SPRING 2014 | VOLUME 9 | Issue No 3
Next Generation / Próxima Generacion
PRODUCTION Office of Communications
Special Projects Administrator Marcia Monserrat 18 Editor-IN-CHIEF Nannette Rodriguez Editor Melissa Berthier
Informe A LA COMUNIDAD para el año fiscal 2013 07 AT YOUR SERVICE / PARA SERVIRLE
Winning Like2Love MB Contest Winner | Book Drive | Doing the Right Thing! Ganador del Concurso Like2Love MB | Recolección de Libros | ¡Haciendo lo Correcto!
Design DIRECTOR Camilo Rojas-Lavado Designer Jackie Gonzalez Contributing Writers Ariel Moger Maria Palacios Leslie Rosenfeld Talmage Thornhill Contributing PHOTOGRAPHERs Camilo Rojas-Lavado Jackie Gonzalez Melissa Berthier AdvertisING tonyadaniels@miamibeachfl.gov contact us mbmagazine@miamibeachfl.gov 305.673.7575
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Green Space / Espacio Ecológico
Community Gardens | Addressing the Tides Huertas Comunitarios | Enfocándose en las Mareas 14
Monthly Artscape Event | Jazz Festival Evento Mensual de Artscape | Festival de Jazz 24 YOUR SPACE / SU ESPACIO
Satisfaction Survey | Convention Center Update | North Beach Revitalization Encuesta de Satisfacción | Actualización de Centro de Convenciones| North Beach Revitalización 26 SAFETY FIRST / SEGURIDAD PUBLICA
New Police Sub-Station | Operation Render Safe | Nueva Sub-Estación de Policía | Operación Hacer Seguro 29 SINCE YOU ASKED / USTED PREGUNTO
Recycle, It’s the Law | Seagrass Restoration ¡Recicle, es La Ley! | Pastos Marinos 30 Next Generation / Próxima Generación
Success University | Universidad para el Éxito 34 Planned Progress / Progreso Planificado
Pump Stations | Estaciónes de Bombeo 14 UID 20 P G E: D AM SI C IN ER M M
City of MiamiBeach
New Sports Craze | Nuevo Deporte
MB magazine is produced quarterly by the Office of Communications. The publication of an advertisement does not imply endorsement of any product, service or opinion by the City of Miami Beach, its employees or officials. • Revista MB es producida cada cuatro meses por la Oficina de Comunicaciones. To request this material in accessible format, sign language interpreters, information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any city-sponsored proceeding, please contact 305.604.2489 (voice) or 305.673.7218 (TTY) five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service). • Para solicitar esta publicación en un formato accesible, pida intérpretes de lenguaje de signos, solicite información sobre acceso para personas discapacitadas, si requiere cualquier ayuda para revisar cualquier documento y/o para participar en cualquier proceso patrocinado por la ciudad, comuníquese con el Centro de Informacion de la Ciudad por teléfono, 305.604.2489 (voz), o 305.673.7218 (TTY) de ser posible con 5 días de anticipación. También al 711 para comunicarse con el Servicio de Relay de La Florida.
New Summer Camps | Nuevos Campamentos de Verano COVER CONTEST/LA PORTADA Submit the name/address of the image on the cover. You’ll be entered into a drawing for a Miami Beach gift bag. The winner will be announced in the next issue. Envíenos el nombre/dirección de la estructura en la portada para entrar en un sorteo para ganarse un regalo de la ciudad. El ganador se anunciará en la próxima edición. MB magazine 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 mbmagazine@miamibeachfl.gov MB magazine Advertisements • Gray & Sons • 4 Atlantic Broadband • 6 Miami Beach Parking • 16 Adrienne Arsht Center • 17 mbculture.com • 17 Pro Clean Systems • 23 Miami Beach Golf Courses • 23 Boucher Brothers • 24 MB Sunscreen • 24 Realtor Naomi Preston • 32 Magic City Casino • 33 Sprite • 36 Sara’s Homestay • 36 First Care • 37 Beauty Schools of America • 37 Miami Beach Botanical Garden • 46 Playing the Game of Life • 47 Precious Smiles • Jontiff & Jontiff
Last cover: Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Ave Murals by Dzine.
WHAT YOU WANT. INSTANTLY. Call 888-536-9600 or visit atlanticbb.com/tivonow
MB magazine | Spring 2014
MAYOR Philip Levine 305.673.7035 plevine@miamibeachfl.gov Current Term 2013—2017 First elected 2013 Profession Entrepreneur Commissioner Micky Steinberg
Commissioner Michael Grieco
Commissioner Joy Malakoff
305.673.7103 micky@miamibeachfl.gov Current Term 2013—2017 First elected 2013, Group I Profession Realtor
305.673.7104 mgrieco@miamibeachfl.gov Current Term 2013—2017 First elected 2013, Group II Profession Attorney
305.673.7106 jmalakoff@miamibeachfl.gov Current Term 2013—2017 First elected 2013, Group III Profession Retired Banker
Commissioner Jonah Wolfson
Commissioner Edward L. Tobin
Commissioner Deede Weithorn
305.673.7102 jonah@miamibeachfl.gov Current Term 2011—2015 First elected 2007, Group IV Profession Attorney
305.673.7107 ed@miamibeachfl.gov Current Term 2011—2015 First elected 2007, Group V Profession Attorney
305.673.7105 deede@miamibeachfl.gov Current Term 2011—2015 First elected 2007, Group VI Profession CPA
Jimmy L. Morales
I am excited to share that City business is moving forward at unprecedented speeds. In response to resident and business concerns on accessibility of Alton Road, we launched a free trolley service loop in a record 52 days.
Trolley ridership in the first month was over 16,000 passengers, and is increasing weekly. We are also actively looking to expand other transportation services throughout all of the Miami Beach neighborhoods.
Me emociona compartir la noticia de que la gestión de la Ciudad avanza a una velocidad sin precedentes. En respuesta a las inquietudes planteadas por residentes y negocios con respecto al acceso a Alton Road, pusimos en práctica un servicio gratuito de tranvía en un tiempo récord de 52 días. En el primer mes, el tranvía transportó más de 16,000 pasajeros y el volumen sigue aumentando semanalmente. Asimismo estamos considerando activamente ampliar los servicios de transporte en todos los vecindarios de Miami Beach.
The City has agreed to allow extended work hours in an effort to accelerate construction on Alton Road, to have our major artery fully back open to two-way traffic by the end of the year.
La Ciudad ha aceptado extender el horario de trabajo en un esfuerzo por acelerar las obras de construcción en Alton Road, con miras a tener nuestra principal arteria vial abierta nuevamente al tráfico en ambos sentidos hacia finales de año.
In February, the Mayor and City Commission declared a state of emergency to immediately procure the necessary stormwater pump stations for 6th, 10th and 14th streets. Design standards were also increased to ensure our island-city’s infrastructure is taking into account climate change and sea level rise. Learn more about stormwater pump stations and our current resiliency efforts in the pages that follow.
En febrero, el Alcalde y la Comisión Municipal declararon el estado de emergencia para procurar de inmediato las estaciones de bombeo de aguas pluviales necesarias para las calles 6, 10 y 14. De igual forma se aumentaron los estándares de diseño para garantizar que nuestra infraestructura isla-ciudad tome en cuenta el cambio climático y la elevación del nivel del mar. Conozca más sobre las estaciones de bombeo de aguas pluviales y nuestros esfuerzos de resiliencia actuales en las siguientes páginas.
The revitalization plans for North Beach are underway and we are enthusiastic with the neighborhood’s response. Over 200 residents have attended the two community meetings in North Beach. We look forward to increasing the profile of this neighborhood, both as a residential and business community.
Los planes de renovación de North Beach están en ejecución y estamos entusiasmados con la respuesta del vecindario. Más de 200 residentes han asistido a las dos asambleas comunitarias realizadas en North Beach. Esperamos aumentar el perfil de este vecindario, tanto en el aspecto residencial como en el empresarial.
To see how we fared in last year’s community priorities, take a look at our 2013 progress report on page 18. Thank you for your support as we continue to make Miami Beach the premier place to live, learn, work and play.
Para saber cómo hemos actuado en lo concerniente a las prioridades de la comunidad del año pasado, échele un vistazo a nuestro informe de avances en 2013 en la página 18. Gracias por su respaldo en nuestro empeño continuo por hacer de Miami Beach un lugar de excelencia para vivir, aprender, trabajar y divertirse.
2,741 NEW SPOTS WAITING FOR YOU Miami Beach recently opened new municipal garages for your parking convenience. Sunset Harbour Garage, 460 spots Pennsylvania Avenue (17 Street), 550 spots City Hall (18 Street & Meridian Avenue), 650 spots 5 Street & Alton Road, 1,081 spots For a listing of additional parking spots, visit miamibeachfl.gov/parking
Download the recently launched ParkMe App Pay by Phone Coming Soon!
1755 Meridian Avenue | 305.673.PARK (7275) | miamibeachfl.gov/parking miamibeachfl.gov
As part of the civic pride campaign, Like2Love Miami Beach, the community was encouraged to participate in a poetry contest to help highlight everything that makes Miami Beach a great place to live, work and play. Judges and online voters weighed-in to select the winning entry. All poems submitted were hung on a Poet Tree at Lummus Park at 10 Street in February.
Como parte de la campaña de orgullo cívico, Like2Love Miami Beach, se propuso a la comunidad participar en un concurso de poesía para ayudar a destacar todo aquello que hace de Miami Beach un lugar maravilloso para vivir, trabajar y jugar. Mediante una combinación de jueces y votación en línea se seleccionó el poema ganador. Todos los poemas enviados fueron colgados en un Árbol Poético en Lummus Park en 10 Street en febrero.
UNTITLED, Phyllis Barash I like to love Miami Beach Museums and cafes within easy reach I can stroll in the spell of the tropical heat Delight in the charm of each Art Deco street Concerts, theater and ballet to see Miami Beach offers its treasures to me Sunrises appear in a magical way I fall more in love with life here every day.
2014 Upcoming Commission Meetings Reuniones de la Comisión Commission meetings are generally held monthly on Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. in the Commission Chambers, third floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, unless otherwise scheduled.
JUNE 11*
SEPT 17**
NOV 20**
APRIL 30**
JULY 23*
OCT 22*
MAY 21*
JULY 30**
OCT 29**
DEC 18**
MAY 28**
SEPT 10*
NOV 19*
*CM Commission Meeting **PAM Presentations & Awards Meeting
Live telecasts of the Commission meetings are closed captioned in English (CC) and Spanish (CC3).
Dr. Stanley Sutnick Citizen’s Forum 8:30 a.m. — 9 a.m. & 2:30 p.m. — 3 p.m. Los Foros de los Ciudadanos de Dr. Stanley Sutnick son de 8:30 a.m. — 9 a.m. y 2:30 p.m. — 3 p.m.
Meetings Live and Replays Reuniones en Vivo y Repeticiones Watch MBTV ON
Atlantic Broadband Channels 77, 90 or 107.3 AT&T U-verse (99) On Demand at miamibeachfl.gov
Read to Learn
Leer para Aprender The City of Miami Beach has joined the Read to Learn Books for Free Initiative, whose goal is having all children in Miami-Dade County reading at or above grade-level by the third grade. Drop off new or gently used children’s book in the green donation bins at various city
facilities. Parents and kids with little or no access to books are encouraged to drop by the bookshelves at North Shore Park and Youth Center or Flamingo Park PAL building to pick up a book to take home and read together.
La Ciudad de Miami Beach se ha unido a la iniciativa de lectura Read to Learn Books for Free Initiative, cuya meta es estimular la lectura en todos los niños hasta tercer grado de Miami-Dade County para alcanzar el nivel promedio de su grado o superior. Lleve sus libros infantiles nuevos o poco usados a
los recipientes verdes de donación ubicados en distintos puntos de la ciudad. Se invita a los padres y los niños con escaso o ningún acceso a libros a acercarse a los estantes de North Shore Park & Youth Center o el edificio de Flamingo Park PAL para recoger un libro para llevar a casa y leer juntos.
