July 15, 2016

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91st year • Issue No. 4

A non-profit service of the Victoria Beach Club

Friday, July 15, 2016

It took him 359 days after being born, but a very happy Felix Oudenampsen finally got his first ever Ice Cream cone. Of course it was at the Moonlight! VICTORIA BEACH CLUB SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 2016 ACTIVITY




Children’s Masquerade 200 Metre Open Swim Sandcastle Building Masters Tennis Tourney

Sat., July 16 Sat., July 16 Sun., July 17 July 16 & 17

10:00 AM - Noon 2:00 PM 10:00 AM - Noon All Day

Art Vincent Memorial Pier Clubhouse Tennis Courts

CONVENOR Doug & Kristie Pollard Swim Instructors Rozzi-Hughes Family Steve Cook


July 15, 2016

Victoria Beach HERALD

Victoria Beach HERALD Pin Up For Reference JULY S M




3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 26 27 28 31 25

2016 F S 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30

July 15, 2016

VICTORIA BEACH CLUB 2016 - SUMMER ACTIVITIES - 2016 Membership wristbands are required at all activities. *Certain activities may require extra fees

Follow us on Twitter @Vbclubmb

AUGUST S M T 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30


2016 W T F S 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 31

REGULAR ACTIVITIES CLUBHOUSE ACTIVITIES Yoga (Adults & Teens): Fitness Classes: Arts & Crafts: Bike Hikes: Duplicate Bridge: Mixed Bridge: Movies: Swimming Lessons: Swimming Inquiries:



Mon, Wed. & Fri 10:00 - 11:30 am Pamela Beazley Tues. & Thurs. 10:00 - 11:00 am Julie McPetrie Tuesdays 12:30 - 2:00 pm Rec. Assistants Wed. 10:00 am-Noon (Ages 7-12) Rec. Assistants Mon. 6:30 pm Ken Capelle, Gail & Bob Henderson, Henry Krahn Wed. 1:15 pm Bev Underhill Tues. & Thurs. (see movie times below) Rec. Assistants July 4 - Aug. 12 Safe Swim Team Mon. - Fri. 9:30-10:00 am Lanette Griffith Mon. & Wed. 11:00 am-Noon, 7:00-8:00 pm Tues. Thurs. Fri. Sat. 10:00 am-Noon Sun. Noon-1:00 pm

*Stephen Dubienski Junior Tennis Camp: *Robert Kennedy Adult Tennis Lessons: *Hit with a Pro Adult Tennis Lessons:

Library Assistants

SPORTS GROUND ACTIVITIES Children’s Games: Family Recreation: Golf Lessons: Youth Sport:

Youth Tennis Lessons:

Recreation Assistants

Mon. & Fri. 10:00-11:00 am (Ages 4-10) Mon. Wed. Fri. 7:30-8:30 pm Tues. & Thurs. 10:00-10:45 am (Ages 7-16) Mon. & Fri. 10:00-11:00 am (Ages 10-14)

Junior Tennis Nights: Adult Tennis Round Robin: Adult GVS Adult Tennis Drills Family Tennis

Tennis Court Attendants Wed., 11:30 am -12:15 pm and Fri., 12:30 - 1:15 pm (Ages 5-6) Tues. & Thurs. 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm (Ages 7-9) Mon., 12:30 - 1:30 pm & Thurs., 1:00 - 2:00 pm (Ages 10 & over)

July 11-14, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Tuesday, August 2, 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Wednesdays 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Wed., July 6 Jared Connell Wed., July 13 Geoff Kirbyson Wed., July 27 Emerson Gusmini Wed., Aug. 3 George Kylar Mon. & Wed. 6:00-7:30 pm (Ages 11-18) Mon. & Fri. (Register) 10:40 - 10:50 am; (Play) 11:00 am - 12:30 pm (ground stroke, volley, smash) Tues., Thurs. & Saturdays 11:00 am - 12:00 Noon Tuesday, July 26 3:00-4:00 pm Tues. & Thurs. 6:15-7:15 pm






VB Fireworks VB Membership Blitz Bike Auction Swim Registration Girls’ Tennis Day Tennis Manitoba Day Teen Movie Night Rogers Rookie Tournament Flea Market Flea Market Clean-Up & Charity Drive Beach Events Book Sale Ladies’ Movie Night Gentlemen’s Movie Night Children’s Masquerade 200 Metre Open Swim Sandcastle Building Masters Tennis Tournament Junior Tennis Tournament

Fri., July 1 Fri., Sat., Sun., July 1, 2 & 3 Sat., July 2 Sun., July 3 Tues., July5 Wed., July 6 Wed., July 6 Thurs., July 7 Sat., July 9 Sat., July 9 Sun., July 10 Sun., July 10 Wed., July 13 Fri., July 15 Sat., July 16 Sat., July 16 Sun., July 17 Sat., Sun., July 16 & 17 Wed., Thurs., July 20 & 21

10:45 PM

Best views from Sailboat Beach or Redwing Park Door to Door Police Station Clubhouse Tennis Courts Tennis Courts Clubhouse Tennis Courts Clubhouse Clubhouse Clubhouse Clubhouse Clubhouse Clubhouse Art Vincent Memorial Pier Clubhouse Tennis Courts Tennis Courts

Teen Movie Night Men’s Golf Tournament Sports Day 800 Metre Open Swim 30+ Dinner & Dance Fishing Derby Ladies’ Golf Tournament Teen Bonfire on the Beach Senior Tennis Tournament VB Club Raffle Bike Race Youth Soccer Tournament Duplicate Bridge Tournament Teen Scavenger Hunt Junior Golf Tournament Volleyball Tournament Cross Country Run Lake Winnipeg Foundation Walk for Water Adult Soccer Tournament Teen Movie Night VB Volunteer Appreciation Dog Show VB Club Annual Meeting Novelty Tennis Tournament Rogers Rookie Tournament 55+ Golf Tournament & Dinner

Wed., July 20 Fri., July 22 Sat., July 23 Sat., July 23 Sat., July 23 Sun., July 24 Wed., July 27 Wed., July 27 Sat., Sun., Mon., July 30, 31, Aug. 1 Sat., July 30 Sun., July 31 Mon., Aug. 1 Wed., Aug. 3 Wed., Aug. 3 Thurs., Aug. 4 Sat., Aug. 6 Sat., Aug. 6 Sun., Aug. 7 Sun., Aug. 7 Wed., Aug. 10 Fri., Aug. 12 Sat., Aug. 13 Sun., Aug. 14 Sat., Sun., Aug. 13 & 14 Thurs., Aug. 18 Mon., Sept. 12

Rob Hester Monica White, Darcie Reimer, Jen Campbell Stuart McPherson Tamara Roehr & Alice Russell Nancy Sarchuk & Robert Kennedy Tennis Manitoba Staff Rec Staff Jenna Cech-Manek, Tennis MB & VB Tennis Staff Joanne Gibson, Deb Covernton & Lyndsi da Roza Lorraine Cook & Mavis Whicker Peacock Family Budoloski & Poulton families Brenda Vielhaber Rob Hester & Bruce Sirrell Doug & Kristie Pollard Swim Instructors Rozzi-Hughes Family Steve Cook Anndrea O’Connor & Brad Nechwediuk, Derek & Lisa Zeilstra, Philippe Champagne Rec Staff Karl Hutchison Ted & Leah Kosokowsky Swim Instructors Doug Pritchard Jeff Lailey Heather Willoughby, Laureen Johnstone & Sally Lawler Rec Staff John Heppenstall & Allan Morrish Yvette Wilson, Dawn Miller, Angela Roehm, Lori Edwards, Tracey Popel Todd & Sheri Hyra Bruce Sirrell & Rec Staff Fran Pollard & Donna Thain Rec Staff Ed & Adam Boge Sophie McGoey & Lisa Lucht The Johnson Family Team LWF Rex Neuendorff & Stino Siragusa Rec Staff Wendy Derksen & Leslie Sarchuk Barb Hansford & Trish Nesbitt Suzy Hester Brenda Vielhaber & Elly Black Robert Kennedy & Tennis MB Staff Ray & Lise Plouffe; Claude & Gloria Fillion

1:00 PM 10:00 AM - Noon 3:00-4:30 PM 10:00-3:00 PM 9:00 PM 2:30-5:00 PM 12:30-2:30 PM 2:30-5:00 PM 10:30 AM - Noon 1:00-3:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 AM - Noon 2:00 PM 10:00 AM - Noon All Day All Day 9:00 PM 10:00 AM - Noon 2:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00-11:00 AM 9:00 PM All Day 10:00 AM-4:00 PM 10:00 AM 9:30-11:30 AM 6:30 PM 9:00-11:00 PM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM (registration) 9:15 AM (registration) 9:00 AM 9:00 PM 7:00 – 9:00 PM 11:00 AM 4:00 PM All Day 1:00-3:30 PM All Day – Dinner 5:00 PM

