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Nยบ 275 / / FEVEREIRO // JUNHO 2011 NO. Nยบ 294260 OCTOBER 2012 Nยบ 260 JUNHO 2012 2011

Odebrecht Run and Walk:

in Brazil and Worldwide


NO. Nº 260 Nº 294 260 /

In September of this year, there was the announcement of the concession of the New Limas Roads Project to the Líneas Víales de Lima Consortium, which is headed by Odebrecht Peru.

2012 // OCTOBER JUNHO JUNHO 2011 2011



For the first time, the Odebrecht Run and Walk has made its way throughout the world. The event was held simultaneously in several different cities, with the participation of more than 3,600 people.


In October, Foz do Brasil completed one year of operations at two of its units: SANEATINS, in the State of Tocantins and in five cities of Pará, and Porto Ferreira, in rural São Paulo.




In order to meet the demand for labor during the project’s civil and electromechanical stages of the UPV Long Steel project, Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial implemented professional development and training programs.



TÜV Rheinland in Brazil – a company focused on safety and product quality, systems and services in a range of different fields – attested to the work of the Odebrecht Foundation through the Certificate of Best Practices in Corporate Social Responsibility.


> 40 FAST NEWS - AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS > 42 FAST NEWS - COMMUNITIES > 46 FAST NEWS - SUSTAINABILITY EDITORIAL STAFF ODEBRECHT NEWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br



Road Alternatives for th

The illustration shows part of the New Lima Roads Project, which will benefit six million people

On September

to the Líneas Víales de

projec t will give the

18 of this year, the

Lima Consor tium, led

city a road system that

Mayor of Lima, Susana

by Odebrecht Peru,

will improve the flow of

Villarán, announced

which had presented its

traffic along the three

the concession of the

proposal in May.

main accessways to the

New Lima Roads Projec t


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

The construc tion

countr y ’s capital: in the

he Peruvian Capital

Nor th region, along the

Pan American, freeing up

Projec t includes the

Nor th Pan American; in

the traffic. With a US$ 500

concession of 114

the East region, along the

million investment, the

k m of roads, which

R amiro PrialĂŠ - Central

projec t will benefit more

will be rehabilitated

Road; and the South

than 6 million people.

or construc ted,

region, along the South

The New Lima Roads

offering solutions for odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012



the intersec tions of

Constitutional Province,

impor tant highways,

12 from the Metropolitan

such as overpasses, new

Region of Lima and six

accessways, traffic circles,

from the Province of Lima

bus stops and walk ways

– based on the locations,

for pedestrians. Besides

six distric ts belong to the

this, the projec t integrates

Nor th area of the capital,

a modern sign system

four to the East and 10 to

and emergenc y ser vices

the South.

for users and vehicles, guaranteeing safety

projec ts will be completed

throughout the complex.

within a period of three

The projec t ’s area


The contrac tual

years through the Self-

of influence covers 20

Sustainable Public-

distric ts, two of which

Private Par tnership. The

are located in the Callao

investments do not include

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With a modern project, the new and rehabilitated streets will include emergency services for users and vehicles, guaranteeing their safety

funding from the state and

The estimated ex tension

the return will come from

of the projec t, which

the already existing or

corresponds to the

newly-installed toll plazas.

stretches to be built, will be 19.5 k m, installed in


the following distric ts:


Santa Rosa, Ventanilla,

The New Lima Roads

Puente Piedra, Los Olivos,

Project will reduce drivers’ and

Independencia, Comas,

pedestrians’ commute time,

Santa Anita, Ate Vitar te,

the costs of vehicle operation

Lurigancho, Chaclacayo,

and will also improve the

San Borja, Surco, San

population’s quality of life.

Juan de M iraflores, Villa

It will also integrate 20 Lima

El Salvador, Lurín, Punta

districts in an orderly and

Hermosa, Punta Negra, San

safe way, benefiting public,

Bar tolo, Santa María del

private, heavy and inter-

Mar and Pucusana.

province transport.

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Investment in Alternative Energy Sources Odebrecht Energia received the

total investments of approximately R$

Installation Permit for the Corredor do

400 million and should begin to generate

Senandes Wind Energy Complex, located

energy at the end of 2013.

in Rio Grande, State of Rio Grande do

During the installation of the first

Sul. Granted by the State Environmental

phase, some 1,000 direct and indirect job

Protection Foundation (FEPAM), the permit

opportunities will be generated, prioritizing

allows for the installation of the complex’s

the contracting of local labor.

seven parks, which have a total capacity of 180.9 MW. The first phase of the project, set to

From October 10-19, Odebrecht Energia performed the inspection at the factory of the first component for the Corredor

begin in November, includes the installation

Senandes Wind Energy Complex, Elevator

of four wind energy parks: Corredor do

Transformer 1 with 127 MW of power,

Senandes II, III and IV and Vento Aragano I,

supplied by Alstom. The inspections

which have a total of 108 MW of installed

of the substation yard equipment and

capacity. The development will receive

aerogenerators are already underway.

