Spring 2023 City of O'Fallon Newsletter

Page 8

April is National Volunteer Month!

O’Fallon volunteers fill an important role in our city’s overall success. Through service, citizens are empowered to create meaningful change and to have a positive impact on others. Their support of city departments, environmental and beautification projects, recreation activities and public events, and serving on boards and commissions, helps to build a stronger community.

This month and every day, we celebrate those selfless volunteers who contribute their time, effort, and heart to make O’Fallon a better place for all.

Spring into the Season!

Who's ready for springtime in O'Fallon? Soon, flowers will be blooming, we'll see lush landscapes of green, and there will be plenty of warm weather to enjoy.

Once again, this spring, O'FallonTheatreWorks will be bringing us a "fantastically funny" production at City Hall. For two weekends only, beginning April 14, you're invited to enjoy the performances of our local thespians in Be More Chill!

That's not the only great event being hosted by our Tourism and Festivals staff this spring. After the phenomenal success of last year's Whiskers & Wags event, O'Fallon's pet expo and adoption drive returns to Civic Park on May 6. Additionally, this event will house another successful pet event from last year, the Doggy Bone Hunt. In O'Fallon, there's fun for the whole family, even our furry family members!

As spring turns into summer, we look forward to the events that we've all come to love. Events such as the Jammin' Concert Series, Food Truck Frenzy, and of course, the much-anticipated Heritage & Freedom Fest, all return to O'Fallon this year. In 2023, we're gearing up for an exciting new event that is sure to become an instant hit, Luau in the Park! The Luau takes place on June 3, in O'Day Park, featuring an authentic Hawaiian style luau, with traditional food and entertainment.

It's not just these events that make O'Fallon a great place to live, work, and play, it's also the wonderful residents and businesses that keep this community thriving. When residents shop and dine within O'Fallon, otherwise known as "Keeping it in the O", they're supporting our local retailers and restaurants. The support we show our local economy makes O'Fallon an incredible place to call home.

Another way to be involved in your town is to get out and vote in the April 4 Elections! Not only will residents have the opportunity to vote for their City Council representatives, but they will also have the chance to decide on two propositions on the O'Fallon ballot. More information about the upcoming election and information about Prop M and Prop T can be found on pages 2-3, and online.


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Upcoming events, important updates and news about your community: they’re all inside O’Fallon’s weekly e-newsletter! Register in seconds at www.ofallon.mo.us/news, and stay up-to-date on everything happening around O’Fallon.

2023 • www.ofallon.mo.us
the City
The Official Quarterly Publication of
In this issue 2 City Council Election 3 Ballot Issues 4 Municipal News 5 Events 7 Volunteer Opportunities Patriotic Ceremonies 8 Roscoe’s Den 9 Police Bulletins 10 Coming to O'Fallon 12 Water & Sewer Visit pages 2-3 to learn more about voting on April 4th.

Elected Officials

Mayor Bill Hennessy

636-379-5500 bhennessy@ofallon.mo.us

Ward 1 Councilmembers

Deana Smith

636-379-5582 dsmith@ofallon.mo.us


Ward 2 Councilmembers

Tom “Duke” Herweck 636-379-5583 therweck@ofallon.mo.us

Lisa Thompson

636-379-5591 lthompson@ofallon.mo.us

Ward 3 Councilmembers

Nathan Bibb 636-379-5585 nbibb@ofallon.mo.us

Steve Koskela

636-379-5586 skoskela@ofallon.mo.us

Ward 4 Councilmembers

Jeff Kuehn

636-379-5587 jkuehn@ofallon.mo.us

Jim Ottomeyer 636-379-5580 jottomeyer@ofallon.mo.us

Ward 5 Councilmembers

Debbie Cook

636-379-5588 dcook@ofallon.mo.us

Ron Connell 636-379-5584 rconnell@ofallon.mo.us

Helpful Numbers

Citizens First Center 636-379-5553

City Hall


Police (Non-emergency)


Trash and Recycling


O’Fallon Water & Sewer


Please remember to vote on April 4!