Clubhouse Golf Course Sports Ground Pier Clubhouse Pier Golf Course Clubhouse Tennis Courts Village Green Sports Ground Sports Ground Clubhouse Clubhouse Golf Course Sports Ground Clubhouse Clubhouse Sports Ground Clubhouse Clubhouse Art Vincent Memorial Clubhouse Tennis Courts Tennis Courts Golf Course


Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016

President’s Message Victoria Beach Club

BOARD PAST PRESIDENT Anil Kaul PRESIDENT Suzy Hester 756-3016 VICE PRESIDENT Mike Clement (204) 894-3142 SECRETARY Wendy Derksen 756-6515 TREASURER Dave Wilson 756-2757 DIRECTOR AT LARGE Leslie Sarchuk 756-2690

Victoria Beach Club

OFFICERS VB HERALD PUBLISHER Lana Meier jmeier@highspeedcrow.ca 204-292-2128 for advertising HERALD EDITOR Barb Pritchard Kevin Dubé vbherald@shaw.ca MEMBERSHIP Monica White Jennifer Campbell Darcie Reimer SPECIAL EVENTS Shauna Filuk Jill Kirbyson Lindsay Stevenson SWIMMING Tamara Roehr Alice Russell TENNIS Bryan and Lisa Yagi PLANNED GIVING Bruce Eyford

President’s Report A few tidbits to report on this week: • A few sporting events have been viewed at the clubhouse. The quality of the picture and sound is great! A few notes for future viewing events: o It costs us $ to run these events: • cost of satellite • cost of Rec Assistants’ time to set up, clean up, ensure clubhouse is respected during the event, and to sell drinks and chips o To cover these costs, we do not charge a drop in fee, but we do require the viewers to have either a membership (wear your wristband if that’s the case!) or a $5 day pass which can be purchased at the sporting event. • Thank you Joanne Gibson, Deb Covernton and Lyndsi da Roza, the flea market convenors, for your significant contributions to the club over the years! These ladies have, for a number of years, dedicated their holiday time to collecting peoples’ used items so they could become someone else’s treasures while raising $ for the club at the same time. We are looking for some new volunteers to step up and help convene the flea market for next year. Please consider taking on this event with a friend or two and let myself or the special events convenors (Shauna Filuk, Jill Kirbyson and Lindsay Stevenson) know if you have questions about what is involved or have an interest in contributing to your community in this way.

• The VB Club Twitter account is new this year and the employees have been actively posting what’s been happening in club activities, but it would appear (based purely on twitter likes and retweets), that not many people know where to find it on twitter. So here it is - @VBClubMB - please follow us so you’re up to date on whether sporting events are being viewed at the Clubhouse that aren’t on the calendar, to find out whether swimming lessons have been cancelled or moved indoors, etc. • The clubhouse is unlocked when events are occurring inside. If you are not attending the event that is taking place, it would be appreciated if you used the outdoor facilities. It can be distracting for events such as yoga to have young children, for example, using the indoor washrooms during the class. • Tickets for the 30+ Tragically Hip concert viewing will now just be sold at 324 Third and 214 Seventh. Tickets will no longer be available at the tennis courts. • We are looking for a few more volunteers to work the door/sell drink tickets at the 30+ dance on July 23rd. If you’d be willing to take a break from dancing, please text me (204-292-0397) and I’ll mark you down for a slot. The tan lines may fade, but the memories will last a lifetime, Suzy Hester

About the Victoria Beach Herald One of the longest continuously publishing community newspapers in Canada, now in our 91st year, the Victoria Beach Herald is a service of the Victoria Beach Club. The Herald prints nine issues each summer on Fridays from late June to midAugust. The Herald welcomes submissions from readers focused on family events, beach happenings, community issues, etc. Letters to the Editor are always welcome: they must be signed with the author’s name and be written with the understanding that many people read the Herald, including youngsters. Submissions should be sent via email to vbherald@shaw.ca. Those without access to email can place written submissions in the VB Herald mailbox behind the cash counter at the Victoria Beach General Store. Submission deadline is 4PM Fridays with the exception of VB Club event convenor submissions for events occurring on weekend days. Editor

Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016

8 at the Gate

From the Archives “Eight at the Gate First Ride Julie McPetrie” CONVERSATION: • How do you reduce the tension on this thing? • When does the music start? • It is way easier when I teach the spin class – I usually just walk around. • You said there would be chocolate when we got to the top! • WHAT! We aren’t even half-way? • No way is that old guy going to beat me up this hill. Seriously we do welcome new riders, especially ones with a sense of humour! Riding every morning at 08:00. We offer encouragement, coaching and fun. Contact Bob Marshall 204756-8255 VB // 204-261-4292// FaceBook “eightatthegate”


#&*+*/( t 9*"/ t 4)"/()"* t This 10 day tour includes the following highlights: Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Great Wall of China, Terra Cotta Warriors, Silk & Jade Factories & MORE..

Trip Includes: Airfare from Winnipeg, 5 star hotels, daily breakfast, and most meals, and entrance fees. For more Information call Tammy MacIntosh at (204) 756- 6365 or email tammy@ixtapatravel.ca


Council Corner Another glorious summer is with us. This year everything is so green and glorious. Our village green is looking good, the tennis courts are busy, the golf course is in wonderful shape. Council hopes that everyone is enjoying the activities that our community has to offer. Canada Day was busy in the Village Green and on the beaches. Families were out in full force and so were our local police. We received positive feed back on how well the public behaved, everything in moderation, and how well our community police interacted with everyone. We should give ourselves a pat on the back. By now you have received your water bill and your tax bill. Both are due at the end of July. For those of you with multiple owners listed on your title, be aware that the province prints out a bill for each different city address. Be sure to talk to all of your family members so that you do not pay the taxes multiple times. Some people pay their taxes by transfer from their banks to the RM account. If you pay by direct transfer, BE CAREFUL. Select the RM of VICTORIA BEACH. (Do not send your taxes to the City of Victoria in BC, or to the RM of Victoria which is in western Manitoba). Enjoy your summer Reeve and Council of Victoria Beach

2016 Victoria Beach Golf Course Rates MEMBERSHIPS: Family - Adult Couple Single - Adult Junior - 13 to 17 Family (Max 2)

Seasonal $ 495.00 $ 275.00 $ 170.00 $ 320.00

Monthly $ 270.00 $ 175.00 $ 110.00 $ 150.00

Two Weeks $ 195.00 $ 135.00 $ 105.00 $ 120.00

1 Adult & 1 Child

12 & under $ 120.00 $ 80.00 $ 70.00 GREEN FEES: 9 holes Weekdays - $ 14.00 Weekends - $ 16.00 Children (12 & Under) - Weekdays $7.00/round Weekends $10.00/round LOCKERS: Lower Locked Upper Locked Lower Open Upper Open Seasonal $ 35.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 25.00 Monthly $ 30.00 $ 20.00 Daily $2.00 Manager: Karl Hutchison 3 Wheeled Carts - $40.00 PHONE – 204-756-2435 All above fees/memberships include GST. Children 12 & under may not tee off Saturday, Sunday or Holidays until after 10:00 am and must be accompanied by an adult. Small tournaments welcome.

Prices are based on double occupancy and do not include tax.

Rural Municipality of Victoria Beach Reeve: Brian Hodgson Councillors: Kathy McKibbin, Linda McMillan, Penny McMorris, Gordon Ross CAO: Shelley Jensen, 303-960 Portage Ave, Winnipeg Phone: 204-774-4263 Toll Free: 1-800-513-3839 (MB Only) Fax: 204-774-9834 Chief Police Constable: Stewart MacPherson 204-756-2322 Public Works Foreman: Allan Scurfield 204-756-2286 Public Works (after hours emergency): 204-756-2568 Building Inspector: Curtis Beaudoin Wpg Cell 204-291-8207


RMVB Garbage Pickup Summer Schedule Door-to-door pickup is as follows: MONDAY - Albert Beach, all areas south of Arthur Road and west of Ateah Road, including Ateah Road TUESDAY - All avenues in Restricted Area north of Arthur Road including Sunset Boulevard WEDNESDAY - Municipal garbage enclosures in all areas. Garbage is to be placed in garbage bags and left in containers (preferably bear-resistant ones). Containers are to be placed in the front yard - not on the road allowance - by no later than 8:30 am.