The Sixth Santo Antônio HPP Turbine The Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), an Odebrecht Energia

supply more than 40 million people all over

investment in Porto Velho, Rondônia,

the country. Its commercial operation began

activated yet another generation unit, the

in March of this year, nine months ahead of

development’s sixth. Now, only two turbines


are left before Power House 1, installed

The total investment to install the Santo

along the right bank of Madeira River, enters

Antônio HPP is R$ 16 billion, R$ 1.6 billion

into full operation.

of which is being directed toward social-

In 2015, when it will be fully operational,


the plant will have sufficient capacity to

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environmental actions.

OOG Launches Social Network On October 22, Odebrecht Oil and Gas

main social networks – with a profile,

(OOG) launched its own social network,

photo albums, wall for messages, groups,

called OOG Connection. The result of

markers, notifications and events –, which

a demand identified among Members,

facilitates the recognition and use by

the new tool promotes the sharing of

Members. Besides this, it is also possible to

experiences and ideas, in addition to

publish external information, such as the

reducing the distance between the

recommendation of blogs, links to articles

professionals. Its characteristics include the

and news and any other information

transparency and uniformity of the shared

associated with the company or oil and gas

information, global scope, innovation and


participative culture. Users can access OOG Connection via

“The social network is an informal and fun means of communication, which

the Intranet, called OOG Portal, to maintain

will allow people to know everything

and reinforce the institutional alignment,

that is going in a more casual way,” said

favoring the synergy between tools. OOG

Jorge Mitidieri, Managing Director of BU-

Connection obeys the same lines as the

Integrated Services.

OOG Connection offers new forms of interaction for professionals and promotes a critical, pro-active spirit that results in constant improvements odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012



A ‘Tatuzão’ for Rio de Janeiro Odebrecht Infraestrutura,

Janeiro, the equipment will

when it will begin operating,

leader of the Linha 4 Sul

drill underground tunnels

starting at the General Osório

Consortium, responsible for

from the neighborhoods

Station and heading toward

installing Line 4 of the Subway

of Ipanema to Gávea,


in Rio de Janeiro’s Southern

without passing beneath the

Weighing 2,000 tons

Zone, received together

buildings. There will also be

and extending 120 meters

with the State Governor the

no explosions or opening of

in length by 11.5 meters in

Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM),

ditches on the surface along

diameter, Latin America’s

better known as “Tatuzão”

the streets.

largest “Tatuzão” excavates

(“Big Armadillo”). The official

“Tatuzão” will be

15-18 meters of tunnel per

delivery of the equipment

transported by ship from

day, four times faster than

took place at the factory

Europe to Rio de Janeiro in 20

the methods used in Rio de

Herrenknecht - Tunnelling

containers and is scheduled to

Janeiro. At the same time

Systems, located in Schwanau,

arrive at the start of 2013. The

that it drills the earth, the


assembly will take place from

equipment also installs the

March to August of next year,

concrete rings that form the

Unprecedented in Rio de

tunnel. The Linha 4 Sul Consortium (formed by Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Queiroz Galvão and Carioca Engenharia) will have 270 professionals working exclusively to operate “Tatuzão:” electro-technicians, mechanics, operators and supervisors who will be broken up into three groups. Three Brazilian Members are being trained in Germany, from where an additional 30 Representatives from Odebrecht Infraestrutura and Herrenknecht - Tunnelling Systems and the TBM that will be used in Rio de Janeiro. Along the 5.7 km of construction work in the Southern Zone, it will only be necessary to close 500 meters of streets


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technicians will come to work on the machine operation and maintenance.

Santo Antônio HPP: More than 50,000 Tons of Equipment Installed In a record time of 36 months, Odebrecht

plant construction projects. “It is a record for

Infraestrutura surpassed the mark of 50,000

assembly engineering that was never achieved

tons of equipment assembled at the Santo

before,” said Neto. “We are creating a new

Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP)

reference for the sector.”

in Rondônia. Estimates indicated that by

The majority of the components included

December 2015, the end of the construction

in the Generation Units require pre-assembly

period, 118,000 tons will be prepared.

before going to the well. To boost productivity,

The assembly teams are responsible for

three warehouses were installed for pre-

installing all of the plant’s equipment, such as

assembly in areas located outside the Power

the turbines and generators, hydromechanical

Houses. “We are completing a notable

and cargo lifting equipment, mechanical and

achievement that will go down in dam builders’

electrical auxiliary equipment, transmission

history in Brazil and the rest of the world,” said

lines and substations, among others. With

Miguel Figueiredo, Santo Antônio HPP Electro-

2,000 Members, the Production sector

Mechanical Assembly Contract Director.

assembles 2,400 tons of equipment per month.

“With unity, humbleness, courage, trust and

According to Nassin Agel Neto, Engineering

commitment, and above all, Workplace Safety,

Manager, this record is unprecedented

we will reach the deadline, productivity and

compared to other hydroelectric power

quality levels we desire,” said Figueiredo.