On Tuesday, April 4, registered O’Fallon voters will get a chance to cast their vote in the general municipal election for their choice of City Council member to serve a three-year term representing the ward in which they live. The polls will open at 6 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.

For more information about voting, visit the St. Charles County Election Authority website at www.sccmo.org/410/Election-Authority or call 636-949-7550. The final date to register to vote is March 9. The candidates for the offices of City Council are as follows (candidates listed in the order they will appear on the ballot):

Ward 4

• Jeff Kuehn

Ward 5

• LaTonya Thomas

• Linda Ragsdale

• Ron Connell

April 4

Veterans Report

O’Fallon Veterans Assistance Office

Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (except holidays)

636-379-5577 or veteransaffairs@ofallon.mo.us

1st floor, O’Fallon Municipal Centre (City Hall)

The Veterans Assistance Office is staffed by veterans who are dedicated to helping all U.S. military veterans and their families regarding eligibility or entitlement to VA benefits.

• • • • Ward
• • Ward
This Newsletter was brought to you by the City of O'Fallon Communications Department Director of Communications Tony Michalka Communications Specialist Katelyn Mitchell Communications Specialist Lauren Borgmeyer


Understanding the Ballot

Be ready to vote on April 4th! Learn More at:

Marijuana Sales Tax

Proposition M

Vote April 4th • www.ofallon.mo.us/PropM

Enacts an additional 3% sales tax on recreational marijuana

Does not apply to medical marijuana

Revenue from this tax will support the General Fund

Official Ballot Language

"Shall the City of O’Fallon be authorized to impose an additional three percent sales tax on all tangible personal property retail sales of non-medical adult use marijuana sold in the city?"

What is Proposition M?

Also known as the "Adult Use Tax," Proposition M will draw revenue from the sale of cannabis products in the City of O'Fallon to pay for city services. Proposition M would authorize the City of O’Fallon to enact an additional three percent (3%) sales tax on recreational use marijuana.

In November 2022, Missouri voters enacted an amendment to the Missouri Constitution relating to the legalization, regulation and taxation of marijuana. That Amendment authorized the submission of Prop M so O’Fallon voters could have an opportunity to fulfill the constitutional amendment’s authority for this separate local tax on non-medical marijuana sales in the city limits of O’Fallon.

What will the funds be used for?

Revenue from Proposition M will go into the City's General Fund which is used by city services such as:

• Public Safety

• Parks and Recreation

• Tourism and Festivals

• and more

Vote April 4th • www.ofallon.mo.us/PropT

Amends the current business license tax structure

Enacts a graduated tax based on business square footage, and type of business

Only impacts businesses operating within the City of O'Fallon

Official Ballot Language

"Shall the City of O’Fallon be authorized to amend its business license tax to levy a fee not to exceed two hundred dollars per year and twenty dollars per day per person for businesses that send solicitors and peddlers door to door, and not to exceed three cents per square foot, with a minimum of fifty dollars and a maximum of twenty-five hundred dollars per year, for merchants?"

What is Proposition T?

In past years, revenue from business license taxes funded a higher percentage of the cost of city services than they do today. Proposition T would authorize the City of O’Fallon to amend the current business license tax structure, and enact a varying business license fee. Prop T would provide a graduated tax, which would be determined by the size and type of business.

For merchants:

• Not to exceed $0.03 cents per square foot

• With a minimum of $50 and a maximum of $2,500 per year.

For businesses that send solicitors and peddlers door to door:

• Not to exceed $200 per year; and,

• $20 per day, per person

Who would this proposition impact?

Businesses operating within the City of O'Fallon will be impacted by this proposition.

