OVUM / Sustainability report 2023

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changing aquaculture forever




+47 412 24 264

OVUM AS Kanalveien 52c 5068 Bergen Norway


changing aquaculture forever

Our vision

AquaNor: First introduced at the AquaNor exhibition

As a pioneer for the future of aquaculture, Ovum leads the way in advancing the industry towards a more environmentally friendly and sustainable future.

Ovum develops technological solutions for the future of food production in the ocean by a unique blend of expertise (biology, technology, and economics) and by being the quickest learners with the purpose to change aquaculture forever.

Our core business is not aquaculture itself but facilitating fabrication of it by advanced technology solutions for the future of the aquaculture industry. This is how we aim to ensure that future generations can enjoy nutritious meals with a clear conscience while fulfilling our stewardship responsibilities today, tomorrow, and every day thereafter.

Pioneering the future of aquaculture, we are the pioneers who believe in a sustainable future beneath the surface of the sea. Ovum is built on a fundamental set of values concerning the stewardship that rests upon us as humans. It’s about taking responsibility for the future and considering ecological balance and long-term sustainability. For the fish, for the environment, and with a prudent and responsible handling of financial resources and investments to achieve positive results in the long run, for future generations.

We are proud pioneers for the future of aquaculture!

For us, it’s about waking up every day with a strong commitment to creating a world where the resources of the sea are utilized responsibly. Today, tomorrow, and every day thereafter.

“changing aquaculture forever” World-leading in groundbreaking technology for the future of aquaculture.

The Norwegian Fisheries Directorate granted a commitment of six development licenses for Egget®

Production of the first Egget® was initiated

Autumn 2021 and Winter 2022: Industrial collaboration between Hofseth International, Hauge Aqua, and Akvakulturpartner acquiring six development licences from Mowi and partnering with Ovum to develop Egget®

Our history

Hauge Aqua was established in 2012 by Cato Lyngøy, Audun A. Dahl, Runar Lyngøy and Arthur Lyngøy.

In January 2012, founder Cato Lyngøy developed Egget® as a potential closed containment floating system. Ovum as a company was incorporated in 2016.

The first Egget® was finalized and launched in May 2022 at Herde Composites in Ølve.

The proof of concept was a success, and we know, through a steep learning curve, that Egget® will solve the major challenges for the industry: sea lice/algae, escapes, sludge, predators, use of land, and most importantly, the salmon’s health will be safeguarded by providing it with a stable and protected environment.

Launching of the first Egget®, manufactured by Herde Kompositt in Ølve

October 9th: First batch of fish, weighing average ~150g, placed in Egget® at sea

February 22th: First batch of fish, weighing ~1.1kg (postsmolt), retrieved from Egget® and transported to open sea pens

Commercialization & expansion

Our company

Ovum pioneering the future of aquaculture.

As pioneers for the future of aquaculture, Ovum is committed to creating a more sustainable industry that addresses environmental concerns while meeting the growing demand for seafood products. This involves a visionary approach to shaping the future of the aquaculture industry. Therefore, Ovum is composed of individuals with world-leading expertise combined with the courage to challenge established norms.

25 employees


Bergen, Norway

The board

The management team

Morten Nordstad Board member
Anders Torvill Bjorvand Board member
Tove Spjeld CQEHO
Trond Severinsen CCO
Siri Vike CFWO
Magne Bjørkhaug (cons.) Special Advisor
Audun Dahl CPO
Tor Christian Bringedal CFO
Gunn Skjørestad CBC

Ovum sustainability report

Ovum AS was established in January 2016, is now presenting the second sustainability report based on the Global Reporting Standards (GRI) 2021 by using the GRI 13 Agriculture Aquaculture and Fishing Sectors 2022.

The material topics reflect a high-level overview and are prepared to include details of the activities and business relationships.

Ovum has considered the activities, business relationships, stakeholders, and sustainability context of all the entities it controls or has an interest in.

