R' BREAKFAST: Volume 10, Issue 4 | Winter 2020

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Editor’s Message Hello hello readers! This is Janice Lee, the newsletter chair of Circle K at UCR for the 2019-2020 term. The year passes by really fast and now you are about to read the last newsletter of my term! As your newsletter chair for this term, I enjoy seeing all the smiling faces in pictures and reading members’ articles as they share their wonderful experiences in CKIUCR. In the end, I would like to have a big shoutout my article writers and photographers for this newsletter. Without them, there would be no newsletter. Enjoy reading the newsletter and get ready for our next new board for the term! Here is me signing off as your newsletter chair. Thank you and good luck with spring quarter :)

Janice Lee Circle K Pledge “I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of ALL people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of humanity’s potential.”


In This Issue... 4 6 8 9 10 14 18 20 23 25 27 28 29

Special Messages Calendar Spring Birthdays CKI Updates KROCK Concert Service Service Insomnia Fellowship Leadership District and Divisional Events Member Recognition

Elected Board 2020-2021 To My Successor 3

SPECIAL M District Governor Hello and happy Spring UC Riverside Circle K! If I haven’t gotten the chance to meet you yet, my name is Wayne Cheng, and I’m serving as your 2019-2020 District Governor. First of all, thank you so much for having me at your annual K-Rock 2020 Concert! K-Rock is one of my favorite events to go to every single year, and it really does have a special place in my heart. I had so much fun this year playing all the games (and winning a 50 ticket prize!), watching the incredibly talented performers, and of course, raising money for the Pediatric Trauma Program. This year’s event was such a blast, and even though it’s my last year in Circle K, I’m sure it won’t be my last K-Rock. #gotokrock2021


As you’re probably aware, our term is quickly coming to a close! District Convention 2020 is right around the corner (I think it’s literally 10 minutes from your school), and I definitely encourage you all to go and experience one of the best events our district provides. With district elections, workshops, talent acts, awards, and more, there really is no better way to officially end the 20192020 term than with DCON 2020. Finally, I’d just like to say thank you to the whole club of CKI at UCR for always welcoming me at your events! I’ve probably visited your club/division more than any other this year, and I feel so warmly welcomed by you all every time I come to an event. Thank you for being my second home, I’m always so happy to be in Riverside.


MESSAGEs Desert Oasis Lieutenent Governor Hello UCR! It’s been real breezy lately, but don’t let the wind blow away your spirits! We’ve made it to the FINAL quarter of our term and it honestly feels so surreal. Not only that, but this quarter is moving so quickly! It really feels like we just began the school year just yesterday. For all of the board members, take the time to reflect on how far you’ve come since the beginning of your term, both in yourself and in your position.


While I still have some time left as Lieutenant Governor, I’d like to thank CKI at UCR for always being so supportive and being such amazingly active members. Being able to help and see this club grow truly has been an honor of mine and I couldn’t be any more proud of our executive board for all the hard work they’ve put into their positions. Taking on the role of a leader is never an easy feat; however, if we’re able to put in the work for our passions, all will pay off. For everyone, remember to go to class! It’s easy to get caught staying in bed because it’s too cold outside, but don’t fall into the trap! Our education comes first and remember that you’re paying for this LOL. I know I’m guilty of this too, but if you’re not sick or need a mental health day, then focus on your education first. Thank you guys for everything this year and I hope that you’ll all be able to welcome the next Lieutenant Governor with open arms!


SPECIAL MESSAGEs President Hello CKI of UC Riverside! Thank you so much for allowing me to be your president for this term. I have always wanted to be in a leadership position where I can make a difference, so I truly am grateful that I had this opportunity. I really can’t believe that we got through an entire year together and it is finally ending. So many things happened this term that I will remember for the rest of my life. I got to spend more time with all my friends and I was able to make new ones! I think that if I hadn’t pushed myself as president, I would never had mustered up the courage to talk to new members. Good thing I didn’t miss out because all the new members during my term are so cool!


Being president can be difficult because you have a big burden on your shoulders (a whole club!), but the rewards definitely make it worth it. I have grown a lot during my two years on board so I will always recommend taking that next step in leadership. What you put into it is what you get out of it; if you are determined to be a better leader, then you will be! I have lots of faith that the next board and my successor will do well. There will be lots of twists and turns during your term, but don’t let them bring you down! You will always learn something new that will make you better.


I’ll still be around in my fourth year, but this is goodbye as president. Thank you!

calendar ** The calendar is tentative so please check out the website https://ckiucr.org for a more recent schedule of events. Thank you!


