CP February 2021

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F E B R UA RY 2 0 2 1

since 2010

ISSUE: 134

AFRAH The Gulf, Arab, and Asian Champion Shooter from Kuwait

since 2010


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since 2010




contents BEAUTY



56. New February Releases 64. Best War Movies

18. Afrah Bin Hussain 32. Layal Syriani 44. Hala Al-Hajji 50. Sara Prentice 70. Uncapping The Mysteries Of Kombucha





24. My Valentine Make-Up Look

28. Wedoo Abaya 66. On Cloud 9 (Editorial) 8. A Dose Of Positivity 11. ‫العالقات‬ 58. Inside Dubai’s Perfume House


26. What Is Formerlyme? 32. How To Start Running


62. Is It A Covid Toe Or A Frostbite?


12. A Mini Guide To San Diego, California 40. Bonus Miles - Inside Four Seasons

Madrid 55. A Room With A View

74. CP Journal

16. 24. REGULARS 76. Homework For Grownups 78. Horoscopes

Dear readers... While I’m preparing to write my first letter, I was wondering how everyone is doing? It's been almost a year with the pandemic, how is everyone coping with COVID-19? Well, I think that there is a reason for everything in life, isn’t it? Of course for the best. Meaning, remember when social, economic, and industrial activities were completely shut down? How did it convert into a positive way for nature and wildlife? The earth had a great chance to breathe again. Maybe it’s a reminder for us that nothing is impossible and maybe we can start again... Let's take a minute to be grateful and appreciate everything that has happened and will happen in the future. It’s February and the month of celebrations in Kuwait as we celebrate the 60th national day and 30th liberation day this year. Let us enjoy it and celebrate it by practising social distance. In this issue we are interviewing some powerful women like Afrah Binhussain - the Gulf, Arab, and Asian Champion Shooter from Kuwait. We also interviewed Hala AlHajji - a young inventor and entrepreneur. Another interesting interview is with Layal Syriani, a Lebanese/American actress. Flip through the pages or swipe through the pages online to read many other interesting interviews and articles brought to you by our excellent team of contributors. Until next month.

Fatima Hamad AlJutaili Managing Editor






’ve always been a glass half full kind of girl; optimistic, forever looking on the bright side. Admittedly, the last twelve months have tested my resolve, but, on the whole, I’ve managed to keep the smile on my face and maintain my sanguine spirit. The lockdowns and curfews imposed last year were, if nothing else, novel. I had never experienced anything like it before and, hopefully, never will again. That said, it afforded me the opportunity to re-discover my neighbourhood, to appreciate the beauty on my doorstep and to spend more time with my family. Those precious few weeks, although frustrating, were surprisingly good for the soul. Communities came together with a renewed sense of camaraderie. We shopped for our neighbours. We respected our key workers. We reassessed our priorities. Life wasn’t so bad. Fast forward to subsequent government restrictions and things were very different. The novelty of home baking had worn off. DIY was disastrous. Mondays were monotonous. Tuesdays were tedious. Wednesdays were… well, every day was the same. Cabin fever had well and truly set in. Still, I refused to be beaten by this new kind of normal. There was much to be thankful for. My family was safe and well, the football was back on TV, there was no longer a shortage of pasta or toilet rolls. I had food, warmth and shelter. I even had a new puppy, a constant companion at a time when friends were in short supply. Actually, that’s not strictly true. My friends were, of course, still my friends, it’s just that social interaction was restricted to Zoom. Pre-COVID, I hadn’t even heard of Zoom. Now it was an essential form of communication, a platform for video and audio conferencing and, more importantly, my link to the outside world. Regular chats with my friends were a much needed distraction from the malaise. A friendly face, a cheerful smile, an amusing tale. It made a refreshing change from the doom and gloom I usually saw on screen: facts and figures delivered by sternfaced newsreaders, their reports restricted to one, all-consuming subject. Screen time with my friends was a welcome change, a dose of positivity, an escape from everything COVID. That said, sustaining a conversation was a challenge. After all, what was there to talk about? I hadn’t been anywhere, done anything or seen anyone. I felt… insignificant. But, that’s the beauty of friends. They always know how to make you feel better.

My Zoom conversations stretched far and wide. From Denmark to South Africa, from Abu Dhabi to Valencia, these global gettogethers really did unite nations. And, they lasted a surprisingly long time. Which would suggest that, actually, I had plenty to say after all. The key, I soon realised, was to reminisce. To recall those shared experiences, those laugh out loud moments of fun and frivolity. Like the time I lost my brand new sunglasses over the side of a hot air balloon in Dubai. Or when we arrived at our caravan only to find someone else sleeping in it. That particular incident resulted in four adults spending the night in a very small family saloon. Not the most comfortable experience, I can tell you! Moments like this are pure gold when relived with those involved and it’s surprising how many come to light once you set off down memory lane. There are, of course, other means of communication besides the aforementioned Zoom. Depending on the number of participants, I’ve also used Google Meet, FaceTime and WhatsApp video. No doubt there are others I’ve never even heard of, let alone tried to use, but Zoom was the word on everyone’s lips when socialising was banned. ‘Are you on Zoom?’ ‘Shall we Zoom later?’ ‘What time are we Zooming in?’ The very name seemed to set it apart, to literally zoom it to the top of the list when it came to virtual meetings. Regardless of your preferred method of communication, it’s heartening to realise that good friendships sustain themselves. After all, it’s not distance that separates people, it’s silence. Thanks to technology, keeping in touch is easy and, more often than not, it’s free. A simple text message takes seconds to send but can put a smile on the recipient’s face for the rest of the day. Phone calls go one step further, the sound of a familiar voice filling your heart and lifting your spirit. But actually seeing their smiling face, watching their smile turn to laughter, their eyes shine with delight, well, that’s just priceless. The funny thing is, I probably talk to my friends more now than I did before. Admittedly, we all seem to have more time on our hands, but it’s not just the absence of routines that has bucked this trend. There’s nothing like a global pandemic to make you realise what’s important and, amongst other things, the last year has reminded me just how important my friends are. Some I’ve known my entire life, others only a few years, but each and every one of them has helped me through this lengthy period of uncertainty. I’d like to think I’ve done the same in return. After all, isn’t that what friends are for? www.cpmagazine.net


.‫ مميز‬.‫ حصري‬.‫حلو‬

.‫مع أحمد الزامل‬


Iced AZ Latte




AZ Latte


‫العالقات‬ ‫‪Lulwa AlKhamees‬‬

‫اهال ً قرائي االعزاء ‪...‬‬ ‫اليوم موضوعي عن ( العالقات )‪...‬‬ ‫اخترت هذا الموضوع ألنني الحظت الكثير من عمالئي يعانون في عالقاتهم ‪..‬‬ ‫اختلفت اسباب تعاستهم في العالقة ‪...‬‬ ‫ولكن يبقى االهم ‪..‬‬ ‫وهو معالجة المشكلة‪،..‬مواجهتها و حلها ‪...‬‬

‫من اهم االمور التي الحظتها ‪..‬‬ ‫هو االستمرار في العالقة رغم التعاسة‪...‬‬ ‫الصمت ‪..‬وعدم مواجهة الطرف االخر ‪...‬‬ ‫وكثرة التوقعات ‪...‬‬ ‫عزيزي القاريء ‪...‬‬ ‫تأكد بأنك انت صاحب القرار في كل عالقاتك في الحياة‪...‬‬ ‫ولك حرية االختيار ‪ ...‬بالبقاء او الرحيل ‪...‬‬ ‫او اصالح االمر قد المستطاع‪..‬‬ ‫اسأل نفسك ‪:‬‬ ‫هل انت راض عن هذه العالقة؟‬ ‫هل انت سعيد ؟‬ ‫ف‬ ‫هل تستطيع االستمرار ‪ ١٠‬سنوات قادمة ي هذه العالقة ؟‬ ‫واجه نفسك ‪..‬‬ ‫سواء قررت ان تستمر او ترحل ‪...‬‬ ‫افهم وضعك ‪ ..‬صلح ‪ ..‬عالج ‪..‬‬ ‫ال تبقى بالمنتصف‪...‬‬ ‫المنتصف مؤلم ‪..‬‬ ‫و س يترتب عليه عواقب كثيرة ‪...‬‬ ‫تذكر ذلك جيدا ً‪...‬‬ ‫وفي حال انك شعرت ب انك ب حاجة ل ان تتحدث ألحدهم عن عالقتك ‪...‬‬ ‫و قررت ان تأخذ قرار ‪..‬‬ ‫او تصلح عالقتك ‪...‬‬ ‫يسعدني ان تتواصل معي ‪...‬‬ ‫على حسابي ب االنستغرام ‪lulwa.lifecoach‬‬ ‫و سأكون سعيدة بمساعدتك ‪.‬‬








Latifah Al-Hazza

Known for its perfect weather, beautiful beaches, the best Mexican restaurants, San Diego is a beach town that we are certain you will fall in love with. Here’s our guide to the best outdoor things you can eat, see, and do in San Diego.



We’ve selected our three favorite places to stay in San Diego based on neighborhood surroundings, design, amenities and attention to detail.

Pendry San Diego

This bright, trendy, design-centric hotel is geared toward the millennial traveler. The lobby is hip and the staff don plaid outfits. Rooms have floor-toceiling windows and the decor features lots of wood, whites, and hints of metallic gold. Ample on-site dining options are available.

The Guild Hotel, San Diego, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel

The Guild Hotel opened in a 1920s-era YMCA and was registered as a National Historic Place in 2007. The property has retained some historic details but, there are plenty of the new touches, too. The rooms of this chic hotel have minimal decor, custom artwork and high ceilings. Velvet accent chairs, upholstered paneled headboards, and lacquered coffee tables adorn each room. There is also a pool and a gym with Peloton bikes. 14


Charles + Dinorah

Charles + Dinorah is a love letter to the original husband and wife owners of the Pearl Hotel (where the restaurant is located). The couple embarked on a journey to create the Sportman's Lodge in the 1960s. Decades and a name change later, Charles + Dinorah is paying homage to the property's history through this namesake eatery. This retro-chic restaurant has launched a brand new menu with popular dishes being the Japanese fried chicken sandwich and the shrimp tacos with diabla sauce and avocado mousse.

Rollin Roots Food Truck

Rollin Roots food Truck’s mantra is 'eat less meat'. The concept of the truck was birthed by the notion that people should cut down on the amount of meat they eatfor the planet, their health and the animals. Rollin Roots is not out to completely cut meat out of your diet, but to make it easier to exchange a meal or two for a vegan version. They pride themselves in recreating meals that don't make you miss meat. The truck sources most of their ingredients from local farmer's markets and most of their waste is compostable (even the forks!). Rollin Roots also puts community first. When you order something for yourself, you can ask for a Veggie Gang Meal to receive a free meal for someone in need. A pay-what-you-can option is also available to combat the stigma that vegan food is only for those with higher incomes. If you want to help support Rollin Roots' efforts there are four ways to donate: donate food, donate goods, donate time or donate money.

Cloak & Petal

Cloak & Petal draws its concept from its name. The word 'cloak' implies secrecy, which inspired the idea of a hidden social sphere. 'Petal' alludes to the Japanese tradition of hanami, when family and friends gather under cherry blossoms to savor food, drinks and companionship. www.cpmagazine.net




The commitment to driving makes for an easy escape to towns nearby. Our three picks for the places worth visiting within a short drive of SD? The photographic Potato Chip Rock hike, the Catalina Island getaway and an adventurous swim with sharks.

Fulfill Your Step Count Hiking Potato Chip Rock

The biggest allure of this hike is the potato rock formation at the hike’s summit. The iconic potato chip rock has become a popular destination for a photo op posing on the ledge. The hike is a fun escape from quarantine life, totaling 7.6 miles roundtrip. It’s also quite the workout as most of the trail is uphill. At the top of the summit, you’ll get to enjoy the beautiful 360-degree views of San Diego.

