2023 Media Kit

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Established in 2001, Media Matters Inc. continues to be the cornerstone and leading provider of news and information to the Canadian collision repair industry. We bring top-of the line products and services to this market with our print and digital properties which include Collision Repair magazine, Collision Québec, Canadian Auto Recyclers, Bodyworx Professional, Training Directory, Buyers Guide and Canadian Towing Professional.

Our mission is to reflect the professional standards of the industry. Our commitment is to bring you the most up-to-date and relevant content coupled with solution driven services designed to deliver results. With our print, digital and ancillary services, we are the front-runners in connecting you with your target audience. By channeling experience, knowledge, passion, integrity and service, we effectively and efficiently reach your customers, delivering the best return on investment.

PROVIDING FULL SERVICE SOLUTIONS Office: 86 John Street, Thornhill, ON. L3T 1Y2 905.370.0101 info@mediamatters.ca

print, digital, integration, and production services
For more information visit mediamatters.ca Head
CANADIAN DISTRIBUTION COLLISION REPAIR MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION 1. Collision Repair Facilities 5,853 2. Automotive Mechanics 76 3. Subletting 194 4. Jobber/Wholesalers 542 5. Appraisers/Insurers 229 6. Recyclers/Towers 207 7. Educational Institutions 28 8. Manufaturers/Suppliers 280 9. Other 27 Total 7,436 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. PREFER US OVER ANY OTHER INDUSTRY PUBLICATION TRUST US TO BEST REPRESENT THE INDUSTRY READ EVERY ISSUE COVER TO COVER 81% 80% 79% CHOSEN #1 IN THE INDUSTRY! *Based on an independent survey conducted by IPAO Market Research, we are the undisputed leaders among print and digital media serving the Canadian collision repair industry. The results speak for themselves.


Digital marketing is prevalent and now more than ever, an integral part of marketing efforts within the Canadian collision repair community. It’s immediate, measurable, flexible and cost effective. Designed to deliver your message and stay connected through multiple platforms which deliver the rich experience of Media Matters Inc.’s most read news, opinion and analysis in the Canadian collision repair industry. Enhance your static ad with interactive features such as a video overlay or engage through our Podcasts and Webinars. Our digital offerings capture the attention and imagination of readers. Speak to your Account Representative for more information and pricing for our Collision Repair daily E-zine, Canadian Auto Recyclers bi-weekly Ezine or ad placement on any of our websites. Podcast and Webinar sponsorships are available.

Our websites provide compelling and relevant content to the collision repair industry on a daily basis. Like their print counterparts, Collisionrepairmag.com, Bodyworxprofessional.com, Canadianrecycler.ca, Towpromag.com, the online Training Directory and the digital Buyer’s Guide keep the collision repair industry up-to-date with the latest business, industry, training, product news and more. New content is uploaded to each site daily, with exclusive interviews and industry event coverage, to keep you up to date with the latest.

We believe in partnership. That is why we are committed to helping you get the job done. We offer creative services for your print or digital advertising needs whether it’s a simple banner,sponsored content, webinar listing or an advertorial. We also provide translation for those active in the Québec market. Whether it’s video, polybag sampling, sponsorship or inserts we are here to serve. All you have to do is ask. Ask your sales representative for more information and quotes.

For further information and to discuss your digital marketing needs contact your sales representative today!

Collisioncommunity.com is the Indeed. com of the Canadian collision repair industry. This site connects employers and potential employees—those looking to hire or be hired. Collisioncommunity.com is the one stop destination for your employment needs.

A comprehensive online guide helping Canadian drivers understand what to do after they’ve been in an accident and how their car will be repaired.

URL required. All ads due 2 weeks prior to posting. AD TYPE AD SIZE Featured Rectangle 263 x 330 px Leaderboard 728 x 90 px Article Banner 728 x 90 px Top Home Page 750 x 200 px Bottom Home Page 750 x 200 px Ezine 600 x 160 px Video 263 x 250 px Only one ad per digital display unit. Refresh of creative recommended per three month period. If more than one ad is required, multiple ad units or page domination* is available. Cover image size 500 x 280 px jpeg or png. Must provide cover photo, sentence and web link. Conditions Video Please provide specified URL for desired website or social designation.Links Two weeks prior to post.Material Deadline 80K or LessFile Size JPEG OR PNGFormat DIGITAL RATE CARD Standard IAB sizes are available on all websites with links and SEO applied, Contact your rep for more information on integrations and bundled packages. Powered by Collision Repair collisioncommunity.com CONSUMERS GUIDE TO COLLISION REPAIR collisionrepairbureau.com onlineonly
14 days before launch All Website Artwork Due 1st of the month Ad Launch Date Contact your sales representative for more information
DAILY E-ZINE NEWSLETTER Non-rotating ad space sent daily to over 7,500 active subscribers. NEWSLETTER & E-ZINE AD TYPE AD SIZE Ezine 600 x 160 px E-ZINE BANNER Connect with more than 7,000 opt in subscribers with the Collision Repair magazine daily e-zine. Our daily E-Zine contains fresh news content sent directly to industry professionals every morning. Additional advertising banner options are available in 600 x 160 format with links to your website or social media destination. collisionrepairmag.com BO DY WO RX PR OFESSIONAL THE VOICE OF COLLISION REPAIR TECHS & PAINTERS bodyworxmag.com collisionquebec.comtowpromag.com canadianrecycler.cabuyersguide.collisionrepairmag.com trainingmatters.ca Contact your sales representative to advertise on any of the following websites. Various ad sizes available online or in print. Contact your sales representative for more information. 14 days before launch All E-ZINE Artwork Due


ENGAGEMENT WITH THE COLLISION REPAIR INDUSTRY What the Collision Repair webinar experience offers: •3 custom email deployment promotions •4 weeks of promotional advertising on collisionrepairmag.com •Splash page that can be customized. Options available •Social Media Postings before during and after webinar •Media Matters team will work closely with your team through advertising, presentation and post deployment •Simulcast / live streaming on Facebook with ability to comment •Post webinar advertisement of recording •Link to webinar recording for further advertisement via your website and social media accounts •Post webinar distribution of one piece of relevant collateral on your behalf •Ability to engage with the audience via a live Q&A and interactive polls Webinars are a highly effective way to connect, communicate technology advancements, build awareness of your company’s technical expertise, showcase customer testimonials and explain product differentiators. Each live event is available on demand and promoted on the Collision Repair website for 12 months. Contact your sales representative to learn how your company can book its own feature podcast or webinar presentation!


