CAR 4#1

Page 1

Annual Publication Édition annuelle spécial Your key to the recycling market votre clÉ d’accÈs au marchÉ du recyclagE




The Canadian recyclers who are innovating to meet the demands of the industry, the consumers and the environment.


RECYCLEURS Les recycleurs canadiens qui innovent pour répondre aux exigences de l’industrie, des consommateurs et de l’environnement.


Dynamics Current practices, trends and moneymaking opportunities in fluid drainage.




Les pratiques actuelles, les tendances et les opportunités d’affaires dans le drainage des fluides.


with the

industry   Don Charlton has raised Pro Auto Recyclers from the ground up, and he’s bringing the industry up with it.

PARTICIPER à l'essor de

L’industrie Don Charlton a su prendre en main Pro Auto Recyclers dès le début et a entraîné l'industrie dans la foulée.

Volume 4 Issue 1/ Volume 4 numéro 1 Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Agreement No.40841632. 86 John St. Thornhill ON L3T 1Y2

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mise À jour

A Tradition of Excellence The Canadian auto recycling industry continues to progress.

Une tradition d’excellence L’industrie canadienne du recyclage automobile continue à progresser.

Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine

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Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine

Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine









Scrapping the Image: This is not your grandfather’s scrapyard


Find out how recycling can take your ELV to a better place

PASSION FOR PROGRESS Focus on the future is keeping Carcone’s

Auto Recycling at the industry’s forefront

Volume 1 Issue 1

Spring 2007 Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 40841632 86 John St. Thornhill ON L3T 1Y2

“ “ “ ÂŤ Âťâ€?ÂŤ Âťâ€?ÂŤ Âťâ€? Canadian Auto Recyclers, 2009

Canadian Auto Recyclers, 2008

Canadian Auto Recyclers, 2007

For much too long the recycling industry has operated in individual silos across the country. After Lecavalier Auto Parts appeared as a cover story in 2009’s Canadian Auto Recyclers it was apparent from the number of congratulatory calls we received that our industry is advancing as a national identity. We are now being given, by other sectors of the auto claims economy and the general driving public, the respect long overdue for the advancements our industry is making.

It was quite an honour to be featured on the second cover of Canadian Auto Recyclers. I didn’t look at it as a personal triumph in any way, but as a triumph for our industry overall. By celebrating the successes of our community we can educate and inform all the partners with whom we work and attract new ones as well. It is good to see our industry receiving external recognition for the accomplishments we have made together and to those we will create in the future.

When Carcone’s was selected to be featured on the inaugural cover of Canadian Auto Recyclers, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. After it was printed and distributed the calls kept coming in: from fellow recyclers, insurers and even from local schools. Nothing had ever been done prior to this of this magnitude to advance the image of our industry. I truly believe all our partners have a better understanding of who we as a group are, and the benefits we bring to the table.

Depuis beaucoup trop longtemps, l’industrie du recyclage automobile a fonctionnĂŠ sans rĂŠelle cohĂŠsion Ă travers le pays. Après avoir fait la première page de l’Êdition 2009 du Canadian Auto Recyclers, les multiples messages de Pièces automobiles Lecavalier dĂŠmontrent que notre industrie s’implante en tant qu’identitĂŠ nationale. Nous bĂŠnĂŠficions maintenant du respect longtemps attendu des autres acteurs ĂŠconomiques du secteur de l’automobile et du public en gĂŠnĂŠral grâce aux avancements rĂŠalisĂŠs.

C’Êtait tout un honneur d’être prĂŠsentĂŠ sur la page couverture de la deuxième ĂŠdition de Canadian Auto Recyclers. Je ne le considère pas comme un triomphe personnel, mais un triomphe pour notre industrie dans son ensemble. En cĂŠlĂŠbrant le succès de notre collectivitĂŠ, nous pouvons ĂŠduquer et informer tous les partenaires avec lesquels nous travaillons et en attirer de nouveaux. Nous sommes satisfaits de la reconnaissance manifestĂŠe envers notre industrie pour les travaux que nous avons accomplis ensemble et, nous l’espĂŠrons, pour ceux que nous rĂŠaliserons dans les annĂŠes Ă venir.

Lorsque Carcone a ĂŠtĂŠ choisi pour figurer sur la couverture inaugurale du Canadian Auto Recyclers je n’Êtais pas tout Ă fait sĂťr Ă quoi m’attendre. Après l’impression et la distribution de l’article, nous avons reçu plusieurs demandes variĂŠes de recycleurs, de collègues, d’assureurs et mĂŞme d’Êcoles locales. Rien n’avait ĂŠtĂŠ jamais fait d’une telle ampleur pour promouvoir l’image de notre industrie. Je crois sincèrement que tous nos partenaires ont une meilleure comprĂŠhension qui nous sommes en tant que groupe et des solutions constructives que nous proposons.

Philippe Fugère


Willis Thys

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

Michael Carcone

Online Wheel & Inventory Search








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on the cover > en couverture 35

Movin’ on up En avant toute!

BC’s Pro Auto Recyclers has been evolving since its inception. With owner Don Charlton’s help, so has the industry. Le groupe Pro Auto Recyclers de la Colombie Britannique est en constante évolution depuis sa création. Et, avec l’aide du propriétaire Don Charlton, ainsi de l’industrie du recyclage des automobiles. By/PAR  Joe Rayment


features > articles de fond


79   Matchmakers       Établir des connexions

31   Partnered for Success       Partenaires de la réussite Moving SGI to Car-Part’s Checkmate inventory system was no small feat. Luckily, they had a game plan. Convaincre SGI d’adopter le système d’inventaire Checkmate de Car Part ne fut pas une mince affaire. is using technology to make some unlikely, but needed, connections. utilise la technologie pour établir des connexions improbables, mais non moins nécessaires.

By/PAR  Megan Ng

By/PAR  Joe Rayment

80   Scraps       Ferraille

73   From Design to Disassembly       Design pour le démontage


The Environment’s Unsung Heroes Les héros méconnus de l’environnement Automotive recyclers can do a lot to save the planet—if they’re utilized. Les recycleurs peuvent faire beaucoup pour sauver la planète, si on fait appel à leur expertise. By/PAR  clint wilson

cover photography By/PAR  Jorge Amigo


Canada’s scrap metal recycling industry is united to prevent metal theft and support smarter vehicle design. L’industrie canadienne du recyclage de la ferraille s’unit pour pour contrer les vols de métaux.

A comprehensive vision for extended producer responsibility for ELVs in Canada. Une vision de la responsabilité élargie des producteurs pour les VHU au Canada. By/PAR  Usman A. Valiante

74   Fluid States       État des fluides



How ARC members are handling fluid drainage and how some of them are raking in profits as a result. Comment les membres de l’ARC traitent les problèmes de drainage de fluides et comment certains d’entre eux en tirent des profits. By/PAR  Michael Hoeher

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010



news > nouvelles Profiles in Excellence  Profils d’excellence

13 Switch Out Success       ÉlimiMercure

The auto recyclers who are making the difference for the business and for the environment. Les recycleurs d’automobiles qui font la différence pour les entreprises et pour l’environnement.

An industry-wide efforts makes for ground-breaking results for Switch Out. Les efforts concertés d’une industrie génèrent des résultats d’avant-garde pour ÉlimiMercure. By/PAR  Janet Taylor

15   Retire Your Ride’s Rookie Season       Les débuts d’Adieu bazou Year one for Retire Your Ride shatters industry expectations. La première année d’Adieu bazou fracasse les attentes de l’industrie. By/PAR  Janet Taylor

16   Decoding With the Code       Décodez le code Retire Your Ride’s Code of Practice gives recyclers all the tools they need to solve ELV handling’s legislative puzzles. Le Code de pratique d’Adieu bazou fournit aux recycleurs tous les outils dont ils ont besoin pour le traitement de VHU.

26 26

departments > départements 04   A Tradition of Excellence       Une Tradition d’excellence The Canadian auto recycling industry continues to progress. L’industrie canadienne du recyclage automobile continue de progresser.

08   Publisher’s Message       Billet du directeur

98   The Last Word       Un dernier mot This year, you raised the bar even higher. Cette année, vous avez placé la barre encore plus haut. By/PAR Gloria Mann

Celebrating the industry’s success. Célébrons le succès.

ARC will be host to the world’s recyclers in the 2010 International Roundtable on Auto Recycling. Le Canada sera l’hôte de la prochaine Table Ronde Internationale sur le recyclage des véhicules.

32   OARA’s Compassion Campaign       La campagne de la bonté de l’OARA

78   Green Parts Grows       Green Parts s’envole

Recycler association news Des nouvelles des associations de recycleurs.

OARA’s program to promote recycled auto parts is set to expand beyond its Ontario roots. La campagne de promotion de l’OARA sur les pièces automobiles recyclées dépasse les frontières de l’Ontario.

82   Automotive Recycler Listings       Listes des recycleurs automobiles Let any one of these progressive recyclers help you find the perfect part. Contactez l’un des ces recycleurs proactifs pour trouver la pièce idéale.

Make a note of these dates and plan to attend these important industry events. Prenez note de ces dates et assistez à ces événements de l’industrie.

Canada to Host 2010 IRT Le Canada est l’hôte du TRI 2010

OARA donated $200,000 in 2009. OARA a fait don de 200,000$ en 2009.

18   Association Updates       Une mise à jour concernant    les associations

97   Event Calendar       Événements

By/PAR Colin McKean


09   More News       Nouvelles ARC Audits, CARS-MS QRP grows and much, much more. Les audits de RAC le développement de CAR-MS-QRP et plus encore.


publisher’s page

billet du directeur

Celebrating Success

Célébrons le succès

Letting the world know about the good work progressive auto recyclers are doing for Canada.

Transmettons au monde les excellents résultats du travail fait par les recycleurs d’automobiles proactifs pour le Canada.

ince the first copy of Canadian Auto Recyclers rolled off the presses four years ago, there’s been a plethora of advancements in the industry. I’m proud to say the staff of CAR has covered them all. Working closely with the recyclers, the associations and Steve Fletcher of the national umbrella organization, Automotive Recyclers of Canada, this issue continues to capture the essence of the progressive recycling movement with in-depth feature stories and profiles of those leading the way. Celebrating successes tightens the bonds within any community and CAR has succeeded admirably. Last year we broke the language barrier by producing a bilingual edition and this year we carry on that tradition, bringing in a truly national flavour. In this issue we bring together the stories of individuals and teams from all levels, reinforcing the alignment of industry goals. Our focus is on achievement and success—a powerful reinforcement, inspiration and motivator. This is an exciting industry, filled with leaders forging ahead to strengthen partnerships with repairers and insurers as well as the driving public. We feel privileged to bring you their stories.

epuis la diffusion du premier exemplaire du Canadian Auto Recycler il y a quatre ans, une pléthore de progrès ont été réalisés dans l’industrie. Je suis fier de dire que le personnel de CAR a tout couvert. Travaillant en étroite collaboration avec les recycleurs, les associations et Steve Fletcher, de l’organisation faîtière nationale, Automotive Recyclers of Canada, cette question continue de capter l’essence du mouvement progressif sur le recyclage dans des reportages en profondeur et les profils de ceux qui ouvrent la voie. Célébrer les réussites resserre les liens au sein de toute communauté et CAR y a réussi admirablement. L’année dernière, nous avons abattu la barrière de la langue en produisant une édition bilingue et cette année, nous nous consacrons à la tradition, apportant une saveur vraiment nationale. Dans ce numéro, nous réunissons les histoires des individus et des équipes de tous niveaux qui convergent vers les mêmes objectifs de l’industrie. Nous mettons l’accent sur l’accomplissement et la réussite, un puissant renfort d’inspiration et de motivation. C’est une industrie dynamique, nourrie de la motivation de ses dirigeants à aller de l’avant pour renforcer les partenariats autant avec les réparateurs, les assureurs que le public. Nous nous sentons privilégiés de vous raconter leur histoire.



Darryl Simmons

Publisher > Directeur de la publication magazine

Publisher/Directeur de la publication Darryl Simmons > Editor/éditeur Joe Rayment > Associate Editor/Redactrice associÉe Medge Beauvoir > Editorial assistant/Redactrice associÉe Megan Ng > Art Director/directeur artistique Daniela Luberto > VP Industry Relations/vp des relations Gloria Mann > translator/traducteur > Alain Jarry french proofreading/ Corrections d’épreuves en français > Diana Bates




Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2010 Volume 4 numéro 1, janvier 2010 Editorial interns/ stagiaire Editorial Kaori Inui J.C. Wen graphic design interns/ stagiaire infographiste Saarah Taherali Yusuke Sano cover photography/ photographeur Jorge Amigo special thanks to/ nos remerciements Steve Fletcher For advertising inquiries please call Gloria Mann at 647-998-5677

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

Canadian Auto Recyclers Magazine 7725 Yonge Street, Suite 3 Thornhill ON L3T 1Y2 t. 905-370-0101 f. 905-882-0457 or 888-868-7072


New inductees for CAR-MS QRP CAR-MS QRP expanded twice in the final quarter of 2009. Sonshine Auto Parts joined in September of 2009, while Thorold Auto Parts became a member in December 2009. “Currently, we have 21 members with in Atlantic Canada,” says Howard Berg, executive director CAR-MS QRP. “We are looking for expansion in all provinces. It’s our goal to find quality recyclers in all provinces.”


Recycled material > Matières recyclées About 45% of world steel production and 32% of aluminum comes from recycled material. Environ 45% de la production mondiale d’acier et 32% de l’aluminium provient de matériaux recyclés.

Nouvelles recrues de marque à CAR-MS QRP CAR-MS QRP a augmenté ses effectifs à deux reprises au cours du dernier trimestre 2009. Sonshine Auto Parts s’est joint en septembre 2009, tandis que Thorold Auto Parts est devenu membre en décembre 2009. « Actuellement, CARMS a 21 membres..., dont l’un dans le Canada atlantique », affirme Howard Berg, directeur général de CAR-MS QRP. « Nous voulons accroître notre présence dans toutes les provinces. C’est notre but de recruter des recycleurs de qualité dans toutes les provinces ».

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10,000 Trees for the Rouge, a Toronto environmental group, is a lot greener now thanks to a substantial donation from Standard Auto Wreckers and the Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA). As fate would have it, the donation was for $10,000.    10,000 Trees is a volunteer group dedicated to restoring natural habitat in the Rouge River watershed. The charity was chosen by the co-owner of Standard Auto Wreckers David Gold. “We have been working with 10,000 Trees for the Rouge for a while now through our other charity programs,” Gold said, “and we thought this contribution could make a real difference to an important local environmental project.”    “This donation came as a bit of a surprise,” said Colin Creasey of 10,000 Trees. “And it will come in very handy by helping us further our cause of turning abandoned fields into growing forests!”

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10,000 Trees for the Rouge, un groupe environnemental de Toronto, est maintenant beaucoup plus «vert», grâce à un don substantiel de la Standard Auto Wreckers et de l’Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA). Le sort l’ayant voulu ainsi, nous avons bénéficié d’un don de 10 000$. 10,000 Trees est un groupe de bénévoles dévoué à la restauration de l’habitat naturel du bassin de la Rivière Rouge. L’organisme de bienfaisance a été choisi par les copropriétaires de Standard Auto Wreckers David Gold. « Nous avons travaillé avec 10,000 Trees pendant un certain temps, à l’aide de nos programmes d’autres oeuvres de bienfaisance, » de dire Gold, «et nous avons pensé que cette contribution pourrait faire une différence réelle à cet important projet local sur l’environnement. » « Ce don nous agréablement surpris », a déclaré Colin Creasey de 10.000 Trees. « Et il nous aidera grandement à transformer des champs abandonnés en forêts! »

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ARC Develops Recycler Audit Program The Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) have won a contract with Environment Canada to develop and deliver the auto recycler audit component of the Retire Your Ride program. Retire Your Ride is an initiative of the Government of Canada, the Summerhill Impact and its partners designed to enable people to get their high-polluting cars off the road and reward them for doing so. The program is committed to improving air quality by responsibly recycling vehicles. It aims to retire at least 50,000 vehicles per year until March 31, 2011. As part of the program, ARC was commissioned by Environment Canada to develop a code of practice that all recyclers must adhere

to in order to participate in Retire Your Ride. ARC won a second contract to implement a national training program for auto recyclers to understand the code.This training has been deployed in-person and will soon be available online. The day-long training provides participants with the legal framework for auto recycling in Canada, walks them through the code step-by-step, and provides a series of real-world examples to see the code in action. The audit contract will see ARC hiring and training a series of auditors across Canada, and then coordinating inspections and audits for all Retire Your Ride participants. “This is a massive undertaking that ARC is

particularly well positioned to handle,� said Steve Fletcher, managing director of ARC. “What really excites ARC and its members is Environment Canada’s desire to create legacy resources from this program—educational information, training capacity, auditors and ultimately a network of trained and audited auto recycling facilities. With industry directly involved, the process is actually helpful and relevant for industry.� “I’ve been through the in-person training earlier in the year,� said Don Fraser, owner of AADCO Auto Parts in Brampton, Ontario. “There is always something to learn, and I took a number of things back to AADCO to improve my operation.�

par an d’ici le 31 mars, 2011. Dans le cadre du programme, Environnement Canada a demandĂŠ au RAC d’Êlaborer un code de bonne pratique que les recycleurs doivent respecter afin de participer au programme ‘Adieu Bazou’. Environnement Canada a accordĂŠ un deuxième contrat Ă la RAC pour la mise en Ĺ“uvre d’un programme national de formation en vue de l’application effective par les recycleurs du code de bonne pratique prĂŠcitĂŠ. Ce programme s’adresse aux individus eux-mĂŞmes et sera bientĂ´t disponible en ligne. Il propose aux participants le cadre juridique de recyclage

d’automobiles au Canada ; il les guident à travers le code, Êtape par Êtape, et leur propose une sÊrie d’exemples pratiques du code en action. Le contrat de vÊrification permettra à RAC d’embaucher et de former plusieurs vÊrificateurs à travers le Canada, et de coordonner les inspections et les vÊrifications de tous les membres du programme Adieu bazou.  C’est une entreprise de grande envergure que RAC est tout à fait capable de mener à bien , de dire Steve Fletcher, administrateur dÊlÊguÊ de RAC. Ce qui intÊresse vraiment RAC et ses membres, est la volontÊ d’Êtablir un solide

Le RAC ĂŠlabore un audit pour le recyclage Les Recycleurs d’Automobile du Canada (RAC) ont dĂŠcrochĂŠ un contrat d’Environnement Canada afin d’Êlaborer et de soumettre le programme vĂŠrification du recyclage automobile du programme de vĂŠrification Adieu bazou. Adieu bazou est une initiative du gouvernement du Canada et de Summerhill Impact et de ses partenaires ayant pour but de permettre aux propriĂŠtaires de vĂŠhicules très polluants de les retirer de la circulation tout en les rĂŠcompensant de ce geste. Le programme a pour objectif d’amĂŠliorer la qualitĂŠ de l’air par le recyclage responsable d’au moins 50 000 vĂŠhicules



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Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010


encadrement pour l’avenir, tant des points de vue de l’éducation, de la formation et de la vérification ainsi qu’ultimement un réseau de professionnels formés et une infrastructure de recyclage des automobiles. Étant donné l’implication directe de l’industrie, nous croyons que les actions et que les investissements consentis seront ainsi d’une réelle pertinence et utilité pour cette dernière. « J’ai participé au programme de formation individuelle plus tôt cette année et, certes, il y a toujours plus à appendre. Je me suis assuré de bien transmettre ces nouvelles connaissances » de conclure Don Fraser, propriétaire de AADCO Auto Parts, à Brampton en Ontario.

ARA Advocates Using Non-Deployed Recycled Airbags In support of the National Conference of Insurance Legislators’ (NCOIL) five-day meeting on airbag fraud reduction legislation, the Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) has outlined its concerns for under serviced and missing airbags in American cars. NCOIL’s Property-Casualty Insurance Committee finalized its adoption of the legislation on November 21 with overwhelming support from executive committee members. During the conference, ARA executive vice-president Michael E. Wilson referred to crash statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, stating that 18 per cent of the cars involved in fatal accidents from 2001 to 2006 were missing replacement airbags from previous accidents. The ARA has recommended recycled, and non-deployed, OEM airbags as equally valid replacements.   “The use of these evaluated components is a cost-effective option for a consumer,” Wilson said in a press release. “But, more importantly, extensive research and years of experience have proven them as a safe alternative as well.” According to the ARA, non-deployed OEM airbags are on par with the original industry standard and are a smart repair solution for after-accident vehicles. The installation of recycled airbags can be 60 per cent cheaper than a new one from franchised dealers. Auto manufacturers, however, insist on OEM airbags as the only proper replacements. Based on NHTSA’s own data, the added costs of replacing airbags continue to deter car owners from including the process in total car restoration. “The use of these … components help address the significant problem of airbag omission—where deployed airbags are not replaced—that the NHTSA study clearly points out exists,” Wilson said. Since 2006, the ARA has established a national practice standard for the process of extracting, handling, inspecting and storing non-deployed recycled OEM airbags from salvaged vehicles. The association remains to be the front running international trade association of professional automotive recyclers that advocate the use of recycled OEM airbags.

L’ARA a recommandé que des coussins recyclés de constructeurs OEM et non déployés soient utilisé à titre de remplacements valables. « L’utilisation de ces équipements dûment évalués fournit au consommateur une alternative à rapport coût-efficacité avantageux » a déclaré M. Wilson dans un communiqué de presse. « Mais, plus important encore, des recherches approfondies et des années d’expérience ont démontré que cette alternative est tout à fait sécuritaire ». Selon l’ARA, les coussins non déployés de constructeurs OEM sont identiques aux coussins d’origine et offrent une solution fort appropriée aux véhicules accidentés. Le montage des coussins recyclés peut se faire à 60 pour cent du coût de l’installation de coussins d’origine par les concessionnaires franchisés. Les fabricants d’automobiles, toutefois, insistent que seuls les coussins de constructeur OEM sont valables. Selon les données de la NHTSA, les propriétaires de véhicules hésitent fortement à équiper correctement leur véhicule en raison de ce coût.


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for recycling news updated throughout the year.


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pour les nouvelles de reyclage tout au long de l’année.

ARA préconise l’utilisation des airbags non déployée et recyclés À l’appui de la Conférence nationale des législateurs d’asssurance (CNLA) qui a tenu une réunion de cinq jours sur un projt de loi visant à réduire la fraude sur les coussins précité, l’Association des recycleurs d’automobiles (ARA) a exprimé ses inquiétudes sur la sous utilisation et l’absence même de ces coussins dans les voitures américaines. Le Property-Casualty Insurance du CNLA a adopté à l’unanimité des membres du comité exécutif l’adoption de la législation, le novembre 21. Au cours de la conférence, le vice-président exécutif d’ARA, Michael E. Wilson, a cité des statistiques sur les accidents de la National Highway Traffic Safety Administration selon lesquelles 18 % des automobiles impliqués dans des accidents mortels de 2001 à 2006 n’étaient pas équipées de coussins de sécurité gonflables, cousins qui n’avaient pas été remplacés à la suite d’accidents antérieurs.



mise À jour

Unified Efforts Support Switch Out’s La concentration d’efforts donne des Ground-Breaking Results résultats impressionnants au programme d’ÉlimiMercure By/PAR  Janet Taylor



lors qu’ÉlimiMercure comptabilise les résultats finals de s Switch Out tallies its results for 2009, the positive iml’année 2009, l’impacte positif des efforts concertés des pact of the coordinated partnership behind the national partenaires à l’appui du programme de ramassage national collection program is becoming clear. As of the end of November 2009, with a month of results yet to come, Canada’s est l’évidence même. À la fin du mois de novembre 2009, et sans National Automotive Mercury Switch Recovery Program has re- compter les résultats de décembre, le programme national ÉlimiMercovered a record-breaking 101,926 switches in 11 months. This cure avait a déjà battu tous les records en récupérant 101 926 interrupteurs en 11 mois. En d’autres termes, is the equivalent of preventing more than cela a évité que plus de 86 kilogrammes de 86 kilograms of mercury from entering mercure pollue notre environnement. Ces the environment. These results could not résultats n’auraient pu être atteints sans la have been achieved without the coopercoopération de groupes allant de recycleurs ation of groups ranging from individual individuels qui retirent et récupèrent les recyclers, who remove and collect the interrupteurs, jusqu’aux gouvernements et switches, all the way up to governments associations industrielles nationales. and national industry associations. Beaucoup d’entre vous ont pu constater les Many of you have seen the operational aspects pratiques d’ÉlimiMercure qui fournit side of Switch Out, where auto recyclers aux recycleurs d’automobiles les outils dont are furnished with tools to collect merils ont besoin pour récupérer le mercure des cury switches as effortlessly as possible. interrupteurs aussi facilement que possible. Il Clearly here, at the grass-roots level, est évident qu’à la base, le travail d’équipe est teamwork is necessary for success and is primordial pour le succès et se reflète dans found in the combined efforts of the more l’effort combiné de plus de 880 recycleurs et than 880 auto recyclers and dismantlers démonteurs d’automobiles, qui se sont inwho have registered in the program. The scrits au programme. Cependant le rôle des role of the provincial automotive recycassociations de recyclage d’automobiles provling associations cannot go unmentioned, Michael Maio from Toronto’s inciales ne peut passer sous silence, tant leur as their regional support for the nationBoston Auto Wreckers provides his appui régional pour le programme national al program is essential for outreach and support for the program by showing that sensibilise et en fait la promotion. Il existe népromotion. There are, however, less obswitch removal is so easy he can do it anmoins des parties prenantes moins connues despite having a broken arm. vious stakeholders contributing to the qui contribuent à la réussite du programme. program’s success. Michael Maio de Boston Auto Wreckers à Le Comité consultatif d’ÉlimiMercure, par Switch Out’s advisory committee, for exToronto offre son soutien au programme en exemple, s’efforce de fournir au programme montrant que retirer les interrupteurs est si facile ample, work together to give the program qu’il peut même le faire malgré un bras cassé. l’orientation stratégique requise. L’Association its strategic direction. The Canadian canadienne des constructeurs de véhicules Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association and et l’Association canadienne des producteurs the Canadian Steel Producers Association jointly fund and help guide the national program. The d’acier conjointement financent et aident à orienter le programme national. Canadian Association of Recycling Industries provides invalu- L’Association canadienne des industries du recyclage fournit de précieuses able knowledge on the state of the industry. Finally, the Auto informations sur l’état de l’industrie. Enfin, les Recycleurs d’automobiles du Recyclers of Canada act as the voice of Switch Out’s participants Canada sont les porte-parole des participants au programme d’ÉlimiMercure et les fournissent des éclaircissements sur leurs besoins et leurs défis. and provide insights on their needs and challenges. C’est ainsi que grâce à cet appui soutenu, le message d’ÉlimiMercure This unified support means Switch Out’s message is heard far and wide by a diverse audience of participants. As support reach- est diffusé à grande échelle et à un auditoire aussi vaste que diversifié. Cet es an all-time high so too do collection results. The combined appui sans précédent se traduit par un taux de récupération inégalée. Le efforts and expertise provided at the operational level through jumelage des efforts et de l’expertise tant sur le terrain qu’au niveau des to the national industry associations is truly what has driv- associations nationales est définitivement responsable des résultats de récupération obtenus par ÉlimiMercure en 2009 et est en Switch Out’s collection results in 2009 and what gives certes de bon augure pour 2010. the program optimism heading into 2010.



mise À jour

Switch Out Contest Announces Winners! Le concourt ÉlimiMercure annonce les Gagnants! Although every business that participates in Switch Out is a winner because of their dedication to the environment, these lucky few just won the 2009 Switch Out Contest!  The following winners were drawn randomly from a list of 152 hard-working participants who returned at least two automotive mercury switch-containing pails between January 1st, 2009 and November 20th, 2009. Cumulatively, the contest winners prevented over 2 kilograms of mercury from entering the environment over the last year.

Bien que toutes les entreprises qui participent au programme y trouvent leur compte en raison de leur dévouement à la protection de l’environnement, certaines d’entre elles viennent tout juste de gagner le concours ÉlimiMercure 2009! Les noms des vainqueurs ci-dessous ont été tirés au hasard parmi une liste de 152 participants qui ont mis du coeur à l’ouvrage en recueillant au moins deux contenants d’interrupteurs automobiles au mercure, entre le 1er janvier et le 20 novembre 2009. Les efforts concertés des équipes gagnantes a ainsi évité que plus de deux kilogrammes de mercure polluent notre environnement au cours de l’année dernière.


Conth Out W est



Owners of A-1 Auto Salvage in Penticton, BC, Larry, Skip and Harvey Ryll. The brothers are joined by members staff Glenn, Syd, Bud, Tony and Sandy. Les propriétaire de A-1 Auto Salvage, à Penicton, en Colombie-Britanique, Larry, Skip and Harvey Ryll. Les frères sont accompagnés de leur personnel, Glenn, Syd, Bud, Tony and Sandy.

st 1er Prize winner! Gagnant du Grand Prix! - A1 Auto Salvage, Penticton, BC

See their profile on page 42! Voyez leur profil à la page 42!

2nde Prize/Prix  Bickell Auto Parts, Sault. Ste. Marie, ON

5the Prize/Prix   Kingsville Auto and Metal Recyclers, Kingsville, ON

3 Prize/Prix  Powerhouse Automotive, Cumberland, BC

6the Prize/Prix  Dharney’s Salvage Enterprises, Langley, BC

4 Prize/Prix  Arnprior/ Ottawa Auto Parts, Arnprior, ON

7the Prize/Prix  Recyclage D’Auto Ste- Sophie, Ste-Sophie, QC

rd e th e

Special thanks to the British Columbia Ministry of the Environment, Recyc-Québec and Retire Your Ride. Also, many thanks to Media Matters Inc,, Impact Auto Auctions, Tim Horton’s Canada and the Canadian Association of Recycling Industries for generously donating the contest prizes. Please see for more details. Nos remerciements ministère de l’Environnement de la Colombie-Britannique, Recyc-Québec et Adieu bazou. Un grand merci à Media Matters Inc, CarPart.Com, Impact Auto Auctions, Canada Tim Horton’s et l’Association Canadienne des Industries du Recyclage pour leur généreux don du prix du concours. Voir pour plus de détails.

Good for the Earth... Good for your Customers... Good for Business... To locate Green Parts for any vehicle contact your local member of OARA or go to


Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010


mise À jour

Year One Retire Your Ride’s rookie season a success.

Première année Roshini Kassie of the New Brunswick Lung Association stands with their Retire Your Ride branded-Smart car. Roshini Kassie de l’Association pulmonaire du Nouveau-Brunswick setient à côté de leur Smart-car marquée du slogan Adieu bazou.


Dès sa première saison, le programme Adieu bazou est un succès. By/PAR  Janet taylor

t’s been an exciting year full of progress and positive environmental impact for the Retire Your Ride program, Canada’s national vehicle recycling program. This time last year, Canadian Auto Recyclers published “Inside National Scrap,” which discussed the potential of the newly proposed national scrappage program. Since its publication, the program has achieved enormous progress after just eight months. Surpassing the year-one collection targets has been the most impressive and obvious accomplishment of Retire Your Ride. Environment Canada and Summerhill Impact anticipated the program would collect 50,000 vehicles in the first year—a target that has been surpassed four months ahead of schedule. It is important to understand that each of these cars represents a Canadian who has been willing to help improve air quality and reduce emissions through their participation. Having six auto manufactures provide top-up incentives have also been a big help. The Retire Your Ride program has a detailed national code of practice for participating auto recyclers prepared for Environment Canada by the Auto Recyclers of Canada. See Colin McKean’s article on page 16 for more information on the legacy the code can have on the industry. If the last eight months has proven anything, it is that we can have a positive impact on the environment and create a lasting legacy in a short period of time.


e fut une année passionnante pleine de progrès et d’impact positif sur l’environnement pour le programme national de recyclage des véhicules Adieu bazou. À la même époque, l’année dernière, le Canadian Auto Recyclers a publié « Inside National Scrap » qui a examiné le potentiel du nouveau programme nouvellement proposé de mise à la ferraille de véhicules. Depuis sa publication,le programme a fait d’énormes progrès après seulement huit mois. Le fait de dépasser l’objectif de récupération fixé à un an, a été certes, le plus impressionnant résultat d’Adieu bazou. Environnement Canada et Summerhill Impact avaient anticipé que le programme récupèrerait 50 000 véhicules au cours de la première année, une prévision qui a été dépassée quatre mois plus tôt que la date prévue. Il est important de comprendre que chacune de ces voitures représente un Canadien qui, grâce à sa participation au programme, a choisi d’aider à améliorer la qualité de l’air et de réduire les émissions. Le fait que six constructeurs d’automobiles aient également mis en place des mesures incitatives complémentaires a beaucoup aidé. Le programme Adieu bazou comporte un code de pratique national détaillé pour les recycleurs désireux d’y participer, préparé par les recycleurs d’automobiles du Canada pour Environnement Canada. Voir l’article de Colin McKean à la page 16 pour mieux saisir l’effet significatif que ce code peut avoir sur l’industrie. L’expérience des huit derniers mois nous a démontré que nous sommes capables d’avoir un impact positif sur l’environnement et de créer un legs durable, en relativement peu de de créer un legs durable, et ce en relativement peu de temps.



mise À jour



Retire Your Ride’s Environmental Code of Practice gives you the tools you need to navigate the hazards and the legislation of processing ELVs. Here’s a look.

Le Code de pratique d’« Adieu bazou » vous donne les outils dont vous avez besoin pour éviter les écueils et appliquer au mieux la législation en matière de traitement des VHU. En voici un aperçu.

with the Code

le code

by/par Colin McKean


utomotive dismantlers and recyclers across Canada provide a variety of environmental, economic and social benefits to a modern-day society. Significant reductions in greenhouse gases and energy use result from the reuse of quality used parts and the eventual recycling of important metals. Unfortunately, end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) have a number of potentially hazardous materials, and automotive recyclers are required to ensure that the materials are stored, transported and disposed of in an appropriate manner. The Environmental Code of Practice developed for the Retire Your Ride/Adieu bazou program represents a comprehensive, plain-language environmental program for the hazardous materials in ELVs. The code provides a straight-forward link between the federal and provincial laws with the activities undertaken by the automotive dismantling and recycling industry.


es démonteurs et recycleurs de véhicules du Canada fournissent une gamme d’avantages importants à une société moderne sur les plans environnemental, économique et social. La réutilisation de pièces usagées de qualité et le recyclage éventuel demétaux importants contribuent à réduire considérablement les gaz à effet de serreet la consommation d’énergie. Malheureusement, les véhicules en fi nde vie utile (VHU) comportent certaines matières potentiellement dangereuses et es recycleurs d’automobiles sont tenus de s’assurer que ces matières soient entreposées, transportées et éliminées correctement. Le Code de pratiques environnementales élaboré pour le programme Adieu bazou représente un programme détaillé sur l’environnement, en langage clair concernant le traitement des matières dangereuses des VHU. Le code fournit un lien explicite entre les lois fédérales et provinciales et les activités entreprises par l’industrie du démontage et du recyclage d’automobiles.

The pyramid structure shows how the different elements of the automotive dismantlers and recyclers environmental program interact.


Protocoles d’audit quantifiés pour évaluer la CoP Receiving area, dismantling area, hulk storage area, crushing area, wet parts storage area, hazardous fluid storage Aire de réception, de démontage, d’entreposage de carcasses, de Broyage, d’entreposage de pièces humides, entreposage de fluides dangereux Canadian Environmental Protection Act, Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Ozone Depleting Substances Regulation, provincial environmental regulations

La loi canadienne sur la Protection de l’Environnement, le transport des marchandises dangereuses, le règlement sur les substances appauvrissant la couche d’ozone, les règlements provinciaux sur l’environnement

Go to for an in-depth explanation of Retire Your Ride’s Code of Practice.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pour une explication détaillée du Code de pratiques d’ Adieu bazou, visitez

n tat io

Hazardous Materials in ELVs/ Matières dangereuses dans les VHU




Federal and Provincial Legal Requirements/ Exigences légales fédérales et provinciales




Auto Recycler Code of Practice/ Code de Pratique des recycleurs d’automobiles

Quantified audit protocols to assess the CoP

nt s


em e

Inspection and P2 Plan Templates/ Gabarits de l’inspection et du plan P2



ts en ém

Summary Industry Inspection Results/ Résultats sommaires d’inspection d’industrie




Individual Site Inspection Results/ Résultats de l’Inspection individuel du site




Auto Recycler-Specific Pollution Prevention Plan/ Plan de prévention de la pollution spécifique aux recycleurs

7 6 5 4 3 2 1


La structure de la pyramide montre l’effet que les différents éléments du programme environnemental des compagnies de démontage et de recyclage d’automobiles ont les uns sur les autres.

