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VISITING BELIZE HEALS THE SOUL Belize emerges as the premier destination post-pandemic.



THE PURNELLS: THE FAIRYTALE WEDDING WE ALL WANT Rare is it that we have a chance to express love in a manner that over 400 people feel



Now it’s on to the general election and Washington for the Cleveland native.

Quotes by people of distinction.


With marriages on the decline we examine the incredible role Black it. But that is exactly what the Purnells did men play in their families, with their children, and other Black men. when they got married on Juneteenth 2021. 24 10 X RULE

6 MOVERS AND SHAKERS Get to know people who are making a difference in their careers and changing the world!

“This is the focus of the 10 X Rule: You must set targets that are ten times what you think you want and then do ten times what you think it will take to accomplish those targets.”

28 WE EXPLORE CHAKRA THERAPY Explore methods to get in tune with your body and create the peace and tranquility you need with chakra therapy. 32 STARTING FROM HEAD TO TOE: REBUILDING YOUR WARDROBE 101 “A well-dressed man takes care of his clothing and so gets full value of them.” Etiquette for the Well-Dressed Man ADVERTISE WITH CODE M Men of color influence the latest trends of popular culture, fashion, and music more than any demographic. Reach this audience when you advertise with CODE M Magazine. Call 216-273-9400 to request a rate kit.

CODE M / AUGUST 2021 3




PUBLISHER Bilal S. Akram


PRESIDENT Brad J. Bowling SENIOR ADVISOR Alexandria Johnson Boone MANAGING EDITOR David Christel GRAPHIC DESIGN Stiff Arm Media

ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Teri Martin David Williams CONTRIBUTING WRITERS David Christel Anthony Kirby Brad J. Bowling Armon R. Perry, PhD Bilal S. Akram


D'Juan Hopewelnifer Corley Lawre nce Burnley CODE MEDIA GROUP LLC


Sharif Akram

Franklin Solomon

Darrell Scott Braylon Lee

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CODE M Magazine was created to be a guiding force in creating a dialogue for black men everywhere. Code M focuses on the conversations of advancement, mental health, career choices, the political landscape and relationships that define and shape the lives of black men everywhere.

Code M Magazine is published by CODE MEDIA GROUP, LLC




D O N N A 6 AUGUST 2021 / CODE M

Get to know people who are making a difference in their careers and changing the world!





Donna Dabbs created the Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival (GCUFF) in 2012 with the vision of showcasing the work of emerging filmmakers and established artists who both contribute to and celebrate urban culture.

Since 1996 Terry Clark and Clarktel Communications have been helping businesses all around Northeast Ohio with their communication needs.

This September, the GCUFF will celebrate urban films all around Cleveland with special guest Michael Jai White. Tickets are on sale right now.

Clark is a huge supporter of local events and charities around the Akron area and continues to grow with new and digital communications technology. Learn more at https://www.univergeblue.com/ cloud-services/connect/

ED HACKLER III, MD Dr. Hackler fixes hearts for a living. Although Blacks make up only 13% of the population, they are twice as likely to die from heart disease. Less than 3% of cardiologists are Black. Precisely, only 4% of cardiologists are Black women and only 3% of cardiologists are Black men. Hackler chose this field for that reason specifically: To do the most good for the most people in the Black community. It’s a privilege he doesn’t take lightly and is blessed to be able to do so.

DRU THOMPSON Dru Thompson has become a fashion staple in Cleveland, creating original designs at her boutique, Dru Christine Fabrics & Design. Thompson, a Cleveland native, has been working in Cleveland’s fashion industry since 2001 and has run Dru Christine Fabrics & Design since 2012. In addition to selling her colorful clothes, Thompson also offers a variety of sewing classes from her store, which is located inside the Lake Affect Building at 1615 East 25th Street. CODE M / AUGUST 2021 7


Belize emerges as the premier destination post-pandemic.

VISITING BELIZE HEALS THE SOUL rivers and falls, Maya temples, and cuisine influenced by its Kriol, Garifuna, Mestizo, Maya, Mennonite, Spanish, East Indian, and Middle Eastern cultures.

COVID-19. I made the decision to cancel my flight and remain in Belize to wait it out. I have not regretted that decision for one moment.

