Introductory note
With the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of digital skills of teachers and students came to light. This competence is one of the eight key European competences that describe the profile of the high school graduate and means: - Use of digital devices and applications to search for and select digital information and educational resources relevant to learning - Development of digital multi-media content, in the context of learning activities - Compliance with rules and regulations regarding the development and use of virtual content (intellectual property rights, privacy, internet security) In order for the student to acquire this competence, it is necessary for all teachers to master it and to consider it in teaching. Moreover, during the online learning period, this competence proved its necessity. This guide was made possible by the contribution of teachers from Romania, Lithuania, Spain and the Czech Republic within the activity "Learning with digital applications" within the Erasmus + project LEARNING FOR MY FUTURE / 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063091. Thus, one can cross-examine the different concerns and ways of approaching the contents taught in the partner schools. The collection of digital applications presented here includes methodological guidelines for learning activities, specifying: the name of the school, the discipline of study, the title of the lesson and the content unit, the competencies targeted and guidelines for use.