Specific / spécifique

Waste oils, waste anti-freeze, refrigerants, mercury switches, windshield washer fluid, tires, lead Huiles usagées, déchets d’antigel, réfrigérants interrupteurs au mercure, liquide lave pare-brise, pneus, plomb

general / général 16

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010


s r e h s u r Rim C y r o t c a F At ! s e c i r P t Direc anufactures

Built-Rite M y duty v a e h f o s l with 3 mode e l b a l i a v a ers all h s u r C m i er R w o p c i r t c e l , or e gas, diesel MODEL 3RAM 1 Gas or Diesel RIM CRUSHER EXTRA HEAVY DUTY SERVICE MODEL

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Heavy Duty Truck Rim Crusher = = = = = =

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See Video on You tube or send for our free DVD Built-rite Mfg. Corp. 750 East Hill Rd., Ludlow, VT 05149 Tel: 802-228-7293 Fax: 802-228-7293 E-mail:



mise À jour

Another Great Year for ARC

Une autre excellente année pour les RAC

We continue to grow and mature as an organization:

RAC continue de progresser et de croître en tant qu’organisation:

►► ARC won the 2008/2009 Affiliate Chapter of the Year award from the Automotive Recyclers Association. ►► ARC signed an agreement with the Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association to adopt the Green Parts marketing program on a national basis. ►► Retire Your Ride, the national vehicle recycling program, exploded on to the scene and surpassed all expectations by the government, industry and participating Canadians. ARC wrote the code of practice for auto recyclers to participate; implemented a recycler engagement strategy to obtain buy-in for industry; developed and deployed training for the code in 15 cities for over 200 participants; converted the in-person training to an online version for the entire industry to learn about the code; won the contract to hire and train auditors for the code and coordinate at least 300 audits and inspections over the next two years; and overall, ARC acts as a consultant to Environment Canada, Summerhill Impact and its partners to ensure Retire Your Ride meets and exceeds its objectives. ►► ARC participated in four advisory committee meetings for the national Switch Out Program to recover convenience lighting switches from end-oflife vehicles. These meetings, hosted by Summerhill Impact, bring ARC together with the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturer’s Association, the Canadian Steel Producers Association and the Canadian Association of Recycling Industries. ARC members are consistently the top producers when it comes to removing mercury in this voluntary program—routinely accounting for over 80 per cent of the switches even though we process less than 40 per cent of the vehicles in Canada. ►► ARC hosted its first national meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia in conjunction with the Automotive Recyclers Association of Atlantic Canada. ►► ARC continued to develop its manufacturer vehicle recovery programs, recently adding Kia Canada. It already operates with Toyota Canada. Two vehicle manufacturers have now signed contracts with ARC to manage vehicle recovery programs for them on a national basis, with ARC members guaranteeing proper vehicle disposal and permanently retiring the vehicle and the VIN.

►► RAC a remporté le prix de « La section affiliée de l’année 2008/ 2009 » décerné par l’Association des recycleurs d’automobiles. ►► RAC a signé une entente avec l’Association des recycleurs d’automobiles de l’Ontario afin d’ adopter le programme de marketing « Pièces Vertes » à l’échelle nationale. ►► Adieu bazou , le programme national de recyclage de véhicules a fait fureur et a dépassé toutes les attentes du Gouvernement, de l’industrie et des Canadiens qui y ont participé. RAC a rédigé le Code de pratique pour faire participer les recycleurs d’automobiles, a mis sur pied une stratégie qui permet d’obtenir des rachats pour l’industrie, a développé et misen place une formation sur le code dans 15 villes pour plus de 200 participants; a converti la formation en une version en ligne afin que toute l’industrie connaisse le code; a obtenu le contrat pour embaucher et former des vérifi cateurs pour le code, et doit assurer la coordination d’au moins 300 vérifications et inspections au cours des deux prochaines années. De manière générale, RAC agit à titre de consultant pour Environnement Canada, Summerhill Impact et ses partenaires afin d’assurer que le programme Adieu bazou atteigne et dépasse ses objectifs. ►► RAC a participé à quatre réunions du Comité consultatif du programme national ÉlimiMercure pour récupérer des interrupteurs provenant des véhicules hors d’usage. Ces réunions, organisées par Summerhill Impact, rassemblent RAC, l’Association canadienne des constructeurs de véhicules (ACCV), l’Association canadienne des producteurs d’acier (ACPA) et l’Association canadienne des industries du recyclage (ACIR). Les membres de RAC sont toujours parmi les meilleurs éliminateurs de mercure au sein de ce programme volontaire – ils récupèrent régulièrement plus de 80 % des interrupteurs, bien que 40% des véhicules ne soient pas traités au Canada . ►► RAC a tenu sa première réunion nationale à Halifax, en Nouvelle-Écosse, en collaboration avec l’Association des recycleurs d’automobiles du Canada atlantique. ►► RAC continue de développer ses programmes derécupération de véhicules avec l’ajout de Kia Canada. Il travaille déjà avec Toyota Canada. Deux constructeurs automobiles ont maintenant conclu un contrat avec RAC pour gérer leur programme de récupération de véhicules à l’échelle nationale, alors que les membres de RAC garantissent l’élimination convenable des véhicules et le retrait permanent du vehicule et du VIN.

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010




nce again,ARC supported Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine, providing editorial input and guidance, advertising recruitment and our directory of members. This publication continues to be our best resources for displaying and explaining our industry to a growing international readership. Next year is expected to be an even bigger year for the association. Retire Your Ride and Switch Out will continue to grow, taking the auto recycling industry to heights unknown. The awareness that these programs create among governments, the media, the automotive industry and the driving public is astounding. I have been invited to Basel, Switzerland in March to provide an overview of the Canadian auto recycling sector at the International Auto Recycling Congress. This is the start of ARC’s outreach to other countries to demonstrate the progress we have made here, and to provide markets for ARC members to sell to. In September 2010, ARC will host the International Roundtable on Auto Recycling (IRT) in Québec City. We are expecting approximately 200 delegates representing 15 countries. The IRT runs every 18–24 months in conjunction with the Automotive Recyclers Association, the European Group of Auto Recycling Associations, the Japanese Auto Recyclers Association, the Malaysian Auto Recyclers Association and the Auto Parts Recyclers Association of Australia. The event will feature facility tours, presentations, roundtable discussions and will highlight the Canadian auto recycling scene on a global scale.

AC a de nouveau soutenu la revue Canadian Auto Recycler, en y apportant une contribution éditoriale, des conseils pratiques, des annonces publicitaires ainsi que le répertoire de ses membres. Cette publication continue d’être une des meilleures façons de faire valoir et de présenter notre industrie à un lectorat international croissant. Cette année devrait être encore plus prometteuse pour RAC. Adieu bazou et ÉlimiMercure vont continuer à prendre de l’ampleur, et à mener l’industrie du recyclage automobile vers de nouveaux sommets. La notoriété que ces programmes créent auprès des gouvernements, des médias, de l’industrie automobile et des automobilistes, est époustouflante. J’ai été invité à Bâle, en Suisse, au mois de mars pour donner un aperçu du secteur canadien de recyclage automobile dans le cadre du Congrès international du recyclage automobile. C’est le début des activités de sensibilisation vers d’autre pays que RAC entend entreprendre pour démontrer les progrès que nous avons faits ici et ainsi, ouvrir de nouveaux marchés pour les membres de RAC. En septembre 2010, RAC sera l’hôte de la Table ronde internationale sur le recyclage d’automobile (TRIR) à Québec. Nous y attendons environ 200 délégués représentant 15 pays. Le TRIR a lieu tous les 18 à 24 mois conjointement avec l’Association des recycleurs d’automobiles, le Groupe européen des associations de recycleurs d’automobiles, l’Association japonaise des recycleurs d’automobiles, l’Association malaisienne des recycleurs d’automobiles, et l’Association australienne du recyclage des pièces d’automobiles. Cet événement va inclure des visites d’installations, des présentations, des tables rondes de discussions, et va mettre l’accent sur l’industrie canadienne de recyclage automobile à l’échelle mondiale.

Yours in recycling,

Bon recyclage à vous tous,

Steve Fletcher, Managing Director Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) 134 Langarth Street East London, Ontario Canada N6C 1Z5 ARC Carmag wide final.pdf 519.858.8761


mise À jour

Formed in 1997 as an “association of associations,” the Automotive Recyclers of Canada is the national voice of the automotive recycling industry, providing a forum for the channelling of information and addressing Canada-wide concerns. ARC represents 420 progressive auto recyclers in all corners of Canada through its member associations. Formée en 1997 comme une «association des associations,» le RAC est la voix nationale de l’industrie du recyclage des automobiles, offrant un forum pour l’acheminement de l’information et pour répondre aux préoccupations de tout le Canada. RAC représente 420 recycleurs d’automobiles progressistes dans tous les coins du Canada par le biais de ses associations membres.

10:20:52 AM

Alberta Automotive Recyclers & Dismantlers Association

Automotive Retailers Association, BC Auto Recyclers Division

AARDA (780) 478-5820


Association des recyclers de pièces d’autos et de camions inc.

Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association



(450) 229-0315

(604) 432-7987

(905) 383-9788

Automotive Recyclers Association of Atlantic Canada

Saskatchewan Government Insurance


SGI Salvage (306) 751-1787

(902) 228-2300

Automotive Recyclers of Manitoba ARM

(204) 667-7882


Looking for Clean Air Foundation?

Working with Auto Recyclers Across Canada to Achieve Environmental Excellence We may have changed our name, but haven’t changed our spirit!

Different name, same great

Summerhill Impact Programs

programs. Clean Air Foundation has changed names to Summerhill Impact! Please see

Summerhill Impact designs and implements innovative programs that reduce emissions, improve air, land, and water quality, and protect the climate.

for more details on your favourite programs.

Switch Out is a national program designed to remove, collect and manage mercurycontaining convenience lighting switches and anti-lock braking system (ABS) sensor modules in end-of-life vehicles before they are flattened, shredded and recycled into new steel.

Summerhill Impact 1216 Yonge Street, Toronto ON M4T 1W1 Tel:416-922-2448 Fax:416-922-1028

Retire Your Ride is a federal program designed to retire 1995 model year or older vehicles in an environmentally responsible manner in an effort to improve air quality and encourage the use of sustainable transportation. The program is being funded by the Government of Canada.


mise À jour

Association Update

From coast to coast, it’s been a busy year for professional automotive recycling organizations.

Les associations provinciales

D’un océan à l’autre, ce fut une année bien remplie pour les associations de recycleurs. Alberta (AARDA)

The Retire Your Ride program has been very successful in our province, with 2036 cars recycled since its start up. Salvage prices have gone up with the recyclers seeing increased competition at the auctions. The retail end of our business has increased as more people are trying to save money during difficult times and as OEM prices have climbed. Le programme Adieu bazou a eu beaucoup de succès dans notre province et a déjà permis le recyclage de 2 036 voitures. Les prix de récupération des véhicules ont augmenté en raison de la concurrence accrue aux enchères. Les ventes au détail de notre industrie ont augmenté car de plus en plus de personnes cherchent à épargner par les temps difficiles qui courent et que les prix des pièces OEM ont ont monté.

Atlantic Canada (ARAAC)

ARAAC has had a very busy year. We held two very successful meetings—one in June with ARC and one in November with the National Code of Practice training. Both were well attended and the information sharing was the best in years. We were fortunate to add three new direct members and seven new associate members, bringing our ranks to 34. L’ARAAC a eu une année très occupée.Nous avons tenu deux réunions très fructueuses— l’une en juin avec RAC et l’autre en novembre avec les participants au Code de pratique national en matière de formation. Très courues, l’information y était extraordinaire. Nous avons également recruté trois nouveaux membres completst et sept membres associés, ce qui porte nos effectifs à 34 personnes.

British Columbia (B-CAR)

B-CAR has been helping to benefit it’s members for over 20 years. As a division of the Automotive Retailers Association of BC, it works side by side with six other fellow industries. B-CAR developed the automotive recycling standard for environmental protection back in 1995, and

today its board of directors are as active and progressive as ever. B-CAR, quant à elle, continue depuis maintenant plus de 20 ans à aider ses membres à bénéficier de ses activités. À titre de division de l’Automotive Retailers Association of British Columbia, B-CAR travaille de pair avec six autres industries semblables. C’est en 1995, que cette dernière a élaboré les normes de recyclage des automobiles pour la protection de l’environnement, et aujourd’hui, son conseil d’administration est tout aussi actif et progressiste que jamais.

Manitoba (ARM)

ARM has been working closely with MPI (Manitoba Public Insurance) to develop a modern claims response system that will enable the recyclers to apply parts to claims from MPI quickly and efficiently. The RCO (Recyclers Central Office) will be better able to service the repair facilities, thus reducing the cost per claim and saving the motorist money. ARM a collaboré étroitement avec l’APM (Assurance publique du Manitoba) pour développer un système moderne de traitement des réclamations qui permettra aux recycleurs d’inclure les pièces dans leurs réclamations, auprès de l’APM, de manière rapide et efficace. Le RCO (Recyclers Central Office) pourra ainsi mieux servir les installations de réparation, réduisant le coût par réclamation et permettant faisant faire des économies aux automobilistes.

Ontario (OARA)

OARA spent time, effort and dollars to explain and represent our industry. Members held numerous meetings, open houses, cheque events across the province. Through programs like Retire Your Ride, Switch Out, Car Heaven and Green Parts marketing, our profile has never been higher. That translates into buying more cars, selling more parts and helping the government introduce smart programs that are good for auto recyclers. L’OARA a fait a fait beaucoup d’efforts pour représenter notre industrie. Les membres ont tenu de nombreuses réunions, desportes

ouvertes et ont participé à divers évènements dans la province. Grâce à Adieu bazou, ÉmiliMercure, Autos-O-Ciel et Green Parts, notre présence était constante. Ceci veut dire plus d’achat de voitures, plus de pièces vendues et aider le gouvernement a introduire de meilleurs programmes au profit des recycleurs.

Quebec (ARPAC)

In 2009, ARPAC has been really focused on supporting the community. We have been making donations to families in need to improve their quality of life, and granting scholarships. ARPAC has officially launched Pieces It is now a registered trademark. Our goal is to involve and educate the public on the importance of using recycled parts for vehicle repairs. En 2009, l’ARPAC s’est concentrée à soutenir la communautés. Nous avons fait des dons aux familles nécessiteuses afin d’améliorer leur qualité de vie, nous avons aussi octroyé des bourses d’études. L’ARPAC a officiellement inauguré Pièces qui est maintenant une marque déposée. Notre objectif est d’impliquer le grand public et de leur démontrer l’importance d’utiliser des pièces recyclées pour leurs réparations de véhicules.

Saskatchewan (SGI Salvage)

SGI has spent much of 2009 working to complete SGI Salvage’s conversion to a CheckMate yard management system. For SGI, this meant reviewing, updating, streamlining processes and reporting to reflect their new system. Many changes were made throughout the year. Working with a dedicated and enthusiastic business partner like has been a pleasure. SGI a passé une bonne partie de l’année 2009 à compléter la conversion du son système de récupération à celui de gestion de cour CheckMate. Cette conversion a nécessité la révision, la mise à jour et la simplification de leurs procédures et la communication des composantes du nouveau système. Plusieurs modifications ont été apportées tout au long de l’année et travailler avec un partenaire professionnel dédié et enthousiaste tel que fut un réel plaisir.



mise À jour

ARPAC Foundations

Fondation de l’ARPAC

By/PAR  DaniÈle lavigne

Quebec’s professional automotive recycling association.

L’association des recycleurs de pièces d’autos et de camions.

Aid to Families

Aide aux familles

The ARPAC Foundation wants to provide support by making concrete gestures in the community. • In 2008–2009, the foundation supported a family in the Abitibi region in the construction of a customized patio. This addition allows their son, who suffers from a degenerative disease, to enjoy day-to-day activities with his family. • The Foundation also supported a cancer patient during her chemotherapy treatment. • With the Foundation’s help, a young boy with severe diabetes was able to get an insulin pump, which gives him greater autonomy. • A girl suffering from paralysis due to a post-operative accident now has an elevating platform to help her get around the house.

Aid to the Community

• In order to enhance the quality of life among families, and to improve the children’s chance for development, the ARPAC Foundation donated $25,000 for the construction of a special lounge for parents at the Sainte-Justine Hospital. This lounge is intended for parents whose premature babies receive specialized care in the hospital’s neonatology unit. • In the Val-d’Or region, two classes of children with physical and intellectual disabilities received financial aid from the ARPAC Foundation. This donation was made for the purchase of special physical education equipment needed by the families.


• At the end of the 32nd Job and Training Fair on March 18, 2009, the ARPAC Foundation held a draw for three scholarships totalling $2,000 to assist students in all disciplines. 22

La Fondation de l'ARPAC est désireuse d'exprimer son soutien par des gestes concrets dans la communauté. •• Dans le cours de l'année 2008-2009, la Fondation a soutenu une famille de la région de l'Abitibi dans la construction d'un patio adapté. Grâce à cet aménagement, leur fils souffrant d'une maladie dégénérative peut maintenant profiter des activités de la vie quotidienne avec les siens. •• La Fondation a également prêté son soutien à une patiente atteinte de cancer durant ses traitements de chimiothérapie. •• Un jeune garçon souffrant de diabète sévère a pu se procurer, grâce à la Fondation, une pompe à insuline qui lui permettra une plus grande autonomie. •• Une jeune fille atteinte de paralysie consécutive à un accident postopératoire, a maintenant une plate-forme élévatrice pour lui faciliter.

Aide à la communauté

•• Afin d’offrir une meilleure qualité de vie aux familles et, par le fait même, une meilleure chance de développement aux enfants, un don de 25 000 $ de la Fondation ARPAC a été versé pour l’aménagement d’un salon des parents. Ce salon permettra à de nombreux parents, dont les bébés prématurés reçoivent des soins spécialisés à l’unité de néonatalogie du CHU Sainte-Justine, de bénéficier d’un endroit bien à eux et adapté à leurs besoins. •• Dans la région de Val-d’Or, deux classes d’enfants ayant des handicaps physiques et intellectuels bénéficieront d’une aide financière de la Fondation ARPAC pour l’achat de matériel d’éducation physique adapté.

Bourses d’études

•• Au terme de la 32e édition du Salon Emploi formation, la Fondation ARPAC procédait, le 18 mars 2009, au tirage de 3 bourses d’études totalisant 2 000 $ pour venir en aide aux étudiants de toutes disciplines.

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010


ARPAC 2009-2010 Board of Directors, from left: Michel Coursol, Centre de recyclage Mirabel, honorary member and ARPAC foundation president; Simon Matte, CEO; Éric Boucher, Centre de recyclage Mirabel, administrator; Philippe Fugère, Pièces automobiles Lecavalier, treasurer; Patrick Veilleux, Pièces d'autos Sherbrooke, administrator; Mathieu Barabé, Pièces d'autos CGN ltée, administrator; Steve Lemm, Pièces d'autos M.S., vice-president; Pierre Robitaille, Recycleur Duvernay, secretary; Danièle Lavigne, administrative assistant; and Yvon Hamel, Hamel Pièces d'autos, president. Conseil d’administration de l’ARPAC 2009-2010 de gauche: Michel Coursol, Centre de recyclage Mirabel, membre honoraire et président de la Fondation ARPAC, Simon Matte, p.-d.g., Éric Boucher, Centre de recyclage Mirabel, administrateur, Philippe Fugère, Pièces automobiles Lecavalier, trésorier, Patrick Veilleux, Pièces d'autos Sherbrooke, administrateur, Mathieu Barabé, Pièces d'autos CGN ltée, administrateur, Steve Lemm, Pièces d'autos M.S., vice-président, Pierre Robitaille, Recycleur Duvernay, secrétaire, Danièle Lavigne, adjointe administrative, et Yvon Hamel, Hamel Pièces d'autos, président.

We thank our faithful and generous donors, ARPAC members, insurers, and partners: Nous remercions nos fidèles et généreux donateurs, membres ARPAC, assureurs et partenaires: Certi autos, LKQ M. Robert, Pièces d’autos Hamel, Michel Coursol, Garage C. Hébert, Complexe automobile St-Paul, Wholesale Auto Parts Warehouses, Centre du pick-up de Beauce, Sonshine Auto Parts, Pièces automobiles Lecavalier, LKQ Pintendre, Pièces et accessoires d'automobiles B. Jutras, Encans Impact, Jack-Auto Montréal-Nord, Monidex Distribution International inc., Recycleur Duvernay, Ozone services-conseils en développement durable et marketing vert, Intact Insurance, Union canadienne, Industrial Alliance, SSQ Financial Group, Desjardins General Insurance, Royal & Sun Alliance, L'Unique.

ARPAC Members

Membres de l’ARPAC

Région de la Beauce

Bégin Fernand pièces d'autos inc. Centre du pick-up de Beauce enr. Drouin Roch pièces d'autos inc. Gaston Poulin pièces d'autos Poulin Clément pièces d'autos inc.

Région de l'Estrie

Certi Auto inc. Dumas et fils pièces d'autos usagées inc. Fleurimont pièces d'autos inc. L.F. pièces d'autos inc. Pièces d'autos usagées Léon Jacques et fils inc. Samson pièces d'autos inc. Sherbrooke pièces autos usagées inc.

Région de la Mauricie et des Bois-Francs Carrosserie et remorquage Champagne inc. Fontaine pièces 1994 inc. Gravel D. automobiles inc. Hamel pièces d'autos inc. Laroche Marc pièces d'autos inc. Recyclage Pellerin inc. Turcotte pièces d'autos 97 inc.

Région de Montréal et de Laval

Asselin A.P. inc. B.S. pièces d'autos inc. CGN pièces d'autos ltée Duvernay recycleur inc. Jack Auto Montréal-Nord inc. Jutras B. pièces et accessoires d'automobiles inc. Kenny pièces d'autos inc. - Division de SNF S.E.C./LP Pièces d'autos Montréal-Nord inc. Pièces d'autos Nord-Sud inc. RTA pièces d'autos usagées inc. Ste-Claire recycleur inc.

Région du Saguenay et du Lac St-Jean Châteauguay pièces d'autos inc. Complexe automobile St-Paul Garage Alain St-Pierre inc. Pièces d'autos Choc inc. Pièces Universelles 2007 inc.

Région des Laurentides et de Lanaudière Centre de recyclage Mirabel inc. Dumulong Fernand garage inc. Gravel recyclage automobiles inc. Gravel recyclage automobile Ste-Sophie inc. H. Lambert pièces d'autos inc. Latreille pièces d'autos Lecavalier Ste-Sophie inc. Lemieux pièces d'autos inc. Marcil pièces d'autos inc. Miron Henri auto ltée Miron les pièces d'autos usagées inc. Pièces d'autos M.S. inc. Quesnel Yves Automobiles inc. Ste-Monique pièces d'autos (1986) inc.

Certi autos, LKQ M. Robert, Pièces d’autos Hamel, Michel Coursol, Garage C. Hébert, Complexe automobile St-Paul, Wholesale Auto Parts Warehouses, Centre du pick-up de Beauce, Sonshine Auto Parts, Pièces automobiles Lecavalier, LKQ Pintendre, Pièces et accessoires d'automobiles B. Jutras, Encans Impact, Jack-Auto Montréal-Nord, Monidex Distribution International inc., Recycleur Duvernay, Ozone services-conseils en développement durable et marketing vert, Intact assurance, Union canadienne, Industrielle Alliance, SSQ Groupe financier, Desjardins assurances générales, Royal & Sun Alliance, L'Unique.

Région de l'Outaouais

Centre de pièces recyclées de l'Outaouais Garage L. Guay ltée

Région de la Montérégie

ARPAC’s pièces vertesmc is now a registered trademark Canada-wide. To raise public awareness of the importance of demanding “green” recycled and guaranteed original parts during repair of their vehicles, ARPAC is running TV ads on the MétéoMédia channel. In addition to encouraging consumers to purchase green parts for their vehicle repair and maintenance, thus helping the environment, the ads will give ARPAC member regional visibility across the province. Les pièces vertesmc ARPAC sont maintenant une marque de commerce déposée de l’ARPAC à l’échelle canadienne. Désireuse de sensibiliser les consommateurs à l’importance d’exiger des pièces « vertes » recyclées et garanties d’origine dans la réparation de leurs véhicules, l’ARPAC va de l’avant avec des publicités télévisuelles sur la chaîne MétéoMédia. Outre la sensibilisation des consommateurs à acheter des pièces vertes pour la réparation et l’entretien de leurs véhicules, ce qui profitera à l’environnement, les membres de l’ARPAC bénéficieront d’une visibilité régionale à l’échelle provinciale.

Aubry Garage Gaetan enr. Brassard Pièces d'autos inc. Camions A & R Dubois inc. Centre de recyclage St-Bruno Démolisseurs d'autos N. Legault inc. G& C pièces d'autos inc. Gagnon pièces d'automobiles (1977) inc. Haut-Richelieu pièces et véhicules d'occasion Hébert C. garage inc. Langevin pièces d'autos ltée Juteau 2000 pièces d'autos usagées ltée Lecavalier St-Jean inc. Ste-Madeleine Lussier centre du camion ltée Magnet pièces d'autos inc. P.A. auto recyclage inc. P.A.T pièces d'autos inc. Recyc-Auto Québec inc Recyclage d'autos St-Lazare (1998) inc. Reno pièces autos inc. St-Mathieu pièces d'autos usagées inc. St-Rémi pièces d'autos inc.

Région de Québec

Dumont pièces d'autos inc. Goulet St-Émile pièces d'autos inc. Jacques Lauréat pièces d'autos inc. Lecavalier Québec LKQ Pintendre autos inc. Mainguy pièces d'autos inc.

Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue Centre de recyclage Universel ltée Perreault pièces d'autos inc. Trudel Automobile enr.

Région de la Côte-Nord B.C. pièces d'autos enr. Recyclage F. Picard inc.

Région du Bas St-Laurent et de la Gaspésie G.R.D. pièces d'autos inc. Récupération St-Laurent inc. Recyclage Chaleurs inc. Ti-Coeur pièces d'autos inc.

mise À jour

St-Philibert, Beauce Vallée Jonction, Beauce St-Georges La Guadeloupe Vallée Jonction Sherbrooke Cookshire Sherbrooke Ste-Cécile de Milton Coaticook Granby Sherbrooke Bécancour Victoriaville St-Georges-de-Champlain Trois-Rivières Trois-Rivières Plessisville Trois-Rivières Montréal Montréal-Est Laval Laval Montréal-Nord Blainville Laval Montréal-Nord Montréal-Est Montréal La Plaine Jonquière Chicoutimi St-Prime Laterrière Chicoutimi Mirabel St-Paul de Joliette Blainville Ste-Sophie Berthierville Lac des Écorces Ste-Sophie St-Jérôme St-Thomas de Joliette St-Jérôme Ste-Marthe sur le Lac Ste-Anne-des Lacs Mascouche St-Eustache Gatineau Gatineau St-Nazaire-d’Acton St-Amable Saint-Jean Baptiste St-Bruno Ville Ste-catherine St-Philippe de Laprairie Napierville Ste-Anne-de-Sabrevois Ste-Hélène-de-Bagot Marieville Coteau-du-Lac St-Jean-sur-Richelieu LKQ M. Robert Ste-Julie St-Urbain St-Jean-sur-Richelieu et Carignan St-Hubert Saint-Mathieu St-Lazare Vaudreuil Beloeil St-Rémi St-Gilles Québec Thetford Mines St-Apollinaire Pintendre Ancienne Lorette Val d’Or Rouyn-Noranda Amos Baie-Comeau Sept-Iles Cacouna Matane Bonaventure St-Hubert de Rivière-du-Loup


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mise À jour

Canada to Host

2010 International


The 2010 International Roundtable will take place in Québec City, Quebec. La Table Ronde Internationale de 2010 aura lieu à Québec City, au Québec.



he Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) will be hosting the next International Roundtable on Auto Recycling (IRT) in Quebec City September 19–21, 2010. Held roughly every 18 months, the IRT brings auto recyclers from around the world to share successes and best practices, and to exchange information in this increasingly global industry. Previous IRTs have been held in Australia (2008), Japan (2007), USA (2005) and Belgium (2004). As the host for the 2010 event, ARC will be showcasing the Canadian industry, but also ensuring that all countries have their say. “We are opening our doors to the world of automotive recycling,” said ARC chairman Ed MacDonald. “Not only will we be hosting a premiere event in historic Quebec, we will also feature the wonderful strides automotive recycling has taken worldwide over the last number of years in preserving our natural resources and developing the very necessary best management practices.” The three-day event will follow the provincial ARPAC meeting. International delegates will be encouraged to participate in both events. “The ARPAC event provides an in-depth view of what is happening within the auto recycling industry of one of our ARC member associations at the ground level,” said Steve Fletcher, ARC managing director, who is heading the organizing committee. “But the IRT will be elevated to national and international issues. We are using the historic nature of Quebec City as a draw for our international delegates. Quebec will be a unique cultural and linguistic experience for most of our delegates, but that will be part of its charm.” The IRT will feature facility tours at Dumont Pièces d’Autos in St-Gilles, QC and LKQ Pintendre Autos in Pintendre, QC, plus other facilities in

Canada est l’hôte

de la Table ronde

international 2010


es Recycleurs d’Automobiles du Canada (RAC) seront l’hôte de la prochaine Table ronde internationale sur le recyclage de véhicules d’automobiles (TRI) à Québec, du 19-21 septembre 2010. La TRI, qui a lieu à peu près tous les 18 mois, rassemble les recycleurs d’automobiles du monde entier en vue de partager des données sur leurs réussites et leurs pratiques exemplaires, et d’échanger des informations sur une industrie de plus en plus mondialisée. Les TRI précédentes ont eu lieu en Australie (2008), au Japon (2007), aux États-Unis (2005) et en Belgique (2004). À titre d’hôte de l’événement en 2010, RAC se fera le promoteur de l’industrie canadienne, mais s’assurera également que tous les participants puissent faire valoir leur point de vue. « Nous ouvrons toutes grandes nos portesau reste du monde, a déclaré Ed MacDonald, président de RAC. Non seulement serons-nous l’hôte d’un événement important dans la ville historique de Québec, mais nous présenterons les progrès remarquables accomplis par l’industrie du recyclage d’automobiles, à l’échelle mondiale, durant ces dernières années, quant à la préservation de nos ressources naturelles, et à l’élaboration de pratiques de gestion exemplaires et nécessaires ». L’événement de trois jours aura lieu à la suite de la réunion provinciale de l’ARPAC. Les délégués internationaux pourront participer aux deux événements. « La réunion de l’ARPAC portera sur une vue approfondie de la situation de l’industrie telle que vécue au quotidien, par une association membre de RAC », dit Steve Fletcher, directeur général du RAC, qui dirige le comité organisateur. « Mais le TRI examinera les questions nationales et internationales. Nous utilisons les caractéristiques historiques, culturelles et linguistiques de Québec et de son charme pour attirer les délégués internationaux. » La TRI offrira des visites, entre autre, chez Pièces d’autos Dumont, à Saint-Gilles, et LKQ Pintendre autos, à Pintendre.

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010


the region. “We’ve tagged the event as ‘the world of auto recycling, by auto recyclers, for auto recyclers’ so people understand that they will be seeing real auto recycling in action,” Fletcher said. “This isn’t a theoretical event about what could happen with our industry, but what is happening in our industry right now. By showing what happens in Canada, and seeing how the Japanese or Europeans handle the same issue—that’s where real learning happens. “North Americans are ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to selling green recycled auto parts, but the Europeans and Japanese process cars more efficiently. There really is something to learn from everyone.” In addition to tours, the IRT will feature country reports, guest speakers, spousal programs, tours of historic Old Quebec, presentations and roundtable discussions among the country associations. Five national associations have been the backbone of previous IRTs—ARA in the USA, ARC in Canada, JARA in Japan, EGARA in Europe and APRAA in Australia. The IRT is pleased to welcome MARA from Malaysia as one of the organizing associations and is working with the Chinese and Korean associations to formally join the roundtable. For more information on the IRT visit or

« L’évènement se nomme « le monde du recyclage d’automobiles, par les recycleurs d’automobiles, pour les recycleurs d’automobiles », afin que les participants réalisent qu’ils seront dans le feu de l’action », dit Fletcher. Nous ne voulons pas spéculer sur ce qui pourrait se passer dans notre industrie, mais parler de ce qui s’y passe maintenant. C’est en présentant ce qui se passe au Canada et en partageant les expériences de nos collègues japonais ou européens, dans des cas semblables que l’apprentissage se fait. « l’Amérique du Nord est en première place dans la vente de pièces automobiles recyclées « vertes », mais les Européens et les Japonais traitent plus efficacement les véhicules. Nous pouvons apprendre de tous ». En plus des visites, la TRI présentera des rapports nationaux, des présentateurs hôtes et offrira aux conjoint(e) s, des visites du Vieux Québec,et des exposés et des discussions entre les associations nationales. Cinq associations nationales ont été le fer de lance des TRI précédentes : ARA aux États-Unis, RAC au Canada, JARA au Japon, EGARA en Europe et APRAA en Australie. Les organisateurs de la TRI sont heureux d’accueillir MARA de Malaisie parmi les associations organisatrices, et travaillent avec les associations chinoises et coréennes pour qu’elles se joignent formellement à la table ronde. Pour de plus amples informations sur la TRI, veuillez consulter ou

mise À jour

IRT delegates will get a chance to tour LKQ Pintendre. Pintendre handles up to 5,000 calls/ day and has facilities that occupy an area larger than 150 football fields. Les délégués du TRI auront l’occasion de visiter LKQ Pintendre. Pintendre gère jusqu’à 5000 appels par jour et possède des unités qui occupent une superficie supérieure à 150 terrains de football.

Automotive recyclers from all over the world gathered in Australia for the 2008 roundtable. Les recycleurs d’automobiles de tous les coins du monde se rassemblent en Australie pour l’édition 2008 des tables rondes.

2007 Automotive Recyclers International International meeting in Tokyo, Japan. Réunion Internationale des Recycleurs d’automobiles à Tokyo, au Japon, en 2007.

Workers at the 3R recycling facility in Tokyo, Japan. Travailleurs de l’usine de recyclage 3R à Tokyo, au Japon.


features articles de fond



Les héros

Heroes of

méconnus de the Environment l’environnement Auto recyclers can do a lot to save the planet—if they’re utilized.

Les recycleurs d’automobiles peuvent faire beaucoup pour sauver la planète- mais il faut les utiliser.

