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nยบ 335 โ ข july 2014

Odebrecht Oil & Gas: PLSV Polar Onyx Begins Operations Odebrecht 70 Years: Industrial Engineering, Big Achievements

Odebrecht TransPort Company Rota do Oeste Begins Duplicating BR163 in Mato Grosso

Odebrecht Celebrates New Contract in Peru and Mexico

contents nº 335 • july 2014


editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an electronic newsletter published twice a month, sent out on Wednesdays and intended for internal circulation, produced and edited by the Odebrecht S.A. Communication team. RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST:


Bárbara Rezendes Photos: Odebrecht Archive ART: Criativos PHOTO EDITOR: Júlio Cezar Frutuoso SUGGESTIONS:

brezendes@odebrecht.com Distribute Odebrecht News at your company!



















private properties

View from the office of the new Odebrecht Oil & Gas base in Macaé


n June, Odebrecht

the construction of all the unit’s

Properties and

physical installations, such as

Odebrecht Oil &

yards and storage warehouses,

Gas announced the

administrative areas, cafeteria,

partnership to install the Group’s


changing rooms and leisure area.

new oil and gas Business based in

This business model is known

Macaé, Rio de Janeiro. Odebrecht

in the real estate market as “built

Properties will be responsible for

to suit,” the contract through

acquiring the area, developing

which an investor guarantees

the project and building and

the construction of a real estate

renting the asset for Odebrecht

development based on the

Oil & Gas. The contract includes

specific operating interests of a

impacts in the overall result,” said Fernando Butze, Investment Director at Odebrecht Properties. The benefits of this partnership extend to the two Businesses. Fernando Butze explained that the most important thing for Odebrecht Properties is to structure its growth based on opportunities generated within the Group. “In this way, we Illustrative Photo

are certain to have demand and can ensure the fulfillment of the contracts,” said Butze. There is also the fact that the two companies belong to the same Group, ensuring that any future decision involving lessor, which will use it for a pre-

this asset will be taken while

established period, guaranteeing

evaluating the impacts for the two

the return on investment and

Businesses. “It is also important

compensation for the use of the

to point out that the maintenance


of the monthly rental amount for a

“Among the important

long term contract subject only to

advantages generated under this

the annual adjustment based on the

business concept for Odebrecht

country’s Broad Consumer Price

Oil & Gas, we can point out the

Index (IPCA/IBGE) strengthens

preservation of the use of its

the lessee’s competiveness and

capital for its core activities

mitigates the risk of real estate

and the absence of accounting

speculation existent in Macaé,” said


Illustrative Photo

View from one of the warehouses of the new Odebrecht Oil & Gas base in Macaé

Butze. He further explained that the real estate market projections for the

The development’s construction

city indicate a future structural deficit,

involves the synergy between the

which will generate risks related

three areas of the Group. In addition

to availability in specific areas and

to Odebrecht Oil & Gas as the asset

growing rental costs.

lessee, and Odebrecht Properties as

The plans are to begin the



the investor and party responsible for

construction work in February

the construction, the auxiliary company

2015 and conclude it within one

Odebrecht Engenharia de Projetos will

year. “We are also interested in

use its knowledge, evaluating the project

becoming responsible for the building

development and proposed engineering

administration of this asset, although

solutions. For this reason, it is considered

this will be decided during a second

an example of a transversal development

phase,” said Butze.

at the Group.



Start to the Transformations

Rota do Oeste will administer 453.6 km of the BR-163 Highway for 30 years

The total Rota do Oeste investment estimated for the granted stretch is R$ 5.5 billion



n June 9, the Rota do Oeste Concessionaire, an Odebrecht TransPort company, began the construction work for the BR-163 Highway in Mato Grosso. During this phase, workers will duplicate a 22.7-km stretch between the municipality of Rondonópolis and the ALL (América Latina Logística) multimodal terminal, considered strategic for the region’s grain transport logistics. The concessionaire is also completing intervention work along a 28-km stretch near Cuiabá and along 60 km located near the municipality of Nova Mutum. The sites were chosen after the team assessed and identified the most critical points along the stretch granted to the company. The President of the Mato Grosso Cargo Transporters’ Association (ATC-MT), Miguel Mendes, highlighted that the benefits generated by the concession will reduce production costs in the state. “The BR-163 concession is a source of hope for us,” said Mendes. “The values dedicated to production transport are very high due to the poor driving conditions along the highway. We lose time and money from the damage caused by the road.” Based on that established in the contract, the duplication work should be completed within the first five years of the road administration term. During this period, the estimated investment will be R$ 2.8 billion. The project is being completed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil for

Odebrecht TransPort, the result of the synergy between the Group’s two Businesses. Rota do Oeste will also initiate the services to be offered along BR-163. Starting in September 2014, the stretch of highway it is administrating will begin offering an ambulance and light and heavyweight tow truck service. The concessionaire will also implement a road safety plan, which will offer users more safety and comfort. Drivers will receive medical and mechanical assistance 24 hours per day and monitoring, with cameras installed every two kilometers.

SERVE THE POPULATION The duplication of the BR-163 is a longstanding demand posed by the population and the production sectors located in Mato Grosso. Every day, some 70,000 vehicles pass along the highway, 68% of which are cargo type vehicles, making the BR-163 the main corridor for agribusiness production in Brazil’s Central-West region. The Rota do Oeste Concessionaire is responsible for the duplication and administration of 453.6 km of the highway’s total 850 km – the other 400 km fall under the responsibility of the National Transport Infrastructure Department (DNIT). Odebrecht TransPort won the rights to the concession in December 2013 as part of a bidding process, and began work in March 2014.


new contracts

New Challenges in Latin America




n June 30, the Group celebrated the establishment of two new contracts. In Peru, Odebrecht Latinvest earned the rights to the concession of the project Energy Security Improvements in the Country and Development of the Peruvian South Gas Pipeline Development (GPS). The proposal was developed by the Gasoducto Sur Peruano Consortium, formed in partnership with the Spanish company Enagás, and will be responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of a gas pipeline extending some 1,000 km, which will reinforce the natural and liquid gas transport system that already exists in the country, promoting the development of the cities of Cusco, Arequipa, Moquegua, Puno, Apurímac and Tacna. The consortium will be responsible for administrating the gas pipeline for 34 years and will generate approximately 7,000 direct job opportunities during the construction phase. It represents the largest investment in infrastructure previously made in Peru and is an important step forward for the industrialization of the country’s Southern region.

