CP September 2020

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since 2010

ISSUE: 129

Start Your Day By Counting Your Blessings


since 2010


Sarah Al-Qabandi

Founder and CEO of YUMZ Food The Team


GROUP EDITOR Gill Sherry FASHION DIRECTOR Abir Achkar FASHION EDITORS Sandra Carina Yasmeen AlSalem

Corporate Offices

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Aisha AlSanad Eman AlAwadh Hend AlSanad Iman Matwally Jim West Jose Berrocoso Nada AlMuzaini Paul Tunbridge Sana Mrad Yassarina

PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM Ahmed Madi Hamad Alainati Adel Javed Riyaz Modadi SALES TEAM Nathalie Rolland





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since 2010






56. Maserati Unveils Mc20

64. CP Journal



14. Portugal’s Top 5 40. Bonus Miles - The Warm Heart Of

34. Makeup, No Makeup Look 51. How To Work The Hottest Fall Makeup

Trends On A Budget

ENTERTAINMENT 60. New September Book Releases 61. Writing Movie ‘Wrongs’.


38. What Is Formerlyme? 45. Workout Your Worry


52. A Room With A View



26. Fashion Editorial: Athe Scent Of A Season HEALTH 10. Environmental Health: What Is It? 32. Sem Studio 50. Adidas And Paul Pogba Reveal Eye- 62. Our Children’s Immunity Starts With

Catching Capsule Collection 54. Porsche X Boss

FEATURES 8. Undefeated 13. ‫الحدود‬

Their Lunchboxes


18. Sarah Al-Qabandi 22. The New Era Of Rest 46. Kate Instone

REGULARS 66. Homework For Grownups 68. Horoscopes


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realise my obsession with Premiership football is a little unusual although, I’m not entirely alone in my enthusiasm. Women the world over regularly attend football matches, watch live games on TV and can explain the offside rule just as well as any man. As a life-long supporter of Tottenham Hotspur, my love of the game has (at times) been severely tested – their last major honour was the FA Cup in 1991 – but my passion has never waned. In fact, if anything, it has escalated with each and every season. Never more so than last year when, along with my husband (a long-suffering Coventry City fan), I travelled all the way from Scotland to Madrid in a campervan for the Champions League Final. The trip was memorable for many reasons, not least of which was the joy of seeing my husband in a Spurs shirt – a one-time only event! Sadly, the joy was short-lived and, together with the thousands of other Spurs fans who had travelled to Spain, my heart was broken by the team in red. Needless to say, it was a long journey home. Of course, the loss to Liverpool had been a major blow but the match itself had also been disappointing: nothing like the exciting, endto-end game we had all predicted. Still, I had 1,500 miles to reflect; to get over the defeat and look forward to the new season. How could any of us have predicted what would happen next? That, along with the rest of the world, football would be severely impacted by a new and deadly virus? That the season would be disrupted, players would test positive, and games (when eventually allowed to resume) would be played behind closed doors? It was unimaginable but it happened nonetheless.

also eager to find out who scored the goals, who received a yellow card, how many saves the Leicester City goalkeeper made. Why? Fantasy Premier League, that’s why. For those unfamiliar with this sporting pastime, FPL is the biggest Fantasy Football game in the world. Over six-million players participated last season, picking their team (based on real players) and scoring points according to their actual performance each game week. It’s highly competitive and provides hours of endless fun. It adds an extra dimension to an otherwise ‘normal’ game of football; a hint of excitement for the neutral spectator. When football, along with all other sports, was brought to an abrupt halt back in March, the Fantasy Football League was also suspended. So, not only could I not see my beloved Spurs play on a weekly basis, I could no longer tease my husband for his poor performance in the Fantasy League. I couldn’t laugh at my brother-in-law for forgetting to pick his team or ridicule my work colleagues for their meagre points tally. It was another form of entertainment (along with sport, cinema, theatre etc.) that, thanks to COVID-19, had been denied. Thankfully, to the relief of many, the Premier League resumed on 17th June and with it, the FPL. Supporters were unable to attend matches but with every game shown live on TV, fans were guaranteed a pitch-side seat in their own living room – with fake crowd noise to optimise the viewing experience. It wasn’t perfect but it was better than nothing.

Weekends were just not the same without football. Granted, we all had much more important things to worry about than what is, after all (despite the obscene amount of money involved), just a game. But still, I felt its absence keenly.

Unsurprisingly, Liverpool stole the silverware again, emerging victorious to claim the Premier League title. Tottenham finished a disappointing sixth. I did have something to cheer about though. Not only did my ‘real’ team qualify for the Europa League, my ‘fantasy’ team were crowned champions of the FPL – a fact I was particularly proud of, bearing in mind I was the only woman in a league with 26 men. I’m still enjoying every minute of my undefeated glory!

Football, for many, is escapism. Not only for the fans who religiously attend every home game, who endure many a British winter to cheer on their team in toe-numbing temperatures, but also for the millions who watch it from the comfort of their sofa, shouting at the TV and running around the lounge (or burying their head in their hands) at the final whistle. Football is a routine. It’s as habitual as setting the alarm clock on a Sunday night; as customary as turkey on Christmas Day. Saturdays without football lacked a certain je ne sais quoi.

Of course, coronavirus is also undefeated and remains very much a problem for the new footballing season. The fixtures for 2020/21 may have been announced but the situation is far from normal. Who knows how long it will be before stadiums are full once again, bursting with atmosphere and expectation? Who knows if travel restrictions will be lifted so I can set off in my campervan and follow my team on their Europa journey? And who knows if I can retain my Fantasy League crown?

There’s something about a Saturday afternoon, when the referees blow their whistles up and down the country, signalling the start of ninety minutes of anticipation. It’s not just the Tottenham score I’m interested in. I’m keen to learn if our rivals have dropped points, if the league leaders have faltered, if the teams in the bottom three have shifted. I’m

There is still much to be done before the sporting world can return to its pre-pandemic normal. It will take a massive team effort to defeat the virus but if we all play by the rules we can relegate it from our lives: show it the red card and remove its evil, disruptive presence. Let’s blow the full-time whistle on COVID and applaud the kick-off our sporting routines.





W H AT I S I T ? Ever considered how the air you breathe, the water you drink and the ground you walk on are environmental effects on your health? In this article, we explore this field of healthcare further. Every day, the environment around you influences your health and the health of those around you in countless ways. Exposure to polluted air and water can cause numerous adverse health effects ranging from digestive diseases to asthma and much more. According to the World Health Organization’s report, nearly a quarter of all diseases can be linked to the environment. This means that being mindful of our surroundings and how we interact with them should be an essential part of our healthcare plans. Environmental health is the science of pursuing a safer and healthier planet by educating the public, safeguarding employees at workplaces, creating knowledge through research, redesigning cities to fit environmentally friendly plans, ensuring sustainable and safe products for human consumption, impacting public policy to address all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person that can potentially affect health such as food safety, noise pollution, and more. The environment broadly includes everything external to ourselves, including the physical, natural, social and behavioral environments. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and is not merely the absence of disease or illness.



Here are some aspects of the environment's effect on your health that you can be mindful of outdoor air pollution espiratory conditions, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer. Unsafe drinking water

Cold and damp housing Excess mortality Climate change

Diarrhoeal (gastrointestinal) illnesses

Infectious diseases, including giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis and salmonellosis; heat stroke

Contaminated recreational water

Hazardous substances

Diarrhoeal (gastrointestinal) illnesses; eye, ear, nose and throat infections

Poisoning, burns, dermatitis

Mosquitoes, ticks and other vectors


Malaria, dengue fever, Rickettsial disease

In children: developmental delays, behavioural problems

UV (ultraviolet light) exposure

In adults: increased blood pressure

Too much: melanoma, non-melanoma skin cancer, eye cataracts


Too little: vitamin D deficiency, leading to rickets, osteoporosis and osteomalacia

Breathing difficulties, lung cancer, mesothelioma

Second-hand smoke exposure In infants: low birthweight, sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) In children: asthma, lower respiratory infections, middle ear infections In adults: ischaemic heart disease, stroke, lung cancer Household crowding Infectious diseases, including lower respiratory infections


1. Barton H, Grant M. 2006. A health map for the local human habitat. The Journal for the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health 126(6): 252–261. doi: 10.1177/1466424006070466. 2. Resnik DB, Portier CJ. 2008. Environment and Health. In M Crowley (Ed.), From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book for Journalists, Policymakers, and Campaigns (pp. 59–62). Garrison, NY: The Hastings Center. 3. Prüss-Üstün A, Corvalán C. 2006. Preventing Disease Through Healthy Environments. Towards an estimate of the environmental burden of disease. Geneva: World Health Organization. 4. https://deohs.washington.edu/environmental-health



.‫ مميز‬.‫ حصري‬.‫حلو‬

.‫مع أحمد الزامل‬


Iced AZ Latte




AZ Latte



‫‪Lulwa AlKhamees‬‬

‫الحدود ‪ .‬الحظت الكثير من الناس ال يعي أهمية الحدود في حياته‪،‬‬ ‫وال يضع حدود وخطوط حمراء واضحة في حياته مع االخرين‪...‬‬ ‫ف دائما تجده مستاء من تطفل االخرين‪ ..‬او يجد نفسه مجبر‬ ‫للقيام بأمور ال يريدها‪ ،‬والسبب بسيط جدا‪ ،‬وهو عدم وضع حدود‬ ‫واضحة وصريحة والحزم فيها‪ ،‬مهم جدا ان نعرف ان الحدود هي‬ ‫التي تحمينا من المجاملة وفعل امور ال نرغب بها‪ ،‬وتحمي مشاعرنا‬ ‫ايضا‪...‬‬ ‫اذا القاعدة الرئيسية في موضوع الحدود هي ان يعرف كل انسان في‬ ‫حياتك ان له حدود في التعامل معك‪ ،‬واذا تعدى هذه الحدود يوجد‬ ‫هناك ( عواقب)‪.‬‬ ‫مثال‪:‬‬ ‫اذا بدأ احدهم برفع صوته عليك‪ ،‬اعتذر له واخبره ب انك ال تستطيع‬ ‫ان تكمل الحديث معه‪ ...‬وسترحل‪!..‬‬ ‫وان استمر برفع صوته‪ ...‬ارحل‪.‬‬ ‫وهذا مثال بسيط جدا لوضع الحدود ‪ ،‬فقد كنت واضح في وضع‬ ‫الحدود والعواقب التي ستحصل ان لم يحترم الطرف االخر حدودك‪.‬‬ ‫ويوجد امثلة كثيرة‪ ..‬المهم ان تضع حدود واضحة لك ولالخرين‪،‬‬ ‫حتى ال نلوم االخرين على تعديهم علينا ب اي شكل من االشكال‪.‬‬ ‫ل تكون حدودك واضحة للجميع يجب ان تلتزم بها وتطبقها‪ ،‬ف‬ ‫في بعض االحيان قد تحكمنا العاطفة و نتنازل عن حدودنا وهذا امر‬ ‫خاطيء جدا‪ ،‬ال تسمح ألي شخص في حياتك ان يسيطر او يغير‬ ‫حدودك‪ ،‬طالما هي مريحة لك و حدود معقولة‪.‬‬ ‫اذا الحدود مطلوبة في عملنا‪ ،‬عالقاتنا و حياتنا ب صفة عامة‪ ،‬ف‬ ‫تأكد ان يكون لديك حدود واضحة في حياتك لحياة افضل ‪.‬‬ ‫‪13‬‬




TOP 5 Latifah Al-Hazza

While Portugal is known for crystal blue waters and white sand, that's not even the best part about the country. It’s also a huge hub of culture, art, food and fun. Whether you’re planning a trip to Portugal or if you're someone who's just curious as to all the amazing things the country has to offer, these are a few things going to want to know before exploring this beautiful country!