By/PAR  clint wilson, B-CAR director/past chair > Directeur de b-car/ancien président

S Recyclers safely reclaim oils and fluids equivalent to eight Exxon Valdez disasters, every year. Les recycleurs peuvent récupérer de façon sécuritaire les huiles et les liquides équivalant à huit catastrophes de l’Exxon Valdez chaque année.


ave the planet. Go green. Help the environment. Reduce your carbon footprint. These phrases are all around us as the world becomes more environmentally conscious and yet the auto recycling industry is constantly overlooked in this time of reducing and reusing. We must do our best to remove those old images of junkyards and scrap heaps from the general public’s collective mind so that they can see the modern automobile recycling facility for what it really is: a clean, well-run, wellorganized, technologically advanced business—an essential part of the automotive industry and, most importantly, a saviour to the environment. Although the global image of recycling in general seems to be on the upswing, as a society we are now nearly at our historical worst for conserving resources. Archeological studies of ancient human refuse dumping show that our ancestors threw away very little. In times when natural resources and materials were not so easily attained, people conserved and reused as much as possible. Even after the onslaught of the industrial revolution, rag pickers collected old clothes and other textiles to sell back to


auvez la planète, prenez le virage écologique, aidez l’environnement, réduisez votre empreinte de carbone, ces déclarations sont de plus en plus entendues alors que le monde devient plus conscient de l’environnement, mais pourtant l’industrie du recyclage d’automobiles est constamment négligée malgré l’attention donnée à la réduction de la consommation et à la réutilisation de produits. Le grand public ne doit plus percevoir notre industrie comme des parcs à ferrailles et des entrepôts de déchets, mais comme une entreprise moderne aux installations propres, bien gérée et en tête de la technologie, une composante essentielle de l’industrie automobile et, surtout, de la sauvegarde de l’environnement. Bien que l’image globale du recyclage semble en général être à la hausse, notre société a historiquement atteint son apogée, en termes de gaspillage de ressources. Des études archéologiques portant sur les anciens sites de déchets, nous montrent que nos ancêtres jetaient très peu de produits. À l’époque, les ressources naturelles et les produits n’étant pas si facilement accessibles, ils conservaient et réutilisaient le plus possible. Même dans la foulée effrénée de la révolution industrielle, les chiffonniers ramassaient vieux vêtements et textiles qu’ils revendaient à des entreprises qui les transformaient en laine. Les éboueurs, pour leur part,

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

features articles de fond

manufacturers to be remade into certain types of wool. Meanwhile, dustmen collected chimney soot and ash to be reused as base materials in the brick making industry. Yet with the advent of inexpensive plastics and cheap overseas labour we have truly become a throwaway society. Think of the cardboard and blister packaging required (according to manufacturers) to securely store products and make them appear more appealing as they wait on shelves for the groping hands of hungry consumers. Our landfills are brimming packaging materials and barely used products. And it seems that we as a whole are no different with our automobiles or the parts with which we choose to repair them. Most new parts, if they are original equipment or aftermarket, come in one form of excessive packaging or another. We love our cars and the auto manufacturers know it. Their mandate seems to be to put the world’s population in brand new vehicles as often as possible. But what of the older cars and trucks that still abound? Many are useable, some need only minor repairs to continue providing transportation for years to come, while others may be beyond usefulness as a whole but can look forward to a secondary life at a certified auto recycler, providing valuable parts at huge savings to wanting vehicles. Yet some programs would see these units go straight to shredders for steel recycling. Steel recycling does its part to help keep the planet clean, but the direct shredding of vehicles only sees the recycling of steel and other metals, while all plastics, fabrics, foams and glass, which are often polluted with hazardous waste, end up in landfills. There are far better uses for these wayward cars and trucks before they are melted down and turned into beer cans, refrigerators and, yes, new automobile parts. Direct recycling can and must be utilized. Remember, there is a plethora of tested and/or inspected fenders, doors, hoods, trunk lids, windows, headlights, tail lights, engines, transmissions, transfer cases, differentials, suspension and steering components, alternators, starters, dashboards, seats, interior and exterior trim, radios, wheels, tires, batteries, etc. out there at your local auto recycling depot right now. They’re in great condition, already manufactured for their intended purposes and ready to be installed in other vehicles so that their lives may be extended. This is recycling in its true sense—the reuse of a product for its original purpose without melting it down and/or changing it in any way, shape or form. And let’s not forget to continue to drive home the fact that there are thousands of dollars in available savings for consumers who reuse auto parts. However, as mentioned earlier, we live in quite a disposable world and the general trend of society still seems to lean toward most products being purchased new. Humanity needs to collectively look at the auto recycler as the first and best solution for

recueillaient la suie et les cendres qui étaient réutilisées comme matériaux de base dans les briqueteries. Pourtant, avec l’avènement de plastiques peu coûteux et d’une main d’oeuvre bon marché d’outremer, nous sommes réellement devenus une société du « jetable. » Ne pensez, par exemple, qu’aux cartons et emballages coque requis (d’après les producteurs) pour mieux protéger les produits et les rendre plus attrayants aux mains dévoreuses d’insatiables consommateurs. Nos sites d’enfouissement en débordent et de produits à peine utilisés. Et nous avons la même attitude concernant nos automobiles et les pièces que nous choisissons pour les réparer. La plupart de ces pièces, soit d’origine ou du marché de rechange, arrivent malheureusement dans des emballages excessifs. Nous adorons nos voitures et les constructeurs d’automobiles le savent très bien. Leur mandat semble être de mettre la population mondiale dans des véhicules neufs, aussi souvent que possible. Mais que dire des véhicules et des camions plus âgés qui sont encore là? La plupart est utilisable et des réparations mineures leur permettraient circuler pendant encore plusieurs années. D’autres véhicules ne sont peut-être plus viables comme transport, mais peuvent jouir d’une seconde vie chez un recycleur agréé et procurer des pièces très économiques, à des véhicules en besoin. Par contre, quelques fois, ces véhicules sont directement envoyés chez des déchiqueteurs en vue du recyclage de l’acier. Celui-ci contribue à la propreté de notre planète, mais le déchiquetage de ces véhicules ne recycle que l’acier et d’autres métaux, alors que tous les plastiques, les tissus, les mousses et le verre, qui sont souvent pollués de produits dangereux, se retrouvent dans des sites d’enfouissement. Il y a beaucoup mieux à faire avec ces automobiles et camions inutilisables avant de les faire fondre et de les transformer en cannettes de bière, en réfrigérateurs, et oui, en nouvelles pièces d’automobiles. Le recyclage direct peut et doit être utilisé. N’oubliez pas qu’il existe une pléthore de pièces qui ont été vérifiées ou inspectées par votre recycleur local et qui sont immédiatement mises à votre disposition, telles que : ailes d’automobile, portes, capots, couvercles de coffre, fenêtres, phares, feux de position, moteurs, transmissions, boîtes de transfert, différentiels, suspension et composantes de direction, alternateurs, démarreurs, tableaux de bord, sièges, garnitures intérieures et extérieures, radios, roues, batteries, etc. Ces pièces sont en très bonne condition, déjà construites pour l’usage que vous voulez en faire et prêtes à être installées, de façon à ce que la vie d’autres véhicules soit prolongée. Voilà le vrai sens du mot recyclage, soit la réutilisation d’un produit tel que conçu à son origine, sans le fondre ou le modifier de quelque façon que ce soit. Et n’oublions pas de continuer à démontrer aux consommateurs qu’ils peuvent économiser des milliers de dollars en réutilisant des pièces automobiles. Mais, comme mentionné auparavant, nous vivons dans une société du « jetable » et la tendance générale semble toujours favoriser l’achat de produits neufs. L’humanité aurait intérêt à considérer les recycleurs d’automobiles comme la première et la meilleure solution pour toute réparation de véhicules. Les recycleurs d’automobiles disposent de la majorité des pièces requises pour réparer immédiatement


features articles de fond

any vehicle repair. Automotive recyclers have most parts to repair most vehicles right now, be it a mechanical breakdown or collision repair. Insist on recycled parts for your next automotive repair! Another extremely important area auto recyclers help to preserve and clean up the environment is the processing of these end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) in a safe and Earth-friendly manner. Today, nearly all automobile recyclers adhere to at least some form of environmental management plan and their workers are trained professionals who remove and dispose of hazardous fluids and dangerous waste materials properly, in the safest manner possible. Oils, including engine, transmission, differential, steering and brake fluids along with both engine and windshield-washer antifreeze, are removed and stored in two-part containment units until they can be picked up by qualified transporters to be shipped off for recycling. Batteries and tires, when too spent or worn to be sold back to the public for direct reuse, are also removed, handled and stored in a safe manner before being shipped off for further recycling. Freon, a chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gas that destroys stratospheric ozone, is safely removed from vehicle air conditioning units using advanced machinery, and properly stored in special containers by certified professionals. Mercury switches are also properly removed and shipped off to qualified professionals. The mercury from a single switch is enough to contaminate 15 Olympic-sized swimming pools, and this is only the smallest quantity of the hazardous fluids that each and every ELV contains. So any alternative to qualified automotive recyclers handling these automobiles is basically unthinkable. So here we have the vicious circle. Many ELVs are still crushed “wet” (without first being properly drained and processed) by tow companies and other non-qualified entities, and sent directly to shredders and beyond, where vast amounts of energy will be expended to eventually remake these castaway clunkers into usable steel. While other ELVs sit at certified recyclers, albeit properly processed and handled, with next to none of their quality inspected and in many cases tested parts being brought back into usage. As a society trained to admire colourful cardboard and shiny blister packaging, many drive on by recycled parts to purchase new parts at a higher cost, both financially and environmentally. So due to space constraints the hapless recycler is eventually forced to crush and cast off many usable parts—a sad plight for us all to say the least. For those who want to become more environmentally conscious, make sure all ELVs find their way to a proper auto-recycling depot. And the next time your car, truck, van or SUV needs repair, be it mechanical, collision or other, insist that the repair facility use recycled parts from a certified and associated professional automotive recycler. They’re all around you. 30

la plupart des véhicules, qu’il s’agisse d’une panne mécanique ou d’une réparation de carrosserie. Insistez sur des pièces recyclées lors de la prochaine réparation de votre automobile! Un autre domaine très important où les recycleurs d’automobiles contribuent à préserver et à assainir l’environnement, est le traitement sécuritaire et écologique de véhicules hors d’usage (les VHU). Aujourd’hui, la grande majorité des recycleurs d’automobiles adhèrent à au moins une sorte de gestion environnementale, et leurs travailleurs sont des techniciens professionnels qui peuvent retirer les liquides et les produits dangereux, et s’en débarrasser correctement et de la façon la plus sécuritaire possible. Les huiles, comme les huiles à moteur, de transmission, de différentiels, de direction et de freinage, en plus des antigels de moteur et de lave pare-brise, sont retirés et entreposés dans des contenants en deux parties jusqu'à ce qu’ils soient ramassés par des transporteurs qualifiés et envoyés à des centres de recyclage. Les batteries et les pneus qui sont trop détériorés ou usés et qui ne peuvent ainsi être vendus aux consommateurs en vue de leur réutilisation, sont également retirés, manutentionnés et entreposés de façon sécuritaire avant d’être transportés chez les recycleurs. Le fréon, un gaz chlorofluorocarbone ou CFC qui détruit l’ozone stratosphérique, est retiré de façon sécuritaire des climatiseurs à l’aide de machinerie de pointe et est correctement entreposé dans des contenants spéciaux par des professionnels certifiés. Les interrupteurs à mercure sont également correctement retirés et acheminés chez des professionnels qualifiés. Le mercure que contient un seul interrupteur pourrait contaminer l’eau de 15 piscines de taille olympique et il ne s’agit ici que de la plus petite quantité de fluides dangereux que contient chaque VHU. Toute autre alternative que la manutention de ces véhicules par quiconque d’autre qu’un recycleur d’automobile qualifié est impensable. Nous sommes ainsi pris dans un cercle vicieux. Plusieurs VHU sont broyés « mouillés » (c’est-à-dire, sans avoir été correctement vidés et traités au préalable) par des entreprises de remorquage ou d’autres compagnies non qualifiées. Ils sont alors directement envoyés au déchiquetage et pire, et de fortes quantités d’énergie sont déployées pour transformer ces bazous rejetés en acier utilisable. Pendant ce temps, d’autres VHU sont chez des recycleurs certifiés et correctement traités et manipulés, dont les pièces inspectées et dûment vérifiées sont remises en utilisation. Comme société habituée à admirer le carton multicolore et les emballages coque, plusieurs d’entre nous choisissons d’ignorer les recycleurs d’automobiles et d’acheter des pièces neuves à un coût financier et environnemental plus élevé. Alors, dû au manque d’espace, le pauvre recycleur est forcé de broyer et de se débarrasser de plusieurs pièces utilisables, ce qui est, pour le moins que l’on puisse dire, une bien triste situation pour nous tous. En optant en faveur d’une attitude plus favorable à l’environnement, assurez-vous que tous les VHU finissent chez un recycleur d’automobiles qualifié. Et la prochaine fois que vous devrez faire réparer votre automobile, votre camion ou tout autre véhicule, pour des raisons de mécanique ou de carrosserie, insistez pour que le garage que vous choisirez utilise des pièces provenant d’un recycleur d’automobiles certifié ou associé. Ils sont tous là, autour de vous.

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

features articles de fond

Partnering Un succes for Success d’équipe

Open communication helps SGI and Car-Part’s partnership thrive.

Les communications ouvertes assurent le succès du partenariat entre la SGI et Car-Part.

By/PAR  Megan Ng


askatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) bought its first yard management system in 1984. They built enhancements to the systems the following year, which prevented them from adding “standard” upgrades to the operating system. From that point on, all improvements were done in house by SGI systems staff. By 2006, SGI knew that its existing yard-management system needed to be replaced to meet industry standards, which meant either significant re-working of their own software or buying a completely new system. SGI needed something that would give them access to technologies such as bar coding, which would streamline inventory management, and allow them to communicate with others in the industry. They wanted to upgrade without sacrificing any of the functionality of the old system. In 2007, SGI put out a request for proposal and eventually selected “With any other company, we would have to rewrite our system as something separate and apart from the industry,” said Allan Ripplinger, SGI branch manager. “And we didn’t want that.” Car-Part allowed SGI to cost effectively manage its inventory and to share it with other organizations. The two companies spent time adapting Car-Part’s systems to meet SGI’s needs. “We’re both in insurance and auto recycling, so we understand each other,” said Cheryl Hoimyr, SGI’s administrative finance manager. SGI took the leap and converted to Car-Part’s Checkmate system December 8, 2008. To help ease the transition, Car-Part sent trainers to every SGI branch, which is an admirable feat when you consider that Car-Part is based in Kentucky and the conversion happened in the dead of Saskatchewan’s winter. The year has been busy for both companies, with much time dedicated to re-examining SGI’s processes, tweaking Car-Part’s system to streamline operations, and testing changes to make newly designed applications work in SGI’s business. In 2010, Car-Part will continue working to enhance Checkmate and pricing algorithms with SGI, as well as finding solutions to provide more availability for recycled parts. “SGI is very focused on serving the collision repair industry,” said Car-Part CEO Jeff Schroder. “They’re ahead of the game in their thinking, so they can solve problems people are still struggling with.”


n 1984, la Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) a acheté son premier système de gestion de dépôt. La SGI améliora le système l’année suivante ce qui l’empêcha de le valoriser de façon régulière. Dès lors, toutes les améliorations ont été menées à l’interne par son personnel spécialisé. Dès 2006, la SGI savait que son système de gestion de dépôt devait être remplacé pour répondre aux normes de l’industrie, ceci voulant dire qu’il fallait complètement réviser leurs logiciels, soit se procurer un tout nouveau système. La SGI avait besoin d’un système qui inclurait des technologies telles que le codage à barres, permettant d’améliorer la gestion des stocks et de communiquer avec d’autres collègues de l’industrie. La SGI voulait apporter ces améliorations sans pour autant sacrifier la fonctionnalité du système en place. En 2007, la SGI lança une demande de propositions et éventuellement sélectionna Car-Part. « Avec toute autre compagnie nous serions obligés de réécrire notre propre système de façon différente et distincte de celui de l’industrie, a dit Allan Ripplinger, directeur de succursale de la SGI, et nous voulions justement éviter une telle situation ». Car-Part a ainsi permis à la SGI de gérer son inventaire de manière financièrement efficace et de le partager avec d’autres organismes. Car-Part et la SGI ont passé du temps à adapter le système de Car-Part afin de répondre aux besoins de la SGI. « Nous oeuvrons tous deux dans les domaines de l’assurance et du recyclage d’automobiles, donc nous nous comprenons » a déclaré Cheryl Hoimyr, gestionnaire des services financiers de la SGI. C’est le 8 décembre 2008 que la SGI a fait le « grand saut » en faveur du système CheckMate de Car-Part. Pour faciliter la transition, Car-Part a dépêché des formateurs dans chaque succursale de la SGI, ce qui est remarquable, étant donné que Car-Part est basée au Kentucky et que la conversion au système CheckMate a eu lieu durant les grands froids hivernaux du Saskatchewan. L’année a été pleine pour ces deux sociétés, car avec beaucoup de temps consacré à réexaminer les processus de la SGI, à peaufiner le système de Car-Part de manière à rendre les opérations plus efficaces et faire les vérifications nécessaires pour s’assurer que les nouvelles applications soient conformes au déroulement des activités de la SGI. En 2010, Car-Part continuera à travailler à l’amélioration de CheckMate et des algorithmes d’évaluation avec la SGI, afin de trouver des solutions permettant d’accroître la disponibilité de pièces recyclées. « La SGI attache beaucoup d’importance à l’industrie de la réparation de la carrosserie », a dit Jeff Schroder, le PDG de Car-Part. La SGI a déjà une longueur d’avance dans sa façon de penser, elle est donc en mesure de résoudre des problèmes que les gens n’arrivent pas encore à élucider ».

Above: Some of SGI’s facilities, which now use Car-Part. com’s Checkmate inventory system to manage stock. Au dessu: L’entereprise de SGI, qui utilisent maintenant le système d’inventaire Checkmate de pour gérer le stock.




Your Best Choice For Quality Late Model Auto Parts Since 1963

Kindness Campaign La campagne de la bonté de l’OARA By/PAR  J.C. Wen

Specializing in used car and light truck parts on all makes and models Wheel refinishing available Aftermarket parts available Delivering throughout southern Ontario Extended parts & labour warranties Customer service guaranteed

21 Manitou Dr., Kitchener ON N2C 1K9 Tel: 519-894-1450 / 800-265-6464 Open: Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Closed: Saturday and Sunday E-mail:



n the tight-knit community of auto recyclers, a little bit of goodwill goes a long way. Auto recyclers enjoy the subtle fanfare and modesty of their trade. Their approach to philanthropy has always been: those who can should. No questions asked. The Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA) shared the same philosophy, as did the 20 members who were selected to participate in a series of local charity events. They made their contributions in the same matter-of-fact vein. In the past year alone, OARA has made $200,000 in contributions to hospitals, health organizations, environmental groups and community organizations. They have made the industry more socially responsible by helping to establish the auto recyclers Code of Practice in Canada, while chipping in to the “Retire your Ride” program to promote green recycling. Over the past five years the association has donated over $1 million to 15 charities through the Car Heaven program. OARA has also recently made investments at two universities to further the research and awareness of auto recycling. The association invested in the home front, granting scholarships to the next generation of auto recyclers. “It feels good to help young people…and to help out our employees,” said Steve Fletcher, executive director of OARA. “They don’t get a lot of recognition, but they are the ones in the shop and on the counter doing our good work every day.”


ans la communauté très unie que forment les recycleurs d’automobiles, faire preuve d’un peu de bonne volonté peut mener loin. Les recycleurs d’automobiles profitent de la modestie de leurcommerce. Leur approche de la philanthropie a toujours été : ceux qui peuvent donner le fassent–point à la ligne. L’Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA) partage la même philosophie et les 20 membres qui ont été sélectionnés pour participer à une série d’évènements caritatifs locaux l’ont fait en manifestant ce même sens pratique. Juste dans cette année, OARA a fait des contributions à hauteur de 200,000 $ aux hôpitaux, aux organismes de santé, les groupes environnementaux et des organismes communautaires. Ils ont fait que l’industrie soit plus socialement responsable en aidant à établir les Codes de Pratiques des recycleurs d’automobiles au Canada, et aussi au programme RetireYour Ride pour promouvoir le recyclage. Au cours des cinq dernières années, l’association afait don de plus d’un milliard de dollars à 15 organismes de bienfaisance par l’intermédiaire du programme Car Heaven. OARA a également fait des investissements récents dans deuxuniversités à favoriser la recherche et la sensibilisation du recyclage automobile. L’association a également fait ressortir les visages derrière cette industrie progressive, eninvestissant dans le front intérieur, l’octroi de bourses d’études à la prochaine génération derecycleurs automobiles pour compenser les coûts de l’enseignement supérieur. « Cela fait du bien de pouvoir aider les jeunes… et de pouvoir aider nos propres employés, » dit Steve Fletcher, directeur général de l’OARA. « Ils ne reçoivent pas beaucoup de reconnaissance, mais cesont eux dans le magasin et sur le comptoir qui font notre travail bien chaque jour. »

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

features articles de fond

Miller’s Auto Recycling Evan Miller, Natalie Miller (left) and Chris Miller (far right) of Millers Auto Recyclers, donating to the Head Injury Association of Fort Erie. They also donated to District and Community Outreach Program Erie. Evan Miller, Natalie Miller (gauche) et Chris Miller (extrême droite) de Miller’s Auto Recyclers à Fort Erie présentent un don au Head Injury Association. In on aussi donné au District and Community Outreach Program Erie.

Parkway Auto Recyclers The Generoux family (right), Parkway Auto Recyclers presenting their donation to Grand River Hospital Foundation. La famille Generoux (droite), Parkway Auto Recyclers présente leur don à Grand River Hospital Foundation.

Carcone’s Auto Recycling

Thunder Bay Auto Parts Lisa Sticca (centre), Thunder Bay Auto Parts presenting to the Northern Cardiac Fund. Lisa Sticca (millieu) de Thunder Bay Auto Parts présente au Northern Cardiac Fund.

Michael Carcone of Carcone’s Auto Recycling, Aurora donating to the Linden Fund.

AADCO Auto Parts

Michael Carcone de Carcone’s Auto Recycling à Aurora, présente leur don au Linden Fund.

Don Fraser (droite) d’AADCO Auto Parts et Steve Fletcher (gauche) d’OARA présentent à William Osler Hospital Foundation.

Don Fraser (right), AADCO Auto Parts and Steve Fletcher (left), OARA donating to William Osler Hospital Foundation.

Fergus Auto Recycling Bob Vanleeuween (centre), Fergus Auto Recyclers and Steve Fletcher (third from right), OARA presenting a cheque to the Elora Environmental Centre. Bob Vanleeuween (millieu) de Fergus Auto Recyclers et Steve Fletcher (troisième de droite) de OARA présentent un chèque à Elora Environmental Centre.

Woodbeck Auto Parts Bruce Woodbeck (right) of Woodbeck Auto Parts presenting to Belleville General Hospital. They also donated to the Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation. Bruce Woobeck (droite) de Woodbeck Auto Parts présente au Belleville General Hospital. Ils ont aussi donné au Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation.

North Queen Auto Parts Barb Sembay (left), North Queen Auto Parts, Toronto presenting to Lupus Ontario. Barb Sembay (gauche) de North Queen Auto Parts à Toronto présente à Lupus Ontario.

donates to fera don à

Other OARA members selecting charities to support in 2009 include... D’autres autres membres d’OARA sélectionnent des organismes de bienfaisance à faire don en 2009 comprennent...

Roger Dupuy, #9 Auto Wreckers, Tottenham Caughill Auto Wreckers, Niagara-on-the-Lake Barry Edwards, Cindy Lou’s Auto Rekker, Timmins Dom Vetere, Dom’s Auto Parts, Courtice Kevin Hart, Doug’s Auto Parts, Joyceville Jim, Woelfle, JMW Automotive, Kitchener Pat Devincenzo, LKQ Shaw Auto Recyclers, London John Logel Jr, Logel’s Auto Parts, Kitchener Steve Fletcher, OARA

Sick Kids Foundation Niagara Health System Foundation Timmins & District Hospital Foundation Autism Ontario–Durham Region Limestone Learning Foundation Grand River Hospital Foundation Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario Canadian Cancer Society

David Gold, Standard Auto Wreckers, Scarborough Mary Poirier, Valley Automotive, Pembroke Doug Gullons, Woodstock Auto Recyclers

10,000 Trees for the Rouge Valley Renfrew County Child Poverty Action Network Woodstock Hospital Foundation

ReForest London and University of Waterloo for Platinum Sponsorship   of the University of Waterloo Alternate Fuels Team


cover story—profiles en couverture—profils

Movin’ on

UP avanttoute

Pro Auto Recyclers has been evolving since its inception. And, with owner Don Charlton’s help, so has the industry. By/PAR  Joe rayment



Pro Auto Recyclers est en évolution constante depuis sa création. Et, son propriétaire Don Charlton fait aussi avancer l’industrie de recyclage automobile.

Photos by/par  Jorge Amigo

ro Auto Recyclers Abbotsford is situated at the outer edge of Abbotsford, BC in a spotless, modern facility with a giant pair

of wrenches over the door. Behind and to the right


ro Auto Recyclers est en banlieue d’Abbotsford, en C.-B., un bâtiment moderne et propre, aux portessurmontéesd’uneénormepairedeclés.

Derrière, à la droite du bâtiment, dans la cour, sur

of the building is the lot, lined with rows of stacked

du beau gravier, s’alignent des rangées de véhicules

cars and clean gravel. Fenced off in the front cor-

bien empilés. À la droite du terrain se trouve un

ner of the lot is an old, partially deconstructed

vieux bâtiment blanc clôturé, partiellement démoli

white building that looks completely out of place

qui semble incongru dans l’ensemble impeccable de

in the ordered setting of the recycling yard: Pro

la cour de recyclage: c’est l’ancien bureau de vente

Auto’s old sales office. It’s slated for demolition

de Pro Auto Recyclers qui va être démoli la semaine

about a week after our visit—the end of an era.

prochaine– la fin d’une époque.

Don Charlton in Pro Auto Recyclers of Abbotsford’s warehouse. Don Charlton dans le batîment de Pro Auto Recyclers à Abbotsford.


cover story—profiles en couverture—profils

Left: Don Charlton in Pro Auto’s yard. Right: The facility’s 6000 sq. ft. dismantle shop. À gauche: Don Charlton sur le terrain de Pro Auto. À droîte: L’aire de démontage de 6000 pieds carrés.

“We started small—I worked my way up to what we have now.” « Nous avons connu des débuts fort modestes— j’ai ouvert la voie à un plus grand succès ».

“We started small,” says Don Charlton, Pro Auto’s owner and, when company was founded in 1990, its sole employee. “I worked my way up to what we have now.” Today, Pro Auto Recycling has 26 employees and two yards—seven acres in Abbotsford and four and a half acres in Surrey, BC. The new facility is 35,000 sq. ft., complete with 18,000 sq. ft. for warehousing and a 6,000 sq. ft. dismantle shop. The site’s built to industry environmental best practices, practices Charlton helped establish. Charlton—who served as chair of BC Auto Recyclers (B-CAR) for a decade—grew up in the auto industry, beginning with his father’s collision repair shop. He did a four-year auto parts apprenticeship and worked as a mechanic for a couple of years before taking a temporary job with an auto recycler. He took a liking to the used parts business and ended up staying in it for the next five years. Finally, in 1990, he mortgaged his house to start his first recycling yard in Aldergrove, BC. “The first yard was horrible. There was no running water. We had no equipment to move a car. The yard was mud—when it rained it was just mud out there. … It was pretty humble beginnings.” But they did good there, mostly installing engines and selling parts to other auto recyclers. By 1992, the company had made enough to put a down payment on the white house in Abbotsford and 36

« Nous avons connu des débuts fort modestes, nous dit Don Charlton, propriétaire de Pro Auto. Lorsque la compagnie a été fondée en 1990, j’étais le seul employé, mais j’ai ouvert la voie à un plus grand succès ». Aujourd’hui, Pro Auto Recycling compte 26 employés etdeux cours, l’une de sept acres à Abbotsford et une deuxième de 4,5 acres à Surrey, en C.-B. La nouvelle installation occupe 35 000 pieds carrés, dont un entrepôt de 18 000 pieds carrés et un atelier de démontage de 6 000 pieds carrés. Le site et est conforme aux normes environnementales les plus exigeantes de l’industrie, que M. Charlton a lui-même contribué à mettre en place. Charlton, qui a été président de BC Auto Recyclers (B-CAR) pendant une dizaine d’années, a grandi dans l’industrie automobile en travaillant d’abord dans l’atelier de carrosserie de son père. Après un programme d’apprentissage de quatre ans en pièces d’automobile, il a brièvement travaillé comme mécanicien avant un emploi temporaire de recycleur automobile. Ayant pris goût à l’industrie des pièces usagées il décida de s’y consacrer pendant cinq ans. Enfin, en 1990, il hypothéquait sa maison pour financer le démarrage de son premier chantier de recyclage à Aldergrove, C.-B. « Ce premier endroit était tout un défi. Il n’y avait pas d’eau courante. Nous n’avions aucun équipement pour déplacer les véhicules. La cour était en terre et quand il pleuvait, ce n’était que de la boue... les débuts étaient for modestes. » Mais ils y ont prospéré, en installant des moteurs et en vendant des pièces à d’autres recycleurs.

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

cover story—profiles en couverture—profils

over the next 15 years or so continued to grow the business until they had three sites: Import Auto Recyclers, Pro Truck and Van Recyclers in Abbotsford and Pro Auto Recyclers in Surrey. For all his success, the reputation that came with the industry still bothered Charlton. “As far as environmental practices go, the image that this industry had was that we were just dirty, messy and that it was junk,” he says. None of which matches the man—well dressed with a strong social conscious. “I mean we’re the original recyclers because it’s cars. And we’ve been recycling cars for decades.” On the green front, Charlton’s a legitimate pioneer. Abbotsford was a good location to improve the industry’s image. The town’s aquifer is particularly high, which forces the town to take issues of ground contamination quite seriously to avoid polluting the water supply. Working on B-CAR’s board, Charlton helped develop the Auto Recyclers Environmental Code of Practice in 2000, which operations have to comply with to get a business license in Abbotsford. BC adopted the code province–wide seven years later and there’s an ongoing movement to adopt similar regulations in other provinces. In this area, Abbotsford was way ahead of the curve. It took about six months to get completely moved in to Pro Auto’s new Abbotsford building. They consolidated the Import Auto and Pro Truck yards into the central location and, by doing so, increased their capacity to process vehicles. The only major reminder of life as it was at Pro Auto Abbotsford is the soon-to-be-destroyed sales office. “It’s almost surreal looking at that and wondering: we did business in that thing for so long?” Charlton says. “I tell everyone I know how the Jeffersons felt.” He’s movin’ on up.

En 1992, la compagnie avait suffisamment de fonds pour un acompte sur la maison blanche d’ Abbotsford et au cours des 15 prochaines années, ils ont continué à faire croître l’entreprise et à développer trois sites: Import Auto Recyclers et Pro Truck and Van Recyclers à Abbotsford, et Pro Auto Recyclers à Surrey. Malgré tout son succès, la mauvaise réputation de l’industrie dérangeait encore Charlton. « Du point de vue de l’environnement, nous étions perçus comme une industrie sale, désordonnée, du bric-à-brac ». Une image allant à l’encontre de l’homme lui-même, d’une tenue impeccable et animé d’une grande conscience sociale. « Nous sommes les pionniers parce que nous recyclons des véhicules depuis des dizaines d’années ». Sur le front Vert, Charlton est également un vrai pionnier et Abbotsford était un bon endroit pour améliorer l’image de l’industrie, car, entre autres, la nappe phréatique de la ville est particulièrement élevée, ce qui oblige la municipalité à prendre des mesures sévères pour empêcher la contamination des terres, afin d’éviter la pollution de l’eau. Alors qu’il siégeait au conseil d’administration de B-CAR, Charlton a contribué en 2000, au développement d’un Code de pratiques environnementales pour les recycleurs automobiles que les entrepreneurs doivent respecter afin d’ obtenir un permis commercial, à Abbotsford. La Colombie-Britannique a appliqué ce code à l’échelle de la province sept ans plus tard, et ce mouvement se propage dans d’autres provinces. Dans ce domaine, Abbotsford fait vraiment figure de pionnière. Il a fallut presque six mois pour emménager dans le nouveau bâtiment de Pro Auto à Abbotsford. Ils ont regroupé les cours Auto Import et Pro Truck en une seule installation, afin d’augmenter leur capacité de traitement de véhicules. Tout ce qui reste de l’ancien Pro Auto à Abbotsford est le vieux bureau de vente qui sera tout prochainement démoli. « C’est incroyable que nous ayons pu travailler dans cette bâtisse pendant si longtemps! » « Je dis à tout le monde, je sais comment se sentaient les Jeffersons ». Donc, il va de l’avant.

Don Charlton in front of Pro Auto Recycling Abbotsford’s recently constructed facilities.

Compassion Works International

Don Charlton devant le nouveau batîment de l’entreprise de Pro Auto Recycling d’Abbotsford.

A section of Pro Auto’s new facility was originally slated for Compassion Works International, of which Charlton is the

president. The charity organization does humanitarian work overseas, such as providing medical solutions for those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford it and building a dental clinic in the Mukeu region of Kenya. For more information visit

Une section de la nouvelle installation de Pro Auto est prévue pour la Compassion Works International, dont Charlton est le président.

L’organisation fait du travail humanitaire à l’étranger pour fournir des solutions médicales à ceux qui ne seraient autrement pas en mesure de se les permettre et elle est entrain de construire une clinique dentaire dans la région de Mukeu du Kenya. Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez


Canada’s Largest Auto Recycling Network CAR Management Solutions QRP is a network of professional automotive recyclers dedicated to providing quality recycled OEM parts and salvage solutions.

AUTOSENDER Even though parts requested are already handled incredibly quick, we’ve found a way to make them even faster! Repeat customers can use Autosender, which lets you upload a completed estimate through QRP’s software. All private data is removed, and the request is sent through the network, eliminating the need to pick parts. It’s a quick and seamless parts acquisition solution. The responses come directly to you in your private online web box. Contact Howard Berg at 905-883-4223 or 800-346-0357 or via e-mail at


for more information on this revolutionary tool!


FOR COLLISION Quality Replacement Parts (QRP) is our computerized inventory system. It allows real time requests with quick responses! The system is easy to use. Request a part and all members receive the request and respond in under 15 minutes with competitive quotes based on quality and availability. But that’s not all! QRP also gives you the power to obtain several different parts from different yards, all with a single mouse click! FOR INSURERS Our total salvage management solution provides insurers with a convenient way to generate competitive returns while ensuring their total loss vehicles are handled promptly and properly. FOR MECHANICAL REPAIRERS QRP offers you the same great functionality enjoyed by collision repairers. Request parts one at a time, and within minutes receive competitive quotes from our entire network. You can still put together an entire repair order with a single click! Don’t forget to get a quote on extended warranties!

A&L Auto Recyclers Windsor, ON Arnprior/Ottawa Auto Ottawa, ON Bickell Auto Parts Sault St. Marie, ON Carcone’s Auto Recycling Aurora, ON Corey Auto Wreckers London, ON Dave’s Truck and Auto Parts Ottawa, ON Dom’s Auto Parts Courtice, ON Doug’s Auto Parts Kingston, ON King’s Auto Wreckers Peterborough, ON Logel’s Auto Parts Kitchener, ON Maritime Auto Salvage Truro, Nova Scotia

Miller’s Auto Recycling Fort Erie, ON No 9 Auto Wreckers Tottenham, ON North Queen Auto Parts Ltd. Toronto, ON Port Perry Auto Wreckers Blackstock, ON Rock City Auto Supplies Sudbury, ON Standard Auto Wreckers Scarborough, ON Sonshine Auto Parts Cumberland, ON T&T Auto Supply Thunder Bay, ON Thorold Auto Parts & Recyclers Thorold, ON Woodbeck Auto Parts Stirling, ON


recycler profiles

profils de recycleur


Leading w i t hChange

The Canadian recyclers who are innovating to meet the demands of the industry, the consumers and the environment.

33concrètement mènent

Les recycleurs canadiens font preuve d’innovation pour répondre aux demandes de l’industrie, des consommateurs et de l’environnement. By/PAR  MEGAN NG


nce considered a “diamond in the rough,” automotive recyclers are progressively emerging from the junkyard mentality to demonstrate they are truly an exceptional field. As a field that combines the work of two different industries, automotive recyclers are also one of the community’s leading environmental ambassadors. Today’s automotive recyclers must be innovative and adaptable to the changing needs of consumers and the environment. This means implementing state-of-the-art technologies in their facilities and continually growing with new systems. Being a part of this elite community means more than knowing how to dismantle and assemble a vehicle. You must believe the parts in an end-of-life vehicle aren’t “ended,” demand high environmental standards, own the passion to inspire others and, most of all, have the drive and determination to never give up on what you believe. In the following pages, you will find some of the Canadian auto recyclers who are making leaps and bounds in preserving the environment and changing the automotive industry, one auto part at a time.


utrefois considérés comme des « diamants à l’état brut, » les recycleurs d’automobiles se dégagent graduellement de la mentalité bric-à-brac, et font valoir qu’ils font partie d’un domaine exceptionnel qui combine deux industries distinctes, les recycleurs d’automobiles sont également ambassadeurs de l’environnement dans nos communautés. Les recycleurs d’automobiles d’ aujourd’hui, doivent être Innovateurs et s’adapter aux besoins changeants des consommateurs et de l’environnement. Leurs installations doivent alors être à la fine pointe de la technologie et toujours croître avec de nouveaux systèmes. Faire partie de cette communauté d’élite ne se limite pas à simplement démonter et remonter un véhicule. Vous devez être convaincus que les pièces des véhicules en fin de vie utile ont encore bel et bien une vie, exiger des standards élevés de normes environnementales, vous devez être passionnés afin d’ inspirer les autres, et surtout, faire preuve de volonté et de détermination dans la défense de votre cause. Nous vous présentons, ci-après, certains des recycleurs d’automobiles canadiens qui font des pas de géant dans la préservation de l’environnement et qui changent le profil de l’industrie automobile, une pièce à la fois.


recycler profiles

profils de recycleur

Pièces d’autos GRD inc.

pièces d’autos

pièces d’autos

langevin Itée g.r.d. inc.

Owner: Gilles Dionne 1111 Patrimoine St, Cacouna, Quebec G0L 1G0 t: (418) 862-5477 toll-free: (800) 263-2773 f: (418) 862-9218


Propriétaire: M. Gilles Dionne 1111, rue du Patrimoine, Cacouna (Québec) G0L 1G0 t: (418) 862-5477 Ligne sans frais: (800) 263-2773 f: (418) 862-9218

This facility operates on a 165,861 sq. ft. site, with 750 sq. ft. of office space and four warehouses totalling 55,350 sq. ft. Pièces d’autos GRD has 15 employees in the following categories:

Cette entreprise est dotée d’un terrain d’une superficie de 165,861 pieds carrés, de bureaux de 750 pieds carrés et de quatre entrepôts totalisant 55 350 pieds carrés. Pièces d’autos GRD compte quinze employés répartis dans les catégories d’emploi suivantes:

Administrators/Administrateurs (1)

Warehouse clerks/Commis d’entrepôt (5)

Mechanics/Mécaniciens (3)

Dismantlers/Démonteurs (3)

Sales staff /Vendeurs (3)

The Pièces d’autos GRD inc. facility operates on a 71,509 sq. ft. lot, located in Cacouna, Quebec. Pièces d’autos GRD inc. occupe un terrain de 71,509 pieds carrés, situé à Cacouna, Québec.

The company dismantles about 600 vehicles a year and its three delivery trucks criss-cross the Lower St. Lawrence region. The company recently invested in upgrading its warehouses. It joined ARPAC to benefit from an enhanced supply of damaged vehicles through the networking tools developed by ARPAC and to associate itself with the professionalism of ARPAC members.

L’entreprise démonte annuellement quelque 600 véhicules et ses trois camions de livraison sillonnent le territoire du Bas St-Laurent. L’entreprise a récemment investi dans l’aménagement de ses entrepôts. Elle a joint l’ARPAC afin de bénéficier d’un approvisionnement de pointe en véhicule accidentés grâce aux outils de réseautage développés par l’ARPAC et de s’associer au professionnalisme de ses membres.

Pièces d’autos Langevin ltée Owners: Jean-Pierre Allie and Manon Sylvestre 3363 Route 112, Marieville, Quebec J3M 1P1 t: (450) 460-8888 toll-free: 800-363-9157 f: (450) 460-5177 Propriétaires: M. Jean-Pierre Allie et Mme Manon Sylvestre 3363, route 112, Marieville (Québec) J3M 1P1 t: (450) 460-8888 Ligne sans frais: (800) 363-9157 f: (450) 460-5177

This recently acquired company is located on a 400,000 sq. ft. lot, with 600 sq. ft. of office space and three warehouses totalling 6,800 sq. ft. Pièces d’autos Langevin ltée has eight employees in the following categories: Cette entreprise, acquise récemment, est située sur un terrain de 400 000 pieds carrés. Elle est dotée de bureaux de 600 pieds carrés et de trois entrepôts totalisant 6 800 pieds carrés. Pièces d’autos Langevin ltée compte huit employés répartis dans les catégories d’emploi suivantes:

Administrators/Administrateurs (2)

Warehouse clerks/Commis d’entrepôt (2)

Mechanics/Mécaniciens (1)

Dismantlers/Démonteurs (1)

Sales staff /Vendeurs (2)

Pièces d’autos Langevin ltée’s facility operates on a 400,000 sq. ft. lot, located in Mariefille, Quebec. Pièces d’autos Langevin ltée, occupe un terrain de 400,000 pieds carrés, situé à Marieville, Québec.

