February 2023 Recreation & Culture Guide

Page 38

The City of Lethbridge acknowledges that we are gathered on the lands of the Blackfoot people of the Canadian Plains and pays respect to the Blackfoot people past, present and future while recognizing and respecting their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship to the land.

AQUATICS About the Pools 11 Info/Pass Prices/Pass Programs .................... 8-10 Advanced Programs 7 PUBLIC SWIM SCHEDULES Fritz Sick Pool 6 Nicholas Sheran Leisure Centre Pool 4 Stan Siwik Family Pool 5 ARTS, CULTURE & HERITAGE Allied Arts Council 16-17 Casa ............................................................................. 18 Galt Museum & Archives 15 Lethbridge Public Library .................................... 13 New West Theatre 14 Southern Alberta Art Gallery ............................. 13 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES Lethbridge Plays - Play Summit 22 Lethbridge Montessori 21 Nord-Bridge Senior Citizen Assoc 20 DID YOU KNOW? Active Living Guide - Be Fit For Life 28 Arts In Lethbridge .................................................. 19 Historical Society 12 Lethbridge Parks..................................................... 42 Nature Lethbridge 27 Lethbridge Sport Council .................................... 37 United Way 23 HELEN SCHULER NATURE CENTRE Programs & Events 24-26 LETHBRIDGE HERALD ADVERTISING Advertising......................................................... 29-30 PUBLIC INFORMATION & EVENTS ACFA régionale de Lethbridge 32 Calendar of Events 47 Get Outside 101............................................... 40-41 Lethbridge Minor Softball 33 Lethbridge Sport Council .................................... 36 Lethbridge Sports Hall of Fame 35 People in Sport ....................................................... 38 Rec & Culture Booking Information 34 Regulatory Services ............................................... 33 Roving Gyms 31 Sports Field Application Deadline ................... 39 SKATING & HOCKEY Beginner Lessons Info 45 Public Skating Schedule 43 Skating Programs & Passes 44 UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE Information & Events ........................................... 46
The City of Lethbridge is also home to
Métis Nation of Alberta,
III. Recreation & Culture Guide Coordinated by the City of Lethbridge, Recreation & Culture Department Printed in Canada
? Looking for more Information? www.lethbridge.ca city of lethbridge @LethbridgeCity • Calendar of Events • Bus Routes & Schedules • • What’s New • Online Community Resource & Leisure Guide • www.helpseeker.org Access current & reliable information and refferal to services, agencies, organizations, programs & events in your area www.artslethbridge.org Your Source For Arts in Lethbridge info@artslethbridge.org City of Lethbridge 24 Hour Info Public Skating 403-320-4971 Winter Ice Safety 403-320-4974 Transit Information 403-320-3111 Assistance during Regular Hours Recreation & Culture 403-320-3020 Transit Office 403-320-3111 Lethbridge 311 311 other inquiries? leisure@lethbridge.ca Welcome to the February 2023 Recreation & Culture Guide Find your Gateway to fun!



Schedule Notes

*Swim Lessons - January 16th - March 26th (No Lessons February 18th & 20th)

*Adult Lessons - January 16th - March 26th (No Lessons February 18th & 20th)

Family Day - February 20th - Open Swim 1:00 - 4:00pm and Lane Swim 4:00 - 5:00pm (All other programs on that day are cancelled)

Private Rentals - Visit RecEx.ca/Lethbridge to view our Birthday and Event Bookings.

Nicholas Sheran Pool
401 Laval Blvd W
403-320-3046 AHS Private Open Swim 1:30pm - 3pm Lane Swim Open Swim 10am -12pm Lane Swim 12pm -2pm Swim & Play Open Swim 2pm -4pm AHS 1 Lane 3:30pm -4:30pm Aqua Zumba 7pm - 7:45pm *Swim Lessons 9:15am -11:15am Open Swim 10am -11:30am Lane Swim 11:30am -1pm AHS Private 1pm-2pm Open Swim 5pm - 7pm Lane Swim 2pm - 5pm Youth Swim Leisure Swim Lane Swim 12am - 1:30pm Open Swim 1:30pm - 4:30pm Lane Swim 4:30pm - 6pm 7:30pm -8:15pm Leisure Swim 7:30pm -8:30pm Open Swim 6pm - 7:30pm 3pm- 4pm 3pm-4pm 7pm - 7:45pm Aqua Fit 7:45pm - 8:30pm Lane Swim 4pm - 7pm *Swim Lessons Aqua Fit 11:30am -12:30pm 11:30am -1:30pm Swim & Play 12:30pm -1:30pm 9am - 12pm *Swim Lessons Open Swim 2pm - 4pm Lane Swim 1 pm - 2pm Swim & Play 11:30am -8:30pm Aqua Fit 10:30 -11:30a 9:1511:15a AHS 1 Lane 9am-10am Lane Swim 3pm - 4pm *Swim Lessons Swim & Play *Swim Lessons 4pm -7pm *Adult Lessons 7pm -7:45pm 9am - 7:45pm Open Gym & Hot Tub 12pm -2pm Open Gym & Hot Tub 11:30am -8:30pm Open Gym & Hot Tub Aqua Fit 11:30am -12:30pm 11:30am -1:30pm Swim & Play Lane Swim 12:30pm -1:30pm 1:30pm - 3pm Open Swim 3pm- 4pm 4pm - 7pm Aqua Fit 9am - 7:45pm Open Gym & Hot Tub Open Swim Lane Swim 12pm -2pm Swim & Play Open Swim 2pm -4pm Aqua Fit 10:3011:30a 9:1511:15a *Swim Lessons AHS 1 Lane 9am-10am *Swim Lessons 4pm7pm *Adult Lessons 7pm -7:45pm 12pm -2pm 10am -12pm 7pm -7:45pm Aqua Fit 9am - 8pm Open Gym & Hot Tub Aqua 9am -10am *Swim Lessons 12pm -2pm Swim & Play 7pm-8pm 7pm-8pm Aqua Fit 12pm - 8:30 Open Gym & Hot Tub 1pm - 4pm Open Gym & Hot Tub 7:45pm - 8:30pm Lane Swim 7pm - 7:45pm



Schedule Notes

Womens Only Swim - Friday, February 3rd 7:00pm - 9:00pm Register before January 27th, 2023 over the phone or online.

*Swim Lessons - January 16th - March 26th (No Lessons February 18th & 20th)

*Adult Lessons - January 16th - March 26th (No Lessons February 18th & 20th)

Family Day - February 20th - Open Swim 1:00 - 4:00pm and Lane Swim 4:00 - 5:00pm (All other programs on that day are cancelled)

Private Rentals - Visit RecEx.ca/Lethbridge to view our Birthday and Event Bookings.