If you are interested in organizing a book drive, adopting a bookshelf, or volunteering to sort the books or re-stock our shelves, please contact lissette.mendez@mdc.edu or 305.237.7418.
All Aboard! There is a new, free trolley transportation service for Alton Road and West Avenue. The Alton West loop route travels from Fifth Street to Lincoln Road, along Alton Road and West Avenue, with 21 stops along the way. The service runs approximately every 10 minutes from 8 a.m. to midnight, Monday through Sunday. The trolley also has an external bike rack and free WiFi.
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s in it s r ride
¡Todos a Bordo! Se ha inaugurado un nuevo servicio de transporte en tranvía gratuito para Alton Road y West Avenue. La ruta circular de Alton West recorre desde Fifth Street hasta Lincoln Road, a lo largo de Alton Road y West Avenue, con 21 paradas en todo el recorrido. El servicio opera aproximadamente cada 10 minutos, entre las 8 a.m. y la medianoche, de lunes a domingo. El tranvía también tiene una parrilla externa para bicicletas y conexión WiFi gratuita. Four hours of free parking on Fifth & Alton garage with the use of a trolley voucher. Download the Alton West trolley service app TSO Miami Beach Trolley on your Apple or Android mobile phone for real-time trolley arrival information. Cuatro horas de estacionamiento gratuito en el garaje 5 & Alton con el uso de un vale del trolley. Descargue la aplicación TSO Miami Beach Trolley en su teléfono celular Apple o Android para saber en tiempo real la llegada del próximo autobús de la ruta Alton West. DiscoverAltonRoad.com / DiscoverWestAvenue.com 8
MB magazine | Spring 2014
. onth m t firs
Doing the Right Thing! In the spirit of spreading goodwill, enhancing morale, and ultimately achieving code compliance, members of the Miami Beach Code Compliance, Public Works, Sanitation and Parks and Recreation departments assisted a disabled Miami Beach woman with her property maintenance. Through employee efforts, materials and labor were donated and the painting permit fees were waived. On one rainy Saturday morning, volunteers’ pressure cleaned, scraped and painted the singlefamily residence and its perimeter fence. The lawn was mowed, landscaping was trimmed back and the yard was cleared of all debris.
¡Hacer lo Correcto! En el espíritu de repartir buena voluntad, aumentar la moral y sobre todo cumplir con las regulaciones, los miembros de la división de Cumplimiento del Código, Obras Públicas, Sanidad y Parques y Recreación asistieron a una mujer discapacitada de Miami Beach con el mantenimiento de su propiedad. Mediante el esfuerzo de los empleados, se donaron materiales y mano de obra y se exoneraron los cargos por permisos para pintura. Un lluvioso sábado en la mañana, los voluntarios removieron pintura a presión y con raspado y pintaron de nuevo la residencia unifamiliar y el cercado perimetral. Cortaron el césped, recortaron el jardín y el patio quedó libre de desechos.
Beau Ideal Editions
A Plot of
By Melissa Berthier Miami Beach condo and apartment dwellers looking for a plot of land to grow vegetables, herbs, fruits or flowers can join one of three, thriving Miami Beach community gardens year-round. “I live in a high-rise condo with a balcony that gets no sun,” said Laura Lafata, a Miami Beach resident and WHERE DO OUR GARDENS GROW? Joseph Villari Victory Garden southbeachvictorygarden@gmail.com Pine Tree Park Community Garden pinetreeparkcommunitygarden@gmail.com North Beach Community Garden nobegarden@gmail.com
10 MB magazine | Spring 2014
on our Island City community gardener who also operates a culinary business. “My whole strategy is to grow things that I cannot easily get at the grocery store or farmer’s market.” Lafata’s plot includes Vietnamese coriander, lemon thyme, chervil, rainbow chard, yukina savoy and edible flowers. The gardens are self-managed by community volunteers and available plots are open to all Miami Beach 226 Collins Ave residents. Since each 4401 Pine Tree Dr garden is run by its members, 7350 Dickens Ave their policies
differ slightly, but all fees and requirements are minimal. For example, the North Beach Community Garden requires a $5 annual fee, a commitment to keep up with the assigned plot and surrounding area, six hours of community service per year, adherence to the all-organic, community/shared space nature of the garden, and the maintenance of an active garden status (2/3 of plot planted with non-perennial food plants for at least nine months of the year). Beyond providing nutritious food, the community gardens have improved countless of
resident lives by stimulating social interaction, encouraging self-reliance, beautifying neighborhoods, reducing family food budgets and creating opportunities for exercise and education. “It’s very therapeutic to get away from work and come to a facility like this to relax and grow seeds. And most of all, meet people,” added Bruce Carrington, member of the Joseph Villari Victory Garden in South Beach. Urban gardening is much more than just the harvest. It is about growing relationships and friendships.
Una Parcela del Edén en Nuestra Ciudad Isla Quienes viven en condominios y apartamentos en Miami Beach y buscan una parcela de tierra para cultivar hortalizas, hierbas, frutas o flores pueden integrarse a una de las tres huertas comunitarias que crecen en Miami Beach a lo largo del año. “Vivo en el piso alto de un condominio y el balcón no recibe sol” dice Laura Lafata, horticultora de la comunidad de Miami Beach. Ella trabaja en el campo de la culinaria y dice: “Mi principal estrategia consiste en cultivar plantas que no puedo obtener fácilmente en una tienda de víveres ni en un mercado de agricultores,” La
parcela de Lafata tiene plantas como cilantro vietnamita, tomillo limón, perifollo, acelgas arco iris, espinaca japonesa (yukina savoy) y flores comestibles. Las huertas son autogestionadas por voluntarios de la comunidad y hay parcelas a disposición de todos los residentes de Miami Beach. Como cada parcela es administrada por sus integrantes, sus políticas difieren ligeramente, pero toda las tarifas y requisitos son mínimos. Por ejemplo, en la Huerta Comunitaria de North Beach
se requiere una tarifa anual de $5, el compromiso de mantener la parcela asignada y su área circundante, seis horas de servicio comunitario al año, adherencia a la política de todo orgánico, compartir comunitariamente un espacio natural de la huerta y mantener una huerta activa (durante al menos nueve meses del año 2/3 de la parcela debe tener plantas alimenticias perecederas). Además de producir alimentos nutritivos, las huertas comunitarias han contribuido a mejorar la vida de muchos residentes al estimular la interacción social, fomentar la
autoconfianza, embellecer los vecindarios, reducir los gastos familiares en alimentos y crear oportunidades para el ejercicio y la educación. “Resulta muy terapéutico distanciarse del trabajo y venir a un lugar como este para relajarse y cultivar plantas. Y lo más importante, conocer a otras personas,” afirma Bruce Carrington, integrante de Joseph Villari Victory Garden en South Beach. La horticultura urbana es mucho más que simplemente cosechar. Tiene que ver con cultivar relaciones y amistades.
miamibeachfl.gov 11
Why does it occasionally flood on sunny days in Miami Beach? The answer to that lies with the tides. Twice a year, in the spring and the fall, the moon’s gravitational pull gets strong enough to make the tides higher than usual and causes an “astronomical high tide.” Exacerbated by sea level rise, these high tides enter through our stormwater system and make it difficult to drain city streets by gravity alone. The City of Miami Beach is working diligently to address existing flooding concerns by exploring both short-term and long-term solutions. “Miami Beach is taking a comprehensive and proactive approach to flood and sea level rise mitigation to ensure that a high-quality of life, for residents and visitors alike, is maintained for many more decades to come,” said Miami Beach
Mayor Philip Levine. “We are putting into motion a new set of guidelines and modifying design criteria to solve the problems we encounter today and in the foreseeable future, which take into account sea level rise and climate change.” Gravity-based stormwater infrastructure will be upgraded with tidal control valves, pump stations and other innovative structures to improve drainage. Tidal control valves are an effective solution to the city’s flooding concerns because they block seawater from coming up through the stormwater system. Pump stations are equally vital because they quickly expel rainwater from urban areas, even during elevated tidal or water table levels. These ongoing drainage projects are expected to provide short-term flooding relief citywide.
The City Commission recently formed a Flooding Mitigation Committee to develop more long-term solutions to flooding, such as design criteria for new stormwater projects that take into account sea level rise and astronomical tides. Similarly, a Blue Ribbon Panel Taskforce for Flooding Mitigation, composed of Miami Beach residents, was created to oversee the city’s response to flooding and to assist with the implementation of a comprehensive flood management plan. In addition to flood mitigation, natural and engineering solutions to sea level rise are being explored. Miami Beach’s upcoming citywide dune restoration project will restore the health of the coastal dunes that provide storm surge and erosion protection to upland properties. The city is also developing a strategy for upgrading public
and private seawalls to further protect the infrastructure. “We will all participate, along with the rest of the world, to begin to deal with the longterm effects of climate change,” added Scott Robins, Miami Beach resident and chair of the Blue Ribbon Taskforce for Flooding Mitigation. “One thing I am certain of is that the process begins here and that Miami Beach, once again, is going to lead the way.” For more information, visit www.miamibeachfl.gov/ green.
By Ariel Moger
STAYING 12 MB magazine | Spring 2014
PERMANECIENDO ENCIMA DEL AGUA ¿Por qué a veces ocurren inundaciones en Miami Beach en días soleados? La respuesta se encuentra en las mareas. Dos veces al año, en primavera y otoño, la fuerza gravitacional de la luna se hace tan potente que las mareas crecen más de lo habitual y se produce una “pleamar astronómica.” Exacerbadas por este aumento en el nivel del mar, estas mareas altas entran a nuestro sistema de aguas pluviales y dificultan el desagüe de las calles de la ciudad por gravedad solamente. La ciudad de Miami Beach está trabajando con diligencia para resolver los problemas existentes con las inundaciones mediante el análisis de soluciones tanto a corto plazo como a largo plazo. “Miami beach ha adoptado un enfoque integral y proactivo con respecto a las inundaciones y la mitigación del aumento del nivel del mar a fin de garantizar un grado alto de calidad de vida para residentes y visitantes
por igual, por muchas más décadas por venir,” afirmó Philip Levine, alcalde de miami beach. “Estamos implementando un nuevo conjunto de lineamientos y modificando los criterios de diseño para resolver los problemas que afrontamos hoy día y en el futuro previsible, que toman en consideración el aumento del nivel del mar y el cambio climático.” Se actualizará la infraestructura de aguas pluviales basada en gravedad mediante la instalación de válvulas de control de mareas, estaciones de bombeo y otras estructuras innovadoras para mejorar el desagüe. Las válvulas de control de mareas son una solución efectiva para las inquietudes de la ciudad con respecto a las inundaciones porque impiden que el agua de mar ingrese al sistema de aguas pluviales. Las estaciones de bombeo son igualmente vitales porque desvían rápidamente el agua de lluvia fuera de las áreas urbanas,
incluso cuando hay niveles altos por las mareas o la capa freática. Se espera que estos proyectos continuos de desagüe proporcionen alivio a corto plazo en toda la ciudad en caso de inundación. La comisión de la ciudad recientemente creó un comité de mitigación de inundaciones que elaborará soluciones a más largo plazo para las inundaciones, tales como los criterios de diseño para nuevos proyectos de agua pluviales que tomen en cuenta el aumento del nivel del mar y las mareas astronómicas. Asimismo, se creó un grupo de trabajo con especialistas en mitigación de inundaciones (Blue Ribbon Panel Taskforce for Flooding Mitigation), integrado por residentes de Miami Beach con la finalidad de supervisar la respuesta de la ciudad ante las inundaciones y colaborar con la implementación de un plan integral de manejo de inundaciones.
Además de la mitigación de las inundaciones, se están estudiando soluciones naturales y de ingeniería para el aumento del nivel del mar. El venidero proyecto de restauración de dunas de miami beach restablecerá la salud de las dunas costeras que brindan protección contra el oleaje causado por tormentas y contra la erosión para las propiedades en tierras altas. La ciudad también está elaborando una estrategia para mejorar los diques públicos y privados a fin de proteger aún más la infraestructura. “Todos participaremos, junto con el resto del mundo, para comenzar a manejar los efectos a largo plazo del cambio climático,” agregó Scott Robins, residente de Miami Beach y presidente del grupo de trabajo Blue Ribbon Taskforce for Flooding Mitigation. “Tengo la certeza de que el proceso comienza aquí y que Miami Beach, una vez más, va a indicar el camino a seguir.”