Where the heck is Belize?” That was the question I most often encountered thirty years ago whenever I would mention the name. Over the course of the next decade, it became the best kept secret in the scuba diving community. By the turn of the century, travelers began waking up to this little known paradise, the gateway between Central America and the Caribbean.

Today, as you contemplate your much-needed post pandemic vacation, Belize should be at the top of your list. And that is not just because of all the benefits mentioned above. It truly is one of the safest places to visit and live at this incredibly tumultuous time in the world. It seems that the world is getting crazier by the day. And there is no better place to find safe haven than in little Belize.

Slightly smaller than the State of Massachusetts, Belize is incredibly diverse in terms of population and physical features. In one vacation you can enjoy pristine beaches, clear blue and aquamarine water, rainforests, refreshing

In March of 2020, right around the time of my planned return to the US from Belize, countries around the world came under increasing pressure to close their borders and lock everything down in an effort to mitigate against the spread of

The total number of deaths remains at just over 300, attributable in large measure to the aggressive action of the government. Yes, the total population of Belize is comparatively small. But it could have been a lot worse. And now, as we emerge on the other side of the pandemic, notwithstanding the uptick we see around the world and the increasing prevalence of the Delta variant and others, Belize continues that same trend, even as the country gradually reopens to tourism.

8 AUGUST 2021 / CODE M

Living in Belize for the past year has been an eye opener. No effort has been spared to keep the residents safe. They also understand that tourism is the lifeblood of the country. And so, that

[ TRAVEL ] same effort continues to be applied to keep you, the visiting public, safe. That is how they have managed to keep the death toll so low. So, rest assured that you will be able to both enjoy your vacation and have the peace of mind that comes from knowing your safety is everyone’s concern. I’ve also, during my time there, been able to observe first hand just how friendly and open the people are. Warmth and hospitality are expressed everywhere, not just by those paid to make you appreciate good customer service. People are genuinely welcoming and willing to share with strangers and visitors. Among all the richness of experiences that you will have in Belize, this is one that you will treasure and always remember. I’m finally back in the US almost a year and a half later. And now, as I consult my bucket list in contemplation of my next international move, I’m having a certain difficulty I never had before. Every time I take a look, the name Belize seems to magically appear at the top of that list. Yes, I had already crossed it off. But it seems to continually reappear even as the others recede in the distance. Is my mind playing tricks on me, or did I leave my heart in Belize?

that, if I am to be honest with myself, this feels like more than just the urge to make another visit. Something deep down inside is telling me that I ought to consider moving there, perhaps retiring there. I’ve done some research into that and have been pleasantly surprised by what I have found. But I will not bore you with details here. For now, suffice it to say that everything I learned is extremely positive with respect to making that move. And I promise that I will provide much more detail in an upcoming article. Besides, I don’t want to ruin the excitement and the suspense. I want you to experience it exactly the way I did. Consider taking your next vacation there. Do some research and plan a trip. Maybe even include a friend or two. Experience the joy and anticipation as your travel day approaches. I’ve observed travelers as they board a boat to

go out on the water to visit some of the 450 islands between the coast and the world’s second largest barrier reef. They appear so relaxed and happy, their faces just beaming. You can experience that same feeling as you plan your trips once you are there. And long after you return, it will still be with you.

Yes, I think I’m going back soon and will probably end up living there eventually. Perhaps, I might even see you there. I get around a lot when there and try to enjoy as much as I can of what Belize has to offer. Where the hell is Belize? That’s no longer a T-shirt thing. Everybody now knows where it is. But only some have intimate knowledge of exactly what it is. Will you become one of a chosen few of the not so rich and famous? There’s a reason the locals call it “The Jewel”. You better Belize it!

It appears that I may have to follow my gut and return to Belize for another visit. That is what every fiber of my being is now telling me. And the strange thing is

Belize offers amazing experiences that last a lifetime when you visit.

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Now it’s on to the general election and Washington for the Cleveland native. By Brad Bowling


he voters sent a clear message Tuesday August 3 when they choose to send Shontel Brown to congress instead of Nina Turner. The democratic special primary was held to fill the seat of Marcia Fudge, who is now the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. The win for Brown comes as a small surprise to some Democrats who felt like Turner was a prime candidate to get into congress. Brown, with 22k Instagram followers to Turner’s 400k came from behind and captured the victory with endorsements from top Democratic officials including Hillary Clinton.