The aim of circular economy is to extend the life of a product as long as possible by keeping it within the economy wherever possible. This means reducing waste to a minimum and generating the most value from each material. We believe that close cooperation with our suppliers of services and equipment will provide value into the chain of circularity.

This report provides information and data that is honest and realistic, and with the rapid evolving of ESG frameworks, standards and guidelines we are still in a learning process and will continuously develop the company according to the ESG framework.


EU regulative UN sustainability goals

The report is based on material topics according to GRI Index

The technical data is based on data from the design and analysis phase

The fish data is based on the available and compared data from the proof of concept, for the first unit of Egget® - Ovum E2000

The environmental data is based on the available and compared data from the proof of concept, for the first Egget® - Ovum E2000


First fish out from Egget®


Second fish group in Egget®

2023 at a glance


The first postsmolt group in Egget® was harvested –excellent quality

First commercial sale OVUM E2000


Started planning of revision of the pilot Egget®

”Egget® is developed with requirements from the premise providers which is regulations, the clients, and the salmon. Through compliance measurements, interests’ analysis and input from the fish welfare expertise Egget®, will be the Salmons choice!”

Trond Severinsen COO

CEO statement

Fish welfare is topping the agenda

Never in my 35 years in the industry has fish welfare been as high on the agenda as it was in 2023. From personnel who care for the fish on-site to boardrooms and even top politicians in the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget), fish health and welfare have been the subject of serious debate within our industry.

Current practices involving open net pens leave the industry vulnerable to biological issues that result in substantial losses, not only economically but also in terms of reputation. We need to chart a new course. For nearly a decade, the prevailing solution has been to build onshore facilities for the initial part of fish production. However, the high investment cost per kilo, the need for environmental protection, and the steep operating costs make this approach less and less attractive. Moreover, it doesn’t always yield robust, fast-growing postsmolt.

Floating Closed Containment Systems (FCCS), such as Egget®, have gained traction. Across the industry, the benefits of a three-step production cycle, where FCCS like Egget® serves as the second step, - are increasingly recognized.

In 2023, we completed two cycles of postsmolt in the pilot Egget®. Both cycles demonstrated remarkable results in terms of growth, survival, and low feed conversion ratio (FCR). Not surprisingly, we also learned invaluable lessons that we’ve incorporated into the commercial version of E2000, which is now available for sale.

Most importantly, our results show that fish in Egget® enjoy a good quality of life, enabling them to perform according to their genetic potential. We take immense pride in declaring Egget® as “The salmon choice,” and by unlocking the full potential of the fish, Egget® also offers an attractive value proposition to our customers.

We strongly advocate that sustainable industry growth can only be achieved if fish welfare serves as the foundation. Interestingly, we discovered that none of the United Nations’ sustainability goals specifically address animal welfare as a key Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). However, Ovum does. That’s why we established our own SDG #18: Animal Welfare.

While our sustainability goals for 2023 have been partially achieved, the results from Egget® and the significant progress made during the year encourage us to continue our efforts.


The stakeholders’ requirements are evaluated as a part of the strategy and ESG processes to identify risks and opportunities for Ovum and the stakeholders.

To support the identification of impacts and prioritization, the company’s stakeholders are identified and maintained, who they are, how they influence the company and what are the expectations. The process of mapping the stakeholder engagement serves as a tool for understanding the context of the business and the stakeholders’ expectations:

The Salmon

The best version of the natural habitat for the fish. Reduced stress in stable environmental conditions.


Climate reporting, compliance, innovation, circular economy, economic performance, openness and information.


Product security, food safety, fish welfare and health, prevent fish escapes, anti-bribery, reduced climate emissions, sea lice management, product efficiency, resource utilisation.


Safe workplace, good working environment, ethical business conduct, learning, development and growth, diversity, employee safety, psychological safety at work.

Local Society

Workplaces, minimum of negative environmental aspects and impacts, local suppliers, marketing.

Governmental bodies

Reduced emissions, compliance, energy efficiency, diversity and equality, occupational health and safety.