The company dismantles about 300 vehicles a year and delivers parts within the Montreal metropolitan region. Pièces d’autos Langevin ltée decided to join ARPAC in order to have a larger supply network of damaged vehicles. The company was also seeking to uphold a level of quality and professionalism that distinguishes all of ARPAC members. L’entreprise démonte annuellement quelque 300 véhicules et effectue la livraison des pièces dans la région du Montréal métropolitain. Pièces d’autos Langevin ltée s’est jointe à l’ARPAC afin de profiter d’un plus vaste réseau d’approvisionnement en véhicule accidentés et de maintenir le niveau de qualité et de professionnalisme qui caractérise les membres de l’ARPAC.

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

recycler profiles

profils de recycleur

Pièces d’autos usagées St-Mathieu inc.

Operating on a 200,000 sq. ft. site, with 120 sq. ft. of office space, this company has nine employees in the following categories: Cette entreprise, située sur un terrain de 200 000 pieds carrés, occupe des bureaux d’une superficie de 120 pieds carrés qui comptent neuf employés répartis dans les catégories d’emploi suivantes:

Administrators/Administrateurs (2)

Warehouse clerks/Commis d’entrepôt (1)

Mechanics/Mécaniciens (2)

Dismantlers/Démonteurs (2)

Sales staff /Vendeurs (2)

The company dismantles about 450 vehicles annually. Its main delivery territory is the South Shore of Montreal. The company has invested in computer

Pièces d’autos usagées St-Mathieu inc. operates on a 127,131 sq. ft. lot, in Beloeil, Quebec. Pièces d’autos usagées St-Mathieu inc., occupe un terrain de 200,000 pieds carrés, à Beloeil, Québec.

systems, the acquisition of a delivery truck and the interior renovation/finishing of its office and warehouses. It joined ARPAC to benefit from an enhanced supply of damaged vehicles through the networking tools developed by ARPAC and to associate itself with the professionalism of ARPAC members.

Des investissements importants ont été faits par l’entreprise dans le perfectionnement de son système informatique, l’acquisition de camion de livraison, la rénovation intérieure et la finition du bureau et des entrepôts. Elle s’est jointe à l’ARPAC afin de s’approvisionner en véhicule accidentés, de figurer au rang des recycleurs professionnels, d’être reconnue par les différentes compagnies d’assurance et de maintenir le niveau de qualité et de professionnalisme qui caractérise les membres de l’ARPAC.

pièces d’autos usagées

Propriétaires: M. Jean-Charles Poirier et Mme JosetteThemens 3104, rue Bernard-Pilon, Beloeil (Québec) J3G 4S5 t: (450) 464-5102 Ligne sans frais: (800) 363-6470 f: 450-464-8250

st-mathieu inc.

Owners: Jean-Charles Poirier and Josette Themens 3104 Bernard-Pilon St, Beloeil, Quebec J3G 4S5 t: (450) 464-5102 toll-free: (800) 363-6470 f: (450) 464-8250

Lecavalier Québec Owner: Roger Jr. and Philippe Fugère 492 Laurier St., St-Apollinaire, Quebec G0S 2E0 t: (418) 842-1222 toll-free: (866) 717-2886 f: (418) 981-0062 Propriétaire : Roger Jr. and Philippe Fugère 492 Laurier St., St-Apollinaire, (Québec) G0S 2E0 t: (418) 842-1222 Ligne sans frais: (866) 717-2886 f: (418) 981-0062

Administrators/Administrateurs (3)

Warehouse clerks/Commis d’entrepôt (1)

Dismantlers/Démonteurs (3)

• • •

Sales staff /Vendeurs (2) Sales representative/Représentant  sur la route (1) Delivery people/Livreurs (4)

The company annually dismantles 1000 vehicles in its 3,250 sq. ft. warehouses. It plans to enlarge its

dismantling bay soon. Lecavalier Québec’s delivery territory covers Quebec City and Rimouski, as well as the Lower St. Lawrence region. Like the other companies joining ARPAC, Lecavalier Québec wants to benefit from an enhanced supply of damaged vehicles and to maintain a high professional standard. L’entreprise démonte annuellement quelque 1000 véhicules dans ses entrepôts de 3 250 pieds carrés. Elle envisage sous peu agrandir son aire de démontage. Le territoire de livraison couvre les villes de Québec et Rimouski ainsi que la région du Bas St-Laurent. À l’instar des entreprises qui ont joint l’ARPAC, Lecavalier Québec souhaite bénéficier d’un plus grand approvisionnement en véhicules accidentés et maintenir un haut standard professionnel.


Cette entreprise, située sur un terrain de 1,368,426 pieds carrés, occupe des bureaux de 2583 pieds carrés qui comptent quatorze employés répartis dans les catégories d’emploi suivantes :


This company is located on a 1,368,426 sq. ft. lot and has 2583 sq. ft. of office space. It has fourteen employees in the following categories:

Lecavalier’s facility operates on a 127,131 sq. ft. lot, located in St-Apollinaire, Quebec. Lecavalier occupe un terrain de 127,131 pieds carrés, situé à St-Apollinaire, Québec.


recycler profiles

profils de recycleur

aldon allwest auto salvage ltd auto parts inc

Edmonton, AB 1-800-661-8814

Edmonton, AB 1-800-528-1483


Worth Every Acre

Aldon Auto Salvage has lots of history behind it and a bright future ahead. J.C. Wen

There’s a story to be told in every acre of Aldon Auto Salvage’s 99-acre dismantling and recycling yard in Lamont, Alberta. Established in 1970, the family-owned and managed Aldon Auto Salvage was the fruit of Allen, Donna and Ian Carter’s labour. From its original 100x100 foot yard, it has grown to be an advanced auto recycling facility, capable of dismantling approximately 1,000 late model vehicles every year. Aldon Auto Salvage’s meticulously organized, state-of-the-art storage and inventory system promotes speedy access to its large volume of cars, currently over 5,000 vehicles strong. In 1981, the mantle of general manager was passed on to Allen Carter’s son, Terry, who shepherded the business into the modern age. Terry attributes Aldon Auto’s current success to the lasting relationships it has built with both its customers and employees. “[We] found that by being conciliatory with staff and clients rather than being overly defensive

An aerial view of Aldon Auto Salvage’s sprawling recycling yard in Edmonton, Alberta.

or aggressive, good relationships multiplied and business prospered,” Carter said in an interview for AARDA’s newsletter. “We strive to give our employees the incentive to take pride in their jobs and place of work.” Although Aldon broke away from its humble beginnings long ago, the Carters maintain their trademark quality and service of high-quality, low-cost alternatives for new auto parts. “I feel really good about being in an industry where I don’t have to sell anybody anything they don’t need or want because I have a good product that saves them money, that has low risk,” Carter said. “And that I am a steward of the environment on a daily basis.”

The Front of the Pack

Allwest Auto Parts continues to play a leadership role in the auto-recycling industry. J.C. Wen

Stephen Cox worked his way up through ranks of Allwest Auto Parts to get to where he is now, starting with sales, inventory and some minor dismantling. He’s held the title of general manager at Allwest since 1997. Suffice it to say that Cox understands the company from top to bottom. Working alongside Ed and June Wierma, the owners of the facility, Cox looks forward to the constant and rapid changes occurring in Allwest Auto Parts’ five-acre yard, located at 4416 76th Avenue in downtown Edmonton. “The diversity of this market and how it changes, in general, has always been very energizing,” Cox said. With nearly three decades of history to its name, Allwest Auto Parts continues to adopt more mechanically efficient practices, including closing down its older vehicle dismantling yards to make room for environmentally friendly technologies.

Allwest Auto Parts’ facility in Edmonton, Alberta is constantly adapting to stay ahead of the curve.

Above all else, Cox takes pride in the professional commitment of his staff. “We are very professional,” Cox said. “We are very concerned about the quality and the service we provide. We also like to be the leader within the industry.” Being a leader is nothing new to him. Cox is the serving president of the Alberta Automotive Recyclers and Dismantlers Association. It’s a position that has bolstered Allwest Auto Parts’ role in the auto-recycling community. As for what’s in store for Allwest Auto Parts, Cox is up beat. Their long-term strategy, as Cox puts it, is to “be the best we can be at what we do. Be successful.”

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

Vous Cherchez la Fondation Air Pur?

Travailler avec des recycleurs d'automobiles partout au Canada afin d'atteindre l'excellence de l'environnement Nous avons changé notre nom, mais pas notre esprit!

Un nom différent, les mêmes grands programmes. La Fondation Air Pur a changé son nom en Summerhill Impact! S'il vous plaît

Programmes de Summerhill Impact Summerhill Impact conçoit et implante des programmes innovants qui réduisent les émissions, à améliorent l'air, la terre, et la qualité de l'eau et protègent le climat.

voir pour plus de détails sur vos programmes préférés.

ÉlimiMercure est un programme national visant à retirer, à collecter et à gérer les interrupteurs d'éclairage d'appoint et les modules de capteur des systèmes de freinage antiblocage (ABS) des véhicules en fin de cycle de vie avant qu'ils ne soient aplatis, déchiquetés et recyclés pour en faire de l'acier neuf.

Summerhill Impact 1216 Yonge Street, Toronto ON M4T 1W1 Tel:416-922-2448 Fax:416-922-1028

Adieu bazou est un programme fédéral visant à retirer les modèles 1995 ou les véhicules plus anciens de la route. Le programme a pour but d’améliorer la qualité de l’air en recyclant les véhicules de façon responsable. Le programme est financé par le gouvernement du Canada.

recycler profiles

profils de recycleur


ContheOsut t W

A Brotherly Business Focuses on Service



A-1 Auto Salvage proves its staying power and continues to thrive after decades in the industry.

Janet Taylor

a-1 auto salvage

Penticton, BC 250-493-6644


Owned and operated by three brothers, A-1 Auto Salvage is a long standing family business nestled in the heart of mainland British Columbia. With a focus on customer service and the environment, this business isn’t just weathering the economic storm, they’re looking to a bright future after over 30 years of successful auto recycling. A-1 Auto Salvage has been in Penticton since 1951. The current owners Harvey, Skip and Larry Ryll took over the facility in 1978 and have been operating it since. Its proximity to shipping routes allows them to offer beyond the local market. This is good for customers everywhere. A-1 Salvage has a strong policy on customer service. “It doesn’t have to be complicated; we focus on calling customers back,” Ryll says. “You’d be surprised how many folks are pleasantly surprised to get a simple telephone call.” A-1 Auto Salvage also goes above and beyond for customers by helping them find parts at other yards if they don’t have them in stock. This level of service is complemented by their excellent record in environmental practices.

A-1 Auto Salvage in Penticton, British Columbia. The Ryll brothers use their beautiful backdrop and natural surroundings as inspiration for their gold standard environmental practices.

Over the decades, the company has seen the transformation of the parts industry from scrap yards to full–fledged, state-of-the-art auto recycling facilities. The Ryll brothers take pleasure in knowing that their industry is responsible for preventing fluids, harmful metals such as lead and mercury, Freon and a number of other harmful substances from polluting the environment. Two years ago, A-1 Auto Salvage was awarded the gold standard for environmental practices, which they have maintained ever since. In November of 2009, the company also won the Switch Out Contest organized by Summerhill Impact. With the recognition coming their way, it is certain that these brothers will continue to strive as leaders in the industry.


Dependable New & Used Car & Truck parts Free Delivery in Penticton, Free Parts Finding Service

A-1 AUTO SALVAGE Call:250-493-6644 1277 Commercial Way, Penticton, B.C. V2A 3H4

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

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profils de recycleur

Bursting At the Seams With Knowledge Not moving forward means moving backward for co-owners at A & L Auto Recyclers and U-Pull’em. Robert Korolus

Brothers and co-owners of A & L Auto Recyclers and U-Pull’em, John and Jeff Lanoue, standing inside of the facility. A & L is located in Stoney Point, Ontario, 50 kilometres east of Windsor.

distribution outlet in Michigan so they can take advantage of the growing American market and increase their market shares on both the American and Canadian sides of the border. Currently, about 30 per cent of A & L’s business comes from American consumers. The brothers are pleased to have multiple ongoing contract deals in the works, including a couple of automotive manufacturers, to procure more wholesale parts deals. “We are bursting at the seams,” Lanoue says. They are running out of space and plans for a new warehouse are well on their way to properly accommodate their growing inventory and business. As Jeff Lanoue states candidly, “If you aren’t moving forward, you are moving backwards.”


Premiere source for used and new surplus parts.


7525 County Road, 42 and Comber Side Road, Stoney Point, ON N0P1J0

Phone : 519-687-2886

Fax : 519-687-2465


Pro memubd e of r

Stoney Point, ON 1-800-265-2128

A & L Auto

Brothers Jeff and John Lanoue have been busy running the family business, A & L Auto Recyclers, since 1991. Originally started by their father in 1961, the company is situated by the lakeshore area of Southwestern Ontario. “We are all about getting better and learning from other successful companies,” Jeff Lanoue says. Lanoue joined Counts Consulting, a consulting firm for businesses in the auto recycling industry, to improve and streamline A & L Auto Recyclers. He has visited many auto recyclers across North America and reviewed their sales, buying, accounting and facility procedures and implemented the best of them to better A & L. While times have been tough for business owners in Southwestern Ontario, A & L has managed to hold its own in the market. They have been aggressively pursuing relations with organizations such as CAR-MS—which now boasts 23 members and is the largest auto recycler group in Canada. “I’m surprised at the amount of sales coming out of Indiana in comparison to Michigan,” Lanoue says. The brothers are now looking for a permanent


recycler profiles

profils de recycleur

Driven by Customer Satisfaction

AADCO Auto Parts goes the mile for every customer and supplies more than just car parts.

Kelly Mencfeld

Don Fraser, president of AADCO Auto Parts located in Brampton, Ontario, poses with his grand daughter, Layla, in his office. He says he would supply parts for practically everything.

considering yourself an environmental steward as well as a source of quality parts.” By subjecting their parts to numerous checks, AADCO’s thorough dismantling procedure ensures quality recycled parts. From the initial inspection by a lead mechanic to the careful preparation for shipment, AADCO’s parts are handled with the utmost care and are continually examined to make sure they match the descriptions on the invoices. Fraser says he knows the challenges that professionals in the repair industry face all too well. He spent 19 years on the repair side of the business before starting with AADCO. “It gives me that sense of urgency. Getting the part to the customer in the described condition and the promised time frame is a must.”

auto parts


Brampton, ON 1-800-463-5681

AADCO Auto Parts has been a strong presence in the Canadian automotive recycling industry since 1999. It was in December of 2007 when the president of AADCO announced that the company would turn private after operating as a public vehicle dismantling company for a few years. Located at 38 Hansen Road South, Brampton, Ontario, AADCO Auto Parts features an 87,000 sq. ft. facility. Within this facility, dismantling and parts storage take place indoors. AADCO Auto Parts is committed to providing quality recycled OEM parts, and its primary business interest is in the sale of recycled OEM parts to collision and mechanical repair facilities. “We supply parts for practically anything and everything,” says Don Fraser, vice-president of AADCO Auto Parts. Knowing the high standards of the industry, AADCO Auto Parts puts a strong emphasis on quality, both in parts and production. “We’re very conscious of our environmental responsibilities,” Fraser says. “I think that’s the mark of a professional recycling business today,


Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

recycler profiles

profils de recycleur

Customer-Oriented Company Expands

Abe’s Auto Recycling keeps customers a priority by building three new dismantling bays and a U-Pull area. Megan Ng


Toronto: 416-410-0044 Toll Free: 1-888-355-5666 Fax: 905-697-8118

exceed environmental standards and practices. Consumers can be assured all vehicles entering the facility will be purged of hazardous mercury switches and toxic fluids. “We’re proud to be a part of a facility that maintains or exceeds environmental regulations. We’re doing whatever we can to help preserve our environment,” says Afana. For several years, Abe’s Auto Recycling has been involved with Car Heaven and the Mercury Switch-Out program. Moreover, they are proud members of the Better Business Bureau, OARA, and the Clarington Board of Trade. These associations have provided them the platform to work with other businesses so they can continue to improve environmental laws.



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Front row, left to right: Ken Pashley, Kenan Tan, Abe Afana, Pam Schenk, Patti Nufrio and Len Marshall. Back Row: Sam Gabsis, Chris Kent and Richard Theriault.

abe’s auto

Located in Bowmanville, Ontario on 19 acres of land resides newly renovated Abe’s Auto Recycling. In business for over 10 years now, Abe and his staff continue to keep customers their number one priority while advancing environmental efforts. Owner Abe Afana has recently added three new dismantling bays and a U-Pull area. Continuing to invest and improving the company to meet customer demands is just one of the ways Abe’s tries to stay ahead in the industry. “One thing you can always expect from us is professional service that is fast and friendly. We’re committed to our customers,” says Afana. The free delivery guarantee to all auto repair shops in Toronto has continued to receive positive feedback from their consumers and has allowed them to establish a positive working relationship with other businesses in their community. Each year the company is responsible for demolishing and disassembling heaps of unwanted vehicles. Despite the large number of vehicles, the staff remains diligent and detail-oriented with each and every car, guaranteeing they meet or


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Ironclad Customer Service Ensured

Western Canada’s largest automotive parts recycler boasts a six-month guarantee anywhere in North America.

Julie Herckenrath


recycled auto parts

Winnipeg, MB 1-800-665-6651


Since the launch of the business a quarter century ago, Action Recycled Auto Parts has grown to become one of Western Canada’s largest auto parts recyclers. The company has more than 50 full-time staff members and a dedicated team of experienced, certified and dealer-trained technicians. Each year, parts are donated to the Red River Scholarship Foundation, which provide funds for training mechanical apprentices. Action Recycled Auto Parts also supplies vocational schools with auto parts for teaching purposes. Well known for their ironclad guarantee, Action Recycled Auto Parts offers customers a base warranty that’s applicable to major power train components and covers six months on parts and a 101-day money back guarantee on all parts. Action Recycled Auto Parts offers its warranty anywhere in North America, making them an attractive alternative to new parts. For those wanting additional coverage, they provide an additional six, 12 or 18 month-long unlimited mileage product-protection plan on both mechanical and electrical parts.

The Action Recycled Auto Parts facility is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This facility holds a large collection of newer car parts, which undergo extensive test procedure to ensure quality.

Action Recycled Auto Parts has the largest inventory of late-model GM, Ford and Chrysler parts in Western Canada, with all vehicles purchased and verified at insurance salvage sales and guaranteed to be legitimate. With one of the most rigorous parts testing procedures in Canada, the company ensures clean, quality parts that perform like new. “Ultra-late model domestic parts are our specialty,” says Willis Thys, the president of Action Recycled Auto Parts. “We process mostly 2005 vehicle parts and newer.” Action Recycled Auto Parts is constantly testing and implementing innovative technology to improve the auto recycling industry. Thys is certain the company will continue to succeed.



Ultra-late Model Salvage • 974 Engines In Stock 850 Vehicles Processed Annually • 1086 Transmissions In Stock 105,288 Parts In Stock • Daily Shipping Nation Wide 53 Professional employees ready to serve you! • 6 Month Parts & Labour Warranty. (6,12 & 18Month Avail) Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

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Attention to Detail Upholds Quality Parts Arnprior & Ottawa Auto Parts focuses on parts one at a time, bearing customers’ needs in mind.

Kelly Mencfeld

Arnprior & Ottawa Auto Parts’ facility stands on 30 acres of land located just outside of Arnprior in Ottawa, Ontario. This is one of 2,500 vehicles the shop dismantles a year.

“This is the government’s way to capture scrap tires so that they don’t end up in land fills. This initiative was a long time coming,” Aumont says. As a professional parts recycler, Arnprior handles all makes and models including light trucks. “All of our parts are checked and rechecked. We are very cautious when dismantling our cars,” he says. “Customer service and good quality parts are the keys to success in this business. We strive to provide fast, efficient delivery to our customers, their satisfaction is our number one priority.” While most recyclers focus on larger sales, no request is too small for Arnprior. “We take our work seriously, especially customers,” Aumont says. “We focus on one part at a time with our customers in mind.”

One Part at a Time With You in Mind

> Quality parts for all makes & models. > Speedy delivery in Ontario and Quebec. > Service second to none. Arnprior Ottawa Toll Free

613. 623. 7361 613. 238. 8926 1.800. 267. 7386

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auto parts ltd

Your Professional Parts Recycler for Over 40 Years.

Arnprior, ON 1-800-267-7386

Arnprior Ottawa

For the past 43 years, Arnprior & Ottawa Auto Parts has been supplying the greater Ottawa area with quality recycled auto parts. This third-generation, family-owned business sits on 30 acres of land and processes about 2,500 vehicles a year. As a proud member of OARA, Arnprior & Ottawa is committed to maintaining the highest level of environmental standard as possible. “We are serious and dedicated about our business,” Alan Aumont says. “We strive to be as clean and green as possible. People don’t always know that there’s a wrecking yard here.” The industry has seen many improvements, which he believes will help make Arnprior a stronger business within their community. “The government’s Retire Your Ride program is not only providing more salvage to our company, but it’s also helping the environment by taking old vehicles off the road,” Aumont says. The Ontario Tire Stewardship program is assisting the industry by registering recyclers as collectors. This will allow them to be reimbursed for the tires they collect.


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Customer Service Remains Priority #1

Constant communication, adaptation and a desire to please its customers are integral to Auto Parts Network.

auto network parts

Mount Pearl, NFLD 1-888-271-2535


Since Auto Parts Network’s humble beginnings in 1996, customer service has remained its top priority. The strategy has paid off—today, the Mount Pearl, Newfoundland company is one of the largest auto recycling facilities in Atlantic Canada. Its extraordinary growth is largely due to its relentless pursuit of complete customer satisfaction. “Understanding each of our customer’s needs and developing systems to address those needs are paramount,” said Adam Budden, Auto Parts Network’s general manager. “If you listen to your customers you will be amazed at the opportunities to grow and improve your business.” Of course, none of that matters if you don’t have the quality and attention to detail to back it up, which is something Auto Parks Network keenly understands. They work hard to make sure parts go out exactly as they were described when the order was placed. “Our body shop customers should always receive their orders as they had initially placed them,” Budden commented. “With no grey area.”

Adam Budden, gerneral manager of Auto Parts Network. The facility, located in St. John’s-Mount Pearl, Newfoundland, is approximately 26, 000 sq. ft. and sits on ten acres of land.

Auto Parts Network has also adopted an industry leading five-year parts and labour warranty, which provides a peace-of-mind guarantee for buyers of all stripes. “Walk-in customers need not worry with fiveyear part and labour coverage,” Budden said. “Also, we’re providing a strong selling tool for our mechanical shops, as they can pass along the added coverage to their customers.” The warranty is yet another tool to aid Auto Parts Network’s overall strategy of providing positive experiences for every customer. “Providing quality parts and superior service will insure a successful future for Auto Parts Network, our committed employees and our most valued asset­—our customers.”

LARGEST INVENTORY IN ATLANTIC CANADA Our Massive Inventory Includes: Quality Recycled Parts New Factory Overstock New Aftermarket Mechanical Parts New Aftermarket Sheet Metal LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGY IN A PROGRESSIVE WORK ENVIRONMENT

Contact Information: Toll Free: (888) 271-2535 Local: (709) 747-2000 Fax: (709) 747-2498 URL: E-mail:

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

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Educating Customers for a Greener Planet Boston Auto Wrecker’s key concern is helping customers make informed decisions.

Kaori Inui

Boston Auto’s Toronto Facilities. If you’re not close by, you can shop online—they will provide you with several photos of parts before you buy, which minimizes returns and increases customer satisfaction.

Maio’s strategy for educating clients consists of a quiet dedication, which he believes will eventually pay off as customer loyalty. “Sometimes I don’t even sell the client the part” Maio said. “We always put our best foot forward and if I feel they don’t need the part I simply recommend that client has it fixed.” Maio worked as a civil engineer after graduating from the University of Toronto, but he shifted his career to take over the family-run business five years ago. Since then, he has focused on modernizing the shop, introducing more environmentally friendly facilities and an online inventory system. “We strive to keep on excelling in the industry. Ultimately our goal is to keep the environment top of mind and provide clients with industry-leading customer care.”


Find Used Parts in Your Area with Our Auto Parts Locator! Ask Us About Our FREE Car Removal Service! Our Parts Request Form Searches Hundreds of Recycling Yards to Find Your Auto Parts!

113 McCormack St Toronto, ON M6N 1A1


auto wreckers


Toronto, ON 416-769-1133


Michael Maio, general manager of Boston Auto Wreckers, takes everyday as a challenge to become a leader in the auto recycling industry. “Every day that goes by, I want to get better at what we do, be more environmentally cautious at how we do things, and also try to educate the clients,” Maio said. “Boston Auto Wreckers has been providing superior car and truck parts and service for more than 36 years.” Conveniently located 113 McCormack Street, Toronto (near Weston and St. Clair West), Boston Auto Wreckers is proud of the relationship it has with each client who comes from in and outside the city. When Maio meets his clients, he educates them on exactly what they are purchasing, and that what they are buying are used parts that will save them money and reduce the impact on the environment. “Before paying thousands of dollars for a new engine or transmission, all car owners should consider investing in quality used car parts,” Maio said. “Significantly cheaper than new car parts, used auto parts offer effective solutions to keeping cars in proper working order.”


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Family Name Takes First Place

Carcone’s Auto Recycling establishes their reputation by creating many “firsts” in the industry.

Megan Ng In business for over 30 years, Michael Carcone is still leading with the same passion and strong work ethic his father, Tony Carcone, had when he formed Carcone’s Auto Recycling. When Tony first arrived in Canada, he made a modest living as a bowling pin setter, but his love for cars encouraged him to learn the trade. Auto recycling came to him while on another job. From there he realized his true aspirations. Today he’s the family’s resident golfer, while Michael advances the 50,000 sq. ft. facility and 10 acres of land by remaining innovative and adaptable. Carcone believes it’s the right time to expand, but would like to maintain the working balance between the staff and their customers. According to Carcone, customer service is one of the main contributing factors to their success. Changing the “junkyard mentality” is important to Carcone. He tries to push this through his many affiliations, including OARA and the United Recyclers Group. “I’d like to see more consumer recognition so they can see us for what we are,” Carcone says. “We’re auto recyclers, not scrap yards or junkyards.”


Over 1,000,000 quality parts of all makes and models in stock with some of the best warranties in the industry.

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l hee


Re c


Carcone’s has been known to have many “firsts” in the auto recycling industry. They were one of the first to establish a computer and network database. In 2008, they were the first in Canada to be ISO-certified for wheel refinishing­­—they are the only auto recycler that specializes in wheel refinishing and this difference has allowed them to remain distinct in their field. Keeping with their “tech savvy” image, they recently added an online live help desk attendant powered by Windows Live Messenger. With key moves like these, remembering the Carcone name will be easy for those in the industry and public alike. “The advice my dad gave me was name is everything,” Carcone says. “If you don’t have a good reputation with your name, you have nothing.”

Carcon e’s Au to

carcone’s auto recycling

Aurora, ON 1-800-263-2022

One of the ways Carcone’s maintains its 30-year reputation is through their reliable delivery service. Customers can receive parts by courier if they are not in the designated delivery area.

We are one of the leading recyclers in the auto recycling industry dedicated to keeping our environment clean. We have over 1,000,000 fully guaranteed parts in stock with new parts arriving daily. To find out more about us, visit us online at : WWW.CARCONE.COM


Wheel Refinishing Ser vice Highest Refinishing Quality Exact Paint Matching Powder Coated Finishes 24 - 48 Hour Turnaround 1 Year 100% Guarantee Large Selection in Stock

1030 Bloomington Road, Aurora, Ontario L4G 3G8 Toronto: 905.881.8353 • Aurora: 905.773.5778 Toll Free: 1.800.263.2022 • Fax: 905.773.0482 Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:30 pm

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

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Maritime Facility Gears Up for the Big 50 in 2010 Covey’s Auto Recyclers continues to uphold honesty and integrity as it approaches another milestone.

Megan Ng

Some of the dedicated staff at Covey’s Auto Recyclers enjoying a brief break together on the 14-acre lot, where their 50th anniversary festivities will be held in June 2010.

“We want state-of-the-art equipment that can handle and streamline the processing of our vehicles. This will be more efficient, both in time and money for us, as well as the customer,” Covey says. Covey’s is pleased they can supply every possible part of a vehicle to their customers, which can be multi-searched or sorted by images through a comprehensive online search engine. They also offer a 91-day warranty on all in-house stock. With such convenience and high regard for quality service and parts, it’s no surprise many of Covey’s Auto Recyclers’ customers keep returning year after year. In June 2010, Covey and his staff will celebrate the company’s 50th anniversary. The festivities promise nothing short of spectacular and, of course, environmentally-friendly.

Blandford, Nova Scotia 1-800-555-3204

auto recyclers ltd


Started in 1960 by Hale Covey, his legacy of strong work ethic and belief in environmental sustainability is carried on today by his son and current owner and manager, Derek Covey. After graduating with a BBA from Acadia University, Derek’s progression into the family business was natural. He only hopes to elevate what his father started. “Honesty and integrity are two of the big things my dad instilled in me, which I’ve passed on to my staff,” Covey says. “We’re committed to supplying quality parts with on-time delivery. We ship worldwide, have depots in major markets and have retail shops for customers to obtain their parts as well— whatever we can do to make it easier for them.” Covey is also the president of ARAAC, on the board of directors for ARC and a certified member of ARA. With major roles in some of the industry’s most influential organizations, Covey knows how important it is to anticipate trends, adapt to changes and keep up with the fast-paced industry in the national arena. This year, the 13 staff members at Covey’s are proud to announce the integration of a new dismantling shop on their 14 acre facility.


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Family Business With a Half Century History Dom’s Auto Parts challenges the old norm of recycling facilities with innovative techniques.

Kelly Mencfeld

Dominic Vetere, founder of Dom’s Auto Parts and grandfather of the current president, Dominic Vetere, in 1937. Dominic Vetere later starts his business in 1964.

Dom’s Auto Parts services the retail pick-a-part market, the mid-to-late model insurance market and the mechanical repair business market. The Ontario automotive recycling industry is currently taking steps toward a recycler licensing system. “A system would reward legitimate recyclers for their efforts to provide effective, environmentally sound operating practices in Ontario. It would also help shut down illegal operations.” Vetere sees a real future for this market. “The future of our industry will see 99 per cent recyclable vehicles, alternate fuel and power supplies, more environmentally sound and efficiently produced transportation,” he explains. “We embrace the advancements of the industry and look forward to the challenges which face us.”

dom’s auto parts ltd

Courtice, ON 1-800-481-7272

In Courtice, Ontario, resides Dom’s Auto Parts, a third-generation, family-owned business, servicing the automotive industry for over 40 years. During their time in operation, they have grown to encompass over 30 employees and 60 acres of property. The company has advanced in the industry with their state-of-the-art dismantling facility, indoor warehouse and a fleet of tow and delivery trucks. “We stock both car and truck parts for both early and late model vehicles as well as thousands of aftermarket mechanical new parts,” says Dominic Vetere, the owner of Dom’s Auto Parts. Dom’s is doing its part to take the automotive recycling market into the new era by ensuring all of their vehicles are dismantled with the utmost concern and consideration for the environment, using regulated standards. “Today’s modern recycling facilities are run more like new car dealerships,” Vetere explains. “We sell OEM recycled parts, which are tested, cleaned and guaranteed. Purchasing OEM recycled or used auto parts makes sense, not only for your wallet, but the environment as well.”


Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

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Full Circle Facility Revolves With Faith

Fergus Auto Recyclers pushes higher standards with determination and a re-invented metal transfer station. Megan Ng

Owner Bob Vanleeuwen (right) stands proud and driven with his right-hand man Sjoerd Dehaan, a.k.a. “Shoe” (left), in the Fergus Auto Recyclers office.

to keep the industry financially behind may be the same things that will keep them in business. “It’s about manufacturer responsibility. For example, we should work with plastics manufacturers to make plastic recyclable, and that’s where the industry is heading,” Vanleeuwen says. The recession has been challenging for Fergus Auto Recyclers, but Vanleeuwen has not let it deter him and his staff ’s spirit and work ethic. Recently, Vanleeuwen added a liquidation centre for new and used surplus and re-opened a metal transfer station, which acts similar to the blue box system to get things more organized and cleaner. “The one thing that drives me is my faith,” says Vanleeuwen. “As a created world, it is our Godgiven right to look after what was created.”


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auto recyclers


Fergus, ON 1-888-615-9222


From its humble beginnings as a scrap yard, Fergus Auto Recyclers has become an innovative ecological leader in the industry. The company was started in 1992 by Bob Vanleeuwen. Unable to put up with the mess of a scrap yard, Vanleeuwen got the facility environmentally on track by re-inventing it in the 1995–1996 period. “Car shredders aren’t sorting all the metals. If done incorrectly, it can become one of the biggest polluters. But if done right, 80 per cent of a vehicle can be recycled. We recycle as much of a vehicle as we can through part sales or metal recycling,” says Vanleeuwen. “We’re a full circle facility that can handle every part of a vehicle.” Despite his high expectations, Vanleeuwen is confident his staff will continue to measure up. One employee who has contributed significantly in management and growth of the business is Sjoerd Dehaan. Affectionately known as “Shoe,” he has been helping Vanleeuwen since 1994. With the industry evolving and the government becoming more eco-minded, OARA board of directors member Vanleeuwen says the things that used


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Mollicones Own a Great View at Hilltop Hilltop Auto Wreckers’ owners and brothers have a solid foundation to build their business upon.

Megan Ng

we do now in our new bigger facility,” Rob says. “We went with the DIY aspect because customers liked the concept—you save money by removing and installing things yourself. People also factor in preferences like colour, style, etc.” For the year ahead, the brothers will continue working with industry associations such as ARA, OARA, Summerhill Impact, Switch Out and UCDA. Ron would like to integrate staff with a new computer system and get more in-depth with sales knowledge, while Rob looks to construct another building, which will include a newly designed dismantling facility. By remaining task-oriented and adhering to their strengths, the future looks promising for the Mollicone brothers and the Hilltop businesses.

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Hilltop’s growing family posing at their Richmond Hill, Ontario facility. The storied company is still working to expand their business and educate clients.


hilltop auto wreckers ltd

Richmond Hill, ON 1-800-441-9812

A lot has changed since the original Mollicone brothers started Hilltop Auto Wreckers in 1968. Forty-one years later, second-generation Mollicone brothers, Rob and Ron have brought a new wave of environmental energy with Hilltop Auto Recyclers. The brothers have a well-balanced relationship with Rob, the president, working on administration and DIY location and Ron, the manager, handling the supply of repair parts and mechanical aspects. “We have different strengths, but we’re both looking for the light at the end of the tunnel,” Ron says. They are proud their father and uncle built Auto Wreckers from the ground up, and have pioneered similar success with Auto Recyclers. The intent was to educate clients about viable environmental options and to broaden Hilltop Auto Wreckers to be about more than just “wrecking cars.” One of the main business strategies the brothers have implemented to stay on top of the industry during the recession was to push for more advertising on the DIY location. “We used to have a DIY at our old location—15 to 20 years ago—but not with the same capacity


1-800-441-9812 905-773-5806 or 416-447-3256

195 Snively Street, Richmond Hill

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010


3518 Davis Drive, Cedar Valley

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Making the Connection is working to connect the world of auto recycling across Canada and around the world. Joe Rayment

From left: Lisa Sticca, Michael Racco and Frank Racco in the warehouse at Thunder Bay Auto Parts in Thunder Bay, Ontario, not so far away from’s offices.

“The really nice thing about being a smaller company like us is that we can take that feedback and translate it into a result very, very quickly,” Racco says. “We can discuss it and say ‘let’s do this in our next release’ and come out with it eight weeks later.” For minor updates, they can make changes in as little as two days. Recently, the company has partnered with other parts sources. Through their affiliate program, they’ve set up deals that allow JustParts to work with larger online parts retailers. “With that, we’ve jumped up in inventory level—I think we’re sitting at 1.5 million parts now,” Racco says. “We should be at least three million by the summer time.”

Thunder Bay, ON 1-877-343-9380


justparts is a website with one foot firmly planted in the physical auto recycling industry— operating out of offices in the back of Thunder Bay Auto Parts. That said, they’re not exactly traditional recyclers. “We don’t exactly sell parts to people,” says CEO Michael Racco. “We’re just an online market place.... Our site allows sellers from all around the world, whether they’re from Canada, the US or anywhere, to post their parts for sale.” JustParts takes a small percentage of sales, but other than that, there are no up-front costs to users. It’s a strategy that lowers the entry barrier for smaller customers who don’t have corporate backing. The money goes directly from the buyer to the seller. “So we don’t actually go out and sell the parts or ship the parts,” Racco says. “We’re just bringing everybody together.” The company started five years ago and, after consulting with hundreds of auto recyclers, buyers and industry experts, has been fully operational for the last two. Today, constant discussion with customers remains an integral piece of JustParts’ strategy.


