Cigarslover winter 16

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Winter 2016

CigarsLover 10 whisky you don’t want to miss

dark chocolate

JosÉ PadrÓn

the art of coffee

Miguel JiménEz golf clubs and cigars

tobacco beers


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



Lover Cigars


Editor: Deputy Editor:

Luca Cominelli Michel Arlia

Graphic Designer: Graphic Designer Assistant:

Mario Amelio Renz Mauleon


Photos: Marketing:



Blind Tasting Panel:


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

Didier Houvenaghel Federico Bosco Giovanni Bolzonella Giuseppe Mitolo Luca Cominelli Michel Arlia Nicola Ruggiero Roberto Canzi Simone Poggi

Mario Amelio Luca Cominelli Michel Arlia Giovanni Bolzonella Roberto Canzi Rachelle Mauleon Simone Poggi Aaron Reddy (U.S.A.) Giovanni Bolzonella (Italy) Giuseppe Mitolo (Italy) Max Augustus D’Anastasio (U.S.A.) Luca Cominelli (Italy) Michel Arlia (Svizzera) Nelson Campos (El Salvador) Richard Frazier (U.S.A.) Sebastian Hefel (Austria) Thomas Hoebe (Olanda)

Editorial We reached the end of 2016, a year that was everything but a quite one for the cigar world. After more than 50 years the embargo on Cuba is almost lifted, with the Cuban cigars very close to enter in the biggest market of the word, the American one. At the same time, the new FDA restrictions are already changing the market, pushing all the news to be released and presented this year. The producers focus for the European market, even if way smaller than the American one, shows what could be the strategies for the next years. During this year many news have been presented. A lot of them are still not commercialized and not ready to be bought; probably they will be released on the next year. Despite this, all the products that hit the market made the 2016 a year with a tremendous number of new cigars to try. The 2016 awards have been a lot harder to do than the past year, due to the high competition among all the new releases, but it was also way more exciting. The new cigars took a lot of places in our awards list, that as usual, gives the right space to all the terroir. This year there will be also the whisky TOP10, with all the new products worth buying and the one you don’t want to miss. Every whisky is paired with a cigar and due to the upcoming Christmas period, we decided to pair the cigars to the dark chocolate as well! A lot more follows in the next pages.

�Passion moves us�

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



Contents Team

CigarsLover people ..................................................... 3



thoughts about the magazine ................................ 4


how to read the scoring scale ............................... 8

José Padrón

90 years of sun grown tobacco ........................... 9


Tobacco beers

malt meets tobacco ................................................ 13


shaken, not stirred .................................................. 15



leave it or remove it? ............................................... 19

Havana Club Unión

the rum made for cigar pairings ........................ 21



CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

Miguel A. Jimenez

interview ....................................................................... 27


Chocolate in %

how to pair it ............................................................... 31


El Unico cigar lounge ............................................... 35

The art of coffee

are you drinking high quality coffee? ................ 37


Fidel Castro

the smoker .................................................................. 41

Top 10 2016 whiskeys

the list ............................................................................ 44



2016 best cigars ..................................................... 49

Vocabulary & Sections

what you can find on the magazine .................. 71

47 49

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Available on




HOW TO READ THE SCORING SCALE The cigars reviewed are valued using a 100 point scale. This helps giving every cigar a sharp rating, which collocates it in a wide scoring scale. The final score results by the average scores of both the cigar smoked and the smokers evaluations.


excellent smoke. The cigar has all the components that distinguish a remarkable smoke: intensity of the aromas, balance, complexity, finesse, evolution, quality of construction, persistence and a constancy of the production.


great smoke. The cigar shows numerous qualities of excellence, but not quite showing them to the maximum. It’s nonetheless a cigar that proposes a high level of satisfaction.


good smoke. The cigar has considerable qualities of a high level, also having some slight flaw in the parameters of the evaluation. It’s nonetheless a recommended cigar with a high rate of satisfaction.


decent smoke. The cigar convinces in parts, shows both quality and flaws inherent to the different parameters of the evaluation. It’s nonetheless a cigar to smoke with appreciable continuity.


meager smoke. The cigar proposes numerous flaws throughout the arc of the parameters of the evaluation. The merits are not eligible if not in a ludicrous way and marginally, the smoke is classified as absolutely not recommended. cigars with a really good quality/price ratio. They show high level characteristics and are really competitive price. We defenitely recommend the purchase.

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



José Padrón 90 YEARS OF SUN GROWN TOBACCO by Giovanni Bolzonella

Padrón family founded in 1850 its first vega , nearby Las Obas, in the Vuelta Abajo. We are in Piloto village, in the most famous of the quality tobacco regions in Cuba. The pioneer of this family is named Damaso (more or less of the same age of the grandfather of Alejandro Robaina), who moved to Cuba from Canary Islands. His son Francisco carried on the initial job, followed by José, born in 1926, who moved out from the Isla Grande as a result of the Revolution, as many famous families who experienced their lands being expropriated by the regime. José stops in several countries across the Globe before settling down in Miami. After having spent the first few months looking for a job without any luck, making a living out of a minor state help provided to Cuban refugees, he is given a small hammer as a present. This tool allows him to


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

accomplish some woodwork in addition to his daily gardener job. In 1964, thanks to the savings he built up, he starts a small, Miami Little Havana based production (200 cigars a day, and one only active torcedor): the first manufactured cigar was sold six months after the activity was started. Cigars were manufactured during the day, and sold in the night, 30 cents by piece. In 1967 he establishes connection with a tobacco producer, who asks him for opinions on the quality of the leaves his company is growing in Nicaragua, supposed to be sold on the European market. José agrees to perform this consultancy in the Jalapa fields, well before the tobacco industry starts to move in the direction of this country. It goes without saying it was love at first sight.

José immediately understood it was high quality tobacco, with great potentialities. Thus, in 1970, José moves to Nicaragua, in the heart of Estelì, where he establishes Tabacos Cubanica S.A., another manufacturing industry. Only around twenty Cuban exiles live in the country, while only 3 companies are working on tobacco-related products: José’s, one belonging to President Anastasio Somoza and Fonticiella. He develops a professional friendship with Somoza, but he scares off politics. He then starts working with this tobacco, growing production to 7.000 cigars a day. Sandinist revolution however generates a major chaos, ultimately resulting in civil war. In 1978 many buildings, including José’s factory, are burnt. Due to this event, he decides to move to safer

waters nearby Danlì, in Honduras. It is the summer of 1979. The tobacco used for the manufacturing is still from Nicaragua, since José has been able to ship it via an incredibly adventurous flight. Year after year the situation in Nicaragua cooled down, and José decides to let the production starts again. Not forgetting his Cuban origins, José flies to Cuba together with other businessmen, in the attempt to discuss the liberation of some political prisoners. During that event he had the chance to meet Fidel Castro, who ended up by smoking a Padrón cigar during the meeting. 3600 prisoners were then released as a result of that meeting. In 1985 the US president Ronald Reagan approved embargo for the products originating from CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016


TOBACCO HISTORY Nicaragua, forcing José to stop activities in his factories and to restart manufacturing in Honduras. In 1990 Nicaraguan top political levels changed and the embargo was cancelled. In 1993 Padrón cigars are commercialized all across US and the year after the Serie 1964 Aniversario is created, to celebrate 30 years of the brand. In 2002, to celebrate José’s 75° birthday the Linea 1926 is launched, and in 2004 the first of the Anniversary Series appears which, being very well received by smokers, is followed by several other editions year after year.


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

2016 is the 90 candles year for José, and a new cigar in his honor could not be missed: the Padrón Serie 1926 90th Anniversary is thus created, a cigar completely opposing Padrón aesthetics: it is in fact not box pressed, and it is commercialized in tubos. We are now left waiting for José’s 100 years celebration, to light up another specially crafted Padrón to homage a great contributor to the tobacco World (and not only to that), becoming one of the leading characters in the International cigar industry.

CigarsLoverMagazine CigarsLoverMagazine | XXXXXXXXXXXX | Winter 2016



Tobacco Beer MALT MEETS TOBACCO by Michel Arlia

In the last couple of years the micro Breweries have grown in popularity and there has been a huge increase in beers flavored with different aromas, like Pumpkin, Coffee, chocolate..and so on. Tobacco has already been used as an ingredient in many different ways, so it is no surprise that our precious leaf founded its way also in the beer production. There is one major difference between tobacco and any other ingredients, and that is the nicotine in the leaves. Everybody knows that a certain amount of liquid nicotine, when drunk, can be dangerous, and the lower limit causing fatal outcomes is 6.5 - 13 mg/l when drunken. The problem is that, as soon as you use tobacco leaves, you will always have a certain quantity of nicotine inside the brew, always. This makes it a very difficult ingredient, which demands the brewer’s full concentration, so that he stays focused keeping everything under control. The different factors, even before starting the process, are a lot. What type of beer do I want? An IPA or a Porter? In what style do I brew? Belgian or English? What kind of hops do I use? This can go on and on and on. Once the brewing is in full swing, the types of tobaccos that can be added are many as well. The Jean Nicot, for example, uses tobacco leaves from Brazil, Honduras and Java, while the KeTo Reporter uses Kentucky leaves from Italy. The possibilities are almost infinite. After everything has been decided, and the beer is bottled, what can you expect? We found the beers brewed with tobacco leaves, if compared to the others, tend to have one major aroma in common: the spices. Most of them share the same spicy flavors that can be found while smoking a cigar. These beers have been brewed with the idea to be enjoyed with cigars; therefore, you can’t go wrong pairing them to your favorite one.