Be part of either of our popular biweekly industry Insider podcast and webinar series designed to bring you the last industry insights and information through a combination of interviews, and discussions with leaders, influencers and experts across the collision repair industry.

Collision Repair’s Industry Insider podcast features collision repair experts tackling the chief trends and topics affecting the Canadian sector. From deep dives into the top technologies of today’s market to collision claims trends and upcoming ventures from industry-leading companies, our podcast provides a comprehensive opportunity to share information with your target audience and parlay your message across the collision community. Our bi-weekly episodes, up to 30 minutes in length, are published to all podcast hosting sites: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Amazon music/ audible and YouTube. Podcasts are also shared in the Collision Repair daily e-zine, which is sent to more than 7,000+ subscribers, and advertised on the Collision Repair mag site.


• One on one planning assistance with a member of the editorial team

• Up to 30 minute final podcast (Speak to your sales associate for details)

• Top E-Zine slot placement at launch, sent to our 7000+ subscribers

• Included for multiple days in the ezine post launch as a promo ezine banner

• Available on our website and streaming services for 6+ months

• Leaderboard or featured rectangle for 2 weeks post podcast launch on CRM


• A call with editorial to discuss the idea and plan

• Review sample questions sent via email and provide feedback prior to recording

• Set up a time to record over zoom

• Review recording and give feedback

• Approve final recording MUST PROVIDE:

Contact your sales representative to learn how your company can book its own feature podcast or webinar presentation!
• Company logo • Profile image AD BOOKING DEADLINE RECORDING DEADLINE LAUNCH DATE 4 weeks prior to launch date 2 weeks prior to launch date determined by ezine scheduling All podcast content is subject to approval. Promotional materials will be created by the Collision Repair Magazine team in a standardized format.Conditions Two weeks prior to post.Material Deadline JPEG or PNGImage Format Brought to you by Contact your sales representative for a detailed Podcast information package.


reduceTheSpeedlineGlueRepairSystemcanbeusedtorepairorsignificantly thesizeoflargeareasofdamageandincludesBETAG’sSpeedline locationPullerandsixdifferentSpeedlinetabsforuseaccordingtothetypeand canbeconfiguredasasinglecomprehensive forsystemforuseacrossthewholebodyshop—orseveralsatellitesystems individualworkbaysinbusiershops.

andThishigh-performanceadhesivesealantwasmadespecificallyforsealing metal,bondingvariousmaterialsofin-carbodywork.Fromsteel,tosheet flexible,plasticandvarnishedsurfacesU-Seal500offersuserspermanent yetstableelasticsealingwithoutanybubbleformation,swelling orshrinkage.Theadhesiveisavailableinwhite,greyandblackandhas curingrateof33mmper24hours. canissinglecomponent,moisturecuredpolyurethanesealantandadhesive seams.beusedtoreplicatethefactoryappearanceofvariousautomotive steelandbondswithoutshrinking,andcanbeapplieddirectlytobaremetal, andaluminum.Notonlythat,butthisadhesivecanalsobepaintedandtooledimmediatelya

We have combined our Buyer’s Guide digital listings with our Daily E-zine for an exciting new product placement opportunity! The Daily E-Zine goes out to more than 7000 opt-in industry subscribers and is a great way to get more notice for your products!

Your selected product will appear in our new product of the week slot within the Collision Repair Daily E-Zine, on the homepage of the Buyer’s Guide website and in the next print edition of Collision Repair magazine.

Feature a new product or one that already exists in the catalog! Your product will connect to your new or existing listing on the Buyer’s Guide website where you can provide more information, display additional photos and more!


• 1/4 page product spotlight print ad in Collision Repair Magazine and in the annual Buyer’s Guide.

• Buyer’s Guide and Collision Repair Homepage section for a week

• An E-Zine announcement sent to 7,500+ subscribers

• Option to add video, brochure and additional images to digital listing

• “How To Buy” button linking to URL of your choice

• Product added to the 2023 Buyer’s Guide digital listings

• 1 Customer E-Zine banner ad placed above the “product of the week” announcement in the E-Zine

