Popular Annual Financial Report
General Fund Overview The City’s General Fund is the chief operating fund of the City. The General Fund typically accounts for about 50% of the City’s total revenues. The remainder of the revenues consist of various Special Funds which are restricted in purpose and Enterprise Funds’ user fees.
The General Fund is distinct from other funds because it is the only source of unrestricted funds that can be allocated, at the discretion of the City Council, for any municipal purpose.
... that can be allocated, at the discretion of the City Council, for any municipal purpose.
General Fund
Non-General Fund
$ 120.6
$ 120.6
$ 241.2
General Fund 50%
The actual General Fund revenues for FY 202021 were $120.6 million, which exceeded both the original and final budgeted estimates for the fiscal year. Overall City-wide revenues for FY 2020-21 totaled $241.2 million.
The General Fund is distinct from other funds because it is the only source of unrestricted funds ...
Citywide Revenue for the year ended june 30, 2021 (in millions)
Non-General Fund 50%