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Maravilha Port: Rebirth of Rio de Janeiro’s Port Region

The New Phase of the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant

Odebrecht Agroindustrial Earns its Fourth Bonsucro Certificate

Illustrative Photo

no. 325 • february 2014

Tribute to the Future: Support to the Youth of the Bahia Southern Lowlands

contents no. 325 窶「 february 2014



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Rebirth of Rio de Janeiro’s Port Region


n 2013, Maravilha Port- currently being built by the Porto Novo Concessionaire (Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, OAS and Carioca Engenharia) began to create a new landscape for Rio de Janeiro’s port region. The work completed to revitalize the neighborhoods of Gamboa, Saúde and Santo Cristo allowed the concessionaire to reach an important milestone in February 2014: 50% of the work completed. One of Brazil’s largest PublicPrivate Partnerships (PPP), the Maravilha Port Urban Operation is transforming a 5-million


m² area into a modern urban center. The project includes the requalification of the region with a new infrastructure network – public lighting, electricity, sewage treatment, gas, water, telecommunications and drainage –, as well as commercial, residential and business buildings. The development is also focused on improving the population’s mobility with the construction of public squares, sidewalks and bicycle paths, as well as increasing the traffic capacity with Expressways, the Binary Road and a new public transport option - the Light Rail Vehicle (LRV).

The slab for the Museum of Tomorrow auditorium was completed in record time: 13 hours


CULTURAL HERITAGE Maravilha Port will also leave a legacy for local culture with the Museum of Tomorrow, which will be dedicated to offering exhibits about the Sciences. The architectural design includes the use of natural resources, such as the water from Guanabara Bay to air condition the inside of the museum and a roof that moves based on the position of the sun to supply the solar energy panels. With some 5,000 people dedicated to 39 different work fronts, the teams are focused on finalizing the Binary Roads and Expressways and installing the urban infrastructure, while also working to complete the construction of the museum. January 24 marked the conclusion of the longest paving phase for the space, with the construction of the auditorium roof slab. Workers needed 360 m³ of concrete to finish the structure.

NEW PATHS Since the start of the construction work in September 2011, the Maravilha Port Urban Operation has recorded some important moments for the population of Rio de Janeiro. In

November 2013, workers completed the first phase of the Port Binary road, with three lanes in each direction along 3.5 kilometers of road, helping to improve the flow of traffic. “Anyone who drives along the road rediscovers a historical area and gets an up-close look at the construction work that continues to take place nearby,” said Rio de Janeiro Mayor, Eduardo Paes. The inauguration of the final phase of the structure, which corresponds to the Binary Tunnel, is scheduled for the second half of 2014. Combined with the Port Binary, the Expressway – also under construction – will allow for a 27% increase in the flow of vehicles in the port region. Currently, 51% of the construction work is complete. Still during November 2013, the project closed the Perimetral Viaduct and imploded the first stretch of the street. “The Perimetral is our big challenge,” said Alexandre Chiavegatto, Construction Director of the Porto Novo Concessionaire. “Part of it was imploded and the rest is being disassembled. We adopted this strategy because it minimizes any disturbances for the population. With the removal of the viaduct, we have

PROGRESS OF THE MARAVILHA PORT CONSTRUCTION WORK Port Binary Road: 78% Expressway: 51% Urban Infrastructure: 20% Museum of Tomorrow: 46%


Illustrative photo of the Expressway surface portion. The tunnels are being built by three teams simultaneously in order to streamline the work. A estrutura alcançará 537,2 metros escavados

seen a new city emerge, one that is more harmonious and integrated,” explained Chiavegatto. Seven different work fronts are responsible for cleaning and disassembling the viaduct in order to streamline the removal of the material and begin the urban infrastructure work at the site, such as the storm drains. “In all, 11 km of drainage network will be built to expand the rainwater runoff capacity,” said José Renato Ponte, President of the Porto Novo Concessionaire.

In order to guarantee the population’s safety, residential and commercial buildings located in the project’s area of influence - some of which are historic - are continuously subjected to careful inspections. Instruments were also installed so that the technicians can take weekly measurements and analyze any possible soil shifts in areas located near the tunnel excavations.