CONTACT YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE TO LEARN HOW TO FEATURE YOUR PRODUCTS ADHESIVES 22 BUYERSGUIDE.COLLISIONREPAIRMAG.COM Products,Utilizethenew77793XXXSpecialtyGelAdhesiveRemoverfromSEM thefirstgeladhesiveremoverfortheautomotiverefinishmarket. adhesiveXXXSpecialtyGelAdhesiveRemoverisasolvent-basedgelforremoving improvesresidueaswellasanumberofothercontaminates.Thegelformula efficiencyandeliminatesproductwastebyevaporatingslowly, orkeepingthesurfacewetlongenoughtofullysaturateadhesiveresidue contaminates.Therun-resistantgelisidealforverticalapplications. PIM77793XXXSpecialtyGelAdhesiveRemover SEMPRODUCTSsemproducts.com
Ready-to-use,Tiger Seal completely and permanently seals
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SpeedlineGlueRepairSystem BETAGINNOVATION betagnorthamerica.com 2021 CanadaPostCanadianpublicationmailsalesproductagreementNo.40841832. specialeditionofCollisionRepairMagazine. 86JohnSt.Thornhill,ON,L3TTY2 A SHOWCASE OF TOP PRODUCTS AND SERVICES! COLLISIONREPAIRMAG.COM SPECIAL EDITION $15.99 HOTTEST PRODUCTS! YOUR#1SOURCEFORTHEINDUSTRY’S BuyersGuide2021.indb 2020-11-27 10:12AM Contact your sales representative for a detailed Product of the Week information package.
COLLISIONREPAIRMAG.COM SUBSCRIBE TODAY MAGAZINE PUBLISHING & MANAGEMENT PUBLICATIONS Collision Repair Collision Repair magazine is the authoritative voice of the Canadian collision repair industry. This is supported by the IPAO readership study indicating that 80% of respondents agreed that Collision Repair magazine best represents the industry. With an audited circulation of more than 8,600 readers, we reach key decision makers in virtually all corners of the industry, including collision repair facilities nationally, manufacturers, OEMS, insurers, distributors, jobbers and educators. Every issue features the most current and relevant news impacting the collision repair industry today. Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 40841632 86 John Street, Thornhill, ON L3T 1Y2 www.collisionrepairmag.com INSURER PREMIUMS OVER THE YEARS DRAG-RACING POLICE CARS THE JOB MARKET—CAR CULTURE CONNECTION ESTIMATING EVALUATION The industry’s feedback on modern procedures Father-son duo Al and Daniel Guarino bring their business acumen to collision repair LEAVE IT TO LEON’S MEET YOUR REPS FOR WORLD SKILLS 2022 >> collisionrepairmag.com 24 COLLISION REPAIR COLLISIONREPAIRMAG.COM ONTHE COVER A PLACE TO YOUR ROOTSCassie Rossen has helped build a business that sticks it out for the long-haul ONTHE COVER A PLACE TO YOUR ROOTS Story by MAX REID ISSUE21#4 COLLISION REPAIR 25 I can be hard to tell that you’ve hit yourwerestrideifyouneverlookbackonwhenyou crawling.Thecollisionrepairindustryhaschanged lot in the 21st century and, arguably, it’s betterforit. hammeringThe“wildwest”daysoftrial-and-errordent andBondo-basedrepairsaremostly relicofthepast,butwhatvalue there indoingawaywiththeoldandifyou’renotconstantlystrivingforwhat newandbetter? sive-mindedThisindustry’sfoundationisbuiltonprogres ownersandmanagerswhoaimto providetheirstaffwiththebesttrainingand equipmentavailable,withthepromiseofhigh calibrerepairqualityandtop-notchcustomer serviceinreturn.CassieRossenofDilawriCollisionCentre in Calgary one such manager who putsprogressaboveallelse. CollisionRepaircaughtupwithCassieover thephonetodiscussherupbringinginthecol andlisionrepairindustryandhowshehasgrown developedas businessleaderalongsideit.“Collisioncentreswereknownasdirtyoranddingy.Nowthey’recleanandstate-of-the-art peoplereallytakeprideintheirpositions,”saidCassie. Youwould hard-pressed find employeeatDilawriCalgarywhodoesn’thaveatleasttenyears theshopundertheirbelt. Cassie Rossen has helped a business that sticks it out for the long-haul 30 COLLISION REPAIR COLLISIONREPAIRMAG.COM EVENTS TheInternationalBodyshopIndustrySymposium(IBIS)helditsGlobalSummit Monaco.Theeventwasoriginallysetfor2020andwasplanned celebration IBIS’20-yearanniversary,butthepandemicforcedthegroup postponetheevent June2022. MEETING IN MONACOIndustry delegates return to the international stage ISSUE21#4 COLLISION REPAIR 31 EVENTS 20/06/2022 15:42 Story and photos by ALLISON ROGERSTheInternationalBodyshopIndustrySymposium(IBIS)sure knowshowtothrow welcome-backparty.Theorganization dredshelditsfirstin-personGlobalSummitinJune,whichsawhun Monacoofinternationalindustrydelegatestraveltotheprincipalityof tonetworkalongtheshoresoftheFrenchRiviera. It had been more than two years since the last IBIS Global Summit—theorganization’slastin-personSummitwasheldin LakeMaggiore,Italy,in2019.Thisyear,delegatesgathered Le17.MeridienBeachPlazahotelinMonacofromJune15throughJune Attendeeswitnessedcompellingsessionsfrominternational delegates,includingCanadianindustryrepresentationfromFlavio Battilana,thechiefstrategyofficerforCSNCollisionCentre,who providedinternationaldelegateswithsomeinsightontheCanadian industry’spandemicexperience.  CollisionRepairwasinMonacofortheIBISGlobalSummit—catchsomeoftheactiononthefollowingpages!  Thisyear’sIBISinterviewees:threetalentedpainterseachpavingtheirway theindustry. Fromleft right,IBISTVhostSeanFletcher;freelancerefinisherRachelMurray,whoalso ownsherownbusiness,PaintbyRach;DarylHead,painteratFMGRepairServicesandAse BrekkeRoe. Media Matters Inc. supplies decades of magazine publishing experience in a variety of subjects, types, and formats. We can advise you on proper strategies, procedures, and resources – including finding a printer, organizing sales contacts, and maintaining circulation lists – to make a conceptual magazine into a printed reality. No matter what stage of the publishing process you are at or what level of experience, Media Matters Inc. can help.