THE SUM OF EXPERIENCES As part of the consortium, Odebrecht Latinvest contributes its knowledge in logistics and infrastructure in the country, acquired through four operations – the IIRSA Norte, IIRSA Sur Tramo2, IIRSA Sur Tramo 3 Concessionaires and the Rutas de Lima Road Concession –, as well as the Group’s experience constructing and administrating developments, accumulated over its 35 years

of presence in Peru and 70 years developing projects in another 40 countries. Enagás also gained important knowledge in the field, with the operation and maintenance of a hydrocarbon transport system in Spain that includes 11 km of gas pipelines, five regasification plants and three strategic storage warehouses. The company is present in Peru through the company Peruvian Gas Transporter (TgP) and has established an agreement to become a shareholder of the Amazonas Gas Operator Company (COGA). With the consortium, the two businesses are reaffirming their commitment to participate in Peru’s development, respecting environmental preservation and the culture of the communities that will be benefitted by the development.

NEW CONTRACT IN MEXICO In Mexico, the consortium formed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America in partnership with Arendal and Techint signed a contract with TAG Pipelines/Pemex to build the Los Ramones II North Gas Pipeline. The project will install a 42-inch gas pipeline with an approximate extension of 450 km and two gas compression stations with 61,000 HPs (Horse Power) each. The project goals are to supply gas to the central region of Mexico and expand the country’s energy capacity. The structure will be built between the states of Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi, traversing across the Sierra Madre Mountain Range and is considered to be the main facility for Mexico’s National Gas System (SNG). Its minimum capacity will be 1.430 million cubic feet per day.


Starting from the left, Fabiana Carvalho, Miguel Nery, Project Manager at ABDI, Gustavo Campos, representative from MDIC, and Marcio Cruz, Institutional Relations Manager at Enseada

fast fast news news

Bringing Partners Together


“We are currently experiencing a very unique moment in which the industry is joining forces to seek out local suppliers.” This phrase by Fabiana Carvalho, Innovation and Special Projects Manager at the Euvaldo Lodi Institute (IEL), set the tone for the workshop held on June 5 in the auditorium of the Bahia State Federation of Industries in Salvador. For Enseada Industrial Naval, the event also helped strengthen the relationship between the 12 companies selected for the Supplier Development Program, launched in 2013 by the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), to become part of the Local Production Arrangement Development Plan. Humberto Rangel, Institutional Relations and Sustainability Director at Enseada, presented the company, emphasizing the local infrastructure

the Baetantã River that will join the municipalities of São Roque and Enseada do Paraguaçu, as well as the dirt access road located near the shipyard. “This integration will bring about important change, including for the region’s urbanization process,” said Rangel. He also emphasized the Bahia Government project to build the pier in Saubara, which will facilitate local residents’ access to the development. “We want to base our work on maritime and river transport,” he said. “We are already transporting Members via the ocean and we want to prioritize this means of transport, since it is safer and more sustainable.” Paula Carnevale, Engineering Coordinator, explained the phases of rig drilling and synchronized modeling in real time, and Francisco Oliveira, Integrated Project Control Manager, presented the

development with the construction of a bridge over

acquisition structure used for the rig project.

Expanded Capacity On July 6, Braskem inaugurated its new Research and Development laboratory in Campinas, located in rural São Paulo. With resources of R$ 30 million for 2014 alone, the space is designed for the development of projects related to biotechnology and chemical processes using renewable raw material. The laboratory has 33 researchers focused on the development of biochemical and chemical routes and purification systems, seeking out feasible solutions on an industrial scale. The main projects include technologies for the production of “green” propene and butadiene, the metabolic engineering of microorganisms and the continuous improvement of ethane of a renewable source – the raw material used to produce the Braskem “green” plastic. “Braskem has invested heavily in innovation,” said Edmundo Aires, Vice President of Innovation and Technology at Braskem. “We want Brazil to become a reference in the research and development of routes that make the most of the country’s competitive advantage in renewable sources,” said Aires. Investing in new technologies is something crucial, since it creates the right kind of

environment for leveraging the best ideas and projects, generating a virtuous cycle of development both for Braskem as well as for national industry,” he said.

Braskem Research and Development Center in Campinas, São Paulo


fast news

For the Development of the Community One June 12, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America established an agreement with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for the project Strengthening Production Capacities and Territorial Coordination for the Local Economic Development of Aguarico, located in the Province of Orellana in Ecuador. José Conceição Santos Filho, Senior Officer of Odebrecht in the country, and Diego Zorrilla, representative from the UNDP, met at the United Nations head office in Quito to sign the agreement term. The project works to strengthen production capacities through concrete agricultural production and food security initiatives, as well as promote territorial administration, improving local development management capacities. The initiative also receives the support of Ecuador’s Ministry of Agriculture Some 500 families from 15 communities located in Nuevo Rocafuerte and Yasuní de Aguarico will be benefitted. The region, which is one of the country’s most economically disadvantaged, has major potential for development due to its biodiversity and cultural wealth. “The project fits perfectly with Odebrecht’s community relations plan and has the potential to improve the living conditions in the area,” said José Conceição Santos. “We hope that this is just one of many partnerships with UNDP,” he said. For Diego Zorrilla, the agreement with the Group represents a good example of a public-private alliance. The donation is a reinvestment by Odebrecht in the Yasuní ITT Initiative – which, created by the government in 2007 and filed away in 2013, was designed to collect donations equivalent to the income from the oil exploration in the ITT Block, which partially occupies Yasuní Park located in Aguarico. José Conceição Santos and Diego Zorrilla. Odebrecht will invest US$ 130,000 in the Aguarico economic development project


Santo Antônio HPP Commissioning Team. Approximately 100,000 tons of equipment were already placed into production at the plant

Progress that Impresses In May, the Commission Team of the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil in Rondônia, reached yet another record when it conducted operating tests on nine Generator Units at the same time. Of those machines being tested, six are already in the commercial operation phase, generating electricity for Brazil. The initial construction work schedule included the commissioning tests at one Generator Unit each month, but the project established new goals for 2014: to evaluate and test up to three Generator Units simultaneously in 30 days. Carlos Benvenutti, Commissioning Manager,

and José Carlos de Castro, General Commissioning Manager, have been working in the area for some 30 years and state that they have never seen a record like this one. “We showed that we know how to win a race, but we still have a championship round ahead of us, always preserving safety,” emphasized Benvenutti. The team also completed the commissioning work at the Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) to supply the Elevator Transformers from Islands 5 and 7 with energy, as well as the tests to supply energy to Transmission Line 4, which will allow for the transmission of all the energy generated in Generation Groups 2 and 3.



