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Nº 275 // FEVEREIRO // JUNHO 2011 No. Nº 296260 NOVEMBER 2012 Nº 260 JUNHO 2012 2011


México: 20 Years


No. Nº Nº 296260 260/

Aiming to stay ahead of market trends and guarantee business competiveness, the Organization’s companies participated in a workshop organized by Braskem.

2012 //NOVEMBER JUNHO JUNHO 2011 2011


In 2012, the Odebrecht Organization completed 20 years of operations in Mexico. In this special report, you will learn more about this history and the celebration of the Members who work in the country.



On October 16, Odebrecht United States and Braskem America held the inaugural award ceremony for the Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development.




To share the experiences lived during the day-to-day at their construction projects, 85 Members from 11 countries participated in the fifth meeting of the Highway Community of Knowledge.



In November, the business communicators who are part of the Organization met in the Bahia Southern Lowlands for the meeting on Image and Media Audit and to learn more about PDCIS.


EDITORIAL STAFF ODEBRECHT NEWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br



A Look inside the Raw M

Tommy Inglesby, from the consulting firm McKinsey & Company, which also heads North American Natural Gas, talked about the strategies an

by Braskem about the

Bioenergia, Odebrecht

ahead of market trends

perspectives and possible

Óleo&Gás and Petrobras

and guaranteeing business

developments of shale gas

analyzed the development

competiveness, the

and light tight oil (LTO),

of these raw materials and

Odebrecht Organization

held in October in São

assessed possible scenarios

companies took par t in


if the production in the

With aims of staying

a workshop organized


Braskem, Odebrecht, ETH

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012

United States increases.

Material Market the short and long term in

and the advent of hydraulic

order to better define their

fracturing (pumping of a


mixture of water, sand and chemical products inside


the exploration wells).


When the United States

A hot topic in the

achieved the technical

market over recent months

and economic feasibility

due to the heavy drop

of the non-conventional

in natural gas prices in

gas extraction, the price of

the United States, shale

natural gas became more

gas is extracted from the

competitive due to the

shale rock found in low

abundant offer.In Brazil,

permeability sedimentary

for example, the price of

formations.Different from

natural gas can cost five

conventional gas, which

times more than in the

migrates from the rocks

United States.

where it was formed to the

Today, the production

reservoir rocks, this non-

of shale gas in the United

conventional gas remains

States corresponds to 23%

captured, since the low

of the U.S. production

permeability makes it

of natural gas and the

hard for it to escape.This

projection is that this figure

characteristic made its

will reach 50% in 2030.As a

extraction impossible for

consequence, the increase

Based on the synergistic

a long time, a challenge

in offer causes a reduction

development of oil market

that was only overcome

in the price of this raw

studies and analyses, the

using the horizontal well

material in the market.If

Organization’s companies

drilling technique (which

this drop in price persists

seek to gain a prospective

allows for the drilling of the

for significant volumes

overview of the course that

reserves spread throughout

and for long periods, the

the sector will take over

large geographic areas)

United States will attract

nd transactions in the gas market

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Having worked at McKinsey for 17 years, specialist Tim Fitzgibbon discussed the economic market of oil and refinement strategies

even more industries to its

Besides the United States,

worldwide.Besides this,

territory that are seeking

considered a pioneer in

the country is home to the

to benefit from the low

the area, the process for

basin of the SĂŁo Francisco

cost of this product.Major

extracting this type of gas

River and ParnaĂ­ba River,

companies like Braskem,

began in Australia, Europe,

both sedimentary and with

Shell and Chevron Philips

South Africa, South America

the potential to turn Brazil

have already announced

(Argentina) and Asia.China

into a major producer of

investments in the region of

is planning some major

shale gas.


investments in this area by

The large explorations of shale gas are promoting the


2015. Analyzing the potential

Aiming to diversify the supply of the raw material and reduce price volatility,

recovery of the American

of the ParanĂĄ River basin

Braskem signed a contract

petrochemical industry,

alone, the International

with the U.S. company

once threatened by the

Energy Agency (IEA),

Enterprise Products to

large low cost raw material

classified Brazil as the 10 th

receive the raw material

centers in the Middle East.

largest shale gas reserve

originating from shale gas

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in that country.Enterprise

Similarly to shale

The United States

Products will build a unit

gas, non-conventional

make it economically

for the treatment of shale

oil is also found in low

feasible to extract light

gas and its conversion into

permeability sedimentary

tight oil, a hard-to-access

petrochemical raw material.

formations.Examples of

oil that is found in low

The volume will be enough

non-conventional oil

permeability sedimentary

to supply 20% to 30% of

include light tight oil (LTO),

formations, where the

the raw material needs at

shale oil and oil from the

resource is captured, and

the Braskem factories in the

pre-salt ultra-deep waters.

from where its adjective

United States by the third

According to the IEA, the oil

“tight” comes from.Even

quarter of 2015. Besides this corresponds to 33% of the

though not all sources of

partnership, the company

world’s energy matrix.The

non-conventional oil are

is investing approximately

maintenance of this product successfully explored, the

US$ 3 billion in the Ethylene

as the main energy source

IEA estimates that this type

XXI Project in Mexico for

is directly related to the

of oil should experience a

the production of ethylene

growth of non-conventional

5% production growth per

through natural gas.

oil extraction until 2035.


Leaders and Members from different Odebrecht Organization companies debated topics associated with the raw material market in Brazil and worldwide odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012



Odebrecht: Twenty Years Uniting F On the evening of

State Governor; Marcelo

October 25, some 400

Odebrecht, President

people gathered in the

and CEO of Odebrecht

former Convent of San

S.A.; Luiz Mameri,

Hipólito, located in the

Entrepreneurial Leader

Historical Downtown Area

of Odebrecht América

of Mexico City, to celebrate Latina; Roberto Bischoff, two decades of Odebrecht

Leader of Braskem Idesa;

operations in Mexico.

and Francisco Penteado,

To the sound of Brazilian and Mexican canons,

Odebrecht Engenharia

leaders and Members of

Industrial in the country.

the Organization, their


Managing Director of

Luis Wyell, responsible

families, partners and

for Odebrecht in Mexico,

clients participated in a

opened the event by

cocktail party and dinner

thanking everyone

and had the chance

for their presence and

to learn more about

presenting the Young

Odebrecht’s history and

Partners. “We are proud

its presence in Mexico

to work with these youth,

through panels and videos

who will be the future

presented by Mexican

leaders of Odebrecht,” said

Young Partners. Among

Wyell. “ The young Mexican

those present were

professionals stand out

Bruno Ferrari, Mexico’s

in a very positive way,” he

“We have a clear

Secretary of the Economy,

said. He also reinforced

commitment to Mexico’s

representing the Mexico’s

the Organization’s

sustainable growth,

President, Felipe Calderón;

commitment to the

generating economic

Javier Duarte, Veracruz

country ’s development:

growth, social inclusion

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Forces between Mexico and Brazil Luis Wyell congratulated the work of the Young Partners and all Members of the Organization who work in Mexico

and respect for the

and invests its knowledge


and experience in major

During his speech, Bruno

achievements. “With the

Ferrari stated that Odebrecht

company’s trust and work,

is growing with the country

our country is growing

Click here and view the exclusive video from the event to celebrate Odebrecht’s 20 years in Mexico.

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The guests watched a performance by the Mexican Folkloric Ballet, founded by dancer and choreographer Amalia Hernández

stronger in the areas of


Members had recently

energy and petrochemical


arrived to the countr y

In January 1992, the

and received the suppor t

“During these 20 years

countr y ’s National Water

of the first local par tner,

of operations, Odebrecht

Commission (CONAGUA)

Grupo Mexicano de

promoted challenging

launched the call for

D esarrollo (GMD). “Mexico

alliances and projects and

tender for Los Huítes,

had a lot of potential for

continuous development,”

a projec t designed to

projec ts such as subways,

he said. The secretary further

control the flooding from

hydroelec tric power

added: “Brazil is very special

the Fuer te River, promote

plants and dams,” said

to me. What Odebrecht is

the irrigation of lands in

Carlos Armando Paschoal,

doing here is the biggest

the State of Sinaloa and

the pioneer, then Countr y

demonstration that

generate elec tric energy.

Direc tor and current

Mexico and Brazil can work

During this period, some

President of Ilha Pura – a


of the Organization’s

company that consists of

infrastructure,” said Ferrari.


