EXPLORING GAMIFICATION 👾 It’s not all fun & games Before embarking on my FMP journey, I took a moment to reflect on the DMC tools covered throughout the course and had a few ideas in mind. My past projects involved experience design, dating apps and gamification. I had just returned to Hong Kong and knew that for the sake of primary research and my pre-existing cultural awareness, it would be most feasible to base my project around my locale. Asking myself what I wanted to do was a challenge in itself. I decided to weed out what I didn’t want to do instead: an app. Product. Business venture. These were all things I had no interest in, so after a little reverse engineering, I decided to brain dump a few ideas on gamification, and even came close to an idea:
KEY INSIGHTS > The more active a social community, the more eager and willing customers will be to share participation levels and success.
I even came up with initial HMWs for how I saw my FMP heading. Much of it was centralised around a postpandemic society, relationships, connection and hyper-digitalisation. Although I initially felt strongly about these concepts, I later realised how broad it was at this stage, and the challenge of exploring a post-COVID world would be purely speculative. ❓ ❓ ❓ Regardless, exploring the idea of gamification was both insightful and inspiring. As someone who is highly competitive especially in video games, I find game incentives to be particularly motivating even when I’m faced with challenge. Knowing that my FMP will deal with a challenge of some sort (though this is still blurry at this point), I continued to look at gamification and how examples have been applied in areas such as business, marketing, HR and even social innovation.