G ABOVE miamibeachfl.gov
Walk in Progress:
Camino en Progreso By Melissa Berthier
Historically important, richly vibrant and home to many of our residents, the Collins Park neighborhood houses an array of culturally significant buildings, including the Carl Fisher Clubhouse, Miami Beach Botanical Garden, Holocaust Memorial, Miami City Ballet and the Bass Museum of Art. Taking advantage of their premium locale, the Collins Park Neighborhood Association (CPNA) has launched an ArtScape on the first Friday of every month starting at 6 p.m. It is their hope that residents and visitors-alike can experience their diverse community and culture in-action. “Many neighborhoods have an art walk, but we want it to be more than a walk—we want it to be an escape to art,” noted Ray Breslin, president of CPNA, who has
Painting by Alex Garcia 14 MB magazine | Spring 2014
spearheaded creating the Collins Park ArtScape event. The walk includes galleries, hotels and restaurants west of Collins Avenue and several that border or are on Liberty Avenue, coined as “the new art street of Collins Park” by CPNA. “We will constantly be adding to the event to make it bigger and more exciting,” added Breslin. The Collins Park neighborhood also prides itself on their pedestrian and non-motorized vehicle friendliness. So, park your car at 21 Street and Collins Avenue, take the South Beach Local (there are two bus stops in Collins Park) or grab a Deco Bike to enjoy everything this trendy arts neighborhood has to offer. For more information, visit collinspark.us.
Históricamente importante, muy vibrante y hogar de muchos de nuestros residentes, el vecindario de Collins Park alberga una amplia gama de edificios significativos culturalmente, entre ellos Carl Fisher Clubhouse, Miami Beach Botanical Garden, Holocaust Memorial, Miami City Ballet y Bass Museum of Art. Aprovechando su privilegiada localización, la Asociación de Vecinos de Collins Park (Collins Park Neighborhood Association, CPNA) ha lanzado el evento ArtScape el primer viernes de cada mes a partir de las 6 p.m. Se espera que residentes y visitantes puedan experimentar la diversidad de su comunidad y la cultura en acción. “Muchos vecindarios tienen arte en espacios públicos, pero nosotros queremos que sea más que un área para caminar, queremos que sea un escape hacia el arte,” afirma Ray Breslin, presidente de
CPNA, quien ha encabezado la creación del evento ArtScape de Collins Park. El recorrido incluye galerías, hoteles y restaurantes al occidente de Collins Avenue, y algunos que colindan con o que están en Liberty Avenue, bautizada por la CPNA como “la nueva calle del arte de Collins Park.” “Constantemente sumaremos más actividades al evento para que tenga más cobertura y sea más emocionante,” explicó Breslin. El vecindario de Collins Park también se enorgullece de sus carriles preferenciales para peatones y para vehículos no motorizados. Así que usted puede parquear en la Calle 21 con Collins Avenue, tomar el South Beach Local (hay dos paradas de autobús en Collins Park) o tomar una Deco Bike para disfrutar de todo lo que este vecindario amigo del arte tiene para ofrecerle. Para obtener más información, visite el sitio collinspark.us.
INTERNATIONAL JAZZ DAY APRIL 30 at 7:30 PM | COLLINS PARK The renowned, Grammy Award winning Will Calhoun and his Trio will debut a new piece honoring the El Anatsui exhibit at the Bass Museum of Art. Local jazz star Mike Orta will also perform.
FOOD TRUCK & MUSIC FEST FOURTH WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH | 5 PM North Shore Bandshell Ocean Terrace • Collins Ave & 72 St
SOUNDSCAPE CINEMA SERIES EVERY WEDNESDAY THROUGH MAY 28 | 8 PM ExoStage at Miami Beach SoundScape • 500 17 St Free movies presented generously by the Marilyn & Edward Gadinsky Charitable Foundation.
April 18 - 20
April 23 - May 18
May 3 - 10
May 4
May 13 - 18
May 16
May 22 - June 8
May 27 - June 1
May 31
June 6 & 7
June 12 - July 6
June 18 - July 2
TICKETS: 305.949.6722 • arshtcenter.org BOOK A GROUP & SAVE! 786.468.2326 OR GROUPSALES@ARSHTCENTER.ORG
Convenient parking is plentiful! Info: arshtcenter.org/parking
Friend, fan, follow for news, discounts and inside scoop!
City of Miami Beach Arts in the Parks Presents
Will Calhoun Trio International Jazz Day
Opening Act Araya-Orta Quartet
Wednesday, April 30 7:30 PM
Collins Park 2100 Collins Avenue www.mbculture.com
JOURNEY TO TRAVESÍA A LA EXCELENCIA By Dr. Leslie D. Rosenfeld The City of Miami Beach is committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. Miami Beach’s vision is to be: • Cleaner and Safer; • Beautiful and Vibrant • A Unique Urban and Historic Environment • A Mature, Stable, Residential Community with Well Improved Infrastructure • A Cultural, Entertainment Tourism Capital and an International Center for Innovation and Business; While Maximizing Value to Our Community for the Tax Dollars Paid. By using performance measurements to gauge how well your city government is managing resources and delivering services, many areas in the city have seen improvements since the strategic plan was first charted in 2005.
Overall, all past survey results demonstrate favorable reviews from the community, noting Miami Beach as an “excellent’ or “good” place to live, work, play or visit. Taking the last survey results from 2012, a substantial number of services received positive ratings from residents and businesses, ranging from 70 percent to 90 percent. “It’s an exciting time to live in Miami Beach. Since I took this position one year ago, I have demanded accountability across every department and have committed to consistently improving city services,” said Miami Beach City Manager Jimmy L. Morales. Key intended outcomes (KIOs) are established as multi-year priorities, while citywide initiatives that are more specific are updated annually. The KIOs in this report were previously established. Last month, City Commission adopted new priorities, which will be reflected in future reports.
• Más limpia y segura • Hermosa y vibrante • Un entorno urbano e histórico único • Una comunidad residencial estable y madura, con una infraestructura con grandes mejoras • Una capital turística para la cultura y el entretenimiento y un centro internacional que propicia la innovación y los negocios A la vez que llevamos al máximo el valor de nuestra comunidad por cada dólar pagado en impuestos. Mediante el uso de mediciones de desempeño para evaluar la gestión de los recursos y la prestación de servicios por parte del gobierno municipal muchas áreas de la ciudad han visto mejoras desde que se implementó por primera vez el plan estratégico en 2005.
Uno de esos instrumentos de medición es nuestra encuesta de satisfacción de la comunidad. En marzo pasado, la ciudad realizó su quinto conjunto de encuestas integrales con validez One of such measurement tools is estadística de satisfacción de la Through the annual budget process, comunidad, en el que participaron the community satisfaction resources are allocated in support survey. This past March, the aproximadamente 1,800 residentes y of these strategic priorities and city conducted its fifth set of 900 empresas. Mediante las encuestas performance is monitored to track comprehensive statistically valid de la comunidad se conocen los puntos community satisfaction surveys, with progress and make adjustments. de vista de los residentes con respecto approximately 1,800 residents and Here’s Miami Beach’s progress report a la calidad de vida, los servicios 900 businesses participating. The municipales y los impuestos, e se community surveys provide resident from fiscal year 2012/2013 (FY13). identifican los principales factores para input on quality of life, city services, las mejoras. Los resultados estarán listos and taxes; and to identify key drivers La Ciudad de Miami Beach para mediados del verano. for improvement. Results will be tiene el compromiso de brindar En general, los resultados de encuestas made available by mid-summer. excelencia en los servicios públicos y anteriores han arrojado opiniones la seguridad a todos los que habitan, favorables de la comunidad y Miami trabajan y disfrutan en nuestra vibrante comunidad histórica tropical. Beach ha sido calificada como un lugar “excelente” o “bueno” para Según la visión, Miami Beach ha vivir, trabajar o visitar. Al tomar de ser:
18 MB magazine | Spring 2014
los resultados de la última encuesta de 2012, un número considerable de servicios recibieron calificaciones positivas de los residentes y las empresas que oscilaban entre el 70 y el 90 por ciento. “Es una época emocionante para vivir en Miami Beach. Desde que asumí este cargo hace un año, he exigido rendición de cuentas en todos los departamentos y me he comprometido a mejorar constantemente los servicios municipales,” expresó el Administrador de Miami Beach Jimmy L. Morales. Los resultados principales esperados (KIO, por sus siglas en inglés) se establecen como prioridades para varios años, mientras que las iniciativas para toda la ciudad que sean más específicas se actualizan anualmente. Los KIO de este informe han estado previamente establecidos. El mes pasado, la Comisión adopto nuevas prioridades, que estaran reflejados en informes futuros. Mediante el proceso presupuestario anual se asignan recursos para respaldar estas prioridades estratégicas y se monitorea el desempeño para hacer seguimiento del progreso y hacer los ajustes que sean necesarios. Aquí esta el informe de progreso del año fiscal 2012/2013 (FY13) de Miami Beach.
EXCELLENCE • CLEANER & SAFER • Key Intended Outcomes • Increase visibility of police • Maintain crime rates at or below national trends • Improve cleanliness of Miami Beach rights of way especially in business areas • Improve cleanliness of city beaches
the FBI estimated that there was a .08 percent decrease in total crimes in 2012, when compared to the prior calendar year (CY). Miami Beach’s crime rate is slightly below the latest total nationwide, as reported by the FBI in 2012.
and residential areas. Moreover, this year, additional funding was included for the creation of a new “Green Team” in Code Compliance to provide a higher level of regulation of commercial grease traps in the city.
The past four Crime and Enforcement Activity resident surveys have confirmed Crimes & Enforcement 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 that safety is one of the top quality Violent Crimes 997 1,070 1,159 1,085 1,000 1,014 940 865 825 847 899 of life factors Forced Sex Offenses 80 102 88 88 115 58 50 41 39 40 42 for residents. Furthermore, Property Crimes 9,313 9,438 9,164 8,121 7,582 7,805 8,215 8,439 8,743 9,585 9,028 increasing the Total Part 1 Crimes 10,390 10,610 10,411 9,294 8,697 8,877 9,205 9,345 9,607 10,472 9,969 visibility of police in neighborhoods is identified as one of the most important areas for the Cleanliness continues to be a The city administration uses a city to address to improve public priority service area for residents quantitative index to assess the safety. and businesses. In past surveys, it impact of these efforts and results was cited as the most important have shown significant overall Recent trends reflect a decrease in service to retain. Sanitation improvement. In FY13, 89.1 Part I crimes and in 2012 Miami services that were implemented percent of public areas citywide Beach experienced a decline (4.8 in recent years are maintained for were rated as clean or very clean percent) in total violent crimes commercial and entertainment as compared to 65.2 percent in FY and non-violent crimes combined, areas, alleys, parking lots, beaches, 2005/06. when compared to 2011. Non-violent crimes (which Percent include burglary, Cleanliness Index Score per Public Area Change larceny and auto from 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 Fiscal Year BASE FY theft) decreased 5.8 percent and violent Overall City Score 2.10 1.78 1.75 1.75 1.80 1.60 1.59 1.49 -29.0% crimes increased 6.1 percent, when Commercial 1.83 1.51 1.60 1.51 1.63 1.57 1.50 1.42 -22.4% compared to 2011. Non-Entertainment Of significance, Residential 2.01 1.63 1.64 1.68 1.65 1.51 1.43 1.32 -34.3% there has been a 10 percent decline in Commercial 1.95 1.64 1.75 1.79 1.77 1.63 1.57 1.42 -27.2% total violent crimes Non-Entertainment since 2002, in spite of the 40 percent Residential 2.14 1.74 1.75 1.77 1.71 1.59 1.42 1.31 -38.8% increase in daily population and City of Miami Beach 1.85 1.75 1.59 1.62 1.59 1.43 1.36 1.40 -24.3% special events since 2002. Nationwide, Miami-Dade County 1.93 1.91 1.70 1.61 1.63 1.48 1.42 1.46 -24.4% SIDEWALKS BEACHES
Target = 1.5 or less
1 extremely clean
2 clean
3 somewhat clean
4 somewhat dirty
5 dirty
% Change since
2002 -10% -48% -3% -4%
Percent Change from PRIOR FY
Percent Change from BEST FY
6 extremely dirty
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• BEAUTIFUL & VIBRANT • A UNIQUE URBAN & HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT • A MATURE, STABLE RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY • Being a Miami Beach resident allows you to take advantage of recreational programs and classes at a reduced rate. For example, residents participating in sport/specialty camps pay approximately 45 percent less than nonresidents. Summer day camp fees for residents are 32 percent less than non-residents. Furthermore, free access and reduced residential rates to the various pools has led to dramatic increases in usage year-round with a 98.7 percent increase overall since 2005.
