table of contents
G eneral M eetings 7 PM
Soup Kitch en 5 PM
G eneral M eetings 7 PM
Lunch eon 11: 40 AM
R’garden 9 AM
Dance W ork sh op 3 PM
Lunch eon 11: 40 AM
R’garden 9 AM
M arch M elody 6 PM @ UN LV
UPDATES March Melody
DATE & TIM E: M arch 10th at 6 PM LO CATIO N: UNLV R EG ISTER ATIO N: p resale $8 (until3/8/18)
District Convention
DATE & TIM E: M arch 23-25th LO CATIO N: LA Co nventio n Center
DATE & TIM E: July4-8th LO CATIO N: Ch icag o
Remind a friend to stay hydrated! Remember to stay hydrated and drink water! The 8x8 rule says that we should drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day. This is about two liters or half a gallon of water. Not all the water has to come from just water, you can drink other liquids and get water from the food you eat.
BIR T HDAYS March / / / / / / / /
April / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
MESSAG ES Hello Everyone, My name is Erica Apostolos and I am the Newsletter Chair. Although my term is not over yet, most of duties as Newsletter Chair have been fulfilled. This is my final newsletter of my term. Newsletter is a difficult job. It takes hours making graphics, compiling articles and pictures, formatting. But I’ve loved doing it so much. I tried my best to include as much as I could so they could serve as a tool to you all. So, I
Hello Everyone! My name is Calvin Chau, the President of Circle K International at UC Riverside (CKI a UCR). Oooo, The winter is getting a little chilly here with these sharp winds, so it’s a great idea to be inside and stay toasty. Lucky for you, when you’re inside staying toasty, you can go ahead and enjoy a warm hot chocolate and R’Sweet Story for the Winter Quarter. While you’re reading this sweet newsletter, you can take the time to reflect back on everything that has happened in CKI at UCR. We are reaching the end of the term and new leadership is starting to bud soon, but there’s still so much that has been going on for the winter quarter to reflect on. Look back on Kids Rock Concert, and the times that we have spent in Vegas for February Weekend of Awesomeness Weekend and their fundraiser, Serenade. Don’t forget all of the services that we have had to help our members reach MRP! Then, reflect back on the District Large Scale Service Project and how much fun we had doing service together as a district. However, it’s not quite the end because there is still District Convention and I hope everyone is looking forward to that! This newsletter does a great job of recapping all of the work that we have done for the Winter quarter, but so do the other newsletters. I hope you also check back on the past newsletters and think back to the amazing times you’ve had and spent with CKI at UCR. We really appreciate you for sticking with the club and reading through all these letters, so I would like to extend my last and final President’s Message to say, Thank you everyone for being an amazing part of this organization and for all of the amazing work that you have all done. I sincerely appreciate all of you and your dedication to this organization, it’s inspirational and I hope all of you pursue higher things in the organization or even stay active. Congratulations to Erica on finishing her final and amazing newsletter, thank you for all of the hard work that you put into these! With that said, Enjoy the bittersweet final volume of R’Sweet Story and look forward to greater things in the new term. Sincerely, Calvin Chau
Hello U C Riversid e CK I!
Hello CK Iat U CR! Since the last new sletter, Desert Oasis has continu ed to end this term offstrong . U NLV CK Ihosted their11th annu al Serenad e and it w ent g reat! M em bers g ot to hearperform ances and be serenad ed by talented g u ys from both Nevad a and California. Inthe end , the event raised $210 7 forthe Nevad a Child hood CancerFou nd ation! Ifyou m issed ou t, fret not, as you canstillattend the fem ale versionofSerenad e - M arch M elod y - onM arch 10 th! Definitely check it ou t and sig nu p onthe w ebsite! Inothernew s, Desert Oasis shirts are available now !! Ord eras soonas possible so you cang et you rshirt and show you rDO spirit at DCON laterinM arch! Evenifyou can't m ak e it, you canstillg et you rshirts afterw ard s. As m y last LTG new sletterblu rb, Iw ant to end it offby saying thank you to you , CK Iat U CR. You have brou g ht so m any w ond erfu lnew m em bers to ou rDesert Oasis fam ily and have contribu ted a tonto g iving them a g ood DO experience. G reat job to everyone involved ! Inthe com ing m onths Ihope to see you allat AprilW AW and M ay W AW , w here you cancheck ou t the finalrecaps ofthis term at the U NLV, Desert Oasis, and U CR end ofthe yearbanqu ets! And lastly, HU G E shou t ou t to Erica forw ork ing so hard to m ak e these am azing new sletters allyear! They're am azing and fu tu re new sletterchairs w illlook back onthis as one ofthe position's best years. K eep being am azing , U CR, and I'llsee y'allat DCON! Sincerely, M axRico
It w as a pleasu re being at you rannu al K id s Rock Concert now each yearforthe past three years, Ihad a really fu ntim e and w as to cong ratu late you rchairs J asonand Sabrina forpu tting on su ch a m ag nificent event! Iam so thank -fu lto see that so m any ofyou rm em bers have participated inou rDistrict events this year, and it w e alw ays enjoy w henyou bring you rsid e ofthe d istrict tog ether. Cong ratu lations to Presid ent Calvinonsu ch a g reat term , Iloved being able to w ork w ith you every now and thenand it feels g reat k now ing I helped you along the w ay. Ilook forw ard to seeing everyone at DCON 20 18, w here the chairis from you rschool! W ith the new yeararou nd the corner, althou g h I w illnot be arou nd anym ore Iam expecting a fu n and fantastic yearw ith Presid ent Vanessa and her new board . Strive to be betterfriend s and servant lead ers forou rcom m u nity becau se w ith allthat piles oninou rlives as w e g et old er, there w ill alw ays be room forim provem ent! See you alllater! M u ch love, Law rence Sahag u n CNH District G overnor
R’Garde n is a re al l y fun and h um b l ing se rvice .Itse rve s as a space w h e re anyone in our l ocalcom m unity can grow fre sh produce , l e arn ab outth e e nvironm e nt, and m e e toth e rs w h o are passionate ab outfood sustainab il ity.W e do th is se rvice once a w e e k .W h e n Iw e nt, w e w e re give n th e task oftak ing outal lofth e w e e ds th at w e re pre ve nting th e grow th ofsom e ofth e produce . W e w ork e d unde r th e h otsun for ab outtw o h ours, and w e coul d re al l y se e th e diffe re nce th atw e m ade b y se e ing th e giantpil e ofw e e ds th atw e pul l e d out. Atth e e nd ofth e se rvice , w e w e re al l ow e d to tak e h om e any ofth e produce in th e e ntire garde n.Ie nde d up carrying around a h e ad ofcab b age untilth e e nd of th e day.O ve ral l , th e w as a ve ry fun se rvice to b e ab l e to tak e partin.Itw as a nice b re ak in th e usualsch e dul e ofjustgoing to cl ass.Ican’tw aitto go again.