This page was prepared and paid for by the City of O’Fallon, Bill Hennessy, Mayor; 100 North Main Street, O’Fallon, MO 63366 solely to educate and inform residents about questions that may be presented at the polls. It is NOT intended to advocate, support or oppose the passage or defeat of any measure or candidate. Each voter should vote based on his or her own judgment.

Proposition T Business


O'Fallon Justice Center Now Housing Municipal Court for Lake Saint Louis and Weldon Spring

Near the end of 2022, the process of moving the municipal court of Lake Saint Louis, and municipal court of Weldon Spring was completed. Beginning on January 1st, the O'Fallon Justice Center officially became the home of all three municipal courts.

Grants and assistance programs can help eligible residents with home maintenance, transportation and other needs

For low-income residents and others who qualify for help, the City of O’Fallon offers a variety of programs such as zero-interest loans for home maintenance, down payment support for new homeowners, emergency homeless prevention programs and transportation to essential living destinations. All programs are subject to funding availability.

Check your eligibility and learn more about available programs at www.ofallon.mo.us/grants

Utility Tax Rebate Program

The 2023 application for utility tax rebates will be accepted at City Hall beginning May 1, 2023 and ending May 31, 2023. Applications received after this date cannot be accepted. You provide in proof of age, a completed income tax return for 2022 and a copy of your utility bills from January 1, 2022-December 31, 2022. The rebate covers gas, electric, and phone bills. If you are a disabled resident, you must also bring an official document showing that you are determined to be totally disabled by the Social Security Administration. The income limitations for this year are $53,150 for single households and $60,750 for married households.

Have a question or concern for City of O’Fallon staff? If so, visit the Citizens First Center at www.ofallon.mo.us

Remember to drive safely around O'Fallon work crews

In 2023, O'Fallon road crews will be working on projects all across town to improve and maintain our City's infrastructure. While they're busy improving our City's roads, motorists can do their part by driving safely through road construction zones. When entering a work zone:

• Slow down: Over a third of work zone accidents occur because the driver was traveling too fast. Even when workers aren't visible, obey the posted speed limit.

• Stay focused: Keep your full attention on the road. Never multitask when passing through a work area.

• Be prepared: Traffic could unexpectedly slow or stop, traffic lanes can merge and workers or equipment could enter the roadway.

• Obey signs and flaggers: Flags and warning signs are there to help you move safely through work zones and detours.

• Keep back: Maintaining a safe distance from the car ahead of you can help keep you safe. Rear-end collisions account for 30% of work zone accidents.

Look for this symbol throughout the O’Fallon Update and Parks & Rec Guide to find events that need your help! Join our volunteer team by calling 636-3795417 or email volunteer@ofallon.mo.us

Notices, Community Updates, and more 9
News Civic

Spring into Events!

Enjoy O’Fallon events all season long!

Whiskers & Wags

Saturday, May 6 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Civic Park Free Event!

Show off your passion for pets at O’Fallon’s pet-focused expo and adoption drive! Adopt a new best friend from local agencies, shop vendor booths with incredible pet products, grab a bite to eat (and something for your furry pals), and enjoy more great petthemed events and activities.

Doggy Bone Hunt

Saturday, May 6 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Civic Park

Is your dog a strong sniffer? Put their noses to the test! Bond with your pup and let them use their brains and noses to hunt for bones at our second annual Doggy Bone Hunt! This event will really get tails wagging, and your dog will love hanging out with their best friend! Every dog must be accompanied by a human. Price includes 1 dog and 1 human. Pre-registration is required; the deadline to register is Monday, May 1.

Be More Chill

April 14 - 16 & April 21 - 23, 2023

7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 2 p.m. matinees on Sunday

O’Fallon Municipal Centre (City Hall), East Entrance

Adult language and content. Recommended for ages 14+

A universal, sci-fi story about the competing voices in all our heads, this “fantastically funny” musical centers around a guy, a girl, and the supercomputer inside his head that wants to take over the world. (It’s fine, really.) Enjoy a fresh musical comedy from our talented O'FallonTheatreWorks performers!