Escape to Catalina Island

Santa Catalina Island is truly a tropical getaway just 22 miles off the coast of Southern California. Today, the island has gained fame from the Catalina Wine Mixer featured in the movie, Step Brothers. But, back in the day, Catalina was the ultimate getaway for A-list celebrities. Catalina has also served as a location for a number of Hollywood hits (think: Jaws). Today, Catalina Island offers a lot more activities than most people realize. It’s the perfect island escape.

Swim with Sharks

Leopard sharks gather in La Jolla Shores Beach's shallow waters throughout the year and the best part is, you can snorkel with them. The sharks typically range from just a few to hundreds and you can find them under ten feet of water near The Marine Room Restaurant and off the La Jolla Tennis Club. The sharks may look intimidating (some are five feet long), but not to worry, they have tiny mouths and don't attack humans. There are several shops nearby where you can rent snorkel gear and wetsuits. www.cpmagazine.net



AFRAH The Gulf, Arab, and Asian Champion Shooter from Kuwait

Meet Afrah Bin Hussain - Player in the Kuwaiti shooting team. She started practicing archery at the age of 15. Today she is the proud winner of several titles, including: winner of the Asian Championship for the Arabs and the Gulf. Afrah is also a mother of triplets who are one and a half years old and is currently completing her university studies. Read our exclusive interview with Afrah to learn more about her and her love for this sport.





We know it all runs in the family, but who inspired you the most to get in to shooting? My family has always been the reason for my academic and practical successes, and they are the main supporter for me in my sports field, especially my father, who has a great credit in my sports career and is the biggest supporter and first fan in the field of sports. My mother also works as an international wisdom in the field of sports (Mona Habib). So much success in such little time, how did you manage to pull it off? The path to success is difficult and achieving it is not an easy thing. In my sports career, I faced many difficulties and failures in some of the tournaments, and if it were not for all that I would not have learned from my mistakes and reached what I am. Patience, persistence, determination and self-confidence are important factors and essential traits that enabled me to succeed. Was it difficult to balance your academic pursuits with school? Yes, I was finding it very difficult, but when I organized my time and my priorities, I was able to give every field its due. There is enough time for shooting, studying and family as well. How did you first get into competitive shooting? There was an organization of a local championship in Kuwait, but 6 months before that, I was training archery and improving my skills. My coach nominated me to join the tournament, and I was surprised, but the experience was interesting and pushed me to continue shooting even though it is a difficult sport, especially for women. What shooting gear do you use? The weapon is a Beretta shotgun (DT11). The Shooting Vest is a Beretta brand Shooting glasses from the brand Pella are also intended for archery to protect the eyes from the sun or dishes in the air. Cap and sportswear What are some of the major challenges that you've faced along the way to where you are now? One of the most difficult tournaments for me was the Asian Championship in Abu Dhabi for the year 2016, in which I won the first place in individual and teams. It included an elite of world champions at the level of the continent of Asia, and it is one of the most difficult tournaments, but I won the gold medal in individual and team. What's it like competing in a predominantly male sport? Regarding the present time, when we are in the year 2021, there is no game for men only, sport is for everyone, and women are competing with men in sports and all fields. What are some of your most notable accomplishments? Asian Championship in Abu Dhabi, and I won the gold medal * Asian Championships in India, won the silver medal * The Arab Championship and won the gold medal 3 times in a row * The Gulf Championship and won the gold medal in it 4 times * The major international championship in Kuwait and won the gold medal twice in a row * Fazza Shooting Championship and won the gold medal 5 times in a row Can you tell us about your exercise and fitness routine? Yes, I do cardio on a daily basis, and there are also specific exercises that I do to strengthen the arms, shoulders, back and legs, in order to help me carry weapons. 20


‫عرفي نفسك لقراؤنا‬

‫ العبة في المنتخب‬،‫عام‬٣٠ ‫ عمري‬،‫ كويتية الجنسية‬،‫أنا أفراح بن حسين‬.. ‫مرحبا‬ ‫ام لثالث أطفال توائم‬.‫ حاصلة على بطولة آسيا للعرب والخليج‬،‫الكويتي للرماية‬ .‫سنة‬١٥ ‫ ومارست الرماية وأنا عمري‬.‫يبلغون من العمر سنة ونصف‬

‫وماذا عن تحصيلك العلمي؟‬

.‫أقوم حاليا باستكمال دراستي الجامعية‬

‫نعلم ان حولك الكثير من الداعمين لكن من هو الداعم األكبر لك في‬ ‫مجال الرماية؟‬

‫ وهم الداعم الرئيسي‬،‫عائلتي كانت دائما سببا في نجاحاتي العلمية والعملية‬ ‫ الذي له الفضل الكبير في مشواري‬،‫لي في مجالي الرياضي وباألخص والدي‬ ‫ ووالدتي أيضا‬.‫الرياضي وهو الداعم األكبر والمشجع األول في مجال الرياضة‬ .)‫فهي تشغل وظيفة الحكمة الدولية قي مجال الرياضة (منى حبيب‬

‫ كيف تمكنتي من ذلك؟‬،‫حققتي نجاحات كثيرة في فترة زمنية قصيرة‬ ‫ ففي مشواري الرياضي واجهت‬،‫طريق النجاح صعب وتحقيقه ليس امر سهل‬ ‫ ولوال ذلك كله لما‬،‫العديد من الصعوبات واالخفاقات في بعض للبطوالت‬ .‫تعلمت من أخطائي ووصلت إلى ما أنا عليه‬ ‫الصبر واإلصرار والعزيمة والثقة بالنفس عوامل مهمة وسمات اساسية‬ .‫مكنتني من النجاح‬

‫هل واجهتك صعوبة في ان توازني بين دراستك األكاديمية وبين‬ ‫الرماية؟‬ ‫استطعت ان‬،‫نعم كنت اجد صعوبة كبيرة لكن حينما نظمت وقتي وأولوياتي‬ .‫اعطي كل مجال حقه فهناك وقت كافي للرماية والدراسة والعائلة أيضا‬

‫كيف شاركتني في اول بطولة للرماية؟‬

‫اشهر كنت أتدرب‬٦ ‫كان هناك تنظيم لبطولة محلية في الكويت ولكن قبلها ب‬ ‫ وكنت‬،‫ فرشحني مدربي لالنضمام الي البطولة‬،‫على الرماية وأطور من مهاراتي‬ ‫اشعر بالرهبة اال ان التجربة كانت مشوقة ودفعتني لالستمرار بالرماية بالرغم‬ .‫من انها تعد من الرياضات الصعبة خاصة عند السيدات‬

‫ما هي األدوات المستخدمة في الرماية؟‬

)Beretta(DT11‫السالح هو الشوزن نوع‬ Beretta ‫ وهو مخصص للرماية من ماركة‬Vest ‫صدرية الرماية‬ ‫ وهي أيضا مخصصة للرماية لحماية العين من‬Pella‫نظارة الرماية من ماركة‬ .‫أشعة الشمس أو األطباق المتناثرة في الهواء‬ ‫ والمالبس الرياضية‬Cap ‫كاب‬

‫ما هي اصعب التحديات التي واجهتك وكانت سببا لما انت عليه‬ ‫اآلن؟‬

‫من اصعب البطوالت بالنسبة لي كانت بطولة آسيا المقامة في أبو ظبي لعام‬ ‫ كانت تضم نخبة من ابطال‬،‫ وفيها حصلت على المركز األول فردي وفرق‬٢٠١٦ ‫العالم على مستوى قارة آسياالكبرى وهي من اصعب البطوالت اال انني‬ .‫حصلت فيها على الميدالية الذهبية فردي وفريق‬

‫أليست الرماية هي رياضة رجالية ؟‬

‫ فالرياضة‬،‫ ال يوجد لعبة للرجال فقط‬٢٠٢١ ‫بالنسبة للوقت الحاضر ونحن في عام‬ .‫ بل واصبحت المرأة تنافس الرجل في الرياضة وجميع المجاالت‬،‫للجميع‬

‫اذكري لنا بعض البطوالت التي شاركت بها وحصلت بها على ميداليات‬ ‫؟‬

‫*بطولة آسيا في ابوظبي وحصلت على الميدالية الذهبية‬ ‫*بطولة آسيا في الهند وحصلت على الميدالية الفضية‬ ‫مرات على التوالي‬٣ ‫*بطولة العرب وحصلت على الميدالية الذهبية فيها‬ ‫مرات‬٤ ‫*بطولة الخليج وحصلت على الميداليةالذهبية فيها‬ ‫*البطولة الدولية الكبرى في الكويت وحصلت على الميداليةالذهبية مرتان على‬ ‫التوالي‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ مرات على التوا ي‬٥ ‫*بطولة فزاع للرماية وحصلت على الميدالية الذهبية‬

‫هل لديك تمارين يومية تحرصين على القيام بها؟‬

‫ وهناك أيضا تمارين معينة احرص‬،‫نعم أقوم بممارسة الكارديو بشكل يومي‬ ‫ وذلك لتساعدني على حمل‬،‫عليها لتقوية الذراعين والكتفين والظهر والرجلين‬ .‫السالح‬



How much do you practice at home and on the range? At home I clear my mind and do some mental exercises but in the field I do some circulatory stimulation exercises before shooting. So, what are your goals for 2021? Currently there is a season for local championships and where I won the gold and silver medals, and there are other tournaments held online due to the Corona pandemic. Currently we are forbidden to travel until the health conditions stabilize, I strive to achieve more achievements in all tournaments. What special preparations do you do on a competition match day? * Avoid excessive talking because it takes away mental energy * Some fitness exercises * Sleep and wake up early How do you mentally prepare for a competition? * Relax. * Sit in a quiet place. * Stay away from social media as well, to avoid any disturbing news that may affect my performance. How do you cope with distractions while you are shooting? I do not take into account the distractions and complete my shooting more accurately and correctly and consider myself training and not in a tournament. How do you refocus when a shot doesn’t go as well as you planned? I try to forget it and try to refocus as much as possible and I do not look at the scoreboard until I finish the competition, because looking at the board and knowing the result can make me repeat mistakes without awareness and feel frustrated. What recommendations would you give someone who is skilled at shooting, but wants to take their performance to the next level? First of all, self-confidence is one of the most important characteristics of the player, not just the shooter. Secondly, not to look at his opponent because he will get confused and change his performance, and he has to challenge himself only, and in this way, you will lead yourself to success. What are three things that shooters can do now to improve their performance? *Fitness * To continue training and not to stop * Choose the appropriate weapon for each archer What are some of your other hobbies? Archery, archery and then archery Your message for us at CP magazine. I thank your magazine for its support for young talents. It is one of the best magazines that highlight the achievements of young people in various fields, especially those that are not well-known in the media and to the community. I thank Mr. Jameel Arif for his interest in young people, and I hope that my interview will impress the readers, and I hope to work with you again in the future. I really thank you from the heart. 22


‫ما هي التمارين والتدريبات التي تحرصين على القيام بها في المنزل‬ ‫و الميدان؟‬ ‫في المنزل أقوم بتصفية ذهني وأقوم ببعض التمارين الذهنية ولكن في الميدان‬ .‫أقوم ببعض التمارين التنشيطيةللدورة الدموية قبل بدأ الرماية‬

‫؟‬٢٠٢١ ‫ما هي أهدافك للعام‬

‫حاليا يوجد موسم للبطوالت المحلية على مستوى الكويت حصلت فيها على‬ ،‫الميدالية الذهبية والفضية ويوجد بطوالت تقام اون الين بسبب جائحة كورونا‬ ‫ أنا أسعى جاهدة إلى‬،‫حاليا يمنع علينا السفر إلى ان تستقر األوضاع الصحية‬ .‫تحقيق المزيد من اإلنجازات في جميع البطوالت‬

‫ماهي التجهيزات واالستعدادات التي تقومين بها قبل يوم البطولة؟‬

‫*االبتعاد عن الحديث الزائد ألنه يأخذ من الطاقة الذهنية‬ ‫*بعض تمارين اللياقة البدنية‬ ‫*النوم واالستيقاظ الباكر‬

