Final textbook period 5

Page 1

Dawn of Civilization

Producing, consuming, and exchanging The Main idea:

â—? Human life changed dramatically with trade by it allowing people to work on what they wanted and still get their necessities

Key Terms:

Trade ăƒť Bartering

Trade Trade is the action of exchanging something to receive something else. It has been used since the birth of civilization to help supply people with their needs. It allowed people to have jobs that they are experts at and helps to advance civilization.

In the beginning‌ Trade began to be used after civilization was created. Trade was first used at around the middle of the third millennium BC. It first began as bartering. Bartering is when an object is traded for another but this method terminated because it was inefficient. This method is is inaccurate and the conditions must be perfect in order to trade. For example, if someone had a surplus of rice and they needed a silk shirt, the person that they will trade with must need rice and have a silk shirt. Then, people began to use a currency. This made it easier to understand the value of each product and easier to trade. A currency allowed for trade to occur at any time because with a currency, a trade can be accepted at any time. With the money that they get from a trade, they can use to trade for their necessities. After currencies were created, trade became easier accomplish. This form of trade is the form that is currently used today to buy and sell products.

The connection of trade and civilizations Trade was used in the beginning of civilization as tool to supply people with the resources that they needed in order to survive. When civilization began, people started to develop specialization also known as jobs. Jobs allowed people to work on one task alone. But with jobs, people could not get all of the resources necessary alone so they traded in order to get them what they needed from other people. For example, since farmers grow crops and blacksmiths make tools, the relied on each other for their necessities. The farmer will need tools to harvest their crop and the blacksmith will need food to eat. When someone lacks on one resource but has a surplus in another, they would find someone to trade with to give their surplus and receive their necessities. Trade was use by early civilizations as a tool to level out the resources among civilization.

Trade being used by early civilization Trade has been around since the beginning of civilization. It came about once people learned how to farm. Farming caused surplus of food and so not everyone in the city had to be a farmer. This then caused specialization which is also known as jobs. People made their products in surplus with that one job. Then, people trade their products that they made for other products that they needed such as clothes for farmer and food for blacksmiths. This began as battering but then evolved with the use of currencies. People would also began to transport their products across the globe to trade with other countries. Over time this became more efficient and trading became easier and more efficient.

Trade today Trade from when it first began has changed in some ways to what it is today. Other ways it has stayed completely the same. Trade is still the exchanging of good but with a few changes. Also, trade routes are still used. But, trade has change in the sense that today people use a currency instead of bartering like people did in the beginning. The currency use today is paper and coins made of metals. This currency helps measure the value in each product unlike they way people traded when trade began. Battering was difficult in the sense that people had to come up with the value at the time of the trade. This may have cause controversy among the trades to find a fair price. Also, trade has become international due to the technology that is provided today. It has allowed people to ship good across the globe in a very short amount of time. In the past, it took a much longer time to ship goods from one destination to another because in order to ship products, they needed to walk them to their desired destination. Lastly, trade today is also shipped in very large quantities. People today ship goods on large boats (such as the picture above), planes, or trucks. These vehicles make it easy to move many products from one place to another. Unlike today, in the beginning of trade, products were moved on camels and so not a lot can be carried at one. This limited the amount that they can bring at a time. Theses changes have made trade dramatically more efficient.

The history of trade 3000 BC : The beginning of trade 3000 BC : Currency developed 3000-1000 BC : Waterborne traffic 1000 BC : Pheniciens 0 - 100 AC : Silk road 1400 AC : Colombian trade 1600 - 1700 : Triangular trade 1910s AC : Cargo planes 1950s AC : Container ships 1970s AC : Internet trade Works cited

Currency Cloud. "The Evolution of International Trade and Modern Day Trade Routes." Powering Global Payments. Currency Cloud, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>. Digital image. AncientHistoryLists., 05 Mar. 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>. Digital image. Theme by Sextlouis. Tumblr, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>. Gustav Bauernfeind. Market in Jaffa. Digital image. Aurlaea RSS. Aurlaea, 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>. "HISTORY OF TRADE." HISTORY OF TRADE. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2016. Ir. "The Achaemenid Empire 550–330 BC." Pinterest. Ir, n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. Karpiel, Frank, Kathleen Krull, and Grant P. Wiggins. MyWorld History. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2012. Print. Rafabordes. Digital image. Free Photo: Dawn, Sun, Ray Of Sunshine, Light. Pixabay, 12 Oct. 2015. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>. @RussiaInsider. Digital image. Russia-China Trade. Russia Insider, 13 July 2015. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>.


Mesopotamia (from the Greek, meaning 'between two rivers’) was an ancient region in the eastern Mediterranean which is now modern day Iran .Unlike the more unified civilizations of Egypt or Greece, Mesopotamia was a collection of varied cultures whose only real bonds were their script. Even so, Mesopotamia is known as the “cradle of civilization” primarily because of two developments that occurred there, in the region of Sumer, in the 4th millennium *BCE:The temple, at the center of every city (often on a raised platform), symbolized the importance of the city’s patron deity who would also be worshipped by whatever communities that city presided over. Mesopotamia gave birth to the world’s first cities which were largely built of sun-dried brick. Mesopotamia is known as the ‘’Cradle of civilization”.