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Odebrecht Realizações

Constructora, formed

the practices of the Action

Imobiliárias and

the Construtor de Huítes

Program and Education

Car valho Hosken for the

Mexican Consortium to

Through Work and we

construc tion of the 2016

install the dam.

worked with a great deal

Olympic Games Olympic Village in R io de Janeiro.

Los Huítes was a project

of planning,” said Augusto

marked by technology

Roque, then Contract

and deadline-related

Manager and currently

par ticipated in the

challenges and high

Director of Odebrecht

bidding process and

productivity: it involved

Energia. “ There was a

were vic torious with

the participation of 8,000

high level of integration

the best technical and

Members during the three

between Brazilians and

financial bid. The two

years of construction work

Mexicans,” he said.

companies, together

and achieved a world

with ICA (Ingenieros

record in the laying of

Odebrecht, Siemens and

Civiles Asociados) and

concrete, with 250,000 m 3

OPSA built and expanded

La Nacional Compañía

per month. “We introduced

substations and 200 km of

Odebrecht and GMD

From 1995 and 1997,

Los Huítes: the project transformed the semi-desert region of Sinaloa into one of Mexico’s largest agricultural producers. At its inauguration, the dam received the name of Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta

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> SPECIAL energy transmission lines in five states in the North of Mexico – Chihuahua, Durango, Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas. The El Torreón project was completed for the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). During 1998, in association with CIGSA Construcción S.A., the

Carlos Armando Paschoal was the first Member to arrive to the country. “The Mexicans are very creative and supportive, are enthusiastic and have a high level of production capacity.”

company completed the construction of four housing rigs and the modernization of another two designed for the offshore lodging of the workers from the stateowned company Pemex (Petróleos Mexicanos). The contract, which is part of the Cantarell Project, consisted of the expansion and modernization of Akal, Mexico’s largest oil producer field and one of the largest in the entire world. INDUSTRIAL PLANTS AND HYDROAGRICULTURAL PROJEC T


Augusto Roque participated in the first project in Mexico: “I am certain that Odebrecht will still do many things in the country.”

with the Spanish company

Juan Group, Odebrecht

From 2005 to 2011,

Técnicas Reunidas and the

completed the activities

working in partnership

Mexican company Río San

for the modernization

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General Lázaro Cárdenas Refinery: the EPC contract included the completion of engineering, provisioning and construction services

of the General Lázaro

who stated during the

Cárdenas Refinery – Latin

ceremony that the

America’s oldest complex,

complex will become the

installed in 1906 – in the

most modern in Latin

State of Veracruz.

America: “ The project

The refinery received

was more than a simple

investments of US$

remodeling, since it is a

4 billion and had its

new refinery,” said the

production capacity


increased to 250,000

Vito Facciolla: “Odebrecht is a Mexican company that is young and has the potential for growth.”

Vito Facciolla, Contract

barrels per year. Its

Director at Odebrecht

reinauguration occurred

Engenharia Industrial,

in July 2011 with the

revealed that 11,000

presence of Mexico’s

Members worked on

President, Felipe Calderón,

the construction. “Of odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012



that total, 6,000 were

“ The three different

Odebrecht América

Odebrecht professionals,

cultures interacted

Latina teams arrived to

with 98% of Mexicans

naturally,” he said.

the city of Nueva Itália

and only 2% Brazilian and Spanish,” said Facciolla.


In the State of Michoacán in 2007, the

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to install the Michoacán Hydroagricultural Project

Consisting of a dam The Michoacán Hydroelectric Power Plant Project was chosen by the Obras magazine with one of the three most important infrastructure projects undertaken in the country in 2011, and won the second place in the Obras Cemex-México 2012 Award

that is 89 meters high and 268 meters in extension, with the capacity to store 100 million m 3 of water, and a gravity channel system, the project was created to resolve the issue of the scarcity of the offer of water from the region through the storage and controlled distribution of water resources. Completed in 2011, the system supplies water for 12,500 hectares of land, benefits indirectly other 12,500 hectares and produces 4.5 MW of energy. The star t of the irrigation generated the

in the region known as Tierras Calientes (“Hot Earth”) which has fertile soil and a good climate for agriculture.

Jorge Gavino: “We work with 17 Young Partners that, after the conclusion of Michoacán, were directed to other Odebrecht projects in the country.” odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012


> SPECIAL growth of the produc tion areas from 10,000 to 18,000 hec tares. On Februar y 2012, the M ichoacán State Governor, Leonel Godoy R angel – together with mayors, members of congress and senators – took par t in the closure of the gates for the dam called Centenário de la Revolución Francisco J. Múgica. “ The construc tion work is

Farmers from Nueva Itália, Lucio Casillas, Roberto Calderon and Gabriel Valencia. “During the dry period, we went more than 40 days without water,” said Calderon. “Today, we can once again plant rice and sugarcane.”

being completed with 92% local labor at all

petrochemical complex

same project,” explained

levels of operation, and

with the capacity to

Roberto Bischoff, Leader

the number of direc t

produce more than

of Braskem Idesa.

work oppor tunities

1 million tons of

reached 1,500,” said

polyethylene per year.

Brazilian and Mexican

Jorge Gavino, Contrac t

Currently, 70% of the

petrochemical companies

Direc tor.

product is imported

was established in 2010

from the United States.

after they won the


“Ethylene XXI is one of

Pemex bidding process


the largest examples

for the supply of ethane

of transversality at the

gas, with a 20-year

in the industrial region

Organization, involving

contract. “We seek to

of Coatzacoalcos, the

the operations of

balance the Braskem raw

joint venture formed

Odebrecht América Latina,

material matrix between

by Braskem and

Odebrecht Engenharia

naphtha and gas, with

Idesa is completing

Industrial, Foz do Brasil

the latter acquired at

the installation of a

and Braskem on the

a lower cost and more

In the State of Veracruz,


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The association of the

competitive,” said Stefan

the construc tion of the

will complete the

Lepecki, Project Director.

complex – which includes

projec t through several

“It is Braskem’s first

a cracker plant, two high

different operational

international greenfield

density polyethylene

centers located in

projec t,” said Cleantho

plants, one low density

Nanchital and Mexico

Leite, Commercial and

polyethylene plant and

City (Mexico), Rome

Business Development

utility supply systems –

(I taly), Lyon (France) and

Direc tor.

there was the contrac ting

Rotterdam (Holland).

of the joint venture

“ The companies

ear th leveling, was

formed by Odebrecht

complement one another

finalized in Oc tober

Engenharia Industrial

and we will guarantee

2012 two months ahead

(leader), the I talian

the per formance of the

of time. According to

company Technip and the

process and produc tion,

Luiz Gordilho, Contrac t

Mexican-American group

respec ting the conditions

Direc tor at Odebrecht

Ica Fluor. The value of the

of environmental

América Latina, the

EPC contrac t is US$ 2.7

sustainability,” said

transpor t of 7.5


Eduardo Rozendo,

The first phase, the

million m 3 of ear th was

The teams involved

Contrac t Direc tor.

completed in just six months. “ With the teams’ commitment, incentive toward produc tivity

Roberto Bischoff, Leader of Braskem Idesa, and José Luis Uriegas, General Director of Idesa: partnership between Brazil and Mexico for the Ethylene XXI Project, the largest petrochemical investment in the country

star ting with the second month of construc tion work , solid relationship with the local communities and Safety, Health and Environment programs, we were able to deliver ahead of schedule and cut costs,” said Gordilho. For the second phase,



Ethylene XXI involves the generation of 8,000 job opportunities during the construction phase and 3,000 permanent direct and indirect job opportunities

“I n 2015, with


in M exico,” said

Click here to

the star tup of the

Rober to Bischoff.

complex, we want

“ We will be par t of

to be recognized as

the new investment

the Ethylene XXI

the main suppliers

realit y in the

project – the

of polyethylene

countr y,” he said.

earth leveling.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012

learn about the first phase of

AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS In 2012, Odebrecht earned the distinction of Socially Responsible Company for the fifth consecutive year, granted by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy, and was considered for the fourth consecutive year one of the 100 Best Places to Work in Mexico according to the Great Place to Work Institute.

Luis Wyell, the professional responsible for Odebrecht in Mexico: “Our transversality between the businesses is the differentiating force.�

Click here to view the video and learn more about the State of Veracruz.

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ODEBRECHT ME The event gathered Memb


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EXICO: 20 YEARS mbers, partners and clients

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20 Years of Operations in

Mexico 1992



Los Huítes Dam

El Torreón Transmission Line

Cantarell Rig

The first contract in Mexico was the construction of the Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta Dam, known as Los Huítes, in the State of Sinaloa in the country’s Northwest region.