A New Vessel of the Fleet

The Polar Onyx has a high capacity for laying submarine lines and was built following the high standards of the class for the DP2+ dynamic positioning system (automatic and precise control of a vessel’s positioning)




n June, Odebrecht Oil & Gas celebrated the arrival of the PLSV (Pipelay Support Vessel) Polar Onyx, a high capacity vessel contracted in partnership with the British company Ceona Chartering Ltda in December 2013 to join the Petrobras fleet and operate in deep waters. The unit began operating on June 15 in Campos Basin, located in Rio de Janeiro. The PLSV Polar Onyx is equipped with a 275-ton vertical launch tower and 250-ton AHC (Active Heave Compensator) – equipment designed to reduce the influence of a vessel’s vertical movement. It will offer services to Petrobras for 12 months, a term that can be extended for an equal period. Dedicated to the Submarine Construction business, the PLSVs are vessels designed for the installation and recovery of flexible submarine pipelines and control umbilicals (flexible cables with different operational functions), operating at water depths of up to 2,500 meters.


proposal, including the possibility of purchasing or renting already finished units with technical characteristics compatible with what the client needed. It then began negotiating with Ceona Chartering Ltda, which was building the PLSV Polar Onyx in partnership with the Dutch company GC Riber. Ceona was the one responsible for the installation and commissioning of the line launch system, and GC Riber was the owner of the vessel. The winning o The

and increase in which are part o Action Plan (AP combined with Od of surpassing the and dreaming th

André Lui Operation Contract M On

Dreaming the Client’s Dream The opportunity to win the new contract emerged through a market test by Petrobras with service provider companies from 2011 to 2012, which demanded a quick response. Because Odebrecht Oil & Gas did not have a unit at the time that could meet the demand available for the immediate

situation helped promote the partnership with Odebrecht Oil & Gas, since besides the characteristics of the vessel itself and the line launch system part, the delivery period for one of the units was compatible with the one established by Petrobras. Based on the contract established,

start of activities, it decided to seek out alternatives to submit the best

Odebrecht Oil & Gas will be responsible for the Polar Onyx operations,

while Ceona will care for the unit and customization of the system. André Luiz Magalhães, Operation Contract Manager for the Polar Onyx, explained that the crew of the new vessel was also defined during the proposal phase. Different variables were considered in order to set up the teams, including: local content (part of the federal government policy to increase the national

iz Magalhães, Manager for the Polar nyx

of new contracts the fleet, both of of the company’s P) for 2014, were debrecht’s culture e expected results he client’s dream

PLANNED GROWTH Among the advantages achieved with the contract is the distinction that Odebrecht Oil & Gas earned from Petrobras as a strategic partner, one capable of meeting demands and deadlines both. This results in gains related to the company’s image and consolidates its place in the PLSV market, which is currently booming to meet the production curve planned by Petrobras for 2014. “Petrobras has 11 PLSVs in operation and plans to have 19 operating by the end of the year,” said Magalhães. Renato Bastos, Subsea Project Director at Odebrecht Oil & Gas, pointed out: “The arrival of the Polar Onyx confirms our commitment to increasing efforts to meet the demands of our client, while also helping it reach its production goals.”


portion of goods and services belonging to the oil and natural gas chain), good practices for client relations, the ease of mobilizing resources and the definition of which job positions would fall under the responsibility of Ceona or Odebrecht Oil & Gas. “Always with a focus on

The Polar Onyx is joining the new fleet of Odebrecht Oil & Gas PLSVs and is the company’s third unit in the segment of vessels of this type. On June 8, another two units were christened, the TOP Coral do Atlântico and TOP Estrela do Mar, as part of an event held at the DSME Shipyard in South Korea. The ships will have the capacity to lay flexible pipes with up to 550 tons of cargo in water depths of up to 2,500 meters, and are considered the largest in the world

operational excellence,” emphasized André Luiz Magalhães.

with these characteristics in their category.



PLSV TOP Coral do Atl창ntico. The TOP Coral do Atl창ntico and TOP Estrela do Mar vessels are the result of a Technip Odebrecht PLSV (TOP) joint venture

Learn more about Odebrecht Oil & Gas. Access: www.odebrechtoilgas.com/


Industrial Engineering: Alliances for Development


Over the years, Odebrecht’s presence in Industrial Engineering projects has become more intense. With the 1959 creation of SUDENE - the Department for Northeastern Development, the country’s Northeastern region experienced an intense period of progresss and witnessed the arrival of both national and foreign companies, until then confined to the Rio-São Paulo axis. Odebrecht seized the opportunity, equipped with qualified teams, experience and technology. It completed projects for clients such as the Northern Industrial Emporium Company, Salvador City Industrial and Real Estate Company and Bahia Industrial Company. Starting in 1963, it assumed projects for several industrial complexes in the region and contributed toward their development, including the ones for Rhodia (an international chemical company), Tintas Coral, Formiplac do Nordeste (decorative laminates), Indústria Têxtil Seridó and Artex - Artefatos Têxtil S.A. Odebrecht’s reputation in the field earned even more force with the acquisition of Tenenge (Técnica Nacional de Engenharia S.A.) in April 1986. At the time, the company had already accumulated 31 years of important contributions and had built a solid reputation as part of Brazil’s development process. It operated in the areas of electricity generation and transmission, mining, steelmaking and metallurgy, oil refinery, chemical and petrochemical, paper and pulp and the construction and assembly of oil exploration and production rigs. In addition to its portfolio and technology, the company also brought people who played an important role in Odebrecht’s development. During the years 2000, with the growth of the Group and


diversification of its operations, there was a division in the area of Engineering and Construction, designed to guarantee the specialization of the teams and solid business performance. Such segmentation resulted in the creation of six more companies in 2009, including Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial .

In order to celebrate the Group’s 70-year anniversary during the course of the year, Odebrecht News presents special articles in its different editions. Access the Odebrecht 70 anos icon on the ON website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br

JOÃO BRUNO FARINAZZO has been with the Group for 33 years. With a degree in Mechanical Engineering, he began his career as a piping engineer at Tenenge – a company acquired by Odebrecht in 1986. He took part in several different types of projects, such as mining, substation, oil rig and pulp factory constructions. For the past 15 years, he has been responsible for the Industrial Plant Budgeting area at Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial.


PIONEERING APPROACH A m o ng t h e exe m p l a ry co n s t ru c t i o n , a d m i n i s t rat ive a n d p ro d u c t i o n m e t h o d s a d o p te d at t h e G ro u p , wh at a lways s ta n d s o u t at O d e b re c ht a re i ts Kn owl e dge a b l e Pe o p l e , wh o co m e u p wi t h a n d i m p l e m e nt p i o n e e ri ng i n i t i at ive s . I n o rd e r to s u p p o rt M e m b e rs , O d e b re c ht u s e s te c h n o l ogy i n i ts favo r, o ffe ri ng t h e m co rp o rate sys te m s t h at fa c i l i tate d a i ly wo rk. Th i ngs a re n o d i ffe re nt wh e n i t co m e s to t h e O d e b re c ht Enge n h a ri a I n d u s t ri a l o p e rat i o n s . Fo r B ru n o Fa ri n a z zo , t h e s e to o l s h e l p m a ke t h e G ro u p eve n m o re co m p e t i t ive i n t h e m a rke t , p ri m a ri ly i n t h i s fi e l d o f e ngi n e e ri ng. “ I wo u l d s ay t h at wh at s e ts u s a p a rt fro m o t h e r co m p a n i e s a re t h e B u dge t a n d Co s t M o n i to ri ng sys te m , c a l l e d SISE N G + , a n d t h e P ro j e c t P l a n n i ng M a n age m e nt sys te m , c a l l e d SISE PC . Th ey a re to o l s d eve l o p e d i n - h o u s e a n d t h e re a re n o o t h e r o p t i o n s l i ke t h e m ava i l a b l e i n t h e m a rke t . �

VISION OF THE FUTURE I n i ts e ss e n ce , O d e b re c ht Enge n h a ri a I n d u s t ri a l c u rre nt ly o ffe rs i ntegrate d s e rvi ce s i n t h e a re a s o f e ngi n e e ri ng, s u p p ly, c ivi l co n s t ru c t i o n , e l e c t ro m e c h a n i c a l a ss e m b ly, p re - o p e rat i o n , m a i nte n a n ce a n d m a n age m e nt o f l a rge i n d u s t ri a l p ro j e c ts fo r s eve ra l d i ffe re nt b a s e i n d u s t ry s e c to rs , s u c h a s o i l a n d ga s , c h e m i c a l a n d p e t ro c h e m i c a l , m i n i ng, s te e l , p a p e r a n d p u l p , t h e rm o e l e c t ri c i ty, fe rt i l i ze rs a n d b i o e n e rgy, b o t h i n B ra z i l a n d i n o t h e r co u nt ri e s . Fo r t h i s p u rp o s e , i t h a s p ro m o te d m a ny o p p o rtu n i t i e s o f syn e rgy wi t h o t h e r B u s i n e ss e s a n d a u x i l i a ry co m p a n i e s o f t h e G ro u p .


Th e B u s i n e ss’ p l a n s fo r t h e co m i ng ye a rs i n c l u d e m a i nta i n i ng i ts o p e rat i o n s i n B ra z i l a n d i nte n s i fyi ng t h e m a b ro a d . “At t h i s t i m e , we a re d eve l o p i ng p ro j e c ts i n m a ny co u nt i e s , i n c l u d i ng A rge nt i n a , B ra z i l , Ec u a d o r, M ex i co , Pe ru , D o m i n i c a n Re p u b l i c a n d Ve n e zu e l a , ” reve a l e d B ru n o Fa ri n a z zo .

To continue investing in the integration of Knowledgeable People and training of youth, using as a reference the bases built over the 70 years of development of our culture and business action. In this way, we will increasingly consolidate our presence in Brazil and abroad, satisfying Clients, Shareholders and Partners

Márcio Faria, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial



1940s. In addition e th ng ri du um ri po m E ny Northern Industrial turbines. During the construction pa m co e th of s ie or ct fa e new boilers and th r fo View from one of the on ti da un fo e echt built th to the buildings, Odebr s uninterrupted rk wa work, the factory wo


Salvador Mill. “U nt Odebrecht: the il the start of the 1950s, th ef Sa Bahia company lvador Mill [...] when Petrobra irst project of a truly indust rial wit sn foreman at Odeb h the best conditions to meet eeded to build the Landulfo A character in Bahia was built b the challenges o y lv recht, who took f the construct es Refinery, Odebrecht was t part in several he ion different Group projects during work,� Nelson Peixoto da Silva, the 1950s a


Nort for in first

pes, Jabotão dos Guarara in d te ca lo e, us ho re rts wa sembly factory and pa 0,000 m² of built-up area and was as e cl hi ve d an rl ve O 2 Willys 1966, the project had in ed ud cl on C . co bu Pernam onths completed within 12 m


In December Plant Blast F Steelmaking

theast Tintas C or introducing muc al industrial complex during th e 196 h of crane to be used the resources and equipment 0s. During this period, the co nst cur in construction projects belonged rently used daily throughout t ruction company would be resp onsib he en to Odebrecht, re placing metal el tire Northeast. For example, le evators the

Intendente Câmara d ir th e th r fo rk wo on AS the civil constructi pansion to fulfill Brazil’s National IN M SI U nt ie cl e th S’ ex ered 1975, Odebrecht deliv Gerais. The project represented USIMINA inas Furnace in Ipatinga, M vernment e go Plan, established by th


lo km from Be onths, 0 0 4 d e t a nt. Loc d in six m the e la t p le n p io m t o a c r s t a en f sphate conc n work for the plant w ers) during the peak o o h p il t r ĂŠ f s Fo et tio he construc f rainfall (1,552 millim t , e t n o iz r o o H high amount e h t e it p s e d ctober 1985 O in s e ic v r e s