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Strength in Growing Numbers LKQ’s expanding team of automotive recyclers is the key component to the company’s strength. Kaori Inui

North America wide

LKQ corp



LKQ is a company that is growing within Canada. The acquisition of Keystone Automotive Industries in 2007 launched LKQ Corporation to become North America’s largest provider of aftermarket collision replacement products and recycled OEM products. LKQ Dominion Auto Recyclers is one of the company’s six Ontario recycling distribution facilities (two more were added this year). There has been no recession for the Stoney Creek location—it has increased revenue by 20 per cent over the prior year. Benjy Katz, LKQ Dominion’s district manager, says the auto recycling business is anti-cyclical. According to Katz, demand for his parts has actually increased during the downturn. “There was nothing we needed to do to prepare for the recession,” Katz said. “Other than realize that we were going into a growth period.” De-

Darcy McLean and Benjy Katz of LKQ Dominion. Katz has been with Dominion for nearly 30 years. LKQ incorporated Dominion, and Katz along with it, in 2007.

mand for aftermarket parts is also increasing, according to Phil St. Pierre, district manager for Keystone Automotive Industries. “There are many opportunities for our company to have continued growth in supplying the

LKQ Shaw Auto Recyclers’ Pat and Danny Devincenzo. When Shaw joined the company, one of the most valuable assets LKQ gained was the knowledge and experience of people like the Devincenzos.

industry with quality replacement parts to repair more vehicles economically,” St. Pierre said. It’s a claim he can make with confidence; he’s part of a big team that has unparalleled resources to move forward. LKQ has more than 300 locations across North America, with combined revenue of $2.3 billion last year, up from $1.8 billion in 2008. With its two newly added facilities in Ontario—LKQ Shaw in London and Headline Auto Parts in Cornwell—the company will extend its reach to western Canada with a strong and experienced team to help guide the growth. Benjy Katz has been with Dominion Auto Recycling (LKQ Dominion Auto Recycling since 2007) for nearly three decades. He joined the company in 1981 and started climbing the ladder from there. “I always think this business is exciting, challenging and I like doing it. So there was never a reason for me to do anything other than this,” Katz said. “And partnering with LKQ in 2007 really helped me take Dominion to the next stage.” Katz and St. Pierre are both proud of LKQ’s new online inventory system, which allows them to track parts from the company-wide inventory and ship them overnight from Ontario, Quebec and the US. To speed the delivery time, LKQ recently invested in a 75,000 sq. ft. warehouse, bringing them closer to their goal of networkwide same-day delivery. The company is moving forward every day, watching for opportunities to expand its network and increase the size of its corporate family. “Together, we are much stronger company,” St. Pierre said.

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010


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Tree-Hugging Golden Boy Turns a New Leaf

Maritime Auto Salvage’s main man, Ed MacDonald, turns 60 and his family and friends celebrate the past.

Megan Ng

maritime auto salvage

Truro, NS 1-800-565-7278


With over 77 years of prosperous operation and a nomination for the Maritime Business Ethics Award, Maritime Auto Salvage owners Ed and Lana MacDonald have a lot to be proud of. This year, Ed adds another title to his long list of accreditations, including chairing ARC’s board of directors and representing Canada in the International Round Table on auto recycling in Australia. The self-proclaimed “die hard tree hugger” and golf aficionado turns a golden 60 years old. Woodbeck Auto Parts president Bruce Woodbeck remembers fondly when he first met Ed at an OARA convention. “We’re both known to play a bit of a fool,” Woodbeck says. “The $1 bill was still around when I met Ed at an OARA convention, I asked him if he knew there were three songs on the $1 bill. Ed only had a $20 bill, so I showed him on the bill, ‘God Save the Queen,’ ‘O Toll Free: 1-800-565-7278 Canada,’ then I tore the bill in half and said ‘Who’s Sorry Now?’ Instead of getting upset with me, Ed laughed and to this day, we both still carry one half of the $20 bill as a reminder of that when we’re together, we’re never broke.”

Ed MacDonald and his wife Lana in October 2009. The pair have been married since 1983 and are still working blissfully together as partners in their work and in their personal life.

After working in human resources, industrial development and environmental ministries for the federal government in Ottawa, Ed got his first glimpse at his lucrative career in auto recycling when he discovered Arnprior Ottawa Auto Parts. Alvan Aumont, vice-president of Arnprior, has nothing but kind words for his dear friend of over 30 years. “To this day his sense of humour and repertoire of jokes still amaze me. Ed is a man of integrity, strong faith and a great community leader. He’s a volunteer to countless organizations such as ARC, OARA, the Rotary Club and his local Chamber of Commerce just to name a few,” Aumont says. “For his 60 th, I hope Eddie continues to enjoy cottaging with his family and friends and chasing a titlist in the woods!”

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Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

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profils de recycleur

U-Pull-It Yard Expands for Greener Acres

With no plans to stop, Miller’s Auto Recycling is growing to be the largest auto recycler in Southern Ontario. Robert Korolus

Some of the staff at Miller’s Auto Recycling. From left: Glenn Davis, Randy Gullion, Phil McNaul, Chris Miller, Natalie Miller, Jim Miller, Scott Eggleton, Evan Miller and Donavon Bryant.

Keeping in trends the scrap division makes maximum effort to eliminate the introduction of fluids, oils and mercury switches into the environment. In addition to reducing and recycling, Miller’s encourages the “reuse,” which it facilitates by repairing rebuildable vehicles (available for sale at their location and on the Internet) and servicing both of insurance direct repairs and walk-in customers. As the third generation of Miller’s steps in to take lead of the company, Chris, Evan and Natalie remain focused on utilizing technology, acting on the current and future environmental initiatives, continuing to find innovative ways to advance the company and remaining a leader in the automotive recycling industry.


45 acres of late model used auto parts Mechanical repairs Engine and transmission installations New and used tires Charged and tested batteries Extended warranties available Toll Free 1-800-263-8104 Tel 905-871-4354 1557 Bowen Rd, Fort Erie, Ontario CERTIFIED AUTO RECYCLER

auto recycling

w w

Fort Erie, ON 1-800-263-8104


For almost 60 years now, Miller’s Auto Recycling has been striving to continuously evolve in the automotive recycling industry. The family-owned and operated business has seen the industry develop from the typical “Junk Yard” to a respected and environmentally conscious industry. Miller’s, along with other auto recyclers and industry associations such as OARA. and ARA, have collaborated over the years to create a partnership between auto recycling and the protection of the environment. “We pride ourselves on providing the highest quality product with exceptional customer service while upholding the most stringent of environmental standards,” states co-owner Jim Miller. The 45 acre site located in the Niagara Region offers an extensive late model auto recycling facility, including a 28 acre U-Pull-It operation and over 22,000 sq. ft. of warehousing, vehicle processing and mechanical services. The recycled auto parts department with a knowledgeable and dedicated sales team provides a cost-saving alterative to purchasing new (OEM) and aftermarket parts.


recycler profiles

profils de recycleur

Green Matters for Parts of All Sizes

North Queen Auto Parts aims to reinforce environmentally friendly mowers and vehicles.

Julie Herckenrath

north queen auto parts ltd

Toronto, ON 1-888-723-4933


North Queen Auto Parts has been an Etobicoke landmark and leader in the community for more than 50 years. The co-owners of the business are brothers, Bob and Walter Sembay. This third generation family-owned business specializes in foreign and domestic late model auto parts, and provides OEM and aftermarket body parts. With a fully computerized inventory, parts can be accessed quickly and efficiently. Out of stock replacement parts can be located in minutes through a North American-wide used parts database. The recycled parts purchased on the premises can also be installed in their full service garage. North Queen Auto Parts recycles both end-of-life and insurance accident vehicles. Any undamaged parts are sold to collision and mechanical repair shops, which help keep insurance costs down for consumers. In addition to saving money, North Queen believes this method of operating is necessary for improving the quality of the eco-system and Canadian living standards. “We are really pushing green parts programs,” says marketing manager Barb Sembay.


North Queen co-owner Bob Sembay’s daughter, Barb Sembay, in the yard of the five-acre facility. Barb is pleased to be the business’s marketing manager and to work with her family.

North Queen is an active participant of the Summerhill Impact’s Retire Your Ride program. This initiative provides owners with the opportunity to earn up to $300 for their vehicle if they meet specific criteria. Usable parts are salvaged for resale. North Queen Auto Parts also supports the “Mow Down Pollution” program, which encourages people to trade in their high-polluting gas mowers and trimmers for more environmentally friendly alternatives. Old mowers and trimmers are picked up and brought back to North Queen Auto’s recycling facility where they are dismantled and drained of all fluids safely for the environment. With the increased demand for quality used parts, it seems that North Queen will continue to be a leader and will be around for years to come.

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70 North Queen St. Toronto, ONT. M8Z 2C9

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Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

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Sky’s the Limit for Plazek’s Third-Generation Plazek Auto Recyclers Ltd is becoming customers’ go-to destination for specialty, luxury vehicle needs. Kelly Mencfeld

Aerial view of Plazek Auto Recyclers Ltd. located in Caistor Centre, Ontario. This family-owned business has plenty of room to grow, as it occupies 65 of its 100 acres of land.

“We deal with specialty vehicles including Cadillacs, Porsches, Corvettes, Mercedes and BMWs,” he says. “We no longer have trucks on the road— we do everything by mail, courier or walk-ins.” Opened in 1965 by their parents Ed and Marilyn Plazek, this third-generation company sits on 100 acres of recycling land on the outskirts of the Golden Horseshoe, in Caistor Centre. “We are currently using 65 acres of our land, which leaves a lot of space to expand—it is always in a developmental process,” Plazek says. When all is said and done, it will be the thirdgeneration of the family who will dictate the future and size of the company. “The sky’s the limit for them.” Plazek says. “There is no saying how far they will take the company.”

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9530 Silver Street Caistor Center, Ontario Canada L0R 1E0 TEL 905-957-8111 FAX 905-957-8333 OPEN Monday-Friday[8:00am to 5:00pm] Saturday[9:00am to Noon] Closed Saturdays on all Holiday Weekends

auto recyclers

vast inventory of used auto parts and complete rebuilders section

Caistor Centre, ON 905-957-8111


The Plazek family has seen their business from many different views, but at the end of the day Plazek Auto Recyclers will always be a familyowned and operated business. Purchased by GreenLeaf Auto Recyclers in 1999, the staff of 55 employees and 10 delivery truck services was grossing $12 million a year. Once the family bought the company back in 2003, they scaled the size of business down, cutting the company to a manageable eight-person business. “Larger businesses dictate you,” Joe Plazek says. “We want to run the business, not let it run us.” The company now consists of Joe, his brother Frank and sister Val, as well as his children Marc, Mike and Fallon. They have all united to join the family business. “When we decided to buy the company back, I knew it would have to look different in order to survive the future,” Plazek says. While many auto recyclers work with all makes and models, Plazek Auto Recyclers is proud to be one of the few facilities that specialize in luxury vehicles that can be difficult to find.


recycler profiles

profils de recycleur

Planning Their Work, Working Their Plan

Reid’s Auto Wrecking helps progress environmental efforts by investing in its customers and associations.

Megan Ng


In their morning routine, Reid’s Auto Wrecking owners, Stuart and Teresa Reid share business ideas and go over business plans and scheduling for the day.

“We’re not happy with the ‘satisfied’ level, so why should our customers be?” Stuart says. Reid’s is committed to acquiring state-of-the-art equipment, express delivery, training, networking and elite trading partners to assist customers. In 2006, Reid’s joined QRPBC and have been proactively working with the B-CAR division and AREA to improve the auto recycling industry. “Investing in associations is important. It’s our voice. There is an increasing need to educate the public on the zero waste concept. I can’t think of another industry in this province that provides free environmental services to the magnitude BC recyclers do in the processing of ELV’s,” Stuart says. “Auto Recycling is an exciting and rewarding business to be in—you never stop learning.”


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Elcam Auto Recyclers, )\YUHI` 604-525-5456 • 1-877-525-5454

Reid’s Auto Wrecking Ltd, )\YUHI` 604-521-1818 • 1-800-521-7710 Riteway Auto Wreckers, *OPSSP^HJR 604-792-0781 • 1-800-721-5515

Ernies Used Auto Parts, *HZ[SLNHY 250-365-6225 • 1-877-365-6225

Super L’Auto Recyclers, *OPSSP^HJR 604-858-3341 • 1-800-663-9843

Import Auto Recyclers, (IIV[ZMVYK 604-854-8777 • 1-888-977-5566

Wasney Automotive Ltd, )\YUHI` 604-526-4266 • 1-866-526-4266


Comox Valley Auto Recyclers, 9V`Z[VU 250-336-8555 • 1-888-336-8555



reid’s auto wrecking

Burnaby, BC 1-800-521-7710

When the opportunity rose for Stuart Reid to take over an auto recycling facility in 1995, he took his ambitions and support from his family to create Reid’s Auto Wrecking. Reid’s is able to enjoy its success today because of smart business planning and sacrifices made. Shortly after entering the business, Stuart’s wife Teresa made the difficult decision to leave her medical career to support her husband’s dream. On staff are their two sons, Josh, who works on the mechanical end, and Matt, who deals with sales and inventory. Matt’s wife Anna has also taken keen interest in contributing to the business. “We are continually building our business to move forward and to do that, we choose to move upward—literally,” Teresa says. “Small can be very efficient and profitable, you just have to know how to polish your work model.” Doubling up in yard size by implementing an organized two-tier system for their specialty Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep products, Reid’s demonstrates that being better doesn’t necessarily require being larger.



Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010



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Sonshine Spreads in Cumberland, Ontario

With plans to continue expansion, being customer and environmentally friendly remains a priority.

Scott Waring

The staff at Sonshine Auto Parts in Cumberland, Ontario. From left: Lynn Mondor, Annie Courchaine, Don Laniel, Les Anderson, Mario Villeneuve, Colby Lord, and Steve Nickless.

The company’s eco-friendly mandate ensures all cars are purged of fuels, fluids, glycols, mercury and all other environmentally toxic materials. Their extra efforts secure a complete toxin-free yard, going beyond O-Cars’ and ARA’s gold seal—a criteria that sets them apart in the industry. “The environment is important, but customer service is our number one job,” Desjardins says. Aside from their exceptional environmental standards, one of the other things the staff at Sonshine believe in is their relationships with customers. Local customers enjoy free delivery on their parts, while customers abroad receive services through a network of courier companies. They can also be assured all parts are tested and cleaned for them before they are delivered. “Quality Used Auto Parts!”

Toll Free: (888) 834-3666 T: (613) 833-1200 F: (613) 833-1250 2104 Dunning Rd Cumberland, ON K4C 1M1

auto parts

A locally owned auto recycler. Specializing in late model auto parts for all makes. Computerized inventory and nation wide locating service.

Cumberland, ON 1-888-834-3666


Denis Desjardins developed a passion for motorized vehicles at a young age. He acquired his first tow truck after completing high school, and his keen business prowess naturally navigated him from trucks to automotive parts. Awarded Entrepreneur of the Year in 2006 by the Eastern Ontario Business Association, Desjardins is a media regular, working to advance the auto recycling industry. Other achievements include gold seal status with ARA, membership in OARA and most proudly, playing host to former Environment Minister John Baird at the Retire your Ride program press conference. Desjardins’s first accomplished recycling yard, Cumberland Auto Parts, was sold to GreenLeaf in 2000. After a brief retirement, he built a stateof-the-art recycling centre and re-acquired his original yard in 2007. Desjardins then moved Sonshine Auto Parts to its existing location. Sonshine Auto parts is aggressively adding to its inventory. There’s ongoing expansion on their existing buildings, doubling the size of their yard for better accommodations.


recycler profiles

profils de recycleur

Cross-Continental Recycle Campaign

Standard Auto Wreckers stretches accross North America to serve the US and Canada. Anna Ross

Toronto, ON 1-800-668-5014

standard auto wreckers


Founded by Ken Gold of Scarborough in 1979, Standard Auto Wreckers has been an automotive company dedicated to buying, selling, dismantling and, most of all, recycling vehicle parts. This year, the company celebrates its 30year anniversary. With headquarters in Toronto and New York’s Niagara region, both 11 acres in size, Standard Auto Wreckers caters to Canadian and American customers. The two facilities are connected in every possible way via the Internet, which permits both operations to act as one. The Toronto facility includes an in-store tire shop which, stocks over 1000 used tires, state-of-the-art equipment and staff with a combined experience of over 60 years. The U-Pull-It yard is considered Toronto’s most established UPIC operation. It is conveniently open seven days a week for customers to search or buy used vehicle parts, which have a 90-day warranty. Car parts are divided neatly according to the car maker and even feature a “Golden Oldies” section. With new parts arriving daily, there is an incredible amount of variety.

Some of the staff at Standard Auto Wreckers. Front row: Yasmin Towheed, Soren Olson, Jackie Grafe. Back row: Ian Ticknor, Bruce Chapman, Dan Treau-Decoeli, Steve Lucas.

Standard Auto Wreckers focuses predominantly on buying and selling used parts while promoting their “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” campaign. “Standard Auto Wreckers always tries to stress the importance of re-using a product [in our case, an auto part] as this is the best form of recycling,” says co-owner David Gold. “In the ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ equation, reuse comes before recycling [with good reason], and we would like to make sure the collision repairers and the public appreciate this fact.” Standard Auto Wreckers serves as proof that automobile industries can be “green industries.” “Our parts should be embraced by all of those that care about this precious Earth,” Gold says. “And anything that we can do to get this message across is very important.”

Local 416-286-8686 Green Vehicle Disposal.Com PARTS SO GOOD... THEY DESERVE A SECOND CHANCE!

WE COVER NORTH AMERICA! 1-800-668-5014


Parts Sales - Computerized Inventory Tire Shop - New and Used Tires and Rims UPIC Yard - Pull the Part yourself and Save Free Parts Days - All-You-Can-Carry Sales



Parts Sales - Computerized Inventory Indoor Dismantling Facility Eco - Friendly Recycling Expanded Delivery Area Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

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profils de recycleur

Family-Owned Business Expands

Environmentally responsible auto recycling is a family affair at Thorold Auto Parts & Recyclers.

Kelly Mencfeld

Some of the staff at Thorold Auto Parts & Recyclers. Thorold’s has 30 employees and 10 trucks ready to serve their customers. They pride themselves on excellent customer service.

Thorold, ON 1-800-263-4708


model, low mileage scrap vehicles. In addition, we always strive to be environmentally responsible in all of our processes.” Although rebuilt vehicles are a major part of the business, Thorold Auto Parts & Recyclers also carries a large inventory of late and early model car and truck parts, all of which are guaranteed. “All of our products are thoroughly inspected before our customers receive them,” he says. “In the future however, we plan to increase our focus on pure recycling inventory as well.” Customer service and quality is on the forefront of their minds at Thorold Auto Parts & Recyclers. “We pride ourselves on our highly qualified staff,” Serravalle says. “That helps give that extra something to our customers.”

auto parts and recyclers

Since the early 1980s, Thorold Auto Parts has been providing individuals and repair shops with the best overall value in used, aftermarket and new vehicle parts. This family owned and operated business has over 23 acres of both foreign and domestic inventory, 30 employees and 10 trucks that service all of southern Ontario. After taking over the business for his father in 2000, Frank Serravalle has seen Thorold Auto Parts & Recyclers continuously expand. “We are currently expanding our delivery area [and are] in the process of expanding our dismantling facility,” Serravalle says. “In the new year we plan on expanding our services to eight bays instead of the four we currently have.” In staying with the green trend in automotive recycling, Serravalle has a large selection of refurbished vehicles available, processing anywhere from 3,500 to 4,000 vehicles a year. “Rebuilt vehicles are a big part of our company compared to others who only focus on recycled parts,” Serravalle explains. “We perform the crucial service of disassembling and recycling late


recycler profiles

profils de recycleur

Changing Perceptions of Auto Recycling Valley Automotive takes a stance to differentiate between the junkyards and auto recycling facilities. Scott Waring

Mary Poirier, on the far left, the president of Valley Automotive, with her staff members from left, Jacques Chevrette, Roger Chevrette, Bill McDonald and Tim Verch.

differences between a junkyard and an auto recycling facility. Advanced technology has allowed the industry to progress tremendously with unconventional methods and equipment. Valley Automotive has two nationwide computer inventory systems, which are used to locate used auto parts, including a large inventory of late model car parts. As a role model for social consciousness in the balance of business ethics, Poirier advocates her environmental cause to the industry through Valley Automotive. She says it is important for recycling facilities to take pride in their work. “We are the stewards of the most recycled product in the world,” Poirier says. “As long as we do the best we can every day in our businesses, we cannot get any greener than that.”


automotive recycled auto parts

Pembroke, ON 1-800-565-7667

Valley Automotive Recycled Auto Parts has been a family-owned business since 1962, when Clayton and Marion Poirier purchased the company in Pembroke, Ontario. Their daughter, Mary Poirier, entered the business in 1995 and later purchased the company from her parents in 2004. “When you are raised in a car business family, it is just in your blood,” Poirier says, having been in the business for 15 years. “I feel the female perspective is mainly from the numbers standpoint.” Her unique method of decision making has surfaced during this economic downturn. “We tend to make our business decision based on its financial merits as opposed to an attachment to the vehicle we are processing.” She thinks that the future of electric and hybrid vehicles is looking decent. “I feel the combustion engine will continue to be the mainstay of our industry,” Poirier says. “We will definitely see improvements in its fuel economy and design.” The staff at Valley Automotive feels very strongly about ensuring the public is aware of the


Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

recycler profiles

profils de recycleur

Dynamic Father & Son Duo Strive for Quality

Woodbeck Auto Parts paves the way to progress government standards in the auto recycling industry. Megan Ng

Greg Woodbeck, manager, outside of Woodbeck Auto Parts in Stirling, Ontario. Greg is the son of current president Bruce Woodbeck, and grandson of founder Burton Woodbeck.

As one of the earliest repair shops to enter the auto recycling industry, Woodbeck describes their progression as a natural move. They are pleased to be affiliated with OARA since its conception in 1992, Car-MS QRP, and ARC. “Woodbeck Auto Parts has been integral in getting OARA. programs off the ground. We actively participate in Switch Out, Car Heaven, Retire Your Ride,” Woodbeck says. “I can see the government progressing the auto recycling industry.” Currently, Bruce Woodbeck sits on the OARA committee, which lobbies for the government to advance environmental measures in the automotive business. Greg is optimistic and confident his father and the OARA committee will succeed in their efforts to forward their environmental cause.

87 Woodbeck Rd, RR 1 Stirling, ON K0K 3E0


We take pride in our clean, environmentally friendly facility, with the utmost regard for quality products and services.

Toll Free: 1-800-267-2542

(613) 395-3336

auto parts

Woodbeck Auto Parts is a proud member of the Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA) and CAR-MS QRP.

Stirling,ON 613-395-3336


Greg Woodbeck always knew he wanted to follow the family line of entering the auto industry. These days, he’s living his dream by ensuring the smooth operation of Woodbeck Auto Parts as its manager with the support and guidance his father and president Bruce Woodbeck. Covering 40 acres of land in Stirling, Ontario, it is maintained by a highly skilled staff of 17 employees and an efficient online computer inventory system connected to their website. Constructed in 1939 by Greg Woodbeck’s grandfather, Burton Woodbeck, the facility was originally known as Stirling Auto Wreckers. To uphold the family business, Woodbeck’s uncle purchased the business from his grandfather in 1970 and changed the name to Woodbeck Auto Parts. Bruce Woodbeck later purchased the company in 1978 and assumed his position as president. Celebrating a reputable 70 years of producing “only the finest recycled auto parts, guaranteed,” Woodbeck describes his working experience as one half of the dynamic father and son duo as, “absolutely wonderful to be a part of.”


Profiles—women of the industry Profils—femme de proue

en Route

in auto recycling en recyclage d’auto

Madame Pierrette Grenier is more than what meets the eye.

Madame Grenier est plus que ce que les yeux peuvent percevoir. By/PAR Megan Ng

D Above: Pierrette Grenier remains poised after 12 years of running Pièces d’autos Samson Inc. Above left: Aerial view of her facility in Granby, Quebec. Au-dessus: Pierrette Grenier, propriétaire de Pièces d’auto Samson Inc. Au-dessus, gauche: photo aérienne de l’entrepirise situé a Granby, Quebec.


espite her petite 5’2” stature, Pierrette Grenier stands as tall and proud as the men she manages and works with at Pièces D’Autos Samson Inc. in Granby, Quebec. The company has been in business since the 1960s and Pierrette has led it for 12 of those years. Changing professional paths three times in the course of her career, it’s easy to see how Pierrette Grenier is not your average woman. She began in the medical field. She found her current position while working for the previous owner of Pièces D’Autos Samson as an accountant. When the owner propositioned Grenier to purchase the company, she knew she would be venturing into unfamiliar territory, but was ready to face the challenges that faced her. At earlier congresses, Grenier’s husband was often mistaken for the owner. Although this infuriated her, she eventually learned how to deal gracefully with people’s ignorance and preconceptions.


algré ses 5 pieds 2 pouces, Mme Pierrette Grenier est aussi grande et fière que les hommes avec qui elle travaille chez Pièces d’autos Samson inc, située à Granby, au Québec. Créer dans les années 60, Pièces d’autos Samson inc est dirigée par Mme Grenier depuis les 12 dernière années. Changeant trois fois d’orientation professionnel le au cours de sa carrière, il est facile de constater que Mme Grenier est plus qu’une femme ordinaire. Elle a débuté dans le domaine médical. Elle a trouvé sa position actuelle en travaillant chez Pièces d’autos Samson inc à titre de contrôleur. Lorsque le propriétaire lui a proposé d’acheter la compagnie, Mme Grenier savait qu’elle allait s’aventurer en territoire inconnu, elle était prête à relever les défis à venir. Lors des premiers congrès, le mari de Mme Grenier a souvent été confondu pour le propriétaire. Même si cela la rend furieuse, Mme Grenier maîtrise courtoisement les idées préconçues et l’ignorance des gens.

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

Profiles—women of the industry Profils—femme de proue

“Truck drivers tested me constantly. For the first few years, they would ask, ‘why don’t you get somebody competent to help me?’ I would simply reply, ‘If you see that I can’t answer your questions, then you can ask another employee yourself,” Grenier says. Women are more inclined to educate themselves on unfamiliar tasks, Grenier believes, while men are less likely to admit what they don’t know. In this respect, she also believes that a woman’s management system can be different because she will likely be more inclusive with staff in order to gather more information and opinions. In the future, she hopes to see her son take over the business, with her playing a smaller role. For now, she will continue to run her business with professionalism and integrity. As president of and an administration board member at the hospital, she would also like to progress young people’s education on the rewarding prospects of entering the automotive recycling industry and the importance of preserving our Earth’s resources at local schools. “The industry is changing tremendously,” Grenier says. “There are many women stepping into the field. For me, it used to be a job, but now it’s a passion. I love what I do. I love working here.”

« Les mécaniciens m’ont beaucoup testé, » dit-elle. « Durant les premières années, ils demandaient de parler à quelqu’un de compétent ». Elle leurs répondait: « Si vous voyez que je ne peux pas répondre à votre question, je vous référerai à un de mes employés ». À son avis, Mme Grenier les femmes sont plus enclines à se sensibiliser à des tâches inhabituelles, tandis que les hommes ont plus de difficulté à admettre ce qu’ils ne savent pas. Le système de gestion d’une femme est différente: elle sera compte de l’avis de tout le personnel afin d’obtenir le plus d’informations. Mme Grenier forme son fils pour qu’il puisse prendre la relève, et lui permettant de pouvoir conserver un plus petit rôle. Pour l’instant elle continue à gérer son entreprise avec professionnalisme et intégrité. Mme Grenier est présidente de l’ et administratrice au sein de la fondation de l’hôpital de Granby. Elle participe à l’éducation des jeunes en leur montrant les aspects gagnants de faire partie de l’industrie du recyclage automobile et l’importance de préserver les ressources de notre terre et ce dans les écoles locales. « C’est incroyable, la barrière entre hommes et femmes disparaît de plus en plus », Mme Grenier explique: « Il ya beaucoup de femmes qui s’implique dans l’industrie aujourdh’ui. Pour moi, avant c’étais une job, maintenait c’est une passion ».

La plus grande sélection au Canada de:

Véhicules récupérés pouvant être remis en état Véhicules pour les pièces Véhicules volés et retrouvés Véhicules spécialisés récupérés


features articles de fond

Conception en vue



A vision for extended producer responsibility for ELVs in Canada.

Une vision pour la responsabilité élargie des producteurs concernant les VHU au Canada.


by/par Usman A. Valiante


ince November of 2009, both Ontario and Quebec have proposed new waste diversion policy frameworks that, if enacted, would require equipment manufacturers to assume responsibility for the environmental management of their end-of-life-vehicles (ELVs) within the next five years. About 15 years ago, provincial governments began to take a strong interest in extended producer responsibility (EPR) as a means to shift the cost of end-of-life management of waste materials from the tax base to producers of products. At that time they focused their efforts on common consumer waste products that didn’t have existing recycling programs. Accordingly, many Canadian jurisdictions now have programs loosely based on EPR principles for products such as used tires, paints, hazardous and special wastes, beverage containers, and paper and packaging materials. More recently, as governments began to consider more complicated, value-laden products such as waste electronics and electrical equipment, major household appliances (white goods), and ELVs, they found that there were already a significant number of profitable private-sector businesses engaged in the collection and resource recovery of these end-of-life products. In situations where there is already market-driven recycling activity, building an EPR program does not mean building new market relationships from scratch. Rather, it means finding ways to harness and incentivize existing resource recovery markets to discharge producers’ end-of-life obligations. The fundamental strength of this market-based approach for ELVs is that it builds on an existing and competitive sector. Competition between ELV processors ensures the least cost to manufacturers and their consumers. Progressive ELV recovery targets drive increased processing volume, thus ensuring sufficient profitability for reinvestment and growth in a “green sector” of Canada’s economy. The Auto Recyclers of Canada are committed to a national vision for EPR predicated on high environmental standards and market competition. They will be working with OEM partners and provincial governments to ensure that the tried-and-true workings of free markets are brought to bear on the end-of-life management of vehicles in Canada.


epuis novembre 2009, l’Ontario et le Québec ont proposé de nouvelles politiques-cadres de réacheminement des déchets qui, si promulguées, obligeraient les fabricants d’équipement à assumer la responsabilité de la gestion environnementale de leurs véhicules hors d’usage (VHU), d’ici cinq ans. Il y a environ 15 ans, les gouvernements provinciaux on commencé à s’intéresser à la responsabilité élargie des producteurs (REP) afin de transférer le coût de gestion de matériaux en fin de vie utile, des contribuables aux fabricants. Ils ont alors concentré leurs efforts sur les déchets de consommation courante qui ne bénéficiaient pas de programmes de recyclage. Par conséquent, plusieurs juridictions ont maintenant des programmes similaires à la notion de REP pour des produits tels que les pneus usagés, la peinture, les déchets spéciaux et dangereux, les réceptacles de boisson, le papier et les matériaux d’emballage. Récemment, alors que les gouvernements ont commencé à s’intéresser aux produits plus complexes et plus coûteux, tels que les déchets électroniques et électriques, les gros appareils ménagers (les produits blancs) et les VHU, ils ont constaté que beaucoup d’entreprises privées oeuvraient déjà avec succès dans le ramassage et la récupération de ces produits en fin de vie utile. Dans les cas où il existe déjà des activités de recyclage profitables, créer un programme de REP ne veut pas dire recommencer à zéro. Mais plutôt trouver des moyens de mobiliser et de stimuler les marchés existants de récupération des ressources afin d’acquitter les fabricants de leurs obligations quant aux produits en fin de vie utile. La force fondamentale de cette approche basée sur le marché pour le traitement des VHU, est qu’elle se bâtit sur un secteur existant et à forte concurrence. Cette rivalité assure un moindre coût aux fabricants et aux consommateurs. Les cibles progressives de récupération des VHU ont fait augmenter le volume de produits à traiter, assurant ainsi une rentabilité suffisante pour réinvestir et croître dans un « secteur vert » de l’économie canadienne. Les recycleurs automobiles du Canada s’engagent à une vision nationale de REP fondée sur des normes environnementales rigoureuses et la concurrence. Ils travailleront avec les partenaires OEM et les gouvernements provinciaux afin que l’efficacité fonctionnelle des marchés libres porte ses fruits sur la bonne gestion des véhicules en fin de vie utile au Canada.

In Canada, roughly 6% of the fleet is retired every year—that means 1.2 million vehicles available for recycling. Au Canada, près de 6% de la flotte retirée chaque année, cela veut dire que 1,2 million de véhicules sont disponibles pour le recyclage


for an extended look at Canada’s ELV future.




Mercury switches Des interrupteurs au mercure


pour un coup d’œil élargi sur l’avenir des VHU au Canada.


features articles de fond


État des



A Survey of Fluid Drainage Practices of Canadian Automotive Recylcers.

Un sondage sur les pratiques de drainage de fluides des recycleurs d’automobiles canadiens.

By/PAR  Michael Hoeher, president of Recyclers Source Solutions Inc. > président de Recyclers Source Solutions Inc.

The Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) recently polled its members on their preferences, techniques, conditions and performance results in draining and disposing of fluids in ELVs. Individual results were as diverse as the facilities themselves, but the big picture gives some valuable insights into increasing efficiency in the drainage process and, significantly, reducing costs. Michael Hoeher takes an in-depth look at the survey.