From 1995 to 1997, Odebrecht worked in partnership with Siemens and OPSA to construct and expand 200 km of energy transmission lines in five states located in the country’s Northern region. The construction project was contracted by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).

In association with the company CIGSA Construcción S.A., Odebrecht built four housing rigs and modernized another two, designed for the offshore lodging of the Pemex workers.

The construction project was commissioned by the country’s National Water Commission (CONAGUA) to control the flooding of the Fuerte River and promote the better use of lands for agriculture. The project, which included irrigation channels and a hydroelectric power plant, transformed the semi-desert region into one of the country’s largest agricultural producers. The partners on the project included Ingeníeros Civiles Asociados (ICA), Grupo Mexicano de Desarrollo (GMD) and La Nacional Compañía Constructora.

The Cantarell Project consisted of the expansion and modernization of the production from Akal, Mexico’s largest oil production field and one of the largest in the entire world.

2005 2007 General Lázaro Cárdenas Refinery

Michoacán Hydroagricultural Project (PHM)

The modernization of the refinery was completed from 2005 to 2011 in Minatitlán, in the State of Veracruz, to boost the oil refining capacity, designed to promote Mexican fuel production self-sufficiency.

PHM, completed from 2007 and 2011 for the Michoacán State Government in the country’s central region, was created to resolve the problem related to the irrigation of fertile terrains in an arid zone extending 12,500 hectares. The project helped boost the agricultural productivity and improve the living and work conditions of more than 15,000 families. The work included the construction of a dam, two channels and a hydroelectric center.

Contracted by Pemex, the construction project was completed by the consortium formed by Odebrecht and by the companies Técnicas Reunidas and Río San Juan Construcciones (R Group).

The project received the award for “Construction Project of the Year 2012,” granted by the magazine Obras, as one of the three most important developments from 2011.

2011 Ethylene XXI The Ethylene XXI Project, undertaken by the Braskem Idesa joint venture in Nanchital, located in the State of Veracruz, is the company’s largest investment abroad, with a value of US$ 3.3 billion. The construction of the petrochemical complex – which will have a production capacity of more than 1 million tons of polyethylene – was initiated in 2011 and is under Odebrecht’s responsibility together with the companies Technip and ICA Fluor. The startup of the complex – which consists of an ethane cracker plant, two high density polyethylene plants, one low density polyethylene plant and a utilities unit – will occur in 2015.


A New Project in Angola On October 25, Odebrecht Angola

I hope that together we can complete

signed a contract for the construction

some great work, and we are excited

of a 125-house condominium in the

about the next two years,” said De

neighborhood of Talatona, in Luanda,


60 units of which are designed for Esso

In addition to the 380-m 2 houses,

Angola, a North American oil company,

the contract includes the construction

and the remaining ones designed for sale

of gatehouses (social and service),

to other oil companies.

tennis courts, a party hall, fitness gym,

The houses will be installed on

multisport court, adult and children’s

a 140,000-m 2 terrain located near a

pools, a playground, running and bicycle

shopping center and schools. “We are

path, barbecue pit and green area that

pleased with the location, it is ideal,”

extends 62,000 m 2 . The contract will be

said the General Director of Esso Angola,

concluded in February of 2016 and the

Stephane De Mahieu. “We appreciate the

construction work will generate 2,000

fact that the company works with us.

direct job opportunities.

Teams from Odebrecht Angola, Esso Angola and Sonangol Concessionaire signed the contract to build homes in Luanda


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Brazilian Financing for the Hydroelectric Manduriacu, in Ecuador November 14 marked

and bilateral cooperation

million and is located 133

the signing of a Brazilian

between the two countries,” said

km from Quito, the country’s

National Economic and Social

Rafael Poveda.

capital. The hydroelectric power

Development Bank (BNDES)

The Manduriacu project,

plant will add 60 MW to the

financing contract for the

developed by Corporación

national connected system and

Manduriacu Hydroelectric Power

Eléctrica del Ecuador (CELEC)

is scheduled to start operating

Plant Project in Ecuador, currently

has a total value of US$ 126

during the last quarter of 2014.

being built by Odebrecht América Latina, in the amount of US$ 90.2 million. With the presence of Luiz Eduardo Melin and Luciene Machado, respectively Director and Head of the Foreign Trade area at BNDES, Rafael Poveda, Ecuador’s Coordinating Minister of Strategic Sectors, and Horácio Sevilla, Brazilian Ambassador to Ecuador, the event marked the successful conclusion of several

Representatives from BDNES, the Ecuadorian Government and Odebrecht América Latina at the signing of the contract event

months of negotiation between the financial institution and Ecuador’s Ministry of Finances. Representing Odebrecht at the meeting were Rogério Ibrahim, Mário Augusto da Silva, Alexandre Macedo, Carlos Napoleão, José Conceição Santos and Verônica Loján. “The agreement established with BNDES is a milestone in terms of strengthening the relationship

The Manduriacu Hydroelectric Project will boost Ecuador’s electric energy supply capacity odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012



To Live in Rio de Janeiro On November 24,

best spas. The Essence Space,

Odebrecht Realizações

focused on offering services

sustainable actions such as LED

Imobiliárias (OR) official

for well being, includes rooms

lighting in the public areas,

launched its residential

for hydrotherapy, massage

representing savings of up to

development in the city of Rio

therapy, hydromassage, saunas,

90% in energy consumption, the

de Janeiro, Essence, located

fitness, spinning, yoga and a

efficient management of water

on Avenida Abelardo Bueno

beauty salon, for a total of 17

use, solar panels for heating

in the neighborhood of Barra

items available to residents.

the pool and the use of less

da Tijuca, that will have nearly

Heated indoor pools with lane

polluting low Volatile Organic

40,000 m2 of private area

divisions, a barbecue pit, play

Compound (VOC) paints during

divided into 384 two-, three-

room, soccer court and canopy

the finish phase. At Essence,

and four-bedroom apartments,

circuit are among the more

electric vehicles will have special

and a General Sales Value (GSV)

that 20 leisure options offered

parking places equipped with

of R$ 320 million.

by the development. Focus on

individual meters for recharging

promoting interaction with

and bicycle racks located to

on a terrain that extends to

nature, there is also a forest

serve all 384 units.

the bank of Jacarepaguá

for hiking trails and going on

Lake, Essence includes a

walks, outdoor toys and a space

revitalize a 4,200-m2 area

space inspired in the world’s

for picnics.

located on its terrain at the bank

With a privileged location

The project adopts

The development will also

of the Lagoon. Through the Located in the neighborhood of Barra da Tijuca, Essence will have a complex that offers leisure and quality of life to its residents

replanting of 5,000 native plant species at the site, including mangrove, sand bar and swamp species, the recovery will help recover the vegetation that has suffered urban intervention over the past 30 years. The initiative will bring back the native vegetation, local fauna and promote more quality of life for the local residents. To learn more about Essence, visit: www.essencerio.com.br


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Fonte Nova Arena: Grass for the Field

With 80% physical progress complete, the construction project has 4,050 Members, distributed throughout three shifts, who complete 22 hours of continuous work

With the conclusion of the “Big Lift” (hoisting of

including workers, engineers, technicians and

the roof cables), the Fonte Nova Arena has 80%

subcontractors, who alternate in three shifts 22

of its work completed and is now beginning the

hours per day. More than six service fronts work

excavation to prepare for the planting of the grass.

at the same time: finishes, electrical, hydraulic

The Bahia Governor, Jaques Wagner, accompanied

installations and Information Technology (IT) and

the transition from this stage of the project on

side access ramps, among others.

November 10.