Brown ran on the fact that she is with President Joe Biden and his policies. She also appeared very likeable and more sincere while campaigning in and around Cleveland. Born in Cleveland, Brown chairs the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party and is a council member of the county. Her progressive political approach is scoring big with voters who seem to favor a centrist approach to politics instead of the far-left approach of Turner.

10 AUGUST 2021 / CODE M

Brown’s win also sends a message that democrats in Cleveland, and the country, might be tired of the divisive politics that have dominated our political landscape for the last five years. "I am eternally grateful," Brown told her supporters at her victory party. "I am completely overwhelmed by all of you that have showed up and showed out on my behalf. This was a collaborative partnership of the community." She added, "This isn't an all-or-nothing thing. This is about making progress. Sometimes, it takes compromise." The key word in her quote is compromise. Brown ran on the promise that she will support President Biden’s agenda and she will work to make sure that the voters in the 11th district have a voice in Congress if she wins the general election in November. Time will tell if her promise delivers, but for now, voters seem comfortable with giving her an opportunity.


Written by Chris Bryant, DNP, MSN-PH, RN Rameck Hunt, MD, FACP

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12 JUNE 2021 / CODE M


THE ROLE BLACK MEN PLAY IN FAMILIES With marriages on the decline we examine the incredible role Black men play in their families, with their children, and other Black men.

Written by Armon R. Perry, PhD Armon R. Perry, Ph.D., is professor in the Kent School of Social Work at the University of Louisville. He can be reached at arperr01@louisville.edu or 502-852-3234. To order a copy of Black Love Matters, click here. https://rowman.com/ ISBN/9781793622044/Black-Love-Matters-Authentic-Men'sVoices-on-Marriages-and-Romantic-Relationships

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14 JULY 2021 / CODE M

[ LIFE ]



amily is the primary institution in society. This means that it is charged with protecting and providing for its members. Family is also responsible for nurturing and socializing children. In other words, the family serves as a model for how we should behave.

Black men are learning from their families about how to establish and maintain their relationships. Therefore, in Black Love Matters: Authentic Men’s Voices on Marriage and Romantic Relationships, I examine the role that Black men play in modeling love for other Black men and boys in their circles of influence.

unions — are among the reasons for the reduced marriage rates, many of the men in the study also pointed to the way marriage was presented, portrayed, and modeled for them. For example, one of the men, a 22year-old college graduate who was

“It is important that Black men be supported as they strive to acquire the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to support healthy and mutually fulfilling relationships that can serve as the foundation for their marriages.” Given the decline in marriages rates for all Americans over the last fifty years, including disproportionately sharp declines among Black Americans, there is interest in better understanding what

Although social science research indicates that macro factors — such as outsourcing manufacturing jobs away from urban cities, mass incarceration, and increased receptivity to non-marital

already engaged when I first interviewed him, expressed a great deal of concern about the long-term prospects of his impending marriage. In exploring the curious juxCODE M / AUGUST 2021 15

[ LIFE ] taposition of his excitement about taking his relationship with his fiancée to the next level and his concern about how well things would work out, he cited his parents’ failed relationships. In sharing his experience, he said, “My fathers and stepfathers are the ones who raised me, and since they couldn’t do it, then it’s clear that whatever needed to be poured into me wasn’t done by them. So, how am I going to be successful at this?” This was a popular refrain that came through in several interviews with men pointing to their friends’ or family’s seeming inability to sustain their romantic relationships or marriages. However, there were other men who held more optimistic views. When this was the case, they often credited having positive role models for showing them what a healthy relationship looked like. One of the better explanations was provided by a 27-year-old man who had been married for 2 years when we met. In one of his interviews, he talked about how his father, with whom he did not always see eye to eye, was always a

dedicated and committed husband to his mother. In responding to a question about the factors influencing his attitudes toward marriage, he shared, “Like I said, the way my father treated my mother [who subsequently died from cancer]. I mean, we didn’t have the best personal relationship, even to this day. But you know, to see him work 10-hour days, come home, you know, and take care of his kids. Making sure we got out the door to catch the bus. Making sure my mom made all her chemo [therapy] treatments and any type of rehab. You know, she got to a point where the cancer had got into her bones, so she had to sleep in a hospital-issued bed and my dad had to sleep on the floor. He couldn’t sleep in the bed with her. He had to bathe her. There was a point where he had to feed her. Man, she couldn’t even go to the restroom without him. “So, to me, that was like the epitome of love. And so, for him to treat her the