TRAVERSE BAY LANDFILL: PTH#11 - 3 miles east of PTH#11 & #59 intersection. Summer Hours OPEN DAILY - 9 am to 5 pm. A pass is required, they can be picked up at the gate, public works, or WKH PXQLFLSDO RI¿FH

6 July 15, 2016

THANKS TO DOCTOR CARRY MARTENS-BARNES Thanks you to Dr. Carry Martens-Barnes for coming to join the Victoria Beach community again this summer. We really appreciate her giving of her time and talents to us. Having a doctor in our midst makes life so much easier. It is so convenient to have a skilled practitioner here to deal with the poison ivy, the cuts and minor bike injuries. It is also reassuring to know that we can get help for more significant injuries too. Doctor Martens-Barnes will be with us until July 24th. For anyone new to the area, the doctor’s cottage is at 124 Birch Avenue. The phone number there is 204-756-6305. This year, the Clinic hours are 9:30 to 11:30 and 5:30 to 7:30 Tuesday through to Sunday. On Monday there is one clinic only from 5:30 through to 7:30. Once again, this service is available to everyone. If you live outside the vehicle restricted area, stop at the white information building and ask. The attendant will help you get to the doctor safely. REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR MEDICAL CARD. RMVB REEVE, COUNCIL AND THE MEDICAL CLINIC

Victoria Beach HERALD

Duplicate Bridge We had 10 couples out for our second duplicate bridge of the season on July 4th. Congratulations to Marj and Jim Birley who came in first AGAIN and Liz Foster and Patty Johnston and Gail and Bob Henderson who tied for second. Marj and Jim, if you come in first next week you’ll have to share your secret with the rest of us or start giving us bridge lessons! Please arrive Mondays at the clubhouse by 6:20 to play duplicate bridge. Cost to play is $1.00 and cold drinks are also sold for $1.00. Please support the Victoria Beach Club by buying a seasonal membership as we would not have bridge if it were not for the Victoria Beach Club. If you need a partner, call Ken at 756-3612.

Just Outside the Gates!

Come & enjoy homemade breakfast - Friday and Saturday mornings 9am - 12 noon at the new VBCC (Sports Club). And stay for our…. VB Country Market... Rain or Shine - Every Saturday 10am to 1pm until September 3 at the New VBCC (sports club). Bingo Wednesday nights at new VBCC (sports club) Doors open 6pm Bingo at 7pm. Pots carried over from 2015. Pickle Ball “Come & enjoy the fun” Mon, Wed, Fri from 9am 12 noon. Contact - Al Rear 204-756-6822 Summer Winds Music Festival 10th Anniversary - Friday July 15th & Saturday July 16th Featuring Colin James… Advance online tickets available now!! Artisan Show & Sale Saturday July 30th, 2016 from 10am - 4pm Sponsored by the Merry Makers of VB as a fundraiser for our new VBCC

Victoria Beach HERALD

East Beaches Animal Shelter Annual Raffle

9PM Clubhouse

Saturday, July 23rd, 10-3 at Saffie’s Store in Albert Beach Sunday, July 24th, 10-3 in the Village Green next to VB Grocery Great Prizes -- hope to see you there! Thank you to all over these past 9 years for your generosity and commitment to a better community.

All those 13+ Welcome

Free Popcorn! Prizes! Follow us on Twitter @VBClubMB

The Arlington

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, 1016 sqft – Starting at $78,000 delivered! :PVS 4NBSU $PUUBHF 4PMVUJPO

Graham Randle

)8: ! 'FZ 3E t (SBOE #FBDI #&45#6:)064*/( $0.


Bacon & Egger™ and Small Coffee for $4

6:00 a.m – 11 a.m Serving Breakfast at 5 a.m Coupon valid only at

.BJO 4U t 4FMLJSL © 2016 A&W Trade Marks Limited Partnership


July 15, 2016

2 for $7 Teen Burger®

All Night Drive Thru Coupon valid only at

.BJO 4U t 4FMLJSL © 2016 A&W Trade Marks Limited Partnership


Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016

2016 Junior Tennis Tournament Wednesday and Thursday, July 20th & 21st Yowza! This year’s Junior Tennis Tournament is coming up fast! That’s what summers are like at Victoria Beach – there is just so much to do; it’s hard to keep track of everything! Tournament sign-up sheets will be posted at the tennis courts on Wednesday, July 13th and taken down on Sunday, July 17th at 8pm. The draw will be posted at the tennis courts on Tuesday, July 19th, no later than 6pm, and also Tweeted out @vbtennisclub. And now to the fun stuff…… What events will you play in this year? Ask a friend to be your doubles partner and/or coax your mom, dad, auntie or even grandma to play in the parent-child event. You can enter a total of 3 events from the following categories: SINGLES Girls 12 & under Girls 14 & under Girls 16 & under Girls 18 & under

Boys 12& under Boys 14 & under Boys 16 & under Girls 18 & under

DOUBLES Girls 14 & under Girls 18 & under

Boys 14 & under Boys 18 & under

MIXED DOUBLES 14 & under

18 & under

PARENT-CHILD Recreational

We are looking forward to action-packed tennis, youthful enthusiasm and good sportsmanship! See you next week, Lisa and Derek Zeilstra, Anndrea O’Connor, Brad Nechwediuk and Philippe Champagne


Adult Round Robin Results Week 1 The Adult Round Robin started off with a smash! Thanks to everyone who came out to play!


THINGS TO REMEMBER: • You must have a VB membership & VB tennis membership (toe tag) • You can play in up to 3 events • Bring your registration fee ($5 per event) • Bring your own tennis balls • Bring your own water, hat and sunscreen • Be at least 15 minutes early for your game • If you won last year, please return your trophy to the tennis kiosk no later than Wednesday, July 20th AGE CLASSIFICATION: Age refers to the child’s age in the calendar year 2016. This means if you are currently 14 years old but you are turning 15 before the end of this year, you must play in the 16 & under category. (Tennis Manitoba). REGISTRATION: Fees are $5.00 per event which must be paid prior to playing. All players must have a VBC Membership ($50 at the tennis kiosk) along with the tennis membership (shoe tags; $15 at the tennis kiosk). This allows you to play tennis all summer long!

For tournament updates follow us on Twitter @vbtennisclub

Rob Stapleton, Cara Brown, Patrik Laine John Stapleton, Audrey Benningen, Tim Turzak, Teresa Young, Laurie Reade, Dave Wilson, Lisa Yagi, Sue Hodgson, Evelyn Russell, Blake Wheeler, Karl Ruban, Kathryn Melville, Jeff Melville, and Garth Grover. The Results: 1. Karl Ruban and Kathryn Melville, 2. Lisa Yagi and Sue Hodgson 3. Tim Turzak and Teresa Young

Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016

Chaos in the Kiosk

It’s Tennis Manitoba Day and all the court attendants are being trained. There’s no one available to man the kiosk from 10:00 – 12:30, so I said I would do it. How hard can it be? Just the evening before I had been telling my wife that the new sign-up sheets I had created made the job bullet proof and Jenna, our head tennis person, found an app with six stop watches to precisely measure court times. All of which would make the job a cinch. Jenna had all the court times recorded on the pristine sign-up sheet and listed again in bright fuchsia on the white board. She even had a cute drawing of the sun and clouds. With pen in hand I was ready. I took over the kiosk duties at 10:00. At 10:02 there are four groups wanting to sign up for a court. I mark them down on the sheet. Let’s see, on at 10:25, 45 minutes for doubles. That means they’re off at … (I’m slow at mental math … 11:10. Okay, it’s all marked down. I’m set. Darn. I forgot to set the timer. How do you use this app again? Court three gets 30 minutes. Press start. No. Wait! Court three is doubles. Reset the timer. Alright. We’re good. Two more groups approach the kiosk. The first wants to buy a Day Pass. What? Where are those and how do they work? I vaguely remember reading about them in The Herald but this old brain can barely store the information it needs without worrying about non-essential stuff. With help from a bystander I get it sorted out. The second group wants to sign up but needs to borrow racquets. I’m on my own, the racquets are in the shed and three more groups just appeared. Courts are loaded and there are eight groups on deck. Group eight wants to know when they’ll be on court. I try to refrain from giving them my “Are you serious?” look and guestimate. They seem satisfied with my answer; if they only knew. I turn around and notice the white board. I haven’t been updating it. Mid-update the timer on my phone goes off. Good. The app is working. I send a pair of youngsters, Jake and Sam, onto court two. Thirty seconds later I hear my name being called. “Bryan, we’re doubles. We just got on at 10:30 so we should have another 15 minutes.” “Oh, sorry”, I sheepishly apologize, and tell the two young kids they’ll have to wait another 10 minutes. Now I have to adjust all of the times on my sheet to fit in Jake and Sam. Worse yet, I have to tell all the groups waiting that they will have to wait another 10 minutes. Maybe they won’t notice. I write Jake and Sam’s names down in the margin with an arrow. I scratch out all the other times and try to write in the correct times on top, wishing I had brought a pencil instead. The training session is ending. Great. Courts one, two and three are now available and Jenna will soon be back at the helm. I send three groups out. The backlog is decreasing. This is good. Three minutes later a large group of rambunctious five and six year olds charge through the gate, ready for their lessons.