Learn more & buy tickets at www.ofallon.mo.us/otw.

O’Fallon Public Works Fair

Wednesday, May 17 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Ozzie Smith Sports Complex

Bring the kids to see the big trucks and the vehicles used to provide City services, such as street sweepers, snow plows, a paint striper, a recycling truck and more. The event is free, and demonstrations include working models of the City’s water treatment plant and the enviroscape water pollution model. Enjoy free rides on the City train, safety awareness games for kids, giveaways, booths and the chance to talk to City staff. A free hot dog lunch with chips and water will be available.

410105-A Sa 10:00-2:00P May 6 CP $10/$12

Free Concerts Series in Civic Park

Tuesdays, May 30 – August 8

(no concert July 4)

6:30–9 p.m., Civic Park


Upcoming Events

Luau in the Park

Saturday, June 3

7 – 9 p.m., O'Day Park

Join us for an authentic Hawaiian style luau with traditional food and entertainment. Tickets are required for this event! Please visit www.ofallon.mo.us/luau for the most up-to-date information about this new event!


Take a break for summer fun when some of the region’s best bands perform live at free, weekly Jammin’ concerts! Every Tuesday, the Civic Park Bandstand will be rockin' and rollin' with performances by new artists and returning favorites.

A variety of food trucks and concessionaires will sell favorite foods, cold treats and adult beverages. Bring a chair or blanket for lawn seating at this weekly family-friendly event. For concert and food truck details, please visit www.ofallon.mo.us/jammin. For weather updates, visit O'Fallon Parks & Recreation's rainout line at www.ofallon. mo.us/parks&rec, or call 636-333-9900. All pets must be leashed and no glass containers are allowed in the park. Please note that band and food truck lineups may change without notice.

Food Truck Frenzy

Friday, June 23

5:30 – 8:30 p.m., Sports Park

Start the summer off with a food truck picnic, free concert and free kids activities, too! Bring some chairs or a blanket and purchase food from some of the area’s best food trucks while you enjoy live music. Please visit www.ofallon.mo.us/foodtruck-frenzy for the most up-to-date listing of food trucks

Alligator’s Creek Aquatic Center opens Memorial Day weekend

Saturday, May 27

Alligator’s Creek Aquatic Center

Get the most out of summer with a day at O’Fallon’s outdoor aquatic complex. Slide your choice of three water slides, float along the lazy river and watch the kids play on the water playground and the splash pad. Season passes are now available! Visit the Parks and Recreation website for hours, admission information, summer passes and special events.


Heritage and Freedom Fest





Save the date for the best Independence Day celebration in St. Charles County, featuring expanded hours and more fun! Enjoy the thrilling carnival and midway, jam out to free musical performances by country artist Chris Lane and rock icons 38 Special and settle in for the most dazzling fireworks display in the region. For more information and for the announcements of this year’s opening acts, keep an eye on www.heritageandfreedomfest.com

1, 4 – 10 p.m. • Carnival Kickoff
2, 4 – 10 p.m. • Family Night
3, 4 – 11 p.m. • Country Night
4, Noon – 10 p.m. •
Rock Night

Heritage & Freedom Fest Parade

Tuesday, July 4 9:30 a.m., downtown O’Fallon

Get your group together and join the parade by creating an attention-grabbing, patriotic parade entry for the Fourth of July!

The Heritage & Freedom Fest Parade is open to clubs, churches, businesses, scout troops, civic organizations, and families. Parade applications, FAQs and pointers are available at www. heritageandfreedomfest.com/parade

Historic Site Tours

Historic Heald Home & Zumwalt’s Fort tours

Open on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month

May 28 – September 24; 12–3 p.m.

This summer, come see O’Fallon’s historic treasures at Fort Zumwalt Park! Admission is $5 per person to see both attractions, and children 10 and under are admitted free. For private and/or group tours of 10 or more, please call 636-379-5574.

