Pam Atkins, Photographer
June 2022 Issue
From the rising of the sun to its going down The Lord’s name is to be praised. Psalm 113:3 Visit Our Website at for previous issues of our magazine.
COVER PHOTO B Y PA M AT K I N S My photographic journey began about 10 years ago when my husband bought me my first digital camera. Shortly after, I discovered my passion in photography. Through the lens of my camera, I began to experience the world differently. I discovered the multiple colors of serene sunsets, the blue hour of the pending night fall, the amazing star mass of the milky way and its surrounding skies, the excitement of capturing children escaping the lapping waves of the shoreline or new mothers desire to capture the rapid changing details of their newborn babies, the small and nearly invisible details of nature, the fascinating strangeness of wildlife which crossed my path, and the lives of those on the street. It was here that God continued to remind me of His glorious creation!
When I look back at my youth and my dreams, I realized I was always drawn to animal and human behavior. I have always been an explorer of nature, drawn to camping, hiking and travel. Now my photography draws me into the beauty of landscapes; its weather, its seasons, its creatures dwelling within that landscape. This journey has touched my heart and soul in ways that I hope to share in my photographs. I call it my meditation that nourishes my soul. I have learned much through the remarkable photographers I have met along the way, Karen Ruhl being one of my first and most influential mentors. I am thankful for their insights and education. Through my photography, I am able to capture my life’s journey through life. I hope you enjoy my discoveries. Thanks to all who take the time to view my images.
Contact Pam and see more photos at: Pam pamatkinsphotography on Instagram
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR Happy June! Time for summertime fun with the kids out of school. It’s vacation time for many families. With gas prices being up, you might want to stick closer to home and find the amusement parks, zoos, and other attractions in your area. It is good to support your local businesses and your money may go further while staying close to home. Don’t forget to check with churches in your area for great Bible School activities this summer too!
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Craig and I had a friend visit for a few days in May. Alan is a classmate of Craig’s from Penncrest High School. We loved having him visit and took him to a few of the surrounding sights near us. We feature some photos from his visit in our Road Trippin’ section for this month. We sure love hearing from you each month. If you like to write, please drop us a note and we will send our submission guidelines - or - if you are a photographer, I am always looking for someone to feature on our front and inside cover!
Class of 1955 - Craig and Alan The Blowing Rock Park Boone, NC
If you do not belong to a church, surround yourself with Christian friends and see where they go to worship. Covid and health issues have kept many away from church. Having strong Christian friends helps us all stay in the Word and have loving support. If you need prayer, please send me an email. Much love - may God bless you all. Karen Ruhl
Table of Contents
COVER PHOTOGRAPHER: PAM ATKINS ... COVER AND INSIDE COVER June Prayer by Karen Ruhl ... page 21 Courage and Poems ... by John Alexander ... page 6-7 I Am A Believer, Are You? ... by Melissa Henderson ... page 8-9 A Picture’s Worth Of Wisdom ... by Andrea Marino ... page 10-11 Unconditional Love ... by Dr. Kathleen Oden ... page 12-13 Morning Coffee ... by Michael E. Wells ... page 14-15 The Goodness Of The Hard ... by Nicole Byrum ... page 16-17 Laughter And Joy ... by Yvonne Morgan ... page 18-19 Having A Positive Perspective ... by Gina Sewell ... page 20 June Prayer ... by Karen Ruhl ... page 21 Those Who Know His Name ... by Dave Evans ... page 22-23 What The Devil Knows About God More Than Most Christians ... by Joseph Akinrinola ... page 24-25 Unfrozen Wings Of Faith ... by Dr. Irene Surya ... page 26 The Rest Of The Story ... by Craig Ruhl ... page 27 Do You Believe In God? ... by Brenda McDaniel ... page 28 Uplifting Bible Verses And Ideas to Refresh Your Soul ... by Paula Short ... page 29 What Is A Father? ... by Sharon K. Connell ... pages 30-31
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Road Trippin’ ... by Karen Ruhl ... page 34-37 Don’t Go To Bed With Gum In Your Mouth ... by Esther Bandy ... pages 38-39 That Starry Night ... by Ama Afriyie-Jenkins ... page 40-41 Bookshelf - book reviews ... page 42-43 Even When ... by Laurie Glass ... page 44 Take Up The Staff ... by Jeff Foster ... page 45 When God Withholds A Miracle ... by Rachel Cardin ... page 46 Sing ... by Rolanda Pyle ... page 47 For Such A Time As This, I’ll Write His Answer ... by Esther Bandy ... page 48 Thailand / Loneliness and Hope ... by Eris Cardin ... page 49 Concert In The Cookhouse ... by Shara Bueler-Repka ... pages 50-52 But God ... By Karen Ruhl ... page 53 The “All Things” Basket ... by Rolanda Pyle ... page 54 Jehova Rapha ... by Rolanda Pyle ... page 55 Having Faith In Times Of Trouble ... by Cindy Oriol ... page 56-57 Here Is Your Stone ... By Karen and Craig Ruhl ... page 58-59 A Teacher’s Belief ... by Chrystal Gilkey ... page 60-61 The Blessing Room ... An Interview with Jay Blount ... by Craig and Karen Ruhl ... page 62-63 What Is Your Kingdom Purpose ... by Tammy Thompson ... page 64-65 Prayer Walk ... by Cindy Evans ... page 66
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Poems by John Alexander
One Day At A Time I seldom see clearly God’s purpose for me. The pathway behind me is marred with debris. The road up ahead is so hard to discern. One day at a time is not easy to learn. The Lord doesn’t give me a roadmap for life, John Alexander lives in Frisco, Texas with his beautiful wife and his Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Courage By John Alexander
Or allow me to choose, or to filter the strife. I’ve learned I can trust Him to show me the way. He gives me the courage, enough for today. I pray that today I can rest and let go, Just live in the present, there’s no more to know.
The word courage conjures up concepts of bravery, strength, and doing what’s right, yet we also know that the circumstances that bring out the courage inside us are not the pleasant times, but the tough times. None of us enjoy going through those tough times in our lives, but they do come. I’ve heard it said that we’re either going through a tough time, coming out of a tough time, or have a tough time just ahead. I pray whatever circumstance you’re facing today; you have peace, knowing the Lord is beside you every step of the way. I’ve selected a few poems to share that I pray you find meaningful.
I can rest in the knowledge that God’s in control, I can trust Him with everything, even my soul. One day I’ll see clearly when this journey’s done, The struggles are over, the battle’s been won.
Blessings, John Alexander If you’d like to receive an email to let you know each time I post a new poem, just email me at and ask to be put on my email list. 6PAGE | M6 AG A Z I N E N A M E 3
Off Track Sometimes life derails, seems to run off the track. The train is too heavy to ever put back. The world looks so peaceful from inside the train, Just speeding through life without worry or pain. Why do life’s changes oft seem so abrupt, Like a sleeping volcano decides to erupt? The loss of a loved one, a home, or a job, Hits as a thief comes to steal and to rob. It’s hard to recover from life’s heavy blow, The wound is so deep, the recovery slow. Once you’ve been through it, life’s never the same. Some people inside become crippled or lame. I pray any bitterness soon will depart. I pray you have the courage to make a new start. I pray that in spite of the trouble life brings, Your faith can grow stronger, your spirit still sings.
Blessings For Today I pray your foundation is firmly in place, Your pillars touch bedrock, your walls are well braced. I pray you have shelter, a shield from the storm, Offering safety, and protection from harm. I pray you find peace in the depths of your soul, Whatever you face as each new day unfolds. I pray you’re set free from the worries of life, I pray you find harmony, and freedom from strife. Regardless of choices life offers today, I pray you find the wisdom to choose the right way. I pray you stay grounded, empowered, and strong, Ready, willing, and able to know right from wrong. I pray you have confidence, speak what is true, May wisdom and courage take root inside you. I pray you are blessed as you walk in God’s will. I pray you’re a blessing, a light on a hill. .
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I Am A Believer, Are You? By Melissa Henderson
“Why are you always so happy?” “Why do you smile all the time?” “Why are you so joyful when there are so many troubles?” These are questions I have heard many times in my life. Sometimes the questions have been asked with sarcasm. Other times with curious intent. Yes, I am generally a happy person. There are times when my emotions change from happy to sad, peaceful to angry, and other experiences. I am human and not perfect. Years ago, when the questions were asked about my reason for happiness, I wasn’t sure how to answer. I had a relationship with God, but I wasn’t sure how to share that God filled me with joy, even when sadness occurred. A friend at church once inquired about my sadness instead of my happiness. “What do you have to be sad about? You’re always smiling.” She did not know that I had received bad news that day. My smile had turned into a frown. I began to answer the woman and share the troublesome news. God nudged me to pause and think before speaking. When I answered, the Lord helped me speak. “Today, my smile is gone because of receiving a troublesome diagnosis for my father.”
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Her face began to cover in light shades of red due to embarrassment. “I’m so sorry. You are always happy. I wondered what was making you sad.” “No apology necessary,” I spoke. Continuing, I placed her hand in mine. “We all have happy times and we all have sad times.” “Do you want to share about your father? I would like to know about him.” The woman spoke with a soothing, quiet voice. I shared precious memories of life with my father and mother. Another time, a cashier at the local grocery store asked why I was always smiling. Once again, I knew the answer but wasn’t sure how to explain my faith and love for God. I knew God wanted me to share about Him. He continued to place opportunities in my path. The more people asked about my happiness, the more I realized what I was being called to do. Share the gospel. Share His love. Let people know about Him.
Award-winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. Melissa is the author of “Licky the Lizard” and “Grumpy the Gator”. Her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon and Stephen Minister. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and at
One by one, more times arose when I could tell people about the love of God. I prayed for God to equip me with the words He wanted me to share. The nervous quiver in my stomach eased, my breathing calmed, and I was ready. Did I feel this way on my own? No. I remembered to pray and ask God for help. The next time someone inquired about my happiness and smile, I was ready to answer. “I’m happy because I am a child of God. I’m a believer. Are you? Do you know Him?” These simple, yet profound statements and questions opened the door to conversation and sharing of God’s message. Some folks were open to learning more about God. Others were embarrassed and stood firm in ending any talk about God. Maybe they would be open to discussing Scripture and God at a later time. Maybe not. God knew what was going to happen. I’m thankful God equips those whom He calls. I’m thankful to be His child and to share His message. I’m thankful to be a believer. Are you?
Click on the book covers to purchase Melissa’s books.
Blessings, Melissa Henderson
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Andrea is mom to four great kids and Grammy to four delightful grands. Passionate about Jesus, friends, and people, Andrea loves to share all He has taught her in life. When not writing, Andrea enjoys simple things, such as music, heartwarming movies, reinventing recipes to be healthier, and cycling along one wooded road or other with the Lord. Please visit her Facebook blog: In-The-Way-Everlasting-1770074853062907 Andrea is always ready to hear thoughts from her readers. Or you can email her at:
A Picture’s Worth of Wisdom By Andrea Marino
Scripture is filled with images to impart greater awareness. Consider David’s anxious prayer for rescue from his foes in Psalm 140: ‘agitators of war’ with ‘tongues sharp as a snake’s bite’, ‘venom under their lips’. David further describes his adversaries as masterful planners of evil who set traps to cause him to stumble and be ensnared. Followers of Jesus can certainly relate to this scene nowadays. There is much to know about the forces of darkness within the unseen realm. Jesus didn’t pray for His people to be removed from the world, but that they would be protected from the evil one. (John 17:1) There are also comical pictures to behold in God’s words, such as: “In the blink of an eye wealth disappears, for it will sprout wings and fly away like an eagle.” (Proverbs 23:5 NLT) and “A stone is heavy and sand, a burden, but aggravation from a fool outweighs them both.” (Proverbs 27:3 HCS) God’s sense of humor nails reality. Then, there are analogies in Scripture to take to heart for life, such as Wisdom’s Plea.
