the release

• Lead or introductory paragraph
 First paragraph which answers the 5 W’s and H

• Body
 Additional paragraphs which provide supporting material and further details

• Boilerplate
 Short paragraph giving information about Key Club

• Source
 The Key Club that is issuing the release

• Media contact information
 Name, phone number and email address for the PR contact who can answer any questions about the release

TIPS TO MAKING A NEWS RELEASE WRITING • Be as brief as you can • Get to the point upfront and clearly • Always write in third person unless you have a direct quote • Always be objective • Consider the reader’s perspective • Why should they care? • What makes your news special? • Does your message contain new information, even if it’s about an older subject? • Can your message bring light to a problem or issue, or conversely, provide a resolution to a problem of issue?

• Avoid a lot of adjectives to avoid losing credibility in the eyes of the readers • Make it clean, crisp, and applicable to your audience • Always proofread! • Tie it together

OPTIMIZING • Identify and use important keywords that searchers are likely to use • Use appropriate keywords in the headline and body of your release, but don’t overstuff, otherwise it will look crowded

• Make sure you follow the most current search engine guidelines • Create multimedia elements and include them in your release

TIPS TO MAKING A NEWS RELEASE DISTRIBUTING • Email the release yourself to your targeted media contacts • The subject line of your email should be your “catchy” headline • Pick up the phone to follow up • Understand the nature of your news • Is it a big deal, worthy of being distributed locally/nationwide? • Is it better suited for online-only distribution? • Consider both the media and consumers when it comes to timing • Find out from media sources what their cutoff times are for receiving news

Just some funnies



 [YOUR CITY, PROVINCE (DATE)] – The Key Club of [NAME] is offering its services to the community, said club President [NAME]. Already this year, the club has served the community through such activities as [LIST]. “Our club wants to target our service toward the most important local needs,” said [NAME]. “So we want to ask the community to help us as we begin to plan for programs and projects.” Club members are willing to help with [SCHOOL, STAFF] and [COMMUNITY, RESIDENTS] as it works to make campus and community improvements. If members of the community are interested in help or volunteers, they should contact [NAME, CONTACT INFO]. “Key Club’s Major Emphasis Program is, ‘The Eliminate Project’, but we want to help anywhere we can and anywhere people believe we can help make a difference,” said [NAME]. As a Service Leadership Program of Kiwanis International, Key Club International is able to draw on the resources of Kiwanis and its family of programs to increase its impact and to foster a true atmosphere of service in the community. Key Club International, a service leadership program of Kiwanis International, is the oldest and largest service program for high school students, and gives its members opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership skills. Key Club attributes its success to the fact that it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through serving others. For more information, visit or call 1-800-549-2647.




[YOUR CITY, PROVINCE (DATE)] – More than [NUMBER] members of the [NAME] Key Club plan to [BRIEFLY DESCRIBE PROJECT], providing service to the [SCHOOL/COMMUNITY] while at the same time building character and developing leadership skills. “Key Club is about service,” said [NAME, TITLE], “and today, we have the chance to not only share that service, but to help make a difference that matters. The elbow grease we invest today will pay off in dividends for our communities, their children and their futures.” Key Club International is a service leadership program of Kiwanis International, and is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. Started in California in the 1920s, Key Club today thrives on more than 5,000 high school campuses, primarily in the United States and Canada, though growth has enabled the experience to spread internationally to Caribbean nations, Central and South America, and most recently to Asia and Australia. The [NAME] Key Club, sponsored by the [NAME] Kiwanis Club, was chartered in [DATE]. Over the past several years, members of the club have volunteered their time and talents in a number of ways, including, [LIST PRIOR SERVICE PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS]. “We’re more than students in this community,” said [NAME]. “We’re also citizens and we have a sense of duty to help make things better. We can best that through service.” Key Club International, a service leadership program of Kiwanis International, is the oldest and largest service program for high school students, and gives its members opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership skills. Key Club attributes its success to the fact that it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through serving others. For more information, visit or call 1-800-549-2647.