During the 1990s, Odebrecht was part of a construction consortium responsible for a building a new rolling mill and new stainless steel annealing and pickling line for the company Acesita (Aços Especiais Itabira), in Timóteo, Minas Gerais

The P-18, built at the start of the 1990s, generated learning that the companies participating in the project use until toda y. At the time in which it was delivered, it represented the wor ld’s largest semi-submersi ble rig, the first of its type to produce oil in Brazil and the first Petrobras rig to be built abroad from ze ro (not a conversion)


e first drill rigs th t en es pr re , ed et pl which have been com to be launched of ld or th w bo e , th gs ri in g 60 ri P ng -lifti The P-59 and 59 was the first self d a half years and involved the P he T l. zi ra B in built entirely It was built in two an onsortium e. ur ct ru st ng ti oa fl aรงu C from another rs of the Rio Paragu be em M 0 0 ,0 2 of participation

The Ethyle ne which will p XXI Project ro Mexican gr duce polyethyle oup Idesa


The construction work began in 2006 and is responsible for building 20 compressor plants add adding four adjustments to the Compression Plants that are located parallel to the San Martin and Neuba II gas pipelines, as well as the North and Central-West pipelines in Argentina. The pipelines are located at a longitude of 2,180 km and their logistics have permitted them to travel the equivalent of 550 times around the Earth

includes the ene. The un construction of the m it will be ad o ministered b st important petroche m y the joint venture for ical project of Americ med by Bra a skem and t s, he


4 km of pipeline 14 e ar re he T . em st sy ics anol Transport Logist eir達o Preto, in S達o Paulo, to Uberaba, th E e th of on ti la al st alities, from Rib ip ic Construction and in un m 10 se er av tr eter that with a 20-inch diam in Minas Gerais

COMPERJ (R example, the c Award in the Y


Rio de Janeiro Petroc hem creation of a cement ical Complex) PIPE RACK. The project cr eated plate Young Apprentice cate free mold and styrofoam support for cond systems that innovated and cut costs, such gory uits – the latter of which one the 2013 D as, for estaque


Center, consisting s ie lit ti U J R E P M O the C the construction of tion to the generation of steam and r fo e bl si on sp re is m The TUC Consortiu t and water treatment system, in addi ex tmen of an effluent trea ation of the entire petrochemical compl er electricity for the op

Braskem Ca m the Braske aรง m unit investm pet ents.


At the Petrobras REPAR refinery, Odebrecht was responsible for the design, supply, construction and commissioning of eight units in Araucária, Paraná. The constructions of the units were designed to reduce the amount of sulfur in gasoline and diesel to meet environmental standards. Was considered the reference work on Petrobras, among refineries

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real estate developments


n June 16, the Portuguese business group Promovalor, working in partnership with Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias and Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc., inaugurated the Sheraton Reserva do Paiva Hotel & Convention Center in the planned neighborhood Reserva do Paiva, located in Pernambuco. The development was completed in record time by Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias: 22 months of work. The ceremony was attended by the Governor of Pernambuco, João Lyra Neto; Mayor of Recife, Geraldo Júlio, Mayor of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Elias Gomes; Co-President for Latin America of Starwood Hotels, Oswaldo Librizzi; Entrepreneurial


Leader of Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias, Paul Altit and Senior Officer of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil for the North, Northeast and Central-West, João Pacífico. For Almerindo Duarte, Administrator of Promovalor, the main highlight of the development is being part of the planned neighborhood Reserva do Paiva. “The Sheraton Reserva do Paiva is located within an urban area that is a model in Brazil,” explained Duarte. According to him, another strong point of the development is its privileged location between the Guararapes International Airport and Suape Port Industrial Complex. Another major highlight is the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification and the concern with natural resources and

The Sheraton Reserva do Paiva Hotel & Convention Center is the first investment in Pernambuco made by Promovalor, the Portuguese company that owns the hotel

environmental sustainability of the planet. “We designed a hotel thinking about the future, seeking to offer comfort that meets international quality standards,” explained Duarte. Luis Henrique Valderde, Regional Director of Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias, emphasized the quality standard upheld by the company, which planned each stage of the engineering work, and the technological solutions that guaranteed that the project was delivered on schedule. One of the technologies adopted was the use of the Pre-Built Bathrooms – common in Europe and used for the first time in Pernambuco to reduce risks, unforeseen events, accidents, interventions and maintenance, while also ensuring the quality and uniformity of the bathrooms. The units were

assembled in a warehouse located outside the construction site and transported to the project, where they were hoisted by a crane up into the apartments.

THE DEVELOPMENT The Sheraton Reserva do Paiva Hotel & Convention Center is equipped to receive mixed clientele, with a focus on both business and leisure. Honoring an agreement established with the Pernambuco Government, the development began operating during the 2014 World Cup. In September of this year, the Beach Club by Sheraton will begin operating, offering a restaurant, swimming pool and seaside gazebos.


fast news•people

Young Thoughts On June 27, 12 youth, Members of the different Businesses, from Odebrecht S.A. and the Odebrecht Foundation met at the Odebrecht São Paulo Building for a debate about the 70 years of the Group, the present and future of their generation. The chat will be published in the next edition of the magazine

The group exchanged perceptions of their experience at the Group, the practice of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) and challenges posed by modernity. The next edition of Odebrecht Informa will be a special one dedicated to the Group’s 70 years, celebrated during the year 2014, and will address Odebrecht’s history based on

Odebrecht Informa.

the experiences of its Members.