The electro-mechanical assembly activities began along the right bank of the river with the descent of the first Suction Tube in Generation Group 1 in November 2009 odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012



Odebrecht Run and Walk: Fo r t h e fi rs t t i me,


S a l va do r, R ec ife and

in S ep temb er of t his ye a r

th e O d e b re cht R u n a n d

Fo r ta l ez a – as well in

Wa l k h as m ad e i ts way

so me i n t he rest of

3,600 Members from

th rou g h o u t t h e wo r l d.

th e wo r ld – M ap uto,

t h e O r g a n i z a t i o n’s

Th e e ve nt was hel d

M o ati ze and Nac ala,

companies and their

on O c to b e r 20 an d 21

i n M oz a mb ique, and

families participated

i n di f fe re nt Bra z i l i a n

L i sbo n , in Por t ugal. I n

i n s t r e t c h i n g, r u n n i n g

c i ti es – S ão Pau l o, R i o

B u en o s Aires, Argent ina,

a n d w a l k i n g a c t i v i t i e s,

d e J an e i ro, Bras í l i a ,

th e i n i tiat ive took p lace

fo l l o we d b y a h e a l t hy

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

I n a l l, m o r e t h a n

Moment for integration: professionals and their families from several different cities in Brazil and the rest of the world, gathered to take care of their health

: in Brazil and Worldwide breakfast. In cer tain

H e a l t h a n d E nv i r o n m e n t

s i t e s, t h e e ve n t s

( S H E ) , Pe o p l e a n d

of the Odebrecht

included cultural

Organization (P&O) and

R u n a n d Wa l k w i l l b e

p r e s e n t a t i o n s, y o g a a n d

Co m m u n i c a t i o n t e a m s,

held in April 2013 in

d a n c e c l a s s e s, m a s s a g e

t h e i n i t i a t i ve p r o m o t e s

c e l e b r a t i o n o f Wo r l d

s t a t i o n s a n d a s p a c e fo r

the integration of

H e a l t h D a y. U n t i l t h e n ,

c h i l d re n’s a c t i v i t i e s.

t h e p ro fe s s i o n a l s a n d

learn about some of

encourages health and

t h e i n i t i a t i ve’s d i f fe r e n t

i m p ro v e d q u a l i t y o f l i fe.

m o m e n t s.

Organized by the H e a l t h S u p p o r t , S a fe t y,

The next edition

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A f t e r t h e p hy s i c a l

greater interest of the

e xe rc i s e, p a r t i c i p a n t s

Members and families

Members participated in

e n j o y e d a h e a l t hy

by improving the

t h e O d e b re c h t R u n a n d

snack and listened to

l i fe s t y l e a n d s o c i a l i z i n g

Wa l k a t Vi l l a - Lo b o s Pa r k

a p re s e n t a t i o n b y t h e

w i t h f r i e n d s.

i n S ã o Pa u l o, w h i c h t o o k

O r g a n i z a t i o n’s C h o i r.

M o re t h a n 2 , 0 0 0

place on October 20. The activities began


Held in the capital of S ã o Pa u l o s i n c e 2 0 0 7 ,

To watch the

w i t h a s t re t c h i n g

t h e i n i t i a t i ve g a t h e r e d

s e s s i o n a n d w e re

1,200 Members during

video about the

fo l l o w e d b y a r u n a n d

its first edition this

Odebrecht Run

walk and experimental

y e a r i n A p r i l. At e a c h

and Walk in Rio

y o g a c l a s s. C h i l d re n

event, the number

de Janeiro, click

were enter tained by a

of participants has


p l a y g ro u p.

i n c re a s e d , s h o w i n g

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

During the physical activities, Members were monitored by a specialized sports advisory

After the sports exercises, participants listened to a presentation by the Organization’s Choir

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International Airport and

b y u n i t y fo r h e a l t h

families took part in the

a n d we l l - b e i n g, t h e

21, Members of the

O d e b re c h t R u n a n d Wa l k

p r o fe s s i o n a l s w a l k e d

corporate office and

i n M a p u t o, M o a t i z e a n d

or ran 5 km and then

Moatize Expansion

N a c a l a , r e s p e c t i ve l y.

e n j o ye d a h e a l t hy

On October 20 and

projects and Nacala

In a climate marked


In the capital of Maputo, Members and their families took advantage of the initiative to have fun

To watch th e v ideo a bo ut th e O debrec ht R un a n d Wa l k in Lis bo n , Approximately 100 people gathered for the event organized by the Moatize Expansion Project


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

Po r tuga l, c l ic k here.

Participants prepare for the start of the Odebrecht Run and Walk in the Argentinean capital

ARGENTINA In Buenos Aires, for

being sedentar y with

spor ts in a group,” said

our friends and families,”


the first time, 111 people

said Diego Hernández,

Diego Casal, also

– including Members

from Odebrecht América

from the Rio Colorado

from Odebrecht, Braskem

Latina. For Mar tín

Potassium Projec t,

and Foz do Brasil and

Zubieta, who works

commented that he

their families – were

on the R io Colorado

completed the 3.2-k m

present at the Run and

Potassium Projec t,

circuit in 15 minutes.

Walk , held on September

the event also allows

“I t was an excellent

23 through the Healthy

par ticipants to share

oppor tunity to gather

Lifest yle Program.

memorable moments

Members and spend

“I t is an ac tivity

with colleagues outside

a beautiful morning

that connec ts us and

the work environment.

o u t s i d e t h e wo r k p l a c e,”

motivates us to stop

“I t ’s more fun to prac tice

s a i d C a s a l.