O n Fe b ruary 2nd, m e m b e rs ofour cl ub w e ntto th e sch ool ' s com m unity garde n to h e l p outas partofour w e e k l y se rvice .Pe rsonal l y, Ih ad notb e e n to R’Garde n for m any m onth s, so Iw as ve ry e xcite d to b e ab l e to atte nd again.Th e task th atw e w e re give n th is tim e w as to pul loutth e w e e ds in th e garde n.Ih ad h e l pe d w ith w e e ding b e fore , b utth is tim e w as a l ittl e h arde r th an usual due to th e h otw e ath e r and l arge num b e r of w e e ds e ve ryw h e re .H ow e ve r, Iw as stil lre al l y h appy to atte nd and h e l p out.Ith ink th atb y th e e nd ofth e q uarte r, th e crops th e re , such as caul i ow e r and k al e , sh oul d b e re ady for h arve st, so I’m l ook ing forw ard to atte nding b e cause th ose are one ofth e b e stdays to h e l p outatth e garde n. Ifyou w antyour ow n
fre sh ve ge tab l e s, com e to R’garde n.H ope to se e you th e re !
KEEP RIVERSIDE CLEAN & BEAUTIFUL BY ALEX PARK Is th e re a b e tte r w ay to e njoy your m orning b y Ke e ping Rive rside Cl e an and Be autiful ?Ye a th e re is, b utstil l , th is e ve ntw as w orth w ak ing up for! Th is w as th e b igge stse rvice e ve ntIh ave ch aire d so far, and I w as ne rvous.Th e m e m b e rs and Iw ok e up e arl y to atte nd th is se rvice in orde r to k e e p Rive rside cl e an and b e autiful .Th e re w e re se ve raloth e r cl ub s and organizations th e re , b utw e w e re th e onl y one s assigne d to pl anting! W e w e re re sponsib l e for pl anting pl ants and ow e rs al ong th e side w al k s ofUnive rsity Ave .starting from Iow a Ave .dow n to Ch icago Ave .Itw as w arm and w e w e re al lsw e ating e ve n th ough th e se rvice took pl ace in th e m orning;h ow e ve r, w e al lh ad so m uch fun th at w e didn’te ve n k now th atw e h ad pl ante d 29 5 pl ants and ow e rs! W ow ~ Ide nite l y h ad a gre attim e doing th is se rvice e ve ntand Iam l ook ing forw ard to m ore se rvice s l ik e th is.
SOUP KITCHEN BY CALVIN CHAU As th e w e e k w e nton, Iw as l ook ing forw ard to m y favorite se rvice e ve nt, Soup Kitch e n! O n W e dne sday, F e b ruary 21st, at5p m , w e h e ade d outto th e F irstCongre gationalCh urch in D ow ntow n Rive rside .W h e n w e w e re th e re , w e im m e diate l y b e gan to h e l p outw ith th e se tup th atne e de d to b e done and w ith th e drink s to p re p are th e m for distrib ution.Be fore th e e ve ntstarte d, al lofth e vol unte e rs gotinto a circl e for any announce m e nts th atne e de d to b e m ade and a cute l ittl e sing al ong to insp ire us w ith th e p urp ose ofth is e ve nt.Th rough outth e e ve nt, w e h e l p e d distrib ute drink s to th e p e op l e w aiting to b e se rve d and th e y w e re so grate ful . You coul d te l lth e y w e re w aiting th e w h ol e w e e k for th is m om e nt.Itw as am az ing to se e th ose sm il e s on th e ir face s and h e ar th e th ank you’s from th e ir m outh s.Soon, w e al ll e ftw ith sm il e s on our face s b e cause w e re al l y h el p e d th e Rive rside h om e l e ss com m unity th atday and w e h e l p e d th e m l e ave h ap p y.To m e , itis one ofth e m ostm e aningfulse rvice s and Iam gl ad to b e ab l e to h e l p outw ith th is th rough Circl e K.
MADDIE’S PYOS BY EMILY CANDIDO O n F e b ruary 8th , one ofour m e m b e rs, M ade l ine Vil l anue va, h oste d h e r p l an your ow n se rvice p roje ct.Th is PYO S consiste d ofm ak ing insp irationalcards for foste r k ids.Th e cards w e re to b e de l ive re d to th e Ch il dre n' s F oundation for Am e rica al ong w ith care p ack age s l l e d w ith various ite m s, such as b l ank e ts and toys.M yse l fand oth e r fe l l ow CKIm e m b e rs atte nde d th is e ve ntatstude ntl ife to m ak e th e se cards and itw as a gre at w ay to social iz e and de stre ss from p ostm idte rm s. Il ove d al l th e p unny cards and cre ativity from e ve ryone atth e e ve nt.I did notk now th atm any ofour m e m b e rs can draw so w e l land w as ve ry im p re sse d w ith th e ir artistic ab il ity.M addie ’s PYO S w as de nite l y a re l axing w ay to nish offth e w e e k and Ican’t w aitto h e l p outatth e ne xtp l an your ow n se rvice p roje ct!
