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nยบ 335 โ ข july 2014

Odebrecht Oil & Gas: PLSV Polar Onyx Begins Operations Odebrecht 70 Years: Industrial Engineering, Big Achievements

Odebrecht TransPort Company Rota do Oeste Begins Duplicating BR163 in Mato Grosso

Odebrecht Celebrates New Contract in Peru and Mexico

Industrial Engineering: Alliances for Development


Over the years, Odebrecht’s presence in Industrial Engineering projects has become more intense. With the 1959 creation of SUDENE - the Department for Northeastern Development, the country’s Northeastern region experienced an intense period of progresss and witnessed the arrival of both national and foreign companies, until then confined to the Rio-São Paulo axis. Odebrecht seized the opportunity, equipped with qualified teams, experience and technology. It completed projects for clients such as the Northern Industrial Emporium Company, Salvador City Industrial and Real Estate Company and Bahia Industrial Company. Starting in 1963, it assumed projects for several industrial complexes in the region and contributed toward their development, including the ones for Rhodia (an international chemical company), Tintas Coral, Formiplac do Nordeste (decorative laminates), Indústria Têxtil Seridó and Artex - Artefatos Têxtil S.A. Odebrecht’s reputation in the field earned even more force with the acquisition of Tenenge (Técnica Nacional de Engenharia S.A.) in April 1986. At the time, the company had already accumulated 31 years of important contributions and had built a solid reputation as part of Brazil’s development process. It operated in the areas of electricity generation and transmission, mining, steelmaking and metallurgy, oil refinery, chemical and petrochemical, paper and pulp and the construction and assembly of oil exploration and production rigs. In addition to its portfolio and technology, the company also brought people who played an important role in Odebrecht’s development. During the years 2000, with the growth of the Group and


diversification of its operations, there was a division in the area of Engineering and Construction, designed to guarantee the specialization of the teams and solid business performance. Such segmentation resulted in the creation of six more companies in 2009, including Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial .

In order to celebrate the Group’s 70-year anniversary during the course of the year, Odebrecht News presents special articles in its different editions. Access the Odebrecht 70 anos icon on the ON website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br

JOÃO BRUNO FARINAZZO has been with the Group for 33 years. With a degree in Mechanical Engineering, he began his career as a piping engineer at Tenenge – a company acquired by Odebrecht in 1986. He took part in several different types of projects, such as mining, substation, oil rig and pulp factory constructions. For the past 15 years, he has been responsible for the Industrial Plant Budgeting area at Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial.


PIONEERING APPROACH A m o ng t h e exe m p l a ry co n s t ru c t i o n , a d m i n i s t rat ive a n d p ro d u c t i o n m e t h o d s a d o p te d at t h e G ro u p , wh at a lways s ta n d s o u t at O d e b re c ht a re i ts Kn owl e dge a b l e Pe o p l e , wh o co m e u p wi t h a n d i m p l e m e nt p i o n e e ri ng i n i t i at ive s . I n o rd e r to s u p p o rt M e m b e rs , O d e b re c ht u s e s te c h n o l ogy i n i ts favo r, o ffe ri ng t h e m co rp o rate sys te m s t h at fa c i l i tate d a i ly wo rk. Th i ngs a re n o d i ffe re nt wh e n i t co m e s to t h e O d e b re c ht Enge n h a ri a I n d u s t ri a l o p e rat i o n s . Fo r B ru n o Fa ri n a z zo , t h e s e to o l s h e l p m a ke t h e G ro u p eve n m o re co m p e t i t ive i n t h e m a rke t , p ri m a ri ly i n t h i s fi e l d o f e ngi n e e ri ng. “ I wo u l d s ay t h at wh at s e ts u s a p a rt fro m o t h e r co m p a n i e s a re t h e B u dge t a n d Co s t M o n i to ri ng sys te m , c a l l e d SISE N G + , a n d t h e P ro j e c t P l a n n i ng M a n age m e nt sys te m , c a l l e d SISE PC . Th ey a re to o l s d eve l o p e d i n - h o u s e a n d t h e re a re n o o t h e r o p t i o n s l i ke t h e m ava i l a b l e i n t h e m a rke t . �

VISION OF THE FUTURE I n i ts e ss e n ce , O d e b re c ht Enge n h a ri a I n d u s t ri a l c u rre nt ly o ffe rs i ntegrate d s e rvi ce s i n t h e a re a s o f e ngi n e e ri ng, s u p p ly, c ivi l co n s t ru c t i o n , e l e c t ro m e c h a n i c a l a ss e m b ly, p re - o p e rat i o n , m a i nte n a n ce a n d m a n age m e nt o f l a rge i n d u s t ri a l p ro j e c ts fo r s eve ra l d i ffe re nt b a s e i n d u s t ry s e c to rs , s u c h a s o i l a n d ga s , c h e m i c a l a n d p e t ro c h e m i c a l , m i n i ng, s te e l , p a p e r a n d p u l p , t h e rm o e l e c t ri c i ty, fe rt i l i ze rs a n d b i o e n e rgy, b o t h i n B ra z i l a n d i n o t h e r co u nt ri e s . Fo r t h i s p u rp o s e , i t h a s p ro m o te d m a ny o p p o rtu n i t i e s o f syn e rgy wi t h o t h e r B u s i n e ss e s a n d a u x i l i a ry co m p a n i e s o f t h e G ro u p .


