Institutional Profile
W omen w ho make hist or y social action
We believe‌ Consulado da Mulher believes in the social transformation by means of entrepreneurship
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Our formula We have a proper methodology, recognized internationally
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Results More than 33 thousand people benefited in all Brazil
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Women that believed Three histories of women who transformed their realities
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Consul believes in people’s desire to re-invent themselves and knows those who walk together go further and therefore supports entrepreneurs women so that they can improve their realities and of those around them. Since 2002, by means of Instituto Consulado da Mulher, Consul empowers women so that they carry through their dreams by creating small businesses which ensures income generating. Small, however significant. More than 33 thousand women in Brazil have already gone through this transformation, transforming their histories of life. Therefore, in Consulado da Mulher, we say that‌
We make history The Institute works with low income women who have difficulties of being inserted in the labor market and live in agricultural areas or in the outskirts of the metropolises. In its majority, they are mothers who struggle to provide for their families. They are women who, although the difficulties, do not stop dreaming and want better lives and future. We offer capacity building trainings, advisory and also invest funds to transform the small businesses of these entrepreneurs into lasting enterprises that generate income, jobs and quality of life. We are present all over Brazil, supporting popular businesses, articulating partnerships, sharing knowledge and catalyzing ideas. We believe that the transformation comes in a chain reaction and the conquests of these women can inspire their entire community and (why not?) the entire country.
Who we are
We believe in who believes Lucia, MarinĂŞs, Nice and Expedita, they all believed, and they are amongst over 33 thousand entrepreneur women, in 20 Brazilian states, with whom we have worked. What before was only a dream for these women, after the technical assessorship turned into business plans, production techniques, management knowledge and positive results. Our assessorship goes throughout all the business implementation considering, partnership to build the marketing strategies, target customers, advertisement and, more importantly, the transmission of knowledge in all the phases of the process. We work together with them on the elaboration of business plans, administrative procedures, sales techniques, conflict resolution, gender relations improvement, etc. We walk along with the women for an average time of two years, which is the estimate necessary period to conquer autonomy and feel secure to go on by themselves. We stimulate the collectivity and the networking as ways of strengthen the entrepreneurs. By working together they will be better equipped to thrive in business.
The enterprises concentrate mainly in the branches of food and laundry (80%), but also include groups of regional handicraft and beauty services
Social transformation by means of incentive
to entrepreneurship, empowering women to reach their dreams.
To support and to empower entrepreneur
Mission women, providing knowledge and resources to make possible the income generation.
Consulado da Mulher is Consul transforming dreams
We walk close to the women we support.
into reality. Betting in the willpower of the people, who
We add our knowledge and the knowledge
when are well followed, have no limits to grow.
of our partners to the willpower that only these women have. We know their day by
We stimulate and make possible the income generation
day and we work in team to build with them
to improve the quality of life. To do so, we invest in
a new story of happiness.
women. They are the ones who make personal conquests into chain transformations with impact in the entire community, without leaving nobody out of this history.
We enable entrepreneur women to build a Responsible
We believe in every women’s strenght to reinvent herself
fairer and sustainable world, the world we believe in and that we want to live in.
and chase her dreams and go for it in a way that nobody thought that they were capable of. Therefore, we inspire women to do more and better. It is a little less “can I?” and
In everything we do we incorporate care. We look at the life with affection.
a lot more “yes, I can!” Thus, we go all around Brazil to With empathy, we welcome all the diversity
support popular enterprises, to articulate partnerships and to catalyze ideas. To each person added to our thousands of beneficiaries, we see reasons to celebrate. We assume the responsibility to transform willpower into
and promote the social inclusion of women in order to transform the history of people, families and entire communities.
truth and to construct histories from what we believe in.
Our performance We act in the entire national territory, directly or by means of partnerships with non-profit social entities. Local assessorship
Remote assessorship
Direct operation through our technical teams
The enterprises are selected by means of
in the cities where are located on Whirlpool
the Consulado da Mulher Award edict, and
Latin America’ units: Rio Claro (SP), Joinville
entrepreneurs selected receive asses, financial
(SC), Manaus (AM) and São Paulo (SP).
resources, and Consul Appliances as production means. The capacity building training is offered through our partners (local non-profit institutions), who reports periodically to Consulado.