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Rio de Janeiro

Brasília, Federal District

Recife, Pernambuco


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

Maputo and Moatize, Mozambique

Lisbon, Portugal

São Paulo

For taleza, Ceará odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012



In 2012, Foz do Brasil celebrates one year of operations in the cities of Tocantins, Parรก and Sรฃo Paulo


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Foz do Brasil: First Year in Tocantins and Porto Ferreira

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Directors welcome Members as they arrive to the new office in Palmas, Tocantins

In Oc tober 2012, Foz

Tocantins as well as in

– which previously

do Brasil completed one

five cities in the State of

occupied two different

year of operations at two

Pará, in Nor thern Brazil.

offices – moved to the

of its units. Through SANEATINS,


During the month

company ’s new head

of the unit ’s first

office located in the

the company is currently

anniversar y, the Members

state’s capital. The

operating in the State of

allocated to Palmas


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

Paulo’s rural region,

operational results

Foz is responsible for

are already visible:

the water and sewage

improvement in the

ser vices.

water supply for the

The unit had double

city, which suffered from

the reason to celebrate.

a chronic lack of water,

The results from the

as well as the water

first year of operations

quality, which meets

were revealed during

potability standards,

the first satisfac tion

an initial reduc tion in

poll conduc ted with

losses from 58% to 49%,

clients: 84% of the

and in default from 38%

population approved the

to 2.5%, as well as 365

ser vices provided by the

days without time loss



Besides this, the

Direc tors welcomed the professionals during a celebrator y moment at the end of the work day, complete with cake. In the city Por to Ferreira, located in SĂŁo

In Porto Ferreira, the first satisfaction poll with clients indicated an 84% approval rate by the population with the services provided

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Long Steel Project Promote In the city of Volta Redonda, State of Rio de Janeiro, through an Alliance agreement established with CSN - Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial is installation a rebar and wire rod production unit called UPV Long Steel, with the capacity to produce 500 tons per year. There are currently 3,943 Members participating on the project, which required 4,500 workers at the peak of the construction work. The civil construction work is tapering off and the electromechanical assembly services are now earning steam. In order to meet the demand for labor during the project’s civil and electromechanical stages, Odebrecht implemented professional development and training programs. One of these is the Continued Professional Qualification


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es People Development

Believe trained 327 people, 164 of who were hired to work on the construction

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> INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Program - Believe, promoted

implemented was the

Schroder, Technical and

in partnership with the

Operational Development

Electrical Assistant who has

Municipal City Government.

Program (PDO), designed to

been at the Organization for 35

A total of 327 people have

qualify assistants. The leaders

years, some 300 leaders from

already been trained in the

select the Members who stand

the field – including foremen

trades of bricklayer, carpenter,

out in the performance of their

and supervisors – completed

assembler, sander, TIG welder

activities and recommend

update courses.

and assembly electrician,

them for the course, based

with 164 of these individuals

on the demand at the

promote the recognition

contracted. “Our goal is to

construction projects. More

of the role of leader, the

train more than 150 people

than 100 workers have already

strengthening of the leader-

by February 2013,” said

been trained.

team member relationship,

Carlos Alberto de Oliveira,

With the support of the

The initiative helped

the interaction between

Administrative and Financial

People and Organization

workers, the development


(P&O) area and the voluntary

of new leadership methods

dedication of Member Rudi

and the exchange of

Another initiative

More than 105 Members were trained through the Operational Development Program


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Approximately 300 foremen and supervisors completed update and leadership development courses

experiences between

development,” said Carlos

will also be equipped with

Members. Participants received


modern solutions to prevent

a certificate and brochure

air pollution. According to

containing a summary of the


Fernando Cândido, Project

main points addressed, as


Manager, the noise emitted

well as photos and addresses

UPN – Long Steel will be

for a person located near CSN

of each one for Members to

a complete plant, extending

in Vila Santa Cecília, will be 50

maintain permanent contact

nearly half a kilometer,

decibels – equivalent to the

and interaction.

occupying an area of 89,400

sound of an air conditioner.

square meters, 46,380 of

The development will be

programs is found in the

which will be built-up area.

fully covered with steel

attitudes of people, who

The complex will produce

plates filled with fiberglass

through their own desire and

400,000 tons of rebar and

that provide thermal

“The success of our

interest in learning increase our 100,000 tons of wire rod per

and acoustic insulation,

conviction to the commitment

preventing the heat and

to constantly improve the work environment and people

year. Offering the advantage of silent operation, the plant

noise from “leaking” from the unit into the environment. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012


> INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING “We are practically in front of a hospital, but no one who is admitted there will realize when Long Steel is in operation,” said Cândido. “The plant will make less noise than the traffic,” he said. In addition to silent, the unit will be “clean:” a series of anti-pollution equipment, primarily the so-called “dust removers” – which vacuum the solid particles and prevent their release into the air –, are being installed. CSN Long Steel will also reuse 97% of the water used in the steel manufacturing process, with the remaining 3% represented by losses due to evaporation. The plant will be the semiintegrated type and will use as raw material the metallics, better known as scrap metal. Steel from automobiles, refrigerators, washing machines and other products will be purchased at junkyards, melted and then transformed into rebar – used primarily in civil construction – and wire rod, used to produce screens, wire, screws and nails. CSN plans to purchase 40,000 tons of scrap metal per month.