WbuthenPierreRobitaillelooksatRecycleurDuvernay,hecan’thelp thatfeelswellsofpridelookingbackonthefamilialfoundations makethebusinesswhat istoday. Laval,In1975,Pierre’sfatherClaudeRobitailletookthefirststepstoopenhis Quebec,businesswhilesituatedinacozytraileronthebusiness’lot.throughandwasabletoform loyalclienteleanddependableautorecyclingandusedpartsbusinessinthethen-emergingcommunity. was13or14yearsoldwhenhepurchasedthebusiness,”saidPierre. the“Ialwaysenjoyedcomingaroundorworkingpart-timeoroddjobsaround Despitelot,justforfun.” adulthood.thefondmemories,Pierreneverplannedtostayinthesectorin GeneralMotorsdealership,allwhilehisfatherRecycleurDuvernay. business,Headmitstooncehavingdifferentideasaboutwhatcamewithrunning owningyourownbusiness,”hesaid.startedworkingatRecycleurDuvernayfull-time,Itwas1991whenPierrebecame full-timefixtureatRecycleurDuvernay. clersAroundthesametime,hebeganattendingAssociationofAutoPartsRecy inQuebec(ARPAC)meetings,whichhelargelycreditsfornurturinghisinterestinthesector. In“Beingpartoftheassociationhasalwaysbeenimportanttome.” business.1997,theopportunityaroseforPierretotakefullresponsibilityofthe Themightiesttaskherecallsinthosefirstfewyearsasownerwasthemissiontotransformthesector’sstereotype-riddledreputation.

Training Directory

The Training Directory is Canada’s first comprehensive guide to training in the collision repair industry.

The importance of training has never been more evident or critical. Advancing technology and the reality of artificial intelligence is here. The Training Directory and its website complement have everything you need to know about collision repair training and more. It is a must-have for students starting a career in collision repair and for technicians looking to upgrade their skills.

andMIG,GMAW,SMAW,GTAWandFCAWprocesses, inallweldpositions—1G-6G,1F-5F,lapandfilletjoints.  performLivefeedbackisalsogeneratedasstudents virtualwelds,includinginsightsonarc courselength,speed,anglesandweldingpaths.Aninexamalsoallowsstudentstotesttheirskillsinthevirtualrealm,whichthenprovides parameterscomprehensiveassessmentofskilled likestickout,travelspeed,andmore.   allsectionview,whichallowsuserstovisuallyanalyze “Theanglesoftheweldmanually. challengestheirskills.”

Skillveri’sThesamereality-extendingdevicesusedin programmingarealsousedinmany giftsvideogamesandwereoneofthemostpopular platformlastholidayseason.SimulatorsforSkillveri’s learningfromanywherenotonlypossible,but exceptionallyeasyandaffordable.  real-timeFurther,instructorscanmonitorstudentresults overtheInternet fromcompletionreportsandin-moduleexams.

LdeorsquePierreRobitailleregardeRecycleurDuvernay,ilnepeuts’empêcher quiressentirunecertainefiertéenrepensantauxfondationsfamiliales ontfaitdel’entreprisecequ’elleestaujourd’hui.En1975,ClaudeRobitaille, faitlespremierspaspour ouvrirsonentreprise Laval,auQuébec,alorsqu’ilétaitinstallédansune roulotteconfortablesurleterraindel’entreprise.Lespremièresannéesontété difficiles,maisl’hommed’affairesdévoué uneclientèlefidèleetuneentreprisefiablederecyclaged’automobilesetde piècesd’occasiondanslacommunauténaissantedel’époque.venir,soitpourtravailleràtempspartiel,soitpourfairedespetitsboulotsautourduterrain,justepour travaillerchezunconcessionnaireGeneral Motors,pendantquesonpèrepoursuivaitlesactivitésdeRecycleurDuvernay. d’uneIladmetavoirdéjàeudesidéesdifférentessurcequ’impliquaitlagestion entreprise,maisaprèssonpassagechezleconcessionnaire,Pierreétait commencéàreconnaîtrelesavantagesdepossédersapropreentreprise, dit-il.Maisunefoisquej’aicommencéàtravaillerchezRecycleurDuvernay tempsplein,j’aidéveloppéunepassionpourlerecyclageautomobile quiilattribueengrandepartiesonintérêtpourle toujoursétéimportantpourmoi. En1997,l’occasions’estprésentéepourPierredeprendrelapleinerespons