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

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The shaker SHAKEN, NOT STIRRED by Nicola Ruggiero

Entering a bar is not unusual for our attention to be captured by the organization of the drink creation desk, and by the varieties of tools which are required in the art of mixing. Getting closer to the desk, one is always attracted by ice and shaker. Ice should always be kept visible, in great quantity and with a nice, eye-capturing shape, since it evokes desire and sensations, so much that it is often defined as “hot”. Ice is synonymous of drinks, cocktails… shaker. The shaker has a long history, a bartending protagonist, and every barman owns at least one to whom he is particularly devoted, independently from its usage. The word shaker comes from the English “to shake”, which means to agitate. Several different shapes, dimensions and materials ones are today sold. Technically it allows to cool down, dilute and emulsify liquids which are different in nature,


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

texture and specific weight. With proper exceptions, there are some recipes which, even though normally prepared with the mixing glass, are requested to be prepared with the shaker. Just an example: do you remember the Martini “cold, shaken not stirred”? The currently commercially available shakers are the classic shakers, also called continental ones, the 3 pieces cobblers (one container, one filer and one cap), the two pieces parisiennes with no filter, and the Boston or American shakers, made of two parts, a metal and a glass one fitting one into each other. As for many other tools it is difficult to certainly state who has been the inventor, however we can consider it an American invention. Its European spreading is due to the arrival in the

hotels of American bartenders who, during the US Prohibitionism on alcoholics, moved to Europe, or joined large cruise ships. The famous Jerry Thomas, also known as “The Professor”, was a renowned barman of Metropolitan Hotel in New York and of the Planter’s House in St. Louis. In 1859 he was travelling around Europe with a set of barman tools, among which some silver cups he was using to prepare the Blue Blazer cocktail. The oldest document registered at the US Office for Patents is dated 1872 and refers to the license to manufacture tools for the preparation of mixed drinks, released to New Yorker William Hernett. The original two pieces cocktail shaker would be flanked by a three pieces one, designed by Louis W. Rice in 1924, who during Prohibitionism defined it as “beverage shaker”. Both are still present today after a very long evolution regarding shapes, dimensions and materials. In 1887 the Meridien Britannia Company from Connecticut presented in its catalogue six different dimensions of two pieces shakers. The metal three pieces shaker, today the most common, was immediately very successful. The first shakers were inspired in the design by the silver XIX° century English teapots and already in 1908 Harrods stores in London entered in their catalogues these new tools for the preparation of “mixed American drinks”. Great jewelries such as Cartier and Tiffany surrendered to the fascination of these tools too, and took on the challenge of creating some expensive and limited editions. The success of cocktail parties, very trendy events in the private houses of the wealthy classes, was a continuation of the luxuries belonging to the major

high level society happenings, becoming a social phenomenon influencing many aspects of human living, starting with fashion, interior design, novelty, up to jewelry and many more. Shaker quickly became a common use tool. The Martini culture, elevated at trend and social ritual level by the Americans was imported in Europe in its excess nature, further contributing to the shaker spreading. The ’20s were the Art Decò period, an inspiration for shape and design of the shakers. Embellishments, drawings and shapes were determined by fashions and trends of the different fields of human practice: boating, sport, aviation and many more. Differently shaped shakers reproduced the epoch symbols. Others were celebrating the industrial aviation progresses. In Germany both aircrafts and Zeppelin dirigibles shaped shaker appeared. Shakers were holding a symbolic message: a cock was meaning the taverns, a penguin a stylish way of living. The Penguin Shaker was designed by Emil A. Schuelke and patented by Napier Society in October 1936. The original model was silver plated with warranty seal at the base and the hinged beak was working as a pourer. Glass made its appearance around 1930, then followed by materials such as aluminum, Bakelite or plastic. Metals and precious materials such as gold and Chinese lacquer would then be used in very valuable oriental productions. In the ’50s, while the electrical blenders were appearing on the scene, and fridges were critical in the increase CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016


DRINKS of wine and beer consumption, glass shakers were presented with refined and rich colored drawings. Today is not rare seeing old shakers shown or used in cocktail bars. Antiques experts such as Mood Indigo in USA or the Pullman Gallery of London feature pieces which are worth thousands of dollars. Some shakers are included in museums. If you travel to London make sure to pay a short visit to the FDR Museum, where you can admire the beautiful silver shaker of President Roosevelt, engraved with palm trees, and supplied with its glasses, with which he prepared the first Martini in the White House at the end of the Prohibitionism.





CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

1. Shaker presidenziale 2. James Bond & il suo Vodka Martini 3. Penguin Shaker

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Cellophane LEAVE IT OR REMOVE IT? by Giuseppe Mitolo

The large majority of producers usually wraps their cigar in some cellophane, with the exception of Cuba, although in the past this regenerated film of cellulose was used to mostly conserve machine made products, but not only, on the Isla Grande. Until the early nineties all the Cohiba vitolas (Robusto excluded) were packaged that way. Historically it isn’t easy to identify with certainty the year, in which the cigar industry started using cellophane. However, it is possible to affirm that this type of packaging may have taken hold during the mid to late thirties. More complicated is understanding the fact why they begun utilizing cellophane. We know that, nowadays, the choice to use this conditioning responds to three market objectives: ensuring a minimum hygienic condition of the cigar, greatly limit the risk of accidental breakage of the wrapper (due to inattentions or changes in humidity) and to allow a single cigar sale. If you plan to conserve the cigar to smoke it on a later date, putting it in the humidor with or without cellophane doesn’t make a difference, albeit the purists claim that, in the absence of benefits, it is wiser leaving it on to avoid the contamination of flavors between cigars coming from different terroirs (shareable opinion). Take into account, however, that if the cigar is in need of humidification or to lose moisture, without film it can better interact with their surroundings. As far as conservation for the purpose of aging goes, the two largest cigar merchants of the past century, Zino Davidoff and Alfred Dunhill, had differing opinions. The first believed that the cigars, during their aging, needed to breath, while the english merchant was completely opposed to this idea. Min Ron Nee, the author of the Encyclopedia, concludes that the vintage cigars in cellophane have a better taste, assuming that during the maturation the exuded oils of these products settle into the cellophane, avoiding the dispersion of the organic molecules and creating a similar effect to the one of the bottle holding the wine. The choice to conserve the cigars with or without cellophane, for short periods, is macroscopically irrelevant to the future of the smoke. However, if the final objective is to conserve the cigar for long term aging, it must be taken into account that the cellophane, greatly limiting the exchange of oxygen, slows down the aging process.


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Havana Club Uniรณn THE RUM MADE TO BE PAIRED WITH CIGARS by Luca Cominelli


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

Havana Club Unión is a Cuban Rum specifically intended and crafted to be paired with the cigar. Everything started with cooperation between the Maestro Ronero Asbel Morales and the Master Habano sommelier Fernando Fernandez Milian. Maestro Morales got inspired by the tobacco World and in particular by the specific techniques which tobacco leaves are undergoing. Fermentation, aging and blending brought him to recreate a similar process for the rum: from the selection of small quantities of rare Rum, several times selected and aged after the blend, Unión was born. All this is dedicated to the search for perfect pairing, for which a real Cuban masterpiece has been chosen: Cohiba Siglo VI, the

Cañonazo introduced into the Habanos S.A. vitolario in 2002 and one the best of the linea Clásica. This is reflected in the box where this prestigious bottle is placed: a cedar wood one, featuring the Cohiba logo and engraved on the bottle itself. Once the bottle is opened, and the rum has reached the glass, it shows an amber, reddish color. The aromas provided are wood and cocoa ones, paired by citrus fruit (mainly orange peel), refreshing the palette. Ripe fruit and roasted coffee notes can also be perceived. Background flavors are long lasting. CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016


DRINKS The aromatic palette is very similar to the one of the chosen Cohiba Siglo VI, giving off rich notes of cedar wood, cocoa and ripe fruit, identifying the Uniรณn as the perfect marriage. The spicy rose pepper notes of the Siglo VI are contrasting the citric notes of the rum, refreshing the smoke and enriching the bouquet. Despite the 40% alcohol percentage, the elegant and refined aromas palette is not overwhelming the cigar one, but rather interlacing with it, providing a perfect match. Sweet and ripe fruit as a starting point, spices and orange peel in the background, all of this with great balance and harmony. When pairing

Fernando Fernandez Milian and Asbel Morales


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

Uniรณn with other products from the same terroir, Cohiba Siglo IV has to be highlighted, great alternative to Siglo VI based on a similar aromas palette, featuring however a shorter fruition. If otherwise you love larger calibers, the Hoyo de Monterrey Le Hoyo de San Juan is definitely your cigar.

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



Triple-aged & hand-selected by all the Maestros del Ron Cubano

From left to right: Juan Carlos GONZALES, Manuel CALDERON, Cesar Augusto MARTI, Asbel MORALES, Maestros del Ron Cubano


Taste our know-how wisely.

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016















Nuoce gravemente alla salute

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



Miguel A. Jimenez THE INTERVIEW

Miguel Angel JimÊnez is a professional golf player, known also for his big passion about cigars. This brings him to be often pictured with a puro between his lips during a match. It’s usual seeing him moving from a hole to another followed by light blue clouds, made by his cigar.


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016


by Luca Cominelli

Golf and cigars. It is not uncommon to see people playing golf and smoking a cigar, especially among amateurs. What is about smoking and playing? Is it something that relaxes you or you just enjoy the smoke also if you are focused on the game?

smoke one after a meal with an espresso coffee, a glass of wine or a whiskey. I smoke whether I am alone or with friends. And I smoke a cigar when I am practising my golf at a tournament or just playing a round of golf with friends. I enjoy every cigar in every different situation.

You are correct to say that you see many amateur golfers enjoying a cigar whilst playing golf. It takes a long time to smoke a cigar and so enjoying the cigar whilst playing a round of golf is the ideal period of time to fully experience the smoke.

When did you start smoking? who introduced you to the cigar world?

I never smoke a cigar during the actual tournament rounds in a professional event. At a tournament you will only see me smoking a cigar when I am practising on the driving range or playing in a Pro-Am event. But I will enjoy my cigar in both situations - relaxing or being focused. Do you enjoy more a cigar while golfing or in your free time?