O’Fallon Historical Society’s Log Cabin Museum in Civic Park

Open on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month

May 28 – September 24; 12–3 p.m., Free

Meet and chat with the people who know O’Fallon’s history best as you tour the Log Cabin Museum. Tours are also available by appointment and during special events. Admission is free but donations are welcome.

Volunteer Opportunities

To register for these events or for more information, visit www. ofallon.mo.us/volunteer or call 636-379-5417.

Paws for a Cause

Saturday, March 18 9 – 11 a.m.

Do you have a love for four-legged friends? Are there old shirts in your closet that you don’t wear anymore? Are you crafty? Then join Volunteer O’Fallon as we make t-shirt rope toys for shelter animals to play with!

Alternative Spring Break

Monday, March 20 – Thursday, March 23

Need a stay-cation with impact? Join Volunteer O'Fallon during your spring break to give-back to your community! Multiple projects are scheduled, including creek cleaning, transplanting yarrow, planting flowers, and preventing erosion. Space is limited.

Mission: Clean Stream

Saturday, March 25 9 – 11 a.m.

Spend the morning jumping in creeks with Volunteer O'Fallon! Help maintain a clean water system by clearing litter and debris from local creeks before it has a chance to move downstream, clog waterways and have a negative impact on native plants and wildlife.

Earth Day in O'Fallon

Saturday, April 22 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Show your love of nature at O’Fallon’s 22nd annual Earth Day. Get your hands dirty planting flowers, spread mulch around trees and paths in City parks, or you can walk along a roadway or in a creek cleaning up debris to create a more beautiful and healthy environment. A post-event picnic celebrates this community volunteer effort with food, fun, and giveaways. Space is limited.

Patriotic Ceremonies

Vietnam War Remembrance Day Ceremony

Sunday, March 26 1 p.m., St. Charles County Veterans Museum

Armed Forces Day Ceremony

Saturday, May 20 11 a.m., Veterans Memorial Walk

Memorial Day Ceremony

Monday, May 29 11 a.m., Veterans Memorial Walk

Roscoe’s Den

Trash, recycling and yard waste announcements

Weekly yard waste disposal resumes March 14

With lawns already greening up, it’s time to get mowing! Our weekly yard waste service resumes the week of March 14. As a reminder, your yard waste pickup day is the same as your recycling day.

If you’re not yet enrolled in yard waste collection, you can sign up at any time. The cost is $5.62 per month ($11.25 per bi-monthly trash bill). A one-year commitment is required. To sign up or for more information contact staff at 636-272-0477 or ofallonrecycles@ofallon.mo.us

Bulk Waste Drop-off Events

Saturday, April 15 and June 17

7 a.m. – 3 p.m., Environmental Services Transfer Station Drop of your bulk-waste from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 15 and June 17. During these events, O’Fallon trash customers can drop off certain items that are too large to fit in trash containers, such as carpeting or furniture, at the City’s waste transfer station. To utilize this service, O’Fallon residents must be current customers of the City’s trash service with their account in good standing. Residents will be required to display a current photo ID showing their O’Fallon address. There is no charge for trash customers. The transfer station is located at 1572 Progress West Lane. For a full list of eligible items and event rules, please visit: www.ofallon.mo.us/bulk-waste.

Free Shred-It Day for O’Fallon residents

Saturday, May 20

8 a.m. – noon, Environmental Services building

O’Fallon’s Environmental Services Department offers a “Shred-It Day” where anyone can bring in boxes of paper to be shredded in a secure environment. The event will take place on Saturday, May 20 from 8 a.m. until noon at the Environmental Services building at 1550 Progress West Lane.