Stan Siwik Pool RecEx.ca/Lethbridge

1901 15 Ave N Leth@recreationexcellence.com 403-320-3054

9am10:15am Lane Swim 3 Lanes 9:15am - 11:15am Swim Lessons 10:30am11:30am Aqua Jog 11:30am - 1pm Lane Swim 3 Lanes Swim & Play 11:15am - 1pm Open Swim 1pm - 3pm Senior Swim 3pm - 4pm 4pm - 7pm *Swim Lessons *Adult Lessons 7pm - 7:45pm Open Swim 7pm - 8pm 8pm8:45pm Aqua Jog 8pm-9pm Lane Swim 2 Lanes 11:30am - 12:30pm Baby Jog Open Swim 1pm - 4pm 4pm - 7pm 11:30am - 8pm 7 - 8p Lane Swim 2 Lanes Youth Swim 1pm - 4:30pm 9-10:15a Open Swim 4:30pm - 6pm 11:30am - 1pm Lane Swim 3 Lanes Swim & Play 11:15am - 1pm 9am - 12pm *Swim Lessons 12pm - 2pm Open Swim 2pm - 3pm Lane Swim Open Swim 3pm - 6pm 1pm - 4pm Open Swim 1pm - 3pm 3pm - 4pm Lane Swim 9am - 9pm Open Gym & Hot Tub 7pm7:45pm Aqua Jog 7pm-8pm Lane Swim 2 Lanes *Swim Lessons 11:30am - 1pm Lane Swim 2 Lanes 8pm8:45pm Aqua Jog 8pm-9pm Lane Swim 2 Lanes 9am10:15am Lane Swim 3 Lanes 9:15am - 11:15am Swim Lessons 10:30am11:30am Aqua Jog 11:30am - 1pm Lane Swim 3 Lanes Swim & Play 11:15am - 1pm Open Swim 1pm - 3pm Senior Swim 3pm - 4pm 4pm - 7pm Swim Lessons Adult Lessons 7pm - 7:45pm Open Swim 7pm - 8pm 9am - 9pm Open Gym & Hot Tub 11:30am - 12:30pm Baby Jog Open Swim 1pm - 4pm 4pm - 7pm 11:30am - 8pm 7pm7:45pm Aqua Jog 7pm-8pm Lane Swim 2 Lanes *Swim Lessons 11:30am - 1pm Lane Swim 2 Lanes 6pm-7pm Lane Swim 2 Lanes 6pm-7pm Leisure Swim 10:30am11:30am Aqua Jog 9am10:15am Lane Swim 3 Lanes 9:15am - 11:15am *Swim Lessons 9am - 7pm Open Gym & Hot Tub 12pm - 7pm Open Gym & Hot Tub 6pm-7pm Lane Swim 2 Lanes 6pm6:45pm Aqua Jog Open Gym & Hot Tub Open Gym & Hot Tub Open Gym & Hot Tub



Schedule Notes

*Swim Lessons - January 21st - March 25th (No Lessons February 18th)

Family Day - February 20th - CLOSED

Stan Siwik and Nicholas Sheran Open Swim 1:00 - 4:00pm and Lane Swim 4:00 - 5:00pm (All other programs on that day are cancelled)

Private Rentals - Visit RecEx.ca/Lethbridge to view our Birthday and Event Bookings.

Fritz Sick RecEx.ca/Lethbridge

420 - 11 St S Leth@recreationexcellence.com 403-320-3109

Public Swim Schedules 6
6:30am - 8am Lane Swim 4 large Lanes Senior Swim 1pm - 2pm Aqua Jog 8am-9am Lane Swim 5 small lanes 9am -10am Senior Aqua Fit 9am-1pm Lane Swim 4 large Lanes 12pm -1pm Aqua Fit Swim & Play 11am -1pm 6:30am - 9am Lane Swim 4 large Lanes Senior Swim 1pm - 2pm 10am -11am Aqua Zumba Lane Swim 5 small lanes AHS Small Pool Senior Swim 1pm - 2pm 9am - 1pm Lane Swim 4 large Lanes 12 - 1p 9am - 12pm *Swim Lessons 10am -1pm Lane Swim 4 large Lanes Aqua Jog Lane Swim 4 large Lanes Lane Swim 4 large Lanes 11am -12pm Abilities Aqua Fit CLOSED 8am-9am 9am -10am 9am -10am 6:30am - 8am Aqua Jog 8am-9am Lane Swim 5 small lanes 8am-9am 9am -10am Senior Aqua Fit 10am -11am 12pm -1pm Aqua Fit 6:30am - 9am Swim & Play 11am -1pm Senior Swim 1pm - 2pm 10am -11am Aqua Zumba Lane Swim 5 small lanes 10am -1pm Lane Swim 4 large Lanes Aqua Jog 9am -10am 9am -10am AHS Small Pool Senior Swim 1pm - 2pm 9am- 1pm Lane Swim 4 large Lanes Lane Swim 4 large Lanes 6:30am - 8am Aqua Jog 8am-9am Lane Swim 5 small lanes 8am-9am 9am -10am Senior Aqua Fit 10am -11am 12pm -1pm Aqua Fit


Lifesaving Society Swim Instructor $376.00

Mar 4 & 5 16526 Sat/Sun 8:30am-5:00pm 11 & 12

Swim Instructors are responsible for teaching and evaluating candidates participating in the Swim for Life and Canadian Swim Patrol programs. The Swim Instructor course prepares instructors to apply level 1 leadership competencies and strategies designed to teach swimming and lifesaving. Prerequisite(s): 15 years old and Bronze Cross or higher.

Feb 21, 22, 15970

8:30am-5:00pm & 23 Thurs 8:30am-12:30pm

This 20 hour course will certify the successful candidate in Br. Med. Candidates must be 13 years old. SFA CPR-C is required before taking the course.

Feb 23, 15969 Thurs 1:00-5:00pm 24 & 25 Fri/Sat 8:30am-5:00pm

This 20 hour course will certify the successful candidate in Br. Cr. Candidates must be 13 years old and have completed Bronze Medallion (need not be current). SFA CPR-C is required before taking the course. April 11 to

This 40 hour course will certify successful candidates with the NLS Pool option award.

Candidates must be 16 years old, have a current Bronze Cross & hold a current Standard First Aid CPR-C Certification. Please bring proof of SFA/CPR C to first class.

New Dates TBA

Successful candidates will receive certification in Emergency First Aid and CPR-C. Held in the classroom of Stan Siwik Pool (1901 15 Ave N)


Feb 11 & 12 16895

Mar 18 & 19 16896

Apr 1 & 2 16899


Standard First Aid provides comprehensive training covering all aspects of first aid and CPR. This course is for those who want an in-depth understanding of first aid such as: medical/legal aspects, spinal injuries, environmental injuries, bone and joint injuries, abdominal and chest injuries, burns, and medical emergencies. Includes CPR-C and AED certification. Current for 3 years.

L.S.S. Standard First Aid Recertification $100.00 Feb 4 16897

Standard First Aid Recertification is a challenge of both theory and practical examination of all skills. Individuals using another Alberta workplace approved standard first aid as a prerequisite to recertify must provide proof of current certification in order to be eligible to recertify (e.g. copy of certification card). Individuals who are no longer current cannot recertify and must attend an original course. Individuals who are unsuccessful in completing a Lifesaving Standard First Aid Recertification course are required to complete an

Red Cross Babysitting $100.00

New Dates TBA

Note: Must bring NL certification and current Standard First Aid Cert to the exam.

Basic First Aid and caregiving skills for youth 11-15 years old. During this 8 hour course participants will learn how to provide care to younger children in a variety of age groups and how to prevent and respond to emergencies.

Prices include all materials, certification fees, and GST

Changes coming to Water Safety Courses

By January 2023 there will no longer be Red Cross Water Safety Instructor Course or Red Cross Lifeguard Courses. Standard First Aid will continue. The Lifesaving Society is taking over that responsibility. We are working with them to program our new Swim For Life Instrcutor Courses and lessons. We’re excited for this new chapter and look forward to working with everyone! Please visit recex.ca/lethbridge for more information.