‫كيف تحضرين ليوم البطولة؟‬

‫*االسترخاء‬ ‫*الجلوس في مكان هادئ‬ ‫ تفاديا ألي خبر مزعج قد يؤثر‬،‫*االبتعاد عن وسائل التواصل االجتماعي أيضا‬ ‫على أدائي‬

‫كيف تنظرين لألخطاء التي قد ترتكبينها دون قصد في الرماية؟‬

‫ال انظر للخطأ بعين االعتبار وا كمل الرماية بشكل ا كثر دقة وصحيح واعتبر‬ .‫نفسي أتدرب وليس في بطولة‬

‫كيف تعيدين التركيز حين تخطئين الرمي كما هو مخطط لك؟‬

‫أقوم بمحاولة نسيانها وأحاول اعادة التركيز قدر المستطاع وال انظر للوحة‬ ‫ الن بالنظر للوحة ومعرفة النتيجة من الممكن ان‬،‫النتائج حتى انهي المنافسة‬ .‫يجعلني أعيد األخطاء دون وعي ويشعرني باالحباط‬

‫ماهي التوصيات والنصائح التي تعطيها لمن يمتلك مهارة الرماية‬ ‫ويود االنتقال إلى مرحلة قادمة؟‬

‫أوال الثقة بالنفس من اهم مميزات الالعب وليس الرامي فقط‬ ‫ وعليه ان يتحدى نفسه‬، ‫ثانيا اال ينظر لخصمه النه سوف يرتبك ويتغير اداؤه‬ .‫فقط وبذلك ستقود نفسك إلى النجاح‬

‫ما هي النقاط الثالث المهمة التي على الرماة ان يقومون بها لتطوير‬ ‫مهاراتهم؟‬

‫*اللياقة البدنية‬ ‫*االستمرار في التدريب وعدم التوقف‬ ‫*اختيار السالح المناسب لكل رامي‬

‫ما هي هواياتك االخرى؟‬

‫الرماية والرماية ثم الرماية‬

‫ما هي رسالتك لقراء مجلتنا؟‬

‫ انها من‬،‫اشكر مجلتكم على دعمها المعنوي واإلعالمي للمواهب الشبابية‬ ‫احسن المجالت التي تبرز اإلنجازات لدى الشباب في مختلف المجاالت وخاصة‬ ‫ واشكر اخي جميل عارف‬،‫الغير منتشرة إعالميا والمعروفة لدى المجتمع‬ ‫ وأتمنى ان ينال محتوى المقابلة إعجاب‬،‫على اهتمامه بهذه الفئة من الشباب‬ .‫ شكرا من القلب‬،‫ وأتمنى العمل معكم في المرات القادمة بإذن هللا‬،‫القراء‬














WE LOVE MAKEUP, yes we do www.cpmagazine.net



FormerlyMe.com presents “Krav Maga Sessions”


Jim West

FormerlyMe is an online movement to motivate and inspire people to become the best version of themselves by showing them my journey and experience in trying a new workout and lifestyle regime every 30 days. Every post, update, and video is ‘formerly me’ as I endeavor to become the best version of myself and become FormerlyMe. Each month CP Magazine will showcase a part of my journey to becoming the best version of myself. I hope that in turn this inspires and motivates you to start your own journey as well. For this month’s story we will focus on the “Krav Maga Sessions” days of my journey.




rav Maga has always been a martial art that has intrigued me. Developed by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Israeli security forces derived from a combination of techniques sourced from aikido, boxing, wrestling, judo, and karate. Known for its focus on real-world situations and its extreme efficiency, I was super excited to train for a entire month.

In my private sessions, Zion was able to really focus on some real-life scenarios that I felt I would most likely encounter in the real world. As a large and tall man, I always fear being taken to the ground. We worked extensively on how to fall with minimal damage and pain. Then we trained on how to immediately respond to the attack and recover from the ground. I wrapped up our sessions feeling quite confident that I can defend myself from the worst-case scenario of being taken to the ground.

Zion Witte was my private instructor for two private sessions, but I also took group classes for the entire month. I got to see firsthand the efficiency of utilizing a system of offense and defense maneuvers. In the very first class I was learning to do weapon disarms and felt like I was not being treated like a beginner. What a refreshing style of martial art where you do not feel like a complete newbie. Any adult at any level of fitness can learn starting from the very first class. If you have ever considered taking a martial art, I would highly recommend Krav Maga. It is truly an efficient and aggressive martial art that offers simple instructions, and you can leave each session feeling like you are ready to take on real life situations where you may need to defend yourself. Having taken kickboxing and MMA, I found Krav Maga to be the most informative in a short amount of time and really enjoyed the experience.

Follow my journey online at FormerlyMe.com and on the YouTube channel. Next month I will cover my return to Legacy Barbell and Gene Labrada for more weight training. Until next time that has been FormerlyMe! facebook.com/FormerlyMe twitter.com/MeFormerly instagram.com/formerlymeofficial www.cpmagazine.net



Modern Abaya Capsule Collection by

Wedoo Abaya 28






Designer: @wedooo_abaya Jewelry: @jwaherjewelsksa Model: @yassa_ksa Photo:@abdalrahman_omari




LAYAL S Y R I A N I “if you don’t get a chance to experience what you’ve learned, you’ll never find out what works for you and what doesn’t.” Layal Syriani Badaro is a multilingual American/Lebanese actress. She discovered her passion for art and acting at an early age when she read "Anna Karenina" story and felt connected to her, she even wrote a script based on the book to perform for school. Since then, she has been involved in all of her school theater performances and dances, she even choreographed a few. Right after high school, Layal was recruited by Giorgio's Agency which started her short career in modeling. After modeling for few print campaigns, Layal felt that her calling was more for preforming arts and journalism. She enrolled in the Media Faculty and pursued an acting career at the same time. Her personality and looks caught the attention of a media recruiter who got her an audition for a Morning show for the highly admired Infinity TV in Dubai. The producers at Infinity TV loved her audition that they hired her as a main host for their renewed daily live morning show. Layal worked on that show for 3 years, gaining experience in producing, content creating and interviewing celebrities. She even had her own show for 2 consecutive years during Ramadan, a high season for TV in the Middle East. We sat with Layal this month to know more about her and her recently released movie 'Mafkoud'. Read our exclusive interview for our readers. 32




Tell us about your education.

I hold a degree in journalism and communication arts. I also studied performing arts in Hollywood under celebrity’s coaches. I was very interested in politics and psychology as well so I took many courses in these two subjects throughout my education.

When and how did you discover your passion for art and acting?

I was a very shy kid, very quiet, didn’t say much, very polite. I did love belly dancing though, I use to belly dance all the time at any family gatherings. It was the only times I wasn’t shy or hiding behind my mother’s skirt. Later at school one year my class was part of a performance we had to put up for teacher’s day. We performed a classic play by Rahbani’s and it kind of all gave me a great sense of purpose and fulfillment. Later on I was chosen to play Anna Karenina for the school theater and this is when I understood the impact storytelling has on my life. I got obsessed with her life story and wanted to impact someone’s life like she did mine.

How many languages do you speak?

I speak 4 languages, 3 fluently and one intermediate. French, Arabic, English and Turkish. I also speak many Arabic dialects as I lived in Dubai for a while.

What are some of your best movies you have worked on?

Honestly as my career is still young I feel like every opportunity is a great one. Because here’s the thing about acting, no matter how many schools you go to and no matter how many techniques and acting books you read, if you don’t get a chance to experience what you’ve learned, you’ll never find out what works for you and what doesn’t. That’s why I believe actors are made and discovered on sets, not in classrooms. Not to diminish the importance of training, but being on set is the only way to develop your craft as an actor. That’s why I truly embrace every project and learn so much through it.

Tell us about your latest release “MAFKOUD” what is the film about and what is your role in the movie?

Mafkoud is about the journey of one guy who was kidnapped as a kid during the civil war in Lebanon. As a grown man he is looking for his mother and his roots. The movie was released last week in Beirut, but after the lockdown the release has been put on hold for now. The story is written and directed by Bashir Bou Zeid, a brilliant new filmmaker. It covers a reality that so many families still live until today. I also want to mention our cinematographer hassan salameh, him and the director took on a great challenge by shooting a whole scene in one shot, a scene that would usually require different sequences and angles. I was lucky enough to be in the scene, as an actor you wish for nothing more than to be challenged. It is a movie that carries many plot surprises and twists that will keep the audience engaged throughout.

You started into modelling, what made you feel that it wasn’t for you?

I was never a model. Modeling is not something that interested me at all. I did cast for few commercials and was 34


in a beauty pageant once but I never took up modeling.

Between TV and movies, what do you prefer most and why?

Well I’ve always been passionate about cinema and movies. The collaboration on a movie set and the kind of work an actor gets the chance to explore on a movie set is amazing. TV Series are quick, plot driven rather than character driven. However, now with the expansion that TV series are experiencing, specially with new players like streamers like Netflix, I have to say both medium are equally appealing to me. I would love to be on a Netflix show!

As an Arab woman in Hollywood, do you ever feel pressured to look a certain way for a movie?

The plot of any project usually dictates the physical appearance of its characters. In general, we as Arab actresses are stereotyped in Hollywood when it comes to casting, and unfortunately only thought of for very narrow window of roles and characters. But Hollywood is witnessing a huge shift right now and it is throwing away its old habits. We are in the beginning though and I am certain we will see more changes in the future. Also many Arab actors paved the way like Rami Malek and Rami Youssef and Yasmine ElMasri. Having said that, there is a responsibility that falls on us Arab women, we have to be picky to be able to break the stereotype and we have to work harder to develop ourselves as artists.

How did the pandemic affect you?

The pandemic has been hard on me as I am sure on many of the readers. I developed anxiety and deep fear as I lost all sense of purpose. It took a while to understand what was going on with me and learn how to cope with it and use it to learn more about myself. People think anxiety or panic attacks are loud and apparent. The reality is that they are quiet and disguised.

What is the biggest lesson you learnt from the pandemic?

To live in the moment. We always have so many plans for the future that we forget the present. We focus on the outcome and forget to enjoy the journey. This pandemic proved that the moment is what matters and how you live today is what makes all the difference in tomorrow. I also learned the true sense of community. I learned a lot about myself. I understood myself more. I also understood the importance of mental health. We as Arabs think that term is only used to describe crazy people or those suffering from psychological issues. It is simpler than that and closer to our daily reality than we think.

Any new skills you developed or learnt during the lockdown? Cooking! And I am still not good at it. It turned out the more you do something is not necessary the better you get at it!

What would be your dream role/project?

I love period projects; I love working on characters from the 50’s or 60’s. I love this era. I also want to work on projects that shows our Lebanese culture in a raw true light.



What according to you is your unique talent or trait? It’s a tough one! I would say a strong instinct.

What is your advice to young people considering becoming actors?

Work on knowing yourself. The better you know yourself the better actor you become. From the business point of view, it is the toughest business to get into. You would be told no a lot more than yes, and most of the time its not even about you. Be patient, work on your craft and most importantly don’t let people waste your time. A lot of people in this industry pray on hungry young actors.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on developing a project that means a lot to me, it is something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time but never had the courage to write.

Tell us about your upcoming projects for this year?

I will be filming a pilot for a show created and developed by me, hopefully by summer. I am also working on a new concept for a TV Show for an Arabic channel.

Describe your perfect day:

Perfect day would not start early! Waking up late, Workout, video chat with my family specially my newly born nephew, reading a book by the beach followed by a walk during sunset, cooking dinner with my husband, finish the day with a movie

Your message for your fans in Kuwait.

RAPID Q&A ROUND All-time favourite movie: Love Actually Favourite binge show right now: The Queen’s Gambit If you weren’t an actress, you’d be: A politician Best career advice you’ve received: Feel the weight of

your presence

I honestly am grateful for each person who shows interest in my work or my life in general. So thank you for any kind of support you show. I hope I am leaving a positive impact on you.