Key Intended Outcomes • Ensure compliance with code within reasonable time frame • Ensure safety and appearance of building structures and sites • Maintain Miami Beach public areas & rights-of-way citywide • Protect historic building stock • Maintain strong growth management policies • Increase satisfaction with family recreational activities • Improve the lives of elderly residents • Enhance learning opportunities for youth • Reduce the number of homeless • Increase access to workforce or affordable housing • Promote and celebrate our city’s diversity
Program Registration & Participation REGISTRATION
Fiscal Year
After School
For the 2013-14 academic year, the city’s nurse initiative in partnership with neighboring municipalities, the Children’s Trust, Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce and many others, has provided a shared full-time registered nurse and three full-time medical assistants at underserved schools in our feeder pattern schools. Utilization of this city-funded service has exceeded expectations with over 80 percent % of students in Change all three schools since 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 having accessed the 2003 clinics.
Miami Beach Senior High is Athletics 1,018 940 1,020 1,253 1,442 2,087 2,080 1,573 1,810 1,743 1,841 81% authorized to teach the International Total 7,208 5,704 5,671 5,899 6,614 7,314 7,518 7,153 7,811 7,545 7,425 3% Baccalaureate Total Participation 4,884 5,476 5,764 5,067 5,540 5,419 5,454 12% (IB) Diploma Program as of Pool Attendance 65,437 66,000 79,135 119,800 161,176 145,337 141,524 160,456 157,227 138,005 128,852 97% fall 2010. As an Senior Scene Club 52 120 117 158 182 243 263 303 491 844% IB World School, approximately 82 Teen Participation 80 116 151 172 213 332 338 383 333 316% percent of those eligible in 2012 and 89 percent of those eligible in 2013 received the IB Diploma. Currently, there are 145 students Enforcement of code has improved compliance with the average number of in the ninth grade seeking the IB Diploma, a 418 percent increase since the days from complaint to compliance at an average of 36, compared to 40 in program inception. FY12. In fact, the rate of voluntary compliance has increased to 47 percent, The participation of seniors in city recreational programs has also increased a 17 percent improvement from the prior fiscal year. substantially. The number of participants in the Senior Scenes Club The maintenance and appearance of our residential neighborhoods and has increased by 62 percent in 2013, business districts continues to be a priority, with 45 percent when compared to 2012. And, senior of rights of ways having appropriate urban forest coverage, participation in city recreational programs Homeless Count an 8 percent increase since FY12. Additionally, preserving has increased by 66 percent in the same the historic building stock in the city has improved with time period. Calendar Year Miami Beach Actuals 90.1 percent of buildings 40 years or older complying with Additionally, much has been recertification, an overall increase from the past several years. January 2005 239 accomplished to address homelessness The availability of quality recreation programs continues to in the last several years. Miami Beach’s January 2006 218 be one of the highest priorities for our community, including homeless census count declined from 239 January 2007 173 successful recreation programs for teens and seniors, and in January 2005 to 122 in January 2014. weekly classes in visual or performing arts in after school January 2008 98 program and summer camps. Recreational program ratings January 2009 141 remain stable at 85 percent satisfied/very satisfied in 2012 and are a valuable service for our community. January 2010 149 Summer Camps
January 2011
20 MB magazine | Spring 2014
January 2012
January 2013
January 2014
• WELL-IMPROVED INFRASTRUCTURE • Key Intended Outcomes • Enhance mobility throughout the city • Improve parking availability • Preserve our beaches • Ensure value and timely delivery of quality capital projects • Ensure well-maintained facilities • Maintain city’s infrastructure • Improve storm drainage citywide
Pedestrian and bicycle enhancements continue to provide alternatives to the large portion of the community who do not use a car as their primary mode of travel. The city currently has 523 bicycle racks citywide. Through DecoBike, a self-service bicycle rental program, there has been an increase in multi-modal mobility throughout the city with membership increasing by 21.6 percent and the number of trips increasing by 21.7 percent in CY13. The CarShare program has seen an average monthly usage of 200 rentals from January 2013 through December 2013, with a peak rental of 269 during the month of March 2013 alone. Parking availability also remains a priority, with parking at City Hall Garage (650 spaces); Fifth and Alton Garage (1,081 spaces); Pennsylvania Avenue Garage (550 spaces) and Sunset Harbor Garage (460 spaces).
• Sunset Islands I & II Neighborhood Improvements • City Center 9A – Historic District Area • City Center Wayfinding Signage • Flamingo Park Tennis Center • Sunset Harbour Parking Garage • Surface Lot 13X – “Green Lot” on 10 Street and Washington Avenue • Pine Tree Park shoreline restoration (includes kayak area)
Completed capital improvement projects are well received by the community and there are more to come. The percentage of capital improvement projects in FY13 on schedule during the planning phase, design phase and construction phase has improved significantly. In fact, 100 percent of capital projects were in use within 120 days of the construction schedule. One of the city’s most important economic assets is Lincoln Road. As such, a liaison position has been added to improve the management of Lincoln Road infrastructure and serve as a single point of contact with tenants and businesses.
New liaison position improves the management of • • Lincoln Road infrastructure.
The capital improvement program continues to be of significant importance. In the last fiscal year, completed projects include:
Percent of Calendar Year
Key Intended Outcomes • Maximize Miami Beach as a destination brand • Improve convention center facility • Diversify business base in Miami Beach • Improve building development related processes
Miami Beach’s business and tourism sectors are an integral part of the city as reflected in our vision statement. There has been a demonstrated significant improvement over the last three years including record increases in Resort Taxes, a 42 percent increase since 2010, and increases in parking department revenues and building development activity. Miami Beach Convention % Center occupancy in FY13 was 56 Change Hotel Occupancy | National and State Comparison percent, an 8.2 percent decline from since FY12 occupancy rates. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2003
United States
Miami-Dade County
Miami Beach
In response to improving building development processes, the average number of days for plans review was 15.3 days in FY13, an improvement from the prior year.
Average Daily Room Rate | National and State Comparison Calendar Year
United States
$109.98 $117.35
$103.64 $106.14
% Change since
$101.64 $106.10 $110.35
$117.00 $105.37 $104.06 $108.25 $113.14 $118.46
Miami-Dade County $105.24 $113.25 $126.27 $140.19 $158.15 $160.00 $140.73 $144.13 $152.95 $163.59 $176.66
$153.77 $171.70 $194.75 $163.76 $182.37 $201.30 $166.72 $198.09 $211.23 $227.19 $242.07
Miami Beach
*2008 data corrected in 2011.
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• MAXIMIZING VALUE TO OUR COMMUNITY FOR THE TAX DOLLARS PAID • Key Intended Outcomes • Maximize efficient delivery of services • Control costs of payroll including salary and fringes; minimize taxes; ensure expenditure trends are sustainable over the long term • Increase community satisfaction with city government “Value of City Services for Tax Dollars Paid” continues to impact perceptions by residents and businesses. Since 2005, when the city first began tracking resident and business perceptions regarding their value for tax dollars paid, there has been an improvement. The adopted General Fund operating budget is only seven percent more than in FY07, in spite of 16 percent growth in Consumer Price Index (CPI), 127 percent growth in pension costs, and many new facilities and projects coming on line. The adopted property tax levy is approximately $25 million less than in FY07. Benefits specifically for City of Miami Beach residents include: • Free “Arts in the Parks” series • Access to free cultural arts programs (theater, dance, music and visual arts) for children involved in after school and summer camps • Scholarship for recreational camps and leagues
• Free access to municipal pools on weekends and during non-programmed hours • Free general admission to our youth centers on weekends and during non-programmed hours • Free Learn-to-Swim programs for 3-to-4-year-old residents • Reduced resident rates for recreation programs • Free “family friendly” movies in the park • Free admission to museums on Miami Beach, including the Bass and Wolfsonian museums every day and the Jewish Museum on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays • Free access to the majority of our senior citizen programs and special populations programs, including several free dances that take place throughout the year • Free of charge play at the Par 3 golf course for all residents • Free crime analysis of residents’ homes by our Police Department Despite the dramatic impact of seven years of reductions due to property tax reform exacerbated by a dramatic downturn in property values and increases in pension costs, the city’s primary objective has been to preserve services and the many unique benefits provided to our residents.
• ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY • COMMUNICATIONS • CUSTOMER SERVICE & INTERNAL SUPPORT FUNCTIONS • Key Intended Outcomes • Enhance the environmental sustainability of the community • Enhance external and internal communications from and within the city • Improve processes through information technology • Expand e-government • Improve the overall financial health and maintain overall bond rating • Promote transparency of municipal operations • Strengthen internal controls • Attract and maintain a workforce of excellence Based on recommendations from the Sustainability Committee, a new recycling ordinance was passed. As a result of an extensive marketing and outreach campaign, there has been a 30 percent increase in the number of single-stream recycling contracts with multi-family residents and commercial establishments. The recycling campaign translated into 21 community events with 17,000 attendees in 2013. Additionally, the city is pursing grant funding for the development of a resiliency program to plan, develop, and promote policies related to longterm community resilience such as sustainable development and building, climate change impacts, environmental quality, green business growth and green infrastructure expansion. The city was selected in 2013 to participate in the RE.invest Website Visits Initiative program, which will help Miami Beach finance and build resilient and integrated miamibeachfl.gov urban stormwater infrastructure systems. Fiscal Year
Average per Month
22 MB magazine | Spring 2014
The electric car charging station located in the 13 Street garage has seen a 31.7 percent increase in energy consumption since installation in August 2012. In addition to green mobility initiatives such as DecoBike and CarShare, several other programs have been implemented to sustain the environment and address issues of concern to the community, including:
• Growing interest in bi-annual free household hazardous waste and paper shredding services • Opening of the Pine Tree Park kayak launch improving non-motorized watercraft access to Indian Creek • Collaboration with South Florida Climate Change Compact to proactively prepare for sea level rise and other climate change issues • Expanding recycling efforts in select public areas • Citywide recycling ordinance to increase the city’s commercial and multi-family recycling levels • Intensive recycling education and outreach campaign • Pilot electric car charging stations • Dune restoration and enhancement • Beach nourishment with the county • South Pointe lights converted to LED with recent right of way project A new city website design launched to improve navigation. The city has 86 processes and transactions available via the internet and four mobile applications to enhance city services, a 41 percent increase since 2007. As new technology sources emerge, the availability of city services and processes will continue to improve. Despite the challenges in the economy, the city has maintained its reserves and the current bond rating from Moody’s at Aa2 and Standard & Poor’s (S&P) at AA- remains strong. To promote transparency of city operations and strengthen internal controls, all expenditures and Commission committee referrals, and internal audit and performance improvement reports are posted online. Additional internal controls include a review/audit of one area of the city’s operations per year, restructuring of the internal affairs division in the Police Department, and the installation of an Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL) in many city vehicles. As the journey to excellence continues, the City Commission and administration remains focused on its strategic priorities, and is committed to delivering outstanding, enhanced services to our residents, businesses and visitors.
Evalue Nuestro Servicio As we strive to improve customer service across all City of Miami Beach departments, we need your help in meeting our goal of consistently delivering excellent service. Our customer service standards help guide our efforts each day; however, without feedback from you, we are unable to reach our goal. In the upcoming months, we will be launching a community transaction customer satisfaction survey via email that will measure service level received when you contact city departments. By providing your email address to our team members, we will send you a two-minute survey from surveys@webhost.snapsurveys. com with questions directly aligned to our service of excellence standards. We appreciate your feedback and support as we monitor and continue to improve customer service. Questions regarding the email survey? Contact the Office of Organization Development Performance Initiatives at 305.673.7020.
