R' BREAKFAST: Volume 10, Issue 2 | Summer 2019

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R’ BREAKFAST Official Newsletter of Circle K at the University Of California, Riverside Volume 10, Issue 2 | Summer 2019

Editor’s Message Hello readers! How’s summer? Are you ready to be back to school and SERVICES? This is Janice Lee, the newsletter chair of Circle K at UCR for the 2019-2020 term. I am super excited for this new school year. The newsletter you are about to read is made with the fun and laughter we had at our summer events. Summer not only brings heat but friends to CKI at UCR as we got to be out of school and enjoy the fun during summer. We had services and socials throughout the summer to keep our connection with one another. We also have webinars to make sure we keep up with our leadership skills. This was a great summer overall.

Janice Lee

In the end, I would like to have a big shoutout to members who wrote articles for this summer newsletter and share your experiences. Hope you will enjoy reading the newsletter and come out to our next events! Thank you!

Circle K Pledge “I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of ALL people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of humanity’s potential.”



In This Issue... E COFFE

4 6 8 9 10 13 16 18 19 20 21 22

Special Messages Upcoming Events Calendar CKI Updates Fall Birthdays Service Events Fellowship Events Leadership Events CKIx - Florida August WAW Hours Update Meet the Family Head Meet the Board 3

SPECIAL M International Trustee Hello UCR Circle K,


California-Nevada-Hawaii, Florida, Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee, New England, Utah-Idaho


My name is Racheal Fairley and I am from the Alabama District where I’ve had the opportunity to be a charter president, a District Governor, and now your International Trustee. I serve on the executive committee and I am the liaison for New Member working group of the membership committee. Additionally, I have been in the Kiwanis family for 8 years now and the fun never stops. As for my expectations, goals, and duties for the year, I aim to facilitate the increase in membership throughout our 5 Sister Districts, give advice, advocate your needs to the International Board, and communicate relevant information to district and club boards. If you do not know already, your other Sister Districts are Florida, LaMiss-Tenn, Utah-Idaho, and New England. With that being said, we are the Fantastic 5 because we are the only pairing of districts that has 5 districts in total. I am excited about the school year and cannot wait to visit California for the first time in November for the Fall Training Conference. See you all there!

MESSAGEs President Hello everyone! Whether you went on vacation, went to summer school, or stayed at home, I hope everybody had a great hot summer. This summer Circle K was still busy with service, socials, divisional events, and more! If you made it out to any of these events, thanks for coming! If you couldn’t make it, don’t worry because fall is starting soon with a plethora of new events. We’ll be kicking off the year with our first district event CKI South then moving on to Welcome Week, our first general meeting, Fall Training Conference, and more! I hope you’re as excited as I am because this school year will definitely be fun.


Please enjoy this newsletter (thank you Janice!) with recaps of all our summer events and I’ll see you soon at the start of the new school year. To refer to our new club theme, let’s start our year off right as if we were eating a hearty delicious breakfast!


Upcoming eve OCTOBER: SUN











Fall info Night

Pizza Night Social

Spooktacular Tabletop




Club Involvement Fair Tabling





Hiking Social

Ding Tea Fundraiser

Ronald McDonald House: Day of Service Big & Little Social #1



Big & Little Social #2










General Meeting @8pm Chung 138

19 October WAW CKI South


General Meeting @8pm Chung 138



10 Fall Welcome Week

General Meeting @8pm Chung 138



Big & Little Social #3



ents calendar ** The calendars are tentative so please check out the website https:// ckiucr.org for a more recent schedule of events. Thank you!