Aquatics 7
Dates Course # Day(s) Time
Dates Course # Day(s) Time
Tues to Sat 8:30am-5:00pm
15 16901
Emergency First Aid $115.50
Society Standard First Aid $167.00
8:30am-5:00pm Mar 24 16898
31 16905
National Lifeguard Pool Recertification $69.00
Bronze Medallion $165.00 Bronze Cross $165.00 National Lifeguard - Pool $415.00 Mar 15 16962 Wed 5:00-9:00pm


Lesson Registration

- Registrations can be made on line at lethbridge.ca/swimming or by telephone/in-person Monday - Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm.

- Registration is on a first come first served basis

- If registering by phone and no one answers please leave a message.

- Participants may register in a maximum of two (2) classes/session.

- Participants may waitlist in any class

Preparing to Register

- Create an account prior to registration at lethbridge.ca/ swimming

If you do not have an account you will need the following:

- Name & birth date of account holder (Adult)

- Name & birth date of participants

- Home address, phone # and postal code

- Program level, session time and alternatives if class is full

- Payment information incl 3 digit CVV # on credit cards for phone registrations


Fees must be paid in full at the time of registration. Cash, Debit, Visa, MC, Rec Ex Gift Card & Cheque are accepted in person. Cheques are payable to Recreation Excellence. Post dated cheques are not accepted. A $25 charge will be applied to all NSF cheques. Only Visa & MC are accepted for phone registrations. Visa & MC Debit cards are accepted online and in person.

Registration Locations

Stan Siwik Leisure Centre 1901 15 Ave N Phone: (403) 320-3054

Nicholas Sheran Leisure Centre 401 Laval Blvd W Phone: (403) 320-3046

Fritz Sick Leisure Centre 420 - 11 St S Phone:(403) 320-3109

On line and Phone registrations are highly encouraged for more information look on line: lethbridge.ca/swimming

Visit Cards & Memberships

Visit Cards - are transferable and do not expire. They are non-refundable

Memberships - are non-transferable which means others cannot use them. Refunds are granted only for medical or relocation reasons. Proof of medical and/or relocation must be provided in each case for a refund to be issued. All requests must be made before the membership expiry date. Refunds will be pro-rated for the unused portion of the membership. Memberships are valid at all pools so extensions will not be granted for Annual Shutdowns.

Program Cancellations

Programs with insufficient registration are subject to cancellation. Customers will be notified as soon as a decision regarding cancellation has been made. All efforts will be made to accomodate any registrants displaced by cancellations. A full refund or credit to account will be issued for courses cancelled by Recreation Excellence.


-Withdrawals received more than fourteen (14) days prior to the start of the lesson set or course will not be subject to a withdrawal fee.

- Withdrawals made between five (5) and fourteen (14) days prior to the lesson start date will be subject to a 10% withdrawal fee. The remaining balance may be left on your account for future use or a refund may be requested. Refunds of less than $5.00 will remain on the account.

- You may withdraw and re-register into another program without penalty prior to five (5) days before the lesson start date.

- No refunds will be given if withdrawal is within five (5) days of the lesson start date.


All transfers are subject to availability and may be made without penalty up to five (5) days prior to the lesson start date. Transfers made by Recreation Excellence will not incur a penalty. Any resulting increase in program fees due to the transfer must be paid by the customer at the time of transfer.

Medical / Moving

Withdrawals for medical / relocation reasons are permitted with no penalty prior to the lesson start date. Refunds for withdrawal after the lesson start date will result in a pro-rated refund or credit on account. Proof of medical / relocation must be provided within two (2) weeks of notification of withdrawal for refunds or credits to be issued.

Lost Card

At the request of the card holder lost or stolen cards will be replaced. A $5.00 lost card fee will apply. Does not apply to Visit Cards



Aquatics 8


Swim Memberships

- Memberships are available for 1, 3, 6 and 12 month terms.

- Members are able to access all facility programming given that they meet the age & program requirements.

- Membership are valid at all locations operated by Recreation Excellence in Lethbridge:

- Nicholas Sheran Pool

- Stan Siwik Pool

- Fritz Sick Pool

- Includes use of the weight room, hot tub and sauna for those participating in the program offered at the time.

- Members get 50% discount on drop in admission at the 1st Choice Savings Centre at the University of Lethbridge.

- Fees will be applied for lost Memberships.

Visit Cards

Save money on admissions by purchasing a Visit Card!

- Cards come bundled in a package of 10 admissions.

- Valid locations include: Nicholas Sheran Pool, Stan Siwik Pool, Fritz Sick Pool, and Henderson Pool (summer only)

- Cards can be used to bring a friend

- Fees will be applied for lost Visit Cards

Age Definitions


- 0 to 2 years of age


- 3 to 12 years of age

Youth / Student

- Youth (13 to 17 years of age)

- Student (18 to 21 years of age with valid student ID)


- 18 to 59 years of age


- 60 years of age and older


- Parent/Guardian(s) (1 or 2 adults) with children residing permanently in the same household (17 years of age or younger). Also includes adult children 18 to 21 years of age and attending school (Valid Student ID required).


Women’s Only Swim (Registered)

-Swim time for women only, male children under 5 can come with their mothers. Must register to attend, call 403-320-3054

Inclusive Swim (Registered)

-Family oriented swim time for all ages to enjoy. Must register to attend, call 403-320-3054.

Open Swim


- Unstructured swim that all participants may enjoy. Note: Children under the age of 8 years and non-swimmers must be actively supervised within arms reach by a Parent / Guardian.

Aqua Zumba

- It’s just as it sound, Zumba in the pool! This class is in our shallow pool and is full of fun and fast pased dance-like moves. All attendees must participate! The small pool is not available for free use during these times.

- Participants must be 14 years of age and older.

- Participants 13 years and under must be directly supervised by an Adult.

AquaFit / AquaJog

- Aqua Fit is a shallow water Fitness program. Aqua Jog is a deep water Fitness program.

- Participants must be 14 years of age and older.

- Participants 13 years and under must be directly supervised by an Adult.

Note: All participants must actively participate in the program

Baby Jog

-Deep water fitness program focused on caregivers with infants 3 and under. Dolphin boats will be available.

Senior AquaFit

- Shallow water Fitness program for those 60+ years. Note: Must actively participate in the program

Swim & Play

-Parents and children (under 5) can participate and enjoy the small pool/hot tub during weekday lane swims.

Lane Swim

- Participants swim lengths of the pool in a structured setting of lane markers.

- Participants must be 14 years of age or older.

- Participants 13 and under must be directly supervised by an adult.

Senior Swim

- A quiet lane swim time for patrons 60+ years only. Note: Must actively participate in the program by swimming lengths.

Weight Room Use

- Open to participants 16 years of age & older

- Participants 14 - 15 years of age may attend with direct Parent / Guardian supervision

- Youth/Children 13 and under are not allowed in the weight room.

Abilities Aqua Fit

- Shallow water fitness program at a slower pace, with the ability to meet the needs of specific individuals. This class is great for anyone with a disability that may find difficulty in attending other classes.

Youth Swim

- Geared toward youth 10-17 years old. Enjoy added activities and fun music during this time! Parents and siblings are welcome to join.