GIRL SCOUT MEGA DROP BY SAM DE CASTILLO G irlScout’s M e ga D rop h appe ne d on January 27 th .For th is se rvice w e al lgotto w aitup supe r e arl y to arrive at7 am !! Th e re w as food once w e gotth e re .As far as th e e ye coul d se e dow n th e m iddl e ofth e l ot th e re w e re scoutcook ie b uil dings( girlscoutcook ie s stack e d on top ofw ood se parate d b y th e avors) w h ich al lh ad to b e dism antl e d to putth e cook ie into th e cars.Each ofth e CKI vol unte e rs w e re assigne d to a cook ie w ith a group ofpe opl e w e re th e car w oul d com e b y and te l lyou th e num b e r ofb oxe s you h ad to l oad.Som e cars cam e in al l de corate d w ith th is ye ar’s th e m e … e l e ph ants.Itw as arm day for sure ge tting th ose cook ie s l oade d into th e cars.Attim e s e ve n l e g day sq uatting to re ach th e l ow e r cook ie b oxe s tow ard th e e nd ofth e day. Al lth e vol unte e rs w e re fe d piz z a or Sub w ay for l unch and pl e nty of snack s th rough outth e day for FREE!!!! Th e re w e re pe opl e constantl y giving w ate r to stay h ydrate d during th e h ard and re w arding h ours. Th e w ork out nish e d som e w h e re b e tw e e n 4-5 pm and w e re re w arde d notonl y w ith food from al lday b utw ith a supe r cute e l e ph antpin. Itw as w orth itand de nite l y re com m e nd going.
BY ANNIE ZHOU M e ga D rop...as h e avy as itsounds, itw as an inde e d tiring b utal so ve ry fun e ve nt.G irlScoutM e ga D rop w as a se rvice e ve ntw h e re w e as vol unte e r h e l pe d oth e r vol unte e rs to m ak e sure th atth e se l arge suppl ie s ofcook ie s w il lb e de l ive re d to th e ir troops.Th e re w as th ousands of cardb oard b oxe s l l e d w ith girlscoutcook ie s ofal lk inds of avors. Th is e ve ntw e ntfrom 7 am until5pm in th e afte rnoon.Te n h ours ofse rvice w as supe r inte nsive e spe cial l y ifyou w e re assigne d in groups l ik e Th in M ints or Pe anutButte r Sandw ich .Fortunate l y, I w as assigne d at th e gl ute n fre e group w h ich w as th e l e astpopul ar avor outofal l . W h e ne ve r w e gotb ig orde rs l ik e 20 or 30 b oxe s, our w h ol e group w oul dl ook ate ach oth e r and say:“om g nal l y!!” Attim e s w h e re w e h ad no orde rs, w e w oul d go to th e ne xtgroup and try to h e l p th e m outas m uch as possib l e .O ne th ing th ataccom panie d us th rough out th e w h ol e th ing w as th e snack s th e y offe re d! Th e re w e re tons of snack s l ik e ch ips, gum m y b e ars, ch e e se stick s, granol a b ars and e tc. For l unch , th e y provide d sub w ay and piz z a.O ve ral l , itm igh th ave b e e n an l ab or-inte nsive w ork out, b utI stil lpre fe r spe nding th e day outside inste ad ofb e ing on m y l aptops al lday.
HELPING HANDS FOOD PANTRY BY JAMESON NGUYEN The Helping Hands Food Pantry service event took place on February 10th at San Bernardino. The workload was separated into two different shifts. The rst was from 9am to 12pm, and the second was from 12pm to 3pm. However most of the volunteers ended up doing both shifts to help out as much as they could! During the rst half we were tasked with sorting and checking if leftover bread were still moldy or reusable. We nished after an hour and moved on to breaking down cardboard boxes and tossing them away to help organize and clean the food pantry. We had to toss several pieces of cardboard boxes into a bin that was twice our height so it was funny seeing a lot of the volunteers get hit by boxes that wasn’t thrown high enough (me). After another hour we ended shift one by weeding out their front garden. Shift two came in after but unfortunately there wasn’t much work to do so after another two hours of gardening, weeding, and cleaning we ended the service there. Personally as a co-chair for this event I was sad that there wasn’t much to do at the Food Pantry. Usually they have loads of work for volunteers to help them with. However, I still enjoyed my time as the weeding and gardening was quite relaxing allowing me to talk to new and current members that I’ve never spoke to. You should sign up and come out to the Food Pantry whenever possible. BY ALEX PARK What’s better than to start offyour Saturday morning by participating in the Helping Hands Food Pantry? Getting a at tire and having to spend almost an hour getting your spare tire installed! I'm just kidding. Helping Hands Food Pantry is an ongoing service, usually held over the weekend. Volunteers are to drive to San Bernardino to either help peel lettuce, break down boxes, and/or to pick up trash around the facility. The volunteer is to clock-in for their volunteer shift inside the office and then clock-out once his or her shift is over. CKI usually has two shifts, 9am to 12pm and 12pm to 3pm. I actually co-chaired my rst Helping Hands Food Pantry with Jameson Nguyen. We were planning on going to both shifts, but I ran into a problem while going to pick up the second shift volunteers. However, before that, I had lots of fun photographing CKI members, happily breaking down unusable boxes and sorting out moldy food items from good ones. These types of busy work are great ways to nd out more about new members and bond with returning members, or vice versa. Despite getting a at tire, I had a lot of fun doing this service and I encourage everyone of you reading this article to go to this service!