1 2 Fall Training Conference















General Meeting @8pm Chung 138

General Meeting @8pm Chung 138

Fall Installation















General Meeting @8pm Chung 138

General Meeting @8pm Chung 138




FALL BIRTHDAYS SEPTEMBER Jocelyn Orozco Gustavo Del Castillo Allana Denise Elarmo Aviral Aggarwal Daniel Wahyu Claudia Hernandez Anthony Wong Andrew Wang Kelly Nguyen Ashley Nguyen Jason Tong

OCTOBER Jamie Ly Johnny Tran Darian Esmailzadeh

NOVEMBER Cindy Wen Sabrine Hossain Madeline Villanueva Andrew Chang Jameson Nguyen


Service Ongoing Event: Soup Kitchen Andy Nguyen 3rd Year Psychology major

During the month of July, our Vice President of Service, Michael Feng, found an awesome service event for us every Wednesday: Soup Kitchen! Volunteers helped out at the Riverside Congressional Church by helping cook and serve food to those who may not have the privilege of an accessible food source. This event is a very heartwarming service as volunteers had the chance to interact with the guests at the church. Additionally, the church provides a safe place for people of many backgrounds and is accepting of everyone that passes by. I love the welcoming and warm energy that the volunteers establish prior to the event and its always a summer service that I look forward to! Every trip to the soup kitchen is unique and luckily, this year, the weather was kind and it wasn’t too unbearably hot! I highly, highly recommend coming out to this service if you can during the summer or even during the school year if possible. :-)


MDA Camp JUNE 17 - 22 , 2019

Michael Feng 4th Year jor Mechanical Engineer ma

Every year, kids from all over the state come to MDA Summer Camp. For one week kids with muscular dystrophy and related diseases get to do anything they imagine. They get to swim, ride motorcycles, and even play laser tag. When you sign up to be a counselor, you work with campers throughout the week providing them with around-the-clock care and attention. I had a lot of fun with the camper I was paired with, Aiden. Aiden liked to play video games and watch cartoons in his free time. The activity that we had the most fun together was laser tag. This was the first time that we both played laser tag, so we needed some time to learn the ropes. After a couple of rounds, we got good enough where we were able to get a few kills. We liked it so much that we ended up playing it for the entire afternoon. What I learned from MDA Camp was that it wasn’t just for the kids. I learned many valuable life skills such as interacting with children and learning to care for others with disabilities. Best of all, I had a ton of fun doing it! I highly recommend that everyone volunteer once if they can – you never know what you might learn about yourself!


INSAN : Feeding Lunch & Clothing Distribution July 6 , 2019

Allana Denise Elarmo 4th Year Neuroscience major Along with INSAN Foundation volunteers, we served the underprivileged food and provided basic necessities at a local church in Ontario. It was lunch hour, and the volunteers and I worked together to cook and prepare nutritious three-course meals. We distributed clothing as well and extra meals to-go. The volunteer supervisor also assigned me to take pictures for INSAN’s website in order to inspire and share with current and future volunteers. It was interesting because I used to volunteer here back in high school. It is always a very humbling and fulfilling experience to know that we are able to collaborate and provide for those who are in need - even if it is just for one day.

Hermosa Beach Clean Up & Social August 24 , 2019

Gabriel Vazquez 2nd Year Pre-Business major


On August 24th, 2019, Circle K International at the University of California, Riverside participated in the Hermosa Beach Clean Up and Social. This event was the perfect opportunity to earn service hours and to bond with your fellow members. For the first couple, we each either went on our own or in groups and walked up and down the beach picking up trash and debris. The trash that we picked up ranged from bottle caps to shoes. Personally the beach has always been a safe haven for me. Every piece of trash that was picked up, made this safe haven even more angelic and pure than it already is. After we all finished collecting trash, we all sat underneath the pier and played cards, talked and walked in the water. To conclude the clean up and social , we had lunch at a local business and concluded the day.



TV Tapings

Emily Candido 4th Year dies major Media and Cultural Stu

Hello! My name is Emily Candido and I am the Kids Rock Benefit Concert Chair. This summer, we held a couple of tv tapings to fundraise for K-Rock 2020 and Pediatric Trauma Program. There were multiple Let’s Make A Deal tapings and one special halloween event hosted by Free Form. For each of the Lets Make A Deal tapings, myself and other members dressed up in costumes. It was really fun seeing what everyone came as at each tv taping. Not only that, we had chances to be a part of the live studio audience or win some quick cash by having random items in our pockets!! Tv tapings are a great way to fundraise for Kids Rock Concert, so I hope I see you out at the next one!