Smoking cigars is part of my daily life. I might

I was 15 years old when I started to smoke cigarettes and in 2000 I gave up the cigarettes completely and switched to cigars. I used to smoke cigars occasionally before this with friends, but when I gave up the cigarettes I found it difficult not having something to do with my hands. So I started smoking cigars! If you have to mention three cigars you always bring with you, what would you say?

I try many different cigars but my favourites are the Cohiba Siglo VI, the Cohiba Behike 54 from Cuba and the Arturo Fuente Anejo “Shark� from

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016


SMOKES FROM THE WORLD the Dominican Republic. When I am travelling around the world playing golf, I am often given a cigar by a golf fan as a gift which is really nice. So, I have the chance to try many brands. What was the smoke which gave you more satisfaction?

For me, smoking a cigar is not an impulsive decision. I savour them all and enjoy each one so there is not one particular smoke that stands out. What do your opponents think about you smoking during a game? Are they more on the curious side or they don’t like too much the cigar following you in every hole?

I am playing a lot of tournaments this year on the PGA TOUR Champions in the USA where everyone is over 50 years of age. Many of the Pros are cigar smokers and so we are often exchanging cigars during the week. It’s fun and a very nice social way to make new friends on the Tour. Do you have some stories to tell us about a game and a cigar? Maybe something funny happened.

The day before I was leaving Spain to go to the Ryder Cup at Medinah in 2012 as Vice Captain, I was playing a round of golf with friends. I took my torch lighter and went to fire up my cigar. Unfortunately I burned the end of my nose at the same time as lighting my cigar! In all the photos of that year’s Ryder Cup you can see my nose is burned! During the 2014 open de España Miguel was asked about the secret of his longevity. I’m pretty sure that cigars come into play about this. Isn’t it?

Well, of course I cannot say that I am a fitter golfer because I smoke cigars! But the most important thing is to enjoy my life and have a balance between keeping fit in the gym and doing the things that I enjoy and one of those is smoking my cigars.


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



Chocolate in % HOW TO PAIR IT by Roberto Canzi

The king of pairings can be identified with a specific variety of chocolate, to which the strong cocoa flavor grants a protagonist role: the dark chocolate. Either you love it, or it will be difficult to appreciate it, because of its very intense aroma, underlined by a bitter note becoming more and more evident the higher the cocoa percentage. Getting the palate used to this taste is a fundamental step, in order not to miss one of the pleasures which has accompanied mankind for thousand years. Many varieties and cocoa percentages can be used in the creation of this chocolate. The higher the percentage, the more the cocoa note prevails, becoming more direct and less hidden. These steps make the pleasure more limpid, but at the


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

same time more complex to pair, since the cocoa aroma can be very strong at this stage. This results in intense flavored cigars to be chosen as pairings, especially when the cocoa percentage reaches high levels, with the ultimate goal to balance the two fruitions, avoiding one to dominate the other one. The suggestion is to experiment all the different cocoa percentages dark chocolates, starting the journey by the lowest to the highest cocoa percentage. This way the palate is trained in the best way, avoiding the strong, full-grade cocoa aroma to completely mask the subtler and less invasive taste which is proper of the lowest percentages. These are the basics of the cigar/chocolate pairings to always keep in mind.

45-70% dark: shiny brown. Aromatically gentle and intense. Roasted cocoa beans, vanilla, tobacco and licorice notes are the main ones which can be identified. This is the lightest of the dark chocolates, alternating sweet (primary) and bitter hints (secondary), inversely proportional to the increase in cocoa percentage. Its best combination is with light to medium body cigars, delicate and elegant aromas, including honey, nuts and precious wood.

SUGGESTED CIGARS • Nub 460 Maduro • Partagas Serie & No.2 • Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchills

70-80% extra dark: dark brown. Intense and persistent aroma. It gives off cocoa, roasted barley and coffee. Taste is fullbodied, intense and long-lasting; sweet notes are very minor, bitter ones are predominant and some mineral notes appear. It is probably the best-tuned blend, and it is highly suggested. Pairing is suggested with medium bodied cigars, alternating sweet and slightly bitter tastes. Cigar choice is wide, provided the fact that the aroma intensity is bold and never gives up.

• AJ Fernandez New World Almirante • Arturo Fuente Hemingway Signature • Illusione Singulare Miserere

80-90 bitter%: dark brown, almost black. More intense and aromatic: cocoa, violet, tobacco and licorice are part of the main bouquet. Bitter taste is more and more present, joined by mineral and acidic notes. Strong, robust and intense; gains in complexity what loses in harmony. Cigar pairing can only be appropriate with extremely intense aromas cigars. Brazilian tobaccos, or fire cured Kentucky leaves are particularly suited for this pairing.

• Davidoff Escurio Gran Toro • Kentucky Fire Cured Swamp Thang • Tobajara Brasil Maduro Robusto

90-99% extra bitter: deep black. It contains the highest cocoa percentage. Taste is very deep and unique, and the tendency is to set teeth on edge by prevailing most of the aromas with bitter, acidic and astringent cocoa notes. Persistency is at top levels. Not suitable for pairing: its body would cover and almost entirely dominate the aromas palette. If it is mandatory to pair this chocolate, the only way is to choose extremely powerful cigars, featuring evident spicy (black pepper or even better red chili pepper) aromas.

• Bolivar Belicosos Finos • Camacho Triple Maduro Figurado • Joja de Nicaragua Antaño Dark Corojo Azarosa

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



The Finest Philippine Cigars Since 1881.

HEAD OFFICE 6/F Alphaland Southgate Tower 2258 Chino Roces Ave. cor EDSA Makati City 1232 Philippines TEL (632)310-5047 TELEFAX(632)310-5047

ALOHA HOTEL Unit F, Corta Bitarta Street Malate, Manila TEL (632) 525-3266

MANUFACTURING Tabacalera Incorporada Technology Cor. Complex Avenue People’s Technology Complex SEZ Carmona, Cavite 4116 TEL (632)584-4316


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U.S.A. DISTRIBUTION Daughters & Ryan Inc. 207 Johnston Parkway Kenly, NC 27542 TEL (919) 284-2058 FAX (919) 284-2305

The Finest Philippine Cigars Since 1881.

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



Bucarest EL UNICO CIGAR LOUNGE by Simone Poggi

“Those who can not change ideas can not change anything either” George Bernard Show, Dublin 26th July 1856 – 2nd November 1950

500 years ago a joyful shepherd named Bucur decided to reward the unmatchable greens of the plains and of the hills where today Bucharest is located, by establishing there a recovery for his flocks; the modern city is actually having its origins by this distant ancestor. During the years the city had to tirelessly fight against past dominations to keep its “Little Paris” nickname. While in the past hill streets and tree-lined boulevards were alternating, and green shady parks were almost everywhere, in the “golden ages” of the Ceausescu regime Bucharest drastically changed as a result


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

of a major urbanistic plan, which sacrificed not only the green areas (deleted) and the hills (flattened), but even an entire small churches, tiny houses, monasteries and ancient shops district to the altar of the communism rationalization. The gigantic project left to its heirs Gargantuan buildings such as the House of Parliament, covering a 330’000 m2 area, the second largest in the World after the Pentagon. At the same time the rare examples of a more delicate French architecture, as well as the historical buildings look like “drowning” among entire squared, bulky office blocks, giving to the visitor the sensation of being an ant. Bucharest is however a city to be explored when in needs of discovering its hidden corners. This is

on the street, allowing the aficionados to enjoy a puro both in winter as well as in summer, sipping an espresso coffee, or one of the (few, but rather selected) liquors available at the bar.

how one can discern that among the records of the city not only the House of Parliament can be noted, but also the first carbon gases street light in 1871, before Paris and Berlin. Mere lighthouses in the dark fogs. And into the fog of the new public places smoking ban just introduced by the Government, which is at the moment strongly criticized by the citizens as it happened at the beginning in many other European countries, several Cigar Lounges had to shut down (such as the ones in the Radisson Blu and in the Hilton). A mere lighthouse is indeed El Unico Cigar Lounge. The Lounge is located in a tree-lined, not too noisy avenue, nearby the very central Piata Romana, and clearly shows its essence: a well-supplied cigar shop with a large walk-in humidor, which enlarged its proposal and services by adding furniture with quality seats and tables, and setting up an outdoor terrace on the first floor directly

After a long browsing session in the incredibly wide available selection, and after having changed idea at least three times, we confidently move towards a Punch Serie d’Oro (Edición Limitada 2013), which has been relaxing in its humidor for the last three years. The cigar is tender to perfection, the capa silky and of a promising colorado maduro shade. Before lighting the cigar up the woody notes are dominating, leaving a minor role to the spices. Starting from the first puffs strength is balanced, and the cigar gives off precious wood and spicy notes. The choice of pairing it initially with an espresso coffee does not provide us the best sensations, even though the fruition of the smoke itself can be evaluated as remarkable. In the second and third tercios the cigar starts to perform even better, with roasted hints which are step by step increasing, and which are correctly accompanied by the Ron Barcelo Imperial, a much more carefully selected pairing. Bucharest and Romania more than other places represent an opportunity not to stop in front of the surface of communism architecture and of the smoking bans, but rather to go beyond those, and discover both the beautiful historical buildings of selected areas of the city, as well as the Cigar Lounges such as El Unico, illuminating the night scenario as the first carbon gas street lights, almost 150 years ago.

El Unico Cigar Lounge Bd. Primaverii 19-21, Bucarest, Romania Tel +40 0741 012 111

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Photo from espresso-drip


Espresso is a pleasure and, for many people, a form of art. A must in Italy, a companion in any moment of the day. Is it possible to understand if the espresso we are given is a quality product, and is correctly made? We discussed this topic with Italian “Baristi Caffetteria” Champion, Angelo Segoni, who is ready to unveil few master “secrets”. Italy and espresso coffee. An automatic association. Where is this originating from?