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The long steel market has grown approximately 7% per year over the past four years, driven primarily by civil construction

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Grow Program Arrives to CONEST To promote the

“The project’s premise is to

is focused on growing and

professional qualification

recognize Odebrecht’s most

helping people grow with

of its foremen, on October

important heritage – people

him or her,” said Lichtman.

4, the CONEST Consortium

–, creating opportunities

“Certainly we will reap in the

(formed by Odebrecht

to drive the training

good fruits,” she said.

Engenharia Industrial and

and qualification of the

OAS) launched the Grow

professionals,” said Castro.

Program, which reinforces

Adriana Lichtman,

Grow will be developed in two modules: General Knowledge, with 18 hours/

technical concepts among

Program Coordinator, spoke

class, and Specific Knowledge,


about the course’s structure

with 32 hours/class. The

and reinforced that the

program is focused on

were managers, coordinators

exchange of knowledge is

preparing workers to boost

and those responsible for

one of the initiative’s main

productivity, with Production

the programs, in addition

achievements. “This is a time

Management established as

to the Contract Director,

for learning and investment

the central topic. Participants

Antenor de Castro, and

in Education Through Work,

will also have access to

Contract Managers, Marcelo

as well as for encouraging

classes on health, safety, the

Neves and Antônio Carlos.

the Educational Leader, who

environment and quality.

Present at the launch

The first participants received instructional materials and met the educators responsible for monitoring the group


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People and Organization: Foz Members Share Knowledge ​From October 1-3, the Foz do Brasil 2nd

had the opportunity to develop their

Strategic People Program (PEP) Module was

skills in the area, such as recruitment and

held in São Paulo. Initiated in September

selection, career, education and training,

of this year, the program is focused on

and remuneration and benefits. Besides

improving and increasing knowledge in the

the technical classes, participants also

area of People Management among the P&O

listened to the life and career testimonials

teams from all the company’s offices and

of Silvana Sacramento, responsible for P&O


at Odebrecht TransPort, and Alain Arcalji,

During this second phase, the participants

Director of the COMPERJ Project.

The Strategic People Program will offer one more module in November of this year

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Engenharia Industrial Gathers P&Os to Support Entrepreneur-Partners On September 28-29, the Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial 4th People and

Entrepreneur-Partners. André Paraná, responsible for People

Organization Meeting (P&O) was held in São

and Organization, presented the challenges

Paulo with the participation of 27 Members

of the P&Os related to the 2020 Vision and

from the area.

the Accompany and Grow professional

The initiative was designed to train

qualification programs. The meeting also

professionals from the contracts in order to

addressed topics such as the current scenario

increase their capacity to work as increasingly

of the sector, people development and the

more strategic partners for the company’s

sharing of good practices.

The P&O Members of the projects discussed professional training and the goals for the 2020 Vision


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

Best Foz do Brasil SHE Practices

During the two days of the meeting, the units presented their good practices, difficulties and challenges related to SHE through testimonials and lectures

In September, Foz do Brasil promoted

Nexus (NTEP); and SHE Performance

in the city of São Paulo the first

Indicators and their goals. There was

integrated Workplace Safety, Health

also a presentation of the safety Flash, a

and Environment meeting with aims

program designed to disseminate topics

of promoting an improved interaction

related to accident prevention and the

between the areas, disclosing the units’

Evaluation Program in SHE. Furthermore,

good practices and updating the group

there was a presentation of the results of

about the programs and actions and the

the Environmental Diagnosis performed

Odebrecht Organization’s Sustainability

this year at the units, which addressed


topics related to the progress of the

The main topics addressed included: Workplace Safety and Health Diagnosis; Prevention of Workplace Accidents;

environmental permits and the main deviations. Through the exchange of experiences

Dissemination of the Risk Control

and presentation of the Foz SHE overview,

Program; Actions to Minimize Impacts in

at the end of the event it was possible

Hazardous Work Condition Investigations;

to define a series of actions and collect

Accident Prevention Factor (FAP)

suggestions that are being compiled for

Monitoring; Social Security Technical

structuring and future implementation. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012



Odebrecht Trains Members for Safety and Environment in Angola the implementation of the

Gaspar, PAE Coordinator and

Angola launched the Safety

Integrated Workplace Safety

representatives from the

and Environment Engineer

and Environment Program (PI-

Getúlio Vargas Foundation

Improvement Program (PAE).

STMA) at the company.

(FGV) and the entity Qualifique.