Les RACs ont récemment interrogé leurs membres sur leurs préférences, les techniques, conditions et résultats fonctionnels obtenus en matière de drainage et d’élimination des fluides des VHU. Les réponses individuelles étaient très diverses mais la vue d’ensemble donne de précieuses indications sur comment améliorer l’efficacité du processus de drainage et considérablement réduire les coûts. Michael Hoeher regarde le sondage en détail.

ne of the desired outcomes of this survey revolved around an estimate on the amounts of liquids removed, their commercial value and the positive environmental impact of ARC members responsibly removing, collecting and disposing/ recycling the hazardous fluids in question. At first we look at which of the fluids contained in an end-oflife vehicle (ELV) are actually removed. In the field of fluid evacuation, fuels, oils (engine and transmission) and coolant are considered the “basic” and main fluids to be removed. They represent approximately 80–85 per cent of the total fluids present in an ELV. The remaining fluids are comprised of oils in differentials and torque converters, brake fluid, windshield wash and fluids in shock absorbers. Modern drainage technology such as SEDA’s suction-based tools are capable of evacuating up to 98 per cent of fluids residing in ELVs. The most apparent difference in extraction rate relates to fluids trapped in hard-to-access components such as torque converters (requires dismantling

’ un des résultats de cette étude était d’obtenir une estimation des quantités de liquides retirés, de leur valeur commerciale et de l’impact environnemental positif des membres du RAC quant à leur responsabilité concernant le retrait, le ramassage et l’élimination ou le recyclage de ces liquides dangereux. Tout d’abord, nous avons identifié quels étaient les fluides efficacement retirés des véhicules hors d’usage (VHU). Dans le domaine de l’évacuation des fluides, les carburants, les huiles (de moteur et de transmission) et les liquides de refroidissement sont considérés comme des fluides « de base » et sont ceux dont le retrait est le plus fréquent. Ils représentent environ 80 à 85 % de tous les fluides des VHU. Les autres fluides comprennent les huiles des différentiels et des convertisseurs de couple, les fluides de freins et d’amortisseurs de choc et le lave pare-brise. La technologie moderne de drainage comme les outils d’aspiration SEDA, sont capables d’évacuer jusqu’à 98 % des fluides contenus dans les VHU. La différence la plus apparente dans le temps d’extraction, est liée aux fluides qui sont dans les parties difficiles


shock absorbers amortisseurs



Fluids drained by type


Fluides drainés par types 100% 100%

windshield wash lave-glace 74%

steering gear oil

huile pour engrenages

100% 98% 100%

anti Freeze/coolant antigel/liquide de refroidissement

Differential Oil huile différentiel Torque Converters

convertisseur de couple



brake fluid liquide de frein

63% 33%



Transmission Oil huile à transmission

100% 100%

Engine Oil huile de moteur

100% 100% 100% 100%

Gas/Diesel essence/diesel


Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010 Head Office

1801 Hopkins Street South Whitby, Ontario L1N 5T1 1-800-430-8656 t (905) 668-8877 Fax: (905) 668-0387

Scrap Facilities WHITBY-SHREDDER Hopkins St. South (905) 668-8877 BUFFALO-SHREDDER 776 Ohio Street (716) 847-6200 WINNIPEG-SHREDDER #1 Railway Street Selkirk, Manitoba (204) 482-6701 CORNWALL 3000 Copeland Drive (613) 933-1119 LONDON 2025 River Road (519) 455-4639 OSHAWA 500 Waterloo Street (905) 576-7868 TORONTO 55A Fenmar Drive (416) 745-3233 GUELPH 200 Dawson Road (519) 836-9697 MISSISSAUGA 3418 Mavis Road (905) 277-4711

Regional Managers SAM LEGATE Northern Ontario/ Central Ontario (905) 809-4372 MARK D’SOUZA Southwestern Ontario (519) 635-8904 MICHAEL BIANCHI Hamilton/Niagara/ Buffalo (416) 994-8014 RANDY DOUGLAS Quebec/ Eastern Ontario (613) 933-1199 MATT DYKSTRA Manitoba/ Western Canada (204) 296-2213 AARON ROSENTHAL Non-Ferrous Trading (647) 287-4711

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To view this study in its entirety visit recyclerssource .com >>>>>>>>>>>> Pour lire toute l’enquête, visitez recyclerssource .com


the drive train), differentials, brake fluids, etc. As d’accès comme les convertisseurs de couple (il faut dévehicle sizes and component builds vary widely from monter le groupe motopropulseur), les différentiels et au one OEM/make to the other, the general assump- fait d’enlever les liquides de freinage,etc. Compte tenu des tion is that each ELV holds approximately 40 litres différences dans la taille des véhicules et de la construction of fluids. This number is significantly higher when des OEM, il est généralement reconnu que chaque VHU taking the total of all ELV fluid capacities into con- contient à peu près 40 litres de liquides. Ce chiffre est beausideration as gas tanks alone typically vary between coup plus élevé lorsqu’on tient compte du volume total des fluides des VHU, car la capacité des réservoirs de carburant 40 to 80 litres in capacity. When assessing the total volume of fluids extracted, peut varier de 40 à 80 litres. Lorsque l’on évalue le volume total de liquides extraits, il it becomes quickly apparent that the impact the automotive recycling industry has is staggering. In any ressort de façon évidente que l’industrie du recyclage autogiven year the survey respondents safely remove a mobile a un impact spectaculaire. Pour chaque année donnée, reported 1.25 million litres of hazardous fluids from les sondés retirent, en toute sécurité, 1,25 million de litres de ELVs. On a wider scale, under the assumption that fluides dangereux des VHU. À plus grande échelle, et selon the undertaken survey represents a valid statistical l’hypothèse que le sondage représente un échantillon statissample of the entire ARC membership, all of its 420 tique valide de l’ensemble des membres du RAC, on peut conclure que les 420 membres retirent annuellement : members annually remove an estimated: Ayant des statistiques solides sur Having a solid count of the exles fluides extraits, nous pouvons tracted fluids brings us to the Ø 5.91 M litres of gas/diesel > essence/diesel Ø 3.97 M litres of oils >huiles passer à la prochaine étape, soit next step—the assessment of the Ø 2.53 M litres of coolant > refroidissement economic value inherent in those Ø 0.58 M litres of windshield wash > lave-glace l’évaluation de la valeur économique inhérente de ces liquides. Fort de liquids. With my experience working with hundreds of recyclers across North America, mon expérience de travail avec des centaines de recycleit can be assumed that each ELV holds the potential urs en Amérique du Nord, je crois que chaque VHU contient of at least $5. This is significantly lower than the cost un potentiel d’une valeur d’au moins 5 $. Ce montant est avoidance value that can be achieved for re-use. Cost nettement inférieur aux coûts que l’on peut éviter par la réavoidance, for example, occurs when gasoline is not utilisation de ces liquides. Les coûts sont réduits lorsque, purchased at the gas station but instead the extracted par exemple, le carburant n’est pas acheté à la station service, mais l’essence extraite des VHU est utilisée pour la gasoline is used to power a recyclers’ own vehicle fleet. The scenarios most commonly faced include, after flotte de véhicules du recycleur. Une fois les fluides retirés des VHU, les scénarios fluids are removed for ELVs, their internal recycling or re-use in one’s operation, their sale to internal or les plus courants consistent à les utiliser par les recycleexternal parties or their proper disposition with third urs eux-mêmes, à les vendre à des tiers à l’interne ou à party service providers. All urban centres and their l’externe, ou à en disposer auprès des fournisseurs de sersurroundings are typically serviced by companies vices. Tous les centres urbains et leurs agglomérations specialized in the collection, transport and recycling sont généralement desservis par des entreprises spécialof hazardous wastes that pick up the fluids and either isées dans le ramassage, le transport et le recyclage des pay for them, pick them up at no charge or have the déchets dangereux, qui achètent les fluides, les ramassent recycler pay for the service. The majority of recyc- sans frais, ou font payer le recycleur pour ce service. La lers derive some form of commercial benefit from the plupart des recycleurs tirent d’une manière ou d’une auextracted fluids. Four out of five recyclers use the ex- tre un profit de l’extraction de ces fluides. Quatre sur cinq tracted fuel in their own vehicles. With the use of recycleurs utilisent les carburants ainsi extraits, pour leurs tools such as the SEDA Gas Quality Control Unit, propres véhicules. Grâce à des techniques telles que l’unité the contaminated gasoline content is separated from de contrôle de la qualité de l’essence SEDA , la contaminagood gasoline to improve its safe usage and in com- tion présente dans le carburant extrait est séparée du bon carburant, ce qui diminue les risques de son utilisation pour pany and private vehicles. For extracted oils the picture is entirely different. les véhicules de compagnie ou privés. Pour l’extraction des huiles, la situation est fort difféOne third recycles the oil in waste oil furnaces, sells it or has it picked up at no charge. A recent impact on rente. Un tiers recycle l’huile dans des fours pour déchets this breakdown was certainly contributed to the ban d’hydrocarbures, la vend ou la fait ramasser sans frais. Cette of waste oil burners in large portions of the country. As situation a certainement contribué à l’interdiction d’utiliser for Quebec, all recyclers referred to La Société de ges- ces fours dans une large portion du pays. Quant au Quétion des huiles usagées. SOGHU (, as it is bec, tous les recycleurs se réfèrent à la Société de gestion referred to in short, is a non-profit organization created des huiles usagées – SOGHU (, acronyme de to meet the requirements of the regulation respecting l‘organisme à but non lucratif, créée pour répondre aux exithe recovery and reclamation of used oils, used oil and gences du règlement sur la récupération et l’assainissement deshuiles usagées, sur les contenants d’huiles et de fluides fluid containers, and used filters. Last but not least, coolant receives an almost equal usagés, et sur les filtres usagés. Finalement, mais non de moindre importance, le liquide amount of answers in all categories. With a narrow lead, 28 per cent recycle coolant in their own oper- de refroidissement est traité de manière quasi égale. Léations followed by 26 per cent who have it picked up gèrement en tête, un 28% recyclent celui-ci et l’utilisent at no charge. At least 22 per cent of recyclers pay for eux-mêmes, suivi de 26% qui le font ramasser sans frais. Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

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the disposal with third-party service providers. Interesting that a number of recyclers commenced to filter the coolant, add additives and then sell coolant either wholesale or retail. One recycler states they receive $4 per gallon that way. The survey takes six fluids into consideration when determining the economic benefit potential. Gasoline, diesel, oil, coolant, windshield wash and Freon (only gas among the liquids) were listed as the available options. It came as a surprise how many recyclers either are not able to benefit from (due to geographic disadvantages or low volumes of generated liquids) or have not yet recognized its potential as a steady income generator/source of cost avoidance. More than half of the respondents (52 per cent) presently achieve either no gain at all or gain from less than two fluids. In terms of geographic distribution, Ontario and Alberta have the highest recycler count that record gains from all fluids, whereas British Columbia ranks highest by far for those that do not gain from any of the fluids. The difficult British Columbia topography relating to cost-effective transportation and the remoteness of some Ontario recyclers may contribute to about half of the counts inability to benefit. Oil alone generated $320,000 for the survey’s respondents and an estimated $3.8 million for all ARC members. Similarly, gasoline generated $430,000 for the survey’s respondents, and an estimated $5.92 million ARC wide.

Au moins 22% des recycleurs paient pour le service de ramassage. À noter qu’un certain nombre de recycleurs ont commencé à filtrer le liquide de refroidissement, y ajoutent des additifs et le revendent en gros ou au détail. Un recycleur dit qu’il peut ainsi le vendre à 4 $ le gallon. Le sondage porte sur six fluides pour déterminer le potentiel des retombées économiques. L’essence, le diesel, l’huile, le liquide de refroidissement et de lave pare-brise et le Fréon (le seul gaz à faire partie de ces liquides) étaient mis sur la liste des options disponibles. Il était surprenant de voir combien de recycleurs ne tirent pas profit de ces marchés, (soit pour raisons géographiques ou à cause du faible volume de liquides produits), soit qu’ils ne soient pas encore conscients des revenus potentiels et réguliers que génèrent ces activités ou qu’elles engendrent une réduction de coûts. Plus de la moitié des répondants (52 %) ne tirent, pour l’instant, aucun bénéfice de ces activités ou ne profitent des revenus que de moins de deux de ces fluides. En ce qui concerne la répartition géographique, l’Ontario et l’Alberta affichent le plus grand nombre de recycleurs qui tirent profit de ces fluides alors que la Colombie-Britannique se situe à l’opposé. La topographie de la Colombie-Britannique pouvant faire augmenter les frais de transport, et l’isolement de certains recycleurs de l’Ontario, contribuent peut-être à réduire de moitié le nombre de bénéficiaires. Pour les participants au sondage, l’huile, à elle seule, a rapporté $320 000 et quelque $3,8 millions à l’ensemble des membres du RAC. L’essence a également rapporté $430 000 et environ $5.92millions pour les membres de RAC.

and St John's


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Green Parts Green Parts s’envole Takes Off OARA’s program promoting recycled auto parts is set to grow beyond Ontario.

T Some of the promotional material created to help get the Green Parts message out. Exemples matériel promotionnel créé par Green Parts pour aider à faire passer le message.

Good for the Earth Bon pour la terre

Some quick facts Green Parts uses to promote the cause: • •

Over 80% of the vehicle (by weight) can be re-used, remanufactured or recycled. Recycled parts save an estimated 80 million barrels of oil annually that would be used for manufacturing new parts.

Voici quelques faits que Green Parts utilise pour promouvoir la cause: • •


Plus de 80% d’une véhicule (en poids) est peut être réutilisé, re-fabriqué ou recyclé. Les pièces recyclées économisent environ 80 millions de barils de pétrole par an qui seraient utilisés pour fabriquer de nouvelles pièces.

he Green Parts marketing program, created by the Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA), is expanding throughout Canada and the US. The association recently reached a sublicensing deal with Auto Recyclers of Canada (ARC) that will allow them to utilize the Green Parts logo on their material and gain access to Green Parts sales material such as the brochures and posters. OARA has a similar sublicensing deal in the works with the US-based Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA). OARA has also struck an arrangement with the Automotive Aftermarket Retailers of Ontario (AARO) to co-brand 1,000 display units and deploy them to AARO members, who represent the mechanical repair sector. OARA also just completed a deal with FIX Auto, CSN, Assured Automotive and CARSTAR to distributed the Green Parts material co-branded with the their logos. As a part of OARA’s internal efforts, each member now has 50 Green Parts display units to distribute through their communities with their customers. OARA began the project last year with the goal of educating customers on the environmental and cost-savings benefits of using recycled parts. To aid them, they created a Green Parts logo, brochure, poster and trade show banner. The intent was to differentiate their products and to catch the greater green wave that is flowing through the global community. “With the wider adoption of the Green Parts marketing material, and the reality that Green Parts do save money and the environment, this should translate in to greener returns for auto recyclers and their customers,” said Steve Fletcher, OARA executive director. “We really want to stress that this is as much for our customers as it is for us—they need to derive a benefit for us to thrive and prosper.” Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

Le programme de promotion du recyclage de pièces d’OARA s’élance hors de l’Ontario.


e programme de promotion Green Parts, créé par l’Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA), est en pleine expansion au Canada et aux États-Unis. L’Association a récemment conclu un accord de sous cession de droits de licence avec les Recycleurs d’automobiles du Canada (RAC) qui lui permettra d’utiliser le logo Green Parts sur son matériel et d’avoir accès au matériel publicitaire de Green Parts. L’OARA a un accord semblable avec la société américaine Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA). L’OARA a également conclu un accord avec l’Automotive Aftermarket Retailers of Ontario (AARO) en vue du comarquage de 1 000 dispositifs d’étalage et de sa distribution à ses membres dans le secteur de la réparation mécanique. L’OARA vient juste de conclure une entente avec Fix Auto, CSN, Assured Automotive et CARSTAR pour distribuer les produits comarqués Green Parts qui arboreront leurs logos. Dans le cadre des efforts internes de l’OARA, chaque membre a maintenant 50 dispositifs d’étalage Green Parts à distribuer aux clients de sa communautés. Le projet commencé l’année dernière par l’OARA a pour but d’éduquer les clients sur les bénéfices environnementaux et économiques de l’utilisation de pièces recyclées. L’OARA a donc créé un logo Green Parts, une brochure, une affiche et une bannière. L’intention était de différencier ses produits et de profiter de la vague environnementale qui gagne la planète. « Avec une plus grande adoption du matériel de promotion de Green Parts et la notion acceptée que « les pièces vertes » sont bénéfique tant pour l’environnement que l’économie, ceci devrait engendrer de meilleurs résultats pour les recycleurs et leurs clients » dit Steve Fletcher,directeur général de l’OARA . « Nous voulons vraiment insister sur le fait que le résultat de ce travail est tant à l’avantage de nos clients qu’au nôtre, car ce n’est que dans la mesure où ces derniers en tireront profit que nous pourrons continuer à prospérer. »

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Missing Link using technology to make some unlikely, but needed, connections.

Le chaînon manquant utiliser la technologie pour établir des connexions improbables, mais non moins nécessaires.

By/PAR  Joe Rayment


ne of the first items listed on was a speedometer cluster from a ’71 Ford F150. The recycler who listed it translated the part’s hand-written inventory tag to JustParts’ interface, though I can’t imagine with much hope—the part had been on the shelf for 30 years without a buyer. Around the same time, a Texas buyer was on a similarly frustrating quest—he’d been looking for the truck part for years without any luck. He punched the OEM number into Google—I can’t imagine with much hope—and got two hits for a connection made against the odds. “So out of anyone on the Internet, no one had that number, or Google wasn’t finding that number,” says JustParts CEO Michael Racco. “Both listings came up, and that was it.” “...That was after only a couple of weeks and we said, ‘we’ve got something going here.’” Today, JustParts has about 1.5 million new and used parts and expects to have at least three million by this summer. They’ve been online for two years, focusing on finding solutions that are both specific to cars and accessible for users. They’ve also spent a lot of time making the site easier to use for recyclers, big and small, which is something CEO Michael Racco knows a thing or two about. “I grew up in a family recycling business,” Racco says. “[I was there] since I was a kid.” He left the family business—Thunder Bay Auto Parts—to do a degree in commerce and then pursued a career in software development. After two years he returned to the family business at Thunder Bay Auto Parts. “We looked at our business because we knew it inside and out. The automotive business is our lives.” “Michael and the crew there, they’ve been able to customize things to adapt to how we do business,” says Craig Halverson of Nordstrom’s Auto Salvage, which currently lists over 35,000 parts on the site. “And they’ve always been looking for our input on how to make their system better.”


ne des premières pièces à figurer sur le site fut un compteur de vitesse pour une Ford F150 de 1971. Le recycleur avait pris la peine de transposer l’étiquette du compteur de vitesse, rédigée à la main, sur l’interface de Just-Parts, sans trop d’espoir, j’imagine car la pièce était sur une étagère depuis 30 ans, sans acheteur. Au même moment, un acheteur du Texas se trouvait dans une situation toute aussi frustrante : il cherchait, en vain, cette pièce de camion depuis des années. Il a alors décidé de taper sur Google, le numéro de pièce OEM – j’imagine encore sans trop d’espoir, et voilà que, surprise! deux options sont apparues chez, JustParts. Une connexion inespérée. « Donc parmi tous les usagers de l’Internet, personne n’avait ce numéro,ou Google ne pouvait tout simplement pas le retracer », dit Michael Racco, le PDG de JustParts. « Mais les deux entrées de JustParts sont apparues, un point c’est tout. » « …C’était seulement après à peine deux semaines, nous nous sommes alors dit : nous avons ici un bon filon. » Aujourd’hui, JustParts dispose d’environ 1,5 million de pièces neuves et usagées et s’attend à en posséder au moins trois millions d’ici l’été. Ils sont en ligne depuis deux ans et leur cible est de résoudre les problèmes de véhicules tout en étant accessibles aux utilisateurs. Le site est aujourd’hui facile d’accès pour les recycleurs de toutes tailles, un domaine que le PDG, Michael Racco, connaît très bien. « J’ai grandi dans une entreprise de recyclage familiale, explique Racco, [ j’y étais] depuis tout petit ». Il a quitté l’entreprise familiale Thunder Bay Auto Parts, afin d’obtenir un diplôme en commerce et a ensuite fait carrière dans le développement de logiciels. Deux ans plus tard, il réintégrait l’entreprise familiale Thunder Bay Auto Parts. « Nous nous sommes ainsi penchés sur notre entreprise car nous connaissons ce métier sous tous ses aspects; le secteur de l’automobile est notre vie. » « Michael et son équipe ont pu adapter l’entreprise à toutes les requêtes de notre manière de procéder» dit Craig Halverson, de Nordstrom’s AutoSalvage, qui actuellement affiche plus de 35 000 pièces sur le site. « Et ils sont toujours en quête de nos suggestions afin de toujours améliorer leur système ».

Top: 1971 Ford F150 speedometer cluster. En haut: compteur de vitesse de la Ford F150 de 1971. Above and left: JustParts’ interface: simple, but auto-specific. Ci-dessus et à gauche L’interface de JustParts. simple et spécialement conçu pour les véhicules.


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Scraps Rebuts métalliques

Our Scrap Metal Recycling Industry Today: from the Canadian Association of Recycling Industries.

Notre industrie de ferraille: de l’Association Canadienne des Industries du Recyclage.

Top: Crane loading scrap in front of a shredder. En haut: Grue de chargement de ferraille en face d’un broyeur.



orld production of crude steel, primary aluminum and refined copper is in the order of 1.3 billion tonnes, 40 million tonnes and 20 million tonnes respectively. Canada ranks 16th in steel, 3rd in aluminium, 10th in copper smelting and 8th in copper refining. It accomplishes this production with some 17 steel plants, 15 or so primary and secondary non-ferrous smelters and refineries and about 145 foundries. However, often unknown is that approximately 45 per cent of world steel production comes from recycled material. For aluminium, it is about 32 per cent and copper is around 43 per cent scrap based. Although statistics for the Canadian recycling industry are difficult to find, a best estimate today suggests that some 2000 scrap metal recycling companies process between 16 to 18 million tonnes of scrap annually, roughly split 80 per cent ferrous and 20 per cent combined non-ferrous. Back in 1941, when scrap materials were considered “strategic materials,” the Canadian Government asked the Canadian recycling sector to come together into a coordinated force to collect and process secondary materials to help the war effort. The Canadian Secondary Materials Association, renamed the Canadian Association of Recycling Industries (CARI) in 1973, was the product of this request. Today CARI is comprised of 250 active and associate member companies. The active members range from individual scrap collectors to technologically advanced, capital-intensive processing plants engaged in the recycling of all commodities, but focussed on metal recycling. Even the very smallest companies are not independent businesses. They are part of the worldwide commodity sector and are driven by basic supply and demand. The fundamental purpose or mission of CARI is the promotion of the optimal net economic and social impacts from commercial recycling


a production mondiale d’acier brut, d’aluminium primaire et de cuivre affiné est de l’ordre de 1,3 milliard de tonnes, de 40 millions de tonnes et de 20 millions de tonnes respectivement. Le Canada se classe au 16e rang des producteurs en ce qui touche l’acier, au 3e pour l’aluminium, au 10e pour la fonte de cuivre et au 8e rang pour l’affinage du cuivre. Cette production est réalisée dans quelque 17 aciéries, une quinzaine d’usines de fusion et d’affinage des métaux non ferreux primaires et secondaires, ainsi que dans environ 145 fonderies. Toutefois, on ignore souvent qu’environ 45 % de la production mondiale d’acier est faite à partir de métal recyclé. Dans le cas de l’aluminium, ce taux est d’environ 32 % alors qu’il est de 43 % pour le cuivre. Même s’il est difficile de trouver des données statistiques sur les industries canadiennes du recyclage, on estime que quelque 2 000 entreprises de recyclage de rebuts métalliques transforment annuellement entre 16 et 18 millions de tonnes de métaux, dont environ 80 % de métaux ferreux et 20 % de métaux non ferreux. En 1941, alors que l’on considérait les rebuts métalliques comme des « matériaux stratégiques », le gouvernement du Canada demandait au secteur canadien du recyclage de se concerter afin de recueillir et transformer les matières secondaires en vue de participer à l’effort de guerre. L’Association canadienne des matières secondaires, renommée en 1973 l’Association canadienne des industries du recyclage (ACIR), est issue de cette initiative. Aujourd’hui, l’ACIR compte 250 membres actifs. Ces membres comprennent aussi bien des récupérateurs individuels de rebuts métalliques que des grandes entreprises fortement capitalisées qui utilisent des technologies avancées pour recycler toutes sortes de matières mais qui sont principalement axées sur le recyclage des métaux. Même les entreprises les plus petites ne sont pas complètement indépendantes. En effet, elles font partie de l’industrie mondiale des matières premières et elles sont régies par la loi de l’offre et la demande. L’objectif fondamental, ou la mission, de l’ACIR est de promouvoir l’apport optimal net, sur les plans économique et social, des activités commerciales de recyclage. Elle s’acquitte de cette mission en défendant les intérêts de l’industrie aux

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

features articles de fond

activities. It accomplishes this mission by advocating the interests of the industry locally, nationally and internationally. Every activity that CARI undertakes is designed to reduce operating costs and/ or expand markets—either directly or indirectly— for its members. On the advocacy side, metal theft remains a major issue for the industry even with the economic downturn in 2009. Therefore, CARI continues to work with MicroDotDNA Technology Canada, the police, Canadian Crime Stoppers Association and service providers in “Operation Hands Off.” Additionally, CARI and the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries completed and jointly operate a web-based metal theft bulletin for the North American region. These programs demonstrate that the scrap industry is part of the solution not part of the problem of scrap metal theft. An increasing thrust of many governments is that of product stewardship whereby product manufacturers are held responsible for the total life-cycle costs of their products, including final disposal. The CARI board of directors approved a formal policy in 2009 to support the concept, but with conditions that should enhance the recycling sector. In particular, programs need to focus on the design of products, which is a concept supported by CARI for many years and conducted by sectors such as the vehicle manufacturers. Although automobiles today are the second most recycled product (after lead acid batteries) with a recovery rate greater than 90 per cent, every major vehicle manufacturer has some type of design and disassembly program related to recycling. In the US they have the Vehicle Recycling Partnership, a joint program with GM, Ford, Chrysler and participants from scrap recyclers, parts suppliers, the dismantling industry, universities and government laboratories. They are looking at such vehicle-design concepts as easing the removal of automobile parts, eliminating non-recyclable or hazardous materials and reducing the number of fasteners. CARI also continues to support Switch Out, a national program designed to remove, collect and manage mercury-containing convenience lighting switches and anti-lock braking system sensor modules in end-of-life vehicles before they are flattened, shredded and recycled into new steel. The program is funded and supported by Canada’s steel and automotive industries through the Canadian Steel Producers Association and the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association, and currently works in partnership with the Automotive Recyclers of Canada and CARI. CARI and its members continue to promote the recycling industries and to educate society about the sector’s real benefits. When completely understood and supported, the recycling industry will thrive, but society will benefit even more when the benefits of recycling are maximized.

niveaux local, national et international. Toutes les activités entreprises par l’ACIR sont conçues pour réduire les coûts d’exploitation et accroître directement ou indirectement les marchés pour ses membres. Du point de vue de la défense des intérêts de l’industrie, le phénomène des vols de métaux demeure une question importante, même en tenant compte du ralentissement économique de l’année 2009. Par conséquent, l’ACIR continue de collaborer avec l’entreprise MicroDotDNA Technologie Canada, les services policiers, l’Association canadienne d’échec au crime et les fournisseurs de services du programme « Operation Hands Off ». De plus, l’ACIR et l’ISRI offrent conjointement un bulletin électronique sur les vols de métaux pour l’ensemble de l’Amérique du Nord. Ces programmes démontrent que l’industrie de la ferraille fait partie de la solution et non du problème en ce qui a trait aux vols de métaux. On observe une nouvelle tendance au sein des gouvernements alors qu’ils sont nombreux à se pencher sur la question de la gestion étendue des produits, en vertu de laquelle les fabricants deviendraient responsables des coûts reliés à leurs produits durant l’ensemble de leur cycle de vie, y compris leurs coûts d’élimination. En 2009, le conseil d’administration de l’ACIR a adopté une politique en faveur de la gestion étendue des fabricants, tout en y rattachant certaines conditions favorisant le secteur du recyclage. En particulier, ces programmes devraient mettre l’accent sur la conception de produits en vue de leur recyclage, un concept qu’appuie l’ACIR depuis plusieurs années et que promeuvent d’autres secteurs industriels comme celui de la fabrication d’automobiles. Bien que, de nos jours, les automobiles soient le deuxième produit le plus recyclé (après les batteries au plomb-acide) avec un taux de récupération de plus de 90 %, tous les grands fabricants d’automobiles se sont dotés d’un programme de conception et de désassemblage visant le recyclage. Les États-Unis ont mis sur pied un programme conjoint, le Partenariat pour le recyclage des véhicules, en collaboration avec GM, Ford, Chrysler ainsi qu’avec des recycleurs de ferraille, des fournisseurs de pièces, des industries de désassemblage, des universités et des laboratoires gouvernementaux. On y étudie des approches visant la conception même des véhicules, comme celles permettant de faciliter le désassemblage des pièces d’automobiles, l’élimination des matières non recyclables ou dangereuses ainsi que la réduction du nombre d’attaches. L’ACIR continue également à soutenir le programme national ÉlimiMercure, lequel vise l’élimination, la collecte et la gestion des interrupteurs d’éclairage d’appoint au mercure ainsi que des modules de capteurs des systèmes de freinage antiblocage des véhicules en fin de vie utile avant qu’ils ne soient aplatis, déchiquetés et recyclés pour en faire de l’acier neuf. Ce programme est financé et soutenu par les industries de l’acier et de l’automobile du Canada par l’entremise de l’Association canadienne des producteurs d’acier et de l’Association canadienne des constructeurs de véhicules, en partenariat avec l’Automotive Recyclers of Canada et l’ACIR. L’ACIR et ses membres continuent de faire la promotion des industries du recyclage et d’informer la population des avantages tangibles qu’apporte ce secteur. Lorsqu’il sera complètement compris et appuyé, le secteur du recyclage pourra prospérer mais la société en profitera encore davantage quand les bienfaits du recyclage seront maximisés.

Top: CARI president, Sheldon Jarcaig, addressing 2009 CARI Convention. Above: Krista Friesen, Switch Out program director, addresses 2009 CARI Convention. En haut: Président de ACIR, Sheldon Jarcaig, s’adresse à la Convention ACIR, 2009. Ci-dessus: Krista Friesen, directeur du programme ÉlimiMercure, adresse la Convention ACIR, en 2009.



British Columbia


100 Mile New and Used Auto Parts PO Box 1188 -100, Mile House  V0K 2E0 t.  (250) 395-1141/1-877-395-1133 e. contact: Tom Auld

Alpi’s European 10603-120th Street, Surrey  V3V 4G5 t.  (604) 583-1686/1-877-661-2266 e. contact: Alfonz Hqmori

A-1 Auto Salvage 1277 Commercial Way, Penticton  V2A 3H4 t.  (250) 493-6644/1-800-663-6706 contact: Harvey Ryll

Annex Auto Parts Ltd Site Z2 C11 1638 Harold Road, RR 4  Nanaimo  V9R 5X9 t.  (250) 754-3264 e.

A-Best Auto Wrecking Ltd 10675-120th Street, Surrey  V3V 4G5 t.  (604) 580-3303 contact: Bill Berkenbos A-Central Auto Wrecking 10675-120th Street, Surrey  V3V 4G5 t.  (604) 580-0241 contact: Bill/Ray Berkenbos A-Combined Auto Wrecking 1320 Riverside Road, Abbotsford  V2S 4J8 t.  (604) 853-2184/1-800-403-6811 contact: Rick Hoekstra A-Gateway Auto Wrecking Ltd 10886 Timberland Road, Surrey  V3V 3T5 t.  (604) 580-3111 contact: Mike Woods A-Star Automotive Recyclers Ltd 2782 Cessna Road, Prince George  V2N 2H8 t.  (250) 963-3211 e. contact: Marc Ouellet Ace German Used Parts 6077 Trapp Avenue, Burnaby  V3N 2V3 t.  (604) 526-0806/1-800-274-4565 e. contact: Aviad Cohen Action Auto Wrecking 10559 -120th Street, Surrey  V3V 4G4 t.  (604) 584-6444/1-877-902-2666 contact: Rob Fordyce Affordable Auto Parts 6093 Spur Avenue, Burnaby  V3N 2V3 t.  (604) 526-2883/1-877-526-2883 contact: Edward Chia Al’s Auto Wrecking 12123 103A Avenue, Surrey  V3V 3G7 t.  (604) 584-5222/1-888-391-8822 contact: Bill/Ray Berkenbos Aldergrove Auto Wrecking 27820 Swenson Street, Aldergrove  V4X 1H4 t.  (604) 857-1818/1-800-871-9711


Apple Valley Used Auto Parts 1052 Aldon Road, Kelowna  V1X 6Y6 t.  (250) 766-0754/1-877-766-0754

Atlas Auto Wrecking 12771 Mitchell Road, Richmond  V6V 1M8 t.  (604) 322-6607 Aurora Truck Centre Ltd PO Box 1508, Houston  V0J 1Z0 t.  (250) 845-7600/1-888-460-7600 e. B.C. Auto Wrecking Ltd 2040 Schoolhouse Road, Nanaimo  V9X 1T4 t.  (250) 754-7844/1-800-567-2557 e. B&E Auto Supply 12100 Mitchell Road, Richmond  V6V 1M8 t.  (604) 322-1498/1-800-242-1799

Belsum Auto Recyclers PO Box 241, Dawson Creek  V1G 4G7 t.  (250) 782-3213 e. Ben’s Towing and Auto Wrecking PO Box 2855, Salmon Arm  V1E 4R7 t.  (250) 832-6512 e. Blacky’s Auto Recycling Ltd 4855 Island Hwy, Duncan  V9L 6L3 t.  (250) 748-0341 Brentwood Auto & Metal Recyclers 951 Marchant Road, Brentwood Bay  V8M 1E5 t.  (250) 665-7282

Canadian 4x4 Recyclers PO Box 819, Enderby  V0E 1V0 t.  (250) 838-6949/1-800-443-7779 e. Can-am Recyclers (1991) Ltd 13271 Trans Canada Hwy, PO Box 56, Cassidy  V0R 1H0 t.  250-245-5051

Cariboo Towing and Auto Parts PO Box 258, 150 Mile House  V0K 2G0 t.  (250) 296-3343

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

Cee Gee’s Used Ford Parts 13471 Mitchell Road, Richmond  V3V 1M7 t.  (604) 321-0888/1-877-333-7337 Chapman Motors Limited 1040 Chapman Road, RR 2, Cobble Hill  V0R 1L0 t.  (250) 743-3744/1-800-663-7208 e. Coast Import Auto Supply 11880 Mitchell Road, Richmond  V6V 1T7 t.  (604) 325-3275 Comox Valley Auto Recyclers 3447 Royston Road, PO Box 1002, Royston  V0R 2V0 t.  (250) 336-8555/1-888-336-8555 e. Concet Auto Recyclers 5660 -198th Street, Langley  V3A 7C7 t.  604-534-3377 contact: Ming Fong Cooper’s Used Auto Parts Ltd 3701 Highway 16 East, Terrace  V8G 4M2 t.  250-635-4919 contact: John Cooper

D & M Pickup & Auto Parts 2575 Auburn Road, Kelowna  V1Z 3H7 t.  (250) 769-2122/1-888-661-6222 e. Dharney’s Salvage Enterprises 23360 Fraser Hwy, RR 3, Langley  V3A 4P6 t.  (604) 530-0775 Duke Point Auto Recyclers Ltd 821 Maughan Road, Nanaimo  V6X 1H5 t.  (250) 722-2995 f.  (250) 722-2895 E lcam Auto Recyclers 6039 Trapp Avenue, Burnaby  V3N 2V3 t.  (604) 525-5456/1-877-525-5454 e. Empire Used Auto Parts (Kamloops) 2863 Ord Road, Kamloops  V2B 7V7 t.  (250) 376-7227/1-800-465-4535

Empire Used Auto Parts (Nanaimo) 1900 Griffith Road, Nanaimo  V9R 5L9 t.  (250) 753-3456/1-800-665-0955 Ernie’s Used Auto Parts 4801 Minto Road, Castlegar  V1N 4C7 t.  (250) 365-6225/1-877-365-6225 e. Farbrook Auto Wrecking (1979) Ltd 823 - 6 Street N.W., Cranbrook  V1C 5L3 t.  (250) 426-7465 e. H.K Eco Auto Recycling (CHWK) Ltd 43460 Lumsden Road, Chilliwack  V2R 4R4 t.  (604) 823-2313


Hope Import Auto Parts 22473 Ross Road, Hope  V0X 1L3 t.  (604) 869-9007/1-866-869-9007 e.

Import Auto Recyclers 2087 Queen Street, Abbotsford  V2T 6J3 t.  (604) 854-8777/1-888-977-5577

K & G Auto Recycling 20132 Industrial Avenue, Langley  V3A 4K7 t.  (604) 530-7283 e. Kamloops Recycled Truck & Auto Parts 600 Athabasca Street, Kamloops  V2H 1C4 t.  (250) 828-2030/1-800-663-3932 e. Keating Used Auto & Truck Parts Ltd 6791 Oldfield Road, Saanichton   V8M 2A2 t.  1-888-652-9195 Ken’s Japanese Used Auto Parts Ltd 10701 120th Street, Surrey  V3V 4G5 t.  604-580-8980

Langley Discount Used Auto & Truck Parts Ltd 5680 Production Way, Langley   V3A 4N4 t.  (604) 533-0122/1-800-665-5677 e. Malahat Auto Parts PO Box 33, Malahat  V0R 2L0 t.  (250) 889-1204 contact: Jeff Montgomery Maxwell Enterprises 3330 Trans Canada Highway, Mill Bay  V0R 2P2 t.  (250) 743-9326 contact: Ernest Maxwell Merritt Auto Wrecking 2402 Priest Avenue, Merritt  V1K 1B8 t.  (250) 378-4821/1-877-378-4828 e. North Central Truck Parts Ltd 1749 1st Avenue, Prince George  V2L 2Y8 t.  (250) 564-2224/1-800-663-5105 e. Oliver Auto Wrecking & Salvage 33645 91st Street, RR 4, Oliver  V0H 1T0 t.  (250) 498-3188 contact: Darcy/Misty Griffith

Pick A Part 43645 Industrial Way, Chilliwack  V2R  4L2 t.  (604) 792-1221

Pick-n-pull Auto & Truck Dismantlers 1516 Stevens Road, Kelowna  V1Z 1G2 t.  (250) 769-9377 contact: Andy Cappis

Pinedale Auto Wreckers (1989) 2955 Boeing Road, Prince George  V2N 2H8 t.  (250) 963-9641/1-800-663-8211 Powerhouse Automotive 4620 Cumberland Road, PO Box 1120, Cumberland  V0R 1S0 t.  (250) 336-2229/1-800-691-1188 e. contact: Trevor Montgomery Prince George Auto Wrecking PO Box 817, Prince George  V2L 4T7 t.  (250) 561-1111/1-800-663-8218 e.

Pro Auto Recyclers of Surrey 10645-120th Street, Surrey  V3V-4G5 t.  (604) 580-5551/1-888-977-5566 contact: Don Charlton Pro Truck & Van Recyclers 2035 Queen Street, Abbotsford  V2T 6J3 t.  (604) 857-2211/1-888-977-5577

Ralph’s A-Scott Discount Used Parts 10731 Scott Road, Surrey  V3V 4G5 t.  (604) 580-5477/1-800-563-5477

Ritewa Auto Wrecking Ltd 43701 Industrial Way, Chilliwack  V2R 4L2 t.  (604) 792-0781/1-800-721-5515 e. River Road Auto Wrecking 23452 River Road, Maple Ridge  V2W 1B7 t.  (604) 463-5544 contact: Nursing Singh Rivershore Used Auto Parts 732 Carrier Street, Kamloops  V2H 1G2 t.  (250) 314-0022/1-866-314-0022 S andy’s Auto Parts Ltd 945 Dunford Avenue, Victoria  V9B 2S4 t.  (250) 474-3141

Save on Parts Auto Wrecking 6-309 McCallum Road, Abbotsford  V2S 7W4 t.  (604) 557-1333/1-866-472-8366 Sicamous Auto Recycling (1999) PO Box 406, Sicamous  V0E 2V0 t.  (250) 836-3939/1-800-663-1296 Stave Falls Auto Wrecking Ltd 29989 Dewdney Trunk Road, Mission  V4S 1B7 t.  (604) 462-7000 Super L’Auto Recyclers (1991) Ltd 4777 Cultus Lake Road, Chilliwack  V2T 6J4 t.  (604) 858-3341/1-800-663-9843 e.

Ralph’s A-Van Auto Wrecking 13151 Mitchell Road, Richmond   V6V 1M7 t.  (604) 324-5111 f.  (604) 324-4653 e.

Tom Cat Auto Recycling Ltd 1297 Glenshire Drive, Victoria  V9C 3W7 t.  (250) 474-0253 contact: Tom Lowery

Ralph’s Discount Auto Parts 13151 Mitchell Road, Richmond  V6V 1M7 t.  (604) 321-4555/1-877-572-5747 e.

Tom’s Used Pick-up Parts 955B Mackenzie Avenue North, Williams Lake  V2G 1N9 t.  (250) 398-6325 contact: Tom Bingham

Ralph’s Empire Used Auto Parts 1210 Sumas Way, Abbotsford  V2S 4N2 t.  (604) 864-8856/1-800-661-5633

Universal Auto Wreckers Ltd 1701 Quesnel-Hixon Road, Quesnel  V2J 5Z5 t.  (250) 992-7095

Ralph’s on Mitchell Island 12011 Mitchell Road, Richmond  V6V 1M7 t.  (604) 325-8323 f.  (604) 325-0461 e.