FAST AND EFFICIENT Will pass through the region the Light Rail Vehicle (VLT), which will be

Read Edition No. 321 of Odebrecht News to learn more about the implosion of the Perimetral Viaduct


administrated by the VLT Carioca S.A. Concessionaire – formed by Odebrecht TransPort, Invepar, CCR, Riopar, RATP and Benito Roggio Transporte. The new means of transport will connect Maravilha Port to the ferries, SuperVia trains, Novo Rio bus station, MetrôRio subway system and the Santos Dumont Airport. Once it begins operating at full capacity, the system will be able to serve 285,000 passengers per day. “We began the construction work for the LRV in February of this year,” said Gustavo Menezes, Director of the VLT Carioca Concessionaire. “We expect to conclude the first phase of the project

The VLT will have 42 stations distributed throughout 28 km of the line. Part of the course includes the Port Binary road


in December 2015 and the second in 2016,” revealed Menezes. The Rio de Janeiro LRV will be one of the world’s first to be designed entirely without overhead lines (cables that capture the electricity in the suspended wires). The energy will be supplied using the Auxiliary Energy System (AES powered through the soil) during the stops by a third rail, positioned between the operating lines.

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The transformation of the port region also includes social and leisure projects designed to improve the residents’ quality of life. In 2013, there were

388 cultural programs involving the participation of some 60,000 people. These included literacy, language, manicurist, welding and metalwork courses and handicraft workshops. In December, Machado de Assis Park, located in the neighborhood of Morro do Pinto, was reinaugurated and received a new multisport court and society soccer field, walking path, toys, gymnastics equipment, a barbeque pit and bathrooms, among other amenities.

SYNERGY In addition to the involvement of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil with the revitalization work and Odebrecht Visit the Porto Novo Concessionaire webpage

TransPort to operate the LRV, Maravilha Port is also working with Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias to build a hotel and the multi-use development Porto Atlântico. It is also partnering up with Odebrecht Properties, shareholder of the Porto Novo Concessionaire (37.5%), which will help administrate the public infrastructure for a 25-year period, including the maintenance of sidewalks and signs and monitoring. “Maravilha Port is an example of synergy and the new opportunities emerging between the Organization’s Businesses,” said Leandro Azevedo, Senior Officer of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil for Rio de Janeiro. View the Maravilha Port webpage

Now rebuilt, the Machado de Assis Park leisure area extends 21,850 m² and serves approximately 12,000 residents of the port region


fast fastnews news

Braskem at its Maximum Capacity Braskem PVC unit in Marechal Deodoro. The plant received investments totaling R$ 1 billion, the largest to be made by the company for a single project

In January, the two Braskem PVC units in Alagoas, located in the cities of Maceió and Marechal Deodoro, reached a PVC production record with 1 , 383 tons of raw material manufactured in a single day. With an estimated production capacity of 1 , 350 tons in 24 hours, the new production record of an additional 33 tons resulted from technical adjustments devised to develop synergy between the two plants. “This number reveals the importance of intelligent work in

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the production area, ” said Aurélio Campelo, responsible for the PVC plant in Marechal Deodoro. “Our team is continuously searching for opportunities to boost production, with increasingly more precise programming for each type of resin,” said Campelo. Inaugurated in 2012, the unit serves clients in sectors considered strategic for the country’ s development, such as housing, sanitation and infrastructure, and it consolidated Brazil’ s leadership in resin production in Latin America.

More Infrastructure and Leisure On January 6, the Luanda Expressways project, headed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal in Angola, began the last phase of the revitalization work for Avenida Ho Chi Minh along a 300-meter stretch of the avenue between Streets 12 and 62 of the neighborhood of Mártires do Kifangondo in Maianga. In addition to the improvements planned for the avenue’s landscaping project, the new stretch will have spaces dedicated to leisure and sports. The residents will receive

a public space with gardens, new sidewalks, urban furniture, a new public lighting system and basketball court. The work began with the clearing and insulation of the area, removal of the existing pavement and debris and excavations for the interference analysis work. After the Construction Work the idea was to revitalize this last phase of the avenue in four phases in order to reduce the construction work’s impact on local residents and merchants.