Jack Chen 2nd Year Political Science major

For one of the many TV tapings that we attended during the summer, Halloween Fan Fest was the spookiest of them all! Halloween Fan Fest was filmed for the upcoming Halloween where we got to see many iconic Halloween figures from the hilarious “Ghostbusters” to the horrifying “Scream.” The event was held at the Hollywood Cemetery, an entire graveyard dedicated to Hollywood’s prominent figures. For a Halloween taping of course, we dressed up in our Halloween costumes despite it being a whole month early. With the entire audience dressed in their Halloween apparel, I felt the spooky vibes of Halloween! The taping involved several musical performances, a costume contest, and sneak peaks to future horror films. If you ever want to experience a Halloween fright early, Halloween Fan Fest is the way to go!




CNH District Member Engagement Webinar August 28 , 2019

Brennan Cain 3rd Year dies major Media and Cultural Stu

On August 28, the California-Nevada-Hawaii district hosted a member engagement in order to help clubs with tabling, general meetings, and recognition. Along with two other members, I had the opportunity to host the webinar, hoping members would learn about the significance of engaging new members. While it was pretty stressful, I enjoyed presenting such an important topic to the entire CNH district! I hope clubs all across the CNH District will use this webinar as a reference for this school year. I cannot wait to see how CKI@UCR, as well as other clubs, will benefit their members throughout the rest of the term!

CNH Newsletter Webinar August 29 , 2019

Janice Lee 2nd Year Biochemistry major

During the summer, I attended a webinar about creating an effective newsletter, hosted by the CNH Communications & Marketing Network. The webinar focused on the outline of a newsletter and how to arrange the articles and pictures in a way that would be easier to read. They also used the district newsletter Sunburst Vol. 59 Issue 1 as a sample so it was pretty easy to follow with the ideas. As a newsletter chair for CKI @ UCR, I am looking forward to applying the materials I have learned in the webinar in my newsletters later on. The webinar is a good way to keep my brain going over the summer.


CKIx-Florida JUNE 26 - 29, 2019

Max Rico 5th Year major Environmental Science

This past June 26-29, I got to enjoy CKI’s largest annual international event. CKIx, or international convention, took place at the Walt Disney World Contemporary Resort in Florida. Here, over 300 members from 6+ nations gathered to have fun, serve, learn, celebrate a year’s worth of CKI accomplishments, and to vote on a new international board and amendments to our organization’s bylaws. On the first day of convention, I enjoyed an energetic opening session where attendees heard from our international president and experienced cheers from each district as well. Later, I was grouped with a team of about a dozen CKI members from a whole bunch of different districts. We completed challenges and a scavenger hunt together, and I got to make great new friends like Peyton from the Kansas district and Kathryn from the Southwest district! On the second day, all attendees participated in one of various service projects around the greater Orlando area. I was grouped with the team working at a special market for very low income shoppers. There, they could get groceries and many other necessities for extremely low prices. Our team was tasked with restocking shelves, organizing items, and sorting through new shipments. We worked while some participants of this low-income market initiative were shopping, and they were very appreciative! After service, all CKIx attendees attended the Kiwanis International Convention opening session, which was really interesting and even featured the real Mickey and Minnie Mouse! On day 3 of CKIx, attendees gathered to hear from the dozen or so candidates running for international board. Delegates then elected the new board, and we also approved several amendments to the Circle K bylaws. Om the fourth and final day of CKIx, members heard from a guest speaker and also from each other during workshops. At night, the convention came to a close with the closing session. I said goodbye to friends new and old, but I am excited to see many of them at next year’s CKIx! I highly recommend attending international convention. Next year it’ll be from July 19-23 in Las Vegas! This is the first CKIx in our district in 20 years, so you know it’s gonna be a great one! Because it’s so close, we’ll also not be paying much for transportation. If you’re even remotely interested in attending, do yourself a favor and go!