cki ch
OnFebru ary 25th, ou rclu b took part inthe California- Nevad a-H aw aiiDistrict Larg e Scale Service Project Sou th inthe Orang e Cou nty! A lthou g h w ak ing u p to m eet u p at 7:1 5A M w as pretty hard forsom e, w e w ere allable to m ak e it to ou r respective sites. This year, U CR w as spread betw eenthe three sites ofLa Q u inta H ig h School, Thom as Fam ily H ou se Shelter, and Veteran's H om e OC. It w as m y rst DLSSP and I w as chosento be one ofthe activity lead s forthe Veteran's H om e OC Front Yard crew . A t rst, it w as qu ite d au nting becau se Ihad to lead a g rou p ofm em bers w ho Ihave never m et inm y life and assist them incleaning u p the front yard , bu t w ith the help ofthe K iw anians, Service Com m ittee, and District Board , w e w ere able to clearou t the front yard ofa w hole bu nch ofw eed s! U sing g loves, shovels, rak es, and trash bag s, w e com bed throu g h the hilly front yard ofthe Veteran's H om e to help clearou t as m any w eed s as w e fou nd to m ak e the soilfresh forreplanting and look nicer overall. A fterw ork ing forseveralhou rs, w e took a short lu nch break to eat som e g reat pizza and hang ou t w ith ou r friend s. A fterw ard s, w e w ent back to w ork and started tearing ou t parts ofthe tarp that helped to catch w eed s w hen they g rew . These tarps planted w ithinthe soilby the land scapers w ere erod ing and need ed to be replaced so tearing it ou t helped them g et read y! Overall, it w as a fu nservice w here w e w ere able to g et tog etherand bond as a District w ith ou rfellow Circle K 'ers. W e w ere able to clearou t the front yard , the back yard , repaint som e stru ctu res, cleanthe hou se, and prep d innerforthe veterans living there! DLSSP is d e nitely a service you w ou ld n't w ant to m iss next year!
Al oh a! M y nam e is D anie l Sanch e z ! Iw il lb e se rving as th e D ivision 36 W e stLie ute nantGove rnor for th e 2018- 2019 te rm ! M y p ast th re e ye ars in th e Kiw anis fam il y h ave b e e n tre m e ndousl y e xciting and re w arding.O utside ofKiw anis, Iam a w rite r and a fil m m ak e r.Ie njoy w atch ing m ovie s and m ak ing sh ortfil m s ofm y ow n.I al so l ik e m usic and m usic th e ory.Th is ye ar, Iw il l focus m ostofm y tim e to Ke y Cl ub.Ih ave b e e n p re se nte d w ith am az ing op p ortunitie s to give b ack to m y com m unity, and I h op e to continue doing so.
H el l o, I’m Tam D ao! Iw il lse rve as D ivision 36 East’s Lie ute nantGove rnor ne xtte rm .Icurre ntl y se rve as th e cl ub e ditor and th e division e xe cutive assistant.Ih ave b e e n p artofth e Kiw anis fam il y for th re e ye ars and ith as b e e n an h onor b e ing a p artofsuch a gre atorganiz ation.O utside of Ke y Cl ub Ie njoy p h otograp h y, cine m atograp h y, te nnis, and vol l e yb al l .Ial so h ave a w e ird ap p e alto w atch cook ing vide os l ate atnigh t. W h e n Ih ave e nough tim e , Ie njoy w atch ing m usical s, and b inge w atch ing.As Igrow up , I de sire to go to UCSD and startm y journe y in th e m e dicalfie l d so Ican b e ab l e to save oth e r p e opl e ’s l ive s.
H i! I’m Eth an Le e ! I’m curre ntl y a junior at Santiago H igh Sch ool . D uring m y fre sh m an ye ar, Ijoine d Ke y Cl ub and instantl y b e cam e invol ve d.Iw as a se cre tary during m y sop h om ore ye ar and Iam curre ntl y stil la se cre tary as a junior. O n top ofth is, Ih ave be e n e l e cte d as th e ne w Lie ute nantGove rnor El e ctfor D ivision 15 East. In te rm s ofh is p e rsonal l ife , Ip l ay a varie ty ofinstrum e nts th atincl ude th e guitar and drum s. D uring m y fre e tim e , I e njoy p l aying vide o gam e s and in th e future I asp ire to b e com e an e ngine e r.
FAVORITE SERVICE EVENT: Kids Rock Concert FAVORITE SWEETS: Sour & Fruit Candy YEAR: 1st MAJOR: Psychology & Dance Major Congratulations to Andy Nguyen for being our January Member of the Month! Andy has continuously been active, but he really made his mark during the month of January. He helped during the K-Rock workdays, went to January WAW, went to a lot of our welcome week events, and even chaired Girl Scout Mega Drop! Thanks Andy for being an incredible member!
MESSAGE TO MY SUCCESSOR YAYY!! Congrats on becoming President. It might be a tough road, but I think you' ll come to enjoy this position. If you need help with anything, let me know and I would be glad to help you out. Have fun with your position and don' t leave the club in shambles :D
Hi there successor! Congratulations on being elected to service on the elected board for the next term. It is a wonderful thing to be able to lead a club like this. I know that you will be doing great things in this coming term. I hope this next term is all that you want it to be! Good luck!
Heyoooo SUCCessor! I want to wish you luck with the next year. You' ve gotta big responsibility and it' ll be tough but really rewarding!! I know that you' ll be able to pull through and bring this position to new heights! I' ll be here for you if you need any help, I' m just a message away.