En nuestro empeño por mejorar nuestro servicio al cliente en todos los departamentos de la Ciudad de Miami Beach, necesitamos su ayuda para cumplir nuestra meta de prestar un servicio excelente de forma constante. Nuestros estándares de servicio al cliente nos permiten orientar nuestros esfuerzos cada día; no obstante, sin la opinión suya, no podemos lograr nuestra meta. En los próximos meses, la ciudad lanzará una encuesta de satisfacción del cliente sobre transacciones comunitarias por correo electrónico con la finalidad de medir el nivel de servicio recibido cuando usted se comunica con los departamentos municipales. Al suministrar su correo electrónico a nuestro equipo, le enviaremos una encuesta de dos minutos desde la cuenta surveys@webhost.snapsurveys.com con preguntas directamente relacionadas con nuestro servicio de estándares de excelencia. Apreciamos su opinión y su apoyo mientras monitoreamos y seguimos mejorando nuestro servicio al cliente. ¿Tiene preguntas sobre la encuesta por correo electrónico? Comuníquese con la oficina de Iniciativas de Desempeño de Desarrollo Organizacional al 305.673.7020.
www.naomipreston.com naomi@naomipreston.com REALTOR®
New Plans for Convention Center • Nuevos Planes para el Centro de Convenciones Due to many considerations, the City Commission unanimously directed the administration in January to start over and expedite new plans to renovate the Miami Beach Convention Center. New proposals were received and evaluated in March for solely the renovation of the convention center, decoupling the development of a hotel from the original proposal. The City Commission will hold a special meeting on April 9 to take the process to the next step. Additionally, the city is identifying potential sites for a convention center hotel under a separate, but concurrent process. This new directive will expedite the renovation of the Miami Beach Convention Center since it can move forward without a referendum.
En vista de numerosas consideraciones, en enero la Comisión Municipal decidió unánimemente girar instrucciones a la administración para recomenzar y agilizar planes nuevos para renovar el Centro de Convenciones de Miami Beach. Se recibieron nuevas propuestas y fueron evaluadas en marzo, únicamente para la renovación del centro de convenciones, tras desvincular el desarrollo de un hotel de la propuesta original. La Comisión Municipal tendrán una reunión el 9 de abril para llevar el proceso al siguiente paso. Adicionalmente, la ciudad está en la búsqueda de sitios potenciales donde construir un hotel para el centro de convenciones bajo un proceso separado, pero concurrente. Esta nueva instrucción sin duda agilizará la renovación del Centro de Convenciones de Miami Beach puesto que puede avanzar sin necesidad de realizar un referendo.
North Beach Revitalization • Revitalización de North Beach In an effort to enhance the economy, livability and quality of life in North Beach, the city launched a new initiative to create a North Beach Economic Development and Revitalization Strategy. Led by the city’s Economic Development Division, a comprehensive plan outlining a vision for the area is being created to guide future decision making regarding North Beach. Public meetings have been held to engage residents, business owners and property owners in the project and to solicit attendee’s vision for North Beach. Input was well received on a wide-spectrum of issues, including transportation, housing, parking, public safety, parks and open space, desired businesses and methods to attract such businesses. The final North Beach Economic Development and Revitalization Strategy is expected to be ready for review by mid-summer for Commission approval.
En un esfuerzo por mejorar la economía, la habitabilidad y la calidad de vida en North Beach, la ciudad lanzó una nueva iniciativa para crear la Estrategia para el Desarrollo Económico y Revitalización de North Beach. Bajo la dirección de la División de Desarrollo Económico de la ciudad, se está elaborando un plan integral que plantee una visión para el área a fin de enmarcar las decisiones que se tomen en el futuro con respecto a North Beach. Se han llevado a cabo reuniones públicas para promover la participación en el proyecto de los residentes, empresarios y propietarios, además de solicitar la visión que tienen los asistentes de North Beach. Hubo buena receptividad para opiniones sobre variados temas, como el transporte, vivienda, estacionamiento, seguridad pública, parques y espacios abiertos, empresas deseadas y métodos para atraer dichas empresas. Se prevé que la versión final de la Estrategia para el Desarrollo Económico y Revitalización de North Beach esté lista a mediados del verano para someterla a revisión y posterior aprobación de la Comisión. Califique nuestro servicio.
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NEW HOME TO NORTH The revitalization of North Beach is a top priority of your city government. As such, Miami Beach Police recently reopened its North End Sub-Station (NESS), next door to Fire Station No. 4. This location accommodates many of the force’s resources, allowing the police department to serve the community better. Open around the clock, NESS houses the area captain, lieutenants, sergeants, a neighborhood resource officer and crime analyst. “It’s our hope that this sub-station will be a resource to everyone in the North Beach area,” said Mark Causey, NESS captain, Miami Beach Police. “Maintaining the highest level of quality of life for our residents, businesses and visitors is our top priority.” During normal workday hours, there is a public service aide at the front desk to assist residents and visitors with questions, concerns and police reports. A Boston Whaler vessel is docked in the rear of NESS to conduct water bound patrols and for emergency call deployments. Multiple all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are also posted at this location for the police officers to efficiently patrol North Beach and Open Space Park. Officers from NESS are often assigned to the business districts of North Beach, including Collins Avenue and the 71 Street/ Normandy Drive corridors, on both day and evening shifts. They are tasked with networking with all the businesses and maintaining high-visibility for citizens and visitors to feel the police presence and make it safe for all. These officers may be seen walking, on bike or driving a police vehicle. “It’s hard to turn a corner without seeing a police cruiser making their presence known. Nowadays, the police are not only trained to fight crime but are also trained on the importance to build lasting relationships in the community,” said Daniel Veitia, North Beach resident. “I can’t imagine a safer place to live.” The Miami Beach Police Animal Control Officer Mary Jomarron also calls NESS home. Under her watch, the ordinance of having dogs on leashes will be strictly enforced and citations will be issued for those not in compliance. Pooper scooper violations will also be applied on the boardwalk, parks and any other location requiring enforcement. “As to criminal activities, we have zero tolerance and will utilize every resource available to successfully handle any crime related matters,” added Captain Causey. NESS officers are also studying traffic patterns and complaints carefully within North Beach and making the necessary recommendations to the appropriate agencies to make the streets safer for pedestrians and cyclists.
26 MB magazine | Spring 2014
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NUEVA CASA PARA LA POLICÍA DE NORTH BEACH La renovación de North Beach es una prioridad mayor para el gobierno de su ciudad. En tal sentido, la Policía de Miami Beach recientemente volvió a abrir su subestación en el extremo norte (conocida como NESS), justo al lado de la Estación de Bomberos No. 4. Esta ubicación cuenta con muchos de los recursos de la fuerza policial, lo que permite que el departamento de policía atienda mejor a la comunidad. Abierta a toda hora, la subestación NESS alberga al capitán del área, tenientes, sargentos, un funcionario de recursos para el vecindario y un analista de criminalística. “Tenemos la esperanza de que esta subestación se convertirá en un recurso para todos en el área de North Beach,” expresó Mark Causey, capitán de la NESS de la Policía de Miami Beach. “Mantener el mayor nivel de calidad de vida para nuestros
Durante el horario diurno normal, hay un funcionario de servicio público en la recepción para ayudar a los residentes y visitantes que tengan preguntas, inquietudes o denuncias.
Están encargados de establecer vínculos con todas las empresas y mantener alta visibilidad a fin de que los ciudadanos y visitantes sientan presencia policial y haya mayor seguridad para todos. Estos funcionarios pueden desplazarse a pie, en bicicleta o en un vehículo policial.
En la parte posterior de la NESS está atracada una lancha Boston Whaler para realizar patrullaje marítimo y para maniobras de emergencia. También hay vehículos todo terreno (llamados ATV) apostados en esta subestación para que los funcionarios de policía puedan patrullar con eficacia el área de North Beach y Open Space Park.
“Es difícil dar vuelta a una esquina sin ver un coche de policía y notando su presencia. Hoy en día, la policía no sólo están entrenados para luchar contra el crimen, pero también son entrenados en la importancia de construir relaciones duraderas en la comunidad,” dijo Daniel Veitia, residente de North Beach. “No puedo imaginar un lugar más seguro para vivir.”
Se suelen asignar funcionarios de la NESS a los distritos comerciales de North Beach, incluidos Collins Avenue y los corredores de 71 Street/ Normandy Drive, en turnos tanto de día como de noche.
Mary Jomarron, funcionaria de Control Animal de la Policía de Miami Beach también está radicada en la subestación NESS. Bajo su supervisión, se aplicará rigurosamente la ordenanza de llevar a los
residentes, empresas y visitantes es nuestra principal prioridad.”
perros con correa y se emitirán citaciones para las personas que incumplan esta disposición. Asimismo se aplicarán sanciones en caso de violación de la regla sobre recogida de excrementos en el paseo marítimo, parques y demás sitios. “Con respecto a las actividades delictivas, tenemos tolerancia cero y haremos uso de cada recurso a nuestro alcance para resolver con éxito los asuntos relacionados con cualquier delito,” agregó el capitán Causey. Los funcionarios de la NESS también están estudiando exhaustivamente los patrones del tráfico y las quejas al respecto en el área de North Beach y están haciendo las recomendaciones necesarias a las entidades correspondientes para hacer las calles más seguras para peatones y ciclistas.
Miami Beach’s Public Safety Teams are Prepared You may have heard the bangs and seen the smoke and sirens around city center. It was just a drill. On March 5, local, state and federal agencies conducted a significant and comprehensive training exercise that involved several large-scale scenarios including Haz-Mat, S.W.A.T., bomb squads, forensics, maritime and aviation response.
28 MB magazine | Spring 2014
Equipos de Seguridad Pública de Miami Beach están Preparados Usted tal vez escucho las explosiones y vio el humo y las sirenas por el centro de la ciudad. Era sólo un simulacro. El 5 de marzo, las agencias locales, estatales y federales realizaron un ejercicio y entrenamiento significativo y extenso que involucró a varios escenarios a gran escala, incluyendo Haz-Mat, SWAT, escuadrones para las bombas, los médicos forenses, y la respuesta marítima y aérea.
SINCE YOU ASKED How can I set up a single-stream recycling program before enforcement begins on July 1, 2014?
Passed in 2012, the City of Miami Beach’s recycling ordinance mandates that all multi-family residences and commercial establishments provide a single-stream recycling program. After a twoyear education and outreach campaign, enforcement of the law will begin on July 1. Fines range from $350 to $5,000 for establishments that fail to provide a recycling program. In order to be in compliance and avoid fines, you should set up a single-stream recycling program with either a licensed recycling hauler or one of the franchisee waste haulers permitted to operate in the city. For more information on the recycling ordinance, please visit: www.miamibeachfl.gov/recycle. Single-stream recycling means that you do not have to separate recyclable materials (paper, plastic, metal) before placing them in the recycling bin. Contact your waste hauler today to learn more about single-stream recycling programs and how you can incorporate one into your waste services.
! w a L e h t s ’ It
The work being conducted north of the Julia Tuttle Causeway is mitigation for the Port of Miami Dredging Project. This area is being replanted with seagrass. The contractor has driven piles that will support turbidity curtains to decrease sedimentation on the newly planted seagrass beds. Seagrass is a keystone component to our coastal ecosystem, where they contribute to productivity, carbon budget, and sediment stability, as well as provide essential habitat to a large number of associated organisms. While more than 145,650 acres of seagrass were reported in Miami-Dade County in 1995, more than 11,000 acres had propeller scars and county residents and visitors are encouraged to help raise awareness about reducing impacts and preserving the delicate seagrass in the area.