Th e B u s i n e ss’ p l a n s fo r t h e co m i ng ye a rs i n c l u d e m a i nta i n i ng i ts o p e rat i o n s i n B ra z i l a n d i nte n s i fyi ng t h e m a b ro a d . “At t h i s t i m e , we a re d eve l o p i ng p ro j e c ts i n m a ny co u nt i e s , i n c l u d i ng A rge nt i n a , B ra z i l , Ec u a d o r, M ex i co , Pe ru , D o m i n i c a n Re p u b l i c a n d Ve n e zu e l a , ” reve a l e d B ru n o Fa ri n a z zo .

To continue investing in the integration of Knowledgeable People and training of youth, using as a reference the bases built over the 70 years of development of our culture and business action. In this way, we will increasingly consolidate our presence in Brazil and abroad, satisfying Clients, Shareholders and Partners

Márcio Faria, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial



1940s. In addition e th ng ri du um ri po m E ny Northern Industrial turbines. During the construction pa m co e th of s ie or ct fa e new boilers and th r fo View from one of the on ti da un fo e echt built th to the buildings, Odebr s uninterrupted rk wa work, the factory wo


Salvador Mill. “U nt Odebrecht: the il the start of the 1950s, th ef Sa Bahia company lvador Mill [...] when Petrobra irst project of a truly indust rial wit sn foreman at Odeb h the best conditions to meet eeded to build the Landulfo A character in Bahia was built b the challenges o y lv recht, who took f the construct es Refinery, Odebrecht was t part in several he ion different Group projects during work,� Nelson Peixoto da Silva, the 1950s a


Nort for in first

pes, Jabotão dos Guarara in d te ca lo e, us ho re rts wa sembly factory and pa 0,000 m² of built-up area and was as e cl hi ve d an rl ve O 2 Willys 1966, the project had in ed ud cl on C . co bu Pernam onths completed within 12 m


In December Plant Blast F Steelmaking

theast Tintas C or introducing muc al industrial complex during th e 196 h of crane to be used the resources and equipment 0s. During this period, the co nst cur in construction projects belonged rently used daily throughout t ruction company would be resp onsib he en to Odebrecht, re placing metal el tire Northeast. For example, le evators the

Intendente Câmara d ir th e th r fo rk wo on AS the civil constructi pansion to fulfill Brazil’s National IN M SI U nt ie cl e th S’ ex ered 1975, Odebrecht deliv Gerais. The project represented USIMINA inas Furnace in Ipatinga, M vernment e go Plan, established by th


lo km from Be onths, 0 0 4 d e t a nt. Loc d in six m the e la t p le n p io m t o a c r s t a en f sphate conc n work for the plant w ers) during the peak o o h p il t r ĂŠ f s Fo et tio he construc f rainfall (1,552 millim t , e t n o iz r o o H high amount e h t e it p s e d ctober 1985 O in s e ic v r e s


During the 1990s, Odebrecht was part of a construction consortium responsible for a building a new rolling mill and new stainless steel annealing and pickling line for the company Acesita (Aços Especiais Itabira), in Timóteo, Minas Gerais

The P-18, built at the start of the 1990s, generated learning that the companies participating in the project use until toda y. At the time in which it was delivered, it represented the wor ld’s largest semi-submersi ble rig, the first of its type to produce oil in Brazil and the first Petrobras rig to be built abroad from ze ro (not a conversion)


e first drill rigs th t en es pr re , ed et pl which have been com to be launched of ld or th w bo e , th gs ri in g 60 ri P ng -lifti The P-59 and 59 was the first self d a half years and involved the P he T l. zi ra B in built entirely It was built in two an onsortium e. ur ct ru st ng ti oa fl aรงu C from another rs of the Rio Paragu be em M 0 0 ,0 2 of participation

The Ethyle ne which will p XXI Project ro Mexican gr duce polyethyle oup Idesa


The construction work began in 2006 and is responsible for building 20 compressor plants add adding four adjustments to the Compression Plants that are located parallel to the San Martin and Neuba II gas pipelines, as well as the North and Central-West pipelines in Argentina. The pipelines are located at a longitude of 2,180 km and their logistics have permitted them to travel the equivalent of 550 times around the Earth

includes the ene. The un construction of the m it will be ad o ministered b st important petroche m y the joint venture for ical project of Americ med by Bra a skem and t s, he


4 km of pipeline 14 e ar re he T . em st sy ics anol Transport Logist eir達o Preto, in S達o Paulo, to Uberaba, th E e th of on ti la al st alities, from Rib ip ic Construction and in un m 10 se er av tr eter that with a 20-inch diam in Minas Gerais

COMPERJ (R example, the c Award in the Y


Rio de Janeiro Petroc hem creation of a cement ical Complex) PIPE RACK. The project cr eated plate Young Apprentice cate free mold and styrofoam support for cond systems that innovated and cut costs, such gory uits – the latter of which one the 2013 D as, for estaque


Center, consisting s ie lit ti U J R E P M O the C the construction of tion to the generation of steam and r fo e bl si on sp re is m The TUC Consortiu t and water treatment system, in addi ex tmen of an effluent trea ation of the entire petrochemical compl er electricity for the op

Braskem Ca m the Braske aรง m unit investm pet ents.


At the Petrobras REPAR refinery, Odebrecht was responsible for the design, supply, construction and commissioning of eight units in Araucária, Paraná. The constructions of the units were designed to reduce the amount of sulfur in gasoline and diesel to meet environmental standards. Was considered the reference work on Petrobras, among refineries

çari: The O de etrochemica brecht Engenharia Ind lp ust . The contr lant maintenance shutd rial alliance agreement act has last o ed 10 years wns and management for the management o of f and continu es with an in the company’s busines s determinat e term


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