Italy is the espresso coffee home-country thanks to our genius. This goal has been achieved via two different channels: the design by Giuseppe Bezzera of the first espresso coffee machine prototype and the contribution by all the engineers who have been working on innovating this machine in time.


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In second place, it has been of fundamental importance the creation of the blend, composed of the renowned coffee varieties, Canephora and Arabica, which are today representing the ingredients of the certified Italian espresso

Is it possible to describe the peculiarities of each coffee type according to the terroir where it has been grown?

It is quite difficult to answer this question, since many varieties of the Arabica and Canephora species exist, thus any variety, grown in two different terroir, will show different organoleptic characteristics. Generally we state that an Arabica coffee will show a not that full body, the presence of a typical light acidic note and a rich aroma. Differently, the

Canephora or Robusta type will feature a full body, no acidic note and less remarkable aroma.


Which are the best terroir?

The terroir is a year after year built heritage as the combination of many factors, such as climate, cultivation region, biochemical soil composition, micro-climate and population. In coffee literature the best terroir are the ones inscribed within the Cancer and Capricorn tropical imaginary lines. How important is coffee grinding? How is that interacting with the cup final result?

Coffee grinding is very important. The grinding plays a major role in the final cup result: if too fine it results in an over-extraction, otherwise, when too coarse, it is responsible of an under-extraction.


Which factors external to the blend are influencing the final drink?

In addition to grinding, other factors such as water, temperature, “barista” skills, machine correct work, machine correct handling, are impacting in the final espresso production. Humidity, differently from what normally thought, is not heavily impacting on the final result, except for very extreme cases, which means in a tropical forest or at seaside locations, where humidity can abruptly change. Based on the studies which we are directly conducting, water is on the contrary a very critical factor in the final outcome of the espresso. Too much chlorine in the water delivers quite a bitter cup, a pale brown cream and lack of texture. Let us remind that water accounts for approximately 90% of an espresso cup!


Can you suggest 5 quality indicators to measure the quality of the bar served coffee?

We suggest every consumer to follow the following minor suggestions: • When possible it is valuable to note the CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016


FOOD homogeneity in terms of color and grinding (toast grade) in the hopper of the grinding machine. These two elements homogeneity is a first quality indicator. • Check if the barista always uses freshly grinded coffee and he has no containers (other than the measuring cup) where grinded coffee is kept and/or if he adds from that during the brew of an espresso. • Pay attention to cleaning and hygiene of the operator and of the bar working area. • Let us dispel a myth: the espresso cream retained sugar is not a quality indicator, rather the sign of a Robusta-rich blend. • Observe the absence of white-yellowish spots (meaning over-extraction) or of “black buttons” (sign of under-extraction). Water: before or after drinking coffee?

Water is better to be drunk before the espresso for two reasons: to prepare the mouth for the coffee fruition and then to avoid a possible slight dehydration due to the caffeine alkaloids.


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Any suggestion for a good mocha coffee?

We suggest a simple yet efficient procedure helping obtaining a better mocha coffee: • Add water in the tank up to a level below the valve • Bring the water to boiling point • Once the boiling point is reached, stop the gas and insert the right coffee quantity in the funnel filter • Paying attention, and with the help of a cloth, tighten the upper part of the mocha to the tank, re-light the fire under the mocha and wait for the coffee to come out in the upper part. Which coffee or which way of serving it (shaken, “corretto”, etc.) would you suggest to a cigar smoker?

With no doubts we suggest the typical Salentinestyle coffee on ice, designed by the founder of the Quarta Caffè coffee shop, whose recipe is prepared in the following way. In a low tumbler filled with ice cubes mix 10 ml almond syrup and a certified Italian espresso.

For Don Tomás Nicaragua, Master Blender Leader Agustín Garcia worked closely with the blending team in Estelí, Nicaragua and with tobacco grower Pedro Gurdian, who specializes in growing tobacco within the virgin soils of the Nicaraguan regions Jalapa, Condega Pueblo and Estelí. Filler tobaccos from these regions are blended with Dominican Piloto Cubano, held together by a binder from

Arapiraca, Brazil and covered with a shade-grown wrapper from Jalapa. Don Tomás Nicaragua showcases a nice, spicy and nutty flavor, paired with sweetness, woody, and salty notes and has nicely defined colors and very little, thin veins. It has significant body and features fantastic construction which leads to the perfect smoking experience.

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Fidel Castro THE SMOKER by Giuseppe Mitolo

Fidel Castro, more precisely Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, was born in a small village, in the province of Holguin, on the 13th of August 1926. His figure has interested historians, analysts, sociologists and cigar aficionados for various decades. Like all great characters, that boasted a long life as the head of a country, his political history, from his rise to power in January of 1959 at the age of 32, has different lights and shadows. The effects of the Castro era, from a perspective closely related to our passion, created a real revolution in production and marketing of cigars. It is well-know how, starting from August of 1960, several subsequent laws of nationalization led to the expropriation of industries and entire production sectors, such as that of tobacco and the factories that produced puros. In the following years, to deal with the management of the production of cigars, several institutions and companies have alternated, specially created for the control of the entire supply chain, from the cultivation of the tobacco to the export of the finished product (Instituto de Reforma Agraria, Cubatabaco, Tabacuba, etc.). How the cigar smoker Fidel Castro (his favorite vitolas were Laguito No. 1, Laguito No. 2, without forgetting the Julieta No. 2) has affected the politics of production and exports is difficult to sustain with certainty and maybe only the future history can answer that question. However, it is certain that the Cohiba brand was born of his request, in order or the Lider Maximo to benefit from a liga that he particularly appreciated and to be able to gift to diplomats and ambassadors visiting the Isla Grande (Author’s note: for more details, we point out the article „Cohiba - the 50th anniversary“ in the Spring ’16 issue). Although the informations describing the figure of Fidel the smoker are few, countless are the


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pictures in which he holds a puro between his fingers, very often with a thin ring gauge. A rumor, that is somewhere between reality and fiction, is that among the 368 attempted assassinations by the CIA (counted and recorded by his bodyguard Fabian Escalante) was also a cigar with an explosive charge inside. Beyond all this, the aficionados of the world are now more interested in the future, that in the past of Fidel: with his departure, will the US Embargo will finally be lifted? What will happen to the Cuban cigar production?

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Top 10 2016 whiskeys THE LIST

by Federico Bosco

Ten whiskeys. This list is in alphabetical order and is made of products to start (or expand) the path in the distillates world. First of all, we kept in consideration the quality/price ratio, which is very high for each one of the listed whiskeys.

A whisky of great interest for collectors is the Hibiki 17, the only blended of the list, with a price point high if compared to the others.

For each one, we suggest a pairing, a combination to make the cigar-whisky approach easy, not only to the aficionados of the malt but also for the ones who would like to experiment it for the first time.

We also want to point out the presence of a Taiwanese whisky, the Kavalan Solist Sherry; there are several versions of this whisky and the price fluctuates a lot due to the awards won by this bottle. You will find the lowest price at which you can buy it today, but there are bottles over € 500.

Some of the bottles in the list are limited editions and will definitely increase their value in the near future, especially considering today’s market fast growing. This aspect, which is the collector condition, contributed to enlist some of the whiskies despite others.

The suggestion is to stock up without fear, they are all great products with something concrete to say, especially on the “daily-dram” side, those “shorts” to be enjoyed without too much meditation. They are all a good investment as well for the future. Enjoy.

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Aberlour A’bunadh - 60,9% Price: 55€ | Country: Scotland (Speyside) Pairings: La Aroma Del Caribe Mi Amor Belicoso Every batch of this sherry whisky is a certainty. Great barrels selection makes this whisky very consistent, powerful and intense to both nose and palate. Suggested for the sherry cask lovers. The aromatic palette is made of red fruits, dried fruits, spices and a very long and intense finish.

Ardbeg Uigeadail - 54,2% Price: 60€ | Country: Scotland (Isle of Islay) Pairings: Cohiba Behike 54 The usual, classic, great Uigeadail. This 2016 approaches the batch 2013 for richness and complexity. The sherry part does not overwhelm the aromatic profile, adding character to an already excellent distillate. Notes of peat, citrus, black pepper and tobacco. You can add a few drops of water to lower the ABV.

Benromach 10 100° Proof - 57% Price: 55€ | Country: Scotland (Speyside) Pairings: AVO Heritage Toro Brother of the Benromach 10 (43°), this 57° exhibits all the Benromach aromas with a twist more. Powerful and structured. Notes of red fruit, malt, spices and yellow fruits hints. Usually, approaching a full grade whiskey is not easy, but in this case it is highly suggested. The quality/price ratio is exceptional.

Bowmore Tempest Batch 6 - 54,9% Price: 55€ | Country: Scotland (Isle of Islay) Pairings: Partagas Serie D No.4 A real storm of peat, with notes of citrus, lemon and spices. The finish is very long. Even full grade, this whisky has a very high drinkability, because of the peat and pleasant aromatic bouquet, very easy to approach. Recommended for peat lovers, a great product commercialized at a good price point.

Hibiki 17 Blend - 43% Price: € 130 | Country: Japan Pairings: My Father Robusto Unique blended whisky in the list. A mid-range product for a very high-end content. Fruit notes and spices, sweet to the palate, with a long and remarkable finish. Perfectly blended. The younger choice, Hibiki 12, is less structured but still fresh and enjoyable.


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Kavalan Solist Sherry - 57,8% Price: 130/150€ | Country: Taiwan Pairings: Ashton Virgin Sun Grown Robusto Directly from Taiwan. Complex and with a high ABV. The price is very variable, depending on the reference batch. It ranges from 130 to 600€; this is justified by the awards won by this bottle in some of its batches. Red fruit, dried fruit and spices on both palate and finish. A young whisky, modern in design.