Douro Photo by: Latifah Al-Hazza



Top 5: Cities to visit 1. Lisbon 2. Porto 3. Lagos 4. Sintra 5. Faro

Top 5: Activities to do 1. Try Pastel de Nata at Lisbon's Pastis de Belem 2. Road trip through the Douro Valley. 3. See surfers ride the world’s biggest waves in Nazare. 4. View one of the most interesting Catholic traditions in Fatima. 5. Get lost wandering the alleyways in the charming town of Obidos

Lisbon Photo by: Latifah Al-Hazza

Francesinha Photo by: Latifah Al-Hazza

Top 5: Foods to try 1. Pastèis de Nata: These iconic Portuguese desserts are made

of flour, butter, eggs, cinnamon and of course sugar. Lots of butter is layered in the dough which gives the shells their crispy and crackling texture.

2. Bacalhau: Portuguese codfish. You can try it baked, frilled

and fried and is a mix of thin strips of codfish mixed together with potatoes, eggs and onions.

3. Grilled Sardines: When fresh, sardines are eaten directly from the charcoal grill, marinated with Portuguese olive oil and served with salads, rice or potatoes. 4. Francesinha: Made with bread and meats, the sandwich

is typically covered with melted cheese and an egg on top. It is typically covered in a sauce that is a hot thick tomato

5. Polvo à la Lagareiro: The octopus is typically served with boiled potatoes. The potatoes and the octopus are baked and roasted. And Portuguese oil is poured on it.

Sardines Photo by: Latifah Al-Hazza



Bacalhau Photo by: Latifah Al-Hazza

Top 5: Dos of the culture 1. Follow the rules. Cross the street at pedestrian crossings, not at random, etc.

2. Keep the country clean and functioning, as it was before you came in.

3. Learn a few words of courtesy of the country you are visiting. Use them, try to pronounce them properly.

4. Try to blend in with your voice, your dress code, the way you spend money, etc. Photo by Jeff Tumale on Unsplash

5. Observe, without imposing or comparing.

Worlds Oldest Bookstore Photo by: Latifah Al-Hazza

Top 5: Things you should know about Portugal 1. Portuguese is the official language of nine countries. Portugal,

Brazil, Cape Verde, Angola, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Principe, Sao Tome, and Equatorial Guinea. Portuguese is also spoken in Goa (India), Macao, and East Timor.

2. The oldest bookstore in the world is in Lisbon. It is called Bertrand bookshop and it was established in 1732.

3. One of the oldest universities in Europe is in Portugal. The University of Coimbra which was established in 1290.

4. Portugal has the longest bridge in Europe. The Vasco de Gama bridge is 17 kilometers. 5. Portugal was struck by one of the most powerful earthquakes in

European history in 1755. It was a 9.0 magnitude earthquake that was followed by a tsunami and killed 275,000 residents.



Top 5: Dont’s of the culture 1. Do NOT respect the way the locals dress. Don’t dress like

a tourist in flip flops and slippers but dress like the locals with modesty and a sense of quality. Photo by Sam Dan Truong on U

2. Don’t assume that everyone should speak English or even understand English.

3. Don’t tip in restaurants. It is almost considered an insult. 4. Don’t raise your voice in public. Have some manners. 5. Don’t assume that everybody has your spending capacity.

Some tourists say “Oh, that is so very cheap, in my country…", which implies looking down on the locals.

Lisbon Streetcar Photo by: Latifah Al-Hazza

Photo by carolina daltoe on Unsplash

Porto Photo by: Latifah Al-Hazza

Top 5: Phrases to know 1. Olá = Hello 2. Bom dia = Good morning 3. Desculpe = I'm sorry 4. Obrigado/Obrigada = Thank you Note that obrigado is

masculine and therefore said by men and boys; obrigada is the feminine counterpart that women and girls would use. Sintra Photo by: Latifah Al-Hazza

5. Quanto custa? = How much does this cost? www.cpmagazine.net








Please introduce yourself to our readers.

My name is Sarah Al-Qabandi, a Kuwaiti female entrepreneur, founder and CEO of YUMZ Food.

Tell us about your education.

After completing a BA in Marketing from the American university of Kuwait, I earned my MBA from Gulf University for Science and Technology and later completed an Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation at Cornell University NY.

How and when did the idea of YUMZ originate?

The idea of YUMZ came into mind when I had come across the wide obesity and diabetes rate in Kuwait. I noticed how these health problems affected children as they grew and wanted to promote a change in their lifestyle choices. In order to have a healthy adulthood, it must start at a younger age.

When did you decide to officially start YUMZ and what were the difficulties you had to face during the initial stage of your business?

We started Yumz almost a year ago with a concept to create healthy meals that customers can subscribe. We were targeting B2C and B2B such as nurseries. However, as the pandemic hit, it put a strain on our business where we were limited to mealtime deliveries and even the fear from the customers played a role. We overcame these variables through providing more content on social media that displayed our sanitization standards for the community to see. Transparency was key to portray that we are taking care of health standards. With this method 20


we were able to cater to MOH front liners as we were nominated. Another thing was the fact we had to shift our business concept through not only catering for subscribers but to provide party boxes and catering as well. This direction attracted customers to provide their children with healthier options for celebrations. We also created packages that families can subscribe to. Since parents are direct role models this can influence the children to eat better as well the whole family can enjoy YUMZ together.

Please explain the concept of YUMZ briefly.

YUMZ is more than just a healthy food provider. We at YUMZ develop healthy lifestyle that is fun and attractive for children to make their meal experiences memorable. We have a fully experienced team onboard to deliver the best service to our customers. Our goal is to enhance the child’s wellbeing physically and mentally through good food. In our boxes we provide attractive looking meals to increase appetite for those who are picky eaters. In addition, in the box we provide fun educational activities that the kids participate in to enhance their food knowledge. We also provide a lovely customer service between our nutritionists and the children where they can communicate directly with them.

What are some of the benefits parents can expect from YUMZ subscriptions?

For the parents the benefits are numerous. It starts with less mealtime preparation and saving the time and cost to go grocery shopping. It also gives the parents an understanding what should be given to the child with regards to a complete nutritional healthy meal.

What ages are you targeting at YUMZ?

We are targeting the complete families with kids and teenagers.

How do you market YUMZ?

We market YUMZ through social media outlets. Our method is to promote and showcase our meals. Our inhouse nutritionist provides health tips through Instagram to educate families about ingredients and food tips. We also collaborate with local companies that have similar interests to promote YUMZ.

How did the pandemic affect your business?

The pandemic affected the business through limiting our time to deliver our boxes. However, we have changed our delivery system for efficiency purposes. Therefore, we would deliver the next day meals the day before to ensure all customers have their meals on time. Another thing would be the limitation of staff members due to the restrictions. However, ever since we scored the MOH contract all staff members were highly motivated to be part of it as it was an honor to work with on. This has given the team a sense of hope and achievement.

How did you keep your business running during the pandemic?

We are a team of dedicated people so whenever there was a downfall each one of us would brainstorm different ideas to keep the business up and running. The pandemic actually has pushed us to develop our menus further by focusing on immune boosting meals, through capturing specific types of ingredients. As we stated previously changing our business direction and collaborating with professionals to increase our reputation in the market.

What are the challenges you are facing now and how do you overcome them? Since Kuwait has finally started opening up slowly, we are actually looking for more opportunities to spread YUMZ. The challenges we are facing now is with the other competitors within the market as there are a lot of companies that provide the same service. We re-invented the wheel through segmentation but also building a close one-to-one relationship between our team and customers to ensure comfort.

What lessons did you learn during the lockdown?

The lessons we learned was to always be flexible and adapt to the situation. Try to find where the opportunities are at. Innovation is key.

Best advice you every received and from who? Start your day by counting your blessings - Mom

Your message for other young females looking to start their own businesses. My message is to Believe in yourself and Never lose sight of your vision. Don’t stop learning, take risks, calculated risks and have fun in the process!

Your message for us at CP magazine.

Thank you CP magazine for providing a great platform to share knowledge and experience.

What are you currently working on?

We are currently working on our weekend packages to provide for the chalets as well building a strong relationship with schools and nurseries.

What are some of your plans for the future?

Our future plans are to expand YUMZ into other GCC countries and provide them with the same high-quality standards that we offer in Kuwait. We are looking into growing through even creating summer camps and counseling for kids as we want to advocate a happy and healthy life.

What are some of your hobbies?

Reading, dancing and exploring good food.

Your motto in life?

The grass is greener where you water it.

Your favorite quotes?

Whether You Believe You Can Do a Thing or Not, You Are Right – Henry ford






THE NEW ERA OF REST In our society, nearly half of the world population has sleeping problems. Even when they do sleep, 30% of people say that they wake up tired the next morning, as if their evening hadn’t been enough to renew their energy levels. After over three decades of research, and with the support of the best scientists in the field, HOGO has patented the only rest system in the world that protects you from external radiation, enhancing the benefits that sleep well has for your health and wellness. Manufactured with exclusive, 100% natural ecological materials, and without any petroleum derivative, HOGO System 07 is the innovation in the rest that the 21st century was waiting for. We meet Marino Cid, HOGO CEO, to learn more about this revolutionary rest system.



City Pages Magazine: ‘Rest better, live more’ is your claim. Why sleep quality is so important? Marino Cid: Good sleep is synonymous of a healthy lifestyle. There is a difference between simply sleeping and properly resting, at night our bodies carry out countless regenerative functions, which is why it’s necessary that we ensure a profound restorative sleep.

CPM: What are the benefits of sleep? MC: Our immune system is the most benefitted from adequate rest.

Sleeping less than six or seven hours a night has a negative effect on the immunity functions and determines that we may develop a number of diseases according to different studies.

CPM: What are the most common mistakes people make when choosing a mattress? MC: We consider various essential aspects when choosing a good mattress:

a composition free of chemicals and plastics, and also free of metal springs, which conduct electricity and amplify the electromagnetic field. Many people are unaware of the importance of the composition when choosing a mattress. We consider it essential that the mattress is free of chemicals and plastics, and also free of metal springs which conduct electricity and amplify the electromagnetic field.