way he did, that means more than anything else that was going on. And my wife has had surgery and has been ill and I took care of her the same way my dad took care of my mom. It wasn’t any knowledge that I had on my own, it was solely based on how my dad treated my mom. I just took that and used it in my marriage, and I know my wife loves me more for that. I took pride in taking care of her just the way my father treated my mother. That’s the main thing.” In contemporary society, fewer people are opting for marriage than in the past. Making matters even more complicated is that those who do marry are waiting until later in life to do so. This is happening as some no longer hold marriage up as the gold standard for their relationships. In other cases, couples aspire to marry only on the condition that they and their partners have already

Families that have the best opportunity for success often start with Black fathers who are present and involved.

16 AUGUST 2021 / CODE M

[ HEALTH [ LIFE ]] achieved all of their individual goals. It is important that Black men be supported as they strive to acquire the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to support healthy and mutually fulfilling relationships that can serve as the foundation for their marriages. To ensure that this happens, I recommend: Encouraging Black men to be authentic in their emotional expressiveness and supporting them when they are courageous enough to be vulnerable.

eling love is more important than ever. Of course, there is certainly no one right way to love. There are also myriad perspectives on what it takes to make relationships successful and sustainable. However, to the extent that there is agreement that increasing marriage rates is a desirable and worthwhile goal, it is imperative that Black men serve as examples of loving partners to those around them.

in the Kent School of Social Work at the University of Louisville. He can be reached at arperr01@louisville.edu or 502-852-3234. To order a copy of Black Love Matters, click here. Use the code LEX30AUTH20 at checkout for a 30% discount.

Armon R. Perry, PhD, is a professor

Rejecting rigid divisions of labor based on gender so as to promote a culture of cooperation rather than competition in romantic relationships. Being intentional about listening for better understanding, to prevent miscommunication, and to promote empathy as a conflict resolution strategy. In light of declining marriage rates and all of the associated societal and cultural shifts, the role that Black men play in mod-

Black fathers play the most important role in raising success Black families.








Very rare is it that we have a chance to express love in a manner that over 400 people feel it. But that is exactly what the Purnells did when they got married on Juneteenth 2021.


Written by BRAD BOWLING Brad Bowling is the President of CODE Media Group, LLC. Bowling has his BA in mass media communication and an MBA in marketing. He contributes articles to the magazine continuing his love for writing.


hen LaRese and Rashaunda Purnell decided to get married, they could have never predicted that the pandemic rules would ease just in time for them to celebrate their union with the over 400 guests they invited to their wedding on Juneteenth, 2021. What they ended up with was a fairytale

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[ COVER ] wedding that blessed their union, brought everyone back to church, and celebrated community all at the same time. It all started in 2020 on Juneteenth when LaRese surprised his bride by proposing in front of over 100 people at his annual fundraising event. “I figured it was time to propose and I wanted to do something special. So, I waited until Juneteenth to get on one knee and ask her in front of everyone,” LaRese said. A shocked Rashaunda said yes, and it kicked off what would become the wedding of the ages for anyone attending the wedding. The couple felt like it was only fitting to have their wedding on the same day that he proposed to her. “We wanted to create something that celebrated our families, Black people, and the community,” Rashaunda said.

When they sat down to plan their wedding, they knew that there was an opportunity for it to be more than just a wedding. The pandemic hit the Black community hard. Everyone was impacted in one way or another. The Purnell’s knew that if they were going to do things the right away, they wanted everyone to get something out of their special day. “We knew that people hadn’t been to church in a long time, so we focused on songs that celebrated Sunday.” Rashaunda continued,” We knew that our business friends had not been able to make money, so we tried to use as many Black vendors as possible,” Rashaunda said. The couple, with the help of wedding planner Covesa Kelly, planned a wedding that people are still talking about today. The ceremony was held at Christ Community Chapel in Hudson, Ohio. It lasted all day because they knew that they could not invite everyone they wanted. “Due to the pandemic, we knew we couldn’t celebrate our special day with everyone we wanted. So, we split certain parts of the wedding up so everyone could participate,” LaRese explained.