Also underway is the preparation for the

The grass, of international quality and standard

placement of the translucent roof membrane,

and compatible with the equipment that will host

together with the construction of the Garage

the 2013 Confederations Cup and the 2014, World

Building, which currently has 95% of its

Cup, will have vacuum drainage and extend a total

foundations finalized. The electrical, hydraulic,

of 9,000 m². The field will extend 105 m x 68 m,

IT and elevator installation phase is already 72%

with a distance of 10 m along the sidelines and

complete, while the finishes are 81% complete for

12.3 m along the back lines with relation to the

the floors and 54% complete for the linings.

grandstands. The seats will be installed at the start of December of this year. Currently, there are 4,050 Members,

Click here to view the 360◦ image of the Fonte Nova Arena. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012



New Website for Maracanã To allow those

technological resources

and interac tive content,”

interested to follow the

that will be offered at the

said Igor Lamy, the

25% physical progress


professional responsible

lef t before completing

“ The motive for

for Communication. “ That

the remodeling work at

changing is to offer our

is why we added the

Maracanã Stadium in R io

public, the press, workers,

360- degree photos and

de Janeiro, the Maracanã

fans and other niches of

countdown bar for the

Rio 2014 Consor tium has

society more organized

World Cup,” said Lamy.

launched a new website. With improvements to the visual distribution,

Click here to visit the new Maracanã Rio 2014

more dynamic and with a

Consortium website.

new layout, the website includes a countdown for the 2014 World Cup. Each month, besides the traditional photo galler y, the page features a 360- degree view of the projec t. Visitors can follow the projec t ’s development from a new angle and, using an interac tive cursor, choose the point they want to see in zoom. I t is also possible to find more detailed information, such as the public capacity and


New Maracanã remodeling project homepage: the project has 5,500 Members and has reached 75% of its physical progress

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012

Resins with Competitive and Environmental Differentials Braskem created a seal for

produc ts will allow for improved

identifying the resins that maximize its

energy use efficienc y ; financial gains

clients’ competitiveness and contribute

through the better use of the main

toward sustainable development. The

ac tive ingredients; and economic

Braskem Maxio ® family identifies the

gains, with a reduced produc tion

resins in its por tfolio that offer better

cost. Different tests were conduc ted

per formance in their applications

on clients, with the monitoring of

through the possibility of reducing

other companies for the validation

produc tion costs and generating

of the results, such as, for example,

environmental gains.

the methodology and high precision

The benefits are obtained thanks

equipment validated by the Mauá

to the continuous evolution of the

Engineering Institute in such a way

resins, preser ving or improving the

that the data collec ted truly reflec ted

mechanical, chemical and optical

the real produc tion conditions.

proper ties of the finished produc ts.

“Innovation and energy efficienc y

The new family was created to improve

are the references that indicate

the efficienc y of the plastic chain

the Braskem Maxio ® seal,” said

and reduce the environmental impac t

Luciano Guidolin, Vice President

during the transformation process.

of the Polyolefines Unit. “I t is with

The creation of the seal is aligned with

this sustainable vision, aligning

the Braskem 2020 Vision of becoming

technology, innovation and

the global leader in sustainable

per formance, that Braskem seeks to

chemistr y, with innovation as one

offer the market a new seal concept

its pillars. During this initial phase,

that guarantees a high quality produc t

11 polypropylene and EVA resins will

with superior per formance and

be par t of the seal, with processing

solutions that are increasingly more

improvements, such as reduced energy

sustainable,” explained Guidolin.

consumption, boosted transformation produc tivity and reduced weight. In order to guarantee quality and per formance, the Braskem Maxio ® odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012



Inaugural Edition of the Odebrec Development in the USA O d e b re c h t U S A and Braskem America announced that Rice U n i ve r s i t y s t u d e n t s J o a n n a Lu o, We i j i a S o n g, a n d A l e x a n d e r Yu e n c l i n c h e d t h e t o p p r i z e re c o g n i z i n g the most innovative s u s t a i n a b l e i d e a t h ro u g h the inaugural edition of the Odebrecht Aw a r d f o r S u s t a i n a b l e D e ve l o p m e n t i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s. Wi t h

First place: Weijia Song, Joanna Luo and Alex Yuen, of Rice University

a d v i s i n g p ro fe s s o r D r. N e e r a j B h a t i a ,

accessing critically-

the creation of a 600

their winning concept

needed offshore oil

kilometer-long chain

presents a bold solution

re s e r v e s, “Ad d r e s s i n g

of man-made islands

fo r o i l s e e k e r s v e n t u r i n g

t h e Lo g i s t i c a l C r i s i s o f

which could sustain a

further and further out

O f f s h o re O i l E x t r a c t i o n :

population of 50,000.

to sea to tap dwindling

A N e w M o d e l o f Wa t e r -

The population can

r e s e r ve s.

Based Urbanism in

r a i s e c r o p s, b u i l d

t h e Pre - S a l t R e g i o n

s c h o o l s, a n d d r i l l o i l –

repor t outlining the

off the Southeast

seeding the growth of a

c h a l l e n g e s o f s a fe l y

Co a s t o f B r a z i l ” d e t a i l s

community and making

S p a r k e d b y a Pe t ro b r a s


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 296 / novembro 2012

cht Award for Sustainable d r i l l i n g fo r o i l m o r e

w i l d ,” Lu o s a i d .

e nv i ro n m e n t a l l y,

“ S u d d e n l y, we

s o c i a l l y, a n d

h a ve t h e



s u s t a i n a b l e.

to people


w h o h a ve

Lu o s a i d t h e i r

t h e p o we r


and resources

with Odebrecht and

to make our design

oil companies has her

a c t u a l l y h a p p e n .”

s e e i n g p o t e n t i a l fo r t h e i r

The top prize granted

p ro j e c t . “A s a n a r c h i t e c t

the Rice team US$40,000

i n s c h o o l, yo u j u s t l e t

in cash, of which the

your imagination run

s t u d e n t s r e c e i ve d

Students at Johns Hopkins University, Jay Choi, Sang Cho and Victor Oh won the second place odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 296 / novembro 2012



Nicole Santos, Richard Figueroa and Monica Golike, of North Carolina State University, were placed third

US$20,000. US$10,000

a w a rd, re p r e s e n t i n g 4 0

went to their advising

nationalities and 173

p r o fe s s o r a n d U S $ 1 0 , 0 0 0

universities across the

t o t h e i r u n i ve r s i t y. I n

U n i t e d S t a t e s. Cu r r e n t l y,

addition, the students all

t h e O d e b r e c h t Aw a r d

of 15 top ranked entries

is also presented in

r e c e i ve d a d m i s s i o n t o

Angola, Argentina,

t h e p ro c e s s t o b e c o m e

B r a z i l, D o m i n i c a n

a n O d e b re c h t Yo u n g

R e p u b l i c , Pa n a m a , Pe r u ,

Pa r t n e r o r B r a s k e m

a n d Ve n e z u e l a .

A s s o c i a t e ; s e ve r a l h a v e already applied. A total of 422


“ W h i l e we we r e t h r i l l e d t o s e e s o m a ny y o u n g i n n o v a t o r s a n s we r

s t u d e n t s re g i s t e re d t o

t h e c a l l fo r t h e n e x t b i g

c o m p e t e fo r t h i s ye a r ’s

i d e a i n s u s t a i n a b i l i t y,

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 296 / novembro 2012

The solemnity of Odebrecht Award for Sustainable D

and certainly expected

at the Museum of

highlighting that

t o s e e s o m e re m a r k a b l e

Fi n e A r t s, H o u s t o n

H o u s t o n t o o t h r i ve s o n

c o n c e p t s, t h e w i n n e r s

( T X), where Nicholas

d r e a m s, f r o m b u i l d i n g a

and finalists of the 2012

N e g ro p o n t e, fo u n d e r

p o r t – e ve n t h o u g h t h e

U n i t e d S t a t e s O d e b re c h t

of One Laptop per

city is miles away from

Aw a rd fo r S u s t a i n a b l e

C h i l d, g a ve t h e k e y n o t e

the ocean – to sending

Development stunned us

speech encouraging

men to the moon. In line

w i t h u n i q u e, p r o m i s i n g

c u r i o s i t y, i m a g i n a t i o n ,

with its organizational

v i s i o n s,” s a i d Fe r n a n d o

p a s s i o n , c r e a t i v i t y, a n d

dedication to

M u s a , re s p o n s i b l e fo r

the ability to see things

s u s t a i n a b i l i t y, O d e b r e c h t

Braskem America and

f ro m m u l t i p l e p o i n t s

committed to making the

E u r o p e.

of view as instruments

a w a r d c e r e m o ny c a r b o n -

T h e w i n n e r s we re

o f c h a n g e. M a yo r

neutral by purchasing

u nv e i l e d a t a n O c t o b e r

A n n i s e Pa r k e r a l s o

c a r b o n o f f s e t s fo r a l l t h e

1 6 , 2 0 1 2 a w a rd c e re m o ny

a d d re s s e d t h e a u d i e n c e,

g u e s t s’ t r a ve l s.