Governmental bodies



Local Society Employees

The Salmon

Sustainability in Ovum

The actual and potential impacts on the economy, environment, and people, including impacts on human rights, across the organization’s activities and business relationships have been identified in Ovum.

We have defined 6 of the 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDG’s) relevant for Ovum as per 2023. However, we have developed Ovum Development Goal number 18 and named it ’Animal welfare’ with the ambition to increase awareness regarding the Salmon’s actual welfare status.

The organization has assessed the significance of the identified impacts to prioritize them. This prioritization enables the organization to take action to address the impacts and to determine its material topics for reporting.

Prioritizing impacts for action is relevant where it is not feasible to address all impacts at once:

The significance of an actual negative impact is determined by the severity of the impact

The significance of a potential negative impact is determined by the severity and likelihood of the impact

The material topics represent Ovum’s most significant impacts on economy, environment, and people, including human rights.

The process of determining material topics has been performed according to GRI standard 3.

“Ensure the highest safety standard and working environment”


“Ensure a high ethical standard and compliance”

Ethics and Compliance

Environmental impact


“Ensure highest level of fish welfare and environmental performance”

Optimal animal health- and welfare


“Increase awareness regarding the Salmon’s actual welfare status”

The Salmon’s Choice



A stable environment gives reproducible results

Reproducible feed conversion rate in both productions (FCR = 0.86)

Reproducible survival rate: 98.8%

Reproducible growth rate: TGC = 4,5

Reduced growth time to 1 kg

Weight development of salmon living in Egget® and in conventional open net pens

In Norwegian salmon farming, it typically takes 16 months from transfer of smolt in open cages until the fish are ready for slaughter. Our experience with post-smolt (1 kg) production in Egget® shows that this period can be reduced by 3-4 months. This reduction is due to several factors:


Adaptability to life in the sea

The transition to pure seawater is smoother due to lower production stress (no sea lice treatments etc.)


Increased robustness

Optimal environmental conditions with sufficient water flow results in robust fish, which in turn leads to good growth.


Larger size at release

When the fish are released into open net pens, they are already larger, contributing to a faster growth cycle.

The cumulative growth effect, often referred to as the ”compound interest” effect, leads to a significant reduction in the time the fish spend in open net pens. This reduces both biological and financial risks and improves fish welfare.

The dotted line indicating fish ready for slaughter after 10 months has not been shown, but we assume that this reduction in production time is achievable by using Egget® until the fish reaches slaughter size.

The fish - welfare and health

Egget® was developed as a technological solution focusing on the biological needsand requirements of the fish, while at the same time fulfilling practical demands of fish production at sea.

Our modest goal- and hypothesis was to develop a system that could provide solutions to the major challenges in salmon farming today: no sea lice treatments, no escapees, no release of sludge, a protected environment for the fish with no stressful predators, high area efficiency and controlled water quality (correct levels of gases, water current, and exchange). Success would mean improved fish health- and welfare for both farmed and wild fish, low ecological impact, and possibilities for sustainable growth of the industry.

Our experiences- and results from the first two rounds of production shows that we are very close to realizing our initial goals, but also identified possible areas of improvement. Performance and wellbeing of the fish throughout production are our key parameters and measures of success. To investigate the validity of our initial hypothesis, we will continue to focus on monitoring and documenting biological and technological aspects of production in Egget®. This includes monitoring and documenting:

Environmental welfare indicators dictated by physical- and technical solutions in Egget®. This includes water exchange rate, oxygen, total dissolved gases. temperature, pH, turbidity and more.

Group- and individual welfare parameters dictated by the fish residing in Egget®. These include appetite, growth, mortality, sea lice, physiological status, diagnoses and health status.

Environmental impact from an operational system where technology and biology both play a role. This entails sludge collection and monitoring of feed spill.

Improvements through R&D

With Egget® we want to create the best version of habitat for the fish. This means identifying optimal parameters and implementing them. Both stages require an extensive- and thorough approach through research and development.