Tennis this week

July 15-22

Masters Tennis Tournament Saturday – Sunday, July 16-17 Junior Tennis Tournament Wednesday – Thursday July 20-21 Quote of the week – “To err is human. To put the blame on someone else, is doubles.”


Lessons! No one told me about lessons. They’ll need three courts for lessons. This means there will be no court attendants to take over for another 45 minutes. Worse yet, it means I have to call back the three groups of players I’ve just sent out and tell them their wait will be just a wee bit longer. This includes Jake and Sam who have already been recalled once. The disappointment on their faces shows but, thankfully, they don’t complain. Once again, I have to redo my estimated wait times and let everyone know their new times. My phone rings. Someone can’t make it to the afternoon clinic and I need to find a replacement. I tell them they have the wrong number and turn off my phone. There are three groups in line giving me a sideways look. I avoid eye contact. I look up and see Sam and Jake hitting stones to each other with their racquets. I look back at the white board. It needs to be up-dated. And where is the eraser? I quickly rub out the times with my hand, and scratch in the updated times. Why is this so hard and why am I sweating? I wipe my forehead and turn around. There are five people in line and Jake and Sam are now wrestling and rolling around in the gravel. I look beyond the line to the path leading to the bakery. There is a steady stream of people walking toward the tennis courts. Don’t tell me all those people are carrying tennis racquets? I am now sweating profusely and mop my brow. I look frantically around for my wife. She’s still on court. Desperate for help, I send the next group on to take her off …10 minutes early. Okay, help is on the way. My wife enters the kiosk and airily asks, “How is it going?” The expression on my face says it all. ”This is crazy! I can’t keep up!” She looks surprised. “But yesterday I thought you said everything was… and how come you have fuchsia ink all over your face”. She stops mid-sentence as two more groups approach. The next 45 minutes crawls by. Not because it’s slow, but simply because I keep looking at my watch and counting down the minutes until I can get out of here with my reputation intact. Finally, Jenna and another court attendant return and take over the reins. I apologize for any mess they may have to deal with due to my errors. Jenna smiles and says, “No worries.” She is just about to put Jake and Sam onto a court when their mom comes down and announces it’s time for their swimming lesson. Looking sad and dejected, they head for their bikes. I slip out of the kiosk, reach into my pocket and give them a Toonie to buy two Happy Face cookies. I tell them my name is Pete. My first shift in the kiosk may just be my last. Granted, it’s not rocket science, but when there are several groups waiting to play, and you are juggling the sign-up sheet, timing app and white board, not to mention, answering all sorts of questions about tournaments, lessons, and day passes, well… it’s a bit of a pressure cooker. So, please be patient with the attendants. They’re a great bunch of kids, all doing their best. And the next time you’re at the kiosk, I hope you’ll be lucky enough to deal with someone more competent than me. See you at the courts. Bryan Yagi

thank you:

to Michelle Brownell for planting flowers in the tennis barrels to Stuart Juzda for watering the hanging plants in June to Mike Lesiuk for the practice tennis balls for GVS and Lessons to Nancy Sarchuk and Robert Kennedy for Girls Tennis day to Gord Bell for helping put up the tennis nets

10 July 15, 2016

Victoria Beach HERALD

Lake Winnipeg Foundation: What’s Going On

For the past decade, Lake Winnipeg Foundation (LWF) has been advancing solutions for fresh water through research, education, stewardship and collaboration, leveraging the expertise of our Science Advisory Council (SAC), and the dedication of our broad base of members and volunteers across Manitoba and beyond – and 2015 was one of our busiest years yet! Recap of LWF 2015 activities/next steps for 2016: The Lake Winnipeg Health Plan: LWF’s flagship initiative identifies eight sector-specific actions to manage phosphorus loading. In 2015, our work focused on four actions: Action 1 – Keeping Water on the Land: LWF has been advocating for strong legislation that can enforce wetland protection. We came close to achieving the first step towards this goal in 2015 with Bill 5, the Surface Water Management Act (Amendments to various acts to protect lakes and wetlands). The result of four years of public consultation, this bill had the support of both conservation and agricultural communities. Unfortunately, it died on the order paper in the last legislative session. LWF is committed to working with Manitoba’s new government to advance solutions for Lake Winnipeg, and will continue to champion for strong wetland protection. Action 4 – Monitoring our Waterways: Community-based monitoring (CBM) encourages schools, community groups, conservation districts and individuals to collect water samples that can used to make smart water management decisions. Having previously supported individual CBM efforts through our small grants program, LWF brought together representatives from 15 organizations in October to discuss how to work together to develop a CBM network. Our goal is to build citizenscience capacity across Manitoba to generate water-quality data that informs research and policy priorities, and serve as an early warning system to tack invasive species, with a longer-term goal of establishing a community-based laboratory. LWF is now working with four partners on a pilot project to determine protocols and build processes, with plans to expand the network in 2017. If you’re interested in getting involved in community-based monitoring, please contact us! Action 5 – Managing our Shorelines: Building on previous efforts, LWF’s Science Advisory Council (SAC) undertook a pilot monitoring study over 2015’s summer season in a relatively pristine section of Netley-Libau Marsh, collecting water samples for phosphorus and nitrogen analyses and water level recordings.

Data from this study will be used to demonstrate the potential to improve water quality in Lake Winnipeg through marsh restoration, and to develop a phased remedial action plan for Netley-Libau Marsh and other freshwater coastal wetlands. Additional field sampling is taking place during this year’s openwater season. Action 8 – Taking responsibility: Addressing the challenges threatening Lake Winnipeg requires systematic change driven by a critical mass of informed, engaged citizens. LWF’s public education and outreach programs translate scientific expertise into accessible, action-oriented messaging. In 2015: • LWF staff delivered 19 educational presentations to a diverse range of audiences, directly engaging with 1,239 people • Our field trip fund helped 227 students from four schools participate in water-related excursions • We grew our social media presence – in addition to Facebook and Twitter, we are now active on the popular photo-sharing network Instagram Walk for Water: Grassroots fundraising – such as our signature Walk for Water events – makes possible the collaborative solutions of the Lake Winnipeg Health Plan and our grants program, while also supporting year-round administrative and staffing costs that have allowed LWF to exponentially expand our impact. Victoria Beach’s 2015 Walk for Water event made history as the largest yet, with 140 walkers joining together on a beautiful August morning to raise more than $15,300! This year’s Walk is Sunday August 7th; short or long course, your choice, but please come out. We invite lake-lovers to get involved in Walk for Water 2016. And, to make participation even easier, we’ve launched an online donation option that’s easy to share with your social media networks. Love, Lake Winnipeg: An exciting LWF outreach initiative came to fruition in January 2016 after almost two years of planning. Love, Lake Winnipeg was a collaborative musical project featuring select tracks from Riverton’s Sol Sigurdson’s 1970 folk album, The Lake Winnipeg Fisherman, reimagined by an eclectic group of contemporary Manitoban musicians. On a cold winter night, almost 300 people packed into Winnipeg’s West End Cultural Centre for the Love, Lake Winnipeg benefit concert – celebrating not only Sol’s enduring musical legacy, but our shared Continued on page 11…