Similarly to the other areas revitalized by the Luanda Expressways project, the Avenida Ho Chi Minh offers the population a leisure and sports area


fast news

Energy Recovered

Roberto Bacellar, Contract Director (to the left), with the Ecuador Minister of Electricity, Esteban Albornoz (in the center), authorities from the sector and representatives from Odebrecht. The group inspected the construction work before the delivery

In Ecuador, Odebrecht Infrastructure Latin America finalized the construction of a by-pass tunneltothe Pucará Hydroelectric Power Plant cargo tunnel. A 400-meter stretch of the structure had been damaged after a seismic event that took place in September 2011 and interrupted the plant’s energy generation. The construction work was completed from October 2011 to November 2013 and delivered to the client 40 days ahead of time. In order to build the new structure, it was necessary to


create an access way extending 380 meters. In all, 900 meters of tunnel was excavated through the rock, including the waterproofing and lining in reinforced concrete. The Pucará Hydroelectric Power Plant has 75 Megawatts of installed power and is the country’s first hydroelectric power plant of strategic importance. Operating for the past 38 years, it was inaugurated in December 1977 and is located at an altitude of 3,500 meters in the province of Tungurahua, the region with the most seismic risks in Ecuador.

Free Traffic The Ruta Viva project, currently being constructed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America in Ecuador, inaugurated its first phase. The new stretch extends 5.5 kilometers between the avenues Avenida Simón Bolívar and Avenida Interoceánica. Currently, Members are focused on the second phase, which covers the final stretch of the contract. The street will extend 6 km, including

infrastructure with three lanes of traffic in each direction, nine viaducts, electrical and underground data networks and public lighting. The Ruta Viva project will connect the cities of Tumbaco, Quito and Cumbayá, and is located parallel to Avenida Interoceánica, serving as an alternative route to help free up vehicle traffic, primarily from Vale de Tumbaco.

The Ruta Viva road extends 12.9 km. The construction work should be finalized in October 2014


fast news

Olmos Irrigation Completes a New Phase The Olmos Irrigation contract, currently being completed in Peru by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America, finalized the construction of the Veneno Tunnel, responsible for the flow of 19 m³ of water per second. Extending 1.9 kilometers in length and 5 meters in diameter, the construction work involved the transfer of 250 meters of rock using the drilling and detonation technique. “The knowledge developed by the team of tunnel workers during the project was important for achieving the result,” said Giovanni Palacios, Contract Director. The structure is part of a set of equipment that will distribute the water collected in Bocatoma Miraflores, and through the 13-km Trasandino Tunnel, it will enter Veneno Tunnel, arriving to

The construction work for Veneno Tunnel, part of the Olmos Irrigation project in Peru, lasted nine months


Embalse Palo Verde where it will be distributed along 38,000 hectares through 44 km of installed piping. “With the delivery of this phase, we can safely say that we will finish the project by September 2014,” said Giovanni Palacios. “This is two months before the originally established deadline,” he said. With 82% of the construction work complete, the teams are focused now on concluding the electrical gate systems in Bocatoma and the water transmission lines. They will also reinforce the edges of the tunnels to protect against possible collapses and conduct tests on the installed stretch in which the system operation will be gravity-powered (as opposed to through pumps).

The some 4,500 Members at the Teles Pires HPP await the arrival of the rotor to begin assembling the plant’s first turbine

First Turbine on the Way Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, responsible for building the Teles Pires Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) located between the States of Pará and Mato Grosso, is awaiting the rotor for the first of five turbines at the development. Weighing 267 tons and with a diameter of approximately 8.5 meters, the equipment will travel through Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina until reaching the construction site in March of this year. It will use highway, maritime and river transport along its course. Manufactured in Taubaté, the part will travel along the highway until reaching

Santos Port in São Paulo. It will then continue onboard a ship until reaching Nueva Palmeira Port in Uruguay and be loaded onto a barge to travel along the Paraguay-Paraná waterway, crossing both Argentina and Paraguay until arriving to the municipality of Cáceres in Mato Grosso. It will travel by highway along the last stretch until reaching the construction site. When concluded in 2015, the Teles Pires HPP will have 1,820 MW of installed capacity, generating energy through a clean and renewable source.


rápidas fast news

São Paulo Subway: New Phase Concluded On January 28, Line 5 - Lilac of the São Paulo Subway – currently being built by the Metropolitano 5 Consortium, formed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, Queiróz Galvão and OAS – celebrated the arrival of the Shield (“tatuzão”) to the Eucaliptos Station. The equipment, which is 75 meters

Alckmin, was there when the “tatuzão” appeared in the well where the Eucaliptos Station will be built. “The equipment will resume its activities after the review, continuing toward the Moema Station,” said Alckmin. “Five more stations will be built until Chácara Klabin. We hope to have the tunnel finished in a year and a half,” he explained.

