Welcome to CityLife’s Dining Guide – visitors’ first stop for restaurants in Hong Kong. Updated every month, our concise and candid comments help you choose the perfect restaurant. 歡迎來到《東方之珠》的飲食指南,我們定期為你送上新鮮時尚的飲食速遞。 我們坦誠而精明的推介希望能助你覓到真正的香江滋味。
$ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$
<$150 $150 - $300 $300 - $500 $500 - $700 >$700
Average price of dinner per person, not including drinks. 以每位晚餐平均價錢計算, 飲料不包括在內。
181 at Fortnum & Mason
Victoria Dockside, Hong Kong’s latest luxury shopping mall, has successfully drawn an array of internationally famous outlets. A new addition to the illustrious list is Fortnum & Mason, the iconic British retailer and hospitality brand, which recently opened a new shop and restaurant concept. Established in 1707 in Piccadilly, London, the iconic elite retailer is known for its focus on quality. Its 7,000 square-foot split-level premises in Hong Kong comprise a shop downstairs and the elegant Fortnum’s 181 restaurant upstairs, with commanding views of the harbour. The shop showcases some of Fortnum’s signature products, including Royal Blend Black Tea and a newly created Musea Blend, freshly baked biscuits, champagne and wines and much more. The restaurant sports an elegantly and luxuriously appointed dining room where diners can enjoy lunch, dinner, or Fortnum & Mason’s signature afternoon tea. For our dinner, we started with a British classic appetiser, Black Pudding Scotch Egg with Piccalilli ($208) that is tasty and savoury. The Fortnum’s Smoked Salmon with Soda Bread ($168) is another classic – the smoked salmon is exquisite. For our main courses, we had to choose Beef Wellington, Dauphinoise Potatoes, Green Beans and Peppercorn Sauce ($988). The lovingly baked Beef Wellington coated in golden crust was all we could ask for. The meat keeps tender and warm, capturing all the beef flavour. The other main is Crab and Tomato Linguini ($288), which is zesty and done perfectly to complement the beef really well. For desserts, we enjoyed the Crepe Suzette ($188), which is prepared and served tableside, with the flaming orange sauce aroma whetting our appetite. The finale is another classic, Knickerbocker
Glory ($118) in which layers of ice cream, fruit, jelly and cream are served in a spectacular tall glass. Whether you want to peruse its well-stocked shop or unwind in the elegant and timelessly decorated restaurant, we highly recommend Fortnum & Mason for an unmatched British luxury experience. 香港最新的豪華購物中心維多利亞文化匯自開業以來,已成功吸引了一 批國際知名店鋪。來自英國的標誌性零售和酒店品牌 Fortnum & Mason 也入 駐於此,該品牌最近開了一家餐廳。 這家擁有313年曆史的零售商於1707年在倫敦皮卡迪利大街成立,以銷 售高端產品而聞名。它在香港的7,000平方英尺錯層式房屋樓內設有零售商 店,樓上是優雅的 Fortnum’s 181 餐廳,可以俯瞰海港景色。這家零售店展 示了 Fortnum & Mason 的特色產品,包括皇家混合紅茶和新設計的 Musea Blend、新鮮烘焙的餅乾、香檳和葡萄酒等。 餐廳擁有佈置典雅且豪華的餐廳,食客可以在此享用午餐、晚餐和招牌 下午茶。 我們的晚餐從英國經典開胃菜開始, 蘇格蘭蛋配黑布丁及英式酸辣醬 ($208),既美味又可口。 Fortnum’s 煙燻三文魚配蘇打麵包($168)是另一 種經典,煙熏三文魚非常經典。 主菜是威靈頓牛柳、千層薯、豆角配胡椒汁($988)。帶着金色外殼的惠 靈頓牛肉滿足我們所有要求。肉質鮮嫩、溫熱,牛肉的味道淋漓盡致。另一 道主菜是蟹肉及番茄扁意粉($288),味道鮮美,是搭配牛肉的極佳選擇。 甜點部分,我們選擇了 橙香法式薄餅 ( $188 )是在餐桌邊準備的,濃 郁的橙汁香氣使我們胃口大開。壓軸是另一道經典菜品—— 英式傳統新地 ($118),冰淇淋、水果、果凍和奶油分層裝在高腳杯中。 無論你是想參觀豐富的零售商店或在優雅的餐廳中用餐, Fortnum & Mason 都是最佳選擇,絕對是獨一無二的奢侈體驗。
Shop 022, G/F, K11 Atelier, Victoria Dockside, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號維多利亞文化匯K11地上22號鋪; 3916 8181
24 | JUNE 2020