September issue of Guidelines Travel features the story about Chiang Mai tourism by our local and Chinese writers. Don't miss the exclusive articles includes Cruising the Ping River, 12 Best Buy at Sunday Walking Street. Enjoy 4 Thai menus as well as 5 recommended places you should visit.
GUIDELINES Travel 《阅游》杂志九月刊将会带您走进最Local 的清迈,由当地向导带您体验清迈民俗风情,有来自Cruising the Ping River 的滨河夜宴以及渔村体验,还有12种周末夜市必吃特色美食及伴手礼。教您做泰菜,带您尝美食,五家清迈最新餐饮饕餮呈现!
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