Congrats successor! You have a full year to show offto CNH what this club has to offer! Stay on top of your tasks, set goals for yourself, and remember to always strive for greatness. Prepare for a life of troublesome excel sheets, and remember that you will always have help when thing go awry. You can always ask me, your board, or Google for advice! I know you will do an amazing job and have one of the best experiences of your college life coming into this position. Good Luck! :)
HI! Treasurer, I think, is probably one of the most rewarding positions on the club. You pretty much are always apart of everything. And no one but you will really understand that. Feel free to ask me questions! I know I never stopped talking to Christine! LOL But I know you got this ;)
Hi friend! I hope you' re super stoked to be raising money for our DFIs, and remember that your effort is directly proportionate to the change you provide to the world. You' re going to struggle, but it' s going to come with the bene t of every last friendship #626NM. Time on board is going to y and the next thign you know, you' ll be welcoming in your own successor. Life isn' t going to be easy, but I' ll be here for whenever you need guidance :^)
Hello m y fu tu re su ccessor! Cong ratu lations onbecom ing Historian! This positionreally allow s you to g et creative w ith the slid es, scrapbook , and occasionalvid eos. Icannot w ait to see w hat w ork you pu t ou t! I'llbe here rooting foryou rooting you onand ifyou need any help!
HiSu ccessor!!! This positionis a very rew ard ing experience. You m ay not see the im m ed iate eects ofw hat you d o; how ever, you stillhave anim m ense im pact onthe fu nctions ofthe clu b. I'llbe here to help you , ifyou everneed it c:
Not m any w illk now how m u ch you w illbe d oing forou rclu b. A lthou g h alm ost allyou r w ork and planning m ay be behind the scenes, w hat you d o m atters! Don't hesitate to ask forhelp from anyone! It m ay be stressfu l, bu t you are m ak ing a chang e. Iw illalw ays be here ifyou need m e!
Hello you am azing ballofsu nshine! Thank you so m u ch fortak ing onthe challeng e ofplanning and org anizing K -Rock . This event m eans so m u ch to CK Iat U CR as w ellas Sabrina, m e and every chairpriorto u s. I cannot w ait to see w hat am azing thing s you have instore foru s! The potentialinyou is astou nd ing and I k now that w illd e nitely re ect inK -Rock . There w illbe severalu ps and d ow ns inthe event planning bu t rem em berto k eep you rhead u p. You rhard w ork and d ilig ence is recog nized . Ibelieve inyou !
Hello m y su ccessor(s), you 're infora heck ofa w ild rid e w ith the d estinationbeing K - Rock 20 19! I k now you 'llsu cceed ina lot and you 'llhave m e and J asonalong w ith you rboard next yearto com e along forthe rid e. It'llhave its u ps and d ow ns bu t inthe end , it'llallbe w orth it. Be su re to reach ou t to u s ifyou have any problem s. IBELIEVE INYOU !!! #g otok rock 20 19
To the next M D&E - YOU G OT THIS. Don't be afraid to ask forhelp from anyone and everyone. M ak e the best ou t ofyou rterm and d o the thing s you w ant to d o forthe betterm ent ofthe clu b! Iw illalw ays be there to su pport you and help you along the w ay! Rem em ber, you w ere chosen fora reason- so g o g et'u m !
To my successor, I don’t know who you are yet, but I’m honestly super excited to see what you have in store this year! When I rst started my term, I always doubted whether I was really t for this position and that really killed the mood moving forward. So take my advice and never doubt yourself because you are an incredible person with the potential to thrive! I’ll always be there to lend you a helping hand whenever you need it so don’t be afraid to reach out! Wish you the best of luck!
I am sad to say my term has come to an end, but I’m so excited to see all the things you’ll accomplish! You will do an amazing job. .Make sure you learn graphic standards and follow them in your newsletter. But also, don’t forget to sprread out your work and use your resources. There are many people around you who can help you, including me. :)
HELLO!!! Congratulations on joining A-Board! It's gonna be a wild ride but de nitely worth it in the end. As you may know, this position is in charge of graphics so don't be afraid to let your creativity ow (but, of course, follow graphic standards LOL). Remember, don't compare yourself to others and just do your own thang. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!! I'm always just a message away :) Best of luck! #masthead4lyfe :)
HELLO FUTURE PUBLIC RELATIONS CHAIR!!!! CONGRATS!!! We probably talked about it during our one-on-one and I'm glad that you ended up doing it. I hope that I didn't scare you too much regarding the position because it really is a lot of fun. I wish you luck the upcoming year and if you have any questions feel free to message me. ANYWAYS!!! Lmk when you want to get the stuffbecause it's going to be a lot of stuff:))))
YAY! Congrats on getting Single Service Chair! I’m sure you’ll have fun helping your board out and planning services and workshops. There’s so much you can do and by the end of your term you’ll have learned so much about the DSI and hopefully have spread awareness to others about it too! You have the power to get others involved. Have fun with it!
HI SUCCESSOR!!! I hope you're ready to start your spiritual journey as the new Spirit and Unity chair!! I believe it's a very rewarding position to have because you get to meet all kinds of people and instigate new friendships within the club! It's also great just seeing everyone come out to socials and having a good time. The FTC skit can get to be a bit much, but if you ever need ideas/help with it or anything really, I got you!!! I wish good luck to you and I can't wait to see what you accomplish throughout your term!~
I’m so excited to see what you put out for next year! Don’t be afraid to experiment and be creative in terms of your colors, graphics, and web design. Being in board is what you make of it, so make sure you make it as fun and memorable as you can! Good luck!