CPM: The HOGO rest system reduces a person’s biological age by an average of 15 years. What’s the technology behind that process? MC: The Hogo sleep system’s unique technology creates the ideal

environment for optimal sleep and has various effects. It discharges the electromagnetic radiation accumulated in the body during the day, protects us from radiation while we sleep, recovers the natural geoelectric field so it has the effect we would have if we slept in nature, it regulates body temperature reducing waking up during the night due to sweating or feeling cold and the bed frame technology adapts to the lower back helping elongate the vertebrae and avoid hunching or postural issues. Independent labs carry out a biological age study on the individual before sleeping on HOGO and then again two months later and the results are shown in all the scientific studies published so far. It’s the best guarantee we can offer our customers because if the person’s results don’t show improvements, we offer a full reimbursement, and as of today we have never had to return even a dollar.

CPM: What kind of materials are you using to improve health immediately? MC: Our materials are selected from all over the world for their premium quality. They are 100% organic, non-toxic and sustainably sourced and processed, coconut fibre from the Amazon forest for it’s breathability, 100% natural latex from the Hevea tree, Tibetan cashmere which is not only extremely soft but also absorbs humidity and is a good insulator, Spanish graphite and silver for our patented mesh, the most prestigious merino wool from New Zealand, AA quality beech wood etc.

CPM: Is HOGO worth the money? MC: Would you purchase a bed that scientifically guarantees a natural

production of melatonin, the reduction of basal cortisol levels which is the stress hormone, the reduction of oxidative stress by which we age and the strengthening of the immune system? And all of this with no effort, simply sleeping. Remember that we spend a third of our life in bed, that is a good enough reason. Our clients vary from international elite athletes, to Fortune 500 executives to parents concerned about their family’s health. The effects of HOGO are obvious in performance and overall wellbeing from the first day. The best guarantee for our claims are in fact the undeniable effects on our clients’ health and the scientific studies that validate them.

CPM: Can we say that HOGO is the Rolls-Royce of the luxury rest systems? MC: We are a company that offers wellbeing and comfort, with 25 years

in the market, and we share with Rolls Royce and other brands common elements such as excellence in service, handcrafted products, respect for the environment and, above all, constant innovation and research so that our sleep systems always have the scientific backing of the most prestigious universities.






Words: JosĂŠ Berrocoso

Noor Al Bahrani explores the essence of Lauren Clockvine plants through the latest Autumn/Winter 2020 collection. Inspired by the beauty of these flowers, the collection tastefully references the petals through graceful silouettes of long dresses, jalabiyas, capes and separates. Infused with delicate hand embroidered flowers uniquely placed on each style, the collection symbolizes the inspiration in its true form, while ruffled skirts and kaftans add a playful touch. A colour palette featuring warm hues of petal, mauve, burgundy and dusty rose highlight the spirit of the season. Blended with hints of gold and sand, each piece epitomizes ethereal charm. The richness of Noor Al Bahrani’s designs are emphasized through a fabric selection of crepe, chiffon and velvet crepe. Illustrating the Laurel Clockvine plants through an artistic eye, the Autumn/Winter 2020 collection is a perfect depiction of grace and feminity.















Sittie Guinomla based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, is sharing her way to establishing her own brand Sem Studio as sustainable fashion design of modest clothes. Originally Sem from Philippines, 6 years ago she had formal training in one of the fashion schools the Philippines for Fashion Design and Dress Making, starting her fashion design journey. By moving to Jeddah she started her own brand- SEM Studio. 32


1. Sem Studio Fashionable Masks for women and men - a fabulous way to expand your line of products, tell us about the technology for creating masks. In SEM Studio, our face masks were just a few of the innovations we had to do as we went along the way. Our designs are basically reusable masks that are triple-layered with pocket filter for added protection. We UV sterilize every mask before packing for everyone’s safety. We have also introduced a Unisex line for our face masks since a lot of men have also been interested in our designs. 2. The quality of fabrics looks so natural, what’s your best fabric type and from where do you usually get the fabric? It really depends on your preference but I have always loved linen. While some may find it awkward to wear because natural linen tends to crease easily, I still find the beauty in it- how raw, relaxed, and luxurious it feels. Sure, they are more expensive compared with other natural fibers but they are perfect for hot and humid places because they are breathable- not to mention durable, and highly sustainable. I source my fabrics from various places (like when I travel) and fortunately I live in the beautiful city of Jeddah where fabric options and supplies are abundant. 3. Is the idea of a combo set (Abaya & Mask) popular for selling these days ? Definitely. Many people have been reaching out to me telling me that they got bored of using the usual blue surgical mask and that they wanted to upgrade their style without compromising their safety. Requests for matching masks for their Abaya have also been common these days. 4. Sem Studio concept is -Sustainable Fashion. Are you satisfied with that or do you plan to move in a different direction of sales? Since we are fairly new in the business, the sustainable fashion approach has been serving us well. With the help of some artisans, we create clothing and accessories in small batches, focusing on quality and minimizing waste as much as possible. We hope to maintain this approach since we are aiming for a positive difference even in our small ways. Consumers these days have also become more conscious on the purchases they make and we think that it’s just the most fitting path to take and continue.

You can find SEM Studio on major social media platforms Facebook: SEM Studio and Instagram: @semgstudio. www.cpmagazine.net



Sana Mrad

Beautiful skin begins with exceptional skin care



"I believe all women are pretty without makeup, but with the right makeup, they can be pretty powerful " www.cpmagazine.net




*Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Eye *Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Serum Makeup list used to create this look EYE MAKEUP *COVER FX power play concealer medium 2 *TARTE colored day CC eye primer stick *MORPHE grand glam eyeshadow palette 24G *MORPHE color pencil darkroom black *LANCÔME hypnôse drama mascara FACE *BENEFIT pore primer the pore fessional *Estee Lauder foundation double wear 3N2 *BENEFIT bronzer hoola *BECCA be a light palette bright powder/blush/contouring LIPS *YVES ROCHER automatic lip liner bois de rose *CLARINS lip comfort oil 04 candy




FormerlyMe.com presents “Victory Days”


FormerlyMe is an online movement to motivate and inspire people to become the best version of themselves by showing them my journey and experience in trying a new workout and lifestyle regime every 30 days. Every post, update, and video is ‘formerly me’ as I endeavor to become the best version of myself and become FormerlyMe. Each month CP Magazine will showcase a part of my journey to becoming the best version of myself. I hope that in turn this inspires and motivates you to start your own journey as well. For this month’s story we will focus on the “Victory Days” of my journey. Jim West


ene Labrada had given me the word “Victory Day” to replace the words “Cheat Day” as this was a positive connection to keep in my mind as I was earning this day to eat whatever I wanted (within reason). Some days I would eat my favirite burgers at Shake Shack, and other days I would eat All You Can Eat Buffets. Yet another thing I would do is try new experiences that fit under the umbrella of wellness. Some of these experiences included floating, ultrasonic fat loss treatments, and even pole dancing fitness. Each of these experiences helped me gain a perspective of the various levels of fitness that I was either not ready for or showed me there is much more to fitness than a gym. First up was Blissful Waters Float Center and sensory deprivation therapy. On my first float my entire body immediately felt complete relaxation due mainly to the water being heated to right at body temperature. There is so much salt in the water than you just cannot sink at all. Floating relieves stress, anxiety, depression, back/neck pain, chronic pain from arthritis, jet lag, muscle/joint pain, and more. Many people utilize floating for pain management. I ended up trying three one hour floats and had a wonderful experience every time and will be going more often in the future. 38


Next I was told I should try cryo-freeze treatments, but during my online searches I came across Sonic Body Works. They utilize ultrasonic wave technology and heat to essentially melt fat cells away. After a initial meeting with the owners, Will and Kelsey, I signed up for ten sessions of their three primary treatment services of Ultrasonic, Lipo Sculpt, and Therma-lift. The plan was to use the Lipo Sculpt to melt/reduce the fat cell size, the ultrasonic to disrupt and destroy the cells, and finally the therma-lift would tighten the skin so I would not have sagging skin.

These videos are on the YouTube channel under Victory Days: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLETeUyZdPdyrskw9l70XCM8OIKEVeiUi On March 18th, 2020 I reached 299 pounds (135.6 kg) and lost a total of 77 pounds (34.92 kg)! My metabolism was finally in high gear and it was really starting to show in the videos. People were complimenting me often and I was also seeing it with my clothes and nothing in my closet really fit me anymore and that was the best feeling ever.

With every session I would lose between a half to one and a half inches from my abdomen area. On my tenth and final session I had lost a total of 10 inches from my waistline area. I would notice these little dimples in my sides form the extra cavitation sessions they were giving me, and I must say this really works. I would not recommend this solely for weight loss as it is not the complete answer as you still must be working out and doing cardio after each session. You can achieve results, yet it can become very expensive if you are trying to lose a huge amount of weight. Other Victory Days involved me trying pole dancing fitness at Twisted Fitness, and that showed me I was not as strong as I thought I was. I also tried Reach Stretch Therapy which was also enlightening in regard to how flexible I wasn’t. I appreciated these sessions as it showed me although I had come a long way I still had room to improve my strength and flexibility.

Me at 299 pounds (135.6 kg) and me at 376 pounds (170.5 kg)

Follow my journey online at FormerlyMe.com and on the YouTube channel. Next month I will cover my Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) training and the other fun activities I have experienced with my journey. Until next time that has been FormerlyMe! facebook.com/FormerlyMe twitter.com/MeFormerly instagram.com/formerlymeofficial Follow F45 College Park: facebook.com/f45trainingcollegeparkplaza Follow Derrick Byrd: instagram.com/derrickbyrdfit www.cpmagazine.net



THE WARM HEART OF ZAMBIA Immersing travellers in Africa’s wild beauty, The Royal Livingstone Victoria Falls Zambia Hotel by Anantara boasts a unique location overlooking Victoria Falls. Taking its name from the famous explorer Sir David Livingstone who named the Falls after his queen, poignant reminders of this era embrace guests in nostalgic luxury.



since 2010

The adventure begins before arrival with an exclusive water taxi transfer along the Zambezi River, and a first glimpse of Zambia’s free-roaming wildlife. Capitalising on an unmatched location overlooking Victoria Falls, The Royal Livingstone Victoria Falls Zambia Hotel by Anantara is a 10-minute walk away, boasts its own private entrance, and offers unlimited complimentary access to this iconic Natural Wonder. Known to locals as “Mosi-oa-Tunya” – “The Smoke that Thunders” - the gushing waters throw a cloud-like spray across the bush and sends rainbows soaring hundreds of feet into the air. As the magnificent cascade rushes over a wide basalt cliff, the placid Zambezi River transforms into a ferocious torrent and cuts through a series of dramatic gorges. Across from The Falls, a path along the edge of a sheer basalt wall rewards walkers who are brave enough to encounter the tremendous spray with spectacular views. Those that dare can swim in the Devil’s Pool, at the edge of Victoria Falls, where the water plummets 350-feet down, providing a pulse-racing dip. The pool is also special in that it can only be visited from late August to late December before the summer rains swell the Zambezi River, after which it remains hidden under the river’s pounding flow.



