For Such a Time as This, I’ll Write His Answer By Esther M. Bandy
When Esther Bandy was five, a neighbor taught a Good News Club. She head the gospel there, and she received the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior. That was the most important day in her life. She later worked as a nurse, a missionary, a director with Child Evangelism Fellowship, and a Spanish teacher at a Christian school. Now, she’s an author. She has been published in two anthologies; Treasures of a Woman’s Heart and Triumph from Tragedy. Her debut middle grade novel, Under the Tangerine Tree, was published in 2022. “Don’t Ask Why, Ask What” was previously published in “Triumph from Tragedy”. @EstherMBandy
For such a time as this, I’ll write His answer, I’ll share the hope God gives me with the world. I’ll share God’s Word so they can see Because God gave His Word to me. I’ll share God’s truth so it can still be heard. For such a time as this, Christ is the answer. The only hope for lost and hopeless men. God gave His Son to die for sin We must repent and trust in Him! We’re only saved when we’ve been born again. For such a time as this, I’ll live His answer And pray that others can see Christ in me. I’ll share the gospel so that they Can find forgiveness and be saved Then they can live with Him eternally. For such a time as this, I’ll write His answer. I’ll share God’s Word so it can still be heard. I’ll give what God has given me, So hopeless people can believe The hope that Jesus offers to the world. For such a time as this, please write His answer. He’s coming soon. He might still come today. The saved are going home that day But for the lost we weep and pray That they’ll believe His answer. Write today!
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