KEY TO LIFE BY LAWRENCE CHAN We had our annual Key to Life on the Saturday at the end of week 4 from 11PM-4PM. This was a wonderful opportunity for our members from Circle K and our invited Key Club divisions to learn about life after college. These informative workshops ranged from Personal Health to Real World situations. Our workshop hosts were mostly UCR Alumni (if not all) and were part of the Kiwanis Family in the past. They shared their past experiences and words with wisdom to our attendees. In addition, we had a small notebook making table-top service that was led by our Single Service Chair, Lesley Dea. Overall, this was another successful Key to Life with mostly leadership, but also amazing service and fellowship. I would de nitely recommend everyone to go next year!
WINTER INSTALL BY CALVIN CHAU On Friday, February 16th, it was the perfect day to get dressed up and experience something amazing, Winter Installation. At 6:30pm we made our way to the Old Spaghetti Factory near Downtown Riverside and I noticed that people were getting antsy. Bigs and Littles alike all waiting for their pairs and the new members waiting to be installed. As the night went on, everyone enjoyed their food ranging from Marinara to Chicken Marsala pasta and it was a room full of conversation. Once the installation began and new members got called up, everyone cheered them on and it was an inspirational moment for everyone. The room fell silent when it was time for reveals and once those blankets dropped, it was an emotional moment for the Bigs and Littles. You could tell that they were excited and everyone was happy for them. There were multiple cute pictures taken and it was a great opportunity for everyone to just embrace the tenet of Fellowship. The whole night was an inspirational moment for everyone and deeper bonds were de nitely made because of this Installation. Thanks Nathan Wong for hosting this event!
HOT COCOA NIGHT SOCIAL BY JACKIE DO To k ick oJ anu ary W AW , CK I@ U CR g ot tog etherw ith the rest ofthe Desert Oasis d ivisionto have a hot chocolate socialat the G lenM or pool. Before helping ou rselves to a nice cu p ofhot chocolate onthat chilly evening , w e allw ent arou nd m ing ling w ith one anotherand g etting to m eet orcatch u p w ith friend s from the otherschools inDO. After som e tim e chatting , ou rspirit and u nity chair, Vanessa, and ou rfu nd raising chair, G arrick , led u s throu g h som e ice break eractivities su ch as Chiefand everyone's favorite, J u m p In, J u m p Ou t! Aftertiring ou rselves ju m ping , w e w ind ed d ow nthe evening w ith hot chocolate. The hot chocolate w as pretty sw eet, ju st lik e the socialw as!
DESERT OASIS DCM BY HOGUN LEE U pd ate! U pd ate! G et you rcrispy u pd ates here! Forthe J anu ary W eek end ofAw esom eness W eek end ( W AW ), Desert Oasis had a joint DivisionCou ncilM eeting (DCM ) w ith CentralCoast inord erto u pd ate allthe m em bers abou t w hat both d ivisions have beenu p to! Inthe beg inning , w e had a spicy icebreak erofSpeed Dating inord erto g et to k now the people inboth d ivisions better. Then, Lieu tenant G overnors M axRico and BillTru ong from Desert Oasis and CentralCoast respectively spok e abou t the clu bs intheird ivisions. Representing U C Riversid e's CK I,CalvinChau talk ed abou t the lovely services it had available over w interbreak su ch as Isaiah's Rock w hile the U niversity ofNevad a, Las Veg as talk ed abou t its incom ing annu allarg e scale event, Serenad e that w as inFebru ary. Ad d itionally, w e heard som e u pd ates from ou rsm allerschools inthe Desert Oasis d ivisionw ho w ere trying to g ainm ore m em bership. Finally, w e end ed by introd u cing the Desert Oasis M em berofthe M onth (M OM ) forJ anu ary orratherM OM s this tim e as the recipients ofthe aw ard w ere J asonTerrazas and Sabrina Yang !!! They w ere also the K id 's Rock Bene t Concert Co- Chairs forCircleK at U CR! Am azing sau ce!
E/A BOARD WORKSHOP BY ANDY NGUYEN Onthe 14th ofJ anu ary, 20 18, Iattend ed the Execu tive and Appointed Board W ork shop held by the U CR E/ A-Board w ith som e otherboard m em bers from U CSB and U NLV. Ifou nd the w ork shop to be very insig htfu land Ifelt lik e Ig ained a betterperspective as to w hat each m em berofboard d oes and w hat each ind ivid u alpositionentails. Also hearing abou t how otherschool's hand led theirboard and the process ofhow to ru nw as nice to hear abou t and pu t into perspective how d ierent otherclu bs m ay ru n thing s.
WINTER INFO NIGHT BY JASON TERRAZAS Eve ry se cond w e e k ofth e acade m ic cal e ndar, w e h ave an Info Nigh tto inform ne w l y inte re ste d p ote ntialm e m b e rs ab out w h atCircl e K Inte rnationalis.W inte r Info Nigh tis a l ittl e m ore sp e cialcom p are d to th e oth e r Info Nigh ts th rough outth e ye ar.Ge ne ralm e m b e rs are give n th e op p ortunity to l e ad th e Pow e rPoint! Each m e m b e r is assigne d th e ir ow n sub je ctto discuss th e die re ntasp e cts th atm ak e up Circl e K.Th is ye ar w e h ad M ark Fe rnande z , Andy Nguye n, Ke vin Tran, Am y Kob ayash i, Annik a Liu, Andre w Ch ang, Ke vin Nario, Xue O ng, and M arisa Ch aroe nsri te ach ing us ab outth e organiz ation. Eve ryone w as p rofe ssional , sp ok e w ith con de nce , and w e re w onde rfulto l iste n to.Notto m e ntion th e y w e re p re tty funny attim e s! O ve ral l , W inte r Info Nigh tw as a succe ss! Al so a h uge sh outoutto Nath an for organiz ing th e e ve ntand assigning e ve ryone th e ir task s for th e nigh t!