long, traveled 483 meters in five months, excavating and lining the tunnel. The machine worked beneath Avenida dos Bandeirantes, one of the busiest in the São Paulo capital, until reaching Avenida Ibirapuera. Workers used 322 staves along the stretch (concrete rings). Line 5 - Lilac will connect Largo Treze, in Santo Amaro, to Chácara Klabin, in Vila Mariana. The São Paulo Governor Geraldo

The “tatuzão” will be responsible for excavating 4.8 km. The stretch covers the stations Eucaliptos, Moema, AACD-Servidor, Hospital São Paulo and Santa Cruz, where it will connect with Line 1 - Blue, and Chácara Klabin, in addition to a connection with Line 2 - Green. The consortium plans to deliver 6 kilometers of the contract during the first half of 2016.

The “tatuzão” weighs 1,500 tons and some 180 people are required to operate it. The equipment excavates an average of 14 meters per day at a depth of 30 meters


The ball with 15 cameras recorded the 360° details of Maracanã’s field and grandstands.

Virtual Tour at Maracanã Maracanã Stadium – an Odebrecht Properties asset – established an agreement with Google, and in January, the Google Street View cameras entered the stadium to record the space. With the initiative, everyone will get a virtual view of each corner of the field and the grandstands. The filming technique was the same one used at the Christ the Redeemer Statue, which is also located in Rio de Janeiro, as well as in the Grand Canyon. A Google Operations Engineer walked

throughout different parts of the stadium using a backpack equipped with 15 cameras joined together on a support in the shape of a soccer ball. The cameras change directions based on each section of this ball, offering a 360-degree view of the stadium. The photos were taken every two and a half seconds. Now, they will be processed and included in Google Maps. There is still no set date for when the images will appear on the browser.

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fast news In addition to representing a tourism route, the new stretch offers access to the Suape Highway and Logistics Complex and traverses one of Pernambuco’s main economic and industrial centers

New Access to the Coast On January 24, the Rota do Atlântico Concessionaire- an Odebrecht TransPort asset- inaugurated the stretch of the expressway that facilitates drivers’ access to Pernambuco’s Southern coast, home to the famous Porto de Galinhas Beach, for example. The access extending approximately 5.5 kilometers is located in the municipality of Ipojuca and connects the Suape Port Industrial Complex to the PE-038 Highway in the District of Nossa Senhora do Ó, driving Pernambuco’s tourism and economy. Together with the road system that began operating at the start of this year, the new stretch represents approximately 30 km of highway, administrated by the Rota do


Atlântico Concessionaire. With the opening of the new street, drivers can avoid the traffic of the PE-060 State Highway, which has some points without duplicated lanes and passes through urban areas. In addition to the improved efficiency and comfort, drivers are also benefitted by the reinforcement in highway safety, with an Operational Control Center (OCC) and User Assistance Service (UAS). With the delivery of this new stretch, Rota do Atlântico reaches an investment of R$ 250 million in the concession. Another R$200 million will be used to conserve, operate and maintain the highway for the next 33 years of a total 35 included in the concession.

Investments that Return to the Population During the year 2013, the Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire helped promote the development of the cities located near the Dom Pedro Corridor. In addition to the benefits related to the road itself and the job opportunities that the operation of the roads offer, the concessionaire also passed on R$ 33 million to the municipalities in the form of ISS

to what the city government invested to build a daycare center. In Atibaia, R$ 269,000 were passed on to the Social-Educational Judo program, which serves 1,200 children and adolescents ages 6 to 18. “For us, it is very important revenue,” explained Thiago Valladão Fernandes, one of the project coordinators. “It helps us pay the teachers’ salaries and purchase uniforms and

(Service Tax), collected at the toll plazas through non-core revenues and the work of third parties. The calculation used to determine the value passed on to each city is based on the extension of the highway that passes through the municipality’s territory. The money can be used in different ways. In Conchal, for example, the sum received (R$ 1.4 million) corresponds

meals,” he said. Ricardo Rocha, Financial Director of Rota das Bandeiras, pointed out that the goal is to contribute increasingly more to the region. “The examples in Atibaia and Conchal are only a sample of how our work is important for leveraging the social-economic development of the communities,” said Rocha.