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Depicted in the first chapter of Proverbs is an earnest crying out in the streets above the commotion, “How long, foolish ones, will you love ignorance?” (Proverbs 1:22 HCS) Here is a statement to stop a person dead in his tracks. Foolish? Ignorant? I don’t believe anyone chooses to be that way. Though it isn’t hard to find people who consider themselves wise in their own eyes. (Proverbs 3:7a) Believing only in what one thinks, unwilling to be told anything, shows a person to be a fool who despises knowledge. (Proverbs 1: 22, 23) We can actually see the perversion in their eyes, revealing what is in the heart of them. “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good; your whole body will be full of light.” (Mathew 6:22 NLT) Wisdom, personified, in the book of Proverbs urges all men and women to follow the One true God, to avoid the traps set by a real-live (yet unseen) serpent/being who is going full steam ahead with his plan to be worshipped by whosoever will. Satan loves painting pictures in our heads, too. Cleverly approaching the ignorant and foolish as an angel of light, he convinces them of nothing to fear, that life in hell will be a party where everything they want is there and they can have. While Wisdom cries out, turn in here; get off the highway to hell.
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As one target of the Enemy, my childhood understanding of the supernatural was but a haunting by monsters under my bed and creepy things lurking in the darkness that were out to get me. Surely, this holds an element of truth. King David describes a serpent. Since coming to Jesus, my greater understanding and awareness is Heaven. A loving Father, reaching out to me, has made all the difference in the world that will culminate in a new world to come, absolutely to be seen. If we search for Wisdom, as we would hidden treasures, then we will understand the fear of the Lord and will find the knowledge of God. Generously, He gives wisdom to all who ask. (James 1:5)
When wisdom enters your heart, And knowledge is pleasant to your soul, Discretion will preserve you; Understanding will keep you, To deliver you from the way of evil, From the man who speaks perverse things, From those who leave the paths of uprightness To walk in the ways of darkness; Who rejoice in doing evil, And delight in the perversity of the wicked;” (Proverbs 2:10-14 NKJV)
We are encountering many who speak perverse things, having left the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness. These rejoice in doing evil, and delight in the perversity of the wicked.
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Unconditional Love By Dr. Kathleen B. Oden The one thing that keeps me grounded the most, as a Christian, is the unconditional love that I receive from the Lord. There is no perfect person except Jesus. His love is not only unconditional but also unstoppable. That means nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate us from the love of God. There is nothing we can do that is so bad that God would stop loving us. Moses was a murderer and yet God called on him to go to Egypt to rescue the Children of Israel. King David was a murderer and yet God called him a man after God’s own heart. We can see from these examples, and other examples in the Bible, that the True and Living God loves us ALL unconditionally! “Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:39 KJV)
The only other place that I have seen this kind of love is in pets. The bond of love can become so strong between the pet and the owner, that the pet can develop abandonment issues should they become separated for any reason. Pets have feelings just like humans. Some people treat their pets like they are children and love them like they are children. And the pets love them back. That love can become so powerful that they can become very attached and emotional about the wellness of the pet. And the pet can also feel the same attachment and emotional caring for the owner. People that have never experienced the love of a pet do not know how powerful it is. I have seen that same love expressed between 2 animals that were separated for years and when they saw each other, they hugged. Just like people do. And I have seen that same love between animals and owners that have been separated for long periods of time. The love of God is powerful and undeniable when you feel it and/or see it expressed between animals or people and animals.
Health Maintenance Regime Dr. Kathleen B. Oden
How can essential oils help my pet?
The health of our fur babies is very important to us and most pet owners want the best care that they can get for their pets. This can be very costly if you have more than one pet or you have a pet that has some specific health issues. There are many products on the market to use for pets, however, you can also (DIY) DO IT YOURSELF. You might think this is hard to do, but it is really simple and easy because essential oils are excellent to use on pets. And it may help you lower the cost of your vet bills. Keeping essential oils on hand can help in minor emergencies and everyday health issues that might arise. Plus, they can help to maintain the health of your fur babies all year long. You don’t want or need anything to separate you from their unconditional love. Right?
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With Stress Breathing issues Car sickness Itching Fleas Ticks And much, much, more
Dr. Kathleen B. Oden is an author, missionary, and Bible teacher. She has been the Administrator of God’s House of Refuge Church & School of Evangelism, for 25 years. Dr. Oden attained a Doctorate degree in Christian Theology in 2000. After a bad fall in 2014, she realized that she had to start eating healthy, in order to fully recover. She became a Certified Health Minister and a Certified Essential Oil Coach. She loves ministering to people and God gave her a health ministry called, Create AnewU Health Ministry. Her health ministry has opened the door for her to share what the WORD OF GOD has to say about eating healthy. Dr. Oden has published over 20 books through and several of them are about health and wellness.
Morning Coffee With Michael E. Wells
Michael E. Wells has a passion for writing letters of Christian encouragement. With poetic style and moving messages, the reader is often comforted and consoled, inspired, and refreshed. Since his retirement from Federal Service in 2006, most mornings are spent penning letters of the heart. Tucked away in the foothills of Pennsylvania, he leads an idyllic lifestyle in a pastoral setting. This backdrop helps to set both mood and message for his many writings. You can find his book, “Morning Coffee with Words For The Day” at
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Some would say this world is a lonely place, especially when friends and loved ones have passed on. But others would say that they are lonely in the midst of the people they enjoy. Sometimes when we are by ourselves, our minds ask this question, “Is that all there is to life?” The world has seduced us into the notion that to be happy we must do something, go somewhere, buy something, or be entertained. For many of us, our lives are fulfilled by what we do and not by who we are. We don’t want to be alone for too long because we sense an emptiness and lack of satisfaction in our life in general. Oh, we may be okay in a crowd, but in the silence, we are taunted with the words, “I am alone.” But for many of us, we know this not to be true. We have come to know the Truth of the Ages—that we are not alone. Whether or not we acknowledge the Presence, it is a reality. But we determine if it only affects us in observation or in intervention. It is a choice we must make for ourselves. For if we do not choose to receive Him, then we are truly on our own, without God and without hope in this world. But if we choose wisely, then He says, “I will dwell in you and walk with you.” In the quiet times, we will hear the Voice of His Presence and feel the Comfort of His Touch. We will have a purpose for today and hope for tomorrow. It will be the knowledge of closeness when no one is there and a feeling of belonging to something greater than can be seen. And as I grow older and see fewer loved ones by my side, I know that even if I outlive them all, I will be comforted with this truth that though they may not be here, “I do not walk alone.”
It is an endless barrage of information, slices of events, and fragmented voices from the past that fill our minds as we begin our daily routines. Even in our dreams, many times we feel overwhelmed with images and conversations that are not real but still are there, causing us to pause and contemplate. Many are just shadowy, distorted reflections of people and places in our recent past but yet they occupy time and space in our lives. Oftentimes it feels as though someone else has their finger on the controls and is constantly flipping the stations in our mind. Like the search button on the radio, some days we feel as though ours has been pushed and every 5 seconds the station changes, constantly searching for a signal. Jumbled voices and images cause doubt and discontent.
It is a flash of blinding light with a crack of deafening thunder and then silence. A small light appears in the void of darkness. I am all by myself and yet not alone. I find peace overcomes me when fear should grip me. Whispers can be heard faintly as the darkness retreats. It is a warmth of presence I feel as I’m lifted beyond this realm. Night has turned to day as I am surrounded by those who know me and somehow I know of them. As I look through the crowd I’m amazed to see the faces of people I knew from my youth, teachers, and relatives.
This is not unique to you or something of great concern. It is experienced by all who have ever lived. We all hear things, and we all have conversations in our minds. It’s how we process life. Some we initiate in order to resolve issues, others are simply thrust upon us without warning. It is at times like these we need to dial in for clarity. It is the process in which we put to rest the debate going on in our minds. With a careful turn of the knob or a gentle push of the finger, we can engage in the conversation that will bring answers to our questions and discernment to the events in our lives. Jesus said those who would believe in Him would hear His voice and another’s they would not follow. You cannot accurately discern the voice of God without intimately knowing the Word of God. This is what separates Christians from all other religious followers seeking to know God— His voice. It is that certain sound heard above the roaring chaos, a clear voice of direction when the way is uncharted, a gentle nudge when given choices. It is the confident assurance of hope and help, of love and forgiveness, of strength and the ability to go on when others have left, to continue when some are no longer there. It is to know the truth of eternity from the lies of this world. It is to hear and know the voice of God. Impossible you may say. The apostle Paul writes, who can know the things of God but by the Spirit of God, therefore we have been given His Spirit so that we might know those things that have been freely given to us by God. In this world of endless transmissions of information, it is only through our minds being in a fixed position and our hearts receptive to the Holy Spirit that our quest will end in... searching for a signal.
I even see a few friends I lost to an untimely passing. It feels like a homecoming, like I’m finally where I’m supposed to be. All the years of wondering have now been realized, all the questions that were asked have now been answered and all the sacrifices that were made are now shown to have been well worth it. It is heaven! No longer words on a page, but vivid before my eyes. Words could not express nor emotions convey, the awe and majesty of the experience and now one that will last days without end. I’m reminded of the voices of doubt I would hear on my journey, how I would briefly entertain them until I heard that familiar voice say, “Have faith, my child.” My thoughts are suddenly turned to my new reality as a sound is heard and the crowd begins to move forward. I see in the distance a shimmering structure, massive in appearance, with a sound unlike any other. Somehow I know where I’m going and it is good. So with joy and anticipation, I mount the steps and enter through the arch. I hear angels cry, “Holy, Holy, Holy” as the sound echoes in the air while countless thousands kneel before a throne. Then One arrayed in priestly robes stands to His feet and stretches forth a scarred hand while saying, “Welcome Home My Beloved!”
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Today as my daughter neared the end of her 45-minute morning run, she reported to me she was, “hungry, thirsty, and sweaty.” Pedaling alongside her, I answered back, “That’s a good way to be at the end of a run.” I found myself envious of her at that moment and thought to myself, “Man, I miss that.” For those who are unaware, I’ve been nursing a bum heel for what seems like forever. In fact, the last bit of real training I did was in the fall of 2018. It’s been a long time since I’ve been famished after a workout or since I’ve felt the classic achiness in my legs after a really hard run. I miss the challenge of a speed workout and the mental and physical exertion of pushing the pace in the midst of discomfort. I even miss the tiredness in my legs after a long run. And why do I miss all this you might ask? Because the hard is what makes it good. I firmly believe that anything worth anything is going to be hard… and worthy of the effort. We might be tempted to think this is not truly what we want or how we really want life to be. But why would we want it to be otherwise? The true beauty of a thing—the true glory—is the effort required to try. Think about it, anything you have ever truly valued has taken a good measure of hard work. Be it an academic or athletic goal or a relationship of any kind, we value most what we work the hardest for. Indeed, the hard is what makes it good.
I also believe that this is how God meant it to be, how it needed to be. Though God had promised the land of Canaan to the Israelites, they had to endure the hardness of battle to obtain it. Even before the Fall, Adam was given work and responsibilities which required his effort—and this was good! And though sin and its effects have undoubtedly riddled our lives with suffering and trials, which add to the hardness of life, the goodness of redemption that comes only from God is magnified all the more. He gives us beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61:3). Yet, despite this knowledge, our natural bent is not to embrace the hardness but to tap the breaks when the going gets rough. As a runner, I try to consciously embrace the pain and welcome the uncomfortable, but just as in everyday life, this is a difficult task to execute. There are moments in both life and racing when I find myself relenting. But praise God for His continuous reminder that we are not in the hard alone. Because while the hard is good, we were never meant to shoulder it solo. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). What a Savior we have, for he knows better than anyone that the hard is necessary for the good.
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Whatever you’re facing this week, be it the hardness of singleness, marriage, parenting, work, illness, or any other matter, be encouraged that your labor is not in vain. The hard that is being required of you is serving a purpose: your sanctification and God’s glory. For this, may we continue to labor as we embrace the goodness of the hard.
Nicole is a licensed marriage and family therapist with over 14 years of experience in community mental health. She is the author of Remade: Living Free a book written for women in recovery from substance abuse and unhealthy relationships. Nicole also maintains a blog at as well as a podcast, 5 Minute Word. Both focus on topics related to faith and relationships. She lives in Northwest Ohio with her husband and two children. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading, running, or cooking.