By combining automated environmental monitoring, camera surveillance and monitoring of biological markers and pathogens we have the foundation for generating AI based machine learning systems to improve fish health- and welfare

Moving towards a more autonomous production form: the “Smart Egget®”

Will also allow optimization of production with regard to feeding, growth and waste collection. Graphical representation of the total microbiological community that resides on the skin of a healthy salmon from Egget®

Fish welfare is about more than just the fish

Fish welfare- and health monitoring should include characterization of microbiota: Control of water quality is crucial to maintain stable production conditions.

It has been shown that microbial content- and diversity, both in the water and on the surface of the fish, plays a vital role in affecting fish health- and welfare. With advances in aquaculture diagnostics, the diversity and content of microbes in site water samples, as well as in biofilm and on the surface of the fish, can be monitored systematically.

Results from the pilot of Egget® shows that conditions in the site and on the fish leads to high microbial diversity, indicating a healthy environment.

The figures show a comparison of microbial content and diversity between an external site with UV treated seawater (EXTERNAL) and Egget®. Results from Egget® shows the benefit of a more natural environment, with high microbial diversity and a more robust fish.

Fish safety rules

Based on the “tried and true” recommendations from the Norwegian Mountain Code.

1. Make your plans based on the needs of the fish, and let people know early on that this is the main priority.

Listen to experienced farmers

Make sure to have the knowledge and skills needed to provide for the fish and maintain its environment

Be considerate of nature. Leave no trace

2. Take the fish- and its surroundings into consideration.

Assess of the status of your fish continuously and act accordingly

Respect the biology of the fish

Sharing your production data- and results with other farmers gives increased security, and someone to discuss your experiences(s) with

Do not produce fish without knowledge about biology. You have to be able to take care of the fish and its surroundings

3. Take sea lice data- and disease status into account

Monitor sea lice development and disease staus in your production area and evaluate how this may affect your fish

Be prepared for changes in the environment

Even miniscule changes in the environment can have dramatic biological consequences

4. Use the neccessary tools to provide for your fish

Constantly update your toolbox to provide the latest tools and equipment for monitoring fish health- and welfare

Have the necessary technology to ensure control of environmental parameters in your site

5. Make safe choices

Focus on coninued low biological risk

6. Use a map and compass

Listen to experts in their field. They also want what Is best for the fish

7. Turn back in time, there is no shame in cutting the trip short

Re- evaluate plans continuously. Unforeseen events will occur. Don`t make plans that cannot be changed

8. Save your strength and seek shelter if neccessary

Adjust production according to performance of your fish. Make sure everyone is on board


Functionality and anchoring


The unique water flow enables the system to draw inlet water segregated from where the outlet water is released. The inlets are located in the bottom of Egget®. The water enters by the use of two main pumps that draw water in from 17-38 meters deep, depending on the size of the unit. The water is set in a circular movement by circulation devises and eventually exits the tank at the top, 3-6 meters below the water surface. The water quality and flow-rate can be controlled, ensuring steady oxygen levels and sufficient evacuation of carbon dioxide.

The bottom entry significantly reduces the entry of sea lice larvae in to the unit since it’s natural habitat predominantly is in the top water layers. The water inlet and outlet is double-secured thus making escapes impossible. Feed is either supplied from an on-unit feed storage or through a barge-based regular automatic feeders as used on sites today. The feed distributors supplier is the customer’s choice.

The system enables good feeding and waste control.

Anchoring system

Egget® fits into todays typical site set-up

Egget® is positioned and placed into the farm by a lifting operation

Likewise, it is designed to be supported by the existing infrastructure such as the feed barge and shore power

Egget® is then moored into the existing mooring system in a farm


The geometric shape

The shape of the enclosed tank is formed as an egg and is built in sandwich composite. The shape provides a complete double curved surface. 90% of the tank is submerged and not visible during operation, whereas 10% is above the waterline and filled with ventilated air. The shape diverts external forces and makes a robust geometrical structure.