Electronics & Appliance Recycling Events

Saturday, April 8 and June 10

8 a.m. – noon, parking lot southwest of CarShield Field Residents and Non-Residents can bring outdated or broken electronics and appliances to O’Fallon’s Electronics & Appliance Recycling Events from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 8 and June 10. The drop-off events will be held in the parking lot at the southwest corner of T.R. Hughes Blvd. and Tom Ginnever Avenue, adjacent to CarShield Field. The events are free except for the following:

• LED/LCD/Plasma televisions = $20

• CRT Monitors = $5

• CRT TV’s 26” or less = $30

• CRT TV’s 27” or greater = $50

• Wood console and big screen/projection TVs = $50

• Any freon containing unit = $10

For a detailed list of items that can be recycled and future event dates, visit www.ofallon.mo.us/electronics-recycling. Or, call Environmental Services at 636-272-0477.

To participate, place the documents in cardboard bankers’ boxes, or cardboard boxes of a similar size, and drive up to the facility and drop them off. Please make sure the boxes are not too heavy to lift or overfilled. The service is free for residents for up to five bankers-sized boxes. Additional boxes will be accepted for a cost of $5 per box. Additionally, non-residents can drop off their paper for shredding for a cost of $5 per box.

To utilize this service, O’Fallon residents must be current customers of the City’s trash service with their account in good standing. Residents will be required to display a current photo ID showing their O’Fallon address.

Please do not bring computer discs or hanging file rods. If you can tear it, then you can shred it with this complimentary service. It is okay for documents to have staples or paper clips.

Remember to Recycle!

O’Fallon Update City of O’Fallon Newsletter 6 6

Police Bulletins


O’Fallon Safety Town

O’Fallon Safety Town is a nationally-accredited program to teach children ages 4½ through 6½ how to play safe and stay safe. The course is presented in a kid-sized, simulated city layout and classroom and includes an off-campus field trip. Under the guidance of police officers, a certified teacher, paramedics, firefighters, railroad police and trained volunteer staff, children can experience “real life” situations and they will be taught to evaluate “safe from unsafe” and how to react safely. O’Fallon’s Safety Town course is devoted exclusively to teaching safety.

Community Emergency Response Team Training

March 24 - 26, 2023

O’Fallon Justice Center, 1019 Bryan Road

CERT training promotes a partnering effort between emergency services and the people that they serve. The goal is for emergency personnel to train members of neighborhoods, community organizations, or workplaces in basic response skills.

CERT skills also apply to daily emergencies. CERT members maintain and refine their skills by participating in exercises and activities. They can attend supplemental training opportunities offered by the sponsoring agency and others that further their skills base. Finally, CERT members can volunteer for projects that improve community emergency preparedness.

Attendance greater than 90% is required to pass the course. Register at www.ofallon.mo.us/cert

Meet Rogue!

We'd like to introduce our newest addition to the K9 Unit, Rogue and his partner Officer Drew Risley!

Rogue is a year and a half old, Belgian Malinois from Belarus. Rouge joined the police force on January 17. He is currently undergoing six-weeks of K9 training.

Rogue loves to spend his free time running around his yard, and also enjoys working on obedience training.

Rogue and Officer Risley will hit the streets following their return from training around early April.

Registration for the program opens Monday, April 3 at 8 a.m., when parents or legal guardians can register online at www. ofallon.mo.us/safety-town

Space is limited, so early enrollment is encouraged. The cost for the two-week session is $60 per child; each additional child from the same family is $40. Fees must be paid in full when children are enrolled.

Morning (9–11:30 a.m.) and afternoon (12:30–3 p.m.)

Safety Town classes will be offered during the following 2-week sessions at Progress South Elementary School:

201 Knaust Rd, St Peters, MO 63376

• June 5–16

• June 19–30

• July 10–21

Scholarships Available!
O’Fallon Update City of O’Fallon Newsletter 9

Coming to O'Fallon

Recent Business Openings, Under Construction, & Residential Developments

New to O'Fallon

Our Economic Development, and Planning & Development Departments have been hard at work bringing new businesses to O'Fallon. The following are just a handful of the hundreds of businesses that have chosen O'Fallon! Learn more online at: www.ofallon.mo.us/economic-development

7 Brew Coffee

7 Brew Coffee is a new drive through coffee establishment on Highway K! They serve iced, hot, and chiller coffees, as well as teas, smoothies, and more!