20 AUGUST 2021 / CODE M

[ LIFE ]

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[ COVER ] They exhausted all options to make sure that as many people as possible could feel their love for each other and come out of the day feeling fulfilled themselves. “We wanted the community to really participate with us. We wanted all our friends to be there. Businesses, the homies, cousins, Blacks, whites; we wanted everyone to come away from the day feeling love,” Larese said. Many of the people in attendance felt the love the Purnell’s were trying to express. As Rashaunda walked down the aisle, there was not a dry eye in the room. Black love was on full display and the music selections could not have been better. “We wanted everyone to have a special experience that they didn’t plan for,” Larese said. All the guests were asked to participated in the wedding by helping the couple ring in the special day with prayer and cheering. The response post-wedding has been incredible. The couple accomplished all their goals that they wanted on their special day leaving all in attendance amazed at the impossible day they enjoyed. Love shone through for the couple, for anyone who was in attendance, and the city itself. We all hope we can find the love of our lives, celebrate it in style, and be blessed enough to create the kind of day that the Purnell’s shared.

Rashaunda Purnell being blessed and prayed for by the women in her wedding party.

22 AUGUST 2021 / CODE M

[ LIFE ]

TRANSFORMING THE LIVES OF MEN www.codemmagazine.com


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“This is the focus of the 10X Rule: You must set targets that are ten times what you think you want and then do ten times what you think it will take to accomplish those targets.” by Bolling Smith


take seventy hours to hit that same goal.

t is safe to say we all learned a little bit more about ourselves as the pandemic became more real. The first ninety days of isolation felt like we were all in a movie. The second ninety we realized that our jobs and lifestyles either had to change or be enhanced. The third ninety days became an opportunity to begin a new chapter in life for many of us. The 10 X Rule: The Only Difference between Success and Failure by Grant Cardone is the perfect guidebook on how to execute a strategy for success, no matter what path you choose, to jumpstart your new chapter.

But instead of increasing the number of hours we work to achieve success, we often simply stop attempting to achieve whatever we’re reaching for, or we lower our goals, thus, not attaining the true success we are attempting to reach.

The book is about doing things using the factor of ten to access your level of activity and to hit your goals. The bottom line is that the goal is never the problem. We often do not exert the right amount of physical effort to hit our goals. Cardone breaks down the hidden fears that keep our goals from becoming a reality by taking those fears and turning them on their head.

Activity drives Behavior – Behavior drives Consistency – Consistency creates Success.

Cardone discusses how people often don’t understand how hard it is to reach a goal. Again, the goal is not the problem — it’s the level of execution that people lack, which becomes the problem. One might say that it takes forty hours a week to hit a goal. Cardone wants us all to understand that it might

24 AUGUST 2021 / CODE M

10 X Rule also attempts to address the stereotypes people take on when their families, friends, and co-workers try to discourage them from reaching for a business goal or dream. Cardone wants us all to throw fear, judgement, and the temptation to stop reaching for our goals and instead of focus on activity.

Cardone believes that our mindset is quite often the one thing keeping us from reaching our goals and dreams. His book gives step-by-step guidelines for getting beyond that: where to start, what to do, and how to follow through on each action with more action until our goals are attained. So, if you are attempting to achieve something, remember that the goal is never the problem. If you need help or direction to attack your goals, The 10 X Rule, is the perfect guide to overcoming your fears and provides you with the blueprint for achieving the life and business success you want.

[ LIFE ]

MAN CODES: “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” - Mahatma Gandhi “New analysis shows that younger African Americans are living with or dying of many conditions typically found in white Americans at older ages. The difference shows up in African Americans in their 20s, 30s, and 40s for diseases and causes of death. When diseases start early, they can lead to death earlier.” – Centers for Disease Control (CDC)


“There is no health without mental health; mental health is too important to be left to the professionals alone, and mental health is everyone’s business.” — Vikram Patel “Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.”- Winston Churchill

“The death rate for African Americans decreased 25% from 1999 to 2015.” - CDC

“How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life, you will have been all of these.” – George Washington Carver

“African Americans ages 18-49 are 2 times as likely to die from heart disease than whites.” — CDC

“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” – Lena Horne

“African Americans ages 35-64 years are 50% more likely to have high blood pressure than whites.” – CDC

“A brave man dies once, a coward a thousand times.” - Somali Proverb

“Your food is supposed to be your medicine and your medicine is supposed to be your food.” — African Proverb

Proverbs 4:20 – 22 20 “My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. 21 Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; 22 for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.”

“Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.”- Heather Morgan “Don’t ask why healthy food is so expensive. Ask why junk food is so cheap.” - NutritionSnob “Those who have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find the time for illness.’’ - Edward Stanley

Lena Horne broke ground for African Americans in film.

26 AUGUST 2021 / CODE M

[ LIFE ]

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Explore methods to get in tune with your body and create the peace and tranquility you need with chakra therapy.

Written by DAVID CHRISTEL David has been ghostwriting books for well-known people since 1995. He is also the author of Married Men Coming Out: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming the Man You Were Born to Be.


n our chaotic and frenetic world, finding some peace, quiet, and balance is … well … quite a balancing act. Day in and day out, we’re inundated with stress, responsibilities, demands, unforeseen events, things that cause anxiety — and we’re somehow supposed to “go with the flow” as

28 AUGUST 2021 / CODE M

though all of it will roll off us like water off a duck’s back. Ha! One thing we know for sure is that everything that happens to us gets stored up in our hearts, minds, and bodies. These accumulated stressors can have a seriously negative effect on our health and mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as our relationships. When this is happening, our entire being is thrown out of whack. Basically, we’re out of balance. Getting back in balance can cause stress in and of itself, so to get back in balance, we need to find a method that truly brings us into alignment without raising our blood pressure. One such way is through what is called “chakra balancing.” The word chakra simply means “wheel.” In Indian spirituality,


there are seven chakras — or focal points of energy — in the body each with their own qualities, colors, and spiritual significance. Here’s a breakdown of them.

Heart chakra – located at the heart, its color is green. Its qualities relate to acceptance, love, compassion, sincerity, and “I love.”

Root chakra – found at the base of the spine, its color is red. Its qualities relate to energy, stability, comfort, safety, and “I am.”

Throat chakra – positioned at the larynx, its color is light blue. Its qualities relate to communication, expression, creativity, inspiration, and “I talk.”

Sacral chakra – located in the naval area, its color is orange. Its qualities relate to sensuality, sexuality, pleasure, sociality, and “I feel.”

Third eye chakra – located between the eyebrows and up a little, its color is indigo. Its qualities relate to intuition, lucidity, meditation, trust, and “I see.”

Solar plexus chakra – located at the bottom of the sternum, its color is yellow. Its qualities relate to strength, personality, power, determination, and “I do.”

Crown chakra – found at the top of the head, its color is purple. Its qualities relate to knowledge, consciousness, fulfillment, spirituality, and “I understand.” CODE M / AUGUST 2021 29


So what does all this mean and is there any validity to any of it? Essentially, when we’re talking about inner balance, it’s looking at ourselves as a conduit of flowing energy. Just as with an electrical transfer station, if there is a break in the incoming and outgoing electrical conduits, problems will ensue. It’s the same with our bodies. For example, if you’re having trouble communicating effectively with people or you’re having trouble being creative, then that would mean you’re experiencing a blockage in your energetic flow, specifically in your throat chakra. To remove the blockage, take some time to sit quietly and meditate. Envision the blockage in your throat chakra opening up like the lens of a camera, which will increase the flow of energy from your root chakra up through and out your crown chakra and vice versa. See everything in alignment, the energy flowing effortlessly through you.

This may seem a bit farfetched, but there’s certainly no harm in trying it out for a month to see what results you get. Let’s say you’re having trouble with a relationship. Sitting quietly and at a time when you won’t be disturbed or distracted, focus on your heart chakra. How are you feeling about the relationship? How does your heart feel: sad, hurt, angry, cut off, dismissed, fatigued, or empty? Once you’ve determined how you’re feeling in your heart, then envision surrounding your heart with love, see it filling with the beautiful green color of nurturance, compassion, acceptance, and love. See yourself and the person you’re having a challenge with right in the middle of your heart. Don’t direct the outcome and don’t have any expectations about the other person. Just let yourself be surrounded by and filled with love. Then, when you next communicate with that person, don’t

Water offers amazing options to those who seek a relaxing and balanced lifestyle.