CanadaPostCanadianPublicationsMailSalesProductAgreementNo.40841632 86JohnStreet,Thornhill,ON L3T1Y2canadianrecycler.ca THE FOUNDATION OF A FAMILY LES FONDEMENTS D’UNE FAMILLE OARA’sworkalongside the Sunshine Foundation Pierre Robitaille’s father showed him theropesofRecycleurDuverynay— and he’ll do the same for his own sons LepèredePierreRobitailleluiamontré lesficellesduRecycleurDuverynay— etilferademêmepoursespropresfils HEARTS OFGOLD Letravaildel’OARAauxcôtés de la Fondation SunshineCOEURD’OR ESGreportingandimplications onautorecyclers TEMPERATURE CHECK RapportsESGetlesimplications pourlesrecycleursd’automobilesVÉRIFICATIONDE LATEMPÉRATUREVolume16 2022 PANDEMICLEARNINGLESSONS|LEÇONSÀTIRERDELAPANDÉMIE JAMIE MAILLET HARVEY LIVINGSTONE JOHN LOGEL EXCLUSIVEPROFILES PROFILSEXCLUSIFS TRAINING TLIGHTON2022 CanadaPostCanadianPublicationsMailSalesProductAgreementNo.40841632 86JohnStreet,Thornhill,ONL3T1Y2 SKILLVERIVRTRAINING|PAINTERSTRAINATSATACANADA|ELECTRICEDUCATION CHECKOUTTHELATESTINDUSTRYTRAININGNEWSATTRAININGMATTERS.CA Poweredby YOURFUTURESTARTSNOW Poweredby The ultimate career guide for Canada’s auto repair sector includes: -AcompletelookatCanada’scollege-levelcollisioncourses -ApeekinsideindustrytrainingcentresacrossCanada -Top-notchcareeradvicefromindustryinsiders SPECIAL EDITION $15.99 INSIDE: 2020 CanadaPostCanadianPublicationsMailSalesProductAgreementNo.40841632 86JohnStreet,Thornhill,ON L3T1Y2 SHIFT FUTUREYOURINTO OVERDRIVE! CHECK THE LATEST INDUSTRY TRAINING NEWS OUT AT TRAININGMATTERS.CA TOUCHLESS REPAIRING UNDERSTOOD - MASTERING MIXED MATERIALS - AUTO GLASS UNDER THE MICROSCOPE TrainingDirectory2020Book.indb 2020-10-06 2:58PM 2022 Collision Repair Magazine. 86 John St. Thornhill, ON, L3T TY2 SPECIAL EDITION $15.99 100+ PRODUCTS AND SERVICES INSIDE ABRASIVES ADHESIVES ALIGNMENT RECYCLING WELDING TOOLS SCANNERS SOFTWARE PAINT PAINT HARDWARE AND MORE BUYERSGUIDE.COLLISIONREPAIRMAG.COM Poles Apart: The Tout le monde: Le secteur mondial du recyclage automobile en 2020 THE AUTO MUSEUM ON THE PRAIRIE LE MUSÉE DE L’AUTOMOBILE DANS LA PRAIRIE Terry Carter’s visionary transformation of Aldon Auto La transformation visionnaire de Terry Carter de la société Aldon Auto DIAGNOSIS: SCANNING SHOCK THERAPY Can recyclers effectively capitalize on diagnostic tools? Recyclers step forward to solve the EV battery crisis Les recycleurs peuvent-ils tirer parti efficacement des outils de diagnostic? Les recycleurs font un pas en avant pour résoudre la crise des batteries de VE DIAGNOSTIC: BALAYAGE THÉRAPIE DE CHOC Dealing with dangerous drug residue; Auction shops step up their game; Canadian recyclers descend on Alberta; and much, MUCH MORE! Traiter les résidus dangereux de stupéfiants les encanteurs augmentent leurs activités les recycleurs canadiens s’installent en Alberta et bien plus encore, BEAUCOUP PLUS! CAR_14#1.indb 2020-03-05 10:31 Powered by 700+ TRAINING COURSES INSIDE! 2021 Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 40841632 86 John Street, Thornhill, ON L3T 1Y2 YOUR FUTURE STARTS NOW! THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO A CAREER IN CANADA’S AUTOMOTIVE AFTERMARKET A complete portfolio of Canada’s college-level collision courses. Learning opportunities from industry-leading companies. The specs you need to score your next OEM certification and much, much more! SATA’S NEW PAINTING COURSE I-CAR’S ELECTRIC EDUCATION THE ROAD TO ADAS AWARENESS CHECK OUT THE LATEST INDUSTRY TRAINING NEWS AT TRAININGMATTERS.CA SPECIAL EDITION $15.99 2021 Canada Post Canadian publication mail sales product agreement No. 40841832. Aspecial edition of Collision Repair Magazine. 86 John St. Thornhill, ON, L3T TY2 A SHOWCASE OF TOP PRODUCTSAND SERVICES! COLLISIONREPAIRMAG.COM SPECIAL EDITION $15.99 HOTTEST PRODUCTS! YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR THE INDUSTRY’S Buyer’s Guide & Directory The Collision Repair Annual Buyer’s Guide & Directory is a one-stop print and digital resource featuring more than 120 products and services. It is an easy and accessible reference tool for the industry, its suppliers and manufacturers. With the strength of our editorial reputation along with the Buyer’s Guide’s print and digital format, this resource is at your fingertips with relevant and specific industry sectors such as parts, refinishing, tools, accessories and more. There is no better source for finding centralized product and service information. Would you like to update your product offering throughout the year? Upload your product online at buyersguide.collisionrepairmag.com. 2022 Canada Post Canadian publication mail sales product agreement No. 40841632. special edition Collision Repair Magazine. 86 John St. Thornhill, ON, L3T TY2 SPECIAL EDITION $15.99 #1 SOURCE FOR THE INDUSTRY’S HOTTEST PRODUCTS! 100+ PRODUCTS AND SERVICES INSIDE ABRASIVES ADHESIVES ALIGNMENT RECYCLING WELDING TOOLS SCANNERS SOFTWARE PAINT PAINT HARDWARE AND MORE BUYERSGUIDE.COLLISIONREPAIRMAG.COM buyersguide.collisionrepairmag.com