Three qualities that got you where you are today: Kindness,

Your message for us at CP magazine.

patience and perseverance

Keep up the good work. You give space for emerging artists and what you’re doing is very important. The world is full of unattainable role models specially for young girls. What you’re doing is important to highlight that for girls so they grow up with a sense of reality. I wish I could meet the team personally, one day for sure.

The moment you knew you had made it: The moment I

was stopped at a book fair by a teenager asking for my autograph. Favourite perk of the job: Being challenged by new

people everyday Worst pitfall of the job: Rejection Favourite food: Italian Favourite activity to stay healthy and fit: Weight lifting Book that’s left a lasting impression on you: The 7 people

you meet in heaven Song that always makes you cry: Hero by Mariah Carey Name one thing on your bucket list: Bungee jumping 36





Running is a great way to get fit, feel better and even form new relationships with other fitness people. Starting a new running habit doesn’t have to be hard, all it takes is a comfortable pair of shoes and a willingness to move a little or a lot, all at your own pace. The Well Guide makes it easy to get started, get inspired and stay on track. Are you ready? No matter how fit you are, I will guide you to becoming a runner in a few simple steps.

Fatema AlOthman




Running Form

Some people are natural heel-strikers while others tend to lead with their toes. The good news: neither form is inherently better than the other. And you are less likely to become injured if you simply maintain your natural stride. The more you run, the more comfortable that stride will feel and even better the more efficient your body will become.

Fuel Your Body

What you put in your body is just as important as what you wear when you start running. Consider food as part of your gear.

What to Eat

Make a fist. That’s about the size of what you need to eat before and after you run. So, think appetizer, not meal. It should also include carbs with some protein. Don’t attempt a new running exercise program if you’re not feeling well. Get well first. If you have the following symptoms, definitely wait until you feel better.

You don’t have to do this alone, but only workout with someone in your immediate bubble.

Progress at your own pace.

Make sure you can walk for 30 minutes at a time before trying to run. If you haven’t been walking regularly and you attempt to go straight from a sedentary lifestyle to running, skipping the walking parts, you’ll increase your risk of injury.

Run slowly at first.

During your first days of running, your running pace should be only slightly faster or exactly the same speed as your walking pace. And if you’re running too fast, you’ll likely find yourself gasping for breath. So take it slow, especially at first, as your legs and lungs are building up to running. Don’t worry at all about speed or distance covered. It simply doesn’t matter. You should be able to talk, at least a little, while you’re walking and running. If you can’t, you’re going too fast. As you build on your experience, after several weeks or months, you can start thinking about pace and distance and signing up for your first 5K race. Make a schedule for yourself and stick to it. Consistency matters, and especially now, in the days when schedules have suddenly been upended and it seems we have a lot more time.




since 2010


the Spanish Capital’s Most Elegant Hotel

With an unbeatable location, right in the historic and commercial beating heart of the Spanish capital, Four Seasons Hotel Madrid is set within Centro Canalejas, which is also home to 22 Four Seasons Private Residences and the Galería Canalejas luxury shopping mall. www.fourseasons.com 40


Combining seven different historic buildings to create one destination, Four Seasons Hotel Madrid’s exterior is as impressive as you would expect from any premises within the established collection. At the top of the hotel’s entrance is a clock adorned with two bronze statues, represengint time and fortune. The one on the left carries an hourglass, implying the past, the large mechanical clock in the middle represents the hours of the present, and the statue on the right carries a fortune wheel, symbolizing the future. Although beautiful by day, it is at dusk when the building is at its most spectacular, with tasteful lighting illuminating the historic premises.



With a soaring grand lobby welcoming guests at its heart, the lobby once served as the main operations hall of Banco Español de Crédito. Here, the telltale noise of the bank tellers has been replaced by the delicate sound of tea being poured into a porcelain cup, and the subtle fizz of bubbles in a cristal glass. Guests have a number of room and suite options to choose from, including some 200 guestrooms, which come decorated with twotone accents of pale blue or yellow, along with walnut wood furniture, white and gray marble bathrooms and the plush beds Four Seasons is renowned for. Luxury personified Royal Suite features a luxe full-marble bathroom replete with a circular bathtub, a huge cristal chandelier and top-notch furnishings. Although Madrid is regarded as one of Europe’s top cultural destinations, the hotel is an art destination in itself, housing an impressive 2,500-strong collection of pieces including sculptures, paintings and photographs. The hotel’s curator, Paloma Fernández-Iriondo, has successfully celebrated the country’s vibrant art scene by collating the works of Spanish artists – most of whom are emerging, including Maite Carranza, Miguel Torrent, Cristina Almodóvar and Pilar Cabestany.

URBAN OASIS OF WELLBEING Four Seasons Hotel Madrid is home to the city’s biggest spa, a 1,400 square metre magic space. Reached via a soaring, skylit reception area with adjacent spa boutique, guests will escape into a calming sanctuary of wellness and relaxation. Features include eight spa treatment rooms, including one reserved exclusively for couples; steam room, sauna and lounge and a salon. Guests can also ascend to the 14-metre indoor pool with its glass walls and oversized skylight bathing the space in sunshine. An adjacent sun terrace on the eight floor offers views across the city’s rooftops as one sips on refreshments from the pool bar. The Spa invites guests to take care of themselves both inside and out, with a range of treatments running the gamut from deep relaxation and inner healing to highly effective results-driven therapies leading to instantly visible improvements. Whether grounded in ancient knowledge and natural products or with 100 percent focus on the latest cuttingedge wellness and beauty technology, treatments are delivered by a team of experts in a sanctuary of wellness that provides abundant space for personal seclusion and privacy. Products include the pioneering facial and body range 111SKIN by Dr. Yannis Alexandrides, arriving to Spain for the first time and only available at Four Seasons Hotel Madrid; SEPAI, a Spanish brand formulated and manufacture in the hearth of Barcelona offering truly effective, customisable, natural and safe formulations containing the most advanced genomic technology with a very high concentration of active ingredients and no grey substances; as well as an exclusive 42


intensive anti-ageing hair-care range by Miriam Quevedo, all offering exclusively created treatments for Hotel guests and visitors to The Spa.

A NEW CULINARY DESTINATION The brand-new luxury hotel also boasts three restaurants. Dani, a new dining concept from the three Michelin-starred chef Dani García. The space has been designed by Martin Brudnizki’s acclaimed Swedish studio, in which a relaxed atmosphere is combined with sophistication and eroticism. The decoration is colonial-style, in which shades of green, yellows and touches of red, which add warmth, prevail. Expect a bright and vivid brasserie with a sophisticated touch, where locals and international guests come together to savour Andalusian cuisine and panoramic views throughout the day and evening, both indoors and out in the sunshine on the terrace. Dani is at once a temple of gastronomic exploration and an easy, informal setting for memorable meals with friends, family and colleagues. Dani’s menu is extensive, adapted to all tastes, and has been personally designed by the chef, in which iconic dishes can be found alongside other elaborations created specifically for this restaurant. The cuisine is one of contrats, offering reinvented classics, such as Dani’s Tortilla, to main courses prepared with the finest ingredients from the land or the sea, such as the tuna fillet or Dani’s Rossini Burger. Our recommendation: signature tomate nitro, green gazpacho with tomate nitro (tomato prepared in liquid nitrogen). ISA, a gastrobar will continue to move forward the tapas trend that began in Spain, adding modern Asian flavour paired with cutting-edge cocktails in a space created by global design studio AvroKO. Adjacent to the Hotel’s bustling lobby is El Patio, an open area bar and lounge, for laid-back drinks and dining. For guests’ peace of mind in the current climate, the Hotel also offers the option of 24/7 in-room dining. Place your order via Four Seasons App and Chat, available in 100 languages. Having already won awards, the app allows guests to contactlessly arrange restaurant reservations, luggage pick up and other concierge services too, guaranteeing the seamless and attentive service that Four Seasons is famed for.




HALA A L - H A J J I “You are your best project, invest in yourself.”

Meet Hala Al-Hajji an inventor and innovator from Kuwait. She holds a Masters degree in business administration and enjoys many hobbies including pilates, yoga, painting, travelling to new places, watching reality TV, content creation and her favorite topic is astronomy and astrology. We sat with Hala for an exclusive interview to know more about her and her inventions and her future plans.







Please introduce yourself to our readers.

My name is Hala Al-Hajji. I am an inventor/innovator. I was born and raised in Kuwait. My interests include space, astrology, quantum physics and world economy. My life ethic is to be the change you want to see in the world.

Tell us about your education.

I attended a private British school and received my bachelor’s degree from Kuwait Arts University. After graduating, I quickly realized I was on the wrong track academically. So, I decided to take the decision of pursing a graduate degree program in business administration (MBA).

How would you describe what you are currently doing in a sentence?

At the moment I feel accomplished after receiving a patent and trade mark from the United States for my invention. I feel ready for the next step in terms of creating the prototype and creating space to follow the journey ahead in innovation and production management. Aside from this I'm working on my personal blog on social media. My current favorite platform is Instagram where I share ideas and my individuality which frequently changes depending on my mood trends and the season.

You are an inventor or a revolutionary product. Tell us more about it? What is it? How did the idea come up and where have you reached with it? Since I was young, I always noticed hair. In my personal opinion you can get a feel of the persons manners and behavior from the way they style, groom and choose to maintain their hair condition and overall appearance. It's almost like a customized hat that’s entirely yours to enjoy.

I paid close attention to hair, hair care, hair products and styling tools. Like your everyday modern elegant lady I enjoy experimenting and testing the latest products in the market and keeping up with the modern technology beauty gadgets. Throughout the process of trial and error I I faced an issue with managing and maximizing the use of oils and serums that were a hassle and generally messy to use. Dealing with my hair routine was becoming a task and I just thought it would be nice to develop a device that would cater to the need of others with similar concerns making it less inconvenient and time efficient.

What are you plans for marketing your product?

Currently my project is in the research and development stage and I am interested in partnering with a suitable licensing partner or investor to manufacture and produce on a larger scale to targeted consumer demographic which include men and women of all ages. Strategic planning comes in play with the mission and vison of the business plan thus, will take its own nature into the tactical stages since the beauty market is always in demand but is competitive all year round. Therefore, I have narrowed my optimization process to reach the intended market while taking into account the return on investment. Lastly, digital marketing is ideal for a innovative device to advertise and reach more end users who are may need the product.

Are you working on any other inventions at the moment?

Yes, I am working on another invention but its related to the current situations of Covid-19. I am not able to mention any details about it since I signed and (NDA) for it but stay tuned.

What got you interested into fashion?

Basically, fashion for me is like introducing yourself without words.

How would you describe your personal fashion style?

When you introduce yourself without words, that kind of impact has the potential to reflect your attitude, mood, and highlight your current wardrobe style/taste.



How has been your experience with modeling?

This is an interesting question but if I am being honest, it started in my childhood. I always was dressing up my Barbies. It's funny to say but that's a fact. I really don’t have much to say other than that it’s a lifestyle. It becomes a habit and it's fun for me you can see my daily virtual runway on Instagram.

What is the biggest lesson you have learnt from the pandemic?

My biggest lesson I think would be best expressed by my own personal favourite quote “the only constant thing in life is change". So, join the program, adapt and go forward.

What is your beauty and fitness regime?

My beauty routine is divided into two parts. Day and night which involves hair, skin, and inner beauty. I have a weekly must have spa treatment and monthly special surprise for my concerns.

What is the best advise you have ever received and from who?

Value yourself and make yourself a priority. Words by my mother – Halah Mourey

What is your motto in life?

Believing in the power of femininity.

What are your favourite social media apps?

I enjoy YouTube. It's great for various topic, ideas and interests.

What do you post and where do you get the ideas for your content? I post content related to entrepreneurship, fashion, beauty and local experiences.

How do you choose which brands to work with?