Ralph’s Scott Road Japanese 10535-120th Street, Surrey  V3V 4G4 t.  (604) 580-5479 f.  (604) 580-5480 e.

Reid’s Auto Wrecking Ltd 6064 Trapp Avenue, Burnaby  V3N 2V4 t.  (604) 521-1818/1-800-521-7710 e.

British Columbia

Highway 4 Auto Salvage PO Box 130, Coombs  V0R 1M0 t.  (250) 248-8916


Van Auto Wrecking Ltd 1386 Commercial Way, Penticton  V2A  3H6 t.  (250) 493-1411 contact: Craig Fletcher

Valley Auto Recyclers Ltd 11939 240th Street, Maple Ridge  V4R 1M7 t.  (604) 525-1212 Valley West Automotive PO Box 1144, Summerland  V0H 1Z0 t. (250) 494-0010/1-800-644-5441 Wasney Automotive Ltd 6011 Trapp Road, Burnaby  V3N 2V3 t.  (604) 526-4266/1-866-526-4266



British Columbia


Westside Auto Parts 2771-10 Ave South West, Salmon Arm   V1E 4P2 t.  (250) 832-9776 Westwood Used Auto Parts Ltd 2792 Barnet Highway, Coquitlam  V3B 1B9 t.  (604) 464-8244 contact: Paul Haynes Wheel’s Truck Parts 2484 Ross Road, Kelowna  V1Z 1M1 t.  (250) 769-6006/1-800-719-9962

A-1 Auto Parts 5338-1A Street South East, Calgary  T2H 1J2 t. (403) 255-4322/1-800-958-3339 f. (403) 258-0591 e. contact: Pack Phelps A-1 Parts For Less 7320-36 Street North East, Calgary  T3J 4C9 t. (403) 280-8888 f. (403) 293-9796 contact: Sam or Holly A-1 Willy’s Parts Place Inc 7770-40 Avenue, Red Deer   T4P 2H9 t. (403) 346-7278 f. (403) 346-8120 contact: Bill Schnepf Advance Auto Parts Ltd 21203-109 Avenue, Edmonton  T5S 1X5 t.  (780) 447-3588/1-888-447-3588 contact: Mark Alberta Auto Wreckers 41 Industrial Drive S.E., Redcliff  TOJ 2PO t.  (403) 548-3149/1-800-465-7692 f.  (403) 548-2455 e. contact: Barry Reppnack


Aldon Auto Salvage Ltd PO Box 3, Lamont  TOB 2RO t.  (780) 895-2524/1-800-661-8814 f.  (780) 895-7555 contact: Terry Carter


Allen & Sons Auto Recyclers Ltd 5512-98 Avenue S.E., Calgary  T2C 4E6 t.  (403) 236-5991 f.  (403) 236-7994 e. contact: Blair Allen Allwest Auto Parts Inc 4415-76 Avenue, Edmonton  T6B OA3 t.  (780) 465-4730/1-800-528-1483 f.  (780) 466-6842 e. contact: Ed Wiersma

Barrhead Auto Parts & Salvage Ltd Site 13, Box 6, RR 2, Barrhead   T7N 1N3 t.  (780) 674-3443/1-888-577-4377 f.  (780) 674-6303 e. contact: Steven Bowick Black Gold Import Auto Parts Ltd 2106-7 Street, Nisku  T9E 7Y2 t.  (780) 955-7266/1-800-661-5628 f.  (780) 955-2473 e. contact: Rick Dupuis

Ed’s Auto Salvage 11040-93 Avenue, Westlock  T7P 2N2 t.  (780) 349-4691/1-800-661-9033 f.  (780) 349-4737 e. contact: Ed McCormick Edmonton Pick N Pull 18649-118A Avenue, Edmonton  T5S 1R2 t.  (780) 447-3821 f.  (780) 447-3183 e. contact: Cliff Rutherford

BPK Auto & Truck Parts PO Box 1794, St. Paul  T0A 3A0 t.  (780) 645-2363 f.  (780) 645-5599 contact: Brian A Kotowich

Empire Truck Parts 2820-52 Street South East, Calgary  T2B 1N2 t.  (403) 272-3319 f.  (403) 273-2106 contact: Al Watson

Bucks Auto Parts PO Box 129, Station T, Calgary  T2H 2G7 t.  (403) 276-2825 f.  (403) 252-7780 e. contact: Ken Parlee

Flatla Auto Wrecking RR 1, Tilley  TOJ 3KO t.  (403) 377-2484 f.  (403) 377-2415 contact: Dale Flatla

Calgary Pick N Pull 8600 Barlow Trail South East, PO Box 4, Calgary  T2C 2N6 t.  (403) 279-7777 f.  (403) 236-8984 e. contact: Cliff Rutherford Camrose Auto Wreckers Ltd 4213-37 Street, Camrose  T4V 4S2 t.  (780) 672-2378/1-888-805-9333 f.  (780) 672-5578 contact: John Rude Central Auto & Truck Parts 12909-170 Street, Edmonton  T5V 1R1 t.  (780) 447-1767/1-800-463-5724 f.  (780) 447-1770 contact: Nick Spina City Auto & Truck Parts Ltd 5504-17 Street, Edmonton  T6P 1T6 t.  (780) 440-1400/1-800-667-2618 f.  (780) 466-7655 e. contact: David Holloway Cross Canada Replacement Parts 8221 McIntyre Road, Edmonton  T6E 5J7 t.  (780) 448-1901 f.  (780) 465-1057 e. contact: Ken Sorensen East Central Auto Recyclers PO Box 33, Stettler  T0C 2L0 t.  (403) 742-8733 f.  (403) 742-8783 e. contact: James Nobourg

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

Foothills Mechanical, Tow & Used Parts PO Box 1685, Rocky Mountain House  T4T 1B3 t.  (403) 845-3990 f.  (403) 845-3991 contact: Richard Opdendrief or Rick Morrish Forest Lawn Parts Depot 4215-35 Street South East, Calgary  T2B 3C6 t.  (403) 272-3343/1-800-463-0562 f.  (403) 248-4804 e. contact: Ken Sack Grove Auto & Truck Wrecking PO Box 3374, Spruce Grove  T7X 3A7 t.  (780) 962-9600/1-800-256-1655 f.  (780) 962-6995 e. contact: Ron Stropel Hall’s Auto Parts 55551 Range Road 213, Fort Saskatchewan  T8L 4A8 t.  (780) 998-3913/1-800-661-8808 f.  (780) 998-3943 e. contact: Albert Fyithe Harry’s Auto Wrecking 10032 -128 Avenue, Grande Prairie  T8V 6K7 t.  (780) 532-5558/1-800-661-8817 f.  (780) 539-6130 e. contact: Randy Montgomery


Impala Auto Wreckers 22403-113 Avenue, Edmonton  T5S 2B6 t.  (780) 447-4696/1-877-447-3971 f.  (780) 451-0480 e. contact: Larry Hollal Jasper Auto Parts 5410-76 Avenue, Edmonton   T6B OA6 t.  (780) 468-6655/1-800-294-4784 f.  (780) 465-7723 contact: Jack Cohen Jaybeck Truck & Auto Salvage 6005-76 Avenue, Edmonton  T6B OA7 t.  (780) 465-7373/1-800-279-0616 f.  (780) 468-7044 e. contact: Travis Albert Kar Basher Alberta Ltd PO Box 3196, Sherwood Park  T8A 2A6 t.  (780) 464-6996 f.  (780) 449-4312 e. contact: Ken Erickson Kendale Truck Parts Ltd 12917-53 St., Edmonton  T5A 2E7 t.  (780) 476-1066/1-800-661-1994 f.  (780) 475-1799 e. contact: Barry MacDonnell

Lethbridge Auto Parts Stewart Industrial Park, Lethbridge T1J 4P4 t.  (403) 320-5252/1-866-320-5252 f.  (403) 328-2556 contact: Len Bloomberg Lund’s Auto & Truck Parts 11650-199 Street North West, Edmonton  T5S 2C6 t.  (780) 447-4545/1-800-661-9633 f.  (780) 447-3594 e. contact: Harvey Lund

MontgomeryAuto Parts Lower Ste 3839 Bgurnsland Road South East, Calgary  T2Z 3Z4 t.  (403) 202-0280 f.  (403) 202-0240 e. contact: Alan Stork P & S Auto Parts & Service 6728-36 Street North East, Calgary  T3J 4C8 t.  (403) 285-8400/1-800-661-2830 f.  (403) 285-9009 contact: Pritam Rai Popow & Sons Body Shop Ltd 5017-49 Street, Lacombe  T4L 1Y2 t.  (403) 782-3771/1-800-661-1573 f.  (403) 782-3860 e. contact: Leo Popow Practical Auto Recyclers Ltd 16743-113 Avenue, Edmonton  T5M 2X3 t.  (780) 444-6591 f.  (780) 452-0180 e. contact: John Tomten Punch Buggies 1201-77 Avenue, Edmonton  T6P 1M8 t.  (780) 440-1625 f.  (780) 440-1620 contact: Ron Erechook Reg’s Auto Wreckers Ltd 4562-46 Avenue, Lacombe  T4L 2C6 t.  (403) 782-3989/1-800-661-1328 f.  (403) 782-7500 e. contact: Ron G. Campbell

Superior Auto Parts PO Box 5208 Stn Main, Edson  T7E 1T4 t.  (780) 712-4066/1-888-788-8400 f.  (780) 712-4414 e. contact: Brian Thompson Trappers Auto Parts PO Box 1356, Whitecourt  T7S 1P2 t.  (780) 706-2255 f.  (780) 778-2882 contact: Travis Day Vermillion Valley Auto Parts Ltd 4804-40 Street, Vermilion  T9X 1H5 t.  (780) 972-3879 f.  (780) 853-1980 contact: Max Betz VS Truck Works Inc PO Box 476, Oyen   TOJ 2JO t.  (403) 972-3879 f.  (403) 972-2001 contact: Gordon Van Sickle SGI Moose Jaw Salvage 320 North Service Road, Moose Jaw  S6H 4N9 t.  1-800 667 5133/(306) 691-4588 f.  (306) 691-0200 contact: Ron Macknac SGI North Battleford Salvage 11302 6th Avenue, North Battleford  S9A 0M3 t.  1-800 667 1322/(306) 446-1950 f.  (306) 446-3899 contact: Brian Smuk SGI Regina Salvage 460 Fleet Street, Regina  S4N 7N7 t.  1-800 667 3664/(306) 775 6025 f.  (306) 721-2642 contact: Allan Ripplinger SGI Salvage Head Office 2260 11th Avenue, Regina  S4P OJ9 t.  (306) 751-1787/1-800 667 8015 f.  (306) 721-6575 contact: Cheryl Hoimyr

Rodway Auto Parts Ltd 7203-103 Street, Edmonton  T6E 4A9 t.  (780) 433-1402/1-888-433-1402 f.  (780) 433-0191 contact: Larry Skinner

SGI Saskatoon Salvage 110 English Crescent, Saskatoon  S7K 8A5 t.  1-800 667 3973/(306) 683-2300 t.  (306) 683-2370 contact: Jerome Hoffart

Runzer’s Truck Parts Ltd 3315-64 Avenue, Edmonton  T6P 1N7 t.  (780) 465-6155 f.  (780) 469-2788 contact: Harvey/Fred Runzer

SGI Yorkton Salvage 245 York Road East, Yorkton  S3N 2X3 t.  1-800 667 1482 f.  (306) 786-2480 contact: Conrad Melnychuc Southside Auto Wreckers PO Box 797, Radville  SOC 2GO t.  (306) 842-2641 f.  (306) 842-6007 contact: Rene/Don/Ed Bourassa


Lake City Services Ltd 2 Industrial Drive, Sylvan Lake  T4S 1P4 t.  (403) 887-3901/1-888-887-9909 f.  (403) 887-3303 e. contact: Al/Wendy Quick

Marshall Auto Wreckers Ltd PO Box 955, Lethbridge  T1J 3Z8 t.  (403) 328-3316 f.  (403) 328-3650 e. contact: Mark Babick


Hondatoy Automotive Ltd 14325-114 Avenue North West, Edmonton  T5M 2Y8 t.  (780) 453-6711/1-800-661-3957 f.  (780) 452-8735 e. contact: Dave Rusnell






Action Recycled Auto Parts 2955 Day Street, Winnipeg  R2C 2Z2 t.  (204) 224-5678/1-800-665-6651 Aime’s Auto Parts 15 Aimes Road, Winnipeg  R3X 1V4 t.  (204) 257-0858/1-800-821-5716 Alexanders Auto Parts PO Box 247 Flin Flon  R8A 1M9 t.  (204) 687-6350/1-866-274-6805 Allied Auto Parts 1911 King Edward Street, Winnipeg  R2R 0N3 t.  (204) 633-2540/1-888-233-3332

Direct Auto Parts 155 Highway 1, St.Francois Xavier  R4L 1A1 t.  (204) 864-2000/1-888-864-2484

Gill’s Auto Parts 2933 Day Street, Winnipeg  R2C 2Z2 t.  (204) 222-7799/1-877-661-8277

J & M Truck Recycling Ltd 303 Parkdale Road, St. Andrews  R1N 3N9 t.  (204) 338-1458/1-866-744-0650

Kildonan Auto Parts 2850 Day Street, Winnipeg  R2C 2Z2 t.  (204) 985-5000/1-800-665-7278 contact: Dave Blayden Progressive Auto Parts RPO Regent, PO Box 45025, Winnipeg  R2C 3A0 t.  (204) 982-3010/1-877-804-1566

Rapid Auto Parts 1166 Redonda Street, Winnipeg  R2C  2Z2 t.  (204) 224-1345/1-877-330-7278

Supreme Auto Parts 602 Pittsburg Avenue, Selkirk  R0G 0W9 t.  (204) 482-6128


Team Auto Parts


2025 Plessis Road, Winnipeg  R2C 5C7 (204) 222-7333/1-888-832-6870 Wesman Salvage 855-49th Street East, Brandon  R7A 6S3 t.  (204) 726-8080/1-877-284-7278 e.

400 Auto Wreckers (Canada) Ltd 72 Sluse Road, Holland Landing  L9N 1G8 t.  (905) 853-6611 /1-800-565-8402 f.  (905) 853-0402 e. contact: Tom Huehn

403 Auto Parts 238 Sumach Drive, Burlington  L7R 3X5 t.  (905) 637-2319/1-888-403-0403 f.  (905) 637-8497 contact: John Lillie 404 Auto Recycling Ltd 18288 Kennedy Road, PO Box 254, Sharon L0G 1V0 t.  (905) 836-4045/1-866-277-4045 f.  (905) 473-9052 e. contact: Dan Smith 406 Auto Parts Inc 1665 Beaverdams Road, Thorold  L2V 4T3 t.  (905) 227-4067/1-888-377-7531 f.  (905) 227-4066 e. contact: Joe Serravalle 48 Auto Recycling Inc 23039 Highway 48, Sutton  L0E 1R0 t.  (905) 722-0222 f.  (905) 722-0223 e. contact: Sam Hassan #9 Auto Wreckers 8692 Hwy 9, RR 4, Tottenham  L0G 1W0 t.  (905) 936-4943/1-800-263-3267 f.  (905) 936-3838 e. contact: Amo Paone A & L Auto Recyclers Inc 7525 County Road 42, PO Box 111, Comber  N0P 1J0 t.  (519) 687-AUTO (2886)/1-800-265-2128 f.  (519) 687-2465 e. contact: Jeff Lanoue A-1 Auto Wreckers 106 Onondaga Road East, Brantford  N3T 5L4 t.  (519) 756-0410/1-800-465-2663 f.  (519) 756-0495 contact: Darcy Garbedian AADCO Auto Parts 38 Hansen Road South, Brampton  L6W  3H4 t.  (905) 789-9313/1-866-283-7278 f.  (905) 789-9311 e. contact: Don Fraser ABA Auto Parts 1726 Morton Line, Cavan  L0A 1C0 t.  (705) 745-7045 f.  (705) 742-7788 e. contact: Mary McCaskie

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

Abe’s Auto Recycling 2532 Concession Road 3, Bowmanville  L1C 3K2 t.  (905) 623-5756/1-888-355-5666 f.  (905) 697-8118 e. contact: Abe Afana Advanced Auto Parts 70081 Ausable Line, RR 1, Exeter  N0M 1S4 t.  (519) 234-6252 f.  (519) 234-6538 contact: Bob VanValkengoed Ajax Auto Wreckers 160 Dowty Road, Ajax  L1S 2G4 t.  (905) 686-1771 f.  (905) 686-7580 e. contact: Steve Monaghan Andy’s Auto Wreckers 1760 Pension Lane, London  N5W 6C1 t.  (519) 451-1454 f.  (519) 451-5978 e. contact: Derek Nixon Andy’s Country Repairs 327 Bruce Road 2, RR 4, Walkerton  N0G 2V0 t.  (519) 881-0373 (Office)/1-800-565-5346 f.  (519) 881-2284 e. contact: Andy Schmidt Arnprior/Ottawa Auto Parts 5445 Madawaska Boulevard, PO Box 186, Ottawa  K7S 3H4 t.  (613) 623-7361/1-800-267-7386 f.  (613) 623-0191 e. contact: Alan Aumont Autoland of Delhi Ltd 2093 Pinegrove Road, RR 1, Simcoe  N3Y 4J9 t.  (519) 582-2840/1-800-265-8008 f.  (519) 582-4558 e. contact: Randy Roloson B.O.S. Auto Parts 3955 County Road 42, Windsor  N9A 6J3 t.  (519) 969-4621/1-800-387-9227 f.  (519) 972-1911 e. contact: Rob Indig

AUTOMOTIVE LISTINGS Cambridge Auto Parts & Wreckers 2155 Main Street East, PO Box 663, Cambridge  N1R 5W6 t.  (519) 623-0229/1-866-882-9878 f.  (519) 623-1473 contact: Brian Garbedian

BCA Services PO Box 26 Stn Main, Milton  L9T 2Y3 t.  (519) 853-1738 f.  (519) 853-1738 contact: Brian Asbury

Car-go Auto Recyclers 136 Imperial Drive, PO Box 434, North Bay  P1B 8H5 t.  (705) 497-1602/1-800-267-2991 f.  (705) 494-7863 e. contact: Chris Sutherland

Beeton Truck & Auto Wreckers Ltd 4049 8th Line, RR 2,  Bradford  L3Z 2A5 t.  (905) 775-6534 f.  (905) 775-1406 e. contact: Tom Monaghan Bell City Auto Center Inc 100 Old Onondaga Road East, PO Box 22036, Brantford  N3S 7V1 t.  (519) 759-4662/1-800-265-8498 f.  (519) 759-2654 e. contact: Jeff Martyniuk Bickell Auto Parts 997 Carpin Beach Road, Sault Ste. Marie  P6A 6K4 t.  (705) 779-2621/1-800-461-2225 f.  (705) 779-2813 e. contact: Mike Labelle Bodyline Auto Recyclers 185 Bancroft Street, Hamilton  L8E 4L4 t.  (905) 573-7000/1-800-263-1329 f.  (905) 573-7005 e. contact: Dave McDonald Boston Auto Wreckers 113 McCormack Avenue, Toronto  M6N 1X8 t.  (416) 769-1133 f.  (416) 769-1136 e. contact: Mike Maio Bray Auto/Truck Recyclers 6082 32nd Side Road, RR 1, Acton  L7J 2L7 t.  (519) 853-3100/1-800-265-9419 f.  (519) 853-2514 contact: Bob Bray Bray’s Auto & Metal Recycling 359 Tiffin Street, Barrie  L4N 9W6 t.  (705) 721-1412 f.  (705) 721-1081 contact: Larry Bray

Carcone’s Auto Recycling 1030 Bloomington Road, Aurora  L4G 3G8 t.  (905) 773-5778/1-800-263-2022 f.  (905) 773-0482 e. contact: Michael Carcone Cathcart Auto Parts Limited 139 4th Concession, Burford  N0E 1A0 t.  (519) 467-5355/1-800-461-0699 f.  (519) 467-5034 e. contact: Chris Smith Caughill Auto Wreckers Ltd 256 East-West Line, RR 3, Niagara-on-the-Lake  LOS 1JO t.  (905) 934-1941 Niagara/1-800-667-7479 f.  (905) 937-1922 e. contact: Wally Dingman Central Auto Truxx 412 Birch’s Road, North Bay  P1A 4A9 t.  (705) 474-7130/1-877-409-1999 f.  (705) 474-7753 e. contact: John Kain Cindy Lou’s Auto Rekker 1366 Government Road North, PO Box 344, Timmins  P4N 7C3 t.  (705) 268-7999/1-877-668-7999 f.  (705) 268-1089 e. contact: Barry Edwards Clere-Vu Auto Wreckers 37664 Hwy 8, RR 2, Clinton  N0M 1L0 t.  (519) 482-3211 f.  (519) 482-1419 e. contact: William Hoggarth Complete Auto Recyclers 2420 Providence Line, Peterborough  K9J 6X8 t.  (705) 295-1555 f.  (705) 295-2958 e. contact: Greg Stevens

Cookstown Auto Centre Ltd 5046 5th Sideroad, RR 3, Cookstown L0L 1L0 t.  (705) 458-4366/1-800-461-1737 f.  (705) 458-1656 e. contact: John Bucko Sr. Cooksville Auto Recycling 3378 Mavis Road, Mississauga  L5C 1T8 t.  (905) 277-0356/1-800-433-7359 f.  (905) 277-3117 e. contact: Mark Humphrey


B&D Auto Recycling 702 Bronte Road, Oakville  L6L 6R9 t.  (905) 827-8015/1-877-655-0755 f.  (905) 827-3946 e. contact: Dave Newman


Corey Auto Wreckers 1804 Gore Road, London  N5W 6B8 t.  (519) 455-9040/1-800-265-9250 f.  (519) 455-2851 e. contact: Bill Wyatt County Auto Parts 1335 Erie Road South, PO Box 564, Harrow  N0R 1G0 t.  (519) 738-9290 f.  (519) 738-2519 e. contact: Randy Covill Auto Wreckers RR 1, Brockville  K6V 5T1 t.  (613) 348-3484 f.  (613) 348-1321 e. contact: Ted Kirby Coyne’s Auto Recyclers 1951 Valleyview Road, Val Caron  P3N 1K9 t.  (705) 897-3141/1-888-365-5227 f.  (705) 897-7324 e. contact: Dale Coyne Dave’s Truck & Auto Parts Ltd 112 Falldown Lane, PO Box 280, Carp  K0A 1L0 t.  (613) 839-8733/1-800-267-9110 f.  (613) 839-5590 e. contact: Dean Hellyer Deer Lake Auto Recyclers Inc 823 Stephenson Road 1E, Port Sydney  P0B 1L0 t.  (705) 385-1322/1-866-409-7779 f.  (705) 385-8169 e. contact: Ken McKean





Dom’s Auto Parts Ltd 1604 Baseline Road West, Courtice  L1E 2S5 t.  (905) 434-4566/1-800-481-7272 f.  (905) 434-7997 e. contact: Dom Vetere

Freelton Auto & Truck Parts & Equipment Co. Ltd 963 Regional Road 97, Freelton  L0R 1K0 t.  (905) 659-3323 f.  (905) 659-3347 e. contact: Ken Henderson

Doug’s Auto Parts Ltd 2437 Mundell Road, Joyceville  K0H 1Y0 t.  (613) 542-3256/1-800-267-0235 f.  (613) 542-2908 e. contact: Kevin Hart

G&L Auto Recycling 4537 Navan Road RR 2 Ottawa  K4B 1H9 t.  (613) 824-4985/613-824-0395 contact: Wayne

Durham Auto Parts 124 Reach Industrial Park Road, Port Perry  L9L 1B2 t.  (905) 686-3775 f.  (905) 985-0629 contact: Daniel Langille Earl’s Auto Parts Ltd 956 Guelph Street, Kitchener  N2H 5Z6 t.  (519) 744-3573/1-800-265-2104 f.  (519) 744-8078 contact: Ken Trinkwon Fenton Auto Parts RR 5, Orillia  L3V 6H5 t.  (705) 325-4475/1-800-461-0251 f.  (705) 325-3122 e. contact: Paul Barton Fergus Auto Recyclers 6252 County Road 29, Fergus  N1M 2W5 t.  (519) 843-2948/1-888-615-9222 f.  (519) 843-4304 e. contact: Bob Vanleeuwen Flesherton Auto Recyclers Inc 773665 Mun. of GH RR 2, Proton Station  N0C 1L0 t.  (519) 924-2315/1-800-463-6002 f.  (519) 924-3530 e. contact: Ted Pattison Fody Auto Wreckers Ltd 624 Mall Road, RR 2, Tillsonburg  N4G 4G7 t.  (519) 842-8334/1-800-265-9320 f.  (519) 842-2008 e. contact: Chris Fody Formula Auto Wreckers 22081 Kennedy Road, RR 2, Queensville  L0G 1R0 t.  (905) 475-0285/1-800-594-7509 f.  (905) 473-7001 e. contact: Sam Farhat


Godbout Auto Services Inc 2416 Hwy 17 East, PO Box 681, Kenora  P9N 3X6 t.  (807) 548-5050/1-877-365-6491 f.  (807) 548-8034 e. contact: Nathan Godbout Grey Bruce Salvage Ltd RR 4, Owen Sound  N4K 5N6 t.  (519) 371-8380 f.  (519) 371-8042 contact: Brian March Hank’s Auto Wreckers 2637 Herrgott Road, PO Box 482, St. Clements  N0B 2M0 t.  (519) 699-5283/1-800-265-6179 f.  (519) 699-4744 e. contact: Mike Nissen Hanover Auto Wreckers Ltd 401428 Grey Road 4, Hanover  N4N 3B8 t.  (519) 364-2740/1-800-924-0912 f.  (519) 364-1845 e. contact: Suresh Lall Hillcrest Auto Wreckers Ltd 72 Centre Street, Belleville  K8N 4W6 t.  (613) 962-3264 f.  (613) 962-8134 contact: Butch Lucas Hilltop Auto Wreckers Ltd 195 Snively Street, Richmond Hill  L4E 3E9 t.  (905) 773-5806/1-800-441-9812 f.  (905) 773-2501 e. contact: Rob Mollicone Hollywood North Auto Parts Inc 842 Eastern Avenue, Toronto  M4L 1A1 t.  (416) 465-2501/1-866-498-9761 f.  (416) 465-7995 e. contact: Jordan Waxman

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

Hotch’s Auto Parts 22 Crofton Road, RR 2, Ameliasburgh  K0K 1A0 t.  (613) 969-8017/1-800-267-5598 f.  (613) 969-9998 e. contact: Hotch Earl J&B Auto Recyclers 1637 Provincial Road, Windsor  N8W 5V7 t.  (519) 969-0300/1-800-663-0183 f.  (519) 969-9458 e. contact: Paul Winkler J&J Auto Recyclers 456 Hwy 77 N, Leamington  N8H 3V6 t.  519-326-6146/1-800-603-2886 f.  519-326-9390 e. contact: Joe George Jackson’s Auto Body and Wreckers 61959 Regional Road 24, RR 1, Fenwick  L0S 1C0 t.  (905) 899-3006 f.  (905) 899-2368 contact: Melvin Jackson JMW Automotive Inc 212 Breithaupt Street, Kitchener  N2H 5H4 t.  (519) 745-2034/1-800-263-4863 f.  (519) 745-9301 e. contact: Jim Woelfle KAP Collision & Autoglass 135 Ash Street, Kapuskasing  P5N 2E1 t.  (705) 335-8449 f.  (705) 335-8618 e. contact: Carole McNay Kenilworth Auto Recyclers 7258 5th Sideroad, Arthur N0G 2K0 t.  (519) 323-1113/1-800-801-5707 f.  (519) 323-3731 contact: Fernando Goncalves King’s Auto Wreckers 1866 Drummond Line, Peterborough  K9J 6X9 t.  (705) 745-6289/1-800-563-2423 f.  (705) 745-6291 e. contact: Jamie Calder Kingsville Auto & Metal Recyclers Inc 811 Road 2 East, Kingsville  N9Y 2E5 t.  (519) 733-5578 f.  (519) 326-0862 e. contact: Anthony Tannous

AUTOMOTIVE LISTINGS McGregor Auto Parts 2000 Ltd RR 2, St. Thomas  N5P 3S6 t.  (519) 631-4801 f.  (519) 631-9414 e. contact: Jeff McGregor

LaSalle Auto Centre Ltd 214 LaSalle Road, Sarnia  N7T 7H5 t.  (519) 337-7533/1-800-561-8225 f.  (519) 336-5267 e. contact: Dan Cloutier

McIntyre Auto Parts 2182 Keene Road, RR 8, Peterborough  K9J 6X9 t.  (705) 748-5080/1-800-461-7621 f.  (705) 748-2792 contact: Dave McIntyre

North Queen Auto Parts Ltd 70 North Queen Street, Toronto  M8Z 2C9 t.  (416) 233-5801/1-888-723-4933 f.  (416) 233-8159 e. contact: Bob Sembay

Mega City Auto Recycling 9198 6th Line North, RR 3, Georgetown  L7G 4S6 t.  (905) 457-5713/1-877-777-4142 f.  (905) 877-8135 contact: Barry Humphrey

Nuhn’s Auto Supply RR 1, Williamsford  N0H 2V0 t.  (519) 794-2746/1-800-795-8188 f.  (519) 794-4536 e. contact: Hugh Nuhn

Metro Wide Auto Recycling Ltd 23718 Hwy 48, PO Box 23, Baldwin  L0E 1A0 t.  (905) 722-3696/1-800-941-3223 f.  (905) 722-6721 e. contact: Jim Trelford

Ontario Auto Salvage 519 Speers Road, Oakville  L6K 2G4 t.  (905) 849-9969 (local)/1-877-849-9969 f.  (905) 849-9940 e. contact: Marco Menna

LKQ Dominion Auto Recycling 404 Fruitland Road, Stoney Creek  L8E 5L9 t.  (905) 570-8797/1-800-668-9593 f.  (905) 643-6166 e. contact: Benjy Katz LKQ Headline Auto Parts 17703 County Road 44, Long Sault  K0C 2A0 t.  (613) 938-3527/1-800-567-1814 f.  (613) 930-9031 e. contact: Mark Amell LKQ Shaw Auto Recyclers 1765 Pension Lane, London  N5W 6C7 t.  (519) 455-1200/1-888-826-8666 f.  (519) 455-1901 e. contact: Pat Devincenzo Logel’s Auto Parts Ltd 116 Bridge Street East, Kitchener  N2K 1J6 t.  (519) 745-0268/1-800-818-9118 f.  (519) 745-5210 e. contact: John Logel M&G Auto 3 Main Street, PO Box E7, King Kirkland  P0K 1K0 t.  (705) 567-6993 f.  (705) 567-2734 e. contact: Mike Evans Mathews Auto Recycling B 30455 Hwy 12, Beaverton  L0K 1A0 t.  (705) 426-1313/1-877-249-9989 f.  (705) 426-1859 e. contact: Travis Mathews McDougall Auto Recyclers PO Box H-9, RR 2, Jasper  K0G 1G0 t.  (613) 283-4794/1-800-360-4954 f.  (613) 283-5860 e. contact: Michael Koll

Mike’s Auto Parts 721 Mud Street East, Stoney Creek  L8J 3B8 t.  (905) 385-9292/1-800-667-8016 f.  (905) 643-8256 e. contact: Jason Humphrey Miller’s Auto Recycling (1992) Ltd 1557 Bowen Road, Fort Erie  L2A 5M4 t.  (905) 871-4354/1-800-263-8104 f.  (905) 871-5453 e. contact: Chris Miller Mississauga Auto Wreckers Ltd 1837 Romani Court, Mississauga  L5T 1H7 t.  (905) 564-5600 f.  (905) 564-5894 contact: Jim Romani Modern Auto Parts Ltd 78 Concession 2, RR 1, Scotland  N0E 1R0 t.  (519) 443-8632/1-800-265-8005 f.  (519) 443-8585 e. contact: Rick Haviland Nicklin Auto Parts & Recyclers 7881 Eastview Road, RR 4, Guelph  N1H 6J1 t.  (519) 822-0301/1-800-265-8304 f.  (519) 822-2361 e. contact: Denis Krajcar

Nieson Auto Wreckers Ltd 80 Munch Avenue, Cambridge  N1R 8E8 t.  (519) 621-3240/1-800-265-9817 f.  (519) 622-8082 e. contact: Al D’angelo


LAD’s Auto Recyclers 111 Industrial Park Road, RR 2, Pembroke  K8A 6W3 t.  613-638-8733/1-877-938-8733 f.  613-638-8735 e. contact: David Lang


Original Auto Parts 1351 Joanisse, Clarence Creek  K0A 1N0 t.  (613) 488-2036/1-877 443-9435 f.  (613) 488-3586 e. contact: Luc Tessier Oshawa Auto Parts Ltd 1175 Nelson Street, Oshawa  L1H 5P3 t.  (905) 725-2162/1-888-837-9823 f.  (905) 725-4790 contact: Bill Paziuk P&G Auto Parts 534 Gormanville Road, North Bay  P1B 4V5 t.  (705) 461-9562/1-800-461-9562 f.  (705) 476-4001 e. contact: Beaver Vallencourt Paleshi Motors 39 Arthur Street North, Elmira  N3B 1Z8 t.  (519) 669-1666/1-800-465-2666 f.  (519) 669-4994 e. contact: Chris Paleshi Parkway Auto Recyclers 21 Manitou Drive, Kitchener  N2C 1K9 t.  (519) 894-1450/1-800-265-6464 f.  (519) 894-1948 e. contact: Vic Generoux





Peterboro Auto Recyclers 1929 Burnaham Line, Peterborough  K9J 6X9 t.  (705) 745-3212/1-800-461-1798 f.  (705) 745-6778 e. contact: Ken Edwards

Rush’s Auto Parts Ltd 1467 Hwy 56, Caledonia  N3W 1T1 t.  (905) 570-8747 (Hamilton) f.  (905) 772-3991 e. contact: Fabio Tolfa

Plazek Auto Recyclers 9530 Silver Street, Caistor Centre  L0R 1E0 t.  (905) 957-8111 f.  (905) 957-8333 e. contact: Joe Plazek

Saunders Auto Service Ltd 16743 Ebenezer Drive, RR 1, Thorndale  N0M 2P0 t.  (519) 461-0698/1-800-265-0369 f.  (519) 461-0602 e. contact: Steve Saunders

Port Perry Auto Wreckers 2831 Hwy 7A, Blackstock  L0B 1B0 t.  (905) 986-4281/1-877-343-3336 f.  (905) 986-1759 e. contact: Daryl Leatherdale Port Sydney Recyclers Inc 211 Muskoka Road 10, Port Sydney  P0B 1L0 t.  (705) 385-1754/1-800-615-9222 f.  (705) 385-0596 e. contact: Garnet Johnson Queensway Auto Parts 6740 Marshall Road, RR 1 Port Robinson  L0S 1K0 t.  (905) 295-4316/1-800-263-7124 f.  (905) 295-4310 e. contact: Frank Pirillo Quick’s Auto Wreckers & Repairs 286 Essex Road 31, Leamington  N8H 3V5 t.  (519) 326-9849/1-800-561-4283 f.  (519) 326-4027 contact: Greg Quick Ray Cranley Auto Wreckers Ltd 258 Country Road 8, RR 1 Douro  K0L 1S0 t.  (705) 652-3338/1-800-375-8001 f.  (705) 652-1133 contact: Ray Cranley Rectangle Auto Supply 160 Cushman Road, St. Catharines  L2M 6T6 t.  (905) 684-6368/1-800-387-3491 f.  (905) 684-6029 e. contact: Marcel Lounsbury Rock City Auto Supplies Ltd 1024 Kingsway, Sudbury  P3B 2E5 t.  (705) 566-9670/1-800-461-7144 f.  (705) 566-0871 e. contact: Ron Cayer


Schneider’s Auto Wrecking Ltd Line 46, Rostock  N0K 1T0 t.  (519) 393-6169 f.  (519) 393-6209 e. contact: Pam Schneider Sonshine Auto Parts 2104 Dunning Road, Cumberland  K4C 1M1 t.  (613) 833-1200/1-888-834-3666 f.  (613) 833-1250 e. contact: Denis Desjardins Standard Auto Wreckers 1216 Sewells Road, Scarborough  M1X 1S1 t.  (416) 286-8686/1-800-668-5014 f.  (416) 286-8690 e. contact: David Gold Stark Auto Parts 160 Union Street, Toronto  M6N 3M9 t.  (416) 652-3300/1-800-369-3424 t.  (416) 656-0612 t. contact: Stephen Stark Stewart Salvage Ltd 15583 McCowan Road, RR 3, Newmarket  L3Y 4W1 t.  (905) 642-2128 f.  (905) 640-3693 e. contact: Rick Stewart T & T Auto Supply (Thunder Bay) Ltd 427 Kingston Street, Thunder Bay  P7E 3P8 t.  (807) 475-4227/1-800-465-5065 f.  (807) 475-8247 e. contact: Frank Provenzano