On October 10, Odebrecht

PAE supports the integration

Based on the requirements of

The event included the

international standards OHSAS

participation of 20 engineers,

of technical and behavioral

18.001 (SST) and ISO 14.001

and through video conference,

knowledge and helps the

(MA), the initiative will support

Antônio Luiz Sanchez

professionals develop their daily activities, preparing them to support the company leaders. “The program will last 13 months, with a course load of 240 hours, and it is structured based on the Organization’s Sustainability Policy, which is people-focused,” said Franscisco Sawaguthi, Sustainability Director in Angola. Another initiative promoted

PAE will promote the application of improvements in the Safety and Environment areas in the country’s contracts

by the company within the sphere of Workplace Safety was the start of the Daily Workplace Training (DWT) with Personalities in the Benguela and Kwanza Sul projects. The objective is to raise Members’ awareness as to the prevention of accidents through lectures that include the participation

The DWT with Personalities included the presence of Sub-Inspector Ribeiro Silva, from the Benguela Police Province Command, who talked about the importance of using helmets on public roads


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

of personalities from the provinces.

Mozambique Prepares Leaders and Team From October 9-12, Members from

Angelo Veiga opened the debate on the

the Moatize Expansion Project – a Vale

importance of Communication between the

construction project being undertaken by

Leader and Team Member in the process of

Odebrecht in Mozambique – participated in

interpersonal relationships. “The young talent

the Dynamic Leadership Seminar. The initiative

is like a high quality seed, with the potential

promoted reflection on the Leader-Team

to bloom,” said Viega. “The company is like

Member, increasing understanding on the

fertile soil for planting it. The Entrepreneurial

roles of each one.

Leader is the farmer who will care for that

According to consultant Angelo Veiga,

which he or she develops. Communication

leading is the art of coordinating and

is like water, the sap that feeds the plant,” he

integrating people with different characteristics


and potentials through Education Through

Conflict management was also addressed

Work, with a focus on surpassing results.

during the lecture by Marta Castro. “The

Consultant Marta Castro added a statement

problem is not found in the existence of the

by Norberto Odebrecht, the Organization’s

conflicts themselves, but rather in the way

founder: “Leading is the capacity to motivate

we deal with them.” Based on this reflection,

other human beings in benefit of the

Members were divided into teams to simulate

company’s objectives and priorities.”

conflicts and effective ways to resolve them.

Pedagogy of Presence, Planned Delegation, training of new and better entrepreneurs, Humbleness and Simplicity were the main values of a Leader indicated by the seminar participants odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012



Members Have Space for Reading in Argentina As a response to the Organization’s growth

such as the books Educação pelo Trabalho,

in Argentina, the Francisco Valladares Library

Do que Necessitamos? (“Education Through

was inaugurated at the Odebrecht head

Work: What Do We Need?”), Sobreviver, Crescer

office in the country. The space is designed

e Perpetuar (“Survive, Growth and Perpetuity”),

to help improve the work environment and

Pontos de Referência (“Points of Reference”)

encourage the exchange of knowledge and

and Escrito para Gerações - Acompanhantes

interaction between professionals from

2011 (“Written for Generations – 2011 Guests”),

different areas and projects.

among others, in addition to two editions

The name of the site was chosen through

of the magazine Odebrecht Informa, and

an internal voting process. The library pays

some special publications, such as Odebrecht

tribute to Francisco Valladares, Odebrecht’s

60 anos (“Odebrecht 60 Years”) and the

first Managing Director in Argentina.

Annual Reports. Member Ofelia Mesa will be

The library also earned a cultural space

responsible for the library administration.

with publications from the Organization,

All Members can use the new library, together with partners and third parties from the contracts in the country


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

Moment to Talk About Engineering

More than 110 students from the Civil Engineering course at USP São Carlos listened to the lecture by Augusto Roque

On October 2, Augusto Roque,

his career as an engineer and shared

responsible for Engineering at

the details of his professional career. He

Odebrecht Energia, gave a lecture

also addressed the energy scenario in

during the 2012 Civil Engineering Week

Brazil and the rest of the world and the

at the University of São Paulo (USP) -

job market for the Brazilian engineer.

São Carlos, held from October 1-5 in

After that, representatives from the

rural São Paulo. Invited by the university through

company ’s People and Organization (P&O) area commented on the Young

the video for the Knowledge Project,

Par tner and Vacation Internship

created by the magazine Odebrecht


Informa, Augusto Roque talked about

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012



Recognized Social Prac

Cooperatives associated with the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS) offered technical orientations to its members

The Odebrecht

by local institutions, such as

range of different fields

Foundation contributes

cooperatives and Civil Society

– attested to the work of

toward and promotes social

Organization of Public Interest

the Odebrecht Foundation

inclusion actions in the

(OSCIPS), which receive the

through the Certificate of

rural zone of the Bahia state

support of different partners

Best Practices in Corporate

through the Bahia Southern

from the public and private

Social Responsibility. This

Lowlands Environmental

areas to put their projects into

certification demonstrates

Protection Area Mosaic


that the institution develops

Program for Development


TÜV Rheinland in Brazil

social correct practices in its

and Growth Integrated with

– a company focused on

operations and its interaction

Sustainability (PDCIS). This

safety and product quality,

with the communities. This

initiative includes activities

systems and services in a

has generated positive

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

ctices PDCIS also helps train youth and promote job and income opportunities for the families