TRAINING SPOTLIGHT ON 2022 Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 40841632 86 John Street, Thornhill, ON L3T 1Y2 SKILLVERI VR TRAINING PAINTERS TRAIN AT SATA CANADA ELECTRIC EDUCATION CHECK OUT THE LATEST INDUSTRY TRAINING NEWS AT TRAININGMATTERS.CA Powered by YOUR FUTURE STARTS NOW trainingmatters.ca PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE IN PRINT AND DIGITAL! Canadian Auto Recyclers In partnership with the Automotive Recyclers of Canada, the bilingual Canadian Auto Recyclers showcases the most modern and progressive auto recycling facilities from across the country. Along with the most up-to-date news on changing market conditions, trends and the rise of a new generation. Canadian Auto Recyclers brings the perfect blend of tradition, progressive, future-friendly practices and environmentally conscious programs. canadianrecycler.ca THE FOUNDATION OF A FAMILY LES FONDEMENTS D’UNE FAMILLE OARA’s work alongside the Sunshine Foundation Pierre Robitaille’s father showed him the ropes of Recycleur Duverynay— and he’ll do the same for his own sons Le père de Pierre Robitaille lui montré les ficelles du Recycleur Duverynay— et il fera de même pour ses propres fils HEARTS OF GOLD Le travail de l’OARA aux côtés de la Fondation Sunshine COEUR D’OR ESG reporting and implications on auto recyclers TEMPERATURE CHECK Rapports ESG et les implications pour les recycleurs d’automobiles VÉRIFICATION DE LA TEMPÉRATURE PANDEMIC LEARNING LESSONS LEÇONS À TIRER DE LA PANDÉMIE JAMIE MAILLET HARVEY LIVINGSTONE JOHN LOGEL EXCLUSIVE PROFILES PROFILS EXCLUSIFS canadianrecycler.ca 24 CANADIAN AUTO RECYCLERS 2022 BothofPierreandSylvie’ssonswork RecycleurDuvernay:Samuelworksas partsseller anddirector sales,whileNicholasrunsthebackyardbusiness.LesdeuxfilsdePierre SylvietravaillentchezRecycleurDuvernay Samuelestvendeur piècesdétachées responsabledesventes,tandisqueNicholass’occupedel’arrière-cour. IT RUNS IN THE FAMILYThe noble success of Pierre RobitailleC’EST DANS LA FAMILLELa noble réussite de Pierre Robitaille SUR LA CANADIANRECYCLER.CA 25
Hesetofffor careeras mechanicwhenthetimecameand spent decadeworkingin
butafterhisstintinmechanics,Pierrewasreadytogivethe business try. “Ibegantorecognizethebenefits
washooked onautorecycling.”
tenubonet réussi seconstituer
J’avais13ou14anslorsqu’il achetél’entreprise,racontePierre.J’ai toujoursaimé
plaisir. Malgrécesbonssouvenirs,Pierren’ajamaisenvisagéderesterdansle secteur l’âgeadulte.Ils’estorientéversunecarrièredemécanicien moment venuet passéunedécennie
C’est en 1991 que Pierre est devenu un employé à temps plein de RecycleurDuvernay.Àpeuprès lamêmeépoque, commencé as sisterauxréunionsdel’Associationdesrecycleursdepiècesautomobiles duQuébec(ARPAC),
domaine. Fairepartiedel’association
30 TRAINING DIRECTORY 2022 ByAllisonRogers TheSkillveriweldingmodule—namedAura—allowsstudents learnbasicstructures differentpositionsandjoints,includingtorch-angle,arclengthandspeedtechniques.What if you could paint car in thecomfortofyourownbedroom?Or make weldfromyourkitchentable? It’sprobablynotthebestidea—thismagazineisunawareof detergentcapableofremovingautomotivesolvents—butSkillveri’sextended-skillsreality(XR)trainingallowsyoutobrushupyour in similarfashion,bydonninganOculusQuest orHTCViveheadsetandmimickingthe orsamemovementsyou’dperforminthebodyshop weldingroom.  CogniscoTechnologiesInc, Montrealbased forsupplierofXR,simulation,ande-learningsolutions Career and Technical Education across NorthAmerica—includingautomotiveservice, machining, cosmetology, and construction—offers the Skillveri XR training solutions for automotive spray painting and welding.Theandsolutionissuitedforallbodycollision,refinishing Skillveriweldingtechnologyprograms. runs on commercial off-the-shelf(COTS) hardware via the ubiquitous andinexpensiveMeta(Oculus)Quest orHTCVive platforms,alongwithsoftwareavailableonan annualsubscriptionbasis. classroomsWithsubscriptions,schoolscanequipentire ofanysizeandusemultiplemodules inthesameenvironments;whileonestudent sprayingafender,anothercouldlay weldmerefeetaway. Skillveri’s XR paint training module, called Chroma, is used in hundreds of high schools andcollegesworldwide,includingVancouverCommunity College and numerous Ontario school boards.Through the spraying module,designedspecificallytotrainautomotivecollision skillsstudents,Cogniscosaysuserscanlearnthebasic necessarytobe greatpainter.Thesystemmimics the same feedback and noise as real-tolifedowndraftsprayboothandallowsstudents understand the appropriate movementtechniquesrequiredfor properpaintjob,says theCognisco.Settingsareentirelycustomizableto partstudent;fromfanheight,nozzleorientation, selectedtypeormaterial—evenpaintcolourscanbe onastudent’swhim.  allowsTheSkillveriweldingmodule—namedAura— students to learn basic structures for differentpositionsandjoints,includingtorch-angle,arclengthandspeedtechniques.Training offered multipleweldingprocesses,including Extendedrealitytrainingasagatewaytohands-ontechniques BeforeYourVery Eyes TRAININGMATTERS.CA 31
score basedon
Another standout feature of the Aura XR trainingmoduleincludestheplatform’scross-
program is exceptionally easy and quick to start up,”said Stephen Perron, vice presidentandmanagingpartnerofCogniscoTechnologies, the company that administersSkillveri’s learning modules in Canada. “Students are big fans, too, because
are easily transportable, making
For more information on Skillveri’s rangel of XR training solutions, visit the websitewww.cogniscotech.comorskillveri.com TD “OURXRREQUIRESVERYLITTLEHANDHOLDINGANDCANBE QUICKLYSETUPFORANENTIRECLASSROOM.STUDENTSLOVEIT BECAUSE IT’S ENGAGINGAND CHALLENGING.”StephenPerron VPandmanagingpartner,CogniscoTechnologies painting,viatheChromamodule,orweldingthroughtheAuramodule. Skillveri’s trainingmodulesencouragestudents gainmusclememory their paintingandweldingpractices,wieldingthe sprayOculustouchcontrollersastheywould gun weldingtorch. 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Serving the Quebec-based collision repair market, Collision Québec extends the mission of Collision Repair magazine in this distinct French-only publication published two times a year and distributed to more than 2,400 collision repair facilities and Quebec-based companies serving the industry throughout the province. Every edition includes profiles on the province’s industry leaders as well as regional newsand trends, providing all the information progressive repairers need to thrive in the Quebec market.