Leisure Swim

- Split with lane swim, a relaxing swim time for families with youth aged 13+ years.



Aquatics 9


Fun Pass

The Fun Pass will give access to three indoor facilities (Fritz Sick, Nicholas Sheran and Stan Siwik) along with the Henderson outdoor pool in the summer season. Pass holders are able to access all facility programing given they meet the age and program requirements. Please go online to lethbridge.ca/swimming or Program Choices in the Guide for more information.

Infant (0-2.9yrs)

Child (3-12yrs)

Youth (13-17yrs)

Student (ID Required)

Adult (18-59)

Senior (60+yrs)

Memberships and Visit Cards sold at:

Stan Siwik Pool: 1901 15 Ave N

Nicholas Sheran Pool: 401 Laval Blvd W

Fritz Sick Pool: 420 - 11 St S



Aquatics 10
Pricing All
GST Memberships
1 Guardian Family Family 1 Month $43.50 $49.25 $49.25 $71.50 $55.25 $116.75 $149.25 3 Month $75.25 $87.00 $87.00 $133.50 $104.50 $179.75 $243.00 6 Month $139.25 $162.25 $162.25 $220.00 $185.25 $260.50 $370.50 12 Month $260.50 $295.25 $295.25 $405.25 $335.75 $497.75 $694.50
Program Admission and Membership
Prices Include
Child (3-12yrs) Youth (13-17yrs) Student (ID Required) Adult (18-59)
Admissions and 10 Visit
Family Admission FREE $4.25 $4.75 $4.75 $7.00 $5.25 $17.00 10 Visit Card N/A $37.00 $39.50 $39.50 $56.50 $45.50 N/A


This fall our Recreation Excellence leadership team conducted a facility analysis of the schedules, programs, and services, including registration, attendance, and drop-ins.

The Stan Siwik Family Leisure Pool, Nicholas Sheran Family Leisure Pool, Fritz Sick Pool, and Henderson Outdoor Pool are community treasures that serve the people of Lethbridge and Southern Alberta.

Efficient facility schedules maximize opportunities that reflect the current usage and user trends. The facility attendance for public swimming has decreased significantly since the pandemic started and has not returned to pre-pandemic levels and the data also identified an imbalance of programming across City quadrants. The proposed changes were approved by the City of Lethbridge and will be effective January 2, 2023. The new schedule provides efficiencies for pool operations and staffing while providing an equal distribution of programming across the City of Lethbridge quadrants.

Key highlights of the new schedules include:

• 10 additional weekly aquafit classes, featuring a new class on Saturdays.

• A new Friday Youth swim from 2-5 pm.

• 2 new Adult Leisure swims on Fridays and Saturdays.

• 8 New Parent & Tot and Preschool Lessons on Friday mornings .

• Expanded Learn to Swim program with an additional 48 lesson spots for children.

• More Rental space opportunities for private bookings.

• Programs with lower attendance are shifting to new times or to another Recreation Excellence facility.

Why is the schedule changing?

The facility attendance for public swimming has decreased significantly since the pandemic started and has not returned to pre-pandemic levels. As an essential part of the fiscal mandate, we strive to achieve an efficient facility schedule that maximizes usage and creates fiscally responsible recreation facilities.

Why is my class time changed?

Your class may have been moved to another facility to maximize facility usage, pool space, staffing hours, and other operational needs. We certainly understand that changes to your regular class time can be difficult to comprehend, and with 10 new classes opening, we encourage you to try one of the other available offerings.

Will it ever go back?

We don’t know. Recreation Excellence will continue to monitor and analyze the usage of the facilities along with attendance and user trends. Future schedules may be adjusted to meet the needs of the greater community while ensuring fiscally responsible recreation facilities.

How can I find out more information?

RecEx.ca has more information that you might find helpful, or you are welcome to send us an email at leth@recreationexcellence.com

Stan Siwik Leisure Centre 403-320-3054

Nicholas Sheran Leisure Centre 403-320-3046

Fritz Sick Leisure Centre 403-320-3109



Aquatics 11

Value Village Fire, 6 February 1973

On 6 February 1973, 50 years ago, the Value Village store at the NW corner of 6 Avenue and 13 Street South suffered a fire.

“Value Village fate unsure after blaze” (7 February 1973, Lethbridge Herald )

The fire started just after noon and caused approximately $75,000 worth of damage to the building and stock. The building was first built in 1949 and underwent recent renovations prior to the fire

The fire took approximately three hours to get under control and at the end “the building’s three sections [were] gutted and large portions of the roof collapsed.” (ibid) Four pumper trucks, the hook -andladder truck, emergency vehicles and 36 fire fighters were required to fight the blaze.

One injury was reported following the fire – to Carol Lowery, who suffered

minor burns to her arms and was treated at St. Michael’s Hospital.

Initially, it wasn’t certain if the business would be rebuilt. However, the 10 February 1973 Lethbridge Herald reported the decision had been made to rebuild the building. Value Village moved temporarily to 1315 9 Avenue South

The business was operated by Gay Westwood at the time of the fire . In 2000, the business had a name change to London Road Market.

Lethbridge Historical Society


Arts, Culture & Heritage 12
Photo: Galt Museum & Archives P20081021012, Value Village Fire February 1973.

03 DECEMBER 2022 - 11 FEBRUARY 2023*





11 FEBRUARY 2023 - 25 FEBRUARY 2023


25 FEBRUARY 2023 - 22

APRIL 2023


TANYA LUKIN LINKLATER AND TIFFANY SHAW | My mind is with the weather

MARIGOLD SANTOS | the pace and rhythm of time, floating / ang tulin at kumpas ng oras, lumulutang


Culture & Heritage 13 Visit lethlib.ca and start exploring our collection today! Get your Lethbridge Public Library card online AND for no fee in 2023! 601 3 AVENUE S, LETHBRIDGE, AB | 403.327.8770 | WWW. SAAG.CA
Arts, Culture & Heritage 14



adults and seniors | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

Sun 05 | 2–3 pm

Misinformation, Polarization and Listening to Extremists

The Galt Presents... Jillian Hunchak, a researcher in radicalization and violent extremism, who has conducted specialized research into digital misinformation campaigns, incel communities, and extremist groups in the Canadian, American and British contexts.

Tue 28 | 2–4 pm Critical

Map Making with Jessica Thompson

The Galt Presents... Jessica Thompson, a media artist working in sound, performance and mobile technologies. Map making is not always a neutral process, but is instead informed by existing power structures and social issues. Join Jessica Thompson in a discussion of her work with the Borderline Project and displaying the critical map making results from the Media Arts (Digital Sketchbook) workshop.


Fri 17 | 4–5 pm

Tue 28 | 5–6 pm

Soundscape Walking Tours

Join us for a guided exploration of both internal and external soundscapes as part of The Politics of Sound exhibition. Participants will activate new listening practices using two of the exhibition’s interactive artworks. Listen to the city—and yourself—in ways you’ve never heard before!

children to attend with caregiver | registration required | $10

Tue 21 | 1–2 pm Louis Riel Day

Join us to learn about Louis Riel Day, the Métis Local and create a finger-woven Métis sash together.

children to attend with caregiver | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members



10:30–11:30 am | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members | hands-on activities connected to local history and culture for adults and seniors, including those requiring accessibility

Tue 14 | Watercolour Valentines

Join us to create your very own watercolour valentine.