I choose brands based on their values, quality and customer feedback.

What are some of your other hobbies?

My hobbies include Pilates, yoga, painting, travelling to new places, watching reality TV, content creation and my favorite astronomy and astrology.

Your message for us at CP magazine.

First of all, I'd like to thank you for giving me the space to express and share my ideas and insights. It was truly enjoyable answering these questions and I wish you the best for the coming issues.

Rapid Q and A 1. All-time favourite movie: Malena 2. Favourite binge show right now: Dynasty 3. Tell us a secret talent that you have: Throwing “Darts" 4. Best career advice you’ve received: You are your best project, invest in yourself 5. Three qualities that got you where you are today: Empathic towards other, thinking out of the box, making self care a priority 6. Book that’s left a lasting impression on you: Quantum field theory for the gifted amateur 7.Song that always makes you cry: Cold Play – fix you 8.Name one thing on your bucket list: To go to space with virgin galatic' world first commercial space line








Talent Radar Words: José Berrocoso

SARA PRENTICE “When you have such a rich heritage to look back on, there are many ways you can continue to bring it to life. Every Garrard jewel is a balance of tradition, versatility and timeless design. The result is that quintessentially British hallmark of custom, detail and craft.” The House of Garrard is the longest serving jeweller in the world. Its origins can be traced back to 1735, when Frederick, Prince of Wales became its first royal patron. His order marked the start of a long relationship with the British royal family, formalised in 1843 when Queen Victoria appointed the House as the first official Crown Jeweller. Iconic jewels have been created for each successive generation, including the Duchess of Cambridge’s sapphire cluster engagement ring. Silverware and trophies have also been commissioned over the centuries, among them the Royal Ascot Gold Cup. This rich past informs a creative present where heritage and design combine to bring out the beauty of the precious stone or metal. From tiaras to trophies and rings to regalia, every Garrard creation bears the quintessentially British hallmark of history, craft and quality. Sara Prentice, current Creatived Director of the House of Garrard, joined in September 2012 bringing 20 years’ experience of luxury brands and high jewellery design to the House. Under her direction, Garrard has seen a renewed focus on its heritage and fine craftsmanship, now celebrated in beautiful new designs and signature motifs. Sara’s career had an auspicious start when she was snapped up by Cartier on the conclusion of her studies. Six months’ intensive training with leading designers in Paris gave her an in-depth knowledge of high jewellery techniques – skills she still uses today to ensure Garrard designs are both distinctive and wearable. Positions at Cartier, Graff, Fabergé and now Garrard have seen her lead teams, develop collections and work with clients to create unique bespoke jewels. In 2015 her achievements were recognised when she won the Professional Jeweller’s Hot 100. Recent highlights include working with HRH Prince Harry on medals for the Invictus Games and creating the 118.88 carat Jubilee sapphire brooch, marking Queen Elizabeth II’s 65th anniversary on the throne.

www.garrard.com www.cpmagazine.net


CityPages Magazine: You’re clearly a jewellery lover. Tell us a bit about your jewellery journey? Sara Prentice: My first jewellery memory was a box of

treasures that my mother inherited when I was a child. It was filled with intricate antique pieces that fascinated me from a very young age and fuelled my passion for jewellery design. By the time I had finished my studies, I knew that I was destined for a career in fine jewellery. To my delight, I was immediately taken on by Cartier, with whom I received my high jewellery training in Paris. Following several positions at high-profile jewellers in both London and Paris, I joined Garrard in 2012. As creative director, I am responsible for coming up with new ideas for collections, unique pieces and signature motifs, overseeing the all-female design team with whom I work and collaborating with the workshop to realise our ideas. I have also brought a renewed focus on the House’s heritage and the wearability of our jewels. It is very important to me to understand the mindset of modern women and how our jewels can fit seamlessly into their lives.

CPM: Can you tell us a little bit about Garrard’s latest high jewelry collection, Jewelled Vault? SP: The Jewelled Vault is where our most precious stones reside

– coloured gems of distinction, selected for their extraordinary rarity and beauty. Each new Jewelled Vault creation starts with the stone, placing them centre stage, and is testament to the lengths we go to at Garrard to hunt out the rarest and most renowned gems, such as Royal Blue sapphires and Pigeon’s Blood rubies.

CPM: What sets Garrard’s high jewelry apart

other than the extraordinary balance of tradition, versatility and timeless design?

SP: Weaving in design details inspired by our rich and storied history, reimagined for the woman of today, our high jewellery is an opportunity to challenge ourselves to create jewels that excite with their craftsmanship, design and gemstones. The timeless element is central to each piece of high jewellery. Designed to be worn, admired and treasured for today, tomorrow and forever, each jewel showcases the very best of Garrard. CPM: Which stones and materials do you prefer working with?

SP: I love working with rubies, emeralds and sapphires – regal gemstones that continue to be central to the identity of the House. Each stone has its own personality and individual nuances, and it is my job to design jewels that highlight and enhance these innate qualities. In recent years we have also started to experiment with hardstones, which has opened up a whole new colour palette.

CPM: Each stones has its meaning. Each combination tells the story. What would be the most poetic combination in your opinion?

SP: Coloured gems paired with diamonds is a classic combination that has been used throughout our history. There is real poetry in contrasting the colourful with the colourless: diamonds with emeralds, rubies, sapphires and aquamarines. Diamonds are the perfect accompaniment to a coloured gem. It’s a pairing that immediately captures the attention, with their purity and brilliance creating a dramatic contrast alongside a vibrant centre stone. CPM: How would you describe the House of Garrard


SP: The Garrard woman is confident and self-assured. She

knows exactly what suits her and is looking for jewels that accentuate her innate sense of style and which she can wear on different occasions. Versatility and wearability is important to her, which is why many of our jewels at Garrard are designed to be adaptable to different occasions. The new Aloria collection is the perfect example of this. With interchangeable elements and multiple options for mixing and matching, it opens up a world of possibilities, enabling the wearer to tailor their jewel to the occasion, outfit or mood.



CPM: What does luxury mean for the brand today? What are next generation of luxury shoppers looking for?

SP: The definition of luxury at Garrard has evolved over the years. Today, authenticity and heritage are central to the luxury experience at Garrard. Our clients are keen to discover the wonderful stories that are so much a part of our history and how they continue to inspire our designs today. With their purchases, our clients become part of our story. CPM: What’s next for House of Garrad? SP: We are renowned for delivering the very best service at our flagship store in London and opening this up on a global scale is central to our vision for the brand going forwards. We have recently partnered with leading regional luxury online shopping platform Ounass and in Spring 2021 Garrard we will be present in Ali Bin Ali’s new luxury watch and jewellery showroom in Kuwait City.

CPM: How important is the GCC market for House of


SP: We have established a loyal, interested and engaged client base in the GCC region and are therefore thrilled to be expanding our presence here – digitally with Ounass and physically in Kuwait. The new opening means that our Kuwaiti clients can now shop locally as well as visit us when they are in London. www.cpmagazine.net



MAY 2020

by travel-expert José Berrocoso


www.preferredhotels.com Nestled on a cliff overlooking the majestic Indian Ocean in West Sumba, Indonesia, Lelewatu Resort, member of Preferred Hotels & Resorts,, the world’s largest independent hotel brand, representing more than 700 distinctive hotels, resorts, residences and unique hotel groups across 80 countries, truly redefines the meaning of luxury. Spred over a secluded 10-heactres landscape of lush rainforest and unspoiled nature, this exceptional retreat will elevate your stay with world-class facilities and unrivalled personal service. The resort’s 27 villas are designed with Sumbanese wooden interiors, handwoven ikat fabrics, indoor marble baths and private pools. www.cpmagazine.net


since 2010

New February Releases

Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted

Fake Accounts

by Randa Jarrar

by Lauren Oyler

A searing, deeply moving memoir of illness and recovery that traces one young woman’s journey from diagnosis to remission and, ultimately, a road trip of healing and self-discovery. In the summer after graduating from college, Suleika Jaouad was preparing, as they say in commencement speeches, to enter “the real world.” She had fallen in love and moved to Paris to pursue her dream of becoming a war correspondent. The real world she found, however, would take her into a very different kind of conflict zone.

Queer. Muslim. Arab American. A proudly Fat woman. Randa Jarrar is all of these things. In this provocative memoir of a crosscountry road trip, she explores how to claim joy in an unraveling and hostile America. Randa Jarrar is a fearless voice of dissent who has been called “politically incorrect” (Michelle Goldberg, The New York Times). As an American raised for a time in Egypt, and finding herself captivated by the story of a celebrated Egyptian belly dancer’s journey across the United States in the 1940s, she sets off from her home in California to her parents’ in Connecticut.

A woman in a post-election tailspin discovers that her boyfriend is an anonymous online conspiracy theorist in this provocative and subversive debut novel that examines social media, sex, feminism, and fiction, the connection they've all promised, and the lies they help us tell. On the eve of Donald Trump's inauguration, a young woman snoops through her boyfriend's phone and makes a startling discovery: he's an anonymous internet conspiracy theorist, and a popular one at that. Already fluent in internet fakery, irony, and outrage, she's not exactly shocked by the revelation. Actually, she's relieved—he was always a little distant—and she plots to end their floundering relationship while on a trip to the Women's March in DC. But this is only the first in a series of bizarre twists that expose a world whose truths are shaped by online lies.

Four Hundred Souls: A Community

The Women's History of the Modern World: How Radicals,

by Suleika Jaouad

History of African America, 1619-2019

by Ibram X. Kendi & Keisha N. Blain

An epoch-defining history of African America, the first to appear in a generation, Four Hundred Souls is a chronological account of four hundred years of Black America as told by ninety of America's leading Black writers. Curated by Ibram X. Kendi, author of the number one bestseller How To Be an Antiracist, and fellow historian Keisha N. Blain, Four Hundred Souls begins with the arrival of twenty enslaved Ndongo people on the shores of the British colony in mainland America in 1619, the year before the arrival of the Mayflower. In eighty chronological chapters, the book charts the tragic and triumphant four-hundred-year history of Black American experience in a choral work of exceptional power and beauty.


Love Is an Ex-Country


Rebels, and Everywomen Revolutionized the Last 200 Years

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need

by Ethan Kross

by Rosalind Miles The internationally bestselling author of Who Cooked the Last Supper? presents a wickedly witty and very current history of the extraordinary female rebels, reactionaries, and trailblazers who left their mark on history from the French Revolution up to the present day. Now is the time for a new women’s history — for the famous, infamous, and unsung women to get their due — from the Enlightenment to the #MeToo movement.

Bill Gates shares what he's learned in more than a decade of studying climate change and investing in innovations to address the problems, and sets out a vision for how the world can build the tools it needs to get to zero greenhouse gas emissions. Bill Gates explains why he cares so deeply about climate change and what makes him optimistic that the world can prevent the worst impacts of the climate crisis. Gates says, "we can work on a local, national, and global level to build the technologies, businesses, and industries to avoid the worst impacts of climate change." His interest in climate change is a natural outgrowth of the efforts by his foundation to reduce poverty and disease.

Make Up Break Up by Lily Menon & Sandhya Menon Love, romance, second chances, fairy-tale endings…these are the things Annika Dev believes in. Her app, Make Up, has been called the “Google Translate for failing relationships.” High efficiency break-ups, flashy start-ups, penthouses, fast cars…these are the things Hudson Craft believes in. His app, Break Up, is known as the “Uber for break-ups.” It’s wildly successful—and anathema to Annika’s life philosophy. Which wouldn’t be a problem if they’d gone their separate ways after that summer fling in Las Vegas, never to see each other again.