Four athletes from the SocialEducational Judo project were chosen to join the last Brazilian national team, three in the Sub-18 category and one in the Sub21 category


fast news

Work Recognized In January, the NORBE VIII - an Odebrecht Oil and Gas drill rig designed for ultradeep waters, began drilling well 9-XRL-1-RJS in Xerelete Field, located in Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro, for the company Total E&P do Brasil. Operating for Petrobras, the NORBE VIII opened up its chartering and service contracts to Total E&P do Brasil at the end of 2013. The two companies are working in partnership with the British company BP to form the consortium responsible for exploring Xerelete. The decision was made together with Petrobras, which granted the rig for an estimated period of 228 days.

The Odebrecht Oil and Gas rig NORBE VIII was made available to Total E&P do Brasil because its technical specifications meet the requirements of oil prospecting in the pre-salt layer


The drilling activities will take place in a water depth of 2,400 meters, varying to up to 5,600 meters. The well will have four phases. If hydrocarbons are discovered, the rig will also conduct formation tests – the method used to check and evaluate the production capacity of a well’s reservoir. For Pedro Mathias, Senior Officer of the BU-Drilling, the team is motivated to work with the new client. “It has been an enriching experience for everyone,” said Mathias. “Our crew is concentrating its efforts in order to complete the well work with excellent performance and safety.”

“Green” Phase More than 46,000 plants of 198 different species will be cultivated at the Ilha Pura seedling greenhouse in Rio de Janeiro

Ilha Pura - the planned neighborhood currently being built in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, by the companies Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias and Carvalho Hosken- inaugurated a greenhouse for growing the seedlings that will be planted around the development, primarily the park. According to Maurício Cruz, Regional Director of Ilha Pura, the completion of this phase represents an important project goal. “We began to install the park to guarantee the delivery of the development to clients in a unique way,” explained Cruz. The “green” space will extend 72,000 square meters and be located in the central area of the Ilha Pura condominiums. Renata Villegas, responsible for the installation and administration of the space,

explained that, with an area of approximately 6,000 m² and two metal structure greenhouses extending 480 m², the nursery contains seedlings of trees and palms, bushes and plant coverings. Located next to the development, the space minimizes the need to transport the species, helping to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The initiative also reduces seedling acquisition costs and the risks related to the landscape work and guarantees the quality of the species. “The plant’s guarantee is important for the success of the landscaping project installation and maintenance work,” emphasized Paulo Boghossian, responsible for Engineering and Sustainability at Ilha Pura.



Progress at the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant


n January, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil finalized new phases of the construction work for the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), located in Rondônia. With approximately 80% of the construction work completed, is now completing the electro-mechanical assembly work for XX Power Houses and XX Generator Units. On January 21, the first Power House 4 distributor was taken to the well – the site for the installation of the Generator Units. The 215-ton part is used to control the volume of water that passes through the plant turbine. The first phase of the construction work includes the assembly of the Stay Column and Stay Cone, parts that are fastened to concrete to form the base for the energy generation machines. After that, workers assemble the equipment, which begins with the installation of the distributor. This is the 33rd distributor installed and represents a milestone for the team. “Assembling the first part of a Power House is always something exciting, it is yet another


Power House 4 will house 12 Generator Units and have an installed power of 884 Megawatts of energy

Os avanços da Usina Hidrelétrica Santo Antônio


challenge that is beginning,” said Vanderlan da Silva, General Supervisor.


Still during the month of January, the contract’s Commissioning area began operating the Generator IMPORTANT REINFORCEMENT State Coordinator (GSC), the system designed January 27 marked the start of the pre-assembly to protect the plant, preventing damage to the work for the first ferrules, the parts used to build the Generator Units in the case of failures during the water suction tubes at Power House 5. The work is energy generation and transmission processes. The underway at Generator Unit 45 and represents the Jirau and Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plants, start of the electro-mechanical assembly activities both located in Rondônia, are the first in the world to at six additional units. use this technology. Power House 5 is part of the expansion work The GSC is also responsible for the at the Santo Antônio HPP. When completed, the communication between the plant and a Master structure will have 418 Megawatts of installed Control, installed at the Porto Velho Collection power, which will be available for the Regional Substation. Panels installed inside the Power System (Acre and Rondônia). Houses collect the operating data from the units

Power House 5: the Suction Tube installation work at Generator Unit 45 should be completed by March of this year


and transmission systems and transmit it to the central GSC. The central GSC then retransmits the data to the Master Control, which protects the integrated systems using studies predetermined by the National System Operator (ONS). The technology installation process began in September 2013 and was developed in record time. “Only professionals from the 1970s involved with the first energy generation system at the Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant had the opportunity to take part in a project with so much technical diversity and so many challenges like this one,� revealed Thalles Janones, the GSC System Installation Coordinator.