LAUGHTER AND JOY by Yvonne M. Morgan “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” (Proverbs 31:25 NLT) Have you ever known someone who wins everything? Is there someone that seems to be the luckiest person in the world? A few years back, we had a friend like that; she entered every drawing she could find. And she won many things, including washing machines, jet skis, and other items. It amazed me to hear the stories of the things she had won over the years. She laughed with glee each time she won. My mom was also fortunate when it came to winning prizes. Even as a young child, I remember my mom winning things. When we lived in Canada, she entered some drawing and forgot about it till weeks later when a huge box arrived at the door. In it was a 3-foot purple cow stuffed animal. I got the pleasure of the cow sitting on my bed for many years while growing up. Mom would always say her winning came from the Irish luck, and we would laugh. I enter an occasional drawing, but not as many as our friend or my mom. Therefore, I do not win as often as either of them. However, a while ago, I won a lovely necklace. The necklace was made of white and gold beads and had a gold medallion that hung on it with the inscription She Laughs - Proverbs 31:25. I wore it proudly. But what does the verse mean?
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Sometimes life can be difficult. People lose jobs, kids get sick, cars break down, and family members die. So how could we laugh at such hard times? Or is there a deeper meaning to this verse? The more I thought about and studied this verse, the more I understood. This verse is not about having a good, hearty laugh when we are struggling with life’s issues. Although sometimes a good belly laugh will do the soul good. This verse is more about finding our joy in remembering God’s promises. It reminds us that no matter what the future holds, we know God has us in the palm of His hand and will take care of us. No matter what, if we are in Christ, we will spend eternity with God. When struggles hit, we can think about our future life with Christ. And looking back, we can see His hand and realize we had nothing to fear. We will laugh at how minor these troubles were when we reach our eternal home with Christ forever. After our son died, I wanted to do something to help others. I hoped that helping others would help me find my joy again. So, I decided I would do some volunteer work at the local hospital. After some initial training, they assigned me to the ICU waiting room. My duties included: • Calling the nurse’s station to see if families could come in. • Getting water or coffee for the families. • Just answering questions or talking with those that waited.
Soon, I saw a difference between Christian families and those who were not. The Christian families still struggled with the illnesses of their loved ones, but they had a more profound sense of peace within them. They knew God had control of the situation, and no matter the outcome, God still loved them. And they could still trust Him. Although they did not laugh outwardly, I knew that deep within their souls, they still had joy. Their joy told them that even if their loved ones died, they would all be together again someday. Their joy surpasses all understanding. What are you struggling with today? God loves you, and He walks with you through all your troubles. You may not feel like laughing now, but God will restore your actual laughter in the future. I learned to laugh again after our son’s death. So, hold on to the hope of the future with Christ. Laugh at the thought that this is all temporary and we store our treasures in heaven awaiting our arrival.
Yvonne M Morgan, Christian author and speaker
Blog at Twitter: @ymmauthor Website: Facebook: Books: Turning Mountains into Molehills (2017)
I look forward to that day with such Joy. Why? Because I will see my son again, my parents, and many others who have gone on before me. And we will all laugh with the joy of being together and seeing our Savior. “He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” (Revelation 21:4 NLT)
Click on the link below to find out more about Yvonne’s books!
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Having A Positive Perspective By Gina Sewell
Do you ever see those pictures on Facebook of clouds? You know the ones where people say they see various people or things. Many times they say they can see angels or Jesus? Is there truth to these sightings or are people just seeing what they want to see? I’ve noticed myself doing that many times, and not just with the clouds. We see what we want to see and sometimes are totally blind to what we don’t. It’s just a matter of perspective. On a particularly warm day, one may look up and see rain clouds and think, “Oh good, the rain will water the grass, help to fill the lakes, and cool things off.” Then another may see it more negatively and think of nothing but the mud and having to stay indoors for a little while, or say, “Great, now after the rain, it will be so hot and humid. I do not like rain.” You see, it’s all about perspective. There are bad days and good days, but we can make those bad days better by trying to remain in a more positive light.
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I was once a very negative person. Back then, I didn’t even want to be happy. I thought that every time I was happy something bad happened. I felt I would rather have been prepared. Let me tell you, it’s a sad way to live. But, through Jesus, we don’t have to live that way anymore. He will give us the strength and faith to get through the hard times and even show us how to find joy in those times. I once thought that wasn’t possible. Now I see it every day. “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8 NIV) “Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:1-2 NIV) Gina Sewell is a mom and grandma who lives in the Dallas, Texas area, where she enjoys cooking and spending time with her family. She loves to write about Jesus and encourage others. Gina shares her journey on her website:
Heavenly Father, We praise your name. We are so thankful for who you are and that we have grace and mercy through our Savior, Christ Jesus. Lord God, each day you give us a new beginning, a chance to repent and change our ways. Each day, you show us who we are - your children. We pray for those who have not received salvation and pray for a strong revival. We pray for the world, for the hungry to be fed, the sick to be healed, the wars to stop, and for your will to be done. We cry out to you to help Ukraine. Father God, we ask that you put a hedge of protection around us, our families, and our friends. We ask that you help those who are working hard to share the Good News and provide food, comfort, and Bibles to people around the world. We praise you for all you do every day. Open our eyes to see your good works. Open our ears to hear your voice. Open our hearts to love everyone. We love you with all of our heart, mind, soul, body, and strength. We pray in the mighty name of Christ Jesus. Amen.
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Dave Evans recently retired from his career as an estimator for an electrical contractor, but still works part-time. He recently served as Body Care Pastor for a small church and previously taught at a local Bible College for several years. God led him to found and serve in several outreach ministries—a pet therapy ministry, visiting several skilled nursing facilities and retirement homes: a prayer booth on a local street corner to allow people in the community to stop by for prayer needs and an evangelism table, typically set up once a month at various malls or stores, which made Bibles, tracts, DVDs, and other Christian materials available free of charge to interested shoppers. Dave has a bachelor’s degree in business administration/management. As a writer, he has had many poems and articles published in various periodicals and books. And he’s been privileged to do volunteer work for a local police department.
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Have you ever felt like God is a stranger? Has it been hard at times to trust God, especially during trials and difficult times? Why do we have these troubles? I think the words of the Puritan John Ball provide one answer, “The mother of unbelief is ignorance of God, his faithfulness, mercy, and power.” Not knowing God hinders us in trusting Him. But as we develop a relationship with Him and learn of Him, He who was once a stranger becomes a faithful and trusted friend and our ignorance and unbelief surrenders to a deepening trust. The Psalmist explained, “And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.” (Psalm 9:10 NKJV) God’s name reveals who He is, and as we learn who He is from His Word, we get to know Him and develop trust in Him. God’s Word tells us that one of the names which is ascribed to God is Immanuel or God with us. “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” (Matthew 1:23 NKJV) Acknowledging that He is with us helps us to trust Him in each and every circumstance. Adam Clarke noted that “He is God with us, to comfort, enlighten, protect, and defend us in every time of temptation and trial, in the hour of death, in the day of judgment; and God with us, and in us, and we with and in him, to all eternity.”
Another name of God is Wonderful Counselor. So, when we need guidance, we know we can trust Him for counsel because He tells us “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” (Psalm 32:8 ESV) In times of trouble and distress, because we know God, we have a refuge of safety and security for “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.” (Proverbs 18:10 NKJV). When we find ourselves in need, we should remember that one of the names of God is Jehovah Jireh, the LORD will provide. Knowing that characteristic of God helps us to put our trust in Him to provide for us. His Word further reassures us, “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 NKJV)
The Psalmist offered a compelling reason to seek God in order to know and to trust Him: “For you LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.” (Psalm 9:10b NKJV) When we seek Him, when we come to Him for help, God will not forsake or abandon us. Isn’t that comforting? The writer of Hebrews tells us that under no circumstances will God ever forsake us: “... For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5b NKJV) This is such an emphatic statement in the Greek language that it contains five negatives, which means that the statement could be translated, “I will not, not leave thee; I will never, no never, forsake thee.” (C.H. Spurgeon). “And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.” (Psalm 9:10 NKJV) Learn to know His name and you will find yourself trusting Him more.
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I am Joseph, an author, blogger, and content writer from Nigeria. In the field of writing, I deliver unique, grammatically correct, and plagiarism-free content. Currently, I work with three online firms specializing in motivation, human capacity development, lifestyle, relationship, and spiritual writings. You can find Joseph on Facebook at
What The Devil Knows About God— More Than Most Christians By Joseph Akinrinola
JOB 1:6-12 Sure, the devil is both God’s enemy and ours. And yet, he knows quite a lot about Him, more than most Christians know. Understanding one another is the backbone of a strong relationship. More often than not, believers lose a lot of benefits from God because we do not know Him intimately. Ironically, the longer some people claim to have known God, the less they know about His personality. What you know about a person will determine how far you could trust him. It is also this understanding that will determine how far you can defend him before others. In this message, I will share a few areas where the devil is more knowledgeable about God. That will achieve two purposes. One, it will be a measurement of your relationship with God. Two, it will challenge you to develop an intimacy with God so you may get His best for your life. With little ado, let me run through a few things the devil knows about God but are hidden from most Christians.
First, he acknowledges who God is. The Scriptures say the demons believed in their one God, and they feared. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believed that and they shuddered. (James 2:19) A study of that passage reveals a type of fear. Demons feared God for His judgment on them on the last day. With the state of Christianity today, do you live with that consciousness as you go about your daily life? While God wants his children to have referential fear for Him, they must have the seriousness of his judgment on His last day in view. Though demons fear the day of God’s judgment, yet they do not repent. I liken this to Christians who claim to love and fear God, yet they live in contrast. Second, the devil knew God to keep his word. (See Job 1:9-1, Luke 4:9-12, Psalm 9:12) Though the devil wanted Jesus to apply the word of God wrongly, Jesus knew God will keep his promises without the devil telling Hm. While answering God, the devil acknowledged he was keeping his promises over Job. Many times, believers forget who they are in Christ. Such believers are losing their faith during the storms of life, though they have Jesus in the boat. At such a time, they forget what God did in the past and His promises to them. God has not promised us a storm-free life, but securing us through all tides of life. This should be your assurance.
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Third, God will accept a willing heart who returns to Him. One would ask why God would allow the devil to come into His presence. From our passage, it appears the devil has unhindered access to God’s presence. Regrettably, most Christians are ignorant. They can still approach God even when messed up in their walk with Him. As a loving father, God will rebuke, correct, and discipline children when and where necessary. That you err, will not make God abandon you. All you need to do is acknowledge your sin and return to the waiting arm of your Father. This was what we saw in the relationship between the prodigal son and his father. (Luke 15:1-32) You should also apply this God’s principle of forgiveness and reconciliation in all our relations. Paul didn’t condone sin, but he assured us, like Jesus, that we are still hopeful even if we fall into error. This is because we have an advocate. (1 John 2:2) That includes forgiving your children, spouse, neighbors, and others who admit and ask for your forgiveness. Forth, the devil owns nothing. The devil has no authority except that of God. There are two aspects to this. One, the devil can’t do anything to you except that which God permits. Second, he cannot gain access to your life except when you permit him. Therefore, see God in the picture whenever you experience an unfriendly situation. That is, however, when you have confirmed you are not the architect of your misfortune. Some Christians erroneously believe that wealth belongs to the devil. (I Timothy 6:10) No! That is not correct. Read the Bible correctly. The devil owns nothing, as we can see from these scriptures: Psalm 24:1, 3 John 3, Matthew 28:18. Most times, the devil leverages the ignorance of believers to unleash terror on them. Let this be your takeaway from this message—a negative situation in the life of a child of God is not always a sign of sin. I want you to check your level of relationship with God in the context of the factors I mentioned above. May we all rediscover ourselves so we can recover all the devil has stolen from us?
Joseph Akinrinola lives in Lagos, Nigeria, with his wife and four adorable children. He served with the Gospel Faith Mission International for over three decades. Besides, he is a Sunday school coach, an author, a blogger, and a freelance. He has served in Sunday school for over three decades. His friends and students call him “Mr. Sunday school”. Joseph has published five books with two classics titled “Effective Sunday School Management Made Simple” and “Effective Sunday School Teacher.” While with the Gospel Faith Mission International, he was a regional coordinator. He oversees the activities of the Sunday school in over a hundred and twenty churches. Then, he sat on the extended board of his Sunday school writing the weekly and daily devotionals read by over 2 million readers globally. Currently, he is the pastor of a new church, the Levites Chapel International, Lagos, Nigeria. His passion is to reach young people with the Bible truth about relationships, Christian lifestyle, and personal development. This informs the creation of his blog, In addition, he writes for online and international magazines. He is a member of Amnesty International.
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UNFROZEN WINGS OF FAITH By Dr. Irene Surya A glimpse of the sparkling stars in the Word Gliding high with wings of faith Had me awestruck and desiring to fly With wings of my own.