¿Cómo puedo crear un programa de reciclaje de una sola fuente antes de que se haga obligatorio el 1 de julio de 2014? Las ordenanzas sobre reciclaje de la Ciudad de Miami Beach aprobadas en 2012 estipulan que todas las residencias multifamiliares y establecimientos comerciales ofrezcan un programa de reciclaje de una sola fuente. Después de una campaña de educación y difusión de dos años, la ciudad comenzará a aplicar la ley el 1 de julio. Las multan oscilan entre $350 y $5,000 para los establecimientos que no cumplan con ofrecer un programa de reciclaje. A fin de cumplir con la ley y evitar multas, debe crear un programa de reciclaje de una sola fuente ya sea con un transportista de reciclaje con licencia o una de las franquicias de transporte de residuos con permiso para operar en la ciudad. Para obtener más información sobre la ordenanza de reciclaje, visite el sitio web: www.miamibeachfl.gov/recycle. Reciclaje de una sola fuente significa que no es necesario separar los materiales reciclables (papel, plástico, metal) antes de colocarlos en el recipiente de reciclaje. Comuníquese con el transportista de residuos hoy mismo para conocer más sobre los programas de reciclaje de una sola fuente y cómo puede incorporar uno en sus servicios de recolección de residuos. Waste Management 305.471.4444 Progressive 305.638.3 800 Single-bin recycling Reciclaje de un solo rec ipiente
Residents living in multi-family buildings can also take thei r recyclable trash (no sorting necessary) to 75 Street + Dick ens Avenue (which also recycles electronics) and 210 Second Street.
Does anybody know what they are doing in the middle of Biscayne Bay, off the Tuttle?
Los residentes que viven en edificios multifamiliares tam bién pueden llevar su basura reci clable (clasificación no es necesa rio) para 75 Street + Dickens Avenue (que también recicla los electrón icos) y 210 Second Street.
¿Sabe alguien lo que están haciendo en medio de Biscayne Bay, cerca del Tuttle? Los trabajos que se están haciendo al norte de la carretera Julia Tuttle Causeway son obras de mitigación para el proyecto de dragada del Puerto de Miami (Port of Miami Dredging Project). En esta área se está replantando con pastos marinos. El contratista ha colocado pilotes hincados que sostendrán cortinas de turbidez a fin de reducir la sedimentación de los nuevos lechos de pastos marinos recién plantados. Los pastos marinos son un componente fundamental de nuestro ecosistema costero, ya que contribuyen con la productividad, el presupuesto de carbono y la estabilidad de sedimentos, además de proporcionar un hábitat esencial para un gran número de organismos asociados. Mientras se registraron más de 145,650 hectáreas de pastos marinos en el condado de Miami-Dade en el 1995, más de 11,000 hectáreas tenían cicatrices de hélices y se anima a los residentes del condado y los visitantes para ayudar a crear conciencia sobre la reducción de los impactos y de preservar el delicado pasto marino en esta área.
Helping Students Find Success On Their Terms By Talmage Thornhill
Summer Chance has been a student of Success University since August 2013. 30 MB magazine | Spring 2014
next generation próxima generACIÓn
Children have much to learn, but they also have a lot to offer. This fundamental belief is what inspired the City of Miami Beach’s Office of Community Services to create the Success University program for students that need extra help. “We start by recognizing what is great about a family and use that as the starting point for even greater things. It is about respecting the strengths, assets and values of each family before charting a course for personal success,” said Maria Ruiz, director, Housing and Community Development, City of Miami Beach. “No two families are alike, and neither are their life journeys.” Success University assists children, and their families, with all of their needs to ensure academic and personal success. The program is free and tailor-made to help families find solutions to their unique challenges, which may include academic concerns, questions about their future, school absenteeism, trouble paying the rent, disagreements at home, or a complex mixture of these experiences, among others. At the onset of the program, each family is matched with a care coordinator. This highly trained specialist listens to the family’s strengths, needs, and wants, and then works with them to develop an individualized “blueprint for success.” Every goal has specific steps and timelines to ensure achievement, which are set in
accordance with each family’s personal preferences. “Success University has been tremendous in helping my daughter schedule time management. They’ve been there to support us all the way, providing counseling, transportation, family meetings, tutoring, etc. Any kind of problem we have, we can call them,” said Kimberly Chance, Miami Beach resident. “They’ve really stood by the family and helped us out. The counselors and people who we talk to are very down to earth and non-judgmental.” Funded in part by The Children’s Trust, a dedicated source of revenue through Miami-Dade County to improve the lives of our children, Success University offers a wide variety of services to program participants, including tutoring, college advisement, counseling, youth employment, bus passes and more. If your child attends school on Miami Beach and you are looking for support, you may qualify for assistance from Success University. There are many issues that can deem your family eligible, including absenteeism, low grades, behavioral issues, family needs, and family history of concerns, among others. There are no income limits or restrictions with regard to legal status. Contact the Office of Community Services at 305.673.7491 to discuss eligibility and next steps.
AYUDANDO A LOS ESTUDIANTES A TRIUNFAR EN SUS PROPIOS TÉRMINOS Los niños tienen mucho por aprender, pero también tienen mucho para ofrecer. Esta es la idea fundamental en la que se basó la Oficina de Servicios Comunitarios para crear el programa la Universidad del Éxito (Success University) para estudiantes que necesitan ayuda adicional. “Empezamos por identificar lo que es admirable en una familia y lo utilizamos como punto de partida para realizaciones aún mayores. Se busca respetar las fortalezas, virtudes y valores de cada familia antes de trazar la ruta para su éxito,” afirma María Ruiz, Directora de Desarrollo Familiar y Comunitario (Housing and Community Development) de la Ciudad de Miami Beach. “No hay dos familias iguales ni tampoco dos caminos iguales en cuanto a la forma de vivir.” La Universidad para el Éxito ayuda a los niños y a sus familias con todo lo que necesiten para asegurar su éxito académico y personal. El programa es gratuito y está diseñado para ayudar a las familias a encontrar soluciones a sus desafíos específicos, lo que puede incluir, entre otras cosas, problemas académicos, preguntas sobre su futuro, ausentismo escolar, problemas para el pago de la renta, desacuerdos en el hogar o una compleja mezcla de todo esto. Al comienzo del programa, a cada familia se le asigna un coordinador de atención. Este especialista, altamente capacitado, escucha cuáles son las fortalezas de la familia, sus necesidades y expectativas, y luego trabaja con ellos para desarrollar un “plan individualizado para el éxito.” Cada meta tiene pasos y períodos de tiempo específicos para asegurar que se alcancen resultados,
los cuales se fijan de acuerdo con las preferencias de cada familia en particular. “La Universidad para el Éxito ha sido de gran ayuda para el manejo de los horarios de mi hija. Han estado ahí para que darnos apoyo en todo el proceso, asesorarnos, ayudarnos con el transporte, reuniones familiares, tutoría y más. Sea cual sea el tipo de problema que tengamos, podemos llamarlos,” dijo Kimberly Chance, residente de Miami Beach. “Ellos realmente han estado pendientes de la familia y nos han ayudado. Los consejeros y personas con las que hablamos tienen los pies en la tierra y no juzgan.” Financiada en parte por The Children’s Trust –una fuente de ingresos asignada a través del Condado de Miami-Dade para mejorar las vidas de nuestros niños– la Universidad para el Éxito ofrece una amplia variedad de servicios a los participantes del programa, incluyendo tutorías, asesoría para college, consultoría, empleo juvenil, pases de autobús y más. Si su hijo asiste a la escuela en Miami Beach y usted busca apoyo, es posible que califique para recibir ayuda de la Universidad para el Éxito. Hay muchos factores por los cuales su familia puede ser elegible, tales como ausentismo, bajas calificaciones, problemas de comportamiento, necesidades de la familia y antecedentes familiares de problemas, entre otros. No existen límites de ingresos ni restricciones con respecto a la situación legal. Póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Servicios Comunitarios llamando al 305.673.7491 para que hablemos sobre elegibilidad y pasos a seguir. miamibeachfl.gov 31
32 MB magazine | Spring 2014
next generation próxima generACIÓn
COMPACT UPDATE • EL PAQUETE EDUCATIVO Generation Genius Family Meet-Ups To improve youth literacy, Miami Beach supports the MDC Generation Genius Reads Book Club. Thousands of books are given away quarterly to children in pre-k, kindergarten and first grade. Registration for the program is free and available to parents of students in the aforementioned grades. Specially selected children’s books will be mailed quarterly to registered parents, along with an activity guide to supplement their reading. Book Club family meet-ups will feature storytelling and art-making activities that reinforce literacy skills at the following Miami Beach dates and locations from Noon to 1 p.m. For more information, visit www.thecenteratmdc.or/genius May 24 & August 23
North Shore Park & Youth Center | 501 72 ST
Mobile Pediatric Clinic The University of Miami Pediatric Mobile Clinic, in support of the City of Miami Beach Education Compact, will be visiting recreational facilities to provide comprehensive health care services free-of-charge to youth in our community who do not have medical insurance. 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. For an appointment, call 305.243.6407. April 25 & May 23
North Shore Park & Youth Center | 501 72 ST
MB Parent Program Take time to participate in an array of parent education workshops offered in partnership with Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ The Parent Academy. Learn more about improving your child’s organizational skills and community/curriculum connections at these informational workshops where you can enter a drawing from 4:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. at the following facilities and/or visit the informational booth outside open until 6 p.m.
Actividades promocionales de lectura y encuentros de familia con el Club del Libro Para mejorar sus habilidades de lectura, Miami Beach respalda el club para la promoción de la lectura en MDC, denominado Generation Genius Reads Book Club. Miles de libros son entregados trimestralmente a los niños de pre-kinder, kinder y primer grado. La inscripción en el programa es gratuita y está disponible para los padres de estudiantes de los grados mencionados. Libros infantiles especialmente seleccionados se enviarán trimestralmente a los padres registrados, junto con una guía de actividades para complementar su lectura. En los encuentros de familia con el Club del Libro (Book Club family meet-ups) habrá narración de cuentos y actividades de creación artística para reforzar las habilidades de lectura. Estos eventos se realizarán en Miami Beach en los lugares abajo indicados, desde el mediodía hasta la 1 p.m. Mayores informes en www.thecenteratmdc.or/genius Mayo 24 y Agosto 23
North Shore Park & Youth Center | 501 72 ST
Clínica Pediátrica Móvil En respaldo al Paquete Educativo de la Ciudad de Miami Beach, la Clínica Pediátrica Móvil de la Universidad de Miami (University of Miami Pediatric Mobile Clinic) visitará instalaciones recreativas para brindar gratuitamente servicios integrales de cuidados de la salud para niños de la comunidad que no tengan seguro médico. De 8:30 a.m. a 3 p.m.. Para programar una cita llame al 305.243.6407. Abril 25 y Mayo 23
North Shore Park & Youth Center | 501 72 ST
Programa para Padres de MB Programe su tiempo para participar en diversos talleres educativos para padres, ofrecidos en asocio con la Academia de Padres de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Miami-Dade. Aprenda más en estos talleres informativos sobre cómo mejorar las habilidades organizacionales y las conexiones comunitarias y curriculares del niño, y podrá participar en un sorteo de 4:45 p.m. a 5:15 p.m. en las siguientes instalaciones o visite el puesto de información instalado afuera hasta las 6 p.m.
April 8
North Shore Park & Youth Center | 501 72 Street KidCare and Other Health Resources
Abril 8
North Shore Park & Youth Center | 501 72 Street KidCare and Other Health Resources
May 6
Flamingo Park | 11 ST & Jefferson AV (PAL) Facilitating the Transition to Kindergarten, Middle, or High School
Mayo 6
Flamingo Park | 11 ST & Jefferson AV (PAL) Facilitating the Transition to Kindergarten, Middle, or High School
Seeking International Information Keep your Miami Beach public schools in mind as you travel abroad and help bring the world to our local students. Bring back brochures, maps, menus, etc. Contact your home school for more details. To learn more, visit miamibeachfl.gov and click on the Education tab.
Buscando Información Internacional Cuando viaje al extranjero piense en las escuelas públicas de Miami Beach y ayude a traer el mundo a nuestros estudiantes locales. Traiga folletos, mapas, menús y otros materiales. Póngase en contacto con su escuela para obtener más información.
Rainwater accumulates at the drainage structure and first makes it way to the detention box.