Development was held at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, Texas

T h e p r o j e c t s we r e judged by a panel of exper ts from McGrawH i l l Co n s t r u c t i o n , H a r v a r d U n i ve r s i t y, Lyd e c k e r D i a z , Co a s t B u i l d e r s Co a l i t i o n , U. S . A r my Co r p s o f E n g i n e e r s, t h e A m e r i c a n C h e m i s t r y Co u n c i l, the Plastics Industry Tr a d e A s s o c i a t i o n , a n d Z a c h r y Co n s t r u c t i o n Co r p o r a t i o n . T h e c r i t e r i a fo r j u d g i n g i n c l u d e d technical contribution, reasoning and depth, odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 296 / novembro 2012


> AWARDS r e a l - w o r l d a p p l i c a b i l i t y, a n d a d h e re n c e t o O d e b re c h t ’s m u l t i f a c e t e d view of sustainability as a synergy of e c o n o m i c d e ve l o p m e n t , s o c i a l d e ve l o p m e n t , e nv i r o n m e n t a l b a l a n c e, political participation, a n d c u l t u r a l d i ve r s i t y. A t e a m f ro m J o h n s H o p k i n s U n i ve r s i t y took second place; Jay C h o i , S a n g k y u n C h o, a n d Vi c t o r H y u n Oh submitted “ Pe g a s u s ( Pa p e r fo r E d u c a t i o n ,

David Peebles, Odebrecht, and the winning students: engineering as a force for p

Growth, and Sustainability)”


we n t b e yo n d t h e p r i z e.

with advising

p a p e r, m i x i n g

Fo r C h o, t h e a w a r d

p r o fe s s o r


D r. E r i c a


t h a t t h e r e i s a fo r u m

S c h o e n b e r g e r. T h e t e a m


fo r h i s i d e a s t o b e

w o n U S $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 fo r

methodology with

r e c o g n i z e d.

a d d re s s i n g t h e p ro b l e m

modern materials and

of insufficient school

t e c h n o l o g y.

supplies in rural Africa.


c e r e m o ny a s s u r e d h i m

To t h e H o p k i n s

“ We g o t t o m e e t a l o t o f p e o p l e, a l l k i n d s o f p e o p l e : r e p o r t e r s,

The students designed

s t u d e n t s w h o r e c e i ve d

media, and CEOs from

a machine that uses

t h e a w a r d, t h e

a t o n o f d i f fe r e n t

agricultural waste and

s i g n i f i c a n c e o f t h e e ve n t

c o m p a n i e s. I t w a s a

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 296 / novembro 2012

M o n i c a G o l i k e, R i c h a r d

on 4th, 5th, and 6th

Fi g u e ro a , a n d N i c o l e

p l a c e. “O d e b r e c h t ’s

S a n t o s, w h o s u b m i t t e d

vision in providing

“Recyclability of

similar opportunities to

O i l Co n t a m i n a t e d

yo u n g m i n d s a c r o s s t h e

C a rd b o a r d ” w i t h

countr y ensures a robust

a d v i s i n g p r o fe s s o r D r.

pipeline of engineering

M e l i s s a Pa s q u i n e l l i .

and architectural talent

Their paper exploring

that will lead the way in

n e w w a y s t o r e c yc l e t h e

significant contributions

1 . 2 b i l l i o n p i z z a b oxe s

toward national

u s e d i n t h e U. S e a c h

and global energy

y e a r wo n t h e s t u d e n t s

c h a l l e n g e s,” s a i d D r. J a y.


“ These award entries

Fl o r i d a I n t e r n a t i o n a l

are snapshots of what


the future could look

re p re s e n t a t i ve s D r.

l i k e i f we h a n d e d t h e

S u s a n J a y a n d D r.

reins to these emerging

A n d re s Tr e m a n t e we r e

l e a d e r s,” s a i d G i l b e r t o

really good experience

a l s o p re s e n t t o r e c e i ve

N e ve s, D S - U S A . “ I h a ve

t o r e a l i z e t h a t fo r u s,

a special recognition, as

n o d o u b t t h a t we w i l l

a s s t u d e n t s, c o m i n g u p

t h re e s e p a r a t e g r o u p s

continue to see great

with an idea can actually

of students submitted

things from these

m a k e a d i f fe re n c e.

entries that ranked

s t u d e n t s.”

positive change

And that these people a p p re c i a t e, a n d a re a l l v e r y i n t e re s t e d i n e d u c a t i o n ,” C h o s a i d. T h i rd p l a c e we n t t o N o r t h C a ro l i n a S t a t e U n i ve r s i t y s t u d e n t s

Check out the video of the first edition of Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development in the United States. Explore the site of the award and get inside of the 2013 edition.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 296 / novembro 2012



Awarded Sustainability Actions During the 10th edition of the International

Angola received the Sustainability Award

Civil Construction, Public Works, City

for the quality of its social responsibility

Planning and Architecture Equipment and

programs, which have contributed

Material Fair “Projekta by Constrói Angola

toward the country’s economic and social

2012,” held from October 25-28, Odebrecht

development. During the event, which included the participation of 380 exhibitors, Odebrecht also received the Special Award for its continuous, active and dynamic participation during all editions of Projekta by Constroi Angola, the largest fair in the civil construction sector. In its 72-m2 stand, Odebrecht Angola presented the contributions in different areas toward the country’s development during its 28 years of local operation. The space received several different visitors,

Justino Amaro, responsible for Institutional Relations at Odebrecht Angola, received the Sustainability Award, representing the company

including the Minister of Construction, Fernando Fonseca, and Governor of Luanda, Bento Bento. “Odebrecht is our partner,” said Bento. “Here, I feel at home.” Eduardo Badin, Contract Director at the Luanda Expressways Project, represented the company at the “Angola: 10 Years to Construct the Future”, in which he presented the contributions of Odebrecht in the development of the country, beyond the actions of environmental responsibility.

The Angola Minister of Construction, Fernando Fonseca, opens the fair


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012

A Model Sustainable Company For the third consecutive year,

companies for the fourth time is a

Braskem was elected one of the

source of pride for everyone. “The

21 model companies in corporate

selection process, undertaken by

social responsibility by the Exame

the Getúlio Vargas Foundation,

Sustainability Guide, during an event

is rigorous in its evaluation and

held on November 7 in São Paulo. It

very similar to the model used

is the fourth time that the company

by the BOVESPA to make up

has been listed in the guide. During

the Corporate Sustainability

the 13 edition of the award,

Index portfolio,” said Soto. “This

Braskem was the highlight for

process, therefore, is important for

assuming the challenge to reduce

identifying where we can improve,

the water consumption at its units

and in this way, developing actions

to a level below that verified in

for consolidating our path toward


achieving global leadership in


The Exame Sustainability Guide arrived to newsstands

sustainable chemistry,” he said. The main evaluation criteria

on November 22, revealing the

included: the economic dimension,

figures that show the importance

innovations that reduce negative

of sustainability in the economy:

environmental and social impacts

of the 170 companies that signed

and measures designed to fight

up this year, 93% seek to engage

corruption; the social dimension,

suppliers and clients with their social-

commitments and practices for

environmental responsibility activities;

eradicating child and forced labor

91% adopt practices to eliminate

and the adoption of criteria for

discrimination in the workplace; and

qualifying, selecting and monitoring

88% have a board position for dealing

suppliers; the environmental

with issues associated with the topic

dimension, environmental

with the presidency through a direct

management commitments and


practices; and the overall dimension,

For Jorge Soto, Sustainable

commitment, governance, planning

Development Director at Braskem,

and management in the area of

being among the 20 model


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012



Brazilian Air Force Pays Tribute to Member André Vital, President

strengthen the Aeronautical

model, four of which are

and CEO of Odebrecht

operations within the

already operating. The five

Infraestrutura for the


remaining ones are in the

Bahia and Sergipe markets,

BASV became one

final phase of assembly at

was honored with the

of the most important

the Boeing base in Getafe,

title of Honorary Member

for the country after

located in Spain. The

of the Brazilian Air Force.

the announcement that

plane is one of the world’s

The title was granted by

it would become the

most modern and has 16

Lieutenant General, Luis

operational headquarters

hours of flight autonomy,

Antonio Pinto Machado,

for the most modern P3 AM

meaning that it can travel

during a ceremony held on

Orion patrol planes, which

to Angola and back without

November 5 at the Salvador

will be responsible for the

the need to refuel. During

Air Base (BASV). Each year,

surveillance of the entire

the ceremony, one of the

during the celebrations

Brazilian nautical border,

aircrafts performed swoop

for the base’s anniversary,

primarily after the discovery

flights over the crowd

the honor is granted to

of the pre-salt area. There


citizens who have helped

will be nine aircraft of this

Besides Vital, three more civilians received the tribute: Hélio Jorge Oliveira Paixão and Luiz Fernando Bastos Figueiredo, Police Chief and Bahia Civil Police Investigator, respectively, and Joselito da Silva Correia, Federal Revenue Department Chief.