Wed 22 | Black History Month and Yoruba Tales

Come join in the festivities with Yoruba tales from Adedeji Bowoade, local educator and board member for the Southern Alberta Ethnic Association, and create polymer clay turtles while you listen!


10:30–11:30 am | families | children to attend with caregiver | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

Sat 11 | Watercolour Valentines

Join us to create your very own watercolour valentine.

Sat 25 | Black History Month and Yoruba Tales

Come join in the festivities with Yoruba tales from Adedeji Bowoade, local educator and board member for the Southern Alberta Ethnic Association, and create polymer clay turtles while you listen!


3:30–4:30 pm | adults and seniors | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

Fri 24 | Finding the Borderlands in the Archives

Join University of Lethbridge History Professor, Dr. Sheila McManus, as she discusses her archival research on the borderlands region of Western Canada. www.galtmuseum.com

Arts, Culture & Heritage


Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge artslethbridge.org


Blackfoot Canadian Cultural Society mcrowhealy@shaw.ca

Casa casalethbridge.ca


ART/WORK: Intellectual Property Rights with North & Co. LLP

February 2, 6:00pm

On Zoom

2023 International Peace Pow-wow & Festival

February 25 - 26, 10:00am - 6:00pm

Enmax Centre

The Gallery at Casa - January Exhibitions

WOOD WORKS - Adrian Cooke


PACK ICE - Julie Duschenes


SPACE TALK - Myken McDowell

WYSIWYG - Jordan Mudrack

PAST, PRESENT, AND FRIENDSHIP - John Chief Calf the weight - Jessica Colley

Exhibition run: January 28 - March 25, 2023

Keepin’ it Reel: Art Documentary Films

Celebrating Black History Month

February 8, 7:00pm

Family Fun Day at Casa

February 20, 11:00am - 3:00pm

BC/DC (AC/DC Tribute)

February 11, 7:30pm

Centre Stage: Mocking Shadows

February 24, 7:30pm

The Politics of Sound - On Exhibit

Exhibit runs until - May 7, 2023


Hands-on History:

Watercolour Valentines - February 11, 10:30am

Black History Month & Yoruba Tales - February 22, 10:30am

Creative Community:

Watercolour Valentines - February 14, 10:30am

Black History Month & Yoruba Tales - February 22, 10:30am

Soundscape Walking Tours

February 17, 4:00pm & February 28, 5:00pm

Louis Riel Day with the Lethbridge Local Métis - February 21, 1:00pm

The Galt Presents... Critical Map Making with Jessica Thompson

February 28, 2:00pm

Lethbridge Community Band Society lcbs.ca

Lethbridge Historical Society lethbridgehistory.org

Lethbridge Folk Club lethbridgefolkclub.com

Lethbridge Public Library lethlib.ca

Gold Band Concert

February 25, 7:00pm, College Drive Community Church

Road Trip: Booze and Bars: A Brief History of Pub Culture in the Crowsnest Pass, Stephanie Laine Hamilton (Hybrid event - In-person & Zoom)

February 28, 6:30pm, Theoretically Brewing Co.

Over the Moon

February 18, 8:00pm, The Cave, Lethbridge College

Visiting with Memory by Lindsay Bond, TREX Travelling Exhibition Program On display until February 22 Library Gallery, Main Branch

Arts, Culture & Heritage 16 Allied Arts Council advancing the arts in lethbridge artslethbridge.org • 318 7 St S • 403.320.0555 • info@artslethbridge.org
Galt Museum & Archives galtmuseum.com The Empress Theatre macleodempress.com

Lethbridge Symphony lethbridgesymphony.org

Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden nikkayuko.com


Playgoers of Lethbridge facebook.com/playgoersoflethbridgepage

Southern Alberta Art Gallery saag.ca 403.327.8770

Symphony Series IV - Centennial Organ Concerto

February 6, 7:30pm

Southminster United Church

Winter Light Festival - Until February 26

Bunka (Culture) Wednesday, February 1, 8,15 & 22, 9am - 5pm

Minyo Dancing, February 3, 10, 17, & 24, 7:00pm

Taiko Drumming, February 5 & 19, 6:30pm, 7:30pm & 8:30pm

Tad & Tomo: Winter Stories, February 4, 11, 18 & 25, 7:00pm

Midnight Channel - Musical Performance, February 5, 12, 19 & 26, 7:00pm

The Play That Goes Wrong

February 7 - 11, 7:30pm, Saturday Matinee 2:30pm

Genevieve E. Yates Memorial Centre



Exhibition Run, until February 11, 2023

Bletcher Reading Hour, February 9, 6:00pm


TANYA LUKIN LINKLATER AND TIFFANY SHAW | My mind is with the weatherMARIGOLD SANTOS | the pace and rhythm of time, floating / ang tulin at kumpas ng oras, lumulutang

Opening Night February 25, 7:00pm

Exhibition run February 25 - April 22

Theatre Outré theatreoutre.ca

Trianon Gallery savillarchitecture.com/shows/

uLethbridge Art Gallery ulag.ca 403.329.2666

uLethbridge Conservatory of Music ulethbridge.ca/music-conservatory


uLethbridge Faculty of Fine Arts ulethbridge.ca/fine-arts


Drunk Improv: Feel the Love

February 4, 7:00pm, Didi’s Playhaus

Drunk Queer-prov

February 15, 7:00pm, Good Times

Gomorrah: Episode 1

February 24, 7:00pm, Didi’s Playhaus

The Church in You Will Die: Kristin Krein & Courtney Faulkner

Colour & Connections: Michelle Cote, Aaron Hagan, Sheila Shaw, Chelsea Wilson

Until March 11

Coulees Remember Glaciers: Ooleepeeka Eegeesiak

Until March 24, Christou Gallery

Everything We Have Done is Weather Now: Lisa Hirmer

Until May 18, Hess Gallery

ARTlab: Silkscreen Printing, February 11, uHall Main Atrium

After Hours: Emily Carr & the Group of Seven, February 16, Hess Gallery

Knitting at Noon, February 28, Hess Gallery

First Friday Lunch & Listen,Dr. Bradley Parker (piano)

February 3, 12:15pm - Community Room, Casa

Art NOW, Noon, University Recital Hall

February 3: Benny Nemer February 8: Sigrid Lien

February 27: Adrian Cooke

Drama Main Stage Production: The Little Prince

February 10 - 18, 7:30pm, University Theatre

Music at Noon

February 7, 14, & 28, 12:15pm, Recital Hall

Architecture & Design Now: Patrick Stewart, 6:00pm, Room L1060 (LINC Building

Arts, Culture & Heritage 17 advancing the arts in lethbridge artslethbridge.org • 318 7 St S • 403.320.0555 • info@artslethbridge.org Allied Arts Council


January 28 - March 25, 2023


Adrian Cooke


David Dunlop


Julie Duschenes




Myken McDowell


Jordan Mudrack


Past, Present, and Friendship

John Chief Calf


Jessica Colley



Celebrating Black History Month

Arts, Culture & Heritage 18
GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE! Available Now! Pick-up a FREE Program Guide at Casa or visit casalethbridge.ca
at Casa
3PM All activities are FREE and are
by Box City,
Plus, Mini-U Music,
Buttonmaking and Art Activities!
Instrument Petting Zoo and World Drumming from the
Conservatory of Music!
Admission by donation Sign-up on the casalethbridge.ca or visit us on social media.

ar ts in lethbridge

ar ts feature

Lethbridge Community Taiko Association (LCTA)

Have you felt the thunder? The drummers of the LCT are an adult, community-based Taiko (meaning drum in Japanese) group, operating under the not-for-pro t society Lethbridge Community Taiko Association. They respect the connections of Japanese Taiko tradition while welcoming the in uence of Western culture in their performances. LCT is passionate about providing the opportunity to learn, love, and share the thunderous drums of Japanese Taiko with the community. LCT drummers represent various backgrounds and levels of musical experience. A love of rhythm is the only requirement for membership.