Safari, river and sky thrills 4x4 safari drives through vast and unspoiled national parks explore broad plains and rugged wilderness, with seasoned guides skilled at tracking a rich eco-system of free-roaming animals, including the mighty elephant, rhino and buffalo. Quad bikes zoom along eco trails and through untamed African bush. Wildlife river safaris on the mighty Zambezi reveal excellent game and bird viewing aboard specially designed boats, which have the unique ability to traverse the rapids safely and comfortably, even in water as shallow as 200mm. Some of the world’s most challenging gorge rapids bring the excitement of white water rafting and jet-boating. Anglers flock to test their skills against the legendary tiger fish. For more relaxing adventures, travellers can opt for a leisurely canoe trip or a mesmerising sunset boat cruise. Offering sweeping bird’s eye views, an adventure flight in a helicopter skims over the African bush, deep down into the dramatic Batoka Gorge and over Victoria Falls, while a microlight flight soars above Victoria Falls and continues upstream over Long Island, Palm Island, Kakunka and Kandahar Islands and onto Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. Adrenalin junkies conquer spectacular heights with abseil, gorge swing and high wire thrills in the Bakota Gorge.



African culture and breathtaking rail journeys The nearby town of Livingstone is a monument to historic intrigue. Reliving a pioneering era, Livingstone’s famous museum has galleries dedicated to archaeology, ethnography and art, history and natural history, and includes an interesting collection of the explorer’s belongings and descriptions of his routes. Celebrating a heritage of colonial travel, the Railway Museum houses some of the finest examples of Zambia’s vintage steam locomotives. While there are some beautiful 19th century locomotives to clamber aboard in the Railway Museum, the Jewish Museum is also of interest, offering an insight to Livingstone's Jewish community that settled here in the 1890s via South Africa after fleeing persecution in Lithuania. The town also saw an influx of European immigrants during the next 50 years, including those fleeing WWII. Preserving Zambia’s crafts and culture, the Mukuni Park and Victoria Falls Curio Markets feature hand-carved crafts and curios. For an authentic experience of vintage travel, The Royal Livingstone Express steam locomotive combines the luxury of The Royal Livingstone Hotel by Anantara with Victorian elegance and exquisite fine dining. Trundling through the picturesque Zambezi Valley, guests can relive a bygone era as they relax in lovingly restored Pullman-style coaches. Crossing the Victoria Falls Bridge, sunset beside the world’s largest waterfall is toasted with sparkling wine or a cocktail, followed by a gourmet dinner. In addition to the Bridge Route, the Mulobezi Route passes through the heart of the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park, providing up close wildlife encounters.





MAY 2020




nxiety can be hard to fight even in the best of times. But as the world continues to change, and it seems like new problems arise every day, finding moments of tranquility is even harder.

Anxiety exercises are powerful tools you can use to relax whether you need relief from a stress or you’re looking for a new routine to manage generalized anxiety disorder.

Benefits of anxiety exercises

Luckily, there are lots of exercises you can use to recover from Worries and reduce generalized anxiety. Breathing exercises can be helpful in the moment when you’re feeling really intense anxiety or worried.

Mindfulness exercises for anxiety relief

with the soft sand between your toes. Align your breathing to the ebb and flow of the waves and imagine the scent of salty air. If it helps you get in the zone, play some ocean sounds on Spotify in the background.

3. Write this down: Journaling During this time, you can write anything that comes to mind. When the timer goes off, put your pen down and step away from your writing for a while. You can come back to it later if you’d like and read it and go through your thoughts and feelings.

Physical exercises for reducing anxiety Most experts agree that exercise can alleviate anxiety both in the short term and long term. Exercising releases endorphins and a routine incorporating exercise that feels good to your body and mind can help keep anxiety at bay over time.

Mindfulness is a great technique which can help you slow down, relax, and take stock. You can use mindfulness exercises to identify what you’re really feeling and to process those feelings without judgment.

1. Sweat it out: Cardio

1. Go through self checkout: Body scan

2. HIIT workout

Performing a body scan, or progressive muscle relaxation, can be helpful if you’re feeling really tense during the day or if you’re feeling too anxious to sleep To do this exercise, lie on your back with your legs and arms extended in a comfortable position. Focus all of your attention on your body parts, one by one, starting at your feet. You can either do a scan of any sensations or emotions associated with your body, or simply relax each part as you come to it.

Try going for a run or doing HIIT workout to see if feeling the burn can help melt away your anxiety.

2. Start daydreaming: Visualization When practicing visualization, it can help to start by doing one of the breathing exercises above so your body is as relaxed as possible. Visualization is cool because you can dream up anything that will make you feel at ease. For example, you can visualize sitting on warm sand at a beach

Intense aerobic exercise is probably going to be more helpful than lower intensity exercise for managing your anxiety, but just work on getting those endorphins flowing through your body somehow!

3. Dance Looking for a cardio exercise that doesn’t feel like a workout? Start a dance party! Sometimes when you’re feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, you’ve got to Shake it off. Looking for a cardio exercise that doesn’t feel like a workout? Start a dance party! Sometimes when you’re feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, you’ve got to Shake it off. If you’ve tried breathing, mindfulness, and physical exercises for anxiety and just can’t find the relief you need, make sure to reach out to a mental health professional for help. www.cpmagazine.net



KATE INSTONE “Design and life are aligned. I believe a room, a building talks to you, it tells you what will work best for it, what it wants. I like to stand in a space and observe – the right design will then come�

Kate Instone is the founder and creative director at Blush International, an interior design firm established in 2007 after over 10 years in the industry. Kate takes luxury design beyond the cookie cutter approach deployed by many larger international firms and her reputation is built on a loyal and established client base who appreciates Blush Internationals personalized approach and attention to detail. Kate and her team have completed award winning projects for a range of high net worth individuals and corporations and Blush have created some of the most elegant and sophisticated interiors for private residents, super yachts and private jets, taking great pride in delivering unrivalled quality and excellence to its valued clients.



Talent Radar Words: JosĂŠ Berrocoso



CP Magazine: What determined your passion for design? Tell us

about the moment when you decided this is the way to go.

Kate Instone: My father is an architect and interior designer who specialised in

historic English country houses. I would often go to site with my father, travelling around the English countryside to visit these grand estates. I was totally transfixed…. He would take these crumbling mansions and while retaining all of their original features and historic grandeur he would transform them into beautiful country house hotels. From a very young age, I was obsessed with watching the transformation happen before my eyes. I loved that he had the ability to take something old that everyone else thought was out of fashion, still keep its history, its heritage, its story and then create something that was again adored and celebrated. I think this is why my favorite design projects are the refurbishments of existing houses!

CP: Can you remember your first design project? Describe it a bit,

whether it is a gizmo you worked at as a little kid or something that was sold at a large scale.

KI: We lived in a stately home in the English countryside when I was growing

up and my father had his design studio in one of the wings of the house. My first ‘mini’ project - that spanned around 10 years! – was my own bedroom. I would creep into my father’s studio when all of the architects and designers had left for the day and would spend hours in the sample library re-designing my bedroom! I was lucky that my father indulged me and would let me re-design it each year.

CP: What is your philosophy on design and life? KI: Design is everywhere. Design and life are aligned. I believe a room, a

building talks to you, it tells you what will work best for it, what it wants. I like to stand in a space and observe – the right design will then come. I don’t believe in just one style for all projects. I believe that each area/room/space deserves its own style and each area should be carefully considered and respected. This philosophy is applicable for life too…. Life is always talking to us, giving us signs and telling us what is the right direction, the right path to follow. I truly believe that sometimes, if we just stand and observe, the answers to our questions will come to us. Each area of our life should – just like a room - be considered individually. One rule or style simply can’t apply to all and every part of our life or personality. In both life and design we should always follow our instincts. And be selective!

CP: Where do you find your inspiration? KI: Inspiration is everywhere. I prefer to get inspired by actually walking around and experiencing things. I do not like using the internet. From an early age I was taken to the most beautiful buildings in the world by my father and even now whenever I travel I hunt out the most magnificent buildings. Those trips have been imprinted in my memory and I always draw inspiration from these memories and experiences.

CP: How do you know when interior design is “good”? KI: I believe the new generation of designers have become experts at

regurgitating online images, often very successfully. When we were learning, we had a hand full of design books and we would spend hours sketching and exploring. A lot of designers have learnt to design but it is rare to find a designer who is instinctive, who naturally has a sense of proportion and space. Who has the ability to take the room off the CAD plan and actually feel the space, who can truly visualise.

CP: What are the most important things you and your team take

into consideration when planning your projects?

KI: As we specialise in residential design, our first consideration is that we must

get to know our client. Our aim is to create a sense of well-being for our clients, so we must know what do they want for their homes how do they want their lives to be within those walls. Once we know this, we can start working on the design.

CP: What do you think sets BLUSH apart from the other

companies within the design industry?

KI: We like to call it a profession, not an industry. We provide an extremely

professional service to our clients and I think this very much sets us apart from other companies. We work for our clients like an accountant or a lawyer would, we provide a professional service. There are no hidden fees or commissions. For 20 years, suppliers have called me asking what commission I would be expecting if I placed an order. My answer is always the same – NON. I am paid a design fee, why would I be taking more? This behaviour is so common in the design ‘industry’ and this is also another aspect that really sets Blush apart. 48


And in addition to working entirely for our clients best interests, we also listen. We understand that we are creating our clients dream and not our own. So many designers, design for their own sense of ego rather than listening to the client. Unless you understand your client entirely, you cannot design their perfect home.

CP: Do different materials work better in certain


KI: We adore finishes and we love to use them in unexpected

ways. Pouring resin over wallpaper to create a water tight finish so it can be used as vanity tops. Use wall papering ceilings and painting floors. A beautiful finish is usually a starting point for a scheme and with a cleaver design approach you can use most finishes in most areas. We love the unexpected!

CP: In your opinion, which will be the top trends in interior design for 2021?

KI: Wellness – making home our sanctuary and honest

design. We have now realized more than ever before our important is our house. We must create a sense of calm, and create a space where we feel safe and peaceful.

CP: Tell us more about your recent project in Dubai. KI: Our Client wanted a light and bright family home, keeping

the colours neutral but still homely, so we have changed every finish in the villa. In a difficult triple height space, we have created a library area with bespoke calligraphy art work with the parents names in Arabic. My Client wanted to create an area where the family could gather and read, and the calligraphy that dominates this area reflects on their choice to make the UAE their home. I am also very proud of the massage room, gym and cinema that we have built from scratch.

CP: What is your favourite project to date and why? KI: Working on Madonna’s London home in 2007. As I was

growing up she was such an icon, a successful, strong and forceful woman. I loved working with a client who had such a powerful and creative vision.

CP: What’s the strangest request you’ve gotten for

a project?

