Puerto Rican Emigration (1947)

Page 50



Somo undoubtodly we,·,e dissntisfiod with con:1itions on tho c..me pla.ntations 2.nd mana.ged to rott1_rn to tho mainlancl. Thoro nro instances of Puerto Ricans saving enol1_gh money in Hawaii to purchQSO lo.nd in California and bcconüng iniep-=mdent farmers. Rccent slow growth in the C:-.lifornio. cities would seem to indicatc further the connoction with Hawaiian mí u;ration. Thc port cities of the East cmd Gt:lf coo.sts, usic1.e from New York, probably owe thcir Puerto i1ican popub.tion to tho ensc of transport. l\•owark, J,3rsoy C:i.ty a.nd Yonkcrs should bo inchv.:1od in the Few York a.rea. Washington has for years offer;;c'l. job opport1mitios for bi-lingual office he] p .'1.nd professional pcople. Tampa. 1 s cigar industry and Cuban colony seem to ho.vo offered. both jobs and comp2.nionship. Thus we find 13 citíos :-TÍth over 100 island-born Pu.orto Ricans o.nd sevon more with bGt-reen 50 and 91. Hiru;Ü would undoubtedly now be includod high on th,3 list if rkt2. woz·e ;::.vailo.blo on rocen-e mie;rc:tion therc. The extent of concont:ru.tion in by co:npa.ring those in }Tow York w:l.th Tabl0 1.'VIII. Tho country' s lD.rgost Rice.ns in all 20 citfos in 1910, 79

t!cw York Ci ty ruay be soen dramatically those in all othor cities lj_sted in city conto.inod 54 perccnt of the Pu'.Jrto percont in 1920 and 95 porcent in 1940.

The totG.l for the -¡_7nited .Sta tes in 19L1-0 lJ'G.S 69,967. In oth;3r words, 90.44 porcent of all Hü e found. in Few York Cityº The total urban popuL=ition was 67,366 or 96. 2r: percont of th,; toto.l. Rural non-farm rosidcmts numbernd ;:-,204º 0nJ.y 397, or lü percont, livod on farms. It woul-:l scem tho.t tho trek to tho Unitod Stc:1:,os is c.n cxtension of the n.1_ral-urban m:i.. gration wllich is che.r::,.ctr:3ristic of the Idand itsolf. Puerto Rice.ns are now found in ovm--y state of the ruüon. Thc 1910 ccnsus reported non0 in nine statos: Forth 2.nC'. South Dakofo., Kontucky, Alabo.na., Mississippi 1 Idaho, il1o,.,r Hoxico, Arizona 2..n 1:l Utah. By 1920 Utah, 1fovada, and Hyominr; wcre the only stdt,s without Pu.erto :?ice.nsº Tho 1930 ancl_ 19,4.0 censuses shoucd thom prosont in c.11 /4.f::. Thc ten statos \!ith thc lar:,;ost numbcr wore:

Nou York

California Il!ew Jersey Pennsylvania Naryland


1,892 7DO


2 94

Dis-Lrict of Columbia Florida Illinois Texv.s Nich.igc.n



259 254 208

Color o.nd sex are ·:.efinito bars to mi0ra.tion, howovor. Th0 formor is mu.ch r;1ore docisive thun the lattcr and the hro to(;ether e.ro �u.ita powerful. Tho only sto.to in l 9L.,,0 which did not h:wo a Puerto ;_ucan femalc was Forth Do.kota. lfon-wh5.te malos wore abs,mt in 15 sta.tos; non-whito femnles in 22. Table XIX shows tho distribu.t:í.on by rogions 2.nrl. color for four con3us years. The foJ.lowíng trends should bo not "Jd. Tho J\Torthcast,:irn statcs are thc only ones in which the incroase has been substantial and .:i.lrnost all th�.t incre8.se wa.s rcgistered in Now York City. Tho proportion of those· living in that region to thoso in the country 2.s a whoJ.G incr::-;o.sed steadily

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