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

Thorold Auto Parts & Recyclers 1108 Beaverdams Road, PO Box 26, Thorold  L2V 3Y7 t.  (905) 227-4118/1-800-263-4708 f.  (905) 227-8116 e. contact: Frank Serravalle Thorpe Motor Sales 75 Maitland Street, Brantford  N3S 6L4 t.  (519) 752-0212 f.  (519) 759-5070 e. contact: Rateb Hasan Thunder Bay Auto Parts 520 Squier Street, Thunder Bay  P7B 4A8 t.  (807) 344-7201/1-800-465-3919 f.  (807) 345-1822 e. contact: Frank Racco Tracey Auto Wreckers Ltd 5507 Hwy 90, RR 2, Utopia  L0M 1T0 t.  (705) 726-8487/1-800-461-5407 f.  (705) 726-9258 e. contact: Ron Tracey Sr. Tripps Auto Recyclers 2110 Burnham Line, Peterborough  K9J 6X9 t.  (705) 742-6444 f.  (705) 742-6444 e. contact: Melanie Hale Union Auto Parts 5402 Richmond Road, PO Box 11292 Stn H, Ottawa  K2H 7T9 t.  (613) 591-5600/1-800-263-3595 f.  (613) 591-9943 e. contact: Gabi Szabadi Uxbridge Auto Wreckers 7509 Concession 4, Uxbridge  L9P 1R1 t.  (905) 852-6895/1-800-637-0488 f.  (905) 852-7825 e. contact: Elton Chui Valley Automotive (Pembroke) Ltd 40883 Hwy 41, PO Box 325, Pembroke  K8A 6X6 t.  (613) 735-0163/1-800-565-7667 f.  (613) 735-6744 e. contact: Mary Poirier


Woodbeck Auto Parts (Stirling) Ltd 87 Woodbeck Road, RR 1, Stirling  K0K 3E0 t.  (613) 395-3336/1-800-267-2542 f.  (613) 395-0452 e. contact: Bruce Woodbeck Woodstock Auto Recyclers Ltd 525073 Horn Road, RR 4, Woodstock  N4S 7V8 t.  (519) 456-6129/1-800-465-2814 f.  (519) 456-5510 e. contact: Doug Gullons

Brassard pièces d’autos inc. 1410, rue Principale, CP 367, St-Amable  J0L 1N0 t.  (514) 875-1991/1-800-704-5310 f.  (450) 649-9871 e. contact: M. Dany Rousseau Camions A & R Dubois inc. 2745, rue Principale, Saint-Jean Baptiste  J0L 2B0 t.  (450) 464-4631/1-800-363-4631 f.  (450) 464-8377 e. contact: MM. Alain & Régis Dubois Carrosserie et remorquage Champagne inc. 1800, avenue Descôteaux, Bécancour  G9H 1W2 t.  (819) 233-9000/1-866-345-9004 f.  (819) 233-9940 e. contact: Gaétan et René Champagne

Asselin A.P. inc. 9685, Henri-Bourassa Est, Montréal  H1E 5W9 t.  (514) 648-6537/1-800-361-7970 f.  (514) 648-5400 contact: M. Dominico Spina, président

Centre de pièces recyclées de l’Outaouais (2001) 65, de Audet, Gatineau  J8Z 1Y1 t.  (819) 777-7107/1-800-463-7107 f.  (819) 777-3300 contact: M. Jean-Paul Barrette

Association des recycleurs de pièces d’autos et de camions inc. (ARPAC) 2196, rue de la Tourmente, Sainte-Adèle  J8B 2W7 t.  (514) 332-9944 f.  (514) 332-0690 e. contact: Danièle Lavigne

Centre de recyclage St-Bruno inc. 1500, boulevard Marie-Victorin, St-Bruno  J3V 6B9 t.  (450) 653-3320/1-800-361-3254 f.  (450) 653-1250 e. contact: M. Serge Sénécal

Aubry garage Gaétan enr. 297, rue Principale, St-Nazaire-d’Acton  J0H 1V0 t.  (819) 392-2837 f.  (819) 392-2587 contact: M. Gaétan Aubry B.S. pièces d’autos (1991) inc. 3600, rue Marien, Montréal-Est  H1B 4W2 t.  (514) 645-9279 f.  (514) 645-7744 contact: Mme Josette Themens Poirier

Centre du Pick-Up de Beauce enr. 127, route Kennedy, Vallé Jonction, Beauce  G0S 3J0 t.  (418) 253-6120/1-800-463-6120 f.  (418) 253-6312 e. contact: M. Rémi Cliche Certi auto inc. 2860, route 220, St-Élie d’Orford  J0B 2S0 t.  (819) 822-1000/1-800-567-6180 f.  (819) 565-4248 e. contact: M. Sylvain Parenteau

Clément Poulin Pièces d’Autos inc. 84, route Kennedy, Vallée-Jonction  G0S 3J0 t.  (418) 253-6127/1-800-463-4522 f.  (418) 253-6327 e. contact: M. Luc Poulin Centre de recyclage Mirabel inc. 14383, boulevard Curé Labelle, Mirabel St-Janvier  J7J 1M2 t.  (450) 430-8360/1-800-760-8360 f.  (450) 430-1114 e. contact: M. Claude Verret Complexe automobile St-Paul 1129, boulevard St-Paul, Chicoutimi  G7J 3Y2 t.  (418) 698-1129/1-866-936-1129 f.  (418) 698-7133 e. contact: Gino Gravel Démolisseurs d’autos N. Legault inc. 1505, des Quais, Ville Ste-Catherine  J0L 1E0 t.  (450) 632-2168/1-800-265-2168 f.  (450) 632-0433 e. contact: M. Angelino Di-Menna Drouin Roch pièces d’autos inc. 7373, 127e rue Est St-Georges  G5Y 5B9 t.  (418) 228-9151/1-800-463-1647 f.  (418) 228-9831 e. contact: Mme Marie-Josée Drouin Dumas et fils pièces d’autos usagées inc. 730, Chemin Carrier, Cookshire  J0B 1M0 t.  (819) 875-5515/1-800-961-5515 f.  (819) 875-5362 e. contact: M. Marc Dumas Duvernay recycleur inc. 4064, rang Haut St-François, Laval  H7E 4P2 t.  (514) 324-5366/1-800-363-2212 f.  (450) 661-8181 e. contact: M. Pierre Robitaille Fleurimont pièces d’autos inc. 2095, Chemin Alfred-Champigny Sherbrooke  J1H 5H2 t.  (819) 564-5020 f.  (819) 566-2495 e. contact: Laurent Labrecque


Bégin Fernand pièces d’autos inc. 416, rang F. Bégin, St-Philibert, Beauce   G0M 1X0 t.  (418) 228-2413/1-800-463-1688 f.  (418) 228-6332 e. contact: Mme Denyse Roy

Centre de recyclage Universel ltée 1880, 3e avenue, CP 307, Val-d’Or  J9P 4P4 t.  (819) 874-5555/1-800-567-6323 f.  (819) 874-2374 e. contact: M. Richard Larochelle

CGN pièces d’autos ltée 1448, boulevard des Laurentides, Laval   H7N 4Y4 t.  (514) 875-3900/1-800-694-1880 f.  (450) 669-2992 e. contact: M. Normand Barabé


Van Ryn Auto Wrecking 205 Alway Road, Grimsby  L3M 4E7 t.  (905) 643-2557 f.  (905) 643-9663 e. contact: Art Van Ryn






Fontaine Pièces 1994 inc. 1150, rue Notre-Dame Est, Victoriaville  G6P 4B9 t.  (819) 752-5531/1-800-567-2542 f.  (819) 752-3053 e. contact: Mme Diane B. Désilets G & C pièces d’autos inc. 1545, route 217, St-Philippe-de-Laprairie  J0L 2K0 t.  (450) 659-5770 f.  (450) 659-4238 e. contact: M. Maurice Dupont Gagnon pièces d’automobiles (1977) inc. 648, route 219, CP 1039, Napierville  J0J 1L0 t.  (450) 245-3247 e. contact: M. Christian Bayeur Garage Alain St-Pierre inc. 1127, rue Principale, St-Prime  G8J 1V2 t.  (418) 251-1053/1-877-551-1052 e. Garage Fernand Dumulong inc. 202, chemin du Vieux Moulin, St-Paul de Joliette  J0K 3E0 t.  (450) 759-5493/1-877-846-6737 f.  (450) 759-5122 e. contact: M. Daniel Dumulong Garage L. Guay ltée 380, boulevard Labrosse, Gatineau  J8P 4P8 t.  (819) 663-4014/1-800-567-9648 f.  (819) 663-4127 e. contact: M. Mario Villeneuve Gaston Poulin Pièces d’autos inc. 948, 14e avenue, La Guadeloupe  G0M 1G0 t.  (418) 459-6296/1-877-459-6296 f.  (418) 459-6020 e. contact: M. Gaston Poulin Goulet St-Émile pièces autos inc. 2716 rue de La Faune, Québec  G3E 1H4 t.  (418) 842-6659/1-800-221-6347 f.  (418) 842-1133 e. contact: Mme Viviane Mainguy Gravel (D.) Automobiles inc. 1030, 99e avenue, St-Georges-de-Champlain  G9T 5K4 t.  (819) 538-6120/1-800-567-2169 f.  (819) 538-4182 e. contact: M. Jean Gravel


Gravel recyclage automobile inc. 677, boulevard Labelle, Blainville  J7C 2J5 t.  (450) 435-8335/1-800-363-6373 f.  (450) 435-4382 contact: M. Stéphane Gravel Gravel recyclage automobile Ste-Sophie inc. 2795, boulevard Ste-Sophie, Ste-Sophie   J5J 2V3 t.  450-438-3241/1-866-666-7638 f.  450-438-2525 e. contact: Jean-Guy et Sébastien Gravel G.R.D. pièces d’autos inc. 1111, rue du Patrimoine, Cacouna  G0L 1G0 t.  (418) 862-5477/1-800-263-2773 f.  (418) 862-9218 e. contact: M. Gilles Dionne H. Lambert pièces d’autos inc. 1380, rue Notre-Dame, Berthierville  J0K 1A0 t.  (450) 836-4664/1-800-265-2134 f.  (450) 836-4664 e. contact: Jacques et Jean-François Poirier Hamel pièces d’autos inc. 1739, rue Jérôme-Hamel, Trois-Rivières  G8V 1W3 t.  (819) 374-1556/1-800-463-4350 f.  (819) 374-9531 e. contact: M. Yvon Hamel Haut-Richelieu pièces et véhicules d’occasion 274, route 133, Ste-Anne-de-Sabrevois  J0J 2G0 t.  (450) 346-9233/1-800-363-1472 f.  (450) 346-0011 contact: MM. Stéphane et François Landry Hébert C. Garage inc. 538, 3e rang, Ste-Hélène-de-Bagot  J0H 1M0 t.  (450) 791-2627/1-800-667-4973 f.  (450) 791-2080 contact: M. Alain Hébert Jack Auto Montréal-Nord inc. 4485, boulevard Industriel, Montréal-Nord  H1H 2Z6 t.  (514) 321-3510/1-888-321-3510 f.  (514) 321-3990 contact: M. Tullio Lattanzio Jacques Lauréat pièces d’autos inc. 900, boulevard Frontenac Ouest, Thetford Mines  G6G 6K3 t.  (418) 335-2132/1-800-267-2132 f.  (418) 335-3626 contact: M. Christian Jacques

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

Juteau 2000 pièces d’autos usagées 16, rue-du-Parc, Côteau-du-Lac  J0P 1B0 t.  (450) 763-5911/1-800-763-5911 f.  (450) 763-5912 e. contact: M. Sam Brek, président Jutras B. pièces et accessoires d’automobiles inc. 1291, boulevard Labelle, Blainville  J7C 2N9 t.  (450) 435-0010/1-800-363-6302 f.  (450) 435-1810 e. contact: M. Patrice Ravary Kenny pièces d’autos 1600, rue Boisclerc, Laval  H7E 4P2 t.  (450) 661-2303/1-877-688-0588 f.  (450) 661-4146 e. contact: M. Guy Langlois Langevin pièces d’autos ltée 3363, route 112, Marieville  J3M 1P1 t.  (450) 460-8888/1-800-363-9157 f.  (450) 460-5177 e. contact: M. Jean-Pierre Allie et Mme Manon Sylvestre Laroche Marc pièces d’autos inc. 1180, chemin des Petites-Terres, CP 4009, Succ. A Trois-Rivières  G9B 7Y6 t.  (819) 377-4815/1-800-567-7872 f.  (819) 377-5685 e. contact: M. Marc Laroche Latreille pièces d’autos 370, route 311 Nord, Lac des Écorces  J0W 1H0 t.  (819) 585-2594 f.  (819) 585-3701 e. contact: M. Serge Latreille Lecavalier Québec 492, boulenard Laurier, St-Apollinaire  G0S 2E0 t.  (418) 842-1222/1-866-717-2886 f.  (418) 981-0062 e. contact: Roger Fugère J. & Philippe Fugère Lecavalier St-Jean 1330, rue Jacques-Cartier Sud, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu  J3B 6Y8 t.  (450) 346-1112/1-800-363-2159 f.  (450) 346-6197 e. contact: M. Daniel Gagnon Lecavalier Ste-Sophie 2925, boulevard Ste-Sophie Ste-Sophie  J5J 1L1 t.  (450) 436-2441/1-800-363-2567 f.  (450) 433-1218 e. contact: Philippe Fugere


Lussier centre du camion ltée 1341, rue Principale , Ste-Julie  J3E 1Y1 t.  (450) 649-1265/1-800-361-7387 f.  (450) 649-8819 e. contact: Mme Josée Bissonnette LKQ M. Robert 655, boul. Laurier, Ste-Madeleine  J0H 1S0 t.  (450) 774-8551/1-800-465-5253 f.  (450) 774-1992 e. contact: M. Michel Robert Magnet pièces d’autos inc. 328, rang Double, St-Urbain  J0S 1Y0 t.  (514) 866-0392/1-800-363-5110 f.  (450) 427-7754 contact: M. Mario Coallier Miron Henri auto ltée 1141, boulevard La Salette, St-Jérôme  J5L 2J8 t.  (450) 438-4807/1-877-909-4807 f.  (450) 438-9467 e. contact: M. André Miron Miron les pièces d’autos usagées inc. 221, 33e Avenue, Ste-Marthe-sur-le-Lac  J0N 1P0 t.  (514) 875-3939/1-800-361-9259 f.  (450) 473-7579 e. contact: M. Robert Miron Montréal-Nord pièces d’autos inc. 10715, rue Jean-Meunier, Montréal-Nord  H1G 4S2 t.  (514) 325-3885/1-800-361-2481 f.  (514) 325-9879 contact: M. Claude Daigneault P.A. auto recyclage inc. 4377, Grande-Ligne, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu  J2W 1M9 t.  (450) 348-9817/1-800-400-9817 f.  (450) 348-0277 e. contact: M. Alain Arseneault Perreault pièces d’autos inc. 2625, route Mc Watters, Rouyn-Noranda  J9X 5B7 t.  (819) 797-2326/1-866-797-2326 f.  (819) 797-9228 e. contact: Sylvain Mongrain

Pièces d’autos B.C. enr. 54, William Dobel, Baie-Comeau  G4Z 1T7 t.  (418) 296-2470/1-800-790-2470 f.  (418) 296-5512 contact: Mme Marjolaine Pelletier Pièces d’autos Châteauguay (1992) enr. 4383, rue Châteauguay, Jonquière  G7X 7V5 t.  (418) 547-5495/1-800-561-7398 f.  (418) 547-7305 e. contact: MM. Camille Asselin Pièces d’autos Choc 4028, chemin de l’Église, Laterrière  G7N 1N8 t.  418-545-0505/1-866-480-0505 f.  418-545-4378 e. contact: Dany Côté Pièces d’autos Dumont inc. 200, route 116 Est, St-Gilles  G0S 2P0 t.  (418) 888-3944/1-800-463-1925 f.  (418) 888-5097 e. contact: M. Paul Dumont Pièces d’autos L.F. inc. 1024, 11ième rang Ste-Cécile de Milton  J0E 2C0 t.  (450) 372-8449/1-877-372-8449 f.  (450) 372-0204 contact: M. Luc Champagne Pièces d’autos M.S. inc. 6, chemin des Acajous, Ste-Anne des Lacs  J0R 1B0 t.  1-877-727-3080 f.  (450) 227-4391 contact: M. Réjean Jobin Pièces d’autos Mainguy inc. 1745, route de l’Aéroport Ancienne Lorette  G2G 2P5 t.  (418) 872-1483 f.  (418) 872-2254 e. contact: Mme France Mainguy Pièces d’autos Marcil inc. 9, route 158, St-Thomas de Joliette   J0K 3L0 t.  (450) 753-9633/1-800-493-9633 f.  (450) 753-7182 e. contact: Mme Claudette Morin Pièces d’autos Nord-Sud inc. 11111, boulevard St-Jean Baptiste, Montréal  H1B 4B3 t.  514-648-1163/1-800-665-3941 f.  514-648-8781 e. contact: Raymond Burke et Normand Morin

Pièces d’autos P.A.T. inc. 1140, rue Soucy, St-Hubert  J4T 1A3 t.  (450) 462-2220/1-800-361-3720 f.  (450) 656-7760 e. contact: M. Daniel Hamel Pièces d’autos usagées Léon Jacques et fils inc. 146, rang 9, Coaticook  J1A 1S2 t.  819-849-6845/819-849-3652 contact: Mme Chantal Jacques


Lemieux pièces d’autos inc. 2012, route 158, St-Jérôme  J7Z 7M2 t.  (450) 438-5636/1-800-363-2477 f.  (450) 432-4208 e. contact: Mme Sylvie Blanchette


Pièces d’autos usagées RTA (1986) inc. 11250, boulevard St-Jean-Baptiste, Montréal  H1B 4B4 t.  (514) 648-2050/1-800-361-7749 f.  (514) 643-4390 contact: M. Normand Morin Pièces Universelles 2007 inc. 1530, boulevard Ste-Geneviève, Chicoutimi  G7G 2H1 t.  (418) 543-0285/1-800-463-9699 f.  (418) 543-8955 e. contact: Mme Julie Girard LKQ Pintendre autos inc. 914, route Kennedy, Pintendre  G6C 1A5 t.  (418) 833-8650/1-800-463-5158 f.  (418) 833-6705 e. contact: M. Derek Willshire Récupération St-Laurent inc. 561, rue du Port, Matane  G4W 3M6 t.  418-562-1414 f.  418-562-0727 e. contact: M. Gilles St-Laurent Recyc-Auto Québec inc. 660, route 219, Napierville  J0J 1L0 t.  450-245-1153/450-245-7448 e. contact: Éric Gariépy Recyclage Chaleur inc. 274, avenue de Port Royal Ouest, Bonaventure  G0C 1E0 t.  1-888-878-3681 f.  (418) 534-3682 e. contact: M. Robert Pitre Recyclage d’autos st-Lazare (1998) inc. 1021, rue St-Louis, St-Lazare  J7T 2B4 t.  (450) 424-0042/1-888-424-0040 contact: M. Pierre Bélanger Recyclage F. Picard inc. 1893, boulevard Laure, Sept-Iles  G4R 4K1 t.  (418) 962-5556/1-800-463-5565 f.  (418) 962-1395 contact: Florian Picard



Nova Scotia

New Brunswick




Recyclage Pellerin inc. 746, route 265, Plessisville  G6L 2Y4 t.  (819) 362-3304/1-800-727-3304 f.  (819) 362-8573 e. contact: M. Éric Pellerin

Trudel Automobiles enr. 781, route 111 Ouest, CP 41, Amos  J9T 3A5 t.  (819) 732-4700/1-866-519-4700 f.  (819) 732-6982 e. contact: Éric Trudel

Reno pièces autos inc. 907, boulevard Harwood, Vaudreuil  J7V 8P2 t.  (450) 455-5701/1-800-363-7366 f.  (450) 455-5176 e. contact: M. Christian Lemay

Turcotte pièces d’autos 1997 inc. 2905, boulevard St-Michel, Trois-Rivières  G0A 5E1 t.  (819) 378-4846/1-800-567-8606 f.  (819) 378-0420 contact: Mme Mireille Beaulieu

Samson pièces d’autos inc. 1058, rue St-Charles Sud,  Granby  J2G 8C6 t.  (450) 375-5151/1-800-363-1216 f.  (450) 375-0571 e. contact: Mme Pierrette Grenier

Yves Quesnel Automobiles inc. 1476, Chemin St-Henri, Mascouche  J7K 2N4 t.  (450) 474-6186/1-800-363-5007 f.  (450) 474-1311 e. contact: M. Yves Quesnel

Sherbrooke pièces d’autos usagées inc. 524, rue Galt Ouest, Sherbrooke  J1H 1Y9 t.  (819) 566-2226/1-800-567-3428 f.  (819) 823-0283 e. contact: Mme Christiane Veilleux St-Mathieu pièces d’autos usagées inc. 3104, rue Bernard Pilon, Beloeil  J3G 4S5 t.  (450) 464-5102/1-800-363-6470 f.  (450) 464-8250 e. contact: M. Jean-Charles Poirier et Mme Josette Themens St-Rémi pièces d’autos inc. 260, rue Ste-Thérèse, St-Rémi  J0L 2L0 t.  (450) 454-9752/1-866-868-9752 f.  (450) 454-7983 e. contact: M. Daniel Lussier Ste-Claire recycleur inc. 1761, chemin Ste-Claire, La Plaine  J7M 1M2 t.  (450) 478-2746/1-800-461-2746 f.  (450) 478-2831 contact: M. Luc Robitaille Ste-Monique pièces d’autos (1986) inc. 695, rue Dubois, St-Eustache  J7P 3W1 t.  (450) 472-4328/1-800-361-6383 f.  (450) 472-1804 contact: M. Hugues Fournier et Mme Huguette Courtois Ti-Cœur pièces d’autos inc. 258, route 291 Nord, St-Hubert de Riviére-du-Loup  G0L 3L0 t.  (418) 497-2553/1-800-497-2553 f.  (418) 497-3309 e. contact: M. Jean-Paul Dubé

Capital City Auto Parts Ltd 1394 Alison Boulevard, Fredericton  E3C 2M2 t.  (506) 453-1260 f.  (506) 453-0616 e. contact: Tom Howell Green’s Auto Parts 2790 Woodstock Road, Fredericton  E3C 1P9 t.  (506) 458-9234/1-800-565-1544 f.  (506) 457-0842 e. contact: Brian Green LaFrance Auto Salvage 314 Madwaska Road, Saint-Andre (Grand Falls)  E3Y 3A4 t.  (506) 473-3681 f.  (506) 473-6480 e. contact: Gilles LaFrance MK Auto Recyclers 587 Grandview Ave, Saint John  E2J 4M8 t.  (506) 633-9084 f.  (506) 633-9890 e. contact: Mike Beman Vautour Auto Salvage 54 Main Street, Rexton  E4W 2B1 t.  (506) 523-9151/1-800-233-6633 f.  (506) 523-4110 e. contact: Norbert Vautour Reynold’s Auto Salvage O’Dell Loop, PO Box 1003, Hampton  E5N H8I t.  (506) 832-4186/1-888-984-3300 f.  (506) 832-4186 e. contact: Kim Reynolds

Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

Wrecks Unlimited 3 Cottage Road, Saint John  E2J 4V9 t.  (506) 633-6840 f.  (506) 633-6876 t. contact: Bob Bissonet Blenkhorns Auto Recyclers 332 Brookside Branch Road, RR 2, Truro  B6L 2A8 t.  (902) 893-7181/1-800-677-5807 f.  (902) 893-1370 e. contact: Sheldon Blenkhorn Brinton’s Auto Salvage PO Box 69, Digby  B0S 1S0 t.  (902) 245-2927/1-866-789-2927 f.  (902) 245-6494 e. contact: Raymond Brinton Brown’s Auto Salvage Ltd 13 Brown Street, Kingston  B0P 1R0 t.  (902) 765-8313 f.  (902) 765-3275 e. contact: Tim Brown R. Brinton’s Auto Body Shop RR 1, Smith’s Cove  B0V 1A0 t.  (902) 245-2927 f.  (902) 245-6494 e. contact: Raymond Brinton Dugas Auto Recyclers & Rebuilders Church Point, RR 1, Digby County  B0W 1M0 t.  (902) 769-2416/1-800-214-4649 f.  (902) 769-0860 e. contact: Herbert Dugas Carman Christie’s Garage Ltd 113 Villagedale Road, Barrington  B0W 1E0 t.  (902) 637-2411 f.  (902) 637-3129 e. contact: Carman C. Christie, Manager Covey’s Auto Recyclers 146 New Harbour Road, Blandford  B0J 1T0 t.  (902) 228-2300/1-800-555-3204 f.  (902) 228-2522 e. contact: Derek Covey


Maritime Auto Salvage PO Box 201, Truro  B2N 5C1 t.  (902) 662-2321/1-800-565-7278 f.  (902) 662-4146 e. contact: Ed MacDonald Merlin’s Auto Salvage Site 16 RR 2, PO Box 1 Windsor  B0N 2T0 Newport  B0N 2A0 t.  (902) 757-3171 f.  (902) 798-1380 e. contact: Donald Dowe

One Stop Auto 3426 Smith Road, Rte 152, PO Box 22, St. Louis  C0B 1Z0 t.  (902) 882-2001/1-800-461-1002 f.  (902) 882-3572 e. contact: Larry Drouin A1 Automotive 395 East White Hills Road, St. John’s  A1A 5X7 t.  (709) 576-7480/1-877-777-2211 f.  (709) 576-7484 e. contact: Bob Anstey

Auto Parts Network 6 Corey King Drive, Mt. Pearl  A1N 0A2 t.  (709) 747-2000/1-888-271-2535 t.  (709) 747-2498 t. contact: Glenn Hickey Vatcher’s Used Auto Parts 225 Thornburn Road, St. John’s  A1B 3M9 t.  (709) 722-7476/1-888-892-7476 f.  (709) 722-6927 e. contact: Glen Vatcher

Poehl’s Auto Recyclers 1335 Highway 359 North, RR 1, Kentville  B0P 1S0 t.  (902) 678-4564 f.  (902) 678-8099 e. contact: Dana Poehl T&W Auto Centre Ltd 2713 Westville Rd, RR 3, New Glasgow  B2H 5C6 t.  (902) 752-4111/1-877-218-1811 f.  (902) 752-4116 e. contact: Tom Chennell

Nova Scotia Prince Edward island NewFoundland

Jeff Miller Auto Parts Ltd 5806 Hwy 215, RR 1, Maitland  B0N 1T0 t.  (902) 369-2520 e. contact: Jeff Miller


Vance Hanes Auto Parts 466 Brookside Road, RR 2, Truro  B2N 5B1 t.  (902) 897-3075/1-800-565-2433 f.  (902) 897-2854 e. contact: Vance Hanes Wayne Giles Auto Salvage 470 Dyke Road, Cow Bay  B3G 1K6 t.  (902) 464-1999 f.  (902) 464-2002 e. contact: Wayne Giles Island Auto Supply 25 Livingstone Drive, Charlottetown  C1A 7J7 t.  (902) 892-0138 f.  (902) 368-3691 e. contact: Harvey Livingstone O’Brien Recycling Ltd 2224 St. Mary’s Road, Montague  C0A 1R0 t.  (902) 462-3993/1-866-962-3993 e. contact: Darrin O’Brien


glossary glossaire

Terms of Engagement La terminologie au rendez-vous A quick guide to the most commonly used terms in auto recycling.

Un guide rapide des termes les plus utilisés dans l’industrie du recyclage automobile.

Automotive Recycling Facility: Purchases vehicles for re-use. Dismantles vehicles, tests salvageable parts for quality and properly disposes or recycles remaining fluids.

Centre de recyclage d’automobiles: Achète des véhicules pour les reutiliser. Démonte les véhicules, vérifie la qualité des pièces récupérables et élimine ou recycle de façon appropriée les fluides restants.

Dismantler: A term loosely describing anyone who owns or works at a salvage yard. Job titles include: manager, parts puller, inventory person, salesperson and counter person.

Démonteur: Terme générique décrivant une personne qui possède ou qui travaille dans un centre de récupération. Les titres de poste comprennent : gestionnaire, collecteur de pièces, préposé à l’inventaire, aux ventes et au comptoir.

Dismantling Bay: An area used by the dismantler to pull parts from vehicles. Often equipped with machinery to safeguard environment and persons from harm.

Aire de démontage: Un espace utilisé par le démonteur pour récupérer les pièces des véhicules, souvent équipé de machines servant à protéger l’environnement et à éviter les accidents de travail.

Green Parts: Recycled OEM Parts removed and stored with minimal environmental impact.

« Pièces vertes »: Pièces recyclées OEM retirées et entreposées avec un impact minimal sur l’environnement.

ELV: End-of-life vehicle. Any vehicle that is deemed to be for parts or recycling only. Hard Parts: All parts, other than sheet metal, that are hard: motor, transmission, brakes, A-frames, wheels, etc.

VHU: Véhicule hors d’usage ou en fin de vie utile. Un véhicule conservé uniquement pour la récupération des pièces ou le recyclage. Pièces mécaniques: toutes les pièces, autres que la tôle, qui sont rigides : moteur, transmission, freins, châssis, roues, etc.

Fluid Recovery: Fluids found within a car, such as oil, Freon, battery acid, transmission fluid and gas, must be disposed of properly to safeguard the environment.

Récupération des Fluides: Les fluides qui se trouvent dans une voiture comme l’huile, les halo carbures, l’acide de batterie, le liquide de transmission et l’essence. Ils doivent être éliminés de façon appropriée afin de protéger l’environnement.

Junk Yard: Former term used to define an automotive recycling facility. A junk yard does not have inventory control, racks, warehouses, pre-dismantling and customer service.

Dépôt de ferraille (expression populaire « scrap yard ») : Ancien terme utilisé pour décrire un centre de recyclage d’automobiles. Un dépôt de ferraille est dépourvu de contrôle d’inventaire, de rayonnage, d’entrepôts, de services de pré-démontage et de service à la clientèle.

LKQ Parts: Like Kind Quality. Damaged parts replaced with LKQ parts of the same quality as before collision. Can be used or new OEM.

Pièces PRQ : Pièces de remplacement de qualité. Pièces endommagées, remplacées par des pièces PRQ de même qualité qu’avant l’accident. Peuvent être des pièces OEM neuves ou usagées.

OEM Parts: Original Equipment Manufacturer. Refers to the original maker of the vehicle. Replacement of the original part with a part made by the original manufacturer. OEM parts can be either used or new. Parts Cars: Vehicles that are dismantled for re-usable parts. Racking: Steel structures used to shelve and categorize all parts in warehouses. Racking prevents damage to the part and provides easy accessibility to any part. Rebuilders/Rebuildables: Vehicles that can be repaired. Recycled OEM Parts: Quality OEM Parts removed from Total Loss Vehicles or ELVs and sold to replace damaged parts on running vehicles.

Pièces OEM: Pièces d’origine du fabricant. Renvoi au fabricant original du véhicule. Remplacement d’une pièce originale par une pièce fabriquée par le fabricant d’origine. Les pièces OEM peuvent être usagées ou neuves. Véhicules pour pièces: Véhicules démontés afin d’en récupérer les pièces réutilisables. Rayonnage: Structures d’acier utilisées pour ranger et classer toutes les pièces dans les entrepôts. Le rayonnage permet d’éviter que les pièces soient endommagées et offre un accès facilite l’accès à toutes les pièces. Véhicules réparables: Véhicules qui peuvent être réparés.

Remanufactured: Used hard parts refurbished to the same quality as new.

Pièces OEM recyclées: Pièces OEM de qualité du fabricant, prélevées sur un véhicule déclaré « perte totale » ou sur un VHU et vendues pour remplacer des pièces endommagées sur des véhicules en état de fonctionnement.

Replacement Parts: Any part, new, used or aftermarket, that replaces the damaged item on a vehicle.

Remis à neuf: Pièces usagées remises à neuf afin d’être de la même qualité que neuves.

Salvage: A salvage vehicle is a vehicle that has been wrecked or damaged beyond repair; declared a total loss by the insurer; or declared a total loss by reason of theft.

Pièces de remplacement: Toute pièce usagée, remise à neuf ou du marché secondaire qui remplace une pièce endommagée sur un véhicule.


Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

2010 Event guide 1 2: 3

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2010 evenement

OARA Convention



March 26-27 Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel & Conference Centre Toronto, Ontario Steve Fletcher     519-858-8761

Steve Fletcher, OARA Convention 2009 Convention d'OARA, 2009


MAR SGI Industry Meeting April 9 1-800-667-8015

URG Training Conference April 16-17


IT Meeting May 14-15


Danville, Virginia


MAY B-CAR Meeting

IRSI Meeting

ARPAC Convention

May 1-2

May 4-8

September 17-19

Penticton, British Columbia Marc Blouin     604-432-7987

San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California

Québec City, Quebec Simon Matte     514-972-3590

CARI Convention June 10-12 Delta Hotel Charlottetown, P.E.I. Donna Turner     905-426-9313

ARA Convention October 20-23

2nd Annual Customer Training July 29-31 Northern Kentucky    859-344-1925

NACE (ASRW) November 1-5

Renaissance Austin Hotel Austin, Texas, USA Michael Wilson     571-208-0428

Mandalay Bay Convention Center Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


AARDA Meeting

November 2-5 Las Vegas Convention Center Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

ARC Meeting September 19-21 Québec City, Quebec Steve Fletcher     519-858-8761

Québec City: where ARPAC Convention and 2010 IRT will take place. Québec City: La Convention de l'ARPAC et le TRI aura lieu ici en 2010.


JUN JUIN Simon Matte, ARPAC Convention 2009. Convention d'ARPAC 2009.

International Roundtable on Auto Recycling September 19-21 Québec City, Quebec Steve Fletcher     519-858-8761







November 10 Canmore, Alberta Ian Hope    780-478-5820


the last word

le mot de la fin

Raising the Bar

Élever la barre toujours

Thanks to professional recyclers for letting us tell your stories.

Merci aux recycleurs professionnels de nous avoir permis de raconter vos histoires.

Even Higher plus haut


ust when I think I’ve seen the reaches of the industry’s generosity and concern for the environment, they surprise me again. The automotive recycling industry has raised the bar even higher this year. Looking in the rear-view mirror at when we started Canadian Auto Recyclers, it’s been an incredible four years watching this industry change and grow. Having the chance to interact with the different provinces and watch them work has been incredible. They talk about building the future, and boy they’ve done it. We’ve had a lot of successes this year. The Switch Out program has had a huge impact on safely disposing of mercury from ELVs. Retire Your Ride has exceeded even the highest expectations. And the Green Parts program has worked to get brochures on counters everywhere to spread the industry’s message and espouse the environmental and costsaving benefits of using recycled parts. That’s only scratching the surface of the good we’ve seen from recyclers in the course of putting together CAR 2010. What always impresses and surprises me most is how every recycler we deal with consistently takes the individual initiative to help the environment. It demonstrates to me that what we cover in CAR isn’t just a coordinated effort—it’s an organic movement from an extremely caring community. I’m so proud to work with people who are so willing to lead the change. We do our best to spread the word, but the truth is, the progressive recyclers of Canada make it easy for us—it’s a pleasure to cover a community we respect so deeply. As they continue doing their good work, we’ll be right there beside them to help make sure everyone hears about it, so stay tuned.


lors que je croyais tout connaître de la générosité des gens de l’industrie et de leur souci de l’environnement, voilà qu’ils me surprennent à nouveau. Le monde du recyclage automobile a placé la barre encore plus haut cette année. En regardant par le rétroviseur les débuts du Canadian Auto Recyclers, on ne peut que constater que ces quatre années ont été marquées d’un grand vent de changement dans l’industrie. Ayant la chance d’interagir avec les intervenants des différentes provinces, j’ai pu apprécier le travail colossal accompli dans l’objectif de construire l’avenir. Nos projets de l'année dernière ont remporté un vif succès. Le programme ÉlimiMercure a eu un impact considérable sur l’élimination sans danger du mercure provenant des VHU. Adieu bazou a même dépassé les attentes les plus élevées. Des brochures ont été produites par le programme Green Parts et mises à la disposition de la clientèle des centres de recyclage pour sensibiliser celle-ci aux enjeux de l’industrie et aux avantages environnementaux et économiques d’utiliser des pièces recyclées dans la réparation automobile. Ces réalisations ne constituent qu’une infime partie de ce que nous avons pu constater chez les recycleurs d'automobiles dans la mise en commun de leurs efforts vers CAR 2010. Ce qui m’impressionne toujours et me surprend le plus, c’est la façon dont chaque entreprise de recyclage avec laquelle nous traitons s’est investie personnellement dans la protection de l’environnement. Cela me démontre que ce que nous couvrons dans CAR n’est pas seulement un effort coordonné, mais un mouvement organique d’une communauté très solidaire. Je suis tellement fière de travailler avec des gens aussi désireux d’amener le changement. Nous faisons de notre mieux pour diffuser l’information, mais ce sont, en réalité, les recycleurs progressistes du Canada qui nous facilitent la tâche. Assurer la couverture des événements d’une communauté que nous respectons profondément nous rend très fiers. Notre objectif est de demeurer à ses côtés pour l’épauler dans ses efforts et lui fournir les outils d’information qui la concerne. Alors, restez à l’écoute.

Gloria Mann VP industry relations Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine > VP des relations de l'industrie


Canadian Auto Recyclers 2010

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Retire Your Ride is focused on cleaning up the environment for Canadians. In less than a year, we have reduced smog forming emissions by 2,379 tonnes. Recycling partners are key to ensuring that retired vehicles are recycled without releasing hazardous materials into the environment.


Le programme Adieu bazou vise à assainir l’environnement pour les Canadiens. En moins d’une année, nous avons réduit 2 379 tonnes d’émissions atmosphériques. Nos recycleurs jouent un rôle capital en empêchant la décharge de matériel dangeureux dans l’environnement lors du recycle des véhicules.

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