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What Is Your Kingdom Purpose? By Tammy Thompson Are you wondering what God created you for? Do you have a feeling you’re meant for something special, but you don’t know what it is? Or perhaps you already know what you are called to do, but you do not know how to step out and begin living it? If that sounds like you, you are not alone. Many people feel lost and empty inside, as though their day-to-day life is unfulfilling. This is because people are hungry to know their purpose but do not know how to find it. God made each of you unique and special, and He created you for a specific purpose. “The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.” (Proverbs 20:5 (NIV) You may feel unsettled inside until you gain clarity about your purpose. I can tell you from experience that living the purpose God made you for is the most fulfilling thing you will experience in your lifetime.
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One thing that might keep you from discovering what God created you for is the unwillingness to serve Him. Let me clarify: Have you come to a place where you have offered yourself up to the Lord in servanthood? For me, when I declared to God that I wanted to live the rest of my life for Him, that was when God revealed His purpose for my life. I had to be willing to serve Him. Are you one of many that want to live out your purpose, but in all honesty, living for yourself is getting in the way? Are there things in your life you don’t want to give up for God? If that is you, understand that what God has in exchange is way better than anything this world is offering you. Living your purpose will be so much more gratifying than any TV show you watch or sport you play. Perhaps you know your purpose, but you haven’t stepped into living it yet. Fear of the unknown could be what is holding you back. The thing about your Kingdom purpose is that it is YOURS! God set you aside for it. Along with your purpose, God also has provided everything you will need to fulfill it. “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work;” (2 Corinthians 9:8 KJV)