1580 Hwy K, O'Fallon, MO

Total Wine & More

Total Wine & More is the country‘s largest independent retailer of fine wine! The store carries more than 8,000 different wines from every wine-producing region in the world. Total Wine & More also carries more than 2,500 beers, from America's most popular brands to hard-to-find microbrews and imports, and more than 3,000 different spirits in every style and price range.

2257 Hwy K, O'Fallon, MO

Panda Express

Panda Express is the largest Asiansegmented restaurant chain in the United States. For nearly 40 years, Panda Express has been sharing lovingly-crafted American Chinese cuisine with guests across the globe.

3601 Monticello Plaza, O'Fallon, MO

Under Construction

SSM Health Outpatient Center

Ground has been broken on the new SSM Health Outpatient Center. This medical office complex will bring Cardinal Glennon children's health services to O'Fallon!

Caledonia Pkwy, O'Fallon, MO

Drake's Restaurant

This Kentucky-based bar and restaurant chain is coming to O'Fallon! Slated to open in Summer 2023, this restaurant will be serving everything from burgers to sushi, with over 20 craft beers on tap!

Hwy K, O'Fallon, MO

TransLand Trucking

TransLand is a transportation company, based in Springfield, Missouri, that specializes in full truckload and logistics services. They are a family owned business that offers long-haul, short-haul and flatbed truck services throughout the continental United States. TransLand broke ground on their new terminal in November 2022, and is slated to open later this year.

Hwy 79, O'Fallon, MO

O’Fallon Update City of O’Fallon Newsletter 6 6 10

Approved & Coming Soon

The following businesses are very early in development, but have been approved by O'Fallon's City Council. Please note, these plans are subject to change.

Residential Developments

For more information about any of these developments, please visit: www.ofallon.mo.us/planning-and-development

Streets of Caledonia

Fischer Homes continues to develop the Streets of Caledonia residential subdivision. The project's phases 1-4 are currently under construction. This development plans to create 600+ single family homes, and townhomes.

Hwy DD, O'Fallon, MO

The Willows

Chihuahua's Mexican Restaurant

There's a new restaurant moving into the vacant building that formerly housed P&R Lounge. The plans have been approved for building renovations, as seen in the image, as well as additions to the existing parking lot.

500 N Main St, O'Fallon, MO

Mexico Road Animal Hospital

This beloved Animal Hospital has been in operation for many years at their location on Mexico Road in Saint Peters. Their plans for a new location, off Mexico Road in O'Fallon, would provide 4,416 square feet dedicated to veterinary services.

Corner of Mexico Rd & Sonderen St, O'Fallon, MO

The plans for 119 attached villa units at The Willows have been approved, and are currently under construction. Many of these villa units are expected to be single-family rentals.

Hwy N, O'Fallon, MO

Harvest Subdivision

One of the largest housing developments to be approved, and under construction is Harvest. Boasting a proposed 896 lots consisting of single family homes, villas, and townhomes on 261.5 acres. Amenities will include 47 acres of common ground, walking trails, a public space, event lawn, community garden, pumpkin patch and orchard.

Hwy N, O'Fallon, MO


Avenue 64

Open now, this 316-unit multifamily community offers three 4-story buildings. These luxury apartments feature resort style amenities, 24/7 fitness center, in-unit laundry, and more.

Hwy K, O'Fallon, MO

The Landings of O'Fallon

Schaefer Autobody Center

The new Schaefer Autobody Center in Winghaven will consist of two buildings, totaling around 30,000 square feet. The plan includes an electric vehicle repair building, and an area for calibration of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).