Victoria Beach HERALD

love for Manitoba’s great lake. Three CDs of music from that special night will be door prizes in this year’s VB Walkathon. The Lake Winnipeg Indigenous Collective: Over the past two years, with ongoing support from LWF, the Lake Winnipeg Indigenous Collective (LWIC) has identified priority areas for collective action, established a governance structure, and reached out to new partners. Three gatherings took place in 2015, and LWIC has begun drafting an accord outlining the collective’s relationship to water and responsibility to protecting Lake Winnipeg. LWIC leaders have requested that LWF continue facilitating and administering the further development of the collective. We are committed to building a strong, reciprocal relationship that fosters mutual learning, contributes to reconciliation and honours our treaties. LWF’s grants program: LWF’s Stewardship, Research and Education Grants Program supports projects working to improve water quality in Lake Winnipeg and its watershed. In 2015 we distributed a total of $39,000 to seven projects! Elections: LWF worked to help citizens make an informed decision during October’s federal election – reaching out to all candidates running in Manitoba with questions about Lake Winnipeg and publishing all responses we received in the leadup to the vote. We were pleased to see Lake Winnipeg’s health mentioned as a priority in several subsequent mandate letters issued by the federal government. We repeated our effort in the lead-up to this spring’s provincial election – and we went one step further, commissioning a Probe Research poll that found Manitobans care deeply about the health of our shared waters and want to see strong political leadership on Lake Winnipeg. We are now reaching out to all newly elected decision-makers to ensure Lake Winnipeg is a priority of both the provincial and federal governments. Our Living Waters: Our Living Waters is a new national initiative working to amplify the impact of Canada’s water community. Over the course of 2015 LWF has been part of this developing conversation between water leaders, funders and other organizations. In late September 2016, LWF staff will travel to Vancouver for a national rally that will allow us to promote Manitoba’s freshwater stewardship efforts, connect with and learn from others, and strategize solutions for the challenges affecting lakes and rivers across our country.

Dr. S. lacovides Dr. P. Dorval Dr. J. Watson Dr. J. Bongiorno Dr. J. Stewart-Hay

July 15, 2016


Sports Day 2016 Start practising your sprints, your hopping skills and your slowest bike rides as this year’s Sports Day will be on Saturday, July 23rd at the Sports Field. We will be starting promptly at 10:00 a.m. with our youngest sprinters. This year, we have split the Family Relay into two separate relay events. First, we will have the Family Relay which will be in the traditional format, but it is reserved for family members. Secondly, we will have an Open Relay event where you can put together a team of any four individuals. However, due to the huge popularity of the relay events, individuals will be permitted to run on only one relay team. See you at the Sports Field! Leah and Ted Kosokowsky


Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016

Kids Games Family games are a great VB tradition and kids of all ages came out in force last week for the fun!




Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016


VB Book Sale 2016

Our book sale this year was a huge success. We could not have done it without our wonderful volunteers for set up and take down. Thanks to Andrew Kaul, Cathy Rippin-Sisler, Jeff Sisler, Tracy Popel, Georgia Wilson, Abi Popel, Blake Vermette, Yvette Wilson, Dave Wilson, Chloe Wilson, Donna Huff, Robin Dow, Capri Mawhinney, Addison Mawhinney, Tess Poulton, Gord Poulton, Darcey Cameron, Laurie Cech-Manek, Paige Edwards, Mathew Kaul, Chris Edwards, Amy Edwards, Maureen Neuendorff, Pat Spangelo, Sarah Hart, George Boudoloski, Robin Boudoloski, Alison Van Rooy, Sandra Hasenack, Jenny Bru Thanks, Grace and Dana





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Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016

Beach Events

Victoria Beach HERALD


Did this ever go better than expected! Beach Events Top 5: 1. The strange pocket of VB weather once again had us dodging the cooler weather and the showers that had been predicted all week leading up to the event 2. A huge thank you goes out to the many volunteers that responded to the call out in earlier Heralds or on the beach personally! Thank you to: Abby Melville, Jack Filuk, Kieran Engbrecht, Jillian Diron, Caitlin McDonald, Hayley McDonald, Haley McNeice, Julia Stratton, Abi Polpel, Paige Robson, Hilary Robson, Georgia Wilson, Molly and Scott McDonald, Tom Melville, Jack Clement, Janice and Susan Gray, Sean and Kristy Cheop, Aleta Pollard, Andrew Kaul, Kathy Hudson, Brenda. (Very sincere apologies if we’ve missed anyone here!). 3. Of course our VB events can’t take place without the support of our staffers: Thank you to Bruce and his Rec Assistants Team for all their assistance in getting set up and ensuring that things ran smoothly. Our swim Staff members of course made it out to ensure that the “diving” event went off without a hitch! 4. The rest of the Peacock family rose to the occasion. Thank you for arriving early and taking on whatever task was assigned for the morning. Your assistance in picking up equipment, planning events, freezing Freezies, cutting sign posts (LJP Construction), greeting competitors, Costco runs, organizing the volunteers, running events... etc. was much appreciated. This event wouldn’t have taken place without you. 5. To the participants! Again, Wow! I’m glad we didn’t run out of beach! We had over 215 scorecards turned in at the end of the morning! That is 215 aspiring young VB athletes out there! Here I thought that 20 events would be plenty to avoid long lines, but with the perfect weather, it looks like we might need a few more next summer! We hope everyone had a wonderful morning on Clubhouse beach. We’re already thinking about next summer. Anyone interested in sharing in the fun? (ppeacock@shaw.ca)

July 15, 2016



Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016

Tent Full of Fun!

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Saturday, day, ay, July 16th.

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Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016


T he German Society of Winnipeg


Concert on the Green The German Society Brass Band is made up of members from the Community who get together to share their love of fun German style music with fellow Manitobans throughout the year

To be held at the VINCENT MEMORIAL STAGE (Village Green)

on SATURDAY, JULY 16th, 2016 starting at 2:00 p.m.

Sponsored by The Pollard Family and The Henderson Kochan Group/Nesbitt Burns

Start your YouTube search on how to build a toga! Tickets for the July 23rd Athens on the Beach 30+ Dance are now available at the Moonlight Inn, the price is $40. The evening begins at 8pm with BBQ catering by Chris Chipman and Steve Dubienski, then quickly followed by the charismatic music of Russ Psooy and the Fabulous Lemon Swishes. As a late night snack, the ever-popular Moonlight Inn smokies.

Country Market VB Outdoors Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm • June 18 - Sept 3 204-756-2181

Tickets are limited and will likely go quickly.

Office: 39004 Hillside Beach Rd Phone: 204.756.3749 www.ateahrealty.com Shanna Karle Owner/Broker/REALTOR® Susan (Gee) Thomas, REALTOR® Cheryl Trainor, REALTOR® 2015










Resident agents serving Victoria Beach, the shores of Lake Winnipeg, Pine Falls and surrounding areas.

18 July 15, 2016

Victoria Beach HERALD


Rec Programs July 18-22 Arts & Crafts This week is

Bike Hike

TEEN MOVIE JULY 20 featuring

PITCH PERFECT 2 9PM Clubhouse All those 13+ welcome Free Popcorn! Prizes!

We need them for a craft in the next few weeks


Painted Pots Tuesday at the Clubhouse at 12:30


to Albert Beach Don’t forget money for a treat at Saffies, Towel, Bathing suit and Helmet We leave from the Clubhouse at 10:00 Sharp Wednesday Follow us on Twitter @VBClubMB for daily updates

Children’s Games: Mon. & Fri. 10:00-11:00 am (Ages 4-10) Family Recreation: Mon. Wed. Fri. 7:30-8:30 pm Golf Lessons: Tues. & Thurs. 10:00-10:45 am (Ages 7-16) Youth Sport: Mon. & Fri. 10:00-11:00 am (Ages 10-14)



July 19 PG | 1h 31 min July 21

Paul Blart– Mall Cop 2 PG | 1h 34min

VB Masters Tennis Tournament The VB Master Tennis Tournament is back again! It is a F.U.N! competition open to all skill sets, so start practicing and come on out! This year the tournament will be held on Saturday, July 16 and Sunday, July 17 and if you turn 40 by December 31, 2016, you qualify to play! Please note: you must have a Club Membership ($50) and a tennis shoe tag ($15) for each family member wishing to play. Registration is $5.00 per event, with a maximum of three events per player. Entry sheets will be posted at the courts on Friday, July 8, and remain there until Thursday, July 14 at 7:00pm. No entries after this time-- thank you! The draw will be posted at 7pm, Friday, July 15. In the event of inclement weather, it will be up to the entrants to check with the convenors for re-scheduled draw times. The “default rule” will be in place, so if you are late (15 minutes after posted game time) you or your team will be defaulted. Last year’s winners-- please return any trophies to the courts on Saturday, July 16. Thank you! This will be my last year convening the tournament. If any intrepid would be volunteers would like to see how the magic happens and help out in view of taking over next year you will be most welcome. Good luck-- and see you on the courts! Steve Cook et al