Passion for Paws





General Meeting 7pm @ Watkins 1000



KCOR Luncheon



Ongoing Service: Feeding America






















27 28 District Convention 2020






Daniel Nguyen Hannah Abellana Gabriel Vazquez Samhitha Tumkur




Lana Tran Matthew San Pedro Rachel Nguyen Hillary Ngo Carolyn Tran Anjali Palikhey

Priscilla Lau Emily Candido Jack Chen Kaylie Truong Jason Li




What Is K-rock Concert? K-ROCK Concert, short for kids rock concert, is the largest scale fundraiser of the year Circle K International at UC Riverside to raise funds for the pediatric trauma program (PTP). For the past 12 years, our organization has prepared a concert with both locally and online famous performers. K-Rock is an exciting event packed full of games, delicious foods and drinks, raffles, silent auctions, and photobooths. From UCR performers to local talents, the night fills with singing, dancing, and fun! Cute T-shirts are also given to our attendees from all over the CNH district.

What Is The Pediatric Trauma Program? The Pediatric Trauma Program, PTP, serves to educate parents and children about preventing accidental injury and funds the training of pediatric doctors, nurses, and first responders to treat children that have been injured. More children die from accidental injury than any other cause and these occurrences are more than often preventable. PTP serves to educate parents, children, and communities about preventing accidental injuries.


CONCERT Emily Candido 4th year Media and Cultural Studies major

Emily Candido is our very own KROCK Concert Chair here at CKI at UCR. She worked so hard with her subcommittee to create a successful KROCK Concert to help fundraise with the pediatric trama program! She is amazing!!

The 12th Annual Kids Rock Concert was held on January 18, 2020. Many people from the district came to the event, which was Under the Sea themed!! This year our headliner was Megan Lee and she was not only talented, but very humble. She livestreamed the whole experience on her twitch stream, so check it out if you would like!! Our wonderful MC’s, Jack Chen and Jamie Ly, even got the chance to be her background dancers for her encore performance!! Besides our headliner, other student performers were fun to watch. Delfino Squared was a fan favorite due to their strong stage presence and energy. During free time, attendees were able to play fun games and got to trade in tickets for incredibly cute plushies!! The bidding station featured baskets filled with different goodies and had a section dedicated to art created by some of UC Riverside’s E and A Board members. The whole concert was special to my heart as I was the host. Seeing all the people in the district come together and enjoy themselves at Krock made me very happy. In my opinion, Kids Rock Concert is always a fun event to attend because attendees get to see many wonderful performers showcase their talents. Also, they get to participate in fun games and activities and have the opportunity to bid on some cool prizes. The main goal of Krock is to raise funds for the Pediatric Trauma Program as all the proceeds go directly to our local Loma Linda Children’s Hospital!! Make sure to come to the next one and support my wonderful successor!



Our headliner for K-Rock 2020 was Megan Lee! She is a Korean-American singer, songwriterm and actress. She was previously on The Voice (Season 14) and has even written music for popular KPOP artists.

Collective Faction is dance team at UC Riverside. They have been performing at K-Rock Concert for a couple years, and they surprise us every year with their amazing dances.


We were honored to have a wonderful band performance from Delfino Squared. Everyone enjoyed their performance so much.

Thank you Jack Chen (left) and Jamie Ly (right) to volunteer to be the MCs for this year’s K-Rock Concert. Without them, the program would not be as successful!


Rachel Nguyen 2nd year Biochemistry major

On January 18, 2020, we had our 12th Annual K-Rock event. This was my first time attending K-Rock; prior to attending I heard so many good things about K-Rock and had high expectations for this event. Needless to say, this year’s K-Rock event went beyond my expectations! We had Megan Lee as our main headliner this year, and not only did she sing amazing live but she even did a cover of Baby Shark to fit our theme this year (at my request hehe)! Not only did we have such amazing and passionate performers but we also had so many fun games to play and delicious food items such as Chick-Fil-A and 7Leaves. Overall, I had such an amazing time at K-Rock and this certainly will not be my last time attending this event; I got to meet so many new people and form closer bonds with my fellow club members. I highly recommend attending K-Rock so please come out next year and have fun with us!




Girl Scout Cookie Mega Drop January 25 , 2020

Leanne Lew 2nd year Economics major

The Girl Scout Mega drop was a service event that happened on January 25th. This event was for the distribution of girl scout cookies to troops and individuals. There were thousands of boxes of girl scout cookies lined up in a row separated by the different flavors. CKI volunteers were separated mainly into two groups, one for cars while the other mainly for larger order that filled up U-hauls. Our job at the event was to fill the cars or U-hauls with the number of boxes they ordered. Each order would vary in the number of boxes and the largest orders can go up to the hundreds. This event lasted for approximately 8 hours. However, it was a great experience and you’ll get to know the people in your group. There would be small breaks in between orders to have a break and small conversations. When you get there in the morning there would be breakfast such as donut and coffee and lunch would be provided later in the day. There would be snacks and water there throughout the day for volunteers to eat and stay hydrated. This event was a rewarding experience and also you get a free workout so I would recommend others to go next year.