Confident Women: Swindlers, Grifters, and Shapeshifters of the Feminine Persuasion by Tori Telfer A thoroughly entertaining and darkly humorous roundup of history’s notorious but often forgotten female con artists and their bold, outrageous scams—by the acclaimed author of Lady Killers. From Elizabeth Holmes and Anna Delvey to Frank Abagnale and Charles Ponzi, audacious scams and charismatic scammers continue to intrigue us as a culture. As Tori Telfer reveals in Confident Women, the art of the con has a long and venerable tradition, and its female practitioners are some of the best—or worst. In the 1700s in Paris, Jeanne de Saint-Rémy scammed the royal jewelers out of a necklace made from six hundred and fortyseven diamonds by pretending she was best friends with Queen Marie Antoinette.




inside Dubai’s Perfume House Words: José Berrocoso Photography: Dubai Tourism; Illustrations: Somang Lee

The former home of the late Sheikha Sheikha Bint Saeed Al Maktoum now houses a stunning collection of artefacts highlighting the tradition of perfuming in the region. 58


Located in the historic Al Shindagha district of Dubai, developed as part of an initiative to trasform the creek into a regional culture and traditional centre, the Perfume House explores the narratives of traditional perfumemaking in the region. It gives visitors the opportunity to travel back in time to ancient Arabia to follow the fragrant route and history of how traditional oils, perfumes and incense were made. Visitors also get to experience the ingredients used, including Dihn Al Oud, saffron and Damascene roses, along with ingredients used in present times.



A first of its kind in the Middle East dedicated to highlighting the importance of UAE perfumes and its history in the Emirate of Dubai, the House of Perfumes offers a chance for visitors to literally smell and experience the age-old history of perfumery here. Perfume is an important aspect in Emirati life style. Where ever you go in Dubai or any other emirate of UAE, you will find fascinating and breath holding fragrances near Arabic shops, stores either it is perfume shop, dress shop or any other type of store. You can say that Arabs known for their good choice of fragrances and their habit of always wearing perfumes. The head of research and studies unit at Architectural heritage dept. of Dubai Municipality Shatha Al Mulla said that “Perfume is indeed a precious part of Khaleeji and Arabic culture. Each Arabic home has their own unique collection of perfumes and incenses”. Several of the invaluable items displayed at the museum are from Sheikha Shaikha Bint Saeed Al Maktoum's personal collection, including a 1.2m high piece of an oud with a weight of 28k, which is currently valued at Dh200m, is one of the main attractions in the museum. Others, including a 3,000-year-old incense burner, bear witness to a thousand-year-old local tradition. Also featured are 60


the social dimensions that perfumes and fragrances take on in Emirati society, traditions which are unique in the world. A prominent perfumer herself, Sheikha Sheikha made perfumes in her personal room and then bury them later in her private courtyard for fermentation. She preserved them under her bed for months. Sheikha experimented many of the perfumes with different natural ingredients. There is one composition for perfume which was written by Late Sheikha personally. This pavilion sheds light on these fascinating practices through objects, multimedia, and of course, through many different scents.“The biggest challenge for me was to source the right plants to use as reference materials as these had to be accuarete”, said Somang Lee, awardwinning illustrator and nature lover, who was in charge of the drawing. “Each plant had to be drawn from 5 different angles which meant I couldn't use reference images from the internet as I needed a 360 degree view. I used various sources such as the Botanical Gardens at Kew to find just the right type of rose needed for an accurate rendering of the images. It was a challenge that I hugely enjoyed”. According to Al Mulla they have a particular memory of various fragrances which is why perfume stays personal ritual for all of us. www.cpmagazine.net




FROSTBITE? When the novel coronavirus first emerged, the public was warned about the major signs and symptoms: cough, fever, and shortness of breath. But scientists and healthcare professionals are exploring another potential symptom of the disease: itchy red bumps on the toes and sometimes fingers, now commonly referred to as “COVID toes.” The skin findings resemble those of frostnip, frostbite, or chilblains, these are skin conditions that typically are associated with exposure to cold conditions. Dr. Nazia Nausheen



Difference between Chilblains, Frostnip, and Frostbite: Chilblains develop when you are exposed to cold temperatures. People develop chilblains when they stand on cool, wet ground and get chilled. Chilblains cause the skin on your toes, other parts of your feet, fingers, or other affected areas to burn and itch. Some people see their skin swell and turn red or dark blue. A severe case of chilblains can cause sores or blisters. Chilblains differ from frostnip and frostbite, Frostnip is the mildest form of cold injury, whereas chilblains represent a more severe condition due to prolonged exposure to non-freezing temperature and humidity. Frostnip, a mild form of frostbite, irritates the skin, causing redness and a cold feeling followed by numbness. Frostnip does not permanently damage the skin. The differences between frostnip and frostbite are the severity of the injury. Frostnip is an injury that occurs on the surface skin and does not affect the deeper layers of skin. Frostbite occurs when the body part is frozen and then develops ice crystals within the cells, which ruptures them and causes cell death.

COVID toes and their link to COVID-19:

For the most part, COVID toes are painless, and the only reason they can be noticeable is the discoloration. However, for other people, COVID toes can also cause blistering, itch, and pain. On some people, COVID toes will rarely cause raised bumps or patches of rough skin. Some people may also have a build-up of pus under the skin.

Treatment for COVID toes: To reduce pain or itching, apply hydrocortisone cream to the affected area. If this fails to bring relief or symptoms worsen, contact your dermatologist.

Are COVID toes contagious? Much remains unknown about the coronavirus, including whether you are contagious when you have COVID toes. If you notice a rash or bumps on your toes that are itchy, uncomfortable, or even painful, contact your doctor. Explain what is happening and ask if you need testing.

How long COVID toes last? While COVID toes go away without treatment, more information is still needed to know for sure. Reports suggest that it can last 10 to 14 days, with some patients having COVID toes for months.

Since COVID-19 is a new disease, there is very little data about it, including about COVID toe. However, physicians have observed that the majority of patients who develop COVID toes do not become severely ill from the virus. COVID toes are one of the skin signs seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. Skin symptoms may play a crucial role in detecting infection in people who are otherwise asymptomatic. However, it should be noted that rashes are very common and, in most cases, will not be linked to COVID-19 Researchers from the COVID Symptom Study believe rashes, like COVID fingers and toes, should be considered a “key diagnostic sign” of the virus, after finding 8% of people who test positive have some form of a rash. While COVID toes can appear at any age, children, teenagers, and young adults seem most likely to develop this condition. These young patients are healthy. Many never develop other, more common symptoms of COVID-19, such as a dry cough, fever, and muscle aches. When they do have symptoms of COVID-19, the symptoms tend to be mild.

Symptoms of COVID toes: Despite the name, COVID toes can develop on the fingers and toes alike. However, it appears to be more common on the toes. COVID toes begin with a bright red coloration on the fingers or toes, which then gradually turns purple. COVID toes can range from affecting one toe to all of them. www.cpmagazine.net



BEST WAR MOVIES It’s February and it’s the Kuwait National Day Month. For that reason we will be suggesting war movies related to the Gulf War or movies related to wars in general. The reason why I’m suggesting the war movies is because the invasion of Kuwait and how the people felt during that time. I will be choosing six movies because we celebrate the Liberation National Day on the 26th of February.

Othman Qalfas



The Hurt Locker

American Sniper

Lone Survivor

This Movie is set in Baghdad during the invasion to liberate Iraq from Sadam Hussain. It talk about a bomb disposal team that try to deactivate bombs in Iraq. It’s a stressful movie that you will enjoy watching. Staring Jeremy Renner and Anthony Mackie both appeared in the Marvel Universe as Hawk Eye and Falcon.

Based on a true story that occurred during the Iraqi invasion. When an U.S. Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle work on saving his team. He became a legend and the movie also show his physio-logical life after the war and returning home. Many men don’t feel the same after they interfere with wars and decision making choices.

A team on mission to capture or kill Taliban leader Ahmed Shah in 2005. Marcus Luttrell and his team left to fight for their lives there. A true story movie staring Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster and Alexander Ludwug. The movie shows that not every person is a bad person.



Saving Private Ryan

This movie is based on a true story about the British Empire and France soldiers in Dunkirk - Belgium, surrounded by German soldiers and forced to the sea in the World War 2. The movie is Written and Directed by Christopher Nolan. No CGI have been used in the movie.

From the title we can see that it talk about the year 1917, ex-actly at April the 6th. Two soldiers are assigned to deliver a message to another fleet and stop them from dying in the en-emy trap. What makes this movie unique is the ability to shoot most of the shots in the technique of “one shot” and it’s a real story.

This movie has been produced at 1998, staring Tom Hanks and Matt Damon. It’s about a family that lost 3 boys of it’s own in the war and the last boy is still alive “Private Ryan” so they try to save him and bring him back home safe.





CONCEPT and MAKEUP: ANA LOPEZ (@ana.artista) DIRECTIONS: JAMEEL ARIF (@jameelarif) MODEL: ROCIO TAPIA SAPPAG (@rociotapia1) PHOTOGRAPHY: RIYAS (@riyas.photokw)









KOMBUCHA Words: José Berrocoso

Vincent Vandenabeele, the founder of Saba Plant-based, is a reputable consultant for food and beverage companies. He is passionate about ancient food processes that includes fermented food and drinks. With over 15 years of experience in the organic snacking industry in France, Vincent decided to move to Dubai in 2015, with the vision of promoting health and happiness while supporting the local industries in the UAE. In the past couple of years, Vincent observed that the demand for healthy and organic food and beverages was rapidly increasing in the region and decided to fill the gap by introducing an affordable and easily accessible organic beverage in the UAE. This led to the birth of Saba Kombucha, the first 100% raw, organic, low sugar, and unpasteurized Kombucha that is locally brewed in Dubai and provides ample benefits for the body. Recently, Saba Kombucha, the first all-natural brewed beverage in the UAE announced its rebrand as Saba Plant-based, and the expansion of its probiotic offerings - an all-natural probiotic yogurt - for all health and wellness enthusiasts in the UAE. The new Saba Plant-based probiotic yogurt is 100% organic and will serve consumer's daily needs for probiotics. According to Vincent, introducing the new Saba Plant-based probiotic yogurt and rebranding itself as Saba plant-based was done for people who want to make better choices in their everyday lives. He additionally added that “At Saba, we are always seeking innovative ways to create the best products for health and wellness enthusiasts, which has allowed our brand to remain at the forefront of the ever-changing kombucha market in the UAE. Consumers need probiotics that are essential for their gut health, hence the new change.






CityPages Magazine: Tell us a little bit about why you

so less sour than traditional Kombucha flavors.

Vincent Vandenabeele: As pioneers in the organic snacking industry in France since 2009, I have always been passionate about organic and healthy food. Probiotic food isn’t so present in people’s daily consumption as it should be. My wife and I wanted to make natural probiotics easy to consume. So, we moved to the UAE with the dream of producing probiotic food that would promote health and happiness throughout the region while supporting the local industries.

CPM: How do you brew your SABA’s kombucha? VV: Shhh! The secret is in our recipe. What we can say though is; We

founded SABA Plant Based.

CPM: What were the first steps you took in starting the


VV: I worked on and refined my special recipes before anything else. I wanted to make sure I was able to locally brew the best Kombucha tailored to the region’s taste and specifications. CPM: What’s been your biggest challenge so far? VV: Our biggest challenge has been staying price competitive

while not using any plastic containers. Being environmentally friendly remains challenging but we have decided to continue using sustainable packaging for the benefit of our clients and the planet.

CPM: Where does kombucha originate? VV: A legend in more ways than one, Kombucha was created over

2,000 years ago by ancient Chinese Qigong masters. Referring to it as their ‘Immortality Tea’ they would come down from the mountains every Spring to ferment their tea and return in Summer to share the magical elixir. These energy masters believed that it had untapped healing powers and helped create harmony within the mind, body and spirit.

CPM: A lot of people are still hesitant to try kombucha in

CPM: Why is kombucha an important part of a healthy


VV: It’s an easy way to get your daily dose of natural probiotics and

prebiotics that help boost your immune system and maintain a healthy gut! Our gut system is complex and does so much for our body and mind. For example, gut bacteria manufacture about 95 percent of the body's supply of serotonin. Serotonin is the key hormone that stabilizes our mood, feelings of well-being, and happiness. Also, Doctors and scientists have determined lately that gut is may not just be the second brain but the first! We would be wise to pay attention and take care of it.

