Daniel Redfern Portfolio Book

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Portfolio Book Daniel Redfern

Table of Contents Typography 1 and 2: 2 Poster projects Typography 2: Book Project Adrian Frutiger and Erik Spiekermann Typography 3: Project 1: poem/song compositions Typography 3: Project 2: Typographers book (4-6) spreads or 1 final animation Typography 4: Animation project: Movie Title credits/ Typographers animation Typography 4: Expressive Typeface Design project Sophomore Design Studio, Fall semester: Public Awareness Campaign Poster project Sophomore Design Studio, Fall semester: Book Design or Magazine project Sophomore Design Studio, Spring semester: Brand Program project Junior Design Studio, Fall semester: Journey projects Junior Design Studio, Fall semester: Public Awareness Campaign project Junior Design Studio, Fall semester: Design Ignites Change Brand project

Typography I, II, III, IV

Typography I Madonna Poster Design For my first project in typography I we were to design a concert poster. I chose Madonna because I think she is the greatest female artist of our time. In my color scheme I wanted to use bright and vibrant colors. Since


her music has great dance beats, I incorporated that into my poster design




Typography II Hammer Poster Design Create a poster design showcasing a the hammer as a found object in motion. In order to show the hammer moving in kinetic energy, I incorporated its design with angel wings. I then wrote about my object and played around with the hierarchy of the poster design.


Typography III “God Save the Queen� Poster Design In Typography III we able to chose lyrics to a song that we then turned into a Typographical composition. I chose the Sex Pistol for my lyrics because the Royal Wedding had taken place the summer before. I was also looking to branch out of my design and inspiration comfort zone. My dad is also a huge fan and he use to have this song on a casette player.




Typography II Comparison of Meta and Univers In Typography II we made a book comparing two famous Typographers I chose Adrian Fruitiger and Erik Spiekermann. Both are famous in the design world. For the content of the typographers book we wrote our own papers and design them into our book.


Typography II Comparison of Meta and Univers In comparing both typographers we encorporated a rhythm structure into our designs. I used the rhythm structure “A,B, A,B�. I also chose a bold color palette to highlight the pull quotes taken from my paper.




Typography II Comparison of Meta and Univers I also incorporated images of the letter press . I was able to find actual images of both Erik Speikermann and Adrian Frutiger using proquest data base research. Using Adrian Frutiger on previous class assignment and projects also helped me out. Since I am very familiar with his design work and typefaces.


Typography IV Movie Title credits During the fall semester of my Junior year I was taking Affter Effects as a studio elective. Not even knowing that I would be creating an animation in After Effects. This project was really exciting to me. It not only gave me more practice in using After Effects but I go to create credits for a Movie Title! .




Typography IV Movie Title credits Watching one of Tarsems movies is like watching a piece of art. I really enjoyed watching The Fall and incorporating all the different design elements from the film into my animation.


Typography IV Expressive Typeface Design project In typography IV we got to design our own typefaces after doing extensive visual research. I chose to do my research on vernacular objects/meanings. For my font I chose to model my typeface after House industries and their Las Vegas typeface. The title “Blue Gangsta” comes from organized crime that took place back in the 1960’s on the Las Vegas, Nevada.



Sophomore Design Studio


Sophomore Design Studio Public Awareness Campaign For the first project in Sophomore Design Studio we were assigned to research and design for topics relating to public awareness campaigns. My campaign was to raise awareness for cyberbullying.


Sophomore Design Studio Science Club project During the Spring semester of Sophomore Design Studio we got to design and put together a branding campaign. I picked the Science Club. A non-profit organization that works with at risk youth. By providing an after school science club program.



Junior Design Studio


Junior Design Studio Fall Semester Journey Project For the fall semester in Junior Design Studio we were asked to design a poster describing our daily journey to Corcoran. Since I was driving over two hours to get to Georgetown. I decided to chart out my actual route for my fellow peers and faculty to see.


Junior Design Studio Design Ignites Change 2012 For an entire semester of Junior Studio we were put into groups and were given a social issue. Our group, group A. We were assigned to help get Asian Americans to register to vote and to get out there to vote.




After Effects 1 For the fall semester in After Effects 1 we got to pick a company to design an animation for. I chose MSNBC since I enjoy some of there programming . Even though the animation is short I learned a lot about using after effects and story boarding.


Interaction Design Final For my Final in interaction design. I designed a poster with information I researched at the D.C. Public Library on G Street. The information is about unemployment in D.C since the 1960’s up until 2010. It was interesting researching about the global recession and what we as a country have to done to safeguard ourselves from happening again.




Cinema 4D In Cinema 4D during the fall semester we were asked to design an animation based on found objects. I chose money and gold coins as well as quarters to animate. I then incorporated the design into a later project we did. For the opening credits to a Television Show “Home boys in Outer Space�.



Designer: Daniel, Redfern College: Corcoran College of Art + Design BFA Design Department Typefaces: Avenir, Meta Printer: Blurb.com


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