KRCB WARD 2 Beautification February 1, 2020

Vivian Nguyen 1st year Computer Science major


On February 1st, Circle K had the honor of helping the KRCB organization at their Ward 2 Beautification event. KRCB, or Keep Riverside Clean and Beautiful, is a program where members of the Riverside community come together to work on beautification projects all around the Riverside area. One of the greatest things about this event is seeing people from all different walks of life. No matter how old or how young, everyone here felt a sense of pride knowing that they were going to keep their community clean and beautiful. The area we came to had an alarming amount of trash and to be honest I thought it would take forever to clean up. Although the task was very tiring and it was hot as heck, cleaning with our members was super fun and I would love to do it again! It was tiring at first, but in the end it was rewarding knowing that our work is going towards something great!

Mr. Joe’s Farm February 8, 2020

Kylie French 1st year Global Studies major

After all our work, we were able to explore the farm, pet the camel along with other all the other animals Joe’s farm had to offer. Tired and thirsty, us now well-versed farmers headed over to the Ding Tea Fundraiser for CKI UCR. By ordering some much-needed refreshments, we were able to cool off and support our club. We played UNO, shared a lot of laughs, and agreed we would all be sore the next day. The smiles and the laughs shared on the farm, and the fundraiser, alongside the fact we got to see a camel in the middle of Riverside, made for a great Saturday and excellent service.

On Saturday, February 8th, a group of CKI members put on their overalls and headed over to Joe’s Farm. Arriving at Joe’s Farm, we were greeted by Mr. Joe himself and his wife, Stacey. After introducing ourselves, we were all divided into groups where we then headed over to our designated areas to complete challenging yet fun jobs. One group, including myself, worked on digging up dirt to filter out any rocks, in efforts to generate pure soil. Where we would then take the filtered soil via wheelbarrow to different animal stalls filling in any holes, the animal may have created. While working on that task, another group achieved hanging tarps throughout the farm around various cages, which is much harder than it looks. While third and final group worked on cleaning out the water buckets, so all the animals on the farm now have clean drinking containers, even the camel!


A Brush with Kindness

Amy’s Farm


Service I

Insomnia Service In the Moonlight

Janice Lee 2nd year Biochemistry major

Every quarter, CKI at UCR set a day dedicated to service. Since there are different services for the entire day, members get to choose which service events they want to attend. For this year’s Winter Service Insomnia, we started off going to a morning seervice called A Brush of Kindness, as we helped painting the walls for a low-income family house. Although most people got paints on their clothes, the event was very fun. Next, we visited Amy’s Farm to help pulling out weeds and feeding the pigs. I got to catch up with other members at the service and I had a really great time. To conclude the day, we had a night service as we separated into three groups: making PTP pillows, writing cards, and making dog toys. Even though most members were tired from the all-day service, we had a great time socializing. I would definitely come out again for service insomnia next quarter.




Trampoline Social February 13 , 2020

Daniel Nguyen 3rd year Economics major

The Hanger Trampoline social was fun! At the beginning we happily jumped around on the trampolines, but after only 5 minutes many of us discovered that we were out of shape and were super tired. Our first group activity was a mini dodgeball tournament, where we all randomly split into two teams and started battling it out. The match was super high octane and lasted quite a while because Matthew refused to go down without a fight! Afterwards we all tried the rock wall and it was super cool because you didn’t have to worry about falling since there was an airbag underneath us! After an hour, we left and decided to grab a bite at the local in-n-out where we surprise visited Amy! We all got our food and chatted for a while, catching up with each other in addition to eating delicious burgers.


Round 1 Joint Family Social February 28, 2020

Karaoke Time!! This event was a joint family social, where members from different members got to bond with one another, thus making CKI a whole family. Some members spent time at the karaoke room, keeping a common ground with members to connect the club.

Claw Machine Time!!

Game Time!!




Winter Welcome Week Info Night January 14, 2020

During our Winter Welcome Week, we organized an information night for members who are new to the club. New members get to know more about our organization, Circle K International, and talk to members in the club to have a better insight of what we do. Instead of having board members to present at the information night, we encouraged general members to take on this leadership opportunity and introduce our club to the new members. They did a great job!