Roman Architecture Definition: The art of designing and constructing buildings

1. Architecture became a part of civilization because the Roman people wanted buildings designed to be impressive when viewed from outside because their architects all had to rely on building in a post-and-lintel system. 2. The Romans used architecture and aesthetics to symbolize their power, mark land, for other civilizations to see they are in Roman land. They also used their own form of aesthetics and architecture because it was what people liked and wanted their homes to look like as it was how kingdoms and important Roman buildings were like and it also was a sign of wealth towards other people.



4. In the past buildings were specifically made in certain ways because they need the house to be able to survive. They made certain parts of the house for certain occasions along for rituals and religious traits. Examples of religious buildings are the Parthenon, the pantheon, and the Chartres Cathedral. In modern times people use modern architecture to make their houses and the style of house doesn't matter towards survival but more towards opinion and preference.


10th millennium BC, when the first permanent structures were built.

Greek architects created the first three orders of classical architecture, Ionic, Corinthian, and Doric.

The Romans invent the Tuscan and Composite which are more ornamental than the first three classical orders invented by the greeks.

Timeline cont.

The Mayans begin to build famous buildings such as Temple IV the 65 - metre high at Tikal.

The first skyscraper is built. The ten story Home Insurance building built in 1885

The Burj Khalifa is built and is named the world's largest skyscraper in 2004.


@ahencyclopedia. "Roman Architecture." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 05 Oct. 2013. Web. 09 Nov. 2016 @ahencyclopedia. "Greek Architecture." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 06 Jan. 2013. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Dawn of Civilizations Unit Task (1)." Issuu. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. N.d. Flickr. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. N.d. Web..


Communication is a form of connection between any living thing and another one. Communication started in life since the first animal on earth was born. Every animal needs to communicate because otherwise nobody would be able to work together. Every living thing has its own way of communicating to its species. Different animals make different sounds. Humans realized that they needed their own form of communicating in order to survive, so they started creating an alphabet for a new language. Once they all knew their language, everything they did was together instead of alone. Everything they did each day became faster and better than before because of communication. Humans had created the ability to know what someone was doing just by hearing them say it.

Utilization and Reflection

Humans used communication to create oral traditions, mark what something contained, and to record data or important events. Through communication they could start religions, beliefs, or laws so that every person would know what to do. When every person just did what they thought of and nothing else, it was complete chaos. Communication provided order allowing the space to make a set of rules and each single person’s opinion to be heard. Things weren’t just spoken though because the people created a written language to match their spoken one. That is how writing was formed. Through writing, people could mark an object to show what that object contains. Also, writing is one of the most important things in history, because writing is how history was recorded in the first place. Archaeologists have to guess what happened before writing because there is no way of knowing for sure. The early humans must have really needed a way for everyone to understand each other. Before languages were created, people probably believed in the same religion but there was no way for them to know that until they communicated to each other. The people were wanting to be together so they created a way.


cave paintings - written language - mail - newspaper - radio - email mobile phones - internet - social media









modern communication

One of the earliest forms of communication is writing and simple verbal language. They were essential tools for man to survive and evolve. Writing when it was created was very crude. It was mostly using styluses to write on clay or some other material. Writing was really a way for people to be able to know what was happening or had happened. However, communication had to evolve along with people and so it did. Simple man and simple writing turned into civilized, modern man and the internet and social media. Internet and social media were revolutionary things for communication. They both allowed people not to have to be in the same place to communicate faster with each other. With both the internet and social media people could post something like a message or a picture and let someone anywhere in the world see that post on their device. Primitive writing and language developed over time to make everyone more connected with each other and to help globalize the world.


"Ancient History Encyclopedia." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. Cave painting photo. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. "Communication." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. "Communication." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. Email picture. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. Example of written language. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. Internet pic. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. Mail pic. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. Mobile phones pic. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. Newspaper photo. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. Radio picture. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016. Social media pic. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2016.

Section 1

Religion In Civilizations Key Ideas Religion played an important role in the culture of different civilizzations

Religion in the past was much different and simpler than more modern religion

Birth of Religion

The first type of religious practices detected were during the Paleolithic Era. This era is also known as the Old Stone Age. Archeologists have found evidence of burial of the dead during this time period. Grave goods were buried along with the dead. This proves that they believed in some sort of afterlife. Many researchers also believe that early man believed in animal gods and animism. Their religion came directly from their hunter-gatherer culture where they hunted big animals for food. So, they began to praise the animal gods for better game or earth gods for good weather. ―――― Neolithic Era

Religion shifted slightly during the Neolithic Era. This era

was also known as the New Stone Age. This era was home to the birth of agriculture. The homo sapiens living at this time adapted from being hunter-gatherers to a new lifestyle.


Instead of living a nomadic lifestyle, always on the search for food, homo sapiens began to settle and farm crops for food. Plants were domesticated and used in farms. Small farming settlements were established, and they grew into small civilizations. This change in culture also caused a change in religion. People living in the civilizations began to praise earthly gods to help them get better crops for that season. They most likely had gods for the sun or rain to help improve the growth of whatever crops were growing. ―――― Bronze Age

One of the main religions of

the Bronze Age was of the Ancient Egyptian civilization. The capital of ancient Egypt was founded by King Menes around 3000 BC. Most people atAnthis time were artist’s depiction of the farmers that lived in small villages. They tookfarmers. advantage of Neolithic the Nile River because it flooded once every year and that provided irrigation for the farmland. The people living in this civilization practiced their own religion. They praised many different gods like Ra, Anubis, and Osiris. Animal sacrifice was used as worship for their gods. Also, it was believed that Egypt belonged to these gods, and the Pharaohs were a representation of these Gods on Earth. They were treated like rulers of Egypt, and maybe

even like gods. Part of their belief was the afterlife. It was considered that the god Anubis weighed the souls of the dead against a feather. And if your soul was heavier than the feather, meaning that you did many wrong things, there would be consequences in the afterlife. They believed that the afterlife was just like the one we live in, so the dead were buried with grave goods. ―――― Abrahamic Religions

Judaism began about 4000 years ago in the Middle East.