KI: I have had so many interesting requests! Once a client

purchased a mountain to create their own private ski resort, this project was lot of fun! We have also created a playroom on a private jet, and a bowling ally on a super yacht. We have also once built a 12m x 3m aquarium in a mansion in Belgravia, London. The entire house was built around this wall so there were many challenges! Our Client wanted to create his own coral reef ecosystem, so we had to work with coral specialists and a coral aquaculture facility to grow the reef for him. The tank needed to be 3m deep in order for the divers to maintain the tank and its inhabitants. We then need to build a salt storage room, scuba room and an additional sub-station to provide the heat lamps for the coral reef! It was certainly an interesting request and we learnt a lot about coral!

CP: The United Arab Emirates' historic first mission

to Mars is under way, after a successful lift-off in Japan. You have to come up with a design for the first house on Mars built for extra-terrestrial living. How would your project look like?

KI: We have actually years ago designed a hotel on the moon for Hilton!

CP: Is there anything exciting that you are working

on at the moment that you would like to share with us?

KI: We are working with Lindsay Lohan at the moment,

helping her design her penthouse in Dubai, which is lots of fun! www.cpmagazine.net



Manchester United and France midfielder Paul Pogba and adidas have revealed their seventh season collection of co-created football footwear and attire. The latest collection is heavily influenced by Pogba’s life away from the pitch and the bright lights he is both drawn to and that follow him. This year’s Pogba Capsule Collection is a tribute to Paul’s unconditional love for fashion and style. The collection features a unique all-over PP monogram logo combined with the unmistakable black and gold combination as an homage to Paul’s first collection with adidas.



Featuring a PREDATOR 20.1, a PREDATOR MUTATOR 20+ FG PP and an apparel range. The new adidas Paul Pogba Predator Mutator 20+ FG take a hefty dose of inspiration from luxury brand Louis Vuitton with a luxury gold ‘PP’ logo presented in a repeated pattern across the boot. This unique design pays homage to Pogba’s first collection with adidas and is a tribute to the 27 year old’s unconditional love for fashion and style. In the Pogba Capsule Collection there is the PREDATOR 20.1, a PREDATOR MUTATOR 20+ FG PP and an apparel range.

HOW TO WORK THE HOTTEST FALL MAKEUP TRENDS ON A BUDGET The seasons are changing and so are the latest makeup trends. But refreshing your makeup doesn’t need to break the bank. This fall’s makeup trends are both innovative yet full of classic returns, which create final looks that are anything but ordinary. Delve into these six popular trends that are guaranteed to get your face looking fresh while keeping your wallet full: 1. Rather than going for a scarlet red, why not try a more autumnal crimson shade for the lips. The finish of lip colour is also key. Instead of choosing a lighter gloss option, find a lip that's a little more matte to give your look some drama. Check out IKSU Longlasting Waterproof Matte Lipstick, a highly saturated long-wearing lipstick with a moisturising complex for an irresistible finish that pops. 2. Just because the weather is starting to get cooler doesn't mean that you have to tone down the heat on your makeup. This fall, makeup is all about shimmer— bring out your eyes by painting them with a bright, glittery eyeshadow using the IKSU All About Eyes eyeshadow palette which features twelve shades in three unique textures – matte, pearl and metallic. Polish off the look with false lashes for added dimension. 3. Invert your standard black liner look and transform it into a more graphic look. A crisp cat-eye never goes out of style, but winging your eyeliner out about an inch adds some serious drama with the IKSU Retractable Eyeliner. Keep the rest of your makeup simple to make your eyes the center of attention.

4. Subtle blush is a year-round must, but this season's trendy rouge is inspired by the flush you get when there's a chill in the air. Make your cheeks pop by adding a touch of extra blush along cheekbones, blending out toward your temples. Choose IKSU Blush and Strobe Palette for a rosy, illuminating colour that glides on easily, blends beautifully and creates a natural glow. 5. Perfect brows remain a strong trend, but it can take time for people to get the perfect look using the same products every day. To groom, brush up brows with a spoolie; then, fill in sparse spots with the IKSU Eyebrow Pencil using small, feathery strokes. The set includes a spoolie brush for creating a sculpted eyebrow look that will last all day long. 6. Unlike contouring, highlighting has consistently been a great route for emphasizing the points of your face where the light hits. Just a touch of the right shade from IKSU Sculpt & Bronze Sun Kissed Perfection Face Palette on your Cupid's bow, cheekbones, and brow arches will give your skin a naturally gorgeous finish. www.cpmagazine.net



MAY 2020

by travel-expert José Berrocoso


https://www.aman.com/ Ochre in the morning light, apricot by midday, dazzling pink at dusk, the geology of the Grand Staircase-Escalante couldn’t be more dramatic. Residing in 600 acres of the Colorado Plateau, and requiring an Act of Congress to be passed so it could be built here, Amangiri blends into countless untouched square miles of red rock country. In the last remnant of the truly wild West, this ‘mountain of peace’ is cradled by the greatest concentration of national parks in the United States – a staggering landscape of canyons, mesas, mountains, gorges, rapids and desert, with traces of human life dating back more than 10,000 years. In this grand theatre of nature, the modernist Suites of Amangiri and the tented Pavilions of nearby Camp Sarika offer an inspiring welcome to one of the world’s most dramatically secluded settings. www.cpmagazine.net


PORSCHE x BOSS FALL/WINTER 2020 CAPSULE COLLECTION Porsche and BOSS come together for a fourth season to unveil a trenddriven capsule of menswear designs for Fall/Winter 2020, directly inspired by the aesthetics of a Porsche sports car.



Hoodies, denim, and jersey join tailoring and leather in the new Porsche x BOSS capsule collection, which, combined with bold use of color, delivers an even younger and more modern feel to the successful partnership than before. Highlight pieces include a matte black outerwear jacket that reverses to a glossy red puffer design, a zip-through knit cardigan with channel-quilted nylon front panel, and drawstring waist pants finished with racing stripes at the pockets. A mercerized cotton hoodie, branded glossy leather sneakers, and a perfectly cut T-shirt with stripe details all create a relaxed, yet effortlessly confident mood. The signature BOSS attention to detail is evident throughout. Alongside curved seams inspired by the Porsche silhouette, other details also refer to the iconic sports car design. The key pocket inside every jacket on the left-hand side corresponds to the position of the ignition, while the racing stripe taping instantly recalls the distinctive backlights. Impactful black, dark olive, and red anchor this season’s color palette, and are reflected in the Fall/Winter campaign film, featuring the Porsche Taycan. Presenting the new collection alongside an all-electric car is another nod to the spirit of innovation at the heart of both brands.



MASERATI UNVEILS MC20: MC20, a dynamic sculpture, heralding Maserati’s entrance into the new era




How do you become what you already are? MC20 stands for Maserati Corse 2020 and marks the Brand’s entrance into a new era, the rediscovery of its original sporty DNA, its dynamic roots and essential audacity. Maserati long known for its comfort and elegance on the road, now strikes back with ferocity on the track: a car that runs but doesn’t sweat. MC20 represents the pure form of speed, with Maserati panache: a work of sculptural engineering seemingly hewn, piece by piece, from a masterfully chiselled block of raw carbon, showing the way to the Brand’s aesthetic future. Created through a process of elimination, there are no frills and no excess: just energy. MC20 is an archetype, carved for speed, so pure one seems to hear the hallmark Maserati sound even with the engine off. www.cpmagazine.net


It all began back in 1926 with the legendary Tipo 26, the first race car displaying Maserati’s Trident logo. In the same way, MC20, created in 2020, will be the first car of a new Era. A design that expresses pure performance and matches it in elegance. A design that transcends the confines of mere appearance giving way to this dynamic creature. We have moved beyond sartorial costumes and coverings, and can see only raw beauty. The form of MC20, which will also be available in convertible and electric versions, is composed of a chorus of elements singing in mechanical perfection. The racing beauty of 2020. Sharp edges generate friction, a slowing action, while the sublime sinuosity of the monocoque carbon-fibre frame allows the air to flow freely across it. Side vents are present but not visible. Even the Trident, symbol of the Brand, has been reduced to its essential, archetypal truth. Remaining a perennial source of graphic inspiration: the perfect number three, with a central element and two lateral ones, also returns to adorn the rear window and wheels. The butterfly doors open dramatically, wings that unfurl upward to facilitate getting in and out for drivers and passengers, despite the low-slung attitude, revealing an eagerness to spring into action. Kerb-proof wings. The lower part of MC20, always dark, in exposed carbon fibre or black paint, is the uncontested realm of engineering. Here the process of elimination has even been applied to the question of colour: what remains is pure technology. However, in the spirit of contrast and harmony, colour comes back to capture the spirit of movement: in the new Bianco Audace, MC20 shimmers with iridescent blue undertones when exposed to the light. The Blu Infinito tone gleams with a ceramic brilliance that only sunlight can capture. And the Grigio Mistero hue recalls the mesmerizing beauty molten metal. Then again, there are six different options that include Rosso Vincente, Giallo Genio and Nero Enigma, that showcase the distinctive features of speed, infusing them with life.



Even the interiors, comfortable, luminous and luxurious, in keeping with the Brand’s image, exude a sense of dynamism. From the laser-generated textural effects to the seats in Alcantara leather, as colours appear in all their kaleidoscopic glory in one place, only to shade toward black in another. The infotainment system features a high-resolution screen similar to a tablet, providing a total user experience. The audio system is the result of a 100% Italian collaborative effort involving the craft-based Sonus faber, renowned for its meticulously engineered acoustic speakers. The heart of MC20 is a V6 twin turbo petrol engine, entirely produced at the Modena plant, the first in over twenty years and another important Maserati patent. Located at the rear of the vehicle, in keeping with traditional racing configurations, this unique engine features Formula 1 technology, propelling the Brand toward the exciting world of racing. This historical piece of engineering is called Nettuno and compresses all the energy of 630 CV into 3000 cc of displacement. A magnificent god of the sea, brandishing a trident and out to conquer new lands, will bring that sweet Maserati sound to its maximum expression on both the open road and racing circuits.



since 2010

New September Book Releases

Mill Town: Reckoning with What

JFK: Coming of Age in the American

Fifty Words for Rain

Who We're Reading When We're Reading Murakami

A galvanizing and powerful debut, Mill Town is an American story, a human predicament, and a moral wake-up call that asks: what are we willing to tolerate and whose lives are we willing to sacrifice for our own survival? Kerri Arsenault grew up in the rural working class town of Mexico, Maine. For over 100 years the community orbited around a paper mill that employs most townspeople, including three generations of Arsenault’s own family. Years after she moved away, Arsenault realized the price she paid for her seemingly secure childhood. The mill, while providing livelihoods for nearly everyone, also contributed to the destruction of the environment and the decline of the town’s economic, physical, and emotional health in a slowmoving catastrophe, earning the area the nickname “Cancer Valley.”