Dr. Irene Surya has published a book of poems, In Solitude with God. Her poems have been published in various magazines. She has a passion for writing for the Lord and glorifying the Lord through her writings. She loves and serves the Lord with her husband.
Click on book to purchase on Amazon.
With wings of faith Propelled by jets of prayer By the currents of the eternal Word I knew I could, but could not fly. I found myself to have Wings that were frozen That would not let me take off Into the safe world, in the hands of God. Came one day when The Lord touched me with His Word And enabled me to comprehend, What I thought I believed. With small steps of faith Everyday and in everything God steadily thawed my frozen wings, To soar above with unfrozen wings. I realize each day His mercies are new every morning And His faithfulness reaches to the clouds As He guides me gently to His holy abode.
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The Rest Of The Story by Craig Ruhl
During my everyday devotion time, I like to include writing out Bible verses in longhand (cursive for you youngsters) in a journal I keep for that purpose. This has been a habit for about 11 years now. As I was writing the other day, it occurred to me that these verses I am recording are but single threads to a grand tapestry God has given to us—the Bible. By themselves, they share history, theology, lessons, hope, and encouragement—the list is endless. When these verses, taken as a whole, 66 individual books’ worth, we have a library of education, instruction, hope, and encouragement. There seems to be a danger in concentrating on just a verse or two. It becomes too easy to take portions of the Bible out of context. This is especially important for laypersons like me, who do not have the training or knowledge to understand the nuances and subtleties of the translated words in the verses. I have marveled at how some people can call up a Bible verse from memory to interject into a conversation, at will. Many times, I have seen two people banter back and forth quoting chapter and verse, seeming to outdo the other. Is this what God meant for us to do with His Word? I don’t think so. Back to my devotion time and writing out those verses. Many of the verses I choose come from daily devotions I receive in my email. In this digital world, it is easy to click on the preceding verse and/or the following one. There is also an option to view the entire chapter and even the book in the Bible. Choosing these options allows me to put a specific verse in proper perspective. Many online Bible resources, such as Bible Gateway, include a feature where you can compare Bible versions and gain a greater understanding of the verse. Add a good Study Bible in your preferred translation, and you now have even greater access to the entire story. Not all of us should or can get a seminary education, but we can make great inroads in our understanding of God’s instruction manual. I still like the feel and sense of paper study materials, but the electronic ones make it easy to carry the library with us on cell phones and tablets. Either medium will serve well. Many readers will not know of or remember Paul Harvey. He was a famous American radio broadcaster, a recipient of the Presidential Medal Of Freedom, and well known for his distinctive style and diction. His broadcasts were of the news and comment genre. Many of my favorite segments Harvey did were from his The Rest of the Story series. In these, he would expand on and add little-known facts to an existing story. He dove deeper into the saga and brought out the often surprising and edifying details not generally known before. I liked that style of a broadcast program. There is a similar feeling to digging into the Bible and discovering those little nuggets that complete the story. They add context, texture, and meaning to the overall message. For instance, comparing passages in the New Testament with prophecies contained in the Old Testament. You can’t always get that knowledge from concentrating on a single verse. After each broadcast, Paul Harvey would sign off by saying, “And now you know... the rest of the story.” Be sure that as you study the Bible, you dig deep enough to learn the rest of the biblical story for yourself. “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8 NIV) M AG A Z I N E N A M E &O R PAGE U R L | 27 427
Brenda McDaniel is the author of My Angel My Hero with two more books soon to be published. She is from Roanoke, VA. She holds a B.S in Psychology and M.A. in Counseling. She has enjoyed writing poetry and short stories, even as a small child. Brenda says she is now living her dream come true!
Do You Believe In God? By Brenda McDaniel When you ask that question, you get various responses. Some say I don’t know for sure, others say yes or no. Their reasons vary according to beliefs and priorities. Many people put God last in their lives, even if they believe. Their priorities are making more money and having more things. Those things are important to the well-being of themselves and family. But again, they don’t have time for God. Are they happy, fulfilled, and have true peace? Do their children praise them for their hard work? Or would their children prefer to spend more time together as a family? Do their children feel neglected and lonely? Families that put God first or in the center of their lives are happier. Just ask the children if family life is more rewarding? Plus, the children are loving, caring, and at peace in their lives. And so are the parents. Are the people who say they’re an atheist or they don’t believe in God happy? Is their life full and rewarding? Do they feel at peace in their hearts and in the world? Or do they feel a part of life is missing? They may fill their life with work or things. Or become addicted to something to fill the void in their life. But nothing satisfies or brings them real peace in life until they open their hearts and minds and let God inside. No true peace, happiness, or contentment will be found. Why live a life that’s unhappy, constantly searching to fill the void and emptiness in their lives? Turn to the one who made you. And the one who died on the cruel cross for our sins. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ waits with open arms to love you as a child of God. To heal your broken heart, mind, and soul. So you can start living a life of hope, faith, and love. To be happy once again, and live a life with a soul at peace with itself, God, and the world.
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A Soul At Peace! My heart is aching, There’s no more faking! I can’t live this life, That’s so full of strife! By myself without my Lord! My soul can’t afford, To be one of the lost!! Cause that’s such a high cost! Oh, Peace in my Soul, Now I am made Whole!
“For God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16 KJV)
UPLIFTING BIBLE VERSES A N D I D E A S TO R E F R E S H YO U R S O U L By Paula Short Do you feel like the weight of the world is weighing you down? Do you feel a heaviness in your soul? Does your body feel offset, like a counterweight is throwing you off balance? I’ve been there too, friend. It’s okay to have off days; we all have them. You may ask yourself, “How do I get myself out of that rut?” Will you join me in reflecting on a few uplifting Bible verses to refresh your soul? “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” (Acts 3:19 NIV) “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” (Psalm 16:11 NIV) “He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.” (Psalm 23:2-3 NIV) “But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14 NIV) “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31 NIV)
Now, let’s explore ten ideas to help refresh your soul. • Slow Down. As the saying goes, take time to stop and smell the roses. • Laugh and be silly. Sometimes, we need not take ourselves so seriously. • Relax. I know easier said than done, right? Read, color, make a craft, do puzzle books, word search, solve crossword puzzles, or sit on your porch. • Learn something new. Lookup How-To’s, DIY projects, or study a language. • Sing a song out loud or dance. And it doesn’t matter if anyone can hear you or is watching. • Practice gratitude. Make a gratitude journal. One line a day is all you need. Start simple; list three things you are grateful for at that moment. • Go outside. Spending time outdoors in creation allows us to use our senses and marvel at God’s handiwork in His living world. Also, it will enable us to practice being still and quiets our hearts. • Take a nap. Sometimes, a brief rest of about 30 minutes is all we need to recharge. • Listen to calming music. Listening to music can reduce stress and anxiety and relax our minds and bodies. • Quiet time. Having a little quiet time can refresh your soul. You may read God’s word, pray, meditate, practice relaxation breathing, or sit quietly in the Lord’s presence. Take Away Our shepherd knows the green pastures and quiet streams that will restore and refresh us. Ask him to show you how.
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WHAT IS A FATHER? by Sharon K. Connell Father’s Day is this month, and it has caused me to ponder the role of a father. I’m sure most of you had wonderful dads who did their best in raising you. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a good one. My private life and background is something I generally don’t speak of, but I felt my Lord wanted me to for this article. Therefore, I assume someone out there needs to hear it. Growing up, the way I did, resulted in many problems throughout my life, mostly insecurity.
Many years later, my aunt called to tell me my father was dying, and he wanted me to visit him. I told her I didn’t want to see him. She said he wanted to tell me he was sorry. I was so bitter toward him, that his plea made no difference to me, so I refused. It was the last time I ever heard from my dad or his side of the family.
Fathers play an important part in a child’s life and how they live their lives when they become adults. Although, we can’t blame the choices we make on our fathers, as some psychiatrists would have you believe. We have free will and know right from wrong.
“Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:” (Ephesians 4:26 AKJV)
“But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge.” (Jeremiah 31:30 AKJV)
Fathers, never let a day go by when you don’t make it clear to your children that you love them, regardless of their ages. Despite your mistakes, let them know you care. If you’re on the wrong path, get right with God. Protect your children. Provide for them. And be the best example of the dad God meant you to be. You have a perfect Father above who shows you how.
We are responsible for our own sins. One must make their own decisions, choose right or wrong, and put the past in the past, no matter how hard it might be to do so. If you don’t, it will leave scars and cause problems for the rest of your life. My dad left me few pleasant memories, very few, because of his abuse. Thank our Lord, he was not as abusive as some men are, but enough to turn me away from him. My mother left him when I was in grade school, but we still had contact, probably because I craved it. During my teen years, I cut him off. I hated him for the things he did. 30 | M AG A Z I N E N A M E PAGE 3 30
Anger and hate are two of the best tools the devil can use to cause you pain.
Many more years went by before I forgave my dad. Since then, I’ve regretted not seeing him before he died.
“And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4 AKJV) For those of you who have fathers, never let mistakes, errors in judgment, or any sorrow or pain your dad caused you keep you from forgiving him. After all, your heavenly Father has forgiven you for a lifetime of sin.
And for those of you who didn’t know your fathers, or were separated from them, don’t despair. You have a perfect, heavenly Father who loves you and gave His Own Son to save you from the wrath to come. No one has ever loved you as much as He. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16 AKJV) “And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6: 18 AKJV)
Always thank God for your father. And, always let your dad, or father figure, know how much you appreciate them. “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 AKJV)
Click on photo to order Sharon’s books.
Now to answer my question, “What Is a Father?” He’s not only a man who produced another human being. Procreation does not make a man a father. A father is a person in your life who loves, protects, provides, and guides you. Someone who may not even be related to you. Possibly a stepdad. My husband’s stepson looks at him as his father because of the important role he’s played. They could be an uncle or close family friend. While I was growing up, in the shadow and fear of my natural dad, I turned to my heavenly Father. He provided everything my birth father never did. And just like so many rebellious teenagers, I often turned my back on Him. But he was still there for me and accepted me back when I came to my senses. Other males were there for me through the years. Not many, I regret to say, but some. Then, as I learned to put my trust in my Lord for all things, He provided what I needed. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33 AKJV) When I finally learned to trust Him completely, the Lord brought my husband into my life. He’s a good man and sees to my needs. But even if he didn’t, my provision, in every way, would still be taken care of by my heavenly Father.
Author, Sharon K. Connell lives in Houston, Texas from where she writes Christian Romance Suspense, containing a bit of mystery and as much humor as she can get into a story. She’s also written many award-winning short stories in a variety of genres. Sharon attended college in Illinois, graduated from the Pensacola Bible Institute in Florida, and holds a certificate in fiction writing from the International Writing Program through the University of Iowa. She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, Scribes Critique Group, Houston Writers Guild, and CyFair Writers. She is also the founder of the global Facebook Christian Writers & Readers group forum. Her monthly newsletter, Novel Thoughts, goes out every month to its subscribers in all parts of the world. Visit the offical website of Sharon K. Connell https://www.
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Ken worked for seventeen years with Youth With A Mission, primarily Involved in discipleship training and evangelism. He is the author of The Chicken Farm and Other Sacred Places, published in 2011 by YWAM Publishing and Broken Vessels in 2021 through Kindle Direct Publishing. He holds a Masters Degree from Virginia Commonwealth University in Curriculum and Instruction. He currently is a freelance writer. He lives with his wife Sharon in Mechanicsville, VA. They have two daughters and six grandchildren.
THE GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM by Ken Barnes “The greatest among you must be a servant.” (Matthew 23:11 NLT) Our Lord’s idea of the greatest is much different from ours. Come with me and imagine what might have happened in heaven. There once was a man named Wilbur. He was a member of a large church, and although many knew him by sight, very few even knew his name. He was quiet and polite, and if you didn’t speak to him first, he would hesitate to talk to you. He was often seen around the Church doing tasks like putting up and taking down tables and chairs for social events. Early Sunday morning, he would stop by the store to pick up pastries, arrive at the Church, and brew the coffee for the social time before the morning service. He made sure the Pastor always had water at the pulpit for the sermon. He did everything behind the scenes to make Church happen without any fanfare. Occasionally, someone would note his service, and he would seem a little embarrassed. He was the glue that held things together. When the glue is serving its purpose, you never see it. He never taught a Sunday school class, and heaven forbid that he would ever preach a sermon, yet the Church would not function properly without him.