[YOUR CITY, PROVINCE (DATE)] – Members of the Key Club of [NAME] will travel to [CITY], [DATES], to represent their club at the organization’s [FILL IN] annual international convention. There, [CLUB NAME] members will join thousands of other Key Club members, advisors and guests from around the world to celebrate leadership, fellowship and service. Over several days, [CLUB NAME] members will participate in business sessions and workshops focused on service leadership, said [NAME], club president. Highlights include internationally known speakers and talent as well as individual and club competitions, leadership-development activities and service programs and projects. The events are designed to motivate members to continue serving their communities and campuses. “The convention is a time for us to celebrate our successes in our schools and communities,” said [NAME]. “But it also gives us the chance to sharpen service skills, share tips to grow our clubs to provide even more service, and to elect new leadership.” The following club members, who were selected for their service to the campus and community, will attend the convention as club representatives and delegates: [LIST] The Key Club of [NAME] is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of [NAME]. Key Club International, a service leadership program of Kiwanis International, is the oldest and largest service program for high school students, and gives its members opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership skills. Key Club attributes its success to the fact that it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through serving others. For more information, visit or call 1-800-549-2647.




[YOUR CITY, PROVINCE (DATE)] – Formed [TIMELINE], the [NAME] Key Club formally received its charter on [DATE, YEAR]. There are [NUMBER] charter members and charter president of the new club is [NAME], a [CLASS] at the school. [NAME] is the faculty advisor, and [NAME] is the Kiwanis advisor. The new club is sponsored by the [NAME] Kiwanis Club. The [NAME] Key Club is the [NUMBER] sponsored by the [NAME] Kiwanis Club, and joins Key Clubs at [NAMES] that comprise Division [NUMBER] in the [NAME] District of Key Club International. The new club plans to hit the ground running and become very active very quickly in the school and in the community. “We have a lot of service-oriented students who are looking for ways to get involved, to make a difference,” said [PRESIDENT]. “If there are needs out there, we want to know about them, so we invite people in the school and the community to get in touch with us to see how we might help.” Joining [NAME] as president, other officers are: [NAMES, TITLES, INFORMATION]. To get in touch with the [NAME] Key Club, please call [NUMBER] or e-mail [DETAILS]. Key Club International, a service leadership program of Kiwanis International, is the oldest and largest service program for high school students, and gives its members opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership skills. Key Club attributes its success to the fact that it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through serving others. For more information, visit or call 1-800-549-2647.




[YOUR CITY, PROVINCE (DATE)] – [NAME, TITLE] announced this week that [WEEK] will be Key Club International Week in [CITY]. The week is dedicated to the ideals of service and leadership that Key Club International exemplifies at [SCHOOL] and within the community. During Key Club International Week, the Key Club of [NAME] will sponsor the following events: [LIST] Key Club International is the world’s largest high school service organization, with more than 250,000 student members in more than 5,000 clubs. A Service Leadership Program of Kiwanis International, Key Club prides itself on its unequaled commitment to community service. Students and members of the community are invited to join in the spirit of service by participating with the Key Club of [NAME] during the [EVENT NAME AND INFO]. The Key Club of [NAME] is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of [NAME]. Key Club International, a service leadership program of Kiwanis International, is the oldest and largest service program for high school students, and gives its members opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership skills. Key Club attributes its success to the fact that it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through serving others. For more information, visit or call 1-800-549-2647.