Las aguas pluviales se acumulan en las estructuras de desagüe y primero llegan a la caja de arresto.
DETENTION BOXES The detention box collects the stormwater and treats it before discharging it to the pump. La caja de detención recolecta las aguas pluviales y las trata antes de descargarlas hacia la bomba.
The water then goes into the pump, which pressurizes and moves the water through a valve box, into the vortex that separates any straggler solids from water and pushes it to the closest open body of water. Las aguas pluviales se acumulan en las estructuras de desagüe y primero llegan a la caja de arresto. La caja de detención recolecta las aguas pluviales y las trata antes de descargarlas hacia la bomba. Luego el agua pasa a la bomba, donde se presuriza el sistema y se mueve a una caja de válvula, adentro de la estructura vortex de remolino, donde se separa cualquier sólido y empuja el agua hacia el cuerpo de agua más cercano.
Miami Beach es una ciudad urbana en una isla que posee una población cercana a los 90,000 habitantes anuales y una economía pujante. Es por esta razón que estamos bombeando millones de dólares hacia la infraestructura, a fin de garantizar que la ciudad siga siendo viable en el futuro.
34 MB magazine | Spring 2014
En el centro de las discusiones con respecto al aumento del nivel de mar, Miami Beach ha establecido alianzas en el ámbito regional, nacional e internacional a fin de formular soluciones a las mareas crecientes. Este año, un panel de expertos designado por el Alcalde y la Comisión recomendaron con énfasis que se protejan todos los vecindarios de Miami Beach contra las
inundaciones mediante el uso de estaciones de bombeo en el lapso de los próximos cinco años. El enfoque municipal actual es usar estaciones de bombeo para recoger las aguas pluviales de las calles y carreteras y eliminar las inundaciones causadas por fluctuaciones de la marea. Está previsto instalar cincuenta y ocho estaciones de
bombeo nuevas en los próximos cinco años. Estas estructuras serán colocadas en todos los vecindarios para atender la recolección y eliminación de las aguas con rapidez y eficacia. Si bien se han instalado estaciones de bombeo en toda la ciudad desde 2005, estaban equipadas con pozos de inyección que enviaban el agua recolectada de vuelta
Pump It Out!
At the forefront of sea level rise discussions, Miami Beach has teamed up with regional, national and international partners to formulate solutions to rising tides. This year, an expert panel appointed by the Mayor and Commission strongly recommended that all neighborhoods in Miami Beach be protected from flooding by the use of pump stations within the next five years.
The newly established design criteria raises the amount of water that is processed by these pump stations by two feet, from 0.67 to 2.7 NAVD. It was raised to specifically address tidal fluctuations. • Un nuevo criterio fue establecido para aumentar la capacidad de agua que procesan estas estructuras, de 0.67 hasta 2.7 pies NAVD. El aumento fue establecido para integrar las fluctuaciones de
New design criteria for stormwater projects was also established, raising it by two feet from 0.67 to 2.7 NAVD.
Al avanzar y tomar en cuenta el aumento del nivel de mar, las nuevas estaciones de bombeo ahora descargarán el agua directamente en algún cuerpo de agua abierto, lo que hará más eficiente el manejo tanto de los fenómenos pluviales como de las fluctuaciones de las mareas.
By Maria Palacios
¡Bombeo Contra la Lluvia!
Miami Beach is an urban island city with a population of nearly 90,000 year-round residents and a booming economy. This is why millions of dollars are being pumped into infrastructure, ensuring that the city continues to be viable into the future.
al acuífero de Biscayne, pero solo atendían las inundaciones causadas por fenómenos pluviales mayores.
Se están incorporando los cambios en las estaciones de bombeo en todos los proyectos de construcción en la ciudad. Se les ha solicitado a los equipos de diseño que revisen sus planes actuales para las estaciones de bombeo para certificar que se tome en cuenta el aumento del nivel del mar y que estos sistemas de bombeo puedan ampliarse con facilidad en el futuro, en caso de que sea necesario.
Current city focus is to use pump stations to collect stormwater from roadways and eliminate flooding caused by tidal fluctuations. Fiftyeight new pump stations are
expected to be installed in the next five years. These structures will be placed throughout all neighborhoods to address the collection and disposal of water quickly and efficiently. Though several pump stations have been installed throughout the city since 2005, they were equipped with injection wells that placed the collected water back into the Biscayne Aquifer, yet only addressed flooding during major rain events. Moving forward and taking sea level rise into account, new pump stations will now discharge directly into any open body of water, making them much more efficient at addressing both rainfall events and tidal fluctuations. Changes to pump stations are making their way into all city construction projects. Design teams are being asked to revise their current plans for pump stations to certify that sea level rise is addressed and that these pump systems can be easily expanded in the future, if needed.
miamibeachfl.gov 35
Sara’s Homestay Quality Student Housing and Programs
Host international students coming to study English at private, local schools.
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36 MB magazine | Spring 2014
To find out more: apply online at www.sarahomestay.com call Stephen at 786.417.4543, or email stephen@sarahomestay.com.
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6/25/13 3:09 PM
hat looks like tennis, has the same court as badminton and is played with a ping-pong looking paddle? Pickleball, the new sports craze for all ages. Following the trend, the City of Miami Beach has currently added pickleball from 10:30 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. at the Scott Rakow Youth Center on Tuesdays and at the North Shore Park Youth Center on Mondays and Wednesdays. Most pickleball enthusiasts will agree that this sport is highly addictive. “I’ve been playing for a year,” said Miami Beach resident Marilyn Mercogliano. “It’s so easy that everyone can do well and have fun.” Named for the family cocker spaniel of one of the co-inventors, pickleball is played on a badminton court with the net lowered to 34 inches at the center, and uses a perforated plastic ball and a wood paddle. It’s easy enough for beginners to learn, however can develop into a fast-paced competitive game for experienced players.
38 MB magazine | Spring 2014
Many older players are drawn to the sport as it is low impact and easy on the joints. ”You don’t have the over-exertion of playing on a large court, it’s light on the body, no strain on the knees and it’s just a wonderful time,” noted 66-year-old Miami Beach resident Rena Rosenfeld. “I broke my wrist about three years ago playing tennis, and I couldn’t find another sport that would really give me a lot of cardio, until I found pickleball. The cardiovascular benefits of the sport are amazing,” added Rosenfeld. “Pickleball will have you constantly running around and bending down while having a good time.” However, pickleball is not only for seniors. It’s really a multigenerational game that the whole family can enjoy. Try a side of pickleball and enjoy all of its many benefits. Court times may vary in the near future; check the Parks & Recreation website for updated information.
THE BASICS • The ball is served diagonally (starting with the right hand service square), and points can only be scored by the side that serves. • Players on each side must let the ball bounce once before volleys are allowed, and there is a seven-foot no-volley zone on each side of the net, to prevent “spiking.” • The server continues to serve, alternating service courts, until he or she faults. The first side scoring eleven points and leading by at least two points wins. • Pickleball can be played with singles or doubles. www.miamibeachparks.com
CON NOMBRE AGRIO Sin embargo, el pickleball no es solamente para las personas de edad. Es un juego realmente multigeneracional que toda la familia puede disfrutar. Ensaye el pickleball y disfrute de sus muchos beneficios. Los horarios para pickleball podrán variar en un futuro cercano. Se puede obtener información actualizada en el sitio web de Parques y Recro.
ué deporte tiene la apariencia del tenis, la cancha del bádminton y se juega con raquetas parecidas a las del tenis de mesa? Es el pickleball, el nuevo deporte que cautiva a todas las edades.
Se usa una bola plástica perforada y una raqueta de madera o plástica. Aunque es muy fácil de aprender, los jugadores experimentados pueden desarrollar destrezas de tipo competitivo.
En respuesta al popular atractivo de este juego, la Ciudad de Miami Beach ha programado actualmente actividades de pickleball los martes de 10:30 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. en Scott Rakow Youth Center y los lunes y miércoles en North Shore Park Youth Center.
Muchos adultos mayores se ven atraídos por este deporte porque es indulgente con las articulaciones y genera bajo impacto. “Uno no tiene que hacer el excesivo ejercicio que implica jugar en una cancha grande, es liviano para el cuerpo, no es exigente para las rodillas y es divertido,” dice la señora Rena Rosenfeld, de 66 años de edad, residente de Miami Beach.
La mayoría de los entusiastas del pickleball coinciden en afirmar que este deporte despierta una fuerte afición. “Desde hace un año practico este deporte” dice Marilyn Mercogliano, residente de Miami Beach. “Es tan fácil que cualquiera puede jugarlo bien y divertirse.” Bautizado en honor a la mascota cocker spaniel de la familia de uno de los coinventores de este juego, el pickleball se juega en una cancha de bádminton cuya red alcanza 34 pulgadas en el centro.
“Me fracturé la muñeca hace cerca de tres años, jugando tenis, y no había encontrado otro deporte apropiado de ejercicio cardiovascular, hasta que encontré el pickleball. Los beneficios cardiovasculares de este deporte son asombrosos,” dice además la señora Rosenfeld. “Al jugar pickleball uno tiene que desplazarse constantemente y agacharse a menudo, disfrutando un buen rato.”
• Al inicio de cada jugada la bola se lanza diagonalmente al otro lado de la cancha (desde el cuadrado del lado derecho) y solamente el bando que sirve puede ganar el punto. • Los jugadores de cada lado deben dejar que la bola rebote una vez antes de poder golpearla en forma de volea, y para cada contendor hay una “zona de no-volea” de siete pies, a cada lado de la red, para evitar “clavadas.” • La persona que sirve continúa haciéndolo hasta fallar, y debe alternar los lados de la cancha hacia donde debe servir. Gana el primero que acumule once puntos, siempre y cuando lleve por lo menos dos puntos de ventaja. • El pickleball se puede jugar a nivel de sencillos y dobles. www.miamibeachparks.com
miamibeachfl.gov 39
RR T h i recreation review
ng s
k n ow
How DO I sign up? Summer Camp registration is still open for some camps and specialty camps. Stop by the facility your child would like to attend or visit www.miamibeachparks.com for availability information. Please note camps may be cancelled if minimum registration is not met. Register early...camps have limited space!
Fun adventures await you at Miami Beach Parks & Recreation. Structured supervised camp programs are offered for children in grades K-12 (trial week for 5-year olds). Camp runs for 8-weeks, June 9 - August 1 with an “extended-camp” from August 4 - 14. Camp facilities open weekdays from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. (All Day Camp facilities are staffed Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.). Fun-filled activities include games, sports, arts & crafts, field trips, themed events, ice skating, tournaments, swimming and more (no camp on July 4). Camp locations vary by age.
$525 for Miami Beach residents ($300 sibling) $775 for non-residents (includes $75 activity fee) Proof of residency and participant report card required. Fee reductions and/or waivers available for qualified Miami Beach residents, visit our website for refund policy and more details. No daily passes available.
Age Group by Location Entering Grades/Grado entrante:
PeeWees (K-1st) Primers (2nd-3rd) Jrs. (4th-5th) Pre-Teens (6th-8th) Teens (9th-12th) 21st Street Rec. Center/Teen Club
Fairway Park/Teen Club
Flamingo Park at PAL
Muss Park
North Shore Park Youth Center
Scott Rakow Youth Center
40 MB magazine | Spring 2014
Divertidas aventuras les espera en los Parques y Recreo de Miami Beach. Campamentos supervisados y estructurados para niños y adolescentes entre los grados K-12 (Ofrecemos una semana de prueba para niños de 5 años). Los campamentos son por 8 semanas del 9 de junio al 1 de agosto con un “campamento extendido” del 4 al 14 de agosto. El horario es de lunes a viernes de 9 a.m. a 5 p.m. Las localidades son supervisadas de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m. Las actividades incluye juegos, deportes, arte, paseos, eventos especiales, patinaje sobre hielo, torneos, natación y más (cerramos el 4 de julio). La localidad varia según las edades. Vea la tabla de las localidades en la columna de la izquierda.
