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Year 8 Chemistry Club

Venue - Lab 32

Time - Wednesday 1:45-2:15

Come and experience the fun, excitement and magic of Chemistry in lab 32!

Chemistryyear 11 Revision Schedule

When: Wednesday 1.45pm

Where: Room 28

Date Topic

8th Energy change calculations

22nd Acid reactions

1st Electrolysis

8th Organic (triple and trilogy)

15th Quantitative chemistry (triple and trilogy)

22nd Required practicals

29th Chemical analysis (triple and trilogy)

Medsoc Notice

Exciting club open to all Years 10 to 13 If you are interested in all medical (including dentistry and veterinary science) related issues and like to discuss ethics, assess case studies, be up to date with current affairs in the field and listen to speakers then let Dr Evans know so you can join the team.

We meet on alternate Tuesday lunch times, 1.45-2.15pm, Room 29 Please email Dr Evans for further information.


Thinking of Joining FOST?

FOST is always looking to increase its team size, especially with parents from Senior School, so we can do more in terms of events and improvements for our school community! Should you be interested in assisting on an ad hoc basis or joining the FOST committee, please get in touch via email fosteffingham@gmail.com; through an existing committee member; or a class representative.

Calling Senior parents please!!

If there are any small groups of parents who are keen to volunteer and get involved on an ad hoc basis to run an event or two (eg a movie night, social or fun evening) for our Senior School girls, please let Jo Clark

(joannaclark121@gmail.com) know if you would be happy to volunteer.

School Uniform Shop

School uniform shop - open (within term time) Mondays and Fridays 8:30-9am.

First Saturday of every month 10am-10.30am - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - Please email whipple.fost@gmail.com or camilla2ndhand@gmail.com to book.

This Week

This week we marked Mental Health Awareness Week. In Chapel we took as our starting point the encounter between Jesus and the woman at the well (John 4). Jesus, as he travels from Galilee to Judaea passes through the Samaritan territory. He pauses at Jacob’s well in the heat of the day and has an encounter with a Samaritan woman. It is easy to miss the significance of this time of day. No one would go out to draw water from a well in the heat of the day. Groups of women would gather early in the morning when it was still cool. Instead, we see a lone woman who is clearly an outcast. Indeed, later in the conversation we find out the reason. She has lived a sinful life and has now been outcast from her community. Along with the heavy physical load of the water, she must also bear the even heavier load of the mental and spiritual anguish. And into that anguish steps Jesus.

Jesus is never hesitant to enter the hostile territory of our lives. Whatever we have done, and however troubled we are, Jesus is always there, waiting for that moment of encounter. We just need to raise our eyes, and he will be there.

And his words are always words of welcoming acceptance. Jesus sees through the woman’s hesitant attempts to hid the truth. Instead, he offers words of gentleness, kindness and compassion. Whatever we have done, and whatever we feel about ourselves, Jesus speaks words of love to us.

Finally, Jesus offers a gift. He rejects those things that we choose as the ‘quick fixes’ - the stagnant still waters that only momentarily quench a far deeper thirst. Instead, he offers living water, an overflowing abundance, welling up within us as he washes away our sin and shame and replaces it with the promise of his faithful presence in our lives.

E-mail equestrian@st-teresas.com

Call 01372 750257

Booking System st-teresas-equestrian.ecpro.co.uk

Or find us on Facebook “St Teresa’s Equestrian”

It has been lovely at Equestrian this week, it’s been a bit chilly but the sun was shining and it is a joy to work and ride in!

If you don’t have any plans over the February Half Term, then do come and join us for a private lesson or on one of our Pony Mornings or Afternoons!

Please make sure your child comes with enough layers to ride in! We only have a few raincoats on hand and they are limited in sizes. In the bitter weather a good coat and gloves make all the difference when you are on a horse!

There has been really lovely weather this week, it’s been a bit cold but the sun is shining! Some of the ponies had new shoes fitted, and Mouse and Roxy had a physio treatment and feel a lot better now! The arena has been set up into a 20x40m and a 15x30m dressage arena with markers, which the horses, riders and instructors are liking.

The horse of the week is… Barney!

~ Libby C

Another busy weekend of competitions for lots of our NSEA riders across three different disciplines!

On Saturday Claudia B had a great round at Pyecombe Arena Eventing for 3rd place in the 80cm. Meanwhile at Merrist Wood Show Jumping, Pernille A continues her run of very good form with a 6th in the 70cm and 5th in the 80cm. Rosie C had a very successful outing to Felbridge with her lovely new pony for a 3rd in the 60cm Show Jumping, Qualifying for the Sunshine Tour Finals and a 3rd in Prelim 7.

Well done everyone - keep up the good work!

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