André Vital, from Odebrecht Infraestrutura, was honored for his contribution toward strengthening the Aeronautical operations together with


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012

AFEq-Brazil Certified in SHE Manager, and Raul Cancegliero,

our Members and partners the

obtained the Integrated

Equipment Manager, who

importance of safety and health

Management System (SGI)

delegated the coordination

prevention and environmental

certification in the ISO

for Éverton Pereira and Paulo

preservation,” said Pereira.

9.001:2008 (quality), ISO

Ricieri. To ensure better process

14.001:2004 (environment)

performance, a work group

certification, three audits of

and OHSAS 18.001:2007

was created consisting of a

the Integrated Management

(occupational safety and health)

representative from each sector.

System, were taken to the

Standards through an audit

The group was responsible

main audit that identified one

conducted at the Functional

for elaborating the necessary


Equipment Support - AFEq area

documents included in the SGI

in Guarulhos, São Paulo.

and for training the Members.

On November 7, Odebrecht

The entity Bureau Veritas

Until receiving the final

According to Paulo Ricieri

Certification audited the

and Éverton Pereira, the

processes in September, when

implementation of the SGI

it verified the conformity of

collaborated significantly

the processes included under

toward the behavioral and

AFEq. The certification delivery

professional change in

ceremony was held at the

Members and partners: “We

area’s office and included the

saw a visible improvement in

presence of Members, Afonso

our processes and we were able

Mamede, Equipment Director,

to consolidate among all of

Afonso Mamede and Sérgio Leão accompanied the certification event

Sérgio Leão, the professional responsible for Sustainability at Odebrecht, in addition to Éverton Pereira de Oliveira, responsible for Workplace Safety and Environment, and Paulo Ricieri, responsible for Quality, the coordinators of the SGI project. The SGI implantation at AFEq began in January of this year, with Geraldo Almeida, Administrative and Financial

Geraldo Almeida received the Occupational Safety and Health Management System plaque from Amauri Ávila, Commercial Manager at Bureau Veritas Certification odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012



The Paths towa Knowledge 40

With the purpose of

Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador,

of Guarulhos, in S達o Paulo,

sharing the experiences

United States, Guatemala,

on October 29 and 30.

lived during the

Panama, Peru, Dominican

daily routine at their

Republic and Venezuela)

by Mauro Hueb, Contract

construction projects,

participated in the fifth

Director in Cuba and the

85 Members from 11

Highway Community of

leader of the Community of

countries (Angola, Brazil,

Knowledge, held in the city

Knowledge, who pointed

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012

The event was opened

a role to bring people

Exchange of experiences and sharing of information:85 professionals from 11 countries are part of the fifth Highway Community of Knowledge, installed in 2005

into a single environment, promoting discussions and practical solutions,” he said. The lectures presented by Members and specialists over the two days of the meeting included the topics of Urban Mobility, Concession Benchmarks, D. Pedro Corridor, Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire, Fort Lauderdale Airport, Madden-Cólon Expressway, Social Responsibility at Concessions, the Concessionaire vs. Construction Project Panel, its conflicts and synergies. Participants also debated


topics such as “Construction and Concession and the Search for Synergy, Aiming to Ensure Business Efficiency as a Whole,” and “Excellence in Highway Quality,” and also witnessed

out the importance of

enrich our knowledge, and

the participation of all

that is why we need to use

those present and also

them more,” said Hueb.“The

highlighted the function

decentralization pulls

of the Organization’s

us away from this entire

Network of Knowledge.“The

environment of knowledge

communities increasingly

and the communities have

the launch of the Paving Training Program, set to begin during the first quarter of 2013. All of the cases presented during the meeting are available at the Highway Community of Knowledge

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012


> COMMUNITY at the Odebrecht Corporate Portal.

Mauro Hueb, leader of the Highway Community of Knowledge, and Paulo Cesena, Executive Director of Odebrecht TransPort, spoke to participants during the event

CONSTRUCTION VS. CONCESSION On the second day of the meeting, Paulo Cesena, Executive Director of Odebrecht TransPort, addressed one of the community’s main topics of focus:Construction vs. Concession.Cesena talked about the Organization’s concern with ensuring the existence of solid business both for construction as well as concession, and if necessary, an arbitration between these two.“As much as the topics are synergistic between construction and concession, we know that during the day-to-day it is necessary to decide on a relationship that will


Paulo Cesena also

he said.“This presents

eventually benefit both

commented on the challenge

us with the challenge of

sides,” said Cesena.“In this

of boosting business

becoming increasingly more

aspect, there is a concern,

productivity.“Today in

competitive in terms of the

since if such situations occur,

Brazil there is a very strong

investments and operation of

there must be a transparent,

expectation for sliding-scale

our highways.Our challenge

balanced discussion, and

rates [a rate that is accessible

is to translate the concept

with a person to arbitrate it,

to the population], aiming to

into practice, since we know

focused on what is best for

boost the competitiveness

that we are able to achieve

the Organization,” he said.

of the Brazilian economy,”

the desired productivity

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012

practices focused on the construction of highways so that the Organization can achieve standards of excellence in these sectors,” explained Mauro Hueb. According to Hueb, the idea emerged two years ago in Miami.“The challenge emerged during our 2010 meeting, held in the United States with aims of using that country as reference, as it already adopts certain technological practices in this sense,” he said. The program, which lasts 26 weeks, consists of two modules:Academic (at a distance) a nd Pra c t i c a l (on-site). Und er t he Ac ad emic M od ule, t he M em b er has an inst r uc to r t hat will monitor him o r her and also has access from the day-to-day,” he

designed for Members from

to sup p or t vid eos; whil e


the production, engineering

in t he Prac t ic al M od ule,

and commercial areas

t he M em b er will receive


at highway construction

t he sup p or t of monitors


projects or other paying

by specialty, as well as

projects.“The Training

courses and applications

event, Mauro Hueb and

Program was created with

in the field and at the

Professor Djalma Pereira

aims of promoting and

laborator y, together with

presented the Paving

disseminating the best and

discussions and practical

Training Program, which is

most modern engineering


At the close of the

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Communication Heads to

Once per month, the

main image indicators,

the Bahia Southern Lowlands

business communicators who

analyzing the quality of the

Environmental Protection

are part of the Odebrecht

media exposure during the

Area Mosaic Program for

Organization meet in the city

current month.

Development and Growth

of SĂŁo Paulo for the meeting


The November meeting was

Integrated with Sustainability

about the Image and Media

different. On November 8, 25

(PDICS). The visitors were

Audit. Produced by the

communicators traveled to the

received by Norberto

communication agency CDN,

Bahia Southern Lowlands to

Odebrecht and Mauricio

an Odebrecht partner, the audit

discuss media indicators and

Medeiros, Chairman of the

summarizes the Organization’s

exchange experiences with

Board of Trustees and Executive

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012

o the Southern Lowlands Participants from the Image and Media Audit meetings gather at the Tancredo Neves Rural Family Home

Chairman of the Odebrecht

a rural area with major

of their own transformation,

Foundation, respectively, in

environmental heritage into

capable of passing on the

the municipality of Presidente

a prosperous and dynamic

knowledge acquired to their

Tancredo Neves.

region, helping young talents

families and the community in

get established in the field.

general, improving everyone’s

Odebrecht Foundation

This is what was pointed

conditions of life,” said

in partnership with the

out by Mauricio Medeiros:


government, private initiative

“We understand the youth

and civil society, PDCIS has

to be valuable agents of

communication is the vehicle

the challenge of transforming

development and leaders

of knowledge. “Both require

Supported by the

For Norberto Odebrecht,

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culture for the practice of

with the Presidente Tancredo

staying in the region and offering

interpretive and propositional

Neves Rural Family Home (CFR-

something more to society,” said

knowledge, which allows for

PTN), forms the Manioc and Fruit

Paraná. “I see that they are, in fact,

results based on information

Production Strategic Cooperative

leaders in the communities in

that leads to facts and which


which they work. “This enchants

structures and complements


For André Paraná, from

anyone who comes through

acts that lead to results,” he said.

Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial,

here,” he said. During the lunch,

After that, the group toured the

who had already visited the

Members interacted with the

installations of the Presidente

region in 2004, the progress

CFR-PTN students. “Hearing from

Tancredo Neves Rural Producers’

is notorious. “The youth have

them how important they are for

Cooperative which, together

a perspective of the future, of

the communities in which they

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012

On the second day of the event, the communicators also visited the Igrapiúna Rural Family Home

live is an incredible experience,”

Energia; Thaís Reiss, from

Conservation Organization.

said Barbara Nitto, from

Odebrecht United States;

On the following day, they

Odebrecht Oil & Gas. “They are a

Thaís Rosa, from CDN; Pilar

visited the head offices of the

reference and want to continue

Baella, from Odebrecht Peru,

Igrapiúna Rural Family House, the

with the training to contribute

and Ana Carolina Martins and

company Ambial Agroindústria

toward the region,” she said.

Taynée Vieira, from Odebrecht

– responsible for the heart

Infraestrutura, also learned more

of palm processing –, the

a second day of interaction with

about the actions supported

Agroforest Family Home, located

the institutions that are part of

by the Pratigi Environmental

in Nilo Peçanha and the Pratigi

PDCIS. Also on November 8,

Protection Area Guardian

Environmental Protection Area

Josiane Costa, from Odebrecht

Association and the Land

Rural Producers’ Cooperative.

Part of the group completed

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Meet the Winners of the Company of Youths’ Dreams Quiz More than 1,300 Members of the Organization participated

earned 7th place on the list, two

Maria João Sebastião Mussanhane,

positions higher than 2011.

from Odebrecht África, Emirados

in a Quiz about the award that

The winners, by company,

Árabes e Portugal; Priscila Santana

indicated Odebrecht as one of

were: Marcela de Araújo Souza and da Silva and Fernando Pereira

the Top 10 Companies of Youths’

Paula de Fatima Nardon Abrikian,

Cavalcante, from Odebrecht

Dreams. This year, the Organization

from Odebrecht Infraestrutura;

América Latina; Marlon José de Melo and Joelma Maria da Silva, from Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial; Marlus Cordeiro, from Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia; Patrícia Martins and Valéria Martins, from Braskem; Daniela Mattos and Maurício Carvalho Reis, from Odebrecht Energia; Diogo Villalobos Hrdlicka and Antonio Carlos Pereira Junior, from ETH Bioenergia; Paula Karine de Souza Ferreira and Tais Barreto Tolentino, from Foz do Brasil; Daniela Mota Araújo and Augusto Cruz, from the Odebrecht Foundation; Daniel Spencer Pioner and Gustavo Arrobas, from Odebrecht S.A.; Vitor Leite de Souza and Guilherme Azevedo Charret, from Odebrecht Oil and Gas; Soraya Martins da Silveira and Lissa da Fonseca Nunes, from Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias; and Ana Carolina Coutinho de Sousa and Juliana Paes de Andrade Pimentel,

The award for those who answered the questions correctly in the shortest amount of time was a miniature replica of the trophy received by Odebrecht


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from Odebrecht TransPort.

Knowledge for Life Everyone there knew what the

at the institution for four years.

citizenship and the elaboration

moment represented. The mixture

“I’m more motivated to continue

of projects. The last phase,

of feelings – happiness, nostalgia,

with my work and influence the

on November 10, was led by

enthusiasm – at completing

transformation of my region,” she

Volney Fernandes, Leader of

yet another important phase.

said. Pedro Assunção, who works

the Environmental Service

Gathered at the Papuã Center

at the Casa Jovem State High

Cooperative Alliance, with the

auditorium in Ibirapitanga, Bahia,

School Industry of Knowledge,

lecture “What Will We Do with

20 youth completed the Young

commented that the discussions

What We Learned?” in which

Entrepreneur Development

influenced his personal planning:

he highlighted that changes

Program (PDJE), an initiative of the

“Now it is easier to build by life and are necessary for building life

Odebrecht Foundation.

career plan and know what steps

Aligned with the Odebrecht

I should take to make it possible,”

histories. For the Course Coordinator

Entrepreneurial Technology,

said Assunção. “This was my

and Consultant in Human

PDJE seeks to contribute

biggest gain.”

Development at the Odebrecht

toward the professional training

During its second edition,

Foundation, Gilcia Beckel, the

of rural entrepreneurs who

completed in one year and a half,

sensation was one of mission

currently work at institutions

PDJE included programming with

accomplished. “The enthusiasm

or projects associated with

18 monthly modules on different

and interest of everyone is visible,”

the Bahia Southern Lowlands

topics, such as leadership, time

said Beckel. “This continued

Environmental Protection Area

management, communication,

training helps each person evolve,”

Mosaic Program for Development

social responsibility, rights and

she said.

and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS).

A new group of young entrepreneurs receives training under the second

The group consisted in its majority of former students of the teaching units associated with PDCIS. “I had the privilege of acquiring new knowledge and exchanging experiences with each colleague,” said Déborah Santana, Assistant Educator at the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family Home, who has studied odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012



Odebrecht Óleo & Gás: Seminar in Sustainability With aims of sharing knowledge and experiences and promoting the

Subsea GNSC Raso Consortium, the

synergy between the Members from its

UN - Integrated Services – which closed

Sustainability areas, Odebrecht Óleo

the contract without any occurrences,

& Gás promoted its 1st Sustainability

recording 600 days without time loss

Seminar on October 29 and 30 in Rio de


Janeiro. The topic was being discussed

The formatting of the 1st

only in the Line, and with the growth

Sustainability Seminar includes its

and maturity of the business, the idea

completion in two phases, each one

emerged to promote a forum that could

lasting two days. The second phase will

gather the entire company.

be completed during the first quarter

The event was opened by Entrepreneurial Leader, Roberto Ramos. For two days, 70 people listened to

of 2013, with the same dynamics as the first. For Marco Aurélio Fonseca,

presentations at the UN - Drilling and

the professional responsible for

the UN - Integrated Services, with a focus

Sustainability at Odebrecht Óleo & Gás,

on the main highlights and contract

besides physically gathering leaders and

concentrations. Professionals from the

team members within the spheres of

Sustainability and Communication

small and large companies, the seminar

areas at Odebrecht Óleo & Gás,

also reinforces the commitment to the

representatives from the Operational

company’s Sustainability Policy, aligned

Safety and Environment Department

with that of the Organization. “By

at Brazil’s National Petroleum Agency

analyzing how the Sustainability actions

(ANP) and Sérgio Leão and Alexandre

directly impact the value and production

Baltar, from the Odebrecht Sustainability

chain, the Sustainability Seminar

area, presented lectures.

promotes a more global understanding

Commemorative plaques were


time loss accidents, as well as at the

of the company and its businesses, in

delivered in honor of the Workplace

addition to the consequent valorization

Safety records achieved at three drilling

of this culture at Odebrecht,” said

units, which recorded one year without


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Exercising Leadership, Incorporating the TEO On October 25 and 26, 32 Members from

Engenharia de Projetos took part in the closing

Odebrecht Engenharia de Projetos and

event for the first group from the Introduction

Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial participated

to Culture Program. The event, administered by

in the Exercising Leadership Program in São Paulo.

the company’s People and Organization team

Led by Professor Oscar Ferreira, the meeting

with the support of Odebrecht Engenharia

gathered new and mature leaders for a reflection

Industrial, gathered professionals who have

and discussion on the Educational Leader’s role

been at the Organization for less than one year

at the Organization, aligned with the practice of

for the discussion and consolidation of the

Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO).

concepts, criteria and principles of the Odebrecht

On November 6, 28 Members from Odebrecht

Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO).

Members from Odebrecht Engenharia de Projetos and Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial gather at different events focused on leadership concepts and the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012



Entering the Digital Era With the expansion of new technologies,

contact with the computer during Hit the Net.

the search for new resources and tools

“I don’t have a computer at home and I came

from the digital era has also increased. In

here without knowing anything,” said Mussa.

Nacala, Mozambique, less than 1% of the

“Today, I even know how to send e-mail.

population has a mastery of IT. In order to

With this opportunity, my chances of getting

contribute toward increasing digital inclusion

a job will increase,” he said. Dedicated and

in the region, in October of this year the

participative, Ester Kierene das Neves, age

Nacala International Airport – developed by

20, is one of the students with a 100% score

Odebrecht – initiated Hit the Net.

in the Word, Excel and Internet modules.

The program, held at the company’s Training

Pleased with the result, she commented the

Center and administered by Salvador Américo,

following: “The youth from Nacala are offered

has a course load of 32 hours and focuses on

a great opportunity, since the training is free

the use of the Office system and expanding

and will open up new horizons over the short

students’ vision of the world by exposing them

term,” said Neves.

to the reality of other social, economic and

According to Salvador Américo, access to IT

cultural contexts. Approximately 100 people

is a source of research and a work tool. “Hit the

from 10 neighborhoods located near the

Net is increasing knowledge and contributing

construction site have already been benefitted.

toward local development,” he said.