One of the most important projects in the Local Assessorship is called Oficina do Sabor, which are snack bars and cafes present in all the Whirlpool units and also in partner companies and organizations. At these places, the business-oriented learning happens practically, offering to the company’s employees options of healthy food, prepared by cookery entrepreneurs who are assisted by Consulado da Mulher. 5
Who we are
Consulado da Mulher Award Since 2013, the Consulado da Mulher Award edict selects the new enterprises that will be remotely supported. The winning projects receive technical advisory in business management aiming at its development, and also besides the donation of Consul appliances used to improve the production scale. To participate in the edict and apply for the prize, the enterprise must be popular and collective formed by, at least, 70% of women and have clear women’s leadership. In its first editions, the award counted on the support of
The first place winners also receive a cash prize to invest in the necessary infrastructure for the growth of the business.
Ibis Hotel, of the Accor group, and Azul Airlines.
A recent research discloses that Brazilian women are upfront of the main activities amongst individual micro entrepreneurs and they already represent 46% of the entrepreneurs of this segment.
2014 Social Balance sheet
Shared success We walk along with the assisted entrepreneurs, and celebrate together. Every year, we quantify the results obtained by these women as the best way to evaluate our own work. Their success stories are also our success.
2014 Social Balance Sheet
In 2014, there were 108 enterprises assisted, with 1,570 people generating income and a total revenue of BRL 5.3 million
people generating income
benefited people
108 Assisted
under direct performance
under assisted by means of partnerships
average rise of income per entrepreneur between the beginning and the end of assessorship period
BRL 5.3 Million
enterprises revenue
33 thousand
people benefited since the beginning of our performance 7
Our success formula Since our foundation in 2002, we have learned a lot on empowering of the women and the promotion to the income generation through entrepreneurship. This learning has become a proper methodology of work that guides the performance of our teams and partners to ensure the development of popular businesses. The methodology developed by Consulado da Mulher is based on key performance indicators and follows the principles of the popular education, gender equality of and network. Our care and affection in everything we do have been recognized by national and international awards, as the Certification of the Fundação Banco do Brasil, Doar para Transformar Award, participation in the Clinton Global
We work to transform dreams into reality. We transmit knowledge so that the entrepreneurs learn with practice. Their own willpower and efforts allows the business growth and the development.
Initiative and the Ruth Cardoso Medal, among others.
How It Works
Election of New Entrepreneurs We identify and choose the entrepreneurs
After being preselected, they will be able to
interested in receiving assessorship from two
receive all the trainings that are provided at the
ways: Consulado da Mulher Award, or through
assessorship process, which includes themes as
the Local Selective Process. Entrepreneurs who
Administrative Management, Legalization, Financial
apply go through an initial assessment to
Management, Marketing, Sales, Human Resources,
ensure that they meet the required criteria.
Production Management and Sustainability.
Investment The enterprises selected to receive assessorship may also receive investments from Consulado da Mulher, represented by Consul household appliances or other resources and materials for the business improvement.
Enterprising education and assessorship Based on the business plan and specific diagnoses, areas of development are identified. The action plans to strengthen the business will be prepared and implemented on the next two years of assessorship. In the Direct assessorship social educators follow the groups weekly. On the Remote Assessorship, the social educator of Consulado da Mulher visit the enterprise twice a year. The process is carried out by partners, which use Consulado’s methodology and reports periodically to Consulado da Mulher.