The Anglican Parish of St. Michael www.ateahrealty.com Susan (Gee) Thomas REALTOR® 204.754.7677 LAND 204.756.3233 email susan@ateahrealty.com CELL

Office 39004 Hillside Beach Road OFFICE 204.756.3749 or 1.866.755.5406 FAX 204.756.3798

VICTORIA BEACH The Anglican Parish of St. Michael 8th and Pine, VB invites you to worship with us each Sunday in July and August at 9:00 am in a service of Holy Communion. Note: September 4th we will meet at 11:30 am

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Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016


VB FLEA MARKET 2016 - FANTASTIC! “Reuse, Renew and Recycle” Incredible VB Volunteers again raise over $3,000 for our Club! Once again our Victoria Beach Volunteers came together in fine style this summer raising $3,043.70 for our VB Club and its many diverse programs. As your Flea Market Coordinators this year, Deb, Lyndsi and I want to especially thank our families and friends for all of their love and support these past 6 years. We could not have done this challenging job without you. We also wish to thank all of our constant and committed Flea Market Friends who, year after year, have supported us with their generosity of time, expertise and spirit. In addition, we want to send out a big THANK YOU to this year’s team of 117+ committed volunteers, 10 terrific truck driving teams, Donna Plant and her sensational sandwich makers, Mavis Whicker and her 8 caring charity van volunteer teams, Lorraine Cook and her loyal and courageous clean-up crews, Susy Hester and The VB Club Board and Officers, Barb Pritchard, Kevin Dubé and The VB Herald, our Rec. Assistants Rachelle Hoole and Jaxin da Roza, The VBCOA, The VB Council and finally a very appreciative thank you to all of our awesome and generous VB business sponsors – Einfeld’s Bakery, The VB Store, The Moonlight Inn, Trainor Water, Schooter’s Painting and The VB Parking Lot, Info Booth and Public Works. Last but never least, we thank, of course, all of our wonderful patrons. Thank you EVERYONE for attending and supporting this important community event and for your generous donations of time, expertise and financial support for our VB Community Club. If you wish to consider being part of a VB Club leadership team next year, please call our president, Susy Hester (756-3016) and join the fun. You get to meet a lot of wonderful people! CONGRATULATIONS TO ONE AND ALL! … A RESOUNDING SUCCESS!

Thank You Valued Volunteers: Jane Turk, Paul Barkman, Laura Barkman, Kevin Ateah, Sheila Grover, Greg Thomas, Alison Burnett, Kevin Storry, Dan Schott, Kathy and John Brydon, David Gibson, Michel Messier, Danny Gibson, Dominique Messier, Gilles Messier, Scott Thain, Doug Guest, Andrika Tittenberger, Kathie Gagnon, Laith Gagnon, Sharon Bauman,Tracey Popel, Abi Popel, Barbara Riess, Sandy McCaig, Betty Hansford, Barb Hansford, Mary and Gordon King, Grayce Dubé, Chayse Dubé, Barb Pritchard, Kevin Dubé, Lisa Yagi, Donna Miller, Arroll Stewart, Grace Johnson, Maureen Neuendorff, Georgine Palmquist, Barbara Sudermann, Jenny Hasenack Bru, Sandra Hasenack, Alexis Bru, Rex Neuendorff, Mavis Whicker, Georgia Wilson, Gerry Hagglund, Ron Zather, Al Skiba, Oliver Meads, Darcie Reimer, Gus Da Roza, Lisa Heffelfinger, Gail Henderson, Tanis Petreny, Jen Campbell, Kelsey Newman, Sam Hart, Sarah Hart, Alison Van Rooy, Ian Willison, Gerry Peck, Carole McGetrick, Mike and Dallas Howell, Patty Best, Susanna Dul-Buffy, Shannon Bowden, Douglas Pritchard, Linda Fox, Darcy Cameron, Gord Poulton, Deanne McDonald, Alistair White, Sharon Hellius, Jody Willison, Joanne Prescott, Michelle Morrison Menac, Caitlyn Willison,Brooke Oxenforth, Trevor Bowden, Gail Lapp, Sherill Lapp, Evelyn Russell, Donna Miller, Kim Olynik, Lachlan White, France’s Woolison, Ilise McLandress, Judy Bailes,Taylor Holfeld, Tristen Holfeld, Marlen Rae-Leslie, Jan Perchal, Peggy Ansons, Carol Loader, Dan Johnson, Joan Irving, Donna Plant, Liese Dorber, Allan Whicker, Pam Gordon and Stuart Juzda. See you on the beach! Happy Summer Holidays! Your Flea Market Team – Joanne Parker Gibson, Deb Covernton & Lyndsi de Roza Your Charity and Clean Up team – Mavis Whicker & Lorraine Cook


Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016

SANDCASTLE CONTEST Sunday, July 17th from 10am-12pm It’s time to dust off those shovels and dig deep for some inspiration! The annual VB Sandcastle contest is this Sunday at Clubhouse Beach. Gather your team, draw up your plans and practice your sandcastle building techniques. There will be top prizes awarded in the following categories: - Traditional Sandcastles - Animals and Other Creatures - Anything Goes - Most Decorated - *Super-Structures* - 12 & Under (see guidelines) - 8 & Under (see guidelines) Official Rules: • Register at the desk and stake your territory. • Building will commence promptly at 10:00 am (not before), with the exception of the *Super Structures. Those competing in the *Super Structures* category may begin as early as dawn toward the south end (pier end) of the beach. • Human powered only! No hoses or motorized vehicles and equipment. • PROPS: Beach-combed natural materials found on or adjacent to the beach are allowed and celebrated - e.g., stones, sticks, old

bark, grass. NO commercially made props allowed (except in the “most decorated category”). Age-Group Category Guidelines: For the 12 & under and 8 & under categories, there will be adjudicated awards but no rankings. Additionally, parents and adults please take note of the following: • These categories are a totally parent-free and adult-free event! That’s right parents and family – leave the inspiration and execution up to your kids. Do not help them dig a hole, carry water, or give them any suggestions. It’s tempting to add in a comment or two but please hold back! Let them create, persevere and surprise us all! Judging will begin at 11:00 a.m., which will be followed by a group photo of all the participants. Lather up in sunscreen before leaving the cottage and don’t forget your sun hat and water bottle. We look forward to seeing you there! The Rozzi & Hughes families

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Victoria Beach HERALD

VB Swim Program

You are welcome to register for Swim Lessons at any point in the summer. Lanette Griffith our Head Swim Instructor is at the Swim Dock every morning from 9-10:30 to sell VB Club memberships and sign kids up for swimming lessons. There were some hot days and some pretty cold days during our first week at swimming lessons but our fabulous Swim Staff and their intrepid swimmers forged on and had a great time. Lessons are in full swing and kids are having fun learning strokes and making friends. For the second summer the VB Club is offering the Babysitting Course. Kids 11 years and older are invited to take part. The class meets at the Swim Dock every afternoon for an hour for a two week session. It’s the regular Red Cross Babysitting Course plus a little extra about babysitting at the beach. Sign up now for the second Babysitting Course that starts on July 18. New this summer is the Fit and Fun classes for kids 10 – 15 who have finished the Red Cross swim levels and want to stay swim-fit with laps and stroke advice but also want to have fun with water games and make friends their own age. Swim instructors have been incorporating some Olympics themes into their lessons in anticipation of the Rio Games. And we’re offering prizes for the individuals and teams with the most Olympic spirit at the upcoming Open Swims coming up on July 16 and July 23. Flags, face paint, team colors, “uniforms”, cheering sections…we could have some Olympic-sized fun with this!