Antonio Lopes Mussa, age 24, had his first

Since October of this year, the Nacala International Airport Project has benefited more than 100 people through Het the Net


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Encouraging an Improvement in Productivity

The BubbleDeck system and other processes will be applied at the Federal District Administrative Center, one of the pioneers in the use of such innovations in Brazil

During a meeting that gathered 20 Members

method for eliminating the volume of concrete

from the Federal District Administrative Center

on roof slabs, is one of these. The system consists

project, held in October, Engineer Erico Dantas,

of plastic spheres inserted uniformly between

from the Engineering, Equipment and Safety

two metal screens, significantly reducing the

Health and Environment area at Odebrecht

weight of a slab. “Besides reducing the costs

Infraestrutura for the Northeast and Central-

of the construction work, the BubbleDeck is a

West region, presented the Permanent

sustainable method, since it replaces concrete

Productivity Program. The objective behind the

with plastic and reduces the use of wood

initiative is to check and assess the factors that

with recycled shoring. The production of the

influence productivity at the company’s projects.

plastic releases less CO2 into the atmosphere

The topic was featured in the October 2012 edition of the magazine Exame, which revealed that the North American worker is capable of

than concrete, which is one of the main things responsible for releasing pollutants,” said Dantas. For Monica Evangelista, Market Development

producing more than five Brazilian workers put

Manager at Braskem, the method is also

together. The main reason behind this disparity

an example of transversality between the

and an obstacle for Brazilian productivity,

Organization’s companies. “The plastic spheres

according to Erico Dantas, is cultural. “The North

used in the BubbleDeck are produced with the

Americans are used to using tools that truly

resin supplied by Braskem,” said Evangelista.

assist with the work, while Brazilians are not,” said

Besides this, the technology can improve the

Dantas. “In civil construction in Brazil, we use the

acoustics of the roof slabs, reduce shoring and

same tools as we did 50 years ago.”

increase the span between the pillars. “In this

In addition to equipment, technology also influences productivity. The BubbleDeck, a

way, you do not hear the footsteps of someone walking on the floor above yours,” she said. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012



Incentive for New Professionals With aims of integrating

Motta, was a member of

I also recorded the visit and

professional practice with

the Journalism of the Future

explored the way my colleagues

academic theory, the Fonte

Program, which took 12

took photographs, I sought out

Nova Arena has received more

university students to the

still unexplored angles and took

than 500 university students

construction projects on October advantage of the freedom of

during the two and a half years

29. “During our first visit, we

amateurism to freely explore

of the construction project,

appreciated, questioned and

cuts and colors,” she said in her

contributing toward the training

shared different perspectives

article entitled “Amateurism and

of the new professionals.

about the most popular

Experimentation,” published in

Students from the areas of

construction in the city of

the Journalism of the Future

Engineering, Architecture

Salvador,” said Motta. “With their


and Journalism, for example,

different points of view, the

witnessed the grandeur of one

photo journalists, soccer lovers

Architecture student, became

of the Confederations Cup

and on-call news reporters

emotional when talking about

and World Cup stages and got

headed for the arena. Each one,

the project: “I am enchanted with

an up-close look at the arena

with their equipment at hand or

the arena, since it is a project that

construction process.

an idea in their head, explored

aggregates all the concepts of

the environment differently.

contemporary architecture and

Journalism student, Thaís

Fernanda Machado,

the issue of sustainability and accessibility, which we study at college,” said Machado. “This is a facility that maintains a dialogue with the city. Having an arena that is able to balance all of this is truly a very big gain for the people of Salvador,” she said. Click here and check the testimonial from the Professor of Architecture at the Federal University of Bahia, Carlos Bahia, More than 500 Engineering, Architecture and Journalism university students visited the Fonte Nova Arena, uniting theory and practice


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012

and student Fernanda Machado.

Reflection on Health and Safety

Vale and Odebrecht leaders promoted presentations and dialogue about the topics in different sectors of the construction project for all Members

On November 13, the Moatize Expansion

of adopting positive attitudes when it comes to

Project – a Vale project developed by Odebrecht

Health and Safety issues to multiply the culture of

in Mozambique – promoted the Day for Reflection

preservation of life.

on Health and Safety, an event that is included on

The General Civil Construction Manager, Marcos

the mining company’s annual calendar and which

Camargo, presented some incidents of unsafe

occurs at the same time in all countries in which the

acts and asked the public for its help with the

company is present.

identification of the same. “These situations

Besides highlighting the issues of Health and

show us how important it is to conduct a prior

Safety, the event also proposed an analysis on the

analysis of the risks of daily activities and follow

daily attitudes adopted to mitigate risks and prevent

procedures to prevent accidents,” he said.

fatal accidents. The first edition took place in 2011,

According to Osvaldo Adachi, Senior Leader of

mobilizing 25 countries and 138,000 people to focus

Construction and Engineering at Vale, every day is a

on valuing life.

day to reflect on the respect for life and the care to

In 2012, Odebrecht participated with the

be taken with health and safety. “It is a daily journey

involvement of the 2,600 Members of Moatize

with aims of multiplying safe behavior, both at

Expansion Project. During the activities, the actions

work as well as at our homes, for the benefit of the

to achieve the “Zero Accident” goal were highlighted

communities and development of the country,” said

and there was a reinforcement of the importance

Adachi. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012



Support with the Creation of Environmental Laws Through the Social Energy for Local Sustainability Program,

municipalities of Teodoro Sampaio

promoted by ETH Bioenergia, the

and Mirante do Paranapanema

municipality of Teodoro Sampaio,

(SP), Nova Alvorada do Sul (MS)

in rural SĂŁo Paulo, created a

and Caçu and Cachoeira Alta (GO).

new law for the integrated

The participative construction

management of solid waste in the

of the plans takes place during

city. Municipal Law 1834/12 enacts

different stages of work and

the Teodoro Sampaio Municipal

received the support of a company

Solid Waste Code and defines the

specialized in the elaboration of

principles and guidelines designed

solid waste management plans.

to ensure the efficiency of the

A survey of the problems related

public services offered to protect

to waste in the municipality

the environment and promote

and opinion poll with the

health and social inclusion.Â

population were used to form

It represents a milestone in

an initial diagnosis to receive

public policy for integrated

the contributions of the local

environmental management in the

government and a support group

municipality and in terms of the

formed by civil society leaders

result of the program, generated

active in the city. It also involves

through a process of participative

the joint definition of short,

construction in priority projects

medium and long term goals for

for the population. The new law

completing each one of the actions

resulted from the implementation

covered in the plan. The document

of the Integrated Solid Waste

is sent for public consultation to

Management Plan in the city.

receive any suggestions from the

Through Thematic Commissions


were considered priority for the

population and then continues

(CTs) and Community Boards (CCs),

onto the Community Channel until

the Solid Waste Management Plans

it is transformed into law.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012

“Green” Polyethylene at European Conference Braskem marked its presence

to substantiate the product’s

at the seventh edition of the

environmental performance,

European Bioplastics Conference,

and accordingly, provide its

the largest European meeting

clients with relevant information

of the bioplastics sector. The

for understanding and

company is one of the sponsors

communicating the performance

of the conference that was held in

of its products. The other two

Berlin, Germany, on November 6

lectures were presented by

and 7.

clients who addressed new

The highlight of the participation was the topic of

developments of products made from “Green” PE.

“Green” Polyethylene, a polymer

“Offering increasingly more

of a renewable source produced

sustainable products is one of

from sugarcane ethanol. In the

our pillars of operation for better

cycle of lectures, the “Green”

serving clients and society,”

PE was the topic of three

said Marcelo Nunes, Director of

presentations. At Braskem’s space,

Renewable Chemistry Businesses

some of the products made by its

at Braskem. “Along these lines,

clients using the biopolymer were

Braskem has intensified its

displayed for visitors.

research focused on products

On the second day of the

made from renewable raw

event, the consulting firms

materials. We could not miss

E4Tech and LCA Works, which

this event, which offers a unique

are working in partnership with

platform of information on

Braskem to conduct the study

the sector-related trends in a

on the Lifecycle Analysis (LCA)

market of high relevance and

of “Green” PE, gave a lecture

also involves the participation

on the topic. The study is part

of important actors from the

of the company’s program

industry,” said Nunes.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012




odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 296 / november 2012

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