Kilkerran 12 - 46% Price: 45€ | Country: Scotland (Isle of Islay) Pairings: Cuaba Divinos Newcomer in Campbeltown, this Kilkerran is a great whisky. While it is a bit rude, to the palate is elegant and refined. This scotch never disappoints. The quality/price ratio is tremendous. The aromatic palette delivers notes of herbs, rosemary and beef barbecue. It seems older than it really is.

Lagavulin 8 - 48% Price: 60€ | Country: Scotland (Isle of Islay) Pairings: Padron Serie 1964 Exclusivo Worthy heir of the mother house, this whisky has a clean and intriguing profile. Young, fresh, lively, peaty and spicy. It comes in a good grading, adequate for a scarce commodity in this 2016. A bottle that surely will increase in value in the near future. If you can, do not miss the 25 years, also a limited edition.

Laphroaig 10 Cask Strength Batch 8 - 59,2% Price: 70€ | Country: Scotland (Isle of Islay) Pairings: RoMa Craft Cromagnon The Anthropology This whisky is powerful and immediate, but to the palate is perceivable the whole Laphroaig profile. A distillate above the average. To keep for the future. Liquorice in the finish, peat and mineral; a very complex bouquet to the palate. You can add water to obtain new facets.

Springbank 10 46% Price: 45€ | Country: Scotland (Isle of Islay) Pairings: Arturo Fuente Magnum 54 Springbank is a distillery that uses a method of production similar to the one practiced in 1800. Great quality/price ratio. You can taste the sherry casks contribution. Fragrant, pleasant and intense. A great entry-level with a very competitive price. Notes of earth, cocoa and yellow fruits.

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



Smoking Kills

Drinking Kills

Driving Kills

Money Kills

Stress Kills

Thinking Kills

Love Kills


Fallon & Nicarao Š

Balance. Character. Passion. 47

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

“Blondie: You see, in this world there’s two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.”

Clint Eastwood

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016






CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

2016 BEST CIGARS 2016 has been the year of the announcements, where a huge amount of new cigars and lines have been presented, even if many of them will be actually commercialized in the next year. Among these, many have been the celebration and anniversary products. The best 2016 cigars are divided by country, which means that for enlisting them we don’t consider the blend, but the place where the cigar is made. Four are the main producers country (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua) plus all the other country which are considered in the “Rest of the world” category. For every terroir five cigars are named as the best production of the country and three as the best buy (products with a high quality/price ratio and cheaper than 6.5 euro or dollars). For every country a brand, a line and a news are chosen to be the awarded as the best of 2016.

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



Cuba Top 5

Cuaba Distinguidos

Size: cepo 52 x 162 mm (6,4�) - EUR: 15,5 | USD: Wrapper: Cuba | Binder: Cuba | Filler: Cuba


The Distinguido was introduced in the Cuban catalog in 2003, together with the Diadema and Salomone sizes. Commercialized in 10’s count boxes, it is the second biggest cigar of the brand, second to the Salomone (Diademas are no longer made). Balance and harmony are great. The cigar delivers a remarkable aromatic intensity. It is creamy and satisfying, with an evolution that continues through the whole smoking time. The consistency of these cigars is high, due to a lot limited production if compared to other formats produced in Cuba. Medium strength. The beginning is sweet and exhibits notes of leather and spices (white pepper). After the first puffs, hazelnut, fine wood and earth come in, together with vegetal hints. Roasted and piquant notes gain the upper hand in the middle third, where is perceivable as well a rich panbrioches aroma. In the finale rich balsamic herbs pick up, followed by spices in the aftertaste, completing a wide aromatic palette.


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La Gloria Cubana Medaille d’Or No.2 Size: cepo 43 x 170 mm (6,7”) - EUR: 12 | USD: Wrapper: Cuba | Binder: Cuba | Filler: Cuba


Two are the cigars produced under the La Gloria Cubana brand: Medaille d’Or NO.2 and Medaille d’Or No.4. Despite the very small production, this cigar delivers a very balanced, creamy and elegant smoke. Super creamy and with a very long persistence. Medium strength. It delivers notes of cedar wood and spices (pink pepper) on a sweet base. Soon piquant spices and aromatic herbs will complete the aromatic palette.

Cohiba Maduro 5 Secretos

Size: cepo 40 x 110 mm (4,5”) - EUR: 12,5 € | USD: Wrapper: Cuba | Binder: Cuba | Filler: Cuba


The main characteristic of the Maduro 5 line is five years old maduro wrapper. All the other leaves used are aged at least 3 years. As small as satisfying, this little Secreto develops a peppery and creamy smoke. Medium to full strength. At the beginnig it delivers wood, a lot of black pepper and honey; then it turns to cocoa and tree nuts. The finale exhibits roasted notes (coffee) and earth.

Vegas Robaina Unicos

Size: cepo 52 x 156 mm (6,1”) - EUR: 13,5 € | USD: Wrapper: Cuba | Binder: Cuba | Filler: Cuba


Only three are the formats available under the famous Don Alejandro Robaina brand. The Unico is the pyramid, exhibiting an aromatic palette that represents very well the brand. Intense and flavorful, it develops a very satisfying and fulfilling smoke. Excellently balanced. The strength is medium plus. It delivers tree nuts (mainly hazelnut) and roasted notes, together with balsamic herbs and coffee. The base is a little bit sweet. Very creamy.

Partagas Añejados Corona Gorda Size: cepo 46 x 143 mm (5,6”) - EUR: 14,5 € | USD: Wrapper: Cuba | Binder: Cuba | Filler: Cuba


The third cigar released under the Anejados series. Among all the four cigars belonging to the line, this is the best one, developing a true Partagas aromatic palette. The cigar is intense, satisfying and very creamy. The construction is perfect. Medium to full strength. It delivers earth, wood and spices (mainly black pepper). Going on, rich vegetal and nutty notes, together with leather, complete the aromatic palette.

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Best brand Cuaba

2016 is Cuaba 20th anniversary since the brand was born in 1996; a commemorative humidor with 50 cigars will be soon released. Nowadays is one of the most consistent Cuban brands, due to its niche production. There is no surprise in finding the best Cuban Cigar for 2016 under this brand: the Distinguido. Four are the available sizes and all of them are double perfectos. This is the main characteristic of the brand, which makes the cigars easily recognizable. Since the brand was born, the band has never been chanced or modified.

Best line

Montecristo Open Despite the all but great reputation the cigars belonging to this line had after the official launch in 2009, the 2015 and 2016 years have seen the Open improving a lot. The cigars develops creamy smokes and the construction is careful. The Open Master is one of the best Robusto made in Cuba in the present days. The line was at first developed for new smokers, but the current Montecristo Open can be enjoyed with satisfaction also by the aficionados. It is time to give the right consideration to this line, revaluating it and try again all the four sizes belonging to it.

Best news

Cohiba 50 Aniversario The most prestigious humidor ever made, commemorating the Cohiba 50th Anniversary. The number 50 recurs in almost every characteristics of this piece of art: 50 are the humidors produced, made with real tobacco leaves plated with 24-carat gold; every one comes with 50 Cohiba cigars of a new size (60 x 178 mm – 7�), the first cigars ever made in Cuba with a 60 ring gauge. The availability and the price (not less than 200.000$) make it the most expensive and exclusive humidor ever released. The No.1 was sold for 320.000$,


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Por Larrañaga Petit Coronas

Size: cepo 42 x 129 mm (5,1”) - EUR: 6,4 € | USD: Wrapper: Cuba | Binder: Cuba | Filler: Cuba


Among the Por Larrañaga made nowadays, the Petit Coronas is the only one survived since the Cuban embargo. The secret of this longevity is to find in the size, in the price and in the aromatic palette of this cigar. Completely upstream if compared to the trending packaging of the new releases, mostly 10 count boxes and tubos, the Por Larrañaga Petit Coronas only come in cabinet of 50, no other options. These cigars just bring you back in time. Medium strength. It delivers a creamy, complex and very satisfying smoke. The base is sweet for the whole smoke and the combination among honey and nuts (walnut and hazelnut) is remarkable. In the second half notes of cedar wood and spices get developed, together with hints of cocoa.

Vegueros Entretiempos

Size: cepo 52 x 110 mm (4,3”) - EUR: 5,3 € | USD: Wrapper: Cuba | Binder: Cuba | Filler: Cuba


Since the released of the new Vegueros in 2014, the Entretiempo has always been the better performing one, delivering a creamy, simple and enjoyable smoke. The strength is a little bit over the medium and the aromatic palette revolves around roasted notes, followed by spices in the first half and vegetal notes in the last one. The only issue are the corrections to the brazier that the cigar needs.

Rafael Gonzalez Perlas

Size: cepo 40 x 102 mm (4”) - EUR: 4 € | USD: Wrapper: Cuba | Binder: Cuba | Filler: Cuba


This Perla was born in 2012, and it soon became very popular, due to the cheap price. The cigar is a long filler, despite its costs will bring you to think the opposite. Small dimensions but great aromatic intensity. It delivers an intense and fulfilling smoke, similar to the best sellers Petit Robustos. Notes of earth and black pepper alternates for the whole smoke, together with roasted and piquant aromas.

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Honduras Top 5

Eiroa Robusto

Size: cepo 50 x 127 mm (5”) - EUR: 9 | USD: 10 Wrapper: Honduras | Binder: Honduras | Filler: Honduras


The Eiroa Family has a long history in the world of tobacco. Everything started in 1916, when Generous Eiroa left Spain to head to the Caribbeans. After having worked as a ship captain for the “Cuban Land and Leaf Tobacco Company”, he obtained the Cuban citizenship in 1926. A 100 years have past since then, and four generations have followed up until today. The cigars are produced at the “Aladino Cigar Factory” in Danli, which was a theatre up until 1975, then converted into what it is today, the factory producing Eiroa cigars. The Robusto is a very balanced cigar and is delivers an excellent aromatic intensity, which happens to be his trump card. The finish is very long. Very creamy. Strength is medium plus. It reveals roasted coffee notes, cedar and spices, followed by balsamic notes and spicy peaks. In the second half the smoke becomes earthy. The coffee and spices stay present, while the balsamic notes return in the finale.