The Generator State Coordinator (GSC) is installed in Power Houses 1, 2 and 3 until in Generator Unit 24. The next installations should occur based on the delivery of the plant transmission systems


fast news•awards and distinctions

Environmental Certification On January 17, Ilha Pura - an Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias and Carvalho Hosken development located in Rio de Janeiro - received the AQUA Housing certification from the Vanzolini Foundation for the 31 buildings included in the first phase of the neighborhood currently under construction. Ilha Pura has already earned the High Environmental Quality - AQUA Neighborhoods and Subdivisions certification, which considers the neighborhood’s ecological strategies. Now, all of the buildings are also certified in High Environmental Quality - AQUA Housing for their incorporated strategies. “In order to consolidate a neighborhood that is a reference in sustainability, it is necessary that the occupation of buildings be planned in order to minimize the development’s environmental impact,” explained Mariana Malufe Spignardi, responsible for Sustainability at Ilha Pura. “The rational use of resources such as water and energy during the useful life of the buildings is extremely important,” she said.

The Sustainability team seeks to incorporate innovative strategies for the development, and accordingly, it implements several actions at the construction site. Paulo Boghossian, Engineering and Sustainability Director at Ilha Pura, pointed out that, in addition to the environmental strategies adopted at the construction site, the efforts of the construction teams in terms of organizing the areas and separating waste were also crucial for achieving the excellent score in the category Construction Site with Low Environmental Impact. The Program Phase audit, the first of three phases in the certification process, was conducted for all the residential buildings of the first part of the project. Juliana Coelho, from the Sustainability team, led the audit process and described the challenge of auditing the seven condominiums at once. “The solid performance in the audit was due to the work developed since the start of the project, with a great deal of dedication, effort and team spirit,” he said. “Earning the certificates is a source of pride and motivates us to continue forward.”

Starting from the left: Mariana Malufe; André Xavier and Mauro Paradella, representatives from Sustentech, the consulting firm that offered support during the certification process; Paulo Boghossian and Bruno Casagrande from Vanzolini Foundation, responsible for the certification


Socially Responsible Company

The business sectors that led the registrations in the certification process for obtaining the ESR® Distinction were General Services (18%), Mining (14%) and Construction (10%)

Odebrecht received the Socially Responsible Company Distinction (ESR®) in Peru for the third consecutive year. The award was created by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) and granted by Peru 2021 – a non-profit association. Now in its third edition, the initiative distinguished 62 companies for their good business practices and promotion of sustainable development in Peru. “With this important recognition, we are reinforcing our commitment to social responsibility,” said Ricardo Boleira, Senior Officer for Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin

America in Peru. “This task is reflected in our daily routine, with good practices used by our work fronts and performance oriented by the guidelines of our Sustainability Policy. Congratulations to our entire team,” emphasized Boleira. The ESR® Distinction is designed to evaluate companies’ responsible administration as reflected in their policies, procedures and evidence of social actions. The companies are evaluated based on their initiatives within the spheres of Members’ quality of life, business ethic, ties to the community and environmental preservation.


fast news•awards and distinctions

Professional of the Year The Entrepreneurial Leader of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, Benedicto Junior, was honored as the 2013 Executive of the Year by the Brazilian Institute of Finance Executives (IBEF) Rio de Janeiro Chapter. During a ceremony held on January 29 that was attended by 300 people, including both executives from major companies and authorities of the Rio de Janeiro government, Benedicto Junior received

de Janeiro for 45 years, working to always follow the principles of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO),” said Pedro Novis. Márcio Fortes, Chair of the IBEF-Rio Board of Directors, revealed that the tribute was granted primarily due to Odebrecht’s transparency in terms of its attitudes, capacity to resolve adverse situations and its persistence in achieving its goals. He further stated that the Organization knows

the “Equilibrist” trophy. “The award is not recognition for the work of one executive alone, but rather Odebrecht’s entrepreneurial culture and the people that practice it each day as they work to fulfill the dreams of clients and the communities in which the projects are developed,” said the leader. His “godfather” at the ceremony was Pedro Novis, CEO of Organization from 2001 to 2008 and currently member of the Odebrecht S.A. Board of Directors, who congratulated Benedicto Junior and thanked IBEF for awarding the executive and the Organization. “Odebrecht has been present in Rio

how to identify and develop the qualities that are necessary of company leaders. The Executive of the Year award has existed for 25 years. Among those who have already received the trophy are Maria das Graças Fortes, currently CEO of Petrobras; Edson de Godoy Bueno, founder of the health insurance provider Amil; Roberto Ramos, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Oil and Gas; Fábio Barbosa, former Financial Director at Vale, and Armínio Fraga, former CEO of the Brazilian Central Bank and partner at the investment company Gávea Investimentos.