Bodyworx Professional

Bodyworx Professional is the only publication in Canada written exclusively for professional autobody technicians. Introduced in 2014, Bodyworx Professional is dedicated to celebrating the pride, passion and skill of the men and women working back of shop. The magazine features their accomplishments,underscores the importance of training in a rapidly developing technology-based industry, showcases career achievements and highlights the burgeoning customization and restyling market. The focus is on providing relevant content that taps into the dreams, aspirations, and excitement that this industry offers.

Canadian Towing Professional informs today’s towing community by travailler dans l’industrie automobile », déclaréBassem,autéléphoneavecCollisionQuébec« Je travaillais dans la vie nocturne montréalaise; clubs, bars,vrirrestaurants.J’avaisl’intentiond’ou mon propre restaurant éventuellement. »

Cependant, à un certain moment, Bassem vu que son pèreavait du mal à garder la tête hors del’eauautravail.« Mon père gagnait bien sa vie à l’époque, mais il n’y avait que lui et son ami. Ils n’étaient que deux travailler dans l’atelier et ils s’en sortaient très bien, mais à un certain moment, avec tous les changements, les choses sontdevenues difficiles», déclaréBassem. « J’ai dû considérer que c’est ce

qui nourrit notre famille, doncjedoisallerl’aider. » Riad, le père de Bassem, est un carrossier de la vieille écolebienquiadébutédansuneindustrie différente de celle d’aujourd’hui. Le travail technique est uneseconde nature pour lui, avec25 ans d’expérience à son actifet15 ansàlatêtedesonpropre atelier, mais les barrières de lalangue et de la bureaucratie se sontrévéléesundéfidetaille.« Mon père parle très bienfrançais, mais il est de l’ancienne génération », expliqueBassem. « Il a immigré du Liban avecma mère il y a presque 30 ansmaintenant. Sa capacité de lireet d’écrire en français et en anglais n’est pas très bonne, il nepouvaitdoncpasgérertoutelapaperasse. » Pour Bassem, le monde del’automobile et son éducationvont de pair, même s’il a rapidement appris qu’il avait descompétences légèrement différentesdecellesdesonpère.

« J’aiquittél’écoleetj’aicom jemencéàtravailleraveclui,mais ne trouvais pas ma placedans l’atelier de production. Iltum’aalorsdit :Tusaisquoi,Bas, devenirdevraissuivrelescourspour Malgréévaluateur. » l’appel de la célèbrevienocturnedeMontréal,Bassem s’est attelé à la tâche ensachant qu’il avait les moyensde mettre ses compétences àprofit et d’obtenir des résultats;et lesaobtenus.

pourBassemHijazin’estpasentrédanscetteindustrie s’enrichirousedonnerenspectacle, estentrédanscetteindustriepourfairevivre famille. Weallwanttochangethatpersona knewaboutworkinginthisindustry?