EMAIL COMMUNICATION / SOCIAL MEDIA EMAIL ETIQUETTE One of the easiest ways to communicate with potential sponsors, club members and advisers is through emails. However, it is essential to follow certain guidelines to ensure that your email conversation goes smoothly, effectively, and ends with the result you hope for. Some simple tips will assist you with sending the perfect email: 1) No typos! Just like a resume, typos will prevent readers from taking your message or question seriously.
 2) Include an appropriate open and closing. Start with a hello to keep your message polite and friendly, but remember who you are talking to. If this is a potential sponsor, don't address them like you would your best friend.
 3) Keep it organized and in proper sentences. People need to be able to follow your email, so keep topics together and finish your thoughts.
 4) Watch your tone. Make sure that you are writing something that can be understood without your visual and verbal cues.
 5) Don't reply to all. Most often, answers are better responded to directly so you do not bother others you emailed.
 6) Respond to emails! When you send an email, you hope for a timely response to let you know your message was received, so return the favour.
 7) Include the topic and level of urgency in your subject line. Only say it is urgent if it truly is, otherwise your emails may be ignored in the future.
 8) Lastly, do not be afraid to follow up even outside of email. Sometimes messages do get lost or forgotten about, so do not assume that it was received and is being purposefully ignored.

EMAIL COMMUNICATION / SOCIAL MEDIA HOW TO FORMAT A PROPER EMAIL Treat and email just like a letter and format it accordingly. Group topics and information together so that it is easy to read and understand. Keep your email short and do not try to include to much information in one. The entire email may not be read so avoid embellishments that are not needed. Keep to the point and limit the number of topics covered in one email. When formatting your email never forget:

• No caps, this is interpreted as yelling online although you should be sure to • •

include the proper capitalizations. This is also the case when bolding a phrase. Use standard fonts to ensure your format is not lost after your email is sent. Never copy and paste a long passage of information or a form. Instead, attach these documents to the email so they do not complicate the vital information in the email. Reference that the attachment is there so that it is noticed and opened.

APPROPRIATE USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA – PROFESSIONALISM There are many outlets to communicate and promote clubs online. These opportunities can be one of the most effective ways to get your message out there now. However, you must be careful what you do while online. The most important thing to remember when using social media is that your actions can be seen by all and reflect on the organizations you are involved in. Whether you are posting from a personal account or a club account, be aware and think before you post anything. When using your personal account, keep it appropriate because things you post may never go away. When posting on a club account remember that the point of this account is not to post all your interests, but to communicate and promote your club. Post about relevant things, keep it upbeat and stay positive. Never swear, insult something, or post personal opinions that contradict the beliefs of others in your club. When using social media stay professional, stay polite and spread the right words.

EMAIL COMMUNICATION / SOCIAL MEDIA ADVICE FOR USING SOCIAL MEDIA TO PROMOTE EVENTS When using social media to promote an event make frequent posts. Some further away and some immediately before. Include "sneak peeks" to get people excited. Engage people with your posts and keep them interested. Make sure to include dates, times, things they need to bring and opportunities to get involved. Keep these posts short, sweet and include photos or videos to catch people's eyes. If you want to reach as many people as possible, encourage friends and club members to like, share or retweet the post too increase the visibility.

FINAL TIPS Here are some final tips for a good public relations committee and for a good attendance to your events:

• Make an announcement schedule among your Public Relations' members. Make sure that everyone is getting equal opportunities to make announcements to the school and ensure the participation and commitment of each member.

• When contacting the media and potential sponsors, be sure to be very positive, respectful, and professional while talking to them. Always have a letter ready signed by a school official to hand to them in order to prove your legitimacy.

• Don't be afraid to ask for the help of your club. People joined Key Club to get involved in anyway possible and they will be more than willing to help out. Encourage your members to help make posters, advertise on their social media platforms, and to spread the word to their friends.

• Get out of YOUR comfort zone. Go out and talk to people that you never have before. Let them know about the event and eventually they will spread it on to others. Taking this risk may be scary at first, but will definitely pay off in the long run.

• DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. Every day wasted is a day less that people will be told about the event. Once you have your deadlines, start working right away. Make sure that everything is done on time and that the public has enough time to absorb the promotion and be aware of the event.

Brought to you by the


PUBLIC RELATIONS Committee of the Eastern Canada District of Key Club

For more information, feel free to contact: CHRISTINA MOICA District Editor

AN THAN District Webmaster

Lyndsay-Marie Talon Division 3

Rohini Gupta Division 8/9

Christine Ly Division 5

Jasmine Nozari District SecretaryTreasurer

Judith Kecskemeti Division 8/9

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