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Leaf by Oscar Maduro Lancero

Size: cepo 38 x 178 mm (7”) - EUR: 12 | USD: 8,5 Wrapper: Nicaragua | Binder: Honduras | Filler: Honduras


What truly identifies this line is the tobacco leaf the cigars are wrapped into. They come in four different wrappers: Connecticut, Sumatra, Corojo and Maduro. Medium to full strength. This Lancero delivers a wide and structured aromatic palette, mainly made of cocoa and earth, accompanied by coffee and hazelnut in the first third, nutmeg and spices in the second and blakc pepper and balsamic herbs int he finale.

HVC Pan Caliente

Size: cepo 50 x 127 mm (5”) - EUR: - | USD: 6,2 Wrapper: Nicaragua | Binder: Nicaragua | Filler: Nicaragua


This Robusto capture the aficionado’s eye due to its tapered head, that reminds the 109 format. It develops a very intense smoke on a savory base. The evolution is perceivable. Medium strength. Black pepper and earth are the two main aromas. At first they come together with leather, hay and vegetal notes. In the second part they alternate with cinnamons, nuts and yet vegetal notes. In some puff a nice citrus aroma refreshes the smoke.

Cavalier de Genève White Series Diplomate Size: cepo 56 x 140 mm (5,5”) - EUR: 9,3 | USD: 9,7 Wrapper: ND | Binder: ND | Filler: ND


This cigar is striking because of the golden rhombus that is placed just below the band, which recalls the color of the lettering and logo. Lavish and with a pig tail finish, the Diplomate delivers an elegant and balanced smoke. Very creamy and fulfilling. Strength is slighthly over the medium. It starts out with wood, vanilla and white pepper, developing on a sweet base. It then becomes spicy and nutty. The finale is earthy.

Flor de Selva Gran Pressé

Size: cepo 56 x 152 mm (6”) - EUR: 8,5 € | USD: 11,75 Wrapper: Honduras | Binder: Mata Fina (Brazil) | Filler: Honduras


The Grand Pressé belongs to the Maduro Collection, other than being the latest release of the line. It differs from the other sizes because of its box pressed profile, the blend remains the same. The aromatic palette is well structured and the smoke is satisfying. Medium strength. Notes of cocoa, earth and spices alternate throughout the cigar, followed by a rich roasted coffee aroma and aromatic herbs in the second half.

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Best brand

Flor de Selva Flor de Selva was born in 1995, in France. Since then, the cigars have made their way across Europe and the portfolio of Maya Selva has expanded significantly. After the success of the Flor de Selva Lancero (last years winner of the Honduras awards), the commemorative line of the 20° Aniversario has entered regular production. Four of the most popular sizes of the brand belong to this new line, all with a new different blend. Flor de Selva affirms itself even more in 2016, becoming a benchmark in Honduras. A true reference point.

Best line

Leaf by Oscar - Lanceros Four are the Lanceros introduced in the “Leaf by Oscar� line, each one differing for the wrapper used, like it happens with the other formats. The four wrapper leaves are Connecticut, Sumatra, Corojo and Maduro. The characteristic that distinguishes this line, making it unique and easy to recognize at the same time, is the tobacco leaf used to protect the cigar. At first glance rustic and not always attractive, but once peeled it reveals a well-made cigar.

Best news

Padilla In this 2016, Padilla presented a lot of news, including the Aniversario line, commemorating the brand birth, the Cava Maduro, following the Natural, the Connecticut, that will have a very good quality/price point, and the 1932 Oscuro, the most awaited because of the successful first launch in 2007 (limited to only 300 humidors, containing 45 cigars in three different sizes), but this time around it including four sizes. This has generated a strong attention and anticipation, even though the majority of these releases will probably be officially launched in the course of 2017.


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Camacho Corojo Machito

Size: cepo 33 x 102 mm (4”) - EUR: 3 | USD: 2,9 Wrapper: Corojo (Honduras) | Binder: Honduras | Filler: Honduras


The Machito was born in order to provide a 20 minute smoke, with only one intension: quickly satisfy the smoker without to many frills, still being a long filler cigars and without deviating too much from the brand’s aromatic palate. There are three types of Machitos: Criollo, Connecticut and Corojo. They distinguish themselves by the coloration of the bands, as is the case for the main lines, and for them an eye catching packaging in tin cases of six cigars is way they are commercialized. The red identifies the Corojo, which features more strength and is able to generate a greater sense of satisfaction. Medium plus strength. The Corojo is a continuous interchange of nuts (mainly hazelnut), earth, cocoa and spicy notes. There are also some piquant peaks. Satisfying and balanced.

Maria Mancini Magic Mountain - Edición Especial Size: cepo 54 x 152 mm (6”) - EUR: 5 | USD: 4.5 Wrapper: Honduras | Binder: Honduras | Filler: Honduras


Very fulfilling smoke, with a good complexity. The aromatic intensity is pronounced and the finish is very long. Evolution is perceivable. Great construction aswell. Medium plus strength. The aromatic palette starts out with notes of earth and cocoa,, the two main aromas, followed by wood and citrus. In some puffs spicy aromas reach the palate, as well as the aftertaste. The earthy notes get richer in the finale.

Placeres Reserva Habano Estrellas

Size: cepo 50 x 127 mm (5”) - EUR: 4.6 | USD: 4.5 Wrapper: Honduras | Binder: Costa Rica | Filler: Nicaragua, Honduras


Full bodied and satisfying smoke, features a remarkable aromatic intensity and a perceptible evolution. The aromatic palette is structured, rustic and masculine. Full strength. Nuts and earth aromas in the beginning are later followed by black pepper and spices. The second half reveals notes of charcoal, earth, cocoa and wood. Hints of honey and chili come through aswell, completing an interesting and wide aromatic profile.

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Nicaragua Top 5

Padrón Serie 1926 90th Aniversario Natural Size: cepo 52 x 140 mm (5,5”) - EUR: - | USD: 29 Wrapper: Nicaragua | Binder: Nicaragua | Filler: Nicaragua


The 90th Aniversario celebrates the ninetieth birthday of José Orlando Padrón. The first particularity is the Tubo: this is the first time Padrón uses this kind of packaging. The second one is the “round” shape of the cigar, despite every other Padrón (except for the Damaso line) is not box pressed. It is available in both maduro and natural shade wrappers, as the whole 1926 Series. We preferred the natural shade wrapper. The smoke is incredibly harmonious and elegant. The aromatic intensity, one of the main characteristic of this brand, is remarkable while the strength is not as full as the other cigars belonging to the 1926 Series, making it suitable for all the smokers. The cigar opens up with black pepper and aged wood aromas, soon followed by vegetal notes and aromatic herbs. The smoke is meaty and creamy. In the middle sector, cocoa, undergrowth and earth alternate each other. The aromatic herbs are still well perceivable and in the finale they became the main aroma, followed by the cedar wood.


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La Sobremesa El Americano

Size: cepo 52 x 152 mm (6”) - EUR: - | USD: 10 Wrapper: Habano Ecuador | Binder: Mexico | Filler: Nicaragua & USA


Of the eleven sizes belonging to this line, the El Americano is the one delivering the most complex and harmonious smoke. The aromatic bouquet is unique. The smoke is elegant and it exhibits a huge balance. The cigar is incredibly creamy. Medium strength. It develops cocoa, white pepper, and piquant notes. Earth and aromatic herbs are added during the smoke, together with a rich balsamic aroma in the finale.

Illusione Haut 10

Size: cepo 52 x 140 mm (5,5”) - EUR: - | USD: 16 Wrapper: Nicaragua | Binder: Nicaragua | Filler: Nicaragua


The 10° anniversary of the brand brought to the light this cigar, initially produced as a limited edition, but then added to the regular production cigars. The aromatic palette is well structured and full body. Strong and super satisfying. Full strength. It delivers notes of earth, wood resin and cocoa, followed by walnut and undergrowth. In the finale aromatic herbs are added and the base gets slightly sweet.

My Father El Centurion H-2K-CT Corona Size: cepo 48 x 140 mm (5,5”) - EUR: 7 | USD: 6.5 Wrapper: Connecticut H-2K-CT | Binder: Nicaragua | Filler: Nicaragua


What seems to be a code to be deciphered, it is a wrapper variety, which is a hybrid, grown in USA. Compared to the El centurion classic line, the blend is different. The strength is medium to full. The cigar delivers a great aromatic intensity. What surprise more is the continuous interchange between elegant and rustic puffs. The main aroma is the hazelnut, followed by black pepper, wood and earth and piquant spices.

Mombacho 10th Aniversario Magnifico Size: cepo 52 x 159 mm (6,25”) - EUR: . | USD: 19,9 Wrapper: Nicaragua | Binder: Nicaragua | Filler: Nicaragua


A 100% Nicaragua puro, delivering a full typicalness of this terroir. Rich, intense and satisfying, with the balance on the razor’s edge in some puffs but never coming less. Full strength. Earth, sparkling spices and black pepper are the main aromas of the smoke, followed by balsamic herbs and piquant notes. Cocoa hints are perceivable aswell, completing a wide aromatic palette and a continuous evolution in flavors.

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



Best brand

AJ Fernandez 2016 is the year of AJ Fernandez. His hand and his tobacco are everywhere. A lot of new brands were presented and released during the IPCPR of this year and many other are the ones made for other companies. Bellas Artes, Last Call and Free World are just the latest adds. Other companies would in some way suffer by making so many different lines, but yet AJ Fernandez is still is producing great cigars, and what is more important, very consistent ones, with or without its logo on the box.

Best line

La Sobremesa The Sobremesa was released int he late 2015, but during this year more sizes were added to this line. Now eleven are the cigars belonging to it. The El Americano is the 2° best Nicaraguan cigar for 2016 but it’s not the only one developing a great smoke. In fact, same goes for all the other formats. One of the best adds to the line is the is the Short Churchill, a flavor bomb and the strongest among all the sizes made. The blend of this line is made of leaves coming from a lot of different countries (Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua and USA). Together they create a unique aromatic profile.