Lavanderia Solidaria LavPaty
A laundry dream Four years ago, the entrepreneurs of the LavPaty enterprise lived in stilt houses in the slum quarter of Canal Acaraú, in Guarujá (SP), and they had no perspectives and chances to improve their lives. “When it rained it all got flooded and insects and rats came in”, remembers Elenice Rego Edeltrudes, 52 years old, also known as Nice. From 2010 on everything changed: they got new houses, built by the NGO Habitat Brasil, in partnership with Whirlpool Latin America and other companies of the region. To add to this project of new homes, Consulado da Mulher identified potential for a business in the laundry branch that could take care of the community and create conditions for these families to generate income and support themselves. The group that integrates LavPaty Laundry received training on how to manage the business and to execute the services of
Inaugurated in January 2014, the project changed lives and brought hope
laundering clothes. The name of the enterprise was chosen by the group in a homage to the Nice’s daughter, Patricia, who was very dedicated to the project, but passed away in 2011, before the project was concluded. The first laundry equipments were donated by Consulado, which also searched for new partnerships to obtain other items necessary to the functioning of the business. Today, business is growing and a social educator of Consulado visits LavPaty weekly to guide the management of the businesses. The customers are the neighbors of the community. For two years after the beginning of the functioning, Consulado will afford 50% of the expenditures. “It is like a dream, it is our laundry. We are learning how to run the business and, afterwards, everything will be for us,” says Nice. Now they are ready to grow. “Every month we get off 10% of our earnings for the contingent fund. This is how it works. Everything we know the Consulado taught us”. For the future, LavPaty focuses on large clients, as hotels and restaurants of Guarujá. The goal is to pay all the expenditures of the laundry and provide a good income for its participants. 11
Sabores do Taruma
Opportunities with the Amazon flavor Soursop, buriti, cupuaçu, guava, coconut, passion fruit and much willpower. These are some of the ingredients of ice cream Sabores do Tarumã, produced and sold in the community Nossa Senhora de Fátima, close to Manaus, since 2010. The enterprise emerged as an idea of Daniele Aparecida Cerrão, 37 years old, who used to make 100% natural ice cream for her family, but always wanted to find a way to generate income and opportunities with the great amount of fruits of the region. “I had the idea, but didn’t had the money. They [Consulado da Mulher] saw our potential and taught us to walk by ourselves. They guided us into forming a group of women, how to start a
“Women here had no possibilities of personal nor professional growth.”
small business, and donated us freezers, packing and equipment, besides renting a space where we could start the activities,” says Daniele. Part of the fruits comes from plantations owned by the entrepreneurs themselves, and the lacking part is bought from the community’s cooperative, called Agrofruta. Moreover, Consulado offered qualification and entrepreneurship courses and it helped with the initial sales - in the plant of Whirlpool Latin America in Manaus. Today, the tasks are divided and production varies from 200 to 250 ice cream servings per week sold in the community, generating income for these women. Nevertheless, the income is not all. “The women here had no possibilities of personal nor professional growth. And most of them was illiterate,” says Daniela. Thanks to the visibility of the ice cream parlor, a volunteer got to know the project and they were taught to read and write. In the near future, the entrepreneurs intends to build an ample, well-structuralized space to obtain the certification of the ANVISA (Brazilian National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance) and to spread the brand Sabores do Tarumã throughout Manaus. 13
Rede Uniao dos Sabores Solidarios
The addition that multiplies Searching to innovate in the creation of new opportunities of generation of income for the women beneficiated, Consulado da Mulher proposed to the food enterprises to unite and work in chain. The work is divided and the earnings are multiplied. The key of the success is in the union and cooperation between people. Rede União dos Sabores Solidários, formed in 2011, gathers around 90 women from 14 different enterprises of several regions of São Paulo metropolitan area and Cubatão, providing services as coffee breaks and catering, besides corporative receptions and events.
Operating in a network, enterprise share opportunities grow their service capacity and multiply earnings.
The groups learned to organize, to divide tasks and to increase production, which allowed taking care of a bigger range of customers, offering varied specialties as candies, snacks, sandwiches, meals, etc. These women’s income increased over 100% since the beginning of the enterprise, which made possible the magnifying of the productive capacity, as well as improvements of the production place, besides giving autonomy and empowering each participant. Flavia Rodrigues, 27 years old, is one of the women who had their lives transformed by the initiative. She was attending a culinary course when she was invited to the Paraíso Saudável enterprise, responsible for the management of the Oficina do Sabor and the Carrinho do Sabor, which commercialize in the Administrative Center of Whirlpool, in São Paulo. Today, besides producing diverse types of foods, they also buy from other enterprises of the chain, commercialize and manage the snack bar. “Now we have much more responsibility. For me this would be something impossible, but the Consulado believed, saw we had the capacity to manage a business and helped us,” evaluates Flavia. 15
Rua Olympia Semeraro, 675, Jd. Santa Emília – Zip Code 04183-090 Phone (55-11) 3566-1705
April / 2015
São Paulo (SP) Unit and Administrative Center
Rio Claro (SP) Unit Avenida 80 A, n° 777, Distrito Industrial – Zip Code 13506-095 Phone (55-19) 2111-9493
Joinville (SC) Unit Rua Dona Francisca, 7.173, Zona Industrial Norte Phone (55-47) 3803-4836
Manaus (AM) Unit Rua Torquato Tapajós, 7.500, Bairro Colônia Terra Nova – Zip Code 69048-660 Phone (55-92) 3301-8550 /consuladodamulher @consuladomulher /consuladomulher /instituto-consulado-da-mulher
social action