RICE HEATING PADS SERVICE BY HOGUN LEE D oe s anyb ody l ik e rice ?W h atab outsock s?W h atab outrice AND sock s AND m e e ting ne w p e op l e ?W e l l , th is se rvice w as al lofth atand m ore ! For th e Rice H e ating Pads Tab l e top Se rvice , w e m e asure d som e cup s ofrice to inse rtinto sock s and w rote a h e l p fulm e ssage on top to h e l p p ote ntialuse rs ofth e h e ating p ads to k now h ow to use th e m .Ap p are ntl y, al lyou ne e d to h e atth e p ads is a m icrow ave and som e w atch fule ye s on th e tim e .Th e n, voil a, you h ave a h e ate d rice p ad! Ith ough t th e ide a w as ve ry cl e ve r and e njoye d th e l ove l y se rvice w h e re w e gotto e xp l ore th e D istrictSe rvice Initiative ofPe rsonal H e al th and se e m any frie nds and face s.Pe rsonal l y, Ire al l y e njoye d m ak ing al lofth e se rice sock s w h il e in good com p any. z en fro y og u rt
R AISIN G CAN E’S FUN DR AISER BY BR EN N AN CAIN N o th ing like a relax ing evening w ith friend s after a lo ng d ayo f classes, esp eciallyat Raising Cane’s! W h at’s even better w as th at it w as a fund raiser! Sp ecialsh o ut o ut to o ur fund raising ch air G arrickLiang fo r d o ing such a w o nd erfuljo b ch airing th is fantastic event! M em bers to o ktim e o ut o fth eir busyTh ursd ay nig h ts in o rd er to co m e o ut and enjo ya d elicio us m eal, and bo nd am o ng st th eir fello w m em bers.N o t o nlyth at, but since th is fund raiser w as o ne o fo ur W inter W elco m e W eekevents, so m e m em bers w ere able to catch up w ith each o th er after so m e tim e ap art.W o w ! W h at a g reat w ayto p ut sch o o lasid e fo r a little bit, and bo nd w ith friend s o ver fo o d w h ile fund raising at th e ex act sam e tim e! A fter th e event w as o ver, w e all w ent h o m e and p rep ared fo r th e nex t event o fo ur W inter W elco m e W eek, w h ich w as an ice skating so cial.
ICE SK ATIN G SO CIAL BY AMY K O BAYASH I A s p art o fo ur W elco m e W eek, o n F rid ayJanuary19 w e h ad o ur ice skating so cialat th e LA King s Iceto w n.Th ere w ere o ver 70 m em bers th at cam e o ut to th e so cialand th ere w ere even so m e new faces as w ell.Ieven invited so m e o fm yh allm ates to th e so cialbecause so m e o fth em w ere curio us abo ut w h at Circle Kw as like, so Ith o ug h t th at th e ice skating so cialw as a g reat w ayfo r th em to see w h at th e p eo p le w ere like and to just h ave fun to g eth er! Every o ne seem ed to h ave a g o o d tim e fro m th e so cial! Isaw m anyh ap p yfaces and it w as nice to h ave every o ne to g eth er fo r th e so cial! Even th o ug h I w as no t veryg o o d at th e ice skating , it w as stillfun fo r m e because Ig o t to be w ith m yfriend s and m em bers o fCircle K!
AMY’S FARM FOR HOPE BY RACHEL SAMPLES O ur visitto Am y ’s Farm w as a m orning ful lofl ive l ine ss and grow th . W e w e re w e l com e d b y th e sce ntoffe rtil e m ul ch and invite d in b y th e sigh tofe ndl e ss gre e ne ry and th e anim al s w h o fe d upon it. For som e , th e sce ntw asn’te xactl y th e ir ide a ofa “pl e asantgre e ting” b utw e h ad com e for m ore th an to e njoy th e sce ne ry . For th e e nd ofW e l com e W e e k , w e cam e as vol unte e rs to contrib ute to m aintaining th e naturalb e auty and h e al th ofth e farm . Eq uippe d w ith a coupl e ofw h e e lb arre l s and a num b e r ofb uck e ts, th e tw e nty -se ve n ofus spl itinto tw o groups and tack l e d th e w e e ds e pide m ic infe sting th e garde ns. Afte rw ards, w e w e re give n th e opportunity to fe e d th e pl uck e d w e e ds to th e cow s and spe nd tim e sigh tse e ing around th e farm . Th ough w e w e re spre ad outacross th e garde n, w e w e re ab l e to l ocate th e m e m b e rs ofCircl e Kb y l iste ning for th e sq ue al s th e y m ade ata run-in w ith a w orm or spide r. As w e nish e d up, th e pigs sudde nl y m ade a ruck us and th e pigl e ts, ove re xcite d, e scape d th e ir pe n! Farm e r H e nry re m aine d un uste re d and caugh tth e m w ith outstruggl e , b ut for us itw as a m om e ntofpande m onium . M y pe rsonalfavorite partw as ge tting th e ch ance to e nq uire Farm e r H e nry ab outth e cow s atAm y ’s Farm . (Fun fact:O nce a pre gnanth e ife r give s b irth to a cal f, sh e b e com e s an adul t cow and can b e use d for dairy production.) Itw as an une xpe cte dl y e xciting e ve nt!