Best news

Joya Black The latest creation of Joya de Nicaragua. These cigars are capable of delivering a 100% Nicaragua smoking experience, with a very competitive price point. This is the secret of the line. The presentation reminds to the Joya Red, launched in 2014. Bands and boxes looks very similar, except for the color, now the black is dominating everywhere. Captivating, well finished and definitely very good looking. Four are the sizes belonging to this line. Among them the Toro, the best one, exhibiting a very satisfying and rich smoke, with a good evolution and a masterful balance.


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016


AJ Fernandez Last Call Habanos Geniales

Size: cepo 48 x 114 mm (4,5”) - EUR: - | USD: 5 Wrapper: Habano Rosado Ecuador | Binder: Nicaragua | Filler: Nicaragua


At the beginning the Last Call was a special blend, one of AJ personal ones. He was used to give this cigar to his guests, during the last quarter of a Football match. From here comes the name of this cigar. The Last Call was then introduced as the first cigar of the Portfolio Series, that includes all AJ personal private blends. The Last Call is now dressed up also with a maduro wrapper. Medium to full strength. The smoke is satisfying, intense and very creamy. The aromatic palette is made of cedar wood and walnut, followed by spices (mainly pink pepper). The base is slightly sweet. In the second half, a rich roasted aroma of coffee become soon the main character of the bouquet, followed by the omnipresent spices. Very harmonious, despite its small size this cigar is even capable of an evolution.

Charter Oak Lonsdale - Broadleaf

Size: cepo 46 x 165 mm (6,5”) - EUR: - | USD: 5 Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf | Binder: Nicaragua | Filler: Nicaragua


The new line by Nick Melillo, available dressed up in two different wrappers: a Connecticut Shade and a Connecticut Broadleaf. An easy but straight and immediate smoke. This is a perfect daily cigar. Hugely balanced and with a perceivable evolution. Medium strength. It develops aromas of aged wood, leather and earth, followed at the beginning by vegetal notes and later by rich cocoa.

Don Tomas Nicaragua Lindos

Size: cepo 40 x 101 mm (4”) - EUR: 3 | USD: 3 Wrapper: Nicaragua | Binder: Arapiraca (Brazil) | Filler: Nicaragua


Creamy and satisfying, this cigars shows a huge quality/price ratio. Very good construction and a perfect smoke mechanics make it very difficult to find it a defect. The strength is slightly over the medium. It delivers earthy aromas, aged wood and spices (mainly black pepper) In the first puffs and in the finale, balsamic notes are perceivable aswell. Liquorice and leather hints, complete a surprising aromatic palette.

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



Dominican R. Top 5 Quesada Reserva Privada Oscuro Double Corona Size: cepo 46 x 165 mm (6,5�) - EUR: 8.5 | USD: 13 Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf | Binder: Dom. R. | Filler: Dom. R. & USA


Reserva Privada Oscuro is the most prestigious line branded by Quesada. The tobacco used is aged for 18 years (the leaves belong to the 1997 crop). Once rolled, the cigars rest for another whole year. The Double Corona is the cigar with the bigger size in the line, even if the 46 ring gauge, make this cigar lasting less than expected. It delivers a rich smoke, with a great aromatic intensity since the first puff. The bouquet is structured and the cigar is very satisfying. Medium to full strength. The opening brings to the palate notes of wood and cocoa, followed by piquant peaks in the aftertaste. Later one, earthy, nutty and vegetal aromas get developed aswell. In the middle sector cocoa and black pepper are main characters, together with the walnut, that makes the aromatic profile even deeper and complete. Cocoa, balsamic herbs and earth accompany the smoker though the finale third.


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

Caldwell Eastern Standard Midnight Express Size: cepo 50 x 152 mm (6”) - EUR: - | USD: 13,9 Wrapper: Arapiraca Maduro | Binder: Dom. R. | Filler: Dom. R. & Nicaragua


Complexity and harmony are great. The midnight express brings to another level creaminess and the elegance Caldwell brand is already well known for. The intensity if excellent. Medium to full strength. Mineral, vegetal and smoked notes get developed on an acidulous base. In the aftertaste the black pepper is present for the whole smoke. In the second half it turns to a rich balsamic aroma, followed by smoked wood and spices.

Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Eye of the Shark Size: cepo 52 x 146 mm (5,75”) - EUR: - | USD: 11,9 Wrapper: ND | Binder: ND | Filler: ND


Tribute to the 80° anniversary of Carlos Fuente Sr.. Great evolution and intensity, paired with an aromatic bouquet wide and structured. A classy smoke. Medium to full strength. At the beginning nutty, cocoa, spices and citrus aromas get developed on a savory base. Going on, the black pepper takes over, followed by the leather. Roasted bread and piquant spices complete the aromatic bouquet. Very creamy.

Crowned Heads La Careme Cañonazo

Size: cepo 52 x 149 mm (5,85”) - EUR: - | USD: 9 Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf | Binder: Ecuador | Filler: Nicaragua


The line is an omage to Marie A. Carême. Well structured and harmonious, this cigar is fulfilling and shows an aromatic profile very interesting and with a lot of shades. Creamy. Full strength. The opening is spicy and peppery but it soon turns into a sweet base with coffee, earth and cocoa notes. Later on leather and cinnamon get developed aswell. The base slowly turns into a savory one. Black pepper and earth take over in the last third.

Camacho American Barrel Aged Toro

Size: cepo 50 x 152 mm (6”) - EUR: 13,5 | USD: 11 Wrapper: Broadleaf USA | Binder: Broadleaf USA | Filler: USA & Honduras


The peculiarity of this cigar is the process the tobacco used go through. The leaves are placed in ex burbon barrel for five months, where they age. Extremely balanced, it delivers a deep aromatic and harmonious profile. Creamy, complex, and satisfying. Medium strength .The aromatic palette intertwines aged wood and roasted notes of coffee. In the aftertaste are perceivable rich spicy notes. The base is slightly savory.

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



Best brand

La Flor Dominicana La Flor Dominicana grew continuously in the past years, releasing great cigars and adding new lines that hit the market in the right way. La Nox had been awarded as the best news and TOP2 cigar in 2015. This year a new size has been released (Petite 40x127 mm –5”) together with a new limited edition: the Andalusian Bull, a big sized doble figurado (64x165 mm –6-5”). Every release continues the great work La Flor Dominicana is known of, without sacrificing the consistency of the less younger lines and quality of their other products.

Best line

Arturo Fuente Opus X 20th Anniversary Arturo Fuente celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Opus X with a whole new line, made of 4 sizes and dressed up with a blue colored band, that is an homage to the original colors of the Arturo Fuente bands. The beautiful boxes, paired with only the best tobaccos that Arturo Fuente has to offer, speaks for itself. The cigars aren’t available yet, nevertheless, they will definitely be a highly sought after collector items.

Best news

Quesada Reserva Oscuro Quesada released last year the Reserva Privada, which was an instant hit. This year they outdid themselves with the Reserva Oscuro. They chose a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and a stronger blend, making this line even more flavorful and bold. Three are the sizes belonging to the line and the Doble Corona is our 2016 best Dominican cigar of the year. Three are the cigars belonging to the line and the Double Corona is the best Dominican cigar for this 2016.


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016


La Aurora Black Lion Maduro Robusto

Size: cepo 50 x 127 mm (5”) - EUR: 4,9 | USD: 5 Wrapper: Cubra (Brazil) | Binder: Brazil | Filler: Brazil, Nica., Dom. R. & Perù


The black lion is the latest news made by La Aurora and comprehends four lines (Cameroon, Connecticut, Corojo and Maduro). Everyone of this lines come with four sizes: Churchill, Gran Toro, Toro and Robusto. The Maduro line is the richest one, with a higher strength. Compared to the more traditional La Aurora lines, the cigar are now dressed up with an oversize and colorful band. The same goes for the boxes, that shared the color of the line making easier to recognize. The Robusto size is the one we preferred, delivering a very rich and satisfying smoke. Medium to full strength. The aromatic palette is made of earth and leather notes, followed by aged wood and spices. The black pepper is omnipresent.

Bellmore Maduro Robusto

Size: cepo 50 x 127 mm (5”) - EUR: 5,5 | USD: 5.5 Wrapper: Arapiraca (Brazil) | Binder: Dom. R. | Filler: Dom. R.


The cigars are placed in a cartoon box, fulfilled with tobacco cuts where the Robusto are placed on. The box is closed with an old fashioned red wax seal. The aromatic palette is deep and the persistence very long. Medium strength. It delivers notes of earth, cocoa and black pepper. In the middle third it turns into aged wood, liquorice and almond. The finale alternates cocoa and earth.

La Flor Dominicana Cameroon Cabinet No. 3 Size: cepo 40 x 120 mm (4,75”) - EUR: 5,5 | USD: 5 Wrapper: Cameroon | Binder: Dominican R. | Filler: Dominican R.


A quick but very satisfying smoke, perfect to be enjoyed when there is not too much time available, but the pleasure of lighting up a cigar is too strong. The strength is a little bit over the medium level. The cigar exhibits notes of earth and leather, followed by spices (mainly black pepper). In the second half, rich tree nuts come to the palate. The finale is fresh with balsamic herb closing the smoke.

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



Rest of the World Top 5

Casa Turrent Gran Robusto Maduro - Mexico Size: cepo 52 x 159 mm (6,2�) - EUR: 7,5 | USD: 6 Wrapper: San Andres | Binder: Mexico & Nica. | Filler: Mexico & Nica.


