I was lucky enough to have invited two Year 1’s I met during the hackathon onboard my project. Laura and Maleela assisted me in the core ideation stages, and always had fun and creative ideas to put on the table. I was able to facilitate engaging co-creation workshops because they were equally as enthusiastic about this project as I were. Running through the key phases of design thinking with them was also affirming my own learning from the last few years. Being a facilitator, project manager and a ‘little bit of everything’ alike, I had a lot of accountability and ownership to balance in this project. It was definitely not easily, but I only found myself being more and more passionate about everything I was working on, which incentivised me to continue pursuing progress. I found that I really put both my head and heart into something when I believe in its values.
✓ Diverged my project scope
❏ Journey maps, service blueprints
✓ Fulfilled ideation, prototyped and even testing phases
❏ More desk research
✓ Went above and beyond to achieve this stage of my project
❏ Think deeper into the design impact I want to make
✓ Thought outside the box in my ideation
❏ Service prototypes
The Design Thinking sprint was definitely an enriching experience that propelled my project progress so far. I optimised use of all the school resources, the readings being most helpful — and this engagement allowed me to gather a new perspective of ‘design thinking’ in a way that was beyond practice and mindset. Although I’d completed a handful of design thinking projects in the past, being able to apply this into my own project on my own was truly a challenge.