Tabling Workshop January 24, 2020

Our very own Public Relations Chair, Jamie Ly, hosted a workshop to educate members on the tabling techniques. Jamie tables near the bell tower every Wednesday to promote and recruit new members. At the workshop, she educated members on the techniques to recruit members and how to set up a canopy and the table. With her beautiful smile, many potential members come up during tabling and learn more about our club. Although her term as a Public Relations Chair is coming to an end, make sure to say hi to her as she is such a cheerful friend! Jamie is cool!


Divisional & District Events


UNLV’S Serenade 2020 February 1 , 2020

Ahtziri Rodriguez 2nd year Neroscience major

On February 1, 2020 members from CKI at UCR headed to Las Vegas and attended UNLV’s annual Serenade, where we were able to bid money on the male and female performers to raise money for the American Cancer Society/ Relay for Life. This was the very first Serenade I ever attended and it was a very fun experience. Every performer did an amazing job singing and were able to raise a lot of money toward the charity. Members had a very fun time bidding on our own members, such as Kimse and Andy, and we were even serenaded by our very own Andy Nguyen. We were also able to participate in a table top service where we made pillows that were going to be donated. Overall, this event was a very fun experience and I will definitely attend this event next year!


Member recognition The Membership Recognition Program (MRP) is the largest way Circle K International recognize its members showing dedication in our three tenets: service, leadership, and fellowship. The program consists of several rankings and each member is awarded according to the number of requirements they fulfill. Although the deadline of this term’s MRP just passed, you shoul.d try to achieve MRP for the next term! If you have any questions about MRP, feel free to ask our Member Recognition chair or any board members

MRP Level









Dues Paid (Membership)





Additional Requirements





----Socials (SE)





----MD&E Events (MD)





----Fundraisers (FR)





----Alumni (AL)





----Kiwanis Family (KF)





----Interclub (IN)





----Divisional Events (DV)





----District Events (DE)





----International Events (INT)





----Articles Submitted





----Webinars Attended (WB)





----Chaired Events





----Host Workshop / Webinar





----Club Committee Member





Service Hour


Elected Board 2020-2021

(From left to right)

Secretary: Lana Tran Vice President of Administration: Janice Lee President: Jamie Ly Vice President of Service: Ahtziri Rodriguez Treasurer: Jack Chen Congrats!


to my successor President - Kaylie Truong

I 100% believe in you! You’ve taken a huge step and it’s already something to be proud of. I’m excited to see how much you grow and what you gain from your presidency. Remember to relax and ask for help! Everything will be okay in the end. If you ever need anything I’ll be around. :)

Vice President of Service - Michael Feng

Congratulations on getting elected! You are now the embodiment of service for the club. I hope you bring your happy and joyous aura to each and every service event! Don’t focus too much on your job and make sure to have fun from time to time!

Vice President of Administration - Max Rico Hello successor! Congratulations on your new position! VPA can be a very challenging position, but it’s also very rewarding! Be sure to always make sure a-board is going well, and support them in their efforts. And also make sure that you’re taking care of yourself and sleeping and drinking water! Let me know if you ever need anything, and know that I’m h*cka excited to see all that you and your board will accomplish! :D

Secretary - Amy Kobayashi

Hi secretary successor!! I just wanted to let you know that I am really happy that you stepped up to the position of secretary. I know that you are going to do great and here are two tips I have for you: 1) Don’t hesitate to bug people about CERF’s LOL and 2) Do not procrastinate turning in the MRF and MRS; I learned that the hard way haha. But anyways, I will still be around and if you have any questions about anything, please do not hesitate to ask me :) I wish you the best of luck and hope you have fun during your term!

Treasurer - Samantha Del Castillo

Hello. Good luck with the treasurer stuff. I know you can do it and feel free to ask for help. Know that you aren’t alone! There will be times when you are frustrated, tired, but know that people appreciate what you do. However, most importantly don’t lose yourself. You are not just the CKI treasurer, you are a friend, a sibling, a child and a student. Remember to balance those aspects in your life and don’t let the duties consume you. I know you will do great and enjoy your term. :)


Fundraising Chair - Aviral Aggarwal Fundraising Chair was an interesting position that allowed me to explore a few ideas and gain some experience and understanding of event planning and talking to and planning with different people. My experience as fundraising chair and in Circle K has been rewarding and I hope to meet you soon!

Graphics & Media Relations Chair - Lana Tran As my predecessor said to me, this position is an art, which means it’s yours and yours only. Don’t be scared to try out new things! You don’t have to follow exactly what your predecessors do, it’s your term!