Foranycollisionrepairbusinesslooking toexpandintotowing,whatisonepieceof

It’stricky,becausedependingonwhatarea youtowoutof,collisionrepaircompaniesand

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helping them connect with other like-minded progressive towers. It is a destination which it provides updated news source for Canada’s towing professionals. With information on training opportunities, new and upcoming regulations and legislations, new products, equipment and trucks, towpromag.com is the destination of choice for towing professionals looking to grow their business and raise the image of their industry. On the Top of his Game How Joey Gagne of Abrams Towing became a legend of the industry! Is the GTA’s most notorious gang behind a string of truck torchings? What your business need to protect itself from legal nightmares! REIGN OF TERROR COVER YOUR REAR END! PLUS: The Roll of Honour: The 30 Canadians shaking up the towing and recovery business! Tow pros take to the streets to remember fallen comrades Tow management softwares get an upgrade THE SIX TRICKS to successful business growth PREPARING your business for the 2020s and much, MUCH MORE! towpromag.com COLLISIONQUEBEC.COM EN COUVERTURE PAR MAX REID BASSEM HIJAZI CONSTRUIT UN POINT DE REPÈRE LOCAL AVEC SIMPLICITY CAR CARE MONTRÉAL NORD. LA SIMPLICITÉ ÀVOTRE SERVICE I peu de choses qui influencent le cours de notre vie autant famille.quelesimpressionslaisséesparla Peu de choses influencent au tant les endroits où nous vivons,les occasions que nous saisissonsounon,etmêmel’endroitoùnoussommesenterrés,quelafamille. La famille et l’amour qu’ellepeut apporter peuvent servird’étincelle pour certaines des plusgrandes décisions que l’on prend danslavie. DanslecasdeBassemHijazi,ce qui semblait initialement être la décision de mettre ses rêves en at tente s’est avéré être l’un des meilleurschoixqu’iln’aitjamaisfait. de« Jen’avaispasdutoutl’intention
12 BODYWORXMAG.COM BODYWORXPROFESSIONAL ON THE COVER >>> BY KATE NG Icaughtwasn’tjustthelogoontheMustangthat MeghanMcEwen’seyesasachild.The aggressive curves of the 1999-2004Mustang, drag racers on tv deploying para thechutesandhowlingcarenginesweresomeof memories that led her to an established career in the autobody industry.“I loved cars as far back as my memory goes. wouldalwayspointthemoutintrafficand say to my mom, want the car with the pony on ’” she recalls.Today,she works in British Columbia as aShedual-tradetechnicianwith11yearsexperience. isanautomotiveservice-techapprenticeand automotive refinisher, motorsportsenthusiast with her own race team and a proud Ford owner.Getting to this point wasn’t easy though–whenMeghanbeganinthecosmeticsindustry—but she couldn’t find way to get her lovetheofcarsoutofherhead,sheeventuallymade jump to autobody.“To be technician, you have to have certain personality and certain attitude,” Meghan told Bodyworx Professional “I never saw myself as an office kind of person. I’ve always liked working with my hands, prob lem-solving,thinking critically,that aspect of being a technician.” Tomakethiscrossover,sheworkedpart-time incosmeticstofinanceherslowbutessential acquisitionofequipment.Thiswasn’t matter of passion,just logistical reality.Meghan cites the cost of a paint suit and work boots totaling between $130 to $400,intobeforespraygunsandclearcoatsevencome the picture.“Of course, there was a financial barrier. Rightnow, haveabout,giveortake,$6,000in spray guns, air hoods, sanding blocks, et cetera,” said Meghan. “I’ve never had an employer supply that. It was very hard to get started, especially being a minority [in the industry].” Likesomanyothers,Meghanhadtoproveto those around her that she could not only succeed at this new job but outperform her peers. This started as early as she began training. “My career choice was not welcomed with open arms. always got questioned about why wanted to have career in the trades, or work on cars,” she said. “Keep mind that when started out, was only 17 years THIS TRIPLE-THREAT TALENT IS ONLY GETTING STARTED Meghan McEwen ON THE COVER SUMMER 2022 BODYWORXPROFESSIONAL 13 “Mycareerchoicewasnotwelcomedwithopenarms. alwaysgotquestionedaboutwhy wantedtohaveacareerin thetradesorworkoncars.Itwasveryfrustratingandlonelytohaveabsolutelyzerosupportinthisadventure.”— Meghan McEwenMotorsportsDual-tradetechnician, enthusiast Today, Meghan McEwen works in British Columbia as dual-trade technician with 11 years experience. She an automotiveservice-tech apprentice and automotiverefinisher, motorsports enthusiast with her own race team and proud Mustang Bullitt owner. TOWPROMAG.COM EXECUTIVEVISION YOU DON’T KNOW JACK! EagleTowing’sJackPoladianonequippinganindustryintransition Collision Repair: Over the years, Eagle Towing has expanded from a one-truckcompanytoafullyfunctioningbusinessin15,000squarefootfacility,how?JackPoladian:Attheendoftheday, allputcomesbacktotruededication.Myfamilyhas intotheirheart,soul,andeverywakingminute thiscompany.EagleTowingisn’ttreatedas business,it’streatedas lifelineandeverymoment Simon and Victor [co-owners] are thinking about their next move and how tosupporttheircustomers.CR: TowingWhatdoyouthinkthefutureofEagle lookslike? JP: Personally, believethefutureofthis businessis brightone.EversinceI’vebeen ouronboard,we’veincreasedsalesby300percent, service amounts have almost doubled,andwe’restillpushingforward. CR: misconceptions–butNearlyeveryindustryfacessomenegative it is a particular issue towing professionals face. How is Eagle Towing working to redefine the public’sconceptionofthetowingbusiness?JP:Manypeoplehavemisconceptionsaboutthetowingindustrydue fewbadapples.They are ruining things for the good ones!ButatEagleTowingweholdourselvesto higherstandard,andwedealwith lotoftow EagleTowinggeneralmanagerJackPoladianbetween founders Victor and Simon Poladian. TisowingindustryadvocateJackPoladian theoperationsmanageratEagleTowing,Ontario’sonlydistributor for NRC Industries towing and recoveryequipment. Poladian fills us in on how a family-ownedcompany,kickstartedinthe 1970s, stillboomingtoday–andaboutwhat hewishespeopleknewabouttheindustry. “If civilians could pull over and respect tow truck operators that would be great because, at the end of the day, everyone has a family and people risk their lives to help others in a jam. There’s nowhere in the rule books that says “you have to operate a tow truck,” these guys choose to come out and help no matter rain, sleet, hail, snow, or cars on fire!”—Jack Poladian 2021 CANADIAN “I want to say to all of them, be fair with everyone–It’s our job to do incidentmanagement and help others while staying humble. Do your best to do the best quality of work that you’re capable of.”forcompanieswheretheownershaveapassion andwhatthey’redoing,carefortheircustomers industry.employees.There’ssomuchgoodinthe
thatthetowingindustryhasbydoinggood quality work, and making sure everyone’sequipmentworksrightandfeelssafe.CR: What one thing you wish people
JP: towersItwouldbeniceifpeopleacknowledge as form of emergency responsebecause there’s lot of people who risk their lives waiting on the side of the road for help. If civilians could pull over and respect tow truck operators that would behasgreatbecause,attheendoftheday,everyone afamilyandpeoplerisktheirlivesto helpothersin jam.There’snowhereinthe towrulebooksthatsays“youhavetooperatea truck,”theseguyschoosetocomeout andhelpnomatterrain,sleet,hail,snow,or carsonfire.Weareon-sitedoingwhatever theycantohelp. CR:
totowingcompaniesneedtobesegregateddue repairerstowingregulations.However,tocollision whoreallywant expandinthisindustryandcan. wanttosaytoallofthem, befairwitheveryone–It’sourjobtodoincident managementandhelpotherswhilestaying ofhumble.Doyourbesttodothebestquality workthatyou’recapableof. The exterior of Eagle Towing’sCambridge,Ontariofacility. Where Eagles Dare: Acloser look at Eagle Towingin Cambridge, ON family that owes much to Canada'stowing community is makes good on its debt The Poladian family of Cambridge,Ontario,owes much to Canada'stowing and recovery sector. 1978,two brothers who hademigrated to Cambridge,Ontariofrom Armenia,founded Eagle Towing.While today,the firm may be one of Onrario’s best-known tow truckdistribution companies,back then, it was service provider operatingalongside a humble gas station.Over the next forty years,Victor,Simon and their children poured their energy and ideas into the business.The dividends on their efforts werepaid full. Today,the company operates out of15,000 sq. ft. facility,keeping theirgrowing crowd of customers happy and drivers safe on the roads. is the Poladian’s passion for their work that keeps them afloat. AVAILABLE IN PRINT AND DIGITAL!



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