Winghaven Pointe Drive, O'Fallon, MO

Learn more on the Select O'Fallon website: www.selectofallon.com

This 204 unit apartment complex has been approved and is now under construction. It features one mixed-use building with 12,000 square feet of retail space, with residential apartment units above.

Hwy K, O'Fallon, MO

Meadowood Estates Phase II

Plans for 54 dwelling units have been approved in the second phase of the senior residental development, Meadowoods Estates. This senior living facililty will enter construction soon.

TR Hughes Blvd , O'Fallon, MO

Looking for business opportunities in O'Fallon?
www.ofallon.mo.us Spring 2023

Residents can easily assist local charities by donating $1, $3 or $5 per billing cycle when they pay their City water, sewer and trash collection bills. Each year, the O’Fallon City Council designates a charity to receive the funds, and for 2023 your voluntary donation can help Meals on Wheels. The nonprofit depends on voluntary donations for the hot, nutritious food delivered to homebound seniors who can’t easily make a meal.

To register for the donation program, please call 636-379-5566 or email kpieper@ofallon.mo.us

Stormwater Management

Storm drain maintenance on private property

You can help prevent pollution and clogging of the storm sewer system and protect your property. Keeping storm sewers free of pollution and clogs from leaves, sticks and more ensures the system can function as designed and helps minimize water buildup that may damage houses or yards.

Storm drains are designed to capture stormwater runoff and are either located at the curb of the street or in backyards. The stormwater runoff is not treated or filtered, so whatever enters the system, exits the system somewhere else downstream into local streams or retention/detention basins.

In order for the storm drains to work properly, they need to be kept clear of debris and other obstacles that may obstruct their openings. If the openings become clogged, this could increase the risk of localized flooding in yards, causing property damage.

How can you help?

• You can help by keeping these openings clear. Clearing such debris from in front of storm sewers will help them function as intended. Do not plant landscape around the openings; stay at least three feet away from openings

• Do not deposit grass clippings, leaves or branches into storm sewers. Large accumulations can cause pipes to become clogged and back up and flood properties or streets

• Remove trees and bushes directly next to storm sewers when they are just starting to grow before they get large enough to cause potential damage to the storm sewer structures or block flow due to their size

If a larger concern arises, call the Stormwater Maintenance Division at 636-379-7632.

Water and Sewer

Protect your home and sewer system from "FOG" Take action to protect your home and sewer by properly disposing of fats, oils and grease (FOG) used in cooking instead of disposing them down the drain. FOG can look harmless when it begins as a liquid, however, when it cools, FOG becomes thick and sticky, adhering to the pipes in sewer systems and potentially causing clogs, basement backups and sewer overflows. FOG can also cause issues in the pipes of your home, producing clogs or backups.

Water Service Line & Sewer Lateral Insurance

The City of O’Fallon offers a Water Service Line Insurance Program that provides assistance for the repair of the water service line that connects each residence to the public water mains. The Program covers all residents of the City of O’Fallon and is administered by O’Fallon Water and Sewer. The program is funded by residents through a $12.00 annual fee that is paid when you pay your real estate tax. O’Fallon’s Water Service Line Insurance Program was approved by voters during the April 6, 2021 municipal election.

We also offer a Sewer Lateral Insurance Program that provides assistance for the repair of the sewer laterals that connect each residence to public sewers. The program covers all residents of the City of O’Fallon and is administered by O’Fallon Water and Sewer. The program is funded by residents through a $30.00 annual fee that is paid when you pay your property taxes.

Eligible Repairs Include:

• Repairs to private water service lines from the exterior of the building, one (1) foot from the foundation wall to the meter pit or curb box

• Required street, sidewalk or driveway pavement replacement

• Yard repair

• Permits and administrative cost

For more information, please visit ofallon.mo.us/water-and-sewer

Help a local charity when you pay O’Fallon utility bills
12 O’Fallon Update City of O’Fallon Newsletter

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