Pedro Novis and Benedicto Junior together with Armínio Fraga and Márcio Fortes. The voting process that defines Executive of the Year involves the participation of the IBEF Board of Trustees, and is based on nominations by its members


Our Culture, Our Brand Brand Quiz USE OF THE BRAND ON SEALS Certain guidelines should be followed when applying the Odebrecht logo to create seals for our programs. Which one of the choices reveals the error when creating the seal below?


Award (Fictitious award)

a) The Odebrecht brand should not be used inside a composition (between two elements). b) The seal should not contain images, only text. c) The logo can be used inside a composition, granted that the reserved area is preserved. d) When the brand is used, the seal text must be written in the Odebrecht font.

Click here and answer now *Find out the correct answer here




debrecht Agroindustrial received its fourth Bonsucro international certificate, which attests to sustainable practices and gives the company permission to export sugarcane derivatives to European Union and Asian countries. In 2014, the Morro Vermelho unit, located in Mineiros, Goiás, earned the certificate and joined the already certified Rio Claro unit, located in Goiás, and Conquista do Pontal and Alcídia units, both located in São Paulo. The Bonsucro certificate requires


companies to comply with all applicable laws, while also respecting human and labor rights, guaranteeing production sustainability, preserving biodiversity and ecosystem services, and also ensuring the productivity and continuous improvement of their production processes. Carla Pires, responsible for Sustainability at Odebrecht Agroindustrial, emphasized: “The Morro Vermelho unit certification reaffirms the possibility for agroindustrial production on a wide scale and in a competitive and

The volume of certified sugarcane at the Morro Vermelho unit is approximately 765,000 tons per harvest, equivalent to 82,000 liters of ethanol

sustainable fashion, while also meeting national and international production, environmental protection and social responsibility standards.” Together, the four units produce a total volume of 3.85 million tons of certified sugarcane per harvest. For Celso Ferreira, responsible for Operations and Engineering at Odebrecht Agroindustrial, the achievement also represents an important recognition for the company. “This confirms the commitment we have maintained since our foundation in

2007 to sustainable production and best agroindustrial practices,” said Ferreira.

SUM OF ALL ACHIEVEMENTS Odebrecht Agroindustrial is also working to obtain other certifications in international markets. Its nine units received the RFS2 (Renewable Fuel Standard), a registration issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that attests to sustainable production based on North American standards and authorizes the sale of ethanol to the United States.


fastnews•people news•people fast

From Books to Practice

The Vacation Internship Program lasts one month. The initiative is also promoted at other Odebrecht Infrastructure Brazil projects

Experiencing what was learned in the classroom during the university course. This was the experience of six students who participated in the Vacation Internship Program in January. It is an initiative promoted by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, at the Teles Pires Hydroelectric Power Plant in Mato Grosso. The program establishes partnerships with teaching institutions in Brazil in order to offer students an internship opportunity during the


vacation period established by the university calendar. The Vacation Internship was also developed with aims of offering students the opportunity to experience the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) by working together and interacting with Odebrecht leaders and Members. Of those students who participated in 2014, three are from the Civil Engineering course, two from the Mechanical Engineering course and one from the Business Administration course.

fast news•social actions

Change for the Better In Venezuela, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America delivered the new head office of the Consuelo Navas Tovar Educational Unit to the community of Petare in Miranda. The teaching institution was located in the area where the Bolivariano Cable Train will soon pass – a new means of public transport currently under construction in the state. The school delivery ceremony was led

by the President of the Miranda State Development Corporation, Elías Jaua, as well as Venezuela’s Minister of Land Transport, Haiman El Troudi. With the unit’s inauguration at a new site, the former building will be demolished to continue with the construction work for the second phase of the Cable Train project, primarily the 24 de Julio Station.