$525 para residentes de Miami Beach ($300 hermano/a) $775 para no-residentes (incluye los $75 del costo de las actividades). Se requiere comprobante de residencia y las calificaciones de la escuela del participante. Costo reducidos ó becas están disponibles para residentes de Miami Beach que califiquen, visítenos en el internet para información sobre la poliza de retornos y para más detalles. No ofrecemos pases diario.
La inscripción de los campamentos está abierta todavía para algunos de nuestros campamentos diarios y campamentos especiales. Pase por la localidad que le interesaría que su hijo(a) participará o visíte www.miamibeachparks.com para información sobre la disponibilidad. Los campamentos pueden ser cancelados sino cumplen la inscripción mínima. Inscríbase temprano, el espacio es limitado!
recreation review
SPECIALTY CAMPS AT A GLANCE A wide variety of Specialty Camps, focusing on particular interests, provides the campers with an opportunity to pursue a hobby or learn something new. Weekly series dates are from June 9 until August 15 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (except Video Production is half day). Una variedad de campamentos especiales enfocados en un interés específico le brindan la oportunidad de disfrutar de un pasatiempo ó aprender algo nuevo. Series semanales de junio 9 al 15 de agosto de 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (excepto Video Production medio día).
Aquatic Life & Nature
South Pointe Park
A, E, F
8 - 12 years
$150 / $270
Bait & Tackle *
Normandy Isle Park
9 - 17 years
$250 / $450
Beach Bum
South Pointe Park
6 - 12
$250 / $450
Fashionista NEW
Scott Rakow Youth Center
Fine Arts Painting
4 - 8 grade
$200 / $360
Scott Rakow Youth Center
B, I
8 - 14 years
$200 / $360
Hip Hop
Scott Rakow Youth Center
6th - 12th grade
$125 / $225
Hip Hop
North Shore Park
6 - 12 grade
$125 / $225
Jr. Golf & Tennis **
Normandy Shores Golf Club
A, B, C, E, F, G
6 - 16 years
$350 (lunch included)
Jr. Golf **
Miami Beach Golf Club
A, B, C, E, F, G
8 - 15 years
$450 (lunch included)
Jr. Lifeguard
Scott Rakow Youth Center
C, H
8 - 14 years
$150 / $270
Normandy Isle
A, B, I, J
8 - 14 years
$150 / $270
Scott Rakow Youth Center
7 - 15 years
$125 / $225
Scott Rakow Youth Center
6th - 8th grade
$235 / $425
Off Broadway
21st Rec. Center
H, I
5th - 11th grade
$150 / $270
Outdoor Swimming
Scott Rakow Youth Center
7 -15 years
$125 / $225
SoBe Great Adventures NEW
Scott Rakow Youth Center
4 - 8 grade
$225 / $405
Video Production
Scott Rakow Youth Center
12 - 16 years
$100 / $180
Water Polo
Scott Rakow Youth Center
8 - 15 years
$125 / $225
Young Builders NEW
Scott Rakow Youth Center
3 - 5 grade
$235 / $425
Learn to Swim Mindstorm Makers
* Bait & Tackle: Weekly fee available. ** Taught by PGA and USPTA certified instructors. Call 305.868.6502 or 305.532.3350 for information.
2014 Camp Series
Series A
6/09 - 6/13
Series F
7/14 - 7/18
Series B
6/16 - 6/20
Series G
7/21 - 7/25
Series C
6/23 - 6/27
Series H
7/28 - 8/01
Series D
6/30 - 7/03
Series I
8/04 - 8/08
Series E
7/07 - 7/11
Series J
8/11 - 8/15
305.673.7730 www.miamibeachparks.com recreation@miamibeachfl.gov
Please note that for ALL camps dates, times and fees are subject to change. Camps may be cancelled due to lack of enrollment.
July 4: Closed/Cerrado miamibeachfl.gov 41
recreation review
Introduction to building using LEGO WEDO. Participants will learn engineering skills, creativity, teamwork, social skills and explore the countless creative possibilities of the LEGO® building robots. Introducción a la construcción usando LEGO WEDO. Los participantes aprenderán habilidades de ingeniería, creatividad, trabajo en equipo, habilidades sociales y explorarán infinitas posibilidades creativas con la construcción de robots de LEGO ®.
Scott Rakow YC
9 AM - 5 PM
3 - 5 grade rd
Introduction to building and programming robots using the LEGO Mindstorms NXT. Participants will learn engineering skills, creativity, teamwork skills and social skills. Participants will use a control console or computer to teach their robots to move, react and make sounds in order to solve challenges. Introducción a la construcción y programación de robots usando el LEGO Mindstorms NXT. Los participantes aprenderán habilidades de ingeniería, creatividad, trabajo en equipo y habilidades sociales. Los participantes utilizarán una consola de control o una computadora para enseñar a sus robots a moverse, reaccionar y hacer sonidos con el fin de resolver retos.
Scott Rakow YC F
Campers interested in fashion design will learn basic techniques and tools of sewing on a sewing machine. Includes end of camp fashion show with hand sewn projects by the children. Fabrics, supplies and equipment are included in the fee. Los campistas interesados en el diseño de moda aprenderán técnicas básicas y herramientas de costura en una máquina de coser. Incluye un desfile de modas al final del campamento con proyectos cosidos a mano por los niños. Los materiales están incluidos en la tarifa.
Scott Rakow YC C
4 -8 th
42 MB magazine | Spring 2014
9 AM - 5 PM $200/$360
6 - 8 grade th
9 AM - 5 PM
Camp designed for children who like exhilarating adventures. Campers will experience fun days bike riding, kayaking, snorkeling and horseback riding at different locations throughout South Florida. Campers must be good swimmers. Participants must own a bicycle in good working condition and helmet. Campamento diseñado para niños que les gusta las aventuras emocionantes. Los participantes experimentarán días divertidos en bicicletas, kayak, buceo y montando a caballo en diferentes lugares del sur de la Florida. Los campistas deben ser buenos nadadores. Los participantes deben tener una bicicleta en buenas condiciones y un casco.
Scott Rakow YC
4th - 8th
9 AM - 5 PM
recreation review
Register at 21st Street Recreation Center or Normandy Isle Park. Location to be determined for all sports camps. Softball available for girls. Bring your own lunch and appropriate sport equipment.
Inscríbase en el 21st Street o Normandy Isle Park. La localidad de todos los campamentos de deportes será determinada. Softball disponible para niñas. Traiga su almuerzo y el equipo apropiado para el deporte que va a participar. Time (Horario): 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. ALL Series (Todas las series): $1,100 res. ($2,000 non-res.) 5 Series: $675 res. ($1,225 non-res.) 305.673.7767 • www.miamibeachparks.com
Recreation Staff
B, C
7 - 13 years
5 - 13 years
Coach Marcelo Di Risio
E, I
5 - 13 years
Flag Football
Recreation Staff
7 - 13 years
Recreation Staff
7 - 13 years
PGA Members
7 - 13 years
2014 Camp Series Series A
6/09 - 6/13
Series F
7/14 - 7/18
Series B
6/16 - 6/20
Series G
7/21 - 7/25
Series C
6/23 - 6/27
Series H
7/28 - 8/01
Series D
6/30 - 7/03
Series I
8/04 - 8/08
Series E
7/07 - 7/11
Series J
8/11 - 8/15
July 4: Closed/Cerrado To request this material in accessible format, sign language interpreters, information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodations to review any document or participate in any city-sponsored proceeding, please contact 305.604.2489 (voice) or 305.673.7218 (TTY) five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Services). Para adquirir materiales en forma accessible, intérpretes para hablar por señas, información de acceso para personas incapacitadas, servicio para la revisión de documentos o participar en un evento patrocinado por la ciudad, llame al 305.604.2489(voz) o 305.673.7218(TTY) cinco días por adelantado para procesar su solicitud. Los usuarios de TTY pueden llamar al 711 (Florida Relay Services) miamibeachfl.gov 43
recreation review
The 71st Annual Playground Revue, a traditional fun-filled night of entertainment will have junior, pre-teen and teen summer campers perform “Miami Beach Travels the World.” Show locations/dates for Flamingo, North Shore & Muss Park “Pee-Wees & Primers” will be announced. Celebrando 71 años, el Playground Revue, una noche tradicional de baile y entretenimiento, presentará sus bailes con el tema “Miami Beach Viaja por el Mundo.” Las localidades de la presentación y las fechas de los “Pee - Wees & Primers” de Flamingo, North Shore y Muss Park serán anunciadas.
Half day Camp designed for children 3 to 4 years old. Campamento de medio día para 3 a 4 años de edad. LOCATION
North Shore Park Flamingo Park
06/09 - 08/01 3 - 4 yrs.
9 am - 12 pm
06/09 - 08/01 3 - 4 yrs.
9 am - 12 pm
The following camps are forming, contact the facility of interest for information: Se están formando los siguientes campamentos, por favor llame a la localidad de su interés para información: • Gymnastics 305.673.7767 Scott Rakow Youth Center • Strength & Conditioning 305.861.3616 NEW North Shore Park Youth Center • Tennis 305.604.4080 North Shore Park Tennis Center
44 MB magazine | Spring 2014
• 21st Street Recreation Center 2100 Washington Avenue • 305.673.7784 • Fairway Park 200 Fairway Drive • 305.993.2011 • Flamingo Park at PAL 999 11 Street • 305.531.5636 ext. 26 • Muss Park 4400 Chase Avenue • 305.673.7765 • North Shore Park Youth Center 501 72 Street • 305.861.3616 • Normandy Isle Park 7030 Trouville Esplanade • 305.993.2021 • Scott Rakow Youth Center 2700 Sheridan Avenue • 305.673.7767 • South Pointe Park 1 Washington Avenue • 305.673.7006
Be on the LOOKOUT
The 2014 Recreation Review Year-round edition is coming in July! ¡La edición anual del 2014 del Recreation Review estará llegando en julio!
> Go to: www.miamibeachfl.gov Connect with Parks & Recreation and receive the latest news & upcoming events. Inscríbete para conectarte con parques y recreo y recibir las últimas noticias y eventos.
ADVERTISE WITH US Reserve your space 305.216.9462 tonyadaniels@miamibeachfl.gov Sponsorship opportunities available.
recreation review
Year-round family events
Parks & Recreation planned just for you! ¡Eventos durante el año para la familia que Parques y Recreo ha planeado para usted!
SPRING EGGSTRAVAGANZA & EARTH DAY CELEBRATION April 19 10 am - 12:30 pm Egg Hunt 11 am North Shore Park 501 72 Street
Carnival rides, concessions sold and a tree planting. Egg hunt for children 10 and younger at 11a.m. Admission is free. La comida y los juegos estarán a la venta. La recogida de huevitos es para niños menores de 10 años es a las 11a.m. La entrada es gratis. Se plantará un árbol.
summer kickoff
may 30 6 PM - 8 pm Scott Rakow Youth CENTER 2700 Sheridan Ave Kick off the summer with loads of fun. Enjoy ice skating, bowling, carnival rides and more. Free admission. Ride tickets and concessions sold.
Empieze el verano con una gran diversión. Disfrute de patinaje sobre hielo, bolera, juegos y más. La entrada es gratis. Los boletos para los juegos y la comida estarán a la venta.
JUNE 2 - 4 6:30 PM - 8 pm FLAMINGO PARK SOCCER FIELD 14th Street & meridian Ave. Tryout and be part of the traveling soccer team. Age groups U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U15. Venga a probar para ser parte del equipo de viaje de futbol. Paul DiMount, 305.673.7766 miamibeachsoccer@live.com
FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIES at the bandshell
april 18 • APRIL 25 MAY 2 • MAY 9 May 16 • May 30 7 pm North Shore Park BANDSHELL 501 72 Street Come out and enjoy an outdoor movie theater experience on selected Fridays at the Bandshell. Disfrute la experiencia de un cine al aire libre en seleccionados viernes en el Bandshell. Visit www.miamibeachparks.com for dates, times and movie titles (para las fechas, horarios y títulos de las películas.)
Visit www.miamibeachparks.com for dances and other planned activites! (¡Visite miamibeachparks.com para bailes y otras actividades planeadas!) miamibeachfl.gov 45
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www.PlayingTheGameOfLife.com 46 MB magazine | Spring 2014
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1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov
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