By the time of his assassination in 1963, John F. Kennedy stood at the helm of the greatest power the world had ever seen, a booming American nation he had steered through some of the most perilous diplomatic standoffs of the Cold War era. Born in 1917 to a striving Irish American family that had ascended the ranks of Boston's labyrinthine political machine, Kennedy was bred for government, and his meteoric rise to become the youngest elected president ever cemented his status as one of the most mythologized political figures in American history. And yet, in the decades since his untimely death, hagiographic portrayals of his dazzling charisma, reports of his extramarital affairs, and disagreements over his political legacy have made our 35th president more mysterious than ever--a problem further exacerbated by the fact that no genuinely comprehensive account of his life has yet been attempted.

From debut author Asha Lemmie, a sweeping, heartrending coming-of-age novel about a young woman's quest for acceptance—and the unexpected ally that will change everything—in post–World War II Japan. Kyoto, Japan, 1948. "If a woman knows nothing else, she should know how to be silent. . . . Do not question. Do not fight. Do not resist." Such is eightyear-old Noriko "Nori" Kamiza's first lesson. She will not question why her mother abandoned her with only these final words. She will not fight her confinement to the attic of her grandparents' imperial estate. And she will not resist the scalding chemical baths she receives daily to lighten her shameful skin.

Thirty years ago, when Haruki Murakami's works were first being translated, they were part of a series of pocket-sized English-learning guides released only in Japan. Today his books are in fifty languages and have won prizes and sold millions of copies globally. How did a loner destined for a niche domestic audience become one of the most famous writers alive? This book tells one key part of the story. Its cast includes an expat trained in art history who never intended to become a translator; a Chinese-American ex-academic who never planned to work as an editor; and other publishing professionals in New York, London, and Tokyo who together introduced an understated, popinflected, unexpected Japanese voice to the wider literary world. David Karashima synthesizes research, correspondence, and interviews with dozens of individuals—including Murakami himself—to examine how countless behind-the-scenes choices over the course of many years worked to build an internationally celebrated author's persona and oeuvre.

Chaos Rising

Well Played

The Meaning of Mariah Carey

I Have Something to Tell You

Remains by Kerri Arsenault

by Timothy Zahn

Discover Thrawn’s origins within the Chiss Ascendancy in the first book in an epic new Star Wars trilogy from bestselling author Timothy Zahn. Beyond the edge of the galaxy lies the Unknown Regions: chaotic, uncharted, and near impassable, with hidden secrets and dangers in equal measure. And nestled within its swirling chaos is the Ascendancy, home to the enigmatic Chiss and the Nine Ruling Families that lead them. The peace of the Ascendancy, a beacon of calm and stability, is shattered after a daring attack on the Chiss capital that leaves no trace of the enemy. Baffled, the Ascendancy dispatches one of its brightest young military officers to root out the unseen assailants. A recruit born of no title, but adopted into the powerful family of the Mitth and given the name Thrawn.



Century, 1917-1956 by Fredrik Logevall

by Jen DeLuca

Another laugh-out-loud romantic comedy featuring kilted musicians, Renaissance Faire tavern wenches, and an unlikely love story. Stacey is jolted when her friends Simon and Emily get engaged. She knew she was putting her life on hold when she stayed in Willow Creek to care for her sick mother, but it's been years now, and even though Stacey loves spending her summers pouring drinks and flirting with patrons at the local Renaissance Faire, she wants more out of life. Stacey vows to have her life figured out by the time her friends get hitched at Faire next summer. Maybe she'll even find The One. When Stacey imagined "The One," it never occurred to her that her summertime Faire fling, Dex MacLean, might fit the bill.

by Asha Lemmie

by David Karashima

by Mariah Carey, Michaela Angela Davis (Cowriter)

It took me a lifetime to have the courage and the clarity to write my memoir. I want to tell the story of the moments - the ups and downs, the triumphs and traumas, the debacles and the dreams, that contributed to the person I am today. Though there have been countless stories about me throughout my career and very public personal life, it’s been impossible to communicate the complexities and depths of my experience in any single magazine article or a tenminute television interview. And even then, my words were filtered through someone else’s lens, largely satisfying someone else’s assignment to define me. This book is composed of my memories, my mishaps, my struggles, my survival and my songs. Unfiltered. I went deep into my childhood and gave the scared little girl inside of me a big voice. I let the abandoned and ambitious adolescent have her say, and the betrayed and triumphant woman I became tell her side.

by Chasten Glezman Buttigieg A moving, hopeful, and refreshingly candid memoir by the husband of former Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg about growing up gay in his small Midwestern town, his relationship with Pete, and his hope for America’s future. Throughout the past year, teacher Chasten Glezman Buttigieg has emerged on the national stage, having left his classroom in South Bend, Indiana, to travel cross-country in support of his husband, former mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Pete’s groundbreaking presidential campaign. Through Chasten’s joyful, witty social media posts, the public gained a behind-the-scenes look at his life with Pete on the trail—moments that might have ranged from the mundane to the surprising, but that were always heartfelt.


WRONGS moviewrongs.com by: JIM WEST

Directed by Christopher Nolan | Written by Christopher Nolan


ince his cult classic Memento (2000), Christopher Nolan has time and time again proved he is both a talented writer and director. His helming of the Batman Trilogy with Christian Bale was a marvelous take on that often rehashed storyline. Then he wowed audiences with Inception (2010) with Leonardo DiCaprio. He likes to play with the ideas of memory and time. He really dived deep into these idea with Interstellar (2014). Another great mark of a artist that he is to reveal as little as possible about his films and even in the film’s trailers he gives you just enough to peak your curiosity and not give away the film at all. That is such a breath of fresh air given how most trailers nowadays show you all the highlights and you essentially know what the film is about and how it ends. Nolan is a master storyteller ad he handles the writing and directing roles with ease here. This film was complex, and action packed yet did not feel so confusing to follow. This film is one meant to be seen on the big screen. This will be a ‘Writing a Movie RIGHT’ review. Tenet stars John David Washington as the unnamed Protagonist. Robert Pattinson as Neil, a Tenent operative, who helps the Protagonist run missions in effort to prevent World War III by inverting time.

Here comes the spoilers. The film kicks off with a terrorist attack on an opera house. The pacing is tight and fast and we quickly get thrown into a CIA operation that is trying to pull out a spy whose cover is blown and extract an artifact he is carrying. The protagonist (John David Washington) is captured and subsequently tortured to give up is team. He refuses and takes a cyanide capsule to die. He wakes up to learn this was a test and that he will no longer work for the CIA as there is a bigger threat and mission that impacts the entire world. He is given the

codeword Tenet and sent to track down the source of the unusual bullets used in the attack. He is shown by a scientist studying the bullets that they are inverted or their entropy has been reversed. Meaning the bullets are travelling back through time while we are moving forward. The film does not hold your hand at all and it keeps a quick pace as the protagonist is tracking down the source of these bullets to learn more about what is going on. He soon crosses paths with Neil (Robert Pattinson) who helps him on the coming operations. As the film progresses, we learn about the artifacts are pieces of a device sent back through time to destroy the world. The protagonist eventually has to come face to face with a Russian Oligarch Andrei Sator whose estranged wife is being blackmailed by him over a forged painting, but her desires to stay in touch with her son keep her trapped in her marriage. This human element to the story plays out well against the tempo of the action. Other operatives working for Tenet do get quickly introduced and although it would have been nice to get more background for these characters it is just amazing to see how instantly people are trusting of people inverted through time. My only misgiving for this part is that some sort of knowledge reveal or deep secret would need to be exchanged to validate the level of immediate trust. Just to avoid betrayals in this line of work. The concepts of time inversion are well explained and even so provide so much complexity to the film’s plot. It is a technical feat to display people moving backwards and forward in a film at such a scale. The ‘loops’ or when we see things from another character’s ‘time’ perspective is quite engaging and interesting. I think that alone will beg for at least a repeat viewing alone. With great performances by the cast and explanations that don’t slow down the pace of the film make this another great film in a great director’s portfolio. I can’t wait to see what this brilliant writer and director comes up with next to delight audiences. This is what a cinematic experience should be. Thanks for reading Writing Movie ‘WRONGS’. www.cpmagazine.net





ith kids back in school, parents have prepped everything on their checklist – from stationary supplies to the uniform and even the lunchbox. The real question is: Have you thought about what ingredients you need in the kitchen to prep a perfectly healthy lunch? Now, more than ever, ensuring our children’s immune system is strong has become our key priority. A healthy and balanced diet full of vitamins, minerals, fibers and whole grains will help jumpstart their metabolism and give them a dose of energy for the full day while boosting their immunity.



Choose a healthy, easy and nutritious lunch that they are excited to get to. Ensure that their meal is 100 per cent organic and absolutely free from any nasties. With Earth Goods products, you can guarantee a lunchbox that is free from GMOs, preservatives, chemicals and added sugar. Every product from the Earth Goods range is non-processed and full of the good fibres, vitamins and minerals. It also helps that healthy lunches are usually easy to prepare, looks fun and tastes great. Remember, sunshine and exercise are equally important in building your child’s immunity.

Here are five healthy swaps to include in your child’s lunchbox: 1. Choose whole or sliced fruits instead of fruit juices that are high in added sugars 2. Make the box rich in whole grains. Swap those processed grains seen in breads, sugary cereals and pizza for whole grains like oats, brown rice and quinoa. 3. The more veggies, the better. Helps keep the box colourful. Swap potato fries or potato for carrots and tomatoes. 4. Focus on healthy proteins. Eggs are a great choice and kids love them. Opt for beans over red meats like processed sausages and bacon. When using oils, use trans fat-free oils and limit the use of butter where possible. 5. Make water cool again. Choose water over any drink. It’s always sugarfree and easy to finish. If your kids dislike water, infuse it with fruits.

Earth Goods Chia Seeds Premium organic Black Chia seeds are harvested from the lands of the ancient Aztecs. Known for centuries as one of the most nutritious Superfoods on the planets. Gold of the Aztecs, as they are called, are packed full with omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fibers, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Earth Goods products are available for purchase instore at leading supermarkets including Spinney’s, Choitram’s, Waitrose, Union Coop, Sharjah Coop, and online at www.amazon.ae, www.mumzworld.com, sprii.ae, noon.com

Earth Goods is an all-natural and organic health food brand that continues to empower and inspire people living in the UAE, by going the extra mile to help achieve a more mindful and responsible way of eating. Proudly handpicking ingredients to form a range of products all free from GMOs, preservatives, chemicals, processed foods, added sugar and additives, Earth Goods’ mission is to inspire people to live more mindfully and eat more healthily resulting in a better way of thinking, feeling and acting. Earth Goods is more than just your average health food brand. With a team of experts sourcing their ingredients from the best places they naturally grow in; every ingredient is hand selected from premium harvests ensuring the highest nutritional products from over 20 countries worldwide. Earth Goods products are on a mission to inspire you to prepare a healthy and delicious breakfast to immunize your body and build resilience while getting it ready to burn the day’s calories.

Earth Goods Granola Fruit Mix Organic Gluten-Free Granola Fruits Mix is a perfect nutritious blend of whole-grain jumbo oats, freeze-dried fruits and healthy nuts that is full of the GOOD vitamins, minerals, fibers and antioxidants. Made with organic whole grain Scandinavian Gluten-free Oats, naturally delighted with a hint of 100% natural and rare Blue agave for a touch of sweetness.