Likewise, the egg structure is fully enclosed with a dome protecting against flushing of waves into the unit. Also, it provides a sheltered and safe working area for personnel and protects the fish against predators.

Building material

The sandwich of Egget® consists of three layers

An outer shell of woven fiberglass mats

A core of Divinycell which is a closed-cell PVC foam

And an inner layer of woven fiberglass mats covered by gelcoat

The entire sandwich is finally vacuum infused with Vinylester in order to bind the entire structure into one integrated composite structure/material

The sustainable Egg

The next step in technology development will ensure sustainability in all wayseconomically, fish welfare and the environment. This will give the salmon industry room for further growth throughout the world. In our opinion will Egget® solve the main salmon industry challenges;


Root cause for 70% of fish health problems


98,8% survival

20-30% faster growth

Economic FCR = 0,86


High degree of sludge collection

No fish escapes

Low energy consumption (kWh/kg)


Can be used at inactive fjord sites

Movable between sites in grid moorings


Healthy and robust fish eliminates most problems

“Public license to operate” and long-term profitability

Egget® and closed containment systems are welcome along the entire coast

Building material

Enhancing Sustainability Through Long-lasting Composite Materials:

A lifecycle perspective

Composite materials, particularly those constructed from fiberglass, offer an unparalleled combination of durability, longevity, and sustainability. In this discourse, we delve into the lifecycle of such materials, highlighting their enduring qualities and potential for extended utility.

Crafted from resilient fiberglass composites, Egget® boasts an exceptionally prolonged lifespan. Over the course of 50 years, the fiberglass sandwich undergoes full hardening, exhibiting remarkable resistance to UV degradation. Such resilience not only ensures a robust and enduring hull but also positions composite materials as indispensable within industries such as wind power. Furthermore, with ongoing advancements in the recycling of fiberglasss within the wind power sector, we anticipate additional benefits for the sustainability of Egget®

Maintenance of our composite material is refreshingly straightforward, requiring only periodic cleaning with a high-pressure washer. Additionally, its adaptability facilitates easy modifications to accommodate the installation of new equipment, ensuring continued functionality and relevance. R&D activities are ongoing in this area.

One of the standout features of fiberglass composites is their inherent non-corrosive properties, particularly advantageous in environments rich in saltwater. This resistance to corrosion not only prolongs the lifespan of Egget®, but also aligns seamlessly with the ethos of sustainable development and circular economy principles.

In embracing composite materials, we not only invest in the longevity of our systems but also contribute to the broader objectives of sustainable development. While our contractual lifetime spans 20 years, our commitment extends far beyond, with plans to recommission Egget® and more than double its contractual lifespan. Through these achievements, we see a future where durability, sustainability, and innovation converge to redefine industry standards.


Proven benefits of the floating enclosed fish-farm system.

Egget® is from the very start defined as a very energy efficient system, and this is explained by simple system design, with few obstructions for the main water flow; The water enters Egget® at the bottom, flows through the unit, and exits the surface. The water is exchanged at least one time per hour, meaning the water is gently pushed through Egget® with no lifting of water. A calm steady flow of water is accommodated by energy efficient water circulators.

In addition to its energy efficient nature with low energy loss, the development of Egget® has strongly focused on smart solutions for the supporting systems, to obtain low energy consumption for the whole system.

Egget® is developed to solve several challenging issues in the fish-farm industry, each of them with significant positive consequences regarding environment, social, governance and sustainability impact:

Collecting sludge/waste

No fish escapes

Utilize safe water from water depths without lice challenges

Significantly reduced mortality

Better utilization of biological resources

Learnings from proof of concept

Experience from operating the pilot-Egget® are reported back for the design of the next version of Egget.

The project created a register of all essentials design changes with justification for each change that is made in design based on operating experiences. Significant experiences from design and execution which also leads to changes have also been registered.

The changes are evaluated and managed to ensure that the risks arising from these changes are controlled. All changes are handled, documented, and communicated according to the Ovum risk management process. The goal with the Management of Change process is to systematic involve employees with the right competence, skills and tools in design, analysis, implementation and documentation of the performed changes.