July 15, 2016


Come out Saturday July 16 for the 200 Metre Open Swim. All swimmers welcome at the Pier. Race starts at 2 – come at least 20 minutes early to register so your name gets in the Herald. (Last year’s winners please return your trophies or call Tamara at 204470-8429 to make arrangements to have them picked up). And save the date for the 800 Metre Swim – Saturday July 23 at 2 PM at the Pier. Two race formats – individual and relay. Put a team together for the relay and bring your cheering squads out! Again – everyone is welcome. Life guards will be on duty. Keep Swimming! Alice Russell and Tamara Roehr Swim Program Conveners

Last summer’s 200 metre swimmers ready to race


Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016

POLICEMANS CORNER: I would just like to go over a few points as the summer months get going: 1) Fires on the beach … Verboten. Not allowed. Nada … Never. We have not been bothered by people having fires on the beach for a number of years but this year for some reason we have this problem once again. If you want to attract the Police to your evening get together, by all means … make a fire. Someone will call and we will attend. 2) Open fires are allowed at your cabin / residence IF YOU HAVE A FIRE PERMIT. Fire permits are obtainable at the Fire Hall. Your fire pit must be: Fully contained with heavy gauge steel … a minimum of 4 meters from any building or property line … and a fire extinguisher or water hose must be accessible. 3) Bicycle Helmets are required even at the beach if you are UNDER 18 years of age. HTA sec. 145.0.1(1) FINE is $63.10. That includes children being pulled in a bicycle chariot. 4) Open liquor. This is a bit of a gray area as we are quite lenient if you have a red solo cup and you are going to or returning (walking) from a neighbours house for/after supper. However, open liquor in a vehicle is over the line and that includes those who use the shuttle to go to the Birchwood. If you just do the right thing, then we are not forced to issue paper in order to get compliance. Glass is never allowed on the beach for obvious reasons. 5) The VBP do not wish to appear heavy-handed but if you need some guidance we will be more than willing to issue you a ticket to in order to guide you in the right direction. See you at Summer Winds. S.MacPHERSON Chief of Police

Special Events News The weekend will be an active one starting on Friday July 15th with Gentlemen’s Movie Night at the Clubhouse at 9pm. Thanks again to Bruce Sirrell and Rob Hester for planning such a great evening for the “guys”. The Pollard Family will be once again be encouraging all the children to dress up for the annual Children’s Masquerade at the Village Green, Saturday July 16th at 10 am – noon. Thanks to Kristie & Doug for convening this fun event. Get ready for the first Swim Race of 2016! It’s the 200 Metre Open on Saturday July 16th at 2pm. Come out to the pier and cheer on all our swimmers. For “kids” of all ages and kids at heart the Sandcastle Bulilding Competition will be starting at 10am Sunday July 17th on Clubhouse Beach. Thanks to the Rozzi-Hughes Family for convening this epic event. Steve Cook will be convening the Masters’ Tennis Tournament which will be on all weekend. Thanks Steve for your time and commitment. Great tennis at the courts once again. The Junior Tennis Tournament will be held July 20 & 21st at the courts. Thanks to our fabulous team of convenors, Andrea O’Connor, Philippe Champagne, and Derek and Lisa Zeilstra. The 2nd Teen Movie Night will be held July 20th at 9pm. Come to the Clubhouse and check it out. If you would like to get involved with our Special Events or Regular Events, please get in touch. You can contact Shauna at 204-756-6642 or text 204-941-0077 or Jill at 204-756-2879 or text 403-807-1784 or Lindsay at 204-756-2768 or 204990-6475. Shauna Filuk, Jill Kirbyson & Lindsay Stevenson Special Events




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Victoria Beach HERALD

V.B. Club Fitness and Yoga The 2016 program of fitness and yoga classes is off to a great start! For those just arriving at the beach, please note the important following changes: 1. Due to the increasing popularity of yoga, it is now being offered three times a week in the Clubhouse, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, while Aerobics or Total Body Conditioning (TBC) classes will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All classes begin at 10:00 a.m. as usual; yoga practices will be 90 minutes in duration, ending at 11:30 a.m., and the Tuesday/Thursday fitness classes will be 60 minutes long, ending at 11:00 a.m. 2. In order to continue to provide highly qualified and experienced yoga instructors, the V.B. Club has introduced a yoga wristband for $15 for V.B. Club Members. This yoga wristband, like tennis shoe-tags, can be purchased anywhere a V.B. Club membership is sold and purchasers will be given a purple yoga receipt; the wristband itself can then be picked up at the Clubhouse during the 15 minutes prior to any yoga class with presentation of the purple yoga receipt. Yoga wristbands can also be purchased just before any yoga class, provided that a copy of your V.B. Club Membership Application is shown (either the pink or yellow copy, which will be returned to you). For purchases at yoga, please bring either a cheque made out to the V.B. Club or exact change. Day-pass holders can also participate in yoga, and these can be purchased at the Clubhouse just prior to yoga classes as well. To ensure that all those who wish to practice yoga can join the class, please place your mat no further than half the width of a yoga mat (about 6-8 inches) from your neighbour. Instructors will cue to stagger for poses. While we welcome people to join or leave the class at any time, for the safety of your muscles and joints and to secure a spot, please try to arrive by 10:00 a.m. Please bring a mat and water bottle to all classes - a towel is too slippery to practice on safely. Please also put your cell phones on silent so that everyone can enjoy their class. For TBC classes, you may wish to bring your own tubing band - although Julie will have some, there aren’t always enough for everyone in attendance. Finally, please wear your purple yoga wristband for all yoga classes and either the purple yoga wristband or red V.B Club wristband for other fitness classes. Julie McPetrie (Fitness Convenor) and Pamela Beazley (Yoga Convenor)

July 15, 2016


Paint Nite Victoria Beach! We would like to have a Paint Nite at the Victoria Beach Clubhouse on Wednesday, August 17th. We need 30 people in order to book our artist. It’s $40/person. There will be wine and refreshments available for sale. Don’t know what “Paint Nite” is? It’s a night with painting and beverages. The painting is decided on beforehand and there is an instructor/artist to help you create your versions of that painting. It’s a fun social evening with an artistic twist. You can check out www.paintnite.com for more information. Please RSVP to barbhansford@hotmail.com if you are interested! We need a firm commitment from 30 people to make this happen. Please note that special rates or groupons do not apply to this event as it is a privately booked Paint Nite. Thanks, Barb Hansford



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July 15, 2016

Manitoba Hydro increases electrical service to Victoria Beach Manitoba Hydro is partially through a two-year project to increase the electrical supply to Victoria Beach and the surrounding area. The upgrades are driven by more people using electricity to heat their properties during winter, Manitoba Hydro Senior System Improvement Engineer Rodney Boychuk said. The increasing demand is also based on the 10-year annual historical growth rate of four per cent. at meeting electrical needs beyond 2030. (Victoria Beach was first connected to the provincial power system in 1954.) “Victoria Beach is growing and we need to increase capacity,” Boychuk said. Boychuk said the project has already seen Hydro crews install a second underground electrical cable this past winter to deliver more electricity to the municipality. The cable runs two kilometres along the causeway from north of Saffie Road to near David Road. It runs parallel to the existing supply cable installed in 2003 to replace wood poles. The second cable allows Hydro to sectionalize or “split” the electrical supply to the municipality in two – each half of the community served by its own supply instead of a single cable supplying the entire area. Boychuk said this increases the reliability of service. Boychuk also said crews erected several new poles along the highway west of Wanasing Beach towards the main gate of the restricted area. This allowed Hydro to install automatic circuit reclosers (ACRs) on portions of the line. ACRs are devices that protect the line from serious damage such as faults, for instance when a tree falls on the line during a storm. These devices also reduce the duration and frequency of outages. The second part of the project will extend into next year. It will see the replacement of the distribution supply centre (DSC) located at the west side of the junction of Highways 59 and 11. The existing station (a wood-pole structure) is leaning and remediation is considered unachievable without a complete rebuild. The new DSC will be set back from the highway and be less obtrusive. The project also includes upgrading service to Albert Beach and Belair, again to meet increasing demand.

Victoria Beach HERALD

Ladies VB Golf Tournament – July 27th Have you signed up yet? Please remember that the tournament is for beginner and experienced golfers so don’t worry about shooting 90...or more! (Actually, the highest 9-hole score you can shoot is 71 since there is a maximum score for each hole!) Everyone gets a tee gift and is eligible to win other draws and prizes for things like landing on the third green or in a sand trap! Here are the details: Time: 2 shotgun starts at 8:30 AM and 11:30 AM with a postround wind-up at 2:30 PM. Registration: Sign-up at the VB Golf Course; first come, first served. Tournament-day registration will be at 8:00 am and 11:00 am for the two starts. Cost: $15.00 per person (plus $14 green fees if you’re not a member of the VB Golf Course). Wind-up: 2:30-4:30 PM at the new Victoria Beach Community Centre on Hwy 59. Includes visiting, prizes, and draws while enjoying a complimentary glass of wine and appetizers prepared by the Merrymakers. Silent Auction: We would appreciate any donations monetary or otherwise. Please drop off at the golf course by July 23. Silent auction tickets will be on sale at the wind-up so don’t forget your $$! We are supporting the new VB Community Centre so we are keen to surpass last year’s total of $1100. Here is another golf joke to inspire you! Diane asked me, “What’s your handicap?” I said, “Oh, I’m a scratch golfer”. “Really!” said Diane, suitably impressed. “Yes, I said, I write down all my good scores and scratch out the bad ones!” The 2016 Organizing Committee (Laureen Johnstone, Sally Lawler, Diane Eyford, and yours truly), are looking forward to seeing all of you on the 27th! Heather Willoughby

Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016

Would you like to participate in the

VB COUNTRY MARKET? More vendors welcome. July 2nd we counted over 400 people! Market Vendors are like rock stars at our Market! They draw a crowd … they receive accolades…and they are missed when they do not come out. A few little examples explain. While standing with Demetra (Sweet Spirit Apothecary), another vendor ventured over to say to us: I have had 2 surgeries, and both times I used a product I bought here for scar tissue that worked beautifully! Even my surgeon could not believe how well the marks had healed! Tell anybody who needs something like this to come here for sure!” At my next stop, I was interrupted by another vendor who came to Loretta, selling wild rice. He had bought wild rice the week before but did not take the recipe on how to cook it. His wife was happy to have the rice….not sure what to do with it. Loretta was able to give him lots of tips. Basically, cook in 4 cups boiling water to 1 cup rice, let it simmer until it is soft, or cook the whole pound, and freeze in baggies. When the Norwex rep, Michelle, took a week off, a lady left an order with me for 2 packages of super, environmentally safe laundry soap, because she would not use anything else, and she did not want to be left without any this summer. Luckily, the Norwex vendor was back the following week. The shopper got her order; Michelle made a good sale! There are some vendors booked for the whole season; some coming a few times. Contact information is available to reach anyone selling at the market. Rain or shine, the market will be going strong until September 3rd, and the Sports Club has a larger griddle for those fluffy pancakes. Breakfast served until Noon. The market goes until 1 p.m.

Decisive. Direct.

Direct legal advice. Kelly Beattie

Charles Sherbo

TEL (204) 957 8342 kbeattie@fillmoreriley.com

TEL (204) 957 8332 csherbo@fillmoreriley.com




Are you looking for a place to watch the last Tragically Hip concert? We have a fantastic venue lined up for you! The VB Club will be showing the concert live on CBC at the Clubhouse starting at 7:30 August 20th for the 30+ crowd. Clubhouse doors will open at 7:00. Beer, wine and coolers will be for sale, and snacks will be served. Tickets are for sale for $10 each and can be purchased at 324 Third or at 214 Seventh. Come and dance with your beach friends to the last concert of the Tragically Hip!



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Victoria Beach HERALD

July 15, 2016

CLASSIFIEDS FURNISHED CABIN FOR SALE by owner – 201-5th Ave., $169,900. 3 bdrm, 864 sq. ft., indoor plumbing, washer/dryer, close to all amenities. To view 204-756-2952. SUMMER WINDS FAMILY MUSIC FESTIVAL July 15 & 16. Personal delivery of Summer Winds tickets for VB & nearby areas. Cheque, cash or credit card. Call or text Laura at 204-8943421 or email owenhouse@shaw.ca. If you are interested in volunteering please email Terry craftcabin101@hotmail.com NEED A HANDYMAN? For prompt, courteous, and reliable help call Mikes Handyman Service at 204-756-6163 or 204799-1703. RAINBOW INTUITIVE PRACTITIONER: Registered Karuna Reiki Master, Usui Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy and more. 7562387. BIKES WANTED - Has the spark that once drew you to that old beach bike fizzled? Have old tires, frames and parts become eyesores or clutter in sheds or backyards? If so, please don’t let them rust away or meet their end at the dump, but call 204 963 6659 for free removal... to a better place.

Welcome back everyone – for another great summer! Victoria Beach LAKEFRONTS

Victoria Beach Non-Restricted Area

57 Bayview Blvd 103 Sunset Blvd 201 Sunset Blvd 331 Sunset Blvd 417 Sunset Blvd

11 Lakewood Dr $179,900 1 Zeglinsky Cresc $149,900 13 Clearwater SOLD $146,900 8 Sprague Cresc $199,900 6 Sprague Cresc REDUCED $219,900

$309,900 $349,900 $649,900 $385,000 $279,900

Victoria Beach Restricted Area 1 Elm St 7 Elm St SOLD 3 Thomas SOLD 5 Juniper SOLD 6 Beech Cresc 15 Scott Dr 60 Gibson 309 1st Ave 318 2nd Ave 315 3rd Ave SOLD 306 4th Ave 311 4th Ave 214 5th Ave 305 5th Ave 342 6th Ave 313 3rd Ave

$149,900 $129,000 $149,000 $149,900 $325,000 $145,000 $195,000 $449,900 $249,900 $199,900 $225,000 $184,900 $229,900 $224,900 $199,900 $219,900

Lots , Land & Acreage 116 8th Ave SOLD $110,000 339 8th Ave Rare, vacant lot backs on to golf course $85,000 30 Clearwater Lakefront 5.76 acres,driveway in, partially cleared $199,900 7 Birch Haven hydro to lot line, driveway in place $29,900 29 Evergreen Rd Free gravel drive & Lot clearing till July 31 $31,900 6 Evergreen Rd Free gravel drive & lot Clearing till July 31 $29,900 4 Evergreen Rd Free gravel drive & Lot clearing till July 31 $29,900 23 Lakewood Dr Free gravel drive & Lot clearing till July 31 $29,900 45 Ateah Rd 2.45 acres $160,000

WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! 204-756-3749 www.ateahrealty.com Come & enjoy paradise at VB! 39004 Hillside Beach Rd

VB PEDALGOGY COMMUNITY BIKE SHOP - Fix your own bike, build a ‘new’ one for yourself or a ‘re-cycle’ for the community. no experience required! Lessons, access to tools and parts all pay as you can - sweat-equity an option as no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Sat 11am-5pm & Sundays by appointment (call or text) 204 963 6659 located at 326 8th Ave.

Beach People A huge THANK YOU to the wonderful person who found and returned my wedding ring at the parking lot on July 6th. I had almost given up hope of finding this precious ring! You made my summer! Reminds me of the fact that there are such caring, honest people in the world...and especially at VB! Thank you again! Sincerely, Shannon Timlick

VB Community Church Thanks to Oliver Meade who joined our list of preachers this summer. We also look forward to having Hans E. Boge give his message this Sunday, at 11am at St. Michaels. Our speakers come from various denominations, with most having a cottage or residing in Victoria Beach. If you are new to VB and would like to be part of the services, come and make yourself known on Sunday mornings at 11:00 am. We are at the corner of 8th & Pine. See you there. Betty Hansford

VB Library News Hello everyone, we hope you are enjoying your summer so far! With all the various lessons kicking into gear, we hope you will take time to stop by the library. Wednesday the library will be hosting story time in the village green starting at 11:00 am. All kids should come to the library at that time to pick the books, and then as a group we will walk down together. Story time will end at 11:30 am. Hope to see you there! Also a reminder to drop off your overdue books please. This year kids will be able to start reading logs, which allow kids to win prizes after they read a certain amount of books. It’s either three chapter books, or five picture books. Happy Reading! Grace Budoloski and Dana Poulton.

Victoria Beach HERALD

Yacht Club News

The winds were strong out by backloop point, just beyond eyeshot from the pier. The legendary Ben Peterson clings to the boom with all his might, eyes stinging from the spray hitting the face, ears ringing from the wind whistling past. The board skips along almost like its not touching the water at all. A wave rises up and in an instant he’s airborne. With a deft tilt of the sail he goes end over end and come back down to the water with a splash and continues on his way. Most of the fabled heroics of the Ben Peterson occur here, or so it is said. But most of the sailors at the VBYC don’t believe him. It’s the stuff of legend. Create legends of your own out on the water this year. Sailing lessons are available for kids and adults. You’ll learn about the wind and the water and more importantly learn how to handle adversity when Mother Nature gives it to you. Our experienced instructors will guide you along the way and keep you safe. Register online at www.vbyc.ca. Or just drop by the Yacht Club and look for the coolest person there. It’s probably a sailing instructor or someone in sailing lessons. Last year’s yacht club dance was a big hit. The Brock Street Bandits lit it up and they’re back again. The Sunset Soundsystem will have your wetsuit in tatters like Ken Taylor’s by the end of the night. It’s a big night. It all goes down on July 31 – that’s the Sunday of the long weekend – and you can get the tix at the store or the parking lot. Hurry up, they go super-fast. The yacht club guys can get you tickets as well but be careful around them. Bottom line – sail, take sailing lessons, and come to the dance. VB Commodore

July 15, 2016


28 July 15, 2016

Victoria Beach HERALD

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Decorative Pickets




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