To discover Earth Goods breakfast options and mindful recipes, please visit: https://earthgoods.com. To keep up with the latest news, visit @ EarthGoodsOfficial on Instagram and Facebook. www.cpmagazine.net


since 2010


HUAWEI WATCH FIT sold out more than 15,000+ units in one week in Kuwait


A favorite of filmmakers for decades, Hamilton timepieces have played an integral role in films and inspired audiences. “The Murph” we created for Christopher Nolan’s hit Interstellar became a fan favorite, and a clock we designed for Stanley Kubrick’s iconic film 2001: A Space Odyssey influenced the invention of the world’s first digital watch. Our latest Hollywood partnership – and our biggest one yet – involved extensive collaboration between our design team and the production design team behind Christopher Nolan’s latest film TENET, coming soon to theaters. Initial conversations revealed that the film required a watch with features that do not currently exist in a commercially available Hamilton watch. Accepting the challenge, we committed to merging creativity with craftsmanship to produce this key movie prop. The 18-month preparation included technical development, testing and production at the Swatch Group’s lab in Switzerland where our engineers found a way to combine the needed technology with the display on the dial of our Khaki Navy BeLOWZERO. To meet filming needs, we produced dozens of the final prop watch and Hamilton watchmakers were on the movie set to offer support with the watch’s unique functions. BeLOWZERO SPECIAL EDITION For Hamilton, the creative process didn’t stop there. Our Khaki Navy BeLOWZERO served as the base for the wristwatch featured in TENET, but since the watch was only made for the film, we decided to celebrate the collaboration with an inspired-by special edition. Cased in lightweight titanium, this special edition features a blue or red-tipped second hand as a reference to key colors in the movie. Each color version will be limited to 888 pieces, the number chosen as a nod to the movie title, which is also a palindrome, something that reads the same backwards and forwards. Special packaging created by TENET production designer Nathan Crowley features colors inspired by design elements in the film. “I’m always impressed by Hamilton’s dedication to excellence and their willingness to think outside the box to create timepieces that do so much more than tell time,” says Nathan Crowley. “This project was one of the most challenging and exciting collaborations I’ve been a part of,” says Hamilton CEO Sylvain Dolla. “It was truly a partnership of creativity that transformed ideas into a reality we’ll get to see on movie screens around the world.”



Huawei Consumer Business Group (CBG) stated that latest smartwatch that mixes Huawei’s leading tech with a sleek and elegant design, HUAWEI WATCH FIT has witnessed great demand among customers in Kuwait, as more than 15,000 units have been sold since it was available for sale in Kuwait market on the 10th of this month. Huawei Consumer Business Group announced that the HUAWEI WATCH FIT will be available for pre-order in Kuwait from Thursday, September 17, 2020 and where customers will get the watch with a special offer of free warranty against screen damage for a period of 6 months. The group has witnessed this strong demand for the watch due to the characteristics of the watch from the stylish large HD rounded rectangular face to the 10-day battery life. The HUAWEI WATCH FIT helps users in keeping track of their health with scientific health tracking features and encourages them to get into new forms of exercise through a variety of animated fitness courses and workout modes.

IKEA Hosts a Virtual Tour at IKEA The Avenues and IKEA 360 for Media & Influencers

IKEA hosted media representatives and influencers on Thursday, September 17th in Kuwait for a virtual tour of its latest home furnishing room sets. The leader in home furnishing moved the tour, which normally takes place physically at the IKEA Kuwait showrooms in both The Avenues and 360 mall, to the online mode to ensure COVID prevention protocols. The tour of the first five room sets, which have been designed specifically for various family units, showcased solutions offered in the new, much-anticipated IKEA catalogue and brought them to life to inspire better living at incredible affordable prices. “The room sets were built based on insights of different living situations of families in Kuwait and follow in-depth research and home visits to gain knowledge on various living scenarios to design a better everyday life at home,” said Saad Almuaili, Social Media & Digital Specialist at IKEA Kuwait, Jordan and Morocco. “This is the first time we have embarked on a virtual tour and its success could see us repeat this process even in the new normal world, though nothing can really beat being able to touch and feel the quality of product,“ added Saad. The tour highlighted solutions for living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens. It also enabled the media and influencers to virtually meet IKEA interior designers and gain from them inspirational knowledge of IKEA. One of the rooms showcased is a bedroom-slash-office for a newly married couple in a onebedroom apartment and featured functional yet comfortable home furnishings with smart storage solutions, which helps a lot with working/ studying from home. Another room set focuses on a couple living with their three-year-old toddler in a one-bedroom rented apartment. The room contains small space living solutions in traditional Scandinavian style with an industrial touch where all the main products are at the most affordable price ever. The third room is a living room focusing on using smart solutions to support living healthier while satisfying family needs with durable and more sustainable furnishing choices. The fourth room was another living room for a young, tech-savvy, trendy family who loves travelling, experiencing new things and arranging social events at home puts smart technology in focus. Various areas are connected for socialising, but also offer privacy when needed and utilises closed storage to keep the home tidy. The last room shown was a bedroom for a young, hard-working couple who wants to unwind when at home but also catches up on reading time, quick e-mail checks or social media. The priority in this room is to minimise distractions with layered curtaining and other home textiles. Comfort is ensured with a mattress topper, ergonomic cushions and various blankets. The audience was also introduced to IKEA’s OMTÄNKSAM collection which is designed to provide comfort and support for everyone by combining functionality with superior design. IKEA also shared exciting news regarding the BYGGLEK collection - its latest collaboration with LEGO. “IKEA believes in the importance of play for children development, as well the crucial need for children and their parents to connect, and that is why we collaborated with LEGO,” said Jennylyn Bertuman Ayo, Multifunction Shift Leader at IKEA 360.


Marking the birth of a new era in the company’s history, Amouage has revealed its Renaissance Collection. Narrating a key chapter in the brand’s odyssey to paradise, the collection features four alluring fragrances, Enclave, Crimson Rocks, Ashore and Meander, each depicting Amouage’s romantic interpretation of encountering pure joy. Drawing inspiration from its home country, the Sultanate of Oman, these sophisticated blends of exquisitely contrasting scents are a liberating force of imagination created by internationally renowned perfumers including Domitille Michalon-Bertier (Crimson Rocks), Mackenzie Reilly (Ashore and Meander) and Julien Rasquinet (Enclave).

Feel it! A bronzed Adonis A flawless physique and looks that can drive others to distraction. The new Rado Captain Cook in bronze and high-tech ceramic lives up to its billing. This is a strong look in a muscular watch, created by combining the oldest man-made material with a modern materials marvel. This is where our passion lies, where we do our best work – and you can feel it! The Captain Cook’s striking good looks come from the lush green and earthy bronze tones. These are colours from nature that bring out the best in each other and make each other ‘pop’. It’s a winning combination that is designed to stand the test of time and transcend trends. Its perfectly toned body is a combination of a bronze case, box-shaped sapphire crystal, bronze bezel with high-tech ceramic insert and a titanium case back with sapphire crystal. The dark green leather strap offers the perfect finish for such a handsome specimen. The Captain Cook’s smooth operation is balanced by its impressive stamina. Both are provided by the high-quality, Swiss made ETA C07 movement, which offers up to 80 hours of precision power before it needs to be worn or wound. Ancient and modern, vintage and contemporary, traditional and innovative, enduring and evolving: the Rado Captain Cook Bronze is a watch of contrasts. Designed to look good for life, it is a legend in its own lifetime. With this bronze and green beauty, you can’t just see the Rado difference. You can feel it!







1.What capital city of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh became famous for the 1984 gas poisoning disaster at Dow Chemicals' Union Carbide plant?


























3.The French term ligne (equating to 'line' in English) is used by makers of watches, buttons and hats as an expression of: Size; Hardness; Quality; or Circular perfection?








4.The international SOLAS treaty, passed two years after after the 1912 Titanic sinking, stands for what?






2.What, according to Forbes magazine in 2011 "...achieved in 7 years what the CIA could not in 60, i.e., knowing what 800million people think, read and listen to..." ?

5.The word husband is derived from the ancient Old Norse meanings of 'house' and what activity: Farming; Hunting; Fighting; or Child-rearing? 6.Who wrote The Stepford Wives, Rosemary's Baby, and The Boys from Brazil?


7.Name the controversial guest character, subject to European extradition proceedings, appearing in the 500th edition of The Simpsons TV animation series?


8.Cymraeg refers to what nation's language, in its own language?

The island attracted saltwater fish into its subterranean tunnels—how, I don’t know; perhaps fish ate the algae as gluttonously as I did.

In this sentence, subterranean means: a. prehistoric

c. meandering

b. rudimentary

d. underground

9.The European/Asian slow worm (Anguis) is what sort of animal: Snake; Lizard; Eel; or Earthworm? 10.Spell the surname of the notable German writer and philosopher: Nietzch; Neitsche; Nietzsche; or Nietzche; or Neitzche? 11.Piscine Molitor Patel is better known by what highly abbreviated name, being the central character of an eponymously titled novel? 12.SOPA, the 2011/12 USA bill addressing internet copyright infringement stands for what? 13.Name the UK government minister in the news in 2012 for his initiatives for schools bible distribution and a new royal yacht? 14.The Venetian island of Murano is noted for its centuries-old traditional manufacture of what material in decorative form?

Subterranean feelings and intentions are those you keep "on the down low." In fact, real things that are subterranean really are down low — underground, in fact. A subterranean worm lives under the earth's surface. A subterranean lair is a secret hideout dug under the dirt — or maybe it's just your basement. The word comes from the Latin subterraneus, from sub meaning "under" and terra meaning "earth."

ANSWER: d. Subterranean is an adjective that describes something just below what can be seen, like the subterranean jealousy you hide under a smile and kind words for the actor who got the part you wanted.

15.'Guerilla' street art attributed to 'Banski' became a notable feature of what capital city in 2012?


Which value of x makes the equation true? x – 7 = –13

16.The fashionable Belstaff clothing label was founded in Staffordshire UK in 1924 initially to produce protective waterprooof clothing for: Fishermen; Motorcyclists; Policemen; or Deep-sea divers? 17.'Data Pool 3' refers to millions of documents provided to police investigators by what organization? 18.What mixed drink takes its name from the Spanish for 'bleeding'? 19.What instrument is the basis of the occupational name for a stringed instrument maker, notably of violins and guitars?

A. -20 degree.

20.The printing/publishing term 'vox nihili' referring to a useles or redundant word, especially from an error, literally means what?