Learning points are related to:

Improve access for operation, cleaning, and maintenance activities

Increase control of the feeding system

Placement of equiment


O2 levels in the water

Sludge collection

It has been of great value to have the systems tested in operation before scaling up the large version of the E20000. In addition to the technical findings, the company has also tested and upgraded the company’s management system and equipped it for next step. Scaling up will present new challenges, but with it accumulated experience, we believe we have what it takes to succeed.



A future oriented and sustainable food production aligned with nature


Egget® technology is built on leading professional skills and science


Embarking on ambitious initiatives on behalf of the salmon

People & Safety

Social impact and occupational health

Social impact

Ovum strives to compliance with applicable legislation and ensures good and proper working conditions for our employees. Ovum have performed human rights assessments on the transparency act and are actively striving to be proactive within our area of responsibility. The assessment will be regularly evaluated to meet the as-is situation at all time with regards to stakeholders and service providers.

Working environment

Sick leave and potential turnover as working environment indicators are regularly monitored in Ovum.

The topics related to working environment are regularly raised and discussed in internal team meetings and in management meetings.

Training and competence

Through Ovum’s competence management system all employees are registered with individual competence as well as required competence from Ovum. Ovum is obligated to fill the potential gaps in addition to define internal required training. Training in the Sustainability process is one of the training courses we are highlighting due to it shall be a natural way of working in our everyday work. Turnover 0% Sick Leave 1%

Women in the Corporate Management


Women in the Board of directors 50%

Attraction of competence

Young people are engaged in climate change issues and biodiversity loss since this is an issue of outmost importance for coming generations.

With that in mind, will Ovum continue to be eager to attract the best talents within all relevant areas for our company. Ovum has actively attended and will continue to attend student academy gatherings to meet the future workforce.

This is valuable, not only for our company, but also for the future fish-farming solutions, and it will impact the local communities and industry with growth.


Operational safety.

Ovum has an ambition of zero injuries within our operations. The safety of personnel in daily operations of the unit is important. The most important contribution to health and safety is the significant reduction in high-risk operations through thorough preparations and risk management processes.

While inside the Egget®, the operator is sheltered from waves, splash, rain and wind as well as enjoying a comfortable air temperature.

If incidents occur, we will ensure thorough handling and defining of root causes to define preventive and corrective actions according to our company management system.

Ensuring that we have a good working environment, where employees can develop skills and feel part of the team, are two important aspects of health and well-being.

Strengthen and maintain the risk management process

Maintain systematic experience transfer process SAFETY

100% completed training in risk management

100% performance of experience transfer in according to procedure

Risk Management

As a part of its business planning and operational activities, Ovum shall continuously ensure reduction of negative risks to as low as reasonably practicable.

The risk management process also includes identification and management of positive aspects and opportunities. Through effective risk management, Ovum will deliver safe and efficient performance that meets stakeholder requirements. Risk management is an important part of the sustainability work in Ovum, and defines the fundament for the quality in the way we work in all processes. Ovum has increased the use of HAZOP as a very efficient and thorough method for proactively handling potential hazards and risks. All technical resources are regularly trained in use of this value giving method.

Human rights risk assessment is a key component of Ovum’s human rights due diligence process.

Ovum shall identify actual and potential human rights impacts associated with its business to prevent and mitigate harm to people. Human rights risk assessments shall be performed at corporate level, at regional/country level and throughout our supply chain process. These assessments shall be an integral part of other relevant risk assessments.

We stand together for human rights!

Ovum AS has signed the Future-Proof poster to commit ourselves to proactively work with human rights in a systematic manner. By working together in the Future-Proof network, we will together achieve higher results and be stronger.

Knowledge and experiences, both from small and bigger companies are shared in this network with the purpose to learn and take actions.