The belief began with the Hebrew people living in the area of Israel. Abraham was a Hebrew man that had a close relation to God, and he is known for being the father of the Jewish faith. This is because he was the one who began to promote God’s words, and he shared that there was only one God. Back then, the people believed in many gods, but he began the Jewish faith. God told Abraham that his children would have their own Promised Land. God also gave an Israelite called Moses the Ten Commandments that the Jewish people would follow, and are an important part of their faith. The Jewish religion was split in around 30 AD. The Jewish people believed that a Messiah would come. He would be their savior and liberator that would guide them in their faith. When Jesus was about 30 years old, the Christians were the ones who believed that Jesus was the Messiah. Jesus was prosecuted because the Jews did not believe he

was the Messiah. He was crucified, and from that moment on the sign of the cross became a symbol for the Christian faith. The Islam faith believes that Jesus was one of the prophets, but not the one Messiah. Unlike the Christian faith, the Islamic faith does not consider Jesus as God.

An artist’s depiction of Abraham (left) and Jesus being crucified (right)

Works Cited "Judaism: Background, Basic Beliefs and Sacred Texts." URI Kids. United Religions Initiative, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Karpiel, Frank, Kathleen Krull, and Grant P. Wiggins. "Cities and Civilizations." MyWorld History. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2012. 90-97. Print. "Prehistoric Religion." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. Typical Crucifixion scene. Digital image. Defenders of the Catholic Faith Hosted by Stephen K Ray RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

Communication - Writing Writing is a sequence of words, letters or symbols, that translate a meaning. An example of a cuneiform wedge

Cuneiform The earliest known form of writing is cuneiform. Cuneiform was symbols or, pictograms, drawn onto a wedge of soft clay with a reed. Cuneiform was invented by the ancient Sumerians, who lived in the city of Mesopotamia. It was used to record laws and religious stories. It was also used by mapmakers and scholars to make maps.

Uses With hierarchy came different knowledge of writing. The lower class civilians only needed to know a basic form of cuneiform. An example is a letter to a fellow civilian. The higher ups in the hierarchy like the scholars and the doctors had to know cuneiform for medical notes and books. This form of living showed that they had a cultured way of life with a hierarchy and with proper job specialization.

Writing - Timeline

39,000 BCE Pictographs were symbols used to communicate a meaning

2,000 BCE

38,000 BCE

3250 BCE

Cave Paintings Egyptian Found on the Hieroglyphs were Walls of caves and symbols similar to Depicted a story Pictograms, but could depict gods and certain meanings. 700 BCE 1992 AC

Petroglyphs These were similar to paintings, however, they were writing carved into the walls.

The Latin Alphabet - an old alphabet and was widely changed throughout the years

Texting - used to communicate over long distances almost immediately

Connections to Modern Time Writing began as a simple tool to record information and data. Over time,writing has evolved as a means of expressing oneself and is used for communication. In modern day, phones and laptops can be used for texting, a form of digital writing that can be sent across the globe. Similar to pictograms, symbols are being used more often, called emojis, that can represent a certain emotion. Writing has evolved into a more digital version of itself. "Cave Painting." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>. "Cuneiform Script." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. <>. "FIRST CIVILIZATIONS: MESOPOTAMIA AND EGYPT." FIRST CIVILIZATIONS: MESOPOTAMIA AND EGYPT. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. <>. "History of the Latin Alphabet." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>. Langmann, Cassie. "Cuneiform and the Sumerians | 3,000 BC." Cassie Langmann Portfolio:. N.p., 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. <>. "Petroglyph." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>. "Prehistoric Pictographs." Pictographs, Prehistoric Pictorial Symbols: Types, Meaning. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>.

Education in Ancient Civilizations

This is Cuneiform, the first form of writing.

As Civilizations spread across the world, so did education. In this section, you will read how education had evolved from thousands of years ago.

Education is the process receiving or giving systematic instructions.

First Forms Of Writing Education has shaped civilization in many different ways. Education became major when the first form of writing was invented, the cuneiform. After this, many other civilizations had invented writing. Civilizations had been shaped greatly due to the fact that Writing was invented. Using writing, life had greatly changed in many different ways.

Development of Education Education had developed greatly over the years,because now we do not need to hunt, gather, farm, survive, and etc. Because of education, most humans now can read or write, and have freedom. Education had changed civilizations in many positive ways.

Different Types of Education In Different Civilizations Education differed in ancient civilizations in many ways. Mainly, it was the boys that had rich families that went to school and learned maths, arts and more. Education in Civilizations In Ancient Greece, boys from wealthy families went, and were often sent there by slaves. School was harsh and students were often beaten. Some students learned things such as reading, writing, arithmetic, poetry, and music. Ancient greek architecture→ A statue of a Spartan soldier

Education in Sparta was extremely harsh. Just at the age of 7, boys are sent to barracks to train, to be great soldiers. Most of the time, they were not given enough food, so they will learn how to steal, or be cunning. Mainly, it was to survive. For girls they learn physical education to stay fit. The two genders’ schools were both very harsh.