results, such as the practice of

Nations principle of integrated

with the main challenges

citizenship, social inclusion,

development (‘held with

for consolidating them in

generation of income,

self-help’), offering technical

the region. At the end of the

environmental conservation

support, logistics support and

document, the importance of

and preparation of new leaders,

training for the cooperative

working in partnership, one

developing its own innovative

members instead of ready

of PDCIS’ characteristics, is



reinforced: “it is necessary for all

According to the final report

The evaluation began in

parties (the public services to

– Bahia Southern Lowlands

October 2011 with a field visit

supply the basic structures, the

Certificate of Integrated and

by TÜV Members and the

private sector for fundraising

Sustainable Development

holding of interviews with

and the Odebrecht Foundation

–, produced by TÜV, “the

PDCIS employees to identify the

for technical support) help

Odebrecht Foundation’s

scenario in which the actions

PDCIS reach its objective.”

strategy follows the United

are being developed, together odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012



Odebrecht Among Best Places to Work in Argentina For the second consecutive year,

was elaborated through a confidential

Odebrecht was elected one of the

sur vey conducted with the directors and

40 “Best Places to Work in Argentina”

professionals responsible for people

according to the magazine Aper tura

from the main companies operating

– the main economy – and business-

in the local market. The study focuses

focused publication in the countr y. With

the management of the People area

533 points, Odebrecht earned 38 th place.

into five strategic points: Professional

Each year, the publication discloses

Career, Remuneration, Workplace,

the ranking “ Top Employers in

Working Hours and Conditions and

Argentina” with the par ticipation of


more than 350 companies. The list

Campaign that Recognizes Value of Plastic is Braskem was awarded for the second consecutive year by the Brazilian

won the São Paulo regional phase and

Association of Corporate Communication

will compete with other actions in the

(ABERJE) for its internal communication

national category.

initiatives. The distinction came from the


company’s units in Brazil. The initiative

The award is designed to recognize the value those companies that stand out in

campaign focused on recognizing

the relationship with their stakeholders.

the value of plastic, called “Plastic: In

In 2011, Braskem was the winner in the

All of Our Lives, in All Ways,” which

regional phase for the case “Heading

was disseminated throughout all the

Toward 2020.”

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

“Sustainable Construction Site” Receives Distinction The Odebrecht Infraestrutura project at the Embraport Terminal construction project, “Sustainable

to journalist André Trigueiro from the TV Globo network. The Embraport Terminal sustainable

Construction Site: Environmental

construction site is designed to

Education Applied to Civil Construction

contribute toward the environmental

Projects,” was the winner of the 8th

education of Members, partners

Environmental Brazil Award in the

and visitors, offering information

category of Rational Water Resource

on sustainable solutions and the

Use. The Embraport Terminal, one of the

development of environmental

Odebrecht TransPort assets, is located

technology. The focuses are on the

in Santos, along São Paulo’s coast.

treatment of effluent contaminated

The award, held annually by the

by heavy metals, dredging of channels

American Chamber of Commerce

and the reduction in drinking water

- Rio de Janeiro (AM-CHAM Rio),

consumption, reusing the effluent

recognizes the best environmental

treated for less noble purposes, as well

practices developed by companies

as the recycling of solid material. It is

operating in Brazil. This year, companies

estimated that there was an 80%-90%

competed with projects that were

reduction in the use of drinking water.

already completed or in the final phase

Headed by the AM-CHAM Rio

of implementation, together with

Environmental Committee, the

research institution and NGOs. In all,

Environmental Brazil Award chooses

57 projects competed in six categories

a topic of national concern for

– Social-Environmental Responsibility,

each edition. In 2012, solid waste

Preservation and Management of

management became visible and was

Ecosystems, Environmental Innovation,

debated during a special lecture by the

Rational Use of Water Resources,

Brazilian Ministry of the Environment’s

Inventory of Emissions and Solid

Secretary of Water Resources and Urban

Waste Management. Besides this, the

Environment, Pedro Wilson Guimarães,

American Chamber of Commerce in Rio

who is responsible for the National Solid

de Janeiro (AM-CHAM Rio) paid tribute

Waste Plan.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012



Foz do Brasil Develops Hit the Net in Jaguaribe

In October, 19 were given certificates from Microsoft for the third class completed

Implemented one year ago at the Foz do Brasil unit in Jaguaribe, the Hit the Net Program

connections, promoting the understanding that

is training public school youth who live near the

the environment and technology are, within the

Jaguaribe Oceanic Outfall System, also known

same sphere, part of the problem and part of

as SDOJ, in Salvador, Bahia. Held in partnership

the solution,” explained Elias Miranda, Program

with the Odebrecht Foundation – which

Teacher and Coordinator.

supports the initiative by donating software

A total of three groups have already

and helping with the definition of strategies

completed the training, with a total of 52 youth.

and installation –, the Angelina Moreno State

“I really liked the course, teacher and the group,

High School, EMBASA (Empresa Baiana de Água

since I learned how to better use the computer,”

e Saneamento S.A.), Institute for Research and

said student Jesuíno Esmeraldo Lima, age 12.