Gathering of young Group Members during the debate. The story will be published in the July/ August edition of Odebrecht Informa


In addition to training and updating the professionals, the simulator is also an efficient tool for correcting any bad habits adopted by these operators and serves as a source of learning

Technology for Training Purposes At the construction site of the Backlands Water Channel, a project currently being completed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil in Alagoas, a power shovel simulator is being used to train Members. In addition to increasing the quality of the training, the technology reduces environmental impacts and optimizes the course duration. “With the simulator, we reduce the Members’ training time by 20% and the machine use time by up to 75%,” explained Elci Pereira, responsible for Training at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil and who was present at the construction site for the installation of the equipment in March of this year. The simulator uses a high definition television and chair equipped with the same buttons as

those found on a power shovel. “The sensation is that you are really inside the truck,” stated Tiago Tenório, an engineer from the Backlands Water Channel Equipment sector. “With the simulator, we no longer need labor and other equipment, since it is not necessary to mobilize a power shovel and dump truck for the training.” According to Elci Pereira, there are also costrelated gains, with reductions of up to 62% compared to traditional training. The technology also prevents the emission of four tons of carbon gas into the area per course group – the amount that a power shovel would release during 100 hours of training. Besides the training at the construction site, the simulator also assists with the tests of the drivers undergoing the contracting phase.


fast news•people

Improved Communication PROSUB-EBN, an Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil project in Rio de Janeiro for Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia, implemented a new communication instrument for its Members in April of this year: TV PROSUB. Installed in the cafeterias in the South area of the construction site in Itaguaí, the television brings Members information, leisure and interaction during meal times. Every day, the TV channel airs news on the main events happening at the project, campaigns and other daily topics from the project, together with news in the areas of sports, health, economy and politics and information about other Group developments. Hydraulic Plumber Oswaldo Junior approved the initiative: “I really liked TV PROSUB,” he said. “I leave home early and don’t get a chance to read the newspaper with the main daily news. Now, I get my update at lunchtime.” João Felipe, responsible for the Communication area, said their are many advantages to using the new tool. “TV PROSUB is an innovative project at the construction site,” he said. “It optimizes the communication processes, transmitting messages to Members in an efficient, modern and integrated way, while also helping them relax and interact,” he said.


Viviane Arantes, is 34 years old and has worked at ICN since October 2012

Female Representative In March, Itaguaí Construções Navais (ICN), an Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia company, trained Brazil’s first female welder in 80 HLES Steel, Member Viviane Arantes. Steel 80 HLES is the material used in the main structure of the hull for the submarines being built by ICN in Rio de Janeiro, for PROSUB-EBN. In order to earn this qualification, the professional must dedicate him or herself to theoretical and practical classes for six months. After completing the course, they must then complete a rigorous test to receive the qualification in welding, which allows them to exercise the trade in any position or material used for submarines. Arantes revealed that she is pleased and proud and she believes that the training made her more confident and responsible when it comes to the welding work. “I feel totally secure and I know the process exactly, so I have no doubts,” she said.


fast news•people

Training Completed In May, the Functional Equipment Support Area (AFEq) area trained the first group from the Equipment Training Program (PCE) - Application. Consisting of onsite and distance activities, the initiative and is focused on the mobile and fixed equipment used to move earth and rock, cargo and people, as well as at industrial installations, generator groups and for paving. Eleven Odebrecht Members in Colombia, Dominican Republic, Panama and Brazil took part in the course, as those responsible for the Equipment or Production areas at the Group’s Businesses. The training was divided into three modules and included participation by the companies Tracbel Volvo, Michelin, Dynapac and Stemac. Members developed the technical competency

to assess the importance of proper equipment configuration; identify the adequate accessory for the application; understand technical and operational limits; assess use-related risks and estimate production. PCE - Application is part of one of the people development programs that are being promoted by the Equipment Knowledge Community, with the support of AFEq.

PROGRAMS OFFERED BY AFEQ: PCE – Technical; PCE – Application; PCE – Basic Rigger; PCE – Advanced Rigger. Learn more at: www.eadafeq.com or contact AFEq: treinamentosafeq@odebrecht. com

Check out one of the videos presented on PCE – Application Run Overs and Collisions

Dump Truck Blind Spot

Conveyor Loader Blind Spot Murillo Filippetti Reis, from the People Development area at AFEq. A power shovel simulator was also used during the training


Our Culture, Our Brand Tips on the Correct Use of the Commemorative Seal The Odebrecht 70-year commemorative seal was created to mark a special moment at our Organization and also to reinforce our brand. Therefore, it is important to learn the correct way to use it so as to prevent certain application errors: Do not use the “70 years� seal separately from the Odebrecht brand and associated with some Business brand.

Do not disproportionally change the size of the elements that make up the seal.


Do not change the hierarchy of the elements that make up the seal.


Do not change the colors of the seal. Visit Brand Territory to learn more about the Odebrecht visual identity:



Do not distort the seal.




fast news•social actions

Besides the construction of the medical clinic and children’s park, the Transmission Lines project also remodeled the Lutete school

Lutete Experiencing Growth On June 6, the Energy Transport and Distribution contract, under the responsibility of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Emirates and Portugal in Angola, inaugurated a medical clinic and children’s park in Lutete, municipality of Cacuso, located in the Province of Malanje. The community is located near the energy transport line that was built by Odebrecht to connect the Biocom plant to the Angolan Electrical System. The new medical clinic consists of a waiting and care room, observation site and space for offering counseling to women, primarily pregnant women. The only facility within a 25-km radius and with several different communities located near by, the clinic may assist some 500 children and adults per month. The inauguration event was attended by contract Members and residents from the region of Lutete and Candaela, in addition to the Cacuso Municipal Administrator, Tomás Rodrigues da Conceição, Municipal Health


Allocation Director, Cecília Mateus D. Sebastião, and Contract Director, Wagner Santana. The event also featured awareness raising lectures, vaccinations, the distribution of mosquito netting and distribution of toys. “We are very thankful that you have offered these benefits to our community,” said Pedro Adelino, soba (leader) of the region. “We will take very good care of what we have received. Tua Sankidila [which means “thank you very much” in the local language],” said Adelino. On the occasion, Tomás Rodrigues da Conceição communicated the immediate availability of three nurses who will work in shifts. “Lutete will represent the focus of growth in the region, since all the surrounding communities will concentrate their activities here,” he said. With the medical clinic, at least five new direct job opportunities will be generated: three nurses, an ambulance driver and a guard.

New Source of Income The Buena Costura (“Good Stitch”) program, promoted by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America is making progress in Panama. Initiated in January 2014 and with the expectation to train the first group in August, the initiative is part of the Sustainability program implemented as part of the Tocumen International Airport Expansion project and part of an alliance with the country’s National Professional Qualification and Training for Human Development Institute (INADEH). The program benefits 90 Panamanian women and five men from the communities of Puerta del Este, Torre Molinos, Belén, Pantanal and Jorge Illuecas, which receive technical and practical training to create new clothing and uniforms. The knowledge is giving them the means to generate a new source of income for their family. The training lasts 240 hours. The classes are administered five times per week to three classes, divided into the morning, afternoon and evening groups. In the end, participants will receive a certificate proving to the job market that they have obtained the skills.