- Lambert, By Tim. "A BRIEF HISTORY OF EDUCATION." A History of Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. <>. - "Writing Cuneiform." Khan Academy. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2016. - Duenas-Lozada, Isabella. "Why Writing Is Good Therapy." Odyssey. N.p., 21 Dec. 2015. Web. 07 Nov. 2016. - "Ancient Greece." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. - "Sparta." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. - "Ancient Sparta." Education in Ancient Athens and. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. - Staff. "Sparta." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. - "Education in Ancient Greece." History Link 101. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016.

n Ancient Recreation In ancient civilizations, there was very different ways of recreation than what we have today. Different games were played there, and the lifestyles of the people were completely different.

Mesopotamia Recreation in Mesopotamia is one of its kind. Recreation is an activity done for enjoyment. In Mesopotamia, which was in the current Middle East, played some sports and games that were possible to do in the area. One sport was wrestling, fighting which is still played today. Also, in this area, a sport similar to polo was played. In this game, people would try to knock each other of of their ride, which in this case, was another man besides a horse. Board games were also used, they were a popular part way of leisure recreation.

Picture made in Mesopotamia of the sport similar to polo.

The Ancient Egyptian hockey sport is pictured above.

Egypt In Ancient Egypt, civilians greatly relied on their resources. Hunting and fishing were common ways of recreation here, because rivers and seas were common along with vast fields of grass and desert to hunt. People here played sports as well, such as a game similar to hockey, where players would push around a small, leather ball with palm fronds. Because of their hunting skills, people were good at archery, which was a very competitive sport. But the upper class played a different sport which is still popular today, swimming. Princes were the only to have pools built for them, the rest swam in the calm Nile River, which had crocodiles, which were a big threat to these people.

This is an artists view of the Greek Olympics. This is a map of Ancient Greece.

Greece In Ancient Greece, the main part of their recreation was the sports played in the Olympics. In these Olympics, sports like chariot races and archery were played. The Olympics today is based off of this part of ancient recreation, except today we play different sports. People in Greece played sports that they could play using the resources that were accessible to them, such as wood and leather. They could make their chariots out of wood, and balls out of leather and other materials that they could reach within the area. Spears and bows and arrows were common weapons and game tools. In chariots, players could throw spears or arrows at other chariots to slow them down or to stop the other player from moving. These games were typically very rough, just like many original sports.

These are pictures of ancient sports evolved to what we have today. The sports are hockey,(top left) polo,(top right) swimming, (bottom left) and the olympics. (bottom right)

Recreation Today Today, sports and games have evolved from what they used to be, such as swimming races, hockey, boxing, and polo. Originally in Egypt, a hockey related game was played on the ground, but the game of hockey today is played on ice with specially designed sticks and a puck. Today, we have more resources than the Egyptians had, they did not have the technology to get the materials we have today. Once man found a better way to play “polo” than on another’s back, we changed the game up a little bit. Horses were used for a lot more than just sports and gaming, they became useful for transportation and even warfare. Ancient board games and toys have evolved, certain balls have been modified to be used in sports. Board games have changed up too, as many companies have taken the original games and changed up rules to make their own. Today’s Olympics has evolved from Greece, today different countries compete in different sports, and the winner gets to show the ability of their

References "Ancient Egyptian Recreation." Ancient Egyptian Recreation. SBI!, n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. "Recreation -" Recreation - N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. “Atletismo.”, Blogger, “Africanhistofsport.”, Twitter, “Atletismo.”, Blogger, “Egyptians - Who Killed the Human Figure.”, Weebly, “European Mountain Town Tirol.”, Shutterstock, “Farheen Kahn.”, TwiCopy, “File:Ancientgreekdialects.”, Wikimedia Commons, “Geography - Infogram, Charts.”, Inforgram, “Neolithic Age/Flint--Neolithic Tools.”, Pinterest, “oatsteamgen1.”, Google , “Other People, on Back and Horses.”, Pinterest, “Storia Dello Sport : Hockey.”, Associazione Italiana Cultura Sport, “Teo-Neol 3D (2014) Watch Hd Online.” Www.hereifiles.0v8.Ga, Hereifiles, “Usain Bolt Mph.”, Bleacher Report, Egyptian Police Leaders.”, Haiku Deck,

Government Why is government important? Government is the form or system of rule by which a state, community, etc is governed. A normal government consists of senators, politicians, president, vice president, cabinet, supreme court justices, etc. Most modern day governments are democracies. A democracy is a form of government in which the people choose the leaders by voting. Government is a very vital aspect in society. It has been used for thousands of years in many places.