Environmental Impact


Ovum’s commitment to supplying a system designed to the specific needs of salmon remains unchanged. Our goal is to ensure the welfare of the fish inside the Egget® while also preserving the surrounding environment. Witnessing the feasibility of this ambition has only solidified the determination to deliver the best platform for salmon production. This addresses some of the most significant challenges facing the aquaculture industry in Norway today.

At OVUM, we recognize that mare words won’t suffice. Our ambitions and goals must be firmly anchored in robust systems that can withstand the daily fluctuations of a busy workday. Therefore in 2023, we have laid the groundwork and made preparations for ISO14001:2015 certification. The procedures for assessing aspects and impacts within OVUM were developed and are fully implemented in 2024.

Our commitment extends beyond surface-level understanding. We want to deep dive to comprehend the entire life cycle and value chains, revealing the true environmental performance of our products. The design process plays a crucial role in determining and influencing most of the environmental footprint of a product throughout its entire life cycle. That’s why we want to work with the end in sight.

Environmental Energy Management

During the second fish generation in the OVUM E2000 pilot, power consumption amounted to 1.35 kWh per kilogram of produced salmon. Notably, with an increase in production capacity, the consumption per kilogram of fish produced decreased by 25% compared to the previous production cycle.

Oxygen production and supply accounted for approximately half of the overall energy consumption.

Continuous monitoring of both the total energy consumption and individual system components provided valuable insight into system functions and consumption patterns.

We are emphasizing the importance of optimizing the technology to achieve greater efficiency before embarking on the implementation of local renewable energy sources.

1. Innsett H22
Innsett S23

Collection of organic waste

OVUM’s goal is to set fish farmers up for success in collecting and managing sludge from the closed containment system

The experience gained from operating Egget® has revealed several opportunities for improvements that are to be implemented in 2024 and mapped risk factors that are targeted with mitigating strategies.

The primary focus is on increasing efficiency. Reduction of waste production is of a higher hierarchical value than collection and use. In Egget® this is achieved by preserving good health and providing fish with an optimal environment to effectively utilize the feed they consume, while also controlling and minimizing food loss.

The remarkable feed factor of 0.86, achieved through both the first and second fish insets, serves as great encouragement. In essence, the best water treatment plant is a fish with a low feed factor.

However, it’s essential to pair the low feed factor with an effective water cleaning system. This will collect the rest products, allowing us to bring them into useful value chains. At Egget®, our focus has been on increasing the filtering efficiency by placing the filtering unit close to the source and retaining particle integrity. This simple filtration system achieves effective emission reduction. The graphs show results from water analysis for suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN) and total organic carbon (TOC) in the wastewater and reject water.

However, it’s essential to pair the low feed factor with an effective water cleaning system. This will collect the rest products, allowing us to bring them into useful value chains.

At Egget®, our focus has been on increasing the filtering efficiency by placing the filtering unit close to the source and retaining particle integrity. This simple filtration system achieves effective emission reduction.

The graphs show results from water analysis for suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN) and total organic carbon (TOC) in the wastewater and reject water.

Contributors to relative Global Warming Potential

As part of the project ”Økt kunnskap om klima-, natur- og miljøpåvirkninger fra ulike produksjonsformer for laks” an introductory evaluation of the lifecycle footprint of different production forms was carried out by SINTEF*. The comparative life cycle analysis can shed light on both the strengths and the weaknesses of the closed containment systems at the current stage of development. The analysis compares the production scenarios relative to each other in terms of environmental and climate impacts. This specific analysis excluded footprint form feed and the differences in feed use, land use and land use change. The systems are driven with 100 % Norwegian electricity mix. Although it must keep in mind the limitations of the method and the cut-offs, this analysis serves as an important tool for identifying some focus areas for future improvement.

One of the most significant contributors is the use of working boats. This as well as transportation of sludge are areas where development of sustainable value chains and improved logistic are important. But we do anticipate that the improved fish welfare and the ambition of higher level of automatization in the production process can lead to further reduction in this footprint.

The analysis identified use of plastics as a significant contributor to the global warming potential accounting for approximately 1/3 of the emissions for the closed system.