The Buena Costura (“Good Stitch”) production will be able to dress those who operate Tocumen, Panama’s main airport



Itaipava Arena Pernambuco: Sustainable Development


n June, Itaipava Arena Pernambuco – built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil and operated by Odebrecht Properties– earned the Silver Level of the LEED certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) , the seal used in some 140 countries that identifies the development as sustainable. Among those ecologically-correct characteristics adopted are the reuse of rainwater collected in the grandstands and roofs, building


automation system, use of natural lighting and ventilation and the arena’s solar energy plant. The certification also recognized the practices and techniques adopted during the construction work designed to reduce Environmental impacts. During the construction, for example, workers used 24% recycled raw materials, primarily steel and cement, and 31% of the material was purchased from regional suppliers – helping to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Top priorities included the

Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council - USGBC, the LEED is a system that classifies the buildings based on environmental sustainability criteria in different categories. It establishes certain dimensions, with prerequisites, credits and recommendations that, when met, guarantee the building points toward the certification

use of materials and technologies with a low environmental impact, the region’s social, cultural and economic development and improvements in Members’ safety and health. “We also prioritize these attributes at our projects and this distinction is yet another confirmation that we are on the right track,” said Bruno Dourado, Contract Director at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil and responsible for the project. He emphasizes that the initiatives also comply with the Group’s Sustainability Policy, which is

focused on promoting education and environmental awareness. Alexandre Gonzaga, President of Itaipava Arena Pernambuco, emphasized that the green seal is aligned with the operating model adopted at the arena. “The certification reinforces the innovative and sustainable character of Itaipava Arena Pernambuco, while also recognizing our commitment to always offer an environment with a high level of comfort and safety for visitors,” said Gonzaga.


fast news•environment

Special Programming In June, the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil in Rondônia, held its 6th Environment Week. The phrase “Conscious Attitudes Can Go a Long Way For the Life on Our Planet” was the initiative’s thematic message. During the programming, Members were invited to reflect on how they can contribute toward environmental preservation.

The team also has the chance to participate in the planting of some 200 seedlings, cultivated at the project’s nursery. “Planting a tree and knowing that it will purify our air a few years from now is something very important,” pointed out bricklayer Raimundo Celestino. As part of the daily routine at the project, the Waste Management Program is responsible for recycling 85% of all the material generated and

At the start of each shift, the Daily Workplace Safety, Health and Environment Training Sessions (TDSSTMA) called the teams’ attention toward sustainable practices. During mealtimes, the informative “blitzes” were promoted at the cafeteria exits, reinforcing the orientations on the correct disposal of waste.

considered a reference in the curbside garbage collection system. Tarciso Camilo de Sousa, responsible for Environment, explained that raising Members’ awareness generates results that extend beyond the construction site: “Many take this knowledge with them and apply it at home,” said Sousa.

Each seedlings planted was identified by a plaque with the name of the Member who participated in the action and the tree species. The Santo Antônio HPP has already reforested 70% of the construction site area


fast news•sustainability

Honório Brito (in the first row, to the right) and Blanca Gallegos, Sustainability Manager (in the first row, the fourth from the left), together with representatives from the country’s main universities

In Search of Good Ideas In order to announce the start of the 2nd edition of the Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development - Ecuador and celebrate the launch of the book Premio Odebrecht, Los 10 Mejores Proyectos (“Odebrecht Award: The 10 Best Projects”), which features the top ten projects from the first edition, the Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America team in Ecuador met with representatives from the country’s main universities during the months of May and June in the cities of Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca. Honório Brito, responsible for Sustainability, led the presentations and reinforced with the institutions the importance of students and professors participating in yet another edition of the award.

Registration is open for the Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development – Ecuador until August 2014

Watc h t h e vi d e o about the 2nd edition of the O d e b re c ht Awa rd fo r S u s ta i n a b l e D eve l o p m e nt - Ec u a d o r. * i n Spanish



For a Sustainable World


debrecht Ambiental invests and operates in the area of adequate waste treatment and disposal, using technologies that benefit clients, the community and the Environment. From January 2013 to March 2014, the company recycled 2,327 tons of waste produced at its offices and in the support area – equivalent to recycling 432 full garbage trucks. It also reused 43,158 tons of operational waste to manufacture new products, such as ceramic bricks and fertilizer for agricultural use, and 101,251 tons of

waste from the construction work were reused for other activities. The two totals together equal the volume of waste produced by the city of Limeira, in rural SĂŁo Paulo, over a nine-month period. Taking advantage of World Environment Day, which is celebrated on June 5, the company promoted different initiatives at its units, designed to encourage good practices in the work environments and also in the communities in which it operates. The Waste theme was the focus of the activities. Learn more.

Learn more about the Odebrecht Ambiental operations


With the miniature model of the Jardim Mariléa STP, those involved had the chance to learn more about how Odebrecht Ambiental maintains and operates the sewage collection and treatment services in the city

RIO DE JANEIRO Aligned with Brazil’s National Solid Waste Policy, which is focused on the reduction, reuse, treatment, nongeneration and adequate final disposal of debris, the Waste theme was addressed creatively at the Rio das Ostras unit as well. The idea was to show Members and the communities that it is possible to make something useful out of what before would have been thrown away, creating opportunities for social inclusion and income generation. In partnership with the Municipal Government, there were lectures offered, together with a theater play and activities at municipal teaching

institutions. Students from the Professora América Abdalla Municipal High School visited the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and participated in the Cooking Oil Reuse Workshop. At the Inayá Moraes D´Couto Municipal School, students watched the theater play “Environmental Awareness Raising.” “For our Group, sustainability is much more than a concept,” said Maria Augusta Nolasco, responsible for the Environment area at the Odebrecht Ambiental Rio das Ostras unit. “It is a value that we experience in practice,” she said.