CPM: What are some of the benefits of SABA/ versus other brands at the store?

VV: Saba kombucha benefits: probiotic-rich to support gut flora, helps digestion, fights inflammation, boosts natural immunity and boosts energy. CPM: What do you do to feel good? Any healthy life hacks or rituals have you got for us?

VV: Morning run by the beach! I try to consume organic products as much as possible and make sure to add fermented food to your diet; it will do wonders for your body!

the GCC. What would you say to these people who might be too scared to try it?

CPM: You have recently added vegan yoghurts to your

mango because those flavors are more familiar and naturally sweet,

VV: At our company, we geek out on anything to do with live cultures,

VV: They can always start with the fruity Kombucha, like raspberry or 72

only use Organic ingredients. We use glass packaging to protect your health and the environment. We have an amazing Mama SCOBY bursting with probiotics. We do not add gas or sugar and only use organic Agave syrup. Our Kombucha is brewed in Dubai


portfolio. Can you let us know more about this?

probiotics and gut-loving bacteria. Dating back as far as 5,000 years ago in the Middle East, it’s amazing to learn that fermented yoghurt was used for the same medicinal, gut-healing benefits as it is today. We’ve found a way to create a smooth, delicious, yoghurt that’s not only bursting with probiotics but also 100% organic, vegan and dairy-free. Handcrafted using certified organic Sri Lankan coconuts; we slowly pasteurize and ferment our coconut yoghurt in Dubai to produce live, plant-powered probiotics that help support healthy digestion. Free from dairy, refined sugar and preservatives, our yoghurts are then cooled and served in enviro-friendly glass pots to help curb those sweet cravings, while fueling your gut with all the goodness.

CPM: Where do you see the healthy food industry going in the


VV: The Healthy food industry is growing at the fast pace in the GCC and I see it continuing to grow as consumers are now more aware of health and environmental impact of their diets. Our goal is to continue to support the growth of the organic and healthy food in the region. Bringing the best products to the region, made in the region. We are plastic free for the same reason. Supporting our consumers’ health and our planet. CPM: A message to our readers at City Pages Magazine. VV: I wish you all a very good year 2021. Health and happiness InshAllah!




All-new Volkswagen T-Roc: powerful and charismatic arriving soon to Kuwait

“I’d give you the moon” It’s a promise made in countless songs and poems - and even the crazy in love know it’s lunacy. Still, if you’re already floating on a cloud, why not take an extra leap and give it a try? It’s a beautiful gesture and your sweetheart will love you for it. Don’t worry, you don’t have to go it alone. We’ve already been to the lunar surface - so we know the way.

Volkswagen Middle East is adding dynamism to the segment of compact SUVs with the all-new T-Roc. As the first compact SUV from Volkswagen, the T-Roc majors on style, practicality and personalization and it sets a new benchmark in the booming SUV segment. The vehicle represents a playful take on Volkswagen’s current design language and establishes a new expressive DNA, it boasts one of the strongest engines in its class, bags of equipment, and a dynamic drive to deliver superior driving experience. The Volkswagen T-Roc will be arriving in Kuwait from March / April 2021. The all-new T-Roc 2021 is the newest member to the growing line-up of Volkswagen SUVs. Featuring a new look, striking design, improved powertrain technology, and great safety features, the new T-Roc aims to deliver more of what a compact SUV buyer in the Middle East really wants, with Volkswagen’s advanced TSI technology delivering a combination of high performance with an economically friendly price tag. Aiming to shake up the compact SUV segment, by offering German-engineered quality, a strong performance engine, complemented with unique bold design from interior to exterior; including contrasting roof options to colourful interior dash options, and all the advanced technology you need for pure, unrivalled performance. The design of the T-Roc follows an expressive Volkswagen SUV DNA, which is similar to that of the Tiguan and the Touareg. The T-Roc exterior has been fully updated with Volkswagen’s new design language, featuring halogen headlamps, LED rear lights, U-shaped LED daytime running lights, a contrast colored roof and a Panoramic sunroof. It excites with a progressive design that is both fiercely individual, as well as cohesive with the rest of the Volkswagen family. The interior features a new, largely digitalized, connected cockpit, and large touchscreen infotainment system. Sophisticated technology comes with ease, with the wireless charging point, digital radio DAB+, 300W Beats sound system with subwoofer and Discover Media Navigation all add to the excitement of the drive. Victor Dalmau, Managing Director of Volkswagen Middle East, said: “With the Volkswagen T-Roc, we are reaching out to customers looking for a compact SUV who demand the newest and best in terms of design and technology.” He added: “We are confident that the T-Roc will add significant value to our portfolio as it builds on Volkswagen’s unparalleled capabilities including distinctive design, quality, safety and technology. The car will also sit as our entry-level model to the brand, offering customers a superb value option for a compact SUV which has all the modern day technical requirements expected by our savvy, youthful customers. We look forward to launching this car to the market and completing our SUV portfolio line up with the full range from compact right through to our largest models, the Teramont and our flagship, the Touareg.” Mohamad Shway, General Manager at Volkswagen Kuwait, said: “We pride ourselves in bringing to our customer base in Kuwait the best-in-class German technology, safety and design. We are certain that the new Volkswagen T-Roc will exceed the expectations of our customers, as we constantly seek to ensure customer satisfaction at the core of all our offerings.”



The stage is set for adventure, so let’s begin. To help set the scene, we’ve provided a cluster of stars: also known as a Constellation. Two in fact! Both in steel and 18K Sedna™ gold. Also, as you’re on a mission to grab the moon, it seemed logical to include watches with ‘claws’ “If giving the whole of the moon is beyond your grasp, consider the Constellation, with its famous half-moons” Be sure to check conditions on the lunar surface just prior to launch. To light the way, we suggest the golden glow of luxury, in generous supply on OMEGA’s new Trésor in 18K Moonshine™ gold. Remember the love mission motto: high style, even in low gravity. “Should it prove impossible to give your loved-one the moon, the De Ville with its delicate mesh bracelet and 38 full-cut diamonds is the perfect plan B” You’re about ready to bring back the moon, so good luck and bon voyage. Remember, if you’d rather reach for the possible, we have beautiful timepieces your loved one will adore just as much – and they’re a lot easier to gift wrap. Either way, we wish you a happy Valentine’s Day – and moonlit night.

Porsche takes the new 911 GT3 off the leash

The seventh generation of the high-performance Porsche 911 GT3 was developed in close collaboration with Porsche Motorsport. It transfers pure racing technology into a production model: the double wishbone front axle layout and sophisticated aerodynamics with a swan neck rear wing and a striking diffuser originate from the successful GT race car 911 RSR. Tried and tested in endurance racing, the 510 PS (375 kW) four-litre six-cylinder boxer engine is based on the drivetrain of the 911 GT3 R. The acoustically impressive, high-revving engine is also used in the new 911 GT3 Cup. The result is a state-of-the-art sports car, perfect for the track and suitable for everyday use. Featuring Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK), it is even faster than the previous 911 GT3 RS with a top speed of 318 km/h and accelerates from zero to 100 km/h in 3.4 seconds. Porsche also offers the new model with a six-speed manual transmission. The aerodynamics benefit from the brand’s vast motorsport experience and generate significantly more downforce without noticeably affecting the drag coefficient. In the Performance drive mode, the manually set wing and diffuser elements increase the aerodynamic pressure for high cornering speeds. During final testing, the new 911 GT3 lapped the Nuerburgring-Nordschleife, traditionally the ultimate proving ground for all sports cars developed by Porsche, over 17 seconds quicker than its predecessor. Development driver Lars Kern took just 6:59.927 minutes for a full 20.8-kilometre lap. The shorter 20.6-kilometre track was completed by the 911 GT3 in 6:55.2 minutes. Despite a wider body, larger wheels and additional technical features, the weight of the new GT3 is on a par with its predecessor. When equipped with a manual gearbox, the model weighs 1,418 kilograms, while the PDK version comes in at 1,435 kilograms. Lightweight components included are the front bonnet made of carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP), lightweight glass windows, light-alloy wheels and a sports exhaust system which reduces the weight by no less than ten kilograms. The combined consumption of the 911 GT3 with PDK transmission is 12.4 litres/100 km. Its racing genes are expressed in every detail of the new 911 GT3. The cockpit features a new track screen. It can reduce the digital displays to the left and right of the rev counter to essential information needed for track driving, such as tyre and oil pressure, fuel level and water temperature. It also includes a visual shift assistant with coloured bars to the left and right of the rev counter and a shift light derived from Motorsport. To meet the growing demand for individualization options, Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur offers a wide range of customized equipment for the new 911 GT3. Highlights include a lightweight roof made of exposed carbon fibre, exterior mirror tops made of carbon, darkened LED matrix main headlights and matching Exclusive design rear lights. Guards Red or Shark Blue painted wheel rims enhance the black alloy wheels. As exclusive as the 911 GT3 itself is the individual chronograph that Porsche Design offers exclusively to customers of the high-performance sports car. Its housing reflects its Motorsport genes and just like the connecting rods of the GT3 engine, it consists of robust, lightweight titanium. The timepiece is powered by an individual winding rotor reminiscent of the wheels of the 911 GT3. The coloured ring of the dial can be customised in the exterior paint of the owner’s car. Customers can order the new 911 GT3 as of 31st of March 2021. From that date, information on the basic retail price, model specifications and local availability can be obtained at the nearest Porsche Centre.

Huawei will launch all-new neckband, the HUAWEI FreeLace Pro in Kuwait

Huawei will launch its new noise cancelling neckband earphones, the HUAWEI FreeLace Pro in Kuwait. The new HUAWEI FreeLace Pro boasts an extra-long battery life of 24 hours, dual-mic active noise-cancelling feature for premium noise cancellation along with fast charging and pairing to deliver an upgraded user experience. It also inherits the colourful, stylish appearance of the previous HUAWEI FreeLace and adds improvements in sound quality. The HUAWEI FreeLace Pro will be available on Huawei’s official website and across select retailers in Kuwait starting from 24th February priced at 29.900 KWD in colour variants of Dawn White, Graphite Black, Sakura Pink and Spruce Green. 24-hour battery life and fast charge experience HUAWEI FreeLace Pro battery life sets a new standard for wireless neckband headphones. Its built-in 150mAh 3C lithium-ion polymer battery can last up to 24 hours on a single full charge. And you can use your PC, tablet or smartphone with an USB-C port to fast charge your HUAWEI FreeLace Pro any time with just five minutes charging, it could offer up to 5 hours of music playback . Maximum 40dB ANC depth with dual-mic active noise cancellation for extra quiet These days, many people enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city. Building on the previous generation, HUAWEI FreeLace Pro includes a new ANC feature for those people. With two built-in high-sensitivity microphones, the feedforward microphone picks up the noise outside of the ear and the feedback microphone picks up the residual noise in the ear canal. And the speaker can accurately generate noise cancellation sound to eliminate noise. Unwanted noise is reduced by maximum 40dB . 3-mic Call Noise Cancellation for all-day clear call In addition to dual-mic active noise cancellation, the HUAWEI FreeLace Pro has exceptional noise cancellation capabilities for phone calls. In contrast to singlemicrophone call noise reduction, the HUAWEI FreeLace Pro employs a 3-microphone adaptive system which weakens interference from ambient noise or wind noise, retaining all the character of the human voice whilst enhancing the clarity of the call. Even if you are conducting a voice call and meeting in the noisiest environments such as the underground, by the roadside, or in strong winds, you can communicate as clearly and easily as though you were face-to-face.












1. The word marmalade is from Portuguese 'marmelo', meaning: Sugar; Quince; Boil; or Breakfast?






2. Commonly used in batteries, what is the lightest metal and least dense solid element?














4. Minyan is a quorum of ten adult males required for public worship in: Sikhism; Judaism; Catholicism; or Buddhism?






5. Name the fantasy flat world on which the 2015 posthumously published novel The Shepherd's Crown is set?







3. Reflected in the names of its holes and reputation, the famously scenic Augusta National Golf Course was previously a: Bird sanctuary; Lake; Cemetery; or Plant nursery?