LCT drummers practice year-round on either Monday or Thursday evenings. The format for each practice is set out to learn the material in four-month intervals, during which a set list is developed featuring old and new repertoire. Practices help to develop the repertoire which includes

original arrangements, traditional songs, inspired compilations, and creative movement. Taiko is instructed in a relaxed learning environment under the leadership of Music Director, Marc Vantol.

Preparing for and performing is how all LCT members experience the unique energy of Taiko. An added bene t of joining LCT is gathering together to learn and share. The group performs at a variety of community and private events, including several community parades, celebrations of all sorts, and school experiences in the Lethbridge area.

Interested in becoming a member or booking the LCT for an event? Be sure to visit the website lethbridgetaiko.com. Don’t forget to follow LCT on Facebook and link and follow their page to be kept aware of upcoming performances and opportunities to get involved.

Did you know? Ray Jolliffe Memorial Scholarship

The Ray Jolli e Memorial Scholarship was established by the Jolli e Family in 2008 to recognize the contribution of Ray Jolli e in the eld of theatre production in the community of Lethbridge.

The scholarship provides nancial support to a student pursuing study in the eld of Theatre Production Design and Management and/or Media Production and Design at a recognized Canadian post-secondary educational institution. Application is open to Canadian students who were born, raised or are presently residing in the geographic area from the County of Warner, west to the British Columbian border and Vulcan County south of the United States border.

Deadline: March 31

More information & application: artslethbridge.org/awards-scholarships/

Did You Know?
Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge 403.320.0555 info@artslethbridge.org 318 7 Street South artslethbridge.org
Community & Family Support Services 20
Community & Family Support Services 21 Achieve Independence Learn through Play Social Play Ordered Environment Free to Discover Always raising the standard for best practice Loving childcare – Evidence-based Education – Inclusive – Diversity Where Children Thrive! Building the foundation for lifelong success.
Community & Family Support Services 22 23 Y E A R 28 D A Y 02 M O N T H Includes lunch, presentations
PLAY SUMMIT 2023 - 12:00 PM - 4:30 PM COMMUNITY PRESENTATION - 6:00 - 7:30 PM
organizations, a
with Matt
and more Keynote presentation by Matt Leung, Professional Child


Registered Canadian Charities in Lethbridge & South Western Alberta are invited to apply for funding to support local programs which reduce poverty, build healthy communities, and support positive child and youth development.

Did You Know? 23
Download forms and guidelines at lethbridgeunitedway.ca #LocalLove lethbridgeunitedway.ca
Helen Schuler Nature Centre 24 M o n t h l y C a l e n d a r | F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 3 403.320.3064 | lethbridge.ca/nature | hsnc@lethbridge.ca Located in the river valley north of CPR High Level Bridge W INTER H OURS Open Daily 1 PM - 4 PM | C LOSED M ONDAYS DISCOVER THE NEW... EXPLORE THE NEW... E NERGIZE ! EXHIBIT S USTAIN - O - T OPIA EXHIBIT F R E E ! D R O P - I N ! Family Day is Everyday February 20th | 11 am - 4 pm Coulees & Culture Day Camp Discover activities inspired by theatre, art, nature & local history. Learn, grow & play at a new venue each day! February 21 - 24 8:30am - 4:30pm AGES 6-10 | COST $160 Register Online: leisure.lethbridge.ca Contact us for details! 403 - 320 - 3064 N ATURE C ENTRE | N EW W EST T HEATRE | G ALT M USEUM | SAAG at the Nature Centre A variety of indoor & outdoor activity stations set up for you & your family to enjoy at your own pace! Looking for a low - key event for your family?

Ages 2 to 5

Get outside & explore nature with your preschooler during these 3 week sessions!

Discover all that winter has to offer through activities, crafts & games!

Thursdays 9:30am - 10:30am OR 11:00am - Noon

2023 Session Dates:

February: 9, 16, 23

March: 9, 16, 23


Ages 6 to 10

Get outside & explore fun nature themes during each month long session.

Discover all that winter in the river valley has to offer through nature-based games activities!

Saturdays 10:00am - Noon

2023 Session Dates:

February: 4, 11, 25

March: 11, 18, 25


Explore climate change in Southern Alberta.

Discover how adaptive design can help our city thrive in a changing climate!

Participate in a variety of hands-on activities & learn how we can create the world we want.

February 22 | 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Register Online: leisure.lethbridge.ca

$30/ 3 WEEK SESSION Call

Register Online: leisure.lethbridge.ca

403.320.3064 | lethbridge.ca/nature | hsnc@lethbridge.ca

Located in the river valley north of CPR High Level Bridge

Helen Schuler Nature Centre
to Register: 403 -
320 -
M o n t h l y C a l e n d a r | F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 3
Helen Schuler Nature Centre 26

The Common Nighthawk

The Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) can be spotted at dawn or dusk in Alberta, especially during their mating season from May to August. When there are numerous of them in a group it is referred to as a “kettle”.

As skilled acrobats, they can fly in loops and switch directions abruptly. Males will make a “boom” sound with their wings by forcing air through their wingtips when they dive quickly


Did You Know?

down to the ground and flex their wings.

Known as very territorial the Common Nighthawk will dive at humans if needed.

Their numbers declined by half since the 1960s due to pesticide application and loss of flying insects, habitat loss from deforestation/ replanting and even vehicle collisions.

They are insectivores and feed mainly on flying insects. Natural predators of these birds are falcons, owls and foxes, and species that target their eggs.

For more information:

www.allaboutbirds.org/ guide/Common_Nighthawk/ overview

www.naturecanada.ca/ discover-nature/ endangered-species/ common-nighthawk

www.sararegistry.gc.ca/ virtual_sara/files/cosewic/ sr_chordeiles_minor_e.pdf

www.birdscanada.org/ where-do-all-thenighthawks-go

www.thelandbetween.ca/ the-land-between-speciesat-risk/common-nighthawk

Information about upcoming presentations: www.NatureLethbridge.ca

Did You Know?

27 Home of the Lethbridge Naturalists’ Society
of Prey Centre in Coaldale
Closed, will be re-opening May 2023
Photo: Nature Canada Photo: Jim Meritt Photo: Mike McGrenere Photo: Bob Bowhay Photo: Greg Lasley

BE FIT FOR LIFE Warming up for Daily Life

Maintain and Build Your Strength and Balance

It sure is slippery out these days! Keeping your body strong and balanced will help you stay active, prevent falls and enjoy a good quality of life. Here are a few simple exercises you can do at home to help prepare you for the physical activity of daily life.