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He served the Church his whole life, and no one could ever remember him missing a service. As time passed, he grew old and could no longer attend Church. He would get some visitors, but not many. Finally, he passed away and went to his eternal reward. There were many empty seats at his funeral service. When he arrived at heaven’s door, he saw a line of people waiting to be greeted by the Lord Jesus. The line consisted of pastors, teachers, evangelists, and other prominent Christian leaders. He started to get to the end of the line when he noticed Jesus motioning to him to come to the front of the line. He looked behind him, thinking he must be gesturing to someone else, but no, there was no one following him. Hesitantly, he walked to the head of the line. As he passed the people in the line, he felt a need to apologize. Just as he was to be greeted by Jesus, someone he walked past shouted, “Why is he at the front of the line?” Another said this man has never even preached a sermon. All the others in the line nodded in agreement.
Jesus looked at the people in the line and did not seem surprised at their reactions. He said, yes, this man has never preached a sermon like all of you have. I appreciate what you have done for me, yet, at least in part, you did it because of the affirmation and acceptance you got from the people to whom you preached. My servant here did all he did just because he loved me. Jesus stretched out his hand and looked into Wilbur’s eyes and said, come in, my servant friend—well done. No, I have no evidence this ever happened, but I think it could have. I am writing to all God’s servants like Wilbur in every Church or Christian ministry on God’s good earth. Like Wilbur, you have done the lion’s share of the work and gotten very little credit. Although man does not often notice, God sees every act of selfless service, and he never ever forgets. Ultimately, it is not vital what man thinks, but only what God thinks about you. You are the greatest in the Kingdom. The moral to this story is not that God loves unseen servants more than seen ones. It is not about what we do, but why we do what we do.
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Road Trippin’ June! by Karen Ruhl
We had such a great time in May taking our friend and Craig’s high school classmate, Alan Warren, around the area to share North Carolina’s beauty. The photo on the right was taken at The Blowing Rock - in Blowing Rock, NC. Such a beautiful park to visit. You can grab a bench and sit a while too! Alan is a photographer as well so we enjoyed seeing the sites and taking photos. While at The Blowing Rock, I asked if anyone wanted to go up on the rock and let me that their photo. Sophia said yes, what a sweet new friend!
There is a nice pond and small little waterfall where you can sit and enjoy the turtles and the view of the mountains. These little fellows were more than happy to pose for me.
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The day was hazy so you can’t see the depth of The Blue Ridge Mountains in this photo. It is amazing on a clear day - what does that song say...You Can See Forever! There is a small museum with memorabilia in the park. I enjoyed seeing this old advertising sign and a picture of The Tweetsie Railroad train being delivered up the mountain. This is a place to go when you are in the area!
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Our next venture was to go to Lake Lure to show Alan the Flowering Brige. We decided to take the boat tour and we are sure glad we did! The guide tells the history of the lake and the movies that were shot have to visit to see which ones! Hint: Dirty Dancing and Last Of The Mohicans may be two of them. The Flowering Bridge is never a disappointment. We are thankful for the Garden Club that volunteers many hours to keep this bridge beautiful for us all to enjoy.
A couple of beautiful homes on Lake Lure. The landscaping around these homes is amazing too.
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The next stop was Pearson’s Falls. It is 1/4 mile walk according to the ranger, and I mistakenly told Alan an easy one to make. We made it and we were both in awe of the falls. We had rain in the area the night before so the falls were running. It is a 90’ spectacular waterfall. Along the path, someone built a rock carin pictured below. The first one was left behind, the second one I built. I just couldn’t resist being a Karen building a Carin!
The photo just above is the lower falls and very pretty as well. After leaving the falls, we drove through the small town of Saluda and saw these in a field. Craig doesn’t even have to ask, he knows I love to shoot rusty gold!
Well, I am afraid I have run out of room. Day three was to the Hickory Airport to see the Aircraft Museum and then lunch at the train depot before heading to the Southeastern Narrow Gauge & Shortline Museum in Newton. So trains, planes, and automobiles along with a boat ride and a lot of photo opportunities made for a great time for all. Get out and explore around you, there is beauty everywhere. God bless You!
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DON’T GO TO BED WITH GUM IN YOUR MOUTH By Esther M. Bandy Don’t Go To Bed With Gum In Your Mouth I discovered chewing gum when I was only three. I loved to chew it in the morning, in the afternoon, and even in the evening. It was so tasty; it seemed like a great idea to chew it at night, too. But Mama always told me, “Don’t go to bed with gum in your mouth.” I couldn’t understand why she said that. What was wrong with chewing gum in bed, especially when it tasted so good? I usually tried to obey Mama, but sometimes I did what I wanted to do instead of what she told me to do. The night I went to bed with gum in my mouth, I learned the importance of minding Mama. What happened next is a favorite family story. Years later, I even wrote a poem about it. If you’re curious, keep reading.
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“Don’t go to bed with gum in your mouth,” Mama used to say. I listened to what Mama said, and I tried to obey. But one night when my chewing gum was still so good and tasty, I didn’t want to throw it out. That would be too hasty. I climbed in bed and said, “Good night.” Then Mama tucked me in. She kissed me and turned out the light, and I chewed gum again. I chewed until I fell asleep. Then, when the morning came, I woke up, thought of gum, smiled, and tried to chew again. I tried to chew and tried again, but my gum wasn’t there. I searched my bed. “It’s lost,” I said. “My gum’s not anywhere.” My brother looked at me and laughed. “What’s that stuck in your hair?” I put my hand upon my head and found my gum right there. “What can I do? Will Mom be mad?” I whispered through my tears. He said, “Stop crying and I’ll help. I have a great idea!” Then he got Mama’s scissors, and he cut my long blonde hair. He cut and cut and cut and cut. My hair fell everywhere. We hid my hair under the bed so Mama wouldn’t know. But when she saw my short-haired head I don’t remember what she said, But I won’t chew my gum in bed. Never again! Oh no!
I knew it was wrong to disobey Mama, but I did it anyway. My brother tried to help me hide the evidence, but Mama still realized what I’d done when she saw my hair. That’s when I learned the importance of minding Mama.
“For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4 KJV)
Thousands of years before I was even born, God created the Garden of Eden and put Adam and Eve in the garden to take care of it. He told them they could eat from any tree in the garden except from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When they disobeyed God and ate fruit from that specific tree, they sinned and developed a personal knowledge of evil.
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23 KJV)
I used to wonder why eating that fruit was a sin, but finally, I understood that their sin wasn’t just eating fruit. If they ate from any other tree, there would have been no problem. But they decided to disobey God and eat from the only tree that was forbidden. Their disobedience was sin, and that gave them a personal knowledge of evil. They were ashamed and tried to hide from God, but they learned that we can never hide our sin from God. He knows everything we think, say, and do. Consider these verses from God’s Word, the Bible: “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” (Proverbs 15:3 KJV)
God loves us, so when God prohibits something, it’s for our own good. Disobeying God is sin, and sin has consequences. God is Holy and Just. He must punish sin, but He made a way for our sin to be forgiven. The Lord Jesus Christ, the perfect sinless son of God, willingly took our punishment for us. The Bible says in John 3:16 (KJV), “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” I’m thankful God made a way for us to be forgiven. Aren’t you?
“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23 KJV) When Esther Bandy was five, a neighbor taught a Good News Club. She head the gospel there, and she received the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior. That was the most important day in her life. She later worked as a nurse, a missionary, a director with Child Evangelism Fellowship, and a Spanish teacher at a Christian school. Now, she’s an author. She has been published in two anthologies; Treasures of a Woman’s Heart and Triumph from Tragedy. Her debut middle grade novel, Under the Tangerine Tree, was published in 2022. “Don’t Ask Why, Ask What” was previously published in “Triumph from Tragedy”. @EstherMBandy
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THAT STARRY NIGHT By Ama Afriyie-Jenkins
“Then Abraham waited patiently, and he received what God had promised.” (Hebrews 6:15 NLT) Can you imagine waiting on God for a century for the manifestation of His promise? It sounds ridiculous, right? Ironically, many people do not live up to a century lest waiting on God for ten whole decades! Also, have you realized that nobody likes to wait, regardless of the circumstances? We always grow impatient at the slightest delay because it is inherent for us to want our desires fulfilled immediately! Let’s turn to the story of Abraham in the Bible, one of the patriarchs who waited a very long time for the fulfillment of God’s promise. He waited a whole century to have an heir and for twenty-five years for the manifestation of God’s promise. Are you confused? Let’s do some quick math here. When Abraham was 75 years old, God first promised to make him a father of many nations (Genesis 12:14). God reappeared at the brink of his testimony, when Abraham was 99 years old, to make an everlasting covenant with him (Genesis 17). Then, God changed his name from Abram to Abraham to establish His promises. His original name, Abram, means exalted father in Hebrew, and his new name, Abraham, means father of a multitude. Abraham’s new name now affirmed the countless descendants that will come through him.
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Many times, people identify us with our persistent and perpetual problems. How do people describe you: desolate? barren? failing? abandoned? depressed? confused? worthless? As much as it hurts, be encouraged! Here’s a promise from God’s word to you “... You shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord will name. You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. You shall no longer be termed forsaken, nor shall your land any more be termed desolate; But you shall be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; For the Lord delights in you...” (Isaiah 62:2-4 NKJV). Declare over yourself that as God did for Abraham, He will also change your name to overcomer, prosperous, conqueror, precious, joyful, fruitful- when His promises manifest in your life. In Genesis 14, a war broke out and invaders plundered Sodom and Gomorrah and captured everything, including Lot, Abraham’s nephew. When he was informed, he mobilized his 318 trained men, albeit a small number, and they pursued the raiders and recovered everything victoriously. Upon return, he gave a tenth of everything to the high priest, Melchizedek, and received priestly blessings. Then, the King of Sodom asked Abraham to return his people and offered him all the retrieved goods instead. But Abraham replied, swearing to the Lord that he would not accept any goods because the King might say, “I made Abraham rich.” This astounding display of faith showed how reliant he was on God. Interestingly, our deepest fears always come after we have exhibited the greatest faith and Abraham was no exception.
In the next chapter, God appeared to him in a vision to reassure him of an exceedingly great reward, so he should not be troubled. Then, Abraham expressed his sincere perplexity, asking God what good is the reward when he has not given him any descendants to inherit it. Time had passed, and his belief was really pushed to the brink. On that starry night, this conversation was a defining moment in Abraham’s waiting period. In answer, God graciously invited him to step outside and said to him, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them, so shall your offspring be.” (Genesis 15:5). God gave him a visible sign and showed him the magnitude of the promise (not when it will come to pass) when his faith was running out, and he was counted righteous because he believed God immediately and did not lean on his own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). Sometimes, in our seasons of despair, when our faith is pushed nearly to a point beyond belief and everything is on the line, dare to ask God for a tangible sign and God will lead you to your defining moment of faith, too. Resolve to stick with God no matter the anguish in waiting and fight to believe that, “Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true.” (Joshua 21:45 NLT).
Usually, we wonder what is happening during our waiting period. Is it just an empty space between our prayers and their fulfillment? No, in our waiting, God does His deepest work. It may feel like He is delaying and slow in keeping His promise, but here’s the caveat—rather, it is a season where God tests and refines our character through faith. We have to trust in His timing and ways, especially when our fallible minds cannot comprehend why He seems distant. Sometimes, God will satisfy our deepest desires by miraculously fulfilling what we ask for. Other times, He may deny our requests and give us immeasurably more than we can dare ask or imagine! (Ephesians 3:20). Either way, we will find inexpressible joy when we wholly trust and depend on Him. Ama Afriyie-Jenkins has a special affinity for gender, sustainable development, and global governance. She and her husband live in Accra, Ghana with their three children and they shepherd a non-denominational Christian fellowship, Inspirational Hour Ministries. Ama remembers loving to write from an early age and she is a voracious reader. She has a heart for girl-child education and women’s economic empowerment in rural communities in Ghana. You can connect with her via email: ammajenkins@, on Facebook, and on LinkedIn (@Ama Afriyie-Jenkins).
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Faith On Every Corner Bookshelf Click on book covers to learn more and purchase.