30 AUGUST 2021 / CODE M

hold onto past feelings about them and the situation you’re in. Instead, allow the nurturance, compassion, acceptance, and love you felt in your meditation to radiate from you. Amazingly, the other person will notice, whether consciously or not, and you may have a very different, connecting, and uplifting interaction. The key in all of this is to let go of your feelings so that you can be in a neutral position to allow the energy to flow unimpeded through you. The second key is to not have any expectations except that you’re in the process of healing and balancing. This process is simple and easy. Give yourself some time with it and see how you grow, and things change in your life!

Get and stay in tune with your body, mind and spirit. CODE M / JULY 2021 31








“A well-dressed man takes care of his clothing and so gets full value of them.” Etiquette for the Well-Dressed Man

32 AUGUST 2021 / CODE M

Written by ANTHONY KIRBY Anthony T. Kirby is the Fashion & Lifestyle Editor for CODE M Magazine and has spent over 30 years in the menswear industry. He lives in Philadelphia, PA where he is the Creative Director for FINICKEY, an online men's haberdashery brand. (https:// finickey.us)



ere we are, right in the middle of “The Dog Days of Summer”, days of the 3-H’s (Hot-Humid-Hazy). We seek out anywhere we can find shade, a well air-conditioned place, or a cool body of water. This also requires wearing lite to minimal clothing to keep the body cool.

Well, here is some good news. We are about two months away from the start of the fall season, and another four months til the winter season arrives. It’s understood that you may not want to hear about cooler temps and those shorter days to come. The reason I’m giving you this update is because, the time is now to start organizing, discarding, and updating your fall/winter clothing closet.

modate our pandemic pounds. Update: We will be returning to the office in the fall. Yes, and you’ll probably be required to be somewhat attired in the workplace again. So, let’s get into some standards for maintaining and updating your current clothing. What you might want to do first is go through your closet and make sure you have at least some of the following Essential Pieces: Suits: Navy, gray, and a black suit (This is the foundation of your wardrobe closet). pliment your shoes) •

Start planning now. I want to share some practical and informative tips to get you ahead of your wardrobe planning curve. As we’ve all experienced over these past 18 months, it’s felt like a “Blursday,” a merging of days. Whether working from your home or some type of hybrid of home and going into the office, we were on some sort of auto-piloted day-to-day. When it came to dressing: suit not needed, no shirt, nor tie ... it was your favorite pj’s, sweats, or what’s been trending athleisure wear. It was all about comfortability and stretch in the garments to accom-

Socks: Mid- to over-the-calf (blacknavy-grey)

This would serve as your checklist to make sure you’ve got these covered. You can add on additional pieces if you’re covered in the areas mentioned. Your next steps would be to go through the closet and begin the process of organization.

Jacket: Navy Blazer – single or double breasted.

Trousers: At least 2 pairs of grey lightweight flannels and a pair of Khakis.

Shirts: White and blue (spreadcollar or button-down).

Shoes: Black and brown pair (1 lace-up and one slip-on)

Belts: Black and brown (to com-

Declutter – You’ll want to start getting rid of any clothing that’s been worn out, doesn’t fit anymore, is faded or just not in style, i.e., ‘80s or ‘90s men’s style.

Donate – Clothing you haven’t worn in years, or you’ve outgrown: other men can be blessed with you donating your unwearable clothing. There are organizations that will take gently worn or new clothing to give to men to wear for interviews. One local organization: https:// www.thecitymission.org

Fix-n-Stitch – You’ll want to try on your clothes to make sure they fitproperly, smell clean, and are in CODE M / AUGUST 2021 33


wearable condition. If not, you’ll want to first have your clothing either drycleaned or laundered if needed. You’ll also want to find yourself a reputable tailor who can do alterations. Build that rapport with your tailor, they understand your body type and the fit that you desire. Lastly, I want to recommend some inexpensive wardrobe tools that you may want to or should consider having in your closet. These items will help you take better care of your clothing and extend what you’re wearing on a routine basis. •

Clothes brush.

Hand-held steamer.

Wood suit hanger.

Natural cotton garment bags.

Steam iron and board.

Tide-to-Go Instant Stain Remover.

34 JULY 2021 / CODE M

Give your closet the boost it needs with the right accessories.





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