Get Ready to Move:

-Shoulder rolls, walking or marching (seated or standing), gentle side to side body rotations

Challenge Your Balance:

-One foot balancing (try tracing the alphabet with the foot that is off the ground), walk heel-toe down a line, with a wide stance lunge side to side


-standing heel raises, leg lifts to the side, and sit to stand from a chair

Try repeating each activity 10-15 times. For a free download of these activities, and more, visit befitforlife.ca/resources/warmingupforlife. Also check out findingbalancealberta.ca for tips and info on staying healthy and preventing falls.

For more information, call 403-382-6919 or go to lethbridgecollege.ca/befitforlife

Did You Know?



Coming March 28th, 2023

Book your space by March 10th, 2023

Coming March 30th, 2023

Book your space by March 15th, 2023

Lethbridge Herald Advertising 29


We are dedicated to providing a safe Martial Arts experience for students of all ages.

• Develop positive attitudes

• Positive social interaction

Benefits of Martial arts include:

• Prepare them mentally and physically for life’s challenges

• Sense of discipline and a code of ethics

• Physical fitness

• Physical fitness, weight-loss, and stress reduction





Back by P opular D emand.. .R EACHING Y OUR F ULL P OTENTIAL: Tools for Anxiety, Connection and Balance.

Wednesday March 1, 2023 6 - 8 P. M

Facilitated by: Ja ckie Lea CCYC,ACTA, Behaviour Consultant

GRIEF AND LOSS: Understanding the Impact and Embarking on a Path of Healing.

Wednesday April 5, 2023 6- 8 P.M

Facilitated by: Joanne Steed-Takasaki M.Psychology and Counselling, M.Ed., CCC, CCTP, EMDR, Behaviour Consultant

Registration $40.



All workshops will be held at our office: 12452 Avenue South, Lethbridge, AB T1J 0E5

Lethbridge Herald Advertising 30
Lethbridge Fort Macleod
New Members Welcome



Tuesdays - 6:00 - 7:00 PM

Thursdays - 10:00 - 11:00 AM



Public Information & Events 31
R e g i s t e r o n l i n e + l e a r n m o r e
Public Information & Events 32
Public Information & Events 33 Help Prevent Slips & Falls Keep Your Sidewalks Clear to Keep Our Community Safe City of Lethbridge Bylaw 4865 City of Lethbridge - Regulatory Services Main Floor - City Hall 910 4 Ave S Monday - Friday | 8:00am - 4:30pm For more information call 311 (403) 320-3111 or visit www.lethbridge.ca


Includes: ATB Centre, Nicholas Sheran, Adams, Henderson, Civic & Labor Club.

Summer Ice (May - August)

Sports Camps

Recreation Hockey

Private Rentals

Summer Arena Floor (May – August)

Recreation Ball or Inline Hockey

Private Rental

Winter Ice (September – April)

School (Public and Private)



Private Rentals

Jan 15

Jan 15

Jan 15

Feb 1

Feb 1


May 1

May 1

July 1

For additional information phone 403-320-3009

Summer and Winter Use

Runs, Festivals, Other Public Events

Public Events


Includes: Henderson Pool (outdoor), Fritz Sick Pool (indoor), Stan Siwik Family Pool (indoor) & Nicholas Sheran Pool (indoor).

School Class Lessons (September – June)

…………………………………………………..June 15

(ECS, Grade 4, Grade 5, High School) ……………………. late applications will be accepted

School Join Public Swims September 15 (October – December 31)

School Join Public Swims December 1 (January 1 – June 30)

For information and applications contact:

Fritz Sick Pool 403-320-3109

Nicholas Sheran Leisure Centre Pool 403 -320-3047

Stan Siwik Family Pool 403-320-3054

Henderson Lake Pool 403-320-3054 When Closed and 403-320-3056 When Open

October 1

Private Events .................... One month prior to event For applications phone 403-320-3011.

Includes: Fritz Sick Gym #1, Lethbridge School District #51 and District # 4.

Summer .......................................................... April 1

Schools/Fritz (Fall/Winter)

For School Gyms, phone 403-320-3011

For Fritz Gym, phone 403-320-3011

May 1

(May – September) Includes: school diamonds & fields, and parkland fields.


March 15

For additional information, phone 403-320-3011

Softball Complex Office


Includes Culver City Room & City Hall Foyer Currently Accepting Applications Call 403-320-3020 for Information

Includes: Sterndale Bennett Theatre, Yates Theatre and meeting spaces. Call 403-320-3009 for information and to apply for space.

Theatre Rentals .................................. 403-359-6543

Phone 403-320-3020 for a contact list.

Elks Community Recreation Area, John Martin Recreation Area, Rotary Shelter, Legacy Shelter and Henderson/Horseshoes Group Picnic Shelters

Open May 1 – September 30 Yearly

2023 Shelter Bookings - November 01, 2022

Please Note: Tentative Online Booking Date

Due to scheduled system upgrades, online picnic shelter bookings will begin in November this year, with a tentative date of November 01. This date is subject to change at short notice.

Baroness, Kiwanis, Nicholas Sheran & Popson Park Group Picnic Shelters - Open Year Round. Available on a “first come” basis for available times/location.

For additional information, phone 403-320-3020

Public Information & Events 34
Application forms, fee and facility information available on our website at www.lethbridge.ca/leisure

Sports Hall of Fame Lethbridge

Inductee Categories

Purpose: To recognize athletes who have distinguished themselves in competition in Lethbridge or elsewhere and to recognize athletes who have rendered prolonged and meritorious service to sport.

Purpose: To formally recognize the initiative, leadership and dedication of these individuals who participate in the development of sport.

Athlete Builder Team Award

Purpose: The team award will serve to provide appropriate recognition for Lethbridge teams that have won a National, International or World Championship, or have achieved the highest possible award in their particular realm of competition.

Special Awards

Purpose: To formally recognize individuals/or organizations, athletes and builders who have made an outstanding and valuable contribution to Sport or to the community of Lethbridge through Sports. This category is to reward people who have made a significant contribution to sports, or the community but do not qualify under the other categories.

Nomination Deadline: January 31, 2022

Individuals, Groups or Organizations who wish to nominate an inductee can find more information and apply at www.lethbridgesportshalloffame.ca

Visit our permanent display site at ATB Centre | 74 Maurentania Road W

Questions and applications can be directed to info@lethbridgesportshalloffame.ca

Public Information & Events 35 Attention!
www. lethbr idg e sp o r t s h a l l o f f a m e . c a
https://lethbridgesportcouncil.ca/news/call-for-board-of-directors-2023 https://lethbridgesportcouncil.ca/events


When Sport for Life refers to safe sport, they mean the design, development, delivery, evaluation and knowledge mobilization of quality sport and physical literacy experiences that consider and strive to ensure each participant feels physically, psychologically, emotionally and culturally safe.

Physical Safety - Environments where danger or maltreatment from physical conduct does not impede participation.

Psychological Safety - Sharing ideas, questions, concerns or making mistakes without causing harm to one another’s well-being.

Social-Emotional Safety - Feeling secure and trusting of those around you to be vulnerable, courageous and authentic.

Cultural Safety - The ability to embrace, respect, preserve and celebrate each person’s culture(s) without discrimination.

To Sport for Life, ‘safe’ means being protected, and not having to worry about danger, risk or injury. Safe sport isn’t just about whether participants are physically safe, but perhaps more importantly, do they feel safe? What safe means to each person might differ vastly.