August waw August 14 - 17, 2019


Maddie Villan

jor iology ma 4th Year pmental B o el ev D lar, & Cell, Molecu From August 15th through the 17th, Desert Oasis had its August Weekend of Awesomeness Weekend in Las Vegas, Nevada. Carried on as a monthly division tradition, Weekend of Awesomeness Weekend, or WAW for short, is a 3 day, 2 night event where members from our division meet in either California or Nevada and host a bunch of events ranging from service, socials, workshops, and more! At this August WAW, members volunteered at the California-Nevada-Hawai’i Kiwanis District Convention, attended the August Division Council Meeting (DCM), a Support Systems and Building Connections workshop, and the Desert Oasis Summer Academy. During the CNH Kiwanis District Convention, our members assisted with registration, Tech AV, and welcomed and directed Kiwanians at the Welcome Table. On the 15th, we also had our August DCM where we gave updates on upcoming events within our division and on the district level. After the DCM, we had a social at Cafe Sanuki and bonded with friends over yummy udon! On the 16th, we continued to volunteer at the Kiwanis District Convention and even helped during the on-site service project where volunteers packaged non-perishable food items. Afterwards, some Division Leadership Team members hosted a Support Systems and Building Connections Workshop where they went over the importance of having a healthy support system and networking in and out of Circle K. Then, we wrapped up the night with the Desert Oasis Summer Academy where members did a series of bonding activities to strengthen the fellowship between the members of this division. Lastly, on the 17th, we finished up volunteering with the Kiwanians and headed back home safely to California! Like all WAWs, August WAW was loaded with events that always reignite my passion for Circle K. At the end of it all, I was exhausted from such a busy weekend but it was all enjoyable and I would do it again every month. Hope to see you at the next Weekend of Awesomeness Weekend!




Meet the Family Heads Jamie Ly 2nd year Pre-Business Major

Jameson Nguyen 4th year Political Science Major

Carolyn Tran 2nd year Biology Major

Jack Chen 2nd year Political Science Major

Liuvia Micaela Devora 2nd year Undeclared CNAS Major

Janice Lee 2nd year Biochemistry Major

Josh Bautista 3rd year Accounting Major

Kimse Sok 3rd year History & Business Administration Major


VP of A

Samantha D r el re


Trea su



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Club Contact Info


President: Kaylie Troung .........................................................................................ktruong.cki@gmail.com VP of Service: Michael Feng ...................................................................................mfeng.cki@gmail.com VP of Administration: Max Rico .........................................................................mrico.cki@gmail.com Secretary: Amy Kobayashi ......................................................................................akobayashi.cki@gmail.com Treasurer: Samantha Del Castillo ..........................................................................sdelcastillo.cki@gmail.com

APPOINTED BOARD Fundraising: Aviral Aggarwal .................................................................................aviral01@gmail.com G&M Relations: Lana Tran .....................................................................................lana.tran180@gmail.com Historian: Allana Denise Elarmo ...........................................................................aelar001@ucr.edu K-Fam Relations: Tina Ta .......................................................................................tina.ta122110@gmail.com K-Rock Concert: Emily Candido ..........................................................................emilycan8@gmail.com MD&E: Hannah Abellana ..........................................................................................habel002@ucr.edu Member Recognition: Gustavo Del Castillo .......................................................gdel016@ucr.edu Newsletter: Janice Lee ............................................................................................jlee758@ucr.edu Public Relations: Jamie Ly ....................................................................................ly.jamie.y@gmail.com Service Initiative: Veronica Thai ..........................................................................vthai001@ucr.edu Spirit & Unity: Jack Chen ........................................................................................jchen425@ucr.edu WebTech: Albert Dang ............................................................................................adang018@ucr.edu

CLUB SOCIAL MEDIAS #UCRCKI Club Official Website: http://ckiucr.org/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/ucrcki Instagram: cki.ucr Youtube Page: http://www.youtube.com/user/UCRCKI

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