Kids Rock Concert Chair - Emily Candido Dear Successor! Congratulations on stepping forward to host this wonderful event. Throughout your time on board, you will overcome multiple obstacles. However, you will be surrounded by people that will help you get to your end goal along the way. It is okay to feel overwhelmed or stressed about Krock at times. It’s a feeling all of the predecessors have felt before concerning the concert. I hope you enjoy your time as a board officer and make new memories. Remember that this event will work itself out in the end. Best, Emily :)

Kiwanis Family Relations Chair - Tina Ta


I would say I am content with how my term is about to end as Kiwanis Family Relations chair. If you are anyhow interested in becoming my successor, I would like for you to communicate well, to reach out to others to the best of your ability and to enjoy yourself in the process of it all. I am looking forward to the day that I get to meet you.

Membership Development & Education Chair - Hannah Abellana Hello my future successor! I hope you’re ready for the amazing things you and your board will achieve in the year to come! Don’t stress about it too much, remember enjoy what your doing, as long as people are having a good time and happy, everything will be absolutely fine :) Seeing all the members, big and littles, and families having a blast at Fall Install, will make you feel accomplished! You got this Successor!


Newsletter Chair - Janice Lee Hello hello my successor! Welcome on board! I am so proud of you that you step up and take on a leadership role in CKI. Being a newsletter chair can be stressful if you do not have good time management and collect articles and pictures of events ahead of time, I know you will do a great job, but feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. I believe in you :)

Public Relations Chair - Jamie Ly Hi successor! I’m so glad you exist :) Public Relations is a fun job; I really got to connect with so many members through it and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. It can get tiring sometimes; it’s not easy to be out at the belltower every week but I do think it’s extremely rewarding. That being said, I hope your dedication and drive motivate you to do the same throughout the term. I’ll leave you with a very important piece of advice: do not be afraid to ask for help! From your board or even general members. Tabling with others is always more fun.

Service Initiative Chair - Veronica Thai As the Service Initiative Chair, I’ve learned much about myself, others, and the club that I’ve never known during my past years in Circle K. I’ve gained confidence in myself, learned to communicate, and become more involved with the DSI “education.” As my successor, I hope you keep your passion alive. Open yourself up, be creative, and go beyond what’s required of you, and don’t be afraid to ask for help/ideas. It will be exhausting and consistent work, but by the end of your term, you’ll realize your growth and how much you’ve helped educate members and even yourself. Good luck!

Spirit & Unity Chair - Jack Chen Hi future successor, I had fun making new bonds with my board and surprisingly, many of us became close despite starting off as strangers. When you set something on your mind, don’t hesitate, take it one step at a time. It feels more satisfying than worrying the project altogether because you at least finished something. I look forward to meeting with you to talk about my journey.

Web Technician Chair - Albert Dang Whoever is my successor for webtech, your position is pretty different from everyone else’s. You’ll spend the summer working on the website and revising it over and over again. When it’s finished by the start of the school year, you’ll be able to stand back and relax. Have fun and don’t stress too much.


Club Contact Info EXECUTIVE BOARD President: Kaylie Truong .........................................................................................ktruong.cki@gmail.com VP of Service: Michael Feng ...................................................................................mfeng.cki@gmail.com VP of Administration: Max Rico .........................................................................mrico.cki@gmail.com Secretary: Amy Kobayashi ......................................................................................akobayashi.cki@gmail.com Treasurer: Samantha Del Castillo ..........................................................................sdelcastillo.cki@gmail.com

APPOINTED BOARD Fundraising: Aviral Aggarwal .................................................................................aviral01@gmail.com G&M Relations: Lana Tran .....................................................................................lana.tran180@gmail.com Historian: Allana Denise Elarmo ...........................................................................aelar001@ucr.edu K-Fam Relations: Tina Ta .......................................................................................tina.ta122110@gmail.com K-Rock Concert: Emily Candido ..........................................................................emilycan8@gmail.com MD&E: Hannah Abellana ..........................................................................................habel002@ucr.edu Member Recognition: Gustavo Del Castillo .......................................................gdel016@ucr.edu Newsletter: Janice Lee ............................................................................................jlee758@ucr.edu Public Relations: Jamie Ly ....................................................................................ly.jamie.y@gmail.com Service Initiative: Veronica Thai ..........................................................................vthai001@ucr.edu Spirit & Unity: Jack Chen ........................................................................................jchen425@ucr.edu WebTech: Albert Dang ............................................................................................adang018@ucr.edu

CLUB SOCIAL MEDIAS #UCRCKI Club Official Website: http://ckiucr.org/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/ucrcki Instagram: cki.ucr Youtube Page: http://www.youtube.com/user/UCRCKI

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