The school now has a computer room, chemistry laboratory, kitchen and cafeteria, courts for practicing sports, leisure areas, a children’s park, library and nurse’s station, among other spaces


Tribute to the Future

Making Dreams Come True


n 2 01 3 , t h e c a m p a i g n fo r t h e Tr i b u te to t h e Fu tu re p ro g ra m e n ga ge d 7 , 524 i nve s to rs , i n c l u d i n g O d e b re c h t M e m b e rs a n d p a rt n e r c o m p a n i e s . Th e i n i t i a t i ve c o l l e c te d m o re t h a n R$ 5.6 million, which will be i nve s te d to s u p p o rt s o m e 4 0 , 0 0 0 p e o p l e e i t h e r d i re c t l y o r i n d i re c t l y. “ Th e re s u l t wa s a c h i eve d t h ro u g h t h e e n ga ge m e n t o f t h e E n t re p re n e u r i a l Le a d e rs a n d t h e i r te a m s a n d t h e S p i r i t


o f S e rv i c e o f t h e Age n ts o f t h e Fu tu re - vo l u n te e rs w h o s e rve a s fa c i l i ta to rs i n t h e O rga n i z a t i o n’ s d i f fe re n t B u s i n e s s e nv i ro n m e n ts , ” s a i d C l ov i s Fa l e i ro J r. , l e a d e r o f Tr i b u te to t h e Fu tu re a n d t h e I n s t i tu t i o n a l Re l a t i o n s a re a a t t h e O d e b re c h t Fo u n d a t i o n . “ Fo r 2 01 4 , we ex p e c t to ra i s e R $ 7 . 5 m i l l i o n a n d b e n e fi t m o re t h a n 5 0 , 0 0 0 c h i l d re n a n d a d o l e s ce nts fro m t h e B a h i a So u t h e rn Lowl a n d s regi o n . I t i s s afe to s ay t h at Tri b u te to t h e

Students of the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family Home. Tribute to the Future works to promote quality rural education and the professional training of youth from the Bahia Southern Lowlands

Fu tu re h a s b e co m e t h e l a rge s t p rivate i n i t i at ive p rogra m to re ce ive i n co m e tax d e d u c t i b l e d o n at i o n s fo r s o c i a l p ro j e c ts , � e m p h a s i ze d Fa l e i ro . Wi t h Tr i b u te to t h e Fu tu re , i nve s to rs c a n c o n t r i b u te towa rd a c t i o n s a s s o c i a te d with the Bahia Southern Low l a n d s E nv i ro n m e n ta l P ro te c t i o n A re a M o s a i c P ro g ra m fo r D eve l o p m e n t a n d G row t h I n te g ra te d w i t h S u s ta i n a b i l i ty ( P D C I S ) t h a t p ro m o te q u a l i ty r u ra l

e d u c a t i o n a n d t h e p ro fe s s i o n a l t ra i n i n g o f yo u n g ta l e n ts f ro m t h e re g i o n . S u p p o rte d by t h e O d e b re c h t Fo u n d a t i o n a n d p u b l i c a n d p r i va te p a rt n e rs , t h e te a c h i n g i n s t i tu t i o n s i n te g ra te d w i t h P D C I S h ave m a d e a d i f fe re n c e i n t h e c o m m u n i t i e s i n w h i c h t h ey o p e ra te . Learn more about the Tribute to the Future program: www.tributoaofuturo.com.br


Members from the Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil PROSUB Naval Shipyard and Base in Rio de Janeiro: o contrato arrecadou R$ 199.194 para o Tributo ao Futuro

COMMITMENT TO THE FUTURE For the second time, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil led the participation in Tribute to the Future. During the 2013 campaign, the business raised R$ 1.24 million with the support of 3,090 investors, including both individuals and companies. For Benedicto Junior, Entrepreneurial Leader, the success is the result of the joint efforts of those people involved. “Our teams and their leaders, who became engaged with the program, deserve the recognition for this achievement,” said Junior. “We hope that we can beat this record once again in 2014.” With the challenge of maintaining its leadership in 2013, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil recorded a 39.74% growth in fundraising and a 110.63% growth in Member mobilization compared to the previous year.


Learn more about the history of the Odebrecht Organization, which began in the mid-19th century. Over the decades, a small company grew, consolidated its place in Brazil and also expanded into five continents. Embark on a journey through time. Access: www.odebrecht.com/culturaodebrecht/

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