6. What word commonly follows Plasticw, Food, Saran, Glad and Cling in its geographical variations? 7. In 1964, the first commoner featured on a British postage stamp was: Bobby Charlton; William Shakepeare; The Duke of Wellington; or Dennis the Menace?


8. Australia's Liberal National, USA's Democratic, and Israel's Likud political parties are all traditionally branded what colour/color?

TEST YOUR VOCABULARY For most countries that attempt it, the shift from dictatorship to democracy seems as difficult as ever.

9. A misanthrope specifically avoids/dislikes: Females; Males; Children; or People generally?

In this sentence, shift means:

10. The 1957 'Synchrocyclotron' near Geneva was the forerunner for what world's biggest machine, 'LHC' built 1998-2008?

a. a discussion in which reasons are advanced for some proposal

c. the act of changing one thing or position for another

b. the adoption of the behavior of the surrounding culture

d. a vote to select the winner of a position or political office

What makes a shift different from, say, a change is that it implies some kind of movement; a sense that the thing that you're shifting is still the same thing, just moving in a different direction. For example, when you shift gears in a car you're simply moving from one gear to another. If you shift your focus, you're still focused, but the focus has moved. If the government shifts its policy, that policy, while different, is still a policy.

ANSWER: c.Shift the verb and shift the noun are very similar in meaning. A shift is a change in something or an adjustment in the way something is done. You can either make a shift (that's the noun), or you can just shift (that's the verb).


11. What is the fourth root of 16? 12. Name the artist-owned music streaming service launched in 2015 by rapper Jay-Z? 13. The traditional Turkish jelick or yelek, the derivation of an Anglicized French garment name is a: Glove; Waistcoat; Hat; or Sock? 14. Flint, Match, Wheel, and Percussion were early mechanisms for what? 15. 'Badi Bhabhi', meaning ‘eldest brother’s wife’, refers typically to the senior female in family groups common in: Italy; India; Russia; or the Game of Thrones? 16. What 'definite article' pluralised term, refers to a sports affliction restricting/interrupting fine movements and ball release/striking, especially in golf putting?

How many diagonals are there in a quadrilateral?

17. Whose emblem, representing a merger with DKW, Horch and Wanderer, was subject to an unsuccessful trademark action by the IOC in 1995? 18. MIPS means what in computing speed? 19. What sort of sports shoe is the Adidas Stan Smith: Soccer; Golf; Tennis; or Ten-Pin Bowling?

A. 2 B. 3

20. Name the European cities whose airports are coded as: CPH, MUC, ZRH, and SPU?

C. 4 D. No diagonals.

CPH, Munich MUC, Zurich ZRH, and Split SPU Collider, 11.2, 12.Tidal, 13.Waistcoat, 14.Firearms, 15.India, 16.The Yips, 17.Audi, 18.Million Instructions Per Second, 19.Tennis, 20.Copenhagen



ANSWERS: 1.Quince, 2.Lithium, 3.Plant nursery, 4.Judaism, 5.Discworld, 6.Wrap, 7.William Shakepeare, 8.Blue, 9.People generally, 10.Large Hadron


‫جاهـــز للطهــي‬




HOROSCOPES (March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)



February arrives with a major focus on your finances, Aries. This is because your ruler Mars powers up this sector again this month. It could increase your expenses during this time but also give you the drive to make so much more. This would be an excellent time to look for a better paying job or, if you freelance, hunt down more clients. Venus, planet of pleasure, dances through your solar eleventh house from February 1 until February 25, bringing laughter, joy, and sweetness to your social life. With a new moon arriving in this same sphere on the eleventh, you will surely hear from many friends in the week that follows. You might even be invited to an event that holds both personal and professional opportunities for you.

(April 20 - May 20)

TAURUS You are nearly unstoppable in February, Taurus! That’s because you’re energized by the tremendous power of Mars through the entire month. You’ll be fired up to tackle your goals and able to make a great deal of progress on any of your personal or professional plans. Take the initiative. Be a leader. Don’t sit in the shadows. However, despite your enthusiasm, this month could see some delays regarding career matters with Mercury retrograde until February 20. Try not to sign any contracts or agree to anything during this time because it could end up shifting later down the line. This could prove difficult to do, though, because the new moon on the eleventh is sure to bring some fresh opportunities your way. If you can hold off signing or announcing them until later in the month, you’ll be happy you did.

(May 21 - June 20)

GEMINI February could feel especially slow for you, Gemini. This is because your ruler Mercury is fast asleep in a retrograde cycle until February 20. Even after he awakens, though, he will be groggily catching up to speed through the remaining days. Mighty Mars, the planet of drive, ignites your solar twelfth house of rest, encouraging you to lie low, rest, and recharge. Don’t let the slower pace stress you out. Instead, find ways to use the vibe to catch up on tasks or give yourself some much-needed TLC. A new moon in your solar ninth house of expansion appears on the eleventh, opening a doorway to you regarding an academic, immigration, travel, or publishing matter. If you’re presented with a contract, though, it wouldn’t be the ideal time to sign. If you’re pressed to, just note that whatever agreement you make may end up shifting later.

(June 21 - July 22)

CANCER As mighty Mars ignites your solar eleventh house of community, you’ll feel your social life highly active this month. This will likely bring exciting news from friends as well as possibilities for events and gatherings. If you’re able to make some time for fun and adventure, go for it. You’ll be glad you did! Venus glides into your solar eighth house of intimacy on February 1 and remains here until February 25, which can increase your need for affection and sensuality. A new moon in this same sector on the eleventh could help you grow closer in a relationship or else walk away once and for all. If you’re applying for financial assistance, a scholarship, or a loan, it could now arrive. However, Mercury is retrograde until February 20, so be careful about making any hasty agreements or decisions this month.



Your career will be shooting off fireworks in February, Leo! Mars is skyrocketing through your solar tenth house of achievement, which can make this a tremendously exciting time for you to pursue professional goals. Set important meetings with business associates, pitch your plans, or search for a higher-paying job. Promotions, accolades, and public recognition may manifest now from previously completed work. However, this month could also bring some delays and confusion with a Mercury retrograde that lasts until February 20. If you can postpone signing contracts or making agreements until after that time, you’ll be happy you did. A lot of your attention may be focused on partnerships this month with the sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn in your solar seventh house. This bodes well for growing closer to someone, discussing ways to improve your union, or even finding someone with long-term potential if you’re single. The new moon on the eleventh is the best time of the year to do so because it may open a doorway here for you.

(August 23 - September)

VIRGO With so much activity in your solar sixth house of productivity, it’s clear that you have many irons in the fire! This bodes well for Virgos who are looking for work or interested in taking on more projects with their current employer. Venus, planet of harmony, enters this sector on February 1 and remains here until February 25. Laughter, creativity, and camaraderie could fill your workplace as you enjoy time with co-workers and clients more than usual. The new moon on the eleventh could bring a new job your way or more tasks across your desk. If you work hard on them now, you can truly impress your boss or other authority figures as you continue your climb to the top. This same sphere also connects to your diet, fitness, and health regimen, so if you’d like to improve anything in these areas, this is a good time to start new patterns.

(September 23 - October)

LIBRA The stars sparkle divinely for you in February, Libra. Get ready to open your heart wide as the planets rain showers of love upon you! On February 1, Venus dances through your solar fifth house of romance and creativity and remains here until February 25, bringing all Libras luck in matters of the heart. A new moon in this sector on the eleventh opens a doorway for you to welcome in more passion with a current partner or else find someone who truly aligns with your spirit. However, there is also the possibility of confusion in your love life this month because Mercury is retrograde until February 20. Some Libras may hear from someone from the past or consider reaching out to an ex. If you’d like to, go for it in the early part of the month. If you’re suddenly feeling uncertain about where you stand with a lover, or you sense that you aren’t on the same page, this would be a good time to review and reevaluate your interactions. Take the time to patiently discuss where each of you is coming from.

(October 23 - November)

SCORPIO A slower pace of life is guaranteed in February, Scorpio. This is because Mercury, planet of communication and clarity, is spinning backward until the twentieth. This could have you reassessing or reconsidering some plans regarding a home, real estate, or family matter. Despite some delays or uncertainty, a great deal of planetary energy can instead bring opportunities for growth and happiness to these same areas. Venus, planet of love, enters here on February 1 and remains until February 25, ensuring a more pleasant time at home and even giving you the inspiration to update your space if you’d like. More laughter and sweetness with family members can also occur. A new moon in this region occurs on the eleventh, likely bringing sudden movement regarding the domestic situations at the center of your mind. However, if you can hold off making any significant decisions until after February 20, you’ll be happy you did.

(November 22 - December)

SAGITTARIUS Your mind could be especially active this month with so much planetary activity lighting up this area of your life, Sagittarius. Venus soars into your solar third house of communication on February 1 and remains here until February 25. This means that you can find the perfect words to charm anyone you want to impress. A new moon appears in this same arena on the eleventh, likely giving you the impetus to further explore a writing, speaking, advertising, or marketing initiative. Contracts often appear when a luminary like this takes place. However, despite the exciting and curious thoughts you may have now, a Mercury retrograde in this same zone occurs simultaneously and lasts until February 20. Despite your eagerness to write, speak, and connect, you may feel like you’re mired in miscommunication and delay. The best thing to do is use this time to brainstorm, journal, and strategize rather than agree to or announce anything. Later in the month, you’ll be far more favored.

(December 22 - January 19)

CAPRICORN February guarantees that your mind is highly focused on your income and prosperity, Capricorn. While you always like to build your life like a business, you’re especially favored to increase your abundance this month and throughout 2021. The sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn are already bringing attention to your solar second house, and Venus happily joins them as soon as the month begins. She remains here until February 25, and you could be a money magnet during this time! The new moon in this sector appears on the eleventh, perhaps bringing news of a raise, lucrative new client, or the offer of a better-paying job. Apply everywhere now if you’re looking for employment. However, despite this good fortune, Mercury is retrograde until February 20, which might slow down some of your progress. This could create some delays or confusion surrounding financial matters.

(January 20 - February 18)

AQUARIUS You are the cosmic favorite at this time, Aquarius! With so much planetary power in your zodiac sign, you have a rare opportunity to direct all events in your favor. The sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn have already been spinning within your grasp, highlighting your personal goals and plans. Venus joins you on February 1 and stays until February 25. With the goddess of pleasure within you, now is a great time to update your look or embrace romance. The new moon on the eleventh is the most important of the year for you because it puts your wishes and hopes front and center. In the coming week, be sure to take action to build the life of your dreams. However, despite all of this happy news, trickster planet Mercury is spinning backward in your zodiac sign until February 20. This can bring a much slower pace to everything around you and cause delays, miscommunication, and confusion. The best thing to do now is focus more on fun, relaxation, and strategizing rather than launching anything of significance. Once Mercury awakens at the end of the month, you can sign contracts, make announcements, and agree to partnerships.

(February 19 - March 20)

PISCES With so much planetary activity in your solar twelfth house, it’s clear that you have a great deal of activity behind the scenes, Pisces. This could be increasing your intuitive senses or the intensity of your dreams. Pay attention to the messages from the universe now because you could have your finger on the pulse of some meaningful breakthroughs. This same sector of the sky also rules working on projects in private or developing things that will take some time to get right, so by all means let your creative juices flow and brainstorm! The new moon on February 11 could help you drum up some muchneeded inspiration or even find more time to rest, recharge, and relax if you’ve been working too hard for too long. Mercury is retrograde this month until the twentieth as well, which can increase the lethargic feel and the likelihood of delays and stagnation. Don’t stress yourself out even if you feel this month is like walking through sludge. Trust the process. You are like a plant. You need your time to grow.


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