The glass fibre composite used in construction of Egget® relies on some fossil raw materials, resulting in a negative environmental footprint. This is identified as an area of opportunity.

OVUM is running an internal PhD project studying construction of closed containment systems of fiberglass composite. The expertise indicates that we may have an opportunity to reduce material use without compromising the construction durability and strength. Reduction of the material use will not only directly reduce the climate footprint, but also in turn reduce material and energy use at other life stages.

*SINTEF Ocean AS. Report no. 2024:00153. ISBN 978-82-14-07234-1. 26. February 2024. By Cristina-Maria Iordan, Andrea Viken Strand, and. Shraddha Mehta.

Ethics and compliance

Ovum has defined key ethics and compliance principles and we shall handle and perform business according to our values and with mutual respect.

“Our code of business conduct is a part of our framework and all our employees must confirm training on compliance on annual basis”.

Business practice – ethics and governance

Ovum is committed to high ethical standards and compliance to legislation. We have Code of Business Conduct in place and completed the compliance measurement process on legislation for human rights and social responsibility

We acknowledge our influence on the local environmental and we are respecting human rights principles in all areas where we are present.

The performed stakeholder analysis, that are continuously updated, provides input and confidence in these processes.

Compliance with regulations

Ovum works actively to ensure that our operations respect and are compliant with relevant legislation and standards. We have established systems to handle non-compliances and establish actions accordingly.

2023 audits:

1 audit of Ovum performed by Dnv on the qualitysystem based on NS9415:2021 minor Non-Conformance and 2 observations. All actions are handled.

Economic sustainable target and technology


Further production of Egget®

Provide technology to support sustainable production for the farmers

Support growth in the aquacuture industry by providing technology that opens new sites and farming licenses and improves utilization of current sites

Changing aquaculture forever and be The Salmon’s Choice


17 million of equity raised in 2023 - in total 105 mill in equity


Positiv EBIT due to development project in collaboration with Hauge Aqua Innovation


Preparation for industrialized production

Close monitoring of liquidity to ensure financial stability

Thorough pre-qualification processes upfront selection of suppliers

Implement systematic, quality processes to be the fastest learning organization


1 x Ovum E2000 in production

1 x Ovum E20000 ordered

FCR 0,86 for first productions


Ovum’s ambition is to be the leading provider of floating closed contained fish farms.

Looking forward

Develop the next generation Egget®

Develop further sustainable solutions

Increase the marked area with these facts in mind:

• 4500 cages in Norway

• 600 active locations in Norway

• 1 Egget® on 25% of the farming locations representing 150 Egget®

Continue to grow the organization according to activity and requirements to ensure correct competence and capacity

Continue to perform gap analysis and keep us abreast on new standards and regulations

Continue to build network and keep us abreast on the marked

Continue to be the fastest learning organization within our area

Continue to provide a good home and environment for the fish


Ovum E2000

21 m height

2 000 m3

15 m diameter

Dry weight 160 tons

Ovum E6000

27 m height

6 000 m3

20m diameter

Dry weight 250 tons

Ovum E20000

44 m height

20 000 m3

31 m diameter

Dry weight 560 tons

Hs 2,4 m (sign. wave height)

Vc 0,9 m/sec (current)

Up to 200 000 smolt (100 tons)

Ready for sale

Hs 2,5 m (sign. wave height)

Vc 1,2 m/sec (current)

Up to 600 000 smolt (300 tons)

To be launched 2025

Hs 2,5 m (sign. wave height)

Vc 1,2 m/sec (current)

Up to 1 000 000 smolt (1.000 tons)

To be launched 2025

The Salmons Choice Egget®

No predators

No handling No escapes

No chemical use

Good skin health

No fin damage

No pharmaceutical use

Diverse and healthy microbiota


Natural water quality

Robust and muscular

Well trained heart

Reduced time in net pens

Low stress

Optimal lighting

No sea lice or treatments

Feed available to alle fish

Clean gills

Low mortality

Optimal oxygen levels

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