Joy in Jesus: Forays in Philippians By Jeremy Hoover Reviewed by Craig Ruhl Jeremy Hoover leads the reader on an insightful journey through Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi. The subject is Joy—how do we get it, keep it, and pass it on? The message of both this book and the original biblical letter is that our joy comes from a knowledge of and a relationship with Jesus Christ. This book is also a call to discipleship and following the call to follow Jesus. The author concludes that besides scholarly learning and prayer, we also should pursue a people-oriented faith. That is what Jesus instructed us to do—go throughout the world joyfully preaching and teaching the Good News to the people we meet along the way. This book helps the reader find their joy and share it with others. Joy in Jesus: Forays in Philippians is well written in a conversational style that teaches and encourages the reader to dig deeper into their personal joy in knowing Jesus Christ as their Savior. As a wonderful bonus, the author includes a chapter titled Developing Intimacy with God. This is a delightful book to add to your library. The staff at Faith On Every Corner has placed a copy on our bookshelf and recommends it to our readers.
Call For Writers For Faith On Every Corner Magazine We are looking for testimonials, acts of service, devotions, and articles of how you have witnessed God working in your life or the life of family and friends. Email for submission guidelines. 42 | M AG A Z I N E N A M E PAGE 3
Faith On Every Corner Bookshelf
Becoming God’s Epic: Fulfilling Your Purpose In Christ By Billy M. Murchison, Jr. Reviewed by Craig Ruhl Becoming God’s Epic is a call to dream and have visions— for the glory of God. This book leads the reader to not only absorb the knowledge, ideas, and examples the author provides, but also to return to the book many times for further study and application. I especially enjoyed the format of the book. The author deftly addresses dreams and visions in the Christian context, laying a firm and broad foundation and then building through the layers of developing and nourishing a passion for being a true disciple of Christ. Within each chapter, the author provides areas to record reflections on what we have read and questions that help clarify the reader’s interaction with the book. This is an excellent study for a person curious about being Christian and as well as for a mature Christian. We at Faith On Every Corner recommend this book to our readers and have placed a copy on our Bookshelf. This review was originally published in March 2022. Be sure to look for the 2nd edition of this book, due to be released in June 2022. We will publish an updated review.
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EVEN WHEN By Laurie Glass
Even when I struggle to believe that anything good awaits, that I’ll see the light again, or break free of my chains, I need to remember that hope still remains.
Laurie Glass has a heart for encouraging others through her writing. She has had many poems and articles published in both print and online publications. In addition, she won the Open Medicine Foundation poetry contest in 2019.
Even when I’m in the dark, don’t know which way to turn, when troubles plague me, and life seems so unfair, even when I can’t see it, I know hope’s always there. Even when life’s a question mark, and the next step is unclear, I feel frozen in time, and don’t get the answers I seek, I kneel before the Lord and find hope at his feet. Even when I feel I’m slipping, my soul is weary, my faith seems stale, and I need to be revived, I feel consoled in knowing that hope is still alive. Even when there are times that all seems lost, when I need courage, and find it hard to cope, I’m so grateful to know I still have hope.
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Jeff Foster and his wife Lorena live in Granite Falls, NC. As a mechanical engineer with many years of technical writing experience, he discovered his calling to devotional writing in 2018. He finds purpose in his writing by encouraging the saints and inspiring them to strive for a closer walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Please visit his website,
“And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits; And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse: But be shod with sandals; and not put on two coats.” (Mark 6:7-9) There is no earthly provision necessary for us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. As Jesus sends out the twelve apostles, he instructs them, and us, what is needed to carry out His purpose in our lives. First, notice he sends them in twos. In the Old Testament law, the testimony of two witnesses was needed so that a claim could be established. The two were to encourage and help each other when unforeseen circumstances might have hindered their work. Working in pairs provided an accountability partner to keep them focused on the divine task. Jesus gave them power. At the moment we accept Christ as our Savior, we receive the Holy Spirit within us, to teach us and guide our thoughts and actions according to God’s will. In verse 8 of the Bible verse above, Jesus instructed his disciples to “… take nothing for their journey, save a staff only;” The symbol of the staff is displayed throughout biblical history as an instrument of power. Men carried a staff to lean on and give support when the path was treacherous. The staff became an extension of the arm and hand to steady their way. When we lean on God, all His power is applied through our hands and is available to steady our walk. What a privilege and honor it is that the Almighty God of all the universe would enable our feeble hands with power over the unclean spirits and to carry the Good News of Jesus Christ to all nations.
(Rachel and Jotham Cardin) Tears streamed down my cheeks. I really wanted to wail, but I was seated in a crowded area waiting to be called to check out. The doctor had just confirmed by ultrasound that the twelve-week fetus in my womb did not have a heartbeat. After the longest fifteen minutes of my life, the nurse gave me an appointment in two weeks to see if further intervention would be needed. I hurried out to our pickup truck and called to ask my husband to ride his bike to the hospital to drive me home. Even when he arrived and I cried in his arms, I didn’t let myself go completely. I didn’t want passers-by walking through the parking lot to stare. That evening, alone in my room, I finally wept and cried aloud. I begged God for a miracle, praying that at my next appointment the baby’s heart would be beating and that the pregnancy would proceed normally. I knew my God could do this. I believed He would. I had never asked God for a miracle. I know He has done many things for me and my family, but we could attribute all of them to chance or fortuitous coincidence. This time, I was asking for something that no one could deny was a work of God. I imagined praising God for His goodness, sharing my faith with the doctors and nurses at the hospital. Surely the news would spread widely in our Southern Thailand town of the American lady whose baby came back to life.
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I went about my regular activities, preparing Thanksgiving dinner for eighteen, celebrating my daughter’s fourth birthday, and shopping for Christmas. I prayed continually for the miracle, asking God to increase my faith. My body held on to the child within, and I hoped it meant that she was living and well. Then contractions began. I still believed God could change the outcome. On the evening of December 6, sitting in my shower, I held my two-centimeter-long baby in my palm and cried out. It seemed like it would have been easier if I did not believe that God could have performed a miracle. Why would He not? Did He not love me enough? Did I not have enough faith? I believe in miracles. I know my God is all-powerful. Yet since that day, I have struggled to truly grasp this truth in my heart. I still do not have the answers to the questions I asked that night. What I do know is that God loves me and knows me and longs for me to know Him. George MacDonald says, “Man finds it hard to get what he wants because he does not want the best; God finds it hard to give because He would give the best, and man will not take it.” I want to be such that I would take God’s best, not what I think is best. Even now, I find it hard to accept that it would not have been best for my child to have been born and lived on earth. I must daily choose to trust God’s way.
As I worked through the heartbreak, I continued to cry out to God and try to praise Him through it all. One day during worship at church, God spoke the name Zoe (Zwn) in Greek) to my heart. This was to be the name of my child in heaven to remind me she is alive with Him—more alive, in fact than my children on earth. One day, I will see her alive and well. Near the end of February, I gave birth to a son at home, in the same place where I had delivered my tiny, dead child. As his first cries filled his lungs and his body turned a healthy pink, I cried. God had answered our prayers for a safe delivery at home. It wasn’t a miracle, in the same way, that restarting a baby’s heart in the womb is, but it showed that God cares for me and my family. My baby son’s name is Jotham, meaning “God is perfect.” He does nothing wrong; He makes no mistakes. When I speak my baby’s name, I recall God is Lord of my life and that I would do well to leave everything to Him. I still believe that God does miracles. I wonder if He will ever do one for me. In the meantime, I cherish each time He gives me good gifts, each time He provides me with my needs, and each time He works in my heart to draw me to Himself. The verse in Hosea 6:3 (NASB) hangs near my desk. “So let us know, let us press onto know the Lord.” I want to know Him in such a way that I don’t need a miracle to know that He is good and perfect. I know He will perfect such a work in me.
Rachel Cardin is a mother of six children on earth and one in heaven. She and her husband serve as “tent-maker” missionaries in Southern Thailand. When she has time, she practices her fiddle and writes a blog. She experienced a miscarriage with her sixth child, Zoe. Zoe’s first birthday would have been this June.
Sing By Rolanda Pyle Sing, sing, sing Come on, do your thing Let those praises ring To others, joy you bring When you sing Songs that uplift, songs that reprove Songs that help us get into our groove Songs that give our Lord the praise Songs we remember for the rest of our days. Sing in the morning, sing in the night Sing when things go wrong and definitely when they are right Sing, for music is the key to life Able to lift burdens and ease strife So sing, sing, sing Come on, do your thing Let those praises ring To others, joy you bring When you sing. Learn more about this award winning author, Rolanda T. Pyle by visiting her website.
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For Such a Time as This, I’ll Write His Answer By Esther M. Bandy
When Esther Bandy was five, a neighbor taught a Good News Club. She head the gospel there, and she received the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior. That was the most important day in her life. She later worked as a nurse, a missionary, a director with Child Evangelism Fellowship, and a Spanish teacher at a Christian school. Now, she’s an author. She has been published in two anthologies; Treasures of a Woman’s Heart and Triumph from Tragedy. Her debut middle grade novel, Under the Tangerine Tree, was published in 2022. “Don’t Ask Why, Ask What” was previously published in “Triumph from Tragedy”. @EstherMBandy
For such a time as this, I’ll write His answer, I’ll share the hope God gives me with the world. I’ll share God’s Word so they can see Because God gave His Word to me. I’ll share God’s truth so it can still be heard. For such a time as this, Christ is the answer. The only hope for lost and hopeless men. God gave His Son to die for sin We must repent and trust in Him! We’re only saved when we’ve been born again. For such a time as this, I’ll live His answer And pray that others can see Christ in me. I’ll share the gospel so that they Can find forgiveness and be saved Then they can live with Him eternally. For such a time as this, I’ll write His answer. I’ll share God’s Word so it can still be heard. I’ll give what God has given me, So hopeless people can believe The hope that Jesus offers to the world. For such a time as this, please write His answer. He’s coming soon. He might still come today. The saved are going home that day But for the lost we weep and pray That they’ll believe His answer. Write today!
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By Eris Cardin
Loneliness and Hope
This is my country, low rolling hills And mountains veiled by sunset, Beaches yellow with grainy sand.
The echo of a mourning heart, Of friendships of the past. A dreaming of a fresher start. A friend, perhaps, at last. A dozen friendships gone, A hundred dreams are shattered. Yet still, there is a dawn: Still, there’s that which mattered. The tears of long-borne pain, The prays that joy awakes. You may yet find gain, And pleasure for His sake. You may never lose this grief, You may never cease to weep, You may never find relief, You may cry yourself to sleep— And yet remember your God— Your life, your hope, your love— Recall the way He trod— And fix your gaze above.
This is my country, coconuts sprouting, Orange papayas dangling low, A thousand bananas hanging. This is my country, words spoken soft, Spoken soft as waves lapping the shore Where stars rise above the water, And the moon skims the surface, A wavering path I want to tread. This is my country, the glittering temples Rising to scrape the sky, The mosques reaching up to the clouds, Creating an ache within me, Reminding me of my hopes and dreams, Why God has called this to be my home.
Eris Cardin is a young poet and writer living as a missionary kid in Southern Thailand. She delights in nature and poetry. She is inspired by classical poetry. Her favorite poets are Byron, Tennyson, and Herbert.
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I stomped the cold from my feet and rubbed my hands together, feeling warmth creep into them. Fog billowed from my breath and my horse’s nose. The temperature hadn’t risen out of the teens in the high country. Our friend, Bo, a seasoned Nevada buckaroo, invited my husband, Bruce, to this fall roundup. Hundreds of cattle grazed across thousands of acres in these rugged, unforgiving mountains of northern Nevada. Several volunteers, stockholders, and hired buckaroos worked together to gather these cattle for shipment to their winter-feeding grounds. Bruce and I sing Christian Country music and travel full time on the road with our two horses. God had given us this awesome opportunity to ride with these folks, and we jumped at the chance. However, He saw an even bigger picture than volunteering to help with the cows. Saddles creaked and horses champed their bits as we waited for the foreman to assign groups of riders to their sections of land. The goal was to drive or “sweep” the cattle from the high country and meet at the bottom pasturelands at the same time… or nearly. Most of these cows are as wild as the country they run in, and this type of gathering keeps them moving forward. I gazed across the haphazard landscape, grateful for the instruction we had received from Bo about the cattle and country. I realized we were living examples of Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV): “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Bruce and I were strangers to this place, but the Lord had prepared us for this job through Bo. Receiving our section assignment, we spread out to cover our area. 50 | M AG A Z I N E N A M E PAGE 3 50
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” flew from my mouth as my horse and I plunged down the side of a steep draw to gather cattle at the bottom. At the same time, “Whoohooohoooohoooo!” echoed across the mountains as the buckaroos revealed their location. I urged my horse around the cattle and drove my mini-herd through the small canyon. We rode narrow mountainside trails that appeared to be carved by a goat and skirted bogs and boulders to keep the herd tight. I picked grit out of my teeth and blew a breath of relief when I saw Bo with his cows at the meeting point. We joined Bruce farther down the mountain. As the three of us rode with our cows, the foreman raced by us on his horse. “You’re late!” he bellowed as he thundered past and disappeared down the prairie. Startled and staring at his retreating dust, we figured we were being blamed for something out of our control. Our blood boiled. Angry words churned: “We did nothing wrong!” We rode in an indignant fog for about a mile. Then, like cold water on a hot flame, the Holy Spirit’s still, small voice impressed, “Let it go.” We realized it was foolish for us to ride in offense, recognizing Satan’s temptation to tear down the relationships we had already built. Swallowing our pricked pride, we decided not to take the bait and continued to focus on the job at hand.