Source: Sport for Life (https://sportforlife ca/safe-sport/)

Visit the Sport for Life website for more information about Safe Sport. More information about this and other important resources like True Sport, Responsible Coaching Movement, and the Active for Life Toolkit can be found in the resource library on the Lethbridge Sport Council website --> https://lethbridgesportcouncil.ca/resources

Did You Know?


People in Sport


Chris Campbell has been teaching boxing in Lethbridge for nearly a decade A knee injury forced Chris to switch from more traditional martial arts to boxing Chris identifies as a neurodivergent person The term ‘neurodivergent’ describes someone who processes information differently Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and similar conditions sometimes identify as neurodivergent. Chris believes his difference is a gift and has used his energy to serve his community the best way he knows how.

He studied boxing while traveling in Korea then returned to Lethbridge to pursue a Bachelor of Science in exercise science, minoring in philosophy In 2016, working closely with the University of Lethbridge and Parkinson’s Alberta, Chris began instructing a modified boxing class for people living with Parkinson’s disease. Through exercise and medication, the participants are able to slow the progression of the condition and regain their agency by preventing a reduction in mobility

In 2022 Chris opened the Sik-Ooh-Kotoki Boxing club at the Sik-Ooh-Kotoki Friendship Society and ran a free multi-sport class for Indigenous youth In December 2022, Chris became the program manager at Sik- Ooh-Kotoki Friendship Society In his new role, he plans to provide a variety of sport programs to improve mental health and provide community outreach, art, and music to both the Indigenous and non-Indigenous members of the community.

It’s important for sport to embody equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) to ensure all participants feel welcome, included and have equal access to sport. The People in Sport stories feature individuals in sport representing populations that have generally faced barriers to participation

Public Information & Events 38
Public Information & Events 39
Public Information & Events 40
Public Information & Events 41

Did You Know?


Did you know?

Pathway and sidewalk snow removal areas are categorized into four priorities:

Priority 1

Cleared within 24 hours of a snow event: City Facilities & Downtown

Priority 2

Cleared within 48 hours of a snow event: Schools & Regional Parks and Pathways

Priority 3

Cleared within 72 hours of a snow event: Community Core Parks

Priority 4

Cleared within 96 hours of a snow event: Neighbourhood sidewalks (nonresidential)

A snow event includes a new snowfall or drifting snow. With each new event, snow clearing restarts with Priority 1 areas.

In 2022, Lethbridge had 22 snow events. Parks staff cleared and sanded over 3,000 kms of pathways

For more information including priority maps, visit lethbridge.ca/snow


Public Skating Schedule

February 2023

Skating & Hockey 43
Monda Tuesda Wednesda Thursda Frida Saturda Sunday Cavendish Farms Centre (East) 74 Mauretania Blvd W Free Parent & Tot 10:00am -11:45am Except Feb 20 Free Parent & Tot 10:00am -11:45am Adult Shinny 10:45pm -11:45pm Adult Toonie Skate 12:00pm -1:00pm Free Parent & Tot 10:00am -11:45am Cavendish Farms Centre (West) 74 Mauretania Blvd W Public Skate 9:15pm -10:15pm Except Feb 20 Free Figure Skate 11:30am -1:15pm Public Skate 9:15pm -10:15pm Free Figure Skate 11:30am -1:15pm Except Feb 10 Beginner Skate 4:15pm-5:15pm Except Feb 19 Public Open Skate 5:30pm-7:00pm Nicholas Sheran 401 Laval Blvd W Free Figure Skate 11:45am -1:00pm Except Feb 20 Adult Toonie Skate 12:00pm -1:00pm Free Figure Skate 11:45am -1:00pm Public Skate 6:30pm -7:30pm Free Public Skate 12:00pm - 1:15pm Family Skate 5:30pm -6:45pm Youth Shinny 7:00pm -8:00pm Adult Shinny 10:45pm-11:45pm Civic 6 Ave & 9 St S Senior Shinny 2:15pm -3:45pm Senior Skate 2:15pm -3:15pm Senior Shinny 10:30am -11:45am Free Public Skate 1:00pm -2:15pm Public Skate 8:30pm -10:00pm Public Skate 1:45pm -3:15pm Henderson 2301 Parkside Dr S Adult ToonieSkate 12:00pm -1:00pm Except Feb 20 Adult Toonie Skate 12:00pm -1:00pm Free Figure Skate 12:00pm -1:00pm Free Parent & Tot 12:00pm -1:00pm Beginner Skate 12:00pm-1:30pm Public Skate 3:30pm -4:45pm Logan Boulet 9 Ave & 15 Adult Shinny 11:45am -1:15pm Except Feb 20 Adult Shinny 11:45am -1:15pm Adult Shinny 11:45am -1:15pm Adult Shinny 11:45am - 1:15pm Adult Shinny 11:45am -1:15pm Free Public Skate 1:30pm -3:00pm Labor Club 2020 18 Ave N Free Public Skate 3:30pm -4:45pm Except Feb 20 Free Parent & Tot 12:00pm-1:00pm Free Public Skate 1:15pm -2:30pm Public Skate 8:15pm -9:45pm Public Skate 1:30pm -2:45pm

Winter Season Pass Sales

Ending January 31, 2023! After January 31, 2023: Only The Items Below Will Be Available:

Recreation and Shinny Winter Season Passes (Sept 1 -Apr 30) will only be available for sale until January 31, 2023

Purchase Locations During Paid Public Program Hours Only:

Skating & Hockey 44 Youth (13-17) 52.75 $ Youth (13-17) 106.75 $ Adult (18-54) 82.00 $ Adult (18-54) 177.50 $ Senior (55+) 52.75 $ Senior (55+) 106.75 $ Family (Up to 2 adults and 7 children) 156.25 $ Under 3 FREE Youth (13-17) 8.50 $ Youth (13-17) 4.25 $ Adult (18-54) 10.75 $ Adult (18-54) 5.50 $ Senior (55+) 8.50 $ Senior (55+) 4.25 $ Family (Up to 2 adults and 7 children) 13.50 $ Youth (13-17) 31.44 $ Youth (13-17) 54.00 $ Adult (18-54) 50.52 $ Adult (18-54) 92.16 $ Senior (55+) 31.44 $ Senior (55+) 54.00 $ Youth (13-17) 156.25 $ Adult (18-54) 241.50 $ Senior (55+) 156.25 $ Nicholas Sheran Arena Cavendish Farms Centre Labour Club Ice CentreCivic Ice Centre Pass Definitions Shinny Public Skate 1 Year Pass ( Va l i d 1 y e a r f r o m d a te o f p u r ch a se ) Family: Parents/guardians (up to 2) and children (up to 17 yrs old) residing in the same household permanently.
Recreation Public Skate Single Admission Shinny Public Skate Single Admission 12 Punch Recreation Public Skate Pass 12 Punch Shinny Public Skate Pass Recreation Public Skate Season Pass ( Va l i d Se p te m b e r 1 st - A p ri l 3 0 th ) Shinny Public Skate Season Pass ( Va l i d Se p te m b e r 1 st - A p ri l 3 0 th )
Skating & Hockey 45 www.lethbridge.ca/skating
Find skate schedules, arena & skate pass information
University of Lethbridge 46
Calendar of Events 47

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