Applied Technology (IPGA) and companies from

“The course allowed me to understand the

the technology sector, the initiative promotes

importance of caring for the environment, and

digital inclusion and environmental education.

with the Internet, everything became more

“The idea is for all children and youth to


for technological and social-environmental

interesting,” said Lima. In October, 19 Microsoft

be able to learn from IT, and Hit the Net offers

certificates were delivered to the third group

this dynamic, since it facilitates the possibility

that completed the course.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

Contributing toward the Community’s Professional Training The effort and desire to grow and improve

upon receiving the diploma, they will be able

their lives were visible in the expressions of

to exercise the profession, since they learned to

the 19 students, residents of Outeiro in the

work,” said Lopes.

municipality of Cardoso Moreira, Rio de Janeiro,

The group of recently-trained bricklayers

when they completed the bricklayer and

included three women. “I like the profession,

masonry course on October 20, developed by

and today, women have equal opportunities

Odebrecht Infraestrutura in partnership with

as men,” said Laís Guimarães, one of the female

the entity Sest Senat.


Mateus de Sousa, one of those who completed

The course was an initiative promoted by the

the course, believes that the teachings will help

contract Emergency Projects - Campos/2012

him earn more space in the job market. The

and sought to qualify local labor. “It is a

youth, who worked as a bricklayer assistant,

way of thanking the local community and

participated in all the practical classes given

contributing toward the residents’ professional

by professor Henrique Lopes. “The students

development,” said Marcos Saliveros, Contract

dedicated themselves entirely to the course and


The training consisted of theoretical and practical classes and guaranteed the students and teachers the use of personal protection equipment odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012



Learning about Historical Heritage Odebrecht in Panama, working through the Panama City Historical Heritage Recovery Project, held lectures and painting workshops

participants the fundamental aspects of history that can be applied to the curriculum topics. The children learned about restoration and

at four schools located in the capital’s historical

archeology as well as about the characteristics

region with aims of showing the children the

of the Panama sites included in the United

value of the sites considered to be historical

Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

heritage in the country. A total of 786 children

Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage list,

ages 10-12 years old participated in the

such as the Historical District of Casco Antiguo,


the Ruins of Panamá Viejo, Portobelo Fort,

Through educational games and resources, archeologist Amélia Sanchez shared with the

San Lorenzo Fort, Darién Natural Reserve, La Amistad Park and Coiba Island.

The children also participated in a painting workshop with visual artist Olga Sinclair about the topics presented in the lectures


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

Odebrecht in Panama Promotes Recycling After use, tires are hazardous waste when they become breeding grounds for the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which transmits dengue fever, or when they are burned. Faced with this scenario, the Communities team of the Panama Subway Line 1 Consortium – of which Odebrecht is part – and 760 students from 11 schools located near the project, collected the tires used in the construction projects and transformed them into new objects. The initiative is part of the Educate to Conserve Community Program, which promotes recycling and tire and scrap metal painting workshops for students, who help transform normally useless objects into products with collective benefits.

The workshop participants also learned to work in teams, as well as how to conserve the environment

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012



The Start of a Journey in Reforestation At the end of September,

the consortium planted several

Odebrecht’s goal for

Carretera Miches Consortium,

species typical to the country,

2014 is to have planted

which includes the

such as caoba criolla, almácigos

50,000 trees along the road,

participation of Odebrecht

and capa, on terrains that were

complying with the country’s

América Latina, began

previously used as garbage

environmental law and

planting trees and reforesting


increasing the participation

degraded areas located

The Reforestation Journey

of the community and local

near the construction of the

was initiated by Engineer

civil society organization when

Bávaro-Miches-Sabana de la

Aramis Mora, from the Ministry

it comes to environmental

Mar Road in the Dominican

of the Environment, in the

issues. For this purpose, the

Republic. With the support of

Province of La Altagracia,

company signed a cooperation

the Ministry of Public Works

and by Fabio Vianna, Rodrigo

agreement with the El Cedro

and Communications and the

Medicis and Ricardo Cunha,

Organic Greenhouse Growers’

Ministry of the Environment

Odebrecht Managers, with the

Association, which has the

and Natural Resources and

planting of the first seedlings.

installed plant production

students from the schools San

After that, students and other

capacity to supply the project’s

Vicente de Paul de Nisibón and

consortium Members planted


the El Cedro Tourism School,

an additional 3,000 trees.

Students from institutions located near the Miches Road participated in the first planting of seedlings: 3,000 trees were planted


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012

Mozambique: Sowing to Conserve and Celebrate

Members of the Moatize Expansion Project plant seedlings of native species on Zambeze Island

On October 1,

of the work to recover the

and success of the phase in

approximately 5,000 seedlings

structure of Tower 64, which

where no accidents were

of native flora and 25 kilos

supplies energy to the Vale and

recorded. The project involved

of seeds were planted on

Rio Tinto coal mines in Moatize.

remediating and stopping the

Zambeze Island, where

On the next day, the

advance of the erosion that

Odebrecht develops the

Members who participated

threatened the tower structure

Moatize Expansion Project, a

in the activities met for a

and supply of energy to the

Vale project in Mozambique.

networking lunch to celebrate

coal mines.

The action marked the end

the four months challenges odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 294 / october 2012


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