Shara Bueler-Repka is enjoying life as a singer/songwriter/recording artist, freelance writer, and award-winning author. She and her husband, Bruce, live in their living quarters horse trailer and call “home” wherever their rig is parked. Their mail-base, however, is Hallettsville, Texas. She loves sharing God’s Word through music with her husband, riding their horses (aka The Boys) in the backcountry, and writing about God’s grace in their various adventures on the trail less traveled.
It was a good thing we “let it go.” Later that day, the bigger picture unfolded—a stockholder asked if we would give a concert in their cookhouse. The next evening, as we set up our sound system next to the kitchen counter, we thanked the Lord that we had overcome the challenges from the previous days. This was the ultimate reason God sent us here. One by one, the entire crew filed into the warm cookhouse while the smell of fresh coffee and homemade cookies drifted through the air. They took their places at the picnic-style tables or lounge chairs along the wall. One old cowboy even relaxed in his own recliner. We began with our lively hymn medley and continued through a list of songs as the Holy Spirit led. The demeanor of the more hardened ranch hands softened, their toes tapping to the beat. One rambunctious buckaroo had wanted us to sing one of his favorite country songs as we rode with him through the aspens the previous day. We didn’t know the song but, when the concert was scheduled, we determined to learn it. We sang it that night and dedicated it to him. He couldn’t believe it. His eyes brightened, and his heart opened to God’s message in the other songs we sang.
Bringing ‘Em In!
Trailing off the ridge
(Continued on page 52)
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by Shara Bueler-Repka
We watched in awe as the Holy Spirit moved through that bunch. Alcohol was passed from one to another, but one by one, weather-worn hands waved it away. We hadn’t said a thing—we just sang. Stomping, clapping, and laughter rocked the cookhouse. As we tried to wrap up the concert in respect of the crew’s early morning call, shouts of “Encore! Encore!” resounded around the room. A buckaroo’s girlfriend slowly raised her hand. “Can you sing Amazing Grace?” she requested. “Absolutely,” we replied.
We are honored to answer God’s call to face the challenging tasks that introduce us to the ones living along the trails-less traveled. No one is too far from God’s gracious hand. As Acts 13:47 (NIV) encourages: “For this is what the Lord has commanded us: “‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’” Those stockholders, buckaroos, and volunteers never forgot the love of God they experienced in that old 1800s cookhouse on a lonely road on Nevada’s high plains.
As the words and melody wound through the crowd, the peace of the Holy Spirit wrapped around troubled souls like a warm comforter. Tears streamed down faces; eyes stared off in deep thought; heads bowed, and some nodded. God’s grace and power were palpable in that old building. We finished the last song, and no one wanted to leave. Groups of two and three gathered here and there talking, laughing, eating cookies, and sipping coffee. The ranch foreman hailed us as we loaded our music gear into our truck. “Thank you,” he said. “We needed this. It gets really tense here around this time.” He smiled. “And, hey, you can ride with us anytime, and you’re more than welcome to sing here next year, too.”
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BUT GOD By Karen Ruhl
Now when they had fulfilled all that was written concerning Him, they took Him down from the tree and laid Him in a tomb. But God raised Him from the dead. (Acts 13:29-30 NKJV) I belong to several prayer groups online, and I try to keep up with the prayer requests and pray daily for everyone in the groups that list their needs. I am so moved when people tell of their children who are sick, untimely death in the family, or loss of their home or job. Yet each person who requests prayers knows their prayers will be answered. Many scriptures say, “But God...” and they are always in situations the person didn’t think they could get out of on their own. But God was always there and is always with us to bring us through whatever we face, even when the results are not what we hoped for. This week as we were wrapping up the magazine, a family member asked if we could keep an eye out for a high chair for their son. They are having problems and could really use all of our prayers. Craig and I prayed and were going to go to the thrift stores after Memorial Day to see if we could find one. While talking to two of my neighbors, I got a text from another neighbor saying she had a high chair and would like to give it to this couple. Nice right? Except I had not talked to anyone about the need for a high chair. BUT GOD knew their needs, and He works in ways we cannot even fathom. That evening, we delivered the high chair to a very happy couple. There are so many BUT GOD stories, and yet not one will ever top what God did when Jesus was crucified. BUT GOD raised Him from the dead. He lives today and sits on the right side of God. We all have so much to be thankful for, and we also need to be in prayer continually for those who are in need. When you feel overwhelmed, pray this Psalm 73:26 - and think about the BUT GOD part of this verse. My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:26)
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The “All Things Basket” By Rolanda Pyle
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NKJV) This scripture has significant value to me because I learned throughout my life that even when we can’t see it, even when we can’t feel it, God is working it out. I’ve learned to put things I can’t understand into my “all things” basket. When I was a little girl, my mother left me and my two siblings with my father. My paternal grandmother stepped in to help my father with his three children. She was the nurturer, while my father was the provider and disciplinarian. I remember crying many days, wondering why I couldn’t have a mother in the home like all of my friends. I remember many times being embarrassed when my grandmother walked me to public school and my classmates asked, “Where is your mother? Why does your grandmother bring you to school?” It wasn’t until years after my grandmother passed that I really appreciated her sacrifice. I am grateful to her and to my father for all they did for me as a child. While in public school, one of my classmates would bully me. She would call me names such as skinny and say I had a big nose. She would then say I know why your mother left you—because you are so ugly. I would run to the bathroom and cry. 54 | M AG A ZINE NAME PAGE 54 3
Growing up, I somehow thought being cared for by my grandmother was one of the worst things that could have happened. It was not natural. It was not the way it was supposed to be. Little did I know that many years down the road, what I thought was the worst thing in my life would turn out to be the best thing in my life. After graduating from high school, I went on to college, not knowing the exact profession I should choose, but just that I wanted to help people. I eventually chose Social Work as my profession and started out as a case manager. My career took me down many paths from working in foster care to preventive services where I would help families at risk of losing their children to the system. I assumed the responsibility of recruiting and training seniors to become role models for at-risk families. I loved this job because I got to work with both seniors and children. Years later, one of my friends who knew of my work with seniors offered me a job at his place of employment—a community agency that had just received funds to start a program for grandparents raising their grandchildren. The program grew, and eventually, I was asked by the city to come and head their Grandparent Resource Center at the Department for the Aging. So I helped grandparent caregivers across the city. This program developed into a national model and the resource center was replicated. I won many awards and was asked to speak across the country at aging and child welfare conferences. In 1994, the New York Daily News named me, ‘One of the Hundred Women’ who make New York City work.
Learn more about this award winning author, Rolanda T. Pyle by visiting her website.
Years later, I went to work for the Brookdale Foundation’s RAPP (Relatives as Parents Program), where we offered grants, guidance, and technical assistance to programs across the country to assist relative caregivers. I went full circle from helping grandparents and other caregivers locally, then to the city level, and finally at the national level. How did I know about grandparents raising their grandchildren? Where did I get this passion to help and assist these families? How do I know what they feel and what they need? Why has this become my mission in life? I lived it. Years ago, when I thought it was the worst thing in my life, I did not know that the Lord was working “all things” out for my good. I had no clue that there was a plan being worked out for my life. I never dreamed that I would stand before commissioners, mayors, and prominent folks to let them know the needs and services of grandparents. I never thought that I would be interviewed on radio or television, or have newspaper articles written about me. It was not a desire of my heart, nor was it anything I imagined. What I thought was the worst thing turned out to be a good thing because “all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.” And that, my friends, is a blessing.
Jehovah Rapha By Rolanda Pyle
I remember the nights I lay awake, unable to sleep Coughing, wheezing, hurting where my body was weak! There were times when I cried so much until tears would no longer come. I was so tired of being sick! I had had it- I was done! There are times when I wanted to give up hope And yes, even considered that I might give up the ghost But I knew if I held on, the Lord Jehovah Rapha would be true To my faith in my “SUDDENLY” miracle, He would come through. For I knew the race could not be won by the swift But those who endured to the end And I remembered that end of the book, It says that I WILL WIN!!!!!
That is why I have learned to put everything in the “all things” basket. And I pray you do too.
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Without faith, we have nothing. We are afraid and insecure about our lives and of others. We are lost and can not determine what to do or even decide on which way to go. If we do not have faith, then we are not trusting in God our Father, the creator of Heaven and Earth. We tend to worry and all that does is give us negative emotions, for example, fear, lack of trust, not believing in something or someone, and allowing our minds to conjure up crazy ideas. But we do not have to subject ourselves to worrying about the tough times when they enter our lives and, believe me, they will come. Sometimes pouring down like rain; one storm after another, but we can trust God completely and know He is in complete control.
I’d worry about my husband when he would run his errands; “will he be safe?, will he have a car accident?” I would repeat that same prayer. Because I worried so much, I added extra pressure to my mind and gave myself headaches. I also showed God that I had a lack of faith in Him. The more I worried about things, the worst my body felt until I made myself sick. Now I have replaced worry with faith. The first thing I do is to say a prayer and then I put everything into God’s hands and leave it there. I have such a sweet peace and no fear, and that can only come from having faith. With faith, we have everything. We can go to God anytime we choose and completely trust in Him for the answer to our prayers. His answer may not be the one we want, but we can know for certain that He will carry us through our difficult situations no matter what they are, or the stress Satan wants us to feel.
We can rest assured that everything will be all right and we can be confident He will carry us through our troubled times. God wants us to trust Him with everything we say and do—through the good times and in the tough I want to be honest with you. I used to worry about times. When we do this wholeheartedly, we show everything. For example, when my girls would go others just how strong our faith really is, and then, in out on dates; “would they be safe?; would they make return, their faith can become strong, too. their curfew in time?” My mind would race about all sorts of ideas until I said this prayer, “Dear God, We grow and persevere through our troubles and please bring my girls back home safe to me.” others can as well. Only then can we say these five words and really mean them—I trust in You, God!
Romans 5:3-4 (NIV) says, “Not only so, but we can also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character; and character hope.” And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 (NIV) tells us, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.”
Cindy Oriol is the author of “IF ONLY” and “ HAVING JOY IN THE MIDST OF THE STORM.” They were written by the Holy Spirit and me to encourage anyone that is going through a storm in their life. No matter how many storms we have to endure as long as we hold tight to Jesus we can make it through anything.