Children from the school Nossa Senhora do Horto learned how cooking oil is used to produce soap


At the Uruguaiana unit, located in Southern Brazil, the actions for Environment Week were focused on a special kind of waste: cooking oil. Working in partnership with the school Nossa Senhora do Horto, Members from the Odebrecht Ambiental Education Program distributed liquid soap produced using recycling cooking oil to the families of the students. A total of


20 liters of oil were transformed into 680 liters of soap. “Regardless of the volume of water affected, cooking oil reduces the oxygen in rivers and lakes, harming aquatic life,” said Magnólia de Jesus, the unit Engineer. “The risk is also present in adhesive waste, such as glue, in the collection network, since it causes blockages and the backup of sewage,” she revealed.

SANTA CATARINA In Blumenau, where the company has made the commitment to invest R$ 320 million to install a sewage collection and treatment service, Odebrecht Ambiental has implemented actions such as a focus on the balance between man and nature. The unit offered the community several different activities related to environmental education, under the theme “The Land, the Beings and the Present.” Two lectures were offered that reflected each citizen’s responsibility to the Environment. On the occasion, Cleber Renato Virginio da Silva, Operational Manager, presented the project Sanitation in Blumenau, which has some 200 km of network installed, benefitting

30% of the population. There was also a demonstration of the technology Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR), which helps expand and improve the sewage treatment system in more urbanized sites, such as at the Bairro Garcia STP. During the same week, together with the Blumenau Municipal Autonomous Water and Sewage Service (SAMAE), the unit participated in the 10th edition of the National Housing and Real Estate Technologies Fair (FENAHABIT) to answer questions about how the homes are connected to the sewage collection network and present the city’s sanitary sewage system.


The Jeceaba unit addressed the

into ecobags . This action was also

topic by associating the importance

designed to offer women from the

of the healthy disposal of waste with

communities of São Brás do Suaçui,

Environmental preservation. The

Jeceaba and Entre Rios de Minas

event featured lectures, theater plays,

a new workshop, one focused on

walks and sewing workshops.

reducing waste, creating recycling

Taking advantage of the brand

awareness and allowing for the

change at the unit, the old uniforms

generation of a new source of

were customized and transformed



SÃO PAULO The Mauá unit addressed the theme with practical examples: the Departments of Planning and Urban Services presented Members with the municipality’s Solid Waste Plan and the Clean City Program. Paulo Izidorio and Simone Alves, Members of the Environment area, ended the presentation and talked about the actions developed at the unit focused on the responsible disposal of the waste generated at the construction project and expansion of the sanitary sewage system. The goal was to transform Members into allies for the process of waste reduction. “We realized that we are transmitting information that they did not have, primarily related to the disposal of materials by the municipality,” explained Izidorio. In Porto Ferreira, the Odebrecht Ambiental unit formed a partnership with some of the schools to promote visits, games, trail walks and lectures for students and also disseminate environmental knowledge. The 85 Members from the unit also participated and had the chance to take part in classes on waste disposal and the reuse of these


In Porto Ferreira, students from the school Wladmir Salzano planted seeds at the city’s State Park

materials in the work place and at their homes. “Preserving the Environment means establishing a commitment to life,” said Marina Bosso, from the Environment area. The Rio Claro, Santa Gertrudes and Aquapolo units also addressed another important topic: water scarcity. In Santa Gertrudes, two municipal schools received a mobile laboratory – a traveling service offered to the Odebrecht Ambiental client users – and some 100 students took part in lectures about rational water use. In Rio Claro, in addition to the participation in the Get Smart Program – promoted in partnership with the company Planeta Azul - Coletora de Óleo to raise the population’s awareness about the need to change habits in order to preserve water and the Environment –, Odebrecht Ambiental took part in an exhibit about the clean up of the Servidão Stream. At Aquapolo Ambiental, Members participated in lectures, group dynamics and received a plant, symbolizing the new commitment formed by each.

Odebrecht Ambiental supported the Icthyofauna Program in Cachoeiro, which in partnership with the Espírito Santo Federal Institute, researches the living conditions of the fish in the region of Ilha da Luz

ESPÍRITO SANTO At the Cachoeiro do Itapemirim unit, Environment Week was special for two reasons. In addition to promoting a moment focused on environmental discussions with Members and the community, the unit celebrated winning the Biguá Trophy, which awards those projects that bring the best results related to the conservation of the Itapemirim

River watershed and in the area of Environmental preservation. The award was delivered on June 4 by the Gazeta Network – an affiliate of the Globo Television Network. Other actions were also promoted, focused on the 3Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle, with a sample of recyclable materials, ecological blitz and environmental seminar.


Odebrecht Foundation


ince 2012, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (EMBRAPA) has developed the Junior Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program (PBIC) in partnership with the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family Home (CFR-PTN), located in the Bahia Southern Lowlands. A total of nine students are participating in the different lines of research to promote the natural control of pests affecting manioc crops. In 2014, PBIC will also be implemented at the Agroforestry Family Home (CFAF), a teaching unit that, similarly to CFR-PTN, is part of the Bahia


Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS), supported by the Odebrecht Foundation and public and private partners. Three young scholarship recipients from CFAF, which is located in the municipality of Nilo Pe莽anha, Bahia, were selected to coordinate research on topics related to agro-ecology, forest management and agroforestry yards. The latter corresponds to the areas designed for growing agricultural, forest, medicinal and ornamental species located near rural properties. R么mulo Carvalho, an EMBRAPA

Youth from the Tancredo Neves Family Home. It is expected that it will take three years for the full completion of the experiment

researcher and advisor for the studies at the Family Homes, pointed out: “With the dialogue between the different types of knowledge - scientific and popular - it is possible to build new knowledge based on the local social-economic and environmental realities.” For Rita Cardoso, Executive Director of CFAF, the professional responsible for the initiative and coauthor of the research work at the Family Homes, the action is designed to transform the productivity of the family units, generating jobs and income. “We will begin implementing the work methodology during the month of July with a cycle of lectures available to all students of the Family Home,” said Cardoso. “The

three youth were chosen to disseminate the results throughout the entire teaching institution and in the region of the Southern Lowlands,” she explained. The criteria for selecting the students include school performance and the availability of the production area for research on the family’s property. Patrícia Nascimento, age 15, is completing her second year at CFAF and was one of those selected. She believes that she will be able to contribute toward the learning of other families from the region, allowing for an increase in income. “We are not thinking only about ourselves,” said Nascimento. “Our priority is the community.”


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