B. 20 C. -6 D. 6 ANSWERS: C


ANSWERS: 1.Bhopal, 2.Facebook, 3.Size, 4.Safety Of Life At Sea, 5.Farming, 6.Ira Levin, 7.Julian Assange, 8.Wales/Welsh, 9.Lizard, 10.Nietzsche, 11.Pi, 12.Stop Online Piracy Act, 13.Michael Gove, 14.Glass, 15.Moscow, 16.Motorcyclists, 17.News Corporation, 18.Sangria, 19.Lute, 20.Voice of nothing


‫جاهـــز للطهــي‬




HOROSCOPES (March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)



With the sun powering through your sector of productivity throughout much of September, you’re finding the right work/life balance (solar sixth house). While the demands of your career are certainly high now—and you have a chart packed with professional opportunities—it is also likely that September will encourage you to slow down and prioritize self-care. A full moon on September 1 lights up the night, singing a lullaby to send you to sleep. This full moon falls in your sector of hidden matters, healing, and rest, so it is advised that you lie low or find closure with matters that you wish to release near this time (solar twelfth house). Mars, your ruler, has been gifting you with tremendous reserves of energy and passion in recent months. However, it will also be feeling the need to pause as it stations retrograde on the ninth (solar first house). For months ahead, your ruler will not only being moving backward but be doing so within your sign, causing a tremendous need to lie dormant as the world shifts around you.

(April 20 - May 20)

TAURUS It appears you’ve been very busy working on important projects or initiatives behind the scenes in recent months, with Mars powering up this privacy sector (solar twelfth house). Another way this can manifest is that you’ve been highly focused on healing and working with doctors, therapists, or specialists to move past trauma or difficulty to build a better future for yourself. However, with Mars turning backward in the sky, beginning on September 9 and for months to come, you’ll be able to revise your progress and plans and find better ways of solving problems. Don’t push yourself too hard at this time. Instead, go with the flow of the universe and take it day by day. At the onset of September, a full moon in your sector of fulfillment lights up the night (solar eleventh house). Depending on your social distancing guidelines, some of you may attend a lovely event or hear exciting news from a friend. If you have been hard at work chasing your hopes and dreams—and most Taurus usually are—this full moon could also click an important piece into place that you’ve long wished for.

(May 21 - June 20)

GEMINI Enter September with excitement and anticipation, Gemini, because the stars are certainly lining up for you. As you begin the month, a full moon in your sector of achievements roars in the night on September 1 (solar tenth house). This should be a major milestone for you in 2020, especially when it comes to professional advancement. Use the time surrounding this full moon to move toward your ambitions and set meetings with high-profile individuals who may be able to help you move forward. Your social life has also been highly active in recent months, yet because of the retrograde of Mars here beginning on the ninth, you may notice that some hoped-for plans with friends fall through or need to be rescheduled. It’s possible that there may be some frustrations with friends in the months ahead, but if this is the case, find a way to resolve the issue amicably (solar eleventh house). The early weeks of the month turn your attention quite significantly to your domestic zone, and with a new moon falling here on September 17, some Geminis may move or fix up their living space (solar fourth house). This may also turn your attention toward your family or parents during this time, and if so, find ways to build stronger rapport.

(June 21 - July 22)

CANCER Mighty career success has been on your mind for months, Cancer, with Mars giving you the drive and dominance to reach your goals (solar tenth house). However, a turning point has arrived, as Mars stations retrograde on September 9. It appears you may have been trying to hit a deadline or launch a significant project, but with Mars telling you it’s time to revise, review, and fine-tune your plans, it will work against you tremendously to debut the endeavor before it’s ready. Instead, use the months ahead to enhance your vision so you can launch it later in the year, particularly toward the end of November. Happiness and fortune will once again smile upon your partnerships as Jupiter, the great benefic, returns to normal motion on the twelfth (solar seventh house). If you’re looking for the right partner in love or business, or seeking to grow closer with one you have, use the time until mid-December to pursue this perfect union. However, returning to September, there are highly important currents moving your life, so pay attention to their call. A great deal of the month focuses on expanding your mind, as well as important messages that you wish to communicate to the world around you. Contracts and negotiations are also likely to be taking place at this time.



September sparkles for you, Leo, especially because Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, will make you completely irresistible from September 6 onward (solar first house). Whether single or attached, you can enchant nearly anyone you wish by using your charm and radiance. Now would be an especially auspicious time to enhance your look, whether through a new wardrobe or a fresh hairstyle. With the full moon on the first falling in your sector of intimacy, it’s likely that your desires in a relationship are on your mind (solar eighth house). While single Leos may be feeling the urge to snuggle up with someone new, do so quickly—prior to September 9—because Mars, the god of sex, will be retrograde for months to come. You can certainly continue to date now and in the weeks ahead, but it is never fortuitous to officially enter into a relationship during a Mars retrograde. Any partnership that does start could eventually find that the intimate sexual rapport begins to fade over time. If you’re willing to keep it casual, though, you can certainly commit later in the year, especially in November or December. Despite such a focus on connection, September also causes you to focus greatly on your income and expenses (solar second house). With the sun lighting up this field for you now, and the new moon arriving here on the seventeenth, Leos should be seeing an opportunity to increase their financial wealth.

(August 23 - September)

VIRGO Birthday season has arrived, Virgo, and you’re front and center now (solar first house)! The blessing of birthday season is that the sun and new moon bring forth an opportunity for you to lay plans you’d like to see come to fruition in the year ahead. Personal goals, hopes, and projects should all take root now, especially after the new moon on September 17. Yet, despite all of the focus on you, a full moon at the onset of the month turns your attention toward your most important partnership in business or love (solar seventh house). During this time you might make an important decision together—to become official, get engaged, make plans, or even walk away. Single Virgos could find luck at the beginning of the month if you’re looking for someone with long-term potential. But the stars are showing you that you deserve the love of a lifetime as Jupiter, giver of miracles, and Saturn, giver of structure, turn direct this month in your sector of romance (solar fifth house).

(September 23 - October)

LIBRA This entire year is very important for you to rebuild a better structure in your life, especially when it comes to your domestic life and family (solar fourth house). With Jupiter, planet of blessings, and Saturn, giver of structure, awakening this month, it’s likely you’ll finally find yourself on sturdier ground after years of uncertainty. Your work life has also been especially important for you in recent years because you may have launched toward new career horizons or changed the course of your professional ambitions. With a full moon in your employment sector taking place at the very beginning of the month, you can expect news related to a job to appear. If looking for work, you could be in luck, so search at this time (solar sixth house). As Mercury, planet of mental clarity, moves through your zodiac sign from September 5 to September 27, you’ll likely see contracts or important communications coming your way. However, another major point to note this month is the movement of mighty Mars across the sky from you (solar seventh house). Since the end of June, it has helped you focus on the need to work in tandem with a significant partner in business or love. By working as a team, you’ve realized you can go so much further.

(October 23 - November)

SCORPIO You have likely been very busy over the past several months, Scorpio. Mars, planet of drive and focus, has been energizing your sector of productivity (solar sixth house). On the one hand, this may have made you especially busy on the job—taking on new projects, meeting deadlines, or handling individual clients. On the other, this may also have energized you to tackle an important new health, fitness, or diet goal in order to build your physical strength. Yet with Mars going retrograde in this same sector on September 9 and remaining so for months to come, you may feel as if some of your efforts are now hitting a brick wall. This is a time to rest, recharge, and heal rather than burn yourself out. Also, be especially vigilant to guard your health, because you may become more prone to illness during this time. Despite these precautions, September certainly smiles upon you. The full moon on the first brings you delightful news regarding your sector of fertility (solar fifth house). This may deliver news regarding a conception or pregnancy or in relation to a child you already have. This same zone also ignites the spark of romance, so if single, be certain to connect with possible suitors near this time. If already taken, use this magical moment to plan something to bring your heart closer to the one you adore.

(November 22 - December)

SAGITTARIUS Love, passion, and creativity have been major areas of focus for you in recent months, Sagittarius, with Mars heating it up like wildfire (solar fifth house). Having fun and enjoying pleasure are extremely important at this time, and you’ve been ready to dive in headfirst. However, be cautious as Mars goes retrograwwwde on September 9, because the sexy times may turn into butting heads. Some Sagittarius may find that conflicts begin with lovers now or that they’re pulled apart due to work or family commitments. If single and looking, you may suddenly feel like your options have dried up and there’s no one piquing your interest. Also, since retrogrades do sometimes bring people back from the past, some Sagittarius may suddenly hear from old lovers in the weeks ahead. Be careful not to jump into something too quickly because, rest assured, you are not thinking clearly. Other points of focus this month are your domestic life and achievements. A full moon on the first could bring a family- or home-related matter to a culmination and signals that some Sagittarius may move at this time (solar fourth house).

(December 22 - January 19)

CAPRICORN September is the month you’ve been waiting for, Capricorn, because two powerhouse planets are ready to awaken within your zodiac sign (solar first house). Recent months have seen you riddled by obstacles, delays, and revisions as Jupiter, given of miracles, and Saturn, planet of structure, were streamlining your plans and helping make space for new opportunities yet to come. Lucky for you, as they begin to rise from their slumber in September, you will finally receive their greatest blessings from now until December. Because of this, it’s likely some of your heart’s desires are now within reach. However, Mars, planet of energy, turns retrograde in your sector of domesticity (solar fourth house) starting on September 9. This could signal frustrations at home or difficulties with your kin. It’s likely you will feel the need to stand up for them or yourself in the weeks to come. But your mind will also be on important contracts, negotiations, and communications this month. The full moon on the first brings a milestone regarding a writing, speaking, or marketing endeavor (solar third house), while the new moon on September 17 is pushing you toward new horizons (solar ninth house). As this zone rules expansion, you could become involved with a media, academic, or immigration matter now.

(January 20 - February 18)

AQUARIUS Welcome to September, Aquarius, a month that will be pleasant and quite important for you. With the sun highlighting your intimacy sector, you’ll be focused on the balance in your relationships, especially the give-and-take (solar eighth house). While the new moon occurs here later in the month, on September 17, you will be feeling this energy for weeks before that date. Another reason you’re especially focused on your partnerships in love and business is because Venus, planet of harmony, dances across the sky from you in your relationship zone (solar seventh house). Beginning on the sixth and for the rest of the month, she’ll spin an enchanting love spell on you and your significant other. If single, this is an auspicious time to find someone with long-term potential. Earlier in the month, though, a full moon on September 1 lights up the night and brings a turning point in your finances (solar second house). Some Aquarians may see the arrival of a large check, raise, or lucrative new client. If you’re looking for a new job, this could manifest, too.

(February 19 - March 20)

PISCES Welcome to September, Aquarius, a month that will be pleasant and quite important for you. With the sun highlighting your intimacy sector, you’ll be focused on the balance in your relationships, especially the give-and-take (solar eighth house). While the new moon occurs here later in the month, on September 17, you will be feeling this energy for weeks before that date. Another reason you’re especially focused on your partnerships in love and business is because Venus, planet of harmony, dances across the sky from you in your relationship zone (solar seventh house). Beginning on the sixth and for the rest of the month, she’ll spin an enchanting love spell on you and your significant other. If single, this is an auspicious time to find someone with long-term potential. Earlier in the month, though, a full moon on September 1 lights up the night and brings a turning point in your finances (solar second house). Some Aquarians may see the arrival of a large check, raise, or lucrative new client. If you’re looking for a new job, this could manifest, too.


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