FEBRUARY W AW BY M ARISA CHARO ENSRI My car (me, Christine Dinh, Brian Moreno, Amy Kobayashi, and Nina Schatz) was the rst to leave for February WAW; it was a long drive but I slept most of the way. Surprisingly, I was still able to sleep that night -- despite taking a really long nap that shouldn’ t even be called a nap LOL. In case you don’ t know what WAW is, it stands for Weekend of Awesomeness Weekend, and it’ s just basically where the schools in our division come together and do service together! One of the rst events of February WAW was a volleyball social at UNLV’ s gym (and I love volleyball!). It was a really fun way to get to know members from UNLV’ s CKI, because everyone was getting so into the game. After the social that night, my car went to Zen Curry for dinner -and I kid you not, it was the best curry I’ ve ever had LOL. I mean I haven’ t had a lot of curry in my life but it seriously was amazeballs -- GO TRY IT. Before I move on, I also want to say that boba in Vegas is amazeballs too LOL. The next morning we helped paint a bungalow for senior citizens. It was quite relaxing and not all tedious; plus they gave us free snacks and water. We got curry again for lunch, and as expected, it was amazeballs! There was about a ve-hour gap between the painting event and Serenade, so I just took another nap LOL. The hours ew by pretty quickly which meant it was time for...SERENADE!!! I was really excited because my Big, Grand, and Treasurer Henry Casarez were performing; I’ d never seen them sing until then. I got even more excited when I got to Serenade because the decorations were so cute! I was totally swooned by their performances *heart ngers* (heart before ngers). On Sunday morning (last day of WAW uwu), my car went to get donuts for breakfast! It was a little place full of puns -- from donuts called Cristiano Ronaldough to Bradley Pooper, to Jennifer Lemonce and more! Afterwards we had a DCM (District Council Meeting), and I had the honor of live-recording the meeting...although I encountered some diffi culties due to Max’ s phone being at like 5% rip. DCM was pretty much the last event of February WAW; we took some group pictures and nally headed back to California. The way back felt a lot shorter than the way there...because guess what I did? I took another nap LOL. It was a big nap this time; I totally KOed. Overall, like any CKI event I attend, I had a lot of fun. :^)
UNLV’S SERENADE BY NINA SCHATZ On February 10th, I got to attend my rst Serenade in Las Vegas with a bunch of old and new friends. As we were arriving, everyone was going around talking to each other and getting hyped to witness the guys who were about to perform for us. I was most excited for the three guys from UCR to sing because I knew their silly side from the club events, but never witnessed the more sensitive part of their personalities. Henry Casarez was the rst to perform and de nitely set the bar high with his song choices and voice. I was blown away with how deep yet beautiful he could sing, and I could tell that everyone else was too. Garrick Liang performed not long after where he sang the classic romantic songs that made every girl stop to listen to him. His performances were very tting with the idea I had in mind when I thought of how Serenade would be like. Brian Moreno was next and took his song choices to the old school YouTube, signing AJ Raphael. His show was amazing performing Red Roses and having origami roses thrown on stage which tted his pun-ny personality I met on the car ride up to UNLV. One after one, all the performers made the stage their own, leaving the audience in awe and each earning 100 dollars or more. I had the best time attending and de nitely plan on going every year to hear them sing again.
w inter social, M intees and Cinnabuns head ed into D ow ntow n Riversid e.Thing s seem ed p rettysketch and , w ell, kind ofd ead for a Frid aynig ht, but the energ yofour fam ilies m ad e up for that ten tim es over! Lunar N ew Year lanterns strung throug h the city , and the M ission I nn g low ed in sp irit ofValentine’s D ay . W hile w e w ere able to ap p reciate the beauty , w e also bond ed throug h friend lycom p etition.W e’d sp lit into team s and w and ered into a scaveng er hunt.There w ere historicalstatues, vintag e shop s, and uniq ue d isp lay s.W e laug hed , talked , and raced , but, m ost ofall, interacted w ith p eop le both in and out ofour fam ily . I t w as a fun nig ht top p ed w ith food , friend s, and boba.
MRP RECIPIENTS PLATINUM Garrick Liang Kristy Dai Max Rico Michael Feng Ryan Hoang
GOLD Annika Liu Calvin Chau Henry Casarez Hogun Lee Jason Terrazas Kelly Lien
Kevin Tran Kevin Y. Wu Lawrence Chan Nathan Heger Nathan Wong
Sandy Tsan Shota Omori Vanessa Kumnoonsate Samantha Ratanavipupong
SILVER Andrew Chang Andy Nguyen Bonnie Chan Fion Chien Jacqueline Do
Kevin Nario Lesley Dea Madeline Villanueva Marisa Charoensri Nina Schatz
Robin Dang Sabrina Yang Xuexing Ong
BRONZE Alex Park Alex Tran Annie Zhou Ashraya Kalavakunta Brandon Dee Celina Ngo Christine Dinh
Daniel Wahyu Erica Apostolos Jameson Nguyen June Park Karen Jaranilla Kim-Mai Hoang
Mark Fernandez Melodee Navarro Peter Bautista Sam Del Castillo Sean Adversalo Veronica Thai
SPECIAL THANKS Alex Park Amy Kobayashi Andy Nguyen Annie Zhou Annika Liu Bonnie Chan Brennan Cain Calvin Chau Emily Candido Hogun Lee
Jackie Do Jameson Nguyen Jason Terrazas Lawrence Chan Marisa Charoensri Nathan Heger Nathan Wong Nina Schatz Rachel Samples Sam Del Castillo
Alex Park Annie Zhou Calvin Chau Fion Chien Garrick Liang Hogun Lee Jackie Do June Park Nathan Wong Robin Dang Vanessa Kumnoonsate
Erica Apostolos Calvin Chau Hogun Lee Alex Park THIRD PLACE : 4 ARTICLES
Annika Liu Jason Terrazas
clcha u .cki@ gm a il.com kd a i.cki@ gm a il.com sa d versa lo.cki@ gm a il.com rhoa ng.cki@ gm a il.com trea su rer.ckia tu cr@ gm a il.com
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“I pledge to u pho ld the O bjects o f C ircle K I nternatio nal,to fo ster co m passio n and go o dw ill to w ard o thers thro u gh service and leadership,to develo pm y abilities and the abilities o f A LL peo ple,and to dedicate m yself to the realizatio n o f m ankind’s po tential!