Government has been used for thousands of years to keep a city/ state in order. Without government, countries wouldn’t be organized and laws wouldn’t exist so there wouldn’t be any order in a nation. King Hammurabi

The First Governments Mesopotamia Mesopotamia was an early civilization located where modern day Iraq is located today and was ruled by priests. The people of Mesopotamia only had their religion, laws, social customs, and attitude towards women in common. Mesopotamia was the first government and monarchy. Each city in Mesopotamia was ruled by a king. The king of each city created their own rules for that city. The laws they created reflected on what they thought would be beneficial for the people. For example, Babylon was ruled by King

Greece Greece is a country located in Europe. It is known as the first democracy. A democracy is a form of government where the people get to vote for the leaders. The first democracy in Greece started in 507 BC by an Athenian leader named named Cleisthenes. The first democracy only gave men the right to vote, freedom of speech, and the right to participate in political areas. Women had no rights and were not considered citizens of the state. Some women weren’t even allowed in some parts of their homes. Also, the citizens participate in a democracy where they could govern the way they lived, but they also participated in the institutions that governed them.

These were the early priests

Early Kings and Priests Before kings came to power, priests were the rulers. Priests started gradually stepping out of power because they couldn’t control the people as best as the kings could. The priests decided who would be the leaders when that city/state was in war and they also depicted the laws. Usually after a war occurred, that military leader would have to step out of power and resume their life back to normal.

Timeline In 1789 George Washington became the first president of the USA and in all of history.

In 1792 BC king Hammarubi went into reign In 4000 BC priests were ruling all of Mesopotamia

In 508 BC Cleisthenes became the first king of Greece

Modern Day Government Most of the modern day governments are democracies. Today, each country that is a democracy is lead by their president that the people vote for. Each election to elect people in the government occurs fairly. The US is a country that has the most freedom and has a government that can not take over the country. The government is made up of 3 branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislative branch writes and makes the laws. The executive branch executes and enforces the laws. Lastly, the judicial branch makes sure that the laws are constitutional. Governments have grown and developed since the early ones. The US government has grown because over the years the population has increased and the wealth of the citizens have also increased. Because of this, we need more people in the government managing the nation. Finally, the government has also opened more positions such as senators, secretary Barack of state, and vice president. Obama, who is the current president of

References @ahencyclopedia. "Mesopotamia." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 02 Sept. 2009. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. "Barack Obama.", n.d. Web. 2016. "Early Priests." N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2016. Gardner, Paul. King Hammurabi. 2010. N.p. "George Washington.", n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Government." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2016. "Greece." History of Greece. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2016. Staff. "Ancient Greek Democracy." A&E Television Networks, 2010. Web. 06 Nov. 2016. "Priests.", n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Sites, By Google. "Mesopotamia - 6th Grade Social Studies." Mesopotamia - 6th Grade Social Studies. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. "White House.", n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

Early Transportation Words to look for: Transport: To take or carry goods from one place to another. Pack Animal: any domesticated animal that is used to carry freight, supplies, or goods.


he first form of transportation was of course the human foot. Imagine walking around 300 miles to get to Orlando from Miami, it's definitely not a relaxing 4 hours in a car. The Sledge: 7000-4000

BC From the beginning of human history, people have dragged heavy loads. The natural solution was for early humans to build a sledge. Wooden Sledges were first known among hunting and fishing communities on the fringes of the Arctic, where ice covered the ground allowing the sledges to slide. It is possible that early humans used animals to pull the sledges, but the technology is still advanced enough to move with out an animal pulling it.

Early Transportation Words to look for: Pack Animal: any domesticated animal that is used to carry freight, supplies, or goods.

Animals as The donkey and the horse are the Transportation

first known pack animals having been in use as early as 3500 BC. Slightly after came the camel then then the pack animals kept adding up. Each animal was used for a certain terrain, for example the camel was used in desserts, and the mule and horse were used in mountainous terrain. The animals were used to carry loads, possibly sleds, and as soon as the wheel and wagon was invented they pulled that to.

The Wheel About 3500 BC the wheel was invented in what is now Iraq. At first wheels were made of solid pieces of wood lashed together to form a circle, but after 2000 BC they were made with spokes.

The Wagon Early Transportation More than 5000 years ago near what is now zurich the wagon was invented. Two pairs of wooden wheels each attached to an axle which turns them. It is the earliest example of wheeled transportation. Soon after it was invented humans used horses to pull it.

Early Water Transportation The earliest boats were dug out canoes. People lit a fire on a big log then put it out and dug out the burned wood. About 3100 BC the Egyptians invented the sailing boat. They were made of bundles of papyrus reeds tied together. They had simple square sails which could only be used when sailing in one direction and when traveling against the wind the boat had to be rowed.

Transportation Roads Until the 1600s most roads were just dirt tracks. It wasn't until 1663 that the first roads and turnpikes opened, but you had to pay to use them. They became far more common in the 18th century

Evolving to Modern Transportation

Soon after roads were invented transportation started to evolve fast. In the mid 19th century transportation was revolutionized by railways. Meanwhile at sea transport was revolutionized by the steam boat. Finally at the end of the 19th century the first cars appeared, then planes in 1903, and now all that was left was to revolutionize the designs of each form of transportation. Till this day transportation is still evolving and probably won't stop anytime soon.