Casa Turrent cigars are produced in Mexico, in the family owned factory. For the production of the Robusto Maduro, they use a blend that goes well beyond the Mexican leaves, even going up to Nicaragua. That said, wrapper, binder and filler all present a Mexican component, which gives the line a certain typicality. The cigar is box pressed, and the look is particularly squared. The generously sized golden band, paired with the maduro colored wrapper leaf, creates a noticeable contrast, which with no doubt draws the attention of the smoker. The smoke is full bodied and aromatic palette well structured; the intensity is remarkable and the finish very long. Strength is slightly over the medium. The flavor of cocoa beans in the cold draw are perceptible throughout the whole duration of the smoke, presenting themselves in each puff. They are followed by hazelnut, spices and notes of bread. The finale is rich and distinctly spicy (black pepper).


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016

Brun del Ré 1787 Libertad Supremo - Costa Rica Size: cepo 60 x 152 mm (6”) - EUR: 15 | USD: 15 Wrapper: Costa Rica | Binder: Costa Rica | Filler: Costa Rica


The lastest introduction to the Brund del Ré portfolio. This cigar is a big one and it comes in a gorgeus red box with 30 cigars inside. The construction is great. The cigars shows a great character: intense, creamy and with a very long peristence. Medium to full strength. It delivers rich earhty notes, together with cococa and a lot of spices (black pepper). Nutty and piquant notes complete its very tasty aromtic profile.

Cornelius & Anthony Cornelius CG - USA Size: cepo 46 x 140 mm (5,5”) - EUR: - | USD: 13,5 Wrapper: Ecuador | Binder: Ecuador | Filler: Nicaragua, Dominican R.


The line is a tribute to the founder of the brand, Cornelius Bailey, and it is the flagship series of this American brand. Very satisfying and with a remarkable evolution. Strength is slightly over the medium. The aromatic palette rotates around notes of wood, nuts and leather, followed by notes of ripe fruits and white pepper. Intense aromas of cinnamon and nutmeg stand out as well, which round out a very complex smoke.

Mbombay Gaaja - Costa Rica

Size: cepo 54 x 152 mm (6”) - EUR: - | USD: 15,5 Wrapper: Ecuador | Binder: Ecuador | Filler: R. Dom, Ecuador, Perù, Paraguay


The cigar name is rooted in Hinduism and Gaaja means elephant. The blend was well thought out and the leaves used in this Toro come from four countries. Strength is a little over medium. It develops a creamy, almost buttery, smoke. Aromas of wood, hazelnut and white pepper are followed by cream and underwood. The last part is dominated by notes of underwood, black pepper and mineral peaks.

Villiger San’Doro Maduro - Brasile Size: cepo 50 x 152 mm (6”) - EUR: 14 | USD: 14 Wrapper: Mata Fina (Brazil) | Binder: Brazil | Filler: Brazil


Made in Brazil, in Bahia factory, this Toro is a Brazilian puro. It is the only size belonging to the San’Doro Maduro line. It delivers a rich smoke, with a wide and structured aromatic palette. Very satisfying. Medium strength. It exhibits roasted notes of coffee, walnut, wood. There are also cocoa hints. In the background are perceivable citrus notes, refreshing the smoke. Very creamy.

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016



Best brand

Brun del Re Over the years Brun del Re has established itself by producing quality cigars and releasing news, keeping up with today’s trend. It happened last year with the Piccolo line and it happens again in 2016 with the Supremo release. The Company is an established reality, that is appearing in more countries and is becoming more known and appreciated. A benchmark in Costa Rica, but increasing globally, to the point of being present among the best producers two years in a row.

Best line

D’Crossier Although the D’Crossier brand has been around for years, they have only recently started to make themselves known on a larger scale. That was mainly due to last years introduction of the D’Crossier Selection 512, which increased the already solid portfolio with another great and competitive priced line. This year they continued to push forward with many new and interesting releases, like the Presidential Collection Pennsylvania Avenue, which has Costa Rican tobacco as its main ingredient. Another year with more great additions by a brand that is trying to put Costa Rica on the map.

Best news

Casa Turrent Serie 1901 This line was born to commemorate the year of birth of the founder of this brand, the grandfather Alejandro Turrent. It is made in Mexico, in the family owned factory. For its realization they use a San Andres Maduro wrapper, which fully identifies the Mexican terroir. The sizes belonging to the line are three: Robusto, Torpedo and Gran Robusto, which takes is the best cigar in the “Rest of the World” category for 2016. All the sizes deliver an intense and satisfying smoke, with notes of cocoa beans, nuts and spices. An exceptional line.


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016


Royal Danish Sangre Azul

Size: cepo 52 x 127 mm (5”) - EUR: 5,9 € | USD: 5,8 Wrapper: Nicaragua | Binder: ND | Filler: Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica


In the filler of the Sangre Azul are used the cuts coming from the Regal blend cigars foot (when the torcedor finish making the cigar, the last thing made is the cut of the extra leaves of the foot, to give the cigar the proper length). This tobacco cuts are then opened and put in the filler longitudinally. The cigar is box pressed and dressed up in a colorado maduro shade wrapper, with some reddish highlights. It delivers a fulfilling smoke. The price point is very competitive. Medium to full strength. The cigar exhibits rich black pepper notes, together with piquant spices, well present from the first to the last puff. They get developed at first with nuts (mainly walnut) and then with aged wood, earth and hazelnuts.

Tabacalera Perique Torpedito

Size: cepo 52 x 128 mm (5”) - EUR: 4,5 | USD: Wrapper: Maduro | Binder: Philippines | Filler: Philippines, Brazil, USA


The peculiarity of this line is the use of a the Perique tobacco. This small torpedo delivers a very satisfying smoke, with a wide and structured bouquet. The evolution is perceivable. Medium to full strength. It exhibits cocoa beads, earth and black pepper, together with aged wood. In the second half aromatic herbs (with some balsamic hint) and nuts get developed aswell, completing the aromatic palette.

Amazon Arabesque - Perù

Size: cepo 42 x 85 mm (3,35”) - EUR: 6 | USD: Wrapper: Kentucky (Italy) | Binder: Kentucky (Italy) | Filler: Kentucky (Italy)


Although the tobaccos used are Italian, the production takes places in Peru. Wrapper, binder and filler are medium filler. Great body and aromatic intensity. Full strength. The base is savory and the aromas the cigar reveals are mineral, nuts and earth. In the second half the base becomes slightly acidulous. Rich balsamic notes take over in the finale, refreshing the smoke.

CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016




MEANING OF THE TERMINOLOGIES USED Anilla: paper band on the cigar, which is used to identify the brand. Calibre (cepo or ring gauge): diameter of the cigar. Capa (wrapper): the leaves used to wrap the Tripa and the Capote. Capote (binder): the leaves used to wrap the Tripa. Catadores: from the factory assigned employees, which try the cigars on a daily bases, to verify the quality. Cepo: ring gauge. Claro: tonality of the light brown color of the wrapper. Colorado: tonality of the chestnut brown color of the wrapper. Colorado claro: tonality of the light brown color of the wrapper. Colorado maduro: tonality of the dark brown color of the wrapper. Figurado: a cigar which presents a pointed end. Fortaleza: the sensation of the strength, which the smoke provokes in the throat of the smoker with every puff. Galera: a place where the cigars are prepared. I.S.: International Shape. Largo: length of the cigar. Liga: the mixture of the leaves used, which characterizes the cigar. Ligero: leaves that are harvested in the higher part of the tobacco plants and that give the strength to the cigar. Maduro: tonality of the mahogany-dark brown color of the wrapper. Medio tempo: leaves that are harvested in the top part of the tobacco plants. Puro: a cigar, which is exclusively prepared with leaves from the resulting country. Seco: leaves that are harvested in the interim part of the tobacco plants and give aroma to the cigar. SLD: short for Slide Lid Box. Tercio: ball of untreated tobacco. Thirds (first, second and third): parts in which the cigar gets divided. Torcedore: employee who rolls the cigars. Tripa (filler): leaves which compose the filling of the cigar. Tripa corta: a filling which is composed of the cuts, pieces and damaged leaves. Tripa larga: a filling with whole leaves. Vitola: module or format of the cigar with an established diameter and length. Vitola de galera: unique name which is attributed to distinguish the different formats, independent of the name which is will be given to the cigar (Marevas, Prominentes, etc‌). Vitola de salida: name attributed to the commercial end and changes from each brand (Siglo VI, Serie D no. 4, etc...). Volado: leaves which are harvested at the bottom part of the tobacco plant. Fundamental for the combustion of the cigar.


CigarsLoverMagazine | Winter 2016


WHAT YOU CAN FIND ON CIGARSLOVER MAGAZINE DRINKS The better beverages reviewed and explained. The new products and the old fascinated ones, with a hint of history.

PAIRINGS The best alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks which perfectly match with cigars. When pairing becomes a source of absolute pleasure.

EVENTS The main international events. Fairs, meetings and everything having the cigar as the main character.

PILLS A brief article that goes straight to the heart of the matter. A topic to be read in one breath, a small pill.

FAMOUS SMOKERS Biographies and curiosity about famous people of present and past days, that all have in common just one this: a huge passion for cigars.

SLOW ATTITUDE Technical ar ticles for a better understanding of the product cigar secrets and insights of use for both beginners and aficionados.

INTERVIEW Stories of passions narrated directly by the protagonists: interviews with insiders, tobacconists, importers, collectors, and so on and so forth.

TOBACCO HISTORY Stories from the tobacco world: the big brands, the crops, the manufacturers of the past, and the city grew on the tobacco business.

LINE UP Insights, reviews and evaluations about all the cigars that belong to the same line, plus details about its making.

TOOLS Accessories are an essential element for the modern smoker: cutters, humidors, lighters, cigar holders, furnishing accessories.

MADE IN ITALY Reviews, discussions and insights regarding the cigars made in Italy. The tradition of Tuscani, the novelty of Nostrano del Brenta and more!

VINTAGE The world of collecting: cigars aged for decades, the great classics of the past and rarest cubans. The charm and the quality of the impossible.

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