Motor Caravanners Club - Handbook & Sites Guide 2022

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SUE PILKIW Chair of Membership Services

Working for you A fter four years as Chair of Membership Services and Marketing, Pet Heal resigned from her position on CoM. During that time, Pet worked hard on behalf of the Club and successfully led a dedicated team who provided a wide range of services. As I step into the role of Chair of Membership Services, I would like to thank Pet for welcoming me onto her team, for her guidance, support and friendship. I am aware that Pet is a hard act to follow, but I am determined to continue her good work, along with my colleagues on the Membership Services Team.

Haven Holidays

Another deal for 2022 has been secured with Haven Holidays, these details will be made aware on our website and in our magazine. MCC members will also be entitled to a Haven Freedom Trail discount once you have made one booking with them (qualifying booking), this will be an extra 10% off any other booking (this does not include the £40 Offer). So if you want to stay a weekend you would get Haven’s brochure discount plus a MCC 5% discount plus Freedom Trail 10% (depending on the duration). See info on the Freedom Trail benefits on the website. Membership cards need to be produced at Haven sites, please only one booking per Membership card. Your membership number will now be required on the booking form. There will also be a new code for 2022 which will be held on the members’ website and in the office. See the magazine and handbook for any further deals or updates. Please do not abuse this offer or we will lose it.

Meet the team

Sue Pilkiw

Selma McMullan

Maurice Brooks

Marion Brooks

Keith Poole

Peter Johnston

Ann Bond

Mick Pilkiw

Maria Hill

Gill Crosby

Casual Campsites

Ann Bond has been very busy sorting our members Casual Campsites for 2022. Please look out for any updates and info in our monthly magazine, club website and Facebook or get in touch with Ann Bond for any information.

CLs and Night Stops

Following the sad news of David Denham’s death in November 2021, we would like to acknowledge his years of support in compiling and maintaining the Club’s lists of CLs, Night >> Motor Caravanners’ Handbook 2022 81

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