I am reminded of a famous poem titled Footprints In The Sand, written by Mary Stevenson in 1936. You have undoubtedly seen this poem before. It is inspirational as well as a great lesson of faith in God. The poem has been reproduced on many posters, plaques, and other devotional decorations. My favorites are those crafted by the calligrapher, Ken Brown. Because the poem is copyrighted, I am providing the link to the website of Mary Stevenson’s estate, so you may read the original poem and learn a bit more about the author. php?page=Poem/Poem.php IN CHRISTIAN LOVE Cindy
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So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” - John 8:7 NKJV
HERE IS YOUR STONE Karen and Craig Ruhl
Have you noticed how easy it is to blame people for their mistakes? It certainly gives us something to talk about when people make bad decisions. While Craig and I were out on a long ride, we started thinking about something that happened and discussed how it might have happened. Oh–we certainly had our own opinions about the matter, yet something nagged at both of us. At one time in my life, I carried a small stone in my pocket wherever I went. It helped me remember that I too am a sinner and I have no right to cast the first stone. It changed me. It made me think of others as perhaps someone who needs help, someone who has strayed. But then, which of us can say we haven’t? Turning to our study Bible, we learned Jesus upheld the legal penalty for adultery so he could not be accused of being against the law. By saying only the sinless can throw the stone, he highlighted the importance of compassion and forgiveness. When others are caught in a sin, are you quick to pass judgment? Matthew 7:1-2 (NKJV) says: “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.” This does not mean we should overlook wrong behavior, it means we are called to be discerning rather than negative. Let’s start by showing love and being there to listen to those who may need to talk about their circumstances. God is the final judge. Let’s turn all of these matters over to Him and be the ones who lift our family and friends up in prayer. Craig and I discussed how we know God has the final word, He is the Judge. There is a difference between talking to someone about a concern for a family member or friend and asking for prayer. But spreading idle gossip or talking about others to degrade them is not good for anyone. James 4:11-12 “Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?” Craig and I have talked about this many times since that drive. And we try to keep ourselves and each other in check when we start to speak about someone’s mistakes. We confess we are sinners and are saved by the blood of Christ Jesus. Next time you pass some stones, reach down and pick one up, and carry it in your pocket. If it feels heavy, you may want to repent and confess your own sins and pray for others to come to know Christ Jesus. Blessings to you and your family.
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A TEACHER’S BELIEF By Chrystal Gilkey “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” (Mark 9:23 KJV) I think one of the key attributes of a good teacher is belief in your students—that every student can be successful in something, that every child holds a possibility for greatness. This belief stems from our belief in God—that God designed us all for a unique purpose. When we lose this belief as teachers, we lose our students. They know when we do not believe they are capable. I remember the first time in school I felt like a teacher really took an interest in me. I was in the third grade and had made a picture of a clown in art class for her. She gushed all over the picture and displayed it on the wall. Not only that, but I went back to visit her classroom when I was in a later grade, and she still had the picture on her wall. She made me feel so special and important. I’ve never forgotten her.
Think of the hope and love Jesus, the Master Teacher, instills in us, as believers, as disciples of His Word. He gives us individualized instruction and special attention every day. He says that when we truly believe what we pray, He will give us what we desire (Mark 11:24). I think we sometimes forget how precious and special we are to Him. It is imperative we reflect that hope, love, and attention to our students and those around us. Jane Haining, born June 6, 1897, was a Scottish missionary at a girls’ home in Budapest. Regarded as one of the school’s best matrons by her students and her colleagues, Jane ministered to Jewish and Christian girls alike. Students said she was kind, welcoming, and warm. When Scotland called its missionaries home in 1940 for safety reasons, Jane declined to leave. She is known for saying, “If these children need me in days of sunshine, how much more do they need me in days of darkness?”
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Jane saw to the needs of 315 children by getting up at five in the morning and searching for food. She cut up her luggage to mend their shoes. Tears fell from her eyes as she was forced to sew yellow stars on her students’ clothing. She was imprisoned and deported with some of her own students to Auschwitz. She survived two months at Auschwitz and is known as the only Scot who died in the Nazi death camps. Jane believed in her students. Their lives mattered. Their future mattered. It made no difference the students’ background or how smart they were. She was there for them when they needed her the most. Let’s not forget amidst the testing, the lesson plans, and the paperwork the calling of this ministry. God has someone for us to reach. He has someone for us to believe in.
A Texas girl born and raised, Chrystal Gilkey resides in Arkansas, with her husband, three children, and two cats. A published author, Chrystal writes to encourage and strengthen people’s faith in God. Connect with her at or find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn @chrystaljgilkey
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The Blessing Room with Jay Blount by Karen & Craig Ruhl
A few months ago, we were at the Charles George Veterans Administration Hospital in Asheville, NC, where Craig was to undergo an exploratory heart catheterization to prepare for the replacement of his aortic valve at a later date. Once Craig was taken back to the preparatory area, they escorted Karen to a nearby waiting room. The procedure and recovery would take several hours, and Karen had brought reading material, a word game book, and her electronic tablet to occupy her while she waited. She also looked forward to chatting with others who would also be waiting.
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A man entered the waiting room where Karen and several others were sitting. Karen struck up a conversation with one of the ladies and they were chatting about their husbands. The man that entered the waiting room said hello and started telling them about Jesus. Karen was excited and so was the lady she was talking with. The other two in the room were keeping to themselves for a little while. But Jay is not one to be ignored! He wanted everyone to know that they were not alone, and that Jesus was watching over us all. He quoted scripture and engaged people in conversation through questions. He kept looking at Karen and at one point stopped and said, “Your smile is amazing.” Karen was excited to find another person on fire for Christ and was amazed that he walked into this room and brought comfort and peace to people he didn’t even know. After he finished speaking, Karen introduced herself and told him about the magazine. She told him that he was her God appointment for the day and would like to talk to him soon. When Karen could join Craig in the recovery area, she was excited to share about her meeting with Jay Blount, the man in the waiting room. Craig and Karen agreed that Faith On Every Corner readers would be interested in learning more about Karen and Jay’s conversations and that he would be an exciting person to interview. Recently, Craig interviewed Jason Blount (Jay) via Messenger. The following is a recap of that interview. Jason (Jay) Blount was born in Brooklyn, NY, grew up in James City, NC, and moved to San Diego, CA in junior high school. He and his wife, Ann, now live in Swannanoa, NC. Jay served in the Army, from 1981 to 1987. During that time, his duty post was in Germany. Ann also served for close to 15 years in the Army–active duty and National Guard. Their family includes two daughters and a son.
When asked about how he came to know the Lord as his Savior, Jay related his grandmother raised him. She was a strict guardian and rigid in her faith. Although he felt he had known the Lord all his life, in 1998, the Spirit moved him to get serious about his faith. He had always been told that he had a special gift. His environment included many people who were always down and had little hope. Before long, he was coming alongside those in need and sharing his spiritual gifts with them, encouraging and sharing the good news of Christ Jesus. Jay used to work at the VA hospital in the ICU unit. He would see so many people, patients, and loved ones, in pain and not knowing what to do about it. The chaplains seemed to minister mainly to the family of patients who had died, but not so much to the others in the waiting rooms. Jay made it his mission to visit those who were at the hospital waiting while a loved one was being treated. That is when he started referring to the waiting rooms as The Blessing Room. It occurred to Jay that people were there for a special reason on that day. He doesn’t believe in coincidence. So, he feels it is a place where if people would just carry on a conversation with those around them, they truly will leave with a blessing. Jay says that this makes his day and, “It is a blessing to be a blessing.”
Visitors sitting in Blessing Rooms are not the only people Jay speaks with while on the hospital grounds. He talks with other veterans from the moment he gets there, encouraging them and thanking them for their service. Jay and his wife, Ann, attend Hope Community Church in Asheville, NC. They also volunteer at a local food bank twice a month where they fill boxes with food and necessities that are passed out to those in need. Jay told us, “There is nothing better than doing what we have been called to do.” At the end of our interview, Jay added, “That’s it. I’m just grateful and thankful to our Lord Jesus, who is the Christ, to be a Blessing to those whose paths I cross. Have a Blessed Day.” *** “His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” (Matthew 25:21 KJV)
During his visits to the Blessing Rooms, Jay does not use or hand out written literature such as tracts or testaments. He says that it all comes from within him. What the Holy Spirit puts on his mind, he shares with others. Jay says many people know the Word, but in these times they find themselves in, they need someone to remind them. When asked how people respond to his ministry, Jay explained most of the time people are overwhelmed. But some do not want to hear his message and don’t want others to hear it either. He said he doesn’t let those people bother him as he is there to reach and comfort those who are willing to receive it.
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What Is Your Kingdom Purpose? By Tammy Thompson Are you wondering what God created you for? Do you have a feeling you’re meant for something special, but you don’t know what it is? Or perhaps you already know what you are called to do, but you do not know how to step out and begin living it? If that sounds like you, you are not alone. Many people feel lost and empty inside, as though their day-to-day life is unfulfilling. This is because people are hungry to know their purpose but do not know how to find it. God made each of you unique and special, and He created you for a specific purpose. “The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.” (Proverbs 20:5 (NIV) You may feel unsettled inside until you gain clarity about your purpose. I can tell you from experience that living the purpose God made you for is the most fulfilling thing you will experience in your lifetime.
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One thing that might keep you from discovering what God created you for is the unwillingness to serve Him. Let me clarify: Have you come to a place where you have offered yourself up to the Lord in servanthood? For me, when I declared to God that I wanted to live the rest of my life for Him, that was when God revealed His purpose for my life. I had to be willing to serve Him. Are you one of many that want to live out your purpose, but in all honesty, living for yourself is getting in the way? Are there things in your life you don’t want to give up for God? If that is you, understand that what God has in exchange is way better than anything this world is offering you. Living your purpose will be so much more gratifying than any TV show you watch or sport you play. Perhaps you know your purpose, but you haven’t stepped into living it yet. Fear of the unknown could be what is holding you back. The thing about your Kingdom purpose is that it is YOURS! God set you aside for it. Along with your purpose, God also has provided everything you will need to fulfill it. “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work;” (2 Corinthians 9:8 KJV)
This includes all the resources necessary: people to assist you, doors that need to be opened, and funds that need to flow in. The question for you is, are you ready to trust God with your life’s purpose? Once you know your purpose, there still may be things that prevent you from stepping out and living it. One of these stumbling blocks is timing. God has to prepare you for what He has called you for. You may need skills that take time to develop. For example, you might be in a job that seems unfulfilling, but in that position, you are learning the necessary skills you will ultimately need for where God is planning to take you. Maybe it is website development, so someday you can create your ministry website. Or maybe you need to refine your communications skills, so you can talk with complete clarity when God calls you to speak. What you might see as pointless, God will use to help you. He knows exactly what you need, and He will direct your steps, preparing you to live your unique purpose. Not only does God prepare you for what He has called you for, but God prepares your purpose to be ready for you. God is working behind the scenes to move people, places, and things together. He is talking to the right people who can help you. Imagine that your purpose involves you moving to a different place from where you currently live. God will prepare the place He needs to send you.
Are you ready to move forward into your Kingdom purpose? I pray that your heart is open and ready to receive. Trust God and take your first steps of faith into serving His Mighty Kingdom today. If you want more help with discovering what God created you for, and how to pursue, prioritize, and live out your purpose, then check out Your Kingdom Purpose Women’s Workshop where I will be speaking in-depth on this topic. God has placed this burden upon my heart to help women find and fulfill their kingdom purpose. I want to help women live for Christ and, in turn, help other women to do the same. When women of faith rise up into their kingdom’s purpose, the Lord’s work gets done. Tammy Thompson, a Christian author under the pen name T. S. Thompson, has written The Land Of Good Dreams Series of books. She is also the cohost of Love & Encouragement To Live By, a weekly Christian Living podcast show. Tammy, along with her co-host, Christian Life Coach Jo Heather Dodson, are hosting a “Your Kingdom Purpose Women’s Workshop” on August 6 in Westminster, Maryland. To learn more, visit
Even when you feel ready, you may have to wait for God’s timing. You may know you are called for a specific purpose, but right now, God wants you to devote your time to raising your children or caring for a sick, elderly parent. God may hold your purpose until you are free to step into it fully. But that does not mean you stop taking action where your purpose is concerned. During the waiting, keep trusting God. Take time to prepare your heart and mind by spending time praying and reading God’s Word.
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Prayer Walk By Cindy Evans
Lord, as we stroll through these streets, may we be those with beautiful feet, praying the good news will be spread in each home, each life, each bed. Cindy Evans is a published poet living in the greater Atlanta area. When she’s not writing, you may find her attending a church activity, volunteering at the local hospice company or on a prayer walk. Cindy may be reached at:
We lift up each neighbor’s needs and pray they’d live lives as You lead. You’re familiar with each person, each heart, and we will intercede and do our part. We feel the Spirit moving here and there, it is our joy to lift each and every care. We know that You love them all dearly and answer prayers wisely and clearly. Help us obey Your holy prompting, give us strength to continue walking... Lord, what an honor to serve and pray, be with us now each step of the way!
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C O N TA C T U S . . .
Publisher & Editor in Chief: Karen Ruhl Managing Editor Craig Ruhl Photography: Karen Ruhl (unless otherwise credited) Staff Writers: Craig Ruhl Karen Ruhl
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