Resources HISTORY OF TRANSPORT AND TRAVEL. (n.d.). Retrieved from 79

A BRIEF HISTORY OF TRANSPORT. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Girls and.. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Activities of Civilization Protecting and Conserving Lesson Explanation:

In this lesson the reader will learn about the evolution of the protection of humans and the evolution of conserving. KEYWORDS: Protection, conserving, resources, common knowledge

Protection :The action of protecting someone or something, or the state of being protected. As the civilizations grew, protection became a part of civilizations as humans starting fighting each other for resources such as food, land, tools, and other important and useful resources. In the early ages, they did not have the military, every man had to protect himself. Protection is a way to keep someone or yourself from harm. In the early ages they used protection as a way to keep their families, and resources from harm. Conserving is how they kept their food and tools from the outside world. Protection was used so people could survive. It was a natural thing that all humans just had the common knowledge to do. . Conserving was used so humans could keep their food, tools, clothing and other resources from other people so no one would steal it, or to keep it in a safe place so it lasts longer. Protection became a long lasting necessity because men needed to protect themselves to survive. If a human did not protect themselves from the outside world, they would be dead. Conserving became a long lasting necessity because it was the only way to keep their food and other resources for a long period of time without being stolen or other mishaps.

Usage and Culture Early civilizations used protection by creating tools to protect themselves and defend themselves. If they did not have tools to defend themselves they could not successfully protect themselves, other people, or items. Self protection is common knowledge that early man used on a day to day basis to survive. Protection and conservation shows people about the culture of early man by the way early man protected themselves, and conserved their items. Early man protected themselves before they had tools and the military to help themselves.

Did you know? Due to the population density, not a lot of armed conflict went on.

Protecting and Conserving Part 2 Paleolithic Era There is no evidence of man vs. man violence during this era, so they did not need a military quite yet.

Evolution of protection Neolithic Era Evidence proves that warfare was present in many neolithic cities.

Men used tools, and other useful weapons to fight against other people.

Paleolithic Era (Later Man started fighting on) The development of together, instead of the throwing spear, made every man for himself. violence between between hunting parties very dangerous. Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals began to fight for resources, making warfare more common

Past to Present The aspect of protecting and conserving has changed greatly. Early man had to protect themselves, until they assembled the military. Today, humans can protect themselves from the safety of their own home. The present has the privilege of having police to protect them, as well as a well organized military. Early man conserved things by hiding them and keeping them from the outside world, and today humans can conserve things by keeping them in a safe, a fridge if its food, and many other ways with the evolution of technology. These aspects have evolved with the evolution of technology, and how men behaved and survived.

Modern Times: Today men use the Military to fight threats with high technology such as tanks and machine guns.

Man created the Military, and wars had started to begin, and the Military become the number one go to source during war.

Resources: "Food, Clothing and Shelter." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. "Military History." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. N.p., n.d. Web. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Prehistoric Warfare." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. Eddie, Written By, Written By Oliver, Written By Faisal, and Written By Chad. "Unfinished Man - Page 3 of 792 - Men's Lifestyle and Entertainment." Unfinished Man. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Business Insider." Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "EBay Data, EBay Research, Best Things to Sell - Terapeak." EBay Data, EBay Research, Best Things to Sell - Terapeak. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Icons Etc." Icons Etc. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. " - BED * BFRB * STIGMA." BingeBehaviorcom. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

Education Now education, in majority of places are mandatory. In the old days only the high society, like kings, could be educated. With the rise of more complex civilizations, the technique of teaching directly person to person became harder to do. That is why the invention of writing, reading, and schools came. Education is learning the belief that people can be more and an activity that wants to help people to live their lives the best way that they can.

Education Back Then Education back then was very different as what it is today. Now people use education to get into a good college, to have a good job, and have a nice life. Back then the objective of education in some places was to survive, but in others it was to become more advanced in the world to become smarter. For example in Sparta their goal for education was to produce strong citizens trained in the arts of fighting, and to also prepare citizens for war. Now the goal is very different. Although the purpose of education is different now, people still learn most of the same subjects. Back then people studied math, writing, reading, and public speaking. We still do that today. Education back then showed that people wanted to be smarter and learn more.

Education Now

Education now is very different. Now instead of using wax covered board and a stylist, people use tablets or a pen/pencil to write and paper to write on. People have schools with a lot of teachers and faculty. Some people are home schooled and are taught by a parent or tutor. Back then people did not have a choice. It was either you had the money to study and go to a school or you do not have enough money and you had to learn by your parent or not learn at all. This society is very different. For example in America it is a law that a child has to go to school until they are 15.

Greek Education

Key Word: Lyre

One of the first people that experienced education were the Greeks. Their was a tremendous difference between being a boy and a girl with education. Boys in Greek were taught at home until they were six years old, and then they went to school. They went to school to learn how to read, write, and learned how to play a musical instrument. They were taught how to play the flute or the lyre. A lyre is a stringed instrument shaped like a U, with strings fixed to a crossbar. Children also learned how to read poetry, learn how to debate, and how to give a persuasive speech. After school boys went to military school, where they learned how to fight. Boys could not graduate from schooling until they were at the required age limit which was 20. Middle classed boys went to school for three to four years because they were needed at home to help their family make money. For their lessons students used a wax covered board with a stylus to carve letters into the wax. Girls in greek were treated differently. They did not go to school, they were only taught at home by their mother. Girls in Greek could only learn if their mother knew how to read or write, if not they could not learn. The mothers taught their girls how to read and write, as well as to cook, sew, and learn how to run a household. Greeks schools were small. The school only had one teacher and ten to twenty boys in it.

Sparta, Greece Education

Romans Education

People might think that education was the same everywhere in Greece, but it was not. Many places treated education differently. Sparta education was particularly interesting. From the age of seven to twenty boys would train in the military to prepare them from their service in the war. Their education was not much of reading and writing, but more of what we now know as military school. For example most ancient places only boys were allowed to go to school, but in Sparta girls also went to military school. People in Sparta believed that if a woman was strong, she would also produce a strong baby. For the boys military school was harder. They had to sleep away from home, were often hungry because the school would not feed them healthy food, and were often beaten up. The girls military school was not as rough as they boys. The girls had to learn how to handle a weapon. Women were taught to kill because if the men were away at war the women were the ones who had to defend their town.

Education for the Romans was very important. They put a great deal of faith in education. Even the families that did not have a lot of money knew how to read and write. Schools were for boys only, girls were not allowed to go to school. The only girls that received an education were the ones from rich families. Part of a girl's education was also to learn how to sew, play an instrument, and know how to run a kitchen. Some rich children had a private tutor that went to their homes. In ancient Rome there were two types of schools. The first type of school was from children from 11 to 12 where they learned how to do basic math, read and write. The other children, that were 13 and older, would go to schools that taught them public speaking. In school there were no books because books were too expensive at the time. Teachers taught their students by hitting them. Teachers thought that by hitting the students they would not want to get the answer wrong and motivate themselves to think. Students would wake up at sunrise, work all day with a short break for lunch, and then go home to be in school by sunset the next day.

Importance of Education Education is one of the most important aspect of life because it is something people use everyday. Education is used to understand the world around us and what is happening to it. That is why people go to school. That way people can get jobs, earn money, support a family, and have a good life. Education makes the world a safer place to live in. For example if everyone went to school and then to college people would be smart enough to earn a job and to not do anything harmful to themselves or others to earn money. Education also helps the community that people live in. For example if the community needs to build a new road but no one knows how to build it, the road is not going to stay damaged. That is why people study different subjects. That is why people need to study because if their is an engineer in that community the road could be fixed, but if no one knows how to fix the road it is going to stay damaged.

Greece and Roman Education Timeline

First time education was introduced 3,500 B.C.

Greece: When education was introduced

500 B.C.

Rome: When education was introduced 400 B.C.

Citations @infed. "What Is Education? A Definition and Discussion." Infedorg. N.p., 11 Nov. 2015. Web. 06 Nov. 2016. "Education in Ancient Greece - Ancient Greece for Kids." Education in Ancient Greece - Ancient Greece for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. "Education in Ancient Greece." History Link 101. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. "Ancient Greece Schools for Kids." Ancient Greece Schools for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2016. "Roman Education - History Learning Site." History Learning Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2016. "C+with+the+world - Google Search." C+with+the+world - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. “File:Font O.svg.” - Wikimedia Commons, “File:Letter C.svg.” - Wikimedia Commons, "Free Image on Pixabay - Letter, A, English, Alphabet." Free Vector Graphic: Letter, A, English, Alphabet. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Ancient+kings - Google Search." Ancient+kings - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Mac+book+pro - Google Search." Mac+book+pro - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Family - Google Search." Family - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "College+campus - Google Search." College+campus - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Lyre - Google Search." Lyre - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Ancient+writing - Google Search." Ancient+writing - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

The Technological Revolution

Technology revolutionized culture and everyday life. In this section you will acquire knowledge about certain technology used in the Stone Age that transformed human kind.

Stone Tools

Stone tools were used for specific jobs such as cutting items, attaining the skin of animals and hunting animals for nourishment. For hunting, the stone spearhead was created. This technology was attached to a long piece of wood and used for hunting. The Native Americans have reinterpreted this idea and have used it ever since.


Fire has been a vital resource for humankind in many ways. The domestication of fire has helped in many ways such as fighting off predators, creating light, it has also changed our diet and it has given us the ability to stay warm which gives us the opportunity to stay out longer and claim new areas of land. Fire has evolved from fire to the torch and then to fire made y gas and finally electric heating and electric fire sources.

Animal Skin Clothing

Animal hide was used in the stone age as clothing which served as a very great technology because it gave the homo sapiens the ability to withstand cold weather which was very useful in the ice age. This was very helpful to humankind and has carried on as a everyday technology ever since.


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Recreation Recreation is an activity done for enjoyment when one is not working or busy. There are many types of recreation, such as sports and games. To have this aspect become a part of civilizations, people needed extra time. The way that they had extra time is by making more advanced technologies. Another way to have extra time is to have a population increase. When the population increases, there is more time because more people will work on more things. If everyone works, then the time that it takes to finish a job will be less, causing us to have more free Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, time. amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be fun. The "need to do something for recreation" is essential to the body and to the mind. People usually do sports as recreational activities. Professional athletes are paid to play a sport. However, some forms of recreational activities do not need to be physical at all. Board games and video games are some examples of those activities that do not require exercise. Sports and games are examples of recreation. Recreation is used to keep the mind off of stress. It became a lasting necessity because these activities allow people to use their bodies and increase their levels of personal fitness for healthrelated reasons.

Ancient Egypt

In Ancient Egypt, board games like chess began as a way of teaching military strategy to soldiers. However, after awhile, they became a way for Egyptians to entertain themselves. Apart from board games, the ancient Egyptians also enjoyed a version of tugof-war. In the Egyptian version of the game, a rope was not used. Instead, the two front players in a single file line would hold hands, and everyone behind them would pull. The boys' sports tended to be more physical than those of girls, which sometimes were violent. Recreation in the ancient Egyptian culture was primarily intended to maintain a healthy body and mind. It was also for fun and sometimes strategy. This is what a chess board looks like set up.

Ancient Greece In ancient Greece, children had their own games/ amusements. They use recreation in many different ways. One particular way of recreation was hoop rolling. It was played in the streets, and was recommended by doctors as healthy exercise that children could perform by themselves. The hoop was made from iron, bronze, or wood with small studs at regular intervals around the edge. It made a loud, easily identifiable noise. The hoop was propelled by a wooden stick or iron rod (elater) and was supposed to stand chest high. This type of recreation shows that Ancient Greeks paired exercise and fun in their culture. A boy rolling a hoop in Ancient Greece.

Ancient In Ancient Rome, the people used recreation in many Rome different types of ways. Some people in Rome wrestled, boxed and raced. While other people in Rome participated in gladiatorial fights. The most popular popular way of recreation was gladiatorial combats. In these combats, Roman Gladiators fought to the death. On an arena with a sand surface. They used the sand to soak up the blood of the person that was killed. These fights made them more popular under the emperor. From the activities that the Romans do in their spare time, it is clear that the Romans had a more violent culture tan normal. This is a picture of a gladiatorial combat in the colosseum.

Timeli This is a timeline of boxing. It all started in Ancient Rome. In 264 BC, ne people would come to many coliseums to see gladiators for the death. The gladiators had to kill the other person to win. Later came fist fighting in 600 BC. ancient Greeks believed fist fighting was one of the games played by the gods on Olympus; thus it became part of the Ancient Olympic Games in about 688 BC. After that, in 1719, fist fighting shifted into bare knuckle boxing, which left a lot of people injured. They had the same rules as boxing today. Finally, in present day, there is boxing with gloves. The way that boxers win is if they knock out their opponent.

Recreation Today and How it Evolved The Ancient Olympic Games were religious and athletic festivals held every four years at the sanctuary of Zeus in Olympia, Greece. Competition was among representatives of several city-states and kingdoms of Ancient Greece. These Games featured mainly athletic but also combat sports such as wrestling and horse racing events. It has been widely written that during the Games, all conflicts among the participating city-states were postponed until the Games were finished. This event evolved into the modern day olympics. They are the world’s biggest sporting event. The first ever official olympic games were held in 1896. Their creation was inspired by the ancient Olympic Games, which were held in Olympia, Greece, from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD. Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894. In these olympics, there is a huge range of sports. Some of them evolved from games played in Ancient times. One example of these sports is the 100 meter dash. This sport evolved from racing in Ancient Rome to running for gold in the olympics. Another example is boxing. The ancient Greeks believed fist fighting was one of the games played by the gods on Olympus; thus it became part of the Ancient Olympic Games in about 688 BC. This sport Olympic evolved from regular fist fighting to the death to just knocking out Logo people in gloves to win the match.

Works Cited

"Ancient Greek Recreation & Activities | Online Homework Help | SchoolWorkHelper." Online Homework Help SchoolWorkHelper. Schoolworkhelper, n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. "Bare-knuckle Boxing." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Boxing - Google Search." Boxing - Google Search. Google, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Boxing - Google Search." Boxing - Google Search. Google, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.. "Hoop Rolling." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. "Hoop+rolling - Google Search." Hoop+rolling - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. Klein, Christopher. "The 3,500-Year-Old Rubber Ball That Changed Sports Forever." A&E Television Networks, 20 Jan. 2016. Web. 02 Nov. 2016.

Governing What is governing and why is it important? Governing is the action or manner of controlling or regulating a nation, organization, or people. The government is a group of people who are responsible for running a nation or country. A government is used to keep order within the country, to make and enforce laws, and to make sure that things do not go out of hand. Government has become a lasting necessity because the people in countries need someone to lead them in tough times and without a government an anarchy will be formed.

Early forms of Government The first form of government started out in Mesopotamia before 3600 BC. Mesopotamia had a collection of different cultures but religion was one important aspect that was shared throughout the region. Before the rise of kings, the first rulers of Mesopotamia were priests in 4000 BC who dictated laws according to religious precepts and through signs believed to be from the gods. They used government to spread their religion amongst all the citizens in that nation and to try to influence other regions to convert to that religion as well. This shows that people in that region during that time took their religion very seriously and they wanted to follow and spread their gods’ words.


Priests were the first rulers of Mesopotamia

4000 BC

Kings came to power and a monarchy was formed

3600 BC

The first form of democracy was created in Ancient Greece

507 BC

Evolution of Government Government started out in Mesopotamia and the first rulers were priests in 4000 BC. Religion was an important part in the citizens’ daily lives and the priests would run the region and make laws based on what was believed to be signs and messages from the gods. The priests would help choose the best person to lead city-states into battle during wars but some military leaders kept control after the war ended and they eventually came to power as kings. A monarchy was formed and the role of king was established in Mesopotamia after 3600 BC. The kings dealt directly with the people and made laws of their own devising. They would speak their own words and messages to the people and they were believed to be a representative of the gods. In 507 BC, Athenian ruler Cleisthenes formed a democracy in Ancient Greece. A democracy is a form of government that gives voice to the people and lets them decide who should rule their country. The ancient Greek democracy was made up of three parts: The Ekklesia who wrote the laws and dictated foreign policy, the Boule which was a council of representatives from the 10 Athenian tribes, and the Dikasteria which was the courts in which citizens argued cases before jurors